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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Space-faring civilization edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread: >>38229001
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
For all the pro-weed and anti-weed fags. I've smoked over 15 years and have 1 thing to say. Weed is medicine. You don't use it every day and you don't decline a medicine that works for your condition, unless you're retarded. I was a retard, but I stopped being one. Now you.
Weed makes you lazy and can trigger onset schizophrenia. You get attacked by demons. Stop shilling weed here you waste of biomass.
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Almost through week 3. Made a promise to myself I wasn't allowed to touch myself until I land a new job.
You are just as retarded as stoners. 2 sides of the same coin. Buy a rope faggot.
You both are based.
You too, based.
>makes you literally retarded
No thanks
>You are just as retarded as stoners
>Trying to appear like he's not a stoner
Kill yourself
It's important to note: Humanity would be a space faring species if most men with power practiced semen retention.
Centrism works if both sides have legit arguments. Weed might be medicine but let's be real smoking it won't cure cancer or infection
Stop shilling weed here. Weed makes you vulnerable to parasitic porn spirits. There are corners of the internet dedicated to weed smoking gooners talking about edging all day sissy and interracial porn.
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Can you please fucking read without your emotions and then reply?
>trying to appear like he's not retarded by using greentext
>Centrism works if both sides have legit arguments.
Have you ever heard of having a fourth and distinct point of view?
>let's be real
You go first. Up until now you sound fake as a shill can get.
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reposting from last thread since it didn't get a response
any astrology bros know what aspects can cause one to get overwhelmed with arousal?
Squares/oppositions to Black Moon Lilith or what?
The last few days I've been unable to focus on anything but orgasming, I was up to two weeks without issue then it hit me like a train out of nowhere right at the full moon in Capricorn.
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Not that its le bad or whatever but weed makes you lethargic, or paranoid like 99% of people just avoid it.
>weeds good for you man the whole world will be peaceful if everyone smoked man it cures cancer man just have a toke man
Is this thread about weed or about semen retention? Because if it's not about weed it should be pretty clear who the shill is in here.
READ NIGGER. I never said weed should be smoked. I only said I'm retarded for smoking weed over 15 years. Holy shit, how are we both human??

It's like I'm talking to women.
>>38246547 Importance noted.
>>38246582 Message received.

>smokes weed
>calls other people niggers
Where is the subject of semen retention here faggot.
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How do you overcome lust?
If you scroll up you can read more about the fact I stopped smoking weed after 15 years. Never said when that happened, but assumptions are being made, because emotions are apparently out of control. I started SR then 3 months later I stopped weed out of nowhere. "Read nigger" is a reference to The Boondocks, because this guy and others who are both pro- and anti-weed refuse to read or had a malfunction in their brain once they realized I'm neither anti-weed or pro-stoners. Weed is a medicine, that's it. This angers them.

It's like joining a Israel vs Palestine discussion and saying they're both retards. I like to be the common enemy for retards.
With good thoughts.
Fuck off retard no one cares
Bro that's a glownigger. You can tell by his purely antagonistic posts. Don't even bother.
No, you fuck off.
I know, but I'm bored and need to release some energy on someone. Thanks for the headsup fren.
Stop, close eyes, slow breaths
Start thinking and reflecting: "this is something trying to hijack and use the circuitry meant for reproduction". Think about it in a meta way, not about the subject of what is making you lust itself.
Recognize that you have the thought but try to detach yourself, so that you can be .awareness watching awareness. You are aware THAT you are experiencing these thoughts and feelings without being overcome by them.
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> I like to be the common enemy for retards.
>>38246644 Checked and fair enough, just don't get too tangled into it. Remember nasty breeds nasty and will affect your energy field. Take care!
Not an astrologyfag but the fucking moon bro, full moon.
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Yet you keep taking the bait like a retard. No need to confirm.
I agree and appreciate. Take care as well!
Thank you, for confirming that you are here to derail. I wish all shills were as honest as you.
Yeah, I'm obviously the shill from your perspective. 6 months retainer is a shill everyone! You should become prosecutor or a lawyer. The way you handle cases is just... Amazing. Court rooms could use a jester like you.
Stop replying to the loser stoners.
Starting to engage with SR again as I feel like I’ve seen through the veil recently and one of things I saw was how my porn use was eerily similar to the effects of demonic possession or energy vampire behavior. Wherein I felt lesser and more agitated by engaging with it.

Ironically to this thread though I’ve found taking small puffs of weed throughout the day even when working has only helped center me and keep me off of my computer 24/7. I’ve come to the personal conclusion weed and other drugs are just tools. Use a hammer for a job where a saw is best and you will have issues.
based drug appreciator
no surprise whatsoever that a bunch of coping recovering coomers are now promoting weed kek, enjoy smoking in your gooncaves watching sissy porn fucking faggots
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Just admit it, you secretly want our semen, you little faggot. You ain't getting any, shop's closed until further notice.
I love weed, but I also love sobriety.
Does that make sense?
I remember how weed feels, I know what it's about, it's like this fag says, a tool >>38246507
Today I've been absolutely sober from all substances, and sobriety is what I advocate for.
I'm not planning on consuming anything anytime soon.
I still want to bask in sobriety.
Sobriety is its own high and it's a high one of a kind.
Simply beautiful.
But weed will always have its place, as a tool, if used wisely. That indeed makes them mad.
I had mars conjuct sun in my first house last December and spent the whole month horny as fuck. Managed 16 days NF. Honestly thought I could run through walls. Not sure about Lilith though sir.
>this fag
No, you're a fag
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Just dropping by to wish you gents a good day. Hope you are all doing well and staying strong.
How do I get more yang energy and harness it effectively?
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Overcoom lust, gooners.
You gotta fight. This is just a simple test.
Yin is the perceiving mind, Yang is the intending mind. Literally just, do stuff. What's that thing you're putting off? Do it. Alternative, hold your hands up like the Christ The Redeemer statue as long as you can.
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Checked, very nice
Day 7 reporting in, I just keep on winning, feels good. Remember frens: DON'T COOM, not being a coomer feels infinitely better than the instant of pleasure from cooming
where you at fren
How do I reject girl who keep sending me nudes without hurting her feelings. I do not have heart to do this
weight lifting
physical work like chopping wood/gardening/building stuff
repairing cars/bikes

too much yang will age you though so don't take steroids, don't overdo yoir work, when you are tired and can rest then rest.
ghost her
or say that you met someone so stop sending nudes
or stop replying when you get mms/pictures through app, onky reply to texts
>too much yang will age you
How is that possible if yang is prescribed as anti-aging?
Who prescribed it to you?
Think about it logically pick any yang activity. In moderation is beneficial, it will make you stronger. But when it's too much it brings harm.
Sunbathing-you get vitamin D better looking skin, protection from sun. But if stay for a whole day outside without protection you will burn yourself, shed skin, it will be painful and you won't get benefits of moderate sunbathing. Everything in moderation enough for the body to get accustomed and then push the limits little by little. But one needs to rest also.
Exercising, simple push-ups. No matter how much you can do after Xth push-up you are only wasting energy there is a limit of push-ups that make you stronger after that limit you are pushing yourself only to do more reps. Same with everything else.
Basic principle of taoism is trying to become more yin as people are naturally on average more yang. As most people eat all the time stress, work, don't rest properly they are too yang. Which makes them age faster. To become more yin you need to relax, fast or eat less, rest, meditate, sleep.
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When you feel lust coming, turn yourself to stone. If you don't move, if you keep your hands away from your junk, nothing can happen. No matter how strong the thoughts get, remember that they'll pass and they can't do anything to you so long as you don't move.

