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SATS otherwise known as a state akin to sleep, is one of the most effective methods used in manifestation. But due to its difficult learning curve, most people just give up on it and try to find easier ways to manifest. Anons have recently discovered that everyone is doing SATS incorrectly apart from a select few. This is proven by neville goddard on how he described the method and another notable manifestor from reddit called Orion, plus many others. The goal of this general is to attain this ability of SATS, it's by far the most effective and fast technique. Anyone who manifests this way live very comfortable lives, getting your SP is a hard topic in the manifestion community. A person who does SATS correctly can usually get their SP in weeks to a month. That's just how effective this technique is, it should come that fast if you're doing it correctly, while with other techniques like affirming and using feelings it can take months to years with no guaranteed result.
the pattern to know if you're doing it correctly should be in this order:
1. You relax until you feel floaty and disconnected from your body.
2. You start imagining the scene and looping it over and over, as you do so, you should start to be able to enter it like a lucid dream and it will feel like reality (this is similar to the WILD technique for lucid dreaming)
3. You should then fall asleep while doing the scene, if done correctly you should feel accomplished or a feeling that your desire is done when you wake up.

Manifestation works but it's mostly trial and error and no guarantee to get the big things with other techniques. Many people try SATS and believe they're doing it correctly and quit because they get no results, but the point of this general as mentioned is to understand how to unlock this ability to do it like the way orion and neville described. As if we find the answer to this, we can all manifest our dream lives and loa will become a topic of success and not full of copes.
Here are some people who do SATS the correct way ( some only have subtle hints in their posts, or claim to do SATS in the comments ).

I like the concept of this thread, but I've never needed to enter the scene for it to work. In fact, I didn't always need a scene at all. That's the only part I take issue with. Neville often used affirmations instead of a scene. There are so many more examples of people *not* entering a lucid dream post-SATS, and still getting what they wanted. Neville himself also stated multiple times that you only need to fall asleep with the feeling that what you want is yours already, not the scene or affirmation itself.
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So basically the essence of the OP is totally correct, just dont be annoyed if you cant enter your scene like a lucid dream. Totally try it though, maybe it *does* make the manifestation stronger. All I'm saying is that it's not the necessary part OP thinks it is — That would be the actual SATS "State Akin To Sleep". That lucid, meditative state in-between sleep and wakefulness. Affirmations without it are just thoughts, a scene just mere daydreaming. Good thread.
What have you manifested exactly?
OP here,
Lads I agree with you, I have seen many success stories where the person doesn't always enter the scene. But they're still getting to a point where the scene becomes vivid.
Entering the scene like a lucid dream may not be entirely necessary for it to happen, but it definitely does happen quicker from the patterns I've seen.
Are you talking about REM state? I used to xenoglossie in REM state when I was young, but as I got old I stopped doing it. It was unconscious and uncontrollable, and sometimes I got chills from it.
Today I only hear voices and sounds during REM state, usually the first sounds on that day after waking up from previous night.
Everyone is participating in creation even if they don’t seem to notice
Why would I bother with this shit if I can lucid dream instead
Anon this is manifestation
Bump, great thread
I know Joe Dispenza talks about “walking meditation” where you get in a lucid state to manifest
What is that? Does it deserve its own thread?
Manifestation method. Basically you imagine about 20 wishes, spend time in each of them, and then cycle through each of the wishes at an increasing speed, whilst retaining the feeling they gave you.

