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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Rick & Morty Method

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Image Cycling

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
Fucking kek. Based cosmo, I remember that chapter that he made a cockroach intelligent and almost destroy the world.
Trying to make a person love me, but all she does is push me away more. What do?
Let it happen

>I find more people love me when I DON'T
>want to make a person
>swhy your mom's always asking for it in the ass

But I love her, shouldn't I be able to change how she sees me? Or is there a limitation to this kind of manifestation
What's a good manifestation order. I want to do one at a time. All areas of my life are meh and I want to make them great. What order would you prioritize money, gf, social life, net worth, entertainment?
What the fuck is troll about this OP?
How do I find out what his plan for me is?
"Plan for you" type stuff is giving up control to a lesser power you've created. Basically you manifest that you give up power. It's very law of attraction. Ppl will say my higher self knows what's best. Or it's not meant to be but something better must be coming. But in actuality you have total control and final say. Yes you can consciously control what other ppl think of you.
How do I better accomplish this? I've just been running pov scenarios before bed.
Are you actually doing SATS properly anon.
Point it out or shut the fuck up.
@ bump limit is too early for you?
You're a troll.
My will be done
I've had really good results with the mirror method.
Just google "reality shifting mirror method" and you'll get it.
Oh, sorry! Im NTA. Anyways an anon here months and months ago talked about his experience with it. Said that after he did the ritual a friend (not close) if his died, but his depression (the thing he was trying to escape by doing the ritual) completely disappeared. Might be getting two accounts mixed up. It's been awhile and I've not done the ritual myself. Hopefully that other anon replies lmao
Do you guys have any good resources on reality shifting/isekai stuff? Thanks in advance.
Where’s LilAnon?
That's all just lucid dreaming. HOWEVER neville did supposedly talk about briefly time traveling back to the 1800s. Anyone got a source for that?
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You rang?
>it's a LilAnon is finally put in a smiling bag episode
Yo lil, what’s your take on “thinking 4th dimensionally”? Could you explain why “bad things” occur to someone who didn’t manifest themselves into a bad situation?

Oh how do I do hypnosis? Heard there’s a few benefits to it but I’d give it a shot if it yields skmethinb
Excellent find but have the candle behind you. It changes the dynamic heavily.
Yes, thoughts on gnosis.
>Yo lil, what’s your take on “thinking 4th dimensionally”?
I like Tak's take on it- there is only now. From that perspective anything is possible at any moment, "time" is just something we made up to make this more like a movie or game.

>Could you explain why “bad things” occur to someone who didn’t manifest themselves into a bad situation?
People manifest themselves into bad situations all the time. They don't always realize it, or if they do many times they think there is no alternative. That's just how "things" work, right?

Do you have specific example(s) you want to look at?

More specifically?
That's me. I'm going to copy paste my stuff from the archive because it's a long story.

When I did it it was basically life or death because I was suicidal and depressed. So I went into it with an at any cost frame of mind. What actually happened was extremely creepy.
1) Get a big mirror, that you can see yourself fully in. Large tv may work.
2) candle. Either in front of you or behind you. The light level you should have should be anywhere from where you just see a black silhouette of yourself up to where you see yourself with faint features. I personally used a YouTube video of a campfire on my phone which is lucky once you read notes.
3) sit in front of the mirror. I was sitting on the floor. You need to be fully visible in mirror.
4) I did it at 3am
5) Meditate until you’re kind of tranced out.
6) You need to build up the idea that the you in the mirror is not you. It’s a version of you. And that version of you has whatever traits or life you want. And that version of you is willing to trade spots with you. you can start calling out to the you if you want.
8) once you know that that is not your reflection but another you. You can make the deal with it. Formally tell it you wanna trade places.
9) this part is extremely difficult to describe but will your consciousness into the other you. Truly feel as if you’re now in the reflected world and the version of you that you see is in your old world.
10) ??

Everything went according to plan until step 6 when shit got very weird. Once I connected to the other version my reflection started moving on its own. At some point around here my phone turned off due to no battery. So it was just me and almost pitch black but just enough to see the silhouette of myself moving. I made the offer. It nodded. Then I did the part where I willed my consciousness into the reflected body and it’s consciousness into my body.
At this point I got hit with a huge energy rush. The image of me stood up and I fainted.

This is actually probably the most creepy and powerful ritual I’ve done. Results were basically instant. But I figured out why the other me wanted to trade. When I woke up in the morning on the floor I found out that one of my friends had committed suicide. He wasn’t a super close friend but it was still devastating. I ended up having to go to his funeral, and at his funeral there were 300 people there all from all the stuff he’s done socially. But he just randomly committed suicide because according to his note he felt alone. And I realized with a huge sense of emotion that depression just blinds you to what you have.

And I don’t know I just wasn’t depressed after that day. But thinking back it doesn’t track, the depression was just instantly gone. There’s no way a random idea would change the point of view and neural chemistry so much instantly.

>Copied from the old post not really relevant
The only reason I’m sharing this, is because I get the feeling you’re probably in a similar state of “AT ANY COST”. And I think that’s the main drawback of it, because you’re trading with someone who has everything you want but they’re willing to trade with you.

>definitely relevant
This creepy mirror ritual is not something you do to get laid or a raise at work or whatever. It’s a nuclear option for change.
i constantly have to see as all the beautiful women choose literally any man that isn't me, i fucking hate it and i just want them to go away. but they wont and now they are wearing pretty clothes for their husbands and i have to just stand there and fucking watch. might go and do a boxing session soon.
>like a movie or game.
So we don’t necessarily need to think “ahead” or retrospect to do “things” later on. Cause look, I want to be present minded since I suffered enough in my own imagainstion and learning more about just thinking in a non “logical way”

>Do you have specific example(s) you want to look at?
Yes since I root cause somewhat the control freak side of me.

>be me two weeks ago
>phone slips out of pocket and breaks both side from being crushed by a door
>get more fucked up later that day
>really bad day and just confused on why i experience bad days frequently
>”it’s not your day anon” - someone I know

Or alternatively

>feel better and somewhat renewed faith
>affirm another oddly specific thing
>feel it be true to some extent
>get a 180 cold result slapped to me
>back to square 1 processing what just happened and affects both my faith and mental djet

Like what gives? Is it cause I entertain my mind a lot with the negative? Is it really just a matter of what I consider to be true?

Days like those just make me crave death sometimes, but regardless if I let go the steering wheel or not, I always end up stressed daily and lost on how to process what just happened

Caught my ass today wanting to be all controlling but had to slap myself out of that false “want”
So I can't ever go to an isekai? This sucks man...
I haven't done it since. I guess I might be scared because of my first taste with it. But I also haven't wanted something as bad as that since. I would have tried to kill myself if my mental state stayed that way.

I might do it just to do it, like in that reddit post without a destination in mind just to see what happens.
So I have to become a Buddha to get isekai'd?
>So we don’t necessarily need to think “ahead” or retrospect to do “things” later on
Right, the problem is, what do we use constantly as a reference point? It's a heavy relearning thing for most 3d addicts.

