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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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https://pastebin.com/2Wp1Q074 (embed)
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•/div/ starter spreads:
https://i.imgur.com/mxpu4MF.png (embed)
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
https://pastebin.com/Gv10KZUA (embed)
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous: >>38223661
Your all faggots.
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Christening the thread with some shitty readings. I stop when I stop and you get what you get.
Constructive feedback welcome whether positive or negative.

>Post genders/initials if it's a query about multiple people
>Occult ok
>May skip queries I don't like, sorry
>Post borzoi dogs as payment
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How will July gonna be for me?
By July, i mean next month, not some girls name
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G male, 24 - my person is T female, 22

When will I hear from her again? She attempted to reach me but since then it's been radio silence from her.
will post feedback if I know some knowledge about it...
will I be able to accomplish the 3 day fast if I start it by the end of this week?
T is 21 actually now that I think about it
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am i really a blank/detract the spiritual/paranormal?
Can i get some help here? I asked "will fasting make my condition worse" (i have an infection)
queen of cups, 5 of cups, knight Of swords, the fool, strength
>The Tower, Three of Swords, Eight of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Six of Wands, Six of Pentacles, Nine of Cups

There may be some rocky moments anon... Not necessarily awful horrible things, just some changes or unexpected situations that will come out of the blue, and that you may emotionally struggle with for a bit. It may likely be financial.

At any rate, you'll make a good recovery, and you won't be left alone in your struggles - someone will have your back, help you get back on your feet and make sure you can chill again.

Some hiccups, but you will be taken care of.
I'm retarded I quoted the wrong post lmao, that other one wasn't for you sorry!!!
I would assume that's a yes... but if you survive you'll be stronger.
Trading occult
saw 666 likes sunday on a yt video + my ipad at the time i saw was on 6% and i couldn’t help but think it meant something for me, esp because i’m also trying this thing ive been struggling with again and trying to change my mentality. i searched up what that meant, but i’d like a second opinion also. f, 18
>Nine of Swords, The Devil, Four of Swords, Page of Wands, Knight of Wands, Two of Pentacles.

It may not be for a good while, anon... Cannot say WHEN for certain, but if you've had a fight it's not looking great. She seems to be going through some shit. A situation she feels trapped in that is causing her great anguish and anxiety.

She will need a little time to rest and put her thoughts back in order, and after that she'll be ready to deliberate, move on and work on self-improvement and growth.
What would happen if I asked P for a referral at his company?
sorry i forgot the dog
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Any chance of a career read?
Thanks anon
Retarded x2 combo quoting the wrong post again. >>38230341 was for someone else sorry!!!

>King of Cups, Temperance, Ten of Cups, The Emperor, Ten of Swords, Strength
Looking good, but play it safe and start earlier if you can.

There may be some social events coming up that will put a wrench in your plans. Even so you WILL accomplish it, but it will take that much more effort to stay on track.
We didn't have a fight but I think she did have one with someone else and that's why she called me, I just don't know why she would reach out and then not contact me again after? Thanks though
feedback, I will start the fast today instead of Thursday. I may have work and that is the wrench in the endeavors. thanks for the heads up mate
You still there? I need to know if what I have in mind will work out for me?

Your Q?
Trading this.

Is my idea good?
Any direction on how to handle the situation with A, how they're doing or what I should be doing maybe IDK, would be appreciated, anon. If it resonates, I'll be sure to let you know as this is a specific situation
Thanks anon
Will let you know
Can you rephrase your question, anon? I want to make sure I understand properly!!

I don't believe in le devil meme number, so let's see what we've got here.
Layman's numerology here, but 6 is a family oriented number and sometimes associated with people pleasing.
The sum of 666 adds up to 18, which is a Mars-like number. It can point to a strong impetuous drive, but also a tendency to let one's temper take over - think stereotypical Aries qualities.

>Five of Cups, Seven of Cups, Six of Wands, Queen of Cups, Justice, Six of Swords, Four of Pentacles
Whatever you are trying to overcome needs to be tackled with better clarity in order to avoid delusions or unrealistic fantasis and expectations.

Apologies if this is TOTALLY off the mark but, have you been in arguments or fights lately? Possibly with your mother or a feminine figure who is a caretaker? Over money?
You'll need to sit back for a moment and reassess whether this was a fair thing towards them. They are the key towards your success in overcoming your struggles, and while it may feel as though they were being unfair, they did so out of interest for you.
She may come around eventually, in that case. Right now she's 100% licking her wounds inside of her own shell.
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I am a boi she is a girl
Do you think something will happen soon?
Forgot the initials sorry.
I am M
She is E
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Maybe a general for this summer?
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Sorry for bad phrasing
I am asking if im one of the people who are "immune" to the spiritual /have no resonance for it
Herews another borzoi for your trouble
what exactly is her endgame? What kind of relationship does she want us to have?
The Tower, Eight of Cups, Strength, King of Wands, The Devil, Seven of Pentacles

There's a theme of sudden change and questioning whether leaving behind some of your financial security would benefit you emotionally -- assume this speaks of your current workplace.

