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Reposts. YAWN
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Boycotting Israel is the easiest and also the hardest stand to make. They make nothing of tangible value themselves, of course, but they have a hand in every electric financial and informational transaction we make.
It's always "we dindu nuffin" but then they'll brag about it. Disgusting animals.
>They make nothing of tangible value themselves
almost all tech firms and roughly half of pharma companies are based out of israel
Also a shitton of the unilever-type conglomerates that own most of the brands you see at the grocery store are based out of Tel Aviv
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This is the most fucked up one. Fucking China's parliament doing obeisance to a portrait of a dead jew
Crockett continues the fight with MTG

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Previous Threads
extremely brave man standing up like that
Never assume malice when incompetence is a sufficient explanation
Never've heard about “Simple Sabotage Field Manual”?

In Bush's case he was just a putz to be pushed and pulled by the malicious forces (mostly jewish zionist neocons) in his gov't. Even if he himself wasn't that invested he still allowed it to happen.
who's this based black man?
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Fresh OC just for fun
Please rate, comment and subscribe
Tommy Sotomayor.
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ultra based cspan
Related: http://redefininggod.com/2016/10/how-the-kabbalist-jews-took-over-the-roman-catholic-church-through-the-jesuit-order/
This article doesn't mention how much Hewish organizations, like the ADL and many other large ones, were directly involved in lobbying for many of the changes that the Vatican II ultimately brought about.
Jewish. Missed that typo.
and he just drives off? What the fuck
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I'm an autistic hermit so don't listen to me, but when someone says something in the negative, as in "none of this would be possible" shaking your head seems like it could be an agreement with that negative statement.
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Yeah because US intelligence can only be wrong when the illuminati make it so.
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What did you expect him to do? Stick around and wait for the police to charge him with rape? Of course a muzzie would just drive off and find a new location to continue his rape in peace and not face the consequences of his rapey actions.
Those tomatoes that doesn't go bad for a month and taste nothing? Commercial cherry tomatoes? Israel.
Because a non muzzie rapist would hang around to surrender to the police and confess to his crimes. Flawless logic.
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300 years of "sorry niggers, only the glorious white male is allowed to have that". You people have nothing to say because it's benefiting you.
Then, suddenly, .02% of jobs (mostly HR that you faggots make fun of anyways) prioritize promoting historically oppressed people so that you won't have a room full of pure white dudes when a woman or poc report an incident. "This is literally white genocide! Help. Heeelp! I'm being oppressed!@!111". People like you haven't cared for 300 years, and you still don't unless you're not allowed to eat 100% of the pie.
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>"Why are we at war with Russia? It's like we picked it randomly off a map"
Russia? You mean the former USSR, the country we were at war with for 4 decades? That Russia? lol, this guy is fucking retarded.
Calm down shitskin
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>Leviticus 26:1

closes webm
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I was thinking the same thing.
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I could tell she was straight as soon as I saw her bc she actually looks kinda cool and not like somebody who has wrapped up their chidhood trauma in funny colors
>worships fags for being fags
>is cool
how about no
this austis is correct >>5597601
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Sebastian Stan Stars as Donald Trump in 'The Apprentice' [5t7VqHlKLqI]

It's these faux-self-righteous gnostic cultists who act so sure of themselves, so puffed up and arrogant, and so high and mighty that really deserve to burn. They're not even that intelligent either, just immoral and willing to lie. They're just swindling dishonest cheats who got there because of nepotism from their little gnostic talmudic sodomite cult, and that's going to make it all the better when they're proven wrong and sent packing to hell.
dont know if this was the right approach.

Everything he said was completely true

But this is just some poor fat retard who heard he can get a job and signed up.

He's basically making fun of a retarded person.

He could have at least found an E7 or 04 and above to do this too (there are plenty of disgusting people in senior ranks who actually make decisions).

This is just a straight up retard he's making fun of.
The reports about the "WMDs" literally came from Israel
She's talking about AIPAC fucking with elections in this clip, not dems/republicans. AIPAC just spent more money than any House primary in the HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES on one random NY District. The reason being was the incumbent (Jamal Bowman) was a critic of Israel.
In other words it is simply impossible to be an critic of Israel if you are a US politician, you will lose your job.
Who is this based Aussie? I've seen him in a few clips
Theres an interesting implication to this: if Loyola is representative of the counter reformation then the implication is that the Jews were fighting against Luther and Protestantism via the Jesuits. Which would imply that Luther and the Reformation represented the True Church.
This is footage from when Prigozhin's jet got blown up by a bomb planted on board, not as is claimed a Russian strategic bomber.

