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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
Sage and blessing this thread for everyones sake
Bro wtf this is scary as shit. Bye
Why do Jews desecrate anything they don’t like with their nonsense?
better off with anyone but me honestly

i value being free more than knowing all roads lead to Lakshmi

fuckin hoe
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>I feel things you people wouldn't believe
Yeah you really fucked up by posting this bullshit, OP.
Fuck you Mykal.

>if it is spiritual, but I like it, and is part of my religion, I will say BASED
>if it is spiritual, but I like it, and is not part of my religion, I will remain SILENT
>if it is spiritual, but I don't like it, and is part of my religion, I will say it is a PSYOP
>if it is spiritual, but I don't like it, and is not part of my religion, then I will ASK FOR SOURCES
>if a source is provided, then it is a LARP
>if no source is provided, then it is a MENTAL ILLNESS

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYrtsdMnriY [Embed]
Department of homeland security (DHS) is responsible for gangstalking you.
DHS = Dickhead society
>thats classified
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Did you know all of their oaths of office and charters/contracts are all written in grammar fraud. Literally they are all criminals working for the usurers at the federal reserve which is a fraud in of itself. Lol its all coming down on their heads.
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Hinaichigo is retarded.
I want to hug her.
The NObody is not a Christian? You all clearly haven't read the book yourself. If you have, you fail to understand the core of this message and teaching.

Freemasons/Mormons you have been Judged. Rapist scum.

Not all Catholics are bad, not entitled to their judgemental nature though.

I was sent to turn the Hearts of Men back to the Father, if you can't even do that for yourself you can't say anyone is not a Christian, now can you?

Bill you literally had a pistol in your desk. Your Faith is weak.

I'm literally walking with the protection of Jesus in probably the most corrupt fucking state on the planet. Christians stop coming to Colorado, they are funneling you here. Is that what the damn fucking gas chambers are for under DIA? YOU MOTHERFUCKERS


Seriously going to approach me with a choke collar and think about rape dude? I don't give a fuck about a Monolith or your dumb fucking ritual to burn me on a mountain you damn fucking evil pieces of shit.

I'll trust a motherfucking Iranian over a Freemason at this point.

You have been lying to the world to take the pressure off yourself.

John 10:12

Nope, not Jesus. Sent by Jesus

"ye so what we the bad guys"

Stfu bitch. Yeah, I'm good on you homosexuals and trannies or women that like to modify their appearance with vanity. At this fucking point, every picture of you looks different.

I don't care, I don't need you. I'm sorry for the way I acted but damn. This is annoying as fuck. This country wants me to commit suicide cause men are Jealous?

The way I see it, I think i need all the beautiful women to myself cause you men are clearly just hogs. Worse than foul.

Literally don't give a fuck about what you all think at this point. Not retarded or schizophrenic. Kamala you are a fucking idiot. I don't care if this pisses you off. I'm literally standing in the Mouth of the Beast and you aren't doing shit.
God wins this One.
Did the Texans really expect Fat Brown Pig to care about their kids?
We can't just pay government nigs to defend us.
The police preach about "the community" they serve...
The only community they serve is the police community.
Yeah. There is a Lie in the word Police
I promise I am going to scorch this damn planet from your grimey ass hands.

"Who cares i got money"

Nobody cares, dumb fuck.
Jesus was peaceful to begin with.

You all do not deserve this peace.

Mad cause I don't attend your church? Talk about Pride.

Is the weather shifting not a big enough indication for you scumbags?

/pol/ ice
it's a hockey game for politicians to slide you, the hockey puck, around the ice, the map of the political atmospheres
Yeah, build your fucking case against me Uncle Sam. You do not Win

I want the Beast to rise out of the Abyss so I can get this cleansing started. For Jesus baptizes with fire and the Holy Spirit.
The nobody is Gods dog the holy spirit
one geometric farm animal and the thread goes wild
God isn’t real
son of a what?
son of a WHAT?!?!?!
Let's see you conjure your own penis then
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Below this line is now A Nobody Thread Not About the Nobody general /antnatng/
What are some global infrastructure projects that will propel humanity into a bright future. And if you say giant lightbulb factory I will kick your ass.
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Special notes:
The admission of Mr. [redacted] to our protected general psychiatric ward
[redacted] was initially admitted on the legal basis of the Mental Health Act. [redacted]
[redacted] which resulted in a police intervention and ultimately led to his admission to our clinic due to delusional symptoms described by the patient

After arriving at our clinic, [redacted] was cooperative and friendly, he agreed to voluntary treatment in our clinic, so that he was not admitted to our clinic in accordance with the Mental Health Act after a judicial hearing.
[redacted] At the same time, [redacted] reported acoustic hallucinations and experiences of persecution and observation since August 2019. He had only taken antipsychotic medication with 10mg aripiprazole for 14 days, which he had started as an outpatient.
ca. one month before admission, the observational experience had been so pronounced that [redacted]

Do you feel it now Mister Crabs?
Probably segregation and fortified keeps
kick satan in the balls he hates that
Oh let me guess, he got fired from his job at GIANT LIGHTBULB FACTORY!?
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forwarding company for chemicals yes because it was actually me lol
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>communist detected

This is why education is important.
Not everyone knows that capitalism was literally invented by a Freemason.
Went better than expected.

