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Post only the best, niggafied, seed oil-laden slop from the land of the free (TM)
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tbf nikocado has kind of dedicated his life to being a degenerate clown, something i can only respect
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I thought for sure the punchline would be that she ended up dating the murderer. man I'm mindbroken.
Not really. Its would better fit the theme of the thread . The only thing that's degenerate is her dancing and making it all about herself
Great post. More of a Canadian post, but very nice sir
ado' on the og'
He has no self control or self-worth, I can only guess just how low your bar is. He literally exists only to satisfy a desperate need for attention.
You're assuming anon's level of standard just from his opinion of one e-celeb? It's amazing how judgemental the retards are that frequent this board.
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wish I could just do a directory dump
>I got hundreds
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Nikocado website
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>this whole thread
God I wish Putin had the balls to hit the big red button.
Putin is one of them anon.

This is a war to destroy america and its legal stryctures
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>Putin is one of them anon
>This is a war to destroy america and its legal stryctures
America and its legal structures are killing millions of people to try to retain power. If they'd just act like normal people, this would not be necessary. Literally nobody supports them except brainwashed robots
Judgement Day must be unanimous
>I suppose it'll go down after the Taiwan conflict convinces China there is no alternative
Anon, this war has been going on for over a century.
Look at jackson's war against central banks. Then in I think 1912 the federal reserve was signed into existence Putin is not your friend or the great liberator he's a puppet of the international financial order.
The wars are fake, the deaths real.
Americans always think it's about them, that's the issue and the reason most Americans never see the big picture. This shit started AT LEAST with the French Revolution, but the birth of Protestantism is probably a better turning point in recorded history.

The US was never the target, this was especially not created to target the US specifically. The US just happens to be one of many passengers on the boat that they are trying to sink.
But Putin is not a saviour.
Putin is playing the role of Good Guy. I'll take it.

I think the end goal is to cordon off the Satanic faction of humanity, seal them off in their own special Hell (post-apocalyptic USA -- you aint seen nothin yet) while the rest of us get on with developing aether-tech and exploring the stars (Heaven).
>This has all happened before, millions of times on planets across the galaxy
>This is God's plan. You can even think of "God" as The Galactic Federation
>Because imagine the chaotic alternative, if Satanists with planet-busting tech were allowed to roam the galaxy

Putin is a savior of us non-Satanic humans. He is helping to save the rest of us from Western aggression and degradation. He is indeed a hero and a savior, one of many
I know which side I want to be on. Make your choice. Time is short.
No, Russia and china had their communist revolution to destroy their nations and allow the current merchantile elite to establish their positions.
Putin is no saviour. perhaps promoted as a saviour figure but no saviour.
We know too much.
rent free
Gross fat bitch.
>Husband murdered
>I was postpartum me me me me me
I hate women
Of course little Tyronious is there watching. Wanna bet how he'll turn out?
>We teamed up with Dr. Evan Goldstein
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they're protestants
which one is that? jake or logan?
at a low point in my life i got into a little bit of a degenerate lifestyle, nothing super bad, just a little bit but you would not believe the scumbags that came crawling out of the woodwork to 'befriend' me and drag me even further into that satanic shit, praise Jesus for my salvation
actually based
She's venting, retard

