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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Rick & Morty Method

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Image Cycling

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
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>Reminder that lildickfag is a retard fraud, and no amount of self shilling will ever stop his dick from getting smaller by seeing this.
Death to lildickfag
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you guys actually slapped bengston in the op. kek.
Here's the audiobook if anybody is interested.
The Energy Cure - William Bengston PhD

here's track 22, that is the index of the energy cure that goes straight to the nuts in bolts of what the bengston method is. Energy healing and cycling were built to work together, but can be operated seperately.

Here's some chaos audiobooks that i shared including the choas protocols that someone asked for in case you're interested in getting into magic.
I dont' know why chaos protocols is so popular. the author is a faggot and cites trannies in his econ discussion. blegh. I've gone through the book and it's pretty mid

Peter J. Carroll - Liber Null & Psychonaut

Phil Hine - Condensed Chaos

Gordon White - The Chaos Protocols
Advanced Magick for beginners is best chaos intro. It teaches you quickly what triggers conscious manifestation for you.
The fact that these threads get so many aggressive trolls and countersignallers is strengthening my belief in loa. There's always something to an idea when it creates such a concerted effort to discredit it. Every time I encounter someone denying my ability to manifest my preferred reality frame, my ability to consciously maintain my preferred reality frame grows stronger, like a tree digging deeper roots in response to strong winds blowing against it.
I'm going to post advanced manifesting stuff mainly to spite ppl who think this should be a beginner general.

If your manifestation is failing it's likely not due to belief, it's actually due to safeguards within your psyche. You can't manifest what you don't intend to manifest. Resistance is just negative intent; Intending the opposite. All you need to do is ask yourself the question:
>Why do I desire not getting x
>Why would I not want x to happen
From there you start digging into answers in the same way. Why, why, why, until you get to a core desire that runs contrary to your initial failing manifest.

From there you can either incorporate that contrary desire into the initial manifest (being loved without getting hurt)
Manifest that desire as a safeguard that prevents your fear from happening (I am always a good person - I have fuck you money)
Or let it go manifest it gone(manifesting they release their fear of success)

Once you kick out that pillar preventing it your initial manifest will flow.

Yes because I'm a pisces male and we tend to either default to being intuitive manifestors or to being deeply depressed "i'm trapped in a reality that hates me" doomers. One of the two extremes. Over the years I've manifested losing 100 pounds in under a year, having girls literally throw themselves at me shortly after thinking "I'm ready for another relationship, it's time for a girl to appear in my life", getting job offers after expressing a desire to do some productive work in the world (but not actually asking for jobs or submitting resumes anywhere), at least three times suddenly having an opportunity to move to a completely new area after feeling a desire to change my life patterns completely, very frequently having specific people contact me after experiencing a desire to hear from them, randomly finding specific books on specific topics I desired to learn more about, etc. It always comes as a distinct sense of knowing I truly want something, rather than the more mundane kind of "well it would be nice to get this somehow..." feeling.

I view the self as a network of collaborating and conflicting wills, each with their own distinct ambitions. If you've had a negative holding pattern in your life for a very long time, this to me suggests some unconscious will within you that actually desires that pattern in a positive sense, and is able to manifest it consistently despite so many of your other wills opposing it. Thus this particular will is very skilled at manifestation, and if you are consciously able to reintegrate it into your greater identity you will gain conscious control over its abilities
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Manifested getting morphine every 4 hours the last 3 days. Health is ok no longer having heart palpitations imagined feeling healthy. Making the most of my my stay here until Tuesday chilling in bed listening to my favorite music
Be well, anon.
Who are you quoting?
Don't knock it til you've tried it. It's like sex.
Or you could commit to being a pessimistic nobody for the rest of your life.
I'll manifest you an olive branch.
That's about as well as it gets.
bro could you manifest me my gf but she's not a huge cunt this time? thx love & light

Or you can just detach completely, that way you will have zero opposite intentions if you don't even think about it
There's a salty hylic in this thread
Summoned a specific pattern of lightning. Did it thrice in a row to confirm it wasn't just confirmation bias.

Got a job via wanting to fuck the manager of the place I got the offer from. Didn't proceed with fucking her tho.

Fucked my high school frenemy with whom I have very little contact in the ass after he begged for my forgiveness for making my life hell those years ago. Literally.

So hostile.
You will briefly choke on water in the bathroom and remember my post as you sputter it all over the mirror.
>Have you manifested anything important? Something that would otherwise be impossible for you?

Several of those things you dismissed as unimportant were important within my own subjective frame. Likewise I only experience the sense of being able to manifest something if I view it as being within the realm of possibilities. I haven't manifested the ability to fly because so far in my life I've had a deeply engrained belief that humans don't fly, and no particularly strong desire to change that belief. Perhaps you would be more impressed if I had manifested something within the realm of conventional possibilities but extremely unlikely, like buying a winning lottery ticket. But I feel like that would only occur if I suddenly had an intense positive vision of something I'd like to do with millions of dollars, rather than just the vague negative visions people usually have (ie "If I had millions of dollars I wouldn't have to work any more, I wouldn't have to worry about bills", basically defining the desire in terms of things you don't want rather than in terms of what you want).
The Romans were right. It's not gay if you're penetrating.
how do I manifest being single?
Thanks. I’ll be ok, I was just having some heart palpitations and chest pain I have a heart transplant and pacemaker. all my labs and blood work is ok I have one more test tomorrow then I should be going home. But it probably is a one way ticket to heaven, I had a 4 month streak of sobriety off opiates and the doctor came in and said
>I’ve got 3 aspirin and dilaudid for ya!
Then shot me up before I could even say no. But I wanted it, I have severe chronic pain and have been suffering without my pills dood. So I’ll just take this little 5 day morphine vacation and enjoy it before going back to sobriety, I left my pain doctor who prescribed me oxy30s in another city. I have a crazy health history that started all this pain killer shit and made me believe in quantum immortality then eventually manifestation. Idk I need to manifest not being an addict and good health or something
I need this to be real
Mother-anon is the better role model for this.

What would it feel like to be Mother-anon? Embody that state.
Try getting specific with it. What do you actually want out of being single? If you want more control over your schedule and time to devote to personal projects, maybe you could visualize yourself dilligently working away (8 of pentacles energy) and having the sense of making amazing progress at something. If you want freedom from stress and drama, you could imagine a state of deep calm, silently sitting on a mountain contemplating reality or whatever it is. And so on. Of course there is the possibility that focusing on isolated aspects of being single causes those specific things to appear in your life without your relationship status actually changing.
literal lightning

don't and it will be
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I'm already very much laissez faire, I read your post and thought that very much is what I am, perhaps I could try harder though.

My relationship is very stressful, I'm only at peace while being away from my gf and even then I stress about my relationship. I just have a lot of feeling and emotion about how terrible everything in our relationship is.
You'd say "just break up with her" but in the last year theres been a certain amount of commitment thats just been put forward and it's like if I ended it right now i'd absolutely just destroy this girl.

I'm down and out from this relationship anon... I cannot turn to her. I am turning to God.
This relationship weighs too much on my heart and scares me at the best of times, I just want out.
be ok anon, send some dialudid
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i manifested money and found a fiver on the way home from work the next day. i did get what i wanted, even if it wasn't much and didn't happen again after
i'm not gay tho
i just fuck feminine boys
>i fuck boys
a five dollar bill
more bussy for me
fuck yourself, gayboy, you asked for shit not on your gay little list and there you go. sorry it didn't blow your nuts off
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you sure got me dude
money wasn't, even if it wasn't huge, sped
>And you know that how? I teach people by the method they find works best for them.
I know sleep methods work the best because I've actually studied the patterns on all loa related posts on the internet. Including nevilles books for years.
Sleep techniques is the repeating pattern of how people get all the big manifestions they want.
>So you have had successes, but you are still here?
Not an argument faggot, I'm here to help anons from frauds like you. But if everyone was succeeding it wouldn't be necessary.
it's just been a struggle. Like things arent always terrible but there's this element of me that knows if I go to her for anything, if it means I mention that I have the slightest issue with something shes doing, I know she wont want to talk to me and I know 6 months down the line shes gonna bring it up and use it against me in some manner.