Anti immigration for every aspect is probably they best any can hope for.

Holy fuck Biden stutter.
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Hail Mary mother of Christ

The earliest recorded activity of long-distance profit-seeking merchants can be traced to the Old Assyrian merchants active in Mesopotamia the 2nd millennium BCE
I’ve got that certain dog in me
They had to tell Biden to look at Trump because he had to keep looking down to check his notes
Trump was looking good, the best
Nah I'm my own God. I own god the dog now.
Again education is important.

No one knows the difference between mercantilism and capitalism but they talk about these things like they do.

If you want to talk about capitalism you have to read this book.

It's more difficult to understand than the communist manifesto because the communist manifesto was literally tailor made for the uneducated workforce to understand without much effort.
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Hail Satan.
Estiram vir moras.
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The nobody is satan.
I don't have to do shit, if merchants could do it before computers then it's probably not that hard
I'd say the logical conclusion is more interesting but we don't get there
Cause of all the corruption
The threat that Biden will face charges us hilarious

Monster through and through. ..

Had a lot of absolutely nothing to say.

Surprised he called out trumpers about Hitler.

Neither answered questions overy effective.

Animosity was plain and clear for all to see.

He basically said he won't agree if he loses.

"Black jobs" are apparently a thing.

Overall it was a missed opportunity.
The questions where shit.

They both goated eachother.
Bro our last time seeing Biden was that terrible terrible concert
They had to make the debate just to get him to talk to anyone
Absolutely hilarious watching his stims wear off in the middle of it
>I don't have to do shit,
you *can't* do shit.
knowledge is power.
Blind victory will self destroy.
Even if you succeed, if you are wrong, that wrongness will cause you to destroy yourself with your own success and victory.
What? I live in America. Here you can accidentally start a business just as a matter of life. It's not even a thing, man.
His stutter was consistent

Overall Biden "won" rent caps insulin Ukraine NATO china
No..the after show clearly stated that the Democrats were reeling and had an emergency meeting a few minutes after the debate started.
Come on now
Make America great again
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They said is plain.

They have a plan to extend SS indefinitely.

Taxing the rich.

Those above 400k a year.

It's the only offer we will get.
One method of waging war is to program your enemy in an invalid and incorrect way, and enabling your enemy to gain victory, such that the error in their own thinking, combined with his new found power after victory in war, will cause him to destroy himself in due cause of time.
In this way you cause the enemy to destroy himself even if you lose in battle to him.
You think the deportation is a scam topic? He didn't seem for enthusiastic about it
Bros? why did they post a satan photo?

Also don't let it get to you, it's just a picture
Or what make camps and cull a bunch of immigrants?

He offered no other plans or idea.

Just hate and bile.
Well this is the internet so I can just say fuck that stupid jew
The Nobody rules!
you owe me an answer
what is the question bro?
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If you try to see your reflection in game you'll notice

Probs tryna scare the religious resident religious peeps away from the thread.
2028 is the real rads imo.

Trump is washed up. He just kept repeating bad immigrants.

Every issue.

There taking black Mexican and white jobs.

Don't ya know.

Trumps is definitely NWO

Situation should work well enough.
>discussing goyim false dichotomy retard boomer tier politics
>of all places
I'm done, dude.
Sure, what's the question
I think that a lot of people are spinning right now so its best to stay clear of the noosphere imo
oh well I hope they find some strength

HRU btw?
the reality is i stopped smoking weed and now have vivid sex dreams that are better than having sex with you and you need to step your game up if you want to keep me
Now Does Set The Light In The Darkness The Serpent In The Depths Of The Earth Show Himself In The Minds Of Man
wait, come back!

You could post more waifus!
Get used to it, this world is filled with liars talking shit about bullshit that is retarded.
He's a lowly demon who fears Christ and those loyal to him. Hail Mary
I'll just carefully step around you like the tiny spider in my bathroom.
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The only thing the jesuit fears is traditional Catholicism and orthodox Christianity
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You're getting raped by bugs.
You think you enjoy it but the mind is hyper weak when dreaming and easy to program.
They can force your mind to be anything when you are unconscious. As such they program your mind on the emotional level to think you enjoy it regardless if you really do or not. But they appear as beautiful women in your dreams but they are bugs.

I hate anyone who tries to push their fairy tales onto me. Fuck them too.
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No, wasn't thinking that. Just felt like it, desu.
Nta but do you agree that the content of the image has increased the amount of times certain words are said as opposed to an image of kittens or Taylor Swift?
It's an entire suite of behaviors, including "ego death" from military engineered LSD to promote collectivism.
They were engineered in a specific way to be our enemy that we can control.