>everyone is made in the image of god
So you agree? Being "born in the wrong body" is bullshit?
my new ring tone
tell me you have std's without telling me you do
Kek, what a week willed faggot.
>defending recording yourself dancing like a tard with captions about your dead husband
foid hands wrote this
Care to elaborate? I'm interested in this kind of thing. Maybe make a thread on /x/ if it's a long story they love that shit too
did you know HIV only has a 1-1.5% chance of transmission through anal sex? Imagine how often this was going on in the 80s for it to spread the way it did
>Two women actually go out of their way to awkwardly break out the fight instead of spectating and cheering
Is america.... Healing?
The Beatles if they were good
Based truth bombers
Based chad homo
The jokes are writing themselves
>Be janitor
>Have to clean the nasty subway station every morning for the thankless people
>"Thank god i at least have this job, it could've been worse" you think to yourself
>Suddenly you turn around and find the human equivalent of Jabba the hut taking a massive turd in the cleaning cart
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they're burgers
>Acting civilised
>Accidentally break some glass while browsing the shelves
>Whole family attempts to clean up the mess they made
>Women are the primary victim of war
HIV/AIDS is bullshit anon, cdc needed funding. gay men using poppers to dilate their arseholes fucked their immune systems = aids/grds
He's fucking right. He may do crazy shit but he is telling the truth. Perpetual internet users are retards, bored cows looking for the next thing to rage at.
Do you think anyone noticed?
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no. you're wrong and retarded. ngmi simp.

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see ado'
post ado'
Proof? Looks pretty Catholic to me
ukrainians are so cute <3
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this ride always gave me the creeps but what exactly am i supposed to be seeing?
at around :12 you can see the pedo triangle. that's all ive gotten so far.
>She's venting, retard
Since when did "venting" mean "Film yourself spouting the stupidest shit in the most inappropriate way possible"?
This isn't remotely healthy, it's just psychotic. Social media was a fucking mistake.
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Well she's psychotic. The love of her life was murdered. Psychotic people often act inappropriately, only now they can do it in a very public way
>The last grape soda.webm
Ok this is just retarded, either they're trying to say "I love you" in sign language and forgot the thumb, or they're saying "rock on" the devil horns doesn't actually mean anything, teenagers and people who like rock and roll do it all the time. Calm down schizos.
We hate this faggot too
It's crazy because he actually did die under "mysterious" circumstances.
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As someone who was molested at 7, that is what it's like. It didn't hurt and it actually felt good. But I knew it was wrong the whole time, I just let it happen because of course a 7 year old is gonna do whatever feels good. I think that's part of what fucks you up mentally, like thinking your whole child hood that some how you were also guilty of something because you enjoyed it a little. It's fucking suck, and Oprah is absolutely a piece of shit, but I get what she's saying.
No wonder they get radicalized into islam (founder married a 5-year-old) and become jihadis, and upon martyrdom they have 72 virgins waiting for them
Let me guess, she ended up dating the perpetrator?
It's not their fault
Ok this thread just got saved
women are selfish as fuck. im married and have a daughter. its crazy. i have a sister and mother and 5 female cousins too

honestly i dont think women are capable of viewing the world through the lens of another people who is not them. Everything must be filtered through "how does this affect me and how do I feel?" filter. Men have that too but we have an additional filter which goes "how can I make myself useful so i don't die" thought whenever we encounter new information
>so oprah is definitely a pedo
whew anon
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>We do not choose our feelings
But you can change them? It's not like you're born crippled, you're just a child molester, and your only remedy is to get bludgeoned
>Shlomo Sand
The jokes are writing themselves
Reminder that Germany deems Satanic churches and rituals completely legal, but questioning the holocaust would get you in trouble
>"Can you imagine?"
>" No, I can't imagine"
I felt his disgust, that mom needs to be slapped
Notice how each has a strange colored pigmentation in their skins? It's not white or even tan, it's got that yellowish, pink, purple and blueish hue to it, they don't look white in the slightest nor do they look middle eastern. God this is by far the ugliest looking group of people I've ever seen
>Pedophile explaining sexual assault against children
As someone who got molested on separate times, the way she describes it in both cases makes it sound like she knows so much about this, waaaay too much but from the point of view of the perpetrator, not the victim
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They've got a big banner with their church's name on it.
Googling it leads to this website: https://www.cathedralofhope.com/ where they describe themselves as "A congregation of the United Church of Christ". United Church of Christ is, per Wikipedia, "a socially liberal mainline Protestant Christian denomination". So there, not Catholic.