Also, this will sound heretical to many here no doubt, but love and respect women. Love can counterbalance lust. If you see a whore, think about how miserable and empty her life must be, and how sad her ancestors must be. Feel pity for women who can only offer sex because that's all they have.
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Do cold showers actually do anything or are they just a meme?
Thank you for that info.
Nobody prescribed me, I just drew a conclusion given that when one gets older, yang decreases and that's why yang supplements are prescribed for longevity. Or that's what I thought. That's the info I had.
They wake your spirit up. Make you present and alert. Cold water is highly magnetised, so you can use it to wash away negative energy if you use your mind to put that intention into it.
Verification not required.
Better circulation
reducing inflamation
better immune system
no blue balls
better semen quality(as balls are not overheated)
Day 112: flatline. Feel angry at nothing and everything. Boss wont promote me just yet. Girls acting bitchy. Wont be moving into the place I’d hoped and getting out of my miserable living situation. Feel like telling God to fickoff. I can tell people notice. Dont give a fuck about the debates. Still not jerking off.
Do you take supplements? I usually don’t benefit from most of them except I noticed a positive spike in my overall mood when taking 2 caps of sunflower lecithin plus 1 selenium per day. A lot of guys take these to increase their semen volume, but for me it’s helped quiet my negative emotions and overall I feel more focused and in control. Diet and exercise are also integral to this process.
Is that really it? Thinking "I'm going to say the N word" and then saying it?

So some sort of physical hobby, then. I already lift weights daily so I'm guessing I should to add something else.
>Is that really it? Thinking "I'm going to say the N word" and then saying it?
But that's easy to do. Hard would be to do 100 push ups. Even harder is to confront and integrate the darkest parts of your shadow
My shadow being the immoral or nasty parts of myself? What does integration entail?
Awareness is half the game. Then just being mindful next time that trait appears in you, and using willpower to suppress it or destroy it. Fundamentally, integration is finding the need this negative trait fulfils, and then fulfilling it in a positive way.
>feel like telling God to tickoff
That’s where I failed and did the opposite. I admire your willpower. You must be blessed. Keep it going anon!
>love and respect women
I absolutely and totally agree. After 285 days of semen retention (only relapses occurred in wet dreams) I truly saw how attractive women are, and how sorrowful it is that they would choose to get ugly tattoos or wear revealing clothing instead of nice flowing dresses and skirts.

I just can't get along with weed users. Every time I try to socialize and succed I find myself in the same fucking scenario: they start smoking weed. And I don't want to because I don't like it nor need it to be social. It's so fucking annoying.
I've had my share, smoked through a bong and eated that shit, just a couple of times, and I really don't get what's so cool about it. You say it's a medicine, a tool, and I believe you truly. Well this mfs are either builders or doctors or something, because they use it every time.

I guess I should say who are "they". People who aren't npc, I supose. People that, at least, appears to be not as boring as your regular npcs or boomers. People who go outside to live life, REAL life. But no, they don't, they just are there, like a plant or a tree. To them socializing in real life is, in itself, a merit.

I'm a 25 yo, I study and my only really strong interest outside what I'm studying is music. If you have been in that world you know how it is, everyfuckingone does weed 24/7. And those who don't are outcasts. I don't mind being an outcast but at least there should be a good fucking reason, this trivial shit sucks. I don't make a point of not consuming weed, it's not a part of my personality, oh wait, it is because even 15 yo kids do it, I'm the anomaly I GUESS.

Fuck weed addicts, anon. The weakest, lamest and chtonically pacified addict breed there is. Good luck with your thing, tho.
Stoners are unbearable. Dude weed lmao
I've never met anyone productive doing anything that smokes on the regular.
>everyfuckingone does weed 24/7.
I'm old and don't go out, is this really the case nowadays?
No, he thinks the whole world's like that 'cause his social circles are utterly fuckt.

>>38250499 Checked.
Stay on topic tho. >>38246414
I dont know what circles you're around, not everyone smokes weed regularly. Most do it either on occasion or maybe once a week, in the evening.
People who smoke weed first thing in the morning regularly, are losers. The weed propaganda is so insidious because it relies on the good ol' "buh buh it doesnt harm you" when just like a cokehead, everyone can instantly recognise the stoner personality. they're slow, theyre lazy, theyre low energy and they lack ambition, their heads in the clouds and they lack goals and purpose. Everything about weed, works against everything that SR aims for, which is success in the real world, and self realisation.

On a spiritual level, weed makes you more vulnerable to spirits. It lowers your protections, and makes you more open to external influences. The astral bodies of a pothead is basically getting molested by the tentacles of any being in their vicinity, all sorts of junk spirits like to take advantage. Despite the anxiety it induces, the paranoia, the detachment from the real world, these losers will regardless, insist that its good for you.
Go to the sub r/gooningtrees at your own peril. This is the reality of weed.
Harrumph! Get on my level, sir. That said, you shouldn't post lust-fuel. It's not polite.
Does anyone know how to delete a reddit account and all the messages, chat history, posts associated with it?

I keep relapsing into sissy hypno roleplay chats with men and I want to delete my account i use for it but also I've had really long convos and I'm scared I may have revealed enough to somehow doxx me.

Yes I know I'm a horrible degenerate, please just help me get rid of the source of my addiction. If I don't have my sissy account anymore I'll stop doing this stupid shit.
break a reddit ban rule, get your account deleted by the admins.
I don't think that will delete all my comments unfortunately (or private messages)
cant delete comments.
theres a script that will edit all your comments to "." or whatever else.
then you can just delete your account and with it pms.
First ever attempt ended with a relapse on day 5. -_-

After clean new start the very next day, I'm now going into day 8.

Desire/lust has noticibly decreased, and finding anti-urge methods to be much more effective now.

Still feeling markedly better than before SR :D

Hope you're all doing well anons, have a good weekend!
I'm here. Day 8. Just saw a squirrel outside passing by right in front of me. This means good things are coming to people on day 8 trust me
I have noticed not only your face gets more sharp and your dick bigger and better looking but
Your breath (not smell, also it improves smell too) is deeper. What does this mean, in any meditation and even esoteric exercises breath work is extremely important. It can open chakras, forces mindfulness. Gurdijeff said in his works that you can make woman cum if you match her breath and then increase your own to make her cum.

Why I'm saying this is because I have relapsed yesterday and I can barely keep my breath up. I'm suffocating as I'm writing this. The nofap opened some sort of energy channel in my body and my breath is not enough to keep it sustained. I have reached point of no return
at least you know there's something about sr
maybe next time you wont fail when thinking about the state that leaves you in
Yes I take sunflower lecithin and magnesium and L-arginine.

I dont like the idea of this but it seems the less you worship God the more he favors you. God must be a woman.
Maybe he's just pissed off you worship him wrong
L-arginine is bad for you bro, feeds viruses
my white blood cells dont want no pussy fights
first time in these threads looking for info about it and it's just degenerate stoners trading one addiction for another. yeah I'm out
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The fucking succubus attacked me on my sleep. I manage to stop her and avoid the WD but it was close.
i´m on day 18 now, after the first week i had some days with very low energy and negative thoughts but as of yesterday im super horny. are those extremes going to continue? i try to change my thougts as soon as i realize it but still
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this is actually what i was going through.
until it normalizes after some time. few months or so, maybe earlier depending of how big of a coomer are you.
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6 months retainer reporting in. I have an interesting discovery not sure where to place. Anyone with knowledge on this, feel free to teach me.

