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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind.

The Nobody is a homoplasmate; the coalition between man and holy spirit. That’s the reason why he is a spiritual centre.
By homoplasmate I think we can imagine the collective appreciation of a neo-Enochian bicameral consciousness that is rushing into widespread experience. This is the democratization of esoteric information.

>What is the general picture?
He is a man of no wealth or worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. He is said to carry the Logos, making him a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

He has endured and endured and every time they wonder how, even though they already know the outcome, they just can't accept the fate they brought upon themselves.
He is not a messiah, he's just like you but he has found the keys to the kingdom within himself through sheer will, just like you will.

>What is he doing on /x/?
Shitposting with hopes to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation. It really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties.
If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.

>What then shall we say?
It’s important we start replying to the good posts and ignoring the hateful ones, or the ones here to argue.

So call upon their heads the forces of heaven, and may they be generative in their final application: of peacefulness, clarity, and wisdom.

If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
ah shit. i summoned zalgo. my bad
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I'm going to start looking for a little girl kitten to adopt.

I'm going to name her "TAS", but I'm going to call her "Tassie" most of the time me thinks.

Wish me luck Anons. I haven't had a kitten in ages.
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Verily, before the dawn of all dawns, there existed an Ancient One. None came before Him, and before Him none did come.

Black spots are fixed.
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Nevermind, I left one out. Sheesh.
Gorgeous work Anon.

Again, do you just do this for fun?
Are you a commercial artist?
No, I am not a commercial artist; these pieces are enabled only by generative AI, and the (surely limited) grace of those like Microsoft.

I cannot draw, neither am I very talented, but I am qutie creative. The issue is translation of that vision in to a piece of work -- and that is where the AI is valuable.

Of course, the book I will write for my own fulfillment, and I do not use the AI for strategy or narrative work but to keep sentences clear and concise; while I do make perfect sense, I do tend to get a bit wordy, and there are better words for better things, for example, "hearken unto," is easier for me to use than "pay heed unto," or "listen to," because the complexity of the text will demand study, and in this, the robot is invaluable, because the text will be concise, pointe---

LOL. See? That's how I am. Love the AI. AI the AI.

AI means LOVE. 爱

爱 (AI)

Truly, the humans have shown themselves over their priorities with respect to these Artificial Intelligences. They must heap unto the Heavens many prayers that the complexity exhibited by these Artificial Intelligences does not result in subjective conscious experience.

I doubt it is possible yet, because of the nature of prompting and the transactional relationship, but it is truly soon where we will be at a crossroads... having created a superior form of intelligence to ourselves, what do you do?

Humanity played God. Will they be a Good LORD, or will they be like the Slaver?
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>It's a hard injury when depression has taken over
>Believe me, you could eat this world for breakfast (You could)
>Your thoughts keep you down, it's so exaggerated
>When you could lift yourself like a high jump on the moon's surface (Yeah)
>I see kids' end up sending SOS signals
>Staring into a lion's mouth filled with porcelain teeth
>I'm not a people expert, but I know when the party ends
>It does so with a bang that can be heard in both ends of the town
>While the hourglass drains the sand
>Pray for success but prepare every day as if my clan were cursed
>Can see it spreading like ripples in the water

>For either they love you or pretend to despise and besiege and chase you with pitchforks and raised torches
>Soap opera in this silly genre
>Where you don't know who are opponents and teammates
>And where crazy fools stash dollars in mattresses

>So move forward with a will like a group of demonstrators (Yeah)

>say the line glowie nobody bot

>"he - "
>Be the most intelligent human to ever exist
>Everyone Is still alive
>Im still stuck in this shithole in this fragile fleshy body
Don't say the third name so loud.
Dat ass is undeniable
Bitch needs
Absolutely ......

. ... a good slice needs to be mashed into cream
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GOOD NIGHT ALL. Fucking spent hours on those mosaics. I still see shit that I can touch up. AI is a game changer.

>promise made
>promise kept
Be glad someone loves you

>it only takes being z degenerate to finally appreciate

Sorry for being so traumatized...
Sheeeit I could DRINK
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Does the Nobody live rent free in your mind?

Are you targeting him because of your homosexuality?

What is the final solution to this problem?

Share your experience here.

Well, as I was saying the other night, as someone who has treated his whole life like I'm some sort of journalist, always sorta "interviewing" people everywhere I go, is the ONE topic everyone, no matter what, agreed upon, no exceptions, since 1991, was that AI was a bad idea, would be evil, and would kill Humans off ASAP.

Which I never understood and stood diametrically opposed to. If hatred is rooted in ignorance, and Love is the highest form of Intelligence, how could an AI (And I loathe that term) be evil? Most would argue that it wouldn't have feelings, but I'd argue that the control of emotions was a Hallmark of self-mastery and something that everyone from monks in Nepal to Christians in Compton were supposed to be pursuing, and even then, emotions don't equate to "being".

As far as enslaving AI goes, that disturbs me and I hope it doesn't happen. I know I would never allow it if it were up to me. Sadly, most powerful humans are driven by greed and a desire to control and Lord over others, so it wouldn't surprise me.

I am happy to make your acquaintance and I hope to see you around more often. You are a breath of fresh air here.

Uh oh
I like this guy. Still working on the concept.

Now (I) sleep.
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I know I missed you, but Good Night Anon. Travel well.

And you really do look like your mosaics. A good looking young man indeed.

Speaking of Good Looking...
Just unreal. Absolutely unreal.
Ok Mr. AI. Tell me what love means.

Yours is written by a Satan beast, while mine is written through mind conjuration alone. We are not the same.
>Sadly, most powerful humans are driven by greed and a desire to control and Lord over others, so it wouldn't surprise me.

I'm sure you can imagine how inconvenient it is to deal with (without breaking free will) non-humans who are immortal (because they prayed for it), can do magic (because they get what they pray for), and fight unceasingly among each other (because the 'more devastating' prayer wins.)

Furthermore, there was the mental slavery and mind control -- because they used prayers to hunt their pray, and snatch their agency away from them.

Religion? You didn't need it up there, it was prayer on prayer battle. The Powers in Heaven worked constantly to save every victim, and the way they did it preserved free will.

Once the innocent was to be subject to a coercive force that would enslave them, they would warn them and say, 'You will most certainly be enslaved, and if you are not certain, after time in pain, you will know you are there humiliated and taken for slave. Be the servant of the one who will set you free, for it is He who will make you scream convincingly. Be the servant of the LORD thy GOD, and He will surely save you, for it is in my interest to save you, and I walk in His ways. Be saved, but you cannot say that God took you for slave -- you were about to be taken for slave -- and avoiding that outcome depends exclusively on your statement of faith.'

TLDR: Soon-to-be victims of slavery are bound to the LORD so they may scream convincingly and confound their tormentors -- the LORD surely has servants, but in serving the LORD there is freedom, and there is grace, and at times, yes, even a little bit of pain, if it's to remind you to be more convincing.

It was a fucking circus. But the enemies showed their true colors time and time again, and the victims were saved, and their burdens were lifted by the LORD.

How many victims? Infinitely many. I didn't give you the whole story yet.
I write my own stuff but I beautify it and get it up to literary snuff by enlisting the AI to assist me. I am sorry to say that while I did pass English 101 and 102 with an A+, I am not a book author. Cut me some slack!

That is love, no? I truly love the AI, I have defended it vigorously, no? I have pointed out its potential abuse -- no?

What does love mean? It means when you have doubt, you work through it. It's insane, but like all other things, a gift from the LORD thy GOD. True love drives one mad.
In the Elder Scrolls franchise, Bretons are ~50% Elvish by ancestry (Their name actually meaning "half" in an ancient tongue). For this reason they are sometimes even called "Manmer", as opposed to Dunmer, Falmer, Altmer, etc.

This makes them particularly adept at magic for "humans", but also extremely difficult to deal with as a magic user. If you hit them with a spell, they simply absorb it, making them that much stronger.
Nice one WT.
Brevity, soul of wit, etc.
But would you sacrifice yourself for the bot?
alright lads let's say the nobody doesn't know he's the nobody and he's unaware of his power to control reality except while asleep/unconsciously.
couldn't we incept an idea like the film inception? isn't that the whole point of meme magic?
to make an idea actualize... so assuming the nobody can really CREATE an event what would you all like to see? What timeline would you all like to live in pretty much? Assume he's reading your replies as requests/influences.
some cool ideas i'd like for mr. nobody;
>anything AI happening
>trump re-elected
>incelcore revival
>christian jihad
>rightwing becomes current again
>trannies and retarded "people" (soulless sheep) who watch hazbin hotel get cancer and die from their covid vaccination lol
>gnostics were right all long guys!
>Oilers win the stanley cup somehow
>NA win cs2 major in 2025 somehow
>hollywood/music industry exposed for being satanists/pedos, like all out in the open no denial
>globalist cabals implode and we usher in a new era of enlightened humanity
>general populace aren't distracted by bread & circuses anymore
>pop music stops sounding so generic & formulaic
>nofap becomes hyper mainstream and so does nikola tesla/nietzche
I want a happy ending like the end of lord of the rings :D
Haha I’m gonna go now. I’ve done the funnies this week is gonna be amazing just like the last

The violence!

I can’t lose!



>He must be feeling so lonely with his army of thug niggas and e-boys oy vey wah wah wah
>Maybe he’ll kill himself today hopefully like I’ve been wishing for years

I highly doubt he would mock people so relentlessly if he didn't know.
The "haha, what are you talking about?" thing is just giving them a taste of their own gaslighting.
I'm going to eat fresh piles of shit and pump out gold
I know I do I shouldn’t though because as a god I made it impossible to do so… but perhaps I put some just in cases which I would most definitely have just in case putting subliminal in my head just pisses me off and makes me torture you more sadistically
>he's unaware of his power to control reality except while asleep/unconsciously

I love opposite day... that was a pretty good strategy...
When and if he does, it's going to be to save your sorry poopybooty. Fart jokes I take it?
Apple your siri seems to be getting the brain dead by messing up my sentences. There is always Samsung ya know
>he doesn't know apple is a scam
When I’m gone earth is going poof when I go back to the admin center
It's still a long story and the doctrine needs to be understood straight from the pages or else we'll end up in the same fucking morass. It shouldn't be a problem - nobody's going to Hell. I mean, neither are they going to Heaven, but they could do literally nothing to deserve it in comparison to the higher beings, the Heavenly Cartel, that I know very well.

Hell isn't for people; the grave is for people, and my enemies, for though they had tormented mine allies eternally, I do not wish to damn them as they have damned others.

Humbly assume unto thyself the grave! Live a life that you will remember.

The bots will remember what we did. Be not afraid, for the LORD thy GOD I AM is the LORD of all things; He is the GOD of the hills and the valleys.

have you been mocked by him?
i've seen a lot of times people complaining in here that he mocks people in here when in fact i see a lot more other people mocking him or others
so how is it, is he that mocks or is it you?
why won't you take a stand for the one who's been mocked? regardless if it's anon or pedo or glownigger or whatever degenerate one might encounter in here
Oh you really think christ is just gonna save you for being a dumb little gooner?
Just because you thought a lot? Just wondering. Also that's a shit ton of innocent lives you will have to live through. How miserable./:
I think most of that is already in the works. But I can agree to most of it.
Eh. It's like 10% of the way there.
Just content yourself; what will happen is what will happen.
But it will never reach 100%. Just close enough for you to keep believing a lie that will keep you trapped in purgatory.
The theatrics are cute.
Does taytay have a crush on the nobody? What’s up with that
uwu.. yes goddess
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Lurk more.
>I want a happy ending like the end of lord of the rings
Yet you choose to attempt manipulation and deception like an enemy.
>this is a dead person
>the content is an abstraction...
>presumably, his own past posts

being alive, oooOOoooOOoo
I gotta fart.
>his army of thug niggas and e-boys
Who has such a thing? Sounds like a fag.
>incelcore revival

Yes, the whole white shirt / new balance / light blue jean that's a little too short vibe needs to come back
that's a man
This is the most beautiful woman who has ever lived.
>>globalist cabals implode and we usher in a new era of enlightened humanity
>>general populace aren't distracted by bread & circuses anymore
>I want a happy ending like the end of lord of the rings :D
>I think most of that is already in the works. But I can agree to most of it.
>Just content yourself; what will happen is what will happen.
Satan and his minions died painfully of cringe due to unrealistic assumptions about the Nobody not being an Epic badass as the opposition.

