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Do you have the one where he picks his nose and eats the bugger?
Or the one where he saids dating women is gay?
Or the one where is accidentally streamed gay porn?
Or the one where he admitted to false DMCA’d a bunch of youtubers that where making fun of him?
Or how about where he admits he has a known pedophile on his staff?
Do you have any of these Nick? Can you please post them Nick?
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mexican or not, this guy is based as fuck
dis kid retarded
How so? He shifted the Overton window.
Fucking hell, she just keeps going!
based thread, Nick stays winning
jewtroon kiwifarm shills out in full force now with AFPAC on its so fucking funny lmao
cope harder!
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eh, your leader is a faggggg, change my mind, oh, you can't, lmao
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kek, default incel response
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My own parents are proof that Israel still has another 20 years of leeway before people figure shit out. I've shown them what Israel thinks of them, and they won't budge from the bullshit that these satanic jackasses who preach the destruction of whites, are actually God's chosen people. We're fucked...
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Really love this.
>Blatant lies
>muh feelings
>muh economy
It's like people pointing out California's GDP and saying that it makes California better. Anyone who has been to California knows that every urban area is a fucking hellscape there, and a fuckload of the suburban areas are complete hellscapes. Homeless wander the streets like it's a zombie movie, gang warfare is rampant, and most young people live as literal rentoid serfs working three jobs just to stay above water.
I'd love to see Nick's take on Stalin wrt Russian jewry
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insufferable muslim cocksucking faggot. no idea how zoomers listen to this mutt, at this point better follow rogan paul or whatever the guy with the energy drink is
Okay, but you're jewish.
I guarantee you everyone shitting on Nick ITT is whiter than that Spic faggot.
Okay, but you ARE jewish, right?
I'm not even the guy you were originally replying to, and no, not a drop of Jewish blood runs in my veins.
I think you're jewish. It's almost impressive how every time someone is trying to shit on fuentes or AF it's always "he's gay!" or "he's mexican!" It's never "he's wrong, here's why." One can only come to the conclusion, then, that you are a jew. You can probably smell a penny from three miles and shapeshift into a rat.
Kek, wtf was the point of asking me whether I was a Jew if you're just going to screech Jew at me anyway? My issues with Fuentes and his legion of brown third-worlders extend beyond just him being a Mexican, catboy-dating faggot, anyhow. I'm not allergic to Anti-Semitism, I'm just tired of low-IQ retards like the Fuentes crew and their retarded third-worldist ideology that's effectively just Leftism with more blatant Jew hate built in. Much of that Jew hate, btw, is just a proxy for hating Europeans from his Muslim fans. There's a reasonable way to be Anti-Semitic, this shit is just gay and retarded.
This real?
Okay, jew.
>no idea how zoomers listen to this mutt,
I'm not a zommer and I like Nick's show.
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Actually, the best answer
Are you surprised? He had gay sex with catboykami
so explain France.
>it’s never “he’s wrong, here’s why”
It’s hard to say what he’s wrong about becuase he flip flops every 10 minutes lol
"So Trump's actually based but he's cringe because he likes jews but we need to overlook that but Kanye is better because he's like Andrew Yang but we need to stand behind Trump because he's persecuted but not really because of the jew thing but...”

And trump isn’t even his most egregious flip flop. He’s just an unserious streamer who has a very small legion of dedicated retards who make extremely obvious sock puppet accounts to agreesively shill him xitter
>Can't refute his points about jews
>Proceed to call him a gay mexican
>Surely this will convince the goyim to ignore the man behind the curtain
He's made many points I disagree with him on, and Trump is one of the bigger ones because I realized he was just an appeasement candidate to stop everyone from murdering politicians, now more than ever. The reason a lot of his audience watches him now is his criticism of Israel and world jewry, which remains a completely unassailable position. This is why you hebes keep retreading the same tired bullshit. "oh he's a fed, oh he turned on some gay porn the nanosecond he finished his show, oh he's actually mexican, oh he's totally fucking this dude." All of these things are, even if they were 100% correct, immaterial to the fact that he names the jew. Nobody with even a minute scrap of a following names the jew to the degree Nick does, and the very select few that did bent the knee eventually.

