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The Nazis can have their own politically incorrect thread, this one is for lolbertarians
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>keep that toxic myoginy going
where did that even come from
What about that man made you think he was ever going to be coherent or rational? Everything about him screamed 'feels over reals'
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>politically incorrect
Lol no, politically incorrect=nazi. Always. If you're not a nazi, you're PC.
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she crumbled so easily by the social pressure of a single person, how
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holy shit fucking based
she seemed to to have very little defence against this kind of attack, she probably has no experience with the topics whatsoever so the indian can easily turn things around with talk, espec in front of other people.
i bet if she talked to the poo about environmental engineering she could make her look like a dickhead right back
This hairy mongrel is a literal kike by the way.
Previous Thread >>5553764
that's gross and wrong propaganda
How does libertarianism help with any of the political problems displayed in this thread?
You just proved his point by posting that wef jew
>The party is always right.
What did East Germany mean by this?
As Brecht remarked, they need to elect a new people.
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I just paid the nigger tax. Anyone got the webm?
Mad useless collectivists that want to ride the coattails of productive people while producing liberal slam poetry about niggers
i exhaled 5% more forcefully than normal
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>wef jew
(Webm-related is an AI translation that appears to be correct as far as I can tell, which was the original reason I saved it.)
very based
the """productive people""":
>cannot produce food
>cannot fight
>cannot do any physical labor without whining
>wouldn't last a day in the wilderness
>completely helpless without a horde of subservient cattle to order around
Yes, neither capitalism, liberalism or individualism is natural order like some specific organizations claim
Yes I believe everybody who doesn't believe in sunscreen should lay in the sun as possible without it 24/7 to heal and connect with nature. They should even be looking at the sun too for as long as possible
Never dare to disagree with what the party has deemed correct.
Anything else is by default politically incorrect.

East Germany called itself a democracy - the D in "GDR" - , but was very far from it.
Individualism doesn't mean a society of "lone wolfs". Quite the opposite:
The idea is GROUPS of individuals (bottom-up). A prime example would be families or even corporations.
Not NPC-collectives that are played out against each other by the leaders' caste (top-down) like "white" against non-"white", or "cis" against non-"cis", or "male" against non-"male".
In which in the end the "person" is nothing but a "diverse" collection of tags - far from a human individual, that can think on his own.
/pol/cels are too low IQ to get it
Simple: when a place gets too bad, we move.
Look how Colbert has that onions gut
Individualism means placing self interest over collective interest. Collectivism is the opposite
blackrock status?
>ackshually individualism is about collectives of individuals
Libertarianism is so dumb. Dumbest political group, that's why they're insignificant. Real power players are corpos. Only based libertarians were the ones that got rich pre 2010.
"collective interest" is a commie term for the interest of their political force, and pressuring society to fight for it or face all manners of punishment. it's the same as when people claim "solidarity" knowing that if they do not fight for a group or show support for them, they will be cast out, while very often the group that demands solidarity takes advantage of those people they demand it from. they also engage in cult behavior in which they demand impossible tasks and beliefs out of their fellows and for them to confess to their failings. because they believe if enough people believe, and strongly enough, in the collective interest then it will all work out.
no, it is not about caring about others as the term suggests to the layman.
This is a video spoken by a Fitler, who was a fitness guru, and cared about making his country better for its citizens. He promoted fitness from a young age, with lots of youth group athletics. This carried on for all ages, so that the citizens of his country would be very physically fit.

Here is is talking about a problem in the country, which is taking away from the fitness, as those people want the citizens to drink alcohol and become degenerate, so that they're not physically fit
the loudest poltards are also the dumbest lmao
A heartfilled speech by a man that truly loves his country
An ABC News Segment about happy dancing people, and intelligent people that like to move in urban systems
Collectivism is used by fascists and communists and nazis and other third positionists. It is not a communist exclusive. And yes, collectivism is about the common interest. In the event when there is a clash between an individual and a collective, the collectivist will choose the collective and the individualist will choose based on an irrelevant metric like whose property is it
Its shocking how nonchalantly they state their business and cheer on literal blood sacrifice to their god the devil while at the same time the goyim are completely unsuspecting and oblivious to the nature of our reality and going about their goy npc business while somehow they get prompted to tear the veil which is absolutely foreign to this dumb negroidcattle kind
It does not.
Individualism is building the groups you are part of yourself, instead of being collectivized by those that want to agitate the people against each other in order to secure their own power.
"Bottom-up" vs. "top-down" is really the crux of the current day.
Democracy at its core is a bottom-up idea, but Western democracies have turned it into a top-down shitfest, that regularly works against the best interests of the non-politicians and non-media people.
You disagree with what your democratic leaders have decided upon? Well, that clearly makes you a "deplorable", an "anti-democrat", a "Nazi".
RFK actually makes sense for the first time in his life. He came up with a good plan
Funny how retards get upset at you stating a definition. They're like progressives when someone states the definition of a woman lol. And look, they're trying to redefine individualism as a paragraph-long thing. Fucking idiots.
uh huh, okay retard time for your meds
he probably just means healing mental health problems like having a stressful job and wanting to end your life, depression, anxiety, whatever.
God women are useless.
this is why men have it easier. when presented with verbal attacks we don't understand we get physical. would reach across the table and slap that bitch before she even knew it was coming
>yahweh is the devil is a crazy statement
go back
>Talking back to women is sexist "mansplaining".
>Talking back to blacks is racist "white supremacy".
>Denying so-called "facts" by giving proof they aren't actual reality is "anti-scientific" and "Nazi".

