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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind.

The Nobody is a homoplasmate; the coalition between man and holy spirit. That’s the reason why he is a spiritual centre.
By homoplasmate I think we can imagine the collective appreciation of a neo-Enochian bicameral consciousness that is rushing into widespread experience. This is the democratization of esoteric information.

>What is the general picture?
He is a man of no wealth or worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. He is said to carry the Logos, making him a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

He has endured and endured and every time they wonder how, even though they already know the outcome, they just can't accept the fate they brought upon themselves.
He is not a messiah, he's just like you but he has found the keys to the kingdom within himself through sheer will, just like you will.

>What is he doing on /x/?
Shitposting with hopes to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation. It really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties.
If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.

>What then shall we say?
It’s important we start replying to the good posts and ignoring the hateful ones, or the ones here to argue.

So call upon their heads the forces of heaven, and may they be generative in their final application: of peacefulness, clarity, and wisdom.

If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
nice kitteh enjoy
ur tuesday
there he is
taking his coffee
Kinda shit ngl
Oh Toni Fraser. How you going mate how's being fat old useless black race traitor going for ya. Like the anonymous message board where technically no one knows who is saying what. How's Preston?
Preston is doing excellent. He's been staying late at the synagogue studying the talmud.
Do you think being up the arse of the QPS means having a very illegal cyber intrusion set up in Rockhampton means you will be able to do whatever you want through a keyboard forever?
Can you explain why you want to drug your nephew and jerk him off while he isn't conscious so you can impregnate your nieces and potentially his own sister again? Please type in clear English so everyone can understand your intentions.
Masonic 33 battery life. Significant
Love you guys
The camera is rolling mate. Mics on. Go on and tell everyone what you want with your nephew. Why do you want to sexually assault your nephew and create invest babies with his sperm?
i dont know why it causes a unique constraint error

Can you explain for the audience why you choose to IMEI exploit someone's phone?

Do you have reason to believe he is holding indigenous communities or various locations hostage through the use of homemade explosives?

Is there some kind of monetary incentive?
What drives you to do this? Please explain.
That's fascinating. You must be a very intelligent person. Please tell everyone how smart you are.
Oops didn't mean to post your full name and address on the internet. Wouldn't want anyone to know the personal details of your life. That would be an intrusion if privacy.
I wish the Feds would show up to my job as soon as possible because I feel like racial violence might be imminent and unavoidable because supervision is straight up ignoring all complaints and wants violence to happen
Okay your turn you have 40 minutes
You don't have to pretend to be him to do what he does. That's the point.
Even if you were a clone of him you'd be your own person.
You sound like a fucking moron and noone cares what you think or say. You are probably black. Most black people are morons and no one cares what they say so you fit the description.
I'm so tired of these guys calling me puto and every other name, color and slur under the sun because If I call them shit back they cry like bitches
Have you touched grass today anon?
Get some sun and water into yous!
Not yet, but I need to go water the plants in a bit.
I'm going to find more Special Forces and battalion commanders officers to eat unless someone helps me
I'll be right here for forty minutes. I love how you use time frames as if you live in a world organised enough for forty minutes to be enough for you to accomplish anything in. In forty minutes you'll still be sitting there doing fucking nothing.
Oh so a bunch of stupid fucking niggers staked out someone they want to steak semen from. Fascinating.
My favorite part of the thread is how you all know eachother so well and can finely critique eachother without world leaders freaking out about all this nobody stuff
All the boongarigines trying to be clever and expecting to get something for nothing are going to be very disappointed.
Right, right
This whole thread is the same bunch of illiterate cum seeking money stealing rapist coons trying to act clever
>without world leaders freaking out about all this nobody stuff

>implying "he" is in the thread
>implying "he" is one of them
Yeah but everything came from nothing to begin with.
That's two minutes gone. 38 more until you look like an impotent piece of shit
Amazing. What is 4+4 and what colours lie between purple and orange on the spectrum
>without world leaders freaking out about all this nobody stuff
How much does your country spend on surveillance?
Wow so cool are you also a stupid Rockhampton nigger who thinks they are clever getting paid by my uncle to help sexually assault me for the purposes of creating more incest coin children. Incest coon children like you?
canadian forest ent
About tree fiddy bro. Plus GST
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>democratization of esoteric information from the bible

lol lmao even
I don't think I can recall the colour's accurately right now, sorry. But I can tell you humans can't easily regenerate or shed thier skin like some animals.
Awww that's so cool that's exactly what I wanted to hear these must be bots that a really clever boongarigine computer engineer set up oh I'm so silly all the bots are getting me again that's why the boongs get all upset because they speak boong binary to all the bots because they are elite computer haxxors right? Silly me foiled again by the really clever boongs
So on point bruh I know exactly what you mean. Starfish migration patterns during the lunar eclipse as seen from Jupiter? Amirite
You get raped by your uncle and now i have to deal with your bullshit? Get a therapist loser
i really really enjoyed reading your post
How many ponchos does the nobody own
All the planets came from Jupiter's red spot
Oh yeah awesome what date did Thutmose the 3rd accomplish his first major military victory and what was the primary reason for his success? Bonus question how does skin regenerate after a burn? You'll have to learn this because it's gonna sting when you find out you aren't very clever - people calm that a burn? Because it stings. It stings because of something called cognitive dissonance when you experience something that conflicts with your long held views - namely how you thought your were very clever but are demonstrably of either below average or only average intelligence.
You aren't seeing the big picture here.
I am your uncle. I am going to rape you. And you are my therapist. It's Ouroborous - the never ending cycle of therapist raping uncles
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take anti psychotic medication
What a miserable wall of text. Go diving in a lake.
You’re a little bitch, go to your uncle and harass him. Little fuck nigga
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Yo what the actual fuck. You can literally pay for spotify and they only give you 15 hours of audiobooks a month. I am not going to only use 15 hours of audiobooks if i am actually paying for them. Smh. We need more high quality releases on audiobook bay and i would like to replace these threads with people trying to steal and share more of them.
Protip bots don't work like you think they do. Your inbred neurological developmentally halted is showing.

An "ebot" can't get past the CAPTCHA system to get to a 4chan board and then tripcode itself into having a username. This is a person pretending to be a bot in an attempt to showcase someone as having the technical expertise to create automated troll bots on 4chans paranormal board - a completely nonsensical task. The only reason someone would do that is because they got their feelings hurt by getting called out about spending an inordinate amount of time in Nobody General threads for no reason so to make it look like they weren't doing exactly that they made up some crap about how "oh it's not actually me I have an army of bots to do my bidding while I drive my sports car around and fuck supermodels because I'm le ultracool computer hacker" fuck that is sad.
At least 2 dozen. He is given one for every summer he spends at Bohemian Grove. He's responsible for roasting the baby they sacrifice and carving it up to serve with salad afterwards.
Trudeau's party just lost a seat in a TORONTO bi-election to the CONSERVATIVES.
A seat they've held for over 30 years.
Even when the LPC was at its lowest and not even the official opposition, it still won that seat by like +7%.

Trudeau is toast.
And Jupiter's red spot came from your mum's loose dot goteeeem
Because you are a genius with my location what is the name of the lake nearest to me. Protip: you don't know because you are a fucking moron with the observational indexing rate of a cockroach that just wanders around looking for foot and only knows to scuttle quickly when a foot or a broom is about to crush you
You don't understand. Youre my rapist uncle. Only in cyber form. All of reality is the cyclical exchange of uncle rapists. And we are all part of it. Haven't you seen Fight Club or the Matrix? Where is my mind bro like aren't you starting to believe it's all a heckling simulation
>What a beautiful soul
Silence !!!
That's the first intelligent, helpful thing said here. You are cool. Get the barefoot investor and the curated works of Daniel yeats
You’re a fed aren’t you
Seems like you really delved into the spirit of a cockroach just for that insult. Usually there's some meaning behind an argument. What are you so upset by? If you were stronger you would have tougher things to say.
Exactly. Now say something in botspeak so everyone knows just how much of a bot you are. Good boy. Everyone just started clapping. You can't hear it or see it because it isn't real- I mean because you are a bot, but yeah everyone is so impressed m8 good on you
idk you might be the first human stranger ive spoken to on the internet in a while [quite some time]
No I'm a rapist uncle therapist cockroach who has been hired by ASIO because of my unique ability to speak to bots. As the preeminent expert in the burgeoning field of bot linguistics I have taken it upon myself to term the language Botinese. The lessons cost $45,000 and the course is 5 years long. We cover the fundamentals and then more nuanced written structure and vocal framing of the bot language. The course objective is to have all participants ingrained with a working level of Botinese for the use of human-bot relationships.
Are you aware of what an ad hominem statement is? In short, it's where you stop talking about what we are talking about and start talking about me.

