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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
omg y'all not going to believe this. i finally manifested my dreams ( farting lightning bolts out of my ass) after decades of trying and believing and persisting and generally being delusional af !!!

i combined neville's visualization techniques as well as other loa methods (scripting, robotic affirmations, etc) with shadow work and prayers to god and ancient taoist techniques for sexual transmutation via semen retention and absorbtion of female-yin bodily fluids during the intercourse (i made sure never to ejaculate and waste my precious yang essence) to build my ojas and raise my kundalini through the chakras and the spinal cord to illuminate my celestial brain and omg the results were frigging spectacular .

please note that i made sure all these years to ignore the 3d and believe that i always had what i wanted and that i could always fart lightning bolts out my asshole. whenever i farted i kept affirming that i wasn't farting gas but lightning bolts, whenever someone else farted i kept saying to myself ''look at that retard farting shit, he aint like me because i'm farting lightning bolts all the time''. i made sure to manifest from a place of the wish already fulfilled and not from a place of lack. i made sure to let go of the desire completely but i also kept affirming and visualising said desire all the time despite having totally forgotten about it because i already had that desire in my life. i made sure to keep persisting again and again even while the years passed by and my life went to shit and i grew old and ill because jesus had said that the mountain some day will be moved... and indeed it moved !!

because lo and behold , the universe in all its infinite wisdom has conspired to finally grant me my wish at the right time (at my death bed) and i was able to throw a lightning bolt at my doctor through my asshole .

btw i tested my super powers and i can confirm that i can actually throw lightning bolts all the time now.

that's right whenever i fart i don't fart like other people, i just drop lightning bolts off my ass, how dope is that?? omg i can't believe it

anyway i'm pretty much actually dying now because i'm old and sooooooo many years have passed to get what i always wanted but i'm confident that through all these years my wise subconscious (god) gave me what i needed and not what i wanted and it only delivered what i wanted at my death bed to prove a point because time is really just an illusion of the 3d but it doesn't actually exist in 4d. wise be the lord and all his works indeed y'all !!!

i really think that i finally grasped the meaning of life and everything y'all and now with the guidance of my friend, my subconscious, I broke out of the matrix and I'm heading to the elysian fields as we speak

wish me good luck and great new adventures faggots

fr fr xoxo

Is it worth going all in on manifestations, say, writing and saying affirmations or visualizing for hours on end for days or weeks? Anyone done that? Everyone says it has to be effortless but I haven't had success with effortlessness
>say, writing and saying affirmations or visualizing for hours on end for days or weeks?
At that point you might as well put in real work to get the results you want. If manifestation actually worked everyone would be a millionaire.
Ask yourself why no one manifests the cure for cancer.
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>starting choosing to be positive
>things immediately get measurably better
Why didn't I just listen years ago?
*started choosing
>Is it worth going all in on manifestations
Yes, but...

> say, writing and saying affirmations or visualizing for hours on end for days or weeks?
Not this. If you are having trouble setting your manifest you may need to change your approach or work on the issues you have that are causing the resistance.

>Anyone done that?
I've done it a few times on difficult ones but I don't recommend it. It starts feeling like work and the returns quickly diminish. I still persist until I have it though, probably an old habit from occulting.

>Everyone says it has to be effortless but I haven't had success with effortlessness
Effortless is nice, but if you are manifesting you are fighting resistance. The better question might be, why are you resisting so much?

captcha: ASPY28
>Why didn't I just listen years ago?
Cuz it seemed too good to be true?
>captcha: ASPY28
Even the captcha knows you've got Aspergers, lmao.
Fuck off back to r*ddit.
When I manifest an opportunity and subsequently do not take it what happens in a cosmic sense? Does the opportunity recur until its taken or does God get pissed and smiteth me?
your run gets softlocked
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I've had so many weird happenings as of late. Not even sure if i'm trying to attract anything or not, I just find myself in the right time and right place looking at something I imagined days prior.
For instance, a few weeks ago I was daydreaming at work and an idea popped into my head for a genuinely retarded lock for a gate (i am a builder I know fuck all about locks).
A day or two later, I went for a walk in the woods and that lock I saw in my daydream was right there in front of me keeping a gate locked by a bridge in the forest.

I'm searching for serious change in my life and stuff has me down. My relationship is going nowhere, my job, though I love it, sometimes is a little haphazard, money is very tight.
How can I materialize positive change in my life? Often when I think about wanting these changes, these weird synchronizations happen but I've been without them for a few weeks now.

What must one do, lads?
How long to get mental changes?

I want to be chill and not stress over small
shit be better with adrenaline and be able to work long weeks etc (Stress tolerance basically)

>Inb4 you already do

I mean from you experiences so i know how
much work i gotta do because one week doesnt really cut it
What makes you say that?
Anyone doing bengston images cycling method?

I started a few days ago, it's not easy to cycle all the wishes faster and faster. I am at around one wish every 2 or 3 seconds even if I repeat them a lot it seems to be my max reachable speed. Is it a problem or is it mandatory to cycle them all in one second only ?
Just keep practicing til you git gud simple as
I climbed the ladder 10 months ago after a few sats sessions. But since then, I got no another results. Just things that could easily have happened without any sats.
For money I visualized myself counting lots of 20$ Bill's before sleep, for health I visualize myself very healthy doing what I want, for love I visualise myself cuddling a QT, but none of these happened after several months.
I was very optimistic after the ladder but now I want to stop this all together. Give me a reason to continue guys, or I'll stop. Thanks.
I will, did you get results with it ?
I wish there was a Universal Line general

UL makes way more logical sense than Neville Goddard yet the latter has provided me more returns than the former.

What are your thoughts on UL?
>I wish there was a Universal Line general
Make it bro
The fuck is Universal Line?
The official troll of this general is sleeping, that's cool to have a clean thread. Let's appreciate it while it lasts.
Please don't reply to him when we wakes up and comes here trolling.
Consider yourself as God and do nothing, just feel it, and you'll get everything.
>cycling 20 mental images consciously in one second
Literally impossible, you'd have to use actual images (good luck with that) and an algorithm that cycles them.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Based, I get it now.
Thanks for the heads up bro.
>10 months and nothing has happened
two choices here: you either keep going and become the usual anon who has been trying this for years (the other day an anon with a broken business said that he tried for almost 2 years, and one that maybe an hero after posting it said that he did this for 5 years), always returning to ask for techniques or whatever shit to keep banging their heads onto the wall, or become the silent majority (the 'graduated', according to tripfags) whom leave this nonsense behind and carry on with their lives

your choice
He woke up.
Don't feed.
>the cure for cancer
Already exists.
Dog dewormer.
Yes and I found it easier to cycle images while falling asleep.
Magic is the ability to change the world. The means required to change the world are:
Power: creates the change
Process: gives the change a direction
Confidence: controls the change once it's created
You don't have to cycle. Once you have the memorization/feeling of it being real you are done.
You can cycle if you want, whatever helps you reach the mentality.
My will be done
>whatever helps you reach the mentality
You're already there before the cycling or it wouldn't work.

This is why I dislike techniques that have unnecessary steps, Anons get hung up on items that don't actually make the manifest work when they are already done.
>positive change
Do you know what you want? Or are you in a place of feeling like you know you want something better but you're not sure what?