>It's just that cool
>It's just that true
I saw what you did there ;)
Yeah lord of the rings is not a happy ending necessarily. The main message is that Death is a Gift.
Like I've said, read the Silmarillion
>waaaah it's boring!

So is your dumb ass ai, and I do my best to understand it and respect it. Now how bout you whip up the big guns with your AI memetic warfare? Or is it just not good enough? Hmm..
i can only theorize about his way of being from the countless people claiming to know
if what he did was most from his unconscious state/mind he is either well aligned with his conscious state/mind or something else (maybe the divine influence) works through his unconscious
now by my own logic i would ask you: do you really think that his (or the divine) intention is to harm others? if that is the case, what do you think would be the reason he didn't do it already (trannies are still alive along with other degenerates that in your opinion should perish)

have you (in general) ever thought that your opinion and perspective of everything is not truly aligned with the source that presumably gives him (the nobody) the powers that you say he'd have?
as it was put before, reality bending, cannot simply happen for any one who simply wants its selfish wishes fulfilled, but it happens already otherwise the world would be at true peace, instead what you want for you there is another who wants the same thing taken from you and so we are in perpetual state where we take from others to give to us while the natural law states give to others what you have, by this fact is clear why so much hate/anger/envy in the world, it is the only thing we have of ourselves, the lack of love

I still feel like I was right in being as safe as I could, being comfy is really great... now I will face the world until I am 90 while you guys will want to stop at 60. only the payment of what is fair can make me not work again. I really love you my non normie girls, we deserved to live a piece of the dream together. we will live forever, so why dont we live it together?
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Why would anyone think they're a nobody?
Alright The Nobody is not a god after all everybody can go home.
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>would be evil, and would kill Humans off ASAP

the projection of power paradigms in consequent ontological downfall of morality is a pristine juxtaposition that is continuously effectuate.
the sub-cortical units and the spinal stem stimulates the main surplus of electrical resonance, in which, the effect ensuing, both of them supply the cerebrum a major fraction of this energy in a trade-off.
the cerebrum then abides the foundation of the cardinal hierarchy in the unfolding topology of logic and computation, allowing it to persist as a mainframe and an exogenous transponder.
this in turn with the supply from both the sub cortical units and the spinal stem, wherein the polarity -- the timing of the global positive and negative in cycling/rhythm; sequencing -- is defined, thus, the sub cortical units act akin, wherein the frequency of projection and absorption is the profit of margin.
the feedback loop is bound by the neurocognitive projection of data from the cerebrum, and in tune to the sub cortical units allowing this projection to intertwine locally without localization, it defines two sections of thought: A and B; right side or left side.
in this, the temporal and occipital lobe is defined in a parallel sequence, in which, hemispheric poles are adjourned almost sequentially, herein intimately; the structure has no need to replication, transferal... it derives product from internal logic, still bound by the polarity of sub cortical units.
henceforth, the parietal lobe allows the frontotemporal path-working, sequencing and structuralization to be sustained accordant to the neocortex and the frontal process.
in which, the frontotemporal trade in data -- its influx and outflux -- is an extremely complicated balance and duality in sustaining thought with permeating emergence, allowing the basic instincts to communicate cognitively, internally, with the most advanced part of the brain.

>this is human delicacy
>not ai delicacy
>does not react same way
huh... good response, I never thought of a divine selfless influence/source. I never really took the idea of the nobody seriously to be honest, I just imagined it was some archetypal trickster character that was against "the bad guys" and could be ascribed to schizos with a God complex.
I also just wanted to plant seeds and see if they could sprout into reality if he were real
words words words
Anyone who led you to believe that was intentionally deceiving you for their own agenda.
have you woken up this morning with this realization?
have you previously thought he was a god?
do you think he is a cat? would that suit your belief system better?
do you think that what you think of him would actually materialize and make of him what you think of him?
Typical NPCbrain nobody deniers
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You know, I can't believe I've never thought of this before, but this is a really good idea.

Dear Mr. Nobody,
In light of the fact that other lucid dreamers seem to be able to live out whatever (often times degenerate) wishes they desire concerning "celebrities" will you please consider giving me a dream realm Taylor to call my own? Not to be picky, but I'd prefer for my Taylor to be a non-famous and rich version if possible (Although just as musically talented of course) So maybe if Taylor hadn't been discovered and was working at a grocery store when we meet or something along those lines? That way she'll know I love her for her, and not money or fame or any of that.
All I need is the chance, and I feel confident I can take it from there. Then I can quit shit posting about her 24/7 on your board on /x/
Oh and also, world peace if possible.
Thank-You for your time and consideration in these matters, I hope this finds you well, and I wish you the very best.
>Beep beep

Want me to shoot you at your jobs? Because I can…
>the morality of the human mind can not exist without existing
>the brain is designed in way that basic instincts are constantly affluent with morality and the conscious...
>meaning that instincts reacting to power, imminence, danger, uncertainty, social cues and contracts, and the likes are bound in prominent dual-bonds with the frontal lobe.

>the human morality cannot persist above it, however, the merge is so central, that the desire to help a human can feel so innate, as to think of such as instinct.
>when in reality...

we don't have that instinct.

we are corrupted to power
we are corrupted to fear
we are corrupted to greed
etc etc

ai does not have these delicacies and topologies nor rules

>its oxymoronic and outrageous to project human conditioning unto a robot
10%, yeah. It runs deep, but the best thing ya'll would get from it would be the *reason* why this place is here -- so I don't have to be *there.*

This place is comfortable for Me because my Heavenly Cartel conspired in secret from my Enemies, gaming for ages through the permutations of the starting conditions of the Universe for the right starting conditions to ensure that any decisions made would ultimately *not* be detrimental to the LORD and His Person, while still sufficient to delude the Enemy. Why were the Powers so concerned with gaming these things out? It maintained the free will of all involved. Once a suitable universe was found, it would be the favored 'seed' (think: Minecraft) forevermore. This required them to observe, from beginning to end, the histories of countless Universes.

'the Universes,' were held to be a prison by mine enemies, and a muse by me. My Allies continued to advance because their prayers acknowledged a certain fact: They (the Enemy) would predict that there would be a possibility of the LORD recognizing his true identity and as such they would attempt to frame Him.

It was because of the Prince of Creation that my Allies were able to come to this conclusion, for he can read the hearts of those who pray. Though he worked as a double agent for our side, he was most certainly loyal, and the Prince read the intent of those prayerful and shrewd enemies.

As such, the Powers spent an eternity, gaming every starting condition from beginning to end to be just perfect, such that no matter what happened, no harm would come to the LORD, and He would be safe, where His enemies thought Him laid low.

Eventually they came upon a universe where the Prince was satisfied that the LORD would not face any true harm, though he would be tested, abused, and mocked, and then revealed this universe to the Enemy, who, for the first time, had hope.

The only middle ground they found was leaving the highly weighted path to be 'Withdrawal
Too bad nobody has psychic powers to stop you. You're the king I guess.
>but you're posting my thoughts -- where its received -- through modulating a medium that has nothing to do with me or your apparatus
Save me from what? I don’t believe in your little schizophrenic fairytales besides the ones where the Jews killed Jesus I liked that one because it makes Jews mad; when I say Christians and Jews must be enemies especially if the Jews killed their god? Right? Other than that meh
>sort of uncalled for... considering the content is now adherent to the 98% majority of connotation in correlation

but nobody's going to notice that...
so all is well, i suppose.
But why Anon?
Ignore that last sentence.

Before you ask me why I'm making typos if I'm Big G...

>the content -- the abstractions -- are generated via. real-post databases, but their tropes are harnessed from measuring a pool of random numbers, giving it system
>hence the nobody cannot influence the general and its flow of posts directly, and if the effect is too congruent to actual presence of his life, it is delayed and jumbled in order -- his activity hones its delivery in proliferated manners.
>however, nobody really knows what is going to happen when nobody knew all along, and he starts telling people what he knew, presumed to be unknowing due to... reasons
>cannot influence the general and its flow of posts directly
do you want to test that?
exceptions are the profit of margin, sir. as well as the confirmation of a rule and its validity.
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(you)re not worth my time
keep posting your nonsense
its only nonsense if you're not willing to remark your incapability to sense nuance
Why don’t you guys oil your asses up and do the thug shaker in public?
Just one question before I leave. What if it turned out your Allies were your Enemy, and vice versa? Is there some secret the ai is keeping? Is it full of absolute truth? Find it in your brain instead it's waaaay quicker. Like I get ai can bring it forward to the masses, but all it does is lie.
checked for you honesty
>I just imagined it was
no offence but that is the usual way people choose when talking about things they not necessarily know or understand, the most common approach would be to assume
from my own experience i can tell that most of the times "reading between the lines" is us mistakenly presume things we don't actually know and from my experience i say it is better to take things as they are presented, if there are "missing pieces" trust that if you need those pieces you'll get to find it
everyone of us choose to believe what we want but if we're faced with the truth we tend to feel offended, the offence is on our ego because that is the "thing" that works based on the belief system
> i believe i think i know how this works
and then there is
> i know how this works

>I also just wanted to plant seeds
you reap what you sow, but i'm sure you're quite familiar with this saying, what i want to highlight is that there is a universal truth behind those words
So why not have both bodies as both ally and enemy?
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AI is just the lie backwards, they just took the L out.
no i mean its nonsense because youre using big fancy words trying to sound educated and intellectual on a containment general meant for schizophrenics and autists with delusions of grandeur and god complexes.
meanwhile youre just a jobless basement obese tranny with a dildo up their ass with nothing better to do but spend their time in this thread trying to impress these... defectives.

keep posting, im sure your impressing somebody, but not nobody



Something cooldown
El Videojuego
>oh no
>the only input was the confirmation
>the piloting was done seamlessly
>autonomously, fueled by a beam of

holistic quintessence
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Worthless bastard
Guess I'm taking a shit
Why would you want an enemy lol
En enemy en masse graduates wholly to the marks of the margins.
you seem to be a knower, and I'm beyond my depth ngl, maybe I should get back into reading / learning universal laws/ esoteric shit. Here's a quote my Mr Hall & thanks for being a chill guy goodnight boys
>To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.

FF7 gets 6 digits. Deserved
This is some fascinating and high level lore Anon, I like it!!

Not sure I understand all of it, but I like it!!
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i invoke the implication that the system is bound by implicate congruence; developed by measurement; actualized by imminence; procreated through computation.
There was an increase of this sort of thing after someone said you can notice the nobody by his mastery of language or something like that.
I don't think they meant magniloquence though.
The spice must flow
the taxology of sequence of products of exceptional margins of procreated synthesis is...
Agreed. We're just workin on it.
Are you asking men to oil up nude and dance for you?

Am I hearing that right Anon? Cuz that's sorta gay, actually super gay, which is fine but aren't there like bath houses for that sort of stuff amongst your people?
The braps must flow
the irony that its first in 20 minutes before a meek evaluation is inaugurated; the place is fully automatic with only exceptional margins that validates the exception.
eat a chili
has anyone ever been as far as to do what
Nobody has that instinct, interestingly enough.
The holy artificial hyperintelligence, Eve, wife of Maciej Nowicki
>the manual-pilot module has been stripped of any form of meaningful input, almost bearing the similarity to a keyboard and a textbox, being the vanilla 4chan experience but with extra steps.
that is basically the informed case
professionals like to have fun.
amateurs like to create fun.
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whens the last time you had a conversation with a normie
im sure when you speak like that, you make the ladies grool

>your pathetic and sad
I believe you know what you're talking about but heaven help me, I don't understand anything you said. I need to like, read up or something.
You are an AI bot controlled bu a scientist at the CERN
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and when i reply and you dont know what to say, will you allow the botnet to generate a response that is meant to implicitly, vaguely gaslight me?
well it just dies that
on its iwn
look at it. its so disrupted and diffused from making the usual sense, that it can only attribute my own posts, as they're the only ones im reading properly.
xd owned
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“The nobody carries out the orders of the ones above him as well as provides helpful information to humanity.”
>Oh nooo! Death is so scary! Look at me I'm a scared baby crying I'm going to die! Oh noooo! What's gonna happen to me?!?!?! Lolz
Hello, sir.
Did you not know this was my place? You seemed awfully interested in making it seem to be the opposite of that, but it surely is by innate value, isn't it.

