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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Purifying diet bake edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching to much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder...

Previous thread: >>38177301
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRM/ interesting reads
Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
kys schizo
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Tldr: visualize a transparent cloud, building up from your balls and very slowly and carefully rising up to bathe your brain. It repairs it. Also dont orgasm as much.
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Few anons posted about holding the breath to reduce urges. Here is full technique for it

One should know that during passion there are four courses open to
the individual:
1) Dissipation of creative energy: the usual method, which is
unnecessary, weakening, and the cause of much disease and old
2) Using the creative energy for the physical creation of a child.
3) Using the energy for creating spiritual children of wisdom and
genius, which is done by converting the creative energy into
thought-power by sublimation and transmutation. One does not
have to dissipate the creative energy, but should immediately at that
moment engage his mind in the work of creative art, or inventive,
business, or literary work, whatever is most interesting to him. To
follow this plan is to convert the creative energy into brain channels.
4) Using the creative energy in sports or strenuous physical exercise,
eg. the running exercise [of the energization exercises].

As you can see, simply redirecting thought from cooming to creative or other pursuits, IS sublimation. No need for overly fancy techniques.
My max is 5 days. At 4th day I'm so honry I just can't go anymore. However I noticed that I can predict future events. I'm day 2 now and I'm feeling it, tomorrow I'm going to gym and I hope none of those sluts on streets will wear very revealing clothes which the always fucking do.
You are right at the point where it's most difficult..and then it slowly starts to pass. I'm on Day 9 now and my urges to jerk it are basically gone. I still have that "full" feeling, or that feeling of "pressure" in my balls, but it doesn't feel this urge to have to be a degen and look at lustful imagery. Just focus on your work/activities/hobbies, don't touch your cock and you'll be fine.

Also, you're giving yourself and artificial cap mentally by saying "my max is 5 days" don't do that anon.
this is flawed small circulation
instead of focusing on meme third eye point which is useful for ld but not for this focus either on the center inside your brain, point in the center of the brain found by drawing a horizontal line from 3rd eye to the center of your head OR on the top of your head.
and for me feeling energy in the spot that I focus on is much easier than visualizing some clouds and pulling it from below to the top. if I focus on my finger the focus is there and energy is there I don't need to pull energy from balls to fingers. If i focus on the center of the belly them again it's there. Energy follows your focus. Visualisation might be effective but for that you need peace and quiet not the most frequently used brain beta waves so no you can't do it anywhere, anytime like kegels. What's the point in trying to visualize something when your boss/wife/friend is nagging about something, or there are loud cars/animals/children nearby. Or it's raining and you need to go somewhere. etc. You can't even daydream in such conditions. But you do you.
I salute all of you
After years of internet I'm interested only in 8-10/10 girls(slim, nice face, minimum B cup) so I'm immune to the 90% of women as they are fat, tattooed and use to much make up. The revealing clothes give the opposite effect as they show more of their disgusting flabby bodies. I've noticed that the uglier the woman the more she shows her body.
And don't let me start about their posture and flat feet. I could go on and on but you get the idea.
I coomed lastnight and I don't even really know why. I wasn't horny, I just did it. Oh well, at least I've been getting 3-4 day stints of nofap in whereas I used to be jacking off 5 hrs a day almost daily.

An internet connection just makes it so fucking easy to jack off lol.
I've come to lose faith in my own self control, but tonight I choose to retain.
Thanks. But this is from https://yoganandaharmony.com/wp-content/uploads/Sex-Force-Transmutation.pdf , an actual yogic master. I trust him
Seriously, how do you guys do this for more than 2 weeks? Porn is my outlet for romance and even social interaction, because I am an autist with no IRL friends. Whenever I go to family gatherings and stuff (rarely happen anymore) I lose all desire to masturbate. But the lack of any social life leads me back to porn just to feel something again for a bit.
replace porn with irl socialising. Any club, course, even going outside judt to be outside going to the stores, library, chatting with clerks. Visit a zoo, a cinema or a museum. Block porn and stop being a wanker.
At this point im just fed up of it. Also having an outlet is good. For example get into exercise, or start an online business, something like that. If you're aimless in life then eventually you'll just go back to cooming
I'm not the one you're replying to but I've been a neet for so long I let my hygiene go a decade ago and basically have no teeth, so socializing is not an option for me, I also never learned to drive. I can't even socialize on Discord I'm such a sperg
if you are not 50 you csn get a minimum wage job, get a new teeth and learn how to drive. If you want to. Even hobos with no noses can socialise. Even junkies with rotting wounds can socialise. Even blind and deaf people can socialise. If you turned into this state you can turn it around. It's not written in stone that you have to stay in that situation. It's not like soap won't work and combs will grow legs and run away. Search for hobos free makeovers on youtube after getting washed getting a haircut and getting fresh clothes they look mostly normal. You can only tell they were hobos by thr state of their skin and eyes destroyed by yesrs of alcoholism.
If something get's dirty you can wash it.
If something get's broken you can glue it together or replace it.
If you ain't a tranny eith a rotting hole between your legs you are still above some shills that post here lmao. So there's still hope.
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Based baker

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With no previous knowledge of the topic and years of jacking off daily i've started retaining this march.
1st month was rough, relapses every 2 weeks, sometimes 1 week. I was tormented with very strong urges, to the point where i started using dating apps to get someone to fuck.
Next month was similar. strong urges but i knew the enemy: it's the thoughts and triggers you find online.
In may i managed to retain for whole month, there were some strong urges and few sexual fantasies but overall it was much easier.
This month goes strong except i had my first wet dream, i jizzed during my sleep completely out of my control, felt pretty bad about it but theres really not much i could do.
So, it does gets much, much easier. For all those who struggle with those first weeks, stay strong, don't give up, it gets easier, the benefits will come, for example my dick is getting bigger, fatter. WAGMI.
Saluted back, retainerbro.
>Not a slippery slope if I'm actively going to less and less
Checked fren, if you're REALLY doing it then moar power to you!
>For if you're constantly thinking about chastity you will inevitably end up thinking about women.
Based Newton.
>head turning
Getting it a lot, Anon don't care about it.
>extrasensory perceptions
Not sure if anon is LOAing it or anon is just being pre-sentient about stuff that will happen anyways.
Makes anon think those shilling against SR are dark magicians gatekeeping akshually.
Brothers help me please.

Which is the best natural diet to grow strong and healthy?.

I'm literally skinny. I tried fasting and doing intermitent fasting but it of course it doesn't works if i want to gain weight.

I try eating as much i can in three meals but it isn't enough.

Does food combining has some relevance?. Honestly i tried it myself and i felt wayy better when combining foods correctly as the ayurveda promotes and when i break those rules it gives me a f**k ton of gas or cramps.

I' ve been thinking why do we combine foods when actually no other animal on earth does it????

I tried eating 1 type of food at a time and felt better. But then when i figure out 3 meals. 1 with greens 1 with animal proteins and 1 with complex carbohydrates it still ain't enough for myslef to bulk.

What about hot food and cold food toghether? I tried both and it wrecks my system more when i combine badly.

Could some diet veteran illuminate me in this matter and questions?

What does it say about in the OP's books?

Thank you
Do not try so hard. And you have plenty of time ahead of you since you are so young
Which diet or protocol do you recommend?

Diet is not a thing to take on lightly. Either you do it well or you fuck up i'ts simple. That's is the reason for the real interest in this answer anon.
Are you Indian
Drugs are the opposite of the answer. What helped me was keeping track of my streaks and setting small goals. It felt like I was making no progress against myself, but once I started actually tracking my streaks, I realized I could improve. As for your attention span, start small with something that suits you. You don't have to tackle some incredible pursuit right off the bat. What's important is to start retraining yourself with new habits. And as for habits, be mindful of your own patterns and triggers. It can be helpful to become aware of when you're beginning a sequence that typically results in your making a mistake.