Sometimes when I am feeling lost, I go into SATS with the intention to be shown the way. Just open to any idea. Let your mind wander and listen to your intuition. You can even just start the day by asking God/ universe/ infinite spirit/ your subconscious to help you see the way, see any sign, etc.

If you do know exactly what changes you want, do exactly what you were doing when you were daydreaming.... you had no resistance to it because it was genuinely retarded. Well the things you want in your life are also genuinely retarded. Get into SATS and vividly daydream about them, and then forget about it. Find things that make you happy right now.

Me for example.... I have several big things brewing, and I've already set them in SATS, so instead of ruminating on them, I'm keeping busy by painting my house and fixing some stuff on my truck. Work like that is not only productive but, if you choose not to listen to podcasts etc, it gives you time to let your mind wander and give you insight.

Something else that helps is to look for things to be grateful for in the present. Write them down every day. I know that sounds cheesy but that went a LONG way to helping me dig myself out of a terrible place a year and a half ago. Look for happiness right now, embrace it, and the 3D will have no choice but to reflect it back at you.

Hope this helps
10 months is really not a long time at all.
I think that's something a lot of people struggle with... they (me included) want to see instant results. In my personal experience it just doesn't work that way. There are so many moving parts in this.... so many things need to fall into place for your manifestation to occur without disrupting a million other things. Butterfly effect.
>things that could easily have happened without any sats
Exactly. It will all seem very natural.

How do you feel after you visualize? Do you feel satisfied? I prefer to SATS vis during the day because I tend to fall asleep too quickly at night and do not feel satisfied. I still will do scenes at night but it's more supplementary to my daytime meditation.
Anyway, if you really get into deep theta waves and loop the 5 second scene, you should feel a feeling of contentment and satisfaction afterwards. At that point, forget it. Move on. Don't give a shit about LOA if you don't want to... but know that it is coming, and frankly the less you care the quicker it will come. This is the hardest part of all of this but that is how it has worked for me.
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Time for you to go down schizo road. Kek.

To long didn't watch, here's the schizo bullet points.
>We're living in a simulation that cycles upon death.
>The simulation slaps you into mini life cycles via routines.
>manifestation doesn't work unless you break the routine cycles via pattern breaks and action steps.
>you can't change the future because you're stuck in a cycle you created the day or weeks before.
>if you're in a rut or feel stuck in life, it's because the evil AI running the simulation (aka the demonic desert God of the jews) has trapped you in a cycle for too long.
>decide what future you want to have and encounters you want to have.
>perform a pattern break by doing something outside of your daily routine
>take any action steps that lead toward the future you want.
>you'll start to encounter synchronizations and random events because the ai will try to slap you into a cycle.
>keep taking action steps towards your goal and keep performing pattern breaks.
>eventually by doing this for days and weeks you'll pop into a new reality tunnel. Reality tunnels are cycles you've created for yourself.

Archaix is a top tier schizo he raped a bitch when he was 17, Spent 30 years in jail, was released as a homeless bum, built a fish pond business, built a jewtube following and now makes shekels from doomsday retards. You're gonna have a hearty Kek when you hear about the chronicon and the vapor canopy.

Good luck with that. That insecure faggot troll has nothing better to do than rile up the name fags. It's most likely a jobless 3rd world ESL. I only say this because it responds in short form sentences.
That or the poor creature is honestly mentally retarded.
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>You don't have to cycle. Once you have the memorization/feeling of it being real you are done
it's true tho
Seethe harder
I made it
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
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Holy shit Neville-simps, this is miserable

On top of every fucking mod from every fucking website is on my asshole these past few days, which that happens from time to time but it's super annoying being harassed, assaulted, and slandered and ya can't slit their throat as they're hiding in mom's basement half a continent away

My best friend gonna be gone for a few weeks. So can't even emotional tampon onto him about it.

I broke up with my ex and she ain't coming back. I don't want her back anyway. She's an avoidant nigger. I've been talking to other girls and one is swell but she's pretty hung up on her boyfriend whom is also avoidant and she refuses to detox like I did.

I've been trying to get SP for two years but haven't seen SP in 20 years. I'm willing to take any credible leap
>I stumble upon her. Neato the law works
>I wakeup to a completely different life like I teleported to a non-hellish world where we're married and shit and only I and maybe she are self aware of the old world. Giga ultra manifesting revision.
>I meet someone just like her. Realistic attraction.

None of these. Fucking none. Techniques, positive thinking, acting as if, it's not doing shit. I'm still here, I still have nothing, and if I have to hear "you're reacting to the 3D" I will throw you out of your house and squat there, eat your food, fuck your wife, and tell you stop reacting to the 3D
Where LilAnon?
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Well, first he went to the store to pick up some milk and cigarettes, but took the long way, and has been browsing pol more lately and...

He's dead. LilAnon is dead
>If manifestation actually worked everyone would be a millionaire
Lmao at this retard. You should really kys at this point
Tbf curing cancer is saying curing entropy

Cancer is when cells mutate and replicate in an inefficient way serving no benefit to the host. It's a glitch trap in your biological coding.

You can cut out the tumor, you can fry those cells and hope it doesn't spread further, you can eat right and hope cells don't mutate

But saying a cure for cancer is like saying a cure for change
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Hi. I'd like to reply to this thread. Here is a video that was removed from youtube. Here it is still hosted at Archive. Anyway, I think you should watch this: https://web.archive.org/web/20201228022443oe_/https://r1---sn-n4v7snee.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1609143874&ei=4kHpX_D1ApmQkwaZ55SQDQ&ip=
>When I manifest an opportunity
You should be manifesting the end result, not "opportunities"

>do not take it what happens in a cosmic sense?
If you ignore it and move on nothing happens, if you get depressed over it you manifest more things to be depressed about. Why? Because every thing is a manifestation
>Give me a reason to continue guys, or I'll stop.
You should just stop
>None of these. Fucking none. Techniques, positive thinking, acting as if, it's not doing shit.
Fuck the hell off then. If you think the law is fake then leave. What are you still doing here?
You Neville cultists do this all the time. People WANT to believe and you're like "well fuck you if it doesn't work for you"

No fuck you. Go back to redbutt with all the other faggots who only say what mods allow them to say
recently i became aware of ego, which took long enough
and the mechanisms of it remind me a lot of manifestation

manifestation logic: every thought that you have, builds a future reality
ego mechanics: every thought that you have, that you choose to believe or get "lulled" by, will have ego attached to it

if ego is attached to whatever thing you want to have, then that thing you wanna have is driven by your most powerful material-world motivation source
usually though, ego is very troublesome, because if reality doesn't match up with the things that it wants, you suffer under the cries of the upset ego

but manifestation doesn't build a "i DESERVE x" attitude, instead a "x will come to me sooner or later, and if not, then i didn't manifest hard enough, better try next time" attitude

so basically, manifestation stuff attracts a relatively healthy (meaning unlikely to blow up in your face) ego
>whine endlessly that it doesn't work
>if it doesn't work leave
>gets mad
You're a fucking retarded redditor. You should go back

>People WANT to believe
Lmao and you accuse other people of being cultists
>Smug demeanor
>Excessive whining?
>Absolutely powerless yet still belittling others and throwing half-baked threats?
>Mediocre (at best) knowledge of the law?