Right now, she won't even try and make herself look nice for anything.

I just want it to stop. She used to look and dress so well when we started to dating, now she doesnt and shes conscious of it and looks for reassurance about it.
>grew taller past puberty
We can grow until 25, how old were you anon ? And how much did you grow? Thx

>that lies in sleep techniques
You mean we must wait sleep, we can't manifest during the day while awake ?
And can we manifest several things in one session or do we have to do a session per wish per day ?
Thanks a lot fren for all these resources, Bengston is great indeed, and thanks to OP to have included other methods than Neville's. Even the fresh Rick n Morty is there lol, good stuff hope it stays there.
This general is about LoA which include all practitioners and methods not only Neville.
>You mean we must wait sleep, we can't manifest during the day while awake ?
NTA but I'm in a similar boat to him. It still works during the day, you just need to be in a deep meditative or drowsy state. Sleep is the best time to impress your desire into your mind, as if you fall asleep doing so it'll keep going on autopilot until you wake up
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So has anyone manifested anything important here?
Kindly exclude the gay stuff:
>parking spots
>pink tennis balls
>finding books on specific topics you were thinking about
>fucking faggots in the ass because they were mean to you during high school
>gay threesomes
>tranny foursomes
>Christhood (whatever the fuck that is)
The guy above is the same troll that's been here all day every day for the past month, if you couldnt tell. I'd say DNI, but you probably will anyways
Tale care anon you will get better soon, you are already better
I'm not even trolling in this thread. I made some reasonable criticism on LoA as a true gentleman and people started losing their shit for no reason, posting about their gay fantasies.
I don't understand what your problem is.
>manifested losing 100 pounds
>suddenly having an opportunity to move to a completely new area after feeling a desire to change my life patterns completely
Trivial stuff.
>having girls literally throw themselves at me
Are you short and ugly? If not, nothing to see here.
>getting job offers after expressing a desire to do some productive work in the world
Vague. So you basically got a job offer for whatever. Wow.
>having specific people contact me after experiencing a desire to hear from them
>randomly finding specific books on specific topics I desired to learn more about
Lmao give me a fucking break.
Have you manifested anything important? Something that would otherwise be impossible for you?
No? I'm shocked.
>inb4 trolling
I'm serious.
>if I ended it right now i'd absolutely just destroy this girl.
Hey mate, that's what we usually think, but at the end of the day they survive without you lol. Sp don't think like this, have a talk with her, be kind, tell her you'll be there in case she needs you, try to break smoothly. Good luck
Anon is dying. This is one of the cases where LoA would probably come in handy, if it wasn't just about parking spots and gay threesomes.
Thanks. Is being relaxed enough? So I can do it at the office for example. Being drowsy I can't do it at the office lol. But relaxed yep.
What are you talking about bro he's never felt more alive than now after his graft, and he gonna feel better and better day by day.
Take care of yourself, be kind with people so they'll be kind with you as well.
Also remain optimistic so good things happen to you too.
I grew from 5'9 to 6'1. I hadn't grown for 3 years and this growth started at 20 when I did it willingly.
Sleep is the best time to manifest, it impresses the desire on the subconscious better. You can still manifest in the day, but I don't recommend that if you're not relaxing deeply first. Also I'd just advise using sleep methods for anything you'd consider a large manifestion, as it has a much higher chance of happening.
I get it, you're trying to help here. I respect that mate.
But do we have a case where LoA did its job for once (example, curing a disease that would otherwise be impossible to cure)?
Even Neville couldn't manifest a non-exploding throat.
When it's time to die manifesting rarely helps. Creating more reasons to live does help but that needs true excitement for learning more soul level goals.
>When it's time to die manifesting
When is it time to die?
>Proceeds with buzzword buzzword buzzword
Not interested, stay on topic or shut the fuck up, the choice is yours.
>Is being relaxed enough?
Most likely not. Learn to meditate. You can do that anywhere.
When your soul pulls you away because the life doesn't hold enough meaning or the death serves as an important learning experience.
>Proceeds with buzzword
Ok normie.
>When your soul pulls you away
Are you saying that morphine anon's soul is pulling him away? (Just trying to understand for starters what your point here is exactly, if indeed you have any point).
>death serves as an important learning experience.
Are you saying that morphine anon should die in order to learn something from it? What is he going to learn?
Have you considered killing yourself instead? Maybe that would teach you what you always wanted.
Btw, the topic is LoA.
>Ok normie.
Ok retard.
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Morphine anon here, 7 years ago I was in heart failure and the doctor came in with a look of dread on her face. She told me to make my arrangements and say goodbye to my family, that I was going to die in the next few weeks. I didn’t believe it. I survived the lions den. Want to know how I lived? A brand new experimental medical device, cutting edge technology, had just been unveiled for public use.i was one of the first people in the world to get it. So idk this time I don’t feel my soul pulling away, I’ve had many near death experiences since then and only once do I recall my soul leaving my body and it felt like bliss/peace. Anyways I think we have a choice in the matter and I think Neville chose to go out. Or maybe he’s still alive in another timeline
I don't know bro, according to at least one enlightened retard you have to die because you're going to learn something out of it. LoA for sure won't help you.
Nothing I can do about your case, champ.
Anyone is alive in another timeline. I wonder why you are alive in mine, my guess is you are a good fellow because I've also experience a certain proximity to death, it wasn't pleasant long story short. From my perspective I've found the Holy Spirit and cured myself and now as long I follow the holy path I will have a nice eternal life.
>blah blah blah hocus pocus magic wall of text
All jargin. Christ is King.
Cope, demon kids.
>suffer from X condition for years
>come to /LoA/
Consensus of previous threads:
>trust God anon
>wait for your condition to get worse
>btw did you know that you can use LoA to manifest parking spots?
Consensus of current thread:
>you need to die anon
>you will actually learn from it
>eternal life is awaiting you
>btw did you know that you could use LoA to become a faggot and fuck other faggots in the ass?
The power of LoA is just too much for mere mortals to handle.
Want myself a shapely girlfriend I can really gel with. Give me strength /x/rothers
>Want myself a shapely girlfriend
Wrong thread.
/LoA/ deals strictly with gay boyfriends.
If you're not linking what you imagine to reality with emotion and affect, you're just daydreaming
Any tips on reaching a detachment mindset before/while doing manifestations? Realized that this is my sweet spot while doing manifestations that I desire to happen quickly, but so far it's happening almost outside of my conscious control (to the point I'm wondering if it's manifestations or merely predictions of the near future)
On the left seems to be things that he will/does practice:

Mindfulness, Meditation, Good, Sleep, regular exercise, etc.

