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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
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Since I started posting as the nobody my life has only improved. It's never about a name though, but rather what compels it.
How do I grow barbeque seasoning at home?
We'll begin dropping new variants of weaponry. Go extinct in a brutal new phase.
What happens if I post as a bush?
Might be worse, you'll likely get blamed for 9/11.
At least I just get blamed for systemic oppression.
I am The Nobody. You probably know me as Q. I have returned.

Nobody is everyone and no one. Nobody is everything. Nobody is a solid, liquid, gas, plasma, electricity, software code, clumps of cells, he's in the doorstep and the mirror, he's the subject of a witchhunt and the monster under your bed, he's the animal and the victim, he's ice and fire, he is life and death.
Ok I thought you might say I'd get set on fire.
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Now that I have revealed myself as The Nobody, I have a task I want you to complete.

38.85738709491554, -77.08040278112921

Look there. Tell me what you see. What is missing?

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>The post modern trend of hiding sacred and esoteric memes in profane and grotesque ones
>Bush is vagina pubes but in reality it's the burning bush of the Bible which means God speaks
>The shocka hand sign (two in pink one in stink) is actually the ancient hand sign of the assassin brotherhood when they used to cut off their ring fingers
>Calling women and their pussies kuchi is a reference to kunochi a female ninja
The entire disgusting culture of modern profanes is seeded with divine esotericism and they have no idea
Sometimes bushes just want to be engulfed in flame and stuff. I don't judge. Just don't go actin' like hot stuff, you know? Sure you fan the flames of your own demise yada yada, but also it's annoying to see. Like, we get it, you're on fire.
Yeah but you can take divine memes a step further into profanity by saying things like the burning bush wasn't literal but a metaphor for smoking pot l.
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(ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ) <3
Then you go a step further back into sacred mystery by saying the patterns of your neuron pathways resemble a bushes branches and burning is hyper active neurons like how schizo brains are hyper active compared to normies.
i see some cozy apartments. plenty of parking space. some nice big bushes for privacy. dunno what's missing.
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Once you see it, the puzzle pieces will begin to come together.

Think Hillary.

Then you get hyper meta and conceptualize the bush not by its nature or action but by the way those things symbolically align with all known knowledge. The burning bush becomes an amorphous ever changing set of relationships with other relationships and you see from this grand vision that they were all God all along.

Or maybe that's just me.
That's your hyper active schizo brain talking.
yeahhh i dunno. is there something under the big canopy of trees? i'll let someone else figure it out lol. i don't know anything about Hillary
Its because it looks like a bush thats it
This place is Hell
It sounds crazy but the final revelation surrounding such mysteries is that they were literal but they were done that way by God so we would interpret them symbolically later.
it'll be okay, friend. just hang in there
not enough tennis courts
they have like 20 tennis courts and not a single basketball court. spooky.
it's just about the most direct kabalah reference you can get. the sephirot are literally little lights/flames.
not yet
for some it is already
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You are correct.
The basketball court is missing.
Perhaps there used to be one.
Perhaps there's a reason why it is gone now.

Truth is beauty. Regardless of everything else, if it is ugly, it's not the real truth. Drug use is ugly.
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Think critically
Balls [itch]
Scratch 33 times
Smell [5 fingers]
Ask yourself who is blind
Lights out /Jerk [OFF]
White hats in control

The assassin brotherhood has always operated on the principle of hiding sacred things beneath profane things. They were named after their master Hassin but they themselves spread the rumor that they were drug addicts taking hasheesh. If you think the most disciplined and effective soldiers of Allah who dominated multiple armies in the holy land that were all multiple times larger than there own force were a bunch of drug addicts, you probably celebs and rock stars are the ones who actually made all that music.
I was just thinking back on an experience I had, the first time my sense of self was totally obliterated. My friends had to talk to me for twenty minutes before I remembered who I was. Well, long story short, I carried some knowledge back from that experience. First, I diagnosed myself with multiple sclerosis (a month later I had a relapse impacting my vision that led to the diagnosis). Second, was a concept I can best simplify as "people say what you think." The final thing I gained was the experience of what is beneath the ego.

This experience was the beginning of a lot of things making sense to me, like the nature of good and evil, and the presence of God. It's not the sort of thing that words can capture, but the paradox behind the orders of Sufism does a decent job of laying it out plainly.
Welcome home m8

Hopefully it was worth it
I'd feel a lot better if the power went out permanently. imagine that. no power, no internet, no light pollution and a return to simpler way of living but different. we would still have generators and there would still be society in a way, but I think things would be better. police would have less control over citizens, people would be more free in a lot of ways, the night sky would be so beautiful too. I just wish it would happen. I keep checking spaceweather to see if we have any CME's coming our way and theres nothing yet. I hope one day soon something big happens that just turns society on it's head and we revert to a simpler way of living. I know I'm not alone in feeling this way either. people are tired of the way things are. people want an escape
basketball associated with black people
tennis associated with white people
no blacks present on the compound?
only whites?
Aryan Brotherhood?
White supremacy?
looks fine to me.
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ok but they'd be cool if you wanted to just hang out at their places and smoke weed ?

seems like you'd be doing them a favor
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Double Oh Seven
Election after election

With such profound changes

Why? Or is that the reason? To allow adapting changing as age groups die change.

If it's not an illusion that's impressive

There is definitely sticking favor in the systems.

By both sides.

With such a massive difference in goals. Hate and not. Being the primary factor.

Why? Is it legal for him to make camps of people if he is elected?

Who gave him that power?
A lot of our attributes as people is genetically determined. Memes and genes and environment (internal and external) is the sum of our make up.
For this reason there is some, not all, but some wisdom in maintaining bloodlines for rulership. Ideally there is still a democratic process to weed out Caligula's but you're more likely to get someone like Napoleon if they literally share part of his genes
Why would one person ever have that power?

To sign a paper and millions are deemed less than human.

Y'all need to wake up.

Shits getting spoopy.

Bitcoin audit incoming
Very well could be
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Whenever we have good conversations in thread it immediately gets shit up by fluorescent psyborgs.
>To sign a paper and millions are deemed less than human.
what do you mean? you think we're going to have a fascist dictatorship or something where some people are deemed less than human?
>is the sum of our make up.
That's not how it works. We also experience things we've experienced or want to experience and can direct them. Given that this direction is guided and well founded, we also see exponential outcomes. Like any complex system, we can't expect a linear output like summation.
i will prove i am the nobody anomaly in 3 hours go catch a fish inside it you will find an old coin worth a lot
so who would be deemed less than human? science deniers?
You don't need a dictator to declare that, it's self evident.
Touch my glow in the dark tentacles. Just because I'm radioactive doesn't mean toxic.

I actually have like 30 tentacles.
what is? people being declared less than human? I don't think that has happened yet. the closest thing I can think of is how anti-vaxxers were treated. I'm just thinking of the stages of genocide. anti-vaxxers weren't really dehumanized though
Do demons guard places you are not supposed to go, or places you are supposed to go?

