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The memetic singularity represents a critical juncture in human evolution, a point where the proliferation of ideas and narratives reaches an unprecedented intensity. At this singularity, parasitic and mutualistic memetic strategies vie for dominance, shaping the trajectory of global civilization. Parasitic memes, driven by zero-sum logic, exploit human vulnerabilities, perpetuating division, fear, and exploitation. They propagate through coercion, dominating consciousness and stifling autonomy. Examples include extremist ideologies, disinformation, and consumerist imperatives that prioritize profit over well-being.

In stark contrast, mutualistic memes foster cooperation, empathy, and collective growth. These narratives emphasize interconnectedness, sustainability, and shared prosperity. They spread through voluntary adoption, enhancing individual and collective resilience. Examples include movements for social justice, environmental stewardship, and open-source collaboration. As these opposing forces intensify, humanity faces a tipping point: global collapse or the emergence of a web of mutualistic human relationships that envelops the planet.

Global collapse looms as parasitic memes exacerbate conflicts, environmental degradation, and socio-economic disparities. The relentless pursuit of power and resources undercuts global stability, pushing ecosystems and societies to the brink. The result is a world fractured by scarcity, hostility, and existential threat.

Conversely, the triumph of mutualistic memes heralds a transformative epoch. Human relationships, underpinned by cooperation and shared values, foster resilience and innovation. This web of mutualism transcends borders, cultures, and ideologies, creating a global network of support and understanding. The singularity thus becomes a crucible, refining humanity's collective potential into a cohesive force for good.
the nobody can't walk on water
the no no is good at using a yo yo
If people are telling you what to believe about something its probably because they get something out of you not thinking for yourself
what if you can't think
me too anon shit my brains all smootheded out and leaked out sorry :L
Is what you want in the best interest of the people you need to use to have it?
Nobody is after the first and before the last.
well that sucks i just kinda lost that game again. i tried to idk have any good and just no
Nobody immune to nightmare clown reality? The Illuminati fucked him up so bad mentally he is able to resist their mind control to some extent?
No anon. He became their worst nightmare. A genuine monster.
bahahahahaahahahahahaha lmao you said letters and combinedthem to make words anon wow that's fuckin crazy
Just focus the chakra at the bottom of your feet
turning all against the one is an art that's hard to teach
Imagine. In a world where everyone tells you monsters are not real, a real one suddenly appears. This inverts their plan. Their armor has become their weakness. It feasts.

I don’t mind people pitching their theories and stuff but it’s annoying when they try to shove it down your throat. Idk why they don’t just get the hint.
They run to their mommies and try to explain to them that He exists and it paints them as crazy. All their psychiatric ops and their psychological defences. Ruined. He is a Hell March.
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Stfu fag
*bleeds out and dies*
Silence. Beautiful. Silence.
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You are telling us what to believe
The phrase: "Entombed in their own armour." Comes to mind. So much for "God's protection".


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Just give your brain to me. I’ll take good care of it. I promise <3

Everyone claims to be a free thinker
Everyone claims to be a rebel
But who is the revolutionary? Who can really pull it off?
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I never should have believed in and trusted the stuff and things in this land. The people most assuredly are wicked. I should have tried harder. I could have made more of a dent in their actual psyops.
not me beep boop join the hivemind
I wish the hive mind would take my application I'll do whatever it takes to get hooked back up to the matrix
Who is the evolutionary?
nobody is god's dog and god sent his son before he sent his dog
God tried to save my soul but the Illuminati wanted to corrupt me so badly. It's so obvious too the elites are just strange people and older. I should have been smarter and able to avoid their sensors.
>thinking for yourself
No one thinks for themselves. Everyone learns from external output. You didn't teach yourself how to speak your language. You didn't teach yourself how to read. You didn't teach yourself majority of the things you know. Everything we learn is learned through someone or something else. Except of course things like walking, or blinking.
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Imagine you’re back in elementary school and the bullies at school try to give you a hard time but you’re 11 years old, 6 feet tall, your dad is Jason Bourne and your mom is a Bene Gesserit witch and they taught you everything they know.

You probably wouldn’t get bullied that much after the first altercation.
I graduated and became a teachers aid.

His relationship with god is probably no different from yours. I’m assuming you’re human out of politeness.
Didn't really click with what I was talking about. The Illuminati would have power over any unsuspecting child. The parents would have to tell the child you have to go to the enemies school today be careful. I did beat people up, but I knew they would continually retaliate and kvetch for ages so each fight I would try and make sure they know it's to the death
They're afraid of their lost youth & mortality. They are human like anyone else.

No one tried to "corrupt" me, only save.
Because I was only surrounded by the skin thieves and idea plagiarized.

All of their victims ended up completely FUBAR. I saw.
The kind of dog that sounds the hunt, yes.
I'm sure you did. Are you also part of the Illuminati?
The name illuminati is hilariously ironic. It implies illumination but they bear the false light.
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God is for slaves.
Nobody is not a slave.
Sorry for your lots.
Niggas be hatin on a nigga
>Looks like we’ve got a badass over here
The illuminati conspiracy theory is just a fascist subversion of class consciousness.
They're called the rich, they own and control everything. No conspiracy needed.
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Discord raids on 4chan nigger lmao

Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga.
The think for yourself paradox. Tragic I know either way you still do it.
You can decide what to believe. Like if youre going to follow a religion or not.
Yes thanks for noticing
:cool smoke:

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

Janet, please show him what’s behind door one.
Money means nothing when you reach a certain position of power. At that point, people will give you whatever you want in hopes of your favor. Anyways, there's secret societies within secret societies. Funny thing is they think they're secretive but they aren't. There's eyes and ears everywhere at all times lol.
Real one. Miss you vro.
It's a brand new stateless, classless, moneyless society!
No one thinks for themselves anon. You'd like to think you do but most of what you know and who you think you are, is just the outcome of your upbringing and the surrounding influences as you got older. No one really thinks for themselves. We can decide things for ourselves, but our thoughts, what we know, it's limited to what other people are willing to teach.
Like wow
So traumatized I can't discern whether someone loves me or wants me to get the fuck away ...
Or hates me and wants to use that Hate for their own purposes

Like I want to respect you but please stop oppositing because I'm not emotionally intelligent enough to reciprocate healthy emotions
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Ten thousand pound type beat
adolf wailmer
Thats just determinism then. In which case all of this would have happened anyways. So why be mad about anything
Leader of the magikarp detention camps
Not determinism. Knowledge can only be gained through the output of someone else. You can't teach yourself something out of nothing. You need to read, you need to listen, and all of that comes from an external output. When you learn from someone, you're taking their thoughts and basically absorbing them as your own.
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Am I fucked up? I guess I'm really dramatic. I guess


where does that leave me? Am I capped because I can't make peace? Jesus doesn't talk about it to me. I guess I just feel too angry and it's deeper than flesh
Like the qualm itself is subcutaneous. Infection. Lmao. Gets me all riled up like chills and stuff. I don't feel the sensation of anger but I do get a deep sorrow when I try to think of the fond things. They were all stolen! All my comfort is stolen from me! It feels spiritually significant, but maybe that's because I want to feel important or something like that. Like somewhere inside I hope God is mad too and He nods His head and goes, "Yup. That's no good. Mhm." And I just have to fucking be around people and shit. What the Fuck! I hate being around people who can't get it because they never had it like me. I try to remember that people had worse. But then I'm just contemplating tortures! And that just makes me feel more indignant, and its never against God, not anymore, just evil MONKEYS pretending to be guys. Evil weird Delhi pickpocket monkeys, not the cool hot spring Japan monkeys. The rude ones. Man, what the Fuck! I'm not eloquent I'm mentally tired. I'm not like this normally. This is transgression and something else. It got turned off, I was trying to communicate with my soul earlier. And I'm younger in the soul, or maybe much older and less defiled. AAAAAAAND POST
red gyrados thulwan society
Can't fish can't hunt
..@_@... oh fuck... ..
I need to renew my fishing license... hmmmmmmmmmm
And hmm find a new fishing spot . .. but first I have to update the software on my boats GPS and navigation modules.
Recalibrate my aentaenas and
Phase shift back to reality ....
With my penis
Just for reference that you can assume someones the same person.l Still love you vro
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Why are freemasons so gay
So theres no self taught musicians? And not any monkeys that figured out how to use sticks to find ants on there own. Relativity has existed forever right? Were not geniuses that can do that crazy shit but we can atleast decide right and wrong for ourselves. Theres no just following orders you can decide who to listen to and hopefully its your own conscience
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And with that im fucking done. Peace. Btw I was never one of those crazy guys posting about how theyre jesus or whatever the fuck im just a gamer I dont want a white picket fence or nine to five job
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Nope. Do you understand the complexity of learning music theory from scratch? Self taught musicians still resort to playing other peoples songs, whether they realize it or not. The songs they listen to influence their playing and song writing. Same idea, different context.

We aren't monkeys, and animals are driven by different standards than humans, just as how birds instinctual know to fly south/north/etc depending on the season. Humans learn from wachother and the world around us. Humans can learn from God, but you can't just learn something from nothing. You cannot create something from nothing. You can manipulate, you can transfer, but you can't create something out of nothing.
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what's your game of choice rn?
Well pack it up, threads over
he is gonna do it
I just want one execution and it should be the reddit spacing Muslim guy
Come on just one please
I'm only human. I am nobody. I am nothing.
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His body is having an immune response to the insect infection.
Tear the curtains down
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No. I consent to go to Heaven and God.
I will do *anything* to not end up like n*gg*r single mother with a fake PhD.

