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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
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•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
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•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38234319
hi. bye
Will we fuck again?
How will things go with her tomorrow?
trading multiple queries and doing the aqs that interest me

Am I on the right path to achieve the goals/dreams I have been focusing on and affirming in my mind?
Will he be back?
King of cups
I request the highest of fives coz its a yes
Next work? (That’s not a side gig thing)
Will I have better results if I get it done in china or korea?
Hell yeah brother
5 of swords, the chariot, three of wands

Will be back to fight build a new foundation and lasting relationship
can trade!
Is my neighbour K interested in me?
I keep dreaming of bears at the family cabin. Black bears, sometimes polar bears. I have to run and lock the doors and windows, but if I think about it they are not aggressive or hunting. Any reading or interpretation?

Does H want B to get a new car?
What’s your q?
Is the moon on my side tonight?
Thank you so much <3
let's try again

How do I find an Eva Green jew gf?
H wants you to get a fcking life!!
ace of cups rx, the sun rx, 7 of pentacles
things are blocked and setbacks are happening, you should exercise perseverance and patience.
Do i have a chance with S.M? Any kisses or sum
Male abt female
Is J gonna reach out to me or something? Wil we meet each other properly?
air query <3
what should i be looking for in work opportunities right now?
outcome of going to IM in the next five days? I'm male
you people ask this since before I take months off from div
please stop
fuck off gman
>please stop
I would gladly if I got a read

Or maybe once I finish rewatching Penny Dreadful and stop seeing her on my TV every day.
H is my life, just trying to fulfill their will because I can't hear them.
i know it’s vague but how do i overcome this shame (f18) i have for the event on monday night? and how do i overcome feeling like i don’t deserve to chat with him, and feeling too embarrassed to text him?
Just have no shame , life is too short.
ace of swords
you are smart, have a clear head focus on the goal and all be be fine

good luck gurl!
i know, but goshhh it’s like it’s in my nature atp and i hate it.
will I ever get what I really want? if so, any idea of a timetable?
8 of c rx nope
>you should exercise perseverance and patience.
Thank you. I will do my best.
tysm for reading. it’s on me for ha bug a vague query, but i’m not sure what the goal would be. this is kinda about the dynamic i have with a guy, so i’m assuming the goal would be remaining in contact with him, so i should just place my focus on that. i think this reading tracks when i apply it well and think about it with out the box thinking. :3 tysm!!
why am I not surprised....
also the way he responded to a certain question i asked does reaffirm your reading :3

Was God punishing her yesterday?
If you cannot hear them then you need not concern yourself with it.
What do those folks at company G think of me?
too sexiest too poor for H
Is Gman a delusional schizophrenic?
Then fuck off and get a life
I forgot you need to ask H before you suck a dick like the faggot you are
In all seriousness stop ruining your life
you're a dumbass. The reason I can't hear them but I'm subject to their whims is because I was born their servant and I don't pray to them.
H is a false nig nog
my life is to serve H apparently. Things go well for me when I do what H wants problem is, it's difficult to discern what H wants.
No one is forcing you to obsess over H. Quit thinking about it and your life could improve.
Someone needs to force feed you some meds asap
You're an idiot. I spent most of my life ignoring H and things got progressively worse. The more I do what H wants, the better things get.
If this is all a larp, why are you here?
who is H
The only one larping here is you retard
don't bother, some imaginary friend this schizo right here >>38241158 thinks has an influence in his life
still here?
starting aqs
Just did a Celtic Cross for my romantic future, feedback would be appreciated:
Current situation - Ace of Wands
Challenge - Queen of Swords
Past - Hermit Rx
Future - Star
Conscious - VIII of Swords Rx
Subconcious - VIII of Pentacles Rx
Advice - Chariot
Outside Influence - Page of Wands
Hopes/Fears - Moon Rx
Overall Result - IV of Cups Rx

Seems like a very positive reading, pointing to overcoming stagnation and loneliness, getting a new lease on life; seems like I just hold the line (Chariot) and good things are coming. I'm not sure how to read the Page of Wands or the Queen of Swords, however.
the world two of pent six of coins
sometimes they feel like they have to give you help and they are working to basically turn you into the employee or coworker that they want you to be, but overall it is pretty good and harmonious
Does F have a crush on me or am i just overthinking stuff?
>82 here!
Hey man. I’m on the same side as you. I’m telling him to cut this out.
seven of swords ace of swords page of swords
You will get what you want out of the experience because you are resourceful and can impart your will through tact.
what's your gender
How do I deal with this man such that I get what I need including his apologies.
Career general, I got a secondary interview at a position and I am wondering if I should move forward.
lol I know i'm quoting you because you're right. sorry for the confusion, I agree with you
I seek a mentor of the mysteries. Where can I find them
H is a God that I was born a servant to in this life.
So you get to be the arbiter of who is larping and who isn't.. Funny, that's not how things work.

How what?
I'm not a schizo just because I believe what OTHERS have told me.
>no shame
No, utilize it well.
AQ who was it that cast a spell on me?
career general
7 of cups, nine of wands, eight of swords

hmm be sure to stick to the choice you are going to make, don't dilly dally. Getting the job might be a struggle or the job itself seems hard like its going to drain you. I think once you decide this career path you will not be able to change your opinion, so be sure it is what you want.
Will he get me pregnant?