He, who is no "sexist, racist, anti-scientific Nazi" these days, probably should get his marbles checked.
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no webm atm so here's a gif instead
> connecting with nature
> while filming self on smartphone and posting to tiktok
It's less than 1 minute vlog, deal with it, moron
Does anyone have the webm about the Las Vegas shooting? I think it was in /schizo/ but that thread got archived.
What do I do if I don't have sunny forest lakes to go to?
He sounds like a pajeet.
I bet this guy suns his butthole
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pointless bumping of thread
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occasional faggot gif to bump thread
Slightly cleaner version of this
so you ruin things and are massive pussies?
Natural health people are even bigger idiots than healthcare providers
You can self immolate over your pride. I don't care if you judge me a pussy, because you're stupid.
so watching someone leave a country after refusing to do the steps necessary to fix it and calling someone who does this a coward is stupid?
Yes, you are a midwit for that. I live above your normie sensibilities. Apply all the emotional judgement you want, I care not.
I could understand if you didn't give a shit about the country and you left, but leaving and all the while giving a shit and realising what is happening is wrong and still running away is the definition of cowardly. I don't think you are allowed to complain about anything you aren't willing to try and fix.
also nothing you said demonstrates anything about what you claim about me, however :
>I live above your normie sensibilities. Apply all the emotional judgement you want, I care not
this. is really cringe, why do you write like a self important reddit jerkoff?
There is no objective right or wrong
is that objectively true?
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It’s become acceptable on the mainstream right to disparage every minority except for jews. Right wing twitter is full of jabs at blacks, hispanics, gays, women, muslims, yet any allusion to jews and you’re in hot water. You have to ask yourself if you’re really over the target if the one group you avoid is the one that would get you in a lot of trouble.

For 5 years jews like OP have been trying to create an alternative to the "nazi right wing" that isn't "antisemitic." This thread is more gay jew propaganda.

Jack Posobiec and the Blaze promote the Bronze Age Pervert(jew)-orbiter and Jew Jonathan Keeperman, who publishes the Jew Steve Sailer with his tepid pro-Jewish version of White Nationalism. Now Posobiec and Blaze are dusting off "White Boy Summer" from the israel-critical right wing sphere from 3 years ago.

At the same time, DailyWire Jew Andrew Klavan interviews Jew Curtis Yarvin with his illiberal monarchist philosophy. This is a year after Klavan's gay Jew son Spencer, the editor of Claremont who published Straussian Michael Anton's review of Jew Costin Alamariu's book, said explicitly that conservatives need to create a liberal-critical alternative without antisemitism.

All of this is to say that criticism of Jews and Israel is so important that they go to extraordinary lengths to disrupt, censor, and disable it. Subversion, gaslighting, infiltration, they have tried it all.

To explain these convoluted methods would be too tedious for a general audience, so it suffices to simply say "YOU ARE JEWISH."
Yes, because we can observe different moral systems that are contradictory. Therefore, morality is subjective.

Not only is it subjective, but it's also contextual - you wouldn't normally steal but if it's for survival then you would.
You're wrong, it's against the rules on this board to say n-word (I've been banned for it). So I guess blacks run the world. Your effort post is pathetic

Okay retard. Yell NIGGER in a Jewish deli and you’ll get kicked out there too. Give me a list of all the blacks at the top of the food chain in every industry.
Hmm so how long have Jews controlled the world? When did that start?

Still waiting on that list of blaxx kike
That's the weirdest hugging I've ever seen. The black guy seems genuinely upset. The woman is groping and squeezing him all over.
Didn't Colbert used to be funny like 15 years ago? Maybe he should go back to doing that.
That's interesting. So how did they take over the world at that point? Were the illuminati involved?
Bro you know that kikes rule over you well enough to use the strategy they've given you of associating calling out their power with random conspiracy theories, you're not a skeptic, you're just a coward/enjoyer of the kike system.
why big guy upset
Does he know what plastics are made from?
How is any of this cured by not wearing sunscreen?
Ooh I'm a coward. I care so much about judgement by a loser.
Well you need some uv exposure. We live in a zeitgeist that says all uv exposure is bad and that's simply false - you need it to synthesize vitamin d. Consequently, we see the excessive hawking of vitamin d supplements now.
They publicly celebrate their takeover anon.