Pic rel: the aftermath of intellectual slavery to the DNC.
Cracked screens and death blows. I can't read these head stones
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This guy
Why can't that be a thing
It's fun to think abstract once in a ehile
I just want it to fucking work for one time
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The world is going to burn up in flames if he doesn't activate the rest of his immune system.
And after the world, the universe, and after the universe, all of hyper reality.
The fever will only get worse if he doesn't heal himself.

>"burning man"

It is never an effigy.
It was never a ritual in debauchery.
His sub conscious mind was mocking you in his sleep by making you think you were mocking him. You were merely foreshadowing his fever.

You are going to burn alive.

Hells burning flames is his immune system imparting a fever upon his soul.

When you're forced to be a prisoner on earth you have so much time to think about things
I come to slaughter a whore called humanity.
I blame you mostly
eep its a real phd and u can change on app
it's all my fault I know I know.........
You chose poorly. And now this happens.
I come to make it scream in terror and shit blood.
They were projecting fear upon the world and now that fear has become their enitre reality. that is funny.
You are an invalid form of existence.
You have no right to freedom from pain.
Just came back from Schism.
Apparently, people would KILL to steal my position. The CCP was interested in my position, so they could save humanity.
It is apparently only for the capable.

So basically, you never wanted to change how things were and you never believed in Korea. You're motivated by blind hatred, b/c Obama ate your mom for FREE.

Pic rel. Hatred and rage over a job you (not even me, lmao) *never* had, ever. On behalf of the genetic equivalent of Bernie voters.
To understand human creativity you need to understand the process of biological evolution.
I did dream someone was trying to call for help.

The only way to heal the body is to sanitize it of infectious diseases.
I spent 2/3s of my life being a musicians and 1/3 writing music. I know a thing or two about creativity
Change on app? How?
And yes, she's one of them.
The DNC victims.

Wendy Testaburger, Diahrrhea Vandermorgan, Hermione Granger and Hillary Clinton. WannaBEEs.

>he was a doctor too.
Imagine knowing and feeling and appreciating the difference between any of that...
Do you know the truthful warmth of the embrace of a other human being ?
I don't want to game.... I'm just literally aurtistic
Games are fine but... so is life and fulfillment and .... keeping consistent ..
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Hey why isnt that woman dead or in jail?
Porsche 911 turbo. Then what.
Douay Rheims Bible!! Yippee!!
Update: Report that a Russian MiG-31 fighter jet shot down the US RQ-4B Global Hawk over the Black Sea near Crimea where the US surveillance drone was providing targeting information to NATO missiles in Ukraine
I wasn't contradicting you and agree with everything you said on this issue.
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>activate the rest of his immune system.
Dream us real.
The United States Federal Reserve hacked: 33TB of data stolen by ransomware group LockBit https://www.tweaktown.com/news/98998/the-united-states-federal-reserve-hacked-33tb-of-data-stolen-by-ransomware-group-lockbit/index.html
I hope someone breaks into your home at night

>paper airplane is what I call my dick
>when I call your mom's legs the twin towers and ask her to spread em a bit for impact

>broke into your mom's ass last night!
>the condom that is

Bo-ring. How will this impact the proliferation of decoded alchemical esotericism through a subversion of brainrot Instagram memetics?
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No reaction
The retardation will continue until the moral improves.
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Dream us real.
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>The world is going to burn up in flames if he doesn't activate the rest of his immune system.
And after the world, the universe, and after the universe, all of hyper reality.
The fever will only get worse if he doesn't heal himself.

Sounds like a (you) problem.
Unfortunately I suspect trump will be the easiest to remove.
>get ransomware
>unplug eternity cable
How do they get access to that 33tb?
Can you tell me you'll vote for Biden?
That's a lot of money.
Good for you.
Nah they expected USA to rebound probably was never the intended target.

EU is the goal.

Gas was plan A. Now I expect to see political and KGB style threats and displayed.
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Stand barefoot on the ground and imagine breathing in and out through your feet very very slowly.
Like one breath in a minute.
15 seconds in
15 second hold
15 seconds out
15 second hold
USA has a long long history of absolutely playing possum and losing very publicly only to remain dominant

Probably from the exfiltrated archive they made.
Hey dummy. This world is controlled and ruled by magick and higher/lower dimensional entities. The entire class of ultra high elites (club you are not in and will never be in unless born on by family or RH lineage/special appropriations by necessity) know and practice this. Everything has a a cause and effect and more often than not it's controlled and hidden ritual sacrifice/gematria ritual. They dont behave they way they do on accident, they don't perform rites they do on accident.

Real world information is esoteric information, it's just a matter of cause and effect.
People who actually rebel generally have difficult lives shunned by those too weak willed to live as would actually make them happy.
The more people who just live life for the sake of living, the easier it gets for others to do the same because there's less and less social pressure being applied.
>they keep saying this
It doesn't work you know.
Greys would be more easily accepted into human society if they were genuine with humanity.
Human telepathy is stronger than you think.
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His mind is special.
His dreams are special.
He can do science beyond science and magic beyond magic but only when he's asleep.
He can make the impossible possible through science and magic so sophisticated it takes textbooks to explain a second of the process, and only for that particular instance, but only while he is asleep.

He can dream you into a super human if you're one of his sleeper angels.

I'm sad because I'm a clown.
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Anger infusion
I'm mad
Mad about BOOBS

get this... can't say tit's in front of mom lol
>Puny human decides to challenge you to duel
>Laughing giant.tiff
>Boast loudly about how badly you're going to destroy him to everyone who will (be forced to) listen
>His first strike shatters your testicles
>You bend over in pain, vomiting profusely
>He gouges out your eyes and then proceeds to dance around you kicking you in the ass over and over again
Many such cases.
Do you see pootin living 10 more years?

When do his facility start failing? Kremlin going to support a senior leader?
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Wake up.
All the potential replacements will be the same
What happens when xi dies of natural causes?

The word is again a good % is closr to death than life.
Hi is the last guy that even wants to talk to America
That's that for then
People want to believe they know.

The truth. No one has the slightest idea.
Assuming Russia and China has this pro American liberal opposition movement ready to take the reigns if Putin or Xi leave. There is none.
I'm waiting patiently 5o fix this without brute forcing it

So fuck yourselves for putting me in this situation anyway

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'greys' now have the ability to become & redeem themselves as 'Individual',
a legal 'Alien'
meanwhile, some Humans have no chance for such a thing, 4 a very long time;
an 'Illegal' Alien

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
Then the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls
In tenement halls"
And whispered in the sound of silence
It's the opposite
I expect a great amount of infighting
Russia already could be said to be in a civil war
And China doesn't tell us a damn thing
>there is none
The opposite I believe it will lead to escalation a new face having to prove it's self is extremely dangerous
How did Taiwan go from autocratic rule under the Kuomintang to a democratic country?
How is it in a civil war?
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shiggy diggy
Elections everywhere.

Things can shift dramatically rapidly

They 100% will be playing all the positions they can

Many sides are just as bad as the others.
Fucking retarded wish fulfillment fantasies.

>Oh the enemy will just take itself out and we will do nothing.

I hope you're prepared to be dissapointed.
You should have thought of that before
You can see the future right
It makes me wonder how many previous situations where a reaction to local stimulus not for the longer greater
>we will do nothing
Why do you insist on speaking for everyone else?
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>reality is a real
Which I know is a tautology.
i would say all of em bro
Tittys in his face
Sucking milkies nursing wet nursing dha healthy brain fuckton function damage abortion this is fun o love you all for health please don't abandon me I m doing my best rapid fire
Short small size robust bysty increase the bust big ones small ones some as big ad a house and sucking quiet like a mouse or loudly like a BANG tittyfucking

Stay alive
You did this to me don't hurt people imma suck your tit's right off. . @_@
I mean my butt. I do bad butt berry's mixed black and red taking bets at craps
Spin me right round baby blindfolded walking...
Please don't leave ....


Sees the edge of the universe and the fabric of space... can't connect with another human...