>be me two weeks ago
>phone slips out of pocket and breaks both side from being crushed by a door
>get more fucked up later that day
>really bad day and just confused on why i experience bad days frequently
>”it’s not your day anon” - someone I know
Luck, like everything else in LOA, is heavily dependent on what you -believe- you have. When I started occulting I had terrible luck(I was being cursed). I started affirming that I had no bad luck, and over time it went away- I got exactly what I put into things, nothing more, nothing less. No lucky breaks but nothing out of left field either. Once I had better faith I started affirming I had good luck, then great luck, then tried to push it off the scale. I stopped once I got content but the luck stat is powerful.

>feel better and somewhat renewed faith
>affirm another oddly specific thing
>feel it be true to some extent
>get a 180 cold result slapped to me
>back to square 1 processing what just happened and affects both my faith and mental djet
Do not reference the 3d unless it reinforces your faith. I repeat, do NOT reference the 3d except as it is a success for you. The kinds of changes you are pushing may not be immediate, you may need to persist and continue to manifest until you get the result you want.
>feel it be true to some extent
This is not good enough- it's a start, but you need to persist until it is enough to get the ball rolling.

Things can change immediately but it requires you to let go of the things that you believed that caused the things you don't wish in your life. Ironically, that can be hard, it's easier and "safer" to hold on to what you have, even if it's bad for you than to face the unknown.

Are there any good methods to materialize a girlfriend, Anons?
>Like what gives? Is it cause I entertain my mind a lot with the negative?
Maybe/maybe not, but I can't think that's helping- you know that Law, as Salty reminded us, "You are in Barbados! You went first class!"

If you are not in that mindset all the time, why aren't you? What is it getting you?

>I always end up stressed daily and lost on how to process what just happened
See above. Also, as a thought experiment, sit down and go all the way to the root. Why? What is your "Why"?

Full disclosure, I have not have not been able to completely root that yet, but the things I have found so far have been profound.

>Caught my ass today wanting to be all controlling
That's just fear, and it's justified but is it helping you? Try taking a day off from it and see how you feel and how things go. 1 day where you just shut it all off and do what you want.
>So I can't ever go to an isekai?
You can use LOA to do anything, the question is whether you want to come back.
I don't.
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>materialize a gf
Anon, look at this post from a third person pov
Realize who you are, where you are, and what you just posted.
Unironically, go outside.
Talk to girls.
You know what you have to do, yet you are constantly practicing escapism (coping) by doing everything besides what you NEED to do (talk to a girl irl)
It’s that simple.
Talk to 100. One will bite
>im too fat!
Lose weight
>im ugly!
Get an ugly girl
>im poor!
>get a job
Stop. The. Escapism
Go for it then- you have nothing holding you back. Define your desire and manifest for it, and when you are able to allow for it you will be there.
Alright then, knowing it's possible is already a great start. I'll check the links from the OP and try to figure out how to do it.
Certainly use the library, but all you need is a defined desire and the required belief to set it. Letting go of the 3d "here" will reduce your resistance overall as well, usually that's what makes it hard for Anons to do "big" manifests- the assumed limitations of this "reality."
>It's a heavy relearning thing for most 3d addicts.
I was kinda thinking of this when I was driving, I was going over my patterns of behaviors and noticed it is 3D based

>you may need to persist and continue to manifest until you get the result you want.
This kills me when it comes to that big one and other necessities I need. Albeit I’m convinced I’d master deadlines later on, I want to handle these issues presently

Rarely I’d be ok with just letting it happen, esp with manifestations for other people

>Ironically, that can be hard, it's easier and "safer" to hold on to what you have, even if it's bad for you than to face the unknown.
Bingo and you found my issue, and I do get massively uncomfortable when I’m confronting my second causes and old beliefs because I do feel like if I do X it may cause Y. I do a lot to avoid suffrage. Then again counterproductive to prevent suffrage by just doing everything to prevent it

I’m just afraid, it’s not fear of this working somewhat. It’s fear of not doing the things I’ve done that has gotten me out of trouble but at the cost of my own mental diet. I’ve said in a previous post I don’t know how to deal with things when it hits the fan, often putting a facade of fake happiness but really I’m internally impacted
>If you are not in that mindset all the time, why aren't you?
lack of consistency and i’m still easily persuaded by the 3d. i did think of this kinda, i was gonna mention the bad things that happen is the times i do stay loyal to an idea it doesn’t manifest sometimes. like when i took a break here, i affirmed another desire of mine but often it didn’t really manifest itself when i wasn’t too resistant on it. it’s like when i try it’s not enough, even when i go stoic mode on it i don’t see movement (mind you i stay neutral on outcome and expectations). i’m more surprised when it works rather than it appearing, like the times i manifested someone something i say “huh…neat…..i’m more concerned that it worked this time and not before for other things”.

>What is it getting you?
headaches, chest pains, racing thoughts, and mental breakdowns. at least the current pattern is what’s doing all this. I do doubt it’s really too good to be true that I can really change my mindset immediately and get it going to be frank, especially if it hasn’t worked consistently where I can have blind faith

>What is your "Why"?
I think I can tell you why;
As a kid I didn’t have many around to really teach me mental advice. I feel like a kid again after realizing the things I do now is no different than before

>problem arises
>unsure what to do
>ruminate on what could happen next, often the worst scenarios
>will do anything to fix the problem even at the cost of getting killed
>cant cope with whatever bad moment I just had
>still hold onto now past event to reference. see what I could’ve done and how awful it was
>rinse and repeat

The control freak is there to “help” since I end up damaged after these incidents. No one was there to help so that’s when I took matters into my own hands as a kid and grew up early

I found the lack of self assurance part, and refusal to let go. But after suffering even more the last year I do want to change.

Would UL work for getting my body younger? So far I haven't seen anyone manifest it. I would like my 19 yo body back when I was in my prime, now im late 20s with less energy, knee pains, worse looks etc
>>go all way to the root
Last add on; whenever I try a new solution and it doesn’t work I don’t mind giving up on it and switching because I want a quick fix to my problems

>I have found so far have been profound.
It really is when you discover stuff, I think it’s set the moment you intend to find out more about yourself to fix your problems like you and I with root causes. BOI takes place and you have a piece to your puzzle

>Try taking a day off from it and see how you feel and how things go. 1 day where you just shut it all off and do what you want.
You know what…I will. I know I’ll prolly have a “the boogeyman attacked when I left myself free” but fuck it. I need to show my stubborn ass to stop being bad insane and feel relieved everyday and a motherfucker that can manifest no problem now

Felt it before so many times and it’s like a drug to me that I want more of

Well now that’s outta the way, I concluded I figured out my behaviors but need to implement a new strategy for my mind that I need to stick to. Replace an old part of my identity with a new one. Even if it won’t work right away I need to manage the fear of failing and potentially missing my responsibilities and deadlines since those two are often the things I think about too much in the near future
>Even if it won’t work right away I need to manage the fear of failing and potentially missing my responsibilities and deadlines since those two are often the things I think about too much in the near future
Keep in mind that you can manifest solutions for now as you manifest a longer term solution you are struggling with.

Don't neglect your responsibilities as you do this- you are perfectly capable of doing what you need to while you lay out a more chill life for yourself. Adjust your assumptions and the world will follow them.

"Everything is easy."

"Thank you, thank you..."


It says the person he knew died from suicide, yeah not gonna try that
>Would UL work for getting my body younger? So far I haven't seen anyone manifest it
Do you want your body actually de-aged or working as if you are at a new peak?

