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File: Sana Interstellar.webm (5.3 MB, 854x480)
5.3 MB
Become Beeg Edition

>Virtual Youtubers rankings


>Webm making guide

>Webm Software
XMedia Recode: https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/
MPV Player & Scripts: https://mpv.io/

Try to not post webms that were just in the previous thread, unless requested.

Previous Thread:>>5595265
File: SanaCatDance.webm (3.44 MB, 720x756)
3.44 MB
3.44 MB WEBM
File: Bae Sings Astrogirl.webm (5.43 MB, 640x360)
5.43 MB
5.43 MB WEBM
2 Years...
File: lumi's dick.webm (5.53 MB, 1920x1080)
5.53 MB
5.53 MB WEBM
File: 2024-05-30_Portal.webm (5.95 MB, 320x180)
5.95 MB
5.95 MB WEBM
I've been waiting for Chimi to finish Minish Cap and Portal 2 so that I can make more compilations, but she prefers chatting streams
File: bao-bao-the-whale.webm (281 KB, 498x474)
281 KB
Short Version of This >>5608841
Holy shit she's ugly.
The other anon was right, he was terminated (on youtube)
Funny enough I know Taiga. He's a cool shitposter until the vtuber shit cause drama with certain friends. Used to post often on ADISC. One of the few small sized members before the 18+ rule. I think he was taller than me? I forget to be honest.
she regrets being called a thinker playing those games
File: KSON SIT ON MY FACE.webm (960 KB, 1280x720)
960 KB
File: Skibidi Biboo.webm (1.28 MB, 540x960)
1.28 MB
1.28 MB WEBM
honto ni gomen
whyd Sana graduate so soon anyway?
Uruka's making up for lost time with all these streams.
Older clip but posting it because it's the same song.
I think she just didn't understand what was required of being in Hololive. They wanted to fly her out to Japan several times a year, dancing and singing lessons, and idol shit with a life manager was too much for her.
In her defense, when she joined HololiveEN was really only gaming, drawing, and cover songs.
It's more surprising they've only lost one girl for those reasons.
Excuse you, the Skibidi meme is Russian.
File: PekoAnthem.webm (5.78 MB, 841x480)
5.78 MB
5.78 MB WEBM
Happy 4th!
And this is why pekora doesn't headline at the concerts.
thanks for the info
Broke no rules, kill yourself SEAschizo janny. You'll never escape the fate of being SEA.
File: hinano skype.webm (5.48 MB, 800x450)
5.48 MB
5.48 MB WEBM
Her hair started turning grey in that moment. A rather painful transformation.
Thats clearly just her boyfriends hair getting caught up in hers.
Sad, many such cases. Sometimes I think he just makes it a point to delete a handful of posts at the start of the thread.
I miss (pre-dead dog) Sana...
>Taiga's discord has She/Her pronouns in his profile
Did he troon out?
File: Dokiboard.webm (5.21 MB, 960x540)
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5.21 MB WEBM
File: ninjutsu-spell.webm (2.23 MB, 960x540)
2.23 MB
2.23 MB WEBM
File: tickle spots.webm (5.74 MB, 852x480)
5.74 MB
5.74 MB WEBM
File: Gackerl.webm (5.8 MB, 852x480)
5.8 MB
just as Francis Scott Key imagined
Somehow I expected dutch to be able to pronounce german easily.
File: muyu flashbang.webm (5.93 MB, 1280x720)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
rin penrose sounds cuter than usual.
>comparing Kamito to a mossad tuber
File: 1718471559544245.webm (4.7 MB, 960x540)
4.7 MB
You know, anti. She's very against it.
>I missed a little bit
oh my
That is a blessed laugh.
File: a lesson on screws.webm (5.98 MB, 1920x1080)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
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5.29 MB
5.29 MB WEBM
Is she 90% hair?
I love it.
File: standing_ovulation.webm (1.96 MB, 1280x720)
1.96 MB
1.96 MB WEBM
File: parts.webm (5.69 MB, 1280x720)
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5.25 MB WEBM
File: she eepy.webm (5.64 MB, 1000x500)
5.64 MB
5.64 MB WEBM
10 out of 10
Sleepy makes me sleepy.
File: Levi hum.webm (3.05 MB, 1280x720)
3.05 MB
3.05 MB WEBM
She's so real for this.
File: Fox Crime.webm (734 KB, 1280x720)
734 KB
Now that's what people in the industry call foreshadowing
>Vedal lets his daughter collab with that cheating whore
>"where you showing off your private parts"
Neuro knows.
File: mashiro oppai.webm (5.62 MB, 1280x720)
5.62 MB
5.62 MB WEBM
File: ame_suffering01.webm (5.8 MB, 1280x720)
5.8 MB
Ame suffering 1/2
File: ame_suffering02.webm (5.42 MB, 1280x720)
5.42 MB
5.42 MB WEBM
Ame suffering 2/2
I only care about wholesome, seiso vtubers
File: Gura@Dodgers Stadium.webm (5.34 MB, 1280x720)
5.34 MB
5.34 MB WEBM
Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension
Name three.
Bao, Lucy, Melody
File: KoboSideeye.webm (1.74 MB, 648x480)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB WEBM
Sleepy, Ayase Yuu, Ami Amami
Why won't YAGOO give Kobo a pony?
File: New Model Speedrun.webm (5.72 MB, 960x540)
5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM
I blame Calli.
Low key I envy anyone who went to the event and got their hands on merch. That merch is gonna be worth more than bitcoin.
Wow what the hell that hum sounds angelic, I want her to hum to me while we fall asleep.... FUCKCKCKCKKKKKKK
Fucking kek
>fake tits are le based
does anyone have more shondo
File: Shondog.webm (1.72 MB, 1920x1080)
1.72 MB
1.72 MB WEBM
one week
File: Evil_speaks_Evil.webm (5.82 MB, 1280x720)
5.82 MB
5.82 MB WEBM