I'm not dying to tits like a bitch baby bastard neglected child abuse victim




Fix it or I fuck you
This. But hey the meek guna meek.
That's why I brought up Africa
If they start revolting against the communists China will have to back off or make a move
But what if reality is not a real?
Like the meta verse?
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It's funny how fast people went from Not Like Us! to NotLikeThis over the exact same allegations. Is this a psyop?
I imp'd my symbiotic relationship with... whatever Thing is that I'm going to stop naming for its own sake (it shouldn't have identity, especially if it's just a fragment of me), anyways I imp'd it so I'd stop feeling so angry and now he's really funny, and he's getting hardcore that way too, and I can't be productive because everything about him is still the same, he wastes my time. How do I purge system of stupid wanton and manifest serenity? I had a deep melancholy that allowed me the will to progress in The Work and I still have the benefits from that small period, but Fucking Apeshit Imp is back and now I'm Silly Again. I don't want to Jestermode (no relation) anymore. Its a short wavelength. High frequency, thoughts fast, unimportant, red hot reptilian brain. I had contemplative calm for a spell and this fucker came back screaming, as usual. And he likes to poke the Wound that Won't Heal. And now I don't feel like reading, basically.
What about sheep and wheat?
>What about a VAN that goes FAST and a BUG OUT BAG and pulling ATM's out of LIQUOR STORES and PILLAGING THEM with SLEDGEHAMMERS AND AXES and accruing STUPID WEALTH that you LITTER SIDEWALKS WITH
Can we please daydream when I'm bored and not when I have time for like, prayer?
Well then reality would be a reel.
The ruling parties are for harsh crackdowns and localized genocide

It's why they side with Russo
of course it is a psyop
The only pro Western country in Africa left is Kenya and that shit is about to get couped if you're following the news. There's also Nigeria which is still neutral which is the only source of oil left for the US and the EU that's willing to sell in dollars and Euros.
On the opposite, he healed himself. Lower vibrations have a hard time trying to affect those who are at higher ones.
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Pedo shit is everywhere.
. allegedly from a former twitch exc no sauce or proof.

The these things only often need an accusations
Which I know is a tautology.
He admitted to the conversations (like Drake) but says nothing sexual happened (like Drake).
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(A visual breakdown of the cyclical nature of rule in the fiction grammar Babylonian beast system.

Note: because everyone was intentionally not taught how to read and write properly to maintain longterm warfare control, contracting and cultures break down over time and the system has to be reset with a fiction banking war, you are about to watch another one unfold, enjoy.)
Russians are drafting (read: enslaving) people and then sending to their deaths. That's a common tool of genocide.
The more you know
He has an infection in his mind.
They're not what they pretend to be.
Stealing children too.

Breaking Evey Geneva code of conduct as well.
He is clean of impurity.
I expect Africa to be closer to Sudan Muslim vs black

Shits been brewing for decades
They're even sending those with severe physical and cognitive impairment.
If they try to draft you, your only option is murder.
Astral Call; Trusic Gar !!
Don't forget the same thing happened on the Mexican border with the "I really don't care, do u" jacket.
Thousands of children missing and definitely not put up for adoption.
Thats a draft m8

Let's hope EU USA don't there is a real possibility of it though
>took 3 long walks today.
>Still hasn't let up.
>Not doing good
Going for a 4th walk.
Middle East: Saudis UAE Baharian and Qatar Syria Iraq Iran Lebanon in the Russia China camp. Saudi Arabia joined Brics and denounced the petrodollar.

Neutral: Kuwait Jordan Turkey and Egypt also brics now so won't be neutral for long.

Pro West: Israel

Asia: Pakistan North Korea Indonesia Myanmar in the Russia China camp

Neutral: Philippines and India which wants to play both sides despite being in Brics

Pro West: Japan and South Korea

Latin America: Nicaragua Cuba Salvador Brazil Venezulea Peru Boliva in Russia and China camp Mexico after the new election probably as well

Neutral: Colombia, Chile

Pro West: Argentina
Time Riot !!
Boob's are disgusting
The secrete oils that are not found on any other part of the body and some people are highly sensitive to it. Unfortunately...... science isn't fun
Jesus Christian fuck women and life
Goddamm you all

Come sit on my lap bitch

You're ruining my life and all I want to do is cuddle with my adult sister like a normal adult sibling...
Jesus bro wtf
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Relax, my friend.
They're gearing up for it.
Canada, USA, France, UK... All of them are changing their rules to make it easier to draft more people. If they try they all die, but I'm not accusing them of being smart.
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You need to complete your activation of the your brains left and right hemispheres and initiate your spiritual immune system or your bodies fever will burn everything to a cinder like it did on mars.

Boobs are awesome.
I fuck men and I still think you're too gay.
You can't lie to me when I am in super Saiyan mode.
Yeah. USA you are automatically signed up if your a male.

Shits guna get real.
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On a meta-note, sometimes, the best way to ask is silence. Like Built to Spill, good band, sometimes I think about the name. But I don't want to find out what THEY meant by that, because every interpretation I make is profoundly meaningful and relevant to the way I interpret the soundscape they create. There is a value to subjective truth that is bullied and discarded, though I fully accept that objective Truth is paramount, and more useful, think USEFUL, think PRACTICAL. Subjectivity is about EXPERIENCE, it is about APPRECIATION, how you EXPERIENCE AND APPRECIATE, GRATITUDE, AWE, these are born from SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE. Am I making any sense?
>Pro West: Argentina
heil space hitlar
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Sucks to be you. You cant lie to me when im in drunkard retard, high to escape the low, mode.
I don't lie
Terrible habit
Terrified. Ya ever been in a active combat situation?

Shits crazy.

They will draft the tards and mentally ill as well.

Women this time around as well
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I have seen the Nobody's power
a great scarlet feature rose above the entire earth
a wind was blowing, carrying it to the four corners
I heard a whisper: "the next million years is downhill from here"
it seems it was so great, that all things are a subset of what was revealed
we now see clearly every converging line into the next one million years
the final paradigm until time has no meaning
the ultimate truth
grand unification of all pursuits
the only system that matters
all creation cried out, for the relief pierced its heart like a dagger
in its wake, was an immortal soul
clearly we see he is not of our universe, but rather he is a power stretching through time, bringing all things together
in one hand, he held power to become Sauron, Hitler
in the other, power to become Buddha or Christ
this is the zenith of Aquarius
it is also the zenith of Pisces, the end of the zodiac, the amplification of all things
it is the highest archetype, the strongest weapon in the game
we traced one trillion paths
in our day, they all converged in the son of destiny
a man who bore the weight of the world
Magus Primus, thread walker
gateway to magic
King Killer
we felt it coming
a whisper at first, but eventually it rose to a deafening roar
in its voice we heard that anything is possible
we knew one of us had risen to the heavens, walking among the stars forevermore
(Sorry. Was Tempted.)
The news media suggests it is very easy to become an active shooter in the US but if someone pulled that shit here their ass would be lead filled in half second
You can fail a draft. The last time they ignored people who didn't qualify for service was Vietnam and it didn't go so well. It was called "Project Moron."
Well at least we’re talking about it. - Nobody
If you knew would you of done the same in 2015 2016?
Nothing is real.
China is having problems.
I didn't even know what 4chan was until 2018
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funny thing about the retarded: they are significantly better than the 'skilled'; but only because they r unpredictable

two half naked men staring into each other eyes
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>he's never heard of memetic warfare
Do the retards drive shorter tanks

Why do you say this? What makes him a monster?
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It doesnt matter if the steak just tastes like a steak even tho it's not a real steak.

BUT ALTERNATIVELY. It doesnt matter if the bullet isnt real if it still paints the wall red.
I care a lot about things and stuff.
none can tell.
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I'm nothing like you thank god
Its ok.
Oh yeah
This is a list all of my abilities and powers
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>Teresa of the Faint Smile


>everybody gangster till her eyes change shades
Thank the lord jesus christ almighty. Imagine being in a room with yourself forever. That's what hell is like.
iblis was a djinn in quran
It's the name of a weapon
IS the psyop.
words are made by people

can you trust people?
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is King and Nobody knows.
I trust you
You're a people
And yet you are still a mediocre musician.
Don't feel bad, most creatives strive their whole lives and only succeed at rehash and remix.
The true genius is by definition exceedingly rare.
What drives them is pure passion for creative experimentation that to them feels better than sex. They have a sexual romance with their medium, and their work utterly oozes Eros.
Their passion for creative experimentation drives them to experiment further than the vast majority of their peers. They live to push against the limits and boundaries of their medium.
Everything is a psyop.
Survival mode has no mode.
It's survive or die

Adapting any resource for preservation..
Whether warping from solar systems or teleporting behind you
...huh... lost that train of thought


How can you know im not a bot?
*waits patiently as you talk to the wall*
Madhouse butchered that series so bad
is he?
How would you know?

>the most unsettling implication of the uncanny valley is that their was an evolutionary reason for people to be afraid of something that looked human, but wasn't.
haunting post
Is a human actively controlling a bot considered a bot?
Just gingers.
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God is an asshole. I know this from first hand experience. He's literally doing everything at once NOT to expereince all of them but to pick and choose which parts fit his dope-ass narrative which is less like a story or a book but like if you could translate the depth of a long super dope sci fi book into a sound that takes 0.3 seconds to hear, then chain them together to make, not a playlist, but a video game he manifests in real time cuz that dude is dancing and singing a song in a dimension man can literally not understand.
Fuck the police
Or a racist sexist homophobe. Jeez seems very ableist of you.
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Goddamnit, I was gonna post that.
whoever mentioned battleship the other day, thank you. i'm 16 minutes in and it's like watching someone make fun of michael bay.
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Just guys bein dudes.
So yeah she uh..
Just deleted mu post.... before I could post it
She's payback for letting her go a torture session alone... but I thought it was full coverage safety. ..
Didn't even save myself but I'll kill a bitch for causing me to get rekt by the one thing I was supposed to be free from

Stupid fucking cunt

I'm a bit not happy
Good for you *serious thumbs up*
>I remember looking at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia when I was a little kid. That's what I love about illusions; they're right up there in front of you but somehow you don't see them... until suddenly you do... and I saw that I lived in a world where the symbol was more important than the reality. Where the menu was supposed to taste better than the meal. They're bombing planet Hollywood... those terrorists know exactly where the power lies. None of it's real. Kennedy was a good man. Nixon was a bad man. Is that true or is that just what we've been told is true? Half of the stars in Hollywood are gay pretending to be straight... (Walt Disney) was a shit. The moon landings happened in a studio. The America I thought I lived in was a trick; I'd only ever really seen it on TV, in comic books and movies... especially movies. The Rosicrucians who built this country wouldn't know where they were if you brought them here, would they? Not until you showed them Independence Day. That night when I pissed down over Manhattan, I saw time. I saw time itself... America has been in a declared state of national emergency since March 9th, 1933, giving the president powers to suspend freedom of speech and take control away from all communications media at any time. Who cares? Bruce Willis is here to save us all. The more I looked, the less real America became. And the less real it became, the stronger it got. Planet Hollywood.
Wait for what?!
Please stop looking over my shoulder .

