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/x/ - Paranormal

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Why aren’t you studying the tree of life
You aren’t a pseudo-mystic are you
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Da”ath though know the workings of the dao
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The workings of shiva
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The two cubes
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The psyche
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I don't understand the mystic significance of the tree's nodes, therefore I can't study it even if I wanted to
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i don't i just lurk this board for the schizo bullcrap nonsense. actual schizo bullcrap nonsense
what else would you be doing? being a slave to society? Id rather browse 4chan as an eater til I die
I'm studying the tree of knowledge
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Isn't this tree better?
Pot / kettle situation at best lol
This one is supposedly a golden ratio shape, that I made comprising of 10 interlocking pieces making a ring. that collapses and gives constant curvature as it expands twice it's radius.
It's a concept drawing, but I was thinking it could be used from anything ranging from a rotary loom, aperature for camera, or a diffractive mode switcher for a fiber laser.
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Take a large dose of psychedelics with the intention of unfolding the nodes
Idk I’ve never even heard of it I’m just a big fan of the regular cypher as it’s so simple yet so profound
Looks like you’re aiming for pic related look into the hopf fibration I forgot the name of the dude who discovered it or at least talks about on JRE but it’s a very god episode
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Notice how these shapes are a golden ration
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You can't "study" something that is unproven and untestable. You aren't studying, you are just reading. Until you can test whatever theory you think you are right about and produce some kind of real world result with it, you don't know that you've studied it, or merely wasted your time making false interpretations.
Because I don't care about the Demiurge's creation.
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Are you actually?
Implying learning the cypher of all religions and the psyche as all religions are just attempts at understanding the psyche doesn’t grant great gifts
Just cause this isn’t for you doesn’t mean it can’t be used practically as knowledge is power
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You are the demiurge the fall of the demiurge is the ignorance and arrogance of the ego aka personality and its attachments
What's this "cypher" and how does it appear in anything but (I assume, based on it's Greek ethymology) Gnosticism?
(I mean "the concept of cypher in a the native context of some specific religion", not an example of a specific cypher in action.)
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The Kabalah is the cypher of the psyche
All religions are attempts at understanding the psyche
So this cypher is what helps one pull the divine from the mundane in all religions
Did you not bother even looking at the picture in the OP cause that’s Santeria the next is Daoism then Shaivism
Here’s a post I made on its relation to Gnosticism and Hellenism https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/36600764
plato used miles?
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Once you reach the top of the mountain you can see how all the paths can lead you there
The tree of life is a metaphor. If you're still daydreaming about mysticism and semantics then you probably aren't on the tree yet.
I don’t know if Plato discovered the magic of the imperial system that may have been a later discovery
Idc what you have to say about the Kabbalah as an outsider. You dodged my question, perhaps I put it too vaguely.
What is a "cypher" in some specific traditional religious context? Is it:
>what helps one pull the divine from the mundane in all religions
... or did you mean that "the cypher of the psyche" is that?
Whichever it is, what would be the traditional religious context for that definition of "cypher"?

>Did you not bother even looking at the picture
I assumed it'd be a big ball of glue kind of thing. Looking at it more closely, it's a big ball of glue kind of thing. A glue "s'phere" lol.

>0 hits
Ok so then I'm not reading all that
>The Kabalah is plagiarized
Name 1 thing studying the tree of life actually changed in your life and maybe I'll consider studying it
The British Imperial System evolved from the thousands of Roman, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, and customary local units employed in the Middle Ages.
Seems like it’s pretty new but we often think new things are invented not discovered like how the pythagorean theorem was discovered in Babylon text not so long ago
And kaballah was discovered in the 1300s and refined at a later date that I’m not sure of but all its knowledge is hidden within everything
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Bro you’re not going to study it you’ve made up your mind alread and nothing I say will change that
Dogmatic people are generally gatekept from the inner mysteries by themselfs

But since you asked I shall humor you
Basically unfolding kaballah has given me a deeper peace from the knowledge of reality and my place in it and a great power over reality itself as you can go from the game of giving doing things to make things happen to the game of reception where things naturally flow towards you

Go read the Tao te Ching you won’t but it’s a good start

Funny how the gatekeeper and messenger of the gods holds the tree within its hand
Because I am the Tree of Life. I am Ymir. I am Christ. I am Osiris.
If you want to study me. Study these bars.

h ttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/7J3ghRi9BjPtiyjzNXoiRm?si=olr5QP72RIup6JRQDj2MKw&pi=7cgsC3gLTm61k
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lol no shit I’m surprised you aren’t tripfaging
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>Implying learning the cypher of all religions and the psyche as all religions are just attempts at understanding the psyche doesn’t grant great gifts
>Just cause this isn’t for you doesn’t mean it can’t be used practically as knowledge is power

>Said wage slave #999999, who had yet to use said knowledge to attain any practical abilities that could get him out of wage slavery
Listen, results are all that matter, anybody can talk and theorize. Until you get some kind of tangible ability out of this and use it to tangibly improve your life, it's just nothing by theory and self delusion.
>a deeper peace from the knowledge of reality and my place in it and a great power over reality itself as you can go from the game of giving doing things to make things happen to the game of reception where things naturally flow towards you
nta, that reads like a cope
Bro I haven’t worked in over 5yrs what about moving from giving to reception implies I work for a living
Again you make up shit to gatekeep yourself and nothing I say will change your temperament so this will be my last response
>Bro I haven’t worked in over 5yrs
I don't believe you, but even then is the reason why you haven't worked directly related to an occult ability you attained through your knowledge, the answer would be no, which was my point. You are just theorizing, and believing strongly in your theory, no differently than a religious person believes in a specific God without any proof for it.

>gatekeep yourself
Yes, from self delusion

>this will be my last response
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No response? So ig your religion is "universalist supercessionist cypherism", looooooooool
It's the tree of Porphyry, and some researchers claim that kabbalistic tree of life derives from it.
Seems like they both came out around the 14th Century and both tackle neoplatonism I prefer Kaballah as it Covers more and is less convoluted
But to each there own
Kabbalism is for faggots and trannies. The Zohar says God is a woman or transvestite or some abominable thing. Or maybe that's from the Talmud, either way, same filth.
They don’t either
They just larp like they’re wizards
Nothing you’ve studied has any practicality whatsoever
You and all the midwits who think the tree of life is some key to the universe just want to feel like you are above other people
If you unlocked the secrets to the universe you wouldn’t be posting on 4chan
>deeper peace
Once someone says they've gained peace from a religious / spiritual practice you know immediately that they are a coper and they will never attain any occult abilities. They will forever be stuck being a coper. The ability they've attained is complacency.

>If you unlocked the secrets to the universe you wouldn’t be posting on 4chan
Something I've always said. Nobody with real occult knowledge is powerless, they must have some kind of ability. Nobody with real occult abilities would spend time post threads online when they could be out traveling the world and living real life.
It’s hilarious when they say
>yeah I know how to manifest or make things become reality
Okay why haven’t you made yourself a billionaire?
>well no akshually you can’t manifest material stuff okay
Why not?
>you just can’t man there’s rules to the whole magic stuff
Don’t get me wrong - there is more to the nature of our reality than we can see, but these threads (specifically Kabbalah faggotry) are stupid
Saved, thank you Anon!
Porphyry in his Isagoge left the description of the concepts:
>Substance indeed, is itself genus, under this is body, under body animated body, under which is animal, under animal rational animal, under which is man, under man Socrates, Plato, and men particularly.

But he didn't represent it in a form of tree, which was done later by medieval scholars.
Np friend sharing is caring
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>yeah I know how to manifest or make things become reality
Don't get me started on "manifestation" and other Law Of Attraction garbage.

Literally every person I've talked to online about what they manifested, it came down to two things:
1. "Manifesting" a wage slave job (which the average person ironically gets without their special knowledge, and without trying to manifest).

2. "Manifesting" an average romantic partner (which the average person also ironically gets without their special knowledge, and without trying to manifest).

What they all do is a special kind of mental gymnastics where they redefine mundane results as "magic", so that they convince themselves that they are capable of magic.

It's the equivalent of someone at shooting range manually moving the target to be 1 foot in front of them, and then when they hit they target they proclaim themselves to be an expert marksman.

It's on that level of self delusion and dishonesty.