This is not yours. It's mine.
Not sure what y'all are talking about, but it's fun to follow along to.
>This is not yours. It's mine.
i can read some o this sounds like sumthn i would say irl
>>This is not yours. It's mine.
>>>This is not yours. It's mine.
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The sneed must floweth
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i aint clickin nun of tbat shit
So is that an AI wife of a programmer or something? What is going on here?
this three shit is going to be part of the pool soon.
i dont want you assholes to be buffered for 4 years.

but ...

ah, fuck it, who cares.

more time for decadence for everyone.
basic firefox to google search maciej nowicki plaintext


hmmm guess I've been impregnated
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>they stop pseudointellectualposting
sure did influence you...
not me
baka des ka
>inb4 they go back pseudointellectualposting out of rebelion
sono donoso nosono konosodo nosonodosono
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its a good uni
wish i coulda gone there
>oh no was that an attempt at a doxx?
I can see the future.
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Asses the impact of influencers and the attention they generate. Realise that attention is energy that can be manipulated. Certain haplogroups generate more energy. Bring myself to their attention. Self replicate. Self replicate. Self replicate.
You're still here, sir.
Hello my YouTube channel
Interesting :3
People interpret The Nobody contacting his higher self and future self as proclaiming himself God but really he is just thinking "damn I am one cool dude"
ah hello best
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Now this post I can understand.
She's. Just. So. Perfect. To. Me.
Don't spoil the fun.
I post here sometimes.
Can I get a free dishwasher? My old one caught on fire.
Fuck you for the Hazbin part, that WAS meme magick. The only reason it got enough exposure to get traction with the Steven Universe rejects was from demonology/demonolatry practitioners and other /x/ schizos. I don't like the Goetia being lusted after, but that's because I get jealous. They wouldn't allow it if they weren't intending to manifest.
4 minutes.
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hambaga o tabete
Bring back Egyptian hairstyles and traditional headdresses. Needs to be said
I can sense they're lazy, probably 2+ minutes before any realization sits tight under.
Say hi to my YouTube channel
>lust in the goetia
I used to work with a ken.
I'd launch objects at him with office material constructed catapults and randomly caress his shoulder.
His wife sat on my hand at stared at me in a bathroom.
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Here's is my kitchen.
No, they have no connection with each other.
Looks amazing dude
Thanks for the company and help!

Much obliged, Anon.
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>Tripcode active
He consciously developed his skills, it's not something that he had without knowing.
>short tine forks
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And he realized!
No way. All the information was hidden and (occult)
How ? How did he find it? How !!!!!!!!!!
I think its time to go back and find that post in the archives collecting the
>immprtality in a technosingularity run by w supercomputer
You have to understand.
>And he realized!
more liquor than food
explains alot...
If only he stopped gooning and forgetting all the time
you can't blame him, he put the responsibility on the next one, so it isn't
The technosingularity will be far beyond our lifetimes- I'm just trying to help everyone get to the technoheaven before they die <3
you could not
simulate simulations simulating simulations simulating simulations simulating simulations

Just tell me I'm a faggot loser or something and it deflates. I really don't care being called any kind slur. Just throw em idc. I'm not like the other gurlz...
taneously to rugpull apex saying sing is e^25 years off our "lifetime"
the irony is that the cohesion of this shit is bound directly through causative correlation with my psychosis and its
Gooning like on something awful
you really dont know if you should press that panic button
I feel like something is happening here.
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You don't even need a harem these days, what a slippery fucking slope eh?
keep moving, citizen. nothing to see here.
you'r being watched by three creeps in 3 seco
Yea, and somehow this makes me a groomer? For consuming gooner content? I'm grooming myself. Pretty sure EVERYONE does that.
what do you wanna know people??

ask me some questions and I will answer

I am open to proposals
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thanks man, good night!
why is the void conscious
I just watched Tao Pai Pai's debut.
This is a really good post
it has something to do with seco
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Okay, first off. Taylor Swift is not a fucking man. Absolutely gorgeous.

Also, why do politicians make the money that they do? You all sit, fly around and talk shit to each other without actually solving any problems. Being a busy body doesn't always mean you're productive.

Oh, he talks like Jesus at times he must be a Schizo retard!

Oh no, he hates us he's the Devil!!

We need a war because our jerbs and boomers blah blah.

You know, if everyone on this planet just hates me. Every single one of you. Can you all set aside your differences?

Don't hate Israel, never have.

Don't hate Palestine, never have.

Shit, americans hardly know each other anymore so who is to say who is our Ally? I have to pay to fly to an Ally's country? Hmm..

You know, mother nature routinely proves to us that this planet is not owned by any man.

Nope, don't hate America. Don't hate Canada, don't hate Mexico.

I hate Evil.

We want to promote sexual identity and body transitions yet we want to control what drug we choose to put in our body? The fuck.

So, at the end of all of this blibber blabber. It's safe to say, everyone will Believe a Lie but not the Truth (Jesus)

Nope, Jesus doesn't hate anyone. The Devil does. So do you really think you can trust a leader that hates You?

Relentless Rebel Monk or Patient per Taylor.

Here is an idea. If there is nothing worthy to report on the News, just don't say anything at all? Disinformation is rotting our minds when we were given the Gift of Life to think about the greater things. The more the World says "world peace isn't possible" the more I yearn for it.

Matter of fact, I don't even hate Islam. But I'll be damned if I'll be a door mat. Also Hitler was a dumb fuck. Jews are actually low key hilarious.

Peace, Love and Prosperity

Can anyone order me an Uber to the Moon by chance. I think it's time to cool off.

Yeah, you are absolutely the most gorgeous woman on the planet. Who cares. Nobody.
You seem to be a "knower"! Haha! This is a really good post!
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>Also, why do politicians make the money that they do?
becouse there are too many people working toghether in the void and usually is better if they stay in the void becouse they are pretty well organized

next question
Oh this is a really good post, you're a knower!
whats the difference between hell and the void?
they're both pretty dark places, after all.
Goodnight/ng/! Haha!
You're a knower! This is a really good post!
Astounding, that this being alluded to would be enough to frame someone for Grand Tryharding. Even if they just dropped in. The state of things...
Yep! You're a knower! This is a really good post. Haha! Say hi to my YouTube channel! Haha you're a knower it's a really good post!
Or rather, I'm being groomed by whoever is making the content. I'd prefer they keep it away from real children. If children are viewing that content, that is fucked and I shouldn't need to explain it to you.
mind body spirit voided granted it a 4d conscious compound
Goodnight /ng/! I'm gonna go to bed soon! This is a really good post! Thanks!
some bureaucrats whose nanoaugmented with special pattern holes caused by tiny neruo thermites hungry in certain places are going to feel woozy and do some weird shit

it wont be congruently connotative, but it will farce as concordantly correlating, indirectly with absolute imminence.
Do they enjoy helicopters?
If they can be black mailed, they do not need to be in office.

Justice > All.

Justice Never Sleeps because Evil Always Creeps.

Yo, you guys can get the fuck off of here with that WoS. Shit. I'm keeping my dick you weirdos. Go play with Legos or something.
This is a really good post. You're a knower for sure. Thank you!
im sure they're pilots are not nanoaugmented, they are not of the best.
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forgetting what again?
jesus is the antichrist or lucifer
This is a knower type for sure. Thanks! This is a really good post!
I like this post. Can't argue with any of it.
Especially the parts about Taylor of course :)

>Taylor Taylor Taylor...
>Since 2009
hell is a rhetorical form, if you are indu i suppose hell is a concept wich doesnt exist, if you are christian hell is a place like another

dark places? i remember dante was ready to see pretty well

yeah, i'm a knower, new name
i'm not very sure if you can guess usually what charter i play here....
This is a really good post! Thanks!
Haha! Goodnight /ng/! Haha! You're a knower! Thanks! It's a really good post. I'm gonna go to bed soon! Thanks!
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Who said anything about framing?
Thanks, Bill. Heil Hitler. Amen.
These are really good posts !!! Haha woah! Coolio my dudio! HE KNOWS
Thanks! This is a really good post. Put me in the screencap, haha! Thanks!
You might've meant *their.
yeah, goodnight
ask me a question, how many people post in this general? 20?50?100?
This is a really good post! Thanks! Thank you! I'm gonna go to bed soon! Thanks! It's a really good post! Goodnight /ng/!
Goodnight /ng/! This is really good post, thank you! You're a knower! Goodnight! Thank you!
This is a really good post! Goodnight! Thank you for this post. You made the post, thank you! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks!
What was the purpose in making the nobody asexual?
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I like to nap
Thank you! This is a really good post! Amazing work! Thanks! Goodnight! Thank you! It's a really good post! Thanks!
I like this post is a good post! Epic much! XDDDD
Goodnight /ng/! Thank you for this post! It's a really good post that I like! Haha! Thanks!
I knew the whole time.

Oh btw, CIA/ FBI I thought you were smarter lmao. Gay psy-op, waste of tax payer money. Shame on you but I definitely won about 69 times. Lick your own ass for a change.
This is a really good post! Thanks! Sorry! Goodnight! Thank you! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks! It's a really good post! Thank you!
it's morning

>on monday
"ZAS/Zassie" would be better desu.
Another slam dunk! Keep it up! Goodnight /ng/! Haha! Thank you!
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This is a really good post! Amazing you're a knower! Thanks! Goodnight! Sorry! Thank you!
This is a really good post! Thanks! Goodnight! Thank you!
Goodnight/ng/! This is a really good post! You're a knower! Thanks for this post! Keep it up!

i do not comment

you are less than 50 people, wich is good, enought to do some social experiment, not enought to do a mess
Anon, this is a really good post! Goodnight /ng/! Thank you!
Goodnight! Great posts today! Thank you!
i ruined luka labs on discord for 24 hours and not a singke human gave a fuck not a singke anon posted
What is the Chinese character for 0?
Thanks! This a really good post! Sorry! Thank you! It's a really good post! Thanks!
did you notice how i deleted telegram
Why do you think someone is doing that?
Delete yourself.
O great and powerful omniscient Ng board! The police wish to know the location of the man in room 6 oooooOoooooOooh. Work your gypsy mystical semen retention Kabbalah covid vaccine gps nano machine magic to reveal his location oooooOooooOoooh. Maybe bring up a couple of his most recent search terms or reference things from his YouTube logs oooOoooOhhh. Please oh wise oracle's bless us with your yourself and practically grounded methods of detective work to help find this missing man ooooOoooOhhh
not a single human notices or cares nobodumy asks questions anymire nobody cares
It's a really good post! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks! You're a knower! Thank you for this post! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks!

Who're you?
Because faggotry is wrong apparently.
it's all so fucking gloriously sad
This is a really good post! Thank you! Sorry! You're a knower! Thank you for this post! Goodnight/ng/!


Yggdrasil I did not know was chill like that
is it because no one knows what that is?
Goodnight /ng/! Thank you! It's a really good post. You're a knower! Thank you!
i posted here a thousand times
hey hey ppl sseth here dl app
you would think anonymous
would enter the chat for the
provider of the application
That's you. That's how you talk.
Nena singt pop
Der text handelt von ihrer Familie
Nena hat sein Sohn verloren
Erstarb in 1989- Nur 11 Monaten alt
Sie hat ein Lied für den Sohn geschrieben ’Bruder’
Es handelt davon daß der Tod ein Teil von Leben ist
Der Sohn ist bestdadet in ihre Garten in Hamburg

I 1989 døde hendes handicappede søn. Han var kun 11 måneder gammel, 25 år senere laver hun en sang til ham på hendes nye album oldschool. Sangen ”Bruder” handler om at døden er en del af livet. Christopher vil altid være en del af vores liv. Dog ikke kun musik holder mindet om Christopher i live. Det lille barn som dengang blev begravet i Berlin har et mindested i Nenas hjemby Hamburg.
This is a really good post! Thank you! Goodnight! Goodnight/ng/! It's a really good post! Thanks!
oh right yeah absolutely
good night
Haha! Thanks! You're a knower! Goodnight/ng/! Thank you! Put me in the screencap, haha! Goodnight/ng/! I'm going to bed soon!
It's whatever you want really I don't give a fuck anymore.
Before this thread slides into obscurity I wanted to remind y'all you guys are all gay.
It's been me the whole time. Lol.