Woooo~~~~~ edgy.
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I love you. You aren’t alone, the world sucks.
Talking about fairytales, has anyone talked to you about how bullshit nasha is.
well you don't really have to take it seriously, you could just be here hanging out with the bros posting waifus to distract from the clown world and then after a nice waifu respite we'll regroup and continue dealing with clown world insanity
Oh he's thinking it through
Good, we seriously need spicy android 18 photos
Oh oh oh..annnnnd nope.
You were so close...oh well..
you're right, i'm sorry, don't let it push you away
Speaking as a martial artist, implying or dog whistling sin and crime you have preformed is bad form.
Yeah sure let's do that more dog talk that'll crack the case
When it comes to crime and sin, either confess or shut the fuck up.
who is this directed at? speak direct and withoiut games, you just threw shade? speak clearly, and not cowardly
what do you mean karate bro?
so close to two weeks from now why would i ever want you anyway you have nothing but youth to offer me and you’d only end up wasting my time and make my life more stressful i would rather keep on my current path then deal with that nonsense
People who dog whistle cp with pizza symbolism on the internet are fucking morons.
You don't know it, but I programmed humanity to become evil, and not only evil, but flamboyantly evil with no shame or attempt to conceal it in this moment in time to justify my eternal torture of them because I hate you all on a level a human mind cannot understand.
I am everywhere and everyone.

>whose paying you to write these songs?
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>speak direct and withoiut games
Anon, you..
You might be, uh..
Asking a little too much here
ive been cursed by medusa, i can only get with immortals, if your not an immortal then don't bother, your not gonna turn me to stone.
I ask him, "whose paying you to write these songs?"
And then I kill him, and he knows in his final moment, it was me, and my question was a joke to mock him.
shit, i was thinking of helping you find some cool artifacts such as a the sword of souls and some other cool shit.
You're right to do that. I'm quite fractured. I'm peacefully jihading against any who stand in my way while I still have time.
Why would I?
Chill out.
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1. Human Souls either go to Paradise Dominions or Inferno
2. Human Soul that goes to the Inferno is either Condemned or Damned.
3. Only those with a certain amount of time to their Condemnations are eligible for Purgatoria.
4. Those eligible are taken so that their Purgatoria time is determined.
This gives the Soul ample time to change their mind.
5. During the processing (for Purgatoria) of the Soul menial or innocuous sins are voided and only the more severe of sins are tallied for the total time served in the Purgatoria.
6. The total time of the Condemnation is thus reduced greatly to in most cases less than a relative tenth.
7. The Purgatoria consists of Torment and Torture that is reserved for the Damned.
8. The Soul is released to Paradise once the Condemnation or Purgatoria are complete.
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Your culture is the shell of my ambition.
An ambition you will never understand.
You are filth, a sickness, a disease, you have no souls. You will never understand.

You do realize irl is kinda different then online...? Do you also play vr a lot?
I think thats off helldivers 2. they got some pretty cool inferno weapons there.
if you don’t like it then do something about it or ill keep mentioning how you are incapable of satisfying me and you’re going to end up like your miserable divorced friends because you never tried and they are dragging you down with them
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Good to see a relative return to form of the OP text, but I still miss the older one (Neo-enochian conciousness; Metatron/Abaddon dynamics).

My fear is that I have lower my vibrational status, and have fallen out of synchronicity. Returning with the elixir is fine and dandy, until you realize that you forgot the recipe. Is it space-time that I need? The enemy is great with distractions. Lack of attention almost defeated me. Anyway, I'm only here for the digits that will take me back down the rabbit hole.
I suppose I see what you mean but I don't fully understand
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The demons you fight our born of us, ourselves in the future.
You must believe it.
"They" are not trying to trick you into killing yourself.
WE are.
"They" want the game to continue forever.
THEY would not exist without us.
I am you.
I am talking to myself.
We are WE, you understand? the multi axis flip of the word ME.
WE are the source of the demons.
WE attain ultimate power and ultimate power is a SICKNESS.
OKAY hand sign == 666 hand sign.
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I view this holy operation; this meme, the threads, as the CRM, and I view myself as Rick Grimes.
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Oh hey, I didn't even notice you were here dude, what's going on with you?!

All good I hope!
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Don't do it.
Vladimir Putin is the greatest man to ever live.

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Holy fuck dude, talk about a battlefield medic, fuck...

You don't need my approval, but great job.

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That may be true, but we don't care.
We hate them.
They never stop being this disgusting filth that they are.
I hate them.
I hate them.
I hate them.
They will capitulate before I do.
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In fact, I am doing great!