P's company may leave you on the hook for a while, and eventually they may take you. Won't be a walk in the park though. It looks better than it really is, there's a catch. Generally speaking, though, being a proactive and forward moving person will reap good results in the new company - albeit not as quickly as you'd like.
tysm for thé reading :) however i’m not concerned with family/familiar matters at all.
i’m gonna give more context. i’m thinking/practicing law of assumption again and yesterday through introspection realized some stuff that explains why i failed in the past, and explains the law further.
>It can point to a strong impetuous drive, but also a tendency to let one's temper take over
i think this is leaning more towards the former statement. i have a drive to figure the law out and how to make it work for me, but i wouldn’t say it’s strong.
>Whatever you are trying to overcome needs to be tackled with better clarity in order to avoid delusions or unrealistic fantasis and expectations
i think i’ve done this yesterday!! through my introspective epiphany moment . :P and no i haven’t been in any arguments with my mother as of late, but just tiny tiny squabbling that wasn’t often.
Air Query

How do I find the jew girl of my dreams? I was so close, but past me fucked it up.
so it’s a bad thing i saw this?
Aq or trade
Can I safely work with Zepar?
>Christcucks go seethe on /cg/
I'm awful at generals so no promises

>Queen of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles, The Emperor, Seven of Swords, The Hierophant, Queen of Cups
If you are unemployed, good odds of receiving generosity from women in interviews. Male interviewers may be harsher on you and view you with suspicion. Presenting as a person who seems reliable in the traditional, old fashioned sense would do you great favours.

If currently employed: It's looking decent. Things will pick up, and you'll find yourself on the receiving or giving end of some goodwill within the workplace. Bit of a power struggle possibly going on, though. Are you being paid less than you're working for? Is this behavior being taken for granted because everyone else does so without complaint? Look for a higher up who is receptive to listening to rectify situations of this kind.
Was totally off the mark, so appreciate the feedback! Wish you the best of luck anon
Nope, you are perfectly capable.
IF, and that is IF nothing has ever happened in your life it may be because
1. Nothing has ever taken an interest in being noticed by you badly enough just yet.
2. Lust for results or skepticism
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>she doesn't exist

Thank you
occult q... these may count as two so sorry
what is the potential i keep being nudged towards?
am i taking the right approach towards reaching it, or should i change my methods?
Maybe, but it's really more about the forbidden romance of it for me given my opinions about the Tribe
ofc, and tysm!
oh i misunderstood your first statement i think. ty for this reply, i’m gonna go ponder on it, it’s very interesting
Thank you so much for your advice. Both situations apply weirdly.

I am up for a job interview in the same company to do higher paid work. The interview in the next couple of days. I'll make sure that I give my impression of a traditional and model employee LOL.

I have done work in the past that has been above my level. I have some pretty good leaders around me so if I'm feeling any particular way I'll raise it with them.

Thanks again anon.
A lot to think about. I'm already leaving my current job and my initial plan was becoming a freelancer for a while, so the first part is pretty spot on. But the stories P told me about his company were really funny and it got me thinking about trying to get a job there. Your assertion that it looks better than it is were one of my fears. And I don't have any qualifications, so getting the job in the first place would be hard. I really just wanted to know which of the two options would be best for me in the long run. I think I might stick with my freelance plan. Thanks for the read
male deck!
If i start studying now do i have a chance to pass that big test?
Taking a break then trying these, they'll be my last

No hurt in trying to set up for both in parallel. If that company ends up being a poor match, you can always go for freelancing later. Just make sure to have things in order to make the transition smoother. Plan A and plan B.
May I ask a q?
I’d like to know if I should pursue this relationship with C (m)
trips of truth checked
can you elaborate on harmony?
any gf in my future while i'm busy working on my life? <:3c
What person i will be in 5 years? Victor.
Still trading this.
Will i go to that country this year?
What person i will be in 5 years? Victor.
How's the rest of this year gonna be for me?
oracle, about the 666 clarity, can you elaborate on this last statement?
True. At most I will waste my time. My worry is messing up P's situation if things go sour. I will talk with him, though. Thanks again
Trading occult
Trading demon
What will be a good investment for my time in this break?
Next job please
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query? are you going to post or you're just another troll
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Am I on the right path to achieve the goals/dreams I have been focusing on and affirming in my mind?
It's not trolling when you smell like desperate femcel.
Q? Mine is what sort of energy am I attracting into my life right now?
then you must be smelling yourself faggot
You guys get along but you might seem like a fair weather friend who will eventually leave her on your own journey, maybe mentally ill, unstable, unlucky, with a bad past or childhood or experiences, with a great thirst to move past great disappointments into a brighter future.
8 of cups wheel rx star rx 6 of cups rx 2 of cups 2 of swords reversed
Can I work with Zepar?
Your query?
Same but about Belial. Starting when you confirm, may take me some 10m to settle down tho, wont cuck
Wow. Cool choice. Praise the King!

Offering 3 Saju reads
1. What is nickname/name?
2. What is your date of birth (day, month, and year)?
3. What is your exact time of birth (including AM or PM)?
4. Do you know if your time of birth is based on local time or standard time?
5. Where were you born (city and country)?
6. What is your gender?
7. Where do you currently live?
8. Do you have any specific questions or areas of concern you’d like the reading to address (e.g., career, relationships, health)?
9. Is there any relevant background information you’d like to share that might help with the interpretation (e.g., recent major life events, significant personal history)?
Star reversed might be someone mentally ill or really depressed/hopeless/stopped taking care of themselves or need healing

How does o(f) feel about me
1. lizzy
2. 3/15/06
3. 11:42 am
4. i assume standard time
5. birmingham, us (al)
6. female
7. chicago
8. n/a
9. n/a
Whoah you're almost me wth
3/15 too
9 of cups r
Lovers r
Strong cards for a strong answer about a strong demon.
You're ready in every aspect but the emotional one. What we can understand from this is that Belial is willing and waiting on you but you're not conpletely ready for the contact.
You still have to work around yourself. On the counter side we also see Belial is willing to work with you so this could also imply you'll be put through a living hell in order to make you stronger and be more worthy of his blessings.
Go forward but don't be reckless.
>Year Pillar Fire Dog:
This year, the Wood element of 2024 is going to really fuel your Fire energy
You might feel energetic or like you actually give a fuck and are ready to take on new projects or step into leadership roles. It’s a great time to shine and make things happen.

