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The Skibidi War is going ASTRONOMICAL
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Previous Thread: >>5554357
Please post all you have of the dancing in this series. I'm very low on those scenes.
>was skibidi wen growing up
>the skibidi still a thing now
makes you think
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I saved this from an earlier thread. Amazing that this thing has cosplayers.
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Oops, meant to post this
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How did I not know this thread existed before? I love skibidi toilet.
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kinda wanna rewatch Transformers now
Look at him go
Why are spics always extra obsessed with the current thing?
Marvel shit, anime, now this.
is this real?
They can have fun without having to worry about contrarians or being judged.
They get made fun of for worshipping DBZ and it never stopped them either.
no its animated
hur dur obviously I mean was it actually on TV
this is fake, nazi chuds made it to discredit the media
2 digit IQ detected
unfortunately, yes.
it was a parody skit about biden's campaign hiring a meme manager or some shit, but given the rest of the options from that show you know the "message" was 100% genuine.
This. After the Vax Scene, Colbert has no right to "ironically" make fun of cringe.
DaFuqBoom's singlehandedly fixing gen alphas music taste with this kino
So why is no one of them dressed up as a toilet? I
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I hate how catchy this new meme is
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Most of the toilets don't really have that interesting designs, most fans like the camera/speaker/tv men more
>red cameraman at 00:40
He's literally me!
wait, people put memes into reality? How far have we gone?
And 4chan is an invention from antifa to make poltards look evil.
do you have autism?
>All those thick latinas dressing up as tvwoman
>His face was made for radio
Toilets are just silly while a man in a trenchcoat with a camera head is just cool.
I am convinced this is a psyop or form of mind control testing because this is extremely stupid, utterly nonsensical, and yet has possessed millions. The fact that the mass media is in on it is telling.
>said the man who thinks that the content farm stuff represents the series as a whole
I want Titan Speakerman to not only save Titan Cameraman, but kill G-Toilet AND destroy the Astro Mothership.
I used to think the same, but then I ended up watching some. It starts off as memeshit, but it really picks up into its own intricate plot as the episodes go on. It’s genuinely good, and it’s clear that DaFuqBoom puts a lot of passion into it. Start with the newer stuff if you want to give it a chance.
No .webms of the lastest episodes yet?
Radiomen confirmed.
gotta love driveby shitposters
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>Half Life main writer AND Michael Bay
Dafuq... I kneel.
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>still no new episode or any leaks and no word given at all
>it's been 2 weeks
What is he cooking up?
Maybe he's making a transformation sequence for titan gman.
8 days since the full season, which also has time put into it cause of the extra scenes.
I feel like it got to a point when Pluger thought he was inmortal and went full retard making stupid decisions getting allies and finally himself killed
The big dude is the one who wanted to go full retard against the toilets and plunger actually told him not to. In fact, the large cameraman was already fated to die since he interacted with the secret agent in ep 67... and we already know how those who know about him end up. IN FACT, that's what is happening seconds before this; the transmission/recording is mysteriously cut off by the secret agent and then the alarm is suddenly activated. Kinda sus, right?
He was always reckless honestly, but in this case he was actually the voice of reason since the big dude wanted to blow it all up.
Still wondering what was in that room and was so important the secret agent decided to make sure no one saw it.
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as the other two said its the brute that wanted to fuck shit up, plungerman followed to make him stand down.
but sadly his curiosity got the better of him and he peered in, setting off the alarms.

also rewatching the episode i just noticed, the scientist that ambushes the team here >>5590389 is the same one thats on Gtoilet in the most recent episode
>same head model.
>four blasters
>white toilet
>crab limbs
so he's confirmed to be a unique toilet and the "new" scientist.
wonder how dafuq will make him distinct from the old scientist.
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I feel my soul dying from cringe slowly every time I see this.
Last good episode
The cameramen are legitimately cool designs, despite the property they're associated with
>dafuq actually voiced a character in multiverse
>Dafuq collaborating with people making spinoffs of his work
It's like some kind of Skibidi Incest. Like Scott Cawthon making One Night at Flumptys cannon.
When the feed got cut off he leaned over to what it seemed containers carrying GmanToilet's cannons, so that's probably what the secret agent avoided Plunger to see.
How the other spin-offs hold up by the way?
It is better not to watch them.
I've watched DOM studios' skibidi and it's shit.
this is what the skibidi song sounds like to boomers
three days until the two week mark.
two notable posts on dafuq's socials
the first is specifically about CCTV first appearance, marking him as a unique and possibly having a major role in the future.
and episode 75 teasers
>finally some teasers
Maybe another week to go.
hard to call it. sometimes we get teasers a day or two before, other times its a week before.
all we can do is wait and hope the playlists update today.
>that chair
What's its end game?
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Office chair skibidi, the strongest type of astro incoming. Last boss might be a skibidi pewdiepie chair.
It's skibidi Biden no cap.
Really? Was expecting a bit more of them.
I don't care if some people call this "cringe."
I'm happy those kids are enjoying themselves. We all had things like that growing up. Mine was power rangers.
>hope the playlists update today
>1 unavailable video is hidden
Could it be...?
the hidden video is probably the godzilla one


