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if Semen Retention works why aren't priests sought after and desired by women?
They're jerking off secretly, obviously.
There are many examples of priests who had supernatural powers. Most of the priests would probably attribute it partially to their celibacy and devotion to God.
Because many priests are closeted faggots that became one to hide the fact that they're gay to their families
They have secret gay orgies.
I would fuck 8 of those dudes. Yes I am gay. Here, clutch on to these pearls.
It "works" by giving you prostate cancer.
Semen retention isn't for women you massive idiot. Women are attracted to
>#1 Fun
>#2 Status
>#3 Other things
Semen retention can facilitate those first 2 especially you being more fun to be with not being a massive coomer.
Tell me how a priest can provide fun? They don't go places... they are boring as fuck
Go to the grocery store and buy fresh whole garlic, then order a pizza or make your own fresh. Put the garlic on the pizza and eat it. Eat nothing but that meal for a week and you won't want dudes anymore.
for example?
Something tells me Romanians consume the most garlic in Europe. Romanian men are the gayest in all of Europe. Even Albanian men are not as gay.
Straight men do not understand being gay is not about anal. I have no interest in putting objects in my ass. Plenty of straight men like that though. They just call it pegging instead of anal.
>never mention anal
>get "corrected" by faggot who says he totes neber thinks of anal
There is a 4chan meme that certain worms self propagate by irritating intestinal/anal cavity/lining thereby causing homosexual thoughts as homosexual = anal to straight men. Since apparently gey men "eat da poo poo" they get infected. Garlic is a pretty decent antibiotic.
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just drink straight turpentine and it will kill all sorts of bugs in your system
I am not. So I guessed your intentions correct yet you threw a bitchy fit.
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because it's a gnostic death cult promoted by glowies against dissident or problematic communities and it's adherents are all crypto trannies with skeletons in their closet that they overcompensate for.

It's antinatalist self castration hiding behind a veneer of misogyny and anti semetism (jews want to steal your vrill!) but the core of the movement is anti male and rooted in the anihilation of the self. The bodybuilding manosphere and christcuck/pagan larp elements are just the public front to draw in suckers.

I'm going to keep pointing this out in threads until the discord raiders making these threads fuck off (they call people shills when they literally are engaged in organized shilling)

I stand by my assertion that it's an effort to trick typical anon types into becoming court eunichs for the reactionary controlled op wing of the NWO with the false promise of godhood
>"b..but they promote porn!"

They don't want you having kids at all. Sex drive even if it ends up in the toilet 99% of the time still results in reproduction. That's why it's called a drive

Prisons don't let innates jerk off for a reason (no joke they punish you for this) and it's not because they're concerned about the plumbing
Ascetics need breeders or else their species will go extinct. It's a natural phenomena where overpopulation and competition leads to hermits. It's cruel to force sex onto someone when they don't want it.
and the prison analogy is apt. (they used to put saltpeter in prisoners food). Your sex drive is quite literally a "use it or lose it" type deal at least acutely. It's like kindling a fire. You can't store fire by letting it burn out.

There is a fucking reason why nocturnal emissions exist and it's not succubi (most of the time). "oh boy my body reabsorbd dead sperm cells that were no longer viable surely this is good for me!"

I don't even know how this shit even got off the fucking ground. It obviousily is bad for you. It palpably feels bad for you. As someone who has gone weeks without release it creates a kind of uncomfortable inward discharge. Nothing about it feels good. What they ascribe to "glow" or "aura" is simply the dopamine boost from being sexually aroused/frustrated. That's it. Keep it up and you stop feeling anything at all. That's the goal of these people. It makes you placid and impotent.

They rely on shame and fear to promote their movement "you have something wrong with you, your a bad person etc"

That is not the kind of opening arguement you should accept from a trustworthy person
>Not a single BBC
Too high IQ for thaat buullshit
and nobody ever seems to call out the obvious bait and switch tactics they use
>"feel like a loser? terrible with girls? Try this!"
>"yeah I used to jerk off to the most depraved shit alive but I'm totally a different person now!"
>"actually you shouldn't want girls at all"
>"plz help my wife wants me to fuck her but I can't how do I save my marriage?"
>"I relapsed after X days and now I feel like the worst person alive"
>"okay there are no super powers and your a weird castrati larping as a gregorian monk and your still an awkward neurotic loser but that's okay because the outside world is evil"

The outside world sucks tho
Where did the idea that keeping old jizz inside you is good come from anyway?