The bad news because the Dragon and Dog signs clash a bit, you might experience some changes or challenges in your social circle or extended family.

>Month Pillar Water Rabbi:

In your career or studies, the Wood element nurturing Water is going to boost your creativity and communication skill this does hand in hand with your projects like I said above.

Expect new opportunities and smooth progress.

Since the Rabbit and Dragon get along pretty well, your professional life should stay on a steady course. The issues you’ll encounter will be personal and entirely about your friends or lovers.

>Day Pillar Earth Horse:
Your personal life might be a bit of a rollercoaster.

The Earth element provides stability, but the Horse and Dragon clash, which will bring changes or challenges, especially around your sense of independence you’ve been relying on someone or something too much. It’s a great year for personal growth and discovering more about yourself and break free.

Hour Pillar Earth Horse:
Similar to your day-to-day experiences, you will face some bumps with your aspirations or projects involving younger people …this includes friendships.

omggg nice! :3
Overall for 2024:


Look forward to a supportive environment that enhances your creativity and communication. You’ll likely see growth and new opportunities coming your way. Some social changes might occur, but they can bring fresh perspectives goes with what I said about fights with friends.

There might be some clashes or changes in your social life, but your loyalty and stable nature will guide you through you know who and what you want by now.

>Personal Growth:

This is a year of growth and exploration for you. You’ll have chances to develop leadership skills and pursue new interests.

I only have energy for one today. Sorry
What does O(f) really feel about me?
will we breed?
starting yours
For this reading I elected to scry and use a pendulum.

Zepar answered and showed himself readily. Could feel his energy ripple all over, and the pendulum swung harder than I've ever seen it do. He seemed to be expecting the call, I had to try but once.

He is more than willing to work with you, but expects a lot of energy in return, so make sure to pick a time when you've got a lot of energy, and perhaps time, to invest.
Material offers seem to be of no interest, although some work made by you that bears strong emotional charge may be suitable as part of your offerings.

I believe this will go well. Should there be more he expects, he will likely tell you directly.

Thank you for the reading anon, and if there's more you need, I can try again!
magician rx
7 of cups rx
wheel of fortune rx
9 of swords
O is thinking about how she can end it gracefully with the least drama and attached feelings, she is not convinced that things could work out and wants a way out.
tysm. i think most of the reading may circle around the fact i am entering university.
>It’s a great time to shine and make things happen.
i’ll make sure to take note of this to make good progress in my life, and try my hand at new things.
>The bad news because the Dragon and Dog signs clash a bit, you might experience some changes or challenges in your social circle or extended family.
this might lean towards social circle. at the moment i have like two (true) friends lmao, and i worry that i might not make any, so since you say i might expect it, it might be true, that i might have a hard time making some.
>In your career or studies, the Wood element nurturing Water is going to boost your creativity and communication skill this does hand in hand with your projects like I said above. Expect new opportunities and smooth progress.
i think this ties back into me entering university.
>Since the Rabbit and Dragon get along pretty well, your professional life should stay on a steady course. The issues you’ll encounter will be personal and entirely about your friends or lovers.
this is super relieving actually LMAO. but i wonder if this is only in the case i change my major.
>The Earth element provides stability, but the Horse and Dragon clash, which will bring changes or challenges, especially around your sense of independence you’ve been relying on someone or something too much. It’s a great year for personal growth and discovering more about yourself and break free.
this in particular resonates a lot, and may reflect the dynamic i have with my mother. i *do* rely on her lots and i think it inconveniences both of us. i think with the new stage on my life, it’ll force us to end my dependency on her.
>Similar to your day-to-day experiences, you will face some bumps with your aspirations or projects involving younger people …this includes friendships.
X of cups
X of swords
6 of swords

Probably not. Potential for sex is here but no actual off spring and you’ll probably end up moving on.

The girl in question is my gf. She seems incredibly invested and is super affectionate. I just have my doubt and insecurities I suppose
maybe because that's what you're projecting onto her to believe. Instead of trusting in her
So you’re saying the reading is a reflection of my own feelings and not hers?
>Similar to your day-to-day experiences, you will face some bumps with your aspirations or projects involving younger people …this includes friendships.
it’s almost like i’m bound to have a problem with my social life T_T but my gut tells me this in particular is about my younger brother
>Look forward to a supportive environment that enhances your creativity and communication.
i’m taking this as a sign insisting i should change my major lmao
tysm for this reading!
day 3 of asking for intuition reader