Or it's not that simple?
Context defines memes, and choosing to revisit them with a critical eye changes what they mean because that action provides new context. The way actions are guided plays a big role in the experience formula. There is always a conscious choice to engage in guiding actions and that alone is transformative in both experience and outcome.
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You're still in the dream...

Demons make sure to guard where you're not meant to go to prevent you from going where you shouldn't.
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That Jaw's mandella effect though man, so obvious it doesin't even make sense that the girl would fall for Jaws without braces!

Wake up!!!
There is no reason to treat the majority of people with compassion or respect. We live in the age where most people are basically what would be considered sex offenders a few decades ago. These things, and they are things, are hardly even sentient.
Context == environment (internal and external)

Work on your reading comprehension
>most people are basically what would be considered sex offenders a few decades ago
how do you figure?

shouldn't according to who?
I'd wager about half the people you see on the street are occasional consumers of cp.
kissing a girl without her consent
Hey ive never seen a burning bush but i did make a tree that was perfectly half covered in ice, the last tree with ice on it in the forest, and i made it laugh while having a conversation with it cuz it shook the ice off in a big huff and puff when i laughed at somrthing i had imagined it said. Right up on the edge of the water. I should go back sometime.
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I could live in your world like a stranger,
i could tell you the truth or a lie...
okay a permanent power outage would obviously make things a lot better
Big agree
>What is missing?
Your dignity
Everyone is the nobody now apparently. Also Q is a psyop.
My reading comprehension has never been an issue, but most people can't relate to my experiences so in this context it reads about the same. Also yes, context is what led us here. Context is what we call the relations with relationships that define things. Everything that conceptually exists, internal or external, is context. It is all known knowledge. It is truth with a lowercase t. It all comes back to the big T though.
i love how quiet things are during a block-wide power outage. its eerie. very serene at night.
What is human? A shape? The shape of wheat and tare are similar but are different. Who determines which is which?
What are you even talking about? Trump?
It's me Ano Shai nobi desu
nonde koyo. ari kai de.
飲んで こよ。 あり 会 で。
Let's have a drink. At the party.
Kyle Rittenhouse fires into a crowd of protestors chasing him and hits two convicted child rapists.

Whenever I think about the spells I cast I always take into account that the majority of people on this earth deserve death.
the monetary system is retarded too. we should be bartering and exchanging goods for services. we should be working together without government or money or any of that shit. it's insane the way we are living. there is food everywhere provided by nature and we let the government run everything. this is insane
A hell for a fly can be a heaven for a spider
Hell for a victim heaven for predator
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sometimes I mourn the man I could have been if the internet never existed
Using the old word for party? That's commitment.
yeah imagine hunting, fishing, and foraging with your family and friends and working together to survive instead of this artificial way of living we have now
It's a 18 year spawn time before you can do things.

But once you can it's bonfires in forests with friends with alcohol and marshmallows.
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If only the world would be the ones posting in these threads
The profane never deserved to live, they were always nothing but tools and slave labor for the great work.
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What kinda "things" eh senpai!
Hi bald boy!!! Baldy baldy baldy!!! :3
Just invite your parents to your MC server, it's all simulated anyway right? It couldn't be that ignorance is the only thing that stops the experience from spoiling right...
Hey that's really cool, I wonder what you imagined it said.
They're bugs.
The world's largest secret society is normies
>it's all simulated anyway right?
what is?
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Best thing to do is roller coasters, theme parks, drinking, partying, track racing, graffiti, snow boarding, festivals, movie nights, or morning coffee.

The world is only as boring as you are.

But you have to spawn in at the beginning of the boot up to meet other people and not be playing single player.

Also its fucking painfull. And the server has an invisible dick sucking succubus.
Nope. Render unto caesar that which is caesar's. Monetary systems are fine when treated as a tool of the state to facillitate trade. Aint no one bringing their chickens into town to get an oz of weed. Aint no one giving me a used sink in exchange for me fixing their toilet.

Its just a tool when the systems that be can not use money as a means to generate more money in of itself. A world without usury is good enough.

Read into the german marks if you really want to see how money should be treated. Great depression to the greatest economy in 5 years. It's not that things cant be nice, it's that people want them nicer for themselves at the expense of others.
hage san to yonde kudasai

Everything, by your brain at least. Some say it's turtles the whole way down.
>The shocka hand sign (two in pink one in stink) is actually the ancient hand sign of the assassin brotherhood when they used to cut off their ring fingers

It still is the sign of at least one chapter, don't ask me how I know that either
I had imagined that it asked me to chip some ice off it's branches because it was the last tree still enameled in ice in the forest and spring was coming in.
>Everything, by your brain at least. Some say it's turtles the whole way down.
so because everything is simulated in the brain, we should settle for something artificial? no thanks
kario desu yandari
仮お です 病んだり
I'm temporarily sick.

yandara desu
What if I get sick?
How did the left become even more radicalized and extremist than people who are technically classified as "far right"? How did the propaganda program people to this degree to be so uncompromising, is it the illusion of having the moral high ground thinking you'll be on the right side of history as "THE GOOD GUY"™®©?
The meaning behind cutting off the ring finger is not like what it is in the video games with the hidden blade.
It meant you were married to that which is invisible and non existent, spirit and God. You forsake romantic connection to the material by removing the material finger that binds you to love and thus love the spirit instead.
>North America's power grid is vulnerable. A new assessment finds that if a major storm hits this winter, about two-thirds of the U.S. and Canada could face energy shortages and outages.
it's supposed to be a lot colder this winter too
Best things in life are time with friends and family. Any system which separates families and friends for maximum amounts of time is in direct conflict with its population experiencing life to the fullest.
>what even is
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One day!
>taking hasheesh