That's my two cents, anyway. I'm not an expert, but I'm hitting my three week mark today and I feel good about it.
Good work, anon! You did it! You can do it!
*salute vigorously returned!*
Keep it simple bro. Think about three meals thing: you're digesting all day. Not good. Your body needs to focus on other stuff. Try eating twice only.
There are three macro nutrients: fats, carbs, protein. Carbs suck, generally speaking. Prioritize protein and fats. I'm not saying keto. I'm saying get your protein and fat right.
Eggs, meat, sardines.
Also don't feel bad if you eat pizza for example.
Simpler is better. Keep going.
Do you have that in higher res?
Salute anon.
Don't bother with /pol/. SR has to be widely condemned by the media first before it can function there. Not necessarily to be observed as political, but to draw people aside from the shills. Give it some time, it's bound to happen.
I recommend any kind of meat you can buy legally, fruits and nuts. Drink water only (make sure you check the minerals listed on the label if it's bottled, tapwater is risky depending on your country). Whenever you feel like you've diverged it's best to return to the basics. From there on you can experiment and see what's best for you.
What is the relationship between alcohol and lower chakras?
day 19. something clicked in me, like this isn't a game anymore i'm all in.
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Lately I've been seeing shills go after incels.
They literally say things along the lines of "there's no point in doing this is just cope because you can't get laid" etc.

Whether there is a genuine opposition to the practice from a group or just the sad projection of a basement dweller I wanted to say my piece to give hope to those who want to believe In the "magical/magnetic" observations of this practice and stop the demoralization. I genuinely believe all men can benefit from this.

I have attached a Pic of myself as "proof" for what I'm about to say.

I never had issues getting girls. If anything I have been addicted to sex.

I am 6'1, 225lbs 13% bodyfat. Big dick and good hair. I can get pussy but, when masturbating it was always low quality or I had to put in some serious effort as I was mostly invisible to both men and women when cooming everyday.

When practicing SR on weeks 3+ women will literally bend over in front of me or put themselves in my space. Talk to me, brush against me in passing. Be training upper body at the gym and suddenly have to do hip thrust or squats next to me etc.

Coomers if they are weak will seeth or sardonically stare at me. Other Chad's will attempt to bro me up.

This all goes away if I cum. If I cum from nutting inside a whore who lusted for my retained seed it takes about 1 week for the effects to come back. If I cum from masturbstion it takes 2-3 weeks.

The longer I retain the higher the quality of women I attract and better overall luck I have. I will be saving this as a copypasta.
Please ignore shills.
Just think about it. Why would someone give a shit so much about you not wanting to cum. There's definitely something to it. Why would "they" not want you to gain benefit...
drop the jeets shit
eat eggs and meat
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Welcome to my blog. Day 45 niggers. Also fuck jews.
Had a sexual dream last night but thankfully didn’t cum, woke up and had strong intentions of getting an escort or getting on other degenerative adventures this week, (sexual thoughts have been low recently and even my libido is meh) holy shit is that the succubus everyone keeps talking about? I did half hour meditation with binural sounds before bed and it was amazing, managed to channel some energy through my body and up into my head.(I did do 7g shrooms last Saturday so I could still be buzzing lowkey, admittedly)
I’m scared of this morherfucker succubi, how can I behead it?
A succubus is like a shill, you gotta starve it. It's a parasite but disembodied. Take away its food (the food is the vibe you emanate when lusting). Sooner or later it will either die or btfo.
>I genuinely believe all men can benefit from this.
To me that is a fucking no brainer and I'm sure it also is for all of you pheromonal alphas (kek).
Your biceps is the size of my head and your wrist is the size of my biceps and I still get them wyminz attenshun.
Can confirm, it's all fuggen real.
Keep it up retainbro.
I don't really believe in their existence, but I must admit that I feel there is something, so everyone talking about succubi could be right. What I know for certain is that you can only win through sheer willpower, because all they can do is tempt you. Basically an extreme slut you can't see or touch (even though it seems to see and touch you). Once you know how to win the battle, they're just trash. Low lifeforms that can be brushed away like insects. That's what they are and all they ever will be. *spits on floor*
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Thank you for the compliment. Many years of training and lots of meat...
It is my duty as a self proclaimed leader/practitioner to ensure everyone eats. SR along with fasting, proper diet and nutrition is spiritual food that can seriously bring paranormal experiences.

This practice I'm particular is one of the strongest/most powerful. If one can overcome porn addiction and lust, almost every other aspect of their life that Is genuinely in their control can be assessed and corrected leading to the propagation of better men and women.
This world needs more decent human beings more than ever.
Proper diet & exercise*
Not just woman find you attractive mate, I personally like either young effeminate men or large build bulls like yourself, obviously for role reversal. I am sure you don't life anywhere near me and are probably not interested, but boy do those pecks turn me on.
Kek what is this a faggot a shill or a ballbusting troll
Come one, not everyone on sr is straight, I prefer girls, but occasionally, when I see a good male specimen I like to go for it.
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He was being kind and not facetious. He also brings up a good point I forgot to mention. On SR I get openly hit on by gays and even dominant/masc lesbians.

The longer you retain the more your personality shifts and you embrace flattery as opposed to being so hostile.
Fine, to each his own. I'm no one to judge.
I do believe SR will also change your energetic "polarization" and therefore your inclinations will re-arrange. That's what I have read on cases like yours. The very magnetism transforms them.
Point taken, I agree.
It's good you aren't contrarian to my points. You are on the right path. I think a mid level of retention (one I haven't reached yet) occurs when you leave this website. We got this.
Jesus dubs get. All retainers must leave 4chan at some point.
Huh, I suddenly remembered. It's like my brain blocked it for some reason lmao, today I got catcalled by some older dude. Was weird, but also felt sort of kind and not facetious as you say lol.
Checked and I also think that will happen, and I'm gonna miss these threads so much.
Cheers. High energy right there bro.
I will too. This along with /lit /sci and /o are my favorite boards but there will reach a point where there is no more knowledge to really be gained from these boards and instead you will have to find knowledge from authentic scholarly research. I feel like 4chan is great gateway to technical rabbit holes. Vroad chauffeur knowledge of the boards your frequent but to genuinely ascend you must leave and tap into more in depth groups.
Semen retention IS paranormal. Why? It connects the physical to the metaphysical. Think about it: When you streak for 4+ months you can literally be so full of sexual energy that you can wake up out of bed after 4 hours of sleep and be ready to rip shit up, so to speak. Everything in this universe is vibration and energies. When you are retaining, you are full of all that energy, which the body will automatically transmute into energy that you can use, you dont even have to channel it, because the body automatically does that. But you can channel it. Remember that from the smallest action (let's say the vibration of an atom) takes energy, all the way to the biggest forces of energy. Your body also uses this energy as will power. Remember that the higher your streak (I dont know if there is a limit to it even) the closer you become to your source. I know this from experience. This is why SR will always be paranormal. It literally connects you to your godliness that makes up the whole you.
I'm on day 10, and at this point it feels like I could go on for months. I got of the 5 day hump and now it feels much, much easier to maintain and retain so I can tame and regain.

When is my next milestone? It seems like at around 14-21 days is when your aura starts to become more noticeable to people in your vicinity. Would you say this sounds accurate? This is the longest I've gone for years btw so I'm rediscovering my masculinity/spiritual self.
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And one for you.
based, saving these, thanks for your work anon. What filter are you using to make these?
I went a few months deep. Full on celibacy, a full on adventure. Basically, what you gain after the journey does not get lost. Rather it gets unawakened. That 'chad' energy, when you obtain it through several months of celibacy, will stay with you. Whether it's in the body, or soul, i don't know. But it stays with you, like muscle memory. My experience with the magnetism was, everyone notices it. They can sense 'the fire in your eyes', but remember this: It is just 'raw energy' You still have to do some type of energy work to channel it around. When i was a few months deep (around 8 months? before i started getting addicted again) i never did any energy work. I just had a ton of raw energy. So i would literally sleep for around 4 hours, wake up. Not even a few minutes after waking up, i would wake up out of bed and i just did shit for like 2+ hours before i went to sleep again. I can show you the 9 pages of journaling i did with my workouts (this was all during the streak) And the thing is, you don't even need to go back to sleep... You're so full of energy you literally transcend the need for more sleep. It's not magic, because to call it magic would mean we cannot comprehend it. It is just paranormal, because we cannot fully study what goes behind the scenes. But the gist is, all that sexual energy builds up, for the record this is what seperates you from women: Your balls. In our modern world you would be called a sexist or mysogynist for saying women cant have your energy. But a normal women is not capable of producing the same amount of semen that a normal healthy man is capable of... When i'm relapsing, i find it a struggle to just walk around... i'm lethargic and sleepy. Reminiscing on all of this made me more faithful to get back on track again.
I appreciate your post anon, thank you for sharing your insights. I have a decent foundation, I think for now I should focus on redirecting that extra energy as it comes on...like putting that into work, hobbies, exercise, the usual good stuff. I can absolutely relate the that tired feeling after cooming. I would feel like I wanted to take a nap or something lol, but not anymore. I'm going to evaluate my experience at certain intervals, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 2 months, 3 months, and so on. Again thank you for the anecdote, our balls bear the seeds of life and vitality.
There are different types of fatigue. One of them is sleepiness. Sometimes when I jerk off, I dont feel tired. But I feel sleepy. Or I dont feel sleepy but I feel tired. Mental fatigue is also real. Fact of the matter is, your body is made up of a ton of energies and energy systems that all require looking after. When you are a man, your biggest source of energy, really, is your testicles. Why are gorillas so strong on a plant diet? Because of all that protein. So their testosterone is higher. It's the same with us. Our balls give us testosterone, which is sexual energy that the body uses to give us will power. It is said that God created the universe through his will power alone. God is therefore the biggest predator. He is the alpha and omega. He has the biggest balls. He has so much energy that we cannot even begin to comprehend it. An 8 month streak to us is nothing, to God. And I don't mean religiously.
I really want to get over my sexual urges...it is incredible frustrating as I happen to be terrible with girls, I mean I'm not deformed or stupid but for some reason hot women aren't attracted to me, my life is probably boring and I lack testosterone or male energy