Though, I am willing to offer advice in place of LilAnon in his brief absense.

You say here :
>Techniques, positive thinking, acting as if

But that explains nothing. You listed three things with commas as if it was a list and yet you started it with "Techniques". What does that mean? Were you throwing shit at the wall and experimenting, were you more rigid in your approach or more loose?

What have you tried so far with law? SATS, daydreaming, affirmations, subliminals?

"Positive Thinking" doesn't explain shit, neither does "acting as if" which, by the way, heavily implies overreliance on 3D.

Did you ever feel it "set"? As in, did you ever get a general sense of certainty, even for a brief moment, in your desire?
Did the scenes you imagine (assuming they fulfilled your criteria) ever feel natural or as if they were but a memory? Did you ENJOY the scenes?
Elaborate. please.
He said he's been trying to get an SP for two years. I'm sure in two years he's watched a ton of videos, really really thought it would work, knows about scripting, robotic affirmation, the ladder experiment

All the meanwhile it's not supposed to take more than three days
He even gave a list of ways it could happen so ya can't even say he's attached to a specific outcome

I mean yes, you're not being as rude as some of these other comments, I think you're just defensive because he has every reason to be critical
>I think you're just defensive because he has every reason to be critical
If you think this law is fake then just fuck off, it's that simple. No owes you shit. What? You think people have to bend over backwards to help bitches like you get what you want? Lol go and fuck yourself you smug retarded redditor
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>man writes books about how you are entitled to everything you want in life and can get it by just thinking hard about it
>Man not in fact man who writes book about it ass blasted other man who has at least read book about it wants answers and guidance

No wonder he made this face
>by just thinking hard about it
You're a fucking retard
>Man not in fact man who writes book about it ass blasted other man who has at least read book about it wants answers and guidance
That man has long died you fucking retard. If you want answers then you ask for them respectfully, not arrogantly whine like a fucking retarded bitch
>No wonder he made this face
Holy shit you're one utterly annoying faggot
>because he has every reason to be critical
Hard disagree. I appreciate your sincerity and willingness to give your personal advice but none of what you're saying makes sense.

For starters, the listing out possible scenarios doesn't read out "Oh wow, he's really open-minded in how he approaches what he wants"

In fact, it reads as the opposite. Why list 3 scenarios, at least two of which in direct conflict with other (potentially all three) when none of them share the same "end".

In one scenario he shifts to a new world, where he's married, in another he finds a different girl that is similar to each other, and in the first he "stumbles upon" his SP (implying a relationship??). You cannot live in the end for all three of these at the same time as they imply DIFFERENT outcomes with drastically DIFFERENT worlds and are in conflict with each other. Indifference is practiced, for the most part, with the time it takes for the manifests to occur and the how. Not the desire itself. This reads as massive insecurity. Instead of just going for what you want, you try to "not lose" and hope one of 3 various conflicting narratives arises. Hell, in his first scenario he states "Neato the law works" implying that the other two scenarios WOULD NOT imply the law worked. Look at the last scenario, "Realistic attraction" as if that's really something that ever mattered to an LOAer. Does someone who lives in the end, in their glorious imagination, in the state of the wish fulfilled, worry about "realism"?
I understand how flexible and dynamic the law is with it's ways of use being endless, but ONE thing that is tantamount to almost every LOAer is that you MUST KNOW WHAT YOU WANT.

It appears less like he wants his SP, and more like he just wants the happiness associated with his SP (hence the girl that is similar to her). This is probably where Lil would talk about manifesting what he REALLY wants which would probably just be joy.
This -----> >>38205734
was not ---> >>38205657 >>38205811(me) btw.
calm down, relax, he's seems honest and is participating in good faith.
Nah fuck those insufferable smug faggots, imo you're way too nice to them but you do you
Shit, I hate admitting when someone who isn't me is right but ya played the better hand lol

You fucking called it
>You try to play all sides so you "never lose"
Yep... It's why I have a thousand failed relationships. I love bomb, I got that skibidi rizz, never find SP. Because that would mean having to commit and risk losing. So instead I just keep things vague enough too be like "well see I did everything right. I'm kind, I'm caring, THEY fucked up"

I've even been doing it in this thread roleplaying as multiple people. I know how to gaslight. I bet you even saw through that lol

Only reason I'm even admitting defeat is ya made me have something to think about. I never bothered to ask myself how I wanted to be happy, just kept trying to force the happiness down my throat.

I certainly don't think I'd be happy with some random new bitch. Been there done that. But am I really able to undo 20 years of pain staking struggle and being a bad-bitch? I'm a stubborn man. Very stubborn. Love my arrogance. Do I love my arrogance more than SP though is the question and I don't wanna have to answer that so I just have been avoiding it.

Because the alternative is I don't have to give up how I look at myself as a natural response to this shit world. If I had them right here and now, a 30something year old femcel who had a hard life too and we shared it, would that make me happy to satisfy my pride? That's pretty selfish of me. Way more entitled than that other anon whining about me being smug. Ya God damn right I'm smug. Whole fucking reason I even gave Neville any validity at all was it was the first time in my life I heard I deserve the things I want and didn't have to earn them by some outside moral standard or fight for them. I actually communicate with spirits and been into witchcraft prior and I'll share something with you now I was told when it wasn't working since you have my respect and admiration
>People get what they want and deserve at the same time
I guess your problem is the same as mine.
Since you have doubts, even though you may have already manifested something, while waiting for it to happen in the 3d, you manifest the opposite effect and it cancels what you've already manifested earlier.
I'm an overthinker and have many doubts.
You should set your desired outcome, then let it go, don't even think about it anymore.
And yes, for me, this is the hardest part.
It's like:
>"You'll get what you want, but only if you DON'T THINK OF AN ELEPHANT".
Well, what do you immediately think of?
Yes, the elephant that overrides your true wish.

LoAnons, what do if someone has this kind of problem?
Im not sure if you should measure time. My mental change started occurring after reading nevilles stuff and starting to believe in it. Unfortunately I resisted once it started affecting my personal relationships and I got scared away from LOA
How do you cycle? I remained at a speed plateau for awhile because I was going down the list i had written in my mind. Employing something that actually moves fast in circles helped me go faster. A bit retarded example but I imagine a plane rotor where the blades are images
You manifest whether you do it intentionally or not. I assume you dont waste too much time on it so I dont think u lose much by trying to practise.
But resentfullness is an issue, maybe taking a moment to step back could do good for you. And hey, it might be the time you finally actually let go.
some more ego thoughts, an unhealthy ego is formed by thoughts that carry negative emotion (pressure, fear, shame, envy) and is least likely to motivate you towards the action that the ego itself prescribes, it causes you to act for sure, but not in the manner it wants, it mostly just disturbs you to the point where you do disturbing things

a healthy ego is formed by thoughts that carry positive emotion, and is most likely to motivate you towards the actions that the thoughts contained or pointed toward. a healthy ego isn't easily crushed by definition

so people who are very drawn to manifestation stuff, might have for the first time stumbled upon the concept of positive self affirmation.
i wonder how many people itt had shitty parents
i WILL make a tasty okra dish today
and because i post this, it is bound to happen
do i send the post? yes? no? isn't it too troublesome to have this much power?????

its over for non-okra anons
Holy shit, take this as a reminder to never tell normies about your manifestations, at least until they're fully completed in the 3D. For some retarded reason I told a bunch of muggles what I was manifesting and just got shit on by them for several hours. I think some of them tried going out of their way energetically to make me NOT get my manifestation too. Which I didn't allow btw, but it was a big energy drain.