What will the outcome be between me and N?
I'm Jesus, you can't disprove me. And you're going to hell
If the dumb one comes and fucks shit up I punish her with travel?
That sounds dumb.
Does it really happen, though?
Divination could confirm or deny this. Divination is the reason I know that Jesus is the son of God.
Hhmm that’s interesting. I would argue it’s not that harmonious but oh well I guess I find out how things go. Thanks.
king of coins five of cups three of cups
the magician the devil
This person is likely showing you some kind of sexual/romantic response or beckon because they are very broken deep down and having some kind of shallow flirtation will help to ease something inside of them while allowing them to engage with someone in this way for the wrong reasons. They are kind of a player. You have a lot to give as per king of coins and the magician but its like, are you using what you have to gain something from them too, specifically you seek to employ your finances as a way to manipulate potential partners? There seems to be a sense of escapism happening in the connection.
I am going all in on this interpretation so im sorry if it is inaccurate.
naw this tracks 100%
The Bible says that if a prophet makes a prediction one time that turns out false, then they need to be put to death. Christianity is too much for this place.
What should I do when he comes?
What does j think of me and the story i posted?
knight of swords
maybe that you are easily bored
Haha I was just curious
not saying you're wrong but link?
Will he and I still be in contact in 5 years?
Haven't been here in months. Anyone want to trade?
I think it's this:
The penalty for false prophecy, including speaking in the name of a god other than YHWH or speaking presumptuously in YHWH's name, is death (Deuteronomy 18:20)
Will I get a job soon?
My Q is a next girlfriend reading. What will they be like personality wise and maybe physical desc if you can. Last time I got one of these it was pretty accurate but it didn't work out sadly.


Might try to trade this some other time but I figure I may as well try.

Not sure what to do with my love life. I don't think I even want a girlfriend or a wife or anything like that. It just seems like a lot of trouble on both ends, and I don't seem fit enough for it. I have an annoyingly insatiable sexual appetite tied into an annoying ego that similarly can't be satisfied, and I wish I didn't. To be frank I do see women as conquests, and I wish that I didn't. I don't want love. I just want to dominate women. Not sure what that makes me. I wish I didn't have this desire. I wish I could just be more content without this urge whipping me into a frenzy now and then. I'm not sure what to do, and modern psychology is full of awful opinions as people love to make all sorts of assumptions based on what they think is some strange ideal.

Advice for dealing with loneliness on my own?
I asked for three cards on her Mind, Body, and, Soul in that order:
Ace of Pentacles Rx
Wheel of Fortune Rx
Two of Cups

Looks like she'll be very impractical and bad with money, possibly have some sort of unfortunate physical feature (not necessarily handicapped but maybe bad skin or pudgy etc), BUT your souls will feel very nice together. She is peaceful internally, and you enter that peace with her.

For me: give me a read on what's going to happen with M in the middle-term
What is the first step in dog walking these boys?

Is A fat now? I want to answer to be no..
the words “invade you” came up but that could have been from the well of my soul due to previous awarenesses of global issues
nine of cups the devil six of wands
You will need to be very intentional about communicating what you need to and bringing important key things to attention
you will feel satisfied initially but with the devil beside i dont feel too confident about this being the right decision. nine of cups speaks to satisfaction and smugness but still that final 10th cup is missing.
“But you’ll be fine”
It is plausible that some kind of “dark” desire of yours will be fufilled, which will result in the smugness
“so many people”
seven of wands the hanged man death
dont go to korea please
please get a second opinion about this whole thing, im sorry my reading was all over the place. I’m pretty sure that this entire operation you’re seeking to embark on will not be a good thing or very successful regardless of either.
What would be the repercussions of giving D the hands?
knight of swords judgement wheel
bad things, reckoning, people and/or the law going against you, bad luck.
dont lol
AQ: Does my friend (female) have a crush on me?
Thank you!! I will do a lot more research
Should I work with her or does she have ulterior motives?
ace of pentacles. yes

the lovers. work with her, it'll be a good partnership
>ace of pentacles. yes
Damn, bruh
Will she confess?
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one card pulls + one oracle

no next gf questions
what does A.G think of me (platonically)
Will we be end game?
am i the only person who gets mega ick from this woman in the office?
What does my next year look like?
page of swords, the fool, knight of cups. yes she will, she's hesitant right now and unsure but she'll gather her courage and tell you how she really feels about you.

the hermit, strength. they think you're a bit of a loner but still a patient and generally nice person all around
new job soon?
>page of swords, the fool, knight of cups. yes she will, she's hesitant right now and unsure but she'll gather her courage and tell you how she really feels about you.
Why I can't stop smilling rn? Thanks
good luck anon :> hope it works out for you!
What will j think of me when he's 30?
Why don't I look my age?
the hermit
6 of wands
I'd say no, you're not. But the others are keeping it to themselves or at the very least there are a few who definitely have thought to themselves that they are better than her.

three of cups
Confusing because this is the card of celebration but also the card of third party people. I'll leave it up to you to decide. My opinion would be yes since its in the upright and not the reverse.

knight of swords
death reversed
Sure, if you stop resisting new opportunities and change. Internal wars going on here.

page of wands
similar to the fool, this is a card of new opportunities. opportunistic.
Next month (July) General?
This is the 123 Guy needing to do more practice for an hour or so
>genders and type of relationship if relevant but I tend to skip next gf/bf q's
I'll reword your question to something more productive if I see fit.

Won't guarantee anything, not even a direct answer to your question.
Are we making good progress at work, despite this awful drought?