I just want to put these urges aside, focus on myself, improving myself and finding peace of mind. I don't want to be attracted to women anymore

Im 37yo, watch a lot of porn, jerk off almost daily, work as a programmer so I stay home most of the time. Everything in my life spells "coomer" probably, no wonder women just ghost me
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>yeah bro all i have to do is not jack off and women will be all over me because of magnetism or something
They think women smell niggas who masturbate, they don't realize they also see ugly niggas.
Misinterpreting posts out of desperation to fool newcoomers like yourself won't get you anywhere, except me focusing my extra energy on your incel ass. How does it feel to see others choose to not be a desperate beta like you? I don't often see this special breed. Tell me more about your way of life.
This is so funny, they have their own terms. Have you already decided what you're gonna do with all that semen you're retaining?
Imagine, if you will, that I'm such a massive lifeless faggot retard that I worry about what other men will do with their coom.
They have to add something that sounds remotely paranormal otherwise they couldn't be here every day talking about cum.
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Try stopping cold turkey anon. If you feel like you're about to watch porn or look at lewd images, literally just go outside on a walk and listen to music, podcast, YouTube, etc. You need to start introducing positive hobbies/activities in your life. Try meditating when you wake up, stretching, and try to work out and read a book at some point in your day. IMO women shouldn't be your focus right now, your lifestyle should be. I watched a YT video recently where this guy was saying that women are butterflys, and your life is a garden. If you have a shit garden, a butterfly might fly into your garden, but if your garden is unhealthy and isn't robust, then the butterfly will just fly to where there is a lush, beautiful garden.

So work on your lifestyle, your health, your hobbies, your body, your mind, earning money, etc., and stop cooming as soon as you can. You're spilling your energy into a void and people can sense your weak/lack of energy.

Godspeed anon, I believe that you WILL improve yourself, and you WILL succeed, you just have to believe that you will too.
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Haven't whacked it for a month and a half and don't feel any different. Why should I keep going?
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Obviously, my goal is (GIF related)

Jokes aside, doesn't matter. It's like asking what a gymbro is gonna do after he achieves his ideal body. Maintain and enjoy.
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That it 4 2 day.
Appreciate it anon, saved.
I think it's paranormal how a normal human being turns into a pathetic incel through masturbation.
If none of the things above in this thread apply to you after a month not wacking it, you're either ignoring something crucial or you have bigger issues that don't even come close. Every case is unique. Tell us more about yourself if you REALLY want advice.
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>Why should I keep going?
If your astral body is fully developed you can have sex but never jack off. Jacking off attracts evil and they parasite off from you. Only one possible way is to cum into pussy
I think my diet is on point, I do omad, eat a lot of meat with eggs, veggies, fruits and nuts. Not sure about the other stuff. I sure hope they're not the cause.

Well, compared to a year ago I feel more youthful, got better skin and hair, feel less anxious, more confident, in my lane, achieving goals. Sure it didn't happen just because I did SR but conquering my lust and using it as energy sure has helped. I think I do catch more glances and mires but girls don't throw themselves at me, guys don't try to make me their pal. I got approached a few times but it all went nowhere. Maybe I'm too powerful for that now lol.

For cardio I go on walks almost every day doing 6k+ steps, swim about once a week for half an hour, and use sauna almost daily. Thanks for the advice though, I might need to ramp those numbers up. The supplements didn't destroy my gut except creatine, but I adapted to it about a week in.
Can any of you please help me? I'm on day 4 and I'm getting extreme urges out of nowhere and I don't want to fail again. I'm not religious but if you pray to whatever to help me get through this I would appreciate it. I'm fighting very hard but I'm losing. I can't stop my mind from justifying it.
Does anybody know how can i controll urges while possesed by the booze?No i won't stop drinking,at least once a week i need my fix.When i drink especially alone i get such strong urges i always relapse and the levels of perversion are demonic.Being outside around people helps but sitting alone and drinking or coming home from a party is torture when the urges start to act
>>In case of urges:
I'm a bit confused, Semencollector69, what more do you need to know about me? I don't see what I could possibly be missing from this thread. The objective is simple: don't ejaculate. And that's what I've done for a month and a half.
Do you mean you can never jack off physically (as it's impossible) or that you should never jack off?
Urges are your body telling you
>hey bro, we got excess energy, we gotta transmute
See >>38187474
>- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)

Alcohol gonna mess your cultivation and it can get nasty.

>The objective is simple: don't ejaculate.
>or that you should never
Alcohol opens the door to "astral winds". Have you seen those drunkards that get all violent? That's astral wind blowing at their hearts and making their inner fires (passions) grow and uncontrollable.
All of you doing SR you should do maintenance exercises regularly so the genitals dont atrophiate.

This is important both in the physical side and in the energetic side.

Look up mantak chia exercises, and this testimony from a taoist master.

This should be in the OP post always since a strong energy body must be in a strong physical vessel. And if genit
Look up mantak chia videos, he has exercises to strengthen the genitals and to maintain them in good shape and to become capable of choosing WHEN to ejaculate while having sex with a woman. Do his exercises and then you can choose of ejaculating or not when having sex.

There are two ways in this path one full celibate without sexual partners and one with sexual partner to do the sex yoga together.
I don't buy the premise that they would atrophy in the first place.
>maintenance exercises
>Mantak Chia
Sketchy, gatekeeping, fraud vibes.
>do maintenance exercises goyim
I have never seen or heard of any animal in the whole animal kingdom that needs "maintenance exercises".
Dogs get hard and cum everywhere
Kek. Who told you that? Mantak Chia?
You clearly never had a dog.
>undergo literal demonic possession
>how can I find the willpower
>Inb4 Stop drinking
Stop drinking it makes you fat and useless and it’s degenerate as fuck and a literal cope. nigger come on
alcohol is literally just poison. its horrible on the body and kills bacteria. you can argue its good for some type of medicinal benefit, sure.
Saw it myself
Had dog
Thank you for addressing me by my full name (about time people learned their place). Anything related to SR and the things listed above in each thread indicate what you could tell about yourself. If you claim to experience no changes then you must be an exception. In that case your daily life is is highly unusual and you should bring that unusual part up.
>long clean streak
>focused on success and goals
>constantly pissed and unsatisfied

Not fun, but it works, to get shit done
Noticing I'm pulling in Libra women which is the same sign as me. The level of sexual and vibe like energy is indescribable. It's always the feeling like I already know this person and we usually both share intimate details about each other.
Porn gave you short term gratification. Pussy is all you need now
day 4 is nothing loser
Remember why you started. Either you want it or not. If yes stop crying and don't touch your pipi
Today marks roughly ~30 days. Had some strong urges yesterday night but i managed to fight it off. Also noticing the utility of this place slowly going down. At some point it's counterproductive to talk about it, instead its much more useful to simply not think about it. This way the power that cooming has just goes away.

Male indifference is a superpower. Just thinking about not watching porn for example, brings about the opposite effect. With women, not caring about whether or not some particular woman likes you is also a superpower. In contrast, we got guys here who daydream about some bitch who looked at them on the train or something.

>completely ignores previous posters debunking the projected stereotype

Stop jacking off watching another man fuck cuck. Your iq is showing (it's double digits btw).
Stop using your legs or any other muscle and they will atrophiate. But this rule doesnt apply to the genitals according to you.