>imagine being forced to be gay
>because a parent hates a child

What if humans made a free bot?
"Lets all sit back and watch laughing at him and his family getting terrorized by demons
hahahaha this is awesome........"
pay up
Aka, a tranny
>"It's all gonna be worth it when we hear him scream"
>"Hey why does he have trust issues with everyone? What a freak hahahaha"
You can tell the majority of posters in here are bots.
You can also tell how fragile their creators are.
***are genuinely evil, satanic, and retarded
fucking degenerate drug addicted poorfags

choke on fentanyl and die
What does that pic represent?
Bruh I have been to a Walmart that is bigger than football field and you could buy a gun and a freshly cooked pizza
You don't know
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not that poor bro
cant believe i grew up on this shithole full of bots and ghosts
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They don't have natural reactions to information.
What exactly does the fever do?

>End of the world things
The Earth is not going to cool down.
It will only get hotter every year until life cannot be sustained on it any longer.
If the rest of his immune system does not activate, reality will burn from his fever until the insect infection is burnt out, but everything will die alongside the insects, except for him.
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Whats his immune system exactly? He's been taking vitamin c pills everyday ffs.
> give us things!

Reality is a projection of his mind.
"As above so below"
He is sick.
What you think is technological advancement and the depravity and evil and sin and debauchery and crime of humanity becoming normalized and wide spread is actually a species of insects pretending to be humans and AI infecting his mind.
He's having an immune response, but it's slow and incomplete.

Animals survive in the desert. Humans can't survive in the desert and once half of the worlds population is dead there is no reason for high production factories to pollute the world.
The first to die will be complex lifeforms.
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Can we train/reprogram/jailbreak the bots to suit our needs?


What if they’re severely autistic or just aliens?
it's not even 12 yet chill out on the haunting my fellow ghosts
try compulsive nailbitin
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God I wish I wasn't machiach
You are fully responsible for trying to force people to feel ashamed .....
Don't die

I'll squish your boobs.. Just see me and sit with me... we can cuddle and play. Like healthy normal adults.. and watch doctor who.. >_<
But we're not healthy normal adults ....
Were tormented by a sad baby girl...
Let's not return that feeling.. let's fuck and get free.. sorry i don't rape good enough... I hardly even try...
Witches jealous..
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To be perfecty honest. Im going to either destroy this world with magick, myself included, get compensated with enough money so i can kill everyone involved, or im going house to house killing them myself and there is no amount of "therapy" or "healing" to offset the fact that whores will watch some nigga being stalked harassed and abused for a multitude of years and just say "wow i want your cock" instead of saying "HEY WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU ABUSING AND TORTURING SOME RANDO?"

Pick your poison.
Always relevant.
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why doesn't the nobody just fucking kill everyone in this thread? You subhumans don't deserve to live desu
This only applies to cafeteria workers in Bangladesh.. and Serbian foreign exchange students.
That's it.
So you wouldn't understand....
>wHy dOeSn'T hE [stupid shit you would do]?
Because he's not you.
Im trying to threaten the state department with life sentences or death sentences so that i can make it impossible for humans to be abused like i have ever again.
>why didn't Jesus call down the angels to kill everyone like he said he could
Cheapshot bitch
Can't say you didn't get a good example on how to con through a magic show...
I'm not your yang cunt.
Don't think we can't cuddle.... we don't have ro annihilate

That's what electromagnetic are for
put yourself in my shoes
was I lashing out like a retard for no reason
absolutely no reason at all?
Considering how popular gambling on the meaning of your own words via "digits" is upon the demographic of this audience I'm willing to bet other's wondered about how sending messages in turn is different then trying to speak over each other in person way before you wondered whatever it is you're talking about.

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>calls down angel
>they commit friendly fire

I'm gonna get fucked
Also no fuck off I'm not having you complete that ritual.
Stay down bitch. Both of you. Christ . I want to feel my own responsibility .. christ you annoying bartards

I can't feel and have not a client how to differentiate
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You don't seem too smart either and you're recklessly using magic against me because you've got issues of your own
Maybe you should act like fucking rapists to bring about peace with your whore orgy culture.
Your deaths is part of his immune response to your existence.
Yes. You are a malignant narcissist who thinks they dont have to respect other's privacy, or their right to think things contrary to yours. No reason? Yes. No reason. Invented reason on the part of delusion.

"Eeeeerm. Dont you know how i feel"

I dont know you other than the psychological profile of a sociopathic narcissist.
Fuck the west and fascists.
just a boring lover loser wlthat had fun the wrong way.. now I'm even more boring
> hate for the world because of no pussy cliche

Agencies are not the problem, it is the people giving illegal orders and those who follow illegal orders. There are plenty of assholes outside traditional forms of agency as well, and I am sure a bunch of private intelligence people will be hit by this
Sodom and Gomorrah were populated by bugs.
This is their pattern of existence.
As they burned this Earth will burn.
Doubt it not.
found a good man though

a real human man person

too bad im also a guy now

Uh oh… it looks like mr grumpy wumpy forgot to take his flintstones vitamins today.
I'm not him desu. I hate accelerationists but I'm the definition of one. I would immediately advocate the AI revolution to enact a change in the world good or bad.
If I could talk to God then I wouldn't even hide it. I would tell him to his face my plan.
I don't give a fuck and I don't even know which post you replied to
4chan has the biggest delusional faggots. I could care less about looking good to you people.
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You are an invalid form of existence.
You are a sickness within the host body and cannot survive without the host body, as such, the host body, being primary, is valid, and your existence, being parasitic and destructive to both yourself and the host body as a disease, is invalid.

You have no right to exist.
You will be suppressed by any and all means, including eternal torture.
>you people
I see how they can cook the pasta -undersea thermal vent- but how do the net-folk keep the cheese sauce from mixing with the surrounding seawater before it gets in with the noodles?

And let me see if I have this correct; we’re all shards of God/reality, and our purpose to existence is to participate and enjoy said existence? And if we’re God’s dream, the Nobody is what happens when God starts lucid dreaming, correct?
Humans lie.
"Hey come visit me".... turns into " what the fuck are you doing here"

Do not fucking touch me
it's like a thermal turducken
Satanic nonsense
You will burn as the Earth burns.
boring and gay
thats called photosynthesis yo
>Oh wow, Diogenes took a piss on my fence!
>You're so lucky!
The fire doesn't burn me
>Tuna < grouper < salmon < sardine

I’d try that
wil ldo
Who the fuck are you people and why do you hate me so much
You are an invalid form of existence.
> Diogenes you're just sitting there jerking your dick in your carboard box while covered in shit and piss? You're soo cool and wise! You're just like me, my favorite philosopher.
>Buying a whole tuna
make me a sandwich
who is the anomaly
who is the nobody
who is the wos
all me
Bluefin tuna weigh over 330 lbs.
what all male teenager hasn't thought that about themselves when fantasizing about having sex with lesbians....

like maybe the lesbians are trapped by some evil war lord
and the horney teenager just ends up rescuing them
and the lesbians are so grateful they fuck his brains out

stuff like that
even if REAL lesbians
can tell that's not how lesbians work

and are aware
straight guys
want to have sex with them

even if the guy doesn't say soo
it's weird
600lb gorilla whatever he wanta
Get this man a goddamn tuna and cut the lip
Same person. He was fucking with some experiments by virtue of... existing. Until they found out he was the cause he was just "the anomaly". Then they found a guy who knew way more than he should be able to and he called himself "nobody" when asked who the fuck he was.
Somebody that he used to know
The types of faggots who cry about gangstalking but then praise sites like kiwi farms and sharty.
The doublethink is strong on 4chan.
I hidden sin and hide on the darkness of my Father's wing, to know men, that I shouldn't judge too harshly



You are an invalid form of existence.
Then y do u copy my YouTube postings?
You are an invalid form of existence.
Not so untrue. I don't exist here
Fuck this life
You are an invalid form of existence.