If you have a vitamin deficiency change your fucking diet retard. It's always some mystic shit not actually biological with them too

Oh boy, dead cells and stagnant mucus. How fun. Don't blow your nose the next time you have a cold. It'll give you magic powers.

Ironically the "aura" they claim they have is a testament against their arguements. It's literaly just being horny.
The shills are literal clowns lmao
I guess it's because ancient yogic techniques literally shuts your libido off but they removed it from the Bible because they need more soldiers for the war front.
shutting your libido off is literally the core ideal behind nofap and sr but they know that turns off potential recruits so they lie to vulnerable self concious men with false promises of success with women and absolution from their (percieved) transgressions until they're fully indocrinated with a carrot and stick method of shaming and false promises

clowns are hot
I doubt these kids know how to truly shut their libido off but it's funny watching them try and fail and feel bad about it lol
step 1 is temporary hyperarousal due to lack of release which they confuse as "magic" when it's just dopamine and their body screaming at them to reproduce with a woman

step 2 is extreme asceticism
when that stops working and they get ED but stacey totally gave them a look that one time but it's okay because they've disavowed women entirely and simply argue with strangers online about what a chad they are

shit fucking glows. I hate them
even more than usual now that i realize they specifically target young people with a shakey sense of self image

It's incredibly fucked up. Imagine being a normalfag father and your son gets groomed by these faggots into becoming a weird hermit because he felt bad about fapping

these groomers need to be exposed.
Hikikomori is a thing even without groomers. Only groomers I hear about are people convincing them to become trannys. I don't see how any organization can profit from someone being a useless neet.
it's like a unholy crossbreeding between american protestantism and bastardized eastern esotericism from the lens of /pol/cels

They really can't fathom why people fucking hate them either. It must be shills trying to convince them to "spill their seed" it couldn't possibly be because they are extremely aggressive
in their of proselyzation of what is ultimately a bastardized pop culture interpretation of fringe ascetic practices that only a minority of the population willingly self elected for

If they simply lived in their own lane and led by example nobody would care but they don't they go out of their way to demand how you and I live. That's why people fucking hate these retards because they are suddenly everywhere in fringe nerd circles pushing this faggot bullshit
ones who are not secretely jerking off or fucking boys have very strong holy aura around them
>not wasting your life away gooning at the screen is anti-natalist
>not doing activity that makes you not want to participate in social life which is prerequisite for finding a sexual mate is anti-natalist
>only cumming in your wife who you love is anti-natalist
then you wonder why everyone calls you a shill. sr is about cutting out porn and masturbation from your life and improving yourself in every way. which also involves finding a fitting partner to build a family with.
why is everything "gooning" and going full hikki with you retards? You know normal people just fap, close the tab and go about their day right? The fuck is wrong with you?
Starting to realize the easiest way to deal with these cucks is to ask them exactly *what* they fapped to before discovering NF/SR.

I bet you find the same themes and fetishes repeating over and over and I bet they overlap strongly with a certain "other" group
Those who practice real spiritual enlightenment will find NoFap very easy.
They're not retentioning around the choir boys
That's a lot of neurotic mental gymnastic buzzwords about just not diddling oneself to pixels...
i know psued midwits like yourself think if you label everything a buzzword you don't have to actually engage with the accusations levied against your gay circle jerk cult but if you don't fap to pixels you need to gtfo 4chan.

>sr/nf zealots
>not neurotic depressives

Because no fap is pretty much utter bullshit erected to further fuck up the youth. Much like everything else that is proven to be harmful/stupid.

ALL the priesthood is pedos. Or aiding pedos. So they aren't retaining shit anyway. Save the portion of children they get from the foster care system. Which over 80K go missing in processing from America alone. Let alone the other countries and don't even get me STARTED on the third world. Or the uncounted swathes of breeding farms, genetic shenanigans and shit going on in DUMBS and other installations across the world. Which is another hard pill for most to really swallow, just like Hollywood, or any other elite or quasi elite circle in "societies."

I do know there is something to masturbation/sexual release/arousal that has real power to it on both material and immaterial planes. But going no fap is like shutting off the power flow. The battery's level will STILL lose charge, and the generator's just gonna have back-flow that's gonna leak out other ways. You can't stop it, all you can do is channel it where ya want it to go and make it go there.

Balance is key like with most other things, not hard cut off nor over-expenditure. But that's something these cultists on both ends of the extremes refuse to take heed to because they think they know everything. For whatever reason.

No fap is also like thinking you'll get swoll and strong like a body builder by sitting around and doing fuck all. Too. Same basic illogical retardation but their lack of comprehension of even basic reproductive systems in animals let alone humans allows them to be duped by the malevolent actors in this whole scheme.