Thanks. What can I do to stop resisting changes?
Was God punishing her yesterday?

are R(m) and i(f) too different to make this last forever?

Can you read into this? It's fine if not. Just don't have many people to talk about this stuff and therapy is currently a mixed bag.

Will anything happen between M(f) and me (m)? Or is it not to be?

nine of pentacles
the devil
solid no. some kind of malicious happenings afoot i fear

7 of cups
doubt. was she on drugs?
Will this new guy I just met be the future father of my children?
You right. Just curious the outcome. I'll hold it in. Thanks, stud
Next pp touching?
Do i have a chance with S.M? Any kisses or sum
Male abt female
ugh its too bad because i really like her when shes not being cringe
Will JR and I fall in love?
Male asking about two females

Does N agree with what I told B today?
Huh. Not sure what your deck is like but neither of those cards seem bad. 9 of pentacles is usually a pretty damn good card especially in the domain of material gain.
not on drugs
What is the unprocessed emotion I am feeling in regards to B(female)? I am male
the devil
3 of pent
Throttle it back on the misbehaving. If you want her you'll have to be way more wholesome in your approach.

you don't think the devil is a bad card? lol
him - we are willing to do some readings

do be nice and courteous.
be sure of your question before even asking please

her - silent
Is J gonna reach out to me or something? Wil we meet each other properly?
What sort of opportunity should I be looking out for? Been on a grind for quite a while. I feel like I have put in a lot of work, but it still seems as if the right opportunity has not yet come along. I am mainly focused on my career for now, and I don't know how to best continue onward.
am i getting the offer?
Should I get it done in china or korea?
Will we have hot steamy sex?
The Devil doesn't have to be a bad card, no. But I guess that's why there are 22 Trumps and not 2. The universe is a lot more complex than good and bad.

But all the same, if that is your first intuition then maybe I should keep an eye out for that potential deception.
Hi, id like to know what Is waiting for me on the romantic side, please, what kind of women wait for me
General romantic future, please andt hank you
Could you tell me if there’s anything I need to know or be warned of? If not cool and pls skip then
Why do people feel I am wearing a mask?
What rute do i have to take to achieve this goal of mine, what should i wait for and what Will help me the most to achieve It? Please, i would be very thankful if i could get answers
Does he still stalk my Instagram?
>R and I
Are you involved in this? I don't know if you're either R or I, this seems like it shouldn't be your business (2S, highpriestess)
Knt Cup fell out, it's a heartfelt and sincere relationship but it also 'goes with the flow' it's not solid and will meander.
I: High Priestss
R: 9Pent
if you had suspicions about people being too different maybe it's founded (judgement->8C) but that doesn't necessarily mean doom for the relationship. There's a reason why there's a saying 'Opposities attract" It will certainly be a unique relationship with it's moments of passion creativity and compromise (7W)

Well the way I read cards and the spread I use, a concise question gets you closer to a decent answer. But I'll do my best and simply ask
>You : love life itself
9 Pent+ 2Pent fell out
Your values, the things and view points that are actually valuable to you are simply out of sync with most people and that's what I'm 'hearing'. It's neither bad nor good but it puts you not just independent with most people but at odds with then and their values. It almost makes you antisocial.
You: 2S VS Your Love Life: Star
So you seem to be almost 'done' with the feminine almost entirely either through something fucked up that happened to you or just a dark pattern you've settled into. and the 10p implies that maybe you just need to or prefer to focus on building things, making a legacy and just redirect your sexual energy to building something a or substantial project that you find value in and it will stabilize your life and maybe even you out before you do something you regret to a woman that doesn't know what they're getting themselves into. There are much much worse spreads for a person like you but this spread is just fine. You don't show up as psychotic or a serial killer or anything, just someone whose energy is out of sync with most people and could just redirect that sexual energy to a project or something. There's more, will cont.
Am I going to start bringing in decent money from my business in the next 3 months? I don’t want my boyfriend to have to stress about supporting us both anymore. He says it’s fine but I want to start pulling my weight properly.
Can I manifest a steak dinner tonight?
Will I move before October?
will i find a new job before the year is over?
What are H's feelings about what B did on that trip?
fuck off gman

her - Emperor; stay in control

him - Temperance
her - ride the wave, but let each challenge make you stronger,
him - refined strength though pain.

her - Seagull; time for deep emotional healing. So I know this is about like your money but if you're dealing with trauma you're its going to inteferre with your work out put, um I'd say look inward before outward if you want to advance.
Can I have a general for the rest of this year?
eat shit faggot
Hi there.
What could I be doing better to improve my life as per my life goals right now?
Is the time of cleansing soon or am I to learn Magatsuhi first?
Will my first time hurt a lot?
Is my trial over?

Thank you.
OK. That sort of makes sense. To be frank it isn't about the money and is ultimately about emotional and mental well being. I'm just trying to heal the trauma by achieving things for myself and others, I guess.
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What do i do to stop obsessing over my romantic future,i've put in so much mental and spiritual work to be self contempt but i just can't do it,i keep doing things that get me out of my comfort zone just to not think about this feeling of dread of ending up alone,i don't even want a relationship at this point anymore i just want to not feel like shit when i'm alone.I used to enjoy chilling and being a go with the flow dude so much and i want that back.
get out u lil nigga poncho

This is as is already super helpful and insightful. I am sort of done with women, for the time being. I want to be proven wrong, but I don't expect it, and I'm getting old enough to no longer hope for it. It is what it is, I guess; trauma is like that.