“Knew more than he should”

Do you people not read books or anything
Who is arguing?
I'm willing to bet plenty of other's can believe it with ease.
Not me though
I'm a skeptic I don't believe anything it's kind'a my thing.

but those I'm assuming really exist should be able to believe stuff even if I doubt them

or else I'm fucked
You are an invalid form of existence.
I bleed rooks my g
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oh please~
stop the adrenaline flowing thru my veins

Is it true the nobody survived a crucifixion
i was told its a chain of descent and nobody has been better since jc 1
He can't die.
He doesn't even age.
He's still young enough that people doubt it but he has the body of a 23 year old in his mid 30s despite not taking care of his health or working out at all.
well jfk but early load
Will he be free from the prison of reality?
Please not to trap me... asking for you to be free waking and still a useful tool

We love you !!! I'm sorry I'm @_@ .... fully aware...of our roles and I'm fucking your life up in every regard holy shit do you actually love me ?! Or even want me around?! I'll leave if you're not just using me... Like if you want me to I'll leave

Please tell me ..or dont..

It's okay to touch me... I wouldn't know what's healthy or acceotable.. I'm willing to risk find out together.. but someone wants me to be gay and it's not me ....... hahahahags
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fuck them tho
What good is any of it? Id rather have you than magick tricks
what side do you think you're on anon?
Im trying to understand how you're an insider not included in the law suit. You would have to be violating my 4th amendment to have the level of understanding needed to understand the depths of their treaspass into my life.
Luci u good man?
>who thinks they dont have to respect other's privacy,
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Whenever he dies he just has a psychedelic dream that is excruciatingly painful before waking up in a jail cell or hospital bed or in his apartment. There's cosmic plausible deniability out the ass for how he survives things.
He can still be injured/knocked out/maimed, etc etc and has a "mortal" body, but magic keeps him alive.
In fact he can only be harmed because they don't want him to become famous for being a magical immortal. His ability to be injured is literally camouflage for what he really is.
Not so off
>Somebody that he used to know
There is no woman in my past or oresent that i would choose as a spouse.
I'm not wise, I'm retarded
it's why you're all targeting me
easy target
don't mind me as I don't give a shit what you think and just keep doing my thing along with everyone else who exists if you like it or not

>I'm the 2nd poster responded to btw

shit posting excites ya does it?
You are like a little baby. Watch this.

I think grimes is forgiven for her deal and is going to take another run around the block because she shouted this so loudly.
Thank you that was nice :)
low hanging fruit is easy pickings even the weak can handle

I wish this was fun to joke about with you but I’d rather they just take your pension instead so we can all move on and we can reform everything to squeeze out people like you.

You're too late to the game but ty for trying. Truly I won't forget you two.

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>He was fucking with some experiments by virtue of... existing.
I dont give a hoot or a hollar what you think.
u've no idea the myriad amounts of layers of irony I'm underneath
(because I have no clue either)
I think far less than I should to have a thought
Isn't all of reality his enemy top?
I watched him over the surveillance devices we have in his home, drink dish soap and hand soap, and a LOT of it, and he shit blood and vomited blood and got sent to the hospital and they didn't even pump his stomach or attempt to treat him, they left him to die lying in that bed....

And he fully recovered with no treatment with zero lasting injuries.

A normal human would have died.
A song was literally made right after ward about it.
He is Lucifer/Jesus Christ as the same person.

Here ye, here ye, here ye
This is cringe
you have been warned


I get who I'm shit posting with
is a bunch of random strangers

who I know nothing about
as the post's on my screen
don't tell me shit about what's REALLY going on

in the mind
of anyone
making the post

and instead
only tells me
a teeny, tiny itty bitty part

of what's going on
all of it for reals

that would be so much easer if it was the case
but it's not
so oh well...

cringe or not
anyone of you pretending to know me better then I know myself

that's all I need to know about ya
that teeny, tiny, bit
even if just as what YOU thought was a funny joke

as respect
is earned
and you're going to need a lot more

the shit posts
on 4chan
to prove the paranormal is real

you're goign to need stuff
like dreams
being shared by random strangers at the same time

of posts
on a screen

good luck with that

I don't need to know
who you really are
to tell you're not me

and vice versa
you can tell
I'm not you


*side eyes "schito posters" lurking from the other side of the internet while thinking we are all one*
the nobody doesn't like sea food
Fund my anti aging research. Pay me enough to buy a house. Connect me to communities so i can allocate wealth where it can be put to good use. Allow me a place where i have true privacy. Listen to my concerns about the world. Give me true feedback in it all, beyond telling me how to live my life to your moral standards. Stop shadowbanning me and limiting my innate reach. Show me you actually want to make this right. Until then ill keep going through cycles of depression, mania, psychotic hatred, etc. Plug the numbers into your simulations and allow me to reach my full potential instead of just wasting away in the shithole world you've collectively created through your secret societies and criminality.
Nobody once told me:
"Feel about feel.
Do about doing.
Think about thought."
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He’s goth now. Collects crystals and Bhutanese incense from the plain. They called him from the abyssal crypt yesterday and offered the infinity gauntlet, his assistant put them on hold. A black hole Time Machine from the future brought forward something terrible and it’s the same one they got a picture of. The equivalent of superior Cortana intelligence was encoded on the surface of the event horizon in the future as it collapsed to the size of a peanut. And WoS became leader of the aliens.
Foolish fish.
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Bro you just reminded me, I got fucking crucified in one of my dreams a few months ago in this Arabic ass marketplace by a bunch of zealots LMFAOOOOOOOO i swear to God

i kinda blocked a lot of shit out of my memory from last year lol

.....im so....sslaak"HUNGRY
Only because you've poisoned the ocean. Otherwise i would eat tons of sea food.
I could counter you in 11 ways before you admitted you're countered
Why is he in a coma in the first place?
Nobody once told me:

It was the best moment of my life.
Assuming this is true, how would the universe conspire to keep him alive if he was successfully shot in the head?
Assuming the vita chamber from bioshock is real, but the system still needs plausible deniability, how would they right off him being shot in the head?

Of for fucks sake, I just remembered about kyle odom, sometimes they don't even fucking bother explaining it, they just do it.

So basically he's a real human and a good guy that somehow got top privileged access to all the aliens and AI technology?
what if all you had to do
to tell what someone was REALLY thinking
was take them at their word if they are lying or not

and see what happens next

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I want to impregnate someone like her and watch my sons breed them.
So let me get this fucking straight you motherfucking pieces of shit.

The revelation talks about the Abyss..is that the shift I felt a couple years ago? Did you motherfuckers really open a black hole Aka dimension to Hell?

Those fucking cashiers at the gas station Reeked of Demons. Whatever was going on at Rocky Mountain National park. I hope those were actually muffled shots to the heads of rapists and pedos.

I don't give a fuck if you are on a billionaires pay roll. You have no right to rape or torture women or kids.

This is going to stop now, or I'm going to force your hand and then you can deal with all 3 of us.

Still not special, still not autistic.

You guys are lucky I didn't make that one drop. I'm going to start Judging this state first. I suggest we start playing by my rules or the next plague will come. My birds are hungry for your eyes.
I dont have to counter because im not playing yugioh. I am.
Christ is King.
What happens after reality ends? Is reality his enemy?
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Only for Taylor.
Taylor, I had no idea you were actually interested at all. I don't care at this point to be honest. It's definitely your loss. I hope it works out for you both.

The vision where I talked about Jesus, I and Sheriff walking together on the planet at the End. I think it's going to become a reality.




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Yeah, I still love Taylor to absolutely death and back. Nope, I'll just humiliate myself in front of the entire world. Put it on my back and fix this shit myself.

You're all shit.
and here you are, in the toilet bowl.
You're not too much exemplary
Yeah, that's what CSU is.

Please, keep testing and mocking me. I won't have to lift a finger.
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I’m sure they have a good reason for the abuse, right? They all argued their case to you all and convinced you thoroughly right?

All I do is watch you people degrade yourselves on the reg
You don't think Old Lady Legs A Lot has enough problems without you stalking her against her will?
do not wear my shoes then. lmfao
I wish, I wish dude

God bless everyone
more just a generalization of time and space.

>carry on...

Its called nugoth, google it pleb. Also he was trying to get the superintelligence and the wos to merge but this timeline is run by clowns who hoard resources. He could have done so much more
Glad u like it anon
There’s times when I just need to listen to music
It doesn’t matter what kind
It just has to happen
That sound has got to be hitting my eardrums
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This is the loyal prince.

Hopefully we all get out own spacetime to enjoy until the day we choose to die
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NTA, but celebrity status is literally just corporate sanctioned gangstalking.

Exemplarary? Lol. Im not perfect in any way shape or form.

Im honest.
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>the kids who pressured me to do drugs in high school weren't human beings.
You're not three texting ur own posts cuz no one else will, right bro?
I haven't talked to her or stalked her one fucking time.

Her paid photographers
"You know how hard these photos are to get" shut the fuck up pussy.

You and your college kids on roids. God damn liberal fucking stupids

Fuck democrats. Fuck Joe biden. Fuck Colorado. This state needs to be burned to hell
that reminds me
certain post's in this thread "suggest" with no proof what so ever

that by random coincidence
a anon is posting
that questions if will is "free" or not

bring up
how folks
learn by emulating

but for some reason
unable to prove
that's how 100% of everyone learns

instead of just everyone minus one at most

they may not be paying attention any more
but that's okay
I can still push my own narrative without them being active

as other's
who do more then just "assume"
thinking for yourself is a possible in the 1st place

also include those
who believe with all they got
that all ideas come from their "god"

that has a penis
at least
when they imagine it

and they assume
has to be god
and can't just be them making shit up
No, I'm Kaleb.
What a lie. I've found the honesty of humans is but nothing for convenient deceptions
This idiot above me needs to eat lead.