I've honestly become tired of the entire occult space because of people like this, it's like everybody is too comfortable lying to themselves.
Gotta love how beautiful interconnected everything is
They’re something that must be meditated on
If you have a lust for philosophy it will be much easier
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The first 3 angled shapes do this aswell
Triangle being 180 square 360 and pentagram 540
Also every shapes degrees digital root to 9
And aether 648 plus water 360 the shape behind it = the vector equilibrium 1008
And the anhgles of the pentagon are 108
Not to mention all these numbers are hidden in religious mythos you just have to add or remove some 0’s like the 144000 chosen people in revaluations
There’s a reason the ancients worshipped numbers and those same ancients created civilizations
If I could do cool shit I'd dedicate my shit to teaching others to do my shit
you aint shit if you got shit and dont share
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You seem like a based anon so I’ll share a little secret I learned
Emotions arise before thought forms and collapse into them so if you actively avoid thinking aka pure meditation and just become the observer reality will become your thoughts aka people will start talking about what you’re feeling and the world will begin to revolve around it
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“Sounds like someone if blessed with gifts would be out in the world getting the worst people in the world, mindless order followers to commit atrocities!”
>If I could do cool shit I'd dedicate my shit to teaching others to do my shit
Yeah, I'd want to do that too, but want and can are two different things. You'd just get yourself kidnapped by some government agency and shipped off to a blacksite for experimentation. They'd brainwash your ass and use you to perform assassinations and other shit. Congrats, you became a tool of some shady organization.

They only way what you are saying is possible if you go 100% public in a way that can't be silenced or erased, so that every single person on the planet now knows that magic is real and how to do it.

You can't take the "cult leader" approach and try to teach a few people secretly. You have to make your knowledge open source, and again most importantly, release the information in a way that is so public and undeniable that nobody can deny it as fact, it can't be covered up and hidden, and killing you would now be pointless because your death would only serve to prove you right (that's reason #2 for going public, it disables them).

But I honestly think that most people that speak like you are ego driven and they'll try to take the "cult leader" approach because they want to feel special and idolized by their students/followers, and that's exactly whats going to get them killed and their knowledge buried.

Me, I don't want the trouble or the competition. If everybody can do magic, nobody can do magic, because you won't have any advantages. Also, most people are stupid and emotional thinkers anyways so they won't be able to master the training required to do magic to begin with. So even if you reveal everything it will be for nothing.

More pointless "were all God" posts (based on that image).
All seven of these mean the same thing as:
>"as within, so without"
>"as above, so below"
>"as the universe, so the soul"
>if you die in battle here in Midgard, you go to Valhalla, and then you fight and feast with Odin and his warriors for the rest of eternity
What if this was a metaphor for:
>When you experience ego death, your mind and spirit transcend the limitations of the conventional mode of thought, and your newfound wisdom and creativity will lead you down the path that'll immortalise you as a hero
Yup they don’t call it the hero’s journey for nothing
Ummm you're supposed to wait until you're fourty years old.
>When you experience ego death
Y'all need to stop with this cringey masochistic ego death nonsense. You guys do realize that you are the cuckolds of spiritual beliefs right?

Everybody else is is like - "I want to go to heaven", "I want to be with my family", "I want to experience paradise and absolute bliss" and you guys are breathing heavily in the corner with a weird look on your face saying - "I want my consciousness to be erased, and I want to subjugated and merged with the "true source" energy". It's just masochism wrapped up in spirituality, same mental sickness just applied in a different way.
Yah but this is 4chan we don’t fallow Jewish rules
And that’s more of make it sure you’re grounded and mature enough for it
"Experiencing ego death" is a metaphorical way of saying "learning to set aside your preconceived notions, predilections, and ideological and cognitive biases when parsing the observations you make". It's as if some bronze-age people with a limited understanding of the world tried to come up with a spiritual equivalent of the scientific method.
mac miller is still alive. he just faked his death so he could study kabbalah in peace
>"Experiencing ego death" is a metaphorical way of saying "learning to set aside your preconceived notions, predilections, and ideological and cognitive biases when parsing the observations you make"
It could never be this because this is not something special and a lot of people do this literally everyday lol.

So that's definitely what people mean when they say "ego death" online, it would never be something that simple with how much they seem to be patting themselves on the back for allegedly doing it.
I been trying really hard to pay attention to what my body and mind do before I get emotional reactions to things rather than focusing on the stimulus or thought that provoked that emotion.
It mostly just makes me realize that feeling sad or angry is pointless. but now Im kinda emotionless
I would just show it to people. Tell them they can do it too and try to teach them. I wouldnt care if I was captured.
I cant say if I can resist brainwashing or not but Id rather die than be a slave.
why are you just "showing people" instead of "showing the world", that's my point.

