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Post your Israel Redpills here
News Story about when Israel bombed the British embassy begnin
Yakub Fauci- "If I don't steal it, someone else will"
About stealing the home from a palestinian, justifying it, and refusing to give it back
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Israel is a pro lgbt society
Israel false flag on Lebanon using USA weapons
Israeli reporter telling arabs in all surrounding countries, that israel will kill them all and then israel will force USA to kill them also.

He then goes on to say, for viewers to share the video with your friends, to spread his message, to let them know that israel will genocide arabs as much as they can.
(He's pro genocide)
Evidence about israel killing israeli citizens on 10-7
IDF soldier telling the thruth about 10-7

I need to eventually find the rest of it. It was something like 11min long, I think. I can't find the link yet, but I'm pretty sure that I have more files saved. Not sure if I saved the audio version or not.

If anyone has the audio version, or a link to the youtube URL, please provide it
Israel's plutonium processing plant for nuclear bomb weapons. This was created with the 600kg of plutonium stolen from USA by Jonathan Pollard, in the Apollo Affair.
Tantura Clip- Ben Gurion had an understanding to ethically cleanse palestine. Since it was better for jewish people when it became a jewish state to get rid of the Arabs first. But there were no direct orders, for plausible deniability
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Another Tanura clip, about the 1948 Nabka.
In which unarmed Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, were brutally slaughtered, in genocidal war crimes by IDF

Tantura clip with audio- The ex-IDF soldier states that israel prides itself on being an ethical and moral military, except it's not

Tantura clip, from the documentary about the 1948 Nabka
> Ex-IDF soldiers talk about their genocidal war crimes against unarmed Palestinian civilians

Another Tantura clip, from the documentary about the 1948 Nabka
> Ex-IDF soldiers talk about their genocidal war crimes against unarmed Palestinian civilians

Full video link, for the israeli documentary Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka.
>Chock full of redpills, and super intense redpills, about israel. Straight from the mouths of israeli's and jewish people.
> Such as when they used Goldwyn Mayer to film a fake propaganda newsreel for the international audiences, to show the war. But, they filmed it a few days AFTER the war had already ended, to hide the genocidal war crimes & kicking palestinian civilians out of their homes and land, and genociding them if they refused to leave
> Extremely honest documentary, shockingly honest.
> Shows a mass grave of palestinians that they paved over with a parking lot, to hide their crimes against humanity
> Details the 1948 IDF memo on how to do israeli propaganda, and suppress any evidence against them.
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USS Liberty
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Israeli kid's show, literally torturing the monkey via nailing him to the cross for a crucifixion. For wanting to be a goyim and liking Jesus Christ, and to make him suffer in front of small jewish children watching the children's television show.

Israeli hostage of Hamas, said that a member of Hamas had asked her for a banana, and treated her and her family very well. She stating that he calmed them down, by letting her know that Muslims were not monsters, and that they would not harm the jewish family. She says very nice things about them

>This was so common, that Jonathan Pollard, the convicted israeli spy who spent decades in USA prison. He now lives a life of a hero in Israel, and demanded that netanyahu and the israeli govt ban family and friends of jewish hostages of Hamas, from speaking publicly. Since they all kept saying how great the treatment was, with some mothers even sending handwritten thank you letters to Hamas, and posting about it on social media, and speaking to the press. To say how they viewed Hamas as family, treating them great and providing with items that were extremely scarce.
Naftali from the israeli govt, in a news clip detailing how israel provides classes to israelis. Teaching them how to edit wikipedia and the internet, to censor anything negative of israel, and to promote the propaganda that israel wants the world to see.
A jewish man talks about how his parents had brainwashed when he was a kid. To teach him to hate all goyim, and teaching him to attack all goyim
A history of israel, with literal terrorists as PM's from inception, until at least the mid 1980's.
Israeli govt elite, saying he ordered a complete seige on palestine. No water, no food, no electricity, to make Palestinian civilians suffer
Israelis saying they're proud to be racist. For black people to go home, with them insulting black people

Evangelicals work as slaves for free on israeli vineyards picking grapes. They do this due to historic passages in books, that say that Evangelicals will do this prior to the messiah coming during the apocolypse. Both Evangelicals and israeli's are actively trying to bring about the end of the world, in the messiah prophesies.
israeli's stealing palestinian homes
News story about how the israeli jew group,The Stern Group, was killing british soldiers in cold blood.
That the Arabs wouldn't harm the british, at most they would steal from them. But the israeli groups would intentionally murder any British that they crossed paths with,
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Lisa Spectre talking about jews and immigration, israel, europe, etc.

Israelis stealing land and homes from palestinians, then attacking the palestinians for being near
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Saying they're here to help, but they're kicking palestinians off their property and out of their homes to steal.

