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Sauce kek!
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What does she mean by racist exactly because I'm pretty sure most people who don't like niggers aren't jewish?
freedom from what?
pretty sure 365,000 White men died died to free her ungrateful people
aaannd then she let the rapefugies in.
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She's talking about the """White""" allies that encourage blacks to chimp out during counter demonstrations. They use blacks as the face of anti-white hatred and when called out for their role, they're seen as a just dumb, liberal, self hating white.
Even the founder of the Proud Boys, Gavin McGinnes believes that self-hating whites perpetuate cultural Marxism on campuses and media.
>very literate storytellers
that's a fucking understatement
>when it was written people only had muskets that fired one shot
the Founders also intended the 2A to allow people to have large caliber ordnance, you know, cannons and private battleships
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violent insurrection. if these cops hadn't stopped him he was about to call the military and tell them their new orders because they have to obey anyone whoever is currently in the capital building.
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OC cause I am drinking heavily
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>retards want to hate Israel because of this
>when we should emulate their example instead
tl;dr "the old scam of telling every ethnicity that they can all be held under one roof isn't working any more; it's time to invent another one to stop our slave colony from revolting and killing their masters and each other"

there, i saved you a minute and fifty-one seconds.
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It should be as easy as saying that working with Jews has failed for the last sixty years. Immigration has gotten worse. Multiculturalism has gotten worse. All the neocons support this because they come out of civil rights activism. They got us into the War in Iraq and Ukraine and Gaza and all these other disasters that benefit us in no way, but people fall for it because neocons put on a veneer of patriotism.

Now they put on a veneer of being against diversity, but it's the same shit. The Jewish fraternity at UNC got half a million dollars in donations, and they're celebrated for being Jews. The white students at Ole Miss got $2,000 and are being doxxed and harassed for their trouble. Do not do activism for Jews. Do not do activism for Israel. They will throw you under the bus every single time.

If you have any other good redpill content to post about them, an anon posted a thread for israel and jew redpill webm's >>5536018
(I'm not sure if it's the same anons or not, but there's been more than a handful of the same exact files posted in these various /pol/ webm threads on /wsg/ . That were later posted to that anon's 2 threads, which got me thinking)
>What is Chutzpah?
>maybe it can not be done
Do you think? What would lead a person to still believe in the Jewish version of the Great American Experiment after the last hundred years of racial strife?
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>Dead kikes/dead sandniggers
Win/win situation
THIS. Please.
Interview with Lee Kuan Yew_1967-VexrmTacOAA 15m29-16m33
2011 Lee Kuan Yew Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going Interview - Youthful Concerns_-btRzxJvYOc 11m07-11m27
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I know that look on his face, and the body movements from my kids, and I knew that that was a 100% a code brown. Even back when I saw the edited version that the WH put out, using AI to scrub out the poop falling to the ground. I had just assumed that he had the world's best pampers, like the official IDF version that they unironically mandate IDF soldiers to wear.
> Finally someone posts the real unedited version of that edited crap that the WH posted. I UNIRONICALLY FUCKING KNEW IT!
Smart girl.
File: its_all_over_jews.webm (5.75 MB, 720x404)
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> Black girl finally realized why all the white people supporting BLM always made her feel so uncomfortable, as it never felt genuine
> She realized that it was because they were jews, and it wasn't genuine since they're hypocrites proven by the fact of how they treat Palestinians

Wait till she gets redpilled on the black slave trade
> 40% of USA jews owned slaves
> 75%-80% of the slaves in the biggest slave cities like Savannah, etc., were owned by jews
> If a slave auction fell on a jewish holiday, it got rescheduled
> In rhode island, the most expensive city (I think it was Newport?), they mainly made their money via the slave trade. That's where the 1st USA synagogue was built
> Almost all the slave ships were owned by jews
> Almost all the slave traders were jews
> The cotton plantations in much of the south, were wholly owned by jews.
> In south america, >85% of the slaves were owned by jews
And so on