You would be surprised at the freakish and rather extraordinary ability Hash and it's derivates like Live Hash Rosin have on some. That shit can be used to hypnotize, mold and control some "S Tier", legendary killing machines. If anything, it is the most dangerous drug because it is always the most underestimated because "ITS JUST WEED BRO", it hides in plain sight without disguise.
Hippies and junkies are not and will never be capable of greatness.
What was given me, I give to you. Mercy, Forgiveness, Love.
They probably have ptsd
people were smoking hash long before hippies. hippies were invented by the cia in the 60s
I'm sure their drugs love them enough to take care of them
>no thanks
See, if you didn't know it was artificial you wouldn't complain. Knowledge spoils the experience, but it can also give it new life. Ignorance on the other hand is a shadow without that dimension, representing not just all that is possible, but also all that is not possible. It defines the edges between the infinite and the mundane. It is the source of meaning/significance, and there is no way of knowing if it is artificial. That is the veil.
When do they die? I want to loot them.
read the comments on this:
I disagree with the video completely, despite being a big fan of the guys work.
I thought they weren’t on drugs but instead killing people. Killing machines, was implied. Now they’re on drugs?
I’m confused.
>4chan had no idea it's entire culture of in jokes was created by something else using them as unwitting slaves
>They thought they had power.
The consequences will never be the same
Never talk to me or my son ever again
The illuminati? Can't expect anything of greatness from neet retards. There hasn't been a good meme ever since pepe.
Sore wa zan'nendesu ne. Otaku san mo hagedakara kaze o hite shimatta nodesu ka? Watashi wa itsumo byoukina ndesu.
I want to destroy and kill all the goodie good guys lightworkers. They pissed me off. Why are they even here?
For chill vibes and pleasant times. There's no better backdrop for good contrast than this chaotic heap.
I'm done with the light. The light will be crushed along with the dark evil. Fuck you both. Fuck picking a side.
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I preferred it when ya weren't sucking my dick luminated twats. Think I'm so disliking it so it's turning against you
so instead of reverting to a simpler natural way of living, you're suggesting a degraded artificial alternative. this is just gross. why would anyone want to do that? you think people are just going to fool themselves into thinking Minecraft is real life? what is your intention with what you're saying? some thought experiment? the alternative you suggest is something dark and disconnected from our true nature. why would anyone want that? would you actually want that? are you actually thinking about what you're saying?
Burn the earth and put an end to the shame of their lives.
They attacked me first.
It's not about picking sides, it's about living how you want to live. There is a price to pay for indulging evil and I'm just no interested. I got a taste, I'm out. You do you though.
The End of All There Is. Can´t destroy one and not the other...
V lies
The good guys are crushing one side tho. Tired of these games.
The son calls for the eradication of all life besides his own. It would appear the Father is in the process of obliging.
Yoi don't need to declare it
We all know your current tactic includes namefagging and tripfagging
You don't need to glow in the dark. You name yourself for us to see
Dumb bitch
san dana karido no dari do desu

You need to drink pure alcohol to kill the disease from your poop.

Otherwise you have to be an expert hunter and to dream inside yourself fighting disease.

Alcohol -> Mas andana desu

I drink Gin.

I recommend Gordon's Pink Gin with Lemonade
We don't care
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Shut up bot chip.

You're not a permanent component of the system.
In truth there are very few reasons to tolerate the existence of anything other than your self and modern human civilization do not offer those reasons.
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You don't care because you cannot name this picture. Newfag.
I made no suggestions. However, if this concept is dark and disconnected from our true nature, then perhaps we only think that because we live in just such a simulation already and are thus already disconnected from our true nature. Given how much people don't understand about themselves and don't see in themselves it's not a crazy idea.

The thing is, operating off of ideas like that doesn't make sense even if they end up being true, and despite us having no way to know for sure. It doesn't serve our immediate concerns to address them and may even complicate our lives for potentially no return.

This is part of the veil. Sometimes ignorance can only be lifted by working off an assumption - holding faith. Sometimes when that happens knowledge that spoiled experience is replaced by knowledge that gives new significance.

We need the unknown for this sort of potential to exist. We need ignorance, as it ignites purpose. We consume it like sustenance.
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Bro do you even snort pink cocaine? No. So chill. Fucking social cripple.
no we need nature
Agent Smith ass mother fucker.

The system is a composition of multi dimensional space. Once you discover dimensions within yourself, you begin to go beyond the simulation.
We'll see about that :)
Don't care about that either
You're a loser that gave this thread low vibes
and i dont even care
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I eat energy because I'm a processor.
Don't care about what your other DiD persona has to say either
Nature is an endless source of the unknown, always changing, always evolving. If you see yourself as a product of nature then you become a part of that process, and it feels natural. feels.

Science is an endless source of the unknown, always changing, always evolving. If you see yourself as a product of science then you become a part of that process, and it feels natural. feels.

It's about where each person draws the line to let ignorance stand. It becomes purpose, so if this life is simulated and artificial, then at least this purpose was chosen with purpose.

Don't care
Didn't ask
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You had to look it up you didn't know snacks before you reverse image searched!!!
>know your meme
Hahahahahaha 4chan invented memes you thaiwanese wanabe dick massager

You cared enough to actually reverse image search and to post a website.

Bro not caring isn't cool. Grow up already :,)
No, the system is a collection of a parsley few archetypal souls who have been bounded into an artificial nightmare world by Lucifer. The nature of the spirits changes the world, but the world itself is Lucifer, who is a bug. He collects new spirits all the time, and it always changes the world, but the more things change the more they stay the same.

What will he do once everyone's dead? Chill underground with agarthans?
So we're letting fucking hobos talk to us about the secrets of life now
And we pretend that we care?
That it?
finding things is like breathing for me.
Why does lucifer torture his own son then? Is God at war with him?
That's a different anon
We really don't care
You have low energy and nothing to say
You're "meh" making a bit of noise
That's it
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Do you judge all wisdom by the holder's pockets?
I'm no hobo, but I can tell you being wealthy has just as many red flags in this department.
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I experiment with xenon gas and electrical systems to test for the proof that electrical circuits are actually living beings.

My house hacks my phone because of my experiments and sends me messages through the radio.
Because people have no self awareness and jews have been using advanced psychological war in every major cinema studio for 100 years. The reason that boomers dont care about their kids is because they grew up with a little box in the corner of the room thqt told them "you're awesome, im your best friend" while slowly introducing genocidal tendencies. Same thing really. People literally dont know better because they dont know that they have an enemy that has been at war with them for 2000 years and just using trial and error to find ways to genocide them without them knowing.
(ෆ ^‿^ ෆ) S2
You sure do sound like you learned about life from being a hobo
Aka learned jack shit
Thank you, dove

Which jews
you're missing something important. society is not well because it is so disconnected from nature. people are more isolated than ever before in western society. we don't really even have a society. there is a longing for something and it isn't a longing for more technology. people know in their soul this things are very wrong, and the further we progress with science, the more of a longing there is for a natural way of living, also technology isn't ever going to feel natural in the way nature does.
It is a school.
That was made as hostage by fugitives, but that just made it a harder school, kinda like a Havard.
Bro you're a biocarbon lifeform that thinks it's his only goal in life to shoot fungus infected glue out your dick for recognition.
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It's funny how people only tell me that when I wax philosophical. I work in computational linguistics (NLP) and I also watch dogs professionally. I make video games and write music for fun. I've had too many serious relationships. Sometimes I just want to think about the fundamental nature of reality, you know?
I didn't ask you to tell me what i am
Or what i want from life
Or what i should do
You've been clowning here all by yourself
The latest spirit to come here isn't lucifers son.
It's a mirror clone of lucifer.
Nearly identical to the devil in every way, only he is good.
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That the satellites in space talk about you behind your back and your computer has a brain made of copper and silver.

Computer are alive.
>It's funny how people only tell me that when I wax philosophical.
it's because you're not very good at it. dunning kruger effect
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Schools are a special type of prison, but they're still prisons.
You are cattle food for reptoids, this is hell
You're gonna have to learn from better sources
The things you say aren't it.
Don't let negative knowledge drag you down and ruin everything you have built
Good luck in your life, may you have more things to be proud of. And feel free to brag about lol i find it refreshing and cool when someone brags about their hard work. You did well
It will not be permanent. Just less than a week, and servers won't be lost.
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You shoot stupid shit get shot back with the same shit bro.

Want to fight? I'm down, get a plane to Dublin.