To the die hards that are too up their own ass to heed my or others' warnings against going full retard. Kek. To the poor saps sold the lies, well you've been warned now if you're reading this. So either get kekd on or avert course from going full retard.

That's my two cents on this more or less. Take care all.
A LOT of women have a fetish for priests. I know about 2 soap operas from my country about a woman seducing a priest and they were super popular.
This right here is jewish propaganda.
Fun shit to read though.
You have no power here.
Gayness is mostly created by parasites in the gut

Read all this and burn the gay virus in your brains and then on your body

>Parasite Pill 2.0 PDF
>self castration
Some cults certainly said the quiet part out loud and actually started doing that, and litterally lopping their cock off and mutilating their vaginas
as someone whom recently started to recover from porn addiction, I think you may be possessed anon.
based master mason knower
Semen retention can’t be 100% guaranteed. Nocturnal emissions. They happen if you do it. SR is necessary for ritual magick to work though.


You can't expect a reasonable retort to the truth.
This is true. I have noticed a lot of anti procreation talking points and absolute delusions of grandeur with guys thinking that they will become some polymath.
Euler had 13 children and was no stranger to major accomplishments.
Another thing I notice is how they venerate the divine feminine, as being whole, and how the male libido is vulgar. There is definitely something sinister to this.
It's from the yogis of the east. It's high time that people start scrutinizing that eastern "spiritual" garbage. Where are the supercentenarian yogis that held their ojas for decades?
I find it interesting that this nonduality message is appearing at a time when the world is getting pushed towards a transhumanist androgynous prison. Yes, stop reproducing as it feeds the demiurge while we make a world of neutered "angels". Thats exactly what the WEF wants.

Why are people accepting the Vedas that have obviously been coopted and tampered with?
Semen retention doesn't do you much good when you're a lame duck brainwashed by a scam older than the calendar itself.
You are an ignorant idiot.
When I was doing nofap and noporn most succesfully for 6 mounth, I had around 10 one night stands, and 3 differend girls on the regulair.
Its true that nofap kills libido. I had a hard time actually climazing, but I was on fire.
Does that mean wet dreams actually and objectively BREAK sr?
>that would be a letdown because it means my "streak" of SR was just tiny streaks broken by wds each time
OTOH it gives me hope, it explains why my results weren't so amazing yet: SR isnt failing, *I* am.
Im 28 and working very hard on becoming fitspo and having success in no-PMO: Can I get 45-60 year old women with a "cub for cougar" fetish if I keep it up and do it all properly?
>or are you just a chad who was already slaying and got a nice boost off nofap?
If not masterbating causes cancer why haven’t we heard of yogi’s, priests, and the like getting testicular cancer.
>Where did the idea that keeping old jizz inside you is good come from anyway?

the allegory of the crucifixtion of Christ is about you keeping your cristos ("anointing, seed"), leading it up the 33 vertebrates of your spine into your golgotha (skull) for it to die.
because "the seed must die for the tree to be born".
and "as christ descended so must he ascend".

> Oh boy, dead cells and stagnant mucus

your eyes have the capacity to eject tears, aka you can cry. does that mean you need to cry for them to not atrophy? no.
because glands != muscles.
muscles atrophy without use, become weak, die.
the exact opposite is the case with glands.
the more you use them, the weaker they become and the worse you are off!

ps, the christian allegory is inherited from egypt, the mystery schools..

in the yogic framework, brahmacharya (celibacy) is a precondition for the later stages.

and yes, celibacy is the secret sauce for regenerating higher faculties and exercising "miracles".
you dont have to believe it, but this is what all religions are teaching under the hood!

there will always be natural celibates, thus there will always be those who pierce through the 7 heavens and thus, there will always be religion.
even if you memory wiped all religions form the world and destroyed all books and traces of it, i guarantee you that within 1-2 generations, you would have religion, because of how naturally pure people accidentally penetrate into the higher heavens and bring back divine wisdom.
socrates talked about the archetypical plane.
buddha about jhana.
jesus about the kingdom of heaven, which is inside of you.
yogis about samadhi.
sufis about hal.
shamans about trance.
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Which 8? Call them row a, b and c and then number them left from right. Top left is a1, for example
Why do you care about a group of people who want to be liberated from the trappings of harlots. There's a reason why so many men go MGTOW. They don't want to be kept under the boot of a women who cares more about her psychopathic self image than the needs of her husband. There's plenty of guys who commit suicide because women are such horrible creatures. I glad to be rid of you foul beasts.
you feel castrated if you're not jerking off?
Why are they all ugly save for like 2?