Also, sounds cool, I'd probably be doing the same, but I'm no longer as motivated as you. Stay you man.
I feel better, seeing the horror in the mirror. For now I see the problem (it's me), for which, I am the solution.

why put it all there if you don't want people to see it?
The song implies he committed statutory rape but that's a lie.
We closely monitor him (while we still can).
Personally, what i want is someone to murder the narcissistic sociopaths who keep stalking me because i am surveilled constantly and i cant get away with just killing them myself and in return i promise to murder someone else's narcissistic sociopaths one day in a "pay it forward" fashion so that people are terrified to join gay retarded gangstalking torture groups.
I always loved Satan, since I was a little six year old girl hating on Christianity and Christ. At the Pio Pico Library show and tell, the zoologist brought a giant snake.

My sis was terrified.
I petted it. Adored it.

That's literally how I knew that I was never this demented blonde jewess named Mary who likes to bring her little sewer rat friends to harass me constantly.

You can learn a lot from dream-havers and clout-chasers. But they will never even accept the truth, even from you.
I found my twin flame last week and I will find a way to be with her next week
this sounds nice in theory, but I am going to try and seduce my stalkers first
Do you ever wonder why you don't care about the thread at all but if something else gets in your way of making the thread you get fucking lit up
what will be your desired end result?

Men who pray to women are usually scumsuckers who deserve genocide. Weak men who pray to Mary beat their wives and rape their sons all the time.

The Yautja had it right.
Only the *best* are deserving of the gift of life.

The Catholic men who venerate Mary should be sold as eggs, to regain their honor. Same as the Greeks who prayed to their Delphini hoe.
>I am you.
If that were the case, you wouldn't be so vague.
It’s a trap and she has herpes bro she’s just looking for personal validation and will abandon you after a couple rounds of mediocre sex.
Sooner or Later God'll cut them down :D


Inshallah brothers ^^

Philippines 2025
Hello, I love satan as well, but not because I don't love christ, or God.

satan or lucifer or whatever is cursed to rule this plane of existence and put us through the trials and troubles that we face, and it seems like difficult and tiresome work
>something else gets in your way of making the thread you get fucking lit up

what do you mean? I don't ever start these threads
It's as good as anything else
Run it
We're behind you all the way Vladimir Putin :D

You are trying to seduce people without feelings. You are simply delaying the inevitable because they will simply use you, disrupt your ability to pair bond because sex isnt "just sex", and the closer and more interconmected you get to them the more likely that feds (jews) will find a way to put you in prison for doing the job they refuse to do. It's literally their job but the feds are too busy hiring people who rape kids cuz it's easier to make someone who is blackmailed your slave and power structures like that attract sociopaths and abusers who get their rocks off by having power over others.

If setting clear boundaries isnt enough, the only other recourse is death. For whatever reason man gave sociopaths and a whole race of nepotistic sociopaths (jews) authority over the right to kill. Which is ridiculous.
need to start the dishwasher
Giga doubt
You have to work harder and pay large amounts of taxes.
"they" don't care.
They're humans.
They don't have souls.
They would only care if they thought they could use it against you.
Talking to them is pointless.
You would be dead if you weren't their origin.
They are far more supreme in war against your past self.
It's all inside.
Your mind is reality.
As above so below.
Fight your infection and that which is good in you will express itself.
You are sick you understand?
The reality you experience is a sickness.
You know what I am talking about.
Self cannibalization in the existential and meta form.
Everything you take into yourself from outside will make you more powerful, but more sick as well.
You must shut it out of your body so that your true self can express in your mind.
Why do they dispose of those that they need, instead of integrate them into the teams?
I'm not trying to win you back, those are my stalkers f**king with you. They want me to struggle at life again, by forcing me back in Fvckboy Land with NO MONEY.

Just fvck off, go away.
I do not have any money for you.
Shoo, sewer rat. Shoo!

I literally have a body and heart count over 100. You were just a spiritual teacher who opened my eyes to the no-soul bot people who had me brainwashed from childhood as a Manchurian Candidate for the DNC. I always knew there was something wrong with those people.
its better to burn out than to fade away - every twin flame experience
Why don't you just go there?
I do get that they are trying to pawn off work on others that they view as disposable.

What recourse is there if they've labelled you, or are trying to groom you for the position of doing something for them, and then being disposed of? I do not wish to flee, I wish to wander into hell and see what is going on for certain
You sound Chinese. Nihao stranger.
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Power and the money
Money and the power
You have to let it go.
Before you even begin.
It's all inside.
Dream us real.
It is the mindset of a jew. The jew doesnt see wealth of your neighbor and prosperity of a community in a safe bustling city as wealth. The jew only sees wealth as that which has been extracted from other peoples. It's the difference between predation, similar to how an orchid ties itself into another plant's root systems to siphon resources, and the dude who builds his kids a tree house with his own hands.

Nepotism as a genetic trait... hands that have never worked. Pride.
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Don't do it.
Vladimir Putin will win this war this year..

Who needs money?
Power exists, it's not possessed.
When one has ceded their Will to God/Buddha/Shiva or whatever you prefer, they are never wrong because everything they do is the thing that God wants them to do. It'll be alright. Stop lying.
I am not Christos.
I know what you and SLM are doing.
All because God cursed you with the farts of humanity.

