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About 2 months ago, I had a drug horror trip that I didn't expect when I used cannabis. What followed was the most intense and disturbing "experience" of my life, which took me through various emotional and mind-expanding states.

It started in the evening in bed with my girlfriend rolling a joint.
I took 4 very deep puffs and chilled out for some time.

The trip started with slight uncontrollable rhythmic body twitches that felt like gentle electric current was running through my cardiovascular system. These twitches were accompanied by a slow but steady increase in my heartbeat, which led to a feeling of heat in my chest. Within a short period of time, I had extreme heart palpitations. At times, I felt as if my heart might explode at any moment or cause a heart attack. The heart rhythm seemed to be out of sync and became irregular, which further increased my anxiety.
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While trapped in this physically and emotionally intense situation, my mind began to move in a surreal direction. I felt like I was imprisoned in a distorted reality where I was simultaneously experiencing elements from the movies "The Matrix," "12 Monkeys," "Inception," "The Truman Show," and "Final Destination." This mixture of movie worlds increased my confusion and led to a strong need for a reality check.

To make sure that time was running normally, I kept looking at the clock. But time seemed to have stopped, and every second felt like an eternity. The thought that I might be caught in an eternal time loop increased my anxiety and fears.

A strange visual distortion occurred as I looked at my girlfriend's face. Suddenly, her face seemed to transform into that of Samara from the movie "The Ring." At that moment, I was overcome by an overhelming frightening thought: I was firmly convinced that a mysterious, thousand-year-old curse had befallen me.
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This curse seemed to randomly select people who used drugs, and I felt like I was the victim this time. That's why some people can consume 100x and have wonderful trips, but on the 101x time, they experience a "bad trip." I thought the only meaning of life is to try to get out of this curse.

All of a sudden my mind, the drug, an artificial intelligence, whoever, told me : "Welcome, idiot. I thought you swore you'd never come back here. Now it's too late, this time you stay here. This is your reality. You are forever trapped in an eternal cycle, a short circuit in your brain." I immediately remembered that I had experienced similar things countless times before in my past lives and had sworn NEVER to use drugs again. It had just slipped my mind after the last trip. Creeping panic took possession of me, the idea that this time I could be permanently trapped, that this was the real world in which I now had to survive. For hours I circled around this thought, struggling laboriously and panic-stricken for control over my mind, with sweat on my forehead and a cramped body.

These thoughts intensified my fears and pulled me deeper and deeper into the horror trip.
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I was no longer myself. I didn't know who I was or that I was alive. I simply existed, nothing else. Trapped for all eternity in this "curse". No escape, like a rat in an experimental laboratory. I realized that this could be death, that we could all get there when we die, and do nothing about it, as it could be the ultimate truth behind everything. Absolutely NO escape. Panic took hold of me, despair like never before in my life. I was despair, I WAS PANIC. An unimaginable, insane FEAR filled the room, the certainty of being held captive forever in this mental short circuit. For me, eternity was an endless loop. My soul seemed to have shrunk to a tiny being, which could only go through an agonizing loop of thoughts.
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From now on it becomes absurd.

Even closing my eyes didn't bring any relief, because suddenly I saw in my mind's eye an endless repetition of the "Simpsons Couch Gag - Homer's Universe Paradox".

(If that one isn't familiar, here's a video link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OiRk56pNEk )

This incessantly repeating scene intensified my whirlwind of thoughts, which eventually ended in a manic laughter. I seriously pondered whether all of humanity and the universe could possibly exist in Homer Simpson's head. This thought was so absurd and surreally funny that I had never experienced such a laughing fit in my entire life. I had difficulty breathing air because I was laughing so hard. But then the horror trip returned. What if I actually got caught in the curse? And I just thought, Oh no.
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The primal fear overcame me again. For what felt like an eternity, the thoughts about Homer Simpson and the curse fought against each other in my head. It felt like a holy war, like a scary roller coaster ride, a constant interplay of yin and yang, good and evil. My emotions continuously fluctuated between pure euphoria and hell on earth. Like an electromagnetic wave, I had to try to get the universe back into "balance." My task seemed to be to find out how I could bring myself, the world and all life in the universe back into harmony and unison. And here the cosmic joke revealed itself - I WAS THE JOKE, as I simultaneously tried to decipher this joke. I am not religious, yet I felt like Jesus Christ, who must sacrifice himself to save humanity and redeem it from all sin.

At some point, without a time frame, the effects wore off and I realized I had tried cannabis. The drug had given me a glimpse of where the human journey might lead after physical death. I whimpered, "no, no, this can't be happening," mourning all the souls who, like me, could exist trapped in a mental infinite loop forever. "NO, PLEASE DON'T." This simply cannot be the truth.
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At this time I became painfully aware that the other side is reality and my body is only an illusion.