It took 2 seconds to look this up and determine it is a United Church of Christ... aka protestant.
that's from webm compression artifacts
well i dont see how thats problematic desu.
Yeah, the actual satanist gesture is that “solva et coagula” [sic.] finger guns thing.
You know what’s interesting? A pussy doesn’t shit. Crazy, right?
why did the guy go "oh no" like that ?
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is this a comedy sketch? what is this it can't be real can it?
oh my word it is real how is that even possible goodness this US debt situation really feels like it might be a giant house of cards about to topple over
>Two women actually go out of their way to awkwardly break out the fight
They intervene just long enough to make them let go of each other's hair and then stand back to watch the fight. Like a boxing referee breaking up a clinch-hold.
Anyone have the tik tok video of the lady dancing in 4 different outfits and the songs something like "my name is Chicky" the. "my name is boom boom" also there's a Cha Cha and something else. I jerk off to it sometimes and got that itch. I imagine I'm a home invader while she's taping that and I rape her to death.
niko is a treasure
This guy has a demon inside of him
In what ways do you think the husband suffered after he was shot dead? What experience of the dead husband would you like her to comment on?
No Catholic church would be allowed to look like that.
>man gives her exactly what she claims to want
>she's upset
Seems pretty based to me
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I was surprised when it happened to be two women fighting.
fucking lmaooo sirs poo on the streets you benchod
This nigga eating beans!!?
>honestly i dont think women are capable of viewing the world through the lens of another people who is not them.
well, true for most women, they only think in "I I I I I I I I" scale of beings
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>squirrel analogy
Detroit is the one place that got shitted up BEFORE the blacks moved in
ok, I'm confused, it's some to-go restaurant/meal delivery thing, right?
The target group they're trying to get to here aren't blt+ people, not even gay people, not gay men, but gay male bottoms.
Is this demographic really so numerous to justify investing into?
I don't think that's wrong, but I'm having hard time believing profit oriented shareholders/management would greenlit it.
Imagine some compny making stuff specificaly for left-handed autists
Or is it just some public image thing worth putting pretty penny into?
Post a webm of your daughter
didn't know this was a ylyl thread

>sign for 'i love you'
>you might say I have some experience and expertise in this area
same here anon. the world is fucked. thank the jews/jew supporters
he seems pretty credible
>total buttcancer
you're ignorant and stupid. the hand gesture also references the satanic pentagram (two points up three points down) which references venus which represents "lucifer" which refers to the devil. it's called occulted knowledge and there are actually stupid satanic faggots who get off on participating in this stupid garbage because it makes them feel special to be in a cult and to have secret knowledge and worship satan.