On the right seems to be Fruits, veggies, and meats, with what looks to be benefits:

Leafy greens with blood circulation written beside it. etc.
The shills who antiid F Gardner wanted us to forget. The shills who antiid Bengston wanted us to forget. LoA is undeniable and we have proof.
There is a definite organized effort to fuck with this general.
It's just wine aunt the secret bullshit
>motheranon's been doing this shit forever
well duh, i may not be a perfect man but i sure as hell am loyal. i'm doing it all for my mother.

heh, funny. if you want to be truly single then simply manifest being obscure. people fail to notice you and cannot ask you on dates. sometimes my obscurity breaks and i get a wider range of reactions from people (usually fear).

oh, well you don't have to do it if you don't want to. the woman will go away into the silence and you wont have to feel bad about it. if you want she will get the help she needs.
freedom from chemical addictions
exercise regularly
resolving codependency
good sleep
(these are just a daily dose of things to make me feel better and more healthy overall)

leafy greens: rich in nitrates blood circulation
Berries: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries high in antioxidants blood flow
watermelon: citrilline promotes nitric oxide productions
oyesters: high in zinc for testosterone
nuts: almond, walnut, other nuts, L-arginine relax blood vessels improve circulation
dark choc: flavinoids blood flow circulation
tomatoes: lycopene blood circulation
fish: fatty like salmon/mackaral omega 3 fatty acids improve cardiovascular function
avodados: healthy fat and potassium heart health and circulaiton
pomegranate: antioxidants blood flow/circulation
(a set of foods which will promote erection strength)
you can live in the state of grace/bliss
love is the key
thank you
lol, how so? i just made it up today has nothing to do with "the secret"
heh, im going through a difficult relationship myself. i can relate. we have a casual sexual relationship, and in the last six months she has cut me off around eight times, but always comes back. she will say things like "it's over, we cannot see each other anymore, im blocking you, i am going to file a no contact order if you text me another paragraph," etc. but she always comes back, sometimes with a day or a few days. i love this girl like crazy lol, she cut me off yesterday because i pressured her for sex the other morning when she was not feeling good (she capitulated after resisting a couple times), and i apologized for it, but she said thats a major red flag and she lost all interest in me and she said she could never date me even though she really likes me as a person. she may be gone for good, i dont know, but i thought about her all day today. i wrote >>38219630 this, to begin setting my mind right to be the best version of myself, so that if/when she comes back, i am at my best. i miss her like mad. even if she does not come back, i can still be focusing on myself to be my best version. i hope your situation works out for the best anon, thank you for sharing, and i hope you are not getting too bogged down by her and are still focusing on yourself and your goals and what not. i sort of lost myself the last few months in the relationship, and people are noticing and telling me to get my head out of my ass and stop seeing her, but i just cant im too crazy about her.
No, but that person sounds interesting.
> Rick & Morty Method

This won’t age well. General is on life support,
Based, but resistance is entirely belief based(hardened thoughts). If you think you want money but you think it will damn you to hell, which do you value more, the money or your soul?

I read an interesting article about this from one of LaVey's crew back in the day where he talked about the importance of the soul contract to what they were doing- he said one of his converts would frequently fall back on "I can't have/do this, it will send me to hell!" At that point the author would point out that he'd already sold his soul, too late for that! He said the convert at that point would relax and smile, being freed of the threat keeping him from his goal.

Not the way I'd do it, but I feel like that's a good illustration on how we hold ourselves hostage over things we may not even be aware of on a surface level. We are usually trying to protect ourselves, I used to have crazy unconscious manifests simply because I was fearless and disregarded my personal safety.
>It’s a Lilanon suggests selling your soul episode
What will he do with it?
>I know sleep methods work the best because I've actually studied the patterns on all loa related posts on the internet
>on all loa related posts on the internet
Really? You must not have read the ones here, we've had plenty of Anons that can manifest perfectly well fully awake.

>Including nevilles books for years
Did you ignore the parts where Neville was manifesting during the day too fully awake?

>Sleep techniques is the repeating pattern of how people get all the big manifestions they want
You are manifesting all the time, your entire daily life. If you needed to do all of that before bed you would not have much a day.

>I'm here to help anons from frauds like you
That's cute, but accusing me of fraud is not based on anything factual. As I said, you are getting results, right? That should be something that makes you ecstatic, why isn't it?
>You mean we must wait sleep, we can't manifest during the day while awake ?
You can manifest during the day, any relaxed state works. Self hypnosis and meditation are good methods to do so.

>And can we manifest several things in one session
You can manifest multiple things or stack desires into a larger manifest, but stay focused. Your goal is to set a manifestation and move on, not overfill your plate and not be able to finish each portion.
>move on
on this topic. How do I let go? As in, do I just live in the end and just remember my manifest, and imagine myself in the scene (my manifest is a house) or is this altering the manifest and should I just detach?
>selling your soul
>What will he do with it?
Operant power, in case you forgot. You can't sell your soul, but you are always where you believe you should be. Believe you should be in hell? You're there.

Where are you right now Salty?
>How do I let go? As in, do I just live in the end and just remember my manifest,
You should feel it set and not feel the urge to do more. This can get weird though depending on how obsessed you are with the result or if it still feels unbelievable to you. You may feel yourself checking but just remember the feeling you had at the time of setting- It is Done.

>and imagine myself in the scene (my manifest is a house) or is this altering the manifest and should I just detach?
You can remind yourself if you need to, or even try to manifest again. If it's set you should feel like it's unnecessary to do so.

Often there is the question of "when will I get my return" but keep in mind you set that time based on what you thought would be reasonable. That's why when Anons post successes it usually looks completely natural or coincidental.
Let go of trying to bring it about in 3d. Eventually after enough sessions your mentality will automatically swap. Don't try to force it.
>I know sleep methods work the best because I've actually studied the patterns on all loa related posts on the internet
You studied the white hot larping garbage did you?
99% of posts are untrustworthy.
>So has anyone manifested anything important here?
>Kindly exclude the gay stuff:
>parking spots
>pink tennis balls
>finding books on specific topics you were thinking about
>fucking faggots in the ass because they were mean to you during high school
>gay threesomes
>tranny foursomes
>Christhood (whatever the fuck that is)
It's funny how every larpers and posers in this thread ignored this relevant post
The law can only be proven by yourself, proof cannot just come your way if you are already believing that this whole thing is fake or larp.
It's like you are manifesting to see the law being fake, and you being the operant power means no "proof" will ever get to you. You are a master of the law and you don't even see it.
I wanted to kiss a specific girl, I imagined it at night.
A week later I met her and another week later we actually kissed.
It was pretty sweet.
>No gay stuff
>Posted gay stuff
Kek truly pathetic
Nice Anon- you've already made it.
Can you at least give some examples of things you don't consider "gay"?
Thoughts on hypnosis?
Love it. One of the first books I got on it at a library sale was basically a handbook on manifesting.
>anons claim they change height by several inches overnight.
>somehow this can’t be used as proof for anyone other than yourself.
>anon claims
>somehow this is valid proof
I didn’t say it was valid proof
However we do have people claiming such things here. They can’t claim massive physical changes and then also claim that there is no proof that can be demonstrated outside of yourself.
One set of anons is wrong.
The “you can only prove this to yourself” stuff always seems fake to me. If it had tangible results it should be easy to prove to anyone.
That presupposes a materialism worldview. It also presupposes material cause and effect. LoA flat out invalidates materialism as the world is created from awareness. Omphalos hypothesis rules are in effect. If an awareness is 5'2 and manifests being 6'3 they can wake up and be 6'3, despite the world empirically always having evidence they were 6'3. The 5'2 past ceases to be to all but the awareness.

You've not manifested, but if you did you'd very quickly realize manifestations often edit the past to allow for cause and effect chains that empirically make sense. Despite stuff being set in motion and lining up the experience prior to you manifesting the experience in the first place. You'd have to do it to see it, but even basic baby's first manifestation will have this trait.

Unfortunately proof is pointless to anyone but the observer manifesting. I can manifest the sky being blue and tell the world and everyone will say it's always been that way. Or it was just a coincidence and would have happened regardless of I manifested or not.
>However we do have people claiming such things here. They can’t claim massive physical changes and then also claim that there is no proof that can be demonstrated outside of yourself.
It's not that it can't be demonstrated, we've had Anons post height gains that their driver's license did not agree with. The problem is, no amount of evidence is enough to a person who has already decided what is "true" to them.

There's no point in proving it anyway- we're not here to convert people, we're here to help Anons that want to know about it learn more. Believe or not, it's your choice.
What would be a good scene to imagine for height growth.
last night i saw a dream that i won 10 million in eurojackpot, i felt exhilarated and that a change is coming.
Anyone else feel like their manifestations never come to fruition or close to how they expected because of picrel?

