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post 3 faggot
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3 webm after 20 seconds ?
Fucking bot
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So Sigma means retarded? Neat.
You what now?
is this really the same person?
her mouth looks different and her voice is much more higher pitched and nasal
>open funny meme thread for memes
>all links are braintrot retarded
op is a faggot
A woman gets immediately disqualified from being Sigma by using make up.
isnt this wsg go to gif faggot
Sure I'm in the minority, but I think she looks prettier now.
sigma female is being some annoying whore that complains on the internet about simps not kissing the ground she walks on?
Lol it's the same comment from the same user, and she made 2 videos responding to it

Everyone else,what'd s sigma female?
No nudity here.
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Other than star wars, what's the sauce?
That type of underboob tattoo specifically gives away it's a mentally broken person.
You don't think the self-mutilation were any signs
Surprised the nigger didn't chimp out there
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The titty chandelier aposematism
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KEK how emasculating
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At this point Im just posting anything resembling women being funny or doing anything
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Better to find out now, before you commit to something serious.
real version

its to hide surgery scars
that is savage.
>breaks up with her husband to start fucking niggers on onlyfans

I'm sorry, I don't see it. She was already pulling ahead regardless and none of her arms or legs crossed into the other lane.

It looks like the smaller woman tried to push her stride tempo a little bit more and is why she tripped.
That's bullshit because we have decades of men doing that EXACT SAME SHIT when scoring even with an overwhelming lead.
show it. key word is
>inferior oponent
germany didn't celebrate as enthusiastically when they beat brazil 7-1, at least not after the fourth goal.
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thread is filled with beta females.
sigmas don't seek attention.
>"and i'm white"
nope, you're italian.
this is true, but evolution exists, anon.
we don't do it any longer.
>is paid for getting fucked on camera while her big tits bounce around
>gets breast reduction
>gets surprised when people mention the reason she got famous in the first place
>whines about it on multiple videos
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Pretty sure the sigma meme is about not caring about what others think, and this is just a porn star trying to do damage control after she downsized her tits or whatever (the exact opposite of not caring)
ruined and hope she never finds sex work again
maybe it'll force her to use her brain for once
Kinda cruel to make fun of a fat tranny, but he's also either in on it or retarded for putting himself in that situation
this bitch has the nerve to make a speech like this then let's more immigrants into the country during her term than any italian ruler since literally the fall of rome
>calls itself a 10
>but not your typical 10
needed to be taken down a notch, his reaction was appropriate
holy shit she walked almost 20 minutes??
This retard just decimates 90% of her following and you call that sigma? You think people follow her for her insightful commentary?
All of her businesses have failed, good thing she has a rich dad to pay for her bills.
I wonder how often than happens to ethots
Or, perhaps more interestingly, how many of them manage to keep and/or grow their following after a reduction.
i'm guessing not many. they gain a loyal following based solely on their bodies then go into surgery believing that people will still be interested in them afterwards. it's insanely delusional thinking. like look at how hard idubbz and anisa are coping after she lost her tits and he lost his edge. they're beating their dead horse of a podcast under the illusion that anyone still gives a fuck even as the numbers continue dwindling.
I wish we could get that kind of statistics but I doubt anyone would publish that. Gotta keep selling those life-ruining surgeries to young impressionable white women of course!
I wouldn't be surprised. It's all ogre.
oh noesss not her following oh nooooooooo
Stellar blade phenomena
mady gio, look it up coomer
God she reminds me so much of a friends mum back in highschool. Similarish hair and more of a gut but same huge tits. I wanted to fuck her so bad and I tried to hit on her one time and she made fun of the attempt. I mean, I was a 16yo hitting on a 42yo woman. The fuck was I gonna do other than disappoint her one afternoon.
don't see a sigma female thats just a dumb nigger
The background music says otherwise
I'm so glad I don't live in a shithole city like New York. Jesus Christ, I can't stand Jews either, but niggers are so fucking stupid it's not even funny anymore. Chimping out on the subway is just a daily occurrence.
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>oy vey da golem is toyning
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lmao tf is this? Some kind of porno wwe?
I remember when i was jocking about kelsi monroe at the onefc...
>all the nigg** here have low self-esteem

choose one nigger
And she bought her own shoes! Impossible!
I want to fuck them both while they are in that raging mindset.
>Life ruining.
If it ruins her life of digital prostitution then that's a good thing
Sure, it also degrades her a few points on the attraction scale so she'll get a much worse husband. Let's say women ultimately need to find a good man to settle down for the long run. Will she have more success when she's 30 with B cups or when she's 20 with double D's?
If you're talking about marriage then she should focus more on those qualities that won't degrade with age. It's more important that she be a virtuous woman than it is that she have a certain breast size. And that's hard to strive towards when dudes on the internet are giving you money to whore yourself out.

Sure she might not get a rich dude who want's a young thing with a cup size in the middle of the alphabet but if she's a decent woman then she'll find a decent man.