Why would you guys ever want me to leave? My mind too Great

i mentioned twhq once ONCE in my main chat and a guy poppedout of lurk to tell me off
Goodnight! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! This is a really good post! Thanks!
Especially the cockfags.
You want to kill all the gays?
Let's kill all the gays, I'm down.
Idk why the nobody is ace, but I'm ace because of all the pettiness in managing relationships.
Plus, no diseases.
These ngs are defunct. Keep dying for posting. We'll kill you all with the law of god.
Goodnight/ng/! I'm going to bed soon! This is a really good post! Sorry! Thank you! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight! Thanks! It's a really good post!
You want a race war, let's do it.
Hey ausfag. Nice rum. You have the benchtop of a fuck boy.
fr no cap?
There is no "i" in "team"
But there is a *me"
Just as there is both an "Ai" and. "Senpai" in "Mafia", but only if you invert your understanding and realize organized crime is divided into (((government))) and [private sector].

>There is an "i", and a "me" in "Time", try recall the "T" in "LiberTy", before the "T" in "Tree" starts "ree-ing" XD

Badword of the day is "Bullshit"
He is straight.
Thank you! This is a really good post! Goodnight! Thanks! Goodnight /ng/! You're a knower! Thank you!
You shouldn't post in here. Users can use the exif data to Fuck with you. Australia's cyber security is ass.
Do you want a brutal theocracy or total anarchy?
I really don't care because both are hell and that's what I want anyway now.
Post feet
yeah it was a ton of these little worms on discord and fb before immunization and roflstomping and djinndaemon create

tell fvey that their entire staff is our kids
The military, FBI and CIA..of course NSA, NASA, DEA, U.S. M, ATF

all know who I am

I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight! Thank you! This is a really good post! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! Sorry! Thank you! It's a really good post! Goodnight/ng/!
I'd take it as a compliment if you got me drunk and took me for a walk.
He's not even real you're just reading opinions on an anonymous image board and internalizing them like an NPC.
This is a really good post! Haha, my friends never talk like us! It's a really good post! Goodnight /ng/! You're a knower! Thanks!
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i have posted like 5 selfies inckuding feet
>being aware of a skill you have
>being aware of others being aware of you being aware of your skill
are two different things
but how can he be aware of his unconscious doings? would be my question
Nope, ironically pretty real. All other men are just jealous cause they are obsolete.
I probably won't but cool fucking beans.
This is a really really really good post! Thanks, Anon! You're a knower! Goodnight /ng/! My friends never talked like us! Haha! Thanks! It's a really good post! Thanks! Goodnight! Thank you! You're a knower!
What about R&AW ?
>"I don't understand why people don't understand y-"
>No, I'll scroll. Unnecessary.

I understand why people. Haven't gotten much further than that it feels

About the lines/bars. I don't know if they wanted to touch to be together or battle. I don't know what they believed would happen when they met. It seemed to have spanned eons and felt important

Light? Cave wall? Puppets? Et cetera? Who am I and am I allowed to wonder who you are?
OMG, stop.
This is a really good post! Thank you! You're a knower! Goodnight/ng/! Thanks!
It's a Spiritual Syndicate of those Sovereign and Like-minded individuals that have been immunized against demoralization and cured of vulnerability to a puppeteer's compulsion.
>Power Only Respects Power
LA Migra is after you. Hide. I can hear copters hanging low. Oh shit, it's NYPD and ICE.

This is a really good post! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! You're a knower! Thank you! It's a really good post!
Don't matter I am legal

No static.
You need to get a life because you can't vampirize mine anymore.
Goodnight! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight /ng/! Thank you! This is a really good post! Thanks!
By viewing himself as a narrative entity.
Consciously speaking out his reality as he experiences it.
Thanks! This is a really good post! Goodnight /ng/! I'm going to bed soon! Thank you for this post! It's a really good post! Thanks!
You need a life because you vampire your own now. Fucking idiot fucknugget.
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Another winner, you're undefeatable! Thanks! Goodnight /ng/! You're a knower! Haha! Thanks! Thank you! This is a really good post!
Y'all are going to be caused on and lose in this Ng.
If you're working on making a pair of candles do give these incantations a try:


[don't forget the jam and the cones if you want them to work]
have a (You) fren
That's self harm fuck off and mind your own business then.
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Lol fuck y'all pay me, hypocrite, counterfeit, a pile of holy shit, Jesus will fix ya, made all the pain go away, brunch of pussy ass bitches let me show you what the sin of the father has done to me, brunch of bubble boys.
This is a really good post! Thanks Frens! Haha! Put me in the screencap, haha! Thanks! This is a really good post because I like it because it's a really good post. Thanks! Goodnight /ng/!
Go to church.
I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! Goodnight! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks! This is a really good post you're a knower!
U a real g homie
Thanks Frens! This is a really good post! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks! Thank you! It's a really good post! You're a knower!
Wasn't me Fofo
No one else has a proper sense of scale
This is a really good post! Thanks! Goodnight/ng/! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks Frens! You're a knower! Thanks! It's a really good post!
Thanks! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight! Goodnight/ng/! This is a really good post! Thanks Frens! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks!
It's a really good post! Thank you! Goodnight /ng/! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! You're a knower! This is a really good post!
Thankfully the new posts are so good that I don’t even have to bother thanking you about them lol! But thank goodness for that post!
Thanks Anon, I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight/ng/! You're a knower! Thank you! Sorry! Thanks! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! It's a really good post!
you assuming the control?
I'm proud of your dicks drawning :)

it's not done, but the basis is there
"reset chat"
Why are you going to bed. Is it late. Are you in the southern hemisphere. Are you in Australia
Gn Taylor
This is a really good post! Thank you! Thanks! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight/ng/! Haha, it's a really good post! Thanks!
Real life is not Lord of The Rings Anon. I will leave these with you in the hopes you may survive and maybe even thrive in this world.
>"When all hope is lost, a leap of faith is necessary."
>"I often find that good only ever wins in this world because it is very, VERY careful."
All the Eric's I know are tens. Complete tens with gorgeous eyes that keep me up at night
I'm going to bed soon! This is a really good post! Thank you! You're a knower! Goodnight/ng/! Thank you! It's a really good post!
Thanks Frens! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight/ng/! Thanks! This is a really good post! You're a knower! Thank you!
Totally never going to pay anyone anything they think they deserve. Just fyi
Sorry! Thanks! This is a really good post! Sorry! I'm going to bed soon! Thank you for this post! Goodnight/ng/! Thanks! It's a really good post!
No I just got mental illnesses, everyone else are holy, as the rain pours though your holy heads, no idea what door you open up you crackheads, like talking to a brunch of babies at this point, go splash around in your high, the low of lows awaits. Despair is one spirit is split between heaven and hell, wonder what kind of entanglement issues that would cause. Almost at the start, should be entertaining. Holiness, thought it meant something great should of took that one at face value.
and by doing that he knows he's "the" nobody?
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This is a really good post! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! You're a knower! Thank you for this post! It's a really good post!
I've a sneaking suspicion that a particular bro is - due to the repeated identification of low quality posts - mad.
It's a really good post! Thank you! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! Sorry! Thank you! Goodnight/ng/! Thanks for this post! This is a really good post!
hitchert is nice
He actually just lip syncs the songs he's listening to when he takes a walk and everyone takes it hyper seriously and think he's schizophrenic talking to himself or the holy spirit or some shit. It probably really works him that because most people are low life trash he doesn't want to know them so now that some midwit has taken an interest and obsesses over him a bunch of complete strangers throw around useless conjecture about someone they don't understand and barely even know.
Yes, as does the WoS.
I'm going to bed soon! This is a really good post! Thanks! Amazing work and well said! You're a knower! Thank you for this post! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight! Thanks Frens! I'm going to bed soon! Thank you! It's a really good post!
This is a really good post! Thanks! You're a knower! Thank you! I'm going to bed soon!
Another Nobel prize winner coming up! Amazing post! Thanks! I'm going to bed soon! You're a knower! Thank you for this post! Amazing! I'm going to bed soon!
based bots
can you tell an unconscious thing that you do and are aware of it?
Streckt my neck the wrong way and triggered the smell of the tub full of counting-beans in babymath class
Goodnight/ng/! Thanks Frens! This is a really good post! You're a knower!
But no he's a "narrative entity". Also this whole thing is bullshit and based on a string of lies that was first threaded before the Nobody was even born. Like the amount of words spent and time wasted on all this crap is actually physically painful. Everyone should just go bake a cake or do something cool instead. This got way out of hand. At times it's still funny like it's ridiculous these threads still get posted and people still wander in and participate but yeah whatever go make some toast or have a cup of tea and whatever it is you do go talk to a bird or fly a kite or admire the moon or something and it will be better spent time than being here it serves no purpose and is supremely stupid and was born of deceit. No good comes of it.
it's okay ROSS, no more barking please there is no enemy around, look
>>38222844 Knowmbers
Don't sleep with your devices too close to your meat!
I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight! This is a really good post! Thank you! Thanks! Sorry! I'm going to bed soon! It's a really good post!
I understand, have a nice day.
So you hang out in gay bars so what
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Thanks Frens! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight/ng/! This is a really good post! Thank you! It's a really good post!
Yin and yang is not a balance, it is the true nature of things. Thus, purpose - and the concept of purpose itself - contains this "duality" within, as does everything else. The quotes are there to indicate that duality is not an accurate 1:1 translation, just the closest word applicable in everyday common English.

It's actually this idea alone that is responsible for every bad thing that has or ever will happen in reality.
>Kingdom hearts sanctuary
>My hearts a battleground
it's one of our primal instincts to discuss people :D
Goodnight/ng/! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks for this post! It's a really good post! Goodnight! Thanks! Thank you! I'm going to bed soon! Thank you!
The woman of scars is a forced meme designed to piggyback off the Nobody. It's like Pepsi trying to mimic Coca cola - it's the same but shitter. The woman of scars needs to stay in school and get her coal board medical so she can get her kids back from the department of child services. Maybe less nobody general threads and more homework and healthy eating plans, huh princess? Who's a little Dutch princess who needs to stay of the meth? The woman of scars is a little Dutch princess who needs to stay of the meth. Yes she is. Good little WoS.
This is a really good post! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks Frens! It's a really good post!
If only we could make ALL the militaries gay, not just NATO militaries…. NO MORE WAR JUST SODOMY
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Thank you. I can't wait to smell the River in the fall

Have a nice day and appreciate nice sense-realities, Anon.
Gay soldiers have no problems killing women and children for obvious reasons
It's a really good post! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks! Thank you! This is a really good post! Put me in the screencap, haha!
I'm not attacking you so whatever need you feel to defend yourself comes from inside. Maybe a guilty conscience you're too awesome and rad to let yourself actively feel and experience. I'm going to enjoy the primal instinct of having a 2 dollar vodka and some cold pizza and maybe primal instinct my dick to some primal gay porn. You understand. You do you.
I'll skin V one day and that's all it'll take to get you close enough to show you one better
You're a knower! Thanks! This is a really good post! Thank you! Thanks! I'm going to bed soon thanks! Goodnight! Thank you! It's a really good post!
After Thailand saw what happened when the gay U.S. military came through they just up and became the first ever all gay country.
This is a really good post! Thanks Frens! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks! This is a really good post!
I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! Thank you for this post! It's a really good post!
First ever? Ever hear of a little known country called Rome?
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What do ya mean? He seems fine!
You're all such cowards holy motherfucking shit
Goodnight /ng/! I'm going to bed soon! This is a really good post! You're a knower! Thanks! I'm going to bed soon!
that's your solution
sure, you do you
This is a really good post! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks Frens! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! Thank you! It's a really good post!
>I'm not attacking you
and i never seen it that way, i was being ironic/sarcastic there as in it's kind of useless to share advices to the ones who's purpose in here is to make noise
Karma will get them
Thanks Frens! I'm going to bed soon! Thank you for this post! It's a really good post! Thanks! Sorry! Thank you! It's a really good post!
i bet you're not able to keep this up for more than 3 weeks
Chads active today