>verification not required
File: OldNyanners.webm (3.11 MB, 1280x720)
3.11 MB
3.11 MB WEBM
i'm moving to australia to marry that hare if she knows about the anglosphere intelligence services

fallout 76?
Even if she's not a very political person, Kiki knows a lot of things probably just due to cultural osmosis from being on 4chan for so long.
...It's always weird to see niche internet-loser things in the real world.
Like, what the fuck, did vtubers become mainstream?
Can this be wembised?
File: crazy.webm (1.71 MB, 960x720)
1.71 MB
1.71 MB WEBM
this really highlights how lazy she is
My Streamer
Valid. Your national anthem should strike fear into your enemies, not make them cringe. All the ones I know are the latter.
I have questions
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5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
File: Flower In Bloom ers.webm (2.99 MB, 650x540)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB WEBM
Japan, then Hololive likely used their printed cash to go to the MLB and do the same thing
understanding how the countries are connected and how they work has little to do with politics after all


I googled it. What the fuck is wrong with you?
File: 2024-03-04_begging.webm (5.88 MB, 640x360)
5.88 MB
5.88 MB WEBM
Tried out some new effects with the speedup at the start
What the hell. I didn't expect that kind of promotion.
Do you think they'll develop "retard proof" VR chat gear for streamers like Filian so she can stop breaking so much equipment?
A Rubber Room
affordable mocap suits existed for years now, gaylord
File: Our Queen, Mint!.webm (4.62 MB, 1280x720)
4.62 MB
4.62 MB WEBM
I'm not saying affordable, I'm saying ones that can't be broken that easily. Have you even seen the webm of filian talking about all the shit she's broken?
It would be a mark of high quality if something is Fillian-proof. Should be an ISO standard.
Why do they stream on the lower right instead of the lower left? Also have come it isn't mandatory for australian vtubers to stream upside down?
I sit on the right and they all insist on sitting on my lap.
File: vtuber jiggle physics.webm (3.89 MB, 1280x720)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
The only real fix has always been
1. Bigger apartment, so the VR room is bigger
2.. Pad the area
3. Make sure the area don't end on a wall, making it a isle, so you can feel your feet stepping off it. Maybe even have contrast been the rubber gymnast mat and the hardwood floor
File: KFP AEROBICS.webm (2.98 MB, 1920x1080)
2.98 MB
2.98 MB WEBM
That's one thing I don't like about taiga. The diaper shit. But I can just not care about it and watch the clips
I like him
>goofy cartoon character voice
>angelic singer
File: Fubuki Fox Hole.webm (5.45 MB, 405x720)
5.45 MB
5.45 MB WEBM
such cool tech
this will become a lot better quickly too
The AI came close to a Terry Pratchett quote near the end there.
>There's no Justice, there's Just Us.
Her out of character voice is really nice, idk why she chooses that strange voice for her Vtuber character.
kiara comes across as really bossy during her group collabs, and nerissa seems to make some (like shiori) genuinely uncomfortable
am i reading too much into things?
Kiara is genuinely annoying and ruins every collab so no, you're not reading too much into things about her. Nerissa seems ok to me though.
bit rude to end the light show with their buttholes but i guess that's just what to takes to keep the baseball crowd interested.
It's like that for a lot of vtubers. They all think they have to be Pekora for some reason.
Holy shit, no one asked, Kiaraschizo
>everyone who doesnt like my whore is a schizo!
Seek help.
Not really, most collabs are fine, they just suck when an obvious skinwalker tries to make herself the center of attention.
Says the samefag with her living rentfree in his head.