Just had a WD, but nothing came out. I had a tiny orgasm, but for some reason, as if I had done this before, muscles around my pelvis area contracted in a different way. Afterwards I felt a smooth contraction of muscles on my back and I kid you not: a pulse in my neck towards my head. As if it was pushing something. Before this I felt tired as fuck and now (5 min later) I'm completely fine, wide awake. Still amazed how my underwear is clean, even tried to push it out like some leftover pee, but nothing. Feels like I unlocked a new ability. (pic extremely related)

I must admit, ever since I stopped, I have been rooting out the stoners and staying away from them, until they are out of my life. Whatever people say about stoners, it's absolutely true. Having been one in the past, I really don't need anyone else to tell me that, which is also why I stopped. Though I am 100% certain you can't bring up your past to anti-weed folks, they put a stigma on you as if you're a white woman with a black baby. Which is why I think both cases are retards. No knowledge at all, just half-assed perspectives. Just like how there are tons of stoners these days thanks to the media/governments, 50 years ago it was literally the other way around. You don't need to be a druggie to understand the benefits of a drug and don't need to be a anti-drugs to understand you don't consume that drug to have a fun time.
Just look at this guy. So fucking mentally weak it's funny. "A stoner flew over my house!"-type. I don't expect him to able to retain for over a month when this is an obstacle on his road. It's equivalent to watching him walk into a room where it says "SRG" on the door, but immediately turns around once he hears the word "weed" a couple of times, putting his hands on his ears and screaming: "lalala!!! I can't hear you!"
Maybe just make an antiweed general already
You're adding fuel to the fire as well, anon.
Nice man!
Getting back on the horse is the most impotant thing.
>Hope you're all doing well anons, have a good weekend!
Thank you, you have a good one aswell!
Multi-month here.
The wet dream without ejaculation is completely normal, fren.
The pulse in neck, that bit sounds like a blockage cleared. Sounds like a good thing.
Most important question, how do you feel?
SRG is basically anti-sin general, which makes it one of the least toxic places on the internet. I find communities either relish in their sins like other boards on this website, or they're way too sterile to discuss the realities of life
I have lost the desire to masturbate. I have waited one week and it didn't come back. What now?
Really good actually. A WD usually leaves me disappointed and pissed off, mainly because of the release and lack of self-control in the dream. However, I was being handsy in my my dream (without getting into full detail) and I didn't have clear vision on the female in it. Until I realized, right before waking up, there was no female at all. I'm not entirely sure about what I'm gonna say next as I most likely will need to experiment on this a little further, but it felt like having faith in my body did the trick.
you do something else
Congratulations. Great, worthy step. Now don't lower your guard.
The journey has barely begun.
Excellent. Keep going and taking note of yourself. So far it sounds good!
Like what?
How do I awaken my Kundalini the fastest? I do Surat shabd meditation.
idk, anything that will keep you busy otherwise you'll start fapping again.
sports? hobbies?
If you really don't know what to do with your literal life, grab a piece of paper and a pen, start asking yourself what do you want out of life and write those things down. Then prioritize them and get after the top one of your prioritized list.
>How do I awaken my Kundalini the fastest?
You should not do that. Rather wait for Kundalini to awaken by itself. It's like opening a flower before it's the right time but with dangerous potential consequences. Not good.
Exercise patience.
I listen to a lot of music lately since I've stopped masturbating.
Thanks fren, appreciate your perspective.
Ok. So how do I awaken the Kundalini in it's correct time? I can almost achieve samadhi.
Probably not gonna get good responses to this, but for me it happened after edging, it was like I had achieved peak orgasm without cumming and that must have knocked that chakra loose that was blocked all this time. The orgasm lasted minutes and then my whole body started vibrating. I give credit to SR for even making it possible, because it requires tremendous discipline to be able to reach such perfection in edging, like I was able to get to 99% without going over, 2 weeks of nofap preceded it.
Not advocating edging, but that's what did it for me. Doing clean streak with no edging now.
I'm also the guy that literally saw a succubus with my very eyes in sleep paralysis trying to fuck me, happened after the kundalini awakening
Dude don't think you awakened your Kundalini, you clearly didn't, you didn't even realize the siddhi of getting knowledge at will. I am close to that siddhi. But even I didn't achieve it.
There were other things I didn't mention, like closed eye hallucinations, and being able to tap into some kind of ethereal knowledge database and accessing lost memories
Kundalini will do it in its own time, it's a self-directed Cosmic force, not our personal/individuated Chi. Self-directed as in literally: Kundalini knows what it is doing on its own. Kundalini knows when to do it. Rather keep working on things that nourish you, your body, your soul, and most importantly your mind.
I'd suggest make a self-analysis on why are you so eager to awaken Kundalini.
Don't chase for highs, not with Kundalini at least.
As well don't confuse Kundalini with Sexual Energy, Here at SR we cultivate Sexual Energy. Kundalini is a completely different animal.
By the way, Samadhi is an illuminatory experience. Kundalini is a worldly force. Two different paths, not necessarily mutually implicating. Yet compatible.
I concur with the other anon, fren. What we are cultivating here is Sexual Energy. Sexual Energy is indeed a personal force.
That means you're advanced. But don't be fooled! Kundalini awakening is like waking up. You know your not dreaming, you know you are awake. Keep searching. You might be close. If you deny yourself of the ability to grow further now, you might never reach it!
The only way without the guidance of a guru is to balance your personality. Shave off the negative aspects of your self. You'll know you're doing it correctly, when the negative aspects of your Self give you this "karma blast", so as that part of you goes away, the karma burns off in an accelerated manner. This can appear to be a difficult experience, but actually its a good thing. Kundalini awakening = completion of step 3 of Franz Bardon initiation into hermetics, refer to that as a guide.

I retain semen because the CIA gave me erectile dysfunction and launch at my porn preferences :<
My penis feels numb from all the jacking off, Does sensitivty actually improve during a long streak or is it placebo?
yes it does return after a long time but you will lose it instantly if you return to masturbation. stay frosty anon
from what I understand, "Lilith" comes out once the full moon begins to wane. So it makes sense lust becomes more powerful but Lilith in astrology is where we rebel. Self destructive patterns, rejection of roles, and rebellion from expectation is usually what follows her so wherever that may appear for you in your natal chart might be an indication.
For instance if you have Lilith in a fire sign, that's usually gonna be a good indicator you'll have lustful tendencies. Whether or not you act on them is a different matter.
Any other uncut anons who have lost sensitivty from jacking off/edging to much? Any hope?
This sounds retarded. I'll give it a try starting today.
Prolapsed again
Have you tried what this whole thread is doing right now you gay kid?
Try again.
You can move a mountain if you take it pebble by pebble
I want to do this so bad but can't make it half a week, maybe next life things will work out better
Try pranayama.
I get tunnel vision when I get urges and can't think to do things like that
Ignored that retard just start with basics. Prayer and mindfulness will take you a long way. It's a matter of willpower, pay attention to the thoughts that make you want to relapse, and detach from them, seeing them as thoughts and not actually you.
I used to not be able to go past 3 days, first time I broke through was by taking internet breaks for the duration of a few days, but then I discovered I can disable images with 4chan x
I have. They work on places where being a stoner is the normal. They suck at what they do but the nonagressive attitude weed induce prevents anyone to tell them. If You do, You are the one who sucks.

In My case, yeah. If You are 20 something and go outside You Will have to face this.

I hope You are right, anon.
I've been Doing srg for 3 weeks and 2 days. I feel safer in My own skin and I can enjoy My solitude. The thing is, having contacts is useful lmao, Even more if they are real connections. If You don't do weed, you'll have a harder time being social.