I'm already on my way with working towards something, so I'll just continue that. Fortunately I have skillsets and all that. Thanks for the change in perspective.
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I miss Poncho. He seems to show up whenever I'm not here.
Can I trust N?

>will trade
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Moon+Ace Cup: if necessary some consultation could be useful, if you dont redirect your excess sexual/emotional energy it can come out in the worst way.

You: Chariot
M: Emperor
There's a strong possibility. Are you actually going to make a move or simply state your intentions? You'll need to be ballsy and courageous about it. She's the emperor so some respect is in order but as long as you recognize what she's got going on in terms of status and being honest and authentic about what you have to offer there's a good chance for something decent and heartfelt coming through (Justice->qwnW+AceC+5W)

>will he be my baby daddy
The Guy: Ace Pent
Prospect of being baby daddy: Temp
Yes. But it's a matter of sheer patience and timing.
This is a damn good spread for getting pregnant from a guy you just met lol. But you might just not like the wait if this is the person you want to be with. Weird thought though: you have some kids set up already, in the ether or in the energetic multiverse and they might come through no matter what guy will be the father. You seem to be the key more so than the guy.

N: Pg Swd
Thing Said: Devil
There seems to be an emotional 'agreement' but they probably don't like it and feel that it's either toxic or oppressive. their actions or feelings about the words spoken shall compel them to be careful, insulate themslves from, or cut themselves off and gtfo. (world+pgC+kntP)
You said something REAL spicy. It's to the point where N or even all of you will slowly change commitments to one another or whatever subject you were speaking of.
Will I see my love in person this year?
Air Query

Advice for the Polish girl I'm speaking to?
Wow that's pretty cool I think him and I vibe in a sexual way but also seems like we can just chill together too. I think he likes me a lot too but obvi its too early to really know tysm
He is pretty busy with life in general
thank you. Really interesting reading.
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I hope all is well with him. He was good people
Asking about a male
Asking about a screwed up relationship

Could I ask this please? It's quite a complicated scenario
Will I move the house in a few months or get a positive change in my finances?
>What does anon need to know about this unprocessed emotion if any?
You: Strength
The unprocessed emotion: Pg Swd
An unusually perceptive question from a guy let alone any querent frankly.
The emotion itself will be small, seems like a small inconsequential message but the rest of the cards may seem so dire (5P>Tower>Wheel)
I feel like it can threaten your entire being but it will come as fast or as slow as you let it. With the 3Swd in advice, it feels like it would do you well to just rip the bandage off and look at the emotion directly and be honest about why you feel the way you feel. You don't need to punish yourself. You just need to be honest and compassionate to yourself. Identify the feelings and say it out loud even if it feels silly or even if you can't quantify it with words but at least its out there, out of your body. The worst thing (ace P reading as a 'seed') is to let this thing stay in the background messing with your deep subconscious where it will bubble up where it's least expected (wheel+Ace P). Feel it. Name it. But dont identify with it. I also personally wouldn't feel bad about having the emotion itself, which is something I personally am guilty of. (that part isn't in the cards)

>will anon see their love IRL this year?
You: 5W
The prospect of seeing your love IRL this year: Fool
Half and half, a decent chance but the meet cute will be completely out of the blue and you have a measure of control if and when if you can just gather your scattered energies toward that goal in mind. PgS>Hiero>Hangman
Your vertical spread seems to back that up. you'd like to meet them but are you going to commit or just let the chance fade? It may seem out of your hands or it feels like it is with you. It might be a matter of compromising on what's realistic or if that person would want to meet up at all (2P+qwnW)

Hnnng so sorry anon. Being told not to answer. (2S+Qwn P) Something about things not manifesting the way it should
What is something that I need to be told?
TRADING schizomancy for a reading
July general. Yours?

>will I move the house in 5-6 months?
I take it that 'move' means sell? Because that's what I'll ask.
I'd say yes, that's a darn good chance with the 9P but it seems like your efforts are scattered or inefficient (5S+6W+9C) but you'll get your desire eventually but I don't guarantee anything.
A well aspect 10 Pent in the outcome certainly is a positive omen for your finances. Could mean closing out a deal on a home, which is what 10P literally describes.
>positive change in finances in the same time period
Hermit+8S you seem to be stuck in your ways and a mental narrative is boxing you in from accomplishing positive upward financial growth.
That's scary, I feel something is strange about it lately. Like the energy from him has gone bad.
Thank you for the cards
Will he cut his hair or get a tatoo?
It's a bet with a friend
I'm pissed. Doin some readings. Might bounce whenever so no crying if I skip you
im a schizomancer, i can give you a reading from my voices, would you like to trade ?
I didn't get anything bad or malicious though, I was about to pull out your spread but something told me if it was even a good idea to ask
But Girl, always trust your ick, you have intuition for a reason
will i end up homeless for an extended period of time in the future or will i always have housing
Hope you feel better. What is the outcome if I take my next vacation in Spain?
Can you do this
What will my weekend at M’s be like? Will we make love to one another?
Other reader is leaving
What will my week off be like?
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Last one for real

