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kick out americans
allow commie chinks in
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negroes are so desperate for a win it's a hilarious
>ree ruh chinee
3rd world nations are easy to exploit, the only reason european colonialsm ended was because whites started to feel bad about it, china doesn't have those same moral concerns, and so a new era of chinese colonialism in africa has begun.
The drummer is fucking killing it
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we wuz changs
bwaaahaaa good one
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It's going to be 20,000,001 when the 6 million non-whites hear about this
tallcucks got SERVED
the gorilla never hear of ~27 millions of soviets.
he's still better educated than /pol/
wait, are those _actual_ monkeys screaming in the background?
someone post the one where one guy breaks the tv and blames the midget for it
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this guys great
Where's the one with the guy telling the world is hungry for action, where they add more and more to a Bluray. I was certain I had it...
afrocentricism is always the funniest shit
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yakuub over here about to make white peepo.
thats some madmax shit
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All of these people may be black, but the only nigger I see here is the American.
The 10 and 20 million figures that are floating around are more ridiculous than the story of homicidal gas chambers and were in fact pulled out a Jewish historian's small hat without justification.
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this is pajeet level of video
Africans did it first believe it or not
this post made me laugh hard enough to give me a headache
fuck i always lose to this
Nice. As they say in Africa, danke schön.
pretty sure that violates at least one road rule even in madmax world
leopold II is absolutely on 'the list'
stupid groid
"I will chew your meat" lmao
Truly a short king.
I love showing these gifs to leftists who think that white's are the only people who engage in racism.
Trying to pin this on "white supremacy" literally fries their brains.
I don't really see how that is racist, it's a respectful interpretation isn't it?
Now they can enslave their own children for raw goods! Yay!
>>Delta FORSEN on the dvd
kekk, where did they get it?
best continent honestly
he's so close
he just needs to make the obvious conclusion - that the scale of murders is not the reason why the cultural narrators hate Uncle A so much - then the next question is obvious: Why do they hate him so?
explain this to a chinese lad
Besides how can it be financially advantageous for leopold to kill that many workers? How many years would it take to cut the hand of 10 millions congolese?
>Population of the Congo Free State in 1907: 9,130,000 people.
>Congo genocide: 20,000,000 killed
Nothing to see here
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So was uncle remus in song of the south.
I like how they're watching him, as we say in French, like a chicken that's found a knife.
America is finally trying to cash in on that culture of theirs. Their retarded "anti-racism" culture is very costly for them, if it fails to bring Africa to their side, it was a complete disaster.
fastest reader but unfortunately, very firgetful
>China lends money to small poor countries, knowing they will default on the loan and have to cede control of key assets if they can't meet their debt repayments.

They have done this all over Africa but somehow everything wrong with Africa is still the west's fault lol. lmao even
And the difference too is that the Chinese can't be guilt tripped into giving up Africa, calling them racist doesn't work, literally nothing will, it's gonna be interesting seeing this unfold.
they will come to the same conclusion we did. we tried bringing order to them. we genuinely tried educating them enough to be able to run their country themselves but its impossible.
after the soviets spread identity politics psy ops in the 60's and brought about the entire modern concept of "colonization was le evil" and the easily manipulated niggers started chimping out and rioting and our mission to civilize became an unprofitable and futile endeavor. the congo was a prime example. it was the most prosperous sub-saharan nation.
all the infrastructure the Chinese built will be destroyed within a generation after the Chinese give up and leave in exactly the same way
The Force Publique consisted of less than a thousand Europeans. the majority was recruited from the local population. The only thing Leopold did was create the economic pressure for rubber. The atrocities were derived from Congolese's own barbarity.
Are the Chinese actually trying to educate the Africans though? I was under the impression they were just attempting to colonize, enslave, and ultimately take over Africa until they've stolen all of their resources and all they leave behind are small and very dense cities.
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This documentary about African trucking and the trucks name is "Goddess of Mununga The Legendary Iron Lady" one of my favorite names.

