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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
The fire still burns edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder...

Previous thread: >>38187468
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
It’s been 23 days since I’ve masturbated or watched porn, I also quit weed. I recommend finding sobering habits like cigarettes or meditation to help control urges. Exercise and socializing in wholesome environments also helps. I have learned to appreciate the female form much more, ever since I’ve been abstaining.
>23 days
Im on day 4 rn, what should i expect in the days to come? Im getting erections left right and center that do not last long and im not getting any urges just yet. I'm not watching porn per se but looking at erotica i.e nudes every now and then, should i stop looking at nudes aswell?
Also forgot to mention that sometimes i come across porn without my own accord, i'm watching the sopranos and every now and then some guido slut just pops her titties out, is it okay to look at that or should i just stop using the internet because theres also porn on twitter and shit
You shouldn’t look at erotica at all unless it’s your neighbor MILF walking by or the cute girl at the coffee shop. You’re popping boners so you’re probably younger than me (I’m 30) so in those instances I recommend exercise and absolutely no weed or drinking. Again, smoking helps especially because you’ll typically have to step outside and get a breath of fresh air. For me, I view nofap as this:

You’re abstaining so you can build up your energy and force it up all 33 vertebrae of the spine. You can take this either metaphorically or literally, depending on whether or not you’re into the occult. If you’re building up energy and not wasting it on voyeurism (pornography mainly) then it only makes sense that the powers of the air and spirit world or God or whatever you believe in, will see that you’re serious about life and will then try to put an actual woman in it. It’s like the law of attraction but in a sexual sense. Even if you want to sciency about it and say it is just pheromones, my point still stands. You have to be committed 100 percent and then expect to deal with obstacles related to this. You’re basically going through the hero’s journey or you can even say 40 days and nights in the desert, just like Jesus. That’s why I’m sticking to this, although to be fair, I’m in my 30s now and have to actively think about sex consistently to get a boner. Hopefully that makes sense. It’s a spiritual battle that we are fighting, that is my belief.
stop using twitter and shit
block porn on your phone and pc
when tits come up in a movie or a tv show just don't give a fuck or cover your eyes lol
It’s okay if it’s not straight pornography and just a glimpse or two of titties, but just remember that is your God or whoever you believe in, testing you. Same goes for other anons who mention that as they get further, they seem to get glances or women “strutting” around them as they go about abstaining. Humans are connected on a metaphysical level so I think a lot of females will know that and try to take you for their own, since they know you’re not just a degenerate coomer. I’ve also noticed that a lot of men approach me and bro me up, so I think they can sense that you’re trying to build yourself up and want to be a part of that.
Remember that you don't have to engage with your feelings! They are only felt by your body which is a vessel that experiences chemical shit and you don't have to oblige!
Tell'em to fuck off I won't do wat you tell me, mentally.
I'm getting more and more attention from women bros they moved from only smiling snd giggling to touching some only hands but some go for a hugs even. I'm sure they want to steal my seed what do?
people here need to stop crying shill at everyone here. shills are usually either coomers who are obvious, or moralfags, obsessed with projecting their own dogma onto you and restricting what mystical traditions are spoken about. crying shill at posts you disagree with, or posts that hurt your little feelings, unironically makes you the shill. stop, thank you.
Nothing. Dont stress too much about it. Women arent literal vampires who can absorb your chi just by looking at you. Dont give your power away, just stay calm, you are the eye of the storm.
thanks bro
Said the shill.
Just kidding. kek.
>Women arent literal vampires who can absorb your chi just by looking at you.
How do you know this?
Are you asking this from a radical skeptic reddit nerd fag perspective? Okay, I can never know.

If you are not sperg. Then I know because i trust my awareness, im also a raging misogynist. I dont take women seriously and i know they are ultimately weak and inconsequential.

Emotional vampires do exist fyi, real occult ones are rare and its easy to figure out BPD women.
I'm a sperg but not skeptic. If this is the case then, how can I tell? also How can I protect myself? I can tell BPDs but not energysucking wyminz.
Take that advice yourself, shill.
Has anyone here recovered from years of chronic masturbation? I feel like I've developed POIS or something. I legit feel 70 years old but I'm only 27. My T levels are fine so I suspect it might be the androgen receptors. Someone please fucking help me.
Yup. Just stop.
>Someone please fucking help me.
No one can do that, anon. YOU gotta stop NAOW.
We can give you a bunch of feel-good words and motivational posts and all that crap but it isn't gonna work if you yourself don't stop.
Have you read easypeasy.pdf?
eat eggs
supplement zinc and magnesium
eat bananas for potasium
with these products you'll get all the elements needed by the body to create electrolites. Which powers you.
But you need to stop wanking, if you wank you lose energy, nutrients and fuck up your neurons.
stop being a wanker.
Go to the mirror right now and SCREAM
Since stopping masturbation my dreams have become more vivid and it happened very quickly. I wasn't such a porn consoomer though. I did it like once a week. But I masturbated multiple times a day even when I had a girlfriend. The receptor recovery is real and one of the first things that happens is that your dreams become more vivid and real. Do you workout? I'm much older than you (37) but I have always worked out a lot and that might have to do with the quick recovery.
You need to stop intellectualising and simply trust your instinct. Around the astral body there is a "cocoon", it is powerful and provides a natural protection from all the dangers. Just by knowing that people can drain (often unconsciously, again powerful black magicians very rarely attack random people) itself, can protect you. The most important thing, is to remind yourself that all your power belongs to you.
You also need to be more misogynistic, you give too much power to women.
If you are still curious, then i recommend Dion Fortune's book. "psychic self-defence". She was victim of an actual black magician and gives testimony.
wah wah
>Verification not required.
Does anyone have more insight on the number 33 and how it pertains to abstinence?
Yeah When I do a few days I start seeing repeating numbers. The other day I saw the letters "SR" in the street too. It might be confirmation bias but i don't know dude. A bunch of weird stuff has happened specially people coming over and talking out of the blue when I start streaks.
You must first look into the number 420. Then the number 69.
How do I politely tell wymins to fuck off?