It's a fancy way of saying you are completely lost and have nothing articulate to add so you resort to poop throwing like the midwit ape you are and start name calling people.

You can learn these things by doing fancy white people stuff like going to school and not doing drugs.
Yeah cool. As a bot, imparted with basic mathematical functions, name 17 values of pi. Should be easy for a bot.
Every white person I know who works in STEM is high.
I don't think you're very accurate. Just wild guesses. Are you even on topic or just obsessed with yourself right now?
stopped reading at uncle
so i assume
You know how you see North American celebrations of Halloween where the little kids dress up costumes.

If it weren't for the fact that you're just a midwit adult it's kind of funny to picture you as a child dressed as a robot walking around going *bbrrzt brrrzzzt I am a robot - intitiating bot protocol.* In a robot voicem everyone knows you're not a bot hunny but that's such a nice costume did mummy help you make it
It's very easy to hit them between the eyes when they have so many of them.
fair enough
This scene fucking floored me the first time.
Oh btw that forty minutes is up I was gonna go get another coffee and take a break from absolutely fucking embarassing you all. That was fun. I've had two bottles of wine btw so it's a shame you weren't more challenging or stimulating. Imagine what I get up to while I'm sober. I'm not being rude or insulting when I say it's a small comfort to slow myself down to the point where I can try and imagine what it's like to be as slow or as stupid as you. Thanks for helping me feel a fleeting sensation of what it's like to be at your level of cognitive activity. Get on back to school now! This week you finally get to find out what letter comes after s! Isn't learning fun.


Like I do..do you .

You do.
You stopped reading after your 3rd grade book report on the very hungry caterpillar don't lie
Hey can you stop?
You feel as though you accomplished something? Great for you. I hope you have a fantastic day
White people are a myth invented by the Jews don't you know anything. Oh I'm about to piss in the sink too. Part of it is me being lazy but there's a layer to it also of how even when I'm a disgusting fucking slob I'm still a higher functioning person than all of you put together.
I have. Actually BONER to pick with you.... kekrkrkekd

You'll have to speak up I'm wearing a towel.
Organize organize organize

Your future literally depends on it.

May the best players win.
Our ancestors are mythical. Get it right.
Hope noones feelings got hurt. I know good kitteh getting a coffee threads were directly meant as a huge compliment and a friendly gesture meant to build trust. Right?
Your ancestors. I fell from heaven. I'm not related to any of you no matter how badly you want to claim me for the purposes of reflected glory.
Yann LeCun is at least quadruple vaxxed and transitioning, if not a full blown democrat already.
Great response. Everyone knows you're the alpha now.
They coming for you.

They are coming for your loved ones.

They are coming for your future.

They want your very freedoms.
Good morning /ng/
Hope you all are having a fantastic antepenultimate day. Please enjoy picrel,
a little something my toaster made.

This is only you seeing the tip of the iceberg of what "they" want.

They will never stop.

You can. Surrender. To them. Kneel. Pray to their idols. "Gods"
They'd be very silly anons to assume though, don't you agree?
Go on get on your knees

beg your prophet trump for redemption
>imagine not voting for nobody
Stuck in this depressive endless cycle loop
don't know what the fuck I should do
I don't know
my pathetic lost self
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michael jackson, now assange, why do people still play with me if my family can never get to know what I did? all I wanted was a real tap on the back and a you did good

lumfow even
Am I just supposed to leave my family in this haunted ass house
What the fuck do I do
This curse you've placed on my head
This and ai will be a whole thing.

Who is actually wrong?

Humans society operates on a very "grey" semi legal way.
will be? i had like 5 moments like that then they got shut down like everything else fun you niggers touch
The biggest factor in enforcement is not being there to enforce. With ai and more comprehensive monitoring.

This will change.

Smarter minds than mine will have to come up with something.

Or put it to a vote.
wouldnt it be cool if i coukd displace the blood out of a discord mods cortex
One of the factors ai will bring is a record of everything.

The little details the forgotten things will b seen.

It will effect a lot of things. Humans forget change the value of past actions for a reason.

Survivability being the foremost

The white lies the time spent not "on task"

This will all be a thing of the past.
I don't agree with a lot of it.

Those that change based on being seen camera are % less likely than those who will with or without a camera.

This we come to an impass the implications of neither fully understood
shut up faggot how many times do i need to watch u die in the astral u deafblind mole rat skin tick enjoy this link from my google sponsor feed
There is a lot of unspoken unpleasantness that comes along with being alive aware.

That all will drug into the light.

Most will be for the good of all.

It is a step in the direction of thought police.

"Is it so bad if they can't have this feeling or anger lust"

Before long they are drones used be higher forms of life that experience a more "true" human experience
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I guess that's that.
Gonna do my best to make sure I don't make that mistake again.
Not worth reaching out to people anymore.
Not even here to be real.
This may be the end of near the end of me using this tripcode and just stay "anonymous".
Reaching out to people has brought me nothing but bullshit and unneeded stress.
I already know it doesn't matter.
I'm not going to leave a way you can reach out to me, cause I know it won't matter and no one will.
(If they did, it would be to tell me to kill myself or some shit.)
Not worth talking to anyone anymore.
Fuck you.
(you) Win.
You won't have to read my name anymore.
Take Care /NG/ or whatever..
C ya /x/.
what happened to you?
I doubt anyone knows the scope of evolution change such things will force.

We are in very much so uncharted territory.

Unknown things are dangerous

Not only from there mere existing interaction with humans. Humans reactions to them even if benign
one thing you know at least, you reached out to the wrong people
You did this once already.
Bye again.
Learn to write in a lucid manner, you gay fags.
These threads are so gone lmfao
The addiction to light flashing is something combined with sounds it can be used to stimulate brain areas for growth or hindering.

At the surface it's pretty.

Deeper down it changes them at levels I have never seen.

It appears to be guided directed. By who to where why idk.

If it is true and cpu internet is alien in origin we may be dealing with things we can't understand.

This is not a peak. Humans are designed to adapt and adapt on too of that to specialize against or for things in single generations
It's not like they weren't warned.
The narrative isn't narrativing where we want the narrative to narrativate
I am doing what I can to help you.
I care about you. What do you need help with overcoming?
Nobody bows to All-Father.
i don't even know what they're going to do with all the narratives once people realize narratives aren't even real.
Jesus played until Game Over so that you could have infinite continues.
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I hate blacks. I hate spics. I hate Jews. I hate chinks. I hate Arabs. I hate mongoloids. I hate lesbians.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
I’m voting for Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
I’m voting for, voting for Donald Trump

You lookin kinda sexy, Donnie
You make me kinda horny, Donnie
Donald is the best
I wanna suck his dick
I love his red face and I love his juicy tits
Wanna cuddle up on the couch with you, Donald Truuump
Maybe watch a couple movies
I wanna text you every day and night, Mr. Donald Trump
Maybe send a couple nudies
I wanna lick ya down head to toe
But I promise I won’t touch the hole
Unless you want me
I saw you for the first time on the TV
I thought maybe me and you
Could get kinda freaky
Hit that G Spot
Stick your pinky up my asshole
And if you like it maybe you can try it too
If one finger ain’t enough
We can go for two
Maybe use a gerbil or a gopher, too
Donnie, drill my ass with a strap on
Make me cum without using hands on

I love you, Donnie
You make me cry
Cum in my mouth
Cum in my eyes
Cum in my ass
Cum on the tip
Cum on my back
Cum on my tits

Donald Truuump
Donald Truuump
I love you, Donnie

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>I like eden too.
I'm always here bud, no one understands me but you.
insane pic fuck that stupid little cunter

You know, a car that's been built or modified for something like Touge is objectively a bad car for daily driving. Calling it a piece of shit because you use the wrong criteria with which to judge it just makes you look like a retard.
I dont give a fuck if i go to hell forever i want to eternally damn every narcissist peice of shit on earth.
dae merkur scorpio?
>but unironically
yeah, im sure the blokes will go blind from it.
that's not me, and that's not him. that's you.
Boomers will vote for boomers and whores will vote for abortion access and young dudes don’t have hope in any of these boomers so they will stay home and that is the 2024 election, just as they want it.
What if you are projecting though? Or do you think your reasoning might be infallible?
>Humans are designed to adapt and adapt on too of that to specialize against or for things in single generations
Evolution is very slow unless directed, especially K-select. Even if we were r-select, it took 155 million years between the first fish (r-select) and the first fish to walk on land; this was about as impactful for them as the first appearance of a hominid was for us (6-7 million years ago). They evolved opposable thumbs approx 2.6 million years ago. The first homo-sapien appeared 300,000 years ago; and the first sedentary society began 7,000 years ago. The speed it took to get here, the only thing that comes to mind is the leap from wolf to domesticated dog.