You look retarded when you're trying to defend people from the accusation of the thing they are claiming as victory.
So how did they do it then?
Control of money
Useful idiots

But you don't care, and you've admited they do, just to get past that to attack whatever I describe.
Why would I attack it? You let it happen. You voted for it. You deserve it.
Voting is a meme, it convinces useful idiots that they have participated, and pacifies them, they haven't participated, and the point is to pacify them.

I did not vote for it. But even if I did that not a justification to abuse someone.

You are a kike if you think any group deserves what kikes do to gentiles.
40 percent of whites voted for Obama
Useful idiots, trained to be permanent children.

Children don't deserve to be abused
Oh so you're going to tell me that every election since 1949 was rigged by the Jews? That's very funny.

Well, before 1949 whites voted to give blacks the vote. Was that the Jews fault too?
That's what campaigning is.

The blacks are only in america because of jews
But you said they only took over in 1949, so when did they actually take over?
>this one is for lolbertarians
one day you will realise militant individualism is a retarded non functional ideology that will always be defeated by organized political opposition
just imagine your race is your family, then it will start to make sense to you
That was a different anon.
It was a slow vauge acquisition retard.
You are being disingenuous.
It's not an ideology. It's anti-ideology >>5576098
Okay so I'll pose the same question to you: when did Jews gain control of the world and everything?
Or here's a better question: why can't you just use the same methods to seize control of the world for yourself?
Reminds me of this
Because the jews entire strategy is to deny any collective action but thier own
>>5561931 >>5555606 >>5558380
Every once in a while a kike adopts the veneer of portraying himself as the champion of the people when he is nothing but controlled opposition. same case with Sam Hydes, Nick Fuentes, Berney Sanders, etc... If it's a new you need to see them as nothing but a deceptive minstrel of corruption because that's what every kike is fundamentally.
>If it's a jew*
Jews are basically white niggers anon.
Okay, so why can't YOU use the same strategy to beat them? Since it seems to be the supreme strategy...
Because they have shitons of money and would seek to sabotage your movement the moment it gains any notice. they regulate their competition.
It probably started when Nero (jew) became emperor of Rome, but they've had on and off success after that. as centuries passed they gradually became more efficient at running things from the shadows.
Well i guess it's all over then.

Okay. How do they transmit these trade secrets of subversion to each other?
Anon, they have a book.
Okay, so you think all Jews read this book to learn the secrets of subversion, but somehow nobody else is able to figure this out?

I mean, subversion is pretty easy. People are dumb, you don't need much artifice to manipulate them.
It's not the supreme strategy.
It's a pigeon shitting on the board.
>How do they transmit these trade secrets of subversion to each other?
It's not secret. They just talk to thier ingroup about it.
Nigger they openly preach that whites cannot have any power
Excuse me, who rules the world according to you?

I've never heard it. How do you get into the secret club within the Jews? And since some Jews aren't in on it, then aren't they innocent?

So what? Black supremacists do to. Wait, are you about to make the argument that only Jews can be truly supremacist because they have instructional power? Are you going to go full horseshoe theory and mirror leftist anti-white talking points?
>when did Jews gain control of the world and everything?
they don't control everything, they just control the US via christian zionism and hollywood, and european states by indoctrination of holocaust guilt
the current state is an anomaly as every other time in history where jews obtained power over other races they were quickly expelled and/or pogromed for being pieces of shit
what a gay kike
they fear collectivism and nationalism
There is nothing wrong with people forming groups on their own.
The trouble is with groups declared by political activists and the media, which are then abused to play ping-pong with the people to subdue them.

