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Can anyone who knows Korean/Hanja (Korean with Chinese characters) write out or translate what these two pages say?
I paid like $12 for this paper thinking I could OCR it and get an MTL, but the Hanja fucked it all up since the OCR I use doesn't recognize that.
If you need a higher resolution let me know. This has the .PDF at 'Actual size,' but I can zoom in if necessary.
If nobody shows up I recommend you to use a Chinese OCR to get the hanja separately, that or write them into google translate.
Does google translate not work on it?
The chances of you finding a koreanfag who speaks korean well and knows hanja too is probably very low. I'd try to find someone I could pay to transcribe it, and then put it through google translate (if that works with hanja at all, I have no idea).
I don't know either Korean or hanja, so it's hard to tell the difference.
That said, after like half an hour scanning each character, I managed to get the first paragraph of the first page written out,
>朝鲜未期耐合의對西間研究 97
>變化를 感得할 수 있게 되어 行悖하는 似以非的徒도 더러 나올 수 있었고,反對로 民人들의 惡心이 振作되어 敌人에 行暴하는 致民들로 생겨나게 되었다。이러한 事情에서 1891年代부터 頻發되는 敎案 事端은 많다。그러한 事端듄 가운데서 法案·訴案의 变錄의 其他의 公的女害와Mutel文書에서 抽出되는 것들 가운데 前項에서 考察한바 法敎士와의 問题号 除하고 總覽하면 다음 表와 같다。
>数・民 相詰關係로 数案化되었던 事端一覽 (+는数人)

However, it doesn't matter what MTL I use; it ends up largely butchering it.
That has a lot of scanning errors. I know barely any Korean but I do know Japanese to at least get the Hanja right.

>朝鮮末期社會의 對西教問題硏究
>變化를 感得할 수 있게 되어 行悖하는 似以非的教徒도 더러 나올 수 있었고,反對로 民人들의 憎惡心이 振作되어 教人에 行暴하는 殺民들로 생겨나게 되었다。이러한 事情에서 1891年代부터 頻發되는 教案 事端은 많다。그러한 事端듄 가운데서 法案·訴案의 實錄의 其他의 公的文書와Mutel文書에서 抽出되는 것들 가운데 前項에서 考察한바 法敎士와의 問題号 除하고 總覽하면 다음 表와 같다。
>教・民 相詰關係로 教案化되었던 事端一覽 (+는教人)

Somewhat google-translatable hangul
>조선말기사회의 대서교문제연구
>변화를 감득할 수 있게 되어 항패하는 사이비적교도도 더러 나올 수 있었고,반대로 민인들의 증악심이 진작되어 교인에 행포 하는 교민들로 생겨나게 되었다。이러한 사정에서 1891연대부터 빈발되는 교안 사단은 많다。그러한 사단듄 가운데서 법안·소안의 실록의 기타의 공적문서와Mutel문서에서 추출되는 것들 가운데 전항에서 고찰한바 법교사와의 문제호 제하고 총람하면 다음 표와 같다。
>교・민 상힐관계로 교안화되었던 사단일람 (+는교인)
Daeseogyo means anti-Christian. Replace "religious divisions" and "teaching plan" for "attacks on missionaries".

Unless you're very determined and autistic I think it would very hard to do this without knowing at least some Chinese and Korean, so I can't even tell you to do it yourself. MTL butchers it because it's a very old and culture-specific text. Honestly you should do what >>1472708 said and get contact some Korean on the internets to do it if it's an important thing.
Thank you very much!
Understood. The only person I can think to even try asking is the author of the English language thesis I initially got this article as a reference from, but that's better than nothing.

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