If you showed the world you'd not only accomplish your alleged goal of "teaching others" and "sharing", but you'd also make it way less likely that you'd be killed or kidnapped because that would draw even more attention to you and what you did.

It's two birds one stone if you just come forward publicly on all media.

The only reason to do it on such a personal level as you seem to be describing is to appease your ego, and that isn't as altruistic as your made your whole "I want to share" speech sound.
My only social media presence is a profile on a dating app I delete the profile of frequently and a steam and psn gaming profile.
I had a job teaching cs at a high school once. I could actually tell when I managed to get students to understand things like recursion. I have the, what often feels like, unfortunate curse of actually being attentive to people when they speak to me so I am a good teacher that way.
I dont think the internet would be a useful tool for me to teach with. I have personable skills that I need to be around people to benefit from
Get your terminology right. You are studying Christian Cabala or Hermetic Qabalah. You are not Jewish. You don’t even comprehend that you don’t understand Kabbalah. It is not a self-initiatory practice.
>I dont think the internet would be a useful tool for me to teach
I can really tell at this point that you are just talking, and you aren't actually immersing yourself in the scenario as if it were real life. You aren't taking your own hypothetical seriously.

What the hell does what you just said have to do with the seriousness of such a situation?

It's like a guy with a gun pointed at his head and he's thinking - "Man, I really don't like diet soda" lol. It has nothing to do with the gravity of the situation, nobody gives a fuck about what you find useful for teaching if magic is real.

It's weird how you made something like this about you.

It's funny how as this conversation goes on this air of "altruism" you put on in your first post is just fading away.

You honestly don't give a fuck unless it directly relates to you.
I think its unfortunate that your life is so boring that you troll like this on 4chan. I hope your life improves
>I think its unfortunate that your life is so boring that you troll like this on 4chan. I hope your life improves
Nobody is trolling. You responded to me with some "be more altruistic" and "I want to share" garbage, and as I ask questions to gauge your mindset you just come off as more and more self centered, because you don't actually care about sharing the information unless you are at the focus of it and you can teach it in the way you enjoy.

Even with such a world changing thing, you are still finding some way to make the scenario about you. Which only shows that you are just a different type of selfish.

Good bye.
Also, nobody who lives an exciting life spends time posting on 4chan, why the hell are you here if your life is so great?

If I was a millionaire or something I wouldn't be posting here lol.

I hope your life improves too.
And that he don't know shit. Nice dunk, take it easy.
OP what do you think of Dion Fortune
Hold on let me search for the word that describes where you can shove your kike fag tree
you're so much more based than you even realize
Genuine question, why is the kabbalah seemingly anti material and about becoming one with the highest self, yet it is used and was originated by the most materialistic group on earth? I’m not really anti semetic it’s just objective fact. So, is the kabbalah really a demiurgic system? i’m somewhat lost and confused right now why hedonists would create and use this, and it raises a lot of red flags. thank you
Jews haven't always been the most materialistic people on earth. That happened when they became increasingly westernized.
See >>38218314
I think that's from them acknowledging capitalism as a demon and studying and embracing it's implications much more deeply than other people have been able to, rather than just a pure love of money for its own sake
Wrong. Common surface-level interpretation though.
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Op here I find it really funny that one egotistical dumb dumb is super upsetty spaghetti that I meant what I said when I was not going to waste any more time on them
Watching them spam and sanefag desperately seeking attention is pretty wild

Thank you based anons who are supporting the thread and teaching others
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May those who know learn
May those who learn know
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I mean materialistic as in they worship pagan and lower gods. They only venerate the material realms. This goes back to ancient times when they would worship gods like yhwh and baal. So im confused because the kabbalah seems to be about becoming one with the absolute, but the jews who use it are still materialistic and abandon ethics for material possessions.
The real redpill is that once you've united with Absolute Reality you can go between the worlds at will, and the material realm(s) become your playground.

