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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
We survived the moon pull edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder...

Previous thread: >>38202950
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
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Day 24-or-something. Stay strong in the LORD and in the strength of His might. ῥήματα ἀντ' ἀλφίτων.
highly recommend massages for relieving some of the tension that builds up during SR bros
Hi do you know about Mt. Athos? I know women are banned from there, how can I visit the holy mountain?
Interesting. This is how I feel right now in my marriage. She keeps wanting sex now after years of basically dead bedroom. I like my charisma and zing for life. She feels like a friend to me now. There was little no to chemistry and now I feel nothing. Couldn't even stay hard during sex because it felt like masturbation. Doesn't help she went starfish and just nuked the crumbs of chemistry that night.
I don't know about it, sorry. You are the first person to ever speak of it in my hearing. I'm an American protestant who is very ignorant of the Eastern Orthodox Church, I'm afraid. I've only started studying Ancient Greek as of the first of May.
that's ok, I plan to visit there, spending weeks away from society, feminism and women sounds like paradise to me. Maybe somebody else reads that and find out such a place exists, I am grateful I found out about it, just knowing such a place exists warms my heart. If I'd ever go full monk I'd move there
Now that I know of it, I've become curious. I will look into it further. Perhaps it will be a place I visit when I go to Greece, if visitors are permitted there. I love women—dearly, dearly love them. A good woman charms my heart through and through, and a beautiful woman puts magic in my day, but there is something to be said for the austerity and fidelity which one finds solely among men. It has a certain gravity and vitality which has no parallel.

Before I was a Christian, I used to dream of monkish living on Wudangshan or Hieizan—those were romantic ideals, but I now consider them ultimately sensual at base. At the risk of sounding preachy, don't lose love and respect for women. In them is a representation of God's love for Man, His compassion towards us, and another representation of Himself.

Are you a member of the Orthodox Church?
visitors are permitted, but only men
not a member
I see; what is it then that makes Mr. Athos the place where you would commit to monkhood?
That's an interesting idea, but aren't you concerned of it stirring...sexual feelings? I must admit, when I think of it, I find myself concerned of my own desires.
Orthodox seems like the serious part of Christianity left, it is a sacred place, only monks live there, women are banned forever, it is an autonomous zone.
>They REALLY want the coom
Fuck her but don't coom
Any reason why the subreddit is so weird and schizo? Genuine question.
Love it when you get a good streak going and you’re always starting off the day with some morning wood.
I consider morning wood a bad sign, best streaks have zero wood
Yes but that's the point, massages release sexual tension without needing to coom
Sounds like you have a low libido.
Based. And same.
How long will it take to stop feeling lethargic if I've been addicted for 2 whole years?
Several days to week, some need whole month and there are those who need up to half year. You are creating your astral body right now and the ride will be wild. I have gained future sight like in anime. And I'm still not done
Right before I went on this 2 year addiction, I was on a very long streak. But it all went to shit.
>You are creating your astral body right now
niggas just be say anything on /srg/
There's your answer
After your astral body is created and fully realized in spiritual world you can jack off without any lingering attachments to nofap. However no one should ever masturbate just as gurdijeff said
Uh what?
Wrong thread, obviously.
No need to be a prick about it buddy
Ah I thought I was missing some esoteric lore
I'm just stopping by because I want to really stop watching porn but I'm struggeling.
I'm 32 soon I've got better stuff to do.
WAGMI though.
Didn't feel like it to me but thanks!
Have you tried those web browser add ons that stop you from accessing whatever websites you tell it? They definitely help break the habit of going there. And if you have offline porn just delete that. I struggle with this still because it seems Brave (the web browser I use on my phone) doesn't have this option on phones so sometimes I sneak in views on my phone in moments of weakness. Good luck!
>Brave (the web browser I use on my phone) doesn't have this option on phones
have you tried appblock? works on my phone but I use chrome so idk
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Any preppers here? Does SR help you with your disaster planning?
Checked it out, looks like it can't differentiate websites, so it just blocks all of 4chan.org and not specifically the NSFW boards. And it looks like they'll start charging money after 7 days of use. Thanks though.
I'd probably just circumvent it.
No way dude my libido is way too high actually. It's when you successfully practice mindfulness and stop lustful thoughts in their tracks and over time come at you less often you even stop getting morning wood. With a flick of a button tho shit will get diamond hard if I so wished. Had some this morning.
You can have random boners despite not having lustful thoughts. Morning wood doesnt happen just because you had a sexual dream. It's all a normal part of being a man.
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here was me on a 4 month streak in 2022, not sure, didnt keep track of days

i will say i only did pullups on gymnastic rings and 30k steps per day
but you can see muscles that are not even trained by pullups being developed and my fat had been at an all time low
semen retention really works for fitness
don't be showing your face on anonymous websites, bro.
flexing is insecurity.
guys tomorrow will be day 14 for me. I know that might not sound like much but this is the longest streak I've had in years. I'm in my late 20's. I could say more but all I really want to say right now is thank you for the encouragement and the community. I'm making some progress in my health, hobbies, and personal life lately, small wins, but wins nonetheless. Thank you bros.
Curious what is a femfag doing in a SR thread? I don't mind just curious.
Aaaaaa you're not a femfag, sorry fren.
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This. Breathing and pace are the trick.
The goal is to remain in the plateau area without approaching the orgasm area ever.
This is also the path towards a Non Ejaculatory Orgasm and getting energy out of it but those extra steps are a bit more complicated.
Tick the checkbox, go to bottom of page and click delete button. Upload new pic with face scrubbed if you wish to illustrate.
You're stronger than you even imagine, fren.
Just don't lower your guard.
It's easy to get gocky and sleep on laurels.
There's still road to traverse.
Also, releasing the desire for sex before engaging in it. Although anons should investigate this further, i believe the release process is done via some type of breathwork and is high level adept stuff.
Yes that is true, releasing the desire for sex, in other words, being sexually aroused without lust. It's 100% doable.
And yes, should be investigated further.
What about sex without ejaculation or orgasm?