This allegedly, according to Bengston supporters is good for healing and can be used to grant multiple wishes, either simultaneously or instantly(?)
Thanks, I have only 1 wish so I guess that wouldn't work.
It's totally annoying and stupid. I reach this state extremely easily, but I am ALWAYS and SURELY interrupted by the environment. Some stupid shit snaps me out of it again and I'm very rudely thrown back into myself. Always at the exact point where it starts to flicker. Suddenly there's a loud noise somewhere or something that's guaranteed to wake me up immediately, it's very bizarre. And it's also a bit frustrating. The whole fucked-up reality aggressively resists the fact that I'm in this zone between worlds. It's absurd. Dreams are meaningless. They mean nothing more than what ends up in your handkerchief when you blow your nose. The brain simulates an awake consciousness during sleep so as not to slip into brain death. Nothing more.
could this work or is it retarded.
>make musical play list
>everyday heads or tails
>if heads past memory
>if tails manifestation
>listen to the music and make a musical number out of it after 20 mins to get that SATS
>works for me at least
> then go to sleep
>while going to sleep recite the real memory/manifestation.
>I reach this state
>interrupted by the environment
Clairvoyant here. I use this method quite often. It does work. But a majority of you will not be able to utilize it. Unless you have encountered extremely disturbing abuse as a child theres a good chance these sorts of techniques will provide no benefit to you. That being said heres a experience i had using the sats method.

About six months ago i started using sats as a way to generate money into my bank account. Same thing OP references above is how i perform it , when i meditate or even close my eyes i see very realistic visuals, so while meditating in this mode i envisioned a person sitting at a desk working on a computer. The screen of the computer featured the logo of my bank and I imagined this person entering data and numerical data into my account. Then i go to sleep. The next day ( a Wednesday) i wake to find my paycheck has been deposited. Except pay always comes on fridays? I proceed to clock into work and ask my coworkers when there checks come? Friday is the response I received. And to this day my checks still come Wednesday m. No emails from corporate or my bank or management. It just happens. And thats it.
So you get your paycheck two days early now, but no extra money. So womp womp didn’t work?
It did work because i wanted money in my account. Not a specific amount. I was broke that day and needed money the next day so reread my response one more time little fella.
The "womp womp" faggot is just a shill who move goalposts and belittle people's accomplishments, he's all over the /loa/ generals too. Ignore him.
>I use this method quite often. It does work. But a majority of you will not be able to utilize it. Unless you have encountered extremely disturbing abuse as a child theres a good chance these sorts of techniques will provide no benefit to you.
This is horseshit if any of you are wondering. You can enter SATS regardless of your upbringing, especially if you know how to meditate. You enter this state naturally as you fall asleep, the trick is prolonging it by keeping your mind awake as you do.

Even the cia knows abused children develop psych & clairvoyance
Trust me i know what im talking about here..most people yeah they can meditate but most cannot visualize jack shit let alone use it to manifest. And this is coming from a former child agent for dod.
Took the SATs in 6th grade and scored higher than 50% of graduating seniors that year kek
Anon I'm telling you that visualization is a standard part of just about every magical system out there. Regardless of what glowniggers say or what they did to you, your imagination isn't some fucking hidden part of the human psyche. Everyone can visualize, even those with aphantasia can do it with practice, and everyone can manifest with it. I had a normal childhood and I can still use visualization to manifest.
Also this specific topic has little to do with clairvoyance and whatever happened to you. Not saying it didn't happen, I'm not that dumb. Im just saying you dont need to be some highly trained child psyker to use SATS. Neville taught this shit to church-going baby boomers, for chrissake, and many of them used it well enough to write their own books on the subject.
Specific Person. Usually a crush or ex, but can be anyone really.
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SATS = trance. Neville didn't know about the word trance or he chose to create a new term, in any case the descriptions and what is experienced matches beyond any doubt.
Maybe you shouldn't listen to people who don't get this straight, they are exploring more than teaching.
>Many people try SATS and believe they're doing it correctly and quit because they get no results
They are doing something wrong like waiting for the results, manifesting what they will gain rather than feeling what they have, or restlessly attacking their manifestations with doubt.
Very based post but that picture is so fucking triggering to me. Why did she have to do it?
Abused by parents, rebellion is a natural and healthy counter reaction.
Win Wenger wrote in his books that image streaming and other techniques for increasing intelligence obtained better results if practiced in this state of "almost sleep", I remember something similar in the Silva Method program and Photoreading book by Paul Schelle.
SP can also mean Special Person, someone that is going to have a big impact on your life that you've not met yet.
And that's why people should stop using SP, the space saved by not using Special Person/Specific Person is then wasted by people unfamiliar with the term asking wtf is it, or people familiar with the term wanting to know which one does it refer to.
Doesn't need to be anyone you know and ideally isn't.
>but the point of this general as mentioned is to understand how to unlock this ability to do it like the way orion and neville described. As if we find the answer to this, we can all manifest our dream lives and loa will become a topic of success and not full of copes.
False principles right there.
Copying and pasting this junk from the last failed set of threads without improving it? Pathetic.
>Copying and pasting this junk from the last failed set of threads without improving it? Pathetic
It's not surprising. I'm convinced this was originally a troll post, it always gets posted by anons that can't actually do it or answer any questions on it. As usual the OP has no idea either, simply wants someone else to "unlock" it and spoonfeed to them.
OP here, I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. It could be better written I agree, but I'm trying to spread the message that SATS is supposed to be done this particular way, and no one seems to know about it.
I'm not a troll either, I'm the original SATS spammer.
I want to talk to individuals who can already do SATS the way I mentioned.
I responded saying i can..then you take my comment and say its false..ive been doing this for 20+ years so ask away..
>pic is 17 year old me graduating from DOD program after being on a base for several years, thats a four star general with a mason ring on his hand as well
>ask away
Okay, is it true that we go into SATS naturally anyway every night before sleeping so we can just visualize our scene over and over until we fall asleep?
>daydream into oblivion
you realize this is the opposite of meditation, yes?
Nobody has advocated meditation to manifest wishes, have they?
OP here,
So what did you manifest with all that experience exactly? The pattern I've noticed with SATS users is that their lives are awesome or really bad. Since they're connected to their subconscious better, so it's more easily impressed by good or bad emotions and thoughts.
Thats a loaded question because as i already mentioned a large amount of those even reading this will not be able to perform it. 2. If your vaxed your chances of getting this down are even slimmer.