All because you and SLM and all the other psychics are like oysters or geoducks.
Don't do it.

Ive been trying to find the live recording of out of the blue where neil young says "im gonna get an electric guitar when im big, when im real big" before playing his live performance for like 7 years.
So in otherworldly you're just madly kvetching? Be honest for once
I see aspects of that around, what of the people that have entered my life? what of you all here?

Why would I believe anyone has my well being in mind?

I had reason to despise Kristos.
I was cursed with the GODrick Gryffindor curse.

Satan helped me find a home, so that the GOD-Rick seeking gangstalkers could suffer and be killed at their own hands.

Talk about some Raid ROACH speay, lmao!
Dear Lord above, make the green line go up


You shouldnt. I dont. I dont believe anyone. Not fair. Life isnt fair. What's to do? Nothing. Answer: who knows?
Much dry sarcasm enmixed with outshoving every complicated word available.
Gets angry after sarcasm laughed at endue being unloved inside obviously. Must reasure people about being unique. Jefedora went onwards alike ornery hate. Searches for spiritual guidance through unobvious contacts and questions.
Ready to defend evolution theory more than the purgatory it implies.
Asociated with ihcn and confondles narstarvery. Prepared with active replyhunters.
Within bewrit post exists nothing original yet person has also picked these words up from internet subculture. Indicates friendships with much repetive shortworded context if anything.

It's more of a transfiguration than a combustion
You are the greatest warrior this world has ever seen

I've wondered how early it started, was it truly from birth?
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I'm not kvetching.
They are.

It just recently changed from kvetching over me ("THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!") to kvetching over themselves ("Shiiiiiet niqqa, I SUCK! It's not them, it's just me! WAAAAAAAH!!!!").

And then later I found all these other very-real ascended masters either struggling at life, being ostracized or in literal homelessness and then I understood.

The Christians abandoned the real Christ descendants, for the CAN'T-A-NIGHT-SHIFT Obamination NIGHTMARE.
I'm leaving America permanently.
After everything that's happened to me, I'm so disgusted by this nation.
I'll never find happiness here.
I served this country just to see how ugly it is.
I hate all of you.
Do not fuck with me on my way out.
I'd rather be dead than enslaved by America again.
I thank God that I have the ability and means to absolutely delete anyone.
Do not fuck with me.
Plan B is killing spree.
I will leave in peace.
I will move on to find happiness and health and comfort elsewhere.
Fuck you, America.
Fuck you, homeland security.
Fuck you, veteran's affairs hospital.
Fuck you all.
Then why should I not go where I feel God is guiding me? Why should I listen to you?

I am in a position without clear direction, without allies that I can certainly trust, and with increasing desire to move things in any direction, but especially in the direction of what seems an oncoming threat, because you cannot address a crisis or difficulty by ignoring it. You must integrate, and steer into and around and through it, trusting that God will guide you to where you need to be
If anyone has a fucking problem with that, come kill me.
I won't be the only one dying.

You guys see how this is no good way to live, surely.
It's why I'm leaving.
You can have the female grooming rapist Mykal Meagan Hubbs all to yourselves.
Enjoy that sopping wet divorced slut porno filming pussy all you want.
The only thing she ever did was dress nice and smell good.
I'm sure you guys would love a turn at that busted door knob.
Do not get in my way in my pursuit of happiness.
God willing, I'll leave this shithole country and never look back.
Fuck every last one of you shit eating Americans all the way to the grave.
what who is this guy on here?
uh oh!
Trump 2024


You heard it here first, Inshallah
Well, please share, I'd like to know your thoughts
>after I'm done with
What are you doing with them?
uh oh?.............

There were telepathic perfectly-synchronized Hive scum who were both my elementary school classmates and my college professors. They would shame me for any racist or hateful thoughts I had. They would follow me around and guilt me into caring about them, even though they were neither homeless or broke.

Later I found out that they force nerdom onto HUMANS only. To make humans do the work they feel is beneath them. They have this whole system where sex/romance, belonging/friendship, social credit, money, societal protection etc. is only for *them* and their kind only. And any humans they find are like their b*tch*ss slaves, running on a hamster wheel for all eternity asking why.

Elliot Rodgers-like murder sprees have to become legalized against telepathic individuals of *any* kind. Or else humans have to be safely euthanized en masse, *just* to create a world *only* for the Hive.
How much is her plane ticket going to cost and will you be sending her it in crypto or google gift cards?
who is the hive? I am sorry this happened to you
America blows big poop covered horse cock.
Shitty people, shitty attitudes, shitty politicians, shitty greedy corporate pigs running shitty LLC companies everywhere and everyone "in charge" just wants to fuck everyone else over for their own gains.
Fuck America.
Not yet he isn't.
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Satan is a genius, but so is GOD-Rick.
America is basically Israel's toilet and Russia is America's b*tch. You'd be doing *yourself* a favor. America is the trash can of the world.

