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Videos that make you fear the sea, especially when it crosses over with megalophobia
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>Boat horns frighten the zoomer
Generation KWAB.
I could be wrong but it sounds like the echolocation of a sperm whale. If that's the case it can bust the guy's eardrums.
post another example
Definitely sonar, no way a whale call would have such a pure frequency sweep
I'll defer to you on that one, I'm just a marine bio enthusiast. Why would there be sonar that close to the surface though?
A high energy sonar ping can travel for over 100 miles, and you'd probably hear it at any depth.
Active sonar is so powerful that it can instantly kill you via shockwave if you are too close to the emitter.
Unsurprisingly, whales are also highly disturbed by these signals and will actually change their migration patterns to avoid them.
That doessn't make me fear the sea at all.
It does make me hate the diversity hire though.
Post 3 retard.
Naval vessels on the surface use sonar. Submarines near the surface use sonar.
miraculously, it seems nobody was hurt
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What's scary? They just parked really fast.
The dick with legs is particularly terrifying. It's probably raped thousands with such mobility.
Damn bobbit worms!
the dude helping the guy who fell into the dock is a good chap - he hung around with that giant ship headed straight toward him and stuck it out long enough to pull the man up.
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Woz dis?
Mmmm like a glove
whenever i swim in the ocean i fear that a squid will come and eat me
you would get tentacled not eaten
I should call her
I don't have any webms but this video made me lose interest in ever diving again. I have had nightmares that resemble this.
shouldn't you fear out of control ships?
that fish is about 2 inches in size.
I should call her...
gobblin' shark
>According to Italian media reports, Captain Carmine Siviero of the MSC Opera was sentenced to five months in prison while the chief engineer and the chief electrician were sentenced to two months in prison. Two other crew members were sentenced to 10 days behind bars while other crew members who also cited in the case, including the officer on watch, the co-navigator, and the security officer, were exonerated.
It was an Italian crew. Keep seething about "diversity hires" though, nigger faggot
captain goes to jail yeah but it's often because he is considered to have failed to manage the pilot, who is usually the one actually steering and is not part of the crew. not sure the situation here though.
was only the captain italian? if so the diversity hire excuse still works
Reminds me of the movie "Enemy Mine". There was this odd alien-creature living in a pit, and grabbing it's prey with a bizarre tentacle.
Those fuckin things scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid!
On August 25, 1994 a scuba diver was accidentally exposed to testing of the US Navy's LFA sonar system. (Comments submitted at Public Hearing of California Coastal Commission, 12/12/97). The ship transmitting the sonar was over 100 miles northwest of the diver who reported distinct and disorienting lung vibration as a result.
>Pestorius and Curley (1996) exposed Navy divers to low frequency active sonar and reported that one of the divers had to be hospitalized and was later under treatment for seizures.
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lol holy shit, it's a boat, just run inland, fucking retards.
Must stand close and film, finally my training from Indiana Jones School of Running Away from Things will shine.
I like the two fuckers that walk out on the gankgplank AFTER it flops off and are swiftly punished.
? that's just wind?
lol, more cope from the "white" nigger. keep at it, schettino.
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Anon, you're just a wind.
Based camera guy keeping it together. Hero!
heh me and him have something in common
Dat glance of the seal
>I'm fucked, am I?
>A killer whale's brain can weigh as much as 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms), with some evidence to suggest that their IQ is equivalent to that of a 15- or 16-year-old human
So they can do algebra?
No, they sell drugs, rob 7/11's, steal cars, rape, and murder.
They're killer whales, not dolphins
that was an earthquake dummy
Sounds like a whale.
fake, sonars used today dont sound like that.
Must've been my imagination
I normally root for the predators in these videos and they earned the hell out of that meal, but this one gives me prey empathy.
wtf it's huge, absolutely massive
god damn that was heroic
Absolutely. And the guy who saves the woman just behind him. I hope I'd do the same in his shoes.
they just wanted to send him a message
>the captain steers the ship
no it's always something turd world shitskin that can't understand English.
of course only the captain was Italian. that's why they only mentioned his name and nationality.