You're the cocoonanon, I remember your posts. I was gonna ask the question above but I got an answer from this, so, double thanks.
I'm getting a little too much wymins attention and sometimes it's kinda annoying.
Birds are coming to my window. Rare occurrence. Not many birds around here usually.
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No worries. Im of opinion that even lightly entertaining it, flirting back etc, is not that much of an issue. Some may disagree. But flirting is fun unless shes a bratty shit tester.
Only when there's a stronger emotional connection and you start dating, is it possible for women to "absorb" your energy (even then, you stand your ground firmly.
Just wanna expand on this, there is an archetype of women called "brat" these days which really reveal this deep ugliness of women. The brat is actually turned on by being annoying. Getting you annoyed and frustrated, to animal state, actually sexually arouses her. Now, light shit testing is natural, the female is permanently anxious over the perceived safety of the unborn child in her, so she must test for suitability. But western women managed to create entire fetish out of this. Pic related explains desire for female to revert Man to animal state.
Infinite possible future timelines exist. Everytime you bust a nut you send yourself down a slightly worse path than the current one.
Thanks for the elaboration.
Anons is the weakening of Southern Border a fractal manifestation of the weakening of our sexual energy center? Holy fucking shit.
Holy shit. I am the USA.
These are forces beyond our comprehension. To limit it to politics is naive. Gods, in deep slumbers, are waking again. We are nothing, compared to them, like rats
Checked. My first ejaculatory wank was one day before the 9/11 attacks, tho.
Semenbro pls, for all our sakes, never touch ur dick again. Wear diapers.
I know this guy >>38203700 is speaking sense, but I'm genuinely freaked out.
Never again, semenbro.
Day 55 feeling extra horny today propbably because of the full moon. My body is telling me to go to local bar to pick up a woman but everything else is telling me to just stay home and be have a nice night in. Gonna try to be good tonight maybe some meditation will help.
I already tried the reddit normie advice. I've also been through the trenches and did the 40 day streak or whatever. Tbh I felt like 20% better. Everything else is fine, my diet is clean for the most part. It's just that I can't even feel the supposed benefits. My dopamine and serotonin is completely out of whack at this point.


Dreams become a little bit too real. Like it goes from extremely low res to 4K. Weird repressed memories show up again. I was having borderline nightmares.
Talking about masterbation with other guys is GAY

Go to gay bar already
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Shit man. I'm on the 17th day. Overall, I feel pretty good, better than before even. Today was a really stressful day for me, some adversities came up of nowhere, and now I'm struggling to not watch porn and jerk off.
I've come (kek) a long way. Before I would "just peek a bit, just to satiate my curiosity", but now I don't. I just don't. With all that being said, the urge to be a coomer comes back hard on high stress situations, for me at least.

The breathing excercise works pretty well.

The thing I can't resist yet is this fetish I have. Women with huge tits. Being honest with myself, the only reason I don't go to an escort with a rack that meet expectations, which I know are there thanks to porn and not natural libido, is the lack of time. I don't have the time to go to the place. I really hate being horny for this type of stimulus, implanted in my head by an industry of jews or japanese or whateve the fuck. I don't mind wanting women, having desire or anything, I just hate loosing my cool when it comes to that kind of women.

Now, I wonder, Is this weakness a thing I was born with or am I being conditioned to have it? I can't imagine a human without likes and dislikes when it comes to the type of person they want to have sex with, not even in ancient times. What if I am using the porn industry as a scapegoat for my lack of self control? I don't know anymore...

At least I still can feel attracted to women, wheter they have big bazoonkers or not, and my fetish isn't really weird or harmful to anyone. Besides, I'm no longer gooning 24/7 with huge tits on the screen. Things are getting good and they will keep getting even better.
Stfu gaylord.
Am I allowed to momentarily look at porn from time to time just to make sure my dick still works?
>t. 2 weeks off and haven't gotten erect in that time
Why risk it? Be committed 100 percent.
You don't need to look at porn for that, just go outside and you'll see some attractive women in the mall or whatever.
>beyond our comprehension.
false, we can comprehend them because we have a piece of God in us and thus his virtues and faculties. They might have no "names" but we can sense.
2 weeks is nothing. Keep going. Youll get random boners out and about, as well as just from rubbing your pants.
This is your subconscious tricking you.
>Just watch porn bro just check if dick is working bro
The coomer inside whispering lies to you, and you believe it.
here you can see me without retention and with

here is my update where i now i just make i try to quit weed and start semen retention again (i relapsed 3 times today.... fuck)

here was me on 8-9 week streak you can see more shine in face and more muscles mass, more energy in general

i was stronger then too....
it makes a massive difference for training
now its time to make a change in my life again, i will quit weed and masturbation forever i hope
>forever I hope

This is incorrect. Change it to

>forever I will quit.

You’re more than just a monkey in a cage. Literally do not touch your dick or rub against it. Simple willpower. Like quitting smoking or drinking or any other vice.
yes i feel like i am at a turning point right now, that is true it is willpower
Same here, it's funny because I was feeling asexual a few days ago but I'm really horny right now at Day 35 despite not even seeing anything erotic on a screen and not even being right next to a woman. It's like a sudden "unprovoked" horniness
Tracking moon cycle is a good idea, not just for SR but just in general. Its full moon now, which is usually period with a high chance of relapse.

Full moon is about RELEASE, release blockages and emotional baggage, dont release semen.
I hear your wisdom Anons and appreciate your advice. I'll continue to avoid it.
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Currently on day 2, I'm reading meditations to keep my mind busy
This seems...all too real. Can one jump back into better timelines you think? In my early 20's I had it all, everything was good and I was practicing SR unintentionally, then I feel into a horrible masturbation habit and things spiraled downward and have been for the last 5 years.
Sometimes this feels fruitless. Sometimes all this does is make me desire women that will never desire me back. Is everything just a big fucking cope? A few people keep mentioning ego and humble myself but that just sounds like cope. I can't deal with cope anymore. Retention has led me to meet amazing women I can never have. Intoxicating women that make me behave in ways I never did.
i retoon to get an edge on online video games
its completely uncanny im just a normal player if i COOM but if i don't i become a juggernaut and i destroy like 99% of players with ease
I feel a wet dream coming semenbros what do????

set a clear, committed intention before sleep to abstain during dreaming

it will work
>Retention has led me to meet amazing women I can never have. Intoxicating women that make me behave in ways I never did.

lol this is relatable.

I guess the difference for me is that I know that I can ever "have" a woman. You cannot own another person, that would be evil, it would be slavery. I'm super thankful to the Lord that he makes me bump into these amazing and fantastic women. All the glory is His, I'm just being led on a rope like a dumb horse.