Everything I experience and feel is ultimately nothing more than an illusion.
And this knowledge held me captive. Overjoyed and grateful, I was able to return to my body. Again and again I thought: If this is DEATH, then I never want to die. Before, I was never afraid of death, but now I felt it. This is what remained from that experience. The fear that it might be true after all, because it had felt so real.

Anything, no matter how bad it is in our reality, is better than what I had just been through. I cried with joy because I had not died and was allowed to go on living.
Overwhelmed with happiness and infinitely grateful, I promised myself to become a better human.

Yeah weed's nuts man
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The paranormal theory of everything proposes that the human life experience is an eternal cycle. It suggests that throughout the universe, every human being will eventually live the life of a poor African slave, a rich farmer, a wealthy and attractive superstar, every fallen soldier, every tortured poor victim of Mexican drug cartel members, a drunk beggar and Adolf Hitler. This theory is based on the notion that humanity is connected to the universe in ways that go beyond what we can understand. It suggests that our actions, feelings, and beliefs are linked to a higher purpose, and thus our lives are part of a grand plan.
Proponents of this paranormal theory believe that in order to unlock the secrets of the universe, we must understand our place in it, and how our actions influence the cosmic order. They suggest that each individual life is intertwined with the cosmic force and that no matter how we shape our lives, we will eventually ‘come full circle’ and finish the same cycle.
This theory also proposes that if time is infinite, the Big Bang may recreate the exact same life we live now in one moment of time, or that every human will have the opportunity to experience a multitude of lives throughout their journey. In order for us to achieve cosmic harmony, we must connect with our higher selves, and this is only possible through deep understanding of ourselves and of the universe. It is suggested that when we accomplish this, we will eventually reach a state of enlightenment, and the lives of all those mentioned will become a distant memory.
Ultimately, this paranormal theory of everything suggests that our lives are part of a greater, everlasting cycle of life and death, and that our actions have a greater purpose beyond what we currently understand. In order for us to achieve our highest potential and to unlock the power of the universe, we must be aware of our place in it, and how our actions shape our destiny.
The walls were broken and you escaped? Trying to understand how you ended up in that prison?
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Get well soon.
pull air into to your butt hole

actually try olove oil
that's feels like an atypical experience on weed
you taking any meds that might be interacting with it? Ssri's or maoi? things can get weird when you mix certain things
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yea your ass got laced, i smoke everyday and this is def not what happens
>I seriously pondered whether all of humanity and the universe could possibly exist in Homer Simpson's head.
Ha, once when I was psychotic I had the delusion that I was a thought in Eric Cartman's head. Interesting story but don't take the experience too seriously. Strange shit happens sometimes and sometimes it don't mean shit.
I had felt the weed 'curse' before. Only once to quit completely, very similar to your story. I knew I almost got taken. I wished I would never die.
Then you sobered up and went back to your job and life. It's called being high. Well all went through it, your the only one who was scared and freaked out over it.
There's ppl walking around like that 24/7 happy, having fun.
Quit being a pussy.
Rumors of laced weed is a cope. Weed can indeed cause paychosis amongst other pschye issues
You did not experience death, you experienced the void. This is where demons live. They told you lies.
I think you shouldn't watch horror movies if they give you nightmares.
It happens. I ate too many edibles one time and had a recurring thought loop of planetary level weapons tech that used womrholes or portals to transport big star explosions to the same place as a planet or star system and obliterate it in an instantaneous white hot flash
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I don't take any meds, I don't drink alcohol and I don't have any illnesses. I'm totally normal.

I've smoked weed many times and always had a very pleasant feeling with a gentle body high.
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It's weird people almost never want to talk about these trips, they deny it claiming it's complete psychosis when there's a consistency for people that have had this experience.
Relatable with the depersonalization, psychosis, and Simpsons analogy. You're probably an undiagnosed schizo like myself.
Sucks that happened to you, every time I smoke weed this shit happens with mixed results.
Here's what I experienced:
lagging/leapfrog thinking, which would cause the psychotic thinking
Text has a golden shine, looks amazing
Everything is fucking melting including visual, had a sense of wax around me.
My auditory was fucked making everyone sound like gibberish robots.
Thought a demonic force was hinting to me weed was an ancient trick to eternally trap you in stone.
Extreme deja vu with every word being a prophecy.
Everything was a present painting.
thought grandpa and I synchronised in the depersonalized debug room with a crowded room of drunk people, somehow he was the only one with a bright light who saw me in senseless state.
Once pussied out once, sensed the film reel was ending and I had seconds to escape so I went to a bright light in complete darkness, my mom who was mother mary in my retard state.
Felt a bit better later trying to sleep it off but I still sensed the eternal universe and looking at anything specific would have me zoom into it forever, it was headache inducing.
Ended up realizing the universe is an eternal evolution you're in forever with the joke being you can't escape the realm.
After 2 weeks felt a lot better, I still feel a bit fucked after 4 years from my first single hit of pot with friends lmao
What OP describes sounds kinda like a spice overdose though
Some tips OP

1. Make sure your Weed is actually Weed. Buy your weed by the nug online as THC-A hemp or through dispensary in a legal state. If it wasn't presented to me in this way, I would refuse to consume.