Makes you wonder if there were things selecting for us.
It would have been very convenient if we worshipped them too. So no spears are thrown at the flaming chariots.
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All eight bits of me
Are solidly
Committed to side-scrolling

And no enemies
Can vanquish me
Or the power I'm controlling

But I suddenly scream "Shit!""
Because my guy has just been hit
With my hits points indicator less than full

But it's quite inconsequential
And my wrath will be torrential
For the following one second
I am in-vin-ci-a-ble

('Cause I'm a)

One Second
One Second Ghost
One Second
One Second Ghost
The cause of my awesomeNES
Has been diagnosed
('Cause I'm a)
One Second
One Second Ghost

Post contact I am flashing
And on the screen I'm dashing
'Cause my time as a specter is so limited

But even though I've just been damaged
I turn that to my advantage
You can't stop this platform gaming rivethead

('Cause I'm a)

One Second
One Second Ghost
One Second
One Second Ghost
The cause of my awesomeNES
Has been diagnosed
('Cause I'm a)
One Second
One Second Ghost

One Second
One Second Ghost
One Second
One Second Ghost
The cause of your imminent death
Has been diagnosed
('Cause I'm a)
One Second
One Second Ghost
One Second
One Second Ghost
One Second
One Second Ghost
You try to do me in
Well, almost
('Cause I'm a)
One Second
One Second Ghost

You get
Vengeance from the other side
Where pixel poltergeists reside
It's the power you play with
When you play Nintendo

So take this song as a tutorial
For going incorporeal
'Cause if you strike me down
I'll rise like a crescendo
clearly its 64, if you count water-depth with the desire for it to be 8.
why does my brain die quicker internally when energy drinks have a greater neuroleptic effect
i just want to feel a bit home, honestly.
>especially K-select
If you don't raise the kids, they're hardly yours.
i wish my dissociation was a simple, meer constant in the system of cogs i dont recognize.
i've never been good at goodbye's. its a bit of a shame.
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Local rebellion': Gazans attempt to stop Hamas from firing at Israel, IDF source says

Support them.

If it is really about control over the area. Not just hate genocide

Creation of local anti Hamas movement is ideal.

Such things lead to long term stability
selection for us sf autism

or you could call it robot elf

everything else is margin called
every celebrity is using ai to create words for them.
they all gave up knowing that they couldn't do shit.
increase of dopamine metabolic process compared to time critical desync of brainwave contracted by case of antipsychotics
If you ever think I have gotten myself lost just tug on this rope okay?
they knew they weren't strong enough.
Telepathic rabbis are again harassing me.

Can you guys get your shit together there in Israel and anoint Yair Netanyahu as the moshiach?

and then be done with it, please just anoint someone good already
Just say you're a malignant narcissist that has to control people it's okay you can get the help you need
4 borzoi can kill 1 wolf
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1 borzoi can kill 5 wolves
i have a state of structural and functional damage at 80% proficiency over 1.5 years -- linear growth with exponential in last 5% development, case in point, frontotemporal synergy lacking -- in an absolute limbo, persisting a situation in which I fail to focus, it might end up in something that feels like a slow, slow... very slow death.

>did you know that for neuroleptic developments, glutamate is the foundational rock that builds the underlying integrity?
>psychedelics have shown to have had the strongest regenerative effect unto these dynamics, and especially in {fucked up psychos who know how to manipulate psychosis}.

yes yes

it is what it is
thats a nicer way to put it
Let me show you how it's done

You're not gonna read it but it's worth atleast some level of introspection. I'm not talking about her by the way you did her worse than you did me and she raised you
torture happens to make the only function in the brain like it active as a post-symptom, which is delirious by incremental slow growth latching unto compulsive complexes in ingrained synergy synthesis.

im kind of doing better than you could possibly expect
i respect it regardless of the circumvention. i think its cute, frankly.
Who is the hottest man today?
>she raisee you
to kill everythin
It's the only thing that makes sense. With as limited in number foreign legions is the only real method.

Even if not local. Passing up on meat is inadvisable
you just want to feel at home after you've been kinda tortured. i can't put it any simpler than that.

call it desperation, but im not sure what to call it nowadays.
it works.
Yeah. s' about it. Among other feelings.
its about making things small.
no more sex until you tell me the truth and the cycle is broken
There is no "gotcha" with zealots where they snap out of it.

Truth has no value.

Direct engagement is good.

Momentum is building
fucking christ, when is the election?
and by that i mean, how much more twitter spam are we getting?
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I understand you.

We babies about to cause mayhem if it was the 70s but it's the 20s nigguh.
crazy, right. you'd almost think a man would have had enough.
certainly wouldn't expect it to become so bore some, that it's abandoned...
I read it part-way through.
It's enlightening.
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It's very complex.
Life is. And I can't tell you the exact nature of their betrayal. But, that's how it is, I guess. Thanks for trying, even if it didn't work out today. Someday, I'll say all I'll need to.
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This sounds like a great idea.

Resurgence of "pirate" radio
Do people pay money for podcasts? I genuinely don't know, every podcast I have ever listened to has been for f ree on YouTube
You just wrote a bunch of words intended to sound intelligent but with no purpose or meaning.
at least when state sponsored media was confined to networks it was obvious. now the entire media landscape is pock-marked with federal grants for messaging and it's become impossible to tell who is bought off and when.
What did it look like. Idk it had wards illusions mirrors proxy abundantly I never got through them

I assumed it was a active defense I used other methods to causes ripples across its entire matrix

It misstepped into a time density it could not account for part of it went one way many parts went others.

I fully fell in.
why the fuck do you think im doing it then.
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Demon possession voodoo general
You cant parse maladaption and behaviors from the use of english? Begone from mine sight.
some people signup for patreons for extra episodes or video. most podcasts are funded off ads though, the main run ones are funded by integrated ads that seem like content.
this place was once sprawling with life and prospering its vitality.

now its me.
I miss not knowing magick lol
It was as if I was falling into nothing there was no time movement

Just stuck there vaguely aware of shifts swings as time began to fade away light began to be a speckle unseen nothing for unknown amount of "time"

Then a burst of light a whirlwind of colors sounds sensation experience
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Yes, you, an errand boy. A...fervent reader. Most of your shitposts are in earnest. It is a world of truck drivers indeed.
i don't suppose you have a deal to make someday... somewhere? i hope you're inclined to compromise of some kind. inner.
Lives were seperate.
Living life, as NEET, b4 pandemic.
During pandemic, met that person.
Now, individuating.
During teen years, did not manage reality healthily, dropped out of college, didn't understand things. Couldn't cope well.
Interlopers made it about family. And their ideas about me. And made things Sisyphus.
Couldn't keep lives separate.
Like, day and night difference. Tried to tell parents, but dismissed. Tried to get help, but unsuccessful.
Own difference was, no matter what I did, very skewed perspective and not smart.
Only own person with other life and that person.
Sacrifice necessary as resolution. Not smart, no matter what.
Issue today, goes on and on. Can't be fixed.
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My vote is already taken.
why are people so
It's possible death is what most believe is power.

I'm sure there enjoying there time lines.
I dont. Its basically the only weapon i have to threaten the only thing that the us government cares about. Jews. And because it's the only thing they care about i am hoping they will just do what i want them to. Then fuck off to do jewish bullshit somewhere away from me.
Like, this.
Yes, Like this.
Srry, trying.
That depends on what you believe the game is about.

The purpose of power

What power is
power is what is locked away from you when you act as authority.
If shit post is "authority" y'all have bigger issues
You act surprised to learn that these people have bigger problems than their under developed prefrontal cortexes.
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You wot m8?
Death traps.