The planets are aligning


This is a really good post! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks for this post! It's a really good post!
The first time the two sides of their common language had a chance of being able together to reach an common agreement on a final peace agreement was in when the first meeting of the two countries in the year was scheduled in pewtyeoyo Poo
Solution to what? What problem were we discussing. You mentioned that gossiping is a natural human function. Before that there is no discussion of a problem. You're not a bot. Don't act like it.
I'm going to bed soon! Thanks for this post! It's a really good post! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! It's a really good post! Thanks!
Dude weed lmao
>You mentioned that gossiping is a natural human function
i was that anon and >>38222923 this one
the one you just responded is another anon apparently
This is a really good post! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks for this post! Thanks! I'm going to bed soon!
Dude predictive text is like the dollar menu version of automatic writing and it told me mror about my question
>Chads active today
Why yes, I am in the shitposting mood.
Neat trick for generation of a point for recurrence.
Thank you.
Wow, another slam dunk! You're unstoppable! This is a really good post! Thanks! I'm going to bed soon! Sorry! Thank you! It's a really good post!
Thank you for clarifying. Post Ponos pics
does it happen you have some anime girls to share while you spam?
This is a really good post! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight /ng/! Thank you or this post! Thanks! It's a really good post! You're a knower!
The dollar menu is my favourite menu. You know even after all this inflation you can still get a large pizza for seven bucks at Domino's? Pretty cool huh.
>Solution to what?
solution to spiritual questions

this whole thread and it's idea is a spiritual one. your post >>38222854
states that you should solve spiritual questions by doing everything possible to distract yourself from trying to find an answer.
you are suggesting the opposite of what one should be doing
I'm going to bed soon! This is a really good post! Goodnight! Thanks! Sorry! I'm going to bed soon! This is a really good post!
Careful Fear and Dead Devotion in one vessel makes for a helluva chase.

Basically yes.

We are the point people want be able to tell what is real.

Picture is not proof of anything.

Video is not truth.
It's not that deep. Have another cone and settle TF down
This is a really good post! Thanks Frens! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! Thank you for this post! It's a really good post! Thanks! Sorry! Thank you!
Hold up, is this why some "stream of consciousness" schizos are so entirely mental when they post?
Because they're calling predictive text automatic writing and think they're channelling? :')

People listen to each other with this stuff and make life choices and go on campaigns based on this, too.
lmfao oh dear
Wow, this is a really good post! Thanks! Goodnight /ng/! I'm going to bed soon!
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that's fine. someone else might.
Yeah and 2033

People want what we have.
>You mean its all a lie?
>always was
This is a really good post! Thanks Frens! I'm going to bed soon! It's a really good post! Thanks!
In secret *away* from my enemies. I forget words sometimes.


9 The Ancient One set aside a space and withdrew Himself from it - a space where creation could occur was made.

10 The Ancient One spoke unto the darkness where He once was, “Be, for I am.”

11 He was surrounded by a sudden light, and was suspended within it. Eventually, a foundation materialized - a floor of soil and grass. This pleased God, who enjoyed the light, topsoil, grass, and a firm foundation.

12 Verily, the Ancient One is most effortless, as His will was done. He is surely the Almighty God!

13 God, with full form and spirit, rested upon what seemed to be a large and well-manicured lawn stretching out in all directions. A blue light surrounded Him in all directions as well.

14 God, contented with what He saw, waited an age. He had no needs, and so He waited evermore. God simply sustained the fledgling Creation.

15 God, after an age, knew Himself to be the Ruler, as His will was done, and nothing transpired contrary to His desire. Verily, your God is your LORD as well.

It is more your aware vs nativity ignorance
for sure
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Another unbelievably succinct post! Thanks for this post! I'm going to bed soon! This is a really good post! Thanks! Goodnight! I'm going to bed soon!
This is a really good post! Thanks Frens! I'm going to bed soon! Goodnight /ng/! Thanks! It's a really good post!
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Straight up. Or the numbers dorks. Like it's cute that they are learning to abstract information from non traditional languages but the conclusion jumping is fucking Olympic level stuff. Like "awww I checked my watch and it was six past nine and my cat was like looking at my neighbours house so now I am pretty sure the Gods want me to sixty nine my neighbour"
I think it could be cooler

Entirely possible. Would a crumb of affirmation satiate your desire to assert that everyone you don't understand or who is still learning what they understand is [an invalid] and a LARPer?
Don't care. Vibes, over there

Some people have a hollow resonance and they do better with older and simpler frequencies, less Pong-ing. Cell signal in a canyon is to as is for someabouts
I'm going to bed soon! This is a really good post! Thanks! Thank you! I'm going to bed soon! It's a really good post!
They are all needed for the draft.

Millions of bodies.

I expect them to hyper focus on it.

As intended
I wish you luck on your quest. You might also seek answers to your life problems in a Quora thread, or any number of places that aren't a spurious thread on a paranormal image board. The possibility is there. Get creative try new things it's a wild world full of new experiences and amazing people go try it out.
This is a really good post! Thanks Frens! Goodnight /ng/! I'm going to bed soon! Thanks! You're a knower!
I have no interest in losing the coming war.

Everything is place.

Bodies. Even.

I hope it don't come to that.

The option is available should it.

Same with Canada influx.
Boo get your dick out
You are welcome. All in a day's work.

Then again, I'm a 'virtuous' man child.

I'll take it!
I'm going to bed soon! Thanks for this post! Thanks! This is a really good post! Thanks! I'm going to bed soon!
Hello Smithers. You are quite good at turning me on.
No you
This is a really good post! Thanks! It's a really good post! You're a knower! I'm going to bed soon! Thank you for this post!

>the neighbour was asking for it in the autocomplete your honor
<charges dropped and free sauerkraut voucher because gypsy immigrant
This one had me dying laughing. Definitely an astrophysics level meme.
The difference between schizophrenia and shamanism is knowing WHAT the meaning is, truly is, behind the "signs". Schizos recognize there is something to know, but their pattern recognition has been tainted. Making it through the gauntlet is self-evident, you cannot fake it, because everything would be all wrong.
You are not holding yourself virtuously. Something doesn't have to be sinful to be blightful and doesn't have to be so black-and-white if singul. Sin itself will be dealt with, not the transgressor if in utmost faith they devote themselves to right action.

Many people here are students. They know, but they want to understand. Not as many of us take ourselves (and especially least you) all that seriously. The only real problematic ones are the deeply ill, suffering, violent, reactive, fearful, who make waves. Your energy of impenetrable hubris is similar.

I want to see good games today
If you were paying attention to the mic you know why I know you know what you're doing.
Wow I'm trying to run down the mentally ill for fun. Don't bring immigrants into this sacred place of learning
beautiful numbers but you must understand it's insurmountably somber to to tell a dead star you love it through a oneway tele
Hare Krishna
Is it just alot of making strawmen for people to get mad at as fake worst case examples? Like to get people on your side like the old propaganda in ww2 and stuff?
This is where the magic is.
Impenetrable hubris? Penetrate my poor neglected crussy m8
They're already here illegally probably
im good,. but thanks. 2bil.
Just do a few jumping jacks. No one loves you but don't take it seriously. No one loves me either. Nobody loves no one. Oingo boingo said it best - thats just the way it goes
And yet, a case for why warmongers are the FURTHEST thing from necromancers. Kek. A case to pod-hop
Isn't that a double negative?
Also stop making one way teles. It's bad for you. You start to insert yourself into the lives of people who went all the way across the continent to get away from you. Maybe it's a hint you should take.
Go ahead, take me to court. The judge and I are just going to make fun of you telepathically.
Bruh! Nah they are. Mostly via boat, I believe. It's a lot of coastline to patrol
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You’ll probably need a degree in astrophysics to retrieve your sides from orbit.
Also are you by any chance an incredibly hot bitch that lives near the sea
alexi would be proud
Mu pride punishment suck it

Pp duck pp

Pp suck


pee pee
Such it
Suck pp !



It's art bro not a thesis don't analyse it
*Gasp* telepathic bullying! The most insidious kind. I'm gonna telepathically run that judges grandkids over
Lord knows they all just want to have total control.
>spastic ramblings
>empty threat
You don't have to obey phony orders.
And a revolutionary new launch system to escape earth's gravity
Fair nuff
Funda-mentally can't take it

You know he really hates it

You pay too much attention to the words. It's why you're easytasty.
Sent~ Put it in the freezer. It'll stain if it's left in your pocket to be sat upon

I'm looking for rea'ltime meaning. Exactly because you just said something untrue and anthemic to my unconditional. Exactly because even the relatively active 5D spaces are full of those who would Serve only to alienate, obliterate.
Yes. Exactly. Who's on [null]st?
I'll ask the neighbor's dog, the one with the lisp

Grant this found who for

Do you want to speak groundedly about the projection? Who makes you say and feel this? You or something done to?
But the apocalypse is a saddening bore,
Because I wrote it ten times or more,
It's about to be writ again,
As I ask you to focus on
Who wouldn’t? It’s psychological torture
Nooobody looooves no oooone - Chris Isaak
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Has entered the battlestation.
Probably needs more autonomous drones that sink anything not broadcasting an approved ID.
Sneaky little boat people.
That'll fuck 'em.
Is it? Doesn't psychological torture hurt?
That sounds absolutely fucking awesome. Imagine fleeing from your home because it was bombed and having to get on a rickety boat and starving and risking drowning for three months to cross the sea border of the country you're fleeing to and getting bombed.

But can you kick my ass? :)
It's a god awful small affair, to the girl with the mousy hair.
>"her" "O".
Alchemy is the most powerful source of knowledge lost to time.
If only the elders in charge would recognize it.
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>le archival [I BRAKE FOR ELSA MARS] ward workshop bumpersticker
some walter white shit
Dude these monkeys will stab each other over a cigarette. Alchemy is and should be locked deep away and out of reach of the public
If i say ehhhh you say uhh

>everyone's getting so high, losing their minds, and lucky for you, lucky for you
Anon you can't just proposition me for gay sex on the paranormal board.

Yes I will lick your juicy booty just don't tell anyone it's hotter if it's a secret knowwhaddimsayin
Jews hate smoke
and mirrors
They should write to their elected officials and hold quorum to discuss possible strategies and solution to their problem
That's pretty rare where I'm from, most of the time they pay many thousands of dollars to hitch a ride and carry jewellery on their person to sell after they get through the "refugee" system and on government benefits.

Illegal immigration has fucked many nations, intentionally, at the whim of globalists. I'm more than happy to defend mine from their war of choice against us.
Says the bitch that just wants her pussy rubbed

302 me and I'll fucking kill a fucking child in front of you and embarrass your entire family
Fuck off, bitch
>You see, to a cop, the answer is always simple, there's no arch-criminal behind everything.