2. Always vape weed it removes 99% of the tar and smoke.

3. Only take 2-3 hits and wait 10 minutes and then decided whether you want to continue or stay at the level you're at(to avoid getting too high and the tolerance anxiety)

I'm not saying you got laced, but I've been consuming cannabis for over 12 years and I'm 27. I've never had anything like that happen to me ever.

I'm not an addict, and I've had huge gaps in my weed tolerance where I picked up and smoked 26% weed again after 3 year tolerance breaks.
>when I used cannabis
people who talk like this are like people who use apple music and pinterest
they just don't have sex
Did you also experience the electricity that OP mentioned? That was the case for me, on the bodily side i felt extremely light and like only my skeleton existed. We were outside at a skate park and i actually feared that i would be floating away slowly.

The biggest physical effect though were the currents running through my body and the resulting twitching. I didn't feel a warmth like OP but i definitely felt like i would be having a heart attack soon.
Are you from Europe, if so what country and from where did you get the weed?
A few years back (nowadays still) there was synthetic cannabinoid sprayed CBD bud on the market because it makes more money.
This can cause heart palps, extreme anxiety/paranoia and psychosis.
IIRC Switzerland still had the most reports of this shit happening, but happens anywhere in Europe aswell
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You reached for the secret too soon
You cried for the moon
I had this shit only once when smoking dope
What happened was the marijuana started to activate your psychic energy chi and the demonic forces attacked you to cause pain and anxiety and probably some blockages and other details
Sounds fun... I wish my weed tolerance was this low.
You took too much.
Weed gave me visions of demons n shit along with intense chest pain. Not for me.
It sounds like it was indeed a curse, like when the spirit of salvia punishes a smoker because it despises being burnt. If there was an eternal multiple reincarnation aspect of this curse then you really ought to do some past life regression to try and lift it.
Demons love to prey when we're our most vulnerable whether that be before sleep or while on substances. One time I had similar things that OP and a few others in this thread described. I was seeing visions and then suddenly woke up to a chill seeing a dark shadow mad at me that looked something that only animes do a good job portraying. It seemed mad I was noticing it or something and I ordered it out through Jesus. I think THC is very spiritual at least for me and I've tried to keep from using it.
Weed turns you into tranny. If you smoke weed you have to practice anal sex. It's your destiny.
It's a little disturbing how similar your experience was with a few of my own bad weed experiences, especially the curse part, the voice and what it said, remembering I'd done it before a million times. Everything felt scripted to lead me to that moment of smoking again just to torture me then reset so it could all happen again. When? That wasn't clear only that it would happen again, and has been happening on a loop for a very very long time.
I think we might be fucked in the head desu
As for
>yo hol up dawg shiiet that shit was laced n shiet xd I smoke da reefer all day that shit ain't weed yo xDd
This happened to me both alone and WHILE smoking with others, people who don't buy fucking laced weed, who sat and smoked up to a gram of the same stuff while I was in that state from the tiniest bit of a joint in some cases. What happened to them? Nothing. They got stoned, they chilled out. Stop with your copes that your demonic plant is innocent and natural.
Oh yeah
Let me add to this
I can do and have done LSD, mushrooms, ketamine DMT, whatever, with no real issues, 500ug acid NEVER caused anything as disgustingly sinister as what I've experienced from a small amount of cannabis. It's not drug experiences as a whole, it is very specifically cannabis, the few people I've known like this were exactly the same, it's always fucking cannabis.
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And if I may add one further comment
I am willing to entertain the idea now that no one actually enjoys weed. It's a complete fabrication designed to lull the chosen(in a bad way) few into a false sense of security that its just some trivial substance "less harmful than alcohol xD". Its weird. For people of our gen(assuming) millennial and after, we got inundated with anti-drug propaganda still, but also pro-weed propaganda. The plant pasted on tacky decorations. It's been very deliberately portrayed as "drugs, but not like the bad drugs". When my own experience is the total opposite. I've tried even the traditionally "bad" drugs and they were basically fine. Weed, I vaguely remember somewhat enjoying it for brief moments but even then there was always an edgy nervous energy to it, and often it was a monstrous horror show. I can try to imagine how the experience is enjoyable enough to anyone that they'd want to repeat it but honestly I don't get it really. It is dysphoric and disgusting feeling. At best. Demonic, truthfully. I don't trust this shit at all.
Very interesting, your comments on only weed giving you such experiences gives me hope. I have only ever tried weed and was "scared straight" after it because of experiences similar to ones itt. Only one of my friends even believed me, i have never heard of a truly bad trip with weed before and your rarely ever do, you see guys taking big ass dabs and they are fine, i smoke half a joint and leave with half a psychosis.. I honestly thought i was having salvia or some shir on accident. I would love to try psychedelics but have massive respect, my life is not in order and i have many events from childhood that could come up in a bad way.
I knew of one other guy who was the same way in university, he used psychedelics, cocaine but wouldn't touch weed, his dad was in a nut house with schizophrenia. I would agree though with the salvia comparison, if I had to compare my exp of weed to another drug it's pretty much how people describe bad salvia trips, but it happens from tiny amounts of weed as you say. And it really feels like it's going on for eternity just like salvia.
Btw this part
>I thought you swore you'd never come back here.
I heard a similar phrasing it was something like "I've been waiting for you to come back here, now you're here forever just me and you" I couldn't visually see anyone but I intuitively knew it was Satan. That wasn't like a guess, it's just as soon as he spoke my brain clicked and told me who it is. And like I said this is all meanwhile the people I'm with are just giggling watching TV stoned lol.
Why the fuck you kiddies pick weed for your English creative writing topic? Stuff like you described could only happen on actual psychedelics or Salvia Divinorum, but you'd only remember parts of the experience and not the entire thing that you describe to the point.

