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How do you describe concioussness into words without using your current frame of mind? You'd have to remember all your past experiences with conciousness to even have a simple description. I'd be fun to attempt to see if anyone gets close.
Consciousness is tracing a line across a surface. You can go backwards and forwards. At each moment in tracing that line you have a position and an orientation.
Not a bad description if I do say so myself
Consciousness is divine in origin and essence while also being entirely incomprehensible in human language or thought.

You are confused because of Descartes. It should be "cogito ergo est." Better yet, "Cogito ergo Deus est." The thinker is that which cannot explain why it is thinking.

Finally, a damning argument:
Science requires the a priori assumption of The Scientist, AND the a priori assumption of The Lab, AND the a priori assumption of the Coherent Reality.

It then struggles to define consciousness, being and the laws of reality. Until the death of mankind.

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知らず知らず 歩いて来た
振り返れば 遥か遠く
でこぼこ道や 曲がりくねった道
地図さえない それもまた人生
ゆるやかに いくつも 時代は過ぎて
とめどなく 空が黄昏に 染まるだけ
生きることは 旅すること
終わりのない この道
愛する人 そばに連れて
雨に降られて ぬかるんだ道でも
いつかはまた 晴れる日が来るから
Hardrive bank in cooling towers bouncing consciousness from server to server
Time is linear
Does the Japanese language have a dictionary?

Similar to:
>he rejects ancient metaphor as nonsense but delights in technological neoligsms as the appropriate terminology for describing what has existed for 14 billion 638 thousand 946 years prior to science.

Wheat clench blue sky vomit rivers veins eyes mirror fire ice red flame blade witch stone bone flesh cry scream bird fly black fall dark water light blood cry.
See post above I wonder what the vocabulary used to describe consciousness was 2,000 to 2 bills years ago. Not so odd if you critical thinking skills….
Soka baka desu yo
How’s that dictionary coming?
They all hate me. Here's it.
Take a stone, a smooth one.
Throw it in the water.
Then, take it out.
It's darker because it's wet, right?
There. That's consciousness.
Just change the site to “Japanese” I’ll tell you what language will be the down fall of this simulation. I’m the only one out here calling bullshit. On Japanese and Mandarin characters some how translating to English words. What the fuck is even you alphabet.
The previous 200 years is 0.005% of human history taking the figure (supremely in your favor) of 40,000 years of human lingustic life. I am aware that animals do not use the word theophany. I find it Odd you choose to share their ignorance of it.
Is there a specific character for every word in the English language? What’s the character for consciousness. Chinese and the Japanese make great slaves….
Yea so consciousness was like that of animals… I find it funny how you think using fancy words makes your IQ high.
consciousness is what moves to remember those experiences
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Not right, your hippocampus does all that and it follows all known laws in the universe such as time and matter
I disagree with metaphorical descriptions of human consciousness which rely on neoligisms born of technology which did not exist until my lifetime. If that isn't a description couched in "current frame of mind" I do not know what is.
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A better description would be, it's the thing which STARTS to remember those experience rather then imply movement
what's going through it anon lmao
It literally can't be done.
Because your "mind" is made up of consciousness too, thoughts are conscious experiences.

Trying to explain one conscious experience in terms of another is like trying to explain sound in terms of taste. Or color in terms of smell.
The mind cannot understand what consciousness is. That's why not even the best philosophers of all time have ever been able to come up with a definition for it, despite thousands of years of trying.

However... You can understand what consciousness is. Just not through "mind". Because you exist beyond the mind. You know what color is, even if your mind can't. You know what sound is even if your mind doesn't. Etc.
We are talking about words… nothing to do with technology. The expansion of language to describe consciousness. Memory / Emotion / Imagination / Thought / and let’s not forget a dream. Oh wow you know what’s funny. I might just be right. You might just be ignorant.
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I think you can have consciousness without memory. I don’t know if memory is required for consciousness.
Position may just be a function of time. Without time, consciousness may just be an orientation on that line. Without orientation, consciousness may just be position on that line. I don’t know if you can have consciousness without time or space. Consciousness may just emerge from observation of time and space.
But this misses the ability for consciousness to affect the line it’s on. It may not be able to. It may just observe other things influencing that line. Those other things may be deterministic in which case the line never moves.
The inability for that deterministic line to move is what allows consciousness to determine its position in space and time. This thesis doesn’t feel right. I’ve not seen any consciousness able to understand itself. With a non deterministic line, the consciousness floats on the whims of the line.
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The temporarily pacifiable and perception navigational construct of singularity.

The more memory in one area of study/living the more bias towards perception that the fundamental rules of self are as designated by your own lack of balance.


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