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what they took from us
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fucking shameless
the grin on the cunt
waiting on big mushroom

I don't get it
She asks not to use the Holocaust (genocide) to describe this one (the operation in Gaza), so she basically implies that the operation in Gaza is a genocide.
I'd say the same to the court after a dissection
Why do women always shriek uselessly
Jews: Oy vey! Why are they attacking us? We never did anything! We are poor hall of cost survivors, why would they do this?

Also jews:
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Nobody took it from you, you walked away from it.
I take that back, I didn't look at the thread, I thought it's another little dark age / trad European tear thread...
You niggers retarded?

>yeah well, they're stupid terrorists. I'm from Israel, so we have to deal with this all the time.


Chuds are so fuckin stupid.
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Humiliation ritual. Demoralization.
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she's so hot
Jews/israelis are the hottest women in the world
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>russian shill
>hamas shill

And this so-called eyewitness claim on joe's show which did not happen, proof?

her trip

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She is but hardly hottest in the world range
This is like saying "Well I've been a rape victim for much of my life so seeing this girl here get rated really makes me smile because we'll, now you know how it feels." Completely psychotic. It reads perfectly as "I know this is going to be used to justify the invasion of my enemies, man aren't these Arabs terrible whiteys? Yeah we have to live with these 'people' every day if you can imagine. Really makes you wanna strike back doesn't it?"
Lmao what a ridiculous situation
Lefty Alex Jones
>man aren't these Arabs terrible whiteys?
terrible coma whiteys*
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>seeing this girl get rated
*raped (but what's the difference really)
I think she is a Jew and she was trying to say how much worse the holocaust was compared to the Gaza attack and accidentally called it a 'genocide' instead of a 'valid defense against evil terrorists'.
Jews really like taking away speech.
so Piers Morgan believes that people in Israel's concentration camp in GAZA should accept Israel's terrorist state.
If you get the vax, how is someone who doesn't get the vax putting you at risk?

Unless this fool is just repeating CIA deepstate population reducation, propaganda? The New World Order all need to meet the same death as Sadaam Hussein.
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your standards lol
>shitty ass rap "music" on top
god I hate these faggots so much
jesus christ I hate him even more now.
yes, you are cringe.
Here fren, have the much longer version
Another Jew derangement thread. Rent free, boys. *Flies away*
>abusing old men
Wait for them to scream for international help when one of them gets roughed up at the police station.
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Passport bros 10 seconds after bringing their "wife" back to the west
>2004 comedy movie: mail order bride

fake accent kek

shes actress eugenia yuan, her famous mom is pei-pei cheng.
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LMAO nothing was taken here, aryan is a myth and hence NEVER existed, lmao
Yeah, those Palestinians are terrible. Around 70% of them believe that women and children are legitimate targets. You can't reason with that kind of people.

Such a weird hill to die on. Especially for a /pol/tard.
You are very smart, here's a gold star!
*and everybody clapped
My uncle lived in iran as an Armenian Christian and he said even though they lost everything after the revolution he said the shah had to go the regime was corrupt
Didnt they hold their degenerate festival right on the border or something or was that propaganda
Yep. That's what the right wing have taken from you. Keep worshipping them and doing what they want.
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They stole our comfy land, and countless USA WW2 generals and politicians had written regret in their memoirs, after the war. That we sided with commies, the true enemy, to destroy a great country and civilization with the same values as our own. Even churchill, Patton, and others wrote this deep regret.

We now relive Weimar in the west, with the only whitepill being, that we know what happens next. Social media has shown us what the public really thinks and feels, and removing the commie elites is clear in perpetually posted messages. The revolt is so strong against them, that their words of slander, that they use as a get out of jail free cards, are no longer valued by normies. This adds credence that a new prophet will lead us in the path to eliminate the problem of the commies, to end Weimar in the west

It makes them scared. It makes them seethe. But the writing is on the wall, and their time to fall again is upon us. Let alone that their fall was created fully by their own people, with normies simply watching and getting redpilled with every news story and post
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That fat fuck is Canada's "health" minister?
ahh yes, embracing the DS with a mommy in her 40s
>we just wanna get married and live quiet lives like straight people
>you vill let your kids watch tranny strippers
Never said that. Have you tried drinking less or are you permanently retarded?
these were hamas trying to cross with boats as part of the Al Aqsa Deluge op
you kill rats on sight when you have a rat infestation talking with them does nothing
hamass was a false flag JIDF psyop to level the rest of palestine to the ground
good setup, shit edit
When the US CIA installed the Shah Of Iran, the backlash was the religious dictatorship you have today in Iran.