We need to redpill them on social media, to let them know. Using sockpuppet accounts that look genuine and accurate in every detail (likes, bios, followed accounts, photos, username, retweets, posts, etc) to redpill the blacks on this.
>To feign outrage that you just found out this new info.
>Even use jewish sockpuppets to defend it, downplay things, justify it, possibly even use the talmud to defend it
>>(goyim only exist as to serve the jews. Goyim are subhuman beasts, and only have the appearance of being a human, as to not offend the jew when serving him).
>> Along with all the other talmud passages that justify slavery, and other topics.
Essentially do everything the way that the JIDF does it to goyim online, via their countless sockpuppets and VPN's.
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> Use their tactics against them
> Redpill the blacks

Gigabased. Unironically this
We definitely need to do this. They're primed and ready, thirsting for the redpills.
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Lmao you're legitimately dumber than blacks if you think this is smart. You deserve each other

Which anons want the honor, of redpilling her that BLM is run by jews, with a jew as the actual head of BLM (not the public facing puppet)?

See picrel in: >>>/pol/467264546
>Why is a kike the head of BLM.jpg
Way to take a normal video and make it unwatchable with the corny music and stupid overdone effects
Who the hell is isghael?
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The nation of Israel is dead. God killed them, not the other way around like Gog and Magog say

The 6 pointed star has nothing to do with David, it is the star of Remphan (Satan)
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I've heard this schizo cope a dozen times before. It's not true in any way
well you convinced me
um guys wtf is this
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fucking kek
squirms like a fucking parasite extracted from the host. holy fucking shit vile creatures.
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extremely based and faggot neighbors for reporting them
Based af
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when do they realize there is no political solution to our problems?
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super cringe
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It always boggles my mind how leftists believe that america is fascist in any shape or form when it is one of the most liberal countries to ever exist and dozens of times more degenerate than Weimar. The government gives them or tries to force things on other people that they are begging for. Really seems like they never think for more than few seconds and have 0 inner thoughts. They are literally the most obidient government followers, like during the "pandemic".
America is literally fascist though all of its symbols are adorned with fascii.
just the definition was changed.
go look at what the original roman fasces and lecters were. the us is a
Any anon willing to dig up the article and share an archive link?
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esl-ape, log off, lmao
What's his name, though?
Who is this woman? She's really annoying.
>Six million
She means 5.7 million, right? The official count doesn't go higher than that.
>"Is this *trying* to create anti-Semitism??"
I've heard one of the first laws passed by the Bolsheviks was an anti-Semitism law, and I've seen a copy of Stalin writing much the same, so it could be as simple as that.
Also, does this actually make anything illegal? Or is it just political posturing like "condmening X country's actions in Y region?"
How'd they get Richard Nixon to guest star in this?
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Absolute masterclass compilation. Only flaw is a lot of it goes by too fast to just watch, forcing you to pause&play every half-second by the end.

I tried searching, but had no luck on a name. Have you tried doing an image search of his face? To see if you can identify him that way
Thank you, anon.
>flanked by 55s
Dang, that's a new one. Thanks for pointing that out.
>Have you tried doing an image search of his face?
No, I haven't. Partly because I'm lazy and partly because I believe that anons sharing this should have done that due diligence by now, themselves. But, I want to share it, too. So, I might follow up on your suggestion.
So, I tried Yandex, but can't read Russian and no identical images popped except for the graphic shared above (I cropped it to just the profile icon of him). And Google and Bing just tried to use my camera and wouldn't prompt my browser to open the file picker. I'm phoneposting, so maybe I'll try them in desktop mode...
>what is chutzpah
so just being an aggravating cunt
yeah that fits jews perfectly
>I'm phoneposting, so maybe I'll try them in desktop mode...
Yup, that did it. Google directed me to this:
Which led me to this: https://archive.is/knluF
The guy is apparently Greg Lewin. And he is a board member of the Minnesota Freedom Fund, not the head of BLM proper. When I searched for "Greg Lewin BLM" all I got were articles about the MFF org and not anything more, at least with him involved.
So, I'd say, unless an anon with actual skill can dig up something, this graphic is misleading, at best. If a Jew is the head of BLM, it's (probably) not him.
Gigabased work fren.
I spent a good 20-25min earlier trying with google (only 1 page of results), and most spent on yandex since it's not woke or badly censored, and a little on brave and ddg and ecosio. But all I could find was background info, and info about black jews in BLM. But never that guy's name.