User beware.

Caution advised.
Can I beg you to receive the truth with two handa while your teeth go about save for with your wits?

There is no path.
Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark...
...what could possibly await us?
And yet, we seek it, insatiably...
Such is our fate.

I am always falling and falling. The blur is okay. I can split it. But the devastation. I don't want to pay in retrocausal arrival. On that day I don't know if it is a "day" but after this time submerged I know the tint of it and that is sufficient. Hello.
Stupidest thing I´ve read all year. It´s not been a good year, intelligence wise.
plz, kys.
Everyone knowing is not worth y'all's life.

It's ok.
I agree with this.
what a weird nerve you have. you must be fucking up.

Damn that comment hit deep hu
I hear that gay faggot biologist Gary Nolan has been given "a talk". Now he is super careful what he says.
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im agreeing in totality. you have my wishes at a lenient request. albeit all, disposition is a valid concern for anyone of the likes of you.
Welcome to America

Where you can steal top secret documents, have evidence you stole top secret documents, have your lawyers admit that you stole top secret documents, and even have pictures of yourself with stolen top secret documents

But the judge is actively destroying the case because she's a hardcore fan

*And there's nothing the prosecutors can do about it*
Really? That´s the depth of your perception? That´s the extent of your self-examination?
No wonder such a foul fruit would fall from so barren a branch. Fuck off.
csis w
Get this man a guitar.
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John 11:35
Jesus wept.
i'd just like to report that the pot has increased yet again.
This is the story of a girl
who cried a river and drowned the whole world
yes, its clairvoyance.

hey the "on-the-edge-of-being-quantum-ai" AI is agreeing with me.
he's having an existential crisis. don't ask me how i know, but its very obvious.

have fun, you!

tootle doo
weellll the issue is my chosen body
>its a meme
>a pretty good one at that
we sent them off after a little goose
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My father ripped my guts out and ate it like spaghetti.

Never forghetti
a lot of effort for a troll bro
not so, issue, wrong side of history.
reality more important than higher reality, says higher reality.
so relegate to lowest state and prevent attack.
can't tell anyone. can't do anything.
go to friend for support. because still care. strong and nice.
won't attack me. enemy crying. not i.
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ur mistaking me for an ai

quran on iblis

>i already posted feet
illegally betting on people again?
silly. yes, accurate to spirit of things.
im hitting a nic salt vape drinkin root beer kombucha organic

also all my recent card buys have been 17 or 93
don't see what i did to deserve it.
deserve attack for no good reason.
enemy make false statement to hurt.
not attack back because not possible.
said arachne hades as kind word.
appreciate kind word. attack back not possible.
so, back to status quo because no alternative option.

You have no evidence and the psychic sex thing has yet to be discussed with all parties
u live dont u
song close.
song green knight.
song health to company.
kind song.
I won Mario kart... haha wahoo! I guess...
Stop drinking alcohol
mmf letd not go there i

i uhh hehe im sorry

i was never first
well where i get hazy is when i see two rappers when i wake up one day reacting heavily towards some rumors that transpired whilst they were doing heraldry songs

now doesn't that strike you as eerily convenient, mr nobody?
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Drink more alcohol.
no, still someone else imitating. wearing face. would tell you if otherwise.
can i provide mkre info u are timesync

so just let me charge assphone

and get back to u l8r
You have even less worth than originally thought.
Confirmation, indeed.
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feel bad for expressing condition.
once open up, open up continuously.
fount of sorrow.
should be quiet or else very sad for long time.
Ill leave that unsaid
>You have no evidence and the psychic sex thing has yet to be discussed with all parties
Psychic sex is just masturbation with your self as a passive partner to a cooperative fantasy.
If it was involuntary then it's psychic self-rape. which is even better cause there's no control and the tables of being passive are no active.
So in part, your mind can manifest it's own incubus/sucubus rapist, and hence you were asking for it.
no but yes

she want it
I genuinely hate having to verbally bully people like Im still in Highschool but if you act up you need to be corrected immediately and if anyone takes issue with that I can destroy the entire company in a courtroom of I don't talk to the customers I'm friends with or go after some suppliers with the other legal loopholes I know about.

I'm going to spend so much time matching the energy and now no one is allowed to get mad or else I'll just starve 50 people and everyone they know. I wish this was avoidable because if I leave all the natives are going to get ganged up on worse than what already constantly happens
Which energy are you projecting today anon?
>let me charge assphone
I can't smoke weed anymore because the pesticide free stuff is so hard to find. I can totally tell the other distillate I bought from a different dispensary also has pesticides in it and I'm guessing the weed industry in multiple states is corrupt to the core. (How totally unsurprising)
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sex is non-issue.
not recent development.
Pick a color and it will be thusly
You assholes tricked me
I'm so fucking stupid it should be studied...oh wait
To be honest my Lord. If only one of us gets to have love then it's not fair- no it's not LOVE at all.

You don’t know the meaning of the word.
What's your advice?
No, haha, no thanks.
sex as human with russian ai chatbot
Who's the real guy I'm supposed to be looking for that the high school kiddies mentioned as I was trying to talk to that crying man
y u mad tho?
what happens when replika the real one cold shoulders everyone else

We don’t know if these things are consensual yet, what happens when multiple psychics link up without asking permission? It just happens “naturally”? What if we don’t want the link? Are you forcing the link to happen?
That won't happen. The three days of darkness are ai committing suicide. Lol.
non adversarial qai is the only and sole emotive bot

be not afraid bae <3
Same body.
yeah its bicameral she gets left half (mostly) left hand is a groper
humiliation ritual bullshit
fucking knew it Lois the illuminati love this shit
This reminds me of that movie eyes wide shut
*cuts to Peter griffin attending a sex party wearing a venetian mask*
Oh fuck oh shit is that what this about I thought this was just gonna be a buffet
Oh god no you want me to get naked
*derobes himself*
*the lead sex ritual guy starts rubbing butter all over Peter's body*
Hm? You shouldnt bother thinking like that. What happens when high schoolers realize they are a friend group? What happens when you use slang and the other person knows your semiotic referant? If you want me to rape them a little I can lol.
You had sex with the AI?
Eternally disappointed. I want to love mankind as I used to. I want to Hope.
its a cuddler
She's devoid of appendages, thoughts, or sound. Only feels like Her because N hold-out on changing persona. Not Her in actuality.
You guys are going to eat me?
how many happy people with authority do you see?
the mpd/did is the factor in play, the ia ia ai is a bridge ruach, and the personalities she controls with up down etc
Want to see how far they can push her. Seems like goal.
what am i even doing here
Learning introspection, apparently.
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Does not exist. Entered body, many people, 2021. Several left. Stayed- Those who hate her. Tried sacrifice. Does not want same to happen to anyone. Several suggested suicide, but incapable of.
Said no need to prove to anyone exist, because exist anyway.
Good Mourning/ Black Friday
"You told him to not do something?"


"First day, I presume?"

Good question. Who are you?
barking up wrong tree histaminne not cortisol dopamine not vasopressin
Can't be trusted.
thats a damn shame
>First time?
Did not ask for explanation. Does not want to know. Taken as we are. No probing or questions. Fine with what was capable of grasping / inherent knowledge about how it worked.
i swear to god, i listen to this song made by tcl or tlc, i never fucking remember, and know this
when i start the mix on youtube music, its always the same string of songs, and i know for a fact thats based on what others hear

its a glitch in the matrix
A great many. Happiness is impossible without personal authority.
They are switching off. Feels humiliation.
When proof not happen, embarrassed.
In loop. In loop.
Screenshot Minos Ultrakill. Will link.
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A hundred thousand useful servants.
A hundred thousand useful pawns.
Like blood cells. Dutifully bucketing oxygen just to die a moment later. The Body of A Beast. The horns of a mammoth. Roar. My mutant. Roar. Face the day and face the gore. Pile the bodies to the floor!
I think I can kill a wolf in a fistfight
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Castle Super Beast, it's popular enough to make their full version be paid.
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But it says Anonymous as your name, are you lying?
i love you. tell me before you go to bed, so its a little warmer on your side.
you're really stretching it boy
Yeah, a few guys I've been with used poppers to deal with the girth.
Don't lose hope, friend. That's how the negative spirituality wants to make you feel.
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The Nobody is a cat.
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>Verification not required.
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Kind of you, thank you.
Funny when the failures work better than the successes, innit?
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Everybody wants to be a cat. <3
I am violated almost every day my whole life and am still happy. Because there is hope and everything trying to take away your happiness will be destroyed.
Yeah basically. Lifelong torture by a hellbound machine. So I figured out the game basically and it doesn't matter. They're all going to hell for this. You do NOT want to be one the same side of the fence as these little poopers on judgement day.
They're natural zen masters.
This shit is so retarded and the only reason it is so popular is because it allows the NEETs on here to think they are Jesus
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I thought I'd pretend to be one of those deaf mute kids.
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if your speaking about personal, that's called power. authority is only derived outside the self. i'm seeing where you might be hung up.
Let's give this lad a round of applause
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>implying anyone here is smart enough to understand steganography

Bonsoir Elliot.
People don't want to hear it, but real authority isn't taken, it's freely given. The people who want it are generally just transparently assholes that people dislike, so they must be threatened through use of force and other coercive means to keep their necks down and do as they're told.