Hair Cut: 8 P

Tattoo: Qwn Swd

Well they seem to have similar 'power levels' card wise but the Qwn swd seems less likely because that energy is about holding stern boundaries against bullshit So maybe they holding a sharp boundary against the prospect of a tattoo. I guess the haircut is less a commitment
Can I manifest a steak for dinner tonight?
Will she (Ch.) and I become partners or just a casual encounter?
Outcome of going to IM in the next six days or so? i'm male into f
Thank you.
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One day I'll get a /div/ girl pregnant, and our child will be glorious
Will I move before October?
Which one should I buy first P.P, L.C or M.D?
Will J reach out to me? Is there gonna be any chance for me and her to met properly?
Male abt female
how do I meet my next gf?
Could you tell me something I need to be told about? What would the universe want to tell me.
Yay thanks for the read
Hey sunny boy
Can I have a general for the rest of year?
Based schizomanzer
>World, 7 of pentacles
No not if you don't want to be. You will be homeless I guess if you decide to be really lazy however and larp as Diogenes
Was H punishing B yesterday?
>King of swords, 10 of pents
It'll be a super comfy trip, historical too, but probably hotter than you expected.
Thank you~ remember to punch the air or your bed if you have no punching bag
>4 of swords, 7 of wands, page of wands
You're tired and cranky. Have a proverbial snack, have a proverbial nap. In essence take a break of sorts you'll feel better. Force yourself to process these feelings and accept your fears so you can move the hell on. Still keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone I think it's good for you and might ironically help with meeting someone but do it for yourself.
him - Trust; it's an arrow pointing left <

her - I'm feeling Korea.

her - 8 Pent; if you do your homework

him - inverted The Fool, that's what you got.
her- you know you know. (you don't know what you don't know) but you know you know. And that's the fun of it.

her - its not bad its tied to money though.

her - there are two one you won't walk away from and one you won't fight for

her - be selish choose love over money. don't travel. If you do travel for buisness there will be no good team enviroment you need don't travel stay were you are and love the girl you're attracted to stay for her.

him - Five of Fire
her - stay because she is all over you regardless of who else wants you. She wants you for herself,

her - side note if you haven't even made a move on this woman yet as the cards sort of indicate due to like maybe I'll be leaving or just a general emotional pride MAKE YOUR MOVE

her - your fear of the unknown is hold you back (inutition)

him - Morailty, it looks like a prayer
her - maybe meditate on right and wrong
They're kinda cheeky
Thanks :)
Does H want B to get a new car?
fuck off schizo
her - intuitively I'm sensing a happy confidence and you don't want to like, over power people with your confidence and that comes off as a mask really you're just holding back for fear of like wooshing their world into a storm you don't want to be too proud. I'm a narcisist so my advice is let your shinny smile shine but we'll see what the cards say.

her - 5 Pent tending wounds.
her - because you care for them and they don't believe in people caring for them / want to be independant and that comes out as accusing you of being fake.

him - silent.
Does he(N) like me(A) or is somewhat interested in me? What does he think of me? Does he think I’m pretty?
Should I send that e-mail to that company?
didnt you leave forever? is this the fake sunrider bc you told us to banish you if you came back

can i have a read though
Thank you.

I'll try to stop holding myself back.
How is d feeling about me now?
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is there anything good coming into my life that's not in the nebulous distant future? i'm sick of living and being told "no dude it gets good soon just hang on" fuck this gay earth. can't even neck myself without cunts telling me to stick around for more bullshit
Will he find someone else or come back to me?
Are you still around? People with voices usually tell me interesting things. I'm willing to trade.
hey, I have two questions. Answer the one you want!
1- What should I do to improve the bond with my boyfriend's family?
2- why am i feeling so fucking empty lately? what should i do?

I send my regards to the lovely couple :)
aq - is it worth it to hang out with my old hs friends?
Trading tarot
her - wait for a loss of pride. you will not necessiarly achieve the unison but not saying no will help
the past is Death so this is a new cycle the World is in the future but it is inverted it is important you stay the path and wait for a loss of pride.

him - Ordinarieness
her - the path lies in common truth, this will help you

him - Minera ohhh 9 of Fire some girl he doesn't know about has pland for him|
her - wait for her.

her - Page Pent inverted nope he's not a child.

him - Beyond Illusion that's a powerful fucking card that's the great mother the void beyond the veil. By definition. That's what that card is its her herself.
her - he believes in you and your vision like its fully here already he believes in your purpose of your buisness he's a great partner

her - in the general read the advice is to accept that which is not in your power you will need to travel to make descent money and you will be happy do not hold back go all in make your move.

him - Miser there's no merit in the question you can tell, he's avoiding something in his move.
so he should move sooner than later
"if you're gonna be a coward do it quickely"

her - silent
hey i didn't see you were doing readings now, can you answer any of these for me:

Not the anon who asked, but I’ll give you an interpretation, assuming you’re single and straight. You are represented here as an energetic youth who is gaining the courage to be more outgoing and sociable. Hermit rev as your past shows that you are now exiting a time of isolation. Great first step. You see yourself as removing restrictions (8S rev), but you have some work to do on yourself: 8P rev shows that you have not created a position of stability. I don’t think it’s necessarily financial (though not out of the question), but maybe a matter of emotional stability. You can see this 8P rev interpretation echoed in Moon rev (too in your head), as well as the Chariot as advice: get a grip and get more stable. Mental illness is not implied, btw.