THAT is what I hate about stoners. Like the jerk off shills on this threads, they think that if everyone does it, then it can't be sooo wrong. But, this mfs see themselves like independent, outside the norm, they are cool bcs they know the reality of antiweed propaganda trying to take away your Freedom. What do You do with that Freedom? Congregate with your other pieces of shit stoners Friends, trying to be humble but at the end being just as smug as a little kid surrounded by their little snort eating Friends. A Lot of them are vegan, trans, You know, the type of people who thinks are counterculture when there are tons of media celebrating their lifestyle.

In /x/ I Saw an analogy Made by egyptian gnostics. Demiurge=weed. Weed is a form of him. In a symbolic level, yeah I see it. Stoners sacrifice their individuality for this vice disguised as a social Activity, they believe they feel detached from the world while doing so. They don't, they become a part of it and loose themselves in the process.

Stealing Willhem Reich words: they consume their hapiness.

Cultivate and nurture your hapiness, anons.Stay Hard.
You be blessed, brother anon, I appreciate your words.
Lilith in Aries 5th house here kek, yep.
Thanks anon.
You know I didn't ask for a nanny telling me that's dangerous. I know it can be dangerous however I am ready for the fastest Kundalini awakening. Can you help me or not?
Nope. Faggot talking bullshit. Pranayama is said to be the way to reduce sensual desires by authoritative shaivite Hindu scripture. This scripture was kept secret for hundreds of years because most would not accept it, like you.
I did. Do you have the eyes to see it?
wah wah shut up retard you dont know what you're talking about
How do you guys stay on SRG and keep a positive attitude towards life in general? Usually my upswings last 1-2 weeks then I fall back into porn and distracting myself from life instead of improving. Does anyone know how to keep it going? I'm going to go longer this time.
Of course I know. Pranayama decreases sensual desire according to Shiva in the Shiva Rahasya Purana. Are you better than Shiva? Where is your religion you founded?
My dad works at Shiva Rahasya Purana
With your words you reveal a profound ignorance. Instead of critically thinking for yourself, you defer it onto other authorities, and you dont even have the self awareness to understand how fallacious that is in the first place. The point i made originally, is that telling a guy who cant go 2 days without jerking off to look into obscure puranas is retarded bullshit advice. The fact that you take issue with prayer and mindfulness, again, further reveals your stupidity. Fuck off clown.
Umm oh my dude. Ancient to modern sages all take guidance from people who did things correctly before them to teach them the truth. Even Buddha had a teacher several even. So, prayer is totally fine and mindfulness too especially the practice of being aware of bodily sensations and thoughts but pranayama and I didn't say read the Shiva Rahasya I only said practice pranayama, if he does that then his sensual desires will become weaker and it also kindles the Kundalini which will further his lack of sensual desires.
Pranayama is much faster than anything else. That's what I'm saying.
>if he does that then his sensual desires will become weaker
So will a basic meditation practise, mindfulness and prayer. He's not even got the basics down. Baby steps. Maybe after he's got a practise going, then he can look into the limbs of yoga.

You want to show off ur obscure knowledge. If you were honest, you'd also add the fact that there's been a link between rise in heart attacks and doing pranayama incorrectly in India. If you were honest, you'd also mention that Shaivist tantric texts are poorly translated, require knowledge of sanskrit and are really only accessible to the brahmin class in India, who have the connections to find a guru, who can teach you to do it safely. Oh wait, you probably dont know any of this, because you lack any critical thinking faculty and have the soul of a cattle.

You know what you're doing. Now you're mad your bullshit has been called out.
Ask yourself why you want shortcuts. You'll find many answers there.
Yeah but pranayama is easy while those take years of practice and he's clearly not interested in spirituality. You have no idea how to handle newcomers, other people, clear as day to see. You just have no clue and you should work on yourself and your intuition before trying to obsessively proselytize others. That is one big sign that you have some sort of problem and lack of self-understanding.
No offense though it's not a sin it's just weird and unwise.
You are recommending a practise that requires a teacher, and im the one who doesnt know how to handle newcomers? kek. Pure projection. You completely ignored my point, and continue to embarrass yourself. Fuck off retard, never reply to me again you arrogant stupid clown.
What a lost soul, but what did I even expect from an obsessive proselytizer like this.
Something simple you can do is breathe in for a count, lets say 3, and then hold the breath for the same count before releasing the breath for the same count.
Once you get mindfull of where the tension is you can breathe 'into' that area and release the tension.
I don't see how anyone could fuck this up but if something feels wrong just don't do it.
Deep steady breaths not until it hurts obviously.
Just fill your lungs but don't overfill them.
What did i fucking tell you? Dont reply to me you arrogant little shit. You ignored my points, again and again, and after i exposed you for the profane neophyte cattle you are, you start crying. Fuck off.
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10 hours of SR . Start to feelll like im a god!
Fine I'll do it. First: it doesn't matter whether you get a higher risk of heart attacks because we will all die anyways. Second, as I said pranayama is simply much faster than all the others. Practicing mindfulness of bodily sensations is number two, maybe Vipassana could also be number two. Prayer is more a thing for the soul than the mind. Work on your anger, you have profound anger problems.
Never before in my life have i Met someone with this much stored up anger who wasn't a Muslim.
First off I’ll admit that it’s not easy at the start. You’re dismissing a habit, which kind of takes you off balance. Key is to keep yourself busy, tiring yourself out to have no energy left to feel negatively towards life. Of course you will have moments where that’s easier said than done, but in those cases you just have to push through. Experience, deal with and remember this feeling so you learn from it.

Willpower is all you need. You are the king of your body, act like it. An orgasm is like a peasant sucking up to you so he doesn’t get punished for the shit yields his field produced (he was very lazy)
Fake and crying alone.
>So will a basic meditation practise, mindfulness and prayer.
Very doubtful.
True and laughing with friends.
Brainlet here, how do you breathe into the area? Just focus you’re mind on the area while exhaling?
I think he means he is fake and crying alone.
Don't worry fren, even you can do something about your misery.
place one end of a straw on the tip of your dick and the other end on one nostril and sniff deeply. It's called "The Tibetan Cycle of the Holy Smegma" best transmutation technique of all times.
I hate to admit it, but porn feels so fucking good. I know it's terrible for me but man does touching my cock gooning for 8 hours straight feel amazing in the moment. The warmth of my cock in my hand and the warm feeling in my brain. I feel a sense of emotional intimacy that I never feel, because I am very isolated, when I look at porn.

I know it's a delusional pleasure, like alcohol or drugs. There are much better, happier experiences to be had if I could escape it much like being an alcoholic may feel good temporarily but ultimately hurt you and prevent you from feeling real happiness.

Still, I feel like i should admit the reason I keep going back to it. I wish it wasn't so fucking easy just to click on a button and get instant access to infinite porn.

