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If "god" exists, it is either sadistic or indifferent.
Neither, He is Love and Joy when you make the attempt to know Him. Until then, your life will reflect your ignorance.
stop making yourself suffer, there are no eyes but your own! You are the way out
If you weren't introduced to the idea of god, you wouldn't be writhing in its absence, you'd be looking for answers yourself
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We won't know.
What a dumb fuck. If god transcends everything, then who would he or anyone else be to know anything about his true nature or intentions? What a dumb fuck LMAO.
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What an amazingly stupid reply. You better go back to 9gag.
Constant faggotry on this board.

Can God not give people free will and take a nap without people shitting on Him? Fuck off.
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Perhaps it’s not God that's wrong, but rather it’s the way that we perceive it that is indeed wrong
i think God is indifferent. our existence would have been way worse than it already is if God was evil. or perhaps God is evil and he just gives us a false sense of security and then sends us all to a place of eternal torment after death
Wrong. It's a matter of perspective. Even thousands of lives is nothing in face of eternity and with each one, you refine yourself as a spirit. Experiences, including the painful ones are important for it. If they wouldn't be impactful, good when they're good, painful when they're bad, they wouldn't work.
The true God is refining itself through refinement of all its parts, humanity is one of those parts. It's practically God deciding to subject itself to stuff willingly, we just don't know it as humans, with human perspective. There are others beings between the God and us though, but let's not muddle the water.
what we make of existence is up to us, supposedly there is an objective, that is to experience, grow and learn, let our souls mature through incarnations till we can return to the core, to god, but until then.
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Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) so you are correct. Little g. God the father and creator asks us to be a part of this fallen world, but not of it.
There's duality to everything and unfortunately that means good and bad but without the bad we wouldn't have good. We have to overcome this painful part of our consciousness evolution. We work together and love to move faster towards good.
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Yep. Resist your astrological programming. Renounce the world.
Evil is cosmically unstable and ontologically nonexistent. While alive we perceive much evil in proportion to our bodily mortality. It something of a Grand Illusion. Yes, it hurts like hell in this world, and that hurt is terribly real. Yet the sufferings which cause it are finite. I dislike St. Paul in general but delight in
>The sufferings of this world are nothing compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us
Idk but cam brink can give me a reach around anytime she wants
A cosmic force humanity recognizes as "God" exists but it is not conscious.
Actions are not a done by it, rather those that contain the active portion of consciousness.
cause you're not open towards him
or just so far advanced it doesnt have the capability to be indifferent the way you couldnt care and figure out what was going on with individuals in a dish of bacteria you made.
The why do those that cause suffering never offer themselves to be in the receiving end? This is a cope you tell yourself.
>Gita 5.14: Not of their own acts nor the acts of others creates the master of the body [atma], and neither is he connected to their results. All these are but the acts of [material] nature.
>5.15: Neither does the Supreme take on anyone's sin or piety. The embodied being becomes bewildered by such due to true knowledge being covered by ignorance.
Indifferent, but only to the events of samsara.
Samsara is like a kid's MMO.
The only concern Mom has for it is that the kid eventually stop playing and come live in the real world.
She pays for your subscription, because there's no real harm, but all your whining about player kills and griefing and the grind will only ever get a single response:
>If you no longer enjoy the game, then here are the ways to stop playing.
>OP pic
a literal monkey god, look at that furry-ass face
Because back then water was pure without florid that block the pineal gland, any dream or blissfull state could see what the pineal gland would sea.
The answer is revelation. Go read the Bible before you embarrass yourself further.
There is the will of God and what this produces is Good. Then there are other wills, which, when not choosing to follow God's, produce evil. This is the foundation of all morality.
or.. hear me out.. God has amnesia.

because sometime in the past, God decided to larp as not being God, incarnation as the innumerable conscious beings in the world and his larping is SO perfect, that he actually literally forgot he is God.

this "God" you are cultivating your hatred towards, is actually YOU.

God's identity is "I AM".
who is God?
I am.

everyone must answer this way when asked for the identity/name of God.

are you sadistic? no. you are most compassionate.
are you indifferent? no.
however, you are ignorant!

why this ignorance? because when you decided to larp, you decided to lower yourself and thought this not as robbery, you incarnated as humans, are being witnessed by the angels (aliens) right now, and will soon retake your throne again (enlightenment) and judge even the angels (aliens)... who were doing a shitty job keeping the movie going!
>when you decided to larp
Why not any moment in the infinity before that moment? Why not any moment in the infinity after that moment?
If you weant to say time has no meaning, then how can you differentiate between now LARPing and now notLARPing?
If you say there is no difference, then wherefore this proclaimed ignorance?
God is a schizo Who shits his pants and blabbers idiocies in the mind of Christian larpers. Take a look at what they type
It's the best ending to the story ever. I am, and slowly but surely, the throne will be ours
i used to think this was the only logical conclusion myself, and that it diminished god (if he exists), but now i'm not sure. as cliche as it is to say: suffering can be a great teacher, and there is simply no good at all without evil. that doesn't excuse him for not communicating effectively with his creations, if the message that he expects us to receive is specific (pledge allegiance to this one man who lived for 30 years out of all human history and maybe visited only a few hundred square miles of the entire earth, or pray 5 times a day pointing towards a magic rock, or never eat of a certain unclean but delicious food he placed there to tempt you), then he has failed, utterly. which is why I am quite sure that most religion is man-made, because it appeals directly to a very petty human sense of altruism and compassion and justice and revenge. For instance, if it turns out that only catholicism is correct, and everyone else goes to hell, god is a gigantic asshole. I suppose that is his right to be, since any interpretation of god basically results in us merely being his dolls, and not some independent entity that he is judging externally. the only truly benevolent god that does not communicate with us intended for us to each find our own righteous path, however many lifetimes it takes us.
Why has he never revealed himself to Manhattan and only ancient goat farmers once before anyone can remember
dudes tippin and dabbin on your biased mind

>there is simply no good at all without evil.

Wrong. Evil is the perversion of good and the absence of good. Evil depends on good for its existence, not the reverse.
>there's no darkness, only the absence of light
a silly feel-good argument that has no basis in logic. i suppose i should have said that good is not definable without evil. even if it is the default state, we wouldn't call it "good", nor would we truly understand what good was without its opposite. if it makes you feel better, evil can't exist without good, either.
1 - you can understand different states of good in opposition to themselves without needing a bad to understand either. I can understand that spinning is fun, and bouncing is fun, without having to ever experience something that isnt fun. I can understand all the nuance of fun in the various ways you can have fun without needing an opposite to entirety of fun.
2 - You dont even need opposites or variety of category, as long as you can understand growth. This is not a possible solution in this limited realm, obviously, but a realm with no limit on growth can have one experience good and BETTER for all eternity without ever needing to know bad. We cannot experience unlimited wealth because there is eventually a limit to what you can buy here. But with unlimited growth, one could easily understand money and wealth without ever needing the opposite of poverty or debt to be experienced.

The point being it IS possible to have good without evil, and to experience that good, if every moment is better than the previous.

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