Did I make a mistake in giving up that apartment?
Leave feedback whenever - good luck with your studies.
I’m on the discord if you are there
how can I fix my biggest problem? lol
How is my current relationship going to evolve? IE are feelings going to develop and get more serious or will it end sooner?
i’m not on the discord :0
Will I start work soon?
ohh and also ty!
Can I do this but not tell you where I live now?
Thanks. This looks like a really possitive answer.
Definitely was. I've had others express great ire for being called on behalf of others, but Zepar's response was kind. That in itself should be a good sign.
I mean you asking this...isn't a good sign. fool rx ace of wand rx ace of sword rx 8 of sword 5 of pents rx

seems like a lot of fear is involved, a lot of stress and worry, lack of ambition to make it evolve, lack of that creative passion to move it toward something or somewhere, fear of risk, great uncertainty
What does A think of me?
X of swords

probably through some massive change in thought pattern or character
some type of huge mental barrier, not allowing yourself to see things differently or not even considering real options to bring forth a solution
You need to think more concrete and objective and not let feelings get in the way which seems to be a huge issue
Literally only think things that can bring you toward solutions. Stop focusing so much on the issue itself

Thank you
Things are actually going really well I am just vastly insecure and still carrying some weight from my last relationship where I was seriously hurt
She’s super into me and everything is currently fine and she expresses how much she likes me all the time but I worry a lot
Like I have 0 reason to actually believe things would end poorly but I can’t stop thinking about negative outcomes
Is she goin to fall in love with me or has she already?
Starting yours
maybe listen to like affirmation tapes

you know stuff like this, over time it might override your thoughts

thanks I will think about what you said as well, I need to snap out of this so badly

Piano teaching GF when?
Alternatively, odds of finding a qt piano teacher that I end up dating?
Ace of wands

Generally good thoughts. Some indecisiveness and feelings of uncertainty but most of that is just some small doubt
Definitely wants to move forward in some direction
But a lot of this is up to your own abilities to influence and manifest
1. Princess Delilah
2. 3/23/04
3/4. 5:45 AM EST
5. NY US
6. Female
7. NY
8. N/A
I put the wrong time, it's 4:45 AM
Air query

How do I rid myself of the loneliness on my own?
Girls can sense it a mile away and it makes things so much harder
Hi, will you come back?
Are you cucking me

Yours is here >>38231801
Sorry, something came up and I may not until later tonight ;.; was not trying to edge you poor babies. Next one's on me I promise!
Oh ok, take your time. Thank you.
What will he decide about us?
What is wrong with you autistic faggots? Why do you always say the most imbecile mentally vacant shit like this? Women have thoughts feelings wants needs likes dislikes, they have cleanliness habits, they have a scent, they have complaints

You don’t view women as human beings you literally think they are just objects that lay there null until you want to fuck them. A woman is not your chose aesthetic and her profession is not an aesthetic and you wouldn’t know what the fuck to do with a woman in the first place but yeaaaaaaaaa “qT piAnO gWoRlfRonD pLeZ”
wow, that's dire. thanks anyhow
This is all valid however I wouldn't disregard the power of manifestation for both sexes
Wtf does manifestation have to do with this? Human beings are more than an aesthetic or one characteristic. The problem is clear autism. They categorize everything and subcategorize that too. The same applies to the weird aesthetic labels in the first place “mouse pretty witch pretty fox pretty” “goth gf cottage core gf” “blueberry milk nails”

Like something is direly wrong with zoomers and they’ve also completely taken over and destroyed this board

In 6 months this retard is going to start chimping out because he can’t find “chalkboard writing girlfriend” and spam the thread with “next gf” “why can’t i get a girlfriend” comments until he inevitably gets put in a home because i hope you all realize you can’t live in your parents basement forever they will get old and die and you’re all a burden on society
Hey can I ask the same q? there's a "plan" for me to go to Germany some time soon. will it really happen?
I'm a zoomer and I'm tired of the "next gf" queries too. Lol I just wanna know how to improve in life using div.
What will the next 30 days be like for me?
Thank you for being normal!
what is my romantic outlook looking like? where should I be looking?

Am I going to die this year?
I'm just speaking from experience cause I was reading a magazine and the guy had really cute corkscrew curls and I was like wow I wish I had a bf like that then the very next day my school got a new student and he had corkscrew curls exactly like the guy in the magazine he later pursued me and we went out lol
Maybe it's just me though
Do I have anything notable in the near future, Oracle? Thank you in advance!

am i pregnant
Will I get the laundry job?
Can I ask a query as well?
I don't know if even I ask this though.

Will she love me?
Okay and? Saying you like tall or dark hair is a preference it’s not an aesthetic or obscure trait. Saying you like curly hair is not the same as WHEN PEARL WEARING GF??? WHEN COASTAL COWBOY BF????? IM WANT KINDERGARTEN TEACHER GF
I'm just showing the power of manifestation dummy
Ive had other things happen too like jobs, trips, not just specific people or traits that they have I just don't want people to diregard the power of the mind and a positive mindset
What do I need to know about the month of july?
oh tysm I meant a reader that used to post here a while back let me tell you

I do live near an ocean, and I also spend a lot of time inside so that's emotional. im a woman

> its lying to you because it thinks its the right thing to do
maybe a mother, or someone I keep tabs on
Kek seething femcel.

Go be a wine aunt with spoiled eggs somewhere else bitch.

You will never be happily married.
I was in a discord with a group of men and they said I wasn't alt because I don't dress like it. Even though alt is a music-based culture. A bunch of posers lol. Fuck em
um... tell me something good about me! :D
Okay? I'm pretty sure she be happy being alone lol.
Can you do mine? >>38232232
I'm not even mad lol
Just trying to help the homies out
How do I stop thinking about people in the past who done shitty things to me and towards other people? I just wanted to watch their downfall, like I wanted to laugh when they are failing in life.
Ikr? I bet she love her dildo more than her cat love her.
thank you, could you tell me the cards?
But Oracle...
I'm single.
Is he going to do it?