note i'm not writing this post for you, but for other people who aren't total fools
>I have complete knowledge of the intentions of people I've never met because of one hand gesture in a 4 second video on 4chan that provides no context...
Ok schizo
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Seems impossible that high officials can be this incompetent
>yet here we are
guess they're just taking a paycheck and pretending to fill a role
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I'm with her.
Do catholimutts think anything thats not catholic is protestant? Because only churches that follow Martin Luthers teachings are protestant. That means actually following the teachings of Jesus (which the catholic church never gave a single shit about, considering the catholic church is a for profit organization) and also being extremely antisemitic.
The tranny church can not be protestant any more than the Israel worshipping churches, which is not at all
Wiping out humanity without affecting the environment would be preferable, trump is not a factor. The earth is a beautiful work of art, and we are the tomato soup being thrown on it.
If that guy is the NASA director, he is retarded and unqualified for his job
"We dont know whats on the dark side of the moon"
There is no dark side, the fucking thing rotates around its own axis. In the span of a year we see all sides of the moon facing Earth, because it spins. Its fucking nothing on all the sides.
>me poopoo in my diapies heehee
that's nice anon
Yea keep telling yourself that bud. US Aryans throwing tons of agent orange in the jungles of Vietnam really was beautiful, or how we collectively help destroy the rainforest, that's truly gods beautiful plan for our earth.... Are you blind or retarded?
Kids start masturbating as young as 3. Just look it up dude, I'm definitely not posting links.
My daughter started running her thing on stuff when she was 5. My wife and I were scared shitless that someone touched her or showed her how to do it. When we took her to the doctor, he said it's actually very common for toddlers to start touching and doing stuff down there. We started telling her to only do that when she's alone in her room and to never let anyone else touch it or see it. It's pretty scary, definitely not one of the things you think of before having kids.
People are born crippled every day. When was the last time you got to choose who you're attracted to? If it were that easy, I would just choose to believe that I have the power to fly and a billion dollars in my savings account.
Not him, I agree that you can't choose who you're attracted to. Pedophilia is like being gay or straight, nothing can change what you're attracted to. There is no known therapy or other cure for pedophilia, which is why the only solution to it is death. I'm sorry you were delt a bad hand, but your life is not worth the safety of children.
So if a pedophile makes a moral decision to NOT abuse children they require death regardless?
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2 weeks later.......
A hornet or black widow is on your arm. What do you do?
I would do my best to deftly remove them from my arm.
Sure, whatever you say.
A pedophiles life is not worth the risk. People lie even to themselves
Said the scorpion to the frog....
Sorry for answering honestly. Guess you really got me there bud.
Could you sillogize whatever your argument is please?
>In the span of a year we see all sides of the moon facing Earth
holy fucking brainlet. did you even pass middle school?
I already did. Pedophiles can't control their attraction to minors, people are dishonest especially mentally ill people, pedophilia is a mental illness, there is no therapy or other treatment that has been proven effective to treat pedophilia, therefore pedophiles can not be trusted. No pedophiles life is worth the safety of children. Even if there is a .0001% chance a particular pedophile would molest a child, that is a chance too great. The only solution is death, I understand that you didn't choose this and I feel for you, but you need to die.
It truly sucks man, you rolled at nat 1 at birth, but dying really is your only option. Some babys just die like with SIDS, some people just weren't meant to live. That's pedophiles, it sucks I know, but that's just how it is. Pedophilia will never be accepted, no matter how deranged our society gets, the vast majority of people will not delve that far. I know it looked promising when faggots and tranny's started gaining traction, but pedophilia just isn't gonna go that way. There is no hope for pedos, it's just not gonna happen. The fact is, no opinions no emotion no anger at all... The fact is that pedophiles only have 2 options: either kill yourself now, or live life trying to hide it until someone finds out then face prison or institutionalization. You may think you're hiding it, but anyone who ever gets close enough to you is gonna figure it out. It's gonna come out bro, you can't hide who you truly are. Even Monks get caught looking at porn, even Gandhi himself got caught being a perv and he was world famous for being "celibate". Even Epstein and Weinstein got caught. They are literally rich, connected, and more powerful than 99% of society, and even they couldn't run from it. You can't run you can't hide, your only options are death or humiliation then death. That's it, that's all there is to it.
Remember if you point this out, you're a wacky unhinged conspiracy theorist
God you are such a fucking faggot. How about she says something like.
>Our child was born 3 days before
Or literally anything besides something that just references her. She speaks of giving birth and doesn't even mention the child. Just that she was postpartum. It's a fucking joke how shitty women are and the people who bend over backwards to make excuses for them.
>boomer who rants about kids wanting high paying jobs without any experience or qualifications
That's what's hilarious about boomers. They sit there and rant all day about how their kids want everything for nothing and this is their general level of understanding when it comes to their own high paying jobs.
Not to mention the inherent irony that comes from knowing that minimum wage jobs from the 1950's, when adjusted for inflation, were anywhere from 60k to 100k a year in terms of actual buying power depending on what metric you use. For a generation that complains about everyone else wanting things for free with no experience, they don't seem to question how their generation was able to raise entire families on the salary of a grocery bagger. Complete dogs.
Anon, I..., there is always a dark side of the moon. We also don't see all sides of the moon because the moon is tidally locked with this planet. That means that we only see one side of the moon forever. However, as the earth and the moon rotate around the sun every side of the moon does get sun shined on it. So in summary, we only ever see one side of the moon while there also always a dark side of the moon but that dark side does change as both the earth and moon revolve around the sun.
Also, I'm drunk and never graduated highschool.
You can't see any of the names, you didn't fact check it, you just took a random internet at face value. People call you a conspiracy theorist because you don't actually research shit, despite being right or wrong.
I remember watching some webm about gay orgies in san francisco (in the 70s or 80s I forget). It the sickest shit I have ever heard. It was literally a bunch of dudes cramming themselves in a room in a bathhouse with the lights off and fucking everything.
And yet when I do that I'm also called a conspiracy theorist for not trusting the experts. Funny how there's always a canned response ready so you never have to look into it yourself. Also, bold of you to assume I haven't looked into it. You know almost 100% of Biden's cabinet is jewish right? And the top 6 financial donors for both trump and biden were jews? And that 96% of media companies in the USA are owned by jews?
>N-no actually it's the 1%
Mostly jews
>B-but the government
>Actually the media is pitting people against eachother