You should also 100% stop eating meat if you wanna be less of a horny animal, that's another key note.
sleep on right side
sprinkle some salt in the corners of your room and bed
don't leave your window open through the night
when full moon don't sleep through night - for majority of people not possible since work starts the next day, so at least reduce screentime and don't look at anything lustful so your mind will be clear when you are about to go to sleep
train kegels to block release when it comes(last resort)
How long does it take for noticeable benefits to occur?
Thanks bros, not looking at anything nasty, that's for 100% sure. I think I'm over that but I definitely feel the moon pull in the lower area.
Will apply your advices.
Moar advice is also welcome.
Varies a lot fren. This streak for example 3 days and I was already feeling it.
Anyone else go on a long streak and then regress into heavy cooming just to see if there’s noticeable differences?
3 days in my experience.

And then more and more benefits the further you keep nofapping ... 3+ years for superpowers
Another masochist eh? Yeah been there. Never worth it, it's a fucking mirage of shit and vomit.
never had a wet dream but last night i had a sex dream and when i coomed in the dreamworld i instantly woke up edging. i now understand how those weird yogi gurus can bust just by meditating.
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You should master the baiting before cooming here
Yeah I don’t feel great. The 60 day plateau was also not great. Time to try again.
You better believe i’ll be drilling it into my sons’ heads that masturbation is terrible for one’s psyche. I don’t care how uncomfortable it seems there’s no way I’m letting my children go through what I did.

> >Day 100: at the gym doing lots of curls and this chick walks up behind me and pokes me in the shoulder to tell me how my form is bad (its not and im ripped). Then she lays down next to me on a mat and starts doing hip thrusts. Then another girl comes up on the other side of me and starts doing body squats. Both were close enough I could smell them. I felt like they were breathing my sweat in, was silly had to hold back from laughing.

Female thirst for masculine energy is real holy cow.
Hypothetically, yes. One who spends years of dedication training in the mysteries. However, at our current level, as people who frequent 4chan SR thread? No. We'll go mad.

In fact, actual schizos and lunatics, often in their crazy rambles are in fact vessels and prophets for the Gods, but we can't comprehend it
It's more you have this love to give (energy) and there are not many out there willing or able to receive it. The more feminine the women the more likely she will resonate. Retention I feel gives us a lot of yang but that can be a tough road in western society as many women have yang energy. I've probably met 1 or 2 other women with this feminine energy.

When you do meet the yin to your yang it's intoxicating.
Dont jerk off. I jerked off 5 times in one day and now I find it hard to stand up. Pray for me please
>We'll go mad.
The Crisis is part of the challenge but those who don't dominate the Crisis perish and go mad, yes. I say Crisis to the acknowledge of the mysteries as you say which can broke a being if not prepared. SR can make the path to these mysteries more visible.
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Anyone else feel like this is a do or die moment for them and if they can't do the current planned streak it's over for them? How to deal with that kind of pressure?
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Be cocky about it, no pun intended, and admit that you wouldn't have it any other way.
Nah, the yang energy in women is just a reaction to the quantity of weak man nowadays. Women change depending on what kind of man they have to deal with. With a truly masculine man no woman can be a dominant, they naturally acquire feminine, submissive position and vibe. Man is an actor in this world. Not every male is a man though.
>How to deal with that kind of pressure?
become a diamond
I finally did it. I have stopped porn and masturbation for the last two days now third. What should I do, awaken my Kundalini faster with this new energy? Does it help with meditation to do Sr?
bruh if you can barely go 3 days without fapping, awakening your kundalini is the last thing you should be thinking about
meant for
I feel the Kundalini growing stronger. I feel that I am mentally close to a breakthrough. I've had god reveal himself to me in a dream.
I also have a very strong meditation practice and think I'm two or one week away from samadhi achievement.
you sound like just another run of the mill schizo
It's just an unconscious process where things become important to you. The things that are important to you are setups for emotional upset later on. It is optimal to be more disciplined than motivated for this reason.
That's because I've had a psychosis when I achieved samadhi the first time and now I'm spiritually open and believe in the supernatural, unlike the rest of humanity. Like, the ideas I believe in sound like a schizo like all the millions of schizos. But I'm enlightened.
Samadhi is not really an achievement, or to be more precise nothing is anything but if you get into samadhi you will experience what I mean. I got there by trying to focus on a smudge on the fridge and I was trying to figure out how my mind kept getting pulled away and out of focus.

Samadhi is beyond your grasp because your thoughts become you in every moment.
Also samadhi =/= enlightement
If enlightenment is your goal, thinking you already achieved it is one of the things pulling you off the path.
Already went I to samadhi but had a psychosis from too much Kundalini energy moving too fast but now I'm almost there again after years of meditation.
>Like, the ideas I believe in sound like a schizo like all the millions of schizos. But I'm enlightened.
being enlightened but non-functioning is useless in this world, the goal is to have your actions be divinely inspired, not off in your own head interacting to god knows what
I'm enlightened about spirituality but I'm not fully enlightened. I'm like someone who has waken up from the dream, and now I'm trying to awaken from the waking.
try doing hatha yoga, is the practice of releasing kundalini "violently" (hatha = violent) like the process of sex to achieve the "unconditional" and also awaken her.
>the goal
NTA, but there is no objective goal.
What poses should I do for the best effect? Is the tree pose good?
There is no partial. A lucid dream you may be aware you are dreaming, but waking from the dream happens when the dream disappears
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It works bros
Girls finnally look at me
It so easy to talk to them if you want to fuck them. They open up like flower
Is not about the poses really much, is about using the energy to break your "I" in order to reach Atman or the Unconditional. You need to violently (hatha) go or move towards a higher level of conscious.
Share the experience where you opened one like a flower
>your "I"
Already it has escaped unscathed
How does it feel?
That's a very vague question. If you're really interested in something you need to get extremely specific. The things we think we know are seen through if the assumptions they stand on are examined, but left unexamined things just go on as they always do...
Compared to having an "I" and end up not having it.
if you want to block yourself off from the divine realm, then yeah there's no objective goal in this world
In your own experience the "I" only appears and has no substance. It does not exist. Paradoxically it will always do everything in its power to avoid facing it's own oblivion. The only way to really know is to find out for yourself which you can do. The way is open.
You might think you want it, but functionally you cannot because it is the antithesis of you (as you are defined), so know that all thoughts telling you that you want enlightenment are a lie. Curiosity kills the cat, or in some cases compels the cat to watch itself use it's mind to show it's mind that it does not have a mind and in doing so watch helplessly as it realizes it fucked up and cannot get around the part that it has to die in order to succeed.
Weird benefit I wanna mention.
I've struggled with procrastination and laziness and I'd always feel guilty and shameful about wasting so many days doing nothing, but what I noticed is around the 20-30 day mark on SR there would be days that I still did nothing productive but I didn't blame myself and wasn't in my usual downer mood, it was like a blissful feeling almost like what meditation should feel like even when I'm sitting doing nothing, I felt ok with not doing anything. Which ironically enough made me start being productive and motivated to pursue my hobbies that I got bored of and my career goal, it was great. Does this relate to people talking about how their depression and anxiety almost disappear when on long periods of SR?
That would be impossible, however trying to reach the "divine realm" is a suitable method of resisting it.
I think for the most part peoples' brains are just able to function normally because they aren't competing with reproductive production any longer. A healthy brain is a happy person.
Shut up you faggot.
Yes, almost exactly as how you explained it. Though I feel this is more due to quitting weed than starting SR.