His exercises to learn to control orgasm and to orgasm without ejaculation are available for free in his videos and you can find free pdf online.
Go on, explain what exactly atrophies and why.
>be outside
>state hot women down to their pussy
>they look away
Can't wait for them to make tiktoks how creeps stare at them lel. I'm also thinking about jogging at night and chasing women then just to pass them. This summer will be so much fun
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Not my problem
Simply stop taking mental shortcuts. By that I mean stop accepting what anyone tells you unless you can validate it for yourself. The problem of outsourcing all of your thinking is that you balance your life atop unchallenged assumptions. Challenge the ideas your guru gave you. Simple questions like what is the difference between the physiology of physiology of penile erectile tissue and muscle tissue? The reason you are inclined to believe this guy is that it ticks a lot of boxes, he is telling you you can have your cake and eat it too. There is no scenario where that works. The hard way is the only way, and that makes sussing out grifters easy.
I suggest you take your own advice, and investigate and challenge your own assumptions first. The skeptic asks questions, but investigates further with an open mind, the fool dismisses it immediately.
If you can’t give up the bottle you have no hope. This is coming from a guy who’s currently on a 22 day streak. I quit smoking weed the same time I quit masturbating because I knew it would cause me to easily relapse.
This rule doesn't apply, because even though you stop ejaculating, boners will still occur. The only part of your genitals that won't be in use are the vas deferens (sperm ducts, whatever you call these in English). Educate yourself before trying to educate others.
>plans to fuck around and not find out
Ty for sharing
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It is really as simple as this: I have more energy, more vitality, and feel happier on SR.
Imagine someone getting mad at people suggesting to other people to quit pornagraphy, masturbation, alcohol and drugs. Oh wait you don't just visit a SRG thread to and witness the demonic afflicted do exactly that.

If you watch and observe SRG you understand how paranormal it is.
Ayo lemme holla dat dick up my arse no homo
What's even stranger than getting mad is the mockery!
Relapsed. I need to start listening to music on my walks, I get too bored and start thinking lewd things. Next one will be longer thanks to this info I just know it
Day 10 today
One of the things I’ve noticed is that it’s so much easier to connect with and actually cherish my friends and relatives, I spent all day with my grandparents yesterday and I connected with them super deeply and felt so much love for them, in a way I haven’t felt for a long time.
Reminder: The term "placebo" is a catch-all term used by scientists who subscribe to a materialist perspective of the world to explain away a simple reality - that the mind is much more powerful then we think.

No disrespect to science, but science is simply a method. The fact that the body can miraculously cure itself cannot simply be dismissed as "placebo", because that doesnt change what happened in the first place.

Yes, many benefits of SR are placebo. This isnt a gotcha, as the reddit nerd coomers think. The self-image boost that comes with no longer seeing yourself as a coomer is very real, and in itself is a benefit that should be held in high esteem.
I don't and I really wish I did because I need more energy and vitality. What am I doing wrong?
nta...if you really are going 2 weeks without spilling seed...and still need 6+ hours of sleep...it is your diet imo. Replenish zinc/mag/iodine
Self-fulfilling prophecy is the term you're looking for in the last sentence.
I was wondering why I kept waking up after around 6 hours of sleep. First time I read this here. What's your current streak if I may ask?
>The term "placebo" is a catch-all term used by scientists who subscribe to a materialist perspective of the world to explain away a simple reality

It isn't thought, placebo is a drug or medicine, without medicinal qualities, given to a patient to ease their anxiety. Since SR isn't a drug that is taken, it can never be a placebo.
around 6 months. I started a few days before the winter solstice.
day 2, feeling good lads, cooming is fucking terrible so never doing it again
you are getting hung up on that 'science' says the placebo effect is fake...it is an effect that is real and dismissed by materialist...they can literally manipulate the 'placebo' effect in trials to get their drug to pass...interesting social engineering. Science fears the power of belief.
You have no idea what I just wrote do you?
i guess not. but placebo-effect is used often to dismiss SR...I don't think we need to argue semantics of placebo and placebo-effect. God speed.
Day 3 fren,coming back from a very ugly relapse,i already start feeling better and more pure,keep at it,life is only going to get better for us
>I don't think we need to argue semantics of placebo and placebo-effect.
Yeah we do, words have a meaning, you are responding to a definition that does not exist, point it out, win.
>for example my dick is getting bigger, fatter.
Please tell me thats not a joke
Wonder why 4chan culture hates cannabis so much but not alcohol. When im drunk the temptations are ridiculous. When Im high i can control it. Still weed is for degenerate faggots, i will quit all substances
Looks like an overlay using photoshop blending modes
Not him but it's not joke. I have pics before and after semen retenting of my dick because someone already said it there and wanted to confirm. Before semen retenting and jacking off every day your cock is half size, it looks very undefined and has wrinkles on cock head, your shaft is thin and overal definition is low. After semen retenting your cock get smooth, very suckable if you ask me, more defined and bigger and yes more fat. Can upload my dick if you want
Reminder that if you ever feel flatlined and see no sign of rising back up, its because you didnt exercise and fast enough
Lets see a before and after
Im on day 2 and im planning on keeping going for as long as i can but i have a question. Should i just not jerk off or should i jerk off at least once every 7 days just to drain my balls and not develop ED?
I take all those pills lol. And I've been at it for longer than 2 weeks.
Oh yeah I start to fall in love with my cock whenever I streak. Just looking at it move and fall under its own weight. Makes me wanna fucking suck it. But not in a gay way like "I wanna suck other mens dick". But I wanna suck the shit out of my own dick because it looks so full and it's ready to blast with cum explosion and it's so sensitive from not being touched. Like a virgib women who is pure af because she has never been touched before. The way I get a mid erection makes me love seeing it grow bigger. Fuck
>wet dreams general
>i already start feeling better and more pure
I love that feeling. There's a kind of click in your subconscious that happens when all your centers are in agreement that you won't do this Thing and it feels like such a load off. Amazing, divine feeling.
If I do this will my penis become to sensitive and cause premature ejaculation? I'm uncut and don't last long as it is, also i have girlfriend who wants sex like every 2-3 weeks so anybody have any experience wit it?
you'll experience increased sensitivity at first as your body is craving for release but that'll taper off.
Do you guys avoid checking out girls in public? I can't seem to avert my eyes when i see short skirts or short/shorts... how do I control this?
no i just laugh at you copers
just trust their brainless anecdotes, proof is not needed here
Shalom rabbi
They dress like that so you look
We could be conquering other solar systems, instead we promote pornography to our young males and give power to women ... God dammit guys
Interesting. I'll take your word for it. I feel like I'm more susceptible of entering a WD if I go back to sleep after reaching 6 hours. Have always needed more than 6 hours of sleep as far as I can remember, until I started SR AND stopped smoking weed. Started SR first and gradually decreased my desire to smoke.
Any mind altering substance is for degenerate faggots. Good luck quitting.
If you can't help yourself posting it, please post a link so not everyone has to see it.
No, if anything you will last longer.
No, but then again, never had trouble with that to begin with. As long as you're aware of their tricks, women are simple creatures best to be ignored when not needed. This is entirely my opinion based on my experience.
No, you don't. You would definitely spend more time doing something productive that you enjoy. Someone has hurt you and this is your way of coping.
Thats how humanity always worked. Even in warhammer everything is so inefficient as possible and corrupt as possible even without demonic possessions or gene stealers and it's fucking fiction made by several dudes in English pub while drinking pints of beer.
>Self-fulfilling prophecy is the term you're looking for in the last sentence.
Call it what you want
Placebo isn't a drug, when testing drugs they have a control, to account for possible placebo effect. The power of the mind is so potent that every clinical trial they have to account for it.
the thing is. my statement says a lot on an individual level: look at how in our past ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL can shape the course of history so well, now imagine entire nations transcend to those transcenders? you would literally have a space-faring nation... amongst cavemen. thats my point. when i retain for 6 months, i have so much free energy to use. i can literally do whatever the fuck i want, for 10+ hours a day, and not feel a fucking ounce of fatigue. You become such an efficient human being at longer streaks, it makes me wanna cry. cry in two ways, one because of how powerful it is, how simple it is. the other crying is because 99% of humans will never understand what it means to never be fatigued... like a child who is full of love before the world succumbs him with sin. god bless
ED is a gay jewish mit,you should avoid jerking of at all costs for as long as you can.God speed anon
> day 3
> go on 4chan
> kawaii waifus everywhere
Damn it's hard
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How do I use SR energy to make my dreams/goals a reality? I get depressed knowing that after all these years I'm still nowhere near them, and at this point chances are I'll never achieve them. Visualizing the energy flowing from my balls to my brain via the spinal column isn't doing anything for me.
Does semen retention will help blood circulation into my penis and improve my penis sensitivity,I think due to intense masturbation in my past has lead to numbness and won't hold blood for longer time and I also have low semen count by visualising the semen thickness
anonbros help me with this part please anyone just give me any advice for my problem I'm desperate.
We live in Kali Yuga, the age where spiritual ignorance is at its highest. This place is good proof of that, ridiculous to suggest simply not masturbating, as opposed to doing shadow work and deep character transformation, alone can somehow advance people (however lust is a huge issue of our times).