I don't know who the fuck you're going to convince at this point, we know how you grabblers operate.
Not a single white person in that webm
I don't think the Lord cares about skin tones, salvation is for all, except for disgusting atheist cunts like you, change my mind.
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its a kiwitranny, dont be stupid just ignore them
His only pro-muslim position is being anti-Israel. You got a problem with that?
You know Nick didn’t discover the JQ right? You can dislike him and not be a Jew lol
Haha wtf? Is Nick just a Catholic apologist? I thought he was supposed to be pro white as well, for the “American nation” or something
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Can you link to some webms that you think demonstrate quality ideology or this "reasonable way to be anti-Semitic" you mentioned? Just for contrast, at least?
You can post them in the /pol/ thread here, if they aren't already on this board.
Not him, but I feel confident I can answer that question for him.
Reasonable way to be anti-Semitic:
>Unfocused, does not not name specific actors and actions
>Rambling, ineloquent and ineffective so as not to convince anyone through calm and logical argumentation
>Unrealistic, sets unattainable goals with an unclear path of resolution. Reach for the stars instead of what's in front of you. "Well I hate both Palestine and Israel and hope they destroy each other, if you say otherwise you're anti-white"
Unreasonable ways to be anti-Semitic:
>Focused and direct. Names specific actors, their actions, and conflicts of interest.
>Succinct. Speaks directly and plainly, outlining the problem and why it's bad for you in a way that would convince a reasonable person.
>Realistic. Sets achievable goals with a clear outline of possible ways to achieve them, as well as having a long-term roadmap or "ultimate objective."
damn wtf
Fed asset
It's actually the reverse, given the top one is what Fuentes does (minus being ambivalent towards Palestine and saying "anti-white" because he would lose his legions of Muslim followers who see Jews as just being a proxy for white people.)
Do you have any clips or links demonstrating this?
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>nick has legions of muslim followers
Jewish distraction narrative. Why would muslims give a single fuck about america first, christianity, and illegal immigration? If muslims hate white people why the fuck would they care for nick and his movement? Its not like they need his anti-Israel takes for validation when being anti-Israel is the mainstream position for zoomers.
muslims are ok, islam death cult not so much
What does this have to do with my post dumbass. Why would muslims care for AF enough to follow nick? The only thing they agree on is being anti-Israel which doesnt mean much since most zoomers is anti israel
>The only thing they agree on is being anti-Israel

Right, islamic death cult. Regular muslims want to co-exist with everyone, this is why many live in Israel.
>many live in Israel
Like they have a choice dumbass, israel took their land by force kek.
No moron, they are citizens in Israel
Its either be a citizen of Israel or be a refugee retard, not much of a choice. They still live in a country that hates and discriminates against them.
>This is a weird way of saying you haven't watched any of the webms in this thread
Anyone that names Soros or Israel is naming the them in my book but what do I know I'm probably being an antisemite wrong.
>picking his nose is at the top of the list
that's how you know stuffs legit
>not much of a choice