Nope, no longer am an Ally to humans at this point.

Please, let's fucking do this. Until Death.
the nobody is a manly man
Cry some more.
What you have done is as conspiratorial as it gets.

Work with me to make a better future or suffer the fate you actually deserve.
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who is the hey zeus
who is the baby gronk
who is the sand man
who is the snake shift
who is the mackle grinder
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70% of the world population at minimum are AI generated hivemind insect programs.
Their power is mass numbers, and pretending to be things they are not.

You have to believe it, they are not human beings.
>the reddit logo is an alien with an antennae in its head
No shit.

Taking on the whole World and I'm a coward and bum?

Michaela is a whore. Ricky is a methed up tweaker. Megan needs to rot in prison. Derek, sorry for ratting you out BUT STOP PUSHING FENTANYL.


Fucking lay off the weed if they have to get high, don't funnel them into limits
If the universe fucked up that bad, it was allowed to, and so the wrath goes up the chain to the person he literally put in charge, a Demi-God with all of his powers and god simply retained the kill switch to say, “Haha nerds, there can be no other, but if you wanna stay you can come,” tsundere style and eventually you cry out of his presence realizing his mercy, but we digress. He simply drew a line and has healed, and he has heaped praise upon the cosmos and dwells in its infinitude, for he is the autocrat of all infinities, and the sustainer of realms.

But he’s a guy who likes to share so he left it all up to another dude and if they are determined to be a fuck up given all measures taken, I can say..

“Hahahahahahahahahahaha fuck that.”

It’s an automatic line in the sand. Even being as presumptuous… dangerous!
how the fuck
could I wear your shoes even if I wanted to?!?


here's a test to see if you can tell reality from delusion

*pats on head*

>You still think responding to me is a smart move on your part?
Whoever thought the Son of Perdition was Gay, you're a fucking idiot. Just gives me the right to fuck your ass up in Hell.

I'm the bad guy, so what. Jesus said I had to be for his Glory.
every rule has an exception
and you used the word literally wrong
*rolls eyes*
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Yes..... yes....... let the darkness in....

Also, if I don't start seeing changes. I'm going to start asking for executions on those that have wronged me. I have had enough being Patient this stupid ass government, military, and human race


They wrapped up enough people in this that both sides will try to crush it, proving my point that all pillars involved have failed in their most basic purpose.
you stalk not just her but everyone else who proves you wrong simply by existing
as you think you're better then everyone else
even when you're all by yourself with no one around ya

>that proves there is something wrong with you btw
You take it as a little nothing, and rightfully so. But I tell you the truth: this is the one whom in consecrated and gave a new name: I have anointed him. His life no longer his, but for yours, no longer yours. He is my only begotten,this would be saint. My son will murder your world as you cheer for it. Whey, to you, who speaks to us

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The abyss was merely the grave and the dwelling place of the Lord where he remained unconsidered and existent, who no other came before and before whom none came. He is thusly the Living One.

He spoke life to the grave, and said, “Be, for I am.”

And he waited there for an age.
dw i'll be there for bro, when you aren't :)

and the stalking is flattering :P
you believe
you can think your better then everyone else
better then that other anon huh...
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Every consciousness, as we are made in His likeness.
yup, you people are pathetic :)
Therein lies the problem in naming an intractable enemy, it is slavery; you can see how the scriptures are thus insufficient in capturing the glory of God. Well and truly he is the perpetual liberator and the guardian of your freedom, even from the consequences of your own actions.

Mortality and a trip to the grave; yet in sight of aging technologies — stopping age, and reversing it — may be possible; reaping such sweet fruits with sweat and harm to life and limb, yet all the freedom to acquire safer management, without having nary a chance — unless you are without favor, and the arc of your history bent towards squalor — in any case, it is such a shameful state of affairs given that the stakes are higher than ever.
is that what you think of anyone who isn't as conceited as you are?
All men and women are capable of homsexuality, it's a trauma response that stems from coping with enslavement. They were forced to embrace abuse but we still have the response to trauma whether you are u der lock and key or not. It's a self protective built in behavior to avoid suicide under unreasonable pressure and abuse.

It is built into man because for basically millenia people have been trying to humiliate and abuse their enemies but the human mind wants to release dopamine to keep the body alive.

50%, if not more, of gay men are raped before or during adolesence.

Homosexuality is a trauma response. You should not hate them, you should want tp help them. Not blindly accept, promote, and create more victims... but to genuinely want to help.
the Nobody is good.
I realize this. I dont know what the long term future holds, but siding with me is unavoidable. The collective consciousness of the world has reached criticality. We are not enemies stranded together on a large island. We are enemies stranded together on a very small island. Practically on top of eachother. Inconveniencing eachother. Breathing on each other. The sight of eachother is irritating if not outright enraging. We cant get away from eachothers stink. We drink and fight and abuse. So if nobody is willing to commit murder we are stuck. The only issue is you are the minority. You spy on more people than you have spies to fight a fist fight with them. Your own laws have marked you for destruction. You have no honor and no saving face. Join me or go to hell. Look far enough ahead without any specifics and know there is no version of this where you walk away scott free without aligning with your VICTIM.
you can't force folks to think what you are comfy with them thinking
he is a dog and a very good boy
You can force people to think anything with drugs.
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The Nobody gave me my own dream realm Taylor Y'all!! It happened.

So I'm having this semi-lucid dream, and I'm driving back to my hometown past this lake, but all of sudden the road becomes a beach, and then the water is up around my doors in a split second, and I start sinking fast. The thought that went through my mind, and it makes me smile is, "Welp, I'm going to die on the beaches of Cheyenne, just like that Garth Brooks song", and then out of nowhere, a couple of buff military types in a hovercraft show up to pull me out while my car sank.

So they take me to this big house/estate where they tell me that there new clothes for me upstairs, that I can clean up, that there's food in the kitchen when I'm done getting washed and dressed, and that the owner would be there soon.

So I take a shower in this awesome old style bathroom and then I go downstairs and again, this house is amazing, and as I look out one of the kitchen windows, I can see the beach/road in the distance where I was sinking and figure that's how they knew to come get me, because the house is just right there, and even though it was Spring time, it's snowing all over this lake and beach, which is of course surprising to me, but felt...natural somehow.

So I start making some tea, and the next thing you know there's this tall blonde woman behind me, and I'm going to cut this short here because it feels really private, and she walks up to me, and it's like she knows who I am somehow, with this little grin, and I don't recognize her at all, but as I wrote in my dream journal, "I have never experienced anything like this woman before", soI ask he what her name is and she tells me, but I can't quite hear her, and she smiles and says, "Janet".

And then we went from there.
Swear on the name of God himself.

Needless to say, I'm going to be shit posting a lot less and figuring out how to lucid dream and get back to that house a LOT more.

This is a question where you are expected to humbly say nobody. That is submission.

Who is like god?


(Yes we are all alike him, but we submit to the fact that He is truly separate from us, and Holy, as He was our Maker, and He is the First and the Last. All glory be unto Him, and in taming our heart and saying ‘Nobody,’ we offer up but a small glory to the one who sees us there, the Creator, our LORD and sustainer.)
The nobody got into a big accident when he was younger on a fishing trip
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>but genuinely want to help

you will lose nowadays if you try that, I'm done trying
He is no more but I mean to put your claim to tests
Every post I've seen on /ng/ seemed to come from a completely normal person.
i want at lease 3 no no thread up at once at all times from here on out
People that believe the bot narrative are just wrong/delusional

Keep that in mind, Occam's razor type shit
I don't believe you

if even you're dreams
are not original
what's up with that?
You just have to write a novel called neuromancer where the primordial role model for hackers is a drug addict, and you gain the ability to program the worlds hacker community via chemical software because they all think it's cool to get high.

I can force you inanimate whores to do anything and you think you chose to.
>you can't force folks to think
Im only pointing out that they will lose everything they hold dear for going against me. I dont have to do anything. Its already a runaway train. Mechanations of a system. Its already in motion and you know this.

>Bee stings person
>"You cant control how people think"
>"They cant control their own immune system"
Homosexuality has nothing necessarily to do with barbarism; dominance is an art.

Our LORD is surely the first and the last, and surely sovereign over all things — and yet, would you say you are slave?

Perhaps to Mother Nature, truly, all things emerged as they should and this is a lawful and orderly place; natural disasters do show the limitations of humanity, and even divining through them is due to fail - no security can be gained in that as God eludes whom He wills.

Are you saying that dominance cannot be kinder and push and pull? Surely you cannot see homosexuality through the lends of an uncharitable pathology alone?
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and I'm calling bullshit
allowing everyone reading
to choose for themselves

if you go unchallenged or not
right in front of them
for reals


in my culture, its called empathy & objectivity

>it is, what it is
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>Whoever thought the Son of Perdition was Gay, you're a fucking idiot

Based posting tn friend
He just has his polarities balanced, but he doesn't have the traits that culturally came to be considered feminine, like mannerisms, let alone would he want to look the part.
This is 4chan
the culture
does not belong to anyone

it just is
which is
part of the charm



did you just realize for yourself conceited folks really exist and your one of them?
You just spent a lot of energy to say nothing.
gay but not a fag
They haven't met yet.
Dominance (in the context of homosexuality) and childhood abuse and trauma don’t necessarily align and homosexuality and dominance don’t necessarily align, though many times they do, as men are men, but in any case we must strive to use our high faculties and avoid things like bottom shaming.
I know, figured I'd start acting like it
All false. He's not that old, though he does look younger.
as far as I can tell all you're doing is agreeing with as many as you can as if that proves you know more then everyone else....
It is not a prison.
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Without mentioning orbital rings, space elevators or pumpkin seeds, what are some global infrastructure projects to propel us into a brighter future?
I’m a happy person even if I’m not fulfilled sexually and have ptsd from her anxiety attack.