Holy ba-
Nevermind, I thought the skibidi would be in HER toilet.
Was this made by germans?
>the real Youtube account commented on one of the videos
Fucking basado
Give it a few more days, apparently he was taking a break and making new maps for next eps
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4ZbdU31KbQ&ab_channel=DaFuq%21%3FBoom%21 75 is out
>my baby
Do astrotoilets give birth?
Is that female toilet the same girl who appears at the end of episode 73? They look the same.
Damn, the civil war is officially on. Also, DaFaq is based for using the cute army trooper from Halo Reach.
I liked the smoking camera and toilet soldier duo
The Toilets are certainly divided, but what about the Object Heads? Would they all really agree to fight with the Toilets? Not to mention whenever or not the possible third party faction that's apparently serving expy G-Man would really like this kind of alliance to happen. We could be seeing a four sided war.
really hope this isnt working up to an alliance with Gtoilet and the greater toilet forces.
i maintain the stance of https://desuarchive.org/wsg/thread/5554357/#5583229 that things would be better as a three way war, but having a few toilet defectors that openly work with the alliance is fine.
not to mention that a complete truce now would throw away a lot that previous episodes have worked up for.
good catch, the models are definitely the same. but we cant know for sure if its the same person or not. hopefully the full season will have an extra scene that answers that.
Good episode
gooners will be wild
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right at the start there's a humanoid figure on the building. it gets obscured by smoke, then the next time you see the building its gone.
I expected a return to form, but I didn't expect they'd team up this fast. Boom slow down a bit you are moving too fast buddy.
yeah, dont think anyone would have a problem if we got a few minute long episodes showcasing the astro fleet before going back to the 3+ minute episodes.
True, I fear his obsession with trying to one up the previous video is gonna kill the hype.
I mean, POV cameraman was literally zooming in at her butt. We are talking about DafuqBoom, nothing new.
10/10. Love the smoking buddies.
My headcanon right now is that Blue Beret or whoever he works for/with has found a way to reverse the Skibidi brainwashing after they found the lab (when they had to kill the humans). So this is less of civil war or a defecting faction, and more of some toilets being able to be turned back at least mentally. Alternatively, if the toilet woman is the some as the human at the end of 73, than these aren't "original" Skibidis, but experiments where some people volunteered to become sentient Skibidis to help mankind.
I think Ep.73 implies they opened a spacetime rift which is were skibidis come from, and now the aliens arrived the normal way. I would like to see more about them as well, but if not, that's ok.
The female skibidi looks straight out of one of the spin-off series.
I hope 76 provide more context to the cameramen just trusting the random toilets. I really don't think astro jets destroying a couple skibidis justify the betrayal.
>legitimately felt bad for the skibidis that just get gunned down like it was nothing
Holy mother of G-toilet.
people have made porn of skibidi bitch already
>Sr. Pelo watches skibidi toilet