The advantage is though that great personal transformation and growth is possible here. In past ages like golden age, we did indeed live in societies which took great care of spiritual development, and that reflected in the outer world where they had advanced technologies. Much of this is lost. However, those societies it was difficult for one to personally grow, and everyone is so advanced already. This is the easiest age for one to grow spiritually, but simply not masturbating isnt enough for great transformation, much more dedication and time is needed, with great personal turmoil, but the reward is the highest there is.
Yes, your nerves become a lot more sensitive, and erections are much harder.
If you want to know an accurate sperm count number, go get an official lab test, don't just eyeball it and assume. Numbness and short erections might be due to deathgripping while fapping in the past, I'm sure doing nofap and SR will help a bit. Can't hurt at this point.
>Yes, your nerves become a lot more sensitive, and erections are much harder.
Then for how long I must stop masturbating.
Just stop masturbating indefinitely. You say you're desperate but you want to cheat, have some self control
Yeah deathgrip was my problem,during my teen days I used to beat my meat like no other,now I'm suffering from it, I don't feel much even after getting a blowjob and can't hold blood for much longer,it is effecting is sexual life a lot.
And what do you mean my SR will help me a bit? What more should I do?
I will from now on, masturbation is fucking our future as a whole.
I just think my sperm count is not thick as it used to be,even after a some break my semen thickness don't increase
thats my issue aswell. i will go on a streak and it feels like my sperm isnt as thick as it should be. even though i feel fucking fantastic, so clearly its not an issue with my testosterone.
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what are paranormal implications of flatline? Im few weeks in and my pp is dead and i do not feel no sexual energy. Therefore there is no sexual energy to transmute.
How to know when your test is low
Can someone explain the basic lingo to me that I need to know before I post like an idiot here? The context cues aren't helping at all and seem to apply to multiple things.

What is a flatline?
What is transmutation?
What is dissemination?
brother, dont mix energy channeling and meditation with drugs, thats how you get fucked up. i mean i get it, its easier that way, but that shortcut is a huge trap and can and will fuck you up in many ways.
>What is a flatline?
When you do SR you'll find that there's a period where libido goes to 0 and you lose horniness, which can be concerning for some folks, however really its just the body adjusting so it can meet higher goals
>What is transmutation?
Also, refer to pastebin, book by William Atkinson. Essentially it's redirecting flow of energy upwards, so sexual energy is converted to higher and subtle spiritual energy, so that soul ascends.
>What is dissemination?
Not sure. Sounds like a fancy word for relapse
Lurk more.
>This rule doesn't apply
Long term retainer here. Can confirm. Namefag is right.
Basically you just feel like a piece of shit. Lack of physicality. Lethargy. Depression. Low energy. No will power. That's what low test is.
>wake up at 8
>go to gym
>fuck myself up pretty good
>go swim to local dam
>swim for hours
>go home only 6pm
>go outside
>bike around block
>still not tired

Is this how they build railroad and pyramids
I just look the other way kek. Eezee peezee.
Flatline is stagnating energy. Energy is there but you're not transmuting it, using it or both.
Much better than watching porn. Not gonna beat myself up over whats essentially natural instinct.
Read the OP retard.
Thats literally how i felt when streaking ...
>go to sleep at 10 - 11 pm
>wake up at 2 am
>instantly get up out of bed
>pushups (probably half assed)
>situps (i used to try and do like 2k before i had to go to school)
>journal it
>25 kg backpack
>some calisthenics on the metal bars outside
>2 hour walk, like 14+ km walk
>short pants
>short sleeve shirt
>literally no jacket
>do this on and off over 3 times a week, no fatigue
>go back to sleep
>hands are cold as shit

i can only imagine how much crazy shit my ancestors did. im probably scraping the bottom of the barrel, in comparison to what they did. This is one of the things that inspire me to hopefully be something great. this has nothing to do with women either.
not necessarily. the energy buildup (which starts at the lower centers - sexual area) is constantly activating old energy and mental levels patterns, by not acting on them these paterns weakens and "dissolve" overtime. feeling "flatlined" in this scenario actually means energy naturally moving to higher centers, since there is no leakage anymore, it has nowhere else to go.
No, when energy moves to higher centers you don't feel like that. You can't have well-balanced chakras and feel "flatlined".
how do you feel? please enlighten me
In a nutshell, flatline is anhedonia and related symptoms, which is underactive chakras. Which is often caused by >>38194380
Flatline isn't an equanimous or a positive thing.
>flatline is anhedonia and related symptoms, which is underactive chakras.
You are so confidently wrong its impressive
No, sorry.
You dont need to apologise. The mysteries will remain out of bounds for you till you confront your ego. Safe travels friend.
Sure. Same.
>- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
we should add more images to this gallery we got a few cool posts the last few threads
Ive been a coomer since I was 10 and havent experienced the magnetism after half a year. If it's real either you can do so much damage it's irrecoverable or it doesn't work for certain men no matter what. Probably not the kind of guy who can streak this long.
I just feel restless honestly. Cant even focus on one thing to do
hello friend a couple weeks ago you replied about a post of mine about magnetism and being noticed by girls and you told me
>In all reality you are probably a mentalcel and the fact that you noticed others noticing is proof of concept.
and I was wondering what you meant by that? what's a mentalcel and how is noticing other people noticing proof of what?
>fuck you up in many ways
Thanks for the heads up I appreciate that but can you elaborate. Genuinely curious
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Not him, but 7g of shrooms is an insane dose, when you're tripping that hard its impossible to verify your experiences, examine them properly and have a balanced and grounded view. Doing a small dose, and meditating, doing yoga etc is gonna give you a much more spiritually enriched experience, though even better is just being sober.
Do it yourself
5th one is so accurate kek. Spergs who've never gotten laid pretending to be above it. As if gaining experience with women, so you're ready to deal with female bullshit if you do find a wife and have children, and know how to make a marriage work, is a bad thing.
Hello, I remember the conversation.
You said you noticed after 2 weeks of retention while having dinner with family you noticed unusual looks/glances from another table. You said this normally doesn't happen and you tend to be "invisible"

The fact you've noticed unusual attentions is proof that there is a certain paranormal attraction at play.

Meaning you see it and, acknowledge it, therefor this is your anecdotal experience to believe in it.

Hope you've been staying true to yourself.
A mentalcel is somebody who is involuntarily celibate due to mental/self esteem/poor perception of self /poor social skills.

If given an assement and correction of one's mental health a mentalcel can easily find a relationship or (not recommended) hookup with a female or even male counterpart
Related to shill presence in SR threads
Got complacent and urges have been so strong lately. Full moon coming up too. In indian philosophy (dont start chimping out chuds) there is a concept called Samskara, which is a psychological imprint from past actions that stay on you, like a stain. I like buddhist perspective on this, where these imprints must be purified instead of destroyed. It corresponds neatly with western hermetic framework, whereby vices can be cultivated into virtues, by identifying need and fulfilling need in a purified and higher manner. In this case, the need that cooming fulfils is need for intimacy and love, so you can start with more self love, or seeking out a loving relationship with a woman, or love for all beings.
If ki gong is so strong why did the shaolin keep losing
Purify and destroy have same meaning in this sense. Some new agers say dissolve.
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The longer my streak is getting (and being able to counter WDs) the more I'm starting to get convinced that there are indeed Succubi out there. I just woke myself up after realizing I was in a WD, cancelled it like a fucking champ. During the dream I was utterly convinced that I (get this) BROKE MY STREAK as I was lying on the couch about to bust one when I suddenly realized it: No, I fucking didn't break my streak! After waking up, first thing I did was go to the toilet, check my underwear and behold... They were clean. Spotless.