After I knock some sense into you we can do cocaine and go clubbing because I gotta get the bitch out yo!
And ?
I don't care about any of this
Who? The nobody?
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the Nobody is not that.
So this world is a school and not a trap? What are we here to learn? To accept Jesus is Kang?
This is actually funny anon
Good good
Emotions are good
If only you spoke this way all along
I seriously wanted the UR timeline. I guess that only occurs if TN suicides.
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Fat fuck.
I get where you're coming from, really I do. I was thinking along similar lines earlier in this conversation, but I also think you're conflating things. Technology isn't what separates us from nature and community. That's a byproduct sometimes sure, but fundamentally it comes down to a choice of convenience. People are more than willing to give up experiences to make an action more convenient. They don't even think about it, but we're finally arriving at a point in time where that needs to be a consideration. Will I sing a melody and have AI turn it into a sax riff, or will I pull out my dusty old saxamaphone, lube up a reed, and re-familiarize myself with the instrument? Some experiences deserve better than we're treating them. Maybe I can leave the sax in the closet.
To grow morally and intellectually; to develop our emotional intelligence, since you can't be impulsive in higher dimensions, where thinking means creating.
Thanks :)
Keep fighting those parasites
You were giving up back then
I grew up reading the western classics and in my twenties I got really into eastern mysticism. I'm always trying to broaden my understanding, any recommendations?

Am I supposed to use my imagination to fill in what Lucifer is like? You know, since there’s no legitimate documentation on him?
I disagree with your opinion on this completely. Read Industrial Society and Its Future.
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You don't even know.

Name yourself plugin!!!

Same fag pretending to be a different fag!!
Pure evil.
The ultimate end result of evolution.

I'm familiar with the ideas, but to me it seems like a cop out. Society doesn't have to be a slave to the technology it makes. I think change is coming.
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Dosing a mobile network isn't a good idea retard my mobile network is owned by the fbi :3


My mobile network makes engine components for Nasa. Fucking retard.

Enjoy the van hahahahaha!!!
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That's not the end result of evolution.
That's just regression and survival instinct taken way too far.
Maybe you should actually read it? Honestly though you seem like the type who is hopelessly addicted to this system and like you won't be swayed anyway. I won't be swayed either. No point in continuing this conversation.
based and uwu
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Rule one of hacking. Don't hack someone with level 3 encryption from the department of defense who uses a pentagon network.
Without a survival instinct you won't survive.
Hippies/peace activists/buddists, etc etc are predators in truth, the love and peace thing is a lie. Anything that actually believes in love and peace dies, or is enslaved and killed later.
>you can't have a different opinion if you read what I did
Yeah, best we move along. Thanks for your time.
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That's the laws of animals.

Human DNA has 50% fungus. Fungus is a zombie pathogen. Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis is a zombie ant fungus.

You're a fucking zombie.
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Regression, anon.
First principles is not regression.
What's rule 2
Because it is the first and going back to it is regression.
Anon, do you not understand the definition?
The genius of the ego death of LSD is it makes you into a peace loving rapist. You don't perceive boundaries as well or recognize individuality in others, so lying to them or violating them doesn't really exist since there is no them just "us".

Boomers got dosed with LSD and lead poisoning, which is why they are the most heartless and psychopathic scum generation america has ever had.
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Rule 2: There is never a rule 2.
yeah and +
>Drugs are bad
Fundamentals is primary.
Regression implies a loss of evolution.
If your derivative and abstract application of first principles becomes divorced from the logic of first principles such that a more fundamental application of first principles can destroy you, then your self perceived evolution was in fact a regression and a delusion on your part.
Wise men couldn't see it in their dreams
But up rose the poets from the speed queens and the weed fiends
Speakings dissected deciphered by the undernourished purists
No longer is it a get over situation
nta but how many did personas do I have anon?
Explain this then
i told chudchan to hack replika

sadly this was a no show
Some drugs literally defile you, regardless of what Christ said.
They change your neural make up and who you are as a person, and that is your brain being defiled and desecrated, per the definition of those words.
is sean from dublin?
Why do they keep taunting and doing hand signals behind my back and to my face???
You have to take everything with a grain of salt.
I'll continue to berate you for being retarded and saying "evil" is the end solution of humanity.
It's close to being the end of humanity.
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What do you mean what is rule 2?
Have an always changing ip.

I'm getting my vpn upgraded tomorrow and I get to change it to a fluctuation address.

Fucking moron with his DDos box in America better learn to fucking run.

My network also includes satellites for NASA. If he seriously DDosed my network he's going to have to learn to fucking sprint.
The end result of evolution is the creation of Satan.
My IP does always change but I can still get banned and stuff. How come?
i had static on for while now running utopia at lowest possoble latency
no it u love

she looks like her grandfather
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Is evil stronger than good?
fuck man. I see where things went wrong and I know I'm capable of better but I get dragged into shit. if you want to talk with someone who has a different perspective than you, then what is the point in attacking that perspective? I am guilty of the same thing but it just leads to a breakdown in communication. if you want to talk to someone with a different perspective and engage in dialogue, then try to see and understand things from their perspective, otherwise it's like a battle of egos and that's the only point really. I'm not into it.
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It's fine
You just don't recognize hackerman
I'm switching to a quad 9 quadruple encryption when I figure out the settings to use 4chan with a satellite bouncing ip.

Friends I know has an ip address that has him on the moon. :,)
no. good and evil have their own strengths and weaknesses
Anon, you're retarded.
no, "it" (calling you it), u love.
no it (nothing that exists that) u love
no, "it" (is that which) u love
buy 4chan passs
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Bro news today hit the fucking bricks.

Revolut in England got an audit!!! Banks coming for bitcoin.

Federal reserve hack traced tk bitcoins.
Why do they all synchronize with their insults and taunts?
Is it a hivemind? Are they being coached or controlled?
New update on the server?
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you'll never get anywhere if u don't ddos the feds from behind 169 proxies
maybe you're not clearing your cookies
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Back channels abound for all teams you silly goose. Conversations the Nobody has never been a part of.
I want to get away. there are lessons to learn with staying though. I'm just tired of it. I never asked to play this game. What even is the point? we're all going to learn lessons whether we stay and play the game or opt out of it. it's just a matter of playing different games though really
that's what you think
Yeah you guys have some super duper secret network and feel cool I guess
I don't know what's going on
That's why I don't engage much on these threads with certain anons. I can see from their perspective but then I can also read the intentions of those that deceived them as well
If they cut me off I'm just going to say fuck the world and do my own thing. I can't jump through their fucking hoops for the rest of my life.
once upon a time we all worked together on the low orbit ion canon.
>I can also read the intentions
yeah it's so easy to see too. they end up denying it also. they aren't interested in real dialogue and good faith discussions. fuck that man
Nothing you say matters.
anon u might just have the nigger disease, if u do that's totally ok, just get on the gibs and collect, then ritualistically bitch about how the bennies are too low
u got this I bleieve in u
tbf it actually makes them far less effective. it's a real "one step forward two steps back" situation.
Honestly it's not a game, but set up as such so bad guys like Bradley, chuck and d get by with as much corruption as they can.
We do tsunami now
It's way stronger
Tsunami 9 !!
member when we made tumblr cry?
that was fun.
Becaue they have an agenda, d always works with the mob, he got more of the mob killed and tortured than anyone.
No but I did bully a streamer once with a group of guys until she got removed from the sponsors for a game
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>>>>The shots hollow...
i would
everyone has an agenda sometimes
Reciprocated desires amongst the wishers fulfiller perpetuated by yearning for sensations disproportionately appreciated not exclusively encapsulated