I thought I wanted to be younger, but people mistake me for being just over half my age. It can be manifested without mental gymnastics.
>Adjust your assumptions and the world will follow them.
The I AM on a schedule looks appealing still and I have tired doing em. Just busy with life

Well whatever hidden assumptions I have that I think is the cause of XYZ…I just need to surrender completely

I’ll give the surrender a try but I don’t expect I could truly go a day without thinking or naturally doing old me things

I just want things to be stable before I go all in for the big one, fuck that desire and fuck thinking my way to manifest cause the idea of both just have a bad taste in my mouth. I need to fulfill what’s needed now. If you can manifest despite everything you have and Neville did the same then I wouldn’t see why not for me

I feel convitciton that I can do this still…like in the song cult of personality “only you can set you free”

Thanks again Lil, I often feel bad I share my problems to you and I could argue that this could be a lot for you. Which is why I don’t talk as much as before for the sake of balance. I’m just someone that’s been lost all my life. Believe me, I want to stop asking for help with the law since I want to do my own thing and manifest just like that

Oh and I found it fascinating that my mom does a form of LoA, she’s kinda been the one who showed me the door to it but I refused to open it until last year
>Thanks again Lil, I often feel bad I share my problems to you
Don't- I find it helpful to talk things out here, it helps me as much as it helps the other Anons I talk with.

>I’m just someone that’s been lost all my life
This is a powerful (negative) belief to be harboring. You know the Law now, let it be your compass. The only reason you should be lost now is if you are denying yourself your desires.

>manifest just like that
Happy Gilmore:

Chubbs: "Think of a place that's really perfect. Your own happy place. Go there and all your anger will disappear."

*Happy goes does this*

Chubbs: "Now how do you feel?"
Happy: "...Better!"
Chubbs: "Now putt..."

Keep in mind, "Barbados" is your happy place.

>Oh and I found it fascinating that my mom does a form of LoA, she’s kinda been the one who showed me the door to it but I refused to open it until last year
So did mine, and I had friends that did it too- I was just too stubborn and wanted to prove myself until I had my Promise experience. At that point I realized all the suffering I had put myself through was meaningless. We are already all of that.
So I think I actually saw some traction and manifested a remote IT job just from doing robotic affirmations for about a month.

I did two separate 10 minute affirmations each day and then never thought about it. Last week I got an email after applying to a job online saying to attend their zoom orientation and pay rate etc. However, I missed the orientation since the morons didn’t leave their time zone, so I couldn’t see if it was a scam. Kek

This counts as a success right?
You don’t have the job even though the job was offered do not sure you can count that as a success.
Imagine you won the lottery but left it too late to claim, that’s a fail.
>It’s a Lilanon experienced meaningless suffering due to his stubbornness episode.
Finally some character development in this show.
Keep at it, and add some belief to your affirmations. Sometimes you will have things pop up that look like your return but aren't, don't get discouraged. It's out there and you can have it.
suggested affirmations for beating addiction and anxiety?
Any links to other anecdotes or a breadcrumb on how to find them?
>The power of LoA.
>in a completely LoA free post
Do you need a map or a compass Anon? You look lost. This is /LoA/ not /LaC/
Our infinite king
Please do not rage at truth
You hate LoA so why do you care whether it's LoA or not? You're so autistic about this bullshit that it's one of your many identifiers.
It's pretty fucking obvious, you've done nothing but fling shit like some ape in the past several months. Still, you should keep doing it because it's entertaining and it's funny seeing you get btfo.
How the FUCK do I "manifest" the $10k?
What's souce of that
If you try to manifest 10k because you think you NEED 10k, it's going to be impossible.
How can I manifest people being kinder? I'm slightly autistic, so I struggle with eye contact and small talk. Neurotypicals often perceive this as being antisocial or conceited. I'm sick of coworkers being standoffish and gossipy.
Imagine yourself the king of eye-contact and smalltalk.
I was just saying to coming from a place of need is not going to work for you.
There's a world of difference between wanting and needing.
I don't hate anyone. I would genuinely talk to anyone if given the chance, but everyone thinks I'm too strange because of behavior I can't control.
The only way I can do this is by basically playing a mimic and faking it. It feels disgusting.
Why hate?
Why does it feel disgusting?
I've also learned some of the socializing skills this way, thinking "if I try to mimick what others do I am bound to learn something". To me this just started with asking people "how was your weekend" on mondays.
Hating someone is a waste of your own energy. It's like drinking poison yourself and expecting the object of your hatred to die. Being against others goes nature. I'm truly sorry that events in your life have hardened your heart, anon.
Anything word can be a buzzword depending on your point of view. You're just contrarian for its own sake...like 90% of basement dwellers on other boards. How boring.
Because I see no reason to, to me it's always been a destructive emotion that serves no purpose.
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I actually managed to make a few friends by doing this.
>stupid fucking retard chimes in
>its the same old retardation as always
Kek at this useless retard
Why are people so angry all of a sudden?
It's not "people", just one samefag who clearly failed hard. If you look in the archives he's been here since like November 2023. A pitiful sight
>Talk to 100. One will bite
That's not loa. If you dont know shit about loa, then don't comment about loa in an loa thread. You don't have to open your trap every time an opportunity presents itself. Learn to stfu when it's appropriate
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No bananas for you, monkey.
because i am angry, the wrath will subside soon. i still aim to make my life so that i wont have to get so angry so easily.
You could stop posting here. It does nothing for you. You are regarded as a comedy poster,
Witnessed. It's not gay if you've got xx chromosomes and are a dragonwolf vampire fae LVL 99 necromancer
Checked, the universe is proving lilanon is a troon faggot by the day.
You honestly expect coherent and constructive advice about manifestation party tricks on an anonymous forum?
Just let go brother.

So, what is it that you want?
Let go of your expectations of the /loa/ threads.
>I remember that chapter that he made a cockroach intelligent and almost destroy the world.

They are called turkish "people" anon
So why did you come here to /x/ and to this thread in the first place?
Just stop trolling bro.
Let go of the trolling.
Anyone who says bro is probably trolling bro. There may be exceptions bro.
But it’s a manifest rule bro.
>I do want I want lol
You can’t see how this is bad. This is a constructive forum where we listen to solid advice from professionals such as Lilanon. Amateurs like you have nothing to add. You may even be detrimental.
Lilanon good.
You bad.
Success story
I got into Law of Attraction via synchronicity. I read an account of someone else's synchronicity, & the next day what had happened to them happened to me. This event was way to unique to be pure chance. But when I was reading this person's account, I was visualizing it as happening to them- not from a first person perspective. I had a very strong emotional reaction to this, as I believed 100% that this was true, & I knew synchronicities had to be real. I thought about how I had never had an experience like this, & yearned for something like this to happen to me- and then it did.

I did not believe you could control things like this, I was not "living in the end", I didn't visualize it happening to me, & I didn't even do SATS, yet it worked in less than 24 hours.
When I did the ladder experiment, I did it exactly as written. After the 3 days, I waited so excitedly for it work. I was trying to figure where it would happen, when it would happen, why I would even need to climb a ladder. If you don't end up climbing the ladder within 10 days, your supposed to redo the SATS, but I didn't I just kept waiting. After maybe 15-16 days, I gave up on it. I assumed I had done something wrong, wasn't visualizing with enough detail or something, & over the next few days I forgot all about it. I decided to put LoA on the back burner I return to it down the road. A few days after completely forgetting about it, I finally climbed the ladder. It took around 3 weeks.