Keep your head in the sand goy, as long as you can feel smug on social media that's all that matters to you.
The only group of people I hate more than boomers are the various
>it works fine on my machine
The signs of a totally broken society and economical structure are everywhere and those faggots sit around saying everything is just fine. Total lack of awareness. The boomers at least have the excuse that they are living in the past while these neo-boomers have no excuse at all.
So they have no right to live because of thought crimes?
Look at that schizo rant....
Show me where I said anything about rights, reductionist.
>but but but look at their claimed religion. Cant you see they aren't jewish based on what religion they claim to follow
They say as they ignore when you get a dna test they tell you if you are of jewish descent. It's the same insanity you see with the fellow white people actually I'm jewish crowd. They pretend they are a religion one second and then a race the next. It's a total joke and I hate them. Both the genetic and convert jews.
Youre just openly talking to yourself and arguing with invisible enemies, and were supposed to believe you're not schizo? Put down the meth pipe and go to bed.
You didn't. But saying "the ONLY solution is death" and "you NEED to die" would imply an imposition upon the right for someone to live.
You're incorrectly assuming my intent.
I don't think you intend anything. Did you misspeak?
No, I said exactly what I meant. You're assuming my intent, you even admitted to it >>5546197 Unfortunately you assumed incorrectly. If English is your second language I can try to translate it for you.
tidal locking
Are you implying I'm replying to myself? Although both of the posts you are replying to are mine I can take the screenshot to prove other anon and I are two different people. Of course this wont satisfy you because, in fact, you are the schizo and it is most likely due to the rat dna you have.
We all know how incognito mode works. Put the stimulants down and go to bed bro.
So you're schizo. Thanks for confirming. And by schizo I mean that you are completely incapable of understanding that more than just one person on this site is tired of both boomers and jews and hates them. It's pretty funny to think that people like you are so oblivious to reality that you think people who hate boomers and jews on this site are a small minority and/or crazy. I bet you have said 90+% of humanity is retarded at one point yet you so gleefully follow what 90+% of humanity believes.
Ok meth addict bro, whatever you need to tell yourself. I'm going to bed, and you should too.
If I went to bed then I wouldn't get to enjoy being drunk. Yeah, I'm also the drunk highchool dropout moon info poster.
This is the year CODA was winning awards, I think it's literally just ASL.
>solve et coagula
fucking moron
Ok smooth brains, this is simple: One side always faces the Earth. We only see that side. But the sun will progressively illuminate every part of the moon -- we just won't see it because we only see one tidally locked side. There is no side of the moon "that is always in dark".
>NASA director is as retarded as you
>Feels bad