This just keeps getting better and better.
Imagine you're in a war as some random infrantry private and you're getting BTFO'd hard by some insanely overpowered enemy. The natural conclusion is to fight with whomever you can to take on and defeat the largest threat.
It's definitely going to be a hard fight. It took like 10 agents to take down a single baby astro unit.
On top of that, Astro Juggernaut recovered the corpse. TVmen could've used it to reverse engineering his astro arms. Like with the magnet claw, presumably.
Also it's kind of funny how even against astros, acid bombs are quite effective.
Well my point is that they're not just "trusting random toilets" they were all going to die and had no choice but to collaborate just this time to save their own lives.
I'm not saying that the alliance and the skibidis are going to start dancing and singing kumbaya together. But they will have an undersood armistice when they're both getting rekt by astros together
This is what happened irl when japan invaded china during the civil war. The communist and nationalist forces temporarily ceased hostilities and even collaborated in a limited fashion against the japanese occupation
I'm feeling vindicated
fucked it up
I think it might be building up to Computermen being a thing honestly.
Dafuq did the same thing with TVmen by having them cameo in multiple episodes in the background before properly showing up.
>skibidi sergeant(?) and skibidi female already have energy daggers like mini juggernaut right arm
>skibidi female back cannon also looks like the ones astros use
Yo energy daggers could be a cool upgrade for speakermen, since they only do melee.
>>skibidi female back cannon also looks like the ones astros use
I think she took that one from the defeated astro
>And then the hero and the villain, finding themselves both outclassed, team up to defeat an even greater foe.
I fucking love this shit, man.
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The team up does feel a bit fast but, at the very least, it was in the heat of the moment -and- it may be the very, very first team-up to happen so will give it a pass for the time begin as neither all of the alliance or the skibidis will like it so the author must really be going for the frictions that are going to happen instead of delaying the combined arms from even happening.

>things would be better as a three way war
>Boom slow down a bit you are moving too fast buddy
Have to agree in that the bould up for Alliance/Skibidis against the Asto invasion was too recent. Kinda feels that DaFuq changed plans during flight and chose the team-up route instead to both spice the plot and make it last a bit longer.

Don't forget The Chair appearing in one place and then showing up in a completely different place later on.
Just checked again, you are right.
Honestly, I don't really like this new style. I like the toilets as deranged monsters, while these new ones we saw were to calm and collected. I'd rather the toilets have a satisfying defeat than become the good guys, like if G-toilet was killed off in 73 causing their leadership structure to collapse. After that, surviving toilets could form a new resistance army against the astros.

The astros don't hold the same weight the skibidis did, they feel like evil people, not monsters. I feel like the story was kind of approaching its natural end, but Dafuq (understandably) doesn't want to give it up.
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I expected a team up but not this early
The beret wearing camera is way too chill, he just saw skibidis helping and just rolled with it
This dumbass POV that was peaking outside from the left literally sold his entire squad
The rain took me by surprise honestly, quality's getting way better
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was wondering where that girl skibidi got the astro looking energy thing from that she had on her back after the fight, but it's the same one the orange astro dropped to the left immediately after they blew his brains out, neat.
also what the fuck was that ear looking thing on the left part of his head? Was that a dog ear or just his scalp being blow off?
>The juggernaut feeling sad when his "baby" got destroyed
I am now on team Astro bros
consider: astros are willing to let children fight in a dangerous war.
Gtoilet's forces corrupt humans to make up their ranks (instead of relying on child soldiers), and the alliance fights explicitly to keep humans safe.
Astros are already miles better than the normal skibidis just in virtue of caring for one another.
Skibidis gave zero fucks about their comrades or anyone dying as long as they get a win.
Hell, a lot of them just straight up kill indiscriminately like that furnace one with buzzsaws in it or that giant kamikaze one that merked an entire block of toilets just to get to the cameras in the early episodes.
Plus the fake g-man who apparently wasn't briefed on being used as a sacrifice. And all the hundreds of kamikazes.
Ep74 dispels all doubts about the Skibidis transforming humans into toilets literally by listening to tiktok trash, which was already the theory since day 1. Metaphor aside, the toilets are basically brainwashed humans. After the plans on how to make toilets are leaked, it makes sense these new "toilets" are upgraded (in a different way that the "heads") without the brainwashing. If anons are right and toilet-chan is the same as the woman at the end of 73, this proves the theory correct.
>Dafuq (understandably) doesn't want to give it up.
Yeah, he makes SO much money from it that he'd be the biggest retard to ever live if he didn't squeeze this series until the last drop.
Blue Beret and Skibicigar are clearly in cahoots. They might even be special people from high above in the command chain. Blue specially is clearly the highest ranked (as in hierarchy) "head" we've seen so far.
another reason why toilets becoming part of the alliance shouldn't happen.
whats to say the cameramen wont just die from the large "indiscriminate kill" toilets that are supposed to help them, or that Gtoilet wont do what he usually does and abandon everyone at a critical moment.
Wait that orange astro actually IS a fucking dog on rewatch.
It has an orange armored tail behind its toilet, I thought it was some tube for plugged power at first but it's an actual tail, and yeah the thing on its left part of the skull IS a dog ear.
Computermen are coming.
So the big gas mask guy got heat vision or x-ray, I'd say heat vision and he only saw the skibidis in the warehouse because the alliance is filled with robots so no way he could see heat from them
This reminds me of metal slug. By how the soldiers you were just slaughtering are immediately willing to help you out to kill the evil aliens out of their love for their general.
wow that thread is dogshit, retards arguing with other retards
/co/ is such a shitty board
>children's cartoon autist board is filled with autists
and water is wet
the guy having a complete meltdown over ST's existence is funny.
On one hand you've got "I haven't watched this but here's why everyone claiming to like it on this site is simultaneously an organized discord conspiracy but also somehow a bunch of ten year olds", and then on the other hand, some ESL who thinks anyone who doesn't like the series is automatically some sort of disingenuous shitposter newfag, and the two of them post like a hundred times per hour so that the thread is thoroughly derailed into their slapfight.
Very glad no series I like is limited to only being posted in that shithole, the whole board is unsalvageable. I saw some thread there a while ago where they were calling people newfags for not caring about some blogposter tripfag who makes multiple AMA threads a year about wearing a fucking mascot costume at a theme park
I only talk about skibidi in this thread, personally.
Occasionally leave a comment on some videos but that's it.
If these threads weren't around I'd have to just keep all my thoughts about the videos to myself.
Yeah, this thread is much better, part of it is that it's a slower board so people don't have to post when they have nothing to say just to keep it bumped, but it also helps that we can actually directly post episodes and clips here instead of just dropping a link, it's actually how I originally found the series last year
But even the rare threads on /v/ aren't that bad