Is it prohibited?
I appreciate the message fren, and nice dubs btw. I can unironically see my chest hair starting to spread further out kek. I WILL retain and I WILL gain. Anyway, I'm going to work out rn, then take a cold shower and read before bed. Stay strong SR bros. The journey is worth it.
>Is it prohibited?
It's called "semen retention" bro.
As long as you retain, and don't engage in lust, you're good to go. see

>It's easy to get gocky
Meant to write 'cocky' not 'gocky' lmao.
Keep it up fren.
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Good job fren, keep going.
I’ve lost count of my days, all I know is that I don’t fap. I don’t even remember porn as a product that exists anymore. I love how much I enjoy women now. They really are pleasant.
Nobody needs to do semen retention retards, jerk off, fuck bitches, then after just do sexual energy mediation and eat foods and take supplements with vitamins and minerals to restore the semen and energy. You people are pathetic.
I was wondering, if spilling semen is so bad for you, how was Louis CK able to reach such greats in his comedy career while spilling nonstop load thrice a day? Obviously his semen spilling backfired on him a bit lol, but he didn't really lose any fans and he's still going strong
Your shifts start tomorrow, you're not supposed to work on Sunday's retards.
Next time you're jacking off, look in the mirror. Make eye contact with yourself as you do it. Really feel everything you're feeling.
SR is not for success in the material world. When people report success in the material world, its simply a pleasant side effect, however its not the point. There's all sorts of methods one can use to become successful in the material world in this age
Lol I hate the CIA, why is that ur go to response to a fair question? Shouldn't u at least try to convince me of ur pov so I stop whacking and jacking it, if u really think thats important? I just find it interesting that the rhetoric is semen retention makes u more creative, when it seems like high IQ artistic types tend to have ravenous libidos, and hardly seem slowed down by if judging from the output
So what's the main reason I should stop cumming aside from it being a time waste and somewhat physically draining for half an hour? I'll get closer to God? Is that the gist?
Also I jack off in the mirror a lot, to admire my nice piece and pretty almond eyes
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Not him, however lets make this clear. We're not here to convince non-believers. If your instincts doesnt tell you that masturbation is inherently wrong, then no words can convince you. It is a calling, deep in one's blood and instinct, that leads them to pursue this, or other paths.

On the other hand, in this material world, you as a male is competition. So the fact that you jack off is tragic in the spiritual world, but in the material world, is good for us. We want you to jack off, the more men that are coomers, the better. We're not gonna beg you to stop jacking off like a monkey in a cage, whatever you do, we win.
Read the pastebin

>Verification not required.
I used to live exactly as you describe. Today I'm not doing it because I NEED it, but because I WANT to do it. But nice try.
Yeah spiritually mumbo jumbo. You guys just use technology to punish people and then claim it's spirituality.
Stop trying to make superstition a thing and making people dumb
Convincing people to believe in superstition and spirituality instead of materialism, rationality and science is literally counterproductive to self-efficacy and national security.
why are you on /x/
>you as a male is competition. So the fact that you jack off is tragic in the spiritual world, but in the material world, is good for us. We want you to jack off, the more men that are coomers,

You sound like a retarded edgelord.
fuck off samefag
Okay, now THIS GUY is ACTUALLY a CIA agent lol maybe there's somethings to holding it in afterall
>You guys just use technology to punish people
>Stop trying to make superstition a thing
Show us in the doll where /srg hurt you
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One more thing, I was curious about semen retention mainly after hearing the earth wind and fire song serpentine fire. It's the best song ever but I never knew what it was a about. I read the lyrics and found it's about Kundalini awakening, a result of semen retention. It's thought of as a kind of good thing but then I find all these horror stories and warnings from people who accidentally activated their Kundalini before they were ready and experienced physical pain and horrifying visions. Anyone got any input on this stuffs
Yes because the origin of the universe is itself, the universe came from nothing, going against its own laws.
>Kundalini awakening,
It's not related ONLY to SR. That's like saying you're gonna get ripped as a result of eating eggs.
Also consider that Kundalini isn't the same as sexual energy.
An unwanted Kunda awakening can be triggered by a lot of different facters.
What would happen if I applied to work at the CIA?
A lot of people claim to have "kundalini awakenings" but its not actually that, they are misguided in believing this. The dark night of the soul though , is real. Kundalini is a real thing, its a tiny membrane near your coccyx that has an atomic bomb level of energy

Kundalini can only be awakened forcefully, or through rigorous spiritual practises (where its safe). Forced kundalini awakenings are a result of doing yogic/meditative practises without a proper gurus guidance. They are dramatic, people lose their jobs, their friends, their wives, everything that wont help with spirituality is gone. On the other hand, the safe way is to basically become a really virtuous person, and you're basically unaffected (though, there are struggles to go through, as you let go of unwanted parts of yourself, and pay off the karma)

Just my understanding though, im no spiritual authority, this is just based on my research into the matter.
Try it out and keep us posted
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Even your family likes you more on a long clean Streak
Definitely. Or even better perspective, there's obviously some sort of negative energy release that comes with jacking off to porn, dont fuck up the fung shui of your house and expose your family to that shit.
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Yeah when they aren't being remote controlled by technology.
>Negative Nancy entered the thread
Is this tech able to make penis bigger? Pls tell me i have small penis i want bigger one how do i contact the tech people to increase my penis size? Bit of length, girth, and some veins. Thanks.
Penile implants.
kys glowie
I'm a panentheist. But still operate in the world based on science to the best of my ability.
>flexing roids abuse in a srg and can't even post a properly oriented image
haha, oh wow
nah, no roids, as i only weighed 68 kg at 175 cm.
(149 lbs 5'9)
>Leave it. It is over. The world of Men will fall. And all will come to
darkness ... and my city to ruin.
man the urges are strong rn. But i will soldier on. ~1 month in.
That's pretty lean
Do penile curves heal when left alone? or do I need to correct it myself with straightening exercises? it's not that big of a deal but I want it gone, since it is annoying and a remnant of pre-SR times
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I've masturbated 20 times in the last 48 hours and I genuinely want to kill myself.
Most people got a curved dick (i think, at the very least its normal) no need to worry about it.
yeah, but I think that might be because most people started at a very early age, like me...
Drink a lot of water. Maybe listen to some https://youtu.be/QaSXUvHdRcA?si=b0D3OM0-VM9botUt
Trust me when I say this in my late 30’s you are in for so many good years if you can persevere and retain NOW rather than later in life.