Great work fren, much appreciated. I'm gonna make some new sockpuppet twitter accounts tonight, and start redpilling on him tomorrow
Each sockpuppet will match my target demographic:
> bios
> likes
> retweets
> tweets
> photo
> username and account name
> and so on
I'm also making jew ones, so that I can argue with myself, downplay things, justify things, say it's antisemitic to be upset about it, use the talmud to justify things, and so on

VIDREL: Carter saying that the USA and Israel don't want to know what's going on in Palestine. That powerful forces in the USA prevent us from investigating this question.webm
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>Gigabased work fren.
Thank you! I'm glad it was helpful.
>info about black jews in BLM
I'm guessing you're planning on using some of that info in your posts? If you do wind up coalating any of that, share it on /pol/ from time to time. That sounds really intriguing.
>and start redpilling on him tomorrow
Based and good luck. Also, just putting out who he is and why that's bad on its own will make eventual debunkings of the infographic much easier, since he'll be in the discussion already and discrediting one "anti-Semitic" infographic won't actually undermine the generally critical sentiment with things like "Jews and BLM" and this guy specifically beibg bad news.
Basically, it'll get ahead of any attempt to go "hah! This is debunked! Guess your arguments are all based on lies, like this one." It'll take the sting out of it and do nothing to slow any momentum you build up.
Take care to not burn yourself out. And also, just posting normally seems to be having more effect than before, now. So, if you ever get tired of astroturfing, but still want to spread info, you'll still be having an effect.
>18 Nov 2018 This black empowerment group is ironically using gun training to keep urban youth out of gangs
>Leftists when they try to justify their hatred of jews without being called antisemitic
this is funny and retarded at the same time
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A little girl carries her younger sister on her back as they flee bombing in Rafah.

Thousands of children are orphaned, left to look after other children.

This is what ethnic cleansing looks like.
Two Palestinian girls want to sell the medicine that one of them needs so they can buy some food and survive in tents in the refugee camps in southern Gaza.

This is the misery and hunger experienced in Gaza due to the Jewish supremacist siege.
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the Holocaust is finally real
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Pedo chabatics on /hm/
Look up the statue of lincoln grasping two fasces.
the lictor's symbol is the fasces, a bundle of sticks with an axe at the centre bound with red leather, they guard the magistrate.

of the prominent countries of the world only switzerland doesn't display a fasces, what does this imply?
what does this piece about israel taken over by judges mean?