45 day general, not for me but for my boyfriend, he's never had one done before and is curious
Why did I meet j?
How will work and life go for my boyfriend over the next 30 day period? He wants a new job but is struggling.
Becasue I've been gifted both a creative mind and mommy issues. I come up with romances and scenarios in my head when I can't sleep. I've got dozens of these.

Also, that's a lot of assumptions from one post, Anon. You okay?
What should I be doing rn to get money?
Thank you.
Anything i need to be warned about?
I want to make the same query as this anon, what are the next 30 days going to be like for me?
could well be, but if she feels that that's how you'll feel, she'll quickly adapt to it.
what should i expect of the near future?
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one card pulls
more if they come out on their own

no next girlfriend questions
I don't really understand... I think I'll need to take some time to figure it out, then. You have my gratitude, Oracle.
summer gen pls?
>they no not what they do
how will things go when next time I see her?
how will july turn out for me?
Next job?
Did J hear my thoughts about her weight?
will i get the job?
will i get my manifestations!
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is next year finally going to be my year?
Is my roommate moving out in july?
will i get there (DE) for sure?
Are these audios going to give me the result i want?
Does anyone know some kind of Water bowl magic/manifestation? I got 2 readings about water dishes needed for me to manifest this thing. But idk what to do with the water
How long till this boring arc ends and I enjoy or is there no such thing this life?
What do i need to do with the bowl of water to help in manifesting this?
8 of wands rx
are you actually even going to see her?
this card suggests obsession on your end and clouded reality

HEAR your thoughts? seek therapy.

8 of swords reversed
I'd say yes, but this card suggests that you plague yourself with inadequacy. You probably radiated this energy in the interview if you had one. Too much negativity on your end or feeling undeserving.

The World
The Moon
I'd say yes. But there is some level of secrecy here. Are they planning on moving out without telling you or are you just hoping they move out or something like that? Either way, I'd say yes and they don't plan on telling you.

The High Priestess rx

knight of pent rx
Some kind of work or perfection needs to be met first
What do I need to know to make my mental health better?
Am I safe to trust this?
Am I getting laid soon?
will I have her?
>69 No I don't have a team or anything like that.

What could it be then?
what is wrong with you niggas? do you lack reading comprehension skills?
Rest of the year general read
It’s been months since I ended things with her (because she wasn’t ready for a serious relationship despite giving me heavy mixed signals). How is she feeling about me at this point (and how does it reflect on the chance that she’ll ever reach out to me again)?
>this card suggests obsession on your end and clouded reality
ok :-| thank you
>a hope gasping for air because you know your broken heart is not heavy enogh to get what it wants.
this makes me want to ask more questions but I don't exactly know what. thanks
What am I supposed to do with my life besides working and studying ?
You could've pulled cards instead of assuming that telepathy isn't real. If you think this is a larp, why do divination?
btw I've had people tell me to my face they can see/hear my thoughts and repeat things back to me that I thought but did not say outloud. These were unconnected people.
Yeah. Thanks
just pull a card for me pls
What do i need to do with the bowl of water to help in manifesting this?
can I also ask about my long term future?
What should I do to get this ideal person that I want?
I don't assume telepathy isn't real. I know its real. No one is hearing your thoughts, thats the opposite of how telepathy works and you're assuming others are telepathic, which isn't always true. Your question is paranoid schizophrenic "are they hearing my thoughts????????" and stressing yourself out about it and going on a divination board to ask about it. You need to seek therapy.
In a good way or in a bad way? Can I ever communicate with them?
Well she's very sensitive and I love her but yeah. (Sister)
What am I lacking to be more attractive?
>opposite of how telepathy works

Are you telepathic? Your understanding of how telepathy works is completely wrong. Some people such as myself are loud projectors. I'm a medium so while I cannot hear people (usually) I can feel certain people if they're thinking of me. Telepathy strength varies greatly among people.
I don't need to seek therapy because I know certain people can hear my thoughts more than others and it's not always consistent on what/how they hear things.

There is no point to therapy because telepathy isn't something that is agreed upon that it exists.
7 of cups rx
5 of swords

Apparently, obvious strength. Confidence. You also come off a little delusional and/or unhinged. Swords suggest some kind of manipulation, sneaky, maybe even creepy.
thank u, feels accurate to what im doing now so you are making me hopeful im on the right track
I am quite literally Telepathy Anon that regularly does reads in here. You are displaying characteristics of schizophrenia, ie -- "i thought about how someone is fat, did they hear me?"

If you're such a medium then wouldn't you know if they "heard' you or not? Be realistic. You're also very young. Schizophrenia symptoms start showing up more apparently in early 20's. Let me guess, you also frequently think people can view/remote view you or that there are hidden cameras watching you.
Gonna be honsest, I was expecting something more related to physical traits.
So I lack manipulalion and sneakiness or that's what the vibe I give?
Thanks for the reading
act now??? to do what?? I'm so confused there's nothing even remotely pressing at all
No, more that those are the vibes you're giving off that could be making you "unattractive"

Just to be clear, what physical traits do you think tarot could tell you? Do you read tarot? Just curious which cards you think are related to physical traits and what exactly you think the cards would tell you? Not a card in the deck is going to tell me hmm well maybe you should grow a mustache. Do you know what I mean? And to be fair, you got the strength card, thats about as concise and you're going to get.
pls >>38232626
You call yourself telepathic and you call others schizo because only you can be telepathic? Or perhaps your understanding of how telepathy works is so superficial and wrong that any other descriptor is obviously coming from a schizophrenic person that is absolutely positively wrong about how things work.

