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Post Russia
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This is what washington consensus does to you btw
Welcome to....
NAFO Cope Thread General
Left that shithole in '98.
And I thought it was bad back then lmao.
Happily living in PA ever after. God bless America.
Where is this clip originally from?
>ukrainian flag
yea that's not russia you can't fool me
>daddy I'm so glad you signed up to die while our country takes in millions of brown migrants

Reminder that Dugin has sex with black men.
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It is. Nice shill deflection.
>Russian shills literally lying to defend their third world craphole
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You've roasted our government as deep as they deserve
Waaaaat that's Zhenya what she doing here?
>you dont agree with me you must be shill!!!
lol, lmao
>So what if I literally lie outright to defend this third world shithole, that doesn't make me a shill!
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America floods with shitskins BY THE TENS OF THOUSANDS DAILY.
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I recognize those guys
they allow this
dont worry, we'll send back the next 20 thousand draft dodgers we net up
Russia is 20% Muslim and will be 40% within 15 years
They word "Us'
Things would be different if Belarus was directly involved
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whats up with the butthurt NAFO cucks spamming every single board?
youre the joke tho
everywhere you appear youre the one being made fun of
go back to twitter you 50yo boomer NAFO faggot
i bet youre that pedophile boomer sitting in taiwan
Isn't it funny how there are threads about India, China, America, ect but only a thread about Russia causes this seethe and schizo posting?
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youre a lolcow spamming every board every day and when people point out that youre a spamming insane faggot you call them angry
this happens every single day across multiple boards
youre a lolcow, youre the joke
And every indian thread is made by one guy. In reality 4chan loves Indians. It must be one guy.
Hey dumb dumb. Maybe if Russian shills weren't spamming pro Russian cope threads daily on every board people wouldn't be annoyed enough to make threads back to watch them (you) seethe.
Imagine if Filipinos made literally thousands of threads every day trying to pretend their third world country was super strong and could beat China and America. What do you think the natural board response to this would be?
You are actually seething that your spamming is getting backlash and leading to people taking the piss out of your pathetic people.
>Hey dumb dumb. Maybe if Russian shills weren't spamming pro Russian cope threads daily on every board
thats literally not happening
what the fuck are you even talking about?
holy shit youre fucking stupid for thinking anyone would ever believe this
>That's literally not happening
The last war threads before the current one was a Russian shill spamming pro Russian webms so naturally someone made a new one and did the opposite.
Just like everything your people seethe at it's self inflected
there are currently 3 threads on /wsg/ spamming the exact same hohol gore videos
literally the exact same webms over and over
do you think people dont see it? do you think claiming the opposite is happening is gonna make people forget the 24/7 russia seethe threads being spammed across every single fucking board?
NAFO cucks off yourselves
>On /wsg/
If so based. Maybe don't spam threads if you don't want retaliation dumb dumb
some guy making a single thread is spamming? his thread is mostly you spamming webms and you also made 2 more threads spamming the same webms
who are you trying to fool? yourself? JIDF was better than this, and they were literal downies in tel-aviv basements
Show me those 2 other threads anon. All I know is someone made multiple threads on /gif/ and /wsg/ shilling their shitty 3 day special super duper military operation that will end any day now and then people made the same threads in reverse after the 50th Russian shill thread to make them mad and it worked because you are clearly mad.
>Uh excuse me, only we are allowed to make threads, if anyone else makes a thread it's not allowed
Why are Russians so easy to troll?
this is the thread youre saying somehow spams the entire board despite being SINGULAR and a week old while also being 50% hohol seethe gore video spam
these are your 2 threads you made on the same day spamming the exact same webms over and over
again, JIDF downies were so much better at this than you
id actually hire you do keep doing the exact same thing youre doing right now because youre making zogbots look as stupid as they are
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did you stop spamming /pol/ because they kept posting the screencaps of you spamming the same shit every single day for months?
yes i know its you and you probably know who i am now
>Says three
>It's only two
>one is about war and the other is about Russia itself
>Being mad that someone copied your idea
I don't go to /pol/. I'm not retarded nor underage.
But thanks for admitting you are.
I know you haven't taken your pills but you have to actually believe there is more than one anon that posts things that upset you. I only browse /v/, /gif/, /wsg/ and /a/.
Link to the guy posting the webms in /pol/? I would love to see the rage.
There's someone posting these webms on /pol/? kek I bet the chuds are mad at that.
did you get banned or something? you havent made your daily 10 threads there for a while now
or did the people posting screencaps of you posting the same thread every single day for months make you cry too much?
youre so upset and seething
why are you so angry?
how is your buddy pedokraut doing?
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Your schizo posting will cause me to post more webms.
There's an anon on /pol/ called goreleaf that makes the Russians lose their little vodka-soaked minds. Check out /uhg/ late at night. Vodkaniggers are really easy to bait
why are you replying to yourself?
Thanks. Will do.
Check this out, btw, he's accusing me of being you. Enjoy that free rent.
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What's the movie? really interested to find it
One of these shows teaches children to hate queer culture.
And the Eastern European one turns kids gay.
if you think the cartoon character's chad jawlines "turn you gay", then you were already gay
Does anyone have that video of the russian dancing in really cool scenery, like abandonned structured , iirc the last scene was like an abandonned basketball court.(please?)
>he slaves away at the factory for low wages, he can't sort it out with the management
uh oh, american sisters ... Russian government DID NOT just speak negatively about free market and private multinationals ...
That is unprecedented! Putin must pay!
There is NOTHING wrong with being religious. This shows that Russia is very traditional too. Islam ~ Christianity. Both monotheistic, both improvements to the Hebrew religion. One and the same
why is Israel there? That's like waving an american and Russian flag at the same time. complete oxymoron
That's a lot of seething over russia.
Russia is very tight with Israel anon.
In fact Russia has always had a large Jewish population. It's very intertwined with its history.
This is the full video, not sure what the title is
Can't wait for this war to end so I can go all sex tourist in Russia
Dude, Russia is the main reason Israel exists, they would never, ever be able to defend from arabs if it wasn't for russian stuff smuggled into the country, and they have toughest anti-semitic laws in the world.
>unironically posting this as USA sends UNLIMITED aid to Israel and has defended them from Soviet sponsored arab states
>defended them from Soviet sponsored arab states