wat &
Your statement betrays a complete misunderstanding of what is going on in the world, specifically Africa I guess.
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Here's another respectful interpretation of Africans.
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Is this the reason why there's so much Black on Asian violence in the West? These sort of theatricals?
No, blacks are just violent subhumans, simple as that, they'll attack anyone if they consider them weak, hence why they target asians and whites the most.
Isn't all black on X violence high?
Asians, whites, blacks, arabs women... maybe not natives due to small numbers?
Yes, thanks to democrat mayors, governors, law makers, and judges, for giving them slaps on the wrists for any crime they commit, I went out today and the three stores I went into had at least one tweaker just taking shit for free, the kicker is the police station was right across the street and of course they have orders to just let them be otherwise they can sue your ass in court. This country is turning into South Africa.
what drum sticks are those?
I think they're just sticks
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>two-handed shoe attack
yeah I'll go with the disease resistant class this shit knocks
I just noticed the one they're tossing in the background.
I wonder if this guy knows that he's been immortalized on the internet.
KINO ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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niggas never heard of resonance
For funny things like this I have faith in humanity. Blacks have a right to exist.
...In Africa of course.
>linux car
>cooling system not pressurized
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My fucking sides
Based vibes
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looks choreographed kek
damn that mic picked up on the dude farting in mid fight.
majin buu rapping
>little nod of approval
Smartest African.
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>buu starts rapping faster than mr. popo
sounds like Mmmbop. Was waiting for them to start singing
definitely fake
the bushmen are usually very chill and usually don't approach something new in an aggressive way (or at least from what I understand or from what I've seen)
a lot of them have also probably already seen some form of drones by now or at least understand that technology like this exists and that they don't posses it or care to posses it
still a pretty funny webm tho
Dude just rips off a palm tree for a weapon.
>answers phone in the middle of an interview
>doesn't think of either turning it off or putting it on silent beforehand
>looks like they just dragged him out of skid row, put a suit on him and placed him in front of the camera
>interviewer too much of an immature and egotistical faggot to stop talking and wait for him to finish his call
A perfect example of the how low IQ the average negroe male is
what is going on here?
what manual drivers think they're doing on a daily basis
>padlock on the door
anyone got the one where the down syndrome guy is dancing and then there's a vehicle accident on the road behind him?
There were also less than 500 soldiers stationed in Congo, kinda doubt they could have killed 20 million people even i. Congo had that many at the time.
How the fuck is that kid fine after that?
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Orks of 40k.
>Is this the reason why there's so much Black on Asian violence in the West? These sort of theatricals?
It's genetic, you fool
By not being a pussy
It's not like they hurt him
Is this a new Naruto episode?
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there has to be a full video of this somewhere

> using a drill to control the car window handle
> drill bit disconnects from drill and stays there
some cartoon shit
> calling it a drill bit when it's obviously a socket for bolt heads
> pressing post without proof-reading
stop fucking up, brain.
found it meself