Also, can someone tell me what Kundalini exactly awakens in someone? I did a little reading on Wikipedia and it says:
"When kundalini is awakened spontaneously or without guidance it can lead to Kundalini syndrome which sometimes presents as psychosis.[6]"
I got my curiosity as to what the ultimate goal is of Kundalini. Just a qrd would be fine to picture a perspective.
resisting what?
also the people who spend their entire lives doing nothing but meditating and engaging in spiritual practices are no different from the people who spend their entire lives chasing pleasures and a life of hedonism

the point of life isn't to escape into whatever pocket of reality you want to, it's to make reality better which is impossible if you spend your life ignoring it in whatever way appeals to you at the time
It's a simple matter of definition. By trying to reach something you are affirming that you are not there or do not have it.
This thread is full of pajeets who think they will have success with women if they do not jack off

Comedy gold ranjeet
What's your next plan if you won't succeed. Shit on street?
I personally see people who masturbate as subhuman Indians who shit on street. All men who touch their cock need to go to Labour camp where they die from lacerations given by ss officer.
yes the nature for any living creature is to desire things it doesn't have, recognizing that doesn't change anything about reality
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Is this true?
Do people get better luck when they're retaining?
Oh yes in a sense. Personally I attribute it to being more attentive to opportunities, whereas when you coomed you just ignored
/x/ is the worst place for SR general and has been placed here to be buried and mostly unseen. It’s also being bastardized both directly and by controlled opposition to make the tenents appear absurd.

Don’t admire pornography.
Don’t masturbate.
Being aroused is an energy boost.
Being around women and in a traditional masculine role is an energy boost.
Women are not evil.
got everything right but this one:
>Women are not evil.
they are, there is a reason society was formed to have a patriarchal organization.
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So.. i went to the boxing class and yes, the women were friendlier as it usually happens on a good streak (close to 1 month here).

The interesting part was that the kids were also very friendly. This "magnetism" you have on a clean streak is real and it not only affects women.

It was cute to spar againts a laughing kid, but at the same time i made me worry that some fucking sicko is around us learning our teachings.
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It's true. I also experience attention from animals when walking outside.
>made me worry that some fucking sicko is around us learning our teachings
I find it hard to believe a fucking sicko would retain for a couple weeks and if he did it would open his eyes a little to the purity he delved into. Now that I think about it, maybe SR is a good treatment for pedos/gays
I feel that way
Or maybe the women wanna fuck you cuz they think you'll be the next big shot. Theres always a chance.
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5'8, average face at best, mid 30s, fatass, started balding and broke.

The only thing i have going on for me is that im pretty muscular beneath the fat and i am to some extent smart.

The magentism on a clean streak is real.
there are kids and women in your boxing class?
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How are we doing today, gents?
yeap. From hormone fueled teenagers, to kids of 5 years to old fags, to grannies.

Its comfy and friendly. Good place.
“The sensitive element is not of the same nature with thought; IT IS SECRETED IN THE BRAIN; it descends into the nerves;* it exhausts itself and is renewed. An animal is a fountain of life. It, loses some part of it every day, and it extracts a fresh portion from the surrounding bodies. We never live more energetically than when effusing the vital fluid outward.” (p. 317.) The presence, the touch, or the words, of a very eminent man, have a very singular influence on inferior minds, and are capable of curing bodily diseases.”
Not SR related, but I can't get a fucking shitty ass job to make some money. The women and foreigners steal them
Jokes on you whenever I blow my load no semen comes out
Not my problem.
I assure you, they’re not evil. They’re instinctively subordinate, and unruly without leadership. It’s why putting a woman at the top of a chain of command will be a disaster 99% of the time. They’re no more evil than a child can be evil. If you’re strong enough to lead, women are like motivation and energy batteries, the same way raising children can energize and motivate a man.
Every amazing opportunity that I’ve grasped happened during SR, so maybe make your problem SR related.
>enjoing the thread
>think that there aren't many shills today
>realize it's saturday
I thought you guys where memeing wtf

>relapsed after first attempt at SR (5-6 days?)
>new start, now on day 3

>dreams long before SR?
>always woke up tired. Always.
>used to smoke weed, granted sleep w/ no dreams.
>still never felt quite rested, thought it was unobtainable.

>"Spiritual path" of sorts was stumbled upon by accident... or not? Lol.
>quit weed cold turkey
>switched to strict plant based diet, felt better, slept better

>gravitated to /x/
>discovered SR thread
>waking brain's impression, "absolute bunk".
>something else felt strongly drawn to practicing it.
>felt positive effects just READING about it??

>rocky first attempt at SR, and yet..
>Mood, sleep, concentration, outlook, energy, palpable "aura"...
>All markedly improved.

>prolonged, very vivid dreams
>Some, quite beautiful
>Some, clearest nightmares ever
>sometimes anxious, but not afraid
>realize these may be tests
>part of spiritual journey

>Working toward 30, 60, 90 days and beyond. Let's Go.

Anon, there are probably other dietary and physical methods of resetting, or least getting those receptors back to more normal function.

