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Maybe like girls farting on Twitch and whatnot?
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no we can't
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Why am I turned on by this?
I was driving people home from high school one day and the last person I was dropping of was a hot chick. I was getting out of the car to give someone something they left in my car and my car has speaker grates on the door and sometimes it would catch my foot and make a fart sound. I got out of the car and this time it made the sound really loud. Jokingly I said oops I farted. Like 2 seconds later she let out the biggest fart ever in response to what she thought was me farting. It was so awkward I just pretended I actually farted.
you're on a roll today. first the pedobear, and now farting. you animal.
This is the kind of thing you want to keep to yourself
how often do you jerk off to the memory?
I don’t get it. why would she rip a fat one just because you „farted“ too? unless you were very, very close. like siblings
She was asserting dominance
kek. put anon into his place
The fact that this post didnt end in you fucking her despite the fact that theres no way on gods green earth she would've done that in front of you unless she was down is the biggest tragedy here.
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I came in here expecting to be into it.
Its kinda nasty. Im not liking it.
Especially this one >>5550041 the sound makes it feel like it went right up my nose. I dont even know if I like anal anymore.
Gain test
lowest test I’ve ever witnessed
i dont think im german enough to be into braps and shats, boys.
What do girl farts smell like?
worse than men farts. I’m not even kidding
I lol’d
Are burps allowed?
Aren’t most vtubers trannies?
t. tranny vtuber
took one for the team
Can someone explain this fetish to me? How can you be sexually aroused by flatulence?
because you are a scholar and a gentleman.
Mental illness
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gross, why can't you take this shit to /gif/?
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Thanks for the bump
She’s a legit 10
No, most of them are actually just Asian girls or hapas. There's a ton of degenerate actually girl v-tubers like Bao out there.
How do I get a cute girl to fart in front of me?
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Like dude farts + Chad and Tyrone cum.
brain worms
she has 10 pounds of makeup on + face filter buddy
what happened to that korean girl who farted in stairwells? I felt those reverberations in my heart.
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does anyone have the youtube link to this guy eating a muffin and he's talking about how a pretty girl (with beautiful facial moles) has to have a nice smelling far because she takes care of herself?
>farting next to an open flame
girl's a fire starter, twisted fire starter
She has a bunch of clips posted all over this vid from multiple accounts but she stopped uploading it seems. She's so hot.
who the fuck is this i need to CUM
tell me who this FART WHORE is NOW
this thread is fucked up
burps are way sexier than farts tbdesu
No they aren’t faggot
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Imagine the smell
This person's face is so weird. They look like they could be hot but there's just something wrong. I think it's the thin lips, the drowsy eyes, the big nose, the long ass head. Like someone took a hot chick and just hit randomize.
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