Anyway, I've just completed all the techniques I feel are necessary and now I'm gonna continue living my life and focus on new goals and aspirations, as should all of you. It is done.
I'm done. I've met so many women on dating apps over the years and when things are going good I get ghosted. Every single time without fail
The same demonic desert God that frees us from the cycle permanently and lets us judge actual demons on His seat.

I swear... Why do the most uneducated LARP as learned people? You didn't even study the Bible beyond hearsay and maybe vacuous cryptojews like Know More News...
let these two facts sink in fully:
- while in male prison populations there are roles such as the "bitch" and the alpha, where the alpha has sex with his bitch, in female prison populations, there's instead the mother, father (butch type woman), and daughter (very effeminate woman inmate)
- dating apps are porn for women
Well none of my manifestations lead me to meeting women IRL. I have had a few dates and meetups from dating apps and nothing happened. I'm convinced God doesn't want me to have a partner
Meeting a woman outside of a dating app*
I made a couple of comments about this earlier


Letting go is definitely the hardest part n but it is maybe the most important part. Totally agree with >>38205811, absolutely nailed it. If you keep going back and trying be things, the original manifestation keeps getting changed, like digging up a seed that's already been planted.

I'm glad you got some clarity. Remember this feeling going forward and try to be better to yourself and others. You sound like exactly the type of person I try to avoid in relationships.

No they won't understand.
if you looked at the state of you being single, and then looked at other men who seem to have partners, what does the voice inside you tell you?
just look at that voice and feel the feelies, and do nothing about it

then you'll wanna get off the dating apps and play some vidya
>I made a couple of comments about this earlier

I'm not sure which Anon you are, could you please point me to the posts about this issue?
Based truth
Why won’t they listen. They just get angry and fail.
look at this angry loser >>38205612
>>38206933 checked
>what does the voice inside you tell you?
Tells me I'm unlucky. I'm valuable and offer a lot to the table
The two I listed right after I said "I made a couple of posts..."

>515 and >561
Ah, makes sense now, ty.
Let it go bro.
do you believe these things?

if you are valuable, why aren't the women you meet staying?
what voices pop up then?

eventually, one voice says that you should make something yummy in the kitchen
it's safe to believe that
I believe that there is a woman out there that is tailor made for me and she loves me for who I am, flaws and all.
that's pretty safe to believe:
- if a bad woman ends up with you, she wasnt the one you are talking about, so your belief isn't falsified
- if you die without ever having met her, that still doesn't falsify your belief

what are ya gonna do in the meantime? could be 40 years, right?
Goddamnit... I'll just suffer alone. I'm dieing here. I'm in a really bad place
This goes for life in general. If something is outside of your current social/financial standing people will call you insane for going after it. Just keep it to yourself.
i suggest you don't let this convo lure you into any other troublesome beliefs
this is a meta conversation about the inner voice and beliefs, not about your capability to fulfill any hypothetical goal
therapists would deem what i do with you irresponsible
What are you saying? He doesn't deserve a woman?
do you believe you deserve a woman?
I don't really come here anymore. This stuff really works. Before I was aware of manifestation, I landed a really good job and made a lifelong friend. Now that I'm aware doesn't seem like anything wants to budge
i believe you that it works, but i also believe you can fine tune this even more for your benefit
manifesting that you're gonna have a really nuanced conversation with that one guy from work, where you take care not to offend boundaries, but where you suggest you hang out at a bar, already preparing to give him an easy time if he shows signs of not wanting or not having time, are really really effective
IDK I just did the grand picture thing instead of small gradual steps. Good strat though. I want a free pizza to numb the pain.
>this stuff works
>it’s just it isn’t working now that I think it works

>I don’t come here
>it’s just that I am here right now

Why do you lie constantly? Stop debunking.
Of course I do
The law was favorable to me in the past when I wasn't aware, looking back at it the coincidences and how things came about were just too crazy and coincidental. Since discovering the law and being aware of it, things have been harder for me to grasp I don't know why my brain is like this and when I think I met a nice girl nothing happens. I'm here today out of frustration I don't know what to do anymore
make me
I'm trying to feel my wish set, but I keep failing. Everything in my life seems to have fallen off a cliff. I have more issues now than I did when I started this. I can do a session and then it feels set, but then I can't hold on to it even for a day. The farthest I've gotten was a week? I feel a constant dread and agony. I will then tell myself that it doesn't matter to feel this way, because in my mind, I am doing other things, and I am happy. I don't know what to do. I want to do this. I believe in LoA, but I can't do this. I'm a failure. Every day is misery. I can't feel better if I think of a scene and everything is perfect. I am attached to 3D reality. I probably need to go one small step but I always fall back to where I started. I can put on a smile for people but even that is fading. I feel hopeless. I go to bed in tears. I just want an ounce of faith that I can hold onto. I feel there are two people living inside me. One is desperate, positive, and willing to do anything to change so that this might work. The other one sabotages everything and completely destroys all of my faith.
I enjoy your misery posts.
Cry more for me.
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oh how this general has fallen
Only Lilanon can save us now.
Based. Can't imagine being that pathetic
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can you get a life already
youve been doing this for over a year
Lilanon is life.
Live, love, Lilanon.
>>kill yourself in the end
Why are you still here? Do it already and spare everyone the pathetic whining
>I'm literally a chad
You're a retarded pathetic loser who ruins the thread with your endless whining. Instead of using this place as a resource you just cry and moan like a bitch
Lmao. Such cringe.
Keep on whining until you kys, loser
Anon, your posts really are bad.
>Lmao, I'm literally a chad among losers
That’s some bad shit right there on every level. You can carry on shitting the thread as much as you like but you aren’t going to make anyone mad. They are just laughing at you.
Manifest yourself some better posts at least.
>thinks people would waste their time demanifesting some retarded loser in a thread
>thinks calling him a retard takes effort
Lmao at this pathetic retarded loser
Seeing you argue with each other has convinced me that my life isn't as shitty as I thought. Have a nice day, anons.
>The law was favorable to me in the past when I wasn't aware, looking back at it the coincidences and how things came about were just too crazy and coincidental.
It was working for you on the items you were not resisting

>Since discovering the law and being aware of it, things have been harder for me to grasp
No, you are grasping for things you never grasped for before.

Relax, all of us go through this. Do the "easy" stuff so that you can reinforce your faith in this and work your way up.

You were doing it by accident before and you sometimes did it brilliantly by accident. Now you need to learn how to do it consistently and it's going to be boring at times, but you will still get those amazing moments where it just works too.
>One is desperate, positive, and willing to do anything to change so that this might work. The other one sabotages everything and completely destroys all of my faith.
Sit them both down in a room and all 3 of you talk it out. You are the one in charge, you moderate all of your impulses. You have impulses because you want to survive. Find out why your impulses are not working for you and make it clear to the "bad" one that they are putting you at risk...for what?
>never tell normies
Silence is golden. Never tell -anyone- until you have it in hand. When you do have it in hand don't tell them you manifested it- it isn't your job to prove anything to anyone. You can call it a blessing or good luck if you have to, but most people just fill in the blank with whatever they can believe.
You can think of an ego as a protective instinct toward your current self image.