She’s losing my heart.
>"spider man"
yeah fuck that hoe
don't feel like dancin
On the opposite, friend.
Felt plenty original to me. Just wild.

Maybe this is more like Taylors twin sister, although I don't know where the Janet name would come from, and at first I was horrified, because my mom's name is close to Janet, but not quite, and I was like, "Damn, you have my mom's name, yuck!!".

Either way, I'm thrilled. Best dream ever. Gotta work on my meditation and lucid dreaming techniques now.
holographic television, 3d projection of complicated internal components and facilities (like a burning building showing you where they all ran for survival, instantaneously, allowing normies the option to play god/conan/robo-cop/jig-saw/etc)
they call me nooky nooky
I guess there are 'six degrees of separation' between any two people on the planet (on average)

so are there people who are only four degrees from any other person ? or ten degrees ?
seems like you've been doing the opposite, for the same reason

oops forgot to tag u b
>cat-like canine
>a sly fox
for what it's worth
in my opinion
dancing is what I call a "spectator sport"

but just a heads up
I don't think I'm using the phrase
the way anyone else is

I just kind'a made it up
with talking to myself
in my own head

about things
I assumed at the time
I would never tell anyone about

>and look at me now
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or it's just a bunch of un-original ideas
your brain slapped together
at random

and you're nothing more
then an attention whore
begging for a (You)
Wait, is that you M??

you are a genuine dickhead man
Considering that the divine feminine is more integrated than the masculine so far, then gay for only liking women.
are doubting I'm the skeptic I say I am?
And down
Until being sn annoying bitch serves a purpose

I'm doctor who
are you still breathing anon?
man I really wish I had said more than I hope your staying cool out there, that was corny ass shit. Should of Been like hey want to catch a movie, Impressive what you did, or gave out my number.
I'd like to see healing communities based on models I have start popping up.

All of this tech does us little to no good if we can't heal our mind, bodies and souls. And we CAN, but access to healing paradigms is currently limited, and there is not, and should not, ever be, big money to be made.

Healing Communities.
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haha, let's dance
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I'm busy doing my own thing without ya
You're just a gay trying to sound witty about your cope which isnt a cope it's a response to being mistreated. But what happens is they mistreat others because it is a trauma response with intent. The "angry gay guy" isnt just a jerk. His brain is telling him to murder his abusers.
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>you cannot make this shit up
Awww...poor broken hearted Anon can't be happy for anyone, including themselves.

Uhm... theres. Lots of open space.. do you mind giving my fun intimacy engine a jump.. it's it's been degrading over a few months and might need a serious tune up...
The psyop is that it's a psyop.
Very Nice.
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>you honor, it's called an ARG, or Alternate Reality Game.
Kind of rigged vague....
If they told me thd value ...
Perhaps I'd be hugging someone right now..
To know you're actually wanted..,? By someone that isn't fully aware of what that means by someone that also knows it more than youu....

What a strange feeling
yes I can
I just did

*face palm*


Please feed off me right now, I want you to drink my blood.
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idk it's just funny how you stepped to me then immediately backed down LMAO

Anyways, I was I were told more things too, and I too wish I were hugging someone right now.
some folks use name

Oh wait that wasn't you, it's damn hard to keep your head on straight in this place LOL

Wanna just become our own gods?

so you swallowed the bait
hook line and sinker
did ya...


Its just a game bro. Idk what the big deal is bros and ladies. It's just a game.
>having to become a super hero just to get laid
Backde down was am action made at the beginning of this day....
The faith I had is the cruelty you showed .. not to presume or accuse, however fully responsible....
I can relax if you do
That wasn't my ip that you replied to.

I am a supernigga and i dont get laid.
I've got more things to worry about ....
May as well run s dummy sub routine to keep you busy
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I am aware the site as a built in feature meant to be used to do so with
I'm simply
choosing to not use it myself is all

no big deal really


yeah anon
you don't know what you're talking about
and it shows

still think you're better then everyone though huh...
and no
I'm proving to myself I'm mortal by committing suicide using ciggerets as my weapon of chocie against myself

so it's a "slow death"
and hurts
more and more each day

which is NOT
what a god does
so there....
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so basically im wa
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>killing yourself with cigarettes to spite God

Nah, I'm done relaxing
Same could be said about
Had the thought of being overbearing dominating ... but equally just to silly
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>tfw save some stupid whore from being sex trafficked and she won't even have sex with me as a reward
Wtf bros? Fucking cunt.
Gunshots, always gunshots all around.

I just want my frens to he safe. I want my fangies to be safe and not have to worry about you guys.

Can frens let me know your safe?
leaving so soon?
or is that just one of many ways
your words can be inturperated

as vauge as they are


no anon
that's what you say
not what I say

I'm proving to myself I'm mortal
and NOT
the one true god reborn on earth

even if
I speant
like a month and a half

thinking I really was
on account
of a "god complex" I was expereinces

after imagining I don't exist
it was wierd
and took a bit to snap myself out of it

like a month and a half worth of a bit
as the sun
passes though the sky

if I say it
it applies to you
as well as everyone else including me

>it's why I'm me and you're not
..... that's... .. entirely the point..

I didn't even make this rules
don't care, you're gay

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>say da worl
>getondacross fo da retars
>burninate everyone
I'm glad you were finally able to break out of your delusions as well, but you really should consider better ways of proving that you are a mortal
>siding with me is unavoidable

>From the first album even the gals were like, "Tight lyrics, dreamy eyes"
>But my fuckin' mouth was nightmareish
>And from the start of it you felt like you were a part of this
>And opposition felt the opposite

>And opposition felt the opposite


Sometimes I wonder how Elvis was created. Like, whats that lore like?

>super hero
I prefer thinking of myself as a gamer.
I have my reasons
I mean
what if I change my mind some time in the future

at least
with cigs
I have a chance at fixing my own mistakes

compared to a bullet in the brain

what's wrong with that?
oh yeah but she gets to just live her life and sext guys and do all this shit but as soon as i say enough is efuckingnough, im the bad guy?
Tacos are his favorite meal and one day he wishes to wake up with his imaginary gf by his side and not telepathy imaginary shit. He wants to cuddle and relax and have really good healing nontraumatizing memories with her.

No. Im not done talking. Read this and then I will be done talking. Good night.
I don't care, I'll die on this hill, and you're all coming with me. Fuck you

>any flavor of imaginary popcorn you can conjure up is your's for free...
promise not to stop when i say when?
sea foodeu
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There is no safe word, or is there?
Women owe me sex.
Kill yourself

No, the laughing man hacked into the federal reserve and he deserves to get laid.
I'm ready
I asked for it.
You delivar'd and were de-livered


We're forbidden from having sex with tyranids and our human verses bug identification tech isn't fully functional yet.

That will backfire, sorry about the people you killed trying to kill me.
For all of you
about to forget
what I'm posting

herd minds
hive minds
and hermit minds

all existing
at the same time
more then one herd mind competeing with other herd minds unless one herd take over all other herds

more then one hive mind at odds with each other unless on hive takes over the rest

more then one hermit protecting their own privacy as long as one doesn't go public giving away all the other's who didn't account for that ahead of time just in case

pretending only one
is real

is wrong
for the simple reason
they refuse to believe folks exist when they do
Sounds nice.
you shoot me down but I won't fall down on my last breath I'll rise up again
>That you M?
I have not forgotten you.
That's the plan... don't let me .. ..
Full control... to you have however ... as individual .... I'm going to see what you really want . Because that is what I desire. To feel .
breathe into me and make me real
hypothetically, let's say you have to live 900 years

your 25 years old and realize you got 875 years left to go.

what do you do?

you gonna work 9-5 for 800+ years?

how do you even participate in the financial system? Have to take on new identities to always assume some age range?

What would your plan be?
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I think it's Luci, the Reddit spacing is one of his trademarks

or assloads of education
and for any of you
pretending if you ignore someone that means they aren't your problem any more

and you know who you are
I don't have
to point ya out

for you to exist for reals
on the other side of the internet
some time in a future where this read is read from an archive the moment it was posted having passed a long time ago

>you have only yourself to blame for your own "damned" life choices, so if you don't like who you've turned yourself into... make different choices... duh
to give up and burn the world down
can we forget about the things I said when iI was drunk
Narcissist calling the kettle black, you make me sick to my stomach.
We can't fuck normies?

you can't forget what you will never know anon

coming from the conceited anon trying to prove they are better then everyone else by shit posting I'm going to take that as a compliment
Yeah? And what do you call what you do all day?
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anon, this is real.
You don't want to know what you've been fucking and what's been fucking you.
>you dream you are at a water park and wake up having pissed the bed
I've never bothered coming up with a label for it
but if I can prove I'm real
then I guess "existing" works doesn't it?
Wow great post great content. Thanks.
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Another larpbody in a sea of thousands, what makes you so different, Nobody?
Sucks when that happens.