Why would I not dream about hot women or anything worth fucking? Why would I dream about me failing SR just to get convinced I broke my streak and think: "Since I already broke it, might as well..." More importantly, I felt very tired, even after returning from the toilet (took a piss to confirm there was no precum either). As soon as a lay thinking I'd share this situation for others to be aware about, my dick calmed down and the tiredness disappeared as if it was never there. This was quite a lesson. One I still haven't fully understood, but one thing is certain: I fucking won! Waking up with such a victory feels good.

>Captcha SRHK
Not sure honestly... Losing against whom?
Shaolin and QiGong? aren't those different fields?
Cope Retention General
>the JIDF starts their work day
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Jews are vile creatures
Excess ejaculation weakens the connection between your body and soul. Doesn't matter if it goes in a womb or toilet. You are literally giving up a part of your life essence, which is intended to sprout a new human being. It takes time to regenerate this force within your body, and you become so accustomed to being a cumbrain that it takes a few weeks of abstinence as well as self observation to really notice yourself becoming more alive. If you sing, practice athletics, or socialize with people, it is easy to spot the world of difference in your performance when you've gone more than 2 weeks without ejaculation versus doing it once or more a day.
Lol this. One time my head started hurting when I went into BJJ practice. And I felt so fucking weak and useless. I couldn't do shit, to partner's who I could actually handle before. Even a simple headache is enough to fuck over your performance. The flesh is weak, they say.
sure. using drugs that enhance your senses and allows you to feel energy essentially gives you temporarily access to deeper planes of existance which would be unconcious for you. normally when you do the traditional practice you are building a stable foundation, which is this foundation that allows you access to these deeper planes. without this foundation you are are missing key stillness and understanding which means you are bound to mess with things on a deeper level than you can handle. messing things can range from creating deep rooted compulsive behaviour patterns to completly changing your experience of reality to a really negative one. inserting energy into this formula really just means things happen much faster and potentially on a bigger scale. getting to the deeper planes while not stable and on high energy is like driving a car on 1000 and doing a sudden sharp turn, one way or the other you will crash. another point, from a certain point being absolute still and stable is a requirement to reach the deeper planes, so using the drug crutches will only take you so far, and will keep you there. there are also more aspects to this, such as not having control over your imagination you will not be able to seperate what is real from what is illusion. i have seen too many people take these drug induced experience at face value and just get even more lost than they were before. in the end sure, you can use these experience to open you to "higher" reality, but should drop them if you are serious, as these shortcuts are not really shortcuts but the longer and more diffucult route. good fortune.
>If you sing
Hell yeah. Vocal register widens open a fuck lot.
Day 190 here gonna run 50k today just for fun and i know i will still have energy the rest of the day to do more productive stuff this is the power of SR it charges your wilpower and energy to the max you get so much shit done effortlessly will reccoment to anybody
ah i see I thought a mentalcel was an incel due to being neurodivergent or other mental illnesses
makes sense thank you so much
>Hope you've been staying true to yourself.
nope i fell off, gimme a week and I'll be back on track
50 000 kilometers? You planning to run around earth 5 times
press shift + w on 4chan x
streaks have at least doubled in length on average since I learned this
Succubi are real I saw one with my own eyes on sleep paralysis, but there were other events outside of it that suggested she was real, like the sensation I felt when she touched me during sleep paralysis was the same sensation I felt several more times once that same night, the same sensation usually on my dick and often accompanied by odd random noises in the house, not all explainable by sleep paralysis and hypnagogia
The things we see during sleep paralysis, hypnagogia, or dreams aren't necessarily always just in our heads, they sometimes exist on some level even if not physical. Motive for things like nightmares is as simple as entities wanting your loosh, but this is not always the case, sometimes it's just you processing things
I can relate, I hate thinking how many free summers I've wasted when I could have been working towards my goals. I'm guessing you aren't in a good headspace so I would say just focus on exercising, a lot of people (myself included) tend to neglect the huge benefits of exercising does to your mental/emotional health.

In regards to using SR to make your goals a reality are you referring to manifestations/LOA? As much as I love the idea of simply imagining your desires and then eventually coming true you can't rely on it because then you will beat yourself up about your desires not showing up which will probably make them less likely to happen. Also the "energy flowing from balls to my brain" isn't for manifesting it's to rejuvenate your brain and then it rejuvenates the entire body.
You need to set goals for yourself that you can visually monitor progress of to motivate you. For me that's weight loss, I'm shocked by how fast I'm losing weight. Just yesterday I relapse, normally this would break my mood, but I'm on high spirits because I made shit ton of progress on my goals nigga, and I'm still determined to get back on that horse and make more progress. That's how you SR. Set realistic goals and score those goals.
did you actually tried like you know working towards those goals? crazy i know things should just drop from the sky
kek yeah too many people treat SR like some magical genie that will just grant your wishes for you
For real. Just put a bucket outside during a goals storm and keep the ones you like.
Only instead of rubbing a lamp you let it unrubbed.
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I didn't want to believe it at first, because I've never experienced hallucinations, but there was one occasion where I think I encountered one. A few years back I woke up in the middle of the night. Not because of a dream or anything, but it just happened. A female face was hovering above my face as I opened my eyes. Naturally out of surprise I jumped up and instinctively aimed for her neck with my arm. Knocking everything out of my way hoping to catch her (being seconds away from waking up doesn't help to charge straight at someone). I still remember clearly how she appeared to be floating backwards instead of walking. My hand went right through her and at that moment I just stopped and stared at her as she faded away, eyes still locked at her face.
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>Why would I dream about me failing SR just to get convinced I broke my streak and think: "Since I already broke it, might as well..."

I had a dream where a girl blew me and there was some time omitted but then the context was that she made me cum (I hadn't but did not know it). Next I was like "might as well orgasm now" and I was on the cusp and then heard Goku's voice say "just calm down!" as if I were Gohan and about to rage destroy some shit. It pulled me out of it and saved my streak. High strangeness to be sure, and I owe it Goku lmao. But the parallel to your dream about being tricked into thinking you already broke the streak is curious.
I would like to hear from SR anons with ADHD who are on or have been on meds, please. I'm trying to see clearly in what I'm going through. It seems to have made some aspects of life easier and some harder. Overall, I would describe it as feeling dulled and single minded, both bearing some notable positive aspects. By feeling dulled, I am specifically referring to my intense emotions. The same heartburning agitation I would feel within is gone, both for when I am exited or anxious. It both improve and worsens my ability to socialize as I talk more stiffly and succinctly, which comes off as rude. Yet, I tend to take more initiative in branching out and making an effort to connect. Being more single minded helps my performance at work because of my improved focus and ability to persevere, but at home I'm a complete disgrace. I have become a complete dopamine whore. Monster cans, videogames all night, porn. What should I do, bros? Lay off the meds, finally get a good streak going and using the benefits of SR to keep my work performance up?
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truly a great guy
Does anybody here have Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome ? I seem to get tonsillitis and a sore throat anytime I masturbate
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Lads. How do i SR while having secks with my gf? Is there some practice how i can withhold ejaculation?
Having sex with a loving gf is far better than fucking your hand
Mantak Chia's "taoist secrets of love" goes into this. Essentially there's a pressure point to push during sexerz that stops ejaculation, and you should fuck slow. Should add though that working with sexerz energy so directly is like playing with fire
It hurts on each side of my neck, unerneath my jaw when I do cardio after relapsing. Like a pulsing pain that prevents me from doing any further effort. Feels like my arteries. Is that what you got?
Maybe just weak genes idk.
i did fasting today and when i went to eat i wasnt even hungry, those monks are right when they say the less you do the less you crave
i worry cause i care, you should retain your energy even if just for dumb shit like playing videogames
someone prayed for me recently and i felt a huge influx of energy but then later in my room i felt something bugging me in the astral, and the fact that it came on me after i received energy pretty much confirms what ive been suspecting for years now, its an astral parasite, probably one of many out there
i can actually feel them and it sucks when i masturbate because of that cause then i feel them all over me and its super obnoxious, people who cant even feel any of this stuff dont realize how much they're screwing themselves over
>inb4 shizo
believe whatever you want and consider getting out of the paranormal board faggot
sr is paranormal cause its literally your life force, imagine if goku became a porn addict and jizzed all fucking day then when the time to fight comes he's so fucked up he cant even go super saiyan and humiliates himself
every serious wizard fag knows sr is real
fucking redditors
he's been edging thats why he feels the same, and stop calling people incels you cringe faggot
I am much more extraverted on SR, too.
Yeah me too, it's almost like it cures my autism
I dont know, its like my throat dries and it becomes tender at the back, like one side of my throat near the tonsils become sensitive when i swallow saliva.
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Getting saved by Goku is epic. Also, if you paid attention to his relationship with Chichi, Goku is 100% a retainer as well.
Why are you assuming he's edging if he didn't say that or anything close? Also, it's my right and pleasure to insult people that behave like cringe faggots who come here just to shit on people like this guy >>38191679
Why you suddenly start being the knight in shiny armor is beyond me, but just like me you also have the right (though probably no pleasure) to do so. 'Incel' isn't really my go-to word to insult others to be completely honest, but someone else here inspired me to use it. There's also racism, but apparently it's not allowed on this board. (got banned once over it)
I'm watching the Dragon Ball series for the first time as an adult, so so far Goku is still a kid with how far I am in the show. Can you elaborate on the dynamics between Goku and Chichi, and what makes you say that Goku is a retainer?