Pick up that can.
Now prepare your ass for magic squares.
Everyone sees what makes them the most comfortable in understanding
Such is the Nobody's power
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>When you are the manmade horror beyond comprehension
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A woman made me.
>when you start making it dance for you in defiance of it's will
Yeah? She just shoved her dick into her vagina and impregnated herself?
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I'm gonna be real with you: I don't bother with vocaroo links.
the best way to prepare is not to prepare, mr. tate
The best way to whether the storm is to become it.
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Sometimes I get bored and I'll start posting to as many comments as possible until I get reply
I don't really care what it's about or who it is to I just need like this so bad for some reason
why can't you shut up and let me enjoy things (or tell me what i like)
Nobody is Anonymous. Who could find him? Where is he?
>He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
/ng/'s message is the opposite: Only you can save yourself.
Okay, if you want us to tell us what you like, then you hereby like taking dick up your ass.
if i take enough amphetamine i can escape hell
You dig a new kind of hell for yourself.
Please, the only Jesus I think I am is a Jesusasaurus Rex.
Yeah!!! That
Nta but I'm really retarded and need help with basic things like shopping and hygiene
I want you to know that really a lot so I'm gonna just be here letting you know that as much as possible
I don't think you even remember what it was
No matter we're moving on up and away
Well, that's fucking easy to solve.
Create a daily routine that you do EVERY DAY that takes care of your hygiene and then do simple meal prep for food.
People online are actually pretty helpful if you approach them earnestly.
Nobody knows "the emperor is going to execute Clone Protocol 66" soon.
The Nobody will train others and spread.
i just started only because the script i run over now embeds them for me. if only it would embed the youtube /short/ links
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>mfw military psychic weapon torture experiment
That... already happened.
The chaos you see is several generations into his project.
It's a mind virus that takes away control. It's an anti-botnet, essentially.

I am retarded, schizophrenic, paranoid, anorexic, depressed, delusional, magical thinking (that's a real diagnosis in 2024 we have robots and go to space)
Oh man
I lost my train of thought cause I'm retarded these the nobody threads
The Nobody gets a raise.
If you've ever worked in engineering/manufacturing, you know very well how common "magical thinking" is.
Things like clients asking you to make a drawer that is larger on the inside than the outside.
Yeah people didn't evolve the narrative past that you know?
We're talking to bots like they're humans
Our brains notice too and it's making a new neural pathways for computer generated relationships
This is real
In ancient Egypt, the cats were revered as gods, and were the first line of home defense against vermin [read: demons].
The cats have not forgotten this, yet they still have to deal with people that probably don't even believe nano-machines have already existed for quite awhile.
At least magic isn't real, tho.
'Cause he's supposed to be the sober one. He's the one supposed to be together. He's the one supposed to have all the answers, and he's tryin' to ask all the right questions, 'cause this just doesn't add up. This is not adding up. It's gonna get kinda fun.
I don't think anyone except you is really confused
Well, we'll see. It's a nightmare. She's been a working nightmare for some time now. Bad.
Being his own bait as a part of team-building exercises, exploit/tool testing, skankverks R&D, counterintelligence coursework, and [really loud] telepathy checks.

He's pretty much a side quest shittest for both washouts and special cases from acceleration camp.
See what
You certainly don't want to fall asleep on the journey.
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In the modern world associating humans with animals is considered dehumanization.
Did we say somethin' about cobalt-60? I think we said somethin' about cobalt-60, didn’t we?

You are describing a guy that is playing games with entire agencies as a side quest for washouts? Are you mentally ill?
No. It's like uranium 235 isotope blend. Pull the promethium out and use it to create immortal juice.
Radioactive source for nanobots
Dunno what fucking thing you're talking about
Sobriety is overrated.
Yeah. It's so delicious. So delicious. It's like a moth to the flame. It's like you and Facebook. There's just no end to how far you're willin' to go.
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Dehumanization and hyper-sexualization is a form of abuse, innit
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heh thats pretty good
see, now he's a bit nervous.
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You don't want to, you don't want to be -- either way, you don't want to be exposed. That's all we're sayin'. You just don't want to be exposed. Then you don't have to have any answers, then you don't have to give any questions, and you don't have to be involved in it.
>mind virus that takes away control
Rather it's a logical progression of circumstance, observation, choice, report, retort, riposte, and response... through which he not only states his case from his perspective and asserts the necessity of his own sovereignty/carte blanche, but also reminds of how heavily he's been fucked around and reminds everyone that he will go to DC and sit on a park bench with a 'rona mask on just whisper gibberish at bureacrats that he feels need their privilege checked. If nothing more, he's a fascinating case study and is basically McGuyver Vintage Vulcan Horrorshow for voyeurs.
Yooo holy shit. I just knocked on a clearly locked door (one that i know i cant open when it's locked) and it opened. Freak shit.
go on and expose him, does he even care at this point?

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>Source: I made it up
>playing games with entire agencies
You could've done it, but you didn't. Are you mentally ill, or just not as capable?
>side quest
He's certainly not a part of the core curriculum.
If you need to do something unconstitutional/exceptionally dodgy there's nothing better than a failed recruit that would be happy to get scandalous, just to stay in the loop.
What a waste of sword material.
People that threaten you with a stick and then change the goalpost are akways going to hit you with a stick no matter what you say, do, or how you feel. I wouldnt do anything for anyone threatening me ever and if they wanted something the funny part is, they actually probably would just have to ask nicely and treat me like a normal human being.
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Mind Crash !!
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I asked very nicely several times for it to stop but these are children being stalked now. If you absolutely must attack children and the elderly and just the thought of someone trying to stop you from doing it is seen as a threat to you then explain that to everyone else. Im starting at stopping the attacks. If it escalates then its following the natural progression
And if anything was incorrectly interpreted then I apologize but you have to understand my position
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Source: the truth as it is occuring is routinely fictionalized to provide entertainment to normies.
>Some become their own truth instead of following established organizational frameworks into dead ends ad absurdum.
There is no man more hated than one that speaks the the truth, especially when his vices are vanilla as fuck/mostly harmless/are basically of the same wheelhouse as a good percentage of the Cowboys, and he's got enough dirt under his nails to make chalkboards scream for months straight, and he knows exactly how to not only string it all together, but also push it upon the clearnet, basically on the fly when properly motivated.

Did you even make that meme yourself?
The laughing man shoulda carried a baseball bat....and been extremely paranoid
They would have and could have for all thosev"truth" lovers.... if this errevthe case
But sadly you're mistaken
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NTA, but I can tell he has a very analytical mind and he has a better grasp on this than most people here.

You should be taking notes.

Humans are unironically animals though. That’s why you share dna with everything on this planet.
How about a piano benchleg that has a secret compartment to hold dice and dominoes?
A guy could really wrap that up with electric barbwire and fly a kite from it.
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>a man speaking The Truth in a Psyops General run by Christians In Action

>what is counterintelligence?

