Quick question, when exactly did the first diskette-based backup devices for the Super Famicom/Super Nes come out?What year? I can't seem to find info about a specific year.Thanks.
I think it was either the Multi Game Hunter or the Super Magicom which both came out in 1992. I can't find any information about if there were earlier oneshttps://videogamedevelopmentdevices.fandom.com/wiki/Multi_Game_Hunterhttps://videogamedevelopmentdevices.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Magicom
>>1511709wait nevermind I found an earlier one, the Multi-Game Doctor which came out 3 years earlier.https://videogamedevelopmentdevices.fandom.com/wiki/Multi-Game_Doctorthat wiki is really frustrating to navigate. And half of the pages don't have release dates on them anyway so who knows
>>1511709>>1511710You're a scholar and a hero . Thanks!