It's time to stop doing this
Of course fren, if it wasn't pleasurable we wouldn't be addicted degenerates.
Plz I’m serius
Yeah I was fucking, it's just as you said, it's a visualization/focus mechanism.
But also take a look at this.
This is the theory on normieworld, not mentioned explicitly there, but where you send your attention, you literally send nervous impulses (aka electromagnetism or Chi).
Back to day 0. It is NOT worth it.
Cheers man, appreciated
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Do you have nothing besides testosterone levels? What about IQ scores? 100m race times? Anything else? No?
Ok, im gonna try this shit. How long before i start seeing any chance? Honestly think you guys are Full of shit, but i guess im Just that desperate for some meaning in my life.
Nice try Schlomo. Shouldn't you be off celebrating Shabbat instead of encouraging men to destroy themselves with sin?
ok pajeet
this is a thread spammed by like 3 pajeets for years
im honestly asking myself why are you guys still sexless moneyless losers?

like change my mind if you did this for years and by your own text you should be master of universe by now, but in reality i bet youre like streetshitting pajeets

i think to 90% this thread is a cope by 'former' 'reborn' coomers who now 'awoke' and blame their terrible life on fapping alone
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>IQ scores
Overstimulation of the brain and depriving it of lecithin and phosphorous (resources distributed either between the creation of new sperm or the maintaining of the brain's functionality) does cause brain damage, so intuitively it would decrease one's IQ score (ability to think abstractly) because of "brain fog".
>100m race times
Basically look to almost every single successful boxer and they will have at least one comment on abstaining from sex or masturbation before a fight to increase athletic capability. This is also observed with Roman gladiators.
>Anything else?
Does feeling more in control of one's own life and confidence need any more justification as to why it should be pursued?
Yo I just wanna let any passerby's know that, as someone speaking from being a consistent nofapper before workdays as I'm a construction worker, the best place to start from being a coomer is to just jerk off to your thoughts. Unironically. At the very least it's a less harmful version of watching porn and jacking off, as it is literally just your imagination.
i tried that, only fucked up fetishes will get me off. cold turkey is my only option
>Honestly think you guys are Full of shit,
Kek I don't blame you fren. May sound strange at first.
>How long before i start seeing any chance?
3 days even, but go for a month to be undeniably sure.
Digest this >>38246431
and warning about the lists here >>38246424 it's better that you deep-research them before you attempt them if you're not yet familiar.
Wishes of luck and success to you.
>captcha: WA4MY
OPfag here, I'm cowcayshun. Ojas (pajeet) and Jing/Qi (chink) is what it is in term of ancient lore. There's also Vril but even that comes from Veerya (also pajeet).
I was a sexful moneysomewhatful loser coomer, now I'm a sexless moneyful winner.
Give it a try if you're curious. Lotta stuff in your life will get transformed.
i mean shit same for me, im unironically part of the fucking problem
>t. 19 year old faggot whore whose sold porn of himself
moneyful winner in what way?

the thing is honestly its too boring for me, i tried it and still do but like not that much happens and way too many near nude girls run around in the summer, it makes me feel like an insane monk and like a loser if i dont participate at all by now
just today i saw a girl with massive tits, like why the fuck is god doing this and then commanding this? i often think its way easier to be a girl, its just frustrating
unless like youre really ugly/fat/impotent or a combination so that you basically easily can give up on getting laid bc well theres no chance anyways its practically impossible to avoid this

this is like psychological torture honestly often times after a streak i go on a coom marathon and i think its bc of all the pent up frustration etc this shit just takes way too long to give feasible results, like i relate to this post here>>38248505
like hes over 110 and writing about being angry at everything and being in flatline, this is literally my experience too lmao, its not like it gets easier or magically good things happen, like i had zero luck in both dating and career even though i do have a stem degree and i do look good and tried hard so guess im maxx frustrated by now
i just dont know anymore ive gone full circle lmao might aswell rope life as a male is just terrible if youre not gigachad apparently
This fag >>38248505 and yourself are experiencing energy blockage, try clearing it up with the 6th Tibetan Rite (or whatever other energy circulatory technique of your choice).
Just >>38254581
>and warning about the lists here >>38246424 (You) it's better that you deep-research them before you attempt them if you're not yet familiar.
Take serious note on that warning for that particular rite especially. Demands of you some extra discipline.
>moneyful winner in what way?
In a way that it becomes easier to multiply wealth of all kinds not just monetary, and I'm not yet a millionaire but I have all I want/need.
Overall, if you're not prepared to give up carnal pleasure (at least temporarily) you will only make a hell for yourself.
>g it up with the 6th Tibetan Rite (
fuck you ranjeet
>Overall, if you're not prepared to give up carnal pleasure (at least temporarily) you will only make a hell for yourself.
and btw i did this, ive already done this several times but like i still once you return to cooming you are basically the same as before, like im just not willing to be a monk all my life
it seems ridiculous at this point i want sex too i want to fuck a hot girl? does this make me a bad dude? i dont think so and i dont want to act like im a monk all the fucking time
im honesrtly scared i cope myself being sr lord and waste all my youth away
i dont wanna bang old hags who had 100 cocks inside them while i was on sr wtf lol
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The first 2 weeks are the hardest, but after that it should be smooth sailing. I would recommend any feelings of horniness to be spent reading or exercising (lifting weights, going for walks). I GUARANTEE you will start to feel the benefits after the first 3 days.
>does this make me a bad dude?
Of course no, brother.
On the other hand, on SR, magnetism is one hell of a drug.
i never got a gf on sr while triyng so theres that and i also think trying to get a gf or if i became desperate even sex, its probably the reason making me coom again
its like a vicious circle unless like you said you accept monkdom and i am very scared of missing out on a sex life desu
i had one hot gf but it was a long ass time ago, and nothing has happened
>i never got a gf on sr while triyng
If you're this fag >>38254667 the same blockage that has you angered and miserable is the same blockage that has your magnetism on a chokehold. If you were feeling the free-flowing magnetism you wouldn't even need to be "trying" girls would approach you naturally.
>missing out on a sex life desu
I understand bro, I imagine you're young probably in your 20s. FOMO is a bitch. Until you're realize there's nothing to FOMO about.
In the end, brother, if you decide to SR, or if you decide to NOT SR, enjoy your path and make the most out of it in full honest heart and soul. FOMO is a stupid, shitty, retarded trickster and you shouldn't listen to it.
But one thing I tell you if you're here already wondering, there's a high chance that something deep in your soul tells you that maybe you should try this path. Just my humble take. The only one that knows best is you.
its not like i totally had zero chances with girls im just only into the super hot ones and with them it hasnt happened for me
i couldve gotten a plain becky for sure sometimes hot ones gave me attention, but it was always in a moment where i couldnt do anything, like i remember to this day one hot girl basically invited me to approach but i didnt do this bc i was just about to meet another girl, it was literally just shit luck, next time i saw her she already had a bf its just fucked

i think its kinda toxic to just tell every dude who had bad luck on sr that he did soemthing wrong, you yourself are sexless too according to your own words man
and honestly if i was still in my 20s fomo wouldnt be so bad, but im approoching getting to 30 above thats horrible i feel i need to hurry now and its the last time i will be 'young' and young looking
>enjoy your path
and thats the thing, ive taken myself under immense work imo, i did huge streaks, and i literally cant say i got anything from this im maxx frustrated
i never got a gf never
i wasnt so fomoing in the beginning but i am now and i cant even decide on a path desu, being full blown coomer feels bad but being full blown sr feels bad too its like i just cant have pleasure in this life
i dont know what i should even do anymore it feels like i have zero power over anything, like a tiny mistake can remove month of work, its just shit i just had enough
i see other guys they seem to just life, why do i have to cope sr max and do all this shit and still get nothing all the time im just fed up with this shit you know
If something isn't working, change it.
If something is working, do more of that.
Sort your heart out.
Blessings and wishes of luck and success to you.
thats the thing nothing is working for me man
i dont know anymore
its like if sr doesnt work people will just say ohh you didnt transmute ohh you flatline only 100 days more bro
its like wtf man
ive had several 100+ streaks i still am penniless sexless gfless, i had bad luck in work, even though as i said i have stem degree etc
and i dont even look bad at all
its like nothing good happens to me no matter how hard i try
Who the fuck set these goals for you? Are you even in control? God, reading your posts just makes me sick. What is unique about you? You sound like the average teen combined with the average woman about to hit the wall. Go meditate, find yourself, because after reading all this SHIT I’m willing to bet my fucking balls you haven’t found it yet. This is what happens when you consoom everything the Jew serves you for “free”.
Anyone who’s holding your hand is a faggot. You’re not ready to retain with this mentality.
man ive read more of the 'awoke' 'goyslop' shit on here than you im sure
im def not a bluepilled woke tard
it just hasnt happened for me my life sucked even on sr, what can i say
i didnt have monetary windfall, i didnt have gf or sex windfall i just had nothing
i have a sister, her life has been flawless in comparison to mine, she never had to struggle that much anywhere yet she always gets bf sex money
i just get nothing all the time i dont know why im convinced i tried harder than 99% and im still a loser who got nothing basically i feel humiliated by now putting in so much effort and getting less than others all the time
How to avoid power tripping on SR?