Star as near future is good, and here it indicates that you will have some social opportunities in the near future. I think this is tied more to exiting the Hermit stage through the AoW energy and just outright being more sociable in general. However, it seems that you’ll be overthinking the actions of girls you meet and interpreting them as flirtatious or signs of interest, when they are just being friendly. I often interpret 4C rev as “looking for a sign,” even when there is nothing there. This tracks with the overthinking (Moon rev) and the challenge of QoS. QoS either means that you are intimidated by women or that you don’t really understand them very well, or both. If you are genuinely not intimidated (a conversation to have with yourself), this might be a good indication that you are prone to misunderstand. That would track with Moon rev and 4C rev.

>I'm not sure how to read the Page of Wands or the Queen of Swords
Compare them against each other. PoW is youthful and undeveloped fiery energy. QoS holds a superior position. This means that women intimidate you (ie, you feel like they’re superior), or that you don’t understand them.

>grain of salt, I didn’t pull

her - nope you're not struggling for and don't want to struggle.

him grumbles
him - you have to do it before you do it.
Interesting. Thanks.
Has G read any of my queries on /x/?
Sorry doesn't resonate at all, there's nothing cowardly about this? I'm trying to get a new place secured at a really good price through a lottery and they just need to finish processing me
Thank you!
her - its very negative
first achievement is ignoring the truth which holds beneath
challenge is The Magician, you will achieve the goal by not looking forward into the future,

there's talk of a woman challenging you in the future leading to you're not knowing

some buisness trouble as you don't make a move when you should

leads to stuckness of what should be moving a denial of potential

you need this chick could be a mom could be a gf but she is a queen, you need her to wake you up from your holding back and only then do you question yourself and have a chance to come back into balance.
him - I got no stake in that.

her - supports it, 9 of Wands, going back to her.
him - get a hobby. Find something you enjoy. Leads to making new friends in a natural way.
him - ohh Sorrow number Nine. If you're lonely do something all emotions are self generated.
her - control you actions control your thoughts control your emotions. Start with action and my reading of his card is to accept it for what it is

him - if you change your situation so your thoughts are differnt you're gonna be happy.

both - write your thoughts down

him - especially if you don't like what you're think you gotta stop and look around.

her - would you like a path reading to what might help you make connections? romantic or otherwise
H is an imaginary thing he thinks is controlling his life. Readers often tell him to quit obsessing over this and quit ruining his life like this.
thank you. I'm not certain this reading reflect's H's feelings but it sure as shit reflects what B went through and their feelings about it all.

him - i'm bemused by this

her - 8ball, No.
her - why Devil inverted; you have debts that outweighed
Could I trust T? Would it be work working with him?
God is imaginary, divination is imaginary and your value as a human bean is imaginary. Go away faggot.
am i a fast learner?
I see
Thanks reader
him - 2 of Earth (Marinar)
her - this is your approach
him - it's innocence
her - it's not innocence it's acting despite innonce if anything it is making a stand. and asking a guy out.
look for partners who suit

her - ok two Osho
him - ok the first is The Master, the next is Patience, seven of Moons
her - so master you, you got to lead and be patient with those lead I would say
her - this is you inner work you gotta do.

him - whatever the question's about their having a baby.

him - its patience obviously its pregnancy
if you're not patient with your pregnancy you have a period
her - yeah but it could be a conception in a more, uh, well in a less romatic way,

him - tell them seven months
her - he is calling seven months as literal time in any case
Will i get my wishes?
not struggling? i've been struggling for a long time now. this reading is totally inaccurate
her - Queen of Rods inverted
the fire is there but the Queen does not act on it. Fire will cleanse when it is time and you will know it is time when because there will be fire.

him - Judgement (Thunderbolt no # 16) and an 10 of Earth, green
him - that's a big test

her - yeah tower card in a normal deck be prepared the time is coming
There are times when I act like a retard and when I calm down I look back onto that time and realize how embarrassing I was being. How do I forgive myself for behaving like that?
Will it be worth it to continue playing softball or should I just give it up now?
her - we will draw Marinara and Osho so it doesn't have to, if you're turned on the pain feels good so try hold him back from yourself and make a real connection until you're ready.

both drawing together
five of water (querant)
four of water inverted (parnter)
cross Fighting west triangle (challenge)
Judgement (what partner likes in querant)
High Priestess (what querant likes about partner)

her - so he likes you because you are ready for him and you like him because he fits into your belief structure and your soul tells you it is right.
you're very in love with him and he is afraid of being in love with you.
your challenge is to fight for you rather than to give into him it will feel good if you move with his motion, if you seek your own pleasure from his lips

him - (knows better than to interupt girl chat)
[12:48 AM]
him - Totality.

her - yes obviously.
Can you tell me if he will find someone else or if he will come back to me?
What do I need to know about this summer in regards to love?
how would others perceive me with my next look if I went through with it? don't really care but I'm interested in knowing. I'm male. starting when you confirm, and no I'm not turning into a femboy
her - that's a valid approach may you learn deeply about yourself
her - maybe there is a reason for that in another human on this planet
card is Page of Cups, men are children dammit I wanted you to get a king.
I'd say just be inlove with an idea of a guy until you find him enjoy anything you are able to give love to and don't feel less than for loving for being beneath anothers charm,