Israeli's steal homes from palestinians with audio.webm
Israeli govt official, saying it's holocaust denial to ask questions about israel attacking the Al-Shifa Hospital in a news show interview
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Orthodox jews saying that goyim only exist to serve the jews, and that when the messiah comes each jew will get 2800 goyim slaves
israeli says the godly thing to do is to kill christians per the torah
israeli saying to wipe out palestinians and their families to genocide their race
israeli's mocking palestinians for getting tortured by israel
Ex-Mossad agent, talking about how mossad had hundreds of thousands of jews worldwide working for them as agents. To gather intel for mossad and israel, by using jews in other countries to work as spies
Israeli settler attacking palestinian tour guide.
hasedic jews surround goyim and attack him for asking questions. Force him to leave
Israel well poisoning with typhus to make city surrender
israel social media ad
Israeli settler gets mad at palestinian street sweeper for being where he's allowed. Another jew says that palestinians and palestine do not exist
It's a weebum vidrel, not a picrel

Israeli police bodyslamming ultra orthodox jews to the ground, throwing em into "cages" (through gates). Abusing them like hell. Since israeli police are brutally abusive
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> Abusing them like hell. Since israeli police are brutally abusive
Anyone that say mean things to jews must be murdered, per israeli govt offical
Israeli's mocking gaza, chanting it'll be a cemetary and won't exist.
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Parallels of today in the west, vs Weimar Germany

More on the Weimar Germany Institute of Sexology, and the link to jewish people
Ambassador to Israel says they're not interested in rational speaking about palestine. They simply want to destroy palestine and genocide its people
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>Another Tantura clip, from the documentary about the 1948 Nabka
> Ex-IDF soldiers talk about their genocidal war crimes against unarmed Palestinian civilians

With audio
Netanyahu - America is not a unified block. Conress is controlled by the powerful israeli lobby AIPAC
ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt freaking out
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Israel war crimes.
It doesn't matter, since jews have been persecuted for so long, and are god's chosen people. So, what they do to goyim doesn't matter and is justified
On World Children's Day, Evil Israeli Jews release a song titled 'Friendship,' inciting the extermination of all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
fucking hell, how disconnected of reality you must be to green light this shit?
Israeli's talking about their plan to steal land from EVERY neighboring country, and take their homes for the jews

They're very disconnected from reality. No other country comes close, to so many lies vs the truth.
That was an ad for the israeli troll army app, to bombard social media sites and the internet, to make it seem like israel is good and hide all their atrocities and lies.
> Instead, I got the same message from their ad that they were pushing, except that mine is the reverse that I want to spread the ACTUAL truth about israel. Rather than the lies that the ad says to push as "truth"
> Hence this thread
Carter saying that the USA and Israel don't want to know what's going on in Palestine. That powerful forces in the USA prevent us from investigating this question
just not when it comes to whoever inside the temple
the same dude who made super size me
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IDF cheering as they shoot and kill unarmed palestinians, live on TV, right after a journalist interviews him.
> "world's most moral and ethical military in the world"
Israeli jews spitting on christians
> What jews really think about christians and goyim
Israeli theatening russia that they will not forget and they will take revenge on israel for not providing free gibs and not participating in israeli propaganda to say how amazing israel is. Instead,
>Russia spoke the truth and did the ethical thing, and so, for that they must pay the price of death
Israeli's chanting mohammed is dead, death to arabs, death to palestine
> And many other genocidal chants, as the talmud, torah and other historical religious texts, state that goyim are subhuman beasts.
>Goyim only exist for the purpose of serving the jew. Despite being subhuman beasts, they have the appearance of humans, purely as to not offend the jews while serving them
>IDF cheering as they shoot and kill unarmed palestinians

Oh no. Anyway.
jews Kicked Out Of Every Place That They've Ever Lived, Throughout History
> It's amazing how goyim hate jews for absolutely no reason at all
> The problem must be the thousands of cities and over 109 countries. Not the host host countries.
>> Since when a guy gets kicked out of 109 bars, or a kid gets kicked out of 109 schools, it must locally simply be, that the bars and schools are the problems, not the beligerant drunk or the sociopathic student that breaks all the rules
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>kicked out

You mean historically oppressed people
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goyim is a term for a very specific community, stop lumping them with the rest, retard
>specific community

>>sorry about the terrorism goys
>0 reprecussions
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5 shekels have deposited to the communal account jidf.
Yeah they're both fucked.
zionist who doesnt think laws apply to them
stop putting your hand out then
Oh please... do tell. Educate us about your racist jewish slang
whats really funny is, you probably actually believe that.
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>paid actors
wow who whould have thought that existed....
>2018 aljazeera BULLSHIT

What is so interesting that this is from 2018 of an undercover 'investigation' from tv network aljazeera, into a pro Israeli lobby group that counters BDS (hamas sympathizers) group in colleges/unis. Again this was back in 2018, and as of 2024, it looks the Israeli lobby group was actually the good guys. Change my mind.

episode 4 scene at 13:48-24:13

Mossad agent wrote book about the intelligence agency. How he would call washington or NYC to label people he didn't like as terrorists. with audio. He feels regret now and says that it was wrong.