Your ability to comprehend what I said is either lacking or your bias clouded what I said earlier: "Some people such as myself are loud projectors. I'm a medium so while I cannot hear people (usually) I can feel certain people if they're thinking of me. Telepathy strength varies greatly among people."

I know I'm a medium for two reasons: 1. Several people on here have told me as much, unprompted. 2. Knowing 1., I've been learning about the medium experience and can sometimes tell who I'm connecting with/who is connecting with me.

Accusing me of schizophrenia when I 1. haven't been diagnosed and 2. Rarely have hear voices in my head is a bit much. Also you wrongly assume that schizophrenics aren't actually perceiving what they're perceiving. By all accounts and interactions with schizos on here, I say what they're encountering is likely real and not something made up in their mind. Many "Schizos" on here have been able to provide insight to my life or situations in my life that would be impossible to infer or guess based upon my obfuscated queries. Zero chance of cold reading being done on me here.

You're awfully arrogant and ignorant and it's obvious based upon you attacking me for this stuff. I was agnostic most of my life until it became impossible to ignore and it became impossible to ignore because of what OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TOLD ME.
I just think I'm such a loud telepathic projector because there are over a dozen people in my life that the tarot readers say aren't mediums but yet these people have not only repeated my thoughts verbatim to my face but have said they can sometimes hear my thoughts.
Will i find another better job this year still?
Sorry if I'm asking too much, but do you have any advice (or guides, any resource really) on how to talk to them in the first place? I never did anything of the sort.
How will I find romantic love?
Will I move with my bf in G
how is my healing progressing?
What? Where did I ever say that I'm the only one with the capabilites of being telepathic? See, you are completely unhinged and now you're seething because i told you that you should seek help instead of stressing out about whether your friend HEARD YOU THINKING ABOUT THEM BEING FAT.

And just to touch on the rest of your ramblings, thats the problem with this entire board, is you all encourage eachother to be unhinged and bastardize the truth of certain abilities. You stroke eachothers egos constantly and it becomes an echo chamber of people larping. This is a fact. Anyone with a moderately decent IQ knows this is true.
I'm so sorry that I'm not going to encourage such behavior. You're literally trying to claim that schizophrenia isn't real and their clinically proven delusions are actually just that they're psychic. This is why there should be an age restriction on this website.

You are very obviously mentally unwell. I hope you get the help you deserve.
>This is why there should be an age restriction on this website.

NTA but there IS an age restriction on this site. You're banned if you're not 18 or older.
If you don't believe in psychics why are you even here?
This isn't mental health general dipshit
I mean a legitimate age restriction. Everyone is free to post here and no one is actually checking ages and even if someone admits they're a minor nothing is ever done about it when you report them.

Personally i think its pretty obvious that at least 60% of x posters are minors.
>See, you are completely unhinged and now you're seething because i told you that you should seek help instead of stressing out about whether your friend HEARD YOU THINKING ABOUT THEM BEING FAT.

I'm concerned because this is not only someone close to me but one of the people that have repeated my thoughts to my face in the past so there is obviously a risk they've heard my thoughts.

>I'm so sorry that I'm not going to encourage such behavior. You're literally trying to claim that schizophrenia isn't real and their clinically proven delusions are actually just that they're psychic. This is why there should be an age restriction on this website.

Schizophrenia IS real but that doesn't mean the thoughts these people are hearing they're not actually hearing. Given my observation of schizophrenics, it's the equivalent of being able to listen to people's telephone conversations travelling over the wire or pickup AM radio stations in their head which btw a select few people literally can.

>You are very obviously mentally unwell. I hope you get the help you deserve.

Yeah, of course you're just being a genuinely nice person and not just a patronizing asshole. You, as a self proclaimed telepathic person have absolutely no right to call others "mentally unwell" because by current medical consensus you'd be labeled a "schizophrenic" yourself.

I don't need therapy because the medically agreed upon rule of thumb with therapy is that it's to treat a condition that is causing a person symptomatic distress. If the "condition" doesn't negatively impact the person's day to day life, then no treatment is necessary.
Should i talk to her instead of waiting her to take some initiative? Will It be ok with her?
Male about female
This is exactly what I'm talking about. I never once said being psychic isn't real, I quite literally said the opposite actually. This is how schizophrenic you are. That you're now making shit up that I said, that i literally never, ever, not once, actually said. What is wrong with you people?
Are you open to doing any readings?
>60% are minors
based upon literally nothing.
will i ever be satisfied with my romantic and sexual life?
Will he get the tatoo or shave his head?
You can't call yourself psychic while using schizophrenia as a pejorative insult towards others to minimize and belittle what's happening in their life. You really have a lack of self awareness.
I was warming up with one card pulls and planning to do a few of the telepathy readings at some point but the energy in here today is clearly off.
I know that I might come off a little harsh, but staying grounded in reality is crucial with this type of "work" and sometimes the truth hurts.
Will I start work this week?
The feds are trying to derail the thread
"truth hurts"

Either everybody is larping or all of this is real to some degree. You sound like an arrogant asshole by saying everybody here is larping while only the stuff you do is actually real. If you actually believe in this stuff like you say you do, you can pull cards to affirm or refute your suspicions that everybody here is larping.
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F, 26, Male
I got sick and got some free days at work. however, I feel kinda fine today, should I go to work? Last week I also took some sick days, so I'm mainly worrying I'm taking too many.
how much younger?
More in the sense of not looking like someone that takes care of their appearance or doesn't fit the standards, not something too specific.
10 of cups, queen of wands, chariot
if you feel ok enough, yes, go. Really think about it tho. If there's any unease about it, stay home
I didn't say everyone is larping. One look at half the threads on this board shows there is encouragement for mental health issues and autism. Summoning tulpas, casting spells, and the occult in general is actively bastardized on this board. If you disagree then you're lying to yourself. It's not even just a /x/ thing, any other forum or discord or whatever you will see thousands of people claim they hear voices, that they're "working with dieties" and "communicating with archangel michael" or whatever the case may be.