Israel does not care about palestine, even though they built the structures, water supply, food aid, electric grid, and even gave them gaza.
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catboykami is married to a woman and he is based
>gave them gaza
Does Fuentes work for Trump to make Trump more appealing?
Oh yeah, it would be like taking your house, killing your family, and then being generous enough to let you live in the shed in the back. Then the world says you're the bad guy for trying to take it back.
cum hunter and catboy lover
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France decaled war on Germany.
When Jake and Bryce Mitchell link up and talk to Sean Strickland, the whole MMA dudebro community becomes antizionist overnight
what the fuck is wrong with this niggas fingers?
is he double jointed in all of them or just a skin walker?
Tim's always been a short-sighted idiot who can't see the whole picture. He says "What's that got to do with...?" and the answer is everything. Israel is the lobby that opens the borders, releases the criminals, and puppets all the politicians. You remove the source of the problems, and we can actually fix them.
While an oversimplification, what you're saying is at least true in spirit. Israel lobbyists and their pet politicians might not always want open borders and shit like that, they universally support Israel over any of these other issues. Remember when both parties were having a staring contest over border security, threatening to shut down the government, until Israel needed more gibs, at which point everyone dropped the issue to ensure Israel got their money.
hasn't this bitch heard of observation? you don't need to be in a relationship to know about relationships
thank you very much spik o larce. fuck trump, fuck israel, fuck palestine, fuck nick, and fuck that empire state building behind nick in every screenshot of his twink stream. i just hate every cunt cause they only do shit for money.
how does this have sound? maaad ting
>im having an experience with a woman right now
>scathing look
he does make me chuckle on occasion imwill admit.
>not a single aryan defending his countries
Every single thing I've heard Tim Pool say has been completely fucking retarded. How does this guy have a following?
No, Israelis occupied gaza once, and there was NOTHING there until Israelis built an actual city, so when they left gaza, the arabs moved into what is built there by Israelis.
Opinions are not facts, but here's a fact, you are retarded for generalizing.
What originally redpilled me. Good times
As real as the Holocaust
This is probably my favourite clip of Nick. Watching this WEBM, without any prior knowledge of the participants, who would most people guess is the comedian? Nick is hilarious; Tim and his antisemetic caricature of a friend are out-of-touch Gen X faggots who weren't even funny back when they were on Adult Swim..
hehe fag boy
Yup. Mexican Richard Spencer.
>best answer

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absolutely kino
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Oh hey! How was AFPAC IV....oh
That's all he's got? Calling him a little boy with a little peen? I'd off myself if that's the best I could do with insults.
They hate this man
enough to discourage normies from liking him
No wonder I hate normies. No standards.
Normies can not afford to have controversial opinions. Everything needs to be validated through HR at their place of employment. That same influence is then blamed on social networks.
Because he's smarter than the SJWs that were prevalent when he got started on YouTube. And he's at least comparative, intellectually, with the MSM that he's been competing against since 2015-16-ish. Same with Tucker, except I think Tucker is more willing to go to places and ask questions (and actually hear the answers to) that Tim isn't.
>Thug rap
Why do "based" meme makers keep doing this?
At least that crowd was like 90% White. People keep claiming Nick is a grifter who's just doing this for money or fpr the Feds. But, at least he's getting tangible results and often making well-articulated and reasonable arguments in favor of Right-Wing views. Plus, he isn't having everyone wear masks and march around waving flags or harrassing crowds while screaming "White Power!" That's at least an improvement over other grifting/Fed movements, if that's what he or this is.
Fuentes is a controlled opposition faggot.
Even if he is, it might backfire to rally masses with those views. Could be interesting.
It's pure nonsense. We all know who the grifters and plants are, because they all share the inability to oppose jews (or are jews). Even if he was the one allowed bit of controlled opposition that could do that, he doesn't behave appropriately. After unlocking his sympatico with blacks, they would have guided him to exploit that. Instead he continues calling out niggers and supporting a white america.
Controlled by whom? Trump?
funny guy but completely deplorable
the moment you are in danger of a war or about to be declared war on you have to look at positioning

Britain was planning on launching an assault through Norway so they took that
Britain could invade through France and France was also going to wage war on them so they took that
Russia was obviously going to enter the fray at some point against a weakened Germany (basic game theory essentially) so Germany tried beating them to the punch

the German population in Danzig as well was obviously used as a way to antagonize Germany by the allied nations because Germany wanted to repatriate their former territory
then all of it turns into "Germany tried taking over the world" in the history books when they tried offering peace with Britain 15 times and exhausted every option for de-escalation including removing all their troops from France and Poland which of course the British tried to suppress from their own citizens because then the war might be avoided..

it's all just completely fucking gay when you learn the truth about reality
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There are 2 frames with Nick in it so it's on topic.
everyone should hate muslims and jews for obvious reasons
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Reminder to Nick that you will never be as active and fresh as you are today. "Just chillin" isn't cutting it. If you can't find it in yourself to be more active, you will never find it.