Personally I feel like evey scenario I imagined nd from a specific manifestation ends up never happening. So I figure I have to feel the manifestations, but not visualise them or else they won't happen. And for those thinking
>Amg just manifest your visualisations working
Go suck a lemon. I've believed with all my heart my visualisations worked and it still wasn't enough.
I don't understand what your picture is trying to say.
"My Roman Empire" what does that even mean?
This is just schizo garbage.
> you'd very quickly realize manifestations often edit the past to allow for cause and effect chains that empirically make sense.
If you were a;ways 6’3 you would never have manifested anything differently as you wouldn’t have to. You would never even have known you’d tried to manifest anything.
Basically this is not even worth reading.
Why even post? There’s no point in you telling anyone anything as they are an isolated observer and your post means nothing, that’s how dumb your post is.
Can you just fucking stop posting your constant failures.
It reinforces your failures. You are manifestly encouraging failure.
Just ignore the roman empire part and focus on the main thing ya old boomer
expectation implies deficiency, you already have it within you and only need faith to bring it out into the outer world.

there are no failures, i simply couldn't reach the feeling properly. now i understand how to do it.
>Expectation =/= faith
So how the hell do I distinguish both, specially feelings wise?
It's a simple question, what's so hard to answer it
How does it feel to waste your time shitting on a thread you don't believe in just to bum out others who do? Does tjat make you feel better about your pathetic sad life?
I am happy about my results, and I linger to call out faggots like yourself. I'm already getting nice progress on my money manifestion right now, that potentially will make me financially free.

Feels good to know I'll come back here and see you coping with zero results still kek.
Just as untrustworthy as lilanon
I'm not seething fren, I'm thoroughly amused seeing you waste your time making yourself feel more miserable. It's a good reminder not to go down that path.
>Hehe that's totally not me guys, I couldn't be the only person retarded enough to call myself Lilith.
The point is there is no sense in asking mother-anon anything as he knows nothing about LoA.
The anon you are trading insults with is correct.
Mother-anon has a substantial track record of failure. A PROVEN track record of failure, which is a rare thing in these threads.
expectation (or anticipation more likely) is when you're super excited "ooh i can't wait until i get it" while faith is more like "i already have it, it is safe to let go."

but i manifested 40 bucks last week, i'm gonna manifest another 40 bucks this week as well.

what failures? i'm interested to know.
let go of your hate.
Based and beyond.
>I grew from 5'9 to 6'1. I hadn't grown for 3 years and this growth started at 20 when I did it willingly.
Ok thanks for your reply anon. It would have been more exceptional if you were something like 35/40 because 20/25 is still an age at which you can grow.
>Sleep is the best time to manifest, it impresses the desire on the subconscious better.
Thanks I will give the priority to sleep then. But you can only focus on one wish per sats session so it's annoying because if you have 20 wishes to manifest it would take a long long time at one wish per day (considering you have to focus on each wish for several days to feel it set before going with the next one..)
That's wonderful! Never trust doctors.
Did you use a frequency device by any chance? Like Rife for example, or Spooky Scalar. Or microcurrents like Bob Beck device.
>You can manifest multiple things or stack desires into a larger manifest, but stay focused. Your goal is to set a manifestation and move on, not overfill your plate and not be able to finish each portion.
thanks. Yes I get that, but if I have to wait for each wish to feel set (it might take days even weeks for each wish) it would take years to manifest everything.
Maybe best waay is to do multiple sats sessions during the day, focusing on one wish per session. Waiting for sleep to do sats seems not enough time to manifest everything. But I get it, sleep is the best moment to do it.
>it would take years to manifest everything.
How granular are you being about this? You should be making manifests that keep working for you, like manifesting being successful at everything rather than targeting a specific job.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>retard is still at it
Newsflash, no one owes you shit, you fucking retard. If you want to know if the law is true then YOU have to find that proof YOURSELF, you stupid piece of shit. Too stupid to do it? Too lazy to do it? Not bothered? Then don't do it you fucking retard. No one cares. No one gets anything from convincing you of anything, you dumb piece of shit
I'm pretty sure know why f gAyDner was anti'd but accepting that why would imply that you were used as a free AD platform and would let on the clear from what trashbag you came from.
>I'm serious.
If you were serious you won't be living here baiting for reactions on a general about something you don't believe. Even if is "mere seconds", those are seconds and attention that should be better used elsewhere.
If you said is just a hobby or just for fun, you're more pathetic than any larper here.
>taking care of yourself is "just wine aunt the secret bullshit"
this general is full of tourist now
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It's just a retarded self-deprecating "humor" zoomer meme. It's telling you that that person has never gotten anything at all using his own effort and has no resistance to failure so he tries to make his failures depend on a second cause, in this case is "being excited".
If you're for real having problems with "being too excited" and have the time, read Reality Transurfing so you understand why giving importance is a problem. It's the exact blockade the "hurr durr, y'all only manifest shit that doesn't matter at all!" folks are trying to implant into you.
Absolutely fucking gigabased. I wish THIS type of content and this type of shit was around when I was first lurking on this general, would've saved me months.