I've been going on the Neville & LoA subreddits (yeah I know), but that is one thing I see over & over again, when people either stop caring, or forget completely, they get what they've been wanting. I think the more you want something, the more you look for it, the more desperate & anxious or even excited you are, the less likely it is to come. You really do have to let go. And no, living in the end is not necessary, as LoA works even if you don't believe in it. I think that the living in the end engenders a mindset which works because it stops you from worrying- it facilities the letting go.

The million dollar question is, how do you let go when you truly are desperate? How do you let go when the thing you lack is eating a hole in you day in & day out?
Speaking out of my ass here since I’ve never manifested anything meaningful, but something that’s key in the traditional method Neville describes is waking up knowing that creation is done.My guess is that for those who can manifest properly this feeling should be so intense and sincere that it drowns any desperation or doubt they could have.
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Imagine all your desires are now fulfilled. How do you feel? Sleepy. Now imagine all your desires are accumulating and you haven't done anything yet and the deadlines are approaching from all sides without you noticing or keeping track of them! How do you feel? Very alert. Now imagine again every single desire you remember having is now successfully satisfied, done, solved. You are relaxed again. So increasing relaxation = increasing success. Deep relaxation until fully rested is the solution to the Law of Assumption Problem, a problem which probably causes some of you to come back to this thread.
I am now 8 feet tall. I was only 7 feet tall but I got mogged by a guy who was bigger so I manifested more height.
I couldn’t fit in my lift down to my car anymore so I simply manifested a bigger lift. I wear 4 Rolexes at the same time now.
As the loa master the universe bends before me.
>The million dollar question is, how do you let go when you truly are desperate? How do you let go when the thing you lack is eating a hole in you day in & day out?
Yes good question, and the answer is it's not possible unless you're a Tibetan monk or a shaolin...
Forgetting something you crave, is not possible for a human being. That's why unimportant things are easy to manifest, important ones less easy, and vital ones impossible
Hi S3, do you like your Audi? Wondering if I should buy one or a BMW
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>I did not believe you could control things like this, I was not "living in the end", I didn't visualize it happening to me, & I didn't even do SATS, yet it worked in less than 24 hours.
It really is that easy when you don't fight the process- don't listen to the people who try to make this hard.
>The million dollar question is, how do you let go when you truly are desperate?
This is where faith comes in and impatient Anons get derailed. Instead of building on successes they fight with themselves over their primary desires. Theoretically this is how you should do it but that completely ignores the fact that if you weren't fighting yourself on that particular desire you would have it already.

Knowing yourself and your desire are great tools for getting past this point, but faith/belief is even better. What does it matter that you are conflicted? You commanded and it is Done.
The usual LoA gaslighting bullshit
>everything I don't like is gaslighting bullshit
“I can see peace instead of this”
Lesson 34 from a course in miracles.
I always see these threads about LoA but I've never tried it. Now I'm genuinely interested, has anyone here actually had it work for them or is everyone still trying?
Creation is complete which means nobody is doing anything.
Understand this and you are already cooking… or at least it’s what I’m told.
What is taught in /LoA/ is extremely obvious and simple. How else do things happen to you without you feeling them first? How are you looking at this right now?
Perception is an effect… there are no causes out here in the moving world except for that it moves in. What are you moving in anon? Are you moving at all?
>*screeching noises while frantically masturbating in the background*
Can you please keep that to /d/ Anon? We know you are sexually confused and looking for an outlet but this is the LOA library, not one of the layers of hell.
>has anyone here actually had it work for them or is everyone still trying?
There's always a mix here: some Anons who haven't tried it yet, some who have and are working through some consistency issues and a few who are successful but enjoy hanging out here.

There's also a few prolific trolls here, some of them from /pol/. We're not sure why they are here and why they think we care about their buzzwords but they keep the thread bumped.
This guy is literally saying belief is not required, whereas you praise the contrary, could you expand on this please, why did he get results then ? Thanks
I meant this anon >>38238064 but I think the other too didn't believe.
Don't speak for us tranny.
Belief isn't required. Most people test the law are doing so because they don't believe, but still give it the college try. Their first manifestation lets them realize it's true. That's why we say try/experiment to find your own proof. This wouldn't be the case if belief mattered. The first would always fail. The trip you're talking to has logic issues.
Our king speaks for us all.
Not all of them are from /pol/. Most of the major boards have had their own group of racists for a long time.
>Belief isn't required
Belief is thought held with conviction.

> Most people test the law are doing so because they don't believe
That's not accurate- people who don't believe don't try things. It doesn't take 100% belief to do something, just a glimmer and low resistance works fine.

>Their first manifestation lets them realize it's true
Belief is rewarded with more belief.

>The first would always fail
This presupposes that manifesting is some sort of magic. You manifested your last meal without thinking about it because you believed you could have it.

Of course an Anon is going to have a success at some point of deliberately manifesting- they've been manifesting their whole lives.
>Not all of them are from /pol/
No, but we had an influx with the guy shilling his book.
Do you guys have any reason to despise LittleAnon beyond his gender issue?
>Don't speak for us
You're not here for the LOA, so of course I don't include you in the "we."
Lol, what gender issue? We just have an Anon in the corner using buzzwords and broadcasting his sexual fantasies. I find it amusing, he probably thinks it makes him look cool.
Lilanon offers advice without being abusive or expecting anything in return. I see no issue.
You replied.
So you give a fuck.
Lmao. If you didn’t care you would not keep doing this.
>Belief is thought held with conviction.
>Belief is rewarded with more belief
>Anons manifest their whole life whether they believe or not

This post is just flat out wrong. Bro doesn't even realize it's changing definitions and rules constantly to cling to this terrible manifestation model.
How is he wrong? I don't frequent the general so I have no template to know.
>Yes good question, and the answer is it's not possible unless you're a Tibetan monk or a shaolin...
Why are you still here if you believe that?
>Offers advice
>Misleads beginners towards getting lost and giving up on manifesting.
Ftfy. Tripfag is a dangerous idiot who offers fortune cookie bullshit.
>Anons manifest their whole life whether they believe or not
These are your words, not mine. People are not manifesting random lives, their beliefs form their experiences.

Provide evidence otherwise if you have any.
>People are not manifesting random lives,
>they've been manifesting their whole lives.
Zero logical consistency
They're still stuck to the ladder step, do not bother with detractors
>You manifested your last meal without thinking about it because you believed you could have it
There are hypochondriac people who think they'll die every minute and still manage to get a meal whereas they shouldnt if they are convinced they will die.
Still they eat, and still they don't die.
Belief doesn't seem very important.
>Zero logical consistency
>Zero understanding of mechanics
>There are hypochondriac people who think...
What part of that involved belief?
Exactly those traits of yours are exactly why /Loa/ is better whenever you fuck off
To manifest important things, not vital ones cause it's not possible. But important ones should be, maybe
You are the only mad poster.
No one else is.
I have a question about this topic, are the Law of attraction and the Law of Assumption the same thing or are they two different things?
Our king is always present.
The definition of hypochondria involves belief. Belief of getting a disease or dying
I think it’s just one guy who is angry
If you mean mad as in insane then that’s pretty much every poster. Batshit crazy this general.
Attraction is a half baked understanding of assumption. It holds states of emotion to manifest random experiences that generate that emotion. Assumption let's you target specific events with more nuanced states.
Law of attraction is something of a sub division of the overall law of assumption.
But that’s all a lie.
Both are merely a mindset enhancement tool.
Great insight lil, there's already evidence in this thread you drop your trip to samefag
You have to mean something because you asked a question that by definition has to have a meaning.
Holy shit you are fucking dumb. You’ve been posting shit constantly for ages now. Take a break fuckhead.
Same asshat? Fuck off trolls.
I’ll get bored eventually
I don’t think >>38239380
ever will. He is not right in the head.
It’s clear you never mean anything,
Just stop trolling.
>I want to fuck this specific girl
>Feel that it is already done
>But she's so hot and I'm so desperate for her and I'm so unconfident and poor and girls like that always go for a different type of guy!