Anyways, I hope we get a look at the carnage the Astros have caused, so far all we got is the security feed that got beamed to the alliance last episode and then the view from one small area as we focused on a small crew of survivors this episode. I want to see just how desperate things have become.
same here.
sometimes it feels like 4chan, despite all its schizos, is the sanest place on the net at times.
i hope its along with the reveal for the new race thats being teased, seems like it would fit.
>lone cameraman wandering the ruins of a recently razed city.
>making sure to record as much as he can for the home base.
>alliance members, toilets, cars, buildings, all the wreckage blends into itself. there's no start or end to a specific bit of rubble and no specific piece that stands out, its all just a big pile of ruin.
>eventually he comes across another figure in the distance, seems to be another human made machine.
>hopefully a speakerman. the cameraman could use some noise right now, the dead silence is getting to his processor.
>its standing in front of an astro corpse. one of the few confirmed astro deaths. but surely a single bot couldnt have...
>its signal frequency doesnt match any known machine group
>well, beggars cant be choosers
>the cameraman approaches the figure, quite the opposite of ready for whatever happens next.
That would be a great way to take this. They initially team up, but it quickly becomes apparent that its a BIG mistake, that the toilets are irredeemable and impossible to negotiate with.

I don't want moral greys, I want classic good vs evil.
I'm still hoping for one final showdown once the astros are dead
I think there should be a few toilets that legitimately hold on to their humanity and want to help the cameramen. The G-toilet and those loyal to him could be like the Order of the Illuminate from Supreme Commander: forged Alliance, and the good toilets could be the Aeon Loyalists.

Although, since G-toilet is the equivalent of Evaluator Kael, who would be the Princess bhurke?
I think it'd be neat if a small faction of object heads try to work with the toilets despite their higher ups forbidding it, but the toilets prove to be too evil to work with.
>I think it'd be neat if a small faction of object heads try to work with the toilets despite their higher ups forbidding it
That just might be the case, but I think it's the other way around though, higher ups like tv scientist was willing to hear the side of Gman while war vets like TTVM are strongly against the idea.
This episode might be an isolated issue and doesn't represent the entire war. Who knows we might be witnessing the birth of another faction, a form of united guerilla force.
>Gman while war vets like TTVM are strongly against the idea
ehhh idk, the Coronel cameraman aided with that soldier toilet pretty quickly, if his hat showcases his ranking and isn't there just for fashion, he might be the one to convince the higher ups of the Alliance about, well, an alliance.
the pov cameraman zooms on skibidi toilet woman's thick juicy gyatt at 2:42