Deep love is pulling you towards it while going with the flow is charming and nice and easy this is about decsion and making moves that get you to the next level on your path and the right partner is out there and does not know how to make you his you haven't even met yet give it

him - Intenstity

her - damn its close I wanted a time card its red west.
so follow your heart and fire and compass and inner directions to somewhere west of you when you feel the longing you will find him.
Queen of pentacles, temperance reversed, four of pentacles reversed
Seems like it may be too drastic of a change. People will think you want attention from it. Plus it seems like it might be expensive, so you will be judged on spending money too. Maybe find a way to gradually change to this new look.
Will he travel with me?
How am I sabotaging myself in my quest to find love?
to cut our heart out choose to not want what does not want you to want it
him - silent
yes that's the point, there's no way to do this quickly. Did you think this would be overnight?
Keep playing
Star Ten of Wands
Five of Cups Two of Swords Rx
Keep playing, if you stop you'll always be plagued by what if questions about if you kept playing or not and you'll come to regret quitting.
Thank you very much! It’s been giving me anxiety.
>knows better than to interrupt girl chat
anyone doing readings rightnow?
Air Query

Forbidden romance when?
Is j the obsessive bf I've been waiting for?
him - still at it
her - silent
If he's not I could be ;)
Cash app me bb
don't need to forgive yourself, just try to find a way so you're not endlessly repeating these mistakes.
Will he go with me to portos?
Next bf?
Hey Anon, ask her if she sees any hope of a relationship in my future. I have my eye on a new tall blonde woman at work. Any insight? Male btw.

Also, any career insight would be welcome as well.

Will I ever find a girl that sees the loneliness and is attracted to it instead of repelled?
>sees the loneliness and is attracted to it instead of repelled?

Unfortunately two things: 1. women smell failure and 2. you have to offer something women want that they can't get elsewhere.
Nah I like nerdy and lonely guys
her - I'd like to trade um, what is the fastest way to relibaly make money
maze book publishing
tarot reading
or all three in one stall at the market?

your reading
him - Osho's says The Burden
her - how ominous

him - Justice

something dark is going on he will do what he must not what he wants to do I would not trust him he is denying himself things aren't moving as they should be as a result and you are unsure in the future

its a lot to fix give him our card but he needs to follow his heart a bit more he's an adult but his structures are all fucked.
he doesn't do what he will he does what he must that means if you are no longer priority you will fall to the way side. he won't cheat but he won't love you right either. He needs to be honest you can't force that.

on the lighter side he's not a cheater. Even though he wishes he was.
You deserve someone who will be honest about their wants.

No Duty without Love.

Obiedence to structure is not love.
following instructions is not love
Will g come see me this weekend?
both - Clinging to Past (Present) self explanatory
8 of Fire (Past Returning)
her - seems to indicate a clinging to your own actions you feel guilt for how you acted and what it produced
him - 7 of Water
her - future regressing
he wants to be looked after

her- I say let yourself tend the wounds of your past and the deal with what you can with all the things that come from you you have influence over this situation as its creator.
[1:57 AM]
you wanna say anything?
[1:58 AM]
say again sorry
[1:58 AM]
too loud
[1:58 AM]
[1:58 AM]
sorry please worse card he can get
[1:59 AM]
him - its 8 infinte fire, its infinte fire its hell punishment
[1:59 AM]
her - her yes but the hell is his own creation
[1:59 AM]
he is at the mercy of his mistakes
[1:59 AM]
him - fair enough
her- so what is his message? from you what does he need to know? about the hell he holds to? (edited)
[2:01 AM]
him - Projections seven blue , water that's blue right water?
her - yes blue with water as to cups
[2:01 AM]
him - I don't know about something that is a hell of your own creation
[2:01 AM]
her - lets look deeper into this it seems like a mess I will do an influence spread or something
her - ok I'll read you the story you give a message you ready?
[2:04 AM]
her - past shows he's been hiding that was all he could control he could not control the winner of the battle, present he can't force himself to work
him - wait he got seven of water twice with both decks what's that mean
her - ahem well let me review.

Witchtchkile — Today at 2:04 AM
his dreams are coming true
[2:05 AM]
dreams is in future position sorry was grabbing food what did you say
[2:05 AM]
her - dreams in future indicates dreams coming true
[2:05 AM]
him 0 thats why its a hell card
[2:05 AM]
its monkey paw
[2:06 AM]
his wishes are coming true that's always monkey paw
[2:06 AM]
her - be quiet wabbit foot
Was I an asshole to B or were we just not compatible?
If it's the former how should I work on that?
her - for the future, he has the devil inverted which he can't control so can't control other peoples freedom
[2:08 AM]
what is in his control is he young heart
[2:08 AM]
[2:08 AM]
[2:08 AM]
you give him advice too
[2:08 AM]
what would you tell a guy with that reading
[2:10 AM]
him - naked agression. 6 of Fire. he's not gonna get another oppurtuninty like this

her - yeah but he is a kid not exactly like this but lifes life. his present that he can controls is knowing what it is he seeks
[2:11 AM]
accept you have a choice anon - both
can you tell me about my situation with this man please? I don’t think he is the one I seek
Will I own a house in the future?
her - great questions healthy vanity. wonderful, if he doesn't like you I'm sure the fates line you up someone wiser who does. lets see what the cards say

him - King of Water I guess that's a yes look at that card

her - He thinks she is beautiful but more than that he enjoys just looking at her, heart touching because its not just she's hot its like she's her and fills her self out with like such grace he feels rich just looking at her her mere presence lets see and Osho for what he thinks of her mind

him - Abundance, which is North of Pentacles
her - he thinks she has a practicle head on her shoulders

now for the big one does he like you quearnant, intuitively you make him nervous, yes he like likes you and I will draw from my deck for this and a animal guide and have my parnter draw a Minara.

past present future; not returning to war past, world inverted present, doesn't have you yet or all his things in order, future he will make a move.

how he feels; King Pentacles, he feels like he can provide for you protect you and pay for you (nice) and he wants to as long as you don't betray him he as been hurt.