>I want this specific job
>Feel it is already so
>But I don't have that job and I don't have the right credentials how am I supposed to do that? Plus they're very selective how am I supposed to just forget how competitive it is

>I want to stop being ugly
>Stop feeling ugly
>But I look in the mirror every day and see myself, it can't be that simple (but also give me the secret magic technique which will just immediately change this about me)

>I want to cure my cancer
>Feel and believe that you are cured
>But I'm in pain and the doctor said the tumor is so big and my chances are so slim!

Feel the wish fulfilled and persist in this feeling.

First step of that is just a leap of faith- you have to find your own evidence on the other side of applying the practice, that's the point of the ladder experiment (although I don't think its perfect). LoA isn't a magic wand in your hand until you're able to feel and believe it is, and right now you do not.

Second, you have to stop justifying your own lack of belief. That selective judgement of "pattern recognition" is a tool that will highlight what you're looking for. Properly used (with faith) you can find evidence and answers to inner questions incredibly fast.

Third, you have to be honest about your beliefs. You have to confront yourself, and what you DO have to let go of are the negative ideas and patterns you're holding. Most beliefs we hold are a complicated admixture of lack and fulfillment, so while some manifestations might be as easy as an affirmation some may require a bit more time and presence to create and sustain the feeling.
Why does it keep saying champ?
It’s more of a chimp.
>literally any man that isn't me
wtf I thought Mother was a femanon this whole time
yeah more like pua
Now it has to say chimp a lot because it got so butt blasted by one post,
Is this the state of trolling here? So low level. Can’t this creature manifest some style?
>Attraction is a half baked understanding of assumption. It holds states of emotion to manifest random experiences that generate that emotion. Assumption let's you target specific events with more nuanced states.

Do you have any source or article that explains this difference in more depth?
Anons, can I possibly manifest a cute alien gf?

"Abnormal anxiety about one's health, especially with an unwarranted fear that one has a serious disease."

Fear. Uncertainty. Anxiety.

Any of those words ring a bell with failed manifestations? Why wasn't belief/certainty mentioned there?
"mother" refers to my relationship with a female spirit who i call "my mother." i used to post a lot about her, still do but not as much. maybe i should pick up the pace since she deserves all the praise i can give her.
okay but how do i manifest happiness though?
It's impressive how little you care about looking schizophrenic
Our king trip who manifests and posts advice
Our schizophrenic trip who blogs and does nothing.
Let go of happiness.
>Are you saying that hypochondriacs don't *believe* that something bad is going to happen?
Yes. Is that so hard to fathom? They're not sure.

The problem with you making an argument here is that you think you have an example that can be forced to fit and it doesn't. Your example specifically was:

>There are hypochondriac people who think they'll die every minute and still manage to get a meal whereas they shouldnt if they are convinced they will die."
I'm not sure why you thought this was logical. People who believe they are going to die don't suddenly stop their normal processes because someone thinks there's no reason for it anymore. Have you even worked with dying people?

>How much of a retard are you?
Apparently less of one than you. If you don't have any relevant experience and can't follow the scientific method just say you disagree with me because you don't want it to be true- plenty of normal people do that every day.
>how do i manifest happiness
You know what it feels like, right? Believe you receive it and feel it all the time.
How do I stop making it harder than it needs to be?
i receive anxiety inducing news all the time and feel dread
it's not happiness
Oh >>38239650 says you need to feel happy all the time.
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You simply decide that no boundaries matter, nothing matters after your dedicated time. A quick thumbs up to remind yourself of the fact. That it doesn't matter how desperate or how obsessed you are, because the inner you, the true you, your 12th absolute body - is capable and willing to override everything.

All alone, no one else in the Universe, besides you, let´s hear your excuse not to have your manifestation. (There is none)

Universal Line General
Do not shill your schizo general here.
Universal Line makes more logical sense than Neville Goddard - and provides clear mechanical facts to back up the claims.

Although I admit both seem to work.
>if you are denying yourself your desires.
I think it is the case, it’s either I’m stuck (primary) or lost. Then results in a spiral down, it’s not even productive to get caught up in a silly little scene in the show

I guess my subconscious is just asking me to stop being in the way and let it happen, feels like I’m in a rehab center to detox from my mind

>”Barbados" is your happy place.
Weird part is I’ve done something like this and it has helped, only thing is im not frequently doing so but I should see what happens if I stay loyal

>We are already all of that.
My mom was my messenger the whole time. she even told me an hour ago I get in the way of my own things which isn’t the first or last time I hear that

What’s even weirder she was more agreeing with some things I talked about LoA such as the faith in one is the faith in God. Mind you she’s Catholic but had a bit of a fallout like myself with associating and following Catholicism the last few years

Cheers bro, I’ll do my best to stay loyal to the positive and what I learned. Even when it seems like the worlds against me I can’t give up since I’ve come too far to end it now
Not particularly, you externalize your power in attraction meaning you get what the universe gives. But I have noticed attraction becomes more relevant as you gain skill in assumption.

As I got better I could manifest random desires specifically. But it's like a cheat code in a game and manifestations tend to lose importance. After chasing more you eventually realize you're not looking for the car or the bank account value (sort of like how this post criticized >>38237582) you're actually looking for the feeling behind the desire. You want to feel x and your limited 3d mind finds something it thinks will bring x and you desire it. This is technically dictating the how of a manifestation which is bad, and something to be avoided even in specific manifestation because it limits.
The protip is you go into a desire and find the feeling you want it to generate and manifest the feeling specifically. Letting 4d handle the how. It may be that car, it may come from status at a job or an exciting vacation or whatever but your 4d with infinite information will bring the purest satisfaction of that feeling to you.
It's a mix of attraction and assumption that brings really fast changes to life.
I just got here. I was barely doing shit and I already have an effect on you, kek
No you get all the stuff you want. Life just becomes detached. Eventually you run out of desires and just kind of stagnate in comfort. At that point it's about manifesting solutions to these weird feelings of melancholy without a descernable sources.
>>meanwhile everyone is stuck at the parking spot phase
Lol that's cause they keep listening to lilanon
Petition to have the Neville quote
>"By this law-first conceiving an idea and then impressing the idea conceived on the subconscious-all things evolve out of consciousness.”
put into OP. It's basically the John 3:16 of assumption, and it would help beginners understand the law more.
>That wasn't my example
Then be polite enough to say NTA.

>How do I stop making it harder than it needs to be?
Find a method you like and stick to it. Don't go chasing shiny new techniques expecting them to help you manifest better. Let go of the uncertainties over what you are trying to accomplish.