That being said yes it can be done right before sleep, visually colored “chakras” or “orbs” seem to have a better tendency of visualizing before slumber. The orbs once brought up tend to consistently go within themselves and regrow over and over similar to a ying yang etc. once you achieve orb control is when you can start activating lymph nodes behind your ears and create even more energy towards whatever you’re trying to achieve or accelerate healing or energy build up.
When i said abused children tend to be able to do this better then anyone i meant it. Doesnt mean others cannot but abused children accelerate with these types of things.
a grounding mat, eye mask also will help in this endeavor. Turn off all devices including wifi for additional protection during this. Be aware that once you do start doing this actively theres a good chance you may encounter orbs you think are your own but are sentient and outside of what your doing. They will even come right up and observe you, will take time to get over this, there are also dimensional entities that use this method to leech energy from you. I suggest you look into “New Energy Ways” by robert bruce or even something on psychic shields , any books on clairvoyance can teach this.
During the military child days? Thats a long story.

Lots of things in life though..The common things for starters- Attraction, love, good jobs, good gigs within my field,

The last two years ive been doing it solely to manifest longevity in life. Often i will pair SATS with tarot readings before or after a session which almost always seem to permeate the correct answer strangely enough.

I agree with that sentiment. I love my life regardless of all the fucked up stuff. It all brought me to where i am now , i live with no regrets. Is my life awesome? Far from it but i do think i have had some influence on the coming financial shift , theres actually a mass manifestation going on around that. Knowing what i know is that there is no good or bad, there is only the actions in which brought you to where you are right now.
Okay, but all that orb thing doesn't sound like SATS at all, sounds like its own thing.
I suggest you reread the first post in this thread..orbs are very much a part of this practice and stop wasting my time bot
I did, it's all visualization and lucid dreaming, no mention of orbs.
Nice try glowbot faggot
Such a bad thread.
This is just a trance like state on the edge of sleep where imagery is unusual. Why bring so much bullshit in. This is a worse version of the /loa/ threads and they are real bad right now.
>I'm not a troll either, I'm the original SATS spammer. I want to talk to individuals who can already do SATS the way I mentioned.
That's actually worse- you have no idea how it actually works and decided it has to be this way.