If the USA CIA would have stayed the fuck out, Iran might actually be a patner today. Zionist do not understand reciprocity.
It's not about partnership it's about their eventual destruction and following domination. It was never about peaceful co-existence when they have the keys to all the nukes on the planet speaking of which anyone who thinks they can do something against a force with unrivaled power are fucking delusional. The nigger cattle lost centuries ago and right now we're living through the final stage of domestication.
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>Move into a terrorist's house
>"Why do I have to deal with all these terrorists?"
>*Receives billions in foreign aid*
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You remove Israel from the equation almost all arab countries would be partners and allies with the USA. Israel pushed for war against the whole middle east for decades now.
At what point in history will humans look back with a sense of respect toward hitler like we do with Alexander the great, ghengis khan ect
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nothing of value was lost.
guess they should have kept hamas and hezbolah out of there then? hmm?
nothing of value was lost.
There's no way these guys are going to stay in power.
lowest of the low
Oprah Episode: Interviews jewish woman that was raised in an extremely satanic jewish family. She says that countless jewish families across USA participate in satanic rituals like she witnessed
>16 deaths were discovered due to her going to the cops, 13 bodies discovered initially near Chicago
>She was raped countless times by older jews
>She was [forced to] participate in the murder & torture of a jewish baby, in the satanic ritual
>The ate human bodies for cannibalism purposes in the satanic rituals
>They tortured and murdered many people, as a sacrifice to satan
>They did many sadistically psychopathically evil things in these satanic rituals, for the purpose of gaining power from satan

She was slandered by jewish groups due to coming forward. The jewish groups like ADL protested and publicly shamed Oprah as being antisemitic for allowing a jew to come on her show and speak about the satanic rituals, constantly being raped, human sacrifices, countless murders. Having jewish women in the jewish satanic group, get pregnant and give birth-having these babies, purely to murder them, in satanic rituals as a sacrifice like jews had historically done to moloch, The jewish groups claimed that she wasn't a reliable witness, since the satanic groups including her family, due to all the trauma she experienced, caused some mental illness. As if this somehow negates her witnessing these events, simply because the jewish satanists caused her to develop some mental illness
> Yet it was plausible and reliable enough for the police to investigate, dig up 13 bodies initially, connect them to over 16 deaths conclusively within the first couple months. When she went on the show, she had just started working with the chicago police about investigating them
> Finding 13 bodies nearly immediately tied to ritualistic satanic ceremony murders apparently wasn't enough for the jewish groups to accept that it occurred. They still kept protesting calling oprah & her antisemitic for months
>Why do people scream when in pain, even though it doesn't solve the problem
Something, something, evolutionary biology/psychology
Also, neurologically, physical pain and emotional pain run on the same pathways.
That's not the hill they're "dying" on. It's that the Israelis and Jews are encouraging war for their interests with no regard for others. She's happy we're attacked, rather than sympathetic, because it's all about her.
Also, doing the "chuds," Reddit spacing, and "JOOS" doesn't trigger anons here; it just makes you look incapable of intellectual discussion.
Not the shoes again.
So much happiness in that demon. She probably masturbated herself watching all that people suffering.
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Isnt this a little bit of an idealization of the living conditions there? Like im sure everywhere exist a privileged class but I dont think this was the norm for most people
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And to think burgers fund this low. They probably took $20M from burgerland to build that potato gun
Not too knowledgeable about editing so it's not great, but I wanted to splice two of my favorites together, opinions appreciated https://files.catbox.moe/58mjt5.mp4
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America meddling in the Middle East on behalf of the jews who rule them is directly responsible for ISIS, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, the Iranian regime, 9/11, the Taliban, and obviously everything happening in Gaza. Everyone worries how they're going to be perceived in history books, and America's legacy is going to be a very black one indeed. I don't just mean that demographically.
>What is the Ottoman Empire for 200, Alex.

k schizo.
meanwhile israel actually kills women and children
>On 6 May, the UN stated that 69% of the reported deaths were women and children

great source, also pushed mandated vax
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ABC concentration camp vids were faked by the russians- anne frank's stepsister eva schloss
Come on goyim, white replacement is just a far right white Christian goyim conspiracy theory!
NOBODY is trying to replace white people in America or the West!
Ah yes, based Nazi Germany, sending millions of Germans to die in the wastelands of Russia, and building luxury accommodations for the Jewish people in order to protect them
This video made me realize something: jews always complain when you generalize and say something like "fuck jews" because of things Israel or "just a couple" of evil jews do; but they don't have any issues saying "fuck Gaza" and obliterating a whole country for things a handful of terrorists did.
So fuck jews, all of them, I don't care anymore. They deserve everything that happens to them.
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Anti-White Agenda-
This is what... they... took from us
Auschwitz was established in 1940, long before they even entered Russia.
I hope whoever adds this dumbass le funny credits to so many things gets slowly raped to death by feral niggers.
Fucking ladyboys
Use a comma like this, retard neon*azi
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Logically Piers Morgan is correct about this one little point, HAMAS should be fighting honorable warfare taking reasonable measures to prevent rape, torture and murder of prisoners and civilians.
2016 Rodrigo Duterte interview_ Death, drugs and diplomacy - Talk to Al Jazeera
> The based gigachad who made hunting drug dealers and druggies a national past time

They are retard. Even the AP and israeli media debunked the rapes, as a UN investigation proved that not a single person was raped by Hamas. BUT, there were countless rapes by IDF, which is proven, and IDF soldiers even brag about it- going so far as to say their IDF leaders INSTRUCT them to rape, as a weapon of psychological warfare and torture- especially IDF raping children
> I can prove this all, often using israeli media, with AP and others for added context
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is hamas currently in the room right now?
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of course I waste dubs on a wrong quote
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And? Sending Jewish scum to luxury hotels while at war seems fucking idiotic. Was Hitler retarded?
The same Jews that were responsible for Germany's economic collapse in the previous war yeah. What was he supposed to do, kill them all?
Don't forget the americans were also sending jap 'scum to luxury hotels while at war,' dumbass.

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