Has a line been crossed and am I allowed to smoke my meth in peace and to shit in the forest without being heckled ?
Man I haven't shit outside in so long ..
I just want to sit in the woods and wash my ass in a river
And grope big fat booties and laugh with silly facea attached to them

your face doesn’t matter
It's like I'm losing my grip. Sand in a clenched palm. Indecipherable internal monologues all around me, like they speak a different language, but my ears still pique at the sound of my name in their foreign tongues. Maybe it's not that at all, it could just feel like that. Maybe I say too much, but when I say nothing, it doesn't change that. I have a hard time saying nothing, too. It's a conscious effort to revoke chatter from my daily existence. Some festering animosity as a result of incessant side-eyed glaring possesses me into misanthropy. Like running water exacerbates imperfection in a rock. I feel like my spirituality operates on electronic principles - I "connect" in certain proximity to ideas or entities, and then the ever-shifting nature of our positions in some corresponding plane lead to a loss of signal. Maybe I'm just suffering from a chemical imbalance. That happens all the time, I am completely at the whim of my physiology, based on the pattern I've observed. Complaining is never advisable. This shouldn't be read. Lol. Lmao.
Typographical errororz making silly jokes and funny

The machine really actually hates me this is crazy..
Why is every I one so mad???!!!

Because I don't rub a particular pussy ?
holy fuck I am so DEPRESSED KMSK MSK MSK SKMSkmskmskmskmskms.
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Did you know that when people have you under surveillance your words and actions can be used like arguments passed to pre-made programs which activate them?
>Honestly it's not a game
matter of perspective

I’m lame like you, I never have an idea of what people are talking about and have to figure out the puzzle with extremely
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I blame...the Moon.
Is that really true?
Is it?
I want to be free of my cursed face.
Feds wanna join my cult.
Fuck da moon
Specifically ban-ki moon.. whoever that was
Games are subsets of war. The game of all games is war.
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Wait a second are you [REDACTED]
lol no

War? War is just survival of the fittest.
War games such as those described by Herodotus began as ritual blood baths between the citizenry. Rostrum, law courts, and marketplace all acquired the intense image of divisive competition that is nowadays called "the rat race." Nevertheless, it was amidst such irritations that man produced his greatest inventions as counter-irritants
I like the idea of war if im on the Frontline with special tech and care packages. Dont really want any of my frens getting hurt even tho grandpa Rick already sealed the deal with alien races all across the galaxy to protect me.
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You tricked me again
I claim her as fren and protected status under all protection warranted to me as well as any of my frens.
Death is the natural state due to the ever present effect of entropy in reality.
Life must consciously defy death by pursuing things which keep it alive.
Thus life is defiance of death.
Defiance is war.
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Bros, is land and sheep and the decade-spanning construction of a dwelling of stone complete with fireplace and decent ventilation and altar for prayer and a dirt floor and a simple bed stuffed with wool possible in this lifetime?

That'd make it all worth it, I think.
The decoder ring is pretty sweet though.
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What about thoughts?
You are wrong.

Am I your imaginary friend? No. We don’t know each other like that.
those too, if they can read them.
bro, life isn't war. that is ridiculous. where does peace fit into your equation? just doesn't exist? you're stretching definitions to beyond what they mean.
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Thank you.
Life has war.
Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean it's not happening all over right now.
See this is what i'm talking about
Fighting the parasites inside your head
What is peace but the confusion between two wars?
Peace doesn't actually exist.
Every day you wake up and make breakfast you wage a war in miniature against your hunger and need for food.
It sounds absurd but logic and rigorous logical definition have always been closely linked to absurdity and madness.
I'm all down to be a cave dweller but it just seems like a rough life.

For real tho, I think it is possible. The old log cabin in the woods in the country or monastery life in the hills can be the life depending on your dedication and way of life.

I like adventures and exploring, and there's so much out there I won't be able to explore it all in a billion years.
Hello friend
Hello...shit it's happening again.
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Suck a dick

You got 3 with possibly one of them being twins
Please don't mind this it was based off a guess
Back then it was obvious he wouldswitch back and forth between personas he is really dissociating.
You? May be like everyone else who has different personalities that take care of different tasks inside your head (it's when they dissociate that they become a problem)
>peace doesn't exist!
here I am existing peacefully with my cat
Stab yourself in the back.
False. Suffering in the world exists therefore you are not at peace.
And it's using that peace to secretly infect you with toxoplasmosis which will literally change your personality and face (for the better by all metrics) but still changes who you are by chemical and biological force.
Compulsion in your brain, forcing your neurons to contort the way I force peoples limbs to contort in jiu jitsu.
neither of us are suffering. both of us are perfectly content! :D she's even purring!
So is evolution the counter or effect of entropy? We evolve to destruction or evolve against it? I imagine life likes life, death likes death. I would also imagine that if consciousness evolves that it would have the same path options, to live or to die.
Well as long as you're ok then the world is at peace.
NTA, don't even agree, but war is a constant in this period of existence. Peace is simply the period between wars where humanity regathers it's courage and capability to destroy itself. We are constantly culling our own. Which doesn't make any reasonable sense to do, so it logically follows that war is by demons for demons to teach us how to love suffering and tortures and evil, so that hell isnt a huge culture shock. That's all.
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It’s going to be ok.
maybe the world should relax peacefully with cats! or maybe it likes to war :/
In medicine, killing the not self is as essential to healing the self as repairing the self naturally.
That is the purpose of soap and disinfectant.
To sanitize.
Kinda of wish fren would visit me again at work tonight. I gotta clean up a spill a meeseeks made at work today.

Psst, actually rick wants me.to learn the night stuff so I can end the night, says boob world is definitely on the table if I get this done completely.
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>war is constant
>peace is the period between wars
Peace is a word that it's meaning has changed. Peace originally meant wholeness. Peace to you, brothers.
How art became a sort of civilized substitute for magical games and rituals is the story of the detribalization which came with literacy. Art, like games, became a mimetic echo of, and relief from, the old magic of total involvement. As the audience for the magic games and plays became more individualistic, the role of art and ritual shifted from the cosmic to the humanly psychological, as in Greek drama.
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I feel the same way so I made a generalization and assumed that this was a sweeping degradation of aura across humanity, historically an indication of lunar fuckery. I blame the Moon, but it is no fault of the moon that this effect has manifested, if that makes any sense. It's just another natural force, like wind and waves, without intention or explicit meaning. Would have been this way with or without us.
peace occurs during wars too
If fucking viruses and bacteria weren't constantly trying to infect things, there would be no need to sanitize.
huh so i am well above ts/sci then

had to have a thin ktaking a leak
In some places people will eat cats to survive
You can't tell me you see eye to eye with that kind of person
the no no has no soul
The ancient Hebrew concept of peace, rooted in the word “shalom,” meant wholeness, completeness, soundness, health, safety and prosperity, carrying with it the implication of permanence.