By definition there are no gay men on SR for uncontrolled lust is what drives homosexuality in the first place. Love for another man is not homosexual. I love my dad and male friends without any sexual attraction. Porn and the lust derived from it are what causes the deviant behavior. Without that… it’s just friendship.
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Why do you think everybody is "hecking depressed" now a days?

Stop jerking off and grow.
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Hold on to that feeling you have right now. How utterly pointless gooning is in the long run. Absolutely ZERO benefits. Remember this the next time you enter a flatline, it will help you.
Friends, in order to stop cooming you have to realize what causes it. It's anxiety. Even if you think are relaxed logically we know you are anxious if you are having trouble with this. And the solution is: you have to relax deeper, reach a state of relaxation And Go Beyond That. You already desire to become normal, you are merely ignoring your desire to relax and become more creative and powerful in life. We rationally know that sex is meant for reproduction, so it's really irrational to pursue a simulation of something you don't even want. I'm one of those who would be happier if you were actually fucking some women(depending at what cost) instead of fapping like a faggot.
Dont try to "force" being not a coomer. But dont simply accept being a coomer. Let go, and release the habit. We all need intimacy and love, so fulfil it via other means, in a more positive way. Really that when you're cooming, its not a loving thing, but actually its very self destructive. >>38219210 is solid stuff
I love you semenbros, fr, see you in Valhalla
Solid stuff, realised during bouts of anxiety late at night im more likely to coom,
>I'm one of those who would be happier if you were actually fucking some women(depending at what cost)
Definitely, but not just any girl. The girl you would fuck, but you wouldnt want your friends to see? Not her. The girl who you dont connect with, and just good for a fuck? Not her. Soulless, casual sex is just using another woman's body to masturbate.
>read about peoples experiences with succubi attacks in the night, last night.
>wake up from a sexual dream on day 11, unsure if I came or not, underwear looks like it has a stain on it.
Is it contagious? Did I think about the possibility of it happening too much and it left me open? I went to sleep trying to manifest no sexual thoughts or desires.
Either way I don't feel any different or drained today. I'm still unsure if I came.
Whatever you read or listen to will affect your subconscious. If you got spooked or aroused or afraid while reading that story online then you opened up a vulnerability within yourself. Even if you didn't particularly consciously crave that experience, your subconscious sure did.
Interesting, I'll try to avoid reading people's succubi experiences in these threads from now on. I don't ever recall running into that problem in the past doing retention.
Just blew a 2 week streak. Lord have mercy on me. Grant me the grace to get back on the wagon tomorrow
dont fall for the relapse binge trap.
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could gay dudes even do sr?
isn't that a oxymoron?

Holy fucking shit, anon.

I have done a lot of things to improve. Work out, meditation, instrospection, artsy hobbies, everything to be better. It get me some modest results, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm on the 19th day of SRG and, yesterday, my mom told me

>what are you doing, son? You look so good

My mom compliments me sometimes, the usual canned and nice affection, but she has never do so this specific way, I'm totally dumbfouded, it's totally unbelievable. I'm not even working out anymore bcs I'm taking a break from that.

That isn't even the end. The same day I went to sell some stuff to a girl. After I did and we were going our separate ways, I noticed we were going to the same direction. I would have never suggest it, but I offerred to go together and she said yes. Went talking on the way, it was pretty nice. I think she tried to play footsies with me, I got nervous and confused and placed my feet away. I said I think bcs I'm not sure, maybe I'm tripping, I don't know. I have no interest on her, I didn't find her pretty, but I don't remember the last time a woman talked with me this way. Maybe when a was going to school, idk. I think this must be the second time I went and give me the chance to talked to a woman, the first time was a long time ago, but this post is already too long.

sorry for bad english
More than readable, not bad to be honest.
Semen retention and bottoming seems like it could go hand in hand. Not only would you retain your semen, you would retain other men's semen. Seems like the most semen retention you could get.
Solid solids
Meh, i'm going to keep cumming. I get the feeling this whole semen retention stuff is a psyop.
There is degree to this truth, but its only one type of gay (homo = whore man). Porn is more responsible for tranny phenomenon desu, not gays.

Many gays however are normal folks, there is evidence to suggest sisters of homosexual men have more kids, suggesting they have a role to create sense of community. Some gays are a result of essentially recognising that all masculinity today is "fake", that man is not truly free, they recognise this in their spirit, and were disgusted by the rough play of boys as children, and grew up to be homos.

Anyway, just wish to say gaybros are welcome to try out SR too
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You can tell when a person is pure, can't you?
>pursue women

That's pretty Satanic if you ask me, aren't you supposed to have one wife according to The Bible? or maybe a bunch of them i dunno, but just having random sex with random women is Satanic if you ask me, especially if they already have husbands or as some call them "boyfriends" (ugh).
Yeah retain your seed goy, don't jerk off to alleviate stress or have sex with your wife. Retain your seed like some weird monk. It has all this benefits, look at all this proof!

>doesn't show any actual proof

Come to think of it, The Jesuits are probably behind this not The Jews.
No i can't, looks are very decieving. Look at all the beautiful White women taking BBC up their rear.
Your aura is clearer, there's no patches or ugliness in it. Also, Sivanandas book claims the chaste man smells of flowers.

Also, more women than men have this quality of purity. Solid whitepill there.
>Many gays however are normal folk
>Gays create a sense of community

Sus, a homo or naive.
Any proof that auras are even real?

>most women

That's a good one.
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>don't jerk off to alleviate stress or have sex with your wife.
>The Jesuits are probably behind this not The Jews.
We're on /x/. At its core, we here believe experience is the only thing that should dictate our beliefs, and we experience benefits. If you would like /x/ approved proof, feel free to read the pastebin which has many fantastic books that go into this in detail.
The journey begins within. Ask yourself why you feel the need to justify your coomer habits, while purposefully derailing a thread. How comes you're pressing the post button, instead of simply ignoring it and being indifferent. Its a lifelong journey. Good luck
Moar solid solids
>Any proof that auras are even real?
Yes, my eyes.
>That's a good one.
I said more, not most retard
> 38220764
You're either a Jesuit or don't know about The Jesuits. They are basically the Aryan version of The Jews.