> It could be better written I agree, but I'm trying to spread the message that SATS is supposed to be done this particular way, and no one seems to know about it.
It's written perfectly- it tells us you know next to nothing but you think you've found the holy grail, if only someone would tell you what the secret is. The reason you are getting junk posts is you wrote a junk post.
OP why are you writing a set of steps on a thing you can’t do? You don’t know how it works so why have a 1-4 guide?
Why are you claiming this does something when you don’t know if it does? Thats not research. Some kind of fraud unless you know it does this.
Make a better OP and get better answers. Discussing this state is good but you are asking for garbage.
So whatever vivid scene you see in your half-sleep will actually for real happen in real-life, that's the rule?
>to manifest wishes
que ridiculo
one either does things to help arrange the conditions for what is desired to manifest
or forget about the absolute crapshoot of one's wish coming true
wishing and desiring means nothing for the manifestation of those occurrences
>The last two years ive been doing it solely to manifest longevity in life.
thats about as sad as it is hilarious
>the phosphenes, they're in my eyes!
also both sad and hilarious
There's no lilanon, so it's infinitely better already
I didn't decide at all, the patterns in success stories suggest what I'm discussing here. I have more links I could post, but it's understanding how to achieve this version of SATS, as it's far more complicated then imagining stuff. Otherwise most people would get their desires from that alone correct? But that doesn't happen does it?
i definitely have this awake but not thing very often. just had it this morning. i lucid dream nearly every day but i dong think ive ever manifested anything
Neville did it without SATS quite a bit. Sure he used that too but it’s not fundamental to his approach.
Your Orion dude is a modern personality and we get a lot of those. I don’t believe it, I don’t go to Reddit which is where I guess you got him from.
>I didn't decide at all, the patterns in success stories suggest what I'm discussing here
You are cherry picking. Anon here has the right of it:
>Neville did it without SATS quite a bit
You're sucking Orion's dick because you think that it will make you successful. He's a mid-level SATSer. That's why you can't make this work with his information.

>as it's far more complicated then imagining stuff
>if it's complicated it works better
Go back to school

>Otherwise most people...
Most people don't report their successes. You're supposed to do your own work, not beg others to fix it for you.
Fake and gay
Been doing this for 27 days straight now with 0 visualizations and results
Nigga stfu, you have no solutions clearly, atleast he's trying to find the answers. Better methods need to be found as no one is succeeding with this rubbish.
He isn’t trying to find a better method.
He spells out a method. He quotes two teachers.
You are profoundly stupid.
The point is there is no solution because the question is wrong. These threads failed the last time for that reason.
>Okay, is it true that we go into SATS naturally anyway every night before sleeping so we can just visualize our scene over and over until we fall asleep?
thats literally the whole point.
Nimitta appearing whilst losing consciousness IS NOT whatever schizobabble bullshit you were babbling about. SATs, is inducing drowsy state, imagine a scene, loop it, enter the scene, feel the wish fulfilled, sleep or get up.
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pretty good guide
OP here,
Yeah that anon has a good idea of what I'm talking about. Being in SATS properly and entering the scene are both necessary to have a successful SATS session.
Nothing in this world is free. What is the cost to your manifestations? What price did you pay?
dude, this world is ran by satan. why do you want to play here? it's time to change server guys
>You are banned for not reading the rules of the sub which would have alerted you to not asking this sorta dumb ngsub level "question".
What a bunch of dickheads.
>former child agent for dod.
Pardon my retardedness, what is that exactly and what did you do, or did?
I heard that the witches in Mexico achieve SATS in their waking life and use it to alter reality as if it were a lucid dream and that's how they have the most powerful magic around
oh shit, use a tripcode anon, i wanna know whatever you can tell.
what's the cost to hopping or taking a step? god gave man a soul that exists in far more dimensions than the 3+1 that we perceive by default.
learn to walk.
Yeah fuck that subreddit lol.
That person actually got instant results too, he can very likely manifest whatever he wants. That entire subreddit is coping. So it's funny they banned someone who actually knows how to manifest.
>what's the cost to hopping or taking a step?
I don't want to find out. It seems you want to.

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