You have shit taste.
Interesting theory, do you have anything to back you up?

What exactly they teached in Egypt mystery schools?

Why it needs to be allegory? Why not just outright explain it?
I'd rather have sex than jerk off any day. And lots of women are into priests.
The whole concept of masturbating by yourself just seems lame.
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>sr is the most occulted biological proccess known to man
>teaches respect and balance to the sexual energy
>teaches union with the divine femanine
>everyone feels better on long retention
>overcoming lust is the one thing men have suffered with acrose all time
>Abstinence cures destroyed nervous systems overloaded by dopamine
>immediate extra energy in 3 days
>immediate reduction in all nerver related pain
>the standard for becoming a true mystic with 100% of your potential
>based lucid dreams
>based higher emotions
>purity of thoughts
>anxiety drfeated
>depersonalization assimilated
>smell better
>live longer
>deeper voice
>faster muscle growth
>divine luck

I wouldnt bother if it wasnt the core tenant of all energy practices east and west. Anyonr unbiased and truly seeking answers wouldnt be shilling.

Shills big mad. Never Goon.
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>sr is the most occulted biological proccess known to man
>teaches respect and balance to the sexual energy
>teaches union with the divine femanine
>everyone feels better on long retention
>overcoming lust is the one thing men have suffered with acrose all time
>Abstinence cures destroyed nervous systems overloaded by dopamine
>immediate extra energy in 3 days
>immediate reduction in all nerver related pain
>the standard for becoming a true mystic with 100% of your potential
>based lucid dreams
>based higher emotions
>purity of thoughts
>anxiety drfeated
>depersonalization assimilated
>smell better
>live longer
>deeper voice
>faster muscle growth
>divine luck

I wouldnt bother if it wasnt the core tenant of all energy practices east and west. Anyone unbiased and truly seeking answers wouldnt be shilling.

The only reason youd br this mad is because ur a screeching weak harpy who hates anything christian
(SR is universal to all occultism)
Or because ur a paid shill