Since we are changing ourselves with LOA, you can see how that could be a problem.
Amazing post. Being wishy-washy will get you nowhere, commit fully to what you want.
id send you a free pizza if i could
hope you feel a little more free
so what happens if they don't give themselves up to you?
at least im glad janjanGODs are starting to somewhat sweep up these threads
Ya. I don't get it though, unless someone automated it that guy is pouring massive time/effort into something that's basically accomplishing nothing.

He may as well be at work at that point.
They literally cannot stop me. This was my grand manifestation while you faggots were busy assuming pink tennis balls and empty parking spots: being an unbannable, invincible troll on 4chan.
Should I use my powers for good or evil?
t. Gay threesome manifestor
I manifested this Cybertruck.
5D to the 3D
What's the universes transition time?
>What's the universes transition time?
Whatever you decided at the time you set the manifestation- any delays are by your request.
>They literally cannot stop me. This was my grand manifestation while you faggots were busy assuming pink tennis balls and empty parking spots
Impressive. For your next act, are you going to manifest free pizza delivery?
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Who is that?
Death to lildickfag
Everytime lilanon reads this his dick gets smaller
For your next act, are you going to manifest a BDSM tranny orgy?
Death to death-to-lildickfag poster.
This wish setting in thing is bullshit. It's not required for a manifestation and most of mine have not had it.
Crying rn
God bless you, Ass-Zeus
Yep, fbz and ivm
Cycling is required if you want to heal someone with this technique so I think cycling is not totally useless it has its importance in the process if impressing the subc.
>This is why I dislike techniques that have unnecessary steps
You dislike sats then
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Death to lildickfag shiller
I bet you like that micro dick oozing out bs into your mouth.
>10 months is really not a long time at all
NTA but it sounds quite long to me. We use LoA to make things happen quicker than if we did nothing. Almost a year without seeing results is not good. It should take max a month or no need to use any law at all.
Let's say you want to see a multicolored car. If you don't see it in the next days/weeks and only see it one year later it's not really your thoughts that materialized it, it's rather pure randomness.
Time ratio between LoA and nothing should be at the advantage of LoA, or it is useless/ineffective.
The fuck is this triggered schizo I'm reading?
How do I manifest smashing girls at my gym?
What is it about pal ? And why has it been deleted ?
>Neville any validity at all was it was the first time in my life I heard I deserve the things I want and didn't have to earn them by some outside moral standard or fight for them
That's probably exactly the goal the CIA intended when they designed this "law", to make people wait an endless amount of time without taking any action. That's the definition of a psyop...
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There are plenty of ways to cure cancer. You never hear about them because they don't benefit the pharmaceutical-industrial complex that our society has collectively decided to LARP is medicine.

One of the most potent techniques for manifesting, "The Bengston Method" both cures cancer and manifests things for the practitioner. In the grand scheme have no idea why it does either.
i hope it is...
Use this app
>I assume you dont waste too much time on it so I dont think u lose much by trying to practise
Thanks for your encouragement mate. It's not really about the time spent, it's making me depressed to not see any result after all this time. I know persisting is the key, I think I did persist after all these months. But let's do it again...
you imagine yourself having sex with them (or beating them up depending on what you meant by "smashing"), accept it as your reality and just go for it. it is done.
Manifesting smashing mother anon.
I commit fully to Lilanon,
>use my app!
It's gettin' shilly in herr
The shills are manifestly evil.
SATS, a state akin to sleep, or a state (of mind) akin to sleep, isn't a technique. It's just a state one finds themself in and can put themselves in
Yeah, like cycling images in your head, you do it all day long naturally anyway, it's not a technique either.
Btw sats is about cycling a unique scene, which is the same as bengsron cycling, the only diff is you cycle several. But you can cycle only one if you want
Not sure about the psyop but I think LoA is just a way to keep a positive mind throughout the day. It doesn't manifest shit directly, you get some stuff like women by staying smiley and optimistic, which women like, so you attract them more.
But yes this stuff is overrated, it was first introduced by Emile Coue, just keep a positive mindset and you should live a good life.
>LoA is just a way to keep a positive mind throughout the day
Which is exactly why people like S3Anon, manifested height growth, a money, and women, Neville manifested Barbados despite there being seemingly no way to get there, and various people on the Goddard subreddit, manifesting huge swarms of money, beauty, and SPs?
The belief school is a psy op. Trying to put belief over 4d states.
Yes and the gateway tapes were also created by the cia they are part of a whole project which deals with mind control. Peep stay away from this shit.
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look here's the damn index from his audio book on jewtube. its an hour long, broken up into 6 video's. He spells out cycling and how why do to it.
How can I deal with gender dysphoria?
Sunlight and exercise
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>choosing to be positive

how. Give me some examples please
I'm working with a theory here but I think I can, in the way a madman would, explain the loss of magic in the world

You should all know the double split experiment. Electrons fired appear to act as a wave, but when they're being monitored they act as particles. I based my thought line off of this.

If electrons are able to act any way, but they confine themselves to acting how humans expect, then there's a chance that they can be manipulated to act differently if humans think differently. The issue here is that everything is capable of recording to some capacity now, so all electrons have to function based on how the would be expected to if recorded.

I think the only way to use magic or anything like it is to completely isolate from technology to begin your thoughts. Then you have to "know" the electrons will act however you want, rather than just hoping for it or expecting it.

BONUS COMSPIRACY: The elites know this and promote short form content so it is harder for us to concentrate long enough to do meaningful magic.
How can I obtain faith? I know about the law and want to believe in it but I find it incredibly difficult to do so and even more to apply it.I’ve been trying for two years on and off now with no results

Good stuff, have you gotten any returns from UL?
Normie answer: Get healthy, stop jerking off. That will do it, but the on topic answer is to come up with a scene that inplies you are living without gender dysphoria and SATS for it as you described in the pastebins or Neville Goddard's first five lessons
>but I think LoA is just a way to keep a positive mind throughout the day
You stupid fucking retard
I once read a mother's reply to their child when their child told them they thought they were not their actual gender, it was "oh honey, you're not a boy/girl. You're just fat and ugly, just like everyone in the family." Try that one on, see how it fits.
Shitty situation: gf cheats on you with best friend
Reaction: this is super fucked up. Oh well, it'll all work out --smile--
Future: new gf is amazing in every possible way, life is great, much better than i expected. Ex gf is now getting blacked and having a 3rd mutt with a third baby daddy, ex bf is in jail.

It all worked out great.
There's a lot of good things here! I want to delve deeper into the quantum perspective, but I'm a smoothbrain so it's daunting. I really desire a complete and scientifically accurate framework for manifestation that I can use for redpilling my friends. Even if it's just quantum theory.
>completely isolate from technology
In my experience it isn't *totally* necessary but shortform content does completely fuck your attention-span and its totally meant to. It gets so much easier for me to enter and focus within SATS when ive cut out social media and video games for a few days prior. I find that movies and books make for a good replacement, and dont seem to punt my ability to concentrate on a scene into the sun.
>and frankly the less you care the quicker it will come.