considering the rainy weather, we can exclude western US (where many of the past episodes took place) as the approximate location of the episode; upon further analysis of the surroundings, the foliage appears to be mid to low density woodland, a biome commonly seen in the united states northeast, therefore, it is possible that the events of skibidi toilet 75 take place in the greater area of the state of Ohio, therefore, we literally witnessed a Skibidi Ohio Gyatt
They really give off the veteran vibe.
what if dafuq uses the soldier toilet and fem mutant to confirm the "alliance was once human" theory and show us how object heads are made?
>first episode of a season the soldier toilet and fem mutant take critical damage
>the two cameramen stay behind to comfort their dying allies
>cuts off before they actually die
>final extra scene of the full season
>starts on some cameraOS boot diagnostics
>few seconds later it disappears and the POV steps outside of a chamber
>POV is in a room with a bunch of cameramen, the beret cameraman is having a smoke with another in a camo suit
>POV looks behind and sees fem mutant's body in a chamber thats hooked up to what she just walked out of.
>she looks back, EP75's POV is giving the thumbs up salute
>she returns it
wasn't the "alliance was once human" confirmed in the episode 73 flashbacks?
that only showed us scientists doing an experiment.
we arent yet sure if its that or behavior being an imprint from the alliance's makers.
I figured it was just them picking up the gimmicks of their creators.
Wasn't the guy doing the thumbs up to the camera the secret agent anyway? He's alive and well so they technically had no reason to copy him if they were humans.
I thought it was supposed to be Plungerman since he had the same clothes and the same no-nonsense personality, while the girl was Camerawoman, since the flashbacks were specifically about those two
all other footage camerawoman went through was of plungerman. it's reasonable to assume he's also one of the humans, especially when it's filmed by a woman who does the same double thumbs up camerawoman does
Camerawoman was shown bleeding in episode 73, so it's confirmed at least some of the alliance are partly-human
how much time do you think has happened in-universe from episode 1 to 75?
Is that blood? Maybe it's supposed to be oil.
A couple of weeks I'd say, maybe two months at most.
Damn, now you got me wondering too.
I was wondering the same thing so I went back to watch the entire series. Assuming the footage from cameramen are only a couple of minutes/hours apart and the events of Skibidi Toilet happen only in one timezone:
Day 1: Episodes 1-20
Night 1(?): Episodes 21-23
>Sky resembles dusk hours during G-Man Toilet vs Titan Cameraman fight, the sky was not visble during the next two episodes so I'm assuming they happened at night.
Day 2: Episodes 24-32
Night 2: Episodes 33-43
>Day starts from Speakermen entrance, ends with Titan TV Man fighting a fully-loaded artillery toilet.
Day 3: Episodes 44-47
Night 3: Episodes 48-53
>Titan TV Man chases the Infected Titan Speakerman from dawn until dusk. Cameramen make their efforts to free TS from skibidi parasitism.
Day 4: Episodes 54-60
Night 4: Episode 61
>Cameramen, with the help of TV Woman, successfully disinfects Titan Speakerman, who is finally able to rejoin the Alliance. The only episode with a dark sky is during Speakerwoman's debut.
Day 5: Episodes 62-65
Night 5: Episodes 66-70
>Day starts with the duo chasing after G-Man Toilet, ends during the bunker raid that lasts a couple of hours, transitioning from midnight to dawn.
Day 6: Episode 70-75 (present)
>Day starts from bunker raid, only Dafuq knows how this will end now.
If both my observations and assumptions are correct, the entire series hasn't even lasted a full week. The R&D from both sides are lightning fast.
id say most episodes arent a good way to gauge time considering the old format was more based on random skirmishes.
there are a few defined timeframes, of course.
takes place over one night to mid day as TTV chases TSM
TCM frees TSM and follows him for the day
scientist fight and lab raid take place over the course of a night ending at dawn, Gtoilet chase and arm astro fight throughout the day, then the astro fleet arrives at dusk.