disgusting faggots
who the fuck watches shit like this ?
other faggots probably
I really wish she'd stop doing this in shorts format.
Shorts reach the most people these days and some randomly get millions of views out of pure algorithm luck. I respect her hustle.
She doesn't even clip them and upload them as shorts. I don't understand.
File: Gura Shekel.webm (1.29 MB, 1920x1080)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB WEBM
Are you really this mentally ill? Everyone who dislikes your whore is the same person? How can you call anyone other than yourself a schizo when Kiara has loads of history on the internet full of people that dislike her.
Hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper
and a side of friiiiiiieeeeeeesssss
these stories are important to share. Good for her that things changed and that she gained a new insight about life
Youtube serves vertical streams when scrolling through shorts
File: scaredy chicken.webm (3.7 MB, 1280x720)
3.7 MB
neuro is fucking precious
Someone should do a series of increasingly abstract and fractal lumi illustrations.
File: Lost Kitten.webm (4.99 MB, 360x360)
4.99 MB
4.99 MB WEBM
File: Gaslighting.webm (1.7 MB, 480x480)
1.7 MB
Oh I see. Didn't know that and it's kind of counter-intuitive considering shorts by definition are clips under a minute.
Where them Clauvio clips at.
There are none. She's boring as fuck.
File: picard-four-lights.gif (1.24 MB, 320x240)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB GIF
File: 1630664291639.webm (2.36 MB, 550x596)
2.36 MB
2.36 MB WEBM
BeastyGerbil is the silly one. He's not even a pink haired vtuber princess, see? I rest my case.
File: Everyone's a critic.webm (2.66 MB, 480x492)
2.66 MB
2.66 MB WEBM
She keeps breaking shit because she's using Valve products that are intended for gaming, not stunt work. Mocap suits have their limits but they are far more robust.
Pray the Rosary every day
Sainte Jeanne d'Arc, priez pour nous
>El Abanderado de La Tradición
File: Tenma spammers.webm (2.41 MB, 1000x562)
2.41 MB
2.41 MB WEBM
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3.94 MB
3.94 MB WEBM
lol lmao
lil bro this is a thread for moving images of cartoon girls
Dude posts in every goddamn thread. Just ignore him.
protestants were a mistake
I've been meaning to make some but haven't gotten around to it yet. If you have any requests let me know
I love Kroni, in a sexual sense. I don't actually watch her.
They're reading My Immortal if that answers one of them.
really odd that a bunch of the donators for this are jewish, got exposed, they closed the original foundation that was funding it, and now a new one funds it but now donators are "hidden"
how odd, what a coincidence
File: Glimpse of the booty.webm (5.98 MB, 1920x1080)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
I liked this, what stream was this?
how brown is your hand?
that happened last type (((they))) had their anti-christian phase. there were "people" spamming christian verses in every twitch chat, hoping for that very reaction.
Well worth a watch
Thanks, didn't realise it got re-upped

File: itadakimasu.webm (5.19 MB, 1280x720)
5.19 MB
5.19 MB WEBM
She really doesnt belong in that dogshit company.
File: Papists, gtfo.gif (1.81 MB, 680x382)
1.81 MB
1.81 MB GIF
This is a Protestant general. Remove yourself from the premises at once, you Caesero-Papist swine.
File: Loomtheran.webm (3.26 MB, 1280x720)
3.26 MB
3.26 MB WEBM
Pray the Rosary every day
Sainte Jeanne d'Arc, priez pour nous
>El Abanderado de La Tradición
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVkefN10JtA [Embed]
File: cecelia fucking dies.webm (1.74 MB, 720x600)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB WEBM
>that sounds
Sure sucks being over 30.
>eastern vtubers: cute girls doing cute things