You're a liar and a faggot underage.
Try again after actually reading the thread hylic faggot
if u have a mental illness yes u dumb faggot
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Probably not, felt I was a bowl filled with energy separated from the rest of our energy, at one point I visioned/felt all of my neurons separately begging to be released from the torment which I was probably making up.
Also looking in the mirror was spoopy. Seeing my face as a living chia pet with my hair/beard growing continuously in the same spot looking kind of like that This Man meme
Not gonna mess with salvia to give a comparison, but pretty sure you forget who you are on that. These kinds of trips are real and can be caused by either anxiety or schizophrenic symptoms apparently
Once thought weed only worked for people who are truly in hell (most people) and people like me get the opposite effect showing how tormented/evil life can be. really thought I felt it all before and now I appreciate being okay not being in that almost incomprehensible realm unless I wanna smoke it again
holy shit

I had a very similar experience, thought I was trapped in a time loop for infinity and I kept forgetting who I was and then cycling back. I figured I'd accidentally killed myself and my brain was shutting down and I was stuck in it. I lived the same life a million times and I saw the future.

it's been 3 years and I'm still fucked, it gave me PTSD, I've also realized that I actually am caught in some sort of reincarnation loop and I dread the day I go back there and have to go through all the pain again. Everything I saw has been coming true, Dejavu scares the hell out of me and sets me off. Medically I'm apparently fine apart physical, I've had mris and all sorts, ruled out epilepsy etc.The doctors say psychosis which I agree with but I think that's just to describe something we don't understand.

I stopped using weed and then tried again a month ago it was OK for a few days and then it started what I'd call an episode, got all the physical symptoms and started to lose myself in the madness so I've sworn off it for good.

On the positive side my spiritual/medium powers work up from this trigger and I talk to angels and get signs and stuff now and can feel energy. I think one day I'll be strong enough to fight my way free of this. love conquers hate don't forget it.

I'm really sorry you went through it but also happy to note that it wasn't just me and apparently I'm not alone with this. I really recommend reaching out and talking to archangel Michael, even if you don't have abilities I think it awoke something in you that'll come in time.
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I get crazy epileptic episodes every couple of months which I'll get both smell/visual/dejavu auras going in a trance of an eternal dessert or chess realm smelling a mix of hummus and wood. I've been getting these consistent auras right before a seizure happens but luckily seizure medication stopped all that, still fucked on weed but still could be a relation.
A consistent idea I have is that somehow we're all lucifer in our lonely looped cages constantly separating from each other, only comfort is "connecting" with others at the now
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>The primal fear overcame me again. For what felt like an eternity, the thoughts about Homer Simpson and the curse fought against each other in my head. It felt like a holy war, like a scary roller coaster ride, a constant interplay of yin and yang

Holy shit, your pic described exactly how I felt. That's pretty much how you can describe my mind fuck in that moment. My consciousness constantly switched back and forth between yin and yang. Heaven on earth and the worst hell that you don't even wish on your worst enemy.

>You reached for the secret too soon

What is the secret?
Drugs are bad mckay.

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