outside of these periods, there's not enough info for a defined timescale, there could be days, weeks, or even months and years between each episode.
for example, it'd be silly to say that cities and forests are already completely ravaged after just two days of war (as seen in episode 47)
also makes the rebuild periods for titans a lot less impactful.
thinking about it now, it's nice that we finally seem to have gotten another time skip with 75.
episodes 67 came out 7 months ago, the series has been stuck on the same day or two for 7 months.
It's real.
Vile antisemite, how dare you besmirch the competence and virtue of the media.
It's really crazy how someone like Plunger died this early into the series, you'd think he'll survive into the final battle.
He'll be back....
you're thinking of brown coat, he's getting the ol' dreadnought treatment
I'm reading the wiki and I noticed some fun details.
>a blue tied cameraman is distracted quite easily in all of his appearences, he gets help from a Black spotted tie speakerman in episode 24, and he repays him the favour in episode 66. He dies in episode 70 when a toilet makes him take his head off.
>Red tied cameraman and Brown cameraman seem to be buddies, they are always together
>Dark blue tied cameraman never gives thumbs up to any other alliance member, he's always reactionless, except for the last time we see him in episode 70 when he's quick to throw himself down the elevator shaft with that acid bomb toilet and save everyone from the infiltration team.
>Secret Agent hasn't left the Blue Suited cameraman alone ever since he met him.
>Energized TVman is the first time we get a POV that is not a camerahead
>>a blue tied cameraman is distracted quite easily in all of his appearences, he gets help from a Black spotted tie speakerman in episode 24, and he repays him the favour in episode 66. He dies in episode 70 when a toilet makes him take his head off.
>>Red tied cameraman and Brown cameraman seem to be buddies, they are always together
>>Dark blue tied cameraman never gives thumbs up to any other alliance member, he's always reactionless, except for the last time we see him in episode 70 when he's quick to throw himself down the elevator shaft with that acid bomb toilet and save everyone from the infiltration team.
Damn, I thought I caught every small secret but some still slipped past my eye.
Guess I'll have to rewatch sometime to see if I missed anything else.
Anybody got a webm version of the tiktok of the kids on a school trip listening to some goofy remix of skibidi toilet while riding on the bus, can't find it?
Was that posted in these threads?
Fucking zoomers, you people don't deserve internet access. No better than poojeets.
No I just saw it on tiktok and I havent been able to find it since.
It's super short, they're just sitting on the bus with a massive speaker in the middle listening to the remix, made me laugh for some reason. Probably just brainrot.
I actually did a sort of study on why people like you hate fun things. You have a mental problem where you dont want to face creativity, your unconsciousness. A sort of narcisissm disorder you have. No humor, no fun, no joy in life. I pity you. Without a connection to the archetypical realm, you are not really a human. Any of us can see these things and feel connection to it, that is, every real human, you fucking zombie fake.
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who would win:
>the blood red light of death, filled with nothing but hatred and malice
>CS:GO knife (worth 2 dollar)
>Speaker Titan is a CS:GO player
Explains him coming to battle with a new knife every time, the base dagger was cool but the one he pulled out of nowhere on G-man was great
the one he pulled against G-man was straight up a sword
Not knowing what happen to Titan Cameraman is killing me bros.
Fuck I edged to this and now it's all over my screen
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Same. In one hand the fact we were not shown righjt away what happened means something bigger than "deds an heroic ded" is in the works but it also means that he either got captured or is still in the run.
>titanized G-man goes to the alliance base carrying Titan Cameraman in his arms as a show for truce
what's your reaction?
That's one possibility. TVman Titan still will not like it.
teasers for 76 are here.
looks like it'll be a two part episode, meaning we'll probably get an extra scene in the full version.
now the big question is: what the fuck is the significance of the chairs?
is he just shitposting or...?
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New chair race confimed.
oh my fucking god
>G-men employers
oh my fucking god
>the chair heads
I kneel...
>episodes come faster again
Finally, i'd be happy if we went back to even once a week
>we get faster releases
>dafuk gets triple the views cuz part 1, 2 and full episode
Really everybody wins.
not to mention how dafuq needs time to actually flesh out what the astros are packing. the older skirmish format would be perfect for this
>two ~1-2 minute episodes of skirmishes between the alliance, corrupt toilets, and astro toilets.
>season finale is a story episode
>extra parts in the full season
>releases go on a 1/1/2/1 week pattern
>saw a clip of Biden actually saying skibidi
It’s over.
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>it's real
Oh brother, send this man to a retirement home already.
This is actually my first time seeing Biden speak, I thought those dementia claims were just political shitflinging I didn't know it's actually true.
(((America's elites))) are just laughing at Americans at this point, Biden could literally get replaced by a sock puppet and Americans would still think it's fine.
>I thought those dementia claims were just political shitflinging
Biden has been out of it even before he became president.
>Biden could literally get replaced by a sock puppet
He is a sock puppet. The man can barely string a single coherent sentence together, let alone run a country.