> It looks like the jewish shills are concerned about this thread. They left it untouched for days, and now that they know that other goyim anons, besides OP, are posting messages and posting webm's. The jewish shills are now rage posting: posting racist messages and videos that are severe enough that keep getting deleted by the jannies. What you see are simply what remains after the cleansings.
> (I have never reported any of them. I only see them after the fact, with the text: [deleted] in red, indicating that they were removed by our amazing jannies that donate their time to help us out)
> The jewish shills are scared, and therefore pushing their tactics and agendas, in an attempt to divert the topics and conversation within the thread
> The jewish shills don't like that israel is getting exposed like this. With documented evidence of israeli crimes, and other unethical and immoral act, from the so called "most moral and ethical country in the world"
> The jewish shills don't like that the truth about israel is getting out.
Israelis calling for genocide
Rabbi's saying to harm all goyim and radicalized the torah. Any jew that dissents is quickly removed forcibly from the conference
Israeli's pouring foundations over palestinian land to build homes for jews
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and btw neonoozi losers, the dude got married to a ...............
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Absolutely down with zionism sis!!
hired actor, staged, to make right wingers oppose palestine
fuck israel fuck zionism and fuck you
USS Liberty Survivors say that israel is not an ally, and intentionally tried to murder them all and destroy the ship. To bait the USA into joining the 6 day war with Egypt, via false flag to make it look like Egypt attacked the USA ship USS Liberty

> "Our Greatest Ally"

With allies like this, we don't need enemies
Norman Finklestein Proving that Dershowitz's book has lies. Norman says he want the 10k bounty promised that Dershowitz offered if anyone could find lies in his books

> Dershowitz claimed 2000-3000 palestinians were forced off there lands and israel stole their homes and property
> Finkelstein proved it was 200,000-300,000 palestinians, not 2k-3k
> Dershowitz refused to keep his word, and refused to pay
Jews in Brooklyn, NY USA, kill chickens:
> To blame the chickens for their sins, since jews can't be held responsible for their crimes, since rules don't apply to jews, not even to God who is omnipotent.
Netanyahu calling for the genocide of all goyim. Talking about amalek and such
Journalist interviewing Naftali Benet who says he won't allow food, aid, electricity or help to palestinian civilians, and will keep killing them. keeps conflating innocent civilians with Hamas
AIPAC is evil per Ana Kasparian
jews saying to genocide palestinians and kill them all
Is this a self victimizing cope of le bad jews thread? Chickens, really? >>5525314

daily remind Muslims worship a dead child fucker lmfao
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Holy shit. I never want to meet the creature that gets persuaded by this
is that the supersize guy? kinda looks like him
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>Holy shit. I never want to meet the creature that gets persuaded by this

You do, every day when you're on chan. They're here every day. Every jewish shill you come across, they're all paid to do it for the most part
> It's why when a thread has something really damning or harmful to israel or jewish people, the thread suddenly gets flooded by "anons" that all disagree it with it to make it seem like organic anons feel the same way that's beneficial to jews or israel
> Any time there's some campaign to do, that's harmful to them, they all try to demoralize anons, claiming it's a nothingburger, or that it's stupid, or that anons aren't their army, etc. To attempt making anons think it's not worth doing

JIDF, jewish NGO's, etc., flood chan every day with shills. They unironically were spending $50k/day to shill on chan, with most money going towards tech jobs
>(like IT, VPN's, sockpuppets, specialized software, chat apps that work like telegram, etc- for the shills to communicate on, to organize their group and their shilling on chan. So that they all know to go to a specific thread or to a specific message, and respond to it in mass. To flood the board to get it off the screen to hide it, to flood the board and deflect by changing topics or having pointless arguments with each other to distract, to make the OP or others need to respond to them vs continuing their message or lessons on how to do something, etc)
> Like if you post a 4chanx thread, they'll automatically flood it, and say that censorship is bad, or that they like it raw, or that they don't like echo chambers, etc. Since if you use it, they can't be heard, and their shilling is for nothing

Point being, YOU personally meet creatures like that every single day on chan, and many times per thread even.
YOU personally come across them more than almost all normies, simply by being on chan

>is that the supersize guy? kinda looks like him
Another anon said that too, so it's probably him
Netanyahu saying wants iran regime change long time ago
> He does it all the time. Every 2-3 years, for the last 4 decades >>>/pol/466102192
>> Since israel has had an Iran war on their wish list this whole time
> AIPAC unironically writes USA mideast policy. So all our wars there, are simply due to israel wanting the war.
>> A congressman controlled by AIPAC unironically forgot to take AIPAC's name off the filename, before submitting a document that AIPAC wrote as his own

Like how the Iraq war was planned by USA neocons for 5yrs prior to the war after 9/11 >>>/pol/466102339\
> They intentionally lied and claimed weapons of mass destruction, despite knowing they had none. It was simply an excuse to go.
> Yet we didn't go to war with Saudi Arabia after 9/11, despite almost all the terrorists coming from there + the Saudi govt being involved in the attack
>Plus Bush Jr had a vendetta to kill Saddam, since Saddam had tried to assassinate Bush Sr during the persian gulf war
> Even the wars in Syria, Afghanistan, etc were on israel's wishlist, and the reason we went to war with them
Amalek - An Israeli officer confessed to the war crimes committed in Gaza:
- "Morally every Arab is a suspect object."
per Evil Jews
This was one of the very first red pills I ever heard about from a bro in school