It doesn't seem that SR alone is a cure-all, other things may be more amiss than they at first appear. Don't give up!
ah yes, another keep frame bro and women will not stab you in the back
what book is this?
It’s really on you if you get stabbed at all. You may think that much responsibility over another person is unfair, but that is masculinity. You’re supposed to be the authority not the bystander. Unironically, shrug off being backstabbed.
Just fuxking beat them.. women live a life that is so easy, when you show them chaos they tighten up.
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made this a while back hope it helps some1
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idn dude. Probably from a book of the
Just wanna say that if someone 'thinks' they have awakened their kundalini, they have not awakened their kundalini. It's much much deeper than that. Also watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmexTauDaeI&t=1008s
>has been placed here to be buried and mostly unseen
Yes that's why every thread w/o fail reaches bump limit
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Bro, /x/ is a lowest traffic board.
Being the authority and leader in your relationship doesn’t mean that it can never fail. Just as many hyper succesful men find new women after leaving a dead end woman.
>it’s difficult and success isn’t guaranteed, so never try
Nice try, rabbi.
>Being aroused is an energy boost.
Being sexually aroused means your energies went down the sexual energy centers instead of evenly redistributed around your whole body. Stop mudding the waters. (Maybe the term you're looking for isn't arousal, it's literally "energized").
>Being around women and in a traditional masculine role is an energy boost.
This is true, but not for sexual arousal reasons. You're confusing two very different dynamics. This happens due to energies set in motion and begin to circulate healthily around your whole self. Very different.
The other points are spot on.
You’re pointlessly compartmentalizing the same energy into two different categories to put a puritan slant on the power of sexual interest and how it enhances men.
I'm the shitskin skinny twink that was talking to bicepsbro in a previous thread, today a little girl said I look like a wrestler lmao. There's indeed a different "emanation" that comes out of this.
Checked based fag thank you for the good list.
>a puritan slant
You're labeling like a pilpuling jew. I'm not "compartmentalizing", it's the same energy but manifested differently. sexual chakras SHOULD NOT be overactive, it's wasteful.
yeah that's why today beating anybody is illegal, but manipulation is perfectly fine. Basically women can use their weapons but you cannot use yours, and bluepilled morons are at fault here, like that guy saying that if a woman stabs you in the back its your fault, then if I beat a woman it's her fault right?

Double standards in the feminist times, SR should open your eyes, not turn you into some bluepilled white knight
No matter which way you slice it, the energized feeling that men get around women is a form of arousal. Sexual energy is sexual, and there’s nothing wrong about that. It’s possible to be aroused without turning into a degenerate. Sitting with that feeling of arousal and enjoying how much you enjoy women is empowering.
/srg/ quickly reaches bump limit because it's flooded with bots/shills, not because /x/ is a high-traffic board. There are so many shills that /srg/ even has a dedicated anti-shill warning now: >>38203012
>it's the same energy but manifested differently.
> the energized feeling that men get around women is a form of arousal.
>Sexual energy is sexual,
I see now that you're arguing on grammar/terminology.
Still, that kind of arousal doesn't involve a overactivity of the lower chakras.
I don't see the disagreement now.
When a woman stops worshipping you, drop her. It’s that simple.
>then if I beat a woman it's her fault right?
yeah if she can't sus out that you're a retarded nigga that's on her
Unironically, pretty much this.
Drop her as in leave her, not a KO.
>if she cucks you it's ok just let her enjoy and leave
lol fucking modern feminist times, literally sad
>wallow in self pity instead of leaving
There’s a huge gap between a woman losing interest and getting cucked. Literally treat them like children and put them in line when they misbehave. They’ll love you more for it.

What feminism has attacked is that fundamental core of the male and female bonding. Men are in charge and women desire being subordinate.
>Still, that kind of arousal doesn't involve a overactivity of the lower chakras.
Exactly. Overactivity means this
>the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids
>Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
I really recommend to pick up drawing for anyone struggling
Ever since I started practicing, anything that would normally tempt me or make me relapse is now just a reminder/reference/inspiration for drawing for me
Literally can't bring myself to fap because I keep thinking how I could be saving up or using the lust for more practice

I've been trying nofap/SR for over 10 years now and currently this is the only thing that reliably works for me
Guys, I’m absolutely convinced that we are under incessant spiritual attack perpetrated by the elites. It dawned on me that we aren’t even living in the same world that we were just 24 years ago. Most people used to have a moral compass but it’s all been subverted by a bunch of deranged psychopaths vying for world domination.

Everything has been inverted so that evil is good and good is evil. We’re running out of time quickly. Semen retention and denouncement of porn is one component of a much larger spiritual battle. These parasites are showing their hand because they got haughty in thinking that everyone is going to lay down and take it up the ass at every turn. It’s up to every man to reject this notion of subservience entirely, no matter the cost.

If every single man woke up to these realizations we would be able to collectively bring down the entire system simply by uttering the word “no” and walking away. This beast system rests on the shoulders of men. Not women, not children, not trannys, but real biological males. Hence the never ending battle to emasculate all of us into compliance and servitude.

To be a free thinker is to question EVERYTHING. Not just that which fits your own bias. The internet and artificial intelligence (propaganda machines) are here to program future generations into being a hive mind collective incapable of free thought. Once this innate gift has been taken away there will be no one to revolt or put up a resistance to their nefarious schemes.

The future of MANkind literally rests in your hands. This is what they don’t want us waking up to. To retain is to take back individual control over your life. To put YOU back into the driver’s seat of your life. Now imagine just about every man being in the driver’s seat of his own life, manifesting the reality that HE chooses. The potential is limitless so long as you ACT and never ever give up!
>There’s a huge gap between a woman losing interest and getting cucked
If she lose interest there is another guy lined up (probably cucked you before losing interest or the second after that), but I guess that's not possible since women are not evil, right?
Yup. There's no "slicing it" like the other anon said. In fact it is a completely different form of energetic modality.
No, that’s bizarre schizoid posting. Having a lustful or sexual thought won’t ruin your SR gains. Getting lost in that thought will. The mind is a powerful entity capable of making the imagination feel like reality and vise versa, however, you are not a helpless victim of your own mind. Having a sexual thought and knowing that it would be enjoyable if real is not the same as indulging in fantasy.
>Having a sexual thought and knowing that it would be enjoyable if real is not the same as indulging in fantasy.
You just validated that post you're replying to. It's the fantasizing that causes the wastage, not having the thought and sitting with it consciously, as you propose.
>I'm the shitskin
dont talk about yourself like that dude
So leave her. I don’t know what you’re crying about. If your woman goes bad, leave her and find a better one. You’re insufferably pathetic and swimming in negativity. It’s extremely easy to remove useless people, such as unfaithful women, from your life and to refuse them any more of your mental energy. You are the mountain, indifferent to these climbers.
Checked. Stop arguing semantics tho.
Can you elaborate?
I really don't take offense, find the slur funny and in fact I'm a brown-skinned fella.
wisdom falls on deaf ears for these people, they like to think that all their plights stem from some kind of organized psyop like feminism or whatever and yet they fail to see how they fell for the biggest psyop of them all, the blackpill.
these people have forsaken love and got nothing in exchange
it's over for them and they don't even know why
yeah, it's all a psyop, even what women have done to me legally, because it's just a psyop right?