I notice a lot of people get off on other people shaking in their presence because of a strong aura... seems kinda malicious and egotistic. Where do you find middle ground with this practice?

interesting post, but why do you need to ask this if you already wrote this? if you know this its a conscious decision for you to do this or not do this
Shut the fuck up and listen. You’re so fucking pathetic with all the envy and jealousy you kee spouting. You disrespect yourself, that’s why I double down disrespecting your ass. Because after seeing others being nice to you, you double down on being a bigger faggot.
Also, for God’s sake use punctuation. How the fuck do you post 5 long ass posts that have no points????!!! And you claimed twice having a stem degree. I’m willing to bet that if you manage to retain for at least 4 months this year, I will break mine which will be 3x longer. Wasting people’s fucking time, because you feel sad and hopeless. Wrong fucking general.
how am i disrespecting myself by being honest man
i am frustrated and for good reason i dont think this world is fair i probaly had one 2 month streak and a 40 day streak this year already. after the 40 day one i completly spiralled into coomerism and here i am no idea i dont count detailed days anymore but its been at least 2 weeks again and honestly my life just feels poor in comparison to others, i already barely masturbated even a coom marathon after 40 days its basically barely ever jacking off
i am frustrated honestly may aswell rope i hate this life
constantly i was spammed with porn and even near nude girls with massive tits outside today, and yet bro just be a monk bro only 100 more days its literally rope fuel after you had so many streaks already i feel like a fucking loser
The brain doesent fully develop till 25.
Have paitence.
Right, I guess you could just... not be like that.
You’re 100% a shill trying to act like SR is useless. I respect the effort in your bait. Also, I laughed seeing that 1 lonely point in your last post.
i wish i was 25 again bro
i am not a shill stop acting like you become a magician and everything in life will be awesome for you just bc of sr, it literally just didnt happen for me i still had bad luck all the time why would i lie
look i didnt make this post and i can relate a lot >>38248505

i can only assume i did sr actually longer than you did, and if you did sr aslong as me i bet my dick balls that youd be as frustrated as me by now if nothing good happened to you
i never said sr bad fap good im just saying my life i was def not lucky in any aspect and im now fomoing for sure and im hella frustrated bc of all the effort to reward ratio thats totally fucked
Remember that they're not attracted to YOU, they're attarcted to your AURA. Once aura is gone, poof, you go fuck yourself and no one gives a shit about you anymore.
Exactly like those girls or friends that only call you because you're the free ride and beers. Car is broken? poof no calls. Money is gone? poof no calls.
Only difference is that when it comes to the aura they don't even know it. They're under some sort of magnetic subconscious spell. And that makes it even more fucked up.
exactly its like that im also the 'shill' kek>>38255043
more likely you just look good no? today i saw a hot girl with massive tits, surely she was healthy or whatever but i mean i didnt look of magnetic subconscious i looked bc she had massive tits that were firm and not hanging like dam wtf bro
Shill team is here.
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how? your tiny ego cant comprehend that not everyone becomes superman after sr? not everyone gets instant luck and wins the lotto?

grow up faggot, im literally just being honest if you cant take that your ego seems tiny just like your dick
Aww (((you))) felt addressed!!! How sensitive! You outed yourself you fucking retard! Last post entertaining you. Go fuck yourself and your fuckface coomer doomer agenda. You and your kind are fucking DOOMED!
>it doesn't matter whether you get a higher risk of heart attacks because we will all die anyways
Incredible how little shame pajeets have
Like clockwork.
little dick incel mad
Empty balls create bad times
Bad times create full balls
Full balls create good times
Good times create empty balls

Balls have gone full circle, the circle of balls
Good evening brothers.
Tonight marks two weeks of semen retention for me. I have made it past 3 months twice, but relapsed. For a while, I struggled to see why I continued to relapse.
Then, I bought the book Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. You are welcome to have whatever opinion you want on both the author and the book, but there is an exercise in the book where Tony instructs the reader to list 4 things they know they need to do, but have been avoiding doing, or continually failing to do. He then tells the reader to write what short term pleasure and pain they associate with doing (or not doing) the thing, and to write down the long term pleasure and long term pain of doing (or not doing) the thing. If anyone out there is struggling to understand why you do what you do, I highly suggest this exercise. I personally came to understand that in the moment, when the urge came on, I was only thinking about the short-term dopamine spike, the pleasure of anticipating orgasm, and the short-term pain of acknowledging my true emotions- feeling lonely, unfulfilled, and feeling I am not living up to my potential. I would always ignore the long-term pain of regret and disappointment that comes with relapse, the pain of not meeting my future wife because I spent all my time and energy jerking off to porn, the pain of porn-induced ED, or the pain of never chasing my dreams because I wasted all of my creative, masculine, manifesting energy by pleasuring myself to the thought and image of other people having sex. I was ignoring the long term pleasure of believing in myself because I kept a promise to myself and overcame a bad habit, the pleasure of regaining my confidence with women, and the pleasure of spending my energy on productive habits that shape me into being a man I truly admire. This exercise has greatly helped me reshape my view of myself and masturbation by shifting my focus to the pain it causes me. I highly recommend trying it.
What is Shabbat? Do they shit on a bat in a tag team effort or they get a shah chained up in an underground installation just to stick a rusty pipe with a bat stuck to the tip? Hopefully neither
Gonna masturbate tonight. I don't want to end the streak but I'm just too damn sad and lonely and defeated and I need something.
Brother, dont. Remember the terrible feeling of shame that occurs about 3 mins after? It will only make things worse. Its not over till its over
The problem is I feel that way all the time and abstinence isn't making it go away.
Well, it'll only get worse, you will be betraying yourself by masturbating, dont allow yourself to default to the path of least resistance, power through. I know the feeling though, dont get me wrong im right there with you. Loneliness is a beast
So every morning i drink down 2 eggs alonbt with a pressed juice since ive turned 31 this year been trying to better take care of myself, but also am a chronic coomer but never felt much different than last year where i was drinking every weekend and eating like shit

Started no fap last week tough and wow buddy…

The observable difference is my skin, i look as if ive de aged 10 year, theres color back in my face and my wrinkles dont show as much, i look like a campire thats freshly gorged istelf of blood

The unobservable/placebo? things is that the “cloudy” feeling ive had in my head for moat of my adult life has dissipated and mentally i feel like i did when i was a kid, just more vigor in that regard, and it does feel like I get more attention from women

Now i know this is just my own personal experience and it might sound too good to be true but keep in mind that food wise i get a ton of vitamins as ive stated above from just my morning ritual alone

My theory is that semen, draws its components from everything in our bodies, from our organs, brains, and even skin, and to be a coomer is to literally be perma drained as if you really are being fed on by a vampire

Now the depressing thought is that i couldve done this years ago im my teens, but the whole culture surrounding semen retention wasnt even a thing 5 years ago

Let me just tell you that any people online saying “just coom bro” or “i fap 20 times a day and im fine”… thats all bullshit, no fap is the real deal but i would also say vitamin max, preferably with REAL food
any supposed benefits after 1 week is certainly placebo. Dont get complacent, keep going, then you'll see the real gems
>Verification not required.
No there are certainly benefits after a week, are you shilling?
The benefits are purely based on self image improving. They are benefits in their own right. The only shill is you who gives ridiculous expectations as to what happens, and when inevitably a newbie experiences nothing, they get disappointed and demoralised. If it was so obvious, everyone would do SR
Ah so you are a shill
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>The benefits are purely based on self image improving.
Quiet shill. Stop posting girls too on this general, dickhead.
> No verification required, again.
a shill for...?
After a week yes, retard. Dont misrepresent me like that. This shit isnt easy. God didnt make it that way.