Shills big mad. Never Goon.
they are
Priests are nice guys. They’re not incels because they have chosen celibacy. They’re also into pizza these days if you get my drift. I highly doubt any of them practice SR on the same level as our wizards here on /x/. Up until the counter reformation it was normal for them to join the priesthood for different reasons. They were men of influence who could weld considerable power. Since most of them were normal straight guys they played the game as “papa” and could get a mistress who would be attracted to a man of influence and authority with the problem of having bastard kids but there was always a chance that the priest could fork over some inheritance to the mother before he sided and all his possessions be taken back into church control. So what I’m saying is back in the day, these guys were known coomers and players. The guys now a days are bad coomers or just too nice and creepy for modern women. SR doesn’t give you magic powers it’s just a mood booster / placebo.
see: >>37721395
you stupid fucking dumb fucking nigger. they aren't practicing it
>the priesthood were garbage charlatans like they are now
got it
pasty white bean-eating engl*sh hands typed this, and no, we don't
>for example?
Like literally every canonized saint that was a priest. Are you stupid?
Lmao seething Romanian, go mistreat your women and spit on things when you get angry
>Your sex drive is quite literally a "use it or lose it" type deal at least acutely.
This is beyond dumb. I've retained for almost a year. I still have a very healthy sex drive, but my choices in women have become infinitely better. Sex drive isn't a "use it or lose it" thing. It actually increases the longer you don't use is. If you want to use the fire analogy, if you keep storing wood for an entire year, when you finally start a fire, the fire will be massive and hotter than anything a coomer can imagine.
>There is a fucking reason why nocturnal emissions exist and it's not succubi (most of the time).
It is in fact succubi and inability to control the subconscious mind. I have had exactly one wet dream in a year of retention. That wet dream was at a very low point in my life and my spirituality. Strength of spirit allows you to retain your energy.
>Where did the idea that keeping old jizz inside you is good come from anyway?
Literally every spiritual movement in the history of mankind.
I want to fuck a hot Romanian guy who smells strongly of aftershave. He can bring his British and Albanian friends as well.
>Semen retention can’t be 100% guaranteed. Nocturnal emissions. They happen if you do it
Nocturnal emissions can, in fact, be controlled. The ability to control them is a combination of time you are retaining and control over your own subconscious thoughts.
Because most modern priest are gay.
They tap each others and little boys booties.
Desiring a man who uses aftershave is unfair towards those who live in areas where buying aftershave just isnt an option
Literally every Saint, multiple witnesses, sometimes hundreds of them.
Intent goes somewhere else.
Yes, as I said in a post that was ignored, there are several very popular soap operas ,some decades old ,in my country about a laywoman seducing\ becoming partner of a priest.
Also for reference, old protestant polemicists would constantly accuse catholic priests of being massive fuckboys who had a ton of "maidens" from their parish...I read a lot of old books, those in ole' english, I never read a protty mock priests for being Unable to "get some"
What fucking animal cums every day lol
Seriously dogs only breed a couple times a year and they dont have any trouble getting it done. Almost like the "use it or lose it" thing is malarkey
Holy/spiritual men have always been popular for women. It’s a easy way to appear powerful without having a load of money,
why do women like power? I can't accept that, that leaves out non-powerful men. like, what if you're a CELIBATE man but, due to the stuff of life, don't happen to be powerful?
does a (((politician))) "get more" than a man who fights even wet dreams to keep Seed?
Of course its malarkey.
Do people really think that our ancestors were "doing" it all the time unless they already had a wife ? Why did Spartans not allow their men to have wives until they were 20-22 ? Why did Achilles' mother tell him that he must either choose between remaining in Greece, making a family and being forgotten to history or go with Agamemnon to Troy and be forever remembered as the greatest warrior in human history but never leave progeny? Because their worlds needed men with balls full of seed to go to war not docile family caretakers who are satisfied with life.
Look at our forefathers and how they looked before they got wives. I am not saying sex/wives is bad but it is pretty obvious the correlation of pure masculinity before and after they started constantly fucking and losing their vitality for children. Again that is a good purpose to lose/use your vitality to but its taxing and still must be moderated.
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pic related, Hitler was a celibate and only lost the war because he got married and most surely had sex a lot once he was married.
top row second guy kinda fine
I have asked this before BUT: Are k-pop boys, "top" teen male models like young Chico , or zoomer tiktokers, etc on SR? If not: how can they possibly HOARD all the prime-quality (age-wise) women? are prime women actually retarded and Nature only gifts them the wisdom of choosing non-coomers once they're 25+ MILFs? why do 12 yo women even go as far as to make Edits of a tiktoker, youtube or tumblr boy if that boy is a coomer? is the Universe retarded?
Girls prefer the Justin Bieber type of celebrity and looks because mentally they are still stuck at age 12. Also big factors is the status itself. "If all these other women flock to this man that must mean that he must be a good candidate therefore I too will do it". Obviously they dont rationalize it on a conscious level like I did here but the principle is the same.
Naturally, mature women (not in age but in mind and spirit) will prefer mature men and will not fall for a broccoli lookin ass head nigga.
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oh snap
I like the top row, middle guy. He's got that Mediterranean Henry Cavillesque face that I like.
I hate being alive. I want 12 year old women. but even OTHER masculine, fit and "rough" looking men like me arent getting them. only zoomer teens get them. so, the most precious jewel and dragons can't get it -but dwarves can.
it's not a me problem, all us adults are getting scammed out of prime 12yo women
Excuse me, you are just a pedophile.
Please face the wall now.
>12 year old
>implying they're children
don't you see how they dress? Very short skirts for school -very- short. "sexy" leggings while wearing such short skirts. Do you think a "girl" who dresses like that ISNT already a massive sex freak? exposing her buttocks almost, freely showing long, skinny legs or even emphasising them with leggings.
if they dress like that as uniform they're FAIR GAME for 28 yo. men like me.
Likely dolphins, bonobos, chimps, maybe gorillas and many different kinds of monkeys.
See my post
if they dress with short skirts and tight leggings they're by their own volition and deliberate action, establishing themselves as fair game for sexualization by adults.
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>if they dress like that as uniform they're FAIR GAME for 28 yo. men like me
No, I don't see how they dress because I am not a porn addict and/or a pedophile.
What she might be is not of importance, she is still a child and you must be executed on sight for even remotely thinking that you should spew such shit here.
I want to fuck big hairy, smelly masculine men.
So this board is really filled with just a bunch of pedos ?
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LoL. Hail the trollking.
WTF, are you blind or do you live in a (bless you if this is the case ,id be jealous) traditionalist community? 12, or outright 13, 14 year old "school-girls" have LONG, SLENDER legs and they wear them bare or with tight, sexy-type leggings and a skirt that reveals even the quad area of their skinny, wiry legs. or they just wear legging-socks to accentuate their pronounced, subtle calves

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