Keep doing this. These are the posts that make this a quality board, not the 457th blogpost or "Just feel it real bro".
>anon has problem with something that should be helping him and making it easy
>anon can be having problems with importance
>"why are you saying being excited is le wrong!? you didn't said that but it triggered me so I insist in why are you saying being excited is le wrong? you are le wrong!!!!"
are you a retarded? a paid shill? or the "muh seething manifestor" troll? or both?
he has a non retarded example in his post that's not just vitriol like yours. you can't fool anyone with the intent of your post.
sounds like you're dating my ex
start a new life
get a new number
a new address
i can tell you it's better alone than with someone who loves to hate you
as for this LOA stuff.. damn that a difficult call.
It all feels like a decentralized cult after a while to me. Some manifestations have felt genuine and "obvious" while I'd say 95% of the rest of my life has been.. unscripted.
Now whether that's through "lack of trying/manifestation" or not, is rather difficult to tell.
>I'll sum it up like this
>Life seems better when you don't get everything you "want", and when it's less predictable in a non-violent, non-tragic way..
>How much control we have over that, seems like the basis of what LOA/Manifestation/Assumption training tactics are based on.
>Remember, a lot of these people (Hicks, Goddard, Bob Something) were higher up's in MLM Corps (Multi Level Marketing) in their infancy.
>Do I think some of this stuff works?
>Sometimes, Yes
>Is it a psyop/mind control?
Nta, based on your shitty example that anon with money blockages or wtvr you wanna call it, could be having them for the indirect implications of having x amount of money. Anon could be "affraid" or "wary" of getting such amount bc deep down they could be affraid of attracting unwanted attention and friendships that would only be after their money, or with that amount could come inevitable big changes in their life and deep down they are affraid of change (our brains will literally seek a familiar hell rather than an unfamiliar heaven), and so on and so forth.
What do you mean "they were higher ups in MLM corps", where did you get that from.
>image cycling
I have been doing this for a while. I have a list of Scenes of my ideal life and I run through them at high speed. Of course, I thought I was doing it wrong and stopped doing it after a while (limiting belief that my ideas are not good enough). This is a reminder that I was onto something! I will listen to those audios. Thanks so much.
Only takes a little digging to find the connections these people had with major MLM companies..
>Jerry Hicks successful Amway director
>Neville Goddard married Mary Hughes (New York Hughes)
>Bob Proctor best friends with the largest SYNDICATED radio host of that age
Again, I'm NOT saying this stuff doesn't have SOME validity
>I am saying that it was designed and engineered by some of the most cunning marketing minds of that age
I am attraction.
it's one of the main tenants of LOA/Manifestation..
>How deep is that again?
>I am saying that it was designed and engineered by some of the most cunning marketing minds of that age
>Older than dirt concept is actually a craft of early marketing efforts...that were based off of psychology...
I think you are mistaking the concepts for the people who used them thousands of years after they were mastered.
>what failures? i'm interested to know.
134 posts with your trip and ‘lottery’. Every time you try the lottery it’s a different manifestation as there are like two euro millions a week, every time you fail.
I’m not even going to bother searching for the amount of times you’ve failed with different women,
Every single thing you’ve announced has failed. Random “I got twenty bucks from my aunt or givernmenr mandate mental health carer” is not LoA.
They say don’t announce your manifestations as it will cause issues. Are you proof of that too? Seems so. You are a failure magnet.
You could simply improve but I don’t think you can let go of the blog. It’s an issue.
I've become a bit unsure of myself. I manifested my SP, my mental diet went to shit, and then I manifested him breaking up with me because of it. I've been working on my self concept and getting him back ever since. Lately, I've just been wanting to text him, but I want him to reach out to me first. When I assume that he's already reached out to me, it just makes me want to message him even more. It's like fulfilling the desire only makes my desire bigger. Any guidance on what I should do?
Just let go sis.
I'd like a specific woman, money, health, specific objects, specific personality traits, physical changes, new car new house, etc.
Doing sats only at sleep for each if them would take ages.
If it's possible to do sats anytime in the day it would simplify the process a bit and save time.
It's becoming a bit toxic in here, hard to keep faith. I think I'll join lipstick alley forum instead, they seem to enjoy their journey with LoA there. Even reddit would be better.
It's a pity all if you reply to this troll or maybe he replies to himself
It is time.
Time to filter all posts EXCEPT Lilanon.
Quality is key.
Why are you advertising and shilling and trolling then?
>What Is The 'My Roman Empire' Meme?
>The "my Roman Empire" trend is directly inspired by the "How often do you think about the Roman Empire?" trend which went viral across social media throughout September. The trend had women asking their boyfriends how often they think about the Roman Empire. To the surprise and hilarity of many, the boys often admitted to thinking about the Roman Empire multiple times a week, or even multiple times a day.
>In the middle of September, people who don't think about the Roman Empire so much decided to take the meme down a new path. They began posting images and videos to TikTok and X that represent something they find themselves consistently thinking about, whether it's a specific scene from a movie, a person or a moment in time.
If only frog posting would die off like this did.
There were other LOA teachers back then. The only reason you heard about Hicks, Proctor, and Goddard is their marketing skill.
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Hilarious to see that same obsessed faggot is still throwing tantrums after several months later. Keep entertaining everyone, monkey.
that's the point
>popularized and sensationalized concepts by marketing company lackeys
>buy my book/podcast/tickets to show
>channeling spirits of your dead loved ones to prey on emotions
this IS the cult mentality, follow only ONE person. it's like the all roads lead to Rome idiom.
Again, I'm NOT saying this stuff doesn't have SOME validity
>I am saying that it was designed and engineered by some of the most cunning marketing minds of that age
ok, name some others and let's see what corporate links they might have?
i know this is a personal journey, and I have been on quite a few regarding LOA and the like; in addition to continuing to probe and scurtinize it's teachings (especially as they are taught in this modern age. Otherwise, we are back to interpreting and deciphering ancient texts and the intention behind them..
These "personalities" (Hick, Proctor, Goddard) are simply preachers not unlike the thousands there are for any other religion.
Amazing post!
How ;-;
I guess another thing, at first it was easy for me to enter into the state of the wish fulfilled, but lately I just don't feel anything during SATS. I've tried other things like affirmations and the lullaby method, but I haven't been able to feel anything with them either. It's like I've gotten worse as I practice more.
>I'd like a specific woman, money, health, specific objects, specific personality traits, physical changes, new car new house, etc.
You can do this one at a time but you'll be working for your things rather than enjoying them.

You could just picture your new life, but if that's not possible for you try to break it down into categories: Money, Health/body, relationships. Doing blanket manifests here will pay off in ways you didn't think of, getting you things you may have forgotten.

>Doing sats only at sleep for each if them would take ages.
As I said, SATS is not mandatory. You can probably work on 3-5 manifestations per day if you mix up other techniques and do them in your free time.
>ok, name some others and let's see what corporate links they might have?
Seth (Jane Roberts), George Gurdjieff, Philip K Dick (though he didn't exactly preach it), A. E. Waite
It takes like 2 weeks if you do it right. You'd have one by the 8th of July. Then move on to the next one. Start with the stuff closer to your reality first. Takes way less time than doing it manually.
Yeah since last year I've been really into loa but I'm starting to feel the same and it's worse than disappointing..
>You can probably work on 3-5 manifestations per day if you mix up other techniques and do them in your free time
Can you elaborate on other techniques
Thanks. I think i will just repeat an umbrella word before sleep, and feel gratitude while doing it, as Neville taught I think.
When you have too many wishes to fulfilled it seems to be the best option in order not to fill your whole day thinking about this. Aftwr a while it makes you you become a bit crazy
>>popularized and sensationalized concepts by marketing company lackeys
>>buy my book/podcast/tickets to show
>>channeling spirits of your dead loved ones to prey on emotions
And this has what to do with LOA?

>I am saying that it was designed

>ok, name some others and let's see what corporate links they might have?
>There's a lot of people that really want money

Possible resistance: fear of not knowing how to handle it, fearing they don't deserve it, fear of it being too easy etc.
Affirmations, daydreaming, self-hypnosis, walking meditation...there are a lot of options. All you really need to do is a light trance in place of going to sleep. Once you get good at this you may not need to trance at all, or will be in the right level of trance all the time.
>All grand LoA masters were gay apparently
Being gay was considered awesome back in the day. Not my cup of tea but men who hate women prefer gay men for obvious reasons.

I do find it hilarious that in sunday school my class of 8yos were asking why Jesus was kissing his groupies, and the poor woman had to talk around that carefully.

We've tried our best to whitewash history with little success.
lol, I kinda agree with this
>Daydream yourself into NO JOB and NO MONEY!
I worked with an artist, and she was FANATICAL about LOA stuff.
She said he paintings were worth a billion dollars
>As her lead marketer I tried to explain why that wasn't possible right now
>I helped her sell several works of art for 500-600 dollars
>She fired me
She hasn't produced work since
And her work isn't worth a billion dollars either (yet)
It's been 4 years
>Not saying it won't happen but...
She daydremt a lot
LoA frequently brings new info into my life. Multiple times I'll get books on business or find perfect stocks when doing money related stuff. It even let me meet the VP of Logistics for a massive movie production company which lead to meeting many celebrities at parties.
What you're describing could be symptoms of manifestation, not falsified proof.
>lol, I kinda agree with this
>>Daydream yourself into NO JOB and NO MONEY!
Funny, works on my system

>I worked with an artist, and she was FANATICAL about LOA stuff.
That's usually a sign they are struggling with it. The actual LOAs get their stuff, smile and move on.

>>Not saying it won't happen but...
>She daydremt a lot
She has to have the belief to back it up
I'm inclined and have practiced belief in these ways
I was married to someone who was a fanatic about them, so it kinda turns me off to them desu
I've stopped caring so much about the
>what so-and-so said in whatever book
>who the current popular guru is
>listening to 6 decade old tapes with some old guy droning on about stuff
I'd rather be, truly be
what about saying nigger (feeling racist in general) and the LOA, i.e. how does it have an effect on LOA?
MAN I've been daydreaming all my life to escape the shitshow growing up. Guess what that didn't propel me into success or a loving relationship like I so often envisioned.

At most you can argue that it's all feeling based and that you have to feel rather than see - e.g. whenever I daydreamed I saw myself being successful but I didn't feel it and deep down felt like i was perpetually an underdog. And even taking this into account and changing it, it still wouldn't exactly help me manifest the things we SPECIFICALLY intend to manifest.