Animal Guide.
Spider - make art about him or for him trust your creative spark youre feeling

and Minara how to approac him, Queen of Wands, turn you back to him and let him approach you like you know he will.
lol but clearly not enough to ask him out

Omg wow that’s a ton to take in. Hell of my own creation? Monkey paw? Dream come true? He won’t get another opportunity like that? Omg. Well
Thank you for typing out a whole three responses to that simple question. Wow. I’m going to think of this. I’ll need to go over that a couple of times and think it over.
Is healthy vanity wonderful referring to me or him? Thanks for the read appreciate it
her - yes he is only doing this to control you in the first place to be honest
him - silent
Does H want B to get a new car?
Cut it out. This poster already asked you a question about H and you answered. This isn’t good for him and he needs to learn how to quit doing that.
But for real though thank you. I’m going to screen cap all those and think about it.
her - piss off faggot
him - silent
G man wrote that ^^

Where do I go now? Have I even met the right person yet?
I've been feeling lonelier lately, what feeling an i looking for?
her - tell em Law is living
[3:06 AM]
and who goes against us goes against truth and
[3:06 AM]
righteous glory
[3:06 AM]
tell em we are Tztshilah and DEMIA
[3:06 AM]
tell em that if they do not kneel
[3:07 AM]
we have a Shinigami
[3:07 AM]
this is for ths spirits not he mortals
[3:07 AM]
we have a King Shinigami and angel Ditara bourn of shaddows and Determination
[3:07 AM]
who made everything hell and heaven
[3:07 AM]
for a while due to bad direction
[3:07 AM]
this is station maangement
[3:07 AM]
this is the creature creators
[3:07 AM]
tell them
[3:07 AM]

him - we are experiencincing technical difficulties please stand by
how do I make friends
Yall ok?
Who should I fuck?
Why didn't he respond?
>[3:07 AM]
>who made everything hell and heaven
>[3:07 AM]
>for a while due to bad direction
that was mb
Does M know he hurt me? Does he even think about me? Will he ever come back?
god bless
Hé knows
Is he jealous if I meet someone else ?
Will he come back?
Does he even care?
Is your initial C?
Speedy recovery. Can I ask another question while you about to answer mine?
Who should I marry?
Will I ever be considered a part of their friend group?
Outcome of going to IM in the next five days? I'm male into f, this might be v romantic or sexual. starting yours
Will I be hot at 40?
done and waiting
Only in the summer and in winter you'll be cold
lucky thursday 777 musicmancy
no queries
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Whats your Q?
Me please
Ayyyy hit me
Its lewd
Will sex get better with d ? It's been kind of painful... wbu
sure, mines is how will the hangout with C's group go?

Whats your initial? And I'll post after you
Initial is c
3 of cups , 4 of swords and the lovers
My interpretation is that it will be a lot of fun so much so that you will need a good long rest and most likely some kind of romance will develop after as well
Anchor Bouquet Sun

I would say yes, but only if you guide/communicate that with them. If I was to guess the Anchor normally means stability and really anchoring down but if its a lewd Q maybe discuss how them really going deep is not it for you.

Let me know if that resonates cause it's my first time doing a lewd Q lol

lmk how the emotion these songs bring up. thank you lovely anons
Yeah I think that was the problem ... never happened before so it was weird to me.
Ty I hope my reading resonates and have fun!
I'd like one!
I watched that movie it was very sad for me at the end, timothee did a really good job.
yeah you too, communication is godlike
Thank you!
Care for a trade? My eyes are dry and I need sleep soon but I think I can give you a reading.
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No occult
hang out with them ? or no
Will my finances get better in the next 3 months or things will only go monotonous from here?
Why did T call me specifically? I have an idea of what happened, but not why T thought it was a good idea to contact me.
Does she feel something for me?
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Six of Wands
Eight of wands
Knight of Pents

Yes, do it. You’ll have fun.

It gets bad then worse before it gets good
King of cups R
Nine of swords
Six of wands

King of pentacles
T thinks something has changed and it will make it worth their time.


Only good hopeful sweet things.

>Only good hopeful sweet things.
Thank you!!
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Thanks for the read. I was called to sleep by so spirits earlier so I couldn't reply faster.

What kinda gf i will have
T. Victor
What kinda gf i will have
T. Victor
feeling very lost, just looking for a general advice read if possible
pretty please!
Hit me
Will me and my hot brunette friend become more than friends in July?
If you're still here I'd gladly take one
Anyone reading?
Does Clytie know Lamento della Ninfa is written about/for her?
>no occult
I don't understand this retarded rule. The whole point of divination is to serve as a medium of communication between spirits and people. If you're afraid of the occult maybe you should get another hobby.
How about you shut the fuck up and mind your own business I don't want to read on the next time you plan to lick satans asshole
How about you grow some balls instead and take divination seriously man baby? You're an incompetent fake reader who will never be good because you're too afraid a spooky spirit will scare you at night, so you just larp as a fortune teller asking about a gf you will never have. Pathetic incel.

Thank you so much
>get a hobby
I've got those. I'm good with friends and all that. Life is pretty great overall. But it's the romantic side of things that are just dead atm. Girls sense the loneliness and it sets off alarm bells which makes it even harder.

Thank you tho

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