I don't want to be some weird celibate monk, thanks. I'll keep busting nuts until i run out of cum. I'll probably die when i'm 80 or something and i will prove your claims of a reduced lifespan for coomers wrong, wouldn't that be funny?
you kikes and the jesuits are the fucking same degenerate mafia
nice try, jesuit or rabbi piece of shit
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The nose knows.
Alright I don't feel any desire to masturbate anymore. It's just gone. I deepened my meditative practice recently. What now? Didn't masturbate for two days then once then stopped and now I'm pure since yesterday.
>Although in the first 30 years of the existence of the Society of Jesus there were many Jesuits who were conversos (Catholic-convert Jews)
>the original wishes of Ignatius who "said that he would take it as a special grace from our Lord to come from Jewish lineage"
>priests played a major part in rescuing Jews, and that the Jesuits were one of the Catholic Orders that hid Jewish children in monasteries and schools to protect them from the Nazis.
Fucking "jesuits" bro
>Verification not required.
Um ok, just try it and see. Meditate, do pranayama, and do the shambhavi mudra and see what happens. The benefits are staggering.
>Auras are real, source: trust me bro

Bible doesn't mention auras as far as i know so it's probably a psyop to get you to believe in woowoo stuff. Demons are all about that.

Where's my evidence for demons being real? well, for one you can just go on TikTok before it's banned in the US (if you're M'rican) there's tons of videos on all languages that show what appear to be demons under many different shapes (they love to decieve people, i reckon Bigfoot and aliens are just demons LARPing). If you see a demon, you're probably going to The Lake of Fire. I think they can even actually kill people and don't need humans to do the killing for them necessarily speaking.

Pro-tip: don't play with ouija boards.
I saw a demon. Am I going to hell? I don't think so mother trucker.
>my psyop book doesn't mention auras, therefore auras is a psyop
Spiritually you are a cattle
No they aren't, blaming The Jews for everything is typicall Jesuit propaganda.

White people have hooked noses too, although that guy may be a Jew i dunno.

The Holohoax didn't happen and mainstream history is a lie so cool story about the Jesuits, i even think The Jesuits may be puppets but for that one i don't have much proof. Maybe the trannies i see everywhere in media and politics are in control? i dunno. I think they're Freemasons or something, lots of symbolism relating to that. They definetly are scapegoating The Jews for the not-so-very-gifted to see as the villains behind everything. This time there may actually be a Holocaust! oy vey! wouldn't that be terrible?
> 38221050
Go pontificate your coomerism somewhere else retard, no one believes your retarded pilpul.
>Verification not required.
No thanks.

Probably. Sorry, i hope you don't.

The Bible is the only book that isn't a psyop AFAIK, it's been tampered with though things have been added and probably substracted from it. Also, Satan keeps Mandela Effecting. It used to be Revelations not Revelation, demons are now called devils, two men are going to be in a bed now and one gets taken away instead of two people (you would assume it's a man and a woman before Satan changed it) and what is this thing about Pestilence not being a Horseman of The Apocalypse anymore?

I'm unto you Satan.

Oh and Zelensky is now Zelenskyy, anyone noticed that? it's true, google it.
Nope, only real resistance to Satan there is. You may want to join.

Benefits? well we have a great dental care plan and you get to live forever.
Finna bust a nut.
>thinks he sounds juvenile
low IQ glownigger
nobody cares just gtfo
get a real job
I sound like an inner city youth, if you know what i'm saying.
Your arrogance is tragic. All religions are fallen in the modern age. You have distorted the teachings, your belief that the creator God would favour an individual person based on belief alone has given you a dangerously false sense of security.
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Fucking jesuit/jews bro, you can't make this shit up.
>obvious tranny purple

This board is controlled opposition, they just deleted a Satanic Ritual Abuse thread like an hour ago. I saw it happen.

But Semen Retention? nah, they'll let this one stay up for days. They probably don't want you to cum for some weird reason especially if it's inside a woman, prolly envy against normal people.
>don't cum inside woman
Mature sperm produces healthier offspring.
It is encouraged to reproduce but with fully mature sperm (64-120 days).
Moar retarded glownigger faggotry.
Thank you for bringing moar eyes to this thread retard!
Not what Yahweh says, he says that if you don't believe in his son you're going to die forever https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VRjKEEw8Z-M&pp=ygUQYXJlIHlvdSBtYWQgYnJ1dg%3D%3D
Nah, besides, me and his son are cool. dont worry about me dude, stress is not good. Good luck
Your syntax, the way you argue the same points from your recycled shill list over and over, the way you share polluted youtube URLs, all dead giveaways of who you are.
You will never be a retainer.
Once again, you have been found out.
>Verification not required.
>Mature sperm produces healthier offspring

Prove your assertion, Benedict.


Galatians 2:16

Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

Which btw doesn't mean you shouldn't keep The Law, just that you're not justified by it for salvation.
Well you got one thing right at least, i will never be a celibate monk. You know who else doesn't ejaculate? women and children. I bet you don't even have a beard.
good morning Moshe
Good morning, Arturo. Misguided some "heretics" today?
dunno watcha talkin about Moshe, seems a try to deflect as your people always do tho
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>shabbat is over
>thread is back under attack
kek exactly. Some even started their shifts early on Sunday night, probably working for free. Sad.
So why is it that i don't feel tired then if cumming is so prejudicial to my health? i'm high energy and filled with vim and vigor, i have a zest for life. Mostly cause i look forward to cumming every so often, it's really one of God's gifts to mankind.
Right back at ya, Adolfo.