love these fellas
hopefully they go places
pretty sure that might be south africa after the president got arrested for raping several women and certain tribes got angry because thats their boy
its like this all over africa
lmao that webm
We call this function over form
The Black Stripes.
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If they had the power of Orks, they'd be the most fearsome space-faring force in the galaxy.
reminds me of the music from Donkey Kong for some reason
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africa is the SOVL continent
>africa invented crust posting
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gotta admire his spirit
goes pretty hard ngl
Give me some African hooch and a lawn chair and I could totally chill out to this.
Face color is black but face structure is white. Would
Does anybody know what region this type of physiognomy is from?
Nubia, if i had to guess
its just instinct
blacks know that they get free ride from whites so they tolerate them to a extent
chinks are like invasive species and will give them nothing for free and feel not empathy
in their hearts the blacks know that yellow peril is real and will be their demise and so they fight against it
they are build different
damn white culture is amazing dude
east african bushmen
Imagine creating children with her.
and imagine your white cock disappearing into her tight pussy.
and your white cum standing out on her face.
fuck i cant wait for tomorrow. i havent jacked off in weeks and im about to bust inside an asain girl.
You would just ruin her good genes
He was right.
>up endo
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Most of the items in modern Mexican Food came from Africa
lmao, good call anon
you're retarded my man not all tribes are the same, there is no "the bushmen"
they're just like me
Absolute kino
Who are these guys?
>some internet users
seems legit
and now in modern times we have videos of politicians eating their own poo, maybe we should listen to africa
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someone show this video to the mexican community quick
The hair style indicates she's a member of the Hamar tribe, which would place her in the Omo River valley in South-Western Ethiopia, near the border with Kenya.
Not resonance dumbass, just too much weight.
>commie chinks
i know this shit will be in his next video
drummer smoked the gaytarist
interviewer did nothing wrong, he probably assumed they'd cut the guy's mike and focus the camera on him in the meantime
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imagine touching grass.
He's getting back at them for enslaving his ancestors and selling them to jews and arabs
Legendary k/d ratio, kino
They pick on easy targets and covid gave them an excuse to hate asians
Ok but what was that at 0:35? gigantic fries?
Americans have a history of disrespectful racial shows where people would paint their face black. Now everybody feels weird about it. They assume that the rest of the world also has to feel weird about it because Americans were mean about it 100 years ago
>muh white man's burden
The Chinese don't give a fuck about that. China lends them money so that they can hire Chinese companies to build infrastructure. It's just subsidies with extra steps, and has the nice benefit of adding to their soft power.
Compared to AAVE this accent is music.
>pancakes use milk as an ingredient
>this means cows created pancakes!
>I Ching
lmao this can't be real
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This here is proof that the right can't meme
I don't care what you guys think but this shit is deeply impressive.
Subtlety fantastic, I laughed but probably won't jerk it to aika anymore
Looks like the opening to Dead Rising where that woman falls off the roof.
We let midwits control civilisation (alongside a certain ethnic group that seeks to destroy it anyway).
We would unironically probably be better with 60IQ groids running the show since there is reality to be found in the unintelligent because they don't get bogged down in semantics or anything in an attempt to look intelligent.
You just showed yourself to be the midwit
what the fuck? dual sim phones were a thing since fucking 2000
Implying the system allows to be replaced without significant counterviolence. Cops are very good at killing blackies, so your retarded negro overlords would get mown down far before reaching he capitol. And if they were to be elected they also would just propagate your problems as a capitalist (if yr a wagie just kys). You will always be a tool for the state to create more credit/debt, even when new monkeys rule over you.
>Living amoung lions, and wild life
>Spend all day hunting and masturbating
>Fucking my primitive wife inside a mud house
Ngl, dream life pre-rodeshian Zimbabwe
Kinda hot honeslty
>face structure is white
Are you retarded, blind or both?
and you were spot on!
>living symbiotic with nature on an infinite timeline
>introduce industrial civilization
>disastrous consequences
kill whitey indeed!
yes asians and whites are weak
Political rally in Johannesburg, South Africa. Government official advocating killing of the remaining white citizens. He is also in favor of seizing farms and agricultural businesses owned by white people.

That's too bad. One of the sources of dried peaches at Costco was a south african farm business that grew many different types of fruit trees. And grapes for wine too. They were large enough to build a private school for the children of their employees. The public SA schools were appalling, so the ranch made sure to teach reading, writing, arthemetic, basic sciences, finances, and of course farming courses as that helps the children take on part time jobs at the farm before they graduate.
Who built that stadium then?
Impressive that the game has a random city generator
you're mom
Oh well, until white people decide to get it into their thick skulls that this world is one of dominance and submission, where the strong rule over the weak and how the weak are always on waiting on the sidelines to dominate the strong, things like this will continue to happen.
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sounds like average zoomer music
They think asians have to ditch the swastika because of Hitler
Spain has to ditch their religious processions because it looks like the KKK
Americans desperately need to learn that the world isn't just USA
seems bizarre, but idk, the monkey might have some bad connotations, in the west we say great leaders are lions as a way to praise them
while I believe asians in general to be more racist than whites, asians think so different than us, we might just be over reacting, or even seeing something thats really not there
for me it was the fact that 6 million counted more than idk, 100 million of everyone else combined, including Asia
this bothered me since high school, how they openly stated that the human rights were created because of the 6
fuck farmers
>They think
Blacks are terrible at war or creating military technology. You are an inferior people to the core of your being. Blacks have always been slaves to arabs, whites, asians, and each other.

No black nation has a competent military.
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Looks like Elena from Street Fighter
you guys are weird

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