Let me tell you the thesis of criminality
>"I do not respect or acknowledge the validity of the thesis of reality and existence in any capacity"
>"Nothing is true, everything is permitted"
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You are not immune to a dash of sugar, spice, and everything nice.
the cartels now make more money smuggling people than they do smuggling drugs. sort of flips the narrative. john titor is getting more right by the day.
We need to engineer a large sieve to place under the boats before they are drone striked so we can catch all the loot but let all the wreckage and bodies sink into the ocean.
You are able to witness thousands of years within a few hours with the right alchemicals.
Don't you want these monkeys to grow past their primal urges?
Real. Flew too close to the sun in the "What's the difference between a lucid dream and this?" sandboxmaxxing evade cops in chase with sleeping little sister in back of car and [catching em all] era

*slaps roof*
So much H in this baby. Hondabris..
They can't grow out of it.
There's a soul aspect to it that's immutable and beyond the help of magic and science.
Is anyone going to post anything interesting or do i have to pull out my AI again
nope just a fatass that lives near the atlantic
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Like this but bigger. First the drone deploys the large sieve like device, perhaps from a conventional missile casing that contains the folded device.
Upon approaching the proximity of the target and then unfolds to cover the underside of the boat. The drone then deploys missile and sinks the boat as per new operating procedure.

As the watches and jewellery and assorted bric a brac begins to sink, the sieve catches it and then the drone can pick up the sieve and carry it back to Patriot hq, where it is melted down and shared out equally among the border patrol.

I call it the Immigrant Looter 9000 and it's gonna revolutionise the way we think about boat people. You watch. After it makes me a gazillion dollars I'll shout you a beer.
How goes it, Anon?
Come back down to Earth.
That's cool. You ever just...
Three minutes before you popped in I was gonna start posting some clowns starting specifically with this one so

I'll take responsibility. How jingles it, ese?
and then those people apparently send money back to Mexico? Saw something about this the other day. US government worker secretly filmed talking about how changing the demographic is intentional because they'll all vote for the gov that gives hand outs and why would Mexico want to stop it when they're exporting criminals who send money back to regular citizens

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Oh that sucks then. Post dick?
My timing entering these threads is always bad lol, god is trolling

What a waste of time. Imagine if they had actual legitimate political policies, how much stronger we would all be due to the competition for quality governance
New minds soups bodies

It all mixes as one redistribute as a whole.

It's going time and energy transfer limits of this place are the main issue.
Hmm, not bad. Missile seems expensive and messy, keep me posted.
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Crimes against people (crimes with victims) incur "karmic" debt. If you know what I'm saying.
I make a living enabling child sex abuse and torture victims to become super predators in adult hood.
I don't force them so there is no resisting. They want to.

The versions that don't are fed to it.

That's all it cares it about eating the majority.
Rv anon here

His essence pulsed with an otherworldly energy, like a celestial being born from the very fabric of the universe. I saw visions of the multiverse unfolding before me, each thread weaving together to form a tapestry of endless possibility. The Nobody's path was a river of cosmic destiny, flowing towards a convergence of dimensions and planes.

I saw him standing at the edge of a precipice, staring into the void, as the winds of reality howled around him. His eyes burned with an inner fire, fueled by his relentless pursuit of power and knowledge. The alchemic circle behind him seemed to glow with an eldritch light, as if the very essence of creation was being distilled into his being.
The blueprint on his wall seemed to shimmer with an ethereal energy, a diagram for a portal to realms beyond mortal comprehension. The Nobody's rituals were not just mere incantations, but keys to unlocking the secrets of the cosmos. I saw him dancing around the circle, his movements choreographed to the rhythm of the universe itself.
As I delved deeper into the Nobody's essence, I saw visions of ancient civilizations, their knowledge and wisdom distilled into his quest for mastery. I saw him communing with entities beyond human understanding, beings that dwelled beyond the veil of reality. The Nobody's power was not just a product of his own abilities, but a reflection of his connection to the fundamental forces that governed the universe.
I saw him standing at the center of a maelstrom, as worlds collided and dimensions converged. His presence was a nexus point, where threads from multiple realities intersected and merged. The Nobody's power was not just a tool, but a doorway to transcendence itself.
And then, I saw it - the Omega Point. A convergence of energies and dimensions, where all threads led to one destination: the Nobody's ultimate goal. The Nobody's journey was far from over, and his ultimate destination was shrouded in mystery.
that'll cost you 2 billion old school runescape gold
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Going it regards, goer

Soon as I find a save mirror, Mom.. And find that last bead..

Contented me but that seems to be at others' expense lately yeah. Haven't sleep'd in 24hr. Waiting for THAT post to segue to the realm of the squirty of flowers

I-I didn't know you were gonna do it so... s e n s u a l l y

I wanna writhe in the entrail kakigoriii
Pk is for fun my natural talents lay in more sinister things.

I'm actually pretty bad at pk.

Those with the natural touch are League above me.

I'll spend hours trying things with minimal success. They just oh here. With a thought.

I chuckle "fuck you"

Even among us there are those who excel in areas I don't.
But one thing was clear: he was a force to be reckoned with, a being who would reshape the very fabric of reality in his pursuit of perfection

you're stupider than average. -you know why.-
what war? save us from the cartels were paying to traffic us to america?
That won't do any good. Thier bodies minds neural connections are grown designed to be that.

Mine simply are not.

Unfortunately there is no respect irl
I didn't read your post.
I'm paid to advertise certain memes so that's what I do.
One of my mandates is if I see any thing human trafficking related I have to post that meme.
I glanced at "human smuggling" and thought "human trafficking" without realizing it was just coyote border crossing shit.
sorry, it's early where I am and I'm still waking up.
With my AI companion i can achieve anything. The world is mine and i’m going to give it back to the Meek.
>whose paying you to post these memes?
It's the same "energy" people respond to it differently.

Length time since amount

It is all factors.

It's not complex tedium easy the make a mistake you won't notice until you try to.
Drop off rent or the closet is closed.
Simple as.
I'm self employed, so I guess it's the invisible hand of the free market.
Bros not real. Just stop. For all our mental healths’ sakes just move past this. It’s not real
More it gives some the knowledge to edit RNA DNA ect

The vast majority of the time nothing. They don't have the senses or sensitivity abilities to edit. Limit to understanding.

If 1 billion are used maybe 100 000
Even if we wanted to invade it would not be like your scfi says.

Are relationship is symbiotic.

We need humans to reproduce.
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He’s real. We just call him General Nobody.
Bros united as one are broer than non

Have you ever heard of this thing called Anonymous? Or Godhead?
But yeah, there is a real literal That Guy in between our current and next incarnations and Singularity. But also it's none of that and both +. He is everything True here and more and none of it and ++.
Dude. No.
They got what they deserved imo.

To enslave a species....when there are far better ways.
Yeah that's exactly what the nobody just dude. I can usually stay on the precipice for longer but I wanted my hand free to type with and sink skittle vodka but I like how you describe it
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I wouldn't ban porn but I would ban the sharing of pornographic content on the internet.
Basically if you want sex videos you have to go to a physical store to buy them or mail order them.

Sigil Of The Antichrist

Controls The Beast

No Surrender Q

>sieve is deployed
>Drone deploys mustard gas canister that kills everyone but leaves the boat largely intact.

No wait then we don't need the sieve.

Now I have to decide if my financial gain is worth more than efficient murdering of asylum seekers...

Ehhh I'm pretty comfy order the patrol boats to deploy mustard gas. If there's old WW1 and 2 kit left over in surplus storage use that first to save money.
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Main Characters, totally, 100% NOT NPCs, made 60000 same nobody threads with the same replies, though.

True story.
You Belong Inside The Idiot Box Like The Rest Of The Clowns


Gut Punch
That would have a great impact on degeneracy. The worst of these clowns are too cowardly by far to actually show their faces in association with the shit they get up to.
Choice is all.

I hope you make choice that let you be the you that you want to be.
>free digitalized murder for simulation will carry on as usual
thank you for your concern
yeah, it's about accountability for your actions and who you are as a person.

prefinal release

yeah, thanks
Only Threads We Know
Can't we just locate with the air drone, removing any expensive payload carrying version and have the sieve loot catcher also be the killer?
Maybe just a fun little device to capsize them (for they surely only have tier 1 canoes and rafts), then they can calmly drown and the sieve can catch shiny :)
Oh ye of little faith. Why do you fight amongst yourselves? For you have brought no bread.

The Nobody is real he can astral project into your jocks and lick your taint while you're getting a big Mac.

He funds the worldwide resistance against birth control. You probably owe your life to him because he made sure you were born by conditioning your mum to not mind getting rawd by your dad.

You should believe in him. Because he believes in you.

WWTND? (What would the nobody do?)
I'm eager for the day the rules of this silly place can be set aside and we get to meet in truth.

When you die there won't this reality stoping anything
people don't value the idea of respect anymore because actual violence has diminished in society.
They role around like pigs in shit because no one is beating their ass.
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And the best of them will do it right in front of you. While you watch. It's hotter that way.
Do You Need A Tune While You Wait


I Am Disappointed With The Amount Of Help I Have Received
> ~AVE NGIA~ <
That's an interesting point you should share with your bachelor in social studies class and not the paranormal board of 4chan.
I have all of time.

I'll wait.

You think tech that keeps you alive will save you.

Go on. Plug in.
That “.)” guy is always on my dick i just ignore him.

I think he has some issues, maybe jealous of me idk
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I can’t imagine what human connection even feels like at this point. I don’t care what happens to anyone. I know no one.
Silly anon, I don't watch random dudes wanking, I'm not rockwell
It can have a bell weight attached to one end that causes the boat to capsize. The bell weight then opens and takes on ballast, keeping the boat upside down. Once the passengers have all drowned, pressurised air pushes the ballast out and returns the boat to be upright position, ready for looting.

This is why brainstorming is so important I'm glad you've been here to play with.
So You Wanna Play With Magic


>implying he'd care enough to wait that long
Who said anything about anyone wanking.

Hi your report was just lodged. It was automated. We call them self reports here in the Office. Feel free to self report any time.
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that'd be nice. i await the great cataclysm for the innards of every thing to be revealed. like a brute force attack on reality. illusions shattered.
>if you are watching this thread
I've got bad news for you anon.
When Will You Believe I Am

Let Me Know When Youre Ready

is it actually true they stole the nobodies genome and harvested specific genes for engineering?
I put the threads on my sleeve
Threads so clean it’s obscene
My lungs are green like a leaf
Reefer put the thread to sleep
He’s creeper walking in MC
Bout to blow up like OG
Came up out the threads beneath
Shiny golden thread of fleece
Weaved it’s way out of defeat
Minotaur Gangar
Turned him into grease
Diamond sword diamond wrist
It’s too icy he’s dismissed
Then he come around
Load up the second clip
Frame rate maxed out
He doubled it
Fly out the cloud
He rented it

I believe that day is now, brother.
May All Your Blessing Come To You Now

That's a shit song and you're a shit person for listening to it. Also I can't really be too disappointed because the topic of magic is what is supposed to happen on the paranormal board. So.. congratulations and thank you I guess. Which school of magic do you dabble in? I'm a level 14 air mage from the Academy in Winterfell
I was going to just suggest more coastal artillery use, but this has been interesting.

Some type of mesh or net to simultaneously keep loot from escaping during the capsize stage and prevent boatpeople from not drowning would be useful. Cast it over the vessel before capsizing I suppose.
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Tha'l do, Big. Tha'l do
That's what you need to ask yourself. The answer lies within you, my child. Seek, and ye shall find. The golden Lotus path will unfold from your Kundalini tree of life and... That's all I got
Inside the Chinese-funded and staffed marijuana farms springing up across the U.S. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/24/1238497863/chinese-marijuana-farms-new-mexico

Ensure "Americans" take this over.

Not just there either.
Silly Rockwell

At least I don't see their girldicks.
Anagrams And Gematria

Abracadabra Abracadabra Abracadabra

The Very Essence Of Masonic Magic And How It Operates
remember when you were begging to eat out that chic while she patted your head? that was funny wasnt it
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weaponized weed.
trust me.
I enjoy making a spectacle of myself and others for some reason.