U mad?
I think you’re both shilling
I think not engaging intellectually and immediately accusing someone with a slight disagreements as being a shill, not only makes you an idiot, it also makes you a shill.
I swear im not trying to give rediculous expectations, and ive stated that i think a lot of it is my lifestyle and diet that ive had prior to nofapping, that may attribute to the results ive had thus far

Next thing i gotta do is no porn but your bombarded with lustful images all over this site, but i dont wanna drop this site because i beleive its the only legit source for information and truth there is
Wow triggered lol. I won't touch myself and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Also you don't need verification after solving the captcha enough times, moron. Just happened for me
I'm just asking what he's allegedly shilling
Okay fair enough. I will assume good faith on your part but you immediately accused me of being a shill when i obviously endorsed SR and that made me suspicious.

And yes, not watching porn is a tough one to crack. SR is the physical practise, but the mental plane is more subtle and "higher", and purity of thought is such a crucial part of SR too. Not just on this site, you step out and theres an ad of some pretty girl, or some sex scene on a movie. When the thought appears in your mind, dont let it turn into a story, just stop it straight away. Best way to describe it imo. Good luck
Downplaying the benefits of SR and calling it a placebo
Again retard. It should be very obvious that im an advocate of SR. Fuck off stupid.
Can all you recovering low iq coomers whose brains have melted out your head stop shitting up this place with your low IQ takes? Just utter incapable of understanding nuance, all you can do is cry "muh shill" and constantly misrepresent honest folks giving advice. retard.
All I see is you having a tantrum lmao
>bragging about a 1 week streak
You'll inevitably relapse, maybe then you'll learn something.
I'll learn to be less like you
Lol, im much younger than you, and started this a long time ago. You wish you were me. You spent your prime being a coomer. You cant change that. Be humble.
It’s that time of the week again where they crawl out of the tunnels.
You're a tranny and I'm young too lol
Many of you will have a simple obituary. You were born, you spoke about jews, then died. Sad!
My life has just begun, Satan
31 is old. You're supposed to be married and having a child soon. Instead you're here, trying to not be a coomer, bragging about not jerking off for a week.

If i was like that at 31 id kill myself.
>Verification, once again, not required.
I'm 22 kek
So you just butted in larping as the other guy? Typical incel coper behaviour, have sex loser.
No? I'm the same guy
God, I’m laughing my ass off at these recent posts. I love /x/
Good post. SR got easier for me when I dropped all goy slop and alcohol, didn't really do drugs. My diet is strictly Raw milk, cream, butter, kefir, pasture raised eggs(I know they're not perfect but still), red meat, all grass fed or wild caught. It's like my mind has completely cleared up and my caffeine usage plummeted as a result too. I barely use my computer now, maybe check some videos on youtube of people I'm subscribed to and browse this general but I never want to stay for long like I used to. I wake up and go for long walks/runs or meditate in any good area of nature.
It's incredible.
Forgot to say I eat a lot of organic fruits for energy but I heard it causes some people to crave sugar, however it stops all my sugar cravings.
Porn is a military operation. I repeat, porn is a military operation.
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I had a wet dream where I came in the dream, as in I could literally see the semen coming out of my penis, but when I woke up nothing had come out and I didn't feel like I came

Anyone else have this before?
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Yes, the Germans dropped pornographic leaflets (relative to the time) over the allies to demoralize them
This has happened to me before, feels like I'm orgasming, look down in the dream and I'm releasing but I snapped out of it and shorts were clean.
Never was.
Just a friend's reminder to stay strong. Jesus saves. Don't hesitate to give your life to Christ when the Holy Spirit calls.

Even if you're not a Christian, there's wisdom about retention and sex-relations in Proverbs chapter 5 for those who are interested.

Keep fighting the good fight against the flesh, φιλους.
Exact same thing happened to me frens, I even tried to hold my dick to not cum in the dream, and when I woke up everything was ok, like nothing happened.
I tried to go back to Christianity after a bout with European paganism and occultism and felt a cold emptiness in my heart. I think I gooned too hard and cut myself off from Yahweh.

Literally impossible you just need to surrender to him he always answers. His mercy is greater than your sin.
>After a week yes, retard.
As I said he did not answer me, sometimes I think it was his intended fate for me to be a loner loser coomer and I'm defying him by doing SR, like I'm riding some black magic wave.
> I wanked myself out of omnipresence
The retardation sometimes surpasses my expectations.
Yahweh is not omnipresent
Don't you me shill, you reek of coomer.


That's how the abrahamic supreme creator God is defined.
The Abrahamic god is Yahweh, one of many gods in existence

No shit. So if one of the attributes of the abrahamic supreme creator God is "omnipresent" and the abrahamic supreme creator God is Yahweh then that would mean that one of the attributes of Yahweh is that he's omnipresent.
Woke up with morning wood, had lots of lewd dreams. Day 9, wondering if I should be concerned. At least I didn't get wet dreams though.
I'm denying Yahweh is omnipresent
Can't you guys see shills try to derail with bs that don't belong here, muh weed vs antiweed, muh god vs antigod, stay on topic
I've been edging for the past 3 hours. Please help me anons. I dont want to do this tonight.
We go through these threads like toilet paper what does it matter, it's a good space for like-minded anticoomers to discuss things
just stop, and don't edge again not even a bit, it always leads to more edging and to relapse.
When you relapse just start over clean this time
go smoke a cigarette or boot up a videogame brah
im talking to people online too
waht do i tell them?
do i just dissapear
im so fucking stupid why did i sit down and start this
i was unhappy on sr until i joined some bullshit local cycling club where i met new friends and gf.
you need to find something that you're moderatly interested into and join that.
even if it's playing chess with retired boomers. gf was daughter of some guy in my club afterall.

transmuting was hard for me, i never knew what exactly to do, if im doing right, when, where, ... i never figured it out.
speaking for myself, i've come to conclusion that transmuting is just doing something. sr being a passive permanent buff when doing said things.
so yeah, i think you need to step out of the comfort zone so to say. then sr kicks in.
It's up to you whether you want to commit to this or not, but the early stages are extremely difficult. If you want to do it you must cut yourself off from anything tying you to it, remember it's always darkest before the dawn.
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If you had, you'd have had no desire to go back. God does not abandon us. He waits patiently for His children to come back to Him.

Christ died for you.