I haven't been doing this for very long & I've already noticed this. Does anyone know how to stop caring? I have health problems & its hard to simply not care...
>Does anyone know how to stop caring?
That's called faith in yourself, I think. It's hard to have faith when you have little examples of times when you manifested something. Start with smaller things you wont obsess about. It also might help that whenever you are confronted with a reminder of the medical issue, that you experience it normally, and then afterward affirm that it doesn't exist anymore.
Suh dudes get your gf yet? I bet you should have by now. I'm sure it's just cause you don't believe hard enough kek
What do you guys think about vision boards? They could be potential fuel for the mind.
Just my experience: the only thing that makes me stop caring is when I get that feeling of satisfaction after a SATS session. It's not that I actually stop caring; it's that I'm so confident it's coming that I don't ruminate on it.

A cliche example but it's a perfect analogy: when you order something on Amazon/eBay/etc, you place the order and then what? Do you obsessively track it every minute until it gets there? Do you call the warehouse every hour and ask if they've fulfilled your order yet? No... if you're like most people you forget about it and trust that they are filling the box, loading the box on the truck, and driving it to you and you only think about it again when it's at your door. When you do SATS deeply enough to impress your subconscious and feel satisfied, you'll just know its coming and not feel the need to obsess about it anymore.

So really the question might be
>how do I do a SATS session deep enough to feel this way?
I think they can't hurt. I have pictures that I hang up to remind myself of things I want. It's not my main form of manifesting but I think they can be helpful and bring you joy, maybe remind yourself that those things are already yours.
Thoughts on the Rick & Morty Method?
5/7 a perfect score. Should be added to op
Based truth.
Why won’t they listen? It’s just a mindset enhancement.
S3anon did nothing except throw tantrums. Neville was a motivational speaker with a brother who paid for his ticket. Various people on the Goddard subreddit lie constantly.
You seem upset at the obvious truth. This is your problem.
>It’s just a mindset enhancement
>obvious truth
Lmao. You're a fucking retarded dumbshit that has no business discussing this topic
Reddit LOA is far better than this shithole.
Stop listening to whatever bullshit you're being told is wrong in school.
It's because my life is so bad I need to make huge changes before I can accept it. If I could accept it I would be living in a cardboard box with my GF right now.
It’s fairly telling that you don’t even try to discuss it and just throw around angry insults that the problem is you don’t know what is true.
Let me guess it doesn’t work at all for you but you are desperate for magic.
If it did work you wouldn’t even be here fighting with me.
All your issues, not mine. I know what this really is and I’m chill. Keep the convincing posting up. Seethe for me and make yourself look stupider.
I like this theory, but in the context of LOA, I created the evil AI running the simulation, and I can just tell him to stop trapping me in a cycle and I will have what I want. AKA the "just decide" method. I believe many people will be helped out of their rut by reading your post.
This might be a better link. I'm not the original anon who posted it so idk.
>I know what this really is
Lol so you've been wasting all your time in a thread about what you think (retardedly understand) is just a mere mindset enchancement tool. You have to be by far the most abysmally stupid poster in this thread possibly ever. The problem with people like you is that you're retarded chimp tier yet think you're smart. It's a real shame confirmed absolute retards like you can't be thrown off buildings legally and we all have to suffer your retarded opinions
Keep seething.
You can’t even use it to do anything. Even positive thinking is outside your capabilities.
All you can do is post and get angry to zero effect.
They wont even add Smanon or bengston to the Op. Not happening
I believe if we're in a kind of simulation, even if the simulation is being run by our own singular mind, Bengston cycling may help to break the focus of the sim in such a way that you go off track and toward one of your images instead. Like Neville's SATS single scene cycling leads to one scene, Bengston cycling leads to every scene that you're cycling, although it's hard to say if those are simultaneous. Maybe it's even better to have many scenes because you can't focus on any of them. If you had 1000 wishes by the time you made it through all of them, the first one might be ready for harvest. This way you don't dig up the seed.
Better than image cycling
One day 4chan will have an AI interpret every post for sarcasm and we'll be able to permanently filter shitposters.
>You can’t even use it to do anything.
Lmao at this absolute retard projecting his failures. In this thread alone I'm using it to rightly call you a retard constantly.

>zero effect.
You're literally crying lol. Feels real good calling out a know it at all retard like you
Manifesting retards arguing offtopic next thread.
It is done.
I successfully manifested seeing a hot girl in a belly dancer costume irl in less than a week (she wasn't actually belly dancing, but I had specifically mentioned in my original statement of intent that she didn't have to be). My thinking going in was "I should ask for something that would be more exciting to me than a ladder, the more exciting it is (while still feeling like it's within the realm of possibilities from my current reality-framing bias) the more emotional energy I'm going to invest into manifesting it", and it worked.
You haven’t talked about LoA once.
Why do you troll?
>I saw a woman who is not a ladder doing something not related to what I requested in a timescale that was not defined therefore I am doing this right and it’s proof.
First step in LOA- know what you want and why. Do you want to be another gender or do you want some sort of side effect you think it will grant?
>it’s a Lilanon will make you a woman episode.
This series has too many woke scripts.
>>Do you obsessively track it every minute until it gets there?
>Yes. And it eventually gets there anyway.
It does here too, but placing the order doesn't happen until you let it happen. Before that you have your finger above the confirm button wondering if it's a good idea or not.

So is it a good idea? Commit or don't, if you haven't made up your mind it's not a reflection of the process
I talk about loa all the time here. Just not with a know it all absolute retard.
Keep crying retarded dumbshit
What do you mean by “your run gets softlocked”?

When I manifest living in a beautiful home and an opportunity to buy a beautiful home presents itself and I pass due to being scared financially does another opportunity happen to buy a different beautiful home or does the universal infinite mind say too bad and never create the opportunity again unless I start over with the manifestation?
>But it doesn't for 99% of LoAers though
Where do you get your statistics? The US gov't?

>Damn, that's fucking deep
I'm sure you were trying to be clever here, but the Anons that claim to be "autistic" "logical" and "overthinking" are simply trying to put a better spin on what they really are: afraid to commit. All of those behaviors are designed to support inaction and place Anons in a state where they don't trust themselves and their deeper selves.

Geez, your mental diets are terrible. Try more self improvement and less /pol/tarding
Every moment of your life is a manifestation. You are always manifesting whether you know it or not. The purpose of loa is to realize that this is happening all the time and to actively direct what you want to happen rather than letting it go on autopilot. There is no "universal mind" foreign entity, there is only you who is God so if you miss your mark then just go to the end again. The only way you get punished is if you punish yourself.

Ignore this useless retard
more often than not, we need to be able to ask ourselves the right questions. in the end things were difficult for me because the material things i wanted were just stuff in the end, a top of the line gaming pc wouldn't make me feel any different than my current one because it just simply is there. nor would a big mansion or a penthouse in the beating heart of the capital city than my current apartment. in the end i am a man deeply in love and it is her, my mother that i want. with her everything becomes worth it and i feel happiness, through her i achieve The Feeling and everything is at my fingertips once again.
I don't really think ALL technology, just any technology that can record. Microphones, alexas, cameras, etc. Unless your TV has a built in microphone or camera, I think those should be fine
Hey so I wanted things and tried manifesting them but I didn't actually get any of them,
so that's basically like the universe sending me a love message that I didn't actually want any of those things.
Now that I'm back to not trying to get anything I feel like I could have whatever I wanted if I DID try.
>idiot blogs
Shameful attitude.
I have had some success with manifesting in the past but the last two years I have been so depressed and bitter that it's hard for me to even think of what I want, or to even want good things for myself. How do I break out of a rut like that?
>How do I break out of a rut like that?
Figure out your root cause and manifest that resolved.