“We need to talk about AIPAC” - Mehdi Hasan [kz_nknXHUEw].webm

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Blair Cottrel
>The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark legislation in the United States that prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
You're a hypocrite. If black only spaces and black owned etc is celebrated then whites deserve a home too. Also blacks are unironically hired less for the content of their character. Statistics prove this, there are many blacks that are fine at my work but at the end of the day per capita you're much more likely to have a bad egg than a good egg.
shut up

Failed athlete turned scumbag neon*zi grifter
Crazy stuff.
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Yes death penalty to 18 year old students for trespassing. On their own campus. Jesus fuck these people are so fucking evil.
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I want a split-screen of Moscow vs. homeless nigger taking a dump in a mop bucket in NYC/Chicago/whereever subway
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>I want

Learn how to edit you useless foreign bastard
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What the fuck??? Unreal. Omfg people are so blind.
amazing how quiet the squad has been on the israel issue given their previous vocal track record. death threats do wonders i guess
don't be so hard on yourself
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didn't expect to see Duckling's Friend here
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>yes killing tens of thousands of innocent women and children is tragic but
>Israel are the good guys
lewl 10/10 logic
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Well, I remember, I remember, don't worry, how could I ever forget?
It's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no, you don't fool me
Well, the hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you and me
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord
come to white Jesus
The only thing that can save the west is Christian Nationalism.
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you mean national socialism
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>Christian Nationalism
Your holy land isn't your country. Your sacred texts weren't written in your language. Your prophets don't belong to your race. Your god is literally another people's national god.
Christianity is utterly incompatible with nationalism, it's the original zog and the blueprint for globohomo. Unsurprisingly, after 2000 years of this shit, no one but the Jew is allowed to be nationalist on this side of the planet.
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Why? Because Catholic "veneration?"
Why is the audio on this so bad? It sounds like it was first compressed to MP3 at a low bitrate before being converted to Opus. If it was high quality --> Opus, it would have soubded fine.
we have a place like this in my small Southern Illinois town
it's 99% White
the fat jew gov wants to start shipping illegals downstate from Chicago to little towns like mine
nobody hates niggers more than based blacks
it was Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle who said something to this effect during a comedy show
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japan is such a shit hole
they have some kind of cultural stockholm syndrome i think
Holy cringe, what the fuck kind of facebook tier shit is this
ur an idiot
Track ID?
based boxer voldemort ruthlessly clocking that faggot
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Once in chance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Bush and the neo-con lobby are well in the range of several hundred "chances".
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>Jewish rules
ignores comment
Jew doing Jewish things as usual.
Christianity did not spread by the sword.
>Christianity did not spread by the sword
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POOR neoLOSERn*zis seething lmao
So this motherfucker wants blasphemy against Christ to be punished or frowned upon. How does that create an unbiased environment in which to judge whether the claims of Christianity are true? It doesn't. He wants to enforce his made up nonsense through intimidation.

So based and trad, maybe you should post a few more Pepes on /pol/ and a trad wife will arrive at your door before long.
>I know, if I play some upbeat music with some attractive pictures then it will give the impression that nothing bad ever happened, there was no crime, nobody ever found things difficult or despaired, and diseases and death didn't exist!
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but could you tell she was jewish immediately?
capchta: GOYKH
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>remove crosses
>Synagogue of satan

lol silly neoDUMBn*zis always get this wrong
hair plugs
why are you censoring a slur you jews invented
it's your word made by your coreligionists
National Socialist is the correct term, of course. That's an economic position, by the way.
Democratic National Socialists Workers btw
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what is that in the back of the car? a doll? can't make it out,
Vice President Kamala Harris defends President Biden’s debate performance [CMBmrW6LzV0].webm

Of course she's going to defend him, he's her ticket to becoming president lmao
Its a solid question, the cold war just happened after WW2 and the sharing of germanys tech that is why. There is actually no need at all for russia and USA to be enemies and the only reason like that guy said US is giving aid to taiwan, jews and ukraine is a simple geopolitical move in an impending war with the east.