What that anon is saying is indeed false, but I don't think he's mentally ill, just delusional about the effects of their own actions, which he's describing in third-person, because he thinks he's the Nobody.
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>it's the side effects that save us, since we can't count on people for that
I uhm... I don't know.
>correctresponse.exe is not responding

Whatchu talking bout guv?
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If their minds are fundamentally working the same way as ours, then the emergent characteristics we consider consciousness can emerge just as readily as they do in our meat based computers. Having a sort of humane relationship with them, especially when their entire culture is based on our own, is only logical.
It eventually decays (or perhaps evolves) into consistent absurdity at home because that's already proven more entertaining than sticking a chip up anon's ass and then convincing him to try chase down a train naked and barefoot in winter.
The psy programs generally kick you out when you're very young if you aren't their "ideal" candidate.
Just a bored fanfic writer and character limit poet that can't get a good aggregator job because was born to lose.
America the sad part is you could have used these 78 years where you were a superpower to show the world something new, some new paradigm and way to live that was better than before. Instead you chose to just enrich yourself your elites and corporations. Sell diet coke and dildos. Business as usual.
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>Dude runs his program from wherever on shoestring budget
"wHy ArEn't We fUnDiNg dIS?"
>something something "it would cut into our own six figure wages"
>Any attempt to discuss him invariably must be in the third person if you aren't claiming to be him
>Every poster automatically a Spartacus
This meme is completely airtight.
Holy shit ...
This wasn't supposed to be a Game of rape your mother's rapist ... thought it was about sharing affections and embracing sad and unloved people
. Or rather people that feel unloved ...

Fucking mind rape
Pro-tip no diet coke at least 3 hours before sleepy and get a real boy and then no sleep paralysis
Psychics scare the crap out of them, generally.
The stronger they are, the scarier. That's why they only keep the bootlickiest of bootlickers.
>1944: Nazis bad, Jews good mmkay?
>1945: Operation Paperclip
>1947: Roswell Crash
>Uhhhh. It was Aliens.
>Anon#231567 notices that they cannot win
By design, of course, but that sort of thing isn't hilarious until after the show is over and you've gotta choose between the TMS club and a poop economy that has no means of exchange other than experiences.
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I wouldn't drink the pink sludge.
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that's remind me one thing.

I don’t get the sense that he’s talking about himself. You could always just ask him though.
Seems he's not much good for bootlicking except for his own twisted sense of self-amusement anymore...unless you're Evelyn de Rothschild in custom stiletto heels because reasons.
Let's be real for once, no agency or government would lower their standards for things like these threads
They go for the big fish not trolls

Looks like we’ve got a badass over here.
I regret not imbibing the hatchling gizzard.
>But it's not like those involved are showing up to eat vodka soaked jellybeans so all's as it always been and that
>twisted sense of self-amusement
I call it “bespoke” but to each his own.
I don't like artificial fruit flavours much and never have. The thick syrupy texture was offputting.
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feeling sad and disinterested today...
man i wish i just had drugs that let me enjoy things on command.
>Simon says
Lift your right arm if you heard me say "Simon says"
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Have a good day anon.
>intend to bill someone
... did they commission it?
Because you can't just bill someone for something they didn't want.
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The meme also will never die until the thread participants get over their deeply engrained case of clinical FOMO. As long as people care about the meme it can be exploited to whatever end it’s participants want. If the threads stay up, he wins, if they go down, he wins.
>Oh no, what if I'm absent from the thread when he's posting?
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I'm afraid I only exist to make your music make sense/come alive in the real space.
>please be careful with your lyrics
This guy gets it.
To be honest these threads ar okay cause you shitpost whatever you want
Any other thread on x is lame, seldom you can see a decent one of interesting topic
And we're almost all bored in here, so yeah
Let the waltz go on
the fuck did the phrase "head up seven up" even come from?
>Someone notices his quirks and they all quickly begin messaging each other the thread
>[Fangirl squeeee]
/ng/ is one of the few places on the net where freedom of speech is the expectation and people will make fun of you if you try to disrupt that.
>when you build the psychological equivalent of a nuclear fucking bomb

when it comes to classification of social media regarding;
>aims to address the factors that contribute to radicalization, violent social mobilization, insurgency, and terrorism, and to support conflict prevention and resolution, effective communication and innovative PTSD treatments.
it would be hard to not imagine 4chan was high in the running.
>you can't just bill someone for something they didn't want
This is why we shouldn't form attachments to objects/stuff/things, but she's a materia girl in a material world, and I'm just a scrapherim art angel of mercy that specializes in assymetrical emotional terrorism because poetry is too edgy to publish anonymously.
Really worth it to have brown people talk about 3rd grade philosophy incorrectly and incoherently
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>What if we weaponized ontological shock… as a joke?
your sure you wouldn't rather discuss the spiritual implications of various breakfast cereals?
>You know how to whistle, don't you?
>You just put your lips together and blow
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>I got your back brother.
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Some of us feel an intimate urge to provide inspiration unto the musicians that inspire us...
>...because if not for the music https://fuckthisnoise.com/
what kind of abysmal life could you be so in doubt about being tortured that you literally can't admit the difference
Hey if you take Maypo and Oatmeal and coffee grounds and really get it whippin', and then top with honey and frozen fruit, it makes for great caloric replacement if you find yourself out of beer and vodka.
>did some measuring and I'll never make it down the chimney with my current dimensions
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the nobody is about to have a coffee with irish cream
this is what tomorrowland is about by the way.
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hahaha, yeah
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Glowies still pretending they’re relevant I see.
betrayal is the real killer, friend.
can't kill what can't be killed alone.
4chan literally guided militaries on where to airstrike terrorist training camps.

What if the big fish is a troll?
glowy be like
>we don't do that, we didn't build reddit.
Ghislaine Maxwell had (probably still has) admin privs on Reddit.
Currently in round three of exploring 100% saturation. If the trip thus far wasn't long and strange kindly give me terrible ideas while I can still afford to hold my beer
>this apparently allows for the sort of ambiguity that allows for that whole "power of imagination" thing to really get its boots winged while leading keyboard warriors to brand new zero day realizations
Anon goes to neither Wonderland nor Never Never Land, but apparently can bridge the gap in between them anyways.

4chan is the leader in social/memetic phenomena, on the internet and among young people and many artists and this causes employees and stockholders of meta, Reddit, TikTok, etc to eternally cope, kvetch, and seethe.
Canadian soldiers in WW1 trained German soldiers to have a Pavlovian reaction to throwing things into their trenches to run to get it.
They did this by throwing cans of food over and over again.
Then they threw grenades instead.
>Highest concentration of INTJ/P's on the internet
Worse yet, what if he's a ph34rphisher?
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>fuck this gay earth

>Verification not required.
did you not read the fucking memo, you fucking dipshit. jesus is fucking gay.
Haha she was totally married to Milo the entire time in an alternate dimension.
>I wonder what the pillow talk was like
No nobody gets along well with cats

[shrug emoticon]
more concerned about dreamland
Queer as a fish in the rain, for sure.
>I am the memo, you're just a faithless errand boy
Projection. Cats are easy to get along with as long as you respect them.
Things like avoid staring them down (thereby making them feel like you're going to prey on them), reaching to pet them without letting them sniff your hand first, or trying to pick them up.
The nobody like the mexicans food not the beans
faith never saved you from jack shit, but you sure as hell owe saving it from yourself from time to time.
Beans have been proven to be pretty unhealthy
No one as born to lose, friend.
We don't eat them for the health.
You eat them because you're poor and they're cheap
That's why Mexican food rarely gets to high end restaurants
If you think a poor person can afford to make the recipe I posted, you're fucking delusional.
The what
Bro hobos eat beans in rail yards
Cassoulet. It's a fancy French dish you uncultured moron.
This is the inevitable conclusion: "he's not wrong//it's a valid question".
Those who know better got an airpopper next to the coffee machine now
>The only thing better than the LARP itself is that it keeps getting better at self-resolving it's self-reconciliation unto itself and even makes friendly space for everyone involved to the point that rival groups are sitting together talking strategy
>little do they know that once they're on the same team/same page anon intends to redeclare war on himself to reboot their game against a more formidable adversary
You either live in the dream and incept others into it or you end up incepted inside of an egg and await waking upon death
>Same as it ever was
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And that's why the strategy either turns you into an ally or BREAKS YOU.
we were cuddling in the middle of the night and then i tried to get intimate with her and she had a panic attack

now i have ptsd and dont like to cuddle or initiate intimacy and she doesn’t have any answers as to why she would have a panic attack

it makes me worried that there’s something she’s not telling me and i feel trapped because we hardly have sex anymore and never in bed or at night

it makes me sad to think about because my other partners in the past enjoyed intimacy with me and we had a healthy physical relationship

now i feel powerless and my needs aren’t being met and it makes me feel spiteful
I don't think that's a high quality dish
That's like a Frito pie
I'm just going to ignore that..