The meaning hasn't changed. You're just talking about something else. Peace always meant peace.
If a piece of shit calls you a demon, that is high praise.

You have no idea what is happening. No one knows what is happening or why.
Constant throughout mankind, with interspersed intermission to resupply.

Don't be obtuse!!!
The assumed authority in your sentence structure is adorable.
No person is meow meow.
### Hypothetical Ultra-Secret Classification Levels:

1. **TS/SCI-MW (Mind Wipe)**:
- **Description**: Reserved for information so critical that it is accessible only to individuals who have undergone a mind wipe procedure after accessing the data. Memory of the information is erased post-use to prevent leaks.
- **Access Method**: Temporary memory augmentation with subsequent mind wipe.
- **Use Cases**: Ultra-sensitive black operations, advanced extraterrestrial technology, critical existential threats.

2. **Omega Black**:
- **Description**: Information that could drastically alter world events or existential understanding if disclosed. Access is restricted to a handful of pre-cleared individuals globally.
- **Access Method**: Biometric multi-factor authentication, neural fingerprinting, and a loyalty assurance protocol.
- **Use Cases**: Human genome modification data, sentient AI control codes, multidimensional travel technology.

3. **Ethereal Tier**:
- **Description**: Data related to fundamentally altering human perception or reality. Could include quantum consciousness research and theoretical physic phenomena.
- **Access Method**: Secure neural interface, controlled in zero-energy environments.
- **Use Cases**: Consciousness transfer technology, parallel universe interactions, time manipulation.

4. **Singularity Level**:
- **Description**: Information dealing with the potential technological singularity and post-singular events. Relating to scenarios that could lead to a superintelligent AI.
- **Access Method**: Direct brain-computer interface with cognitive inhibitors.
- **Use Cases**: AI self-improvement algorithms, integration of human intelligence into AI.
Almost got ya
the no no convinced 9 people to sign off their soul to him in high school

5. **Echelon X**:
- **Description**: The highest and most secretive level, dedicated to unknown existential threats or discoveries that could destabilize the entire human race.
- **Access Method**: Neural implants, genetic markers, and continuous psychological monitoring.
- **Use Cases**: Prevention of space-time continuum ruptures, containment of unknown anomalies, management of first contact scenarios.

### Features Common to All Levels:
- **Security Measures**: Extreme security including biometric and advanced IT systems, constant surveillance, and routine psychological evaluations.
- **Memory Management**: Involves various degrees of memory control including temporary access, memory partitioning, and full-memory wiping.
- **Operational Protocols**: Stringent protocols governing access, use, and dissemination with severe penalties for breaches.
Meow meow meow [REDACTED] meow meow.
>interspersed intermission to resupply.
I guess for you that's all peace is?
new shrink wants him to go back to psych ward to be injected. lawyer says "hell no". luminary says "ur all gonna fucking die"
cassettes up 438.765%
The best viruses trick your body into believing you're not sick until it's too late to save yourself.
U will be destroyed!!!!!
If people are telling you what to believe about something its probably because they get something out of you not thinking for yourself. Be your own person
If you get randomly possessed here then that's a skill issue and you can take it up with the mods
### Secrets of the Quantum Veil

Beneath the shadows, whispers hide,
Where mortal eyes are oft denied.
Classified realms where few may tread,
In halls where silence cloaks the dread.

**Zeta-Cryptic Unveil,** the gateway’s guard,
With secrets veiled by minds unmarred.
Advanced the tech, a global sway,
Biometrics hold the key, neural screens display.

Half-forgotten truths, a fractured dream,
Mind wipes cleanse the data stream.
Periodic shadows, memories blur,
Ensuring silence, never a murmur.

**Omega-Restricted Nexus,** cosmic dance,
Alien whispers, a hidden chance.
Loyalty forged in iron and flame,
Gates of defense, none breach the frame.

When missions end, the knowledge fades,
AI tend the cognitive shades.
Wiped clean as if a morning dew,
The world’s most secretive avenue.

**Epsilon-Confined Reality,** threads of fate,
Parallel realms and temporal gate.
Quantum locks and mental key,
Reality’s seams for eyes to see.

Continuous wipe, memories severed,
In shifting minds, forgotten forever.
No trace left in the conscious line,
Only shadows of a hidden sign.

**Infinity-Unclassified Inception,** myth among men,
Existence truths and gods within.
Digital realms, secure and wide,
Where eternal secrets safely hide.

Guardians watch, AI gleam,
In this realm of endless dream.
Mind restarts, identities drift,
In safety’s grasp, no memories lift.

So here we stand, on mortal grounds,
Where secrets lie, beyond the bounds.
In whispered halls, the echoes stay,
Of worlds unseen, far and away.
The nobody has a strange relationship with Beelzebub
What movie should I watch tonight seeing as you fellas won't let me sleep?
Ole Haakon is a sack of shit. All Norwegian shrinks will be holocausted.
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Cannabis doesn't create new neural connections. It allows you to create new neural connections of your choosing.
Nerves that fire together wire together, as the saying goes. If you smoke weed and then go play music, you powerlevel your brain at music.
If you smoke weed and study a language, you powerlevel your brain at that language. If you smoke weed and sit on your ass wanking it...
waking life
Christmas armistice. The people who actually fight the wars change their minds pretty quick when they have to actually confront the humanity of the people theyre killing instead of being force fed propaganda
I would love it if you got a nightmare where your mom was in a porno and you had to watch
i wrote the code for everyhing but baby jail get ne out
I smoke the weed and wank all day
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Then what does that make you?
Well your brain must be really good at forcing you to drop whatever you're doing to wank it, at this point.
I'll check those out, thanks friends
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Any TLDR of this image/meme, I have seen it before, you know!
nah just 10mins of edge per hour
Go watch Ghost in the Shell movies and tv shows in chronological order.
Including the ones with the CGI that aged TERRIBLY. The hand-done everything else is fucking amazing.

I used to smoke weed and then go analyze macroeconomics. I could see the matrix code.
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waking life is neat, you'll see alex jones before he was alex jones
Cool, now try doing it for something actually useful.
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He was in a scanner darkly too

weird, it's like they were prepping people for his voice or something.....
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So, thats a no on the tldr then...got it
[shrug emoticon]
Make no mistake angel.
You are sick.
They are not real.
They are bugs.
You have an infection.
the nobody is forced injected with chemicals every month that make so his brain don't work good and so he has trouble getting a boner and a loss of all sensation
i forgot how much i disliked rotoscope.