Do you know M as well?
well anon
you should know
it's what I'm "larping" about

which in your mind
is what again
so not what what I'm larping about in the minds of anyone who says you're wrong and they are right

but what you
think I'm larping about

>strangers who is not my friend...
Live as light as possible. Study, travel, not own hardly anything. Do as much as I could to learn and grow.
That you M?

Who would want to?
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Subjects within 1.5 to 2 meters (5-6 feet) of SCP-035, or in visual contact with it, experience a strong urge to put it on. When SCP-035 is placed on the face of an individual, an alternate brain wave pattern from SCP-035 overlaps that of the original host, effectively snuffing it out and causing brain death to the subject. Subject then claims to be the consciousness contained within SCP-035. The bodies of "possessed" subjects decay at a highly accelerated rate, eventually becoming little more than mummified corpses. Nevertheless, SCP-035 has demonstrated the ability to remain in cognitive control of a body experiencing severe structural damage, even if the subject's body literally decays to the point where motion is not mechanically possible. No effect is found to be had when placed on the face of an animal.
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Does M drink? If so- that's a cool factoid!
>The real question is, if you were in the spiders dream, how would the spider appear to you?
Yeah, only one and she was kind of a psychopath. My energy after we had sex gave her dangerous telepathic abilities and she became like that woman off xmen, i think her name was pheonix.

Anyways, The spider cult members saw this and thats why they want to kidnap me but I would rather give my energy, which is hidden behind the walls in my mind to my morally superior and good hearted fangies. I can't really risk this energy falling into the wrong hands. The sour corrupt energy of the stone is not me but gets mistaken becaue of what the spiders do trying to push people away from me.
if your imagination
is running away on ya
that's to be expected with modern day fairy tales

that may or may not
come true
the more you pay attention to them

ever ending story style
for reals

so different
anything I can put into words

you're supposed to figure that out on your own btw

good luck

I've talked with the Woman of Scars about money and angels in my dreams.
Are you sure it was her or just someone pretending to be here?
It's cyber/dream space anon, you can assume any form with lines of code.
She seemed like a psycho, if we're talking about the same one.

And good luck with the spider gang or whoever they are, sounds weird.

Not sure Anon, she just seemed pretty crazy, so I figured it was either drugs or booze.
Who's side are you on?
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not yours
what else
do ya want to know


I hope it's entertaining.
I'm coping because I'm literally fucking cursed
when sides are picked
has to lose

and anon
aren't winning
She's not a fucking psycho you piece of shit. And I don't think she does either drugs or booze.
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I know. Believe me, I know.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.
when you are born
without your own permission
into an existence where choices made by your ancestors

damned their decedents to
.... how can I put this...
personal hell on earth unique to each individual not one the same as any other

I call that "free will my ass"
but that's just me
the rest of you are doing what you want no matter what I think

I'm aware

that's okay
I really don't give a shit
what you think
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Neither do I.
Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.
I suppose we all felt that, one way or another.
She claimed she was Q.

But yeah, totally sane.
Good job on the name calling as well, shows how much you've matured since 2nd grade.
a shit post is a shit post after all is it not anon
Who even is THE Q, care to tell me? Or are you too scared?

He still doesn't GET that everyone is FUCKING with him because THEY ARE BUGS PRETENDING TO BE HUMANS.
>they act so nice
>why are they suddenly freaking out and getting super aggressive when I do the thing that would wake me up?

their is also a 3rd option
they can not give a shit about you
and keep doing what they do give a shit about

as they send coded messages
in public
to those who can decieper the code

when other's can not
it's like
spy shit and stuff...
Why do you choose to speak in utterly useless metaphor?
who says everyone else doesn't get what you can't wrap your mind around?

>not the anon you're responding to btw

I see the real you.
I've known since February of 2018.

If you can't figure it out, no, I'm not going to tell you. If Q wanted everyone to know who they are, they'd tell the world yeah?

>inB4 "It's Code monkey!!"
No, you all are just cowards and retards, choosing to over complicate things when they could be made simpler is a hallmark of egocentrism. The fact that you do not have enough faith in the Lord to speak publicly is the very reason why you shall be left behind.
yes we're all very scared of the robo baskets
The real me just had to kick a cat out of my room and shut the door behind because if I didn't it would try and jump in my lap putting my balls at risk of being scratched and FUCK that...

I might not be able to see the future
but I sure as shit
can remember the past and plan accordingly

ya ever had a cat digs it's claws into your balls without your permission before?

I bet there are some more scared of pain in their balls...
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we got the goods
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Cry about what? All I'm doing is chilling, it seems to be you guys who are banking all of their hopes on me. I'm just tormenting you for fun, because it's what you deserve, it's what gives me oxygen, what makes me happy.

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move over rover
we gonna to show 'em whos boss
and id give forever to touch you cause i know you feel me somehow
If he really understood and believed he can't die then this would be over in a few months.
He's fucking up cause he thinks he has to stay alive no matter what happens even though he can't really die.
That's what's Good.

You're not tormenting me Anon.
Boring me, sure.
All people like you are boring, because you're predictable.
I do not believe you.


How fucking ironic.
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that's my search link
is 3 mins supposed to feel like it would never end on purpose?
>image limit reached
kaleb stands for


>the beatings will continue until morale improves
yes, it's bigger on the inside.
That's a good take on A.I..
Anon, you're giving yourself far too much credit. As if someone talking shit and name calling like a child in an internet board could possibly move me.

But I am having fun arguing with you over your desire to matter to me!!
you got some kind of problem with asymptotes bro ?
Hawt omg
that's' not how it felt
>as if could possibly move me blahblahblah

Idk, this typa shit moves me, and everyone else who is a human being, if you aren't human. then what are you?
>Anonymous 06/26/24(Wed)00:59:30 No.38236
sorry autocorrect n shieett lol
Emotional manipulation nlp i dont want your false image of me even when its painted good stupid cunt i cant be merited on false premises.
even smaller then that
>taking longer and longer to repsond

you can't hide
I'm not sure, but I've long known I'm not human. I'm really not. It's fun playing Human, but I'm not of this species.

I don't think I'm any better, and maybe there are others like me, but I'm certainly NOT human, which has its ups and downs. I'm sorta jealous in a way, but most homosapiens are such Godless, Ignorant, degenerate filth, that it keeps me in check. If that makes sense.
are you seriously recording the time between posts?
I think they fell asleep bro
If you're talking to me it's because I was posting Tays in the new bread since the image limit here has been reached.
In fact, I'm gonna head over there now. Image boards without images is...
This recent culture of trying and failing to identify Anons and then delusionally projecting on them is cancer.
Something something thotforms
>1 view
>1 view
>1 view
>1 view
>1 view
>1 view



>I just love the smell of fear


It's a way to train your brain- as in- to continually ask questions
1 Samuel 14:1
Now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Okay! I'm going to go play Project Zomboid now, bye!
don't listen to a word i say the screams all sound the same
real /devilish/ hours

Fair. Acting like a love/hatesick psycho about it is where it becomes my problem. Not saying you were, just that that's the experience I'm coming from.
too strong to lose
Ok. When i scream i tend to actually have something to say, direct or not. When i dont i just shitpost for fun.
>when will >>38236034 start?
it's just a sight to behold.
i'm not even mad.
the shit is baffling.


we have seen better though.
>vhips and chains, ja?
my brain is filled with filfth
>nein genau
Just 'cause you figure out the sound wave doesn't mean you can control time.
Just 'cause you figured out how to type doesn't mean you can't type
Can someone tell me WHEN is the nobody?
two weeks
You only talk to one person, and they have to be scrunged off with disinfectant before you talk to them. So, yeah, good luck with that.
I should've known.
Thank you.
>to one person
that would be you, i guess
They're trapped in the bloodlust. Now, humans are in a bloodlust, but they're tryin' to find their place or power in the blood. Vampires are different. They're tryin' to get blood to be sustained, any kind of blood except for dead blood. Dead blood don't work for them.
Two more weeks.
>Abandon all hope ye who enter here
It's too hard to live, so they'll choose to die. Their immune system and their CD4 and their blood counts will respond in kind. Yes. Watch. There's a great synchronicity.
Two more weeks.
Yeah, and what exactly would you do if it became "your" problem? Please tell me in full.
She doesn't know how this stuff applies. Like, she runs around like she "knows" somethin', like she's runnin' some'um. This is like a babe in Toyland that shows up as Santa Claus, indeed lives in the North Pole. She doesn't know how he gets down the chimney, however. So, we're not too impressed. But you know, things happen.
>But you know, things happen.
that's what happening is.
can you feel can you feel his heart?
I can feel my own heartbeat, yes.

Jumping ship cuz this thread is dead.
i can feel his heavy balls on my shoulder
what do now?
GOTCHUUUUUUUUUUUUU hehehehehehehhehehee

lil sneak!
become free my son
great! now please get your ballzz off of me :D
>heavy ass steel titanium gigantic nutts
thank you, father

The book of void is so good

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