>working for free
Turns out i gotta go do... stuff https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FowLDgIXGG0&pp=ygUQRmlubmEgYnVzdCBhIG51dA%3D%3D

Week 6 starting today. The first thing that happened was that a woman sat next to me on the train and struck up conversation. Then a random guy at started talking with me, which is unusual seeing as we've never exchanged a word before. So I'm guessing I have started to send out something.
>Also, Sivanandas book claims the chaste man smells of flowers.
I would guess that was meant metaphorically, but... at this point I've seen enough truth in these celibacy books it may be literal.
It may come back. Stay on guard.
Do you guys still get erections after big streaks? I keep getting this horrible anxiety that my dick is shrinking from lack of use and that it's gonna shrivel up and fall off unless I force it back to being hard again. That feels more to why I haven't been able to last more than a week rather than getting horny at all.
tats just your sublimated libido trying to give your rational mind an excuse to masturbate
just a flatline, desu it's the easiest time of a streak because of 0 urges
erections are connected to many things adjustes by hormones. If you are worried about something, stressed, grieving or overwhelmed with work you might not get one. Erections come bock after flatlines bigger and stronger than before.
Thank god, please never come back!
I have a question about SR and women noticing your aura/giving you more attention. Does your aura get blocked/diminished to a degree if you
a) are wearing sunglasses or
b) are speaking to women digitally, a la video call?
Basically, does it only work if you are in the physical presence of women with your eyes visible, or does your aura transcend these minor physical and even digital bounds?
a) no
b) most probably no
>does your aura transcend these minor physical and even digital bounds?
Yes that seems to be the case, even long-time-no-see frens and girl-frens have hit me up during streaks and stuff like that.
my penis looks healthier when im on a big streak and I get erections extremely easily, like holding eye contact with a girl long enough gives me an erection
little ranty but I like this woman.
>a woman talking SR
No, thanks.
this is very true
This. It's just not relevant.
My mom went and out of the blue hugged me tightly from behind

>Day 26
you have to be either underage or a troll i can't believe an adult can be this naive and stupid nowadays
dick actually got bigger after a long streak, same with balls. i wake up with morning wood everyday and get at least ~random boners throughout a day without lustful thoughts. it's a clean streak in every sense i eveb eradicated most of lustful thouhghts and fantasies, the boners just happen randomly.
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I edged...
Idn dudes. Is she talking about how she felt on the presence of a retainer?
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So how semen retention is exactly connected to the magnum opus in the alchemical process?
If you want to transmute, the first step is actually having something to transmute. We know food not's the thing after all coomers, children and women eat all the time and they are not enlightened. Quite the opposite the more someone eats the farther one is from the understanding. Eating food makes you age faster. It's fasting the way? Yes, yes it is. But not only fasting of the stomach. We must fast our minds, our eyes, our tongues, our ears, our noses, our hands, our glands. Purify the whole body. Obstructions vanish. Production doesn't stop. The opposite! Without obstructions and distractions energy can flow freely, blood faces no satans and matter is transformed.
from matter to liquid to gas to aether/plasma/pure energy
if you are in doubt look at fountains.
if you are in doubt look at trees.
Clues and answers are everywhere you just need to know how to read.
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I find my days off from work to be my greatest challenges. I have too much free time. It's time to distract myself with Greek or something.
imagine how hard it is for us NEET shut ins
I don't envy you that. Stay strong, friend. Even if you bend, don't break.
just lift with blocked port there's no women inside your cave
She's a former OF model, she talks about specific content to appeal male audience, basically grifter behavior. Stay on SR, and if you're interested in women, pay attention to what they do and not what they say.
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Entire internet is being heavily shilled, the "undesirable topics and opinions" are shilled out hard by the different powers. They have all the resources to keep you in dark and all the manforce to flood your opinions and by different tactics be it ridicule or false information.
Just remember
They don't want you to be strong
They don't want you to be powerful
They don't want you to be free
They don't want you to work towards attaining these and becoming a better, more evolved individual.
They just want you functional enough to be their cog in the machine and their toy to be broken and disposed of when they so desire. The system sacrifices it's own parts all the time without batting an eye.
>For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
When about did these generals start?
So sick of porn now. I quit for a week recently then ended up bingeing and watching sick IR and faggot shit. I'm so tired of it, my brain has been ruined and perverted by this shit
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You don't realize but with this practice you not only go against weakness of your own spirit, but against the powerful of today that fabricate the environment in such fashion so for you to always stay weak for them to always stay strong.
Purify and strengthen your body, mind and soul for they will serve as an armour against their weapons of illness. For they will serve as a lighthouse guiding you in the darkness that shrouds everything. For they will serve as a fire that cleanses the entire world.
I do not want to create from nofap condition which I need to follow to dot. However it's very powerful and undeniable. So my rules are, never jack off but cum inside women if given the chance.
Same here fag. Same porn and for a looonngggg time its seem like a week ir so is about the longest i’ve been able to go
The more red the dot is the harder sr is, unless somehow my dick controls the dot, that would be something
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hey guys im new here, suffer from PIED and am on Nofap on day 14 (not watching any porn and avoiding erotic imagery as much as possible), i also exercice 3x a week (kickboxing and calisthenics). could you guys tell me aprox. when things start getting better?
6 months.
>when things start getting better?
a month or less.