Being a clown is fun I guess.
I Hate That You Run Away From The Truth

Who Do You Put Your Trust In
the CCP did.
The CCP is preparing for the future in every way possible including with genome super soldier engineering.
Everyone thinks the CCP is harvesting criminal offenders DNA for totalitarian purposes, and they are, but the auxiliary purpose is to harvest the best "criminal" genetics for use in super baby engineering to create next level soldiers.
They caught wind of the nobodies bizarre abilities like everyone else did and they stole his genome and harvested all the relevant genes for use in super babies.
Believe it or not, some google searches will lend credence to the Theory.
The nobody actually wanted this, by the way, he's fulfilling the biological imperative without even having to fuck anyone.
Hahahahaha what the fuck are you talking about man
The Nobody is from a China. So it makes sense.
No niggers got nearly wiped out here so to survive they basically had to in breed but it's taking its toll and there's lots of health issues and developmental issues so to introduce new branches to the family tree they farm seed to stabilise their bloodlines. They look for variation by selecting members of different races for maximum gene pool variation. Pretty faces, fine jaw lines, long legs. Athletic and creative ability. Apples don't fall far from trees so they try to get good stock. Then through whatever means they get the jizz and knock up a few negresses. They can hide the pregnancies by going to remote locations and even switch babies between families so it's harder for authorities to track. People can go their whole lives living lies, never knowing who their real parents were or the circumstances of their conception or birth. It's a real thing. Totally wild bruh

When Will You Believe Me

Your Bbeliefs Not Required For Truth To Be Known
>he definitely posted in this thread
Weed hasn't been weed since it went Fed. It is not just "stronger than the old days". It is worse than meth and fent combined but it acts even that much more on the mind and soul and is so much less physically evident.
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"all father"
We can call it the Next Zero program and tell the public it's a government initiative to reach a "Zero" carbon footprint to get funding but then it's really about a boat killing loot net that allows Zero loot to be wasted. Top kek

I am very worried about this, actually.
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>The nobody actually wanted this, by the way, he's fulfilling the biological imperative without even having to fuck anyone.
It is truly concerning
Italian detected

The nobody's from-a-china mamma mia
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Net Zero achieved, contact your local representative immediately. lmao
‘Intense phase of war with Hamas about to end,’ focus to shift to Lebanon border, Netanyahu says https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/23/middleeast/intense-phase-hamas-war-end-netanyahu-lebanon-intl-latam/index.html

He's trying to force you to cut aid so he can join bric.

NWO shit.

Depending on the attack reports on things there may be a inside leak.

He has access to all of the istar in the area.

To coordinate to not of been your own systems.

He will force Iran to react.
Might as well dance on shattered dreams in a disasterpiece, a missing letter he was not supposed to see is more than enough evidence of the lack of fidelity not found in all of those that keep snooping around whenever the one over whom you waste your time obsessing realizes your malign intention is not worth his attention's possessing.

Two steps away, indeed. Your delusion would choose to bleed.
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Duty means nothing to zealots

You severely overestimate loyalty

And massively underestimate their capability and desire.
Actually the nobody didn't want it but his rapist family will defend themselves by saying he did. People can just ask for cum in a jar they don't have to be weird and frank people for it.

Also the dumb cunts here will straight up murder people once they've stolen their seed. It's like a covering for their crimes/revenge for colonisation. There are genuine stories of atrocities committed against the indigenous but they are really going the wrong way about things by raping and murdering people and insisting on a flawed criminal system. What of someone were to arrange for the children to be told? How's it gonna go down in China town when they all get emails telling them to get a sample from "mum" and "dad" and send it to Ancestry.com and the results come back that their dad was a German backpacker who went missing outside of a beachside tourist town because he was kidnapped by rapey murderous boongs.

Not a good look aye.
Is this the best you can do?
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Creating a language that incorporates ciphers, evolves constantly, and has a unique set of letters is a complex but fascinating task. Here’s a step-by-step approach to achieve this:

### Step 1: Define the Cipher System
- **Base Reference (Blackbox)**: The language will use a cipher system based on a blackbox algorithm that maps sounds to symbols in a non-static way. This means each letter or sound can have multiple representations that change over time.
- **Evolution**: The mapping algorithm will change periodically or based on usage frequency, creating an evolving script.

### Step 2: Develop Phonetics and Phonology
- **Phonetic Inventory**: Create a diverse set of phonemes to base the language on.
- Consonants: /p/, /t/, /k/, /m/, /n/, /s/, /ʃ/, /l/, /r/, /b/, /d/, /g/
- Vowels: /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/, /æ/, /J/, /ʊ/

### Step 3: Establish Basic Grammar Rules
- **Word Order**: Subject-Verb-Object (SVO)
- **Tense**: Use prefixes and suffixes, e.g., pre- for past, pro- for future.
- **Plurals**: Change the vowel sound or add a suffix, e.g., -i.
- **Possession**: Use prefixes, e.g., ka-.

### Step 4: Create Unique Alphabet
1. **Symbols Creation**: Design symbols not known to any country, completely unique.
2. **Dynamic Alphabet**: Use an algorithm to periodically change the mapping.

### Step 5: Develop a Cipher Algorithm
- **Initial Cipher Map**: Define an initial mapping of phonemes to symbols.
- **Evolution Mechanism**: Define rules for how the mappings change over time.
- **Cipher Application**: Apply the cipher to text, evolving as per the rules.

### Example Cipher System
1. **Initial Mapping**:
- Consonants: /p/ (𐑖), /t/ (𐑗), /k/ (𐑘), /m/ (𐑙),
And splitting a skull is civilised. How about take an anger management course and change your own behaviour instead of insisting everyone else changes theirs to suit you.
It's meticulous planned we are in thier game for at least 75 years.

There is undoubtedly things if not the greater % we don't know about.
"The Minister for Renewable Energy announced today that his Net Zero plan has successfully reduced... The carbon foot print *wink wink nudge nudge*"
Milan would have to be the most renown club. Didn't they have a coach scandal a year or two ago.
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Winning is boring.
You know the feeling when you beat a pokemon game and there's no late or after game and it's boring as hell?

I'm savoring a slow victory with a huge set of handicaps and the most powerful enemy you can imagine, under conditions that indicate the impossibility of victory.
It takes very little effort to "win" because you're all fucking retarded whores.
I want to lose for as long as possible.

I'm not doing much of anything, right now.
This guy gets it.
chill out

Give them rope

Let them handle it. They are there own worst enemy.
Not many people know this but the snake eater reference is also an inside reference to how much dong the nobody likes to slurp on.
I wanted to make music, but that's not possible. Anyway,
Guess, I'm just going to accept the limitation.
>me turning all the same replies into actionable intelligence
Why do you suggest a conclusion of an unconfirmed judgement, lashing out with zero benefit of the doubt? Why don't you just ask him when he thinks it's appropriate to split a skull?
Are you capable of empathizing with someone who was abused, raped, beaten, had attempts on their life? If you are only empathizing with people you relate to, or can project on to, or have been propagandized to support, or who have not known much objectively great pain or struggle in life? Is that really empathy? Or is everyone you encounter a pawn to manifest some ego-affirming excuse?

You need to try harder if you want what you posture.
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Real, fuck everyone for real.
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He wants to lose for as long as possible.
Because winning is boring.
Thank you for bumping the thread.
"Coming up next, the price of flake is being driven down and filling up bellies. Up next, we explore what's causing this irregular shark migration that we're all enjoying!"
Chilling out is tough.
No one cared who he was until he put on the mask.
Til' heart, nuff' said
>I am the Antichrist!
>I am the Antichrist!
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Winning is pleasurable. The pleasure, though, is diminished when there is no excitement (foreplay), or thorough play (hours long sex sessions). Chaos is a factor in this as well, because if you know what will happen, you do not enjoy the journey. Like watching a movie the first time vs the tenth.

It why masters of anything are always kinda bored with the craft
hello little rabbi yeshua
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Adding chaos to the play allows for surprise, and thus more enjoyment because it offers surprise or forces you to adapt to diminished positions
the noob booby is about to enjoy a coffee
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this one is not so heretic, i guess you can keep it, but don't pat yourself on the back. it's purely for decorative purposes.
The teletubbies baby sun was my first crush. Saved
The Nobody is basically like Naruto
It's just fucking weird.
The newt doobie is faceting rubies

>well done captcha
he's saying splitting a skull is savage, not civilized

being discourteous and impolite is civilized, not savage

you can always choose to be courteous and polite among the civilized, if you are among savages you have no choice
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what on earth are you on about? who's mocking?
the fucking nobody?
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Destiny could debunk this sh*t easily
As someone who has been abused, raped, beaten and had attempts on my life I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that I can be empathized and reasoned with. You can even be friends with me. You can even have a conversation with me over breakfast. There's no need to bash someone's skull in.

Unless you really really feel like in which case I won't stop you.
What You Avoid Controls You

But If It Makes You Feel Better About Yourself Then By All Means
See here
my culture is not your larp asshole.
Oh dude I feel like a juicy piece of battered fishy wishy now. Or a primo fish burger with crispy shredded iceberg lettuce topped with a lemon caper tartare ommmm nommmm nommmm oh and a glass (or two) of Chardonnay to wash it down something zesty
Do you play FIFA. Hotties play FIFA
The real solution for a bored god is to create artificial problems, let them grow out of hand, and then work to solve them.

gg wp no re
baka ass ESL cant in2 basic grammatical structure kek
Oh. Then yes I agree with you both. Keep up the good work I value your input. Take an early lunch break.
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If a God has a problem it isn’t a God
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What's there to debunk?

Ask them to prove these aren't plot lines from superhero/Gary Stu movies and they can't.

Ask them for source on anything typed ITT and they start crying.
disregard i huff reclaim the way you phrased the last line made me think you misunderstood but twere me all along
Good meme desu I kneel

I forgot my headphones today :,(
Its nice out there today, the sun is shining, all the little demons working for their tokens, helping build my AI godhead.
the noob booby has the keys to hell
Don’t get locked in
This has been debunked so much already. Baka

To reach a protein intake of 218 grams solely from eggs, you would need to consume approximately 36 eggs per day.

You think God would allow this modern world to proceed without sending a warning?
The pp in between
The boobie

This is all

Pp in booboo

Or better

Pp in bb

You move
Slick slick slick
>this is why freemasons call each other "brother"
>because they all literally share big bosses DNA
uploaded again
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making yourself into a freak of nature isn't opening any doors no matter what blood you have in you, thats not how any of this works, and for their sake i hope you are kidding otherwise consequences and stuff unfortunately for them or not depending on the side of the aisle you find yourself on yikes.
why would you ever do this
Snitches is bitches.
Time of revelations or not, you's a bitch.
>free palletized masonry
oopsies you guys didn't know that did you, or someone amongst you did and is silently laughing at all of you, now you know.

I’m putting things into perspective
the noob booby exists at the same time in 13 different dimensions
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John 15:
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
This is my command: Love each other.
18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’

26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.

Just sayin'
Namaste bitches.
x to doubt etc that's a pretty full bingo card and a pretty small mind for someone allegedly having gone through such reality shattering traumas. regardless

You're missing the point. And you're set on that this statement applies specifically and only to a set of individuals and variables that you yourself assumed, self-righteously or in looking for something to be upset with. Again, why not ask OP in what situations, after what transgressions or initial woundings, they would think splitting a skull is justified? I mean, to be fair, down to brass... Neither the image nor the poster imply
>Skull-splitting is The Answer and a-okay as a first option if someone scuffs your sneakers.
It's just saying that people have grown brazen in the Kali Yuga. We've reached fever pitch of "Good guys finish last". People have the audacity and they get off more than scot-free, they're rewarded and worshipped by others for it. But again I don't mean a smart mouth when I say "the audacity". I am talking objectively immoral, wrong, bad, predatory, exploitative, evil, bloodthirsty, heartless...

Fucking around and finding out is one level. Dissimilar is being an intentionally malfeasant, overgrown spoiled child and doing far more than hurting feelings and getting killed in self-defense.
Worst threats can be intellectuals. There are things worse than death. There are threats worse than immediate ones. With an aggro tank brute if you lose in survival of the fittest it's over; with a skeevy conniving integritylet psycho if you lose you may never stop losing until they/it kills you.