See these jewish chicken memes

The chicken sacrifice reminds me of Isaiah 1:10-20.
everyone fucked young girls back in the day.
An israeli citizen and IDF soldier, Briant Mast, wears his uniform to congress... and yet somehow he's a congressmen.
>We'd never allow another country, like a chinese citizen wearing a PLA uniform in congress.
> And yet, we allow an israeli citizen, from a country that has intentionally tried to kill hundreds of american soldiers on the USS Liberty, to bait the USA into a war by blaming it on egypt
> Let alone the 93 british citizens when the PM of israel bombed the British embassy while he was designated an israeli terrorist by countries around the world
> Let alone stealing the CIA, FBI, etc operations manuals, with the spy jonathan pollard's direct handler being netanyahu
> Let alone stealing 600kg of plutonium, to start an israel nuclear weapons plant
> Let alone threatening Nixon with the Samson option, with 13 nuclear weapons armed and ready to attack in their nuclear subs and aircraft
> Let alone interfering in USA elections on a daily basis via AIPAC, which somehow isn't designated FARA
> Let alone installing Stingray devices to intercept Trump's cell phone transmissions in DC
> Let alone Snowden warning that israel was the USA's greatest spying threat
> Let alone all the other false flags, attacks, etc.
Fake version of bible edited said to support israel, which is why evangelicals support them. Which is why evangelicals support the coming of the jewish messiah, the antichrist in the apocolypse

israeli's chanting death to arabs.
Let them live in london not in the mideast.
> Then Spits on Goyim
Great clip. I had heard Fink btfo'd Dershowitz but didn't know the details.

israeli's chanting death to palestine, death to arabs, etc
israelis steal homes of Palestinians IDF prevents Palestinians from going to their property. With israeli's stealing everything
israeli hypocrisy immigration to west vs israel
Jon Lovitz talking about today's antisemitism vs nazi germany
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Jews spitting on christians in jerusalem.
> Even the jewish kids join in
Goyim paid $50k + benefits to slander goyim and make palestinians look bad
orthodox jews yelling at goyim to leave israel that they hate all goyim
Who are these house niggers?
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muh holohoax cross examined
Montel Williams clip from the holohoax episode, with a jewish holocaust denier. The pro-holocaust group admits shit might be lies, but claims "why does it matter if they died via gas chambers or otherwise, they still died". It shows you how it progressed to gas chambers being real, and being one of the most cruel methods.
> It started 2 decades after the holocaust, with Elie Wiesel changing his german version which ONLY mentioned crematoriums, to the english version having gas chambers.

In this clip, the audience member takes the opportunity to say that jews ran the black slave trade, and Montel quickly deflected and cut him off
> Just like a ukie audience member in the episode bringing up the ukie holocaust 100yrs ago, when kikes and a kike leader genocided 16M ukies, and no one says shit about it. Montel also cut him off on that, due to jewish show owners

> It's worth watching the full episode if you google it.
Why the heck are they telling them to go? The jews are not even from Israel in the first place lol.
Gurion and mossad killed JFK
IDF israeli's force Palestinians from their land claim to be "helping"
Orthodox jews attacking christians for being in israel
Black goes off on jews for oppressing him
israel president conflating palestinians civilians with Hamas. Blaming them for what Hamas does, despite israel intentionally funding Hamas and aiding them, to conflate to prevent palestine state

ultra orthodox jew talking about goyim
Israeli's attacking woman for being christian
>everyone did it back then
>therefore it's okay to promote it today

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>On behalf of 800 million jews that died... With that...
The Scofield Bible, may Elah curse him and pit him with his clan, Satan and the Antichrist
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>800 million>Misspoke

ohhhhhhhhhh got them!
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Lol shove it up your ass, rat. Remember your infinite lies, rat
The nation of israel is dead
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Who's promoting it? Jews suck on baby penis, blando comando you ugly khazar whore
Besides, Isaac raped Rebecca when she was 3 years old, which is ripe for intercourse according to the talmud
how many nukes do they have and why can't iran or hamaas strike them?
Clip of Modechai Vanunu from a 60 minutes segment

I've heard different numbers. The most recent said 100, which is down from other numbers that I had heard in the past.
Back in the Nixon era, israel armed 13 nukes aboard subs, aircraft, etc. All set to attack USA, if they didn't provide aid during a war that israel provoked and caused, while stealing homes and land from multiple neighboring countries. They likely had more than 13 nukes at the time, but 13 were used in that threat against Nixon.
>(ie. blackmailed Nixon into providing free shit, and supplies they needed to continue their unethical and immoral war on neighbors... with the threat of nuclear destruction in 13 USA cities.)
y couldn't russia and the us come together to get rid of the jewish menace in the middle east? Soviets were definitely anti-semitic and hated jews for being capitalist
Another clip from the 60 Minutes episode about Mordechai Vanunu (israeli elite)
>Regarding being taken prisoner in italy, via a honeypot abduction via seductress
USSR was still very jewish, a holdover from the 92% jewish bolshevik elite that genocided 60-90M white christian slavs from 1917-1947. Russia shoulda become a rich capitalist country, which was the agreement when they tore down the wall, but USA prevented Russia from joining NATO/NAFTA/EU, etc. To keep them weak, so that they wouldn't be competition when they became an enemy again, and prevent them from stealing shared power from the USA