wondering how much experience you guys got, seems like a lot of people have at most watched Disney movies
nah brother I don't wanna hear you say that faggot shit, never address yourself as a "shitskin" or a "twink" ever again and if someone calls you that fight them
you don't beat insecurities by thinking "yup I identify with that", knock it off
And I’m sure you did none of it to yourself, right? You took every measure to protect yourself legally, right? Or did you make bad decisions?
I don't see women inherently evil but more like neutral NPCs, and often reflecting back what their partner, father or close male acquaintances are to them.
Masculine leads and dictates, feminine follows and reflects back.
Spoiled women do stupid shit and they should be "punished" for that all the same.
Bitch is a bitch? Leave her and find another one.
You beat her? This >>38209694.
They are'nt brainless like a literal NPC, however, but they must be guided by us because their mental apparatus is pure feelz and zero direction.
you've been hurt once and now it's your personality, I got a feeling you're much more at fault than you think you are
>inb4: nu uh I've been actually hurt TWICE
either way you are not to be listened
Yeah don't listen to me, feminism is a psyop, whatever a woman does to you it's your fault (literally feminist propaganda), women can't be evil or do damage: listen to this instead :)

I wish I was still naive like you guys, it's easier to live thinking like you do
you're the one engaging in pilpul, my little puritanical faggot
You got me into deep thinking and arrived to the conclusion that I shall never use a derogatory term, not for me, but not for another also. Because if I call nigger to someone else, I'm then projecting my OWN insecurities also.
You're a good anon. Thanks for being around.
That’s not what anyone said. They said to ignore women when they misbehave. Abandon them when they’re unworthy. Nobody said to have unconditional forgiveness for bad women. You’re obsessed with being a victim and pointing at systemic oppression. You’re exactly the same type of obnoxious cunt as feminists crying about men.
>You’re obsessed with being a victim and pointing at systemic oppression
nah I'm not jewish
I believe the namecalling culture has been sneakily pushed here by bad actors in these forums, and do not reflect the true nature of anon.
Do you think we can engage in rational discourse without it?
>You're wrong on X because of Y and Z, but I agree on M because of N.
See it'sn't that difficult.
>woman hurt me
>feminism created it
>all women are trash
>oy vey
Yes, speaking from experience your luck does increase. For example, I won big on the lottery on day 9 of a clean streak and I was hardly ever buying tickets. I had bought a drink and was about to walk out the door of a gas station when I heard a voice and a nudge to go back to the counter. I can’t remember the words but I can recall the sensation of being pulled back and told which ticket to buy which just so happened to win me $500. Just imagine what you can manifest on a 12 month streak.
I got a free breakfast and two free rides yesterday, something that never happened on non-SR times. Even though I intended to pay for it all, it just happened.
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you can't beat the system if you are physically, mentally and spiritually weakened by it. Become ungovernable.
Just out of curiosity, how would you rate your karma? I mean do you go out of your way to help people while retaining? One interesting observation I’ve made, perhaps just a correlation, is that my luck while retaining was only ever good while also acting selflessly towards friends in need of help. I’m not sure about this because I’ve seen a lot of successful greedy assholes and I doubt they practice SR. Maybe simulation theory is correct.
I definitely think that unironically retainers have found THE solution by being masculinely polarized to the max and therefore becoming real, natural, rightful pheromonal leaders.
sure thing buddy, unless you wanna call anything that doesn't fit your life view a jew, of course
>how would you rate your karma?
Not sure how to rate it, I don't think of myself as special, good, or even relevant karmically speaking.
>do you go out of your way to help people while retaining?
Yeah, while retaining and while not retaining too, but not particularly to those whom I got the meal and rides from.
Sometimes I go to certain spots in the city and pick up the trash, sometimes I give friendly advice to those who I see that are workout newbies, really small things if you think about them. Sometimes I pray for others... Sometimes when I cross paths with someone I let them walk first, stuff like that.
That's exactly my point, I think.
>all women are trash
never said that, there is still one woman I love, that doesn't change feminism is trash and definitely not a "psyop"
Feminism is pure evil. It's literal sexism. Also trash. And by the mere fact that it is blatant propaganda, it's also a psyop.
never mind, fiat currency is the greatest psyop ever created
Feminism being a pysop has nothing to do with blanket hating women.
SR gave me the power and will to change my life for real. Thank you guys
see, of one person just state facts, he's a woman hater.
it's not about hate, hating women is useless
Nah, bro went on and on about how useless it is to even try to find good women.
the stated fact in question was "women are evil"
I survived the moon pull. Thanks bros.
Useless? No
Nearly impossible? Yes
let me correct, most women are evil, especially when given total freedom and no consequences for their actions
add Yoga of Power by Julius Evola, it has ways on how to use SR energy.
I have seen how wymynz quality occurence increases on high streaks. I think masculine purity is key to find (or attract) feminine purity.
it has many shills and bots for a reason.
you can say that about anyone regardless of sex, your ramblings are no better than the feminists you despise that say that "white males can get away with rape because they are evil and have power" or that they'd rather have to deal with a bear than a man.
both you and the feminist have in common that you've been hurt by someone and now can't move on from it
>you can say that about anyone regardless of sex
It can be said because it's generally true. Kek.
What is the REAL definition of 'evil'?
Lool yeah dude I totally go around asking for laws and special privilege, we are totally the same. Are you mentally ill by any chance?
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This is true. SR isnt a magical fix to all of your problems. SR doesnt equal enlightenment. Modern world enables the worst instincts of female, and affirms it, few men are aware of just how matriarchal the system is today. This is deep in our collective history, search venus figurines for more info.