You are capable.
You can do it.
It's easy.
It's already done.
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Reminder that if you're not AT LEAST a multimilllionaire you have no right to be giving people advice
>"b-but i dont really WANT money..."
Bullshit cope and everyone knows it, theres no reason not to just be able to buy whatever you want at a moments notice

I've magically cured someone's incurable brain tumour, fixed a bunch of health issues, got food and random super obscure trinkets delivered to me for free, I know this shit is real, I just want money, bitches, and superpowers.
>i receive anxiety inducing news all the time and feel dread
>it's not happiness
You would not need to manifest if it was. You are ordering more happiness, it's all yours if you claim it.
bills are stressful
people are stressful
college and jobs are stressful
going out is stressful
i can't just pretend i'm happy there
>i can't just pretend i'm happy there
Manifestation isn't pretending. You change your state from being stressed to being happy.

Right now you are saying you have stressors. Why don't you manifest those stresses away and fill that space with happiness?
Throw away the stress from your mind. Maybe you can't impact the things generating stress themselves, but you can change your mindset towards them. Cut the negative emotional response.
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this, I'm so sick of hearing
>the world is my oyster, the universe is under my complete control, i magically manifested my soulless 9 to 5 wageslave job making me 70k a year instead of 65!!!
I dunno man, I just don't want to buy things. I want be happy and have friends.
A likely story, all you little incels just want to be loved by the only woman who ever showed you kindness that one time.
Romance isn't important enough to warrant something like the Law of Attraction in my books. Self-developpement sure, but just cute feelings? Sounds like a waste.
Something I've noticed with this stuff, when it comes to manifesting a total life change, is that there can be a conflict between different levels of mind. IE if your desire is to completely change your day to day pattern, during the initial phase shift this can result in a lot of familiar patterns being broken, a sense of being thrown into chaos because the new patterns haven't stabilized yet - you leave the job you weren't happy at, you break away from toxic relationships, you give up a bunch of bad habits that were previously filling your time etc. And even though you wanted to get away from those things, there's a part of your mind that fears doing so because it means a loss of stable familiarity. There's another level of mind that sees all of this as very exciting, as clearing the way for something much better - and that's the state of mind you need to inhabit. If you inhabit the lower mind you might get caught in a loop of "this is scary! i'm destroying my life!" thoughts which just result in you crawling back to the unhappy holding patterns you were trying to get away from.

This doesn't really apply if you're manifesting particular things that can be slotted easily into your current reality, ie seeing a particular model of car on the street or getting a call from someone you haven't heard from in a long time.
manifested the free money, manifested the gf. So far so good this year. The trick really is in the detachment
i've manifested many things i've wanted including a butt load of money, but for some reason I haven't been able to manifest a certain scenario with an SP. How come?
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Since I saw this image a few days ago, I cannot stop thinking about fucking Wanda. If I had a fairy godmother, I would be taking that bitch to plaptown daily. Pumping that fairy cunt full of cum from my BHC
manifest a fairy sexdoll lmao
It wasn't me who called you a retard mate.
Anyway I think we are playing with words here. Hypochondriac people really do believe they are going to die when they are in the middle of a panic attack for example. I know it first hand. Call it fear, anxiety, but when you live it you really think you are going to pass out.

Honestly I don't know if belief is required to manifest, my gut tells me it's not needed because many stuff happen to us without believing it would. Good and bad things.
It can help though. Like being relaxed or happy (but those 2 are not absolutely required either).

Let's remain humble and say we don't really know what is required/mandatory to manifest.
>The protip is you go into a desire and find the feeling you want it to generate and manifest the feeling specifically.
I thought it was that feeling we had to seek after, but after reading Neville it seems the feeling we have to feel is the one of "it's done" instead of the feeling generated by the wish fulfilled.

For example if you want to manifest a brand new car with leather seats you don't chase the feeling of the leather smell for instance (it could help though) but the feeling of the wish fulfilled, aka you already have that car.

But I agree it's tough to explain, the difference is subtle,, and tough to apply as well...

Good luck all
>Let's remain humble and say we don't really know what is required/mandatory to manifest
Try it. Try it with belief and try it without.

It's not about being humble or some other social construct, it's about the finding the truth.

>Anyway I think we are playing with words here.
You're going to have to clarify where you are going with this:
>Hypochondriac people really do believe they are going to die when they are in the middle of a panic attack for example. I know it first hand. Call it fear, anxiety, but when you live it you really think you are going to pass out.
How does this translate into why manifestation works or doesn't?

>Honestly I don't know if belief is required to manifest, my gut tells me it's not needed because many stuff happen to us without believing it would. Good and bad things.
Do you believe in the "real" world? Do you believe people get sick? Do you believe in luck? Look around, what do you see there that you don't believe in?
>the feeling we have to feel is the one of "it's done"
Yep, and with faith and experience, you know that it is always Done as soon as you decide it.
You misunderstand. I am not talking about the feeling of the wish fulfilled. The reason you want a car in the first place is to feel something. Instead you manifest that desired feeling the car would bring.

To reword exactly you'd manifest with the feeling of the wish fulfilled, AKA you already have the feeling the car would bring.

Do you get the car? Maybe, maybe not. But you'll get whatever you wanted the car for in the first place. Whether that's freedom, excitement, status, whatever. Your 3d self thinks the car will bring it but your 4d knows exactly what experience would bring it and it could be any other myriad of things.
I need the car to go to my workplace though.
Do you start visualizing only when you fell sleepy or as soon as you laid down in bed?
I always thought that I was supposed to be ''in the zone'' meaning, in the stake akin to sleep in order to program, since that is the state in which one can do the programming.
It comes by flashes if I'm alert, otherwise I need to close my eyes and block the outside for a few seconds.
If I feel sleepy visualization is easier, but it's mostly me being in a mental waiting room until the dream start.
it’s important to ignore your current reality and 3D or better yet be indifferent towards it. you can have anything you desire. you desire it because it’s destined and meant for you! don’t listen to odds or what people need to say. being alone and in my space really really helped me. i committed to the end of my desire thoroughly no matter what was going on around me! even if something messed up happened i never reacted. i remained firm in my belief and affirmation even if i never seen it come to fruition yet. that’s the key here

the mind always behaves according to the assumption of which it starts therefore to experience success we must assume we are successful we must live only on the level of the imagination itself. it must be consciously and deliberately undertaken. it does not matter if the present moment external facts deny the truth of your assumption but you persist in your assumption will harden into fact. SIGNS FOLLOW. THEY DO NOT PRECEDE. To assume a new concept of yourself change your inner talking or word of God. you MUST define the person you wish to be. and than assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled in faith that assumption will find expression through you. the transformation of self requires we mediate on a given frame that implies that your idea is realized. inwardly you MUST affirm it over and over again until we are inwardly effected by application. become possessed with it. nothing can stop them from becoming objective fact only you. all things are generated from your imagination by the word of God. THE great secret of successes is a controlled inner conversation from premises of fulfilled desire. every time we exercice our imagination lovely we are mediating God. use your imagination masterfully as a participant not an onlooker (FIRST PERSON VS THIRD PERSON)
I have a bit of a different take on this.

I don’t think we can just imagine whatever we want, and it happens. I think we can imagine things that have already happened in an alternate timeline.