Let's admit it folks, manifesting is nothing more than coping and changing your outlook in life. There's no magic behind so the more unlikely scenarios seem virtually impossible. You get the equivalent of a Knockout desire AT BEST.
Not Gandhi
I don't think so. I manifested multiple people initiating medium to long conversations with me and it took me about 1 month for them to start. Meanwhile my entire life I've been a person who no one spoke a word to, not even hello. I wasn't exactly approachable on all of those days either.
Expected t bh
>Rick & Morty Method
Legendary troll thread. Imma come up with a method and make sure it ends up in the OP
That can be easily explained by your mind subconsciously taking on a more approachable attitude, whether through a more open body language or other verbal/non-verbal hints you throw at people ever so subtly without you realising.
10¢ have been added to your JIDF account thank you for your service.
I wish I was being paid in euros for saying this but no, I'm just a regular anon who once also believed deeply in loa and eventually gave up.
But please, if you have actual, specific, successful manifestation stories, do tell. I'll be here waiting.
You don't understand. I went an entire year with no one initiating. It was always my turn. I developed a belief that I must always initiate. That's why I chose this as a manifestation. I didn't realize I had succeeded until I was done talking with someone for 2 hours.
Have not seen this troll in a while.
>woah a study!
>healing performed by bengston
>study also written by…..bengston
Oh dear
>An additional informal test by Krinsley
Informal. Which means…..not much use for proof.
>Our tentative conclusions
Tentative….which means….not a conclusion
I might take these seriously if Bengston wasn’t always the author. I see that you are always shilling and never chilling.
It’s nice that he can maybe tentatively heal these mice though perhaps with informal testing.
>>But do you really want *her* specifically anon? Forget about her and fuck someone else
I give this advice to incels trying to break biochemistry and get a girl who physically can't find them attractive. It's like trying to manifest being able to fly. If they go general they'll at least get a bpd chick to prey on them
If you wanna break physics you gotta reality shift. Otherwise yes, you're not overwriting biology.
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What can you manifest?
Idiot. Not LoA. Reality shifting is a whole different retarded LARP.
>Legendary troll thread. Imma come up with a method and make sure it ends up in the OP
All you have to do is bake early. I wondered why whoever it was was so impatient.
>so it kinda turns me off to them desu
Me too- I have an apprentice who has a terrible mental diet and wants to flaunt. They'll probably be the death of me but if I can get them out of law of attraction to the real stuff they will shine.

>I'd rather be, truly be
Based. You have already made it Anon :)
>what about saying nigger (feeling racist in general) and the LOA
Once you start having successes you'll realize how useless that is. You command your world, nothing exists in it that you did not choose to be there. Also, most racism has to do with scarcity mindset- when you know you can have anything you want, what does any of it matter.

You are the Operant power. If you are going to do something stupid, do it for fun only.
>MAN I've been daydreaming all my life to escape the shitshow growing up
>whenever I daydreamed I saw myself being successful but I didn't feel it and deep down felt like i was perpetually an underdog
The daydream is only to focus your belief- you got what you believed, the rest was fantasy.

> it still wouldn't exactly help me manifest the things we SPECIFICALLY intend to manifest.
Sure it would- daydream the thing you want. Believe you have it, or will. Believe it with your entire being, it is Done.

>There's no magic behind
Believe there's not and there won't be. Your conclusion is your command.
>Not Gandhi
Why not?
I feel like at this point lilanon is trying to convince himself that LoA works by taking this super believer attitufe.
>Oh dear
Ikr? It gets a little shrill with the "scientifically proven!!"

Luckily, we don't care. Does it work? Yes, but it's just the simple method with some unneeded add ons. It's not the second coming.
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this is you
i'm an attractive woman in a suit?
hell yeah
Holy shit Rick and Morty method works.
>sounds like youre dating my ex
thanks for sharing your advice many of my friends and family have advised me to find a different woman. i may not have a choice now because she might be done with me, we’ll see, but i appreciate you sharing
grace, love and gratitude to you
You can apply any method you want to attract pretty girls, if you don't have a Chad's face or you are balding it's over. I mean you'll be able to attract girl of course but forget about pretty ones and lower your expectations drastically. You'll be able to have some fat chicks (I dont have anything against fat people though) or 2-3/10 looking girls that's all.
Even if you have a good job, or if you are tall, pretty girls only go with Chads, or bad boys. That's how it works in 2024. Social networks, tv shows, ads, media propaganda, all of this completely fucked up girls behaviour/mind.
So keep dreaming guys, all you'll get are Karens, trannies,, or fap alone.
Hi I'm single since 7 years, practicing loa since 1 year to get laid, but no luck. I am average looking but extremely shy that's my main problem I think, women don't like shy men in general. I tried to improve my self concept by repeating positive affirmations about myself but it ended up nowhere. Same with subliminals, morphic fields,... If you have any piece of advice please share.
PS: you can troll or mock me idgaf at this stage.
>Being a failed normie unironically
>women don't like shy men in general
anon strikes himself in his confusion
Yep and summer is very tough to handle with all these sexy bitches everywhere who know how much powerful they are just by exhibiting their ass. They were born with a cheat code really.
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You literally want to be a woman with a fat ass. Why not just start taking hormones now, kek. Why can't you see that you're perfect bro.
Yes it's just a way to keep a positive mind. But we all know a positive mind doesn't necessarily bring luck love or money, it's just a way to see life with happy eyes...I
Those you get money with LoA are those selling courses to teach LoA.
I would not say it's a psyop though but it's kind of.
I discovered LoA a few months ago, I was excited, and the mistake I made is talking about it to my friend and family, assuring them they could get anything just by thinking they already have it.They all tried it and got nowhere with it, now they refer to me as a schizo.
I should have kept this to myself, or tried it more in depth to make sure it works.
No pharma company will want to finance such studies, they know it works so they don't want this to be known. They make lots of money from drugs, what do you expect are you naive or what. Healing with hands costs zero and brings them zero. You'll never see a paper on this in Nature or the Lancet (which are fake propaganda btw) so the only way to make it known is to do the studies ourselves, which Bengston did, with a clear and bulletproof protocol.
Try again.
Nah you have to be born a girl, it doesn't work with hormones, trannies generally look like monsters, even with tons of makeup.
But some cases are mind blowing you're right, like Taylor swift, beyonce, miley cyrus, lady gaga, all these dudes look pretty sexy as girls. But it's not the majority.
I’ve noticed that you never see any videos of people talking about how the law of assumption has helped them. Every single time somebody makes one of these videos next thing you know they’re trying to sell coaching/ courses. It never fails.

Is the law of assumption just some money making scam?

They all follow the same formula. Sammy Ingram did it first. Made videos talking about it and then claimed she wasn’t gonna be doing coaching. And now look.

Thousands of people have popped up on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook etc doing the same thing.

Has this ever even changed anybody’s life like they claim? I’m not talking about little things like seeing a green car, getting a text message,finding $5 on the ground or free coffee. I’m talking about big stuff. Houses, cars, large sums of money, marriage, etc.

I’ve been trying for ages to win a certain lottery jackpot. If I affirm a lot I’ll win free tickets or up to $100 and even had all the numbers match… but they were spread across multiple tickets I bought. Idk. It’s crazy
They say more people made money selling shovels during the gold rush instead of those digging for gold. If you catch my drift...
I notice this as well. I listen to Edward Art, but now at the end of his videos he started offering like personal 1:1 consultations? or something. Like oh don't forget if you want to talk,contact me at my email !!! and l'm like.. another one bites the dust. Also I've been wondering if he gets his prompts through chatgpt.. because...... lol
It is a law and it's always working. It takes discipline to get the results you desire and the only way you will see results is to actually read/learn and constantly apply. There's so many free resources you really don't have to follow anyone.
Edward Art has so many videos (and a PDF document that is over 100 pages)....it doesn't matter if he offers coaching. Anything he's saying in the coaching has already been discussed at length & for free on his youtube. The law of assumption is just another thing being used by scamming "coaches", similar to LOA, twin flame nonsense, etc.