Usually it's something specific you are carrying around that you don't actually need to, but think you do.
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What's this
Yes like I said I am extremely bitter and resentful towards other people, not sure how to let that go after going through some shit.
I matched with a girl on tinder I'd like to make an experiment guys. She matched the latest so I'd like her to write me the first (that's how we all do it, right?). She didn't write yet, it's been 3 days now.
I'm gonna try LOA on her so she writes me. She has already sent me a message hahaha. I'll update asap. Thanks, hope it works she's my type.
Our king.
He knows what is best.
Heed his wisdom.
>breaks the LoA guidance of telling no one your manifestation plans
Another one lmao.
Why do you need people to LARP at you on off-topic stuff that doesn’t even belong in this general?
Best episode.
Seek help for your need for bullshit.
I recommend reading all of Lilanon’s posts, here


5762 posts of the purest wisdom. The sum of humanity’s greatest knowledge.
I'm gonna use SManon method for the record
I reckon in 40 years people are going to be talking about him like they are talking about Neville now.
I can only read page 1 of the posts, wtf is happening on archive4plebs?
Your hand will move on its own.
Probably the number of people reading Lilanon’s posts has exceeded their ability to cope
I want a John Paolucci Universal Line Discussion General!
Not only electrons act like this, scientists did the young experiment with bigger particles, even big molecules, and they behave the same. That's incredible.
Probably means we can (think of) observe them and choose our reality
This is a complete misreading.
Did you get results anon ?
I AM your mom
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>Tfw lildickfag will be seen as one of the many loa word salad gurus, completely shadowed by the actual future loa pioneers.
Feels good man
Lilanon smite this heathen!
Lilanon is a reflection of me.
You are canonically fat.
Lilanon is perfect.
It’s over for you. Manifest a better mirror.
That should be a nice occasion to test this too !
That should be a nice occasion to test this too !

(Sorry for quoting the wrong msg)
Yes and this chick will move on my lap
Explain your view then
Since you apparently do believe in LOA, what actually is your problem with LilAnon? You think he's egotistical? Talked about too much? Even if he hasn't posted proof of his manifests most of what he says is just word for word from Neville.
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Real. What are your experiences with UL, Anon?
Daily reminder that LilAnon likes tomboys but stopped manifesting them after one almost killed him
Verification Not Required.

Same, someone make one, been doing UL on and off since 2020.
He had this second cause type technique where you would move your arm with your mind and that would cause your manifest because of you intended "If my arm moves, I have so and so"

It got wildly popular for a couple threads until Gardnerfags from /lit/ invaded the thread and filled it with their creepy 30 year old man who they thought was a "twink"

V not R
Am a beginner still. It's difficult for me to study the texts.
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This is his method outlined
the second cause technique was only there to teach me that it was still my faith and the hand thing didn't do anything else but make me believe. i can believe without it too.
>second cause
it was literally just using intent and pairing it with a visual indicator, similar to when you feel a manifest "set"
Anything that isn't pure "believe it is done" is technically a second cause, so believing something will cause your manifestation if you do that thing counts as one. Not that I'm opposed to the technique.
Lilanon said it was second cause.
Lilanon is a glowie paid to mislead and shit up this general
He was one of the first posters here.
He gives good advices, all based on Nevillle though so I can't see how he could derail the thread, if it was the case then Neville is a glowie too
Doesn't matter. Never once has anyone thanked lilanon for helping them manifest something. Not once. I autistically went back 50 generals where he was present. It's all in the archives you can confirm yourself he hasn't helped a SINGLE person manifest shit.
>Never once has anyone thanked lilanon for helping them manifest something. Not once.
Dont forget this, too.

and this.
LilAnon when you say you manifested paranormal manifestations how paranormal are we talking? Like "this injury healed super fast" tier, or "I literally fucking teleported" tier?
V not R
He's a necromancer/lich
Careful, Lil might manifest one with you
I don't count ppl thinking him for his shit generic advice. There's tons of that. First one is probably the best but he just followed persist advice guy was using every method under the sun including sigils which lil disavows
realest ones remember when LilAnon posted without a tripcode and was just a namefag

V not R
The last one literally says he figured it out. Implying success with the law.
Also did anon get the kobeni gf in the end or not?
I mean, Lil isn't trying to be a new guru with a new manifestation system. He mainly just repeats Neville and related writers whenever he sees someone with a problem. He's trying to be helpful to new Anons even if his cult of personality is annoying (it only came into existence to troll people who autistically shit on him all the time)
There isn't really that much unique advice you can give with this topic anyways since it all boils down to believe and try to root out limiting beliefs.
V not N
>thanks guys I figured it out
Is a success, kek
Nothing like this though
what's with your fixation on parking spots?
These trolls are generic as fuck, I miss PromiseAnon

Also the fags at the sharty wiki mention us in the /x/ article so that might be where the trolls are from

Or this one where the dude mistakenly thought lil helped him kek
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he wasn't a tripfag that's just what LilAnon called the anon. He would argue with LilAnon nearly every thread talking about how Lil never actually had the Promise like Neville described and was just straight up lying about his mystical experience. He believed in LOA but disagreed with a bunch of stuff Lil said which i don't remember the specifics of. Truly the Arius to LilAnon's Athanasius.
Neville was mostly wrong about a lot of things. I dislike lildickfag because he parrots Neville like everyone else, when it's clear by now that all of Nevilles teachings are not the best way to manifest, neville was right about SATS though.
Lildickfag is also obnoxious and trys to destroy discussion of other loa related teachings.
If you haven't succeeded with the SATS technique, believing you're god isn't going to manifest you jack.
what's your general conception of manifestation then?
Kek, the fucking lildickfag shills.
The fraud only started trashing this general last year. He's a complete newfag from that fake and gay succubus thread. He thinks he can talk to Lilith, what a retard schizo.
does that mean you think image cycling is the superior technique or something else?
yes absolutly
He went on a hiatus until SManon started getting anons results and he got hiny Holocausted and returned with the sole goal of shutting down intent based manifestation.
I believe neville was right about SATS. Sleep techniques are the most effective ways of impressing the subconscious. I use the lullaby method and have had the fastest and exact results using it.
You should use SATS or lullaby as a main method, and use a mental diet as a secondary to keep you in the state. You aren't impressing the subconscious enough if you aren't in a relaxed state, so robotic affirmations and believing you're god won't do much. You won't be able to manifest the big things this way, and almost all the success stories that use these secondary techniques are by woman lol.
LilAnon started posting in 2020, maybe you're confusing him with mother-anon who actually fits that description? He only calls himself LilAnon because he used to be a chaos magic type guy and the name stuck
I was already here in the loa general in 2020 so maybe he made a few posts. He definitely only started spamming last year.
I checked the archives and apparently lilanon was just a regular new poster and started giving people advice around early last year. People started shitting on him for no reason and so threads began revolving around him. there's a lilith-anon from /succ/ back in like 2019 but I don't know if that's him even if the posting style's kinda similar
So after 4 years he feels like he's able to teach anyone, yet he hasn't exactly manifested anything impressive, apart from a threesome with his wifes boyfriend lmao.
LilAnon says he's manifested evading death, a tomboy that tried to kill him, bullet time I think, financial success, and the Promise. Of course its LilAnon so he hasn't posted proof but still
Complaining has never helped anyone, be the change you want to see.
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LilAnon is this you?? Are you really a nonbinary transwoman??