Liberalism, the foundational ideology of the US is facist when it comes to dealing with the paradox of tolerance. Under liberalism all ideologies/religions are equally false with liberalism at the top to govern life as it sees fit. Go look at how the US deals with foreign regimes that dont agree with their definition of human rights or how it conveniently side steps its own humanitarian rules during crackdowns on illiberal ideologies. The founding fathers of Liberalism John milks and John lock both supported colonialism and despotism against what they deemed to be "barbarians" aka they dont agree with us teehee. The right is generally in denial because they think facism means old christian morality when thats not the case at all. A regime can be facist while promoting sexual degeneracy.
>only switzerland doesn't display a fasces
The coat of arms of one of the cantons is literally just a fasces.
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Only one?
Why do none of these people write their own books?
Too hard and not that valuable. Hiring a ghostwriter is way cheaper and quicker. Just like anything in our lives it is better left to the pros. Nobody is going to read these scribbles anyway. We don't even fuck anymore. Instead we watch pros do it.
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In America the fasces is just a mighty faggot though.
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Today at the UN, Israel shredded the charter in front of everyone while claiming it was them that did it.
> Israeli UN little girl: The UN was created to serve israel, not the goyim. You are shredding the charter, by not bowing down to all my jewish demands to kill all goyim
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Once you get a certain amount of fame the book will just make you free money, that's why everyone who's famous does it.
No, they don't have any interest in literature or anything, it's a free money printer. You just hire someone and after a few months you're given free money.
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what's really funny is jews have a parable in their teachings warning them against creating a a monster (the golem) which inevitably and always turns on them
all this jew hate from shitskins, muslims and spics
the only Whites you see participating are antifa marxist types
all these people jews enabled through rhetoric, media propaganda, and academia into hating Whites
and now, sock of shocks, the golem is turning in them
it's fucking hilarious to me
Observation: whoever was assigned here for the past several months to spam pro-jewish webms and comments has fled.
The Bar Kokhba revolt and the sack of Jerusalem and destruction of the second temple didn't happen?
Exactly lol
Good for them, they were wasting their time here.
>Just like anything in our lives it is better left to the pros. Nobody is going to read these scribbles anyway. We don't even fuck anymore. Instead we watch pros do it.
Underrated posted.
We need to figure how she learned. So that we can replicate it on a large scale to redpill all the blacks
> Let alone about the jewish role in causing the black slave trade
does anyone have the video millenial matt called "milo yiannopoulos is gay and a faggot" it was a video using b roll of Milo's mansion party in miami with all of his jewish donors
The answer is: They cannot. They aren't even writing their own speeches themselves.
Do you seriously think any one of them has even written his college graduation thesis himself?
Politicians are largely talentless fucks, that would be on unemployed benefits, if the "career" as a politicians didn't exist. Globally.
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>Israel is just a puppet state of the US and not the other way around
Mutual interest is as close to that as it gets. If Israel really were just a tool of the US, then we wouldn't be letting them commit so many crimes against us. At most, we're using each other.
>Leftists are anti-Semitic
I keep seeing this claim, but without actual examples. Are you saying criticizing Israel=hating der Juden?
>Hamas is obviously skilled in Public Relations; obviously skilled in fomenting things on the internet
But poor Israel just has limited mainstream channels they have to go through to get anyone to barely listen to them. They have no social media campaigns, no sock puppet accounts, no paid influencers, none of that. And they also don't have the voice of the majority of the US government, military, intelligence groups, advertising agencies, activist organizations, community awareness programs, major media organizations, etc., etc.
They're just so outclassed by these stochastic, guerilla information warfare terrorists with limited funding. :'(
Also, this works well, too.
That is the cutest shredder I've ever seen. I want one.
He's right, but he's downplaying the Jewish role in making these things. They didn't just "put up with anti-White sentiment," they literally wrote most of the books pushing it, this round.
Uncle Ted was right.
>it's hard to do that
>not everybody can do that
>it takes a lot of courage to do that
GOD women are such a fucking meme
>it takes a lot of courage to pay $2,000 to hit the ground with a stick and scream like a child!
>Politicians are largely talentless fucks, that would be on unemployed benefits
except a lot of politicians had successful careers before politics. And I'm not just talking about the really rich ones like Trump or Romney. Tons of politicians were successful lawyers or businessmen before politics. Say what you want about politicians but running a campaign and actually getting elected does take a lot of talent, and that talent also translates to any career where networking is important. They're also great at selling themselves so they probably do well in interviews
Kek. Women are so stupid. I'm a black belt in isshinryu karate, and I would beat the absolute shit out of every woman in that webm with both hands tied behind my back. Lel. Dumb broads.
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She noticed but then reached the wrong conclusions. Every half-wise person knows Jews love BLM-type stuff because it weakens white nations. Blacks only figure in this equation as pawns.
Indulging in rage and anger like that makes you feel good.
So you're more likely to indulge in those feelings again and 'let them out' again.
Until you do it uncontrollably because your brain wants that dopamine hit.
Better to learn self-control.
Compared to some other stuff I've seen, covering the light source is completely reasonable.
Presuming the light stays on the whole time.
...Wait, are christians not supposed to turn on the lights on sunday?
Women are so fucking cringe
Damn, John Mccain called it.
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Time to burn them at the stake again
fatherless behavior meaning something more each day
Somewhat based, but she's a hypocrite
>my tax money pays for your life style
immediately after saying she's a zogbot.
So you idiots are now the alt-left cuck basedbootlickers? I only watched this propaganda on Tiktok marxistsides
Lmaoing at your life, chuds
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Kek. Yoga class was full so I signed up for group seething.
so nice to see their pets turn on them
In every study I've ever read, from child-development to criminal rehabilitation, that touched on the topic of "catharsis," the result of conditioning a person to hit things when they're mad increases their propensity to hit PEOPLE when they're mad. This "trend" is a glow-op to increase domestic violence.
Note: this is happening on tik-tok, where SJW thots affirm to one another in an echo-chamber that men looking at a women wrong is "abusive" but women aren't abusive when physically striking men. They will internalize behaviors like "beat him on the ground with my shovel" without ever considering the ethical ramifications. "This is what the tribe does - I know because I practiced with the tribe."
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post this without the gay nigger babble