There are so many free resources that one shouldn't even bother with paid coaching in my humble opinion. Even on reddit, there are tons of well-written and in-depth success stories. Focus less on the scammers and focus on what the law can do for you.
>Is the law of assumption just some money making scam?
I feel like you are looking around for something to make an issue about. What does looking around on Youtube to see what LOA coaches are doing(selling coaching) have to do with the law?

How is it helping you became a better person?

Would you share successes you had with LOA on Youtube if you had the chance?
cheers anon I appreciate it. I typed up these posts half drunk cause I just felt like shit to be honest. I had a pretty good day with her today since we were both off but like all days with her, there's always that one hiccup that can just destroy moods and can turn minutes with her to hours.

>oh, well you don't have to do it if you don't want to. the woman will go away into the silence and you wont have to feel bad about it. if you want she will get the help she needs.
I'd like it if she came to me and just said "I can't do us anymore, I am not happy" or something. It'd be great, it really would be. How could 'manifest' such a thing though if it is at all possible?

I think you are even more fucked than I am dude. I like your drive but what you two have isn't good by any means.
I'm not gonna put it against you though, if you love her just go to her dude, but don't always give her her way.
I appreciate your reply though, you have beautiful handwriting.
What happened to this general? It used to be so useful!


Better loa thread with no tripfags
>Holy fucking cringe
Blasphemy, young man :)

If you have a problem with how history played out, you should get to LOAing rather than pretending(LARPing) that it didn't happen that way.
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I'm watching to see all the great things that will happen there...
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No, but I can definitely call you a faggot loser who will amount to nothing.
You're not in it, that already means far better things happening.
Checked, lilanon btfo
Scientific studies are normally written by the ones performing the experiment. Shocking.
Complaining helped me with manifesting
Success Story
First of all, I want to give a huge shoutout to Past Calligrapher for her amazing tips—it finally clicked for me, and manifestation has become a blast!

I’ve always struggled with SATS and robotic affirmations because, let’s face it, they can be so boring. Living in the end felt dull, and I couldn’t really believe it. Repeating the same scene over and over in my head just made me anxious.

A few days ago, I stumbled upon Past Calligrapher’s post. She mentioned that she imagined herself with her wish already fulfilled and then added some drama by complaining about things in her new state to keep it entertaining. Basically, she made her future thoughts as entertaining as possible.

And it was a game-changer! I’m about to graduate from university and really wanted to secure a position at the law firm where I already work. So, I started imagining myself with my diploma, working as an Associate. In my head, I was whining about having too many clients who all wanted to work with me—annoying, right? I even thought, “Now that I have this position, I need to attend a ton of client meetings, so I definitely need a new bag and some fresh outfits.” It felt so natural because I was already living my dream job in my mind and focusing on all the “problems” that came with it. And let’s be honest, I love complaining (I know, I know, it’s bad).

After just an hour of this mental complaining session, my boss approached me and said he’d spoken to our CMP (big boss) about me. They both agreed they’d love to have me as an Associate and even considered opening a new department in my field of interest because they see how talented I am. I was absolutely shocked!

The next few days were wild. Clients from my side hustle kept calling, wanting to work with me, even those I hadn’t heard from since September and thought had ghosted me.
I didn't ask to be demotivated. Take your bullshit elsewhere.
>complaining even if she get everything

This is only real post in this thread
Where are Past Calligraphers posts?
Gandhi followed Advaita Vedanta, not LoA. Satyagraha is nonviolence, not LoA.
It's actually kinda fun when I tried it. Women have purpose after all lmao
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Witnessed. Digits confirm xe should fuck off
>Satyagraha is nonviolence, not LoA
I'm not following, are you claiming LOA requires violence or are you claiming he could not do two things at once?
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Stop doing loa, start doing PUA.You can also pay for sex if it's that bad.

Kek, good luck with that thread anon. There's a reason SATS isn't discussed here. You're Going to get all the retards that have the correct version of SATS shit posting there. There about 20 correct versions so far.
You'll also get the retards that do SATS but can't manifest. Then you'll have to deal with both the SATS gurus and failures shitting up the thread.

Here's another fucking retard.
>why can't I make someone do something against their will?
>why didn't I get a job I'm not qualified for and that other people are applying to?
>how do I cure an incurable disease?
>how do I cheat death?
>why aren't I getting all the imaginary bullshit I'm asking for?

Have you even manifested a fucking ladder? Goddamn, please go over to that SATS thread and spread your cancer there. >>38226469 maybe head on over to reddit for a change, you'll fit right in.
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>manifest a glass of water
>go to the tap and fill a glass with water
>drink it
>no longer thirsty
they would keep you from such power....
What did Gandhi teach that has anything to do with LoA?
Every religion and every demon summoning ritual is actually LoA.
>What did Gandhi...
“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning."
>For the first time in his life, LilAnon WILL see vampires and succubi.
That's a Tuesday for me

>on his face
>doctor besides
>raptured up
>castling figure
ESL or AI? Either way I'm not sure your gay kidnapping fantasy is on topic here.
>convince me
Lazy, stupid and entitled retard. Go jump off a bridge
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Seems you have a philosophical side, quite the improvement from the previous creepypasta

>So with your death I symbolically repress Gurus
I'm not a guru. I'm simply one where he is supposed to be, doing things he should not be able to do with people he was never supposed to meet.

And for my next trick...

>you would not have known Goddard.
I need not have ever read Goddard- he and I shared the vision of the One, the Promise. All will receive the Promise, hopefully when they are ready. I was not.

>how far do you need to go with this root-causing system of yours?
All the way to the bottom. The root of roots. Why?

>Will destroying the belief in one thing wipe out what came from it?
Creation is finished- nothing ever really is destroyed, only removed from awareness.

>Regardless, my faith in your effeminacy will not be destroyed
Hold fast to your faith if it your desire that it be so- for without it there is only your uncertainty and anything can be there...
This is unironically an exercise used to tie thoughts to their 3d fufillment
While I don't agree with everything you say, you're indeed a good guy that helps people. The trolls can't touch you. Stay cool lilanon
>While I don't agree with everything you say
Heaven forbid you ever do- be your truth, not mine.

>until I have reached the fullness of my divinity, until my Omnipotence is binded to this reality through faith
See inside yourself all of Creation. You are all that is, all that is was conceived of by you. Nothing is beyond you, for you are I AM.

Omnipotent. Omniscient. Omnipresent.

>And as soon as I do, I will erase those horrible writings I wrote of you as well as that gay drawing I made a month ago
lol. It's all play. We take it seriously, but it's all play. It doesn't even exist now unless we focus on it.

>I may also manifest other things about you however
I'd say do your best/worst, but you may not like the kind of gravity you experience if you drift into this type of orbit...sometimes it's not safe out here...
>> Rick & Morty Method
you can't be fucking serious. put triumphant george there instead of this dumb shit
Idk, most people liked it.
No. Most posters hate it. It makes this general even stupider.
I know you don’t know.
>That's a Tuesday for me
you can see vampires and succubi? May I inquire how?
Nta I like it it's a good method that works.
So did SMAnon or what was his name change realities already? Or what was it he was trying to do
Nat but it’s obvious shit.
Started well, ended in full mode faggotry.
>how far do you need to
>All the way to the bottom.
A fitting reply for a non-binary gender dysphoric tripnigger.
Nta but you're as retarded as the Rick and Morty method.
>even if I may not have it at the beginning
It's a known fact that you already have it in the beginning. So: not LoA.
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Just let go bro.
I've seen some people recommend "The Magic of Psychotronic Power" by Robert B. Stone in these threads and I'm going to read it, the library also has some of his other books I've never seen get mentioned here though, are they also worth reading through if I have the time?
Now that the OP has shit like Rick and Morty in it it’s truly over for this cursed general.
Linking to reddit of all places is pretty outrageous.
Time to shift realities I guess, I don't know how I ended up here.
Sure. One of the things occultists and magical creatures frequently point out is that things like that are all around you, you just don't see them. My group called non-aware people "mundanes."