Here's another govt official that is profoundly retarded
>They're cognitively incapable of doing their jobs
>So who is doing these jobs?
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Think of it as a life speedrun
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That's not real.
That can't be real.
I knew ebonics was bs
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Sure, but it was being announced by a DEI, wcgw
Dios mio
Based, would have left too
>a demon
Try an entire legion of them
still would.
I'm honestly just impressed with how completely they memorized what they heard from someone/somewhere else. Like word for word they really got it pinned. This is either a skit or they're top-tier cattle.
His eyes tell the story, he's there for two reasons:

1. He's into it.
2. He scared of bullying.
is that dontarius?
Chris Watts eyes.
Percent of what? Each jizzing? Going by what that fag says during some group shit one fag could get nutted by 5+ guys.
You could do laundry on that forehead.
How could you live with yourself after this?
Most gay guys are bottoms
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did you ever get a green card
just some guys having fun
I'm not entirely sure what I'm watching. Is it just mercenaries being dicks in Iraq?
He's talking about the "foreskin facial," the dermatological use of mutilated infant foreskin fibroblasts (as well as aborted baby fetuses) used by these sickos. Circumcision and abortion are big business stateside and not just for the initial procedure, but rather for the tissue byproduct of said procedures.
NTA, but I briefly worked at a small bar/music venue. There was an extremely heavy drug scene and essentially the shit people would do on cocaine/psychedelics let alone the shit they would do to get the drugs was pretty sinister. Like basically rape and forcing dudes to suck other duces dick when they were strung out type shit
>schools aren't making your children gay goy!
calm down. it's going to end up in the bucket one way or another. this is just skipping the step where the worker has to manually clean the shit off the floor.
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Daily reminder that if all the women in your life are stupid, self-centered, or otherwise useless then that reflects solely on you. If you were better, you would have all manner of women of worth in your life. I'm sorry you suck so much and that you will not be able to improve yourself until you stop blaming it on other groups.
these agency heads are all appointed rather than elected and they need not have any knowledge or even interest in the work of the agency they head. they are appointed for political reasons. all of the skilled people working under them are the real professionals who know stuff and rose through the ranks, at least partially on merit, in theory. this happens in all administrations, democrat and republican. some administrations take appointments more seriously rather than using them as political gifts, and some, like our last one, appointed a mix of incompetents and people who were actively hostile to the work agencies were doing. regardless of your politics, however, the point is that you shouldn't view politically appointed agency directors as at all representative of the professionals that do the actual work under them.
these gotcha man on the street interviews, whether done by some youtube political hack or a late night teevee host show only that we are surrounded by utter morons regardless of political party or creed. you think a lot of the people that show up to a trump rally are any better? we could argue whether there are more idiots on one side or the other, but that's boring and useless, and continues to make us see what should be considered political differences as a mortal fight against an enemy side to save the nation from destruction. which, as we know, always works out great.
i'm not defending pedophilia or anything, but arbitrarily classifying it as an incurable mental illness obfuscates the fact that all people, pedophiles included, stop themselves from doing things that are illegal, wrong, or not morally sanctioned by society all the time. the fact that some pedophiles fail to stop themselves in no way indicts all the ones who regularly control their behavior. is everyone who thinks about killing someone else with any degree of regularity a murderphile, with an incurable mental illness? obviously not. and, sure, some people think about doing bad things more than other people, but the vast majority of people can stop themselves from doing them, pedophiles included. and there is no evidence or indication that exists that pedophiles are any less capable of controlling their impulses. moreover, it's completely impossible to study because almost no one will admit to an attraction to children even if not acted upon so you would never have a research sample.
sorry you didn't get into med school bro
nta but thank you
This is surprisingly one of the most depressing things I've ever seen on this site.
And it has no visible graphic content whatsoever.
>uhmmm, I think I just soiled myself...
You should read a psychology 101 text book
People that do not capitalize their I's can only hope to peak when living vicariously through dogshit 'e-celebs'.
Respecting them is something even lower.
Sorry your mom will be treated by an 80 IQ moron who hates white people
Nicely done.