>western vtubers: tranny shits/garbage feminist shits
Don't forget the pick-mes
>choas dwarves
checks out kek
File: 1691685028091690.webm (2.13 MB, 1280x720)
2.13 MB
2.13 MB WEBM
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5.65 MB
5.65 MB WEBM
File: vanta twisty evil.webm (5.61 MB, 800x450)
5.61 MB
5.61 MB WEBM
I randomly found a little cutie called Namifell the other day, and I think will watch more of her content.
File: shondo-cool-guy.webm (3.37 MB, 1280x720)
3.37 MB
3.37 MB WEBM
Ive posting this video elsewhere but never here enjoy, Nina is super rad so please pray for her and for Stefanie Joosten who is briefly featured at the end thanks. Also to Catholics please read this post before Sunday it is urgent >>5615642 I also made minor changes throughout that video and added about 10 seconds to the end. Feel free to skip to the end to see the important addition.
why are prots always seething lol? Lumi chill out dude, you will never find a husband being so grumpy
Proverbs 21:19
Relax friend, I want whats best for you as well, I found this video just for you, it will clear up the black lies youve been taught
>Catholic Church: Sell Everything and Give to the Poor?
Lumi you are too intelligent to be a prot, stop it.
I didnt post this
didn't read lol
File: you.webm (370 KB, 540x480)
370 KB
Hey remember when the christfag said he would stop posting here since he delivered his message to us heathens? I remember.
File: suip.webm (1.04 MB, 480x256)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB WEBM
based millenial hag
File: Fauna tldr.webm (109 KB, 460x436)
109 KB
Silly goose.
this is what Benjamin Franklin fought for
File: Just Minto.webm (5.92 MB, 853x480)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB WEBM
File: shon dance.webm (5.98 MB, 1200x810)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
cow women keep moving
File: uoh minto.webm (2.94 MB, 1000x1000)
2.94 MB
2.94 MB WEBM
File: fakt oder fiktion?.webm (5.88 MB, 853x480)
5.88 MB
5.88 MB WEBM
File: found it.webm (5.76 MB, 720x1126)
5.76 MB
5.76 MB WEBM
File: Wrong Neighborhood.webm (4.03 MB, 1070x604)
4.03 MB
4.03 MB WEBM
File: I'm Ben.webm (1.99 MB, 640x480)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB WEBM
File: Heaven.webm (5.97 MB, 1920x1080)
5.97 MB
5.97 MB WEBM
File: Tomorrow.webm (637 KB, 1920x1080)
637 KB
Unless you fought your way to the front of the line you likely would have had to queue throughout the entire game to actually buy merch
I hope Shondo is OK. Really excited for her return, if so.
Green women...
File: 1711977687253246.webm (2.72 MB, 1366x720)
2.72 MB
2.72 MB WEBM
blacks only
File: looking.webm (5.93 MB, 1920x1080)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
That's kind of hot
is she white or asian?
slutty vtubers are a turn off.
File: 1712436966546734.webm (3.17 MB, 1280x720)
3.17 MB
3.17 MB WEBM
You might just be homosexual
nah their value just goes down the toilet whenever its a slutty vtuber show. same with the egirls nonsense. the garbage that twitch has with the hot tubs section.

cute girls doing cute things are more valueable
>not liking low value goods makes you gay
Annie is 100 times hotter when she's pretending to be Neuro's mom
Why not just watch/read a hentai manga/anime at that point?
the reimu fumo was the scariest thing about that
you're almost more annoying than the fag poster
thats insane
i hate you
File: mean green.webm (682 KB, 256x256)
682 KB
if you give a girl an xbox mic
i agree with the other anon, its a turn off
liking vtubers being slutty is the normiest of behavior
>he's buckbroken to the point that he automatically assumes that interracial means niggers
File: shi perfect.webm (2.94 MB, 720x720)
2.94 MB
2.94 MB WEBM
i thought the point of using this template was lots of pictures of one's waifu
there's only like four pics of shiori in this lol
File: Meow.webm (6 MB, 1280x720)
6 MB
I'm here for vtubers, not Christians bullshit
True, i can also agree.
If you like hearing Chimi use a deeper voice, she's using it to voice act and isn't deleting the vod. She had to cut this stream short, but she intends to finish the vn.
If you drop by, ask about her freckles. She likes to show them off
It's a chiraspam day
shondos back
shondos front
Someone even mentioned /wsg/ shortly after. Stop breaching containment, bozo
File: Pogua.webm (175 KB, 720x720)
175 KB
File: subscribe or DIE.webm (1.99 MB, 700x1000)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB WEBM
>sought about it