You can manifest for awareness, but Anons that have awareness and no powers tend to end up in big trouble- manifest powers or magical bloodline first and then open your eyes to the mystical.
He's probably still around, although I don't think he's posted here lately. He's an occultist so he's doing his thing and hopefully getting returns and enjoying his experience.
>It's a known fact that you already have it in the beginning
LOAs frequently are in the learning states, so not all of them are at the point where they are working from the idea that they already have everything and are everything. I'm still working on fully accepting that myself, even though I have directly tapped into it at times. He understood how beliefs worked and used it, setting an example for others.
The next baker can fix it.
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Did anyone here ever read the Sara books from Esther and Jerry Hicks? I had them when I was a kid.
>book 2 onward features Sara's friend "Seth"
/ulg/ - Universal Line General
>tranny is confused
I'm just using your own words here, champ.
>>is confused
>I'm just using your own words here
Very confused. Are you claiming that I own the definition of LOA? Your narrative is so fact-free that I have trouble following it at times, and I am used to dealing with insanity. Congrats?
>Very confused.
It's a typical state for gender dysphoric subhumans desu.
Just stfu already useless retard
i'm having a great time and i'm gonna make it everyone's problem.
>>Very confused.
>It's a typical state for...
...when I read the words of someone who has no idea what they are talking about.

I'm glad we have that established. Good day, sir.
>I'm glad we have that established
The only thing that's been established in all these threads is that you are low IQ non-binary redditor with gender dysphoria.
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Do not forget furry dragonwolf "otherkin"
Our king.
Relaxed and polite in the face of evil.
>Fails at LOA
>Continues to fail at LOA
We have some resources in the library that could help you Anon.
stars rule men, but wise man rules the stars.
Dumb schizophrenic.
>rules the stars
>still struggles to manifest a 5-dollar bill
Is it possible to learn this power?
From the biggest failure on the board lmao.
> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.
“Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually. This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. In order to intelligently operate the law of consciousness it is necessary to understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is personal and selective; the subconscious is impersonal and non-selective. The conscious is the realm of effect; the subconscious is the realm of cause. These two aspects are the male and female divisions of consciousness. The conscious is male; the subconscious is female. The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them. By this law-first conceiving an idea and then impressing the idea conceived on the subconscious-all things evolve out of consciousness.”

Neville Goddard
>we cling to our old selves for the comfort of familiarity
Absolutely, even when I’m confronting my second causes I feel very afraid. Speaking of which, I’ve been understanding myself more on why I do these behaviors and it does come from a lack of something that has occurred in my childhood (such as needing the assurance of being safe and knowing the answer)

Learning more why I’m a control freak, if only I got something before all this that wouldn’t have caused me to be in a rut mentally my whole life especially the self assurance part which is where I’m stuck in the manifesting process

>Maybe we are all eternal children?
I think so, we come here with a child like wonder that we forget when we exchange it for being a grown up. We may forgotten that we chose to come here to remember, more so a hint on how to remember. Discussed this with a friend of mine since we noticed it’s what people truly long for rather than the reliving of their childhood…that sense of simplicity and childlike wonder

Come to think of it, I manifested a few things as a kid when I wasn’t dealing with my problems

The oddly weird yet fascinating thing is I see how yeah we try our best to be all model citizen and “mature” as we grow older. I grew up way too early since I took matters into my own hands when my needs weren’t met. Even though I did I still suck at managing issues which I realized I’m still a kid trying to find stuff to fix my problems immediately since I don’t like feeling negative or dealing with problems preset or near future

Saw someone say since I took this test I don’t know how to cope, I really just find vices to fill that empty gap I have as a way to escape my emotions

>”Let go of what you think you know!"
Consciously I want to but really all I knew before the law was all a construct that doesn’t matter. Emotional attachment sucks

There’s still more I’m thinking through, but I’m trying to maintain my faith
Have you even manifested a fucking parking spot?
It’s tough.
Sometimes I find them.
I can relate. Sometimes I summon Goetic demons to find one.
Now that I think of it, I haven't had parking problems at all the past year.
So the law does work, I only focused on finding parking spots once and the problem has been solved ever since.
>the problem has been solved ever since
You're good to go for the next step (pink tennis balls).
Maybe on lipstick alley since the post was copied from there.
Lots of cool LoA discussions on this board
>Lots of cool LoA discussions on this board
Do they also have hippies giving advice on how to let go of everything and change your gender?
Based and redpilled. This is the way.
It's a forum for black women. So they manifested "black woman" as their gender identity.
I just checked some of the subforums:
>Black America Forum
>Africa Forum
>Afro-Caribbean Forum
>Afro-Europe Forum
>The Black History Forum
>The LSA Womanist/Feminist Forum
>The LSA LGBT Forum
Lmao and Jeezus fucking Christ, this is even more cringe than LilAnon and his gay vampire niggers from outer space.
Did you see these people have fangs or burn in the sunlight? And did you see the succubi physically, or was it within your mind? Also thank you for posting that neville quote.
LilAnon you've mentioned you disagree with neville on a couple things. Could you say what?
Universal line is the islam of LOA
>emphasis on oneness
>many shared teachings with the previous teacher with some major differences
>creator is accused of being a pedophile
He wasn't gay enough for his taste.
An MtF brave and stunning nigress would certainly be preferable.
They don't believe imagination creates reality. Just belief.
>no goat fucking
There's still room for improvement.
New general
Where’s Lilanon?
>Did you see these people have fangs or burn in the sunlight?

>And did you see the succubi physically, or was it within your mind?
I have Incubi powers/traits myself but after receiving the Promise/learning the Law I consider that a form of an echo of a role I used to play- I was always a child of the Creator, not a "human" or "demon."

>Also thank you for posting that neville quote
I love Neville- he was always reaching for the stars.
Yes, Neville changes his mind a couple of times in his works, it's clear he was learning things from books and people and then refined his understanding as he was doing/testing things. Given this fact you can't go off what he says word for word, you have to test it yourself.

One of the major items I disagree with him on was his understanding of the Promise. He and Promise Anon state that it cannot be manifested, that it is controlled by some sort of outside process. That assertion, if true, invalidates the Law itself- it would prove something else to be the first cause. I tested the validity of this and it is false- the Promise is simply another state to be in and you can manifest it. I suspected as much when I read Neville's testimonials and writings on it, it's clear his experience with the Promise was so profound that he mentally retreated back to his 2nd causes of mysticism for a very long period, but it does seem he was getting clear of that in the end.

Another major item is the emphasis on "You are" rather than "You will be." Setting manifests in the future works fine, it's not the ideal but we do it all the time when we are unconsciously manifesting our day. "I will do X at 12:30pm." And you do. Giving yourself a time buffer for manifests you are having difficulty with allows you reduce the amount of faith required to set your manifest. Almost all of my deliberate manifests were set in the future before I received advanced training. I believe this works because you are believing you "are" in a particular state with a trigger, in this case in the perception of the "future"

>They don't believe imagination creates reality
That may be true depending on what you think of as "imagination"- I have had stray thought create reality. Unintentional, unformed, "random" thought. We really are creators

>Just belief
Belief is simply thought held with conviction. "The sun will rise tomorrow." "I love my spouse." "I am leaving for my trip."

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