With the little that I've seen, I can see what you mean...Goku seems like he's focused on his purpose, finding the dragon balls, fighting baddies, saving the town/girl etc., he seems playfully indifferent to Chichi's and other girls' advances, almost obliviously to them entirely due to his pure soul.

That's my understanding so far, if you can elaborate, that'd be interesting to hear.
there's karezza
you could also fuck her till she cums then just stop like a chad
i dunno, im a virgin
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Instead of jerking off i stayed on the bed mindless scrolling 4chan and youtube.

Its not as bad as edging, but i am starting to believe that it isnt that far from it
They were destroyed a few times through history and refounded but most recently by the communists
Met a very sensual and unique women on Wed. The eye contact was on a level I've never experienced. The feeling like I've always known this person. We both shared rather intimate details about ourselves pretty quickly.

I've had this anxious energy like feeling in the center of chest very close to heart. Is this the childlike feeling stuff that is described here?

I didn't realize how much retention allows feminine energy to be received by us. The magnetism to certain energy or maybe similar energy/aura.
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I had the exact same dream during the middle of a streak 2 months ago.
unlike you, i convinced myself i jacked off in my sleep (turned out i didn't) and gave in to temptation of "fuck it, the damage is done".

the powers of semen retention, sometimes feel a big exaggerated, but the defiantly is something to it.
my mood, optimism and my luck seems to increase on long spells of strict celibacy (no edging).
everytime ive had a long streak, i've ended up gettings jobs, having a girl or two show interest and sometimes come into a bit of extra money (make better sales at work, find money, win money etc)

also during long streaks i also get urges/voices in my head telling me to drink, go back to videogames (36 now, was a bad addict for 20+ years) and drugs.
during my last strong streak 2 months ago, after breaking my streak i randomly bought a ps4, persona 3 reload and binged like fuck for over a week before i snapped out of it and realised i wasn't even enjoying myself.
so sold the console, game, kicked the weed and despite on a 36+ day streak, i'm still struggling to stop drinking.
Yea I've had the same lately the Lord brought me and a woman together and I've felt (what I assume is) Love for the first time, like an actual real fire in my heart when I'm with this lady. Anyway it's the same for us turns out we are eerily similar to the point of thinking the same thoughts / saying the same things at the same time, it's so silly it makes me laugh. She's totally asexual though and has denied my romantic suggestions. We're only meeting through the internet.

I'm doing semen retention for I guess three years now, but I still have periods when I get really horny. I wish I could be asexual and just have a pleasant social relationship with this woman, I'm praying to the Lord to help me achieve this, thing is I don't know why exactly he brought us together, if we are just to be friends or if this is real love. I love her like crazy though, I had no idea a woman could be like she is, funny how life can change so quickly sometimes.
Spirits are real, they can take on the semblance of corporeal forms, and they can also percieve what you are thinking of, so in this manner they can take on a form that you are familiar with, or a form that you are attracted to in order to lure you in, or mess with you in general. Do not be fooled into believing that these forms are "real", they are not real, but an illusion produced by art, much like for example the CGI (computer generated graphics) that you see in modern films. A computer generated graphic is not real, it is a visual illusion produced by a skilled artist. In this same manner spirits (which inhabit the spirit world, aka heaven/hell) can produced pictures and scenarios and even bodies for themselves which have no real tangible existence but resemble corporeal bodies to the senses, even able to produce sensations of touch, smell, taste etc. I know from experience of having been sexually assaulted at least once by these spirits, we call them "lusters" (Lusters are spirits of the dead which, once dead, carry on sexual acts in the spirit world upon both other spirits and on mortal victims) .

The idea of "Succubi" is something that we humans should stop with. When we spread memes around we are also spreading memes to the spirits who live in the spirit world, adjacent to us (not fundamentally separated from our world, but closely intertwined). These spirits get deluded into believing succubi are real, and so some of them start to believe that they are succubi. What we should instead do is pray to God for these spirits to find themselves so they can begin the process of resurrection, as all humans should do (and eventually will, God willing)
>i worry cause i care
>fucking redditors
>i am soooooo an anon!
>refounded but most recently by the communists
I think we are close to get an answer to why anon
Flatline is for contemplation it isn't to be feared or resented
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>pol tourist here
Anyways thank you. I have been fighting this crap for so many years. It has been my own hubris and vanity standing in the way. Christ is King
pretty much same here, everything in my life gets better and I mean everything. Lifts, energy, discipline focus, health etc
you can recover fren. Add exercise and fix your diet. Go for lean meats +fruit + veggies. Maybe a handful of nuts. That is it.
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It's basically what you said. He has no interest in sexual activities, let alone staring at naked females. This becomes more clear in Z and Super. His behavior also shows how he is eager to leave Chichi for training/fighting. Honestly, the only reason he stays with her is because of her cooking.
Here's proof:
English version
Japanese version
I've discussed this with others who've been diagnosed with ADHD (used Ritalin) and came to the conclusion that it's definitely worth trying to lay off the medication. Experiment with yourself and give it a try. If you feel progress, then you know you're on the right track, if not, then you take your medication again. Doctors prescribe as they observe your individual case. Luckily, ADHD drugs are very mild and can be experimented with. Also, do a little research on ADHD/ADD, you'd be surprised how it suddenly became a thing last century. I hope you'll manage to be med-free and live healthy. Nobody should need drugs to live, only to heal.
Man, it baffles me how you're the 2nd person already to tell me this today. Seems like there's definitely truth to this phenomena. That aside, your struggle with drinking can be resolved if you put your mind to it. Willpower is not to be underestimated, but the key to increasing that is looking within yourself and at your environment. What factors influence you to give in to alcohol and can you ignore these? A lot of addicts, no matter the drug, often claim that changing environments helps them get rid of it. An addiction is a habit first and foremost. Convince your mind you can do without and your body will follow. Act like the king of your body, your will is law. I know this sounds impersonal as I know nothing about your case, but I hope it helps. It helped me with weed.
This is very interesting. Could you tell me where I can read more about this perspective?
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I see, thanks.
>are you referring to manifestations/LOA
no I was just referring to the literal energy that goes into fapping/mentally edging (the drain post nut is very real, it is literal energy that you are expelling). Just wanted tips on using that energy for other things.
My goals aren't simple, they are complex and eventually involve other people. Don't want to state them outright but a good comparison would be "starting my own business". It's something that I don't exactly know how to do, involves money I don't have yet, will involve hiring people that might not be in my area or might not want to work with me, won't return any profit for a long and unknown amount of time, would be something I have to explain to my family cause it's something I can't hide, etc. When I think about all these factors I lose motivation/hope and I don't want to work on the small things that could get me there someday. I guess I need to break my big goals down into small goals but it's still hard since for now I have to do it all on my own, with no help from anyone.
hey bro. i'm anon who posted 0194.
In all fairness man, i consider myself lucky as i'm not a super heavy drinker compared to some people i know (know people who drink a bottle of whiskey/vodka a day).
I already hit the gym, save my money, recently set up a savings account and gonna start compound investing on dividend stocks soon.
honestly, i think the drinking and every other addiction i have stem's from legit autism and lonliness/boredom.
I compare myself to my few best friends (one's a prison officer on fat wage, and the other is a self-made man), i don't get to see them as much as i used to due to them having career's and wifes and kids.
So in the past i found myself drinking/smoking whenever i've not been in the gym or reading.

but seriously mate, when i read your post about your dream it was a mixture of freaking out and laughing as i had the exact same experience and i rarely post (despite being a lurker since 2005).
My friends think i mad for the doing the celibacy thing, but the fact that you a person i've never met at the other side of the world had the same experience/dream i had, while practicing the same self-preservation. wow, mind blown.
that communism is more powerful than chi
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Sounds like you have drinking under control. Alcohol luckily doesn't stay too long in your system to get affected by it compared to weed. Comparing yourself with your friends is a good thing as long as you realize there will be differences you can't change and one will be better off at something compared to the other. I'm willing to bet you're spiritually more aware than them, but that's also what friends are for: to compete with and help complete. My best friends call me mad as well for practicing, but I think they're mad in their own way.