>It's more important that she be a virtuous woman than it is that she have a certain breast size.
I think you overestimate men lmao. I wouldn't mind dating a flat girl but I would never date someone who's had a reduction. How can you mutilate God's perfection like this?
she's trash to any decent man anyhow. a decent man wouldnt care much about double Ds or B cups. some men prefer B cups over double Ds. getting breast reductions at that size doesn't matter that much for her life. it's probably for the better even.
i concur with this anon
>t. assguy
This is actually solid advice / motivation. Maybe if people can't be motivated to e.g. lose weight, they could get there just by virtue of wanting to feel superior.
Holy shit he got completely BTFO
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I wouldn't hire people with tattoos. I don't owe them shit.
I think the comparison should be made that it's European sensibilities vs American obnoxiousness
dumb pickme bitch can only grasp the popular talking points for her video but won't explore the geopolitical issues and simply adds fuel to an already out of control fire
>some men prefer B cups over double Ds.
Those men are lieing, they just don't want a fat girl. If you asked a hypothetical question about a choice between 2 women, identical in every aspect: personality, bodyfat, age, everything except cup size, men will choose the bigger cup any day
She's 100% right. It's just that it's a buyers market as far as labor is concerned, but it's also a bad economy, so companies only want to hire for wages that people don't want to work for.
Next time she should just stop in the middle of the road to spite them
Poor nigger trying his hardest to cope with the facts.
you want to try that again in english?
It's her : https://www.instagram.com/amber.odon/
It makes me at least a little less suspicious that all big Tiktok accounts are run by Jewish managers. Spiteful rats as they are, they can tell a business opportunity from a guaranteed failure. If these huge accounts can still be tricked into buying into this bullshit, maybe they really are just women running their own accounts.
Imagine being like a boxer or something and then you get one arm surgically removed, thats what a tit reduction is to these online whores
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Nah, I greatly prefer Bs to Ds... to Cs even. Big tits are all old lady saggy. Small tits are nice and perky
>t. assman -- but also not huge and sheboon, but tight
>tight ass, B cups, perfection
>what do you mean there are consequences for my dumbass life decisions?
didn't this hoe sign a bill and openly campaign to let half a million more africans into Italy or am I mistaking her with some other Eurocunt?
Looked up porn of this chick and busted twice god damn she has a fat ass
she's on lotuseaters. she does explore the geopolitical issues.
>thot eyes
she was really blessed with goddess tier proportions
I don't think she even noticed the gun until the very end
Hey that's where I live wtf
Kinda weird...
>adin ross
get the fuck out of here
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>The blob
needs more shitty overly loud sound effects/10
and that year she died
A breast reduction is spitting in God's face. Disgusting whores.
i'm an assguy and when it comes to boobs
>c > d > b > dd > a > anything else.
50kg down and he probably be a 6.
>These women are whores because they've made themselves less lust inducing.
>pornstars aren't whores
women can't be sigma
This one and that cosplayer black girl make me legitimately sad.
Wrong. These women are whores because they butchered their bodies in an attempt to look more "proportioned" or "flattering" etc.
It's the same with breast enhancements, nose jobs, botox, etc. Cosmetic surgeries are all for vanity, one of the trademark characteristics of a whore.
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ruined by nigger music
he's talking about our creator not the kike god of abrahamic religions.
Fucking hell that little bitch can run. I mean I wish some would count the number of strides compared to the black bitch. It looks like someone pressed fast forward on her. I mean until they pushed fast downward.
Europeans don't even smile at each other, they are too busy worshipping their government.
zoomer faggot is trying to make it seem so much worse than it is. old lady isn't even racist, she was just answering his question to the best of her ability. but it's a taboo subject amongst the youth
She was supposed to answer "white people, because we are the original sin and I am ashamed of myself as is the correct religious doctrine'
Dude's basically going around asking "who is your lord and saviour?" and she said "Buddha".
Look how high her feet get off the ground. She could have hit more weight.
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>"it's none of your business"
>her career is being a pornstar, where her body is the commodity, therefore it is our business as the consumer.
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do not want
Her face lol, tip top woman
Holy shit he was so shook...
God tier woman, that cheesy smile at the end
She was ready for that question too
Me sitting in the chair
>Big tits are all old lady saggy.
To each his own but there are definitely some women out there with some perky Cs and Ds running around.
haha wow so random hahaha xD
holy shit based lol


And it's just females and their tits. Kys. Dumbass, go back to Jewhub retard.

Women can never be based. They take orders from Jews first and foremost, and secondly from other women. They follow the norm; and can never formulate their own opinion. Nice rehearsed speech Niggoni, you sold Italy out.
holy fuck
It's amazing that you managed to collect all of Biden's living voters into one webm. Well done.

...Well Poe's law is a thing, so I might as well say that it's purely a joke, not a sincere statement.
Based AF
Knew a little asian dude in hs that could run like the fucking wind, he was a beast at just under 5ft. Dudes calves were huge.
>and we don't want to regress
that looks pretty fun, but it's gotta be so fucking awkward on the back
Gorlok the Destroyer
Literally a prostitute.
10/10 would marry.
Siri plays the muh health angle but back pain is a muscle issue.
What makes her really unattractive is this insane stubbornness.
boob reduction is only acceptable for 40+ yo who had 3 kids already.
Breast reduction is so primitive.
we should develop specialized bras
It is never acceptable, you cannot improve upon God's creation. Just buy a slightly more expensive bra and do some fucking exercise. Spending money is easy, spending effort is hard
Absolutely right
pretty much created britpol back in the day now there’s some big free speech/alt-rite festival in a field behind me and i live in bumfuck nowhere. Weird me out.

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