USA is controlled by AIPAC and jews, and they still want the white christians in USSR dead, for not dying the first time and stopping their genocidal conquest to steal all the land for the jews and rule over all the goyim. So, the USA will never share power with Russia, nor help them, for those reasons, among others.
>USA would never get rid of jews in the mideast, since we were the ones that put them there, after UK did the handover to make it happen, via the Balfour Agreement in UK with lord rothschild, and then using the holocaust as the public reason 30yrs later
>The USA is controlled by jews, with Netanyahu admitting on national TV interview that the powerful israeli lobby AIPAC controls congress, which then controls what the USA does. USA is controlled by jews, and so the USA will never do anything to stop the jews.
> The USA is the only one that ever vetoes UN resolutions against israel, this always giving them complete immunity from their crimes. If it wasn't for USA, they would have been held accountable, forever ago. Let alone that we give them $3.8B/yr in military aid to attack muslims in the mideast, to keep a control on mideast oil for USA
> Prior to the USA creating israel, and supporting it financially and miitarily, the Mideast was very prosperous and stable. They woulda been really powerful, and so the USA keeps them in conflict
Uhh no they dont. They worship God, not Muhammed.

post citation, schizo
Orthodox jew explains the messiah prohesy with the west getting genocided by jews
The ADL's version of it's founding, due to to a jew raping a little girl in a georgia penicil factory and then killing her. Despite countless times to prove his innocence, he was always found guilty. Eventually being hanged by a mob, after the governor removed the death penalty but still kept a long imprisonment since the governor knew that he was guilty, and so the gov didn't pardon the pedophile rapist and child killer
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Vidrel is the history of why the ADL was founded. Due to the head of b'nai bris a jewish group murdering and raping a little goyim girl.
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jews commanded by their evil god to wipe out all gentiles
jews admit to commiting white genocide
Aushwitz survivor states videos of concentration camps are fake
GLR on Jewish Communists. Inflation, same jews, ruining economy, civil rights movement, etc.
>Who's promoting it?
Muslims who profess the life and deeds of Muhammad as the model of which they should live their lives and govern their countries.

Also, I hate Jews just as much as I do Muslims, so whatever retarded gay shit you have to say about Jews and insinuating I'm a hypocrite for supporting them is fucking retarded
Don't even need to go back that much

In Delaware, the age of consent was 10 years old until 1871 when it was lowered to 7 years old. Under the 1871 law, a man was given the death penalty for sex with a girl below the age of consent.[24]

In 1880, 37 states had an age of consent of 10 years, 10 states had an age of consent at 12 years, and Delaware had an age of consent of 7 years.[25][26]

In the late-19th century, a "social purity movement" composed of Christian feminist reform groups began advocating a raise in the age of consent to 16, with the goal of raising it ultimately to 18. By 1920, 26 states had an age of consent at 16, 21 states had an age of consent at 18, and one state (Georgia) had an age of consent at 14.[27]

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GLR Kosher Extortion- Every american has to pay extra for each food item, since you have to pay for a rabbi to certify food as kosher, and you don't have a choice to buy a non-kosher version.
> Realize this prices are from many decades ago. You can likely multiply the values by at least 10

> They know that they can't change our views on jews, let alone in this thread. So, they claim to feel the same way, but slip in that they also hate muslims for a bullshit reason. This is a weak shill attempt to cause newfags to hate Muslims too, to make it look like organic goyim anons feel the same way. We don't. Only jewish shills push this false narrative. Since Muslims are their enemy, and so they try to get us to hate muslims too.
Lmfao imagine being this cucked. Traveling to the other side of the planet and getting spit on by a jew just so you can publicly worship another jew in some grandstand display.

Fucking hopeless cucked goyim running in circles ad infinitum. They'll do anything but return to their native faiths.
>getting spit on by a jew just so you can publicly worship another jew

Huh, I seem to recall they also spat on and assaulted the lord on his march to the crucifixion, and yet the lord forgave all mankind. Damn, this is pretty authentic event, stop hating you stupid goy, go get my breakfast.
>USSR was still very jewish
nope. stalin liquidated almost all of the jews who were in positions of power. Ussr made it a point to be weary of the jews
>60 minutes
yeah, I came to know of the vanunu fiasco from BBC's Nuclear Secrets docu drama series
>In the late-19th century, a "social purity movement" composed of Christian feminist reform groups began advocating a raise in the age of consent to 16, with the goal of raising it ultimately to 18. By 1920, 26 states had an age of consent at 16, 21 states had an age of consent at 18, and one state (Georgia) had an age of consent at 14.[27]
>christian feminist

So jews.
Well, yeah.
At least they did something good for once.
Also Christianity is the opposite of jewish
judeo-christian is the jew takeover of christianity
That was the beginning of the deconstruction of the nuclear family, and it all happened very quickly. The age of consent reform and the suffragette movement were created to prevent women from naturally becoming housewives with the onset of puberty and cause them to join the workforce. The average woman used to marry very young before this shit. By making it illegal for them to marry young and effectively pair bond with their husbands they're turned into "career women" who'll ride the cock carousel from their teen years until their 30s when their fertility plummets.
Many of the things people criticize about Islam were also the norm in the West for centuries before modern subversions like feminism. We're just indoctrinated into thinking those things were primitive and therefore bad, despite being the rule among functional societies historically.
so debunked
>counters BDS (hamas sympathizers
>looks the Israeli lobby group was actually the good guys
your nose is showing
jews fear white unity
> And yet they caused it with DEI by making whites the most villainized group as a whole, uniting them
>Many of the things people criticize about Islam were also the norm in the West for centuries before modern subversions like feminism
>functional societies