a couple of months.
What's pied
Things should get better after a month, 90 days is considered a "reset" for a lot of nofappers but could take longer. You'll be able to feel it, just touch your dick and you can tell the nerves are getting more sensitive
I suggest supplementing with meditation too
Porn induced erectile dysfunction (though i think it should be called porn + death grip induced erectile dysfunction)
It’s quite common. The phenomenon of getting creamPIED over and over. For example, your mom.
SR would correspond to the first step, purification, or nigredo which is confronting the soul essentially. When seeking to know and learn higher worlds, we create protection for ourselves by dissolving the negative parts of ourselves so the body is capable of receiving the light. If we were to try to progress without purification, then even though the good parts of ourselves is amplified, so will the bad, and that will be disastrous.
Agreed with the rest though, fasting is powerful stuff
Great joke you gay retard
thanks guys
Well, it’s because the trust and bonds of women and men are more broken than before.
>relapsed after 3 months
>blood in cum
is this a sign?
Of balls cancer? Yes
>blood in cum
A sign to see a doctor asap. I haven't visited one in over 10+ years, but this is obviously a good reason.
sometimes after long retention the force of ejaculation is so small, little capillaries burst from pressure and there can be some blood in semen.
Of course there are other things thay cause blood in semen, in that case it is advisable to seek medical opinion.
force of ejaculation is so big*
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I've discovered apparently there is a type of walking meditation called kinhin. I think this is a gamechanger. Combine walks with meditation, double my productivity, double the length of my streaks. I've done it again
I find its easier to meditate while walking than sitting still. Ditch the earbuds, semenbros
>I don't want to be some weird celibate monk
no where is it said that's what happens, nor does that happen to anyone who retains. keep lying to yourself.
>waaah I don't want to exercise cause i don't want to be a balloon animal body builder
>waaah I don't go outside cause exposure to light causes blindness and I don't want to be blind
yeah solid logic bro
6/10 bait, not bad, needs work
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When we engage in the act of masturbating to pornography, we are not merely indulging in a physical pleasure. We are performing an occult ritual that opens a gateway to dark, interdimensional entities. These entities feed on the negative energy generated by our feelings of shame, guilt, and despair. They are drawn to the emotional turmoil that this act creates, and they thrive on it. Imagine, if you will, that each time you engage in this act, you are lighting a beacon that signals to these dark entities. You are inviting them into your life, giving them permission to influence your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions. They latch onto the negative energy you produce, and they grow stronger, perpetuating a cycle of addiction and emotional distress. This is not just a matter of personal weakness or moral failing. This is a spiritual battle, and we must arm ourselves with the knowledge and the will to fight it. By understanding the true nature of this act, we can begin to see the broader implications it has on our spiritual well-being. We must strive to cultivate positive energy in our lives. We must be mindful of the content we consume and the rituals we unknowingly perform. By doing so, we can protect ourselves from these dark influences and create a healthier, more fulfilling existence. Let us close the door to these negative entities and open ourselves to the light and love that is our true nature. Let us reclaim our power and our purity, and live in a way that honors our highest selves.
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>pic rel
Perhaps some of these entities are external, but i find this disempowering. Unfortunately, we are often creating these entities ourselves, feeding them our energy and thought. Years of porn usage leads to them gaining so much energy that it has a life of its own, but just as we created them, we can destroy them.
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Remember, the streak MUST BE CLEAN.
If you edge your PIED sintoms aint gonna heal at all.
day 4 or something, idk lost count, anyways never cooming again, be strong frens
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Ultra checked double trips

I really felt that way too, in fact when I was making my firsts attemps I looked at porn and erotic images just to feel the blood going. BUT, being around women (the eye contact bs) makes it hard, even before SRG, but wtv.

Your dick won't fall, anon, don't worry. Jerking off must be worse than leaving your dick alone.
How the fuck this kind of people get laid? I won't stop SRG, that would be stupid.
I get normal porn users having sex and relationships, but what is this shit?
serial rapists have been known to get married. even serial pedo rapists. just focus on yourself.
It’s been 25 days now since I’ve masturbated or looked at porn or smoked weed. Keeping this up indefinitely, simply for the sake of my dignity.
the porn-weed vortex is a slippery one. throw alcohol into the mix and it might as well be sagittarius A*. keep struggling
Why do I keep peeking? I feel terrible afterwards but I keep going back for the rush.
Not smoking weed has made it much easier for me to retain. I also never drink so that’s not relevant to me. Smoking cigarettes has helped to keep my sober, along with simple willpower.
Because it gives you a temporary relief of something deeper you're trying to mask. You need to address that.
I smoke weed because it makes it harder for me to retain, and I feel like I am able to confront the urge in its full intensity when high. I've relapsed hundreds and hundreds of times, but I've chipped away at the beast to the point where I can say I've not only outgrown porn, but the internet and media.
People here are just more self conscious of their porn and masturbation habits, which reflects as shame and stops them from being able to attract women. This is a good thing btw, however guys without this shame complex do fine with women.
Women do have a sense for males that have stronger spirits, but much of that instinct is dulled by modernity, and they certainly do not select for virtuous men or anything like that. SRs attraction is counterbalanced by the fact that those who take up SR will have a lower tolerance for female BS.
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by edging do you mean actually touching my meat or just so look at arousing images? sorry english isnt my main language and again im relatively new to this
you should be doing neither. people in these threads who want to edge are like AA members asking if it's still cool to go to a liquor store just to browse
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>i must tell other men they need to coom
Why do they keep coming here? Is it demonic possession?
The real reason weed ruins streaks is that it makes you hyper-aware of tension you're holding in your body. Your body craves release of that tension, and the only way it knows how is through orgasm.

The state of being high resembles the energetic state of kundalini awakening, and you could say that the loci of muscle tension in your body are blocked chakras preventing the flow of energy up the spine.

This is where yoga comes in. The purpose of yoga is to release those balls of tension and achieve full relaxation. I believe 4 of the 5 Tinetan Rites in the general pasta are yoga poses.
>Tinetan Rites in the general pasta are yoga poses.
Not exactly but they're extremely similar, so in a technical way yes they are basically the same.
Even the sixth rite has its yoga counterpart, also not exactly the same but extremely similar.
Yeah, right? I feel stupid being shy with women when this pieces of shit just go out there and have a normal love life. I guess I just have to remember, this garbage can do it. Besides, it's not like women can filter men with a 100%. They should be pure for that, and that clearly isn't the case.

That's a good point. I should stop being so self conscious, tho. I don't think that is a good thing. I mean, stop being porn-addict and a self conscious coward sounds cool
It’s demons. They act extreme no matter what.
richard ramirez, the night stalker, would rape children and gouge out the eyes of his victims. he got married in jail. some men can kill and abuse and dominate all they want and love will be waiting for them. your hang-ups are self-inflicted, whatever moral code you think you're violating by being more assertive is fairy dust, it's possible to live virtuously and not be a doormat or a dark triad larper - since if those traits came naturally you wouldn't be shy. what I'm saying is find a source of confidence outside the game dictated by peacock men and their groupies.
You shouldn't do either, but touching your pp is far worse than just watching porn.
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I'm sorry guys, but there's nothing I like more than shooting a huge load - especially inside a beautiful woman.
so do like richard ramirez did got it
I was shy with women the trick is you have to flirt with them all the time to not be anxious. If you talk about normal things like with your male friend it will end up with anxiety and shyness and shitload of stress
Only on day 4 but feeling anxious and angry everywhere I turn. What’s your guys’ secret to not strangling someone who so much as looks at you or says the wrong thing? There’s only so many cold showers I can take in a day and I’ve already maxed out on the cardio + lifting. Will a wearing male chastity cage be beneficial?
Gateway experience SR approved? Pls respond thank you sirs
Yeah its tough though. Something i struggle with too. Some of the PUA stuff is good, like kino touching, or talking slower, but the rest of it is just leading an interesting life and having a sort of carelessness in your aura
that's just the anger and frustration you've been repressing the whole time. look within and ask yourself why people bother you like that. I feel engulfed by bitterness as well but it feels like poison, I pray to a higher awareness to heal the wounded animal inside me
>Gateway experience SR approved?
>SR approved?
The hell does that even mean
cant speak for the community as a whole but no i dont trust it, self hypnosis is based tho
>10+ days into SR streak: dreamless sleep (atleast no dreams that I can remember upon waking)
>when I relapse: immediately back to remembering my dreams the morning after (not really my preference as most of my dreams are dumb