THat's not really thalassophobic since you know what it is that's coming right for you. It's when you dive down and look deep into the abyss when thalassophobia really starts to kick in, due to the fear of the unknown.
And to think that there's a crazy ass mother fucker who voluntarily got stung by one of those things.
They can attack boats, and have helped some fishers to fish for certain fish. So yeah, they're smart, really fucking smart.
What to do if you actually fall down there? Is it possible to survive?
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I should call her...
I should call her
I should call her ..
yes, the boat horn is the scary part of that video lol
That's a Burke destroyers sonar ping. Those things are crazy loud.
Imagine being scared of water.
Now tornadoes… those mfs are the horror
if the audio of the whale sounds are real, then this is really neet.
Haha, this guy's afraid of air! Tornadoes aren't even real, just dodge, dive, dip, and dodge!
File: ship.webm (3.89 MB, 640x360)
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Fake whale sound. Some retard added it
Why are they all outside?
And smiling? You'd think they would be ordered belowdeck though.
sounds like they're speaking russian.. of course they're all outside
*destroys your house*
Damn its life must be insanely boring. Imagine sitting 24/7 at the same exact spot with no variety: just eat, shit, sleep and hunt for food until you die.
they're just enjoying how the skilled captain can drift the boat
navy guy who is a sonar tech stationed on a surface ship. This is for sure a us navy surface ship ping. Heard it more times than I can count. In water this shallow they weren't that close, but that's just how loud it is.
retarded femoid yelling
Haha that must be crazy haha
That's the best nature documentary footage I've ever seen. At first I thought it couldn't be real.
buncha landlubbers, get some salt in yer face!
>there's a crazy ass mother fucker who voluntarily got stung by one of those things
>he's not aware of who it's named after
lol; lmao even
looks like the place where terry took a skinny dive
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Anon...Orca ARE dolphins.
You'd get sea sick pretty soon inside in that weather. You need fresh air and see the horizon if you want to keep your lunch inside your stomach.
Yeah, but you could fall off and die instead
When that happens, does the water in the surrounding vicinity shake, like water in a cup, or is the ground the only thing moving?
id imagine itd be pretty hard to get outside if it capsizes and everything is filling with water
They are smart, but not human smart.
Not a single life jacket in sight, God bless.
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I think the water would be dragged/sloshed around a bit, especially closer to the sea floor, but since it's such a massive volume of water most of the energy is probably dissipated. I wonder how big that earthquake was and at what point it would create a tsunami.
It looks like the column of bubbles in the back move back and forth a bit but it's hard to tell.
Seven people died immediately.
Stupid useless souless gook bitch, her first reaction was the social media likes instead of take care of her kid.
also i hate to break this to you but the kid wasn't actually in danger of being eaten
Because of the glass?
No, because dolphins are herbivores.
fucking incredible, I'd be scared shitless in awe. Do the whale make sure they won't hit humans before breaching?
fun outing to meeting god in less than 3 seconds. Fuck this shit
what the fuck are you talking about?
that's definitely a sperm whale
This doesn't have anything to do with fear of the sea though. It's just fear. And a ship running aground.
and where do ships live?
Bro, it's a dolphin. They don't all look like the one from seaworld. Sperm whales are bigger than orcas.
That particular one evidently wants to live on land. Perhaps because it fears the ocean, which is understandable.
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The tits were a nice touch
damn, a deepwater garloid
Why does it look so smug.
Mama mia
One guy was on the hammer immediately, still wasn't enough.
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Goddamn that bass was deep.
she had a fight reaction. impressive.
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Just one bike but suddenly Unreal Engine human flood
Here we see, the humble motorcyclist washing ashore to breed. It has traveled far to reach the spawning grounds, a great effort as it nears the end of it's life.

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