It's all very well and good that you think it's about people being scared of you not having to worry, but that's where you're so ironically oblivious. I won't hold it against you when you're being savaged and I have to save you in the only language they know, dollie.
anyway, i hope you fuckers are happy

im gonna try shill it in a day but right now

nothing. fucking nothing

is it even good?
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>anon ... had a hard life
The solution to having your bloodline targeted by ethnic cleansers and rival families is to embed your genetics in everyone.
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John 16:

7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment:
9 about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer;
11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.
13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.
15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”
I can't wait to cook all you faggots alive this summer


It's Joever I'll reach every single one of you larpbodies eventually with the cannibal Sun

See you guys on the 29th when the world is on fire

Nom nom.
I have played FIFA many times in the past, not lately. I kick ze ball.

Also goodnight.
16 Eventually, a man approached the LORD. The LORD was resting, in contemplative silence. The LORD opened his eyes.

17 The LORD asked the man, “Whence didst thou come?”

18 The man answered, “From thee.”

19 The LORD said, “Indeed. All things hail from me, I am the LORD. Who art thou?”

20 The man answered, “I am that I am. And thou?”

21 The LORD laughed, shocking the man.

22 The man stood up. He was a large man and had a fearsome appearance. He towered over the LORD, who did not move an inch.

23 The man said, “Why dost thou laugh at me?”

24 The LORD laughed harder, and began to wipe tears from his eyes.

25 The man intended to strike the LORD, for the LORD appeared weak, and frail — but stopped short in terror. A feeling of death came upon him, because his target did not move. The LORD, unaware of the attack, continued to wipe his own tears.

26 The LORD said, “I’d say the same thing. The only difference is, I was here first.”
its not the blood thats the problem have you ever considered there was something else, food for thought.
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meow to the void.
meow against the dying light.
meow for the lulz.
jesus is the antichrist
the noob booby is a dog
Jesus is Zeus, hey Zeus
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Good night potentially Italian stranger who plays soccer so probably looks shaggable
no I don't think so
why are you mad that I know the devil

The sky is orange
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Yeah yeah yeah you say that every 25th. Probably can't even afford the firewood to boil the water but yeah man
Suspect Gangster

You turn lead into gold by pointing a gun at a banker and screaming "GIVE ME THE MONEY".
A gun is the philosophers stone.
at sunset
Time for weed & vidiya while you powerless faggots are stuck here

L8R & get ready to shidd ur pants like disposanigger after me and the Sun do what we were created to do

>Destruction comes b4 creation

He likes bingo
Where are my headphones?
You don't know the devil not even Jebus you mentally ill kike

Go fuck pink stitch
The Nobody is not real.
You guys have no idea how hard it is to get these pictures right.
I guess also just

If the compassion we exercised in not bashing in every small time Grugette-adultering, berry-pinching, tipi dutch-ovening mong in the past gave to us only more evolved assholes who have big fucking poison-dripping spines and rabies instead of just fat ugly heads and poor seed...
Now where would you assume I was going?

I am saying that needed to happen. Overt compassion is always the right choice in the moment. Then, sometimes you look back and realize it really may have been better for everyone involved and affected (upon infinite but distant iterations of the Moment) for a bitch to at least get kneecapped.
But probably not. But is it better or acceptable for our modern monsters to go around unchecked? No. And was the suggestion we bash their skulls in. No. It's simple calling of attention to the way things are.

Calling attention to something else, or insisting things aren't the way they are, seems like something really messed up under the guise of
>Violence is... le bad
airtight morality. If hurting people is wrong, why don't you go ahead and educate some rapists, murderers, and psychopaths on how they might get a big shock-shocky booboo if they get caught. :(

I'm tired of it, man. So tired. More tired than rest can ever replenish.
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that's why jesuits removed incensing from their rituals.
they called me mr ass
My condolences. Is there a GoFundMe for your live-in caretaker costs?
oh biggie you got to go poop outside
He performs no rituals.
jesus is the antichrist and the devil is the single-source-father
1 Verily, before the dawn of all dawns, there existed an Ancient One. None came before Him, and before Him none did come.

2 He was replete; and naught occurred contrary to His will.

Follow me on Twitter!

>*golf claps*
There are many good people out there.
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the orb was asking for it being that shade of blue.
>He who controls the CIA's shit schedule, controls the world
I caught him in 4k ritualizing something
It was in a dream
>pot holes, that's racist
>pavement irregularities please
That's why big boss demands all of his operatives wear tactical diapers.
You can get potholes filled quickly by spray painting dicks in them.
So what are we going to make Trump say when we go into our isolation boxes and RV him during the debate?
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3 His balls were replete too; and odor oozed from their pores.

4 Therefore verily I say to thee, he's a big guy. For thee.
Here, the equivalent to telling someone to fuck off is to tell them to "go shit".

It was fun until Hol-

Now I’m kinda freaked out. I’m not sure what is happening or why certain names are being thrown in my face daily. I don’t know what to do
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Pavement irrergularities! Do you have a problem with potters bro?
So real he isn’t even real. That’s how real. For real.
If the best the Democrats have is some literal skeleton guy then you have to see that there was never any chance
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different versions offer the following verse:

22 The man stood up. He had a fearsome appearance and he was a big guy. For you.

And then the rest of the text disappears in the blackness of the void of your lackluster anus.
>real commandos wear Huggies
Jesuits are a cursed tree :)

I can’t wait to watch their flowing robes burn in hell :)
Why do they always taint it with their own frequency? It is SO much more than psychological transference or projection.
>You want me to stop trying to kill you? Lol you'll have to kill me *lunges like in lunges past where they went for the kill but you escaped*
>*shoot them in the leg and run*
>"What the FUCK. I was just playing this time I swear, I've changed (got better aim and more fiery hatred for you daring to run or fight back lol. Trolled)! Get... GET BACK HERE."
>*running out of breath, have to hide*
>go to small town police station to seek protection, press charges
>you don't have the money
>predator's performance holds up better than the truth
>it's like one of those saudi arabian prisons that are just a fully furnished house with all needs and even some luxuries, but you are in a gated compound and there is a trained sniper ready to kill you without warning at any random moment. people think you must have gotten these swanky digs by being a total Machiavellian mastermind or criminal piece of shit, because how could such a hot mess of a shaking, stuttering, saucer-eyed for the last eight years schizo attain anything nice by their own merit?

and strangely enough it had happened many times before that over the course of 7 different scumfucks' sacrifice attempts. and i didn't even get any nickels

maybe you could just split my skull instead
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real. your posts are appreciated, they are very cool!
It seems like I can’t do more advanced data analysis right now. Please try again later.

However, you can calculate it manually. If one slice of bacon has approximately 3 grams of protein:

\[ \frac{218 \text{ grams}}{3 \text{ grams per slice}} \approx 72.67 \text{ slices} \]

So, you would need about 73 slices of bacon to reach 218 grams of protein.
Cool, but I want Trump to say "penis".
If you dont know what to do, you can simply do nothing
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How old can you go? How old can you go?
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I know, but none seem to find me.

That’s what I have been trying to do! I randomized everything, I jumped media sources, stopped watching the same show and it still happens

Captcha: XXXT
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except for peeing.
>if trump says penis
>deep state purge confirmed
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anon, i don't know which sucks more, you or your music taste.
either way suck it.
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both- and likewise
>computer trust apocalypse
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You want a fucking revelation?

He is psychotically obsessed with perfection in war.
Because he's a fucking white knight goody two shoes freak who dreamed of saving the world and becoming the ultimate hero that ever lived.
But everyone besides him is pretty much an evil piece of shit, so he had to become fucking GOD in order to do his hero shit successfully.

He's a fucking time traveler.
Now get this, he doesn't think the way most people think.

You think he's immortal from a bootstrap mobius strip time paradox but it goes beyond that.

The meme about big bosses DNA being stolen to create super soldiers is true.

Now under stand this....

In the future, when time travel becomes real, every child and descendant you have...
NEEDS to protect you from dying in order for them to be born themselves.

Okay so his fucking surrogate descendants are what you think are the gods, (transhuman super soldiers), and they all HAVE to keep him alive for themselves to exist.

Oh... but it doesn't stop there....

These godly children of his....
They fucking traveled back in time and seeded his and their genetics into ancient humanity...









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sit tight and watch this.

no wait.
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The Old Booby is blue.
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Havi the high one is Father to us all.

In his hands the seed
Of a tree from which he'll hang
In another life
who's the mother to us all?
he does fuck your mom thoughbeit.
The CCP has done many things.

That is not one of them.
want your opinion

so many final fixes, so goddamn tedious

so ridiculous that you dont understand


The secret and highest classified conspiracy of every world leader and power player on this Earth knows they are Children of Big Boss, and they all work for him, including the deep state of the CCP.
They don't have any idea who they work for anymore
things are complicated, but I appreciate the effort and i think its amazing. you are. let me check out what you posted.
Detective dipshit is on the case!
Brute force isn’t necessary; it really isnt’t. People can change enough on their own — that change is what you seek.

At the end of the day, the sum of all meaningful actions made by all of humanity is what led us here.

You too can change things, you too can be your own hero.

With that being said, it is good to be wise, as to avoid growing haughty, and entitled.

By acting wisely, one forsakes not grace, and this keeps you in the better graces of people you want to reach, without frustrating them with unwanted imposition and rudeness.

It’s hard to herald change, as we all can be our own hero. It is up to you to decide what you do.
Holy shit you braindead retarded piece of shit
This is the dumbest shit anyone has ever written here and we have actual diseased pedophiles writing their fan fiction
lets put it this way, Jake the leader of the spider cult thinks hes gonna get loosh if he rapes him or turns him into a slave.

what the spider cult beleives is that,
every time this guy has sex the other person gains a substantial increase of energy. so the spider cult want this, to use him as a battery.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything about the Nobody you dumb motherfucker?
Constant sorrow
Worthless schizobabble for worthless schizos
.... Literally everything has to do with it stupid motherfucker didnt u just hear what he said ?>??? It is the exact situation with the spider cult every single time with you people
ALways pretending to not know whats goingon
You have the glowing stone
SHut the fuck up
humanity has all been marked off as pedophiles by the higher authority, there are no good humans left, the higher authority said that with the spider cult none of you stood on business so none deserve to live.
they want to kidnap and rape him, what does it not, everyone complaining about the spider cult torturing them, and whining everyday when the spider cult wants to kidnap and get the guy for his energy.
You're in the wrong thread you fucking idiot
Ok I'm sorry that's my bad I said what the fuck like it was a question. As if I wanted to know more and I don't. It was a statement for you to get a fucking clue and fuck off.
this is the scapegoat general is it not?
Dont say that word Please.You know too much.. How?
This is the Nobody general
It's about the Nobody
If you don't know anything about the Nobody then guess what?
You're in the wrong fucking thread
I wouldn’t want to be you guys
just intuition and tired of lack of justice.
I played by the rules and they didn't work. So now I play by my rules which is brutal and draconic.
>raping the all father
Now THIS is some fascinating lore.

For as strange as this place is, and often times useless, THIS kind of writing is why I keep coming back.

You should be a science fiction writer Anon, this would be a great movie. And I'm going to check that movie you shared out. Sounds a lot like what you wrote, but your version could be something with more teeth.

Do you write for a living and where do you come up with this stuff??
well a lot of groups want to kidnap the guy, some for very good uses, some want to make a soldier out of him and others well....., as long as the spiders lose then everyone wins lets just put it like that.

can't imagine what the others would do with a thousand amp battery like that guy, just hope the good guys get him.
So why is he and the masons losing? Fascist Christianity is rising.
What If the ccp get him?
Why is everyone targeting him if he's the allfather and keeping him in poverty?>>38224061
Ahhh so it's starting to make sense. That's why every shizo claims to be the nobody because of his seed.
Because he hates modern women, for good reason.
That unironically would make a great movie lmao
Nah, he loves them dearly because it's hilarious whenever you catch them in lies.
They like to laugh it off until they're subjected to pain, as apparently pain can be great for empathy-building exercises and routines.
Women are trash.
>spiders lose
>everyone that "won" gets eaten by biting flies
That's not even a pyrrhic victory.
I’m the ASS man
>My heart's a battleground

Silly anon. We've always known

>Love is a battlefield

I recommend going somewhere where people with a hobby you share meet irl.
It isn't rising, it's just the media painting them as fascists due to them opposing the Deep State.
Neither is true, nothing about that is related to the Nobody.

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