I think “fiction” authors are constantly using their imagination to time travel.
DONT manifest in a lacking or begging state of mind, the universe don’t understand words, it understands energy and just gives you what you put out energetically!
That’s another thing, you have to (even if you don’t like some things in your current reality) , be grateful for what you already have. Act like it’s everything , and feel as if you are satisfied with everything you have already.
Please be grateful, that’s a major part of successful manifesting!
How did you manifest the gf?
This post isn't for you, stop being a scrub and manifest a car then. It's for ppl that have manifested cars but can't seem to fill that hole regardless of how many vehicles they materialize. Desires have cores that go beyond the objects relationships, and experiences. Being able to target those cores is life-changing. This is how to clear master manifestor ennui.
Anyone got some tips on getting into SATS? Ive had a bit of trouble recently. Nailed it a few times but havent been able to get into it since. Thank you!
Not that anon but I actually did SATS properly the first time (even thought "it is done" and was 100% sure it was going to work) and my SP pushed me away so hard I'm paranoid she somehow knew I was doing SATS for her and is angry.
Explain what happened in your SATS scene?
>Not that anon but I actually did SATS properly the first time (even thought "it is done" and was 100% sure it was going to work) and my SP pushed me away so hard I'm paranoid she somehow knew I was doing SATS for her and is angry.
>Did SATs """correctly"""
>Reacts to the 3D
>Unaware of Bridge of Incidents
>Is now Paranoid.
>assumes X
>X does not come to be
>instead literally the opposite happens
>"oh it's just the Bridge bro"
Based and loapilled.
NTA btw (since retards can't discern between posters).
I imagined having sex with her. I was able to imagine it very vividly including her facial expressions etc
Gaslight him harder about feeling it set and believing being the end all.
This poster is a cuck but I kekked
This poster is a nigger.
>has cancer
>visualizes he's cured
>the opposite happens almost immediately (cancer spreads everywhere)
>"hang in there bro, it's the Bridge"
This is actually pretty based if you can appreciate the irony.
Anyone cure their high blood pressure from this?
Sort of related to this, I was exhausted walking to work this morning, out drinking last night and didn't get enough sleep. Extremely tired to the point where just a 3 mile walk was hard to do.

At some point I just "let go" of the tiredness and suddenly walking was effortless, the world around me changed and it was like I was looking at a screen. I literally just stopped focusing and become physically stronger and no longer tired.
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Why does the reflection have to be such asshoe?
>assumes X
Clearly he fucking didn't. He immediately wavered in his "assumption" the nanosecond the 3d did something that contradicted it. This is not gaslighting. THIS IS LOA.
>X does not come to be
Not YET. (This is assuming he actually did SATs since most don't even know what that is apparently)
>instead literally the opposite happens
>"oh it's just the Bridge bro"
Yes. Unironically.
>>has cancer
>>visualizes he's cured
>>the opposite happens almost immediately (cancer spreads everywhere)
>>"hang in there bro, it's the Bridge"
>This is actually pretty based if you can appreciate the irony.

LOA-tourists, when, get this, living in the end, means STAYING in the end, regardless of what happens, and that, get this, the bridge of incidents, may even take shape in events that (seemingly) directly CONTRADICT your imagination which is part of the WHOLE fucking point.
It is done.
Qrd on hypnosis?
>To manifest important things, not vital ones
You're a lot dumber than you think you are
>Let's remain humble
Aka stop dismantling your idiotic opinions?

NO. If you don't know shit then you stfu, listen and try to understand. There's no need for you to give your shitty opinions. You be humble
>but I actually did SATS properly
No, you didn't. If you truly felt it set you wouldn't be affected by anything happening in the 3D

You still don't get it. The 3D doesn't matter, only your assumptions and beliefs matter. The 3D is just a reflection of your assumptions and beliefs.
>retard learnt nothing even after trolling this sub for ages
>just more idiotic whining
As expected from a useless retard
I have manifested events to occur in material reality and have posted about them in the past (lightning, job).

I am interested if any of you have manifested skills or knowledge without effort.
Lilanon has a good amount of skills
So I wanted to be good at FPS, I manifested gunning people down with really good aim skills. My scene was me at the computer just shooting down a squad solo. Anyways, one day exactly that started happening. But it turned out that my little brother without asking me installed an aimbot onto the computer a paid one. And I took over during his session and just gun ning people down exactly as in the SATS scene. So sort of?
The culling of the male population is coming lets enjoy ourselves as some of you won't be around for long
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ty for your kind words
What is the Rick and Morty method? :-/
I guess nobody can help me, because nobody here is doing it correctly anyhow. Sad!
Ask again
>how do you let go when you truly are desperate? How do you let go when the thing you lack is eating a hole in you day in & day out?
Answer: by repeatedly, intensely, imagining what it would be like if you overcame this
thing, if you were past it. You can't stop feeling something you're constantly focusing on. Focus on something else
I need instant results !
First one sounds cool I don’t want to kill myself , not today at least
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Literally mfw I did it and all this advise about detachment is bullshit not because it's untrue, but poorly worded. Kinda like how I admitted to myself and my friends how the fault of mine with my ex wasn't so much what I did or said but what I emphasized. I should've been less "I have options, don't fuck with me" and more "what you're doing is hurting me. Shape up or don't come back." Ironically the ladder is meaner if you ask me but bitches be wanting a daddy who fucks them, not a brother who fucks them.

Now I have two options and they're both just great. They're not specifically my SP, one bares all her best traits though or at least the way I've constructed her in my head. The other is basically me with a vagina and knows how to press all the right buttons and me hers to just breed nonstop.

And how I did it was I was like fuck it, manifesting is stupid. Really gave up on believing in it. Or at least tried too. There's no such thing as a super Saiyan. Kakerot just got lucky is all. I don't need super Saiyan. Which of course, I'm lying to myself. But after my lottery manifesting didn't work I just had enough and decided I'm going to rely on me as a flesh and blood man. Not religion. Which is what this shit ultimately is.

And you all need to admit that and ask yourself are you guys just Christians who read Ayn Rand, are all you Satanists (like Anton Lavey Satanists) who read The Bible?
>bla bla bla bla
Spare us the blog posting. Get to the point

>And you all need to admit that and ask yourself are you guys just Christians who read Ayn Rand, are all you Satanists (like Anton Lavey Satanists) who read The Bible?
This is just dumb shit that has nothing to do with loa. Not everyone is christian here either
law of assumption is in the basis of understanding hermetic magic, the people of ancient kemet combined certain words with certain gestures to produce magical results. one thing that is often omitted from it is that it worked for them because they knew it was going to work for them, they assumed their success and it happened. from /loa/ we too can work towards greater magical powers, thus focusing on mere material gains is counterproductive and should only be considered as a mere plus. the people of ancient kemet did not care about material gains, even their poorest families ate from pots of pure and radiant gold.
guys they're laughing at us >>38234796
No one is laughing at those shitty fake memes.
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I noticed people start getting obsessed with me or actually caring about me when I stop giving a shit about them. It's an immediate, algorithmic effect in girls I meet. So fucking weird I can spend days thinking in them, suddenly losing the interest and later out of nothing they start to miss me.

Girls whom I don't have a hint of trust or are distant to me. Maybe when I let go my beliefs their 3D mind is reprogrammed to like me. It's like a fucking dream where you think that X person will be behind a door, you go there and that person is waiting for you. The difference is the layer of consciousness in real life. Expecting results hinders the progress because you're in an everlasting state of "loading..." which never ends.

