What is this supposed to be unscrambled?RANHAIMO SI TRTEBE HNAT ALDANMIDNI can tell that it's supposed to be ________ IS BETTER THAN _________ but I can't figure out what the first and last words are.
For further context I found this from a link to a random Rentry I found on Google so I have no idea what the theme is here. In case anyone wants to try themselves:https://rentry.org/sinu_hub
>>1499291WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I got it after going through loads of anagram solvers: HARMONIA IS BETTER THAN ADMINLAND. Absolute rubbish anagram. That's fucked up
>>1499299(I went through solvers on the first and final words). Are they both minecraft servers or something? Google isn't giving much info on either word
>>1499300Harmonia was a pretty great Krautrock band, I doubt that's the anagram but check them out anyway anonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVphe18ZlWY
>>1499299Thank you anonFor others wondering:The Rentry I mentioned leads to:https://rentry.org/rowdeaesylgyyoWhich leads to:https://jstrieb.github.io/link-lock/#eyJ2IjoiMC4wLjEiLCJlIjoiSE5QNmZTRE5OTG94clZkM05ZS255ZkxKVjVsdU0rWDQ0dy9YR3gwZ1UxbjVoVUd1ZWVFWU1RPT0iLCJoIjoiVW5zY3JhbWJsZSB0aGVzZSB3b3JkcyAoZWFjaCBvbmUgaXMgaW4gdGhlIHJpZ2h0IHBsYWNlKTogXCJSQU5IQUlNTyBTSSBUUlRFQkUgSE5BVCBBTERBTk1JRE5cIiIsImkiOiJFSzhhaGxyUFp4cHJ5VkpaIn0=You put in the password "HARMONIA IS BETTER THAN ADMIN LAND" and get:https://rentry.org/y9pkdWhich has pic related as the only thing there, which has the URL:https://abcde1234fg.quora.comA Quora Space which is now deleted. So all in all, useless. Thank you for solving me wondering about this anagram.
>>1499300Also, I believe they are referring to Quora Spaces:https://harmonia.quora.comhttps://adminland.quora.comThe first has nothing, but the second has some activity and seems to just be full of various memes and etc. Quora drama? I have no idea since this Harmonia place is dead.