Bro, if you have problems with Israel, you can thank the BASED and REDPILLED socialists for its existence.

>Czechoslovakia also trained 81 pilots and 69 ground crew specialists, some of them later forming the first fighter unit of the Israeli Air Force, and on Czechoslovakian soil a group of Jewish volunteers the size of approximately a brigade (about 1,300 men and women) were also trained, from August 20 until November 4, 1948.[6] The Czechoslovak Armed Force's codename of the training (mainly) was «DI» (an abbreviation from "Důvěrné Israel", literally meaning "Classified, Israel").
>until November 4, 1948
And what happened after that, hmmmm??
When Jews refused to become another satellite state of Shitviet Union, apparatchiks gave order to their fifth column to start crying about muh Palestine in the mid 50s, but you can cope about it all you want, there would be no Israel without socialists.
Yes there would. Because USA and GB also supported Israel
just remember they have cameras in the rooms.
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Okay that last part at the end was funny
Except that China DOES give weapons to Russia
More Ukrainians are gonna die thanks to the generous gift of US taxpayers so the hohols have to cope and have a good laugh before heading for the trenches, let them have their fun, in a few months they'll be rotting in a field
Thanks mate
>thread is just low quality nafo shill
>someone posted here more than once
only in america™
Remember that only Russia and China make propaganda. No Western country would ever sink to that despicable level.
America is like 40% Mexican already
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>More Ukrainians are gonna die
well probably but a whole SHIT ton more of russians will die so the world has that going for it, which is nice.

also notice that russian shills never mention the vast amount for russians that are dying... why is that? it's because russains don't give a fuck about human life.
What a trashy commie dump lol. All vatnik cowards will soon be made to "revert" to Islam.
Russia's Kushchyovskaya Air Base Hit by Drones target was fab500 glide kits. obviously there are orc snitches.

russian defense ministers Ka-32 helicopter destroyed by molotov cocktail.

Belgium to donate F-16's.

Krynky still holds inept orcs can't do anything about it.

All the reasons putler invaded Ukraine (to prevent) has resulted in Ukraine achieving. except the nazi thing. that's what russia turned in to.
good i want a copy
>having more weapons and ammunition means your enemies win
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More civilized than average russians
They aren't your enemies. They are your friends, liberating you from ultraneoliberal zognik fagverment
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hold on.. so what u saying is, human life doesn't have an absolute value, but is actually an inverse function of a given population's k:d ratio vs a real or hypothetical russian invasion?
Does anyone have that edit of 90s Russia
Russian flag on the recruits shoulder.
Sucks to live in a nation where the only option you have to feed your starving grandfather is to die in combat. How fucking sad.
>so what u saying is
no u is sayin that.

I said russians being killed is a win.
>I said russians being killed is a win.
because you are a kike
Russians are a curse upon Europe for centuries, it's good to see them die in droves now and then. Also, don't forget the mighty russian bear also sucks off the "kikes" just as much the ukranians do.
Russians brought socialism to Europe. Without Russia there would be no labor rights nor any socialist movement in Europe
I wouldn't know schlomo. go be jew somewhere else.
without russia there would be no war in Ukraine, no first and second chechen war.

socialism is bad and always been bad. the cold war would never have happened.

a world without russia is a positive thing.
Oy vey socialism bad
oh look who is showing his huge nose in here.
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won't admit planes get shot down.
also russia we shot down our own planes or they have shit components that failed.

attacks Ukraine for being "nazi's"
uses nazi tactics to fight the war.

has lost 3000+ tanks which are incredibly easy to destroy.
cums in their shorts when they finally manage to destroy 1st world tanks.

Claims to have most bestest tank and fighter.
barely used them if at all because if they get blowed up no one will buy them.

invaded to stop Ukraine militarization.
caused Ukraine to become more militarized and well trained than before the war.

gets butthurt because NATO sends weapons and ammuntion.
Provided Ukraine with tons of weapons and ammuntion throughout the war because their "fighters" run away at the slightest indication of an attack.

constantly attack pure civilian targets because they think this will crush Ukraine moral.
this tactic has never worked in any modern war.
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Baba yaga
orcs? amiright?
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russian air defense
>uhh, actually the PUCCIANS are pigs!!!
Absolute pinnacle of hohol/nafotroon bantz, up there with "the right can't meme".
my what a long nose you have...

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