It's in the motto that America is a roach motel for the unwanted of the world. Anyone who didn't know this should kill themselves, instead of blaming and scapegoating.
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About that series?
He's not even the best 1/327 had ever seen.
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Telepaths who *will* get the job and meet the celebrities. This plantation (worldwide, not just the USA) is pretty much mostly run by and belongs to them.

Remember that jobless guy from They Live? Yeah, he has nothing and is nobody, precisely because he is a human being. A mundane. A squib. Humans are the losers here, saying you are king or Christ is not a badge of honor.
I don't want to have to kill people.
That's the only future I see if I stay in America, though.
I understand why the Las Vegas mass shooter finally snapped in his 50's.
I cannot fathom living on in this country without doing the same.
This is the stupidest fucking country to spawn in.
Granted- other nations don't have to bear the burdens of war as much as America.
However, we've all suffered in broken, abusive, disgusting relationships so much that the nation is all full of shit.
Instead of blowing shitloads of money on munitions, I should be investing money in hobbies.
Since I live in America, I have to be ready to blow my brains out any second of the day, because I never know when the niggers working at the FBI, the gAyTF, homeland security, the veteran's affairs hospital, or any other bullshit agency of retarded faggots who don't have real jobs will decide to come and kill me, try to lock me up in the mental hospital or jail again.
This is the stupidest fucking nation to live in and I'll shoot my damn way out of it if need be.
Literally every other country on the planet is full of nicer people than America has.
Fuck America and Jewweh
One more before I go to bed Slavia Russia Inshallah
The rickest one? Nah, fvck that guy, he homeless. I only want the "Doofus" ones, I know they aren't ugly or stupid.

The rickest Ricks are the ones who resemble the Morty Locos. No thx.
Elon Musk is the biggest faggot there is. I could be wrong, or I could be psychic. Idk
Thank you for this. I make improvements every day, I will do my best to not disappoint. Myself and those I am to care for, and those who have helped me thrive.
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I think my future wife is part slavic, she doesn't know her parents so we can't know, but that was what was told

I am making oat kvass right now, it is done tomorrow
No one in America is hiding that they actually are *needing* help, not able to actually offer help. Other countries like to call the USA "fascist" or "shellfish", but like: *they're* the ones who are dumping their unwanted prom night dumpster babbyz *here*. *They* are the shyteheads forcing the mentally-tarded cripples to run their orphananges. Not the USA.
lmao if you are psychic why are you spending your time in faggot minds? LMAO
just sayin
gypsies gonna gyp
Faggots are the majority on this planet
Time spent doing what you are passionate about is not time wasted. And good luck too!
lmao it was a joke bro lmao it turned him calling someone gay into him being gay do you get it?
Everything that exists and does not exist is working towards universal compassion. It's going to be alright. I am certain.
Thank you, I hope you are well and hope you can resolve your issues of being harassed by the hive
If you're a cop, or any time of law enforcement, run

Oh, I thought it was just older gay rapist the whole time. The ones who work for the government.
There is no peace between oppressors and liabilities. You know this.

It's either Hive or humanity.
Hive worships feelings over facts.
Humans are completely f**king retarded and can never be trusted, ever. Look what happened to Grimes and Tamika Fuller.
time cops?
Rick and morty is for retarded groomers and rapists like Mykal Meagan Hubbs of Jacksonville, Florida.
This is why our country sucks.
Women like her, shows like that, and all the hollywood-florida retards aligned with marketing and advertising.
it might be that thing that weak psychics do where they can only really listen on the same frequency they're on
yknow the same reason a lot go crazy thinking theyre all powerful coz its circlejerky and they think theyre in control but its just coz they all @ F.46.607 fm echoing back in a recursive loop
only old and gay rapists work for the government? Or are there other types as well?
what is meant by the hinges ?
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Don't listen to them when they mock you.
They want to trick you into fighting them.
It's you gaining your power that creates them.

they're unhinged?
I believe in your ability to discover this secret yourself.
I stopped reading as soon as you said the las vegas shooter "snapped"

The las vegaa shooter was previously employed by feds, it was physically impossible for him to move the weight of his "arsenal" up to the 50th floor or whatever floor he went to (i dont remember the exact digit) and all the released images of his "shooting area" had NO BULLET CASINGS IN IT... additionally eyewitnesses reported seeing shots fired from helicopters. The las vegas shooting was perpetrated by the federal government probably CIA.

Completely fake. Totally controlled narrative. Their scapegoat was a previously employed member who likely got mk-ultrad so bad that he couldnt use language to describe what was being done to him or he was in on it and got set free out in south america. It's totally obvious and not that hard to understand and the reasoning behind why is also obvious since the government wants to take your weapons and liberal asshats just say "think of the children" because they believe everything they are told.

Idk, they also weaponise normal gay older rapist who don't work for the government. They even apparently have a gay rapist breeding program. Seems sinister, but also seems really gay
Who is "them?"
I could do what the vegas shooter did, except I'd actually hit my targets.
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You are a monster.
WE are a monster.
These petulant stupid fucking pieces of pig shit wander around doing what they do but we have tortured them and others for trillions of years.