Very smart girl.
I feel like she's either been lurking and getting redpilled on /pol/, or twitter has completely changed in the last 3yrs.
> I won't touch the chinese tiktok, since they dataharvest and spy too much, even more than google, microsoft, apple, NSA, CIA, FBI, USA govt overall, etc
>>I'm not saying that china is THAT much worse, but it technically still is worse
i would wed this fine negress
does anyone have the full set of these videos, i believe about the founding of israel and its political system?
File: modern London.webm (4.89 MB, 270x480)
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Do they honestly think God is stupid and/or easily tricked?
They were all labour zionists, dates back to the jewish messiah shabatai tsvi of 1666
crazy shit
Israel is not jewish, it's far worse.
Dorner pill me? Wasn't he the black copper killed by blm looters
>running a campaign and actually getting elected does take a lot of talent
It mostly takes money, a capable marketing squad and decent writers.
There are many occupations where only skill will get you anywhere, the politician may be the only one where money and connections are literally everything.
I don't think that was the original idea behind "democracy".
>They're also great at selling themselves so they probably do well in interviews
Not really. The web with its birds' eye-view has ended that misconception.
Politician interview screw-ups have become such a daily occurrence, that they hardly even cause any turmoil anymore.
"My" foreign minister recently declared, that "we" (a NATO nation) were at war with Russia at the moment. No, this wasn't AI. There are ample reports by people that were there.
The main stream news media tried everything to keep it below the rug. Also thanks to the web, they have failed.
And that guy honestly has never worked for even a second in his life. He aborted domestic college mid-way, got a post-grad degree from a degree mill in London and directly went into politics.
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>if these cops hadn't stopped him
This nigga hasn't seen the footage of the cops actually escorting him inside the building and fistbumping at the end.
...Is he saying that lightbulb filament is made out of cotton seed?
Like if Louis... I already forgot his last name, invented the filament, then sure, credit where credit is due. But I'm 95% sure that the filament is a metal of some type. It has nothing to do with cotton seeds.
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how cute
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kek. CNN faked a technical glitch that cut out the video feed. Since the soldier was saying that we shouldn't go to war with iran or iraq, and that israel is capable enough to fight their own wars without us
Correct. We need more politicians like him, I think.
kinda hit or miss, but a lot of these are great. Glad he's not a zio shill at least.
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Men can be equally cringe as shown by this post >>5545749 but also that "alpha camp" shit a couple months ago where dudes would pay to get yelled at by some roided dudes or their willingness to pay for snake oil programs and OF. I see no difference.
>We wuz agrarian inventors an shiet
>references inspiration of slaves burning trash to stay warm
Easy on the buzzwords shlomo. These threads have always been about exposing the crimes of the Jews.
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5.6 MB
I need the source. plx.
It's just amazing how simple their approach was:
>be present
>be cool and encouraging
That's it.
I remember some study showing that the effect of a father figure can work, even by proxy/proximity.
Holy fuck. Who is that and how is she so retarded? Lmao
Based Lee Kuan Yew poster
That's "liberals" for you.
I'm all for freedom and equal rights and duties, but the "liberalism" of the current year is a major mistake.
It looks down on its people and attempts to make all of the lower castes equally dumb, so they can't stand up against the powers that must not be questioned.
I mean, can it be a coincidence, that the school systems all across "the West" are crashing in unison? My children will probably not go to a regular publicly funded school, unlike I did.
I will use my monetary means to send them to proper schools, where they are not exposed to propaganda until they have reached an age at which they are able to call bullshit exactly that.
I hope The CIA agent who made this video got promoted.
Bill O'Reilly: Doing everything possible to get far left prosecutors elected, to intentionally cause mayhem and destroy cities
> This is a requirement for the transition to communism, per the karl marx and other operations manuals for communism
>>5546631 >>5546646
Any way we can meme this guy into the VP spot?
already in progress