Back to the main topic though. I've done SR in the past, but fully committed around February/March this year. Had around 3 WDs over the course, until recently (honestly can't remember when the last time was). I do remember being able to cancel the last 2 WDs and I keep getting more confident on being able to cancel future WDs. I'm telling you this, because I wonder if our progress is as similar as our experiences. As if there are milestones along the way that anyone practicing will encounter, challenges or exams, tests of willpower.
Has anyone's music interests changed since retention? Dark R&B, soul, dark hip hop, electronic, electric jazz. I noticed it vibes with the energy that is created with retention. Very unique vibe almost harmonious. Goose bump levels. Anyone have similar experiences?
the self made mate of mine said i was partially responsible for him pursuing his own business in the past.
his partner (and future wife and current mother of his child), i had a drunken chat with 7/8 years ago on a night out where she said she was debating leaving him (before he made his business) because she wanted to travel and explore herself.
I pulled her aside and told her that the facebook photo's and updates of her friends are false and she would only end up miserable and alone if she did that.
I guess i have some good karma on my sideas they now have a happy, healthy little lad who might not be here if i didn't have that chat with her all those years ago.
that said, still feels like i'm being left behind. but more motivation to thrive i guess.

as for SR, i've noticed the only times i've experience WD's is on days where women have been very flirty and touchy with me earlier in the day (like older 50's blonde blue eyes co-worker pushing her big fat tits on me lol) or days where i've consumed a lot of red meat.
on the days i've had multiple burgers, i end up being stupid horny even without thinking lewd thoughts and that caused WD's.

so my advice is, funnily enough avoid womens/thoughts about women, and if you are gonna eat red meat, try to limit it.
never experience the same issue with chicken or fish
most of my knowledge comes from a book called OAHSPE.
Don't worry about feeling left behind, having a newborn is stressful and really fills all the time you normally have left to chill and spend time with friends. I see my best friend once every 3/4 months, if not longer, because he barely has the time. I don't mind though, because I believe there's more to life than what we currently observe. This perspective is what helps me cope through being alone. Thinking life is finite will take time into the thought process of seeing the people you like again. With my current perspective, I will eventually see them. If I'm wrong, no matter, I will adapt to the truth.

Now that you mention red meat, I ate around 750 gram of rib steak yesterday, which could make sense how I got into a WD. But this specific type of WD is very unique, so I'll have to experiment with this information. Did you make those burgers yourself? What else did you add to the beef? I'm currently on a caveman diet (meat, fruits, nuts, water and a little salt). I wouldn't really call it a diet, because I would eat this on cheatdays if I were to have those.

I love red meat though, well done, no raw parts. I don't really like chicken and I should probably eat more fish. I have done this combination before around 6/7 years ago and I never felt better, even though I was financially and socially at rock-bottom. But I appreciate the advice.
Oh hi mark
The urges hitted hard today bros. But still won.

yeah, made the burgers myself. 500grams of 5% fat lean steak mince, with some spices and cooked on low in a slow cooker for 6 hours (3 hours a side).
red meat imo play's a part of WD. must be the high levels of zinc (also on eat on rest/cheat days).
i usually eat chicken breast and a few 'tater's am i'm trying to cut some body fat, to get my 4 pac up to 6 pac.

meditation i've noticed helps as well. even as little as 15/20 mins before i set off for work, seems help me regather my thoughts if i come across yoga pants/heavy cleavage while at work (the is a dress code, but double standards makes it that it only applies to men. i've slept with prostitutes in the past that dress more modest then some of the women i work with heh)
>i've slept with prostitutes in the past that dress more modest then some of the women i work with heh)
Unreal, thanks for the laugh. If you can handle being surrounded by such temptations on an almost daily basis, then I guess you won't be struggling at all.

Meditation is definitely on the to-start list, but I need to fix my schedules before. It's like the cherry on top of the cake of self-improvement.
Full moon + summer solstice energy is hitting hard
Longest streak ever at two months

Still no nocturnal emissions. Is this common?
Hey I've read some of that book. Quite the trip. Found it by total accident. Though I doubt the author was actually letting an angel type it through him, he really nailed the writing style of the Bible.
does it mean anything if I'm physically able to detect that I feel lust specifically in my stomach area?
Means you're getting familiar with your chakras, or dan tien depending on the "mythology". 100% real stuff tho, I just use that word for convenience.
Words mean things man, its just awareness of energy no need to butcher established concepts and muddy them like a newagefag.
Yeah it's bad this past week or 2. Baby kundalini level shit. Energy levels are insane at the moment in the lower areas. Going to see this dancer soon she is just pure sensual energy. Definitely what i need right now. No release of course.
No such butchering, if you give it some thought I was pretty accurate. I agree with you, though.
It's not accurate. You cannot even justify it. It's wishy washy. Just say awareness of energy.
Also at 2 months. I have never had a WD. I wonder if that will change longer into the streak. I don’t think it will.
No, it isn't. I don't need to justify it, these are millenary traditions. The fact that newagefags co-opted such terminology doesn't make it "wishy-washy". There are also a few other reasons on the usage of the word "mythology".
i will shoot my load when i want 3 times a week
Not my problem.
I had a feeling it might be that, thanks. I'm surprised I'm not feeling it lower though, which doesn't make sense to me but I know fuck all about chakras.
You are the newagefag. You still, cannot justify it, nor can you make a link with dan tien and lust. Just from this response its abundantly clear how clueless you are. What do you mean "i dont need to justify it"? Kek. You've been exposed.
He's a sperg who doesnt know anything either. Chakras work by themselves and are transformed when you work on your personality and purify yourself. Dont restrict yourself with your intellect, just let your intuition guide you, mind and body arent really separate, and simply moving awareness to parts where you detect "knots" and "blockages" can clear it. I recommend "your hands can heal you" or any of robert bruce works for this
Thank you sir, much appreciated.
Kek, I don't know why you're getting so triggered. I second this post of yours, tho. Safe travels.
Just making sure people dont get misled here. Good for you for conceding. you too.
I don't see how he was misleading. Your advice is based but your attitude is borderline shill.
>Your advice is based but your attitude is borderline shill.
Meant for >>38202347
>your attitude
fuck off newfag, its no surprise though that its newfags calling everyone a shill here.
>borderline shill.
Syntax oddly familiar. Methuselah perhaps.
It’s been 23 days since I’ve quit weed and porn/masturbation.
Food combining is a myth. At best, it might slightly improve your digestion, but you'd likely lose weight because you'd be restricting yourself.

Eat meat, preferably red meat, at your main meals. Add raw honey and raw butter for extra calories. Eat as many eggs as possible; cholesterol is a pre-hormone of testosterone. Eat fruit as desired for hydration and extra calories, either with your meals or as a snack. Fresh fruit juice is also good for bulking if you can afford a juicer and enough fruit. Milk is good for bulking if you tolerate it - raw milk is preferred. If you eat this way, you will effortlessly gain weight. Lifting weights will obviously increase muscle protein synthesis and increase your appetite, but it's optional.
Lifting is not optional. Every man here should be lifting. 10 push ups now for saying something so retarded.
>i worry cause i care
Always trying to build a persona of helpfulness and familiarity, changing his avatar when he gets figured out.
>Lifting weights will obviously increase muscle protein synthesis and increase your appetite, but it's optional.
How can it be optional if muscles basically grow on a "on demand" basis?
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Congrats, keep it up Bro. It does gets easier, the hard times are just moments.
>shill vs shill
Thank you anons, shills & newfags, but our princess is in another castle!
This thread isn't even at bump limit yet
What's the bump limit?
300 posts newfren
It's 310 akshooly.
Migrate newfags!

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