stooopid-peterson, closes webm.
why did gay "culture" end up being like that? having a division between tops and bottoms? I would think both guys would want to cum, so why don't they take turns fucking each other in the ass? I don't get it
You can cum from being fucked in the ass. Some people prefer that kind of stimulation. Generally, they're the more feminine men with smaller cocks that aren't as fun to use in anal play.
april fools
didnt get into art school either
none of what she said had any meaning or substance
Lots of words came out of her mouth but she didn't say anything.
He has aids and he doesnt know it...
Kek, sure thing bro.
beats are lit tho.
>some of the diseases I have, they don't know what they are
>hoping to have around 300 people
>condoms are against the rules
>im not worried about getting an STD, i just wanna have fun
absolutely wild, why are men like this
>Because only churches that follow Martin Luthers teachings are protestant.
Aw, what's the matter? The protestant doesn't like it when a bunch of schismatics rewrite theology to whatever they fuckin feel like and call their dressed up bible study clubs a church? Wild.
officially he fell down some stairs, maybe suspicious but not mysterious
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impact statements are cringe
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There's a gay dungeon underneath Club Berghain in Berlin and some of the stories I've watched about it are fucked.
They have literal barrels of crisco down there for ass fisting.
Straight guys getting drugged, brought down there and raped
There was one guy who got prolapsed and just laid there in the dark getting his prolapsed ass lips fucked.
Regular events include oral scat fetish night and BO night where all the guys are stinky af wearing days old clothes and smegmating.
I'm sure it happens all over the world
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*laid there drugged out and had his prolapsed ass lips casually fucked by strangers for hours

To speak on stories of gay orgies from the civil rights era,
There was a guest on someone's interview or podcast. I want to say Joe Rogan..
Recalling participating in a hotel room orgy.
The room was crammed with gay dudes, and the dress code was nude except for shoes- because the hotel room carpet would get so saturated with semen that shoes were needed.