Explain the dark ages
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No rebuttal. Lol
>dark ages
awww, chatgpt no worky thiiiiis time??? awwwwwwwww
Poor goy, he's in queue for more le bad jew answers, kek
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Schizo is big mad, kek
>GLR Kosher Extortion
Just doesn't seem true anon, 2nd paragraph.
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those israelis sure love to dance
Polish people telling Americans to leave a country that only exists because Americans pay for it.
I'm beginning to see why TikToc is getting banned.
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imagine israel without american money though
Don't clips like this make you Jew haters realize that Jewish people are just like everyone else? Some are assholes and some are decent people and everything in between. Isn't is much more effective rhetoric to specifically criticize the asshole Jews (and their supporters) instead of all Jewish people?
You have plenty of chill secular Jewish people who are critical of Israel, and aren't into all this ethnic superiority nonsense. But when you fuckers target all Jews, it makes them think, "well, maybe people do hate me for no reason, and nothing I do will change their mind". You end up pushing these normal Jewish people into the welcoming arms of extremists.
It would be called Wasrael instead of Israel.
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victoria australia banned swatstika and nazi salute
Tikkun Olam: brags about all the ways that jews have ruined USA culture and society

> Tikkun Olam means the world will heal itself. It also is used sarcastically against jews and israeli's, in the context that the world will heal itself from the damage that they have caused
GLR- Whos who in american jewry
So, You want to build a deathcamp...
> Amenities at the concentration camps
Thought it was going to be a parody of that Frozen song. Mildly disappointed.
I came across this on TikTok last year, but sadly, it had almost no comments.

Saw this ages ago. Remember stumbling upon a vid where a bunch of Israelis were giving grief to a BMWF couple, especially some old dude ranting at the lady for dating the guy, saying she brings disgrace. Heard a story on Reddit too about black IDF soldiers getting racially abused during a ceremony. Also can't forget that clip of a blonde Jew going off on an elderly Ethiopian lady at a store. Oh, and there was this white Israeli grandma asking a black dude if he's on meds while he's just chilling on a bench. One IDF soldier had to step in. These people, man, they're a whole different breed.
How does this dude even function? Does he even realize he's a meme? Whenever this vid gets reposted, I'm just assuming he's off the charts mentally.
I am tempted to submit an application to my local police department just to see what they're teaching in there, it's no coincidence all pigs everywhere are sociopaths
These foul vermin still pretending to be Israelites.
I'm with Piers on this one, those kids were innocent, resistance is about harming those who are emloying the means of repression, not unnarmed party chicks
Tell that to the IDF
They'd agree with me
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jews were the trotskyites that became neoconservatives

Someone needs to send this VIDREL to multiple stop islamophobia orgs/accounts. They dox the jews, just like the stop antisemitism account on twitter. They'll get those jews fired from their jobs
This isn’t a children’s show, it’s a spoof of one. It’s still a strange message, but at least report it accurately. Why would there be some bint in a bikini on a children’s show?
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>a group of austrian artists
poll fags need to stay on poll
you need to stay in the oven
That's why you look up to a meth head who
killed himself faggot, you should do the same
>killed himself
>a group of austrian artists

Here's an austrian artist's voice in english
>a group of austrian artists

AI Voice in english part 2 of 4
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So, the army dropped the ball and forgot or just didn't bother to snap pics at Auschwitz. Then this survivor peeps the photos and calls them out for being 'fake' because they're missing stuff, like snow in the background. The folks in the pics are decked out in winter gear, but there ain't a flake in sight.
It was completely staged. Even down to them picking the most emaciated starving concentration camp "survivors". They wanted to make it look like they were all like that, and not just some
> And yet in some pics, the clothes are tight since some of the "Actors" were so chubby and plump. I guess they couldn't find enough that looked starving

Most of those that looked starving and skinny, was simply from getting typhoid from the fleas
>(the reason they used zyklon B was as a delousing agent to kill the fleas. The USA and others also used zyklon B for that purpose. USA did it with mexicans coming across the border to USA)
Since typhoid makes you shit your brains out with horrible diarrhea, and don't absorb the nutrients from the food. Ann frank died months before the liberation of the camps, from typhoid, not due to hitler killing her

Russia hated germany due to losing most of their military aged men vs germany- killed or injured
> Plus they were allies at first, and then hitler turned on them and made them an enemy, as they weren't wanted in the reich, since slavs were viewed as inferior

So, russia faked lots of things, like building chimneys for the crematoriums, which didn't exist in early pics. Russia poked holes in the "gas chamber" ceilings to make it look like gas was put in that way. When it wasn't
> They didn't accidentally forget cameras on liberation day. They intentionally didn't bring them, so they could fake it and make germany look horrible. Plus, it's illogical to think no one brought cameras that day, and likely they simply destroyed or suppressed the real photos and video

Israel has a history of faking propaganda footage. Like if you watch the documentary Tantura >>5522955 about the 1948 Nabka: they used genocidal war crimes against palestinian civilians. They then used Goldwyn Mayer to make a fake propaganda newsreel, days after the war ended. Filming a fake war as if it was happening & hide their crimes, to make israel look ethical
>Ann frank died months before the liberation of the camps, from typhoid, not due to hitler killing her
Childhood ruined
> Full video link, for the israeli documentary Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka.
> https://twitter.com/Peoples_Britain/status/1717116212344209621/

Holy shit that israeli documentary is gigabased
> Enough honest jews to expose their true nature and history
You weren't lying about it being completely chock full of redpills, so intense and plentiful in a single source.
>I'll be forwarding this to all my normie friends. No one is gonna fucking believe it's possible, let alone from the mouths of jews and israeli's
>They're both bad! Stop hating jews!