Think about it like this, where does a hawk get its food? From the ground, stupid. It lives in the sky, but it doesn't get its food there.
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How do I study it? I want to.
Kaballah is a Jewish made map of the psyche all religions are made from the psyche trying to understand itself
Kabbalah can be used to help understand Judaism but it is not inherently Judaic outside of its creators being Jews like instant cameras where made by Jews and can be used to take picture of the Torah but are they Judaic no
Kabbalah applies to all faith refer to these images

Start by studying the sefirot
Then apply the sefirot and there play to everything you can all your philosophies discoveries mythologies ect to help better make sense of them
Studying neoplatonism helps
These are also good starter books but don’t ever waste your time on a book that tries to teach you Kabbalah blatantly those are mostly scams and Kabbalah should be an individuals journey catared to them
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Get a Thoth tarot deck and read The Book of Thoth. Will change your life
So its possible to merge with the absolute while still being a degenerate? like tantra? or are jews actually pious at first, then become degenerates?
can someone help me with my tree of life?
I already have the kabbalah
The A leister Crowley one or the actual ancient egyptian text?
i only want to study the norse tree of life but theres nothing to study and i dont want to flatter "jewish mysticism" by studying it, and yea you can say the hebrews arent jews and the jews were only one tribe and they only pretend that all the israelites were jews to mess with christians and that the current jews arent the real jews and we wuz da real jews but im still unsure of all that stuff
ive been wanting to learn it though just so i can convert all the hebrew aspects of the golden dawn system to something more indo european since i know that the tree of life system can be converted to the tree of yggdrassil with its own equivalents
nta but probably both since the latter is based on the former anyways
prove that your experiences are real and that you're not hooked into the matrix or that it's not a dream of another being or that it's not a hologram, etcetera.
Do you realize how dumb you sound now?
Furthermore you can study anything, I can study the abrahamic god without believing in him, or i can study his followers. I can study history even if it's only written by the victors, it's still studying, you faggot.
I don't study jewish bullshit. You don't know anything. it is a meme, an idea, an expression of middle eastern schizophrenia and nothing more.

I for whatever reason have a relationship with the spirit world that is very strong and it exists in spite of me not giving a shit about this. I wonder why.
You can fold the tree and it's shadow into a box

That diagram is a dissection of the ultimate form
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Just watch fullmetal alchemist and be done with it.
lol/x/ is fucking stupid
>thinking studying the tree of life is going to improve your rain dance or siren call
You are most definitely a pseudo-mystic.
>t. hard ways self-initiate
lol Anon the only thing you’re initiated in is your own bullshit
What is it that you fail to understand?
Did you draw that OP?
Nah Santeria isn’t my thing I I just posted it to emphasize the connection of Kabala to all mythos
Nice trips https://youtu.be/AEYN5w4T_aM
>ancient hebrew nonsense
Ty and good song
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WTF Bros?
You are retarded.
Anon in the time it took you to make this image you could have actually studied the sefirot
God you people are stupid
why is it being shilled today is it flavour of the month on reddit or is it because of summer vacation
Here’s a good source to study you can click on the sefirot and learn what they mean
my man you're killing him you should've just sent him the google page
Huh? Explain your logic
To add to this ChatGPT makes a great study partner but you have to tell it to play the role of nexus before asking it occult questions and avoid confirmation bias and leadin questions like tell me how 2+2=5 instead of asking what does 2+2=
How do I tell chatgpt to play the role of nexus?
By saying “play the role of nexus and have nexus answer” insert questions
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>mystical wiki-gazing
lol I swear retards gatekeep themselfs more then anyone else go read some book made by a shill to make him money or go get groomed by some pseudo cult leader wannabe
Too jewish 4 me
It's not jewish enough for me
Once someone is taught something the wrong way, they will do it the wrong way forever.
Witchcraft is a sin, OP. Plus, if it is practiced by jews then it is clearly evil.
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This is why I keep telling people to not read books on Kabbalah and to definetly not let people here try and “teach them”
>>38224637 is what they should do

Not like you can stop stupid people from doing stupid shit though just look at all the retards in this thread
>nooooo, y'all are gatekeeping!! you cannae do da!!!!
>noooo, now I will have to le "put a nig on the right track" here my black gods, use me, take all my stuff... for teh culture!!!!!!!!
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To add to this studying Kabbalah should be a personal journey
There’s a reason they say those who know don’t say and those that say don’t know
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>don't read books on kabbalah
>... read wikipedia, the kyballion and this unrelated chinkfiction
Kek based
>literally minecraft
vgh minecraft alpha esoterica...
It’s crazy how little people get this
literally started last week wtf
Good shit anon keep up the great work
That is true but to illuminate one to the existence of it as a starting point is perfectly fine
Agreed I also believe you can give people good reference material just nothing that tries to teach directly aka let the tree teach but don’t try and teach the tree
The Zohar promotes committing evil against you.