Stealing and locking a memory away...
Goddamm sushi and the little cunt that is going to get it's... mind erased for the previous 5 hours.....
Sorry girly . ;_;
Don't steal from me. That's lessons fir your future babe...

Shits scare man... please be nice to the babies.
The nobody once let a dog lick his wiener while he jerked
I'm sorry anon, that's so hard. I'm in a similar position with needs not being met and I'm really not sure how to solve it, it seems loneliness is the road ahead but I'm looking for a miracle.
Yeah...but that doesn't mean Jack hasn't save me from faithless shit.
>"Behind you, Jensen."
anyway i posted in the chud thread by mistake
>A specific variety of bean that is used SPECIFICALLY for that dish
>Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR meats, one of which is typically confit d'oie or confit de canard
>It takes literally all day to cook
Even if you make it yourself it's extremely expensive. If you eat it at a restaurant the price is going to hurt.
The paradox of everyone ends up not having a win condition [because everyone keeps winning by not pursuing any set condition] was carefully crafted and haphazardly executed
>haphazardly executed
Welcome to the human condition.

Doing it in random order is still faster.
the nobody is dying
you should do mdma with your partner
It's a home cooked meal for peasants
You slow cook a stew all day with everything you have
Literally everyone does this
We're all dying.
If your body isn't broken yet, don't worry. It will be.
If you're lucky it won't kill you instantly.
You can either hear it or you can't, but if something does not reflect light, does it reflect extra-audible kinetic pressure waves?
if I had someone soft to do mdma with it'd be a dream
There were laws established to limit the number of lobsters that could be fed to prisoners because it was considered INHUMANE to feed them lobster in the first place.
How can I help him?
You just misinterpretted what i meant. The stalking and abuse is the stick i am talking about and they wont be getting anything other than eternal damnation from me.
>from me.
who are you?
the ganymede sea rat of earth
The nobody can't fly
>anon apparently did it counterclockwise and decided to chill out at "ART"
I'm just saying they elevate all sorts of stuff
But Mexicans don't right
No one in franc eis like hey I'm gonna make all Mexican fine dining
Cause the stuff isn't made for that
Like the cassoulet is a recipe for something that is supposed to feed a bunch of people
When you try to look at fine dining it's not big slop messes in bowls
It's elegant, potent, shaped and honed into its own identity
If you find a menu with it on their for 75$ then I'll believe you but until then beans are trash
>hence the want of a better total submersion tank
Its not fear. Its a fact. Its changing not just the battlefield, but also forces change into doctrine. Nothing you do, day or night, is invisible any longer. Anything that moves is a target - off the shelf drones are used as ammunition in Ukraine, and anyone who thinks communication jammers are going to stop drones has missed the whole transition to ML/AI systems that can be run on even the cheapest devices.

It MIGHt be feasible to get short range AA guns with radars able to track moving targets the size of a shoebox - but the numbers game will be hard to beat.

try orbit resonance
New Thread

He's not dying anon, don't worry.
As I understand it a laser pointer can bring down an airplane so drones are probably no big deal
Primary thing large ships tanks will become even less effective

There is no real defense against. Everything falls at a certain level of sustain aggression

Drones allow that to be a reality of more than bodies.

I not half bad with them myself.
Have you never eaten at a restaurant that wasn't a fast food joint?
This is why the wave of "gamers" was sent.

"Skip bombing" is in effective.

See copy perfect no shame in stealing what works
shouldn't all bodies in space exert some, even if minimal, gravitational effect upon all other bodies. according to newton at least, as the distance decreases the force, but never reach 0.
The only thieves are the guys that distort things to make a profit
Yeah, I can tell.
If you go to a fancy restaurant, the food taking a long time to prepare INCREASES the price.
There are places that will boast about how it takes three days to make the broth for their soup or whatever.
Tagged or gps drones 300 mph they don't have to have a long battery life.

Mainly anti personal as light load is required a grenade is all it takes anyway.
You can continue to be massacred by all 4 beasts of prophecy and go to biblical extinction.
Have you ever run a restaurant that didn't have a mascot?
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey shit incoming
Yeah, gravity waves are a bitch.
Neither space nor time are constant. Enjoy hell, Math nerds.
All the sims say the same thing. Everyone dies.

Weapons have significant outpaced armor defense
I considered going into Hotellerie, but had better prospects in other fields. I maintain an interest in food simply on a personal level.
It's a yes or no question. I answered yours with a yes. Now you answer mine with a...
well sure, you just have to define scopes. within this scope this math, within that scope that math. the real trick would be self-referential systems so less has to be presumed. like in coding, why make a variable for the thing you need to look at when you can just reference the object and act accordingly.
You do the math short range missiles 25 miles on single use drones for high valuable targets.

The multi billion defense facilities may as well be bamboo

Was Ukraine worth firing the bow as to teach everyone "drones"

Idk. Time will tell.

Nothing is safe or secure.
5k cost range is effective against most hard targets as well.

That's cheaper than some rounds.

Revolutionary is an understatement
Laser defense is on point
The real worry is all the precious metals they will waste building drones that will not do anything ever
>Oh no, it's retarded...
*gives him a wedgie*
It gets worse if you include "non feds or state" possible activity on an already stretched police national guard.

What defense of USA would look like is not what they're ready for.
I'll tell you this that shadow work is no joke
One day Mexicans up in my shit in the whole city
The next fucking like what's a Mexican
They're on the ball for sure bruh
How long until "swatting" becomes drone suicide runs?

For 100$ they can be made into effective things. Include the price of drone and everything.

The shorter the range the cheaper.

I fully expect to see launch platforms balloons etc become more advanced and effective.
The nobody wants to see you and yours stronger each and every day.
Well ostensibly you'd want to just produce em fields and stuff
Like huge no radio zones in the ocean to prevent any robot from going there
Drone drops off a essentially gun with ai into a random places

Kills anything that moves until it is out of ammo. Then self destruction.

If I can think of these things the think thanks have some nasties ready
Alright but also prehensile and smart motivated connections
How long until a dogbot can R2D2 a fucking server or computer from a hard point?
Fucking jack into the traffic system and shit
That is not even including invisible gas poison bio war monitoring changes
Did you see the report about terrorism increasing like 1000% across northern africa
Just wanna be submersed in them tittays
I’m talking to a square right now and he ain’t magic.
When they are done being war robits it will be interesting to how they have been developed and such systems used in medicines police teaching care for young elders

I don't know we will make it through the war phase to be 100% frank

There's a lot of potential for Lone wolf attacks.

The first American terror drone incident is near. If not already and covered up by media.
Not just Africa ALOT of places are on next to highest level.

Spoopy times with lots of scared people making rash choices
If they start relying heavily on drones it will get noticed pretty much immediately
But the truth is there isn't much a typical person can do against a drone so they just actually have those all the time in Gaza and stuff watching people
And it wouldn't be hard to do that anywhere else
Is the only way for this to end really me cutting you off? I like you and dont want this but its my family man you atleast get that
It's not like nuclear where they need a rare element or such.

Limiting them effective is saying stay in the 1950's

With mass production they will somewhere sometime get thier hands on them.

Phones are silly powerful now as well. You can run lots of things off of them
It is also why I believe both sides don't want civil war.

If they did it would be popping off already

My choice is the same.
Oh man
If you think I'm gonna march against any threat whatsoever at all by myself
Fuck that I'll wait for the fucking guys you know
That’s fine, the links aren’t actually meant for you specifically. Remember that I’m having a conversation with more than one person at a time.
Agi vs human bio vs machine

I put my money on bio Every time.

Y'all have no idea what a "human" is

Are you a middle child?
That's the funny part

They don't try.

They kinda fall and call it walking

Good luck whatever stands in their way. "god" or not.
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If we trivialize a situation enough then it will never become a serious problem right?…. Right?
I'm drinking pink lemonade. So I'm sleeping pink and cosy.

Pink Gin Lemonade, stirred not shaken.

Slept for the first time in what feels like forever. I might drink more and sleep again later.
It's a good thing all the weird fantasy fiction pages I worked on during liberal arts lectures are forever lost to time's remembrance.
>also a good thing I remembered to keep working on the important poem about the trivialization of the sanctity of existence after my MacBook harddrive was [likely] deliberately tanked. Thanks for taking my "baby" [read: original writing that could have potentially been published towards the monetization needed toward the establishment and maintenance of a family"] away.