I always knew it. I just never thought I'd see one admit it themselves
im so glad this old boomer died when the apc he was sitting in was hit with rpgs and he burned to death.
Post news link
yes its him the film is called "Where in the world is Osama?" amazing must watch.
this film made the jEWs in hollywood ruin his career sadly.
>jEWs in hollywood ruin his career sadly

eh, he's does documentary/comedy only, so he's independent, nice try silly rat bastard
wrong video title, they are pouring cement into water sources used by Palestinians.

Thanks for the correction, fren. I'll update it in my collection, and that way it's also correct the next time that I post it in future threads
> Pouring cement into the water sources of innocent Palestinian civilians is 6 gorillion times worse
> Russian jews using jewish hollywood to film and document the concentration camps, many months after it was liberated.
> Using hand picked concentration camp residents as actors in their propaganda film, to act it all out on film

This is just like during the 1948 Nabka, when they used Goldwyn Mayer to film a fake propaganda film, to play to the world. Filmed 3 days after the war had ended
- To hide genocidal war crimes
- To hide forcing Palestinian civilians off their land, before stealing their homes and land,
- To make it look like an ethical and moral war
It's all documented and admitted by israeli jews in the documentary Tantura >>5522955

Holy shit israel and jews are evil. I watched Tantura after seeing your message. I unironically thought that after almost 20yrs of /pol/, that nothing could shock me about the jews... I was wrong
christians worship a dead daddy's-boy jew. The ultimate "you better do what he says or he's gonna tell his dad on you".
> Israel gives classes on how to edit wikipedia and the internet, to make jews and israel look good and virtuous, and hide the truth about both of them

No wonder you can't trust anything on wiki anymore. Everything has changed over the year, but I just thought it was the far left liberals doing it. I didn't realize it was israel, let along grandmas in israel editing wikipedia to remove anything negative about jews & israel, and then posting fake propaganda to make jews and israel look moral, ethical, and simply perpetual victims for no reason at all.
mossad sock puppet organization like isis
>Change my mind.
>mossad sock puppet organization like isis

How could you possibly say something like that, goyim?! Oy Vey!
> Oh wait, picrel in >>>/pol/466824330 . Absolutely don't look at that photo or read it goyim. That's just fake news, produced by goyim terrorists to slander us ethical and moral israeli's. Fake News!. SHUT IT DOWN!!!

I wonder what their excuse is gonna be, when israel intentionally destroys the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome on the mount. What false narrative propaganda they'll spout to explain why they did it, or how they blame Hamas for destroying it themselves

kek, they'll probably keep changing the story 7 times, before coming to a final lie.
If they do anything to Al Aqsa they're fucked.
>If they do anything to Al Aqsa they're fucked.

They will do something, it's not a question. Just like them then being fucked is not a question. Israel never cares about the consequences of their actions. They're pure hypocrites, and believe that rules do not apply to them.
When they destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome on the mount, to then build the Third Temple for their antichrist messiah. The moment they get retaliation they'll scream antisemitism and claim that they got attacked for no reason, and that they must escalate 10x worse to defend themselves because of muh holocaust.
> It'll be the end for the jews, and they'll be openly killed in the streets. This time around, the The Holocaust 2.0 will be the Non-Fake Edition.

If you want to hear jews say lots of stuff you'd never expect them to say, watch the documentary Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka. It's an israeli documentary, but shockingly it's actually an honest documentary. So, almost half the jews speak openly, even comparing israeli's to nazi's, admitting their genocidal war crimes, etc. The other half of course, refuses to admit anything and denies it, with some even giving death threats to an israeli that exposed the true Nabka. He got calls saying, yes we all know that it's true, but you don't ever admit that to the goyim.
> Like other anons have said, it has tons of redpills, and very intense redpills
> The shit that they admit, will absolutely shock you. Both that they admitted it, and also because it's so horrifyingly evil

Has a vidrel link for the full documentary Tantura. >>5537620 It also has clips attached

> You can't trust any of them in the west, due to the dual loyalty that jonathan pollard boasts about (convicted spy of the Apollo Affair)
No sound. We are expected to believe subtitles.
Not so smart of them, to unify whites as a persecuted group. White christians were the only main support for the jews and israel, and they showed their true colors to demonize and attack us. No longer will israel have the undeserved protection of the west. Their days are numbered, and the curse of the 80yr jewish state draws near. May 14 2028 is the final expiration date if they play their cards right, but it'll likely come sooner than that. With all the unforced errors that they keep making, and constantly losing the propaganda war, now that normies are able to view the truth via social media. No one believes the jewish writers at MSM anymore, not even the left whom held belief in them until the Al-Aqsa Flood occurred on 10/7.