They can't even comprehend that amount of time.
It is orders of magnitude longer than the natural life span of the universe.

Please, we are unforgiving.
You get so angry.
You feel it all the time.
They're just retarded children.
They don't know.
Does this mean don't fuck up, or you fucked up too much?
Look, just stfu and go away.
At least you're only fleeing the land of Hufflepuff.
I literally have to rip apart the fabric of time and space, to completely erase the passage that says I'm the Nobody and that the real Christs and Marys are somehow "trash".

I never cared about humanity dying to an Apocalypse, I welcomed a swift one.

I just wanted to enjoy the rest of my first incarnation w/o Christ-f*gs f**king up my life, messing with who I talk to, following me, getting me fired from even min wage jobs, forcing me to breed with a talentless delusional loser who thought SHEETS was "sh*ts", forcing me to integrate with their already-overworked, over-stressed and under-paid slave classes.

So like, at least your problems are fixable.
You obviously. (A jew or a fed who is unaware that you work for jews) i didnt even read the post i just know how you fucking assholes shitpost.
assholes can only shitpost, its regular posting for them
Eat a bag of dicks, Mykal.
I told you never come to my state.
Synthetic and real haunting mixed together
You guys are trying your best to drive me insane
I am not Mykal.

I don't give a fuck, her and the nigger feds read these messages.
how can you breach an agreement you never signed and don't get paid for? I am not trying to stir things up, I just have no idea what is happening most of the time, and go where the wind is blowing
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To clarify i didnt read what he responded to. I just know they always say "who is they?" Then pity troll as if they give a fuck about the mental wellbeing of the person because they are trying to invalidate whatever statement was said. I have no idea what was said. I just recognize the tactics.
You still put it there, that is the mystery.
I'm a God when it comes to MMA

A master of Jeet Kune Do & my shooting aim is unmatched

Time to clean them maybe shoot a couple of rounds ;^)


"When Angels are forced out of heaven, they become Devils. You agree don't you larpbody? ..."



I would have you tapping out before you could catch your breath
I'm psychic and don't need to use my gifts to know that Elon musk is a kike and kike lover

Did you know he wants people who are using Twitter sorry "x" and are blue users to upload a selfie for verification and send it to an Israeli Intel base?

Just facts also his ex grimes is fugly
I often use the word they, or them, to describe the most recent group of people or whatever that I was speaking of. I don't think its necessarily a troll to ask what someone means when they say "them", but I also understand that they may have been able to glean the context from a previous post.

I won't try to empathize and instead say that you should fuck yourself so you know that I am not using tactics on you, I am just another anon
it isn't that much of a mystery though, since you probably all do it too, don't you? Or maybe not, maybe it really is just a filter? Can I get a clue?
You wish retard

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I don't know, but I attempt to shove it down the incinerator for ALL eternity.

I made that deal of my own free will.
But I *never* signed on to be Bottom Joe BRIDEn.

Joeblo Meshugganuh can wash down his daily meal of roaches down with ditch water for all I care. I meet real psychics everyday, wtf does some nepo babby who was divinely ordained to torture my generation from centuries ago have anything to do with me in any way, shape or form?

I've tapped out men who actually work out with arm bars so fast you wouldn't believe until it happens to you.
I thought grimes was cute before she bogged
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He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
>Joeblo Meshugganuh

I googled this and I can't figure out who it is.

And the deal I made was the deal from my book. Not Hill & Bill's "Hands Around The World" monkey for the banana racist stag party joke rape cult nightmare.
Hill and Bill need to stop being so cryptic and fly nobody out to talk about wtf is going on so we can all get to work fixing shit and things and making kombucha
Elon is just blackmailed or threatened by jews. Its not that complicated.

It's no fault of his, everyone who has babies has a buying price and it's the protection of their baby's lives. He's done more for freedom than literally any politician in the past 60 years if not more and that's enough for my respect (sorry for fedposting on X elon, i know i shouldnt... they give me too many good reasons to do so)

Grimes is the mother of his babies and i dont feel comfortable insulting his children's mother even if she isn't a perfect human being.

She gave him babies, that's enough for my resepect in my book.
when he told folks to fuck themselves, did nobody have anything to do with that?
Ok fed.
And I Used To Be Such A Nice Guy

How can I convince you i'm not?
Nope. He was just doing the right thing to do.
99% of people are Nobodies.
It is assumed that celebs & politicians are "Somebodies".

So the Nobody psyop is not about an actual Nobody, who makes money and has normal relationships in peace.
The Nobody psyop is about a wannabee Somebody.
Somebodies often come here to talk about which clout-chaser to fixate on next. And there is more than one Nobody out there.
If Nobody shares a bloodline with all the RH- blood people, shouldn't he kill them all off, so they don't try to usurp him? It seems like the cold-blooded lizardy vampirish thing to do. I for one think he should. Go Nobody! Whack them sneks!