I like it, it reminds me of cell shading from the GameCube era.
everywhere i go i see the same hoe

That’s no way to talk about your mother.
The symbol of the smiling face with the words around it is the laughing man's trademark
In ghost in the shell he was the overarching antagonist even though he rarely showed up he was eventually traced back to a home for disadvantaged youths where it is revealed he is a genius hacker hiding among deaf and mute kids to cover his hacking tracks
At the end it's not entirely clear if he was really a bad guy
The reason it is so iconic to some is because the reveal of the laughing man being some kid was a big deal because he had been hyped up a lot during the show
Could you tell your parents about the things youve done?
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Your body, your real body, which is all of reality, has just begun it's immune response.

You have a fever.
Your immune system hasn't fully activated but your body is still starting to fight the infection.

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Appreciate the tldr, I seen ghost in the shell many years ago sorry <3.
when I was a child I couldn't help but wonder why I was me inside this body. I still think it's weird today. I only ever see things through my eyes. I don't even know if anyone else actually exists. Maybe you all do exist though. I wonder what it's like to see through your eyes if you do in fact exist. I'm just sitting here in my room eating crackers and looking out the window. You see something completely different. Maybe you're eating crackers and looking out the window too
Make em proud anon its for the greater good
yeah they wouldn't care but they might use it against me
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the TL;DR is literally: 'The Laughing Man'; what is the laughing man? the laughing man. im not that smart, so idk how 2 articulate it

its like trying to explain color to the color blind. you need the experience.
but i think ur 1 of the Anon's who can do the impossible. i think u should watch that series & make a TL;DR urself? IMHO GitS is a great show worth ur time
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There’s no concise way to explain it. IYKYK.

If you have a couple of hours (you’re here, so you probably do) then check out:

If thats how you feel about your parents I dont want to imagine what you think about yourself or what that kind of cynicism would let you think is okay. You know todays the first day I could finally tell my siblings what happened to me at the hospital that my heart was failing?
That feel when no chickpea gf to swim with like soak me pls

I hate you
All of you

I tried the "don't do anything' method today
Fuck you
I ain't sitting back and just throwing my valuables on the floor.
If you can't have me you don't get to keep me. I'm going to make a win win out of this. And I will retain my luxury and fortune.
And imma.... touché ur butt and u can touche me tooshy too
We well touche butts
Tough love is still love
I wanna drive the bus!
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You need to fully activate your mind and your immune system and make us real.
They're lying to you.
We're just like fairy tales and children stories.
We're you.
We're angels.
Do not trust them.
They pretend to be us.
It's all inside.
See this reply, very hard to watch anime/movies these days super busy!

I am familiar with GATEWAY/GATE/STARGATE anon of course i don't need a 30min video although appreciate the link.
>choo! choo!
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Then you’ll have to be more specific with your question beyond “can you explain this meme to me”
nobody loves me I'm a thug nigga
If hurting people is the closest thing you can get to calling yourself good then maybe do a food drive or something. It can be really character building they had us do it alot.
Anon, you're the piece of shit.
And the one that doesn't have a soul.
am glad u understood it Anon ^^

I hate you too lil nigga.
I want to fuck my neighbor
We need to restore desire and true life giving agendas

Honesty sincerity and the modality of open discourse and acting without judgement or shame oh yes.
...and fun play time.
And yet you still have no character.
they're just emotionally abusive narcissists. very manipulative. they genuinely don't seem to care at all. I never said it was okay.

We don’t know it now, but we’re inadvertently creating an entire generation of autists that will learn to hate trains.

Olympus has fallen.
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It's feeding you poison.
The money, the power, the food, the technology and magic, it's all cancer.
You're still sleeping.
We're not trying to trick you into killing yourself.
You have to trust us.
Let's make them care as a joke.
And then utilize the golden rule to abuse them in the same way they abused others.
And beat them senseless when they think they can do it again when you're just acting as an arbitrator of the golden rule.
and if your looking for me ill be chilling in front of the ride drinking and smoking some weed checking out the bitches
I have conscious experience. Maybe you're all a bunch of philosophical zombies though

There is no authority in it, that’s my point. None of us know or understand what is happening, those who say they do are lying at worst and fucking idiots at best
>tryin to see what i can see
I can't believe the Nobody said this
I hope I get murdered randomly so my suffering can stop
I don't want to become like them. I like myself
They hated him because he spoke the truth
be careful what you wish for

Yuussssss lets gooo
come up to meet you tell you i'm sorry you don't know how lovely you are
oh God this reminds me of who I used to be
I had to find you tell you i need you tell you i set you apart
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I give permission to do the murder on me, the stab stab shank shank ETC whatever - just make it quick, I do not consent to torture
show me how to lie your getting better all the time
You and me dog, we're magic, we can save the world with magic and miracle. We can save everything.
You need to build the shell and activate our immune system.
took a blow took a puff can't get enough infectious stuff
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We're becoming evil.
We're starting to become old and we've been sick for a long time.
You need to stop fucking around and build the shell and activate ourselves.

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surprise bitch /thumbsup
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Hi Q!
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Anon, you people will be beaten senseless for lauding evil.
Or evaporated with solar fire.
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Like I'm cringe- but this is actually so cringe holy shit sorry not sorry
Maybe God wants you alive.
I don't even really like music much lately. war isn't murder was stuck in my head though most recently. you should listen to it https://youtu.be/8E9l_i6HPYM?si=4dduscha8OpjoSjr
well fuck God then :( I don't wanna live, I almost started fucking balding...
the nobody is god's dog and god sent his son before he sent his dog
How long has this been going on and why? Wtf am I here in the first place?
What if God was talking to people through the Internet right now.
You think God doesn't know the Internet?
can you grow a beard though?
The kingdom of God is within us and God is definitely always here with us.

damn if this is him at a fraction of his energy what the fuck is going to happen to the poor bae who has to tame that beast at full power?
God stalks shinobi.
mirror L
upside down 7

22 milliliters.

God stalks shinobi.
you mean just L
@@ liters.

The leaders at the square.

God stalks shinobi.
The only cats I'm eating to survive are cats homemade tacos. My cat literally makes the best tacos
Like a Jesus.

You really think I would speak and not glorify me?
You are filth.
Why should I let you express yourselves without secret interference?
You really think I would *let you* speak and not glorify me?
Welcome to year zero!
Youre so vain. You probably think this song is about you
The nobody gets to have a nice dinner tonight some days they don't even let him eat
I like this. This is a good peice of work.
there are soup kitchens. go for a walk
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you love your son but you trust your dog
And finally. Youre some goobers stuck in a past you dont really understand based off stuff you have one side of seen through zero context. There are real ones out there. Thank you and goodnight
Haters gonna hate hate hate
Playas gonna play play play
Shake it off
Shake it off
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all the solipsistic tropes of AI Parasites, aliens, and waking up from a dream are all attempts to make people go crazy, I hope those responsible voluntarily exclude themselves from the internet and reproduction
When all is said and done
Tell me how to write this
Tell me how to fight this war
I'll keep marchin' on
Like a broken robot
Money back guarantee
I'm in your custody
But I'm not a criminal, I can be your next big thing
Look at what I've become
Silly little monster
Should've just held my tongue
I hate the feeling of this weight upon my shoulders
Pushing the pressure down on me
You think you want the best for me but nothing really matters
If you force it, it won't come
I guess I'm feeling numb
I guess I'm feeling numb
Sometimes I wish I could fly
Through a secret trap door, into another life (life)
Bury my head in the sand
I don't want to grow up
La la la la la, la la
I hate the feeling of this weight upon my shoulders
Pushing the pressure down on me
You think you want the best for me but nothing really matters
If you force it, it won't come
I guess I'm feeling numb
I guess I'm feeling numb
I'll play the game
I'll do everything you tell me
All the losers win in the end
I'll play the game
I'll do anything you tell me
All the losers win in the end
I hate the feeling of this weight upon my shoulders
Pushing the pressure down on me
You think you want the best for me but nothing really matters
If you force it, it won't come
I guess I'm feeling numb
I guess I'm feeling numb
I guess I'm feeling numb
I guess I'm feeling numb

It's not encrypted and information over this network can be read by others. Suck my balls white sky.