One thing that is pretty obvious is that when WW3 happens, and it will happen even if it doesn't happen for 100s of years, it will happen as the population rises and resources are more limited. Russia and china with north korea are going to be a massive enemy that could and probably will crush the USA without the USA having allies and the aid they give is all for that eventuality.
QRD please
>12 years is too old I was looking for a 6 year old
Fucking hell I lmao, this fucker doubled down
Werribee police station, probably a divorce parental custody release arrangement there
Not as much as islam but it was spread by the sword.
The real spread though was by constantine who used it as a political tool.
WTF is she even saying. I was with her until the end.
What is she trying to say someone?
do you have the clip from the debate of them arguing about who's better at golf?
What a Brown little whore
She's sexy af, also she's getting the BWC
Why you don't turn in your guns
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Shoot down by an S-200 max range 190 miles. Crashed 250 miles into Russia? It's falling straight down. Do the math.
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Based boomers
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I don't get the ending, is he promoting pedophilia like the nazis?
hitler is the good dictator guy. visit /pol/ sometime you'll be set straight.
> historically oppr....
kill yourself
vaccine the kid parents disagreed iirc
This bait? I don't look up to historic mass murder losers
fucking based boomer running over that thug with his scooter.
you don't have to. Ignorance is bliss. I certainly wish I hadn't listened. I wish I hadn't suspended my disbelief. I wish I was dumber. In the end the part of me that craves happiness bows to the part of me that accepts this burden.
I instinctively feared this truth and duty when I was as you are. Then ultimately this silly meme broke through and made me chuckle and say so what?

if they're wrong they're losers and nothing changes. if they're right what does that mean to me? whatever I choose it to mean, my destiny remains mine.
Again. You don't have to. The world is much darker than you think, but it makes the light much more radiant.
Is this a sketch?
What is in the back of the car ffs
Get a job, schizo
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Elon in the back
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those with a specific nasal construction often encourage degenerate behavior while not participating. it sometimes makes me wonder.
send them all back even the nice ones. can't fool me.
>promoting pedophilia
I see you are unfamiliar with the books they were burning
>a black dude complaining about 3rd world conditions
that's peak irony
no u
Average Australian afraid to type the word Nazi. Yearning for the safety of the ancestral penal colony lies at the very heart of the Aussie soul.
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Post your socials if you're so brave scumbag
This is willets point, the AUTO REPAIR zone in queens, and all that green fencing is a huge construction project in progress which is located in front of citifield on 38-65 Seaver Wy street, so the driver claims he's next to citifield, he's not, the dumbass took a shortcut in this area probably lost. But of course OP the retard filename fag.
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I know I'm going to sound very white saying this but that lawn care is atrocious. I desperately want to hit that fence with a weed wacker and edge that nasty cracked driveway.
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we all have work to do. a lot of work.
Physical war is the last step in a war of ideas, and financing. the ideas and truths though hidden for 80 years remain true, and the conflict remains unresolved.
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>inserts "loser" instead of "dumb"
Changing it up, I see. Good for you. :)
>Things weren't meangingfully better!
This is the same as those "cultural enrichment" compilation videos, but in the opposite direction. They are hyperbolic, but point to certain truths being pushed by the uploader.
I'll beat you to death with every volume of the Talmud, you child raping ape demon
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I'd give anything to torture, cannibalise, sodomise just one of the scum that guards Castro's bastard.
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I didn't watch the debates, so this is still real in my imagination.
It's nothing but chop shops, repair shops, used car parts via storage on the lot, etc. You only go there if you need something for your car done cheap, it doesn't need to be pretty.
Each shop is a specific purpose, as some do tires, some do transmissions, some do glass, etc. That high class descendent of royalty filming that vidrel is simply trying to get clicks by making a big deal about something that literally everyone in NYC knows about. Pretending to be shocked and outraged, simply because he's about to get a sound system installed at the end of the block, or because he's too retarded to use waze and got lost going to the game at citi field
>stop doing things to prevent our theft
I hate them so much
>don't trust your lying eyes
It probably was not "malice" with him: he simply was an incompetent fuck informed by an absolutely indefensible pile of scum.
Biden is pretty much the same, except he additionally suffers from dementia.
All relevant "camps" in the US are trash, that will make "their President" do the shit they want him to.
That's the reason for Trump's rise, because he neither really counts as a Republican nor as a Democrat. Both parties (and the media) hate him for he is a regular US citizen.
You niggers didn't even invent the wheel, amd got bought to a civilized nation. Without that "oppression" you'd all still be raping eachother to cure your aids. Shut up faggot.

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