And lest this be an entirely off-topic post, I'll tell you all I'm very pleased. I'm very grateful to God and to you all for your support. I'm on day 30. Very few times in my adult life, precious few, have I made it so far. They are always the heights of activity, industry, and intelligent thought in my life as I see them. This time is no different. I've finished a peculiarly comfortable novel this afternoon and have not stopped improving my Ancient Greek over these thirty days. I give my love and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom and in whom all things are held together by the Holy Father, and to the Holy Spirit, who fills me and lifts me with His presence as often as I set the eyes of my heart upon Him with humble obedience, and to the Almighty Father Himself, my most mysterious and loving God, blessed of all others, superlative in every respect and against whom there is neither word, nor endeavor, nor plan which may avail, but the completeness of His boundless love which has been shed abroad for all in the sacred blood of Christ puts to shame every adversary! Glory to God, and His blessings upon you my friends! Dear soldiers against the flesh! Never cease in our battle, but continue to step on, though the mire threaten to sink you, step again!
I actually did and feld rejection in my soul, why would I even try if I didn't care?
I never said you didn't care. I know you do. That rejection didn't come from God, is what I'm telling you. That's either coming from you, or from an unclean spirit. If you're alive and breathing, God is waiting for you with open arms. We believe, we repent our sins—continually turning away from them throughout our lives, and for so little a price, we reap the fellowship of the Father through the Holy Spirit.
>and for so little a price, we reap the fellowship of the Father through the Holy Spirit
BECAUSE of the precious blood of Jesus, which was shed for us*, I should have said.
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Reporting for duty.
I posted this yesterday >>38251658

Once again I got drawn into a WD and as the curious human that I am, I did the same experiment. Went through almost the same process by maintaining my curiosity and not let it turn into lust. Woke up with the same muscle contractions as before, without releasing ANY semen. Tried pushing out to see if I'm not mistaken and to my surprise there was literally less than 1mm2 of clear moist (basically looked like water).

Was it similar to this post and my previous post? At first I thought I unlocked a new ability, but this almost feels like a guardian angel looking over me to make sure my lifeforce doesn't deplete for no reason. Please, share your thoughts frens and if you don't mind tell me how long you're retaining to put things in perspective.
Different strokes I guess, I repented my sins for weeks after turning from the left hand path and felt nothing, as soon as I turned back I felt whole again. Now I've almost mastered tarot and am getting into deeper systems.
I keep hearing of these wet dreams, but I've never experienced one. I have experienced spiritual warfare of a sexual nature on rare occasion, but never one which resulted in an unconscious emission. Is that what you mean, a sexual dream, or do you mean an actual ejaculation while sleeping?
Repenting your sins is just a must. I like to think of it like tuning forks. For one to sing when the other is thrummed, they must be in harmony, but that's merely my own favored mental image for it. Where you find the presence of the Living God in your life is through a holy life, yes, that's important, helpful, and necessary, but I would argue that even more necessary than that, from my experience, is worship and praise. Spending a great deal of time worshipping the Lord with your whole heart. I do mean with song, but the Lord is always aware of the motives of our hearts, many things can be an act of worship throughout our day. We can spend the whole day in an attitude of worship, like the Japanese phrase 心の構え (kokoro no kamae; lit. posture of the heart/mind). I'm fond of that concept with reference to our attitude towards God as a central point for the manner in which everything in our lives is done. Our entire lives can be worship. This way of living moves the heart of God. Indeed, whose heart would it fail to move? Who would see anyone doing every action full of love and concern for them and remain indifferent to the doer?

God loves you. He's not done with you. Why wait? There's nothing and no one which may compare with the wholeness of God in Christ.

May you be blessed, friend. God's love to you and mine to go with it.
You can read tarot and also be a Christian, don't worry.
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying, I have tried since birth and always been rejected. The left hand path is my only path
>I have tried since birth and always been rejected.
I grew up in an evangelical church where everyone was speaking tongues around me, and I could never do the same despite trying everything in my power to do the same. Is that not being rejected by your god?
these are false gods they try to make you fear

your real god is at your mercy
Speaking in tongues is cretin woo woo, there's nothing mystical about it.
I've seen it happen many times with my own eyes
I was misunderstanding, you're right about that. No, anon. You're not rejected. I can feel the Holy Spirit loves you even as we're talking. Those feelings come from either unclean spirits, or our own feelings of inadequacy and shame. They don't come from God. I won't tell you or anyone how to live who doesn't ask me, but I can tell you with 100% certainty: Jesus loves you. He died for you. God has not abandoned or rejected you. He has, however, forbidden divination. Christians don't need such things anyway, as God knows everything, and can reveal anything to us He wishes to do at anytime. So if you do decide to go to Christ, you will have to give up these other things. I don't need to tell you what, per se. If you do, just read your Bible and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. God will tell you what to do.

That's not at all true. I'm sorry, but it simply is wrong.

No; divination is forbidden along with many other things. And why wouldn't it be? Why should the Holy Spirit have to compete with a deck of cards? If we wish to know, we ought to ask the Lord and be patient and humble before Him to accept any or no response. This is what it means to follow the LORD.
So what? It's entry-level prelest, most evangelicals have no deep understanding or practice of mind work.
no my experience was not like yours, there were no lingering effects when I woke up and nothing came out of my benis, not even any precum. I posted >>38256200
Stop speaking like a retarded pastor, I've seen people channeling spirits and people "speaking in tongues", the latter are just schmucks with troubled lives.
>divination is forbidden along with many other things
Kek, go take a visit to /ceg/.
You're wrong. I'm sorry, but I can definitively tell you from experience you are 100% wrong.
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It feels like the longer I'm on SR the less I'm able to relate with others doing it. As if each of our experiences are too unique at some point to discuss.

Aside from the fact that there's a lot of people refusing to read your post entirely before they decide to reply. Really silly example:
I post: I jumped blindfolded for fun. Landed on my feet. Slipped on a banana peel.
Reply: Why did you jump blindfolded?

At first I thought these were shills, keeping my eyes of the prize, but when it happens so frequent it's just too hard to ignore. Why this occurs so often baffles me, but I think I'm starting to realize why other anons warned about this when I first started visiting this thread. Kind of like fighting lvl 1 mobs when you're lvl 60 and gaining 1 xp per kill when you need 5 million to lvl up.
Now I have a curious question: What would happen if a teenager went on SR? Would they gain some sort of spiritual superpower alongside the natural advantage & head start they would wield?
Look at male cats that have their balls removed compared to those who have been neutered. Their facial characteristics are wildly different. Intact male cats are more aggressive, dominant, and have chiseled facial features like you see on lions. Neutered male cats look like female cats.

This applies to all mammals.
Pray the Rosary everyday. And guard your thoughts from lust
t.day 334
Last night was a thunderstorm and I could feel an electrical charge in my skin I never felt before. I think it’s what dogs feel that makes them uncomfortable during storms. There is definitely an energy increase that becomes quite noticeable the longer you retain.
Day 9, feel good, not gonna coom
pray to God, not a woman.
Can't the Holy Spirit work through cards, it's the contacting of spirits which is strictly forbidden, as long as you stay clear of that cards shouldn't conflict with the faith. It's very useful for the hypersensitive
Can a streak be ruined? I was having beautiful dreams up until last night. I watched porn but did not coom. Couldn’t sleep either. Finally caught some sleep by morning anddreamt some hellish shit instead. Woke up, fell asleep again and got attacked by a fucking demon. Is it worth it to continue or should I just reset? I don’t want to give porn demons my loosh bros. Plus it’s annoying AD to start over. But I don’t know if I can reverse the present situation.
Hang on I just checked, technically it is sin according to Deuteronomy. Damn.
But what if a person has esp? Just existing is divination then when you receive visions and shit. I find it ridiculous that I wouldn't be allowed a tool which helps bring out what's already in me and I interpret as being the Holy Spirit
Reset as in coom? Weakling.
You didn’t ejaculate therefore your streak isn’t broken. Carry on as you were faggot
Day 3 I think? I have no urges at all, feels good.
Massages before bed help with bad dreams, you can use your own hands
Retard, my question is if I can come back from that mess or of I’ll keep struggling like this
You’re afraid of nightmares? How old are you lol?
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The shocking trick Dark Magicians don't want you to know!
Come back? You never went anywhere.
As you were, nigger.

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