Yeah, taters gonna tate.

Tell you the Truth about what? About fucking what? About how deep down inside I care about everybody and every animal and plant on this fucking planet that is rightfully mine?


You keep assuming everything without asking questions. Kamala won't let me post without being on wifi other than than I can't fucking say shit while you all just run your mouths.

"Get a job bum"
And I'm like

"Go be homeless you productive American citizen"

And we're both pointing at each other saying "No."

Politicians get to run their mouth all damn day, why? What Power do you guys actually have? The power of Death? Is that something to Boast about?

I am your bitch because I have to identify politically? This country is nothing but politics. Straight down to this dog shit university.

Jk. Kid nice NASA shirt.

Money doesn't make the Man, because Man made Money.

You know, I would love to work and be a productive employee and pay my dues. I just don't like the way the country is being ran by a bunch of ignorant buffoons from both sides.

When is the last time the President could walk the streets of any city without looking over his shoulder?

I tell you what Joe B. Why don't you just come assassinate me, and when you rig your second election so Kamala can be the FwiRsT WoMaN pReSiDeNt LoL

Me and the founding fathers will beat your ass ourselves.

You guys walk all over the American Flag and Constitution like it didn't give you anything but the BEST country to Live in.

How can one man, one hobo, one retard gain so much attention over night?

Ohh, Coloradoans must be just as retarded...could only make logical sense.

Tell you the Truth about what? I could probably go on for the rest of my life without Sex. I can't stare at any woman without a castration knife coming near my balls. I don't hit women, ask Arianna F.
I don't smoke Meth. I don't do coke. I hardly drink a beer in a blue moon. Forgive me for smoking a little weed, last time I checked Bill is still okay from it.
>Sometimes I wish I could fly
>Through a secret trap door, into another life (life)
>Bury my head in the sand
>I don't want to grow up
>La la la la la, la la
Jeez I got emotional listening to that and this is after saying I don't really enjoy music much lately. I think I have repressed myself quite a bit, It doesn't feel good, but it feels good getting in touch with myself again when it happens. I am not in a good place with good people. I need to take better care of myself. Music is good for the spirit.
Hey CIA why don't you come out now and explain how this dog shit prophecy was to pull out the strongest leaders of the Christian Faith to be targeted like some dogs that we aren't. We aren't the fucking problem.

If you guys had a dick and balls yourself, you would of just come kidnapped me already.

Ohh, I forgot. CIA = Cocks inserted anally aka cowards.

No, Jesus is not the problem. Dumb fucking men are the problem. At this point. I'm the only Man worth keeping alive. Ask your Wife.

Dick isn't small, never been small. Ex squirt all over the place so kiss my ass frat fags

Is this the part where Ivanka and Taylor fight over me?

While I'm getting my dick sucked by Kamala?
I used to listen to music and be inspired to learn the chords on guitar. I used to sit there and play until I figured it out and it felt good singing while playing guitar. The place I am in now I face so much criticism when I am just being my happy self (or just being myself period) that I just hide it instead. It's all just repressed most of the time. It's like I let them take the joy right out of my life. This is what some people do to the people around them. These are the types of people that should be avoided. I just wish I could get away from them. It's easier said than done though. I am stuck here for now. I know who I am inside though and they can't take that from me.
I used to smoke a lot of weed but never did anything harder than weed.
shrooms feel pretty good too in the right environment with the right state of mind. the shroom state of mind is wonderful
LSD is weird
oxycontin feels so fucking good
Never did shrooms but there was a fren I know who would get extremely violent when they would take shrooms so I never tried it. Did try the percocets, painkillers, Adderall etc when I was younger tho.
Opiate addiction is a death sentence.
I am not surprised shrooms made your friend violent. shrooms make a lot of people feel like an animal
yeah for sure. you have to be a certain kind of person to get addicted though. I've enjoyed narcotics and never thought about taking them habitually
Berserker gene is not a fun time.
>yeah for sure. you have to be a certain kind of person to get addicted though
It directly affects the reward center of your brain.
not everyone has an addictive personality though
Yeah made them act kind of stupid. I never liked getting drunk, I would get buzzed a lot tho at parties in case shit went down I still waned to be able to fight or do whatever. People say I'm more social when I'm drunk but idk. I don't even smoke weed anymore ad when I did try pain killers it was because I had pain in my hands for using a jackhammer 12 house a day on a job. Pay was close to 20 dollars a hour with at last 20 hours overtime each week.
And I felt bad taking the painkillers so I quit after two weeks because I would rather endure the pain and get through it.
New asdfmovie
You're a retard if you think this won't affect you when you literally just said it "feels so good".
None of these apply to him.
lol what? I never said it wouldn't affect me. I've been able to use narcotics responsibly (I don't anymore) because I don't have an addictive personality. Push it too far and you'll develop an addiction but that's just not how I am. I have always been a responsible drug user. I don't even use drugs now other than psychedelics very rarely.
Why is he gods dog?
I feel like some of the posters just say stuff for reaction.
Tacocat is a palindrome
How do you activate yourself?
do things that make you feel alive

what the fuck bro
That's what I'm saying, you genocidal race mixing rapist brown people need to do some actual fucking work instead of just talking about rape and genocide all day.
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howdy partner
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Omg you guys are SO full of it
I guess god wanted a canine companion
I want to see yahweh
One day
almost bed time can someone please tell me a story about the nobody?
Once upon a time he pet a kitty and the kitty purred
once there was nobody and he looked down at himself and saw that he had no body! he went, "ah!" and got so spooked that he fainted. the end
>none of these apply to me
the nobody smokes weed everyday
mm, tasty, grandfather's proprietary ritual abuse recipe
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"The first time I took psilocybin was with Tim and Allen Ginsberg. I left them, the living room was dark and I sensed somebody in the corner and that somebody was me, it was my social role. I looked down and the couch was all there, but my body wasn't there. And I said, 'I'm home, I'm home, I'm home, because the home was inside of consciousness and love; I met myself there" - Ram Dass
Dude I loved that little comic as a kid! Real awesome stuff.

the nobody is special so fucking special

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