"Freedom of association" vs. "forceful association"
Oh so i guess there's hope for whites in China... Or India?
They have India on shared hatred of Muslims, as well as low-IQ consoomerism. They're no threat.
China on the other hand seems to be a country of yellow Jews. No morality but the furtherance of their own. It remains to be seen whether that will make them best friends or fiercest enemies.
India is based because it has the caste system. They figured out the solution to demographics a long time ago.
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now that's real cringekino
The head has to go crazy
Kikes self-report all the time. Why are you playing at being a dumb, deaf golem you shabbos goy?
Voting needs to be removed for anyone who's not married and own property
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But I'm already back. You schizophrenic Christian LARPers are the worst.
does this speech have a name? is it up on YouTube or Rumble?
this is the wosrt in the whole thread
always makes me super cringe
I'm embarrassed as a white human that this exists
It's a double joke because they are so out of touch with the media they are making fun of that they use the wrong song. They use skibidi wapapa instead of skibidi bop.
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If that's white supremacy, then I don't know why people have such a problem with it. White supremacy is absolutely acceptable behaviour
Because you're not kowtowing to their secular religion and accepting your original sin.
That's why 'It's okay to be white' worked so amazingly well. Innocuous nothing statement provokes massive media backlash because it is taboo to the zealots of the new academic religion..
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another pointless bumping of thread
shockingly good
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It's an excerpt from Mein Kampf.
effects on physical health: mostly positive unless overdone, and check UV index ratings before deciding not to wear sunscreen.
effects on mental health: unbelievably restorative. do this at least once a day and you will become a better person.
New Thread
Do you have a full video?
please do send that thing to africa
based and wise
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She's so beautiful
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So what I've heard the left say the worst things imaginable doesn't matter. All a scam
NOT my skibidi toilet
pretty lame guy overall
nice natural beard/tashe combo.
Even Jerry Springer didn't devolve to this level of lunacy.
Nah, gay marriage is a thing now so your criteria is fucked.
Being racist seems based. Black people can't be racist so they cannot be based. White supremacy exists because whites are superior and supreme.
In communism, there is no individual. There is only the collective. Be a nation all you want, but the rights of the indiviual must always be at the forefront if there is to be any freedom within that nation.
Mongoloid logic
Do they allow it on tv?
Then it's politically correct.
Are you legally allowed to vote for it?
Then it's politically correct.
Is there any risk of imprisonment for espousing it?
Then it isn't politically correct.
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You can be racist without being a Nazi. For example, I recognize the scientific fact that negros have smaller brains and bigger penises than whites, but I hate national socialism because I hate socialism.
>talked tough against the vaccines but then made an administrative decision to give Pfizer another $29,000,000
>talked against trannies but then his government gave $837,000,000 to funding HRT
>called global warming a hoax, yet he committed to stay in the Paris climate agreement
Anon, do consider the fact that it is the very same media that lets him say any of this in front of an audience in the first place. They know how he talks, with the language he uses he doesn't exactly stay hidden under the radar. He may have gotten by them once or twice before they knew who he was or realised what is going on, but them being oblivious EVERY time?
Gay and commie.
Did Flart transitioned??
any webms of senile joe short circuiting
Bro is literally right wing Rumpelstitskin
I also don't trust any champion of the people that cohencidentally has a Jewish wife.
Hope he doesn't get an airstrike on his head by US.
he believes women aren't good with numbers so talking about gas prices and inflation is offensive
not based. grounded.
not as long as he trades his fuel in USD
Why do you think he doesn't?
'my wife's boyfriend'
i got nothing, just wanted to bump
I don't get why this keeps getting posted. What's the specific issue?
>tongue piercing for sex
>"patriarchy is gay men oppressing everyone"
>"women are the natural heads of everything" (queen bee mentality)
>gay man reacting
Is there anything redeemable about this?
He knows who not to piss off.
>doesn't film himself
>video doesn't exist
>nothing is shared
>zoomers don't get inspired by it
Any sort of body of water should be pretty good. Any beach would also be good. Next best things, like parks, lawns, backyards. Anything you can do will probably help somewhat.
just a lady showing a refugee compassion
That was welldone.
Any higher resolution version?
Also, Empire was written and directed by Jews, so it's hard to say this was just George being based. Kazdan, the Jewish writer on Empire, also wrote Return of the Jedi with George and then did The Force Awakens.
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Delightfully surreal
white woman black man. Very controversial.
since this is just an image this is why it's a redirect.
Human beyblade
never thought of that before
rare based woman on social media
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This clip neatly sums up black-white relations in america
too bad the AI vo is done in that grating shouting tone, couldn't stand to listen to more than a few seconds.
It goes way beyond that:
>I don't think! I know!
Political activists of all colors in a nutshell.
It's hopeless to argue with them, because arguments do nothing, if what you are arguing against is one of their absolute truths potentially completely unrelated to reality.
Be aware of similar bullshit with yourself, though.
>I don't think! I know!
Rightwingers become like this when the topic is Jesus. So it really goes both ways.
I wasn't suggesting anything else. See
>Political activists of all colors in a nutshell.
And it's less a thing of going "both ways" and more a thing of going "all ways".
Politicians, "political activists" and "journalists" are ALL a plague upon humanity. Potentially even "the Big Filter".
I'm a rightwinger who doesn't believe in Jesus, so...
Caucasians don't need negros, but negros need Caucasians
But you can't know with Jesus, that's against the basic tenet of having faith.
wasnt nazi party named national socialism to trick more people into joining it?
I don't know. I don't think so. But, I did read that that was one of the reasons why they used red as a dominant color, like the communists did, so they'd attract more Marxists and maybe change their minds through the speeches and meetings.

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