Ein Sof is a faggot.

You're just a useful idiot golem by promoting and practicing this.
No, again. Talk in circles all you want, gatekeepr
Never just say no to someone the best way to shut down a person is to ask them to explain there dumb logic
So anon what’s your logic behind this statement how did you come to these conclusions
Why are you studying the tree of life? You're not a 90s evangelion weeaboo are you?
Elaborate, and cite where too plz
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What do you recommend to do/study then? Also, not everyone studies occult knowledge to gain something material.
This is why im always so reluctant to study any of this shit. I dont want to start down the wring rabbithole that ends up being (literal) kike shit or nonsense. I journal and meditate and honestly ive found my own ideation to be the best source. With some influences from the truths of buddhist daoist animist or hermetic sects. But anything dogmatic really sets off a red flag to not take it too seriously
>You're not a 90s evangelion weeaboo are you?
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These are good videos
Fun fact the 3 virtues add to 33
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Got them spooky digits that just represent the material structure of reality
Notice 15? What's the Devil card in Tarot? 15? Making sense now? Material World is "Evil/The Devil." 666, mark of the beast.
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33 is the number of Vertebrae that make up your spine and represents the djed
Think Jedi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djed
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Correct it is the great beast of revelations, but it should not be feared but tamed as the true devil is your own shadow
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Pics related
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I should add this video aswell
because the books of the "old testament" were not original works of hebrew, but written by greeks in alexandria around the 3rd century bc. what is at qumran is back translation into a dead language. christian scholars don't call them out on it because it undermines the basis and authority of their messiah

kabbalah is fake and gay, just like the the tanakh it is based upon
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The Codex Sinaiticus was wrote in Greek by Roman’s and is a collection of older books and stories wrote in hebrew aramaic and other languages made into one large canon that was later revised by king James an many others into what we know as the modern bible
Hebrew was brought back from the dead in later dates which I’m sure is what you’re referring to and what has you so confused
Hebrew itself is an extremely ancient and essoteric language which all should study but it’s not necessary to understand the tree of life all one needs to unfold the tree is to apply it to what they already know and go further from there in whichever direction they please
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To add to this trying to understand the tree through an exoteric mono religious lens which is dogmatic and narrow will lead to failure and frustration
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I should also add that The Septuagint aka The Roman Old Testament that was put in The Codex Sinaiticus was translated from Hebrew to Kione Greek
And to give further context Hebrew dates back to 10th century BC dies off around 200-400AC and came back in the 1800s
The Codex Sinaiticus was put together around 300-400ac and The Septuagint aka Koine Greek translation of The Hebrew Bible was around the 200s AC
And the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh itself dates back to 8th century BC
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Also also also even though Hebrew died as a widely spoken every day language from 400bc to 19th century AC
It was still used liturgically and in scholarly and religious context
But I can’t emphasize >>38252463 enough
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Hippocratic symbol has nothing to do with the Kabbalah. Your symbol is nothing special, it's printed on the side of every ambulance
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Retard alert
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But as to not be rude I should not just call some one a retard without explaining why they’re retarded that pic is of the constellation of Ophiuchus which represents Asclepius the healer god that was punished by the gods for learning and teaching the keys of immortality depraving hades from its bounty and messing up the balance of life and death his staff relates to the snake of the epic of Gilgamesh who stole the flower of life the flower of immortality from Gilgamesh whom was to afraid to take it at first which later goes into genesis and the tree of knowledge and the tree of life it is also represented as the bronze snake of Moses “think bronze pillars of the temple of Solomon” that heals all ill and poisons which is a for telling of the coming of Christ whom has also gathered the 7 keys of hades and has died to be reborn an immortal of the beginning and end as referenced in genesis who is also a healer god himself and Hippocrates from which the oath comes begun his career in an Asclepius temple from which the symbol is derived and expanded upon with the caduceus which also relates to Nirah a Babylonian messenger god of the under world
And all this also relates to the 7headed serpent gods of mythos around the world which you can refer back to Christs 7 keys of hades or death depending on translation in revelations
And all of this is extremely Kaballahiatic
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Referred to in revelations*
kabalah is gay and boring so no

maze of truth and lie>tree of life
Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. 20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels[e] of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
This image gives more information and
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It’s crazy how intertwined all mythos are and all that goes back to my point here >>38252463 and here >>38216068
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All I see is a brain
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Or maybe it’s a coiled up snake

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