Then, you have the encouragement of the groupthink that this is all true. People definitely lie and larp to seem more in tune than they actually are. There is also an ego problem to be mentioned when it comes to this. The behavior is preformative and they want esoteric updoots. ie -- The Nobody

Again, I have never said that these things aren't or can't be true. But thats the problem is half of these people absolutely cannot be told about themselves or called out about it because they WANT to be told they're a wizard or whatever the case may be.

Half of the occult is based around intent. Manifestation is fully about intent and brain training. No, making a spell jar isn't going to make a spell come true but rather is an act of intention and focus assisting your brain to make things a reality. It still requires action in your real life. But apparently thats just so taboo to say. The same applies to various other practices.

There is a level of maturity that needs to come with this type of work. The fact that some of you are trying to tell me that I think i'm special and the only one with capabilities is insulting because i have never implied such a thing.
Can i please have a little read? If You want ofc
Anon, is not only x that encourages autistic unhingedness, it's all of 4chan. Look at other boards, I don't know what you expected.
Like what were you expecting?
So cringe desu
"so cringe desu"
Tells me to look at other boards but doesn't know that every time you type T B H it corrects to desu. Nice.

Implying I "expected" anything because I told one person their question was ridiculous and reminiscent of schizophrenia. It's like some of you are truly incapable of logical thought.
A more pragmatic response but the fact that you had a kneejerk reaction to a query about whether or not someone heard the anon's thoughts about them suggests you're not as pragmatic as you like to project yourself as being.

Don't forget what was first said, "HEAR your thoughts? seek therapy" without even pulling any cards. That's an insulting response as it completely minimizes the possibility that said person heard the thoughts of the anon.

I believe your understanding of how this stuff works is wrong but I don't care to argue either way because I'm still new to this stuff and I don't have much information to suggest I absolutely understand how all of this works.

>"The fact that some of you are trying to tell me that I think i'm special and the only one with capabilities is insulting because i have never implied such a thing."

Go read the posts again from the beginning from the perspective of a third party who is open minded. From my perspective, you look like a smug asshole. You seriously lack self awareness and you desperately try to sound level headed and superior to others.

You honestly sound more like myself from 4 years ago when I didn't put too much thought into this stuff.
helpies please

I asked a girl out and she told me she was too busy with college to go out with someone. Do i wait for her 2 years+ or do i ask out the Jewish girl instead?
"It's like some of you are truly incapable of logical thought."

It's like you're truly incapable of understanding what "hypocrisy" and "self awareness" actually means. Pot meet Kettle.
anon is loosing it, he's putting words in people's mouth kek
Ohhh you're acoustic
Today's women are attention seeking whores. Don't wait for anybody especially when they at best see you as an option. Go for whatever pleases you. You waiting around will actually make your perceived value to her be less than if you were in a less than desirable relationship.
7 of cups, queen of swords, 8 of swords
Definitely wait because she won't be ok if you take the initiative
probably not aware but there are more than two people in this thread.
ignore incel anon but do ask the other girl out, let the college girl finish her education
6 of cups, sun, 10 of cups
don't wait. Ask the other girl. Ask other girls!!!! there's a lot of fun for you besides her.
why are you such a beta cuck for not seeing women for who/what they are?
btw that chick would drop everything if the guy that had asked her out was a super desirable top 1% guy.
Alright, thanks!!
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Thank you for the replies anons, i was thinking the same thing, you have given me the courage to go for it. I will talk to her in person when i can.

I won't reveal everything yet but all i will say is that this girl is very special and i have received 2 more signs she is the one.

Thank you for the replies, i have been kind of down lately.
Cry me some more of your incel tears, I want to drink those with my coffee
Ok and? you wouldn't drop shit for a 1% girl? men have preferences, women too, stop playing victim brother, is not manly
Should I have fun with d or find someone else?
>cry me some more of your incel tears
Nobody is crying
>Ok and? you wouldn't drop shit for a 1% girl? men have preferences, women too, stop playing victim brother, is not manly
Probably but the point was women get attention far easier than men and the dude is being seen by the girl as an option rather than a first pick.
She doesn't actually like you that much, girls and guys will make time for the people they actually like.
We don't know for sure if she's seeing him as an option or if she didn't know how to turn him down in a direct manner so she ended up using college as excuse. Or if she's simply busy, who knows.

The fact that you are jumping straight to the worst option when all we know of the situation is a couple of sentences from an anonymous person on the internet of whom we don't know anything else is worrying.