The sad part is... I quickly lose interest in them as the deception hates the environmental result of my half-manifested desire clouding my ability to see tangible results in love. My own attitude and ego are an obstacle because they end up being some dirty whore getting my hopes up or emotional coldness at worst.
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How dense are you fuckers? This isn't rocket science.

Look here retards. SATS is putting yourself in a state of hypnosis through body relaxation. Neville got it from his jew mentor, his Jew mentor that got it from new ager's. The new ager's stole it from yoga. In Yoga, SATS is known as Yoga Nidra. If you need help going into SATS then you've got 2 options.

1. Learn about hypnosis and trance
2. Learn yoga nidra.

Once you've put yourself into a trance state via self hypnosis or body relaxation (yoga nidra) you start visualizing.

Your Visualizations don't have anything to do with Feeling. You literally Imagine everything from a 1st Person POV and you FEEL everything in your imagination as if it were happening in real life.
So you Feel what you Touch, Taste what you put in your mouth, hear things around you, and Smell things around you.
This part has absolutely nothing to do with EMOTIONAL feeling, It's all about TACTILE feeling.

Once your Visualization FEELS REAL and you can BELIEVE it's real, you come out of SATS.

Your Visualization should feel so real that YOU HAVE NO DOUBTS ABOUT IT'S AUTHENTICITY and you can LET IT GO knowing that IT IS DONE. The visualization is so real you literally trick yourself (hypnotize youself) into thinking it's true.

that last part is where most of you retards are having issues. You need to Believe your Visualization was so real, that you can just move on with your life because it literally happened.

Do you idiots understand now?
1st person imaginations + Trance/Relaxed states = SATS Manifestation.

If you still can't do it, then you do your visualizations before going to sleep and after waking up. When you go sleep you brain goes into a trance state, when you wake up you're coming out of a trance state. So both times are optimal for manifestation since all you have to do is the 1st person visualization.

hope that helps
Good luck anon.
Whichever hurts you the most. That's the role of unpleasant emotions, to help us prioritize.

NTA, you can pray to your higher self to change the course. Please be careful, and ask only for small and incremental changes.

I've had better results from getting into SATS, then affirming, seeing, and feeling.
Exactly, what you experience in imagination you experience irl. A carbon copy.
if you want women just install tinder and tell the women to come and fuck, you can even manifest your SP there and tell her to come and fuck. the universe has already given you the tools to fulfill all of your desires, you only need to open your eyes and use them.
based and truth pilled
Man i love Cosmo
manifested you posting this
guess what else is coming down the pipeline sonny
>the cancer spreads everywhere
So you're dying of cancer? Couldn't have happened to a more toxic retard
i have manifested boxing skills, although i'm probably not a mike tyson reborn the act of boxing still flows a lot better for me than i had expected (i have a reflex ball and i can get some consistent strikes at it). sadly these skills are utterly useless for me since the court dishes out prison sentences easily for people who duke it out with the fists.
You're calling people idiots yet you have got SATS entirely wrong. That guys thread is up for a reason, because there's more to SATS, no it isn't just a relaxed state you visualise in. That's very misleading and why people don't get results from SATS usually. Maybe try and understand the arguments and the evidence first before you criticise.
they still got what they desired, what did you get?
>dodging the question
physically impossible
Stop advertising that failed thread. Its dumb. Fuck yoga as well.
Everyone laughs at you so what’s new. You aren’t even doing LoA. You are a blogger with no audience,
It’s pretty spot on for LOA.
no not really
it's not gay if you penetrate
we've established this

you're a bit late to start buying into it now
Neville's mentor was an ethiopian jew, he was basically a pariah among the ashkenazim. it would have been no different from a christian or a muslim mentor.
if u have any tips for health issues id gladly hear more, for myself and someone who is too young to die
Still don't get what you're here for. Do you have a mental illness?
Move on and find someone else
he's a redditor, i've seen the type. they will throw bile at you with such viciousness if you appear even slightly different from their crowd. luckily this isn't reddit so all they can do is try to attack your character because they literally have no arguments against this. it is always better to leave shills alone, but it is somewhat frustrating to see them clog up this thread with absolute zero content replies (soon he will come and tell me that i am blogging, i will continue to ignore him).
clever. hijack the negative thought processes and transform them into positives
>he's a redditor
I think you're right, we're dealing with a mentally ill redditor
Oh, it was just ai slop, no wonder none of that was funny or interesting. It reads exactly like the people who spam in these threads though.
To the dude who wrote about complaining technique thank you. It's crazy how fast it works. Now that loa has been confirmed (by me lel) what's the next step in my life.
>The culling of the male population is coming
Does this mean I can finally be female
This Anon >>38243869 pretty much covers it.

What do you mean by "Nailed it a few times" and you can't do it now?
What do you want to know about it?
>I am interested if any of you have manifested skills or knowledge without effort.
I have, I needed to do something for work that I had no idea how to do and no one on my team did either. I just closed my eyes and affirmed that I AM and that I know this. It was easy for me. A few minutes later after I relaxed and let go it was like I was looking at the problem with new eyes and could suddenly do it intuitively.

Keep in mind this is how you learn anyway, you're just trained to do it by going through the motions.
Practice and let go of assumptions that this takes any time to occur.
I agree with the other posters, that was a lot of bla bla

>Ayn Rand
Alice O'Connor was a hypocrite

>Anton Lavey
Anton was a LOA and he taught it in his book

>The Bible
Jesus was a LOA too

The message is universal- you create your reality.
What's the complaining technique?
Also what did you manifest.

I think most of us will go through a big hedonistic phase for a year or two then find some life purpose idk I haven't broke through yet just small shit

would wishing for my ex girlfriend to come back work? would it work like a faustian deal where she returns and I marry her but she breaks her back and becomes quadruplegic so now I have to take care of her 24/7, or how would that play out? my other wish is for the world to stop the escalations for war and that things are peaceful again but i'm sure there's a lot of people who wish the opposite, how would this work? someone please respond
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boys lets gooooo.
had my first true experience last night. ive manifested things before and still continue but for the first time I was able to make my vision have all the depts of reality. for a second everything was animated and it had a life of its own. I was caught up with in and felt as if I was there for a ride. I can still vividly remember the scene and call it back to memory like it was an actual event that took place. I don't know if any anons remember a post I did back some time but it took me 5 months to first experience manifestation and I have to say its probably 7 months now. Don't give up!
This has gotten me perma banned from Tinder before.

I've since evaded the ban and created a new profile. Have over 400 matches now (which would've been shocking to me years ago), but I'm more cautious about what I message.
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>This has gotten me perma banned from Tinder before.
>no it isn't just a relaxed state you visualise in
he very clearly stated otherwise, can you not read?

His definition is also consistent with many other definitions of SATS
How do you maintain the right amount of focus on a goal? I find that if I ignore the goal completely after putting the thought out, it never comes to fruition. However if I obsesse over it, it doesn't come to fruition either.
Cosmo. Lets split the atom.! YAY
No im not. Normie? or vapid roastie? or just dumb?Having a sense of humor and not being a normie moron doesn make someone a troll or a prankster. Its like those stupid terf woman that call everyone groomer or incel. They dont even know what the words mean. Its super cringe
turkish people aren't intelligent, you got that part wrong
wasn't even talking to you schizo
Manifesting isn't that hard kek
what method

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