No, I mean politicians who are willing to stand up for the West and international law. Unlike Trump who only cares about himself.
Holy fuck, we have that word in polish (written "hucpa") and it means brashness/insolence/arrogance (dictionary definition)
Life truly makes up the best memes
as much as the existence of israel that we shill out billions for I'm not supporting mudslimes and especially when they are the main reason why this conflict started. "palestine" just keeps on attacking israel each time israel gives them any independence. the current conflict starting now is just the same shit hamas and other terrorist groups are doing who run the gaza strip. Israel was always willing to compromise for a two state solution but palestine just keeps on doing this shit which 70% of Palestinian arabs support.
Israel keeps killing them by the hundreds and annexes more land every year in the west bank where they dont attack Israel, the PLO there is effectively neutered. Gaza is under seige and has no 'independance'. They dont control their borders, airspace, or ports. Just because you dont hear about it doesnt mean it was peaceful there. You keep oppressing a cornered people theyre bound to bite back eventually.
>Israel wanted a two state solution
You have to be retarded to think this after the Oslo Accords.

a Pole unaware of his own history

>especially when they are the main reason why this conflict started.
You can look up Islamic terrorist acts in the 20th century, and just about all of them are after the six-day war.
Shabbat shalom Shlomo
New Thread >>5553764
the Russian government is evil and engages in the exact same anti-White anarcho-tyranny that the west engages in, But this video is fucking ridiculous. i would hesitate to claim that this is directly state department propaganda only because i dont think the state department would be that retarded.
Don't underestimate DEI and ideological educational institutions.
A particular military analyst (Douglas McGregor) always laments over how the people in Washington still treat Russia as if it were the Soviet Union.
>From his analysis it more resembles Czarist Russia
this look so fake...
mudkids are so repulsive lmao.
Fuck all of these arabs sub-races. Get nuked alrdy...
edgy jew boi...
I don't think bragging about paying some chink to learn meme choreography in robes is really a flex against women paying some retard to larp as a witch and break sticks in the woods.
New Threads

kek this jew boi must be exhausted trying so to hard to slide the thread just for it to go back to the top of the catalog with a single post
Can someone post that latest black guy that shot himself in the head while fooling around in front of a mirror?
so that's why majority black countries are so far ahead
>30 minutes ago
i missed that before it 404d, can you post it again?
I fail to see a problem.
>that's the first time I've ever posted that word and not meant it sarcastically.
Must be prohibited here. The username on it is "rylohuncho" if you want to look it up yourself. Otherwise try /gif/.
>prohibited here
what the fuck, for real?
i'm asking on /gif/ as well but didn't get a webm
There's a team of Jews that go around marking every post and thread here, hoping to get it taken down for racism or explicit content or spam or whatever other pretext. Some of those reports succeed.
i assumed the hash of the file was blacklisted on 4chan when he said it was prohibited. just think it's strange not to have seen it on 4chan since gore in general is allowed.
Sure Moshe,it's very reasonable.
Try to damage control what we just saw
i'd give em a pass if they invent a new holocaust
calm down Ahmed

the last one was pretty funny. I am glad she included it without having a meltdown.
So that's why he was an advocate for America's SMO in Iraq which everyone condemned? Also, by the West do you mean just Israel because boy does he love that country and squealing like a swine to save his skin because his daddy was an admiral during Vietnam. Fucker destroyed the Arizona GOP too.
Welcome to the mind of an Edomite.
Now you see why Christ hated them so much.
anyone got the zelensky heels dance webm? Under 3mb please.
i have it but this thread is at image limit so i posted it here:
These exist though >>5560094
Who are (((they)))?
The music and visual effects utterly destroy this otherwise interesting video. You are a fucking retard.
i'll leave you to it

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