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someone's daughter
>implying anything east of Warsaw is human
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>trailer trash take
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What is this dance called
File: latex bitch.webm (5.2 MB, 576x1024)
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me!me!me! aka zero two dance
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milk truck for refills
Thanks bro. I'm sad there isn't more hot bitches doing it
>>5578760 >>5578764 >>5578765 >>5578770 >>5578772
Do they not have sandwiches in this part of asia?
I like how her tits magically bulge when she adjusts the camera.
I desperately need a name
Sure hope not if that's what leads to all the hambeasts elsewhere in the world.
Who's that?
File: s9aTDfQ.webm (1.97 MB, 432x854)
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>see woman at a healthy BMI
>immediately comment how she is LITERALLY STARVING
Consider suicide.
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What a cutie.
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You're a fat woman aren't you?
Just looked her up, goddamn she has a perfect pussy and ass.
The few good ones and they are retarded ...
I like woman who have hips and a little bit of extra fat like any normal man
The Merovingian was a lucky bastard
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Han Kyung
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i finally got the moonfaced chinese gf.
how do i keep her now?
dont grow a beard, they hate them
dont buy sweet snacks, savory instead
watch cute cdrama wuxia together like 'love between fairy and devil'
Thanks anon.
We should probably get the uncropped source
Would post if I had it.
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izzy green
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her teeth drive me insane
who is that? image is search useless
Fujie Rumi 藤江瑠美
Why don't you adulterers at heart just use /gif/? It's where you really want to be anyway. You might as well go with the prostitutes while you're at it, it's the sort of life you want to live.
that would require either party being married, wouldn't it?
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This thread makes me 100 more times hornier than in /gif/ maybe because that shithole of a place has been filled with bbc thread or faggotry kind, anyway keep posting anon, I'll goon to this thread
File: nwc.webm (599 KB, 608x1080)
599 KB
This woman looks like a monstrous real life version of a shittily rigged asset flip game character somebody got for 6 dollars on the unity store.
None of these webms are remotely sexy
>inb4 post your own
I shan’t no how.
def not sfw
ur gay
File: 1716844083251458.webm (1.59 MB, 576x1024)
1.59 MB
1.59 MB WEBM
>a little bit of extra fat
American walmart hambeast orbiter confirmed
its coombait for tik tok, she doesnt actually show her pussy
song sauce please
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I don;t think girls masturbating count as /wsg/
File: tt1-1.webm (3.89 MB, 1080x1920)
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source? cant find it under the watermark on weibo
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thats the strangest hip ratio i've ever seen
the distance from iliac crest to pubis fucking nothing
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File: hell.webm (5.96 MB, 480x480)
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>ugly tattoos (redundant)
>short dyke hair
>some non-feminine dance moves
>immodest "look at my ass" attention whoring
You have some weird taste, anyway...

St. Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
sir this is a thread for non-nude sexy webms not jewish revenge fantasies
Don't look who's behind promoting porn and softcore porn like this thread then, subhuman cumbrain leftoid.
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>low test balding 30yo resorting to religion to cope with his limp dick
Many such cases.
>ugly tattoos (redundant)
hard agree. nothing makes me flaccid faster than modern women and their fascination with drawing trash on their perfect skin. what a fucking waste
Tattoos are like seeing yellow snow on a pristine landscape.
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File: @MABB4KCHANNEL2.webm (5.76 MB, 480x1032)
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>she doesn't know about AI filters
These types of chinaman videos are all fake, you see the distortions in the background and they all have the same bug faces because of the filters.
she is not wearing panties
more of this and/or sauce please, the audio is v hot
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I hate americans.
tattoos make my cock so fucking soft
found it
move this crap thread to /gif/
>me!me!me! aka zero two dance
Me!Me!Me! is much older than Darling in the mid you fucking zoomer.
Good eye.
I never would have noticed.
that's not healthy. Women are SUPPOSED to have some fat to them (no, I don't mean morbidly obese or overweight), its a biological fact.
I have to wonder what zoomies think 'POV' means.
Unless the POV is that the DDD customer tied you up and started raping your coworker in front of you, I guess.
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thank you very much. wish the compo videos emphasized the snap less and her voice afterwards more

pic unrelated
no one cares about your weeb lore faggot
don't search for me!me!me! it's actually the hai phut hon remix that went viral
They know, they just aren't autistic millennials.
You worship Americans, yellowskin.
>tiny asian girl chocking on a big black coke
KYS coomer, these attention whores are disgusting
Thanks miss skeleton
No, homosexuals like (You) are disgusting.
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do you not have zepbound in your failed states of america?
what is she wearing? Dissolvable clothes?
why do they have shit on their face
Just look at her face. She's clearly had lots of plastic surgery
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No woman hates beards
Women don't have independent thoughts; they are products of the cultural zeitgeist of their time
If Culture told women something completely different, they will all accept it, no matter what it is, because they're a herd animal
You just hate yourself because you're not a Man, nor will ever be a Man. You're completely incapable of your own independent thought because you too are also a woman
Mother Nature designed Men just the way Nature intended. Your cattle modernite vaccinated opinions are as worthless as dog shit compared to the Gods who crafted the image of Man; and your inferiority is displayed in your subservient kowtowing to women and modernity, which is why you got the vaccine and I did not
NTA but this one always made me think she is extremely skinny in a bad way. Though she does look quite tall for a woman so that is a factor.
>Women are SUPPOSED to have some fat to them, its a biological fact.
This anon is right but they often dont gain it until later in life. Its called sex fat. literally search it, Women gain the fat when they get to a more prime age for reproduction
Justa random thing but this whole tiktok and well the whole social media blast of normies ruining the internet since 07 has really come to show that women are just fucking whores by default.
When I was younger my illusions of women being decent honourable people, monogamous, with ntegrity was shattered quite soon that even good women I found, I found out they were whores.
Now though I kind of feel sorry for zoomers. They are cam whoring everywhere and fucking chads on sex app meat markets.
Women now are probably worse whores now than ever before in human history as they have ease of access to the internet.
asian women hate beards, since their men cant grow them. fact
women aren't herd animals: fact
im not a women, fax
nobody designed human beans and theres zero(0) evidence for gods existence. fact!
you not getting the vaccine is akin to never wearing seat belts and crying victory: exact.
anything else you'd like to be wrong about, you retarded cock gobbling faggot
bait or gay? i cannot tell
You do know jews wrote the bible right?
lol this guy took the jew government vaccine haha
retard alert
Little yellow fingers.
Do normal people in Korea or wherever see this as obviously fake and cringe? It's like how a child would imagine a cute woman acting.
Thanks anon. That me me me bullshit only pulled up ugly fat bitches and trannies doing it.
My slant wife when she doesn't have dinner ready when I get home.
still a cute cut of fuckable meat

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