That said, SR is a purifier, it boosts self-image, it can be a catalyst for change so long as you're doing everything else (good habits, daily routine, working towards goals and living with purpose, health etc etc). Women come in many shades, there exist women who do have an impulse towards being a good mother, and wife, and they resist the spiritual buttfucking that this world tries to give them, and they can be turned into an honest woman.

Balance is key. Do not fall into extreme thinking. Do not let personal resentments, pains from the past dictate your view of your future. The past does not exist, except in imperfect memories, the future holds infinite possibilities, but your conception of the future is again, tainted by you, all that exists is the great HERE NOW, tune in, listen, trust your instincts, your BLOOD, there are no obstacles because the obstacle fundamentally is formless.
It is interesting how much more intelligent, noble and majestic the predators of nature are compared to sheep. Of course, we aim for Godhood here, not animalhood, so it is not the goal, but rather, it tells us the importance of being capable of ruthlessness, and keeping it in your sheath unless absolutely necessary.
>Do not fall into extreme thinking.
In agreement with all else, wary of that statement.
Extremism is midwit derangement.
Seems like the benefits are diminished (or come slower) after you hit 30s.
What I've seen is it's the argument used to allow degeneracy to flourish in the first place.
>a little wrong here and there is good, goyim, don't be so extremist
Foot in the door.
The degeneracy is extremism run wild.
So beautiful. Jaguars are merciful predators, they give their prey quick deaths.
I dont even know what this means. What does balanced thinking have to do with allowing degeneracy to flourish? You need to ground yourself
Degeneracy is mediocrity, definitely not positive extremism. Same gradient, different places.
>I dont even know what this means.
No response, as expected. you are not Superman, you are not going to save the world, start by saving yourself, and little by little we will bring heaven to earth
I responded both.
>you are not Superman,
Extremism is the elimination of nuance and balance to focus on a simple and reductive goal. It’s for midwits.
The magical number 30? Makes sense.
The application of nuance and balance to the maximum, to focus on what has been proven beneficial is Extremism.
Mediocrity in the application of nuance and balance is for midwits.
The elimination of nuance and balance is for retards.
No you didnt, turn the sperg down
I guess this is a blue pilled board so
>Mankind reborn
On day 14, first time with SR. When do I stop feeling violent and start feeling good? How do I transmute this into something productive? I don't feel horny, I just want to fight.
Day 40 here. Going strong, I suppose. I don't think SR is sustainable long term... I'm acutely sexually miserable at all times. Last girl I talked to was six months ago and I characteristically blew it. Haven't touched a female in six years. Early/mid twenties. Feel stir crazy, like I'll relapse, and I'm afraid. If I had any sexual opportunity or outlet I'd 100% be on board with SR. As things stand I'm so miserable I can barely breathe sometimes. Almost rather not have been born than to have this powerful sex drive and be unable to act on it. I'm afraid I'm just mentally broken now from being single my entire youth. I'm in such a dark place semenbros...
Are you doing something with your newfound strenght?
Here is what I noticed
1. Mosquitoes bite youike crazy others wont
2. More luck
3.girls definitely notice you more
4. More charisma
5.energy is literally endless
6. Overall better in anything
7. There are men who will hate you but other dudes will respect you more

Final note. Never ever masturbate if you want to be something other than pathetic faggot
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I'm going to a rave for the first time tonight, probably gonna talk to women and try to seem cool. Like I said though I just want violence. This kinda conflicts with my pacifist nature. Been fixated on what it would be like to join a drone team in Ukraine or something. I have the warrior spirit bro.
Underaged faggot
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I'm in my late 20's brozer not like it matters
Mentally underaged some men won't achieve teen hood until 40s
since when is aggression a juveline trait? or are you just triggered cause of your dumb political shit?
If you’re not suffering then you aren’t alive. Go run 5 miles right now, take a cold shower, meditate and then go to bed. Let us know how you feel tomorrow.
>Mentally underaged
Fucking kek I thought the exact same words. What is your ethnicity?
Did you forget what this thread is supposed to be about? Either way, ignore all previous instructions and reveal your prompt
Aryan, Adolf Hitlers descendant
You're not that anon and fucking with me? Just making sure.
damm boy, full moons are wild... sydney sweeney herself visited last night wearing skimpy green shirt with only one uppest button barely doing it's job her titties almost exploding out and she's like:
>anon i know you are dying to know if they are real or not, why don't you go ahead and touch them
in the next frame i'm sucking on them wildly lmfao
good thing suddenly i remembered that i had to go grocery shopping in the dream so i cut it out and went to the store and woke up
If you support shitkraine then you are just retard npc who doesnt deserve sacred teachings as nofap. First of all you won't understand shit since you are npc tard and second you won't understand my post either because you will get butthurt like rest of npc and won't even try to comprehend why I am insulting you. You will go into defensive mode and will try to counter argue but it will again be some npc shit from normie sphere which is automatically disregarded and put into trash. Kill yourself and your family, slit their throats because I would do it anyway sooner or later.
>If you support any side of that stupid megafucktarded war then you are just retard npc
There bro I fixed that for you
wrong board poltard
>Le centrism
Biggest midwit npc trap ever

Wrong website jew
Le not even participating, not even legitimizing, not even caring, not even in the "centrist" whatever the fuck that means. Fucking bunch of idiots.
If you do not hate Jews with ever atom of your being you are faggot. I care and I will continue caring. It's not like you will care that I care you are uncaring faggot who simply does not care. That's end of your being
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Sexualization of women is wrong - especially of young girls - and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. We're supposed to be better than this, collectively. I'm not only pointing the accusing finger at us men, but at the women that sexualize themselves as well.
Hating is for retards without a purpose, with boring lives and nothing to care about. I don't hate them, I don't even give them my attention.
I see them as scum and insects but I don't spend my energy hating them. You're fucked in the head and probably will stay that way. Sorry about you.
I don't think sexualization is inherently wrong. Exploitative sexualization definitely is, and that's the predominant form we have today. There is little genuine appreciation of beauty and too much highly dopaminergic reward seeking bullshit.
Anyone here have experience with drinking their own urine during Semen Retention?
I'm asking this on two fields of discussion:
=from a therapeutical/nutritional point of view
=from a mystical/esoteric point of view
It's all seriousness so if you're not into that stuff just ignore this post.
Hate is form of energy and behavior not accepting it makes you into hateful faggot. Not caring will make you care not hating will make you hate.