She's German?
was that in the house she bought?
File: Eternal Soul FOMO.webm (4.21 MB, 480x853)
4.21 MB
4.21 MB WEBM
File: 2024-06-18_zelda.webm (5.96 MB, 640x360)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
>I put on my robe and wizard hat
Not sure of her current housing situation, but she forgot she left her window open when raging, resulting in the neighbors calling the police thinking she was being attacked. This was a couple days ago
File: burgers?.webm (1.88 MB, 480x853)
1.88 MB
1.88 MB WEBM
If you want burger? Vtubers?, then Fubuki's your Wendy's burger gal.
Thanks for the Chimi, did you get any of her milking Pippa?
I don't think Pippa's tits are big enough for that
There are ways, some of which involve chucking her at a wall.
Not yet, but I have the vod downloaded. I might get to it tomorrow
Thanks for putting in so much effort, anon.
File: Videogames.webm (5.68 MB, 1280x720)
5.68 MB
5.68 MB WEBM
Dutch, but she has German friends she collabs with. She also has some ESls that shine through sometimes.
No problem, I have fun with it. Here's some foreshadowing from 5 fps Chimi in 2023 before her computer upgrade. Vtuber plushe milk is just one step on the path to the oshi meat dream
Can I have the webm of Yuria fighting lizards please?
File: chloe.webm (282 KB, 640x640)
282 KB
>720p 60fps (67M)
Do you have detective ame arguing with the ai lion tamer?
File: Meme Magic.webm (3.93 MB, 1280x720)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB WEBM
You're Welcome
almost fell disappointed for no thud
urge to protect

tenma isn't fucked up doe
File: No homo.webm (5.71 MB, 1920x1080)
5.71 MB
5.71 MB WEBM
Fantastic, thank you anon
What does it mean to "anti" a person or vtuber?
You're welcome

I think it means someone who only posts negative things about the subject and/or wishes for their downfall
An anti is a "hater" in non-vtuber speak.
Is phase connect falling apart?
File: pippa anti.webm (5.08 MB, 1280x720)
5.08 MB
5.08 MB WEBM
To anti someone is love them so much and know so much about them that you have to pretend to hate them out of shame.
File: BASED.webm (411 KB, 1280x720)
411 KB
File: Tengma.webm (5.63 MB, 1920x1080)
5.63 MB
5.63 MB WEBM
Tenma needs a hug
anyone got that webm of Korone dancing with Cwalk playing?
File: korone_flex.webm (799 KB, 720x720)
799 KB
What is a cwalk?

dance move originated from the crips gang in the 90s
What I am getting is that she is streaming to have a outlet against what she doesn't enjoy about Japanese norms.
I guess some other person would have taken up Judo for the same purpose
Are you sure that was the correct link?
fug this durgasoft(indiancoding) youtube

I meant to post fukken link
Neuron activation
I might have what you're asking for, but let me know if this isn't it. I have a few other webms of her dancing I could try.
almost close, but thank you for the effort

I made this webm myself

OG was on the anime girl dancing thread from a week ago
https://archived.moe/wsg/thread/5557227/#5557227 the first reply No.5557242
Oh, didn't realize you were talking about the same link you posted
>taken up Judo
I believe she has boxing classes.

First and foremost she is an "entertainer", and a good one to boot, so i will continue watching due to that. Regarding her anger & other health issues, she's smart enough and has support to handle it, i hope
Well, I guess she's spot on because I never go to /vt/ because I know I'll just hear nothing but horrible things about anyone anyone's heard about because that's what we do on this website. Every board seems to hate each and every person or thing that'd be on topic for that board and no one wants to support anything because we're just so used to someone else coming in and using information we didn't know to shit on something we liked.
Please post more if you have them. This was really moving. What a voice
I only made one other (for now).
Panko is growing on me, if only for her Karaoke streams
I love her accent, holy fuck does it sound like pure sex to me.

>Every board seems to hate each and every person or thing
>no one wants to support anything because we're just so used to someone else coming in and using information we didn't know to shit on
Thx!! I don't watch any vtubers, but karaokes might be the gateway drug.
File: pair of monkeys.webm (3.61 MB, 1920x1080)
3.61 MB
3.61 MB WEBM
you might be surprised to learn that's often what filters the majority of people who try and watch her
Even if all you search for is vtuber karaoke, there's plenty out there.
Unfortunately many of the karaoke live streams featuring popular songs don't stay up due to potential copyright claims. That's when these clippers >>5614487 are useful
too soon kek
File: press y.webm (2.9 MB, 720x1280)
2.9 MB
Take that man to the tickle dungeon!
Does anyone know the context? I've seen it before and wondered.
New Thread
Rabbit is humble
Rabbit is wise
i want to sleep between rabbit's thighs
she's Ukrainian living in Japan. Interracial probably means AMWF to her.
This is really funny because it feels like someone else did that for her.

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