Has anyone experienced something similar?
I've experienced the complete opposite, fren.
weird. guess it's different from person to person.
Not my problem.
Extremely based.
>Verification not required.
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Here you go my fellow retainers bros, the golden morning diet plan for ultimate wellbeing. No caffein, no gluten, no lactose, pure joy.
T levels going through roof. You are currently having normal male experience which our grandfathers had. Time to smash someone face in bar fight
If that works for you, great. Personally im gonna skip breakfast, have a coffee in the morning and intermittently fast. Coffee's good for me, its good for metabolism and gives me a boost to go the whole day.
That is suppressed energy, transmute now!
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based, keep it up anon
why do you not trust it? the one thing i don't like is in the little affirmation pledge he never specifies to ask for wisdom from WELL INTENTIONED entities so I always add that in
This isn't anime where you can simply change energy and power up you gay faggot
>he doesn't know
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tbhs, i tried a LOT of dietary changes and so far the one that worked best was.... Nothing. Not even water.

But im pretty fat, so perhaps that is a factor.
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What do you know about anime sex transmutation powers?
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How long do you dry fast?
How beneficial are cold showers? Is it the longer the better or is there a limit?
That hairline tho
I think they're stupid and probably harmful, unless you're training for something that requires bearing cold temperatures you're just shocking your body for no reason
In my experience cold showers are a meme, or at least the lack of sleep it causes by not having a hot shower at night was more detrimental to me than the cognitive benefits I'd have one hour after a cold shower. But if you just need an actual number I'd say 45 seconds is enough I did it for 2 minutes and had no benefits noticeable from just having that first blast of cold water.
I think that my record was 36hs aprox.

Slowly trying to make an habit to dry fast for 20 hs every day,

Be honest. how often do you really drink liquids because you are thirsty (your body asks you to drink water)?

Just try it dude.
Fasting is kino, more so to clean up fat excess.
I start with a hot shower then go tap cold at the end. No shock but I do feel more “refreshed”. I also dont think it’s even close to the value of SR but I guess every little bit helps.
There are physiological benefits but it's mainly psychological, force you to do something you don't want but would not kill you, prove yourself you're alive and shit.

Don't overthinking it, just turn the knob down a little bit if you're not sure, play with your limits. That said, the first time you do 3m+ on coldest water you feel freaking alive.
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Back on the wagon today. Day 1 in the books.
My favorite aspect of nofap is the childlike purity of mind I develop after 6 days clean. Doesn't work if I edge but after six days I stop having intrusive pornographic or negative thoughts and it's actually fun being in my head
thanks for posting these to help the betterment of mankind based OP
I did no fap for like 3 months didn't feel any change at all lol
just a reminder for anyone who's on this journey: keep your own journal of benefits. sometimes I think semenretention does nothing for me, then I read through all the scenarios that never happened to me unless I was doing retention, like beautiful women suddenly appearing into my highly anti social world, people treating me with more respect, etc.

if you masturbate too much you get used to the feeling of invisible and forget how good life can be
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I prefer a hot soak in a bath full of Epsom salts and some luxury soaps.

I don't think fasting should be used as a diet. Its purpose is to weaken the fleshly nature and get close to God. It removes static, essentially— when done properly. One should spend that time consecrated to God and engage in worship and study of Scripture. The longest I've fasted without food or water was three days. I found day two to be the most difficult for some reason. I've gone eleven days without food. I intended to go twenty-one, but my resolve proved frail. I once went on a fast in preparation for a Christian men's weekend retreat. I came off of it about an hour before the retreat began. During the first night, a demoniac revealed his possessed state (the only time I've seen a possession which was quite as animated as in films) and the only person in the room the demon was scarred of was me. I had little idea how to deal with it at the time, I was a reasonably new Christian, and it was my two pastors and our guest pastor who cast it out, but I knew why the demon was afraid. I had spent the last I don't know how many hours in the presence of God and in pure worship. The Holy Spirit had had me rejoicing in the verse "Oh that You would rend the Heaven's Lord and come down, that the mountains might quake at Your presence," for hours, lol. In other words, it wasn't really scarred of any people, including me, but it was dreadfully afraid of God, in whose presence I was soaking. The man became a Christian and has since married a lovely Christian woman, had children, became an engineer, and is fully thriving, last I heard. He even gave his testimony at colleges in other states. A bit of a random anecdote, but it is on your topic of fasting, quite "supernatural," and, as abstinence before marriage is a vital part of living a holy life, has overlap.