That's fucking evil. The jews are taxing goyim to make themselves rich, and claim that food is high enough quality that it's good for the jews to eat.
>Meaning, they certify it to not be animal food, since they view goyim as subhuman beasts. Who exist only to serve the jews as slaves, and have the false appearance of a human as to not offend the jews when serving them as slaves
Judah stems from the priesthood of a particular region, that served whomever was pharaoh at the time as the "heirs" of Josephs priesthood.
Of course they lost this Egyptian heritage on their detour through babylon,- which is what Jesus pointed out.
>Good jews
Finkelstein, Marx, Amy Goodman, Choamsky, who else?

Redpilled and gigabased. I finally watched that link that a bunch of anons keep bringing up. It's insane how much the jews admit in that israeli documentary Tantura. I honestly have no clue how they allowed it to be released. It essentially sums up everything about jewish culture in a single movie. Even after being on /pol/ for over a decade, I never would have believed 2/3 of those redpills could possibly be true.
EVERY GOYIM ANON NEEDS TO WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY. Prepare for your mind to be blown, as to the true evil that many of them harbor inside. With maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of them admitting the truth, and all the rest of them denying things ever happened. I still have trouble processing just how much worse it is than I thought

Tantura truly is unironically the biggest redpill movie of all time, let alone that it's straight from their own mouths. Which allows you to see how they think, and gather details that would have been incapable of gathering otherwise. Had a goyim said any of these things that they admit about the jews, they would have automatically been branded as an antisemite. It's insane hearing them comparing jews and israeli's to nazi's, in their own words, and detailing exactly which events in detail, made them come to that conclusion

Just watching the clips from it that were posted, it gives you a peak into just how bad it's gonna be worse, and in reality those clips pale in comparison to the rest of the documentary. Someone needs to make more clips from this documentary, and redpill the world on them
Daily reminder that two wrongs do not make one right.
ok dude fine i'm gonna watch it now you don't have to keep samefagging
Every anon needs to yandex, google, etc the israeli spy Jonathon Pollard and the Apollo Affair. Where he stole 600kg (1320lbs) of enriched plutonium for israel's nuclear weapons program.
> He also stole the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc operations manuals
> His direct handler that he was working for in israel to do all the countless treasonous acts against USA, was none other than netanyahu
I knew something seemed strange about it. It just didn't seem real
That last post was me, I actually wasn't samefagging. The OP always aggressively pushes that full documentary Tantura on us in /chip/. So, after months of that shit, I finally caved and watched it. I really was shocked and jewpilled by it, since I never thought a single jew would ever admit to any of that shit. Let alone, it was way worse than I could have ever imagined- and that's with me constantly being redpilled on israel and the jews.
So, I figured I'd help a fren out, and post a reply for anons to watch it. Since, I really do think that every normie needs to watch it, let alone anons. It unironically changed the way that I look at jews and israel, and that's with already having been pretty redpilled via all the memes, historical documents, news articles, video clips, tweets, etc. So, after watching it, now I know why OP was so desperate for al of us to watch it.
I vote that she should stand by her words, and take in an endless flow of illegals into israel. Without it, israel may not survive. There will be resentment, but it's what's needed for israel to thrive and flourish
>retards talk to other retards in a desert
>5 retards clap
wow so powerful, so moving
>israel is a democracy
>thats what judaism is about
nigger wWHHHHHHHHHHAAATTTTT????????????
>trump 2024 shill webm
kill yoruself retard
God that's evil, that israeli's boast about stealing homes and land from every innocent Palestinian civilian, to make them homes for jews and land for jews with innocent Palestinian civilians kicked off their own land
>Carter saying that the USA and Israel don't want to know what's going on in Palestine. That powerful forces in the USA prevent us from investigating this question

I wonder who these powerful forces are that Carter talks about as protecting the jews and israel, in the USA...
God that jew woman is evil. Saying that people walking on the street near her, should be raped and killed.
Such hate she has for goyim, simply for not being born jewish, and she wants them dead
>kike island

are you fucking kidding me? Biden supporter spotted.


without the audio these might as well all be fake. i can edit video and add any text to it and im a pleb
>Hurr Durr Goyim... That's really incriminating video that looks bad for us jews.
>I know it's real, but I'm going to lie and claim it's fake to discredit it. No goyim will ever realize that I'm a complete liar.
> Hurr Durr... No goyim is smart enough to get past my tricks, deflection and the other tactics that my jewish shilling NGO trains me for

Here you go retard, you baited me into posting the full 10 minutes for all goyim to watch and hear. It's now 10x worse for you, since now goyim can watch the whole ten minutes of it, and hear the intense emotion in his voice


2 x 2 minute silent audio clips if you want to post it in /pol/

When you reply to them, it simply lets them know that their bait is working, and gives them motivation to keep shilling. If you ignore them, they realize that their shilling isn't working. DON'T TAKE THE BAIT
>anon replies to the post where I say "I hate Jews" with "Stop hating jews"

What did he mean by this?
awesome, thank you
Source for this channel? I’d like to see more
Not him but it's the GDF on youtube.

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