Also holy shit Mother-anon's been doing this for years lmao
Seems great technique

Isn't proof counterintuitive? How can anyone prove anything to someone who is skeptical in the first place when the whole idea is that everything comes from your "self"? If you want real proof you can only bring that to yourself, naturally you won't see proof if you keep reinforcing the idea that this is all fake or larp or whatever.
Lol fucking cringelords
It's not a larp,
Lildickfag just isn't good at manifesting which is a fact.
I dislike people like him teaching and parroting neville when they have nothing to show for all that knowledge.
>Yes like I said I am extremely bitter and resentful towards other people
This is easy to do, but it's also not productive. Judge not and all that. I find it easier when I remember that people are basically just kids.

Forgive them and yourself and move on. LOA gives you tools to receive better results next time.
Lilanon stocks in freefall. Mother's hold stable
Well, LilAnon?
Xe won't reply to humans like you
>how paranormal are we talking?
Decently. Divine powers/visions, magick, vampires, werecreatures, fae, deepstate stuff. I overdid it though and wound up getting the promise when I was in over my head.
>There isn't really that much unique advice you can give with this topic anyways since it all boils down to believe and try to root out limiting beliefs.
Good sum up. I've been around the block and had a lot of the same issues believing as many Anons here. I think it helps to know that people have been where other Anons have gotten stuck and it's not forever- the meme pushed in this thread that you'll never match people like Neville is damaging, deliberately so.

Jesus said we would do greater works then he.

What sort of divine powers?
>QRD on that tripnigger?
He wouldn't trip in order to give himself some wiggle room in his arguments. He was a very clever Anon that was here gatekeeping Neville and attacking newbies.

I went back and forth with him a lot because he was a by-the-book poster that seemed completely armchair while I do a lot of testing and experimenting. I suspect he was faking though- there were a couple of posts that he made in order to try and score points on me that suggested he knew how it worked and he was just fucking with people here for entertainment.

I do miss the fact that he as least knew his stuff- the trolls here that are just posting assertions and their mental fantasies are def low quality.
Lay on hand, prayers/power words, banishing communing with powers. I did RHP for a long time until I was excommunicated.
Vampires are real?
Why were you excommunicated from the order?
>Neville was mostly wrong about a lot of things
Neville was wrong about a fair number of things. He was also right far more than he was wrong, and his grasp of a wide range of techniques and approaches is impressive. His real accomplishment was getting all of this published and out to people.

>I dislike lildickfag because he parrots Neville like everyone else
Neville's work is supported by other approaches, to the point where before I joined this thread I had never read Neville before but his quotes completely support the other teaching structure I came from

>that all of Nevilles teachings are not the best way to manifest, neville was right about SATS though.
You don't know all of Neville's teachings, but that's irrelevant- the fact that you are taking issue with information that's correct means that you are pushing an agenda that is likely not correct. If you don't have facts and successes, what do you have?

>Lildickfag is also obnoxious and trys to destroy discussion of other loa related teachings
Like you are trying to do with Neville?

>If you haven't succeeded with the SATS technique, believing you're god isn't going to manifest you jack.
Oh, you're one of those. SATS or nothing?

Does it bother you when other people have successes in ways you don't approve of?
Not I said the duck
>Vampires are real?
Yes, not my favorite to deal with but interesting nonetheless.
I got excommunicated from higher than that, was not given an explanation beyond not to seek answers/support from that source.
And you actually saw all of these fantasy creatures in person? Dreaming about them doesn't count.
I find this all hard to believe.
Lol another retard post from the fraud.

The most successful people all have used SATS to manifest their desires. You can cope all you want about this but nevilles other teachings don't work for a majority of people including you faggot, as if they worked as intended none of us would be here right now.
I have had success with sleep methods like lullaby. I manifested my desired gf (she came to me too), numerous free vacations, grew taller past puberty, and some other physical changes, along with other small things.
I had almost no success until I began using sleep techniques, and most anons would benefit in knowing how effective SATS and lullaby are. But instead frauds like you are misleading them into just believing they're god, which leads to major coping like you're doing right now.
I want to see anons succeed, and people like you aren't helping newbies at all, as they most likely will quit because they're unable to manifest the way you're teaching them.
Techniques aren't second causes cuck, there's a proper way to do this, and that lies in sleep techniques.
Yep. Ran with them for over a year. Crazy stuff, I unconsciously manifested it all including an amazing GP.

>I find this all hard to believe.
All it takes is being willing to leave your safe/comfy place. That's really what /x/ is about- you can stay home and probably never have an experience if you are lucky. But if you could, would you?

I always used to jump off into the deep end and it should have killed me. But it didn't.
What gender are you, what pronouns should be used?
>The most successful people all have used SATS to manifest their desires
And you know that how? I teach people by the method they find works best for them.

>as if they worked as intended none of us would be here right now
>have had success with sleep methods like lullaby
So you have had successes, but you are still here?

>I had almost no success until I began using sleep techniques
Great. You are not most people. Do what works for you and don't bother with what other people are doing unless it helps you.

>and most anons would benefit in knowing how effective SATS and lullaby are
We talk about SATS all the time. You can speak to lullaby whenever you'd like, it's related to affirmations and I talk a lot about those.

>you are misleading them into just believing they're god
Do you think you are not?

>Techniques aren't second causes
They are when they don't do anything to support the core mechanics. Tying your actions to clapping your hands is a needless complication.

>there's a proper way to do this
More than one. You are manifesting all the time, this is not a magic trick.
>And you know that how? I teach people by the method they find works best for them.
I know sleep methods work the best because I've actually studied the patterns on all loa related posts on the internet. Including nevilles books for years.
Sleep techniques is the repeating pattern of how people get all the big manifestions they want.
>So you have had successes, but you are still here?
Not an argument faggot, I'm here to help anons from frauds like you. But if everyone was succeeding it wouldn't be necessary.
>grew taller past puberty
We can grow until 25, how old were you anon ? And how much did you grow? Thx
>that lies in sleep techniques
You mean we must wait sleep, we can't manifest during the day while awake ?
And can we manifest several things in one session or do we have to do a session per wish per day ?
I've gotten many things and I've posted about them in these threads, sometimes with the pic of the balloon. My life is far from perfect and I'm still a sad bastard occasion but manifesting has made it markedly better and I can clearly see the upward path that I am on.
lilanon did you seriously almost get killed by some girl?
Try the holodeck method as well.
Recordings don't matter until they are observed. The memory of the observation doesn't matter until it is recalled.
This is an oddly round number for science to agree on.

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