I enjoy milk and a hot cup of black coffee too much, but it does sound like a delicious breakfast.
That sounds like a good motivation to get a wife and have children. Abstain till then and you won't regret it.
it really is insane how much porn messes with our heads. and since 99.9999% of men are on it they don't see it. we're the "weird ones"
I totally drained my balls today doing sex magic...
But it was worth it...
That's a very good idea, anon. I think it might help keep me motivated down the road, when I've, God-help-me, achieved a new all time high to my streak.
i don't know much about dry fasting but i do know the hydrohomies are full of shit. wouldn't be surprised if half the "hydration" stuff is just companies trying to sell us gatorade and snapple. the body can figure out how much water it needs
100%. if i open my old text doc and read through it, there are events I would have forgotten if I didn't write them down. don't listen to the temptation of "I'll remember it," you'll remember some and not all. and it becomes your own evidence
I know just what you mean. And it has permeated the culture and been used as a backdoor method for corrupting the culture. Not even the women are safe. If anything I would say women are suffering even more.
here's one I found in mine, for anyone it might help:
>Ever "just have a bad day" that you can't explain? There will be days on SR where it will be the opposite. I'm writing this one at night, where I just felt in a good mood all day. No anxiety, no sense of dread about the future, no melancholy. Just pure feelings of satisfaction and inner peace, and joy when sharing a positive disposition with others.
>all it took to achieve a modicum of peace and satisfaction is just circulating the sunlight you get from food + the spark you were born with through your body instead of shooting out through your dick
life is so easy sometimes
I'm just gonna post more benefits I've written down in case there's someone out there who might feel motivated

> Weird little signs of respect. People opening doors for you when previously you were invisible. People giving you things for free, and yes, that happened. People turn to look who's talking when you start speaking. People not letting you get out of a hug. It's weird. You are no longer invisible.

> Dreams come back, nightmares disappeared. There is something very spiritually reassuring about having more wholesome dreams.

> Requiring less sleep: 6 rather than 7 hours. I wake up without alarm clocks.

> Bad moods are virtually nonexistent. If someone wounds you, you heal from that like Wolverine or something. You're constantly having a "good day."

> I don't hide from people as much as I used to. I roll down the windows in my car so people can judge my music selection, lol. I don't care; I want to feel the wind.

> My friend told me that I'm funnier lately, and asked what changed.

> Random desire for improvements sort of indirectly related to being better to the opposite sex. I had the urge to get a haircut. I started researching how to dress better.

> People are nicer to you, such as cashiers, and offer to take care of you. Usually, I feel like strangers are kind of standoffish to me; this week, they're pleasant, going out of their way to help me, etc.

> Music is 2x as intense and vivid. Maybe three times so.

> Sad, woe-is-me music sounds like garbage and doesn't resonate with me at all

> Even your thoughts get more social. "Should I get some food and then hide in my apartment" becomes "I should go to a restaurant?"

> Opportunities present themselves. Women start showing up where you do as if miraculously. As I write this one, I just saw a stunning woman at an ordinary gas station. Never saw someone that beautiful at the gas station before.
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>The more water you consume, the more pee you produce.
>The more pee you produce the more electrolytes you lose
>The lower your electrolytes, the more you want to eat goyslope

Pretty much everything they told us about nutrition was a lie.

"Stay Hydrated" is retarded if you think about it. "Just hecking force yourself to drink even if you arent thirsty goy"
basically the same logic as "don't pee." so dumb
> Weird little signs of respect.
You were just gooned out of your mind to notice this before. It was always there.
> Dreams come back, nightmares disappeared.
Same as above, chemical imbalance, not supernatural.
> Requiring less sleep
Same as above.
> Bad moods are virtually nonexistent.
Same as above. Also see: alcoholism
>I don't hide from people as much as I used to
Same as above. Better mental chemistry.
>I'm funnier lately
Same as above. Also see: junkies
> People are nicer to you
Same as the first, you just never noticed.
> Music
Most likely because you are not gooned out of your mind.
> Even your thoughts get more social.
Same as the other points. Refer to hard drug addicts and their behavior while using it.
> Opportunities present themselves.
Same as the first, you were too busy thinking about porn to notice these.
these are so objectively removed from the actual experience of living it i can only assume you're attempting to slide or something
"these benefits came because you are not gooned out of your mind"
yes that's the point
I don't see how what you're saying is mutually exclusive to SRG. Both sides seem right
Just gooned for a second time today to girls using giant dildos. My mind is fried. I’m going to post what day i’m on everyday in this thread and give updates to how i’m feeling and any supernatural things that happen such as magnetism, foretelling dreams etc.(which i have experienced before) to keep myself accountable. Wish me luck
Tetra Satan of Retention has spoken
Welcome back to the wagon, fren
>> Bad moods are virtually nonexistent. If someone wounds you, you heal from that like Wolverine or something. You're constantly having a "good day."
Hell yeah, can relate.
>>38227985 Based.
>>38228099 Checked.
Good luck fren, stay away from the gooning and the giant dildos.
Shut the fuck up glowie.
>Weird little signs of respect. People opening doors for you when previously you were invisible.
this just happened to me today and this shit never happens to me it was a hot girl too
i feel like everyone says this but damn it really did happen
stay strong brahs were all gonna make it

the music thing is different for me too
i can only listen to aggressive thrash metal i liked in high school
i was always a megadeth guy but i find myself appreciating Metallica & pantera more
wherever i may roam seems to be about SR
They ultimately pay the most at the hands of weak men. crystalcafe is a good survey of how common it is for chronically online women to never meet any other kind of man. They won't until their vibration raises, which can't happen if they're spending time with other weak women
We gon' do sumtin 'boutit or w0t?
>new bread



That's awesome. I love it.
You seem to have nice guy syndrome. If you want to get better with women first be better with yourself.
Second if you have ANY resentment towards women throw it out the window it only hurts you.
Third you don't deserve anything by having certain traits or material posessions it's about human connection.
Personally, I don't eat anything for breakfast, I just drink coffee with cinnamon, butter or MCT oil, a pinch of salt, and a dash of milk added. Two cups of that and then I eat around 2-3pm. Works for me.
I can only give my anecdote. The past three days I've been taking ONLY cold showers, so not freezing cold, but still cold and shocking. I like it because it wakes me up, brings me to a more aware state, I feel like it helps keep my urges at bay, and I am much more efficient time-wise when I take cold showers...no wasting time too long in there. I feel like cold showers have become much more bearable while on SR.
>Let me tell you what happend to you based o suggestions
Supposedly you should do it until you start shivering.
I meant "Tibetan Rites," woops
I don't think the first Rite (spinning in place) is associated with yoga, but I could be wrong. But yes, you're absolutely right about the 6th Rite, which is arguably the most important one.
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>This isn't anime where you can simply change energy and power up
You literally can, though. Master the 3 bandhas and you can transmute your energy up the spine.

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