Another story I believe comes from the early 70s in which mass orgies were organized to take place inside of meat trucks.
Because this was illegal, no one tipped off the truck owners or meat companies of course, and it was never properly cleaned before unpackaged meat was loaded and refrigerated.
This was rumored to have happened something like forty times before security was added to the trucks.
It became a source of smug satisfaction in the counterculture gay community that gay semen was potentially contaminating the meat that would eventually be eaten by the public.
He fell out of a window you fucking retard, and his wife said he was absolutely NOT suicidal.
So, that's why there's a Bible in every hotel room
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Wow its a slav calling another slav a pig. Whats next? You going to convert to islam and name your kid muhammad?
The “bottom” menu is healthy and the “top” is all slop.
If I were inclined to believe in conspiracies I’d probably suspect they’re trying to convince me healthy foods are gay.
>kike "mother" looks like a troon
>transforms a palestinan boy into a abomination
>tells this arab boy he is white
peak jewish tricks
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was this shebboon pranked and the list was written in cursive, or what?
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I think she was trying to read the phonetic spelling, which is sometimes included with lists of names
>vidrel clown skit becomes reality
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this but in VR
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>be me
>have a teacher like this (math)
>same energy but was nice
>really intense
>awesome teacher learned alot from his class
>dies at school
>heart attack on the toilet
>found with a bag of coke on his lap
>webm causes a flash back from 16 years ago
gif related mfw
Maybe I'm schizo but I get weird cultist ritual vibes from vids where people are dancing to this kind of stuff. It's like the dancing doctors with covid and that stuff with kony 2012.
afaik there was some hooker who claimed to have been invited to one of these parties by Jimmy Saville and the party she went to was in the basement of a hospital
Im sorry, i meant Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile, as in, he was knighted.
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she looks like that grubhub ad
It's called narcissism. Yes, they sort of are cultists.
narcissism obviously.
I did experiment with objects and altough more pleasurable it is much more soul crushing than regural jacking off. Only a narcissist would capable of being a openly shameless faggot.
Topics like that used to be more sacred. People have lost shame. Shame needs to come back. Not for myself, but other people. I enjoy being awful. There needs to be balance, but I like being on the weirder side with the rest of you assholes.
Larping faggot
You did exactly what your Greentext describes. only difference is he was confirming a possibility while you were denying it and suggesting another.
the weak and shameless degenerates shall perish from the pool. i see no bad
Maybe for a healthy person, but many STD cause lesion which increase the chance for the HIV.
How can any man, at all, agree to be called a cuckold for the world to see. Unless he somehow gets off on the humiliation, these people deserve to face the wall.
So it was a skit in the end? Fucking hell, another day, another psyop.
All these mental gymnastics....you're a MAP? You face the wall. You're a pedo? you face the wall. You're a hebephile? You face the wall.
How hard is it to understand?
Ok samefag, take your meds now
That's pretty much what I said, except I used logic. Why are you made at me? We pretty much agree.
kek classic
not based, you could tell he was a repressed faggot by his voice and bearing, that man for sure had a lot of gay sex in the navy or prison chain gang or wherever he spent most of his life
lmao good post
Hot. This isn't uniquely American though, Germany loves to do shit like this.
Chabad is staunchly conservative so they are based :)
Societies that are based on the radical values of the French Revolution are superior which is the reason they are so prevalescent, on the contrary conservative monarchies and Catholic nations base their power on so little people that they have a single point of failure, they are weak. The self emergent properties of the liberal countries make them resilient. You became a reactionary because of your hatred of gays and jews, but the part you ignored was that what really mattered was who was less fragile. If the reaction wins the culture war, its not the trannies that will suffer, but all of us.
Where is this from?
This is misleading, but you need a little clarification. This guy is a social worker that cares a lot about day to day life of working people, he hasn't been active in macroeconomics and banking, the reason he got the post was precisely for that, a person down to earth to check the budget for real needs. Now the problem is, if he sound stupid, do we instead put a typical math wizard economist? And why its almost impossible to find one of those that do care about the people.
Based le fat black conservative woman she will save the west.
>Societies that are based on the radical values of the French Revolution are superior which is the reason they are so prevalescent
>not even been 250 years
>adopters of those values are already facing extinction as birthrates collapse and people that don't have these values (e.g. Muslims) are allowed to flood in
Yeah amazing superior society, barely a blip historically yet already about to go extinct (not just collapse as an empire, mind you, but actually go extinct).

That's actually a very favourable outlook on it, the French Revolution ended in 1799 but its values weren't really implemented properly and all over the western world until WW1 and WW2 happened, so technically it hasn't even been 80 years of this shit and it's pretty much already over. That's the reign of 1 long lived king or 2 normal ones in a monarchy.
Several points need addressing because you are not doing a correct argumentation.

1) you are generating a standard for defining a successful society as one that doesn't rely on immigration, by that means you put the bar not any other metric, but only those you select. You have a right to be racist, so if birth rates decline, bad for you. But that's not bad for the success of the nation, if quality of life, income is good, its irrelevant to non racist if the kids are brown or if the majority is naturalized. If that the standard you want, then its a failure. Also important, historicism, the bay boomers were not expected, just because the trend is low birth rates statistics doesn't tell you if a big birth boom is coming, that's a liberal idea for you, I believe we cannot predict the future and won't base ideology or policy too much on forecasts. I recommend you read the black swan by taleb for more deep info.

2) reactionaries want to bring back a society that never existed, the past you want to bring back never happened, the kings of the past weren't occupied all the time with Jew hatred and killing the sodomites, certain level of liberalism existed, courts, notarys, elected assemblies existed. That fetish of a angry old mencius moldbug is not the image of the ruler of the past. The holy Roman empire was ancient and had a monarchical system, but it didn't work in that super totalitarian system you trad cargos worship. Division of power existed in medieval times. Our species has had some degree of a "liberal" ethos. The only problem is you are your scum clan who want to mangle with the emergent order that has always existed.

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