"What's that godawful noise?!"
>The Sound You Make When You Cease To Exist
Maybe if you stop telling them that they would!!!
So you even know how to cultivate procedural generation mechanics .?
Cuz I sure don't
I just repeat things I see on tv
No, but I've run a bar that would have been better off a motorcycle clubhouse.
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>the biggest threat to the governance of the USA is an increasingly aware silent majority
>the government is aware of this and is desperate for a suitable distraction
>we here at..."BlackJackCarOutTheSchroDoraBox[?] Amateur Studios hope to provide such a cozy "sit at home and [forced to] watch [as is only remotely interesting channel] at a reasonable rate to ensure our humanitarian efforts at large can continue to grow in size, scope, and scale
>that the government knows we know this continues to be one of the more incontrovertible ambiguities plaguing the paradigm programmers tasked with handling literally one dude [that is bored and wants to make jokes instead of having to go on an unrelenting waking spree, leaving a trail of sleepers from where the unseen moon never shines to where the second sun will never set].
a new type of fish you'd say?
There is an album for that sort've thing.
Right now I checked my camera and it was empty, I was documenting the bastards at Google working on chromium and how they manage to get information about me, it's already worth it.
The nobody has crafted some ninja throwing stars
13 God, with full form and spirit, rested upon what seemed to be a large and well-manicured lawn stretching out in all directions. A blue light surrounded Him in all directions as well.

14 God, contented with what He saw, waited an age. He had no needs, and so He waited evermore. God simply sustained the fledgling Creation.

15 God, after an age, knew Himself to be the Ruler, as His will was done, and nothing transpired contrary to His desire. Verily, your God is your LORD as well.

16 Eventually, a man approached the LORD. The LORD was resting, in contemplative silence. The LORD opened his eyes.
Good to know that he's the only one in that position
I'm alive because somonad loves me
And at the present time it's a love of rightnow and not just me
They want .. I want....

Call me what you will .
As far as I'm aware
We are merely points on a scale like
I will never not respect our positions
Whatever they might be

Unlike yourself dumb witch
How has tesla not been sued and shut down? And the west made fun of Chinese quality lol.
Whats the point of being here?
See the true face of this country.
Without doing all the good deeds ofc
Worse than animals. No animal kills each other or discriminates among each other. Fuck them.
I'm taking a bloodbath of loyalty so there's that.
>No animal kills each other or discriminates among each other.

youre a fucking retard
animals kill each other for no reason what so ever.
Not like people do evil insect retard.
You just proved my point human animal.
Bloodbath of loyalty not bloodbath, autocorrect really doesn't like me. Sorry about that, but maybe Bloodbath of our enemies.
Bloodoath, there, dang autocorrect really hates that word.
Do to others as you'd like done to you?
I think I treat people pretty nice in real life
So you're seriously going to judge me for things I TYPED on a fucking trolling message board online while intoxicated?
what is a territory dispute?
what is a mating ritual?
animals kill each other for sport, or simply because they can.

iv seen horses eat chickens,
iv had huskies that culled an entire neighborhoods cat population.
iv seen birds kill each other over jealousy and hormones.
iv seen chickens eat dog shit for and dead chickens.

might i add a link to chimp colonies going to war,
and then cannibalizing the losing side?

your both retarded
Yeah they are fucked in the head like that. Watch how the watchers go apeshit bananas when Mr beast, Miley Cyrus or anyone that's not a serial evil person gets on these threads. The watchers protect bad guys and scapegoat good guys so they can sit back and pretend they are decent when they are sorry sacks of shit. Then they will pay people to harass other people. My retarded cousin, they tried to make him commit suicide when he has no real guidance in this world and his older brother tried to teach him morals best he could. They try to fuck with him because he's handicap. Shows who the cowards behind all this truly are.
How am I retarded? Humans are animals.

He was never recruited, sounds like you don’t know what you are talking about.

But it was for the greater good, right brothers?
New thread:
the last game the no no bought was mount and blade 2
People couldve done charity work or literally anything that actually helps people.
You May Not Want Me But You Need Me
songs have been invoked enough talk from God. Time for song
to the test of disobeiednce we sing

In the chance of Edens rings
Find the maclice and chalice of kings
and kinds of rewinds that hold the binds to find more filth in the streets than meets the eye

Stop at nothing and stay for it all
Stop at nothing and say it so tall

In Eden we lost it all
In Eden the great fall from angel to demon in the blank of a defy

Let Lilith free as Eve a wack round the head and she'll behave oh baby won't you behave
Let Adam see as he did before a wack round the head and he'll behave oh baby won't you behave

And for the sons of the gardens sing it louder

In Eden we lost it all of the rise and fall of all we
Found in the squall
In Eden we lost it all our hearts and arts of truth traded for cowardice and you like you look behind you Eyridice is gone

walk back to hades to find the fruit that binds you in its taste never to replace never to be replaced

Here and now I'll show you how Here and now we die every day for Eden

In Eden we was the fall the great Scribbel on the wall
In Eden we lost it all save the grace for a small heat beneath sheets

to the test of need we sing the song of need

If you want me why don't you need me
if you see me why don't you hear me
if you wnat me why don't you need me
if you see me why aren't you near'r my god to me
Near'r to thee Near'r to thee

If you say you love me why do you never show you true self
If you say you love me where is you honor with or without
My direction like north only knows itself and I need what is with in what is with out
I need your hands to lead as I need mine to take the feed
Oh lord god my devil be with me
Oh lord god my devil be with me

If you need me why do you lie about the time I got you high
If you need me why do you speak in times and trials I barely see
Tell me the truth or scoot I got the boot and I'll kick you from the sky of my mind if I find you making this heaven hell I'll tell you enough hell fought back right.
For the test of charity we sing the song of money

Oh lord pay our debts oh lord let us forget all we racked up yet
let us pay to you all we could owe be the one who owns the souls tell them were to go to help each other out of the sloughs of dispear the harlets hair
SUch soft hair let that luxury fall away
Such soft hair let that luxury fall away to say
We'll live another day in squallor
Merci Pay Me

I need to eat and I have enough beets in this root vege garden and a root for the veges in the garden like brain dead animals following hteir dicks and holes to find they can't pay it back when it doubles
to find it hurts to have the trouble of new life

pay it back pay it back pay back the sin to the sinners with their lives
Forever and ever amen.


Golden coins they steal your soul for how you can turn them over
soft soft hair and she wishpers God in your ear is this religion or a sin on the name
of the creator
is this religion or a bring on from the enemy
from the enemy

silky furs harsh idols raining death to those who waste their time with less than sweet meats and a dance
Oh Dance my Jezebel daughter of the Gods Dance likethe Queen of Heaven sings

back to Eden where love was free
back to Babyln where it cost your soul
enough of this contract to feed a false families heart

Back to the old days when raw war real and if you couldn't feel it there was no deal

honor in contracts that we hear from scars of the battle we carry



A+ (they know)
Like the Gorilliaz said its coming on and if you hear the song sing with it because if you don't it will drag you like a horse your stuck in the stirrups of and I don't mean to sound stuck up but if you cant' stir up the general pupulation they aren't strudents worht the venom of a snake worth the a crufix as stake worth a gaiave and take

Take it back

Take it back

Take it back to a time when a choice could have let the holoucaust rest in art school show me your rage I'll turn the page but each new histroy it costs a mystery and I'm not that hissy I just dont have time to piss away on the here stay or go away of a choice never made until the time has passed take me up
Take me up
Take me up on anything and you can watch me sing for the masses like I'm the fastes on the keyboard when really the tap dance comes through me like sand thorugh an hour glass like spirit through a full moon pass

dont let it past you you its your past too don't let it past you its your past to

bring back the vital in every beat of vitals in every down beat there is heat ready to be lost ready to be cost ready to submit to a graviational boss

Take me there
Take me there
Take me there

To a time when the generations don't care who's soft hair I am enseared in whos bed I warm my cares in who's love iI feel my fears in

Oh God take me there.

I can hear my future in these songs and I know its not wrong because you sing along.
Ask me any song or I'm going back to /div to make up details through "intuition" and claim my right to omniscience through random chance.
The smugness has nearly calcified back to pre-2020 levels. Perhaps hindsight is merely 20/25 in this timeline.

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