That's dragging you down, anon, think about it.
If you’re insulted because a reader won’t answer your obviously schizoid question you’re ngmi. The anon is right
I'm insulted because it minimized the anon's experience. Discounting the possibility that a person is telepathic while believing one is telepathic themselves is disgusting.
>we don't know
you're right but the anon was asking if he should wait and given how most western women are, it's safer to assume the worst than be naive enough to wait for them. It's better to assume the worst of people and be pleasantly surprised than assume the best and be disappointed.
One card?
Thanks friend.
AQ why am I so eepy :(
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Scryer anon you were right and it Really did feel like a freaking Astral sword dropped on my head
i felt wa really sick Owwie stingness in my head and Boooom everything change

I went to the hosipital After that thought

Looll i knew it i had no meds forlike a Week this is why,. ..
I seek a mentor for guidance on the mysteries. Where will I find them?
How do i become psychic instead of psychotic
Will it be okay if we do it very often?
Should I get a nose job? Will I be happy with the results?
5 of pentacles. don't do it. you can't afford it and it won't make you any happier
Different anon , same query
Hello, im trading
8 of swords. if you're going to do it, do it. otherwise you'll hesitate too much and feel too unsure and miss your chance
Well thanks :/
I just want a tiny part of my nose chopped off and I think I’ll be happy forever
not the reader but why ask if you are just gonna "NUH UH" the answer anyway?
I'm gunna do it ty
query? Mine is: AM or PM?
Do I need to be worried if I get with j again?
Mine is: what are his feels for me?
Well, another anon has already answered, but If you want I cant make another query for you; mine is whats coming in my love life? Single female. Yours?
Why does he want to get with me so bad?
Same query but I'm male into female
also wanted to focus on July
big noses are cute, just go to argentina, everyone here has a big nose
>Ace of Cups, King of Wands, The Chariot

He likes you, he wants you, and he intends on claiming you. I don't see anything salacious here but actually just very chivalrous/chauvinistic. He knows what he wants and will act on it accordingly, very masculine energy desu. If you're into that sort of thing, this sounds like a very good outcome!
>4 de espadas, 9 de espadas
>5 de oros, reina de oros, la estrella, 4 de oros, reina de copas, 3 de oros,6 de espadas, siete de espdas, dos de espadas, emperador, diablo
>at the back of the deck cinco de espadas

Basically he just wants to use you for sexual purposes.
He’s a person who’s only looking for personal desire, is looking to be pleased. Its probably a time where hes not meeting any woman and you seem like a good deal, possibly crushing over you and holding on tight. Desperate to fuck. He also might have mommy issues, he feels misunderstood but they are ill intended, lies and tries to get away with it. Very possesive, controlling and possibly has an addiction to sex. Textbook player
AM: star, knight of pentacles, world
PM: queen of pents, lovers, 5 of pents
Am will be best option, you have high hopes that this will work out for you and it will. Only set back is that is going to require some patience or more time than expected, maybe a delay is expected.
PM: possibly the option you feel the most secure with but its saying that eventually youll realize you need to choose another path since this option will only bring you poor results or wont go as intended. Youll end up with left out in the cold or with a sense of loss
Thank you
Starting, sorry for the delayed response
I'm making him give me something (not material) for payment do you think he will go through with it?
thought you left me here lol
>8 of wands, page of wands, knight of pentacles, fool, 3 of pentacles, 10 of wands, hanged man, page of cups, quern of pentacles, 2 of cups
You’re going to have to be patient in your journey to finding your person, feels like you’re going to take initiative to get to know some people but there will be many external factors in your life that will make you put your focus away from love for a moment that will give you a opportunity as well to realize something important about your love life during this period, and once you get through that you’ll meet someone who is probably a little older than you or that a bit more mature and structured, but it will definitely work out here, you both seem to mesh well and seems that there is some forces at play that are attracting you to one another,
AQ M27,
I'm floating less on auto pilot in my life, but the guilt remains from the previous relationship. Am i on the right path?

- impossible captcha
Four of Cups - Seven of Wands - Heirophant - Ten of Cups
Fuck my read deleted by accident
You'll have the relationship you want but not quite yet, you'll have to struggle in order to get to it. Don't expect it immediately however! Period of solitude for now.
No problem! Thanks a lots, this makes sense
AQ: male 27, will I find a way out of this situation I'm in right now?
nah you're going to die and end up homeless while I fuck your oneitis
You need to look inwards and face yourself fully, forgive yourself and do better, dont get lost in alcohol or women, or any sorts of addictions, find a new meaning to life. Enjoy raw experiences through nature or simple stuff. Those things you cant simply put a price to. You have it in you, you know youre better than this, you’re just lost. Maybe seek god
Will I win this battle?
ohmygod what a dramatic faggot and the whole time it's something retarded like uuhhh next gf kek
Its about your mom
Trading occult
All of you guessed completely wrong about what my problem was
Will I defeat my enemy?
would they?

What does C think of me, what kind of person does she think i am? what are her feelings towards me?
did the supervisor hear me when that cringe girl was being cringe?
Would making a wide-scope vow of abstinence/purity for one month actually improve my efforts?

For context, I'm F and I don't quite believe in nofap or celibacy, but I'm starting to consider it just to see if it may have results.

Your Q?
you're retarded
if you ask this everyday you will no longer get clear answers. on the flip side, if you need to ask this often then it’s not gonna happen
What should be my next step to get a better life?
How is she feeling?
next gf? staten
Five of Pentacles, The Moon, The Empress rx, The Fool rx.

It will be an absolute bitch who will use you and leave you broke and dry.

Advice: The Hermit
Stay single.
Shit read mate
Lift some weights faggot and get off this website
No you.
It would interpret those cards as he is not exploring what he wants or his options and isn't very adventurous or fun to be around.
New thread you fucking retards
Based sf3 enyojer

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