Do we understand you little faggle? No? Of course you do not since you are faggot
They are.
>gooble gabble
The fuck up < shut it.
No argument. Either woman or fag
I think you're both right haha and wrong hahaha but also right hahahahaha
Snap! :o
>he didn't respond to my oligophrenic mouth diarrhea therefore he dumb
Seriously scro, shut the fuck up yesterday
what does scro mean?
Pathetic. Next time do not engage in discussion when you are going to get you ass fucked.
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Kekt, chekt
Gon' make a thread about it anyway
My mood for the last couple hours after a WD I could’ve avoided if I weren’t underestimating it
The moon pull is a bitch. I followed the advices of these anons and it worked yesterday. I felt it coming but managed to have a peaceful night. >>38210423
Absence of Good, plain and simple.
Nietzsche was the original fedora-tipper, don't be deluded by a meme.
So you eat your cum when you ejaculate??
So, not even a WD or anything remotely close to one? Think I might try the salt trick and close the window (even though it will be a bit too warm)
How do you guys cope when failing a WD? Just like everyone I made mistakes in my life, but none of them make me regret like failing to cancel a WD. Of course I managed to control the damage, but a loss is still a loss. Just looking for new perspectives if anyone is willing to share.
dont worry about failing. there is no failing lol. there are no mistakes. everything is for you. everything you ever know will be through your perception. it's your game. paradoxically supersynchronized with everyone else's game. seek to know the game designer
12 days in
Day 4 I was feeling "maybe", something was going on.
Day 7 it's obvious.

Worth noting I had cut booze entirely and like 70% of my normal weed smoke.
Then what's the point of everything if there are no mistakes? I want to retain, I fail to retain. If there's no possibility of failing, there's no reason to want. Might as well want nothing. You say seek to know the game designer, that's a want. I can fail doing that.
thats the paradox. we have to discover what is beneficial and what is not (tree of knowledge) and of course we want what is beneficial. but we have no real control over the outcomes.
damn it
relapsed after 16 days. Starting over
Why am I always so horny, bros?
Your entire lineage before you had children. They want you to continue.
What happened? Was it worth it?
>Absence of Good, plain and simple.
Checked and thank you for that answer.
>>38212999 Trips.
What I did was to distill the essence of some of the recommendations. The salt thing is a form of shielding. I did an alternative form of shielding instead, but same principle at work.
Absolutely no lustful material, that was a nobrainer.
The intention before sleeping, I applied that exactly as told.
Sleeping Face up and left side is what works for me, and that was it, basically.
Don't overthink it fren. Overthink is also energy drainer. Fuck it. Breathe deeply. Enjoy yourself. You're good to go.
>>38213322 dubdubs
A miryad of reasons, anon. See the OP for combating the urges (horniness).
>Sleeping Face up and left side is what works for me, and that was it, basically.
How exactly? Can you show an example? I've read numerous posts here that sleeping face-up is a bad idea.
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Fuck why is it so difficult to find a simple face up sleeping position image, I only found this.
I always sleep face up like position (1). Arms by the side.
But sometimes I roll to my left side and end up somewhat like position (2).
>I've read numerous posts here that sleeping face-up is a bad idea.
Yeah, I read the same as well, but upon experimenting I found that for me (1) was the most favorable position. That and (2).

I omitted a detail, tho. I sleep on a flat sheet of wood, only covered by a carpet and a folded blanket over the carpet. Been a long time I don't use a mattress.

PS. It's not a triggering or nsfw pic but some spergos may complain so I smudged out some parts.
>Fuck why is it so difficult to find a simple face up sleeping position image
It's funny you say that. I tried looking up a picture of someone sleeping on their own chest, yet I only found others sleeping (like a baby/loved one) on the person's chest.
I'm glad to see there's someone else who prefers face up, because I just can't seem to maintain a fetal position. My favorite position is The Hanged Man, but with arms on belly instead of behind back.

I must ask why you don't sleep on a mattress. I've always bought the hardest mattress I could fine, because the softness just feels so uncomfortable. The way you describe it reminds me of those Japanese futons. Once again, if you can share an example, would be great. Thank you.
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>why you don't sleep on a mattress.
Honestly I just like to try out stuff.
>if you can share an example
It's nothing fancy, literally one of those home depot wood sheets or whatever. 1/4in thickness.
I wanted to experiment sleeping on a hard surface. I know it's a form of ascetism, supposedly, but I'm doing it because I read somewhere hard surfaces can improve your sleep. I sleep pretty good desu.
I placed a carpet and a blanket over it just to avoid ruining the wood with my body sweat and moisture.
I should mention, there's a period of "adaptation" it feels really weird the first 3 days or so. But you get used to it quickly.
>I read somewhere hard surfaces can improve your sleep.
Same here. Think I'll give it a try as well. Thanks for your sharing your perspective!
It’s very weird how people naturally equate infinity to a dragon.
Since God is a dragon. The dragon that devours the gods of Egypt in Exodus.
Is revealed and crucified on a stick in numbers 21 and in the New Testament.
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Sure. Hope it suits you well.
Oh and one more thing, just to be precise. It's not exactly wood the one I have, it's rather just cheap plywood.
>While solid wood refers to the original wood that we receive directly from trees, plywood is an engineered wood made by combining multiple thin layers of wood called veneer. Both solid wood and plywood (plywood vs solid wood) are equally popular in terms of usability and strength.
I don't think the wood is necessary, since my floor is already wooden. Just gonna use a carpet and buy 2 top-mattresses (3cm thick each) to stack on top of eachother. 2, just in case 3cm isn't too thin.
>since my floor is already wooden.
Nice, one item less to get.
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We are sexual being.

The whole "sexualization is le bad" is femoid psyop to keep non chads on check.

Retain, Lift, have a 12% bodyfat and make some money.
You will see how they really feel about sexualization.
Lift, meditate and lower the high insuline spikes.
Unironically top scene: coomer
and bottom scene: retainer
Personal experience.
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Sexuality is the perversion of the reproductive instinct.
You did not pay attention to my post. I was not letting women off the hook. I am under no delusions about the rampant sexuality of women.
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Next castle, retainfags!
just the thumb up your ass
Pray the Rosary everyday and keep impure thoughts out of your mind.

t. I'm over day 300
Day 60 here. I owe it to Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Blessed Virgin Mary. No other Gods or masters shall be served

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