Also, don't think we don't notice how you dropped the white issue, excluding jokes you can distance yourself from. Why say "christian nation"? Shouldn't it be "christian white nation"?

Joel Davis is the future.
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>illegals contribute massively to the social security system
Just completely brain-dead.
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Get a job, puto commie maricon de mierda
She is redpilling millions of young men without even realizing it.
Many such cases. She's like an unaware HR worker pushing compliance a bit too hard.
Disgusting homosexual
do we have to say things like that during the pride month?
The last book of the Old Testament specifically lays out how the then-current followers of God were failing him and how He would provide an opportunity for redemption (the coming of Jesus/new testament/covenant). It further states that some would change their ways and embrace the opportunity while others would deny it and proceed erroneously forward. I'm sure Jews simply deny the New Testament to varying degrees as they deny Jesus, but it's also wild that the final book also says they'd do exactly that. Insane hatred and stubbornness.

Bari Weiss: How to Fight Anti-Semitism | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) [9d27LLmm720]

Damn, that was good. Bill did pretty damn well, too. But her explanations about anti-Semitism were really explicit and clear.
...too bad she omitted the part about Jews actually being the problem in most or all of these historical cases.
getting back at tim after what he did to sam
This, minus the funny part.
She is such a fucking faggot talking about how hot trump is. She and her supporters are fucking traitor scum.
Don't bother with boomers. Their minds are crystallized on the Jewish Question because of the holohoax, the Scofield Bible and talmudvision. They'll never stop viewing and treating the jews as God's chosen people and/or eternal special victims.
He claims its a waste of time to talk about Israel but also that he's sick of funding Israel in the same breath. Touch grass, Tim.
Joel's a christkuck too. It's Keith or bust.
>illegal immigration is good
That is not a left-wing point, this is a liberal point. Illegal immigration brings down the bargaining power of the native working class with cheap labour. Liberals ignore this because at heart they're economically right-wing but want to look virtuous.
>threatens to dox everyone who wants afpack4 tickets refunds
Trust the 20 year plan
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can't believe I sucked this guy's dick.
>puts in so much effort to make sure she gets his social media handle right
Thanks for the free advertising. It made Stone Toss a millionaire.
I'm hoping to see more target things other than the presidency. Governors, mayors, etc. We can't wait until the federal government gets "fixed" to do something about our country.
huh? I don't follow, what does Stone Kike have to do with a funny Fuentes floyd joke? Also he was such a chad by removing the sunglasses as he stated his handle for her video. He's dripping with class where as you're dripping from your neckbeard there anon. Is that cum or boogers? I can't tell but I can smell it through the fucking screen over here.
>Stone Kike
How is he not based?
And what's with your schizo rant?
To actually answer your question, lefties shrieking about Stoney made him increasingly extra famous and built his follower base to the point of him becoming a millionaire without having to do much beyond make comics and shitpost on Twitter.
Here, this lady is doing the same kind of advertising for Nick by posting a clip of him online and spreading it far and wide to "alert" people to this horrible garbage person...which will innevtiably broaden his base and make him even more popular.
this actually comes off as kinda jewish lol
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Anyone have the full clip of Fuentes freaking out over a McDonalds order?
His dad fucked a generative AI.
Has he come out of the closet yet?
fast talking conveys superior intelligence
Kek, Nima is actually dumb enough to think he came off looking good there.
he knows normie POV is very "flexible"
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My cats are only 4 years old now and I'm already dreading watching them get old and dying. I think the difference for me is that I know they have no immortal souls and they'll just be gone forever. My Christian family members just get to enjoy eternity, so death was actually an upgrade. That makes it easy for me.
im not a fan of gay mexicans
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