>There is now malware/botnet named skibidi
Honestly fitting given what it does to the humans.
>g-toilet hacks my computer to mine toilet coins
Take solace that Michael Bay and others actually took note of Skibidi Toilet.
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I love my Titan Speakerman plush
what a silly guy
Yeah I was thinking the same.
It is wholesome in a way.
legend has it, episodes came out one or two days after the previews dropped...
New episode drops in 2 hours
It's up
Good episode
>earth/corrupt toilets in a general "free for all" state, some defecting while others keep fighting object heads
>grunt size astros
>camera brute PoV
>laser brute back in action
>the camera walker is back in action with the scientist cameraman
as usual, good episode. and only part 1 too. wonder what the second part is
if there was another mystery figure appearance i couldnt catch it, stuck on mobile until tomorrow. i'll look for the frame then
what map is this?
also is that a skibidi toilet with american flag?
>POV cameraman steals an astro gun
Hell yeah.
Also astro foot soldiers kinda look like the speedster toilet, except not glitchy.
Excellent return to form.
Astros are strong but they aren't insurmountable, and strangely skibidi tactics are effective against astros but I guess Gman was prepping for them instead of the alliance.
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The chair! it moves slightly! Clearly evil.
So the astros are much more articulate to the point that even grunts can get off one-liners. Not sure how I feel about that yet, I'll have to see more of it to decide.

Now this feels soulless.
This looks horrible. Why the bootleg skibidi series can't get the POVs right like Dafuk does them?
>the glitched toilet that plungerman hijacked was actually either just a brainwashed astro toilet or an attempt to recreate them
Now I'm having trouble telling the good toilets from the bad ones. As what did the astro toilet with the triangle on its head say before it was killed? I can't understand them very well.
What do these astro say?
I only heard the second one say "traitorous scum"
God damn they move fast.
I don't think this guy realized that the fights were somewhat slow for the titans because of their sheer size.
Neat designs though.
Nice pure fighting episode with some interesting details hidding in there.
Don't forget the thing that was moving on it's own on that very street to the right past the pillar.

The first sentence was "How dare you resist?!"
>As what did the astro toilet with the triangle on its head say before it was killed?
I thought he said some gibberish then goodbye at first, but on re-watch he said
>time.... to die
Camera strider is back! One of Booms coolest character designs in my opinion. Pretty good turnaround time too, considering that ep72 (where he was badly injured) was only a couple of days ago in the skibidi univserse.
Also, 22nd November 2023 was the last time we properly saw a large speakerman shown. Really having withdrawals for those lanky spergs.
Not a single speakerman in the last two episodes. I want to believe everyone went back to the base to help repairing their Titan
They probably readied a party for his return since unless they were on the battlefield where G-man was they basically haven't seen him since the first 20 episodes
>The skibidi truck was Avery Johnson from Halo
>fem mutant was also from Halo.
Expect to see more Halo characters from the guerilla squad, master chief cameraman soon brothers calling it right now.
Having a hard time telling the toilets apart. Is there like a symbol I need to look for?
The new faction ones just fly without jetpacks and got advanced weapons, plus super speed.
Rest is the same toilets from before, some of them got look like they're from some resistance/rebel army with their clothes and they team up with cameras?
leave it to latinos to give SOVL into anything they're currently obsessed with
>Avery Johnson
no it the black guy from half life 2
how did those cameramen adopt astro tech so quickly? has there been a time skip, or did they come from the future?
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Fuck man
Kek, had the exact same thought when I saw it.
true as fuck, webm related
>next episode is from Scientist Cameraman POV inside The Strider blasting Astros
Imagine that
I assume the POV is a large cameraman? he has the same height as the other large cameraman, and his arms look weird when he grabs the astro gun
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welp, couldnt find the mystery figure, probably in part 2.
but i did notice this around 1:18, when everyone's running from the grunt astro.
a moving sign post.
we've got fuckin prop hunt shenanigans going on now.
they've always been pretty good with that
That and the Old Snake with the Scientist Cameraman at the end.
What is known about DaFuq!?Boom!

Gender? Age? Nationality? etc
What erks me is how easily the astro's weapons get stolen. You'd think they'd at least invest in some form of bio locking mechanism or a self destruct feature.
It's probably too advanced for it to be reverse engineered quickly.
At best they can just use the weapons as they are if they manage to steal them right now, mainly from grunt soldiers, they got two gravity claws and the toilets took an energy blade from a gas mask grunt (?) + energy source and regular shitty energy gun.

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