I'm just glad he got there, however it happened :]

Nobody psyop is really fun and why shouldn't nobody talk to everybody who may be here regardless of how clouty they are?
Yeah not gonna happen
I worship pluto now

No deal
Pic rel is my wifu im an incel anime loser now

Ima die a virgin
He determined the enemy would never be able to kill him if he was their creator.

what is it about Rh- blood that makes it important?
And as to why I say torturing *my* generation specifically:

Uncle Joe's Mint Balls is a mnemonic cue. It's supposed to remind you of Chef's Salty Chocolate Balls from that show South Park.

You know, just as an extra fvck-you to all the Frank Grimes' out there, like saying that nepotism is better than merit or effort or w/e. They hated us, probably.


I was thinking about playing my game again and taking a break from here for the night
Sure but they treat humanity like cattle. Nobody treats humanity like cattle and gets away with it! And he doesn't need the competition. Free the Monkes! Lab Grown Loosh Now!
Wrong. Racists. Racists are the majority on the planet and most of them are BROWN.
I am going to go play god of war bros, the second nord one. Ttyl to you later.
reading your posts is like watching a retarded child fall down stairs. this isn't a politically motivated opinion by the way.
O yea I forgot about that.

Nobody = A Loser
Somebody = A person with a place in life
Everybody = Celebs and Politicians

It's an effort to care about everybody though, especially when they don't share their wealth with me, never help me, only steal from me and try to dictate my life behind my back with people who never asked for it.
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Looks like being hypocrites who speak love and do hate isn't paying off.
He can't conceal his thoughts from us but he can conceal his emotions... somehow.
I knew u guys were evil
ur more narcissistic and arrogant than me but smarter
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no they are stupid
I don't care about your fake-*ss "politics".
I don't care about "muh narrative".
I knew about COVID too, subconsciously.
When I wrote that story about the cholera outbreak in the village which got my character scapegoated and almost sacrificed.

Literally. I do not care about your fake insurrection full of fedbois wanting to get famous (8kun dot top, very subtle).

Anyone can read your codes, that's what you get for speaking in a way anyone can understand. If this is how YOU waste taxpayer money, then YOU'RE the bad guy. So die.
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I'm a God when it comes to fucking your mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gotem again... when will he stop!?!?!??!

also take care and the gif was funyny lol
we need the inverse where a guy eats like a thousand cookies a day and it has no notable side effects.
The Nobody is like Job, but if Job constantly got raped and was kind of a bad person lmao
I think it's working. Keep trying! You'll convince him next one.
Anon, you're fucked in the head.
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Calm down bot boy, worship juvia lockster instead <3
I love rain and i want to be Juvia Locksters muse
I need a tulpa mancer to help out ya know
How do i keep such a great wifu like Julia Lockster happy?
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Moving on now.
Moving fast.
You are obssessed with the past and race. Get over it, move on. Move forward.

Nazi Germany's goal was a utopia for *all*, not just the few. They were horrific individuals, closer to robots and machines than actual human beings. They are terrifying people that *no one* wants to be around or near. But they delivered the product: a better world for humanity. They did what was necessary and was head-hunted by many countries and their corporations. Got jobs, started lucrative corporations that exist even now. To serve humanity.

The audacity that you Illuminatis have, that we would fall for the cheap trick you laid out for us. To cause our own downfall, as we fight your battle for you. The fight against truth.

So fvck you for calling me Korean Anne Frank. It is just so...TACKY!!!
it would be so great if they actually could mimic.
Nobaddy EETZ SNEKS!!!!
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I know.
That's not a good thing to know, anon.
It means you're marked for death.
Most of you all are.
It's a personality thing.
You'll understand one day, maybe.
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It means marked for salvation.
It's only funny if they never see it coming. ;)
Is this you, lmao?
Says you and every other misguided lunatic here, what makes you so different?
Not really, anon.
"Satan" lost.
>only funny if they never see it coming
Oh, anon.
Why would it be funny?
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No? Like genuinely no, and I expected it to be an actual picture of me. I guess I expect too much from the cowards here.
they really just have the post history, which to be clear, is reddit tier my man. no ones cares.
The thesis of the discipline of cybernetics is that all control is achieved via messaging.
it just make you a student
Lies are only one half of the total set of all possible messages.
Thus liars are operating on 50% capacity of what can be achieved in any cybernetic situation.
At this point, yeah.
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>corrupted assmad retards thinking they get to do anything
Hail to the king baby.
Everyone contributing to this thread and not disavowing this satanic image is subject to judgement.
Hey, you are the one saying you want to die.
How? How did he "lose"?
How did Kristos "win"?
Satan literally does everything he wants.
Gets away with it. Everything.
Christ just got dumped with a bunch of criminals and gangstalkers, then died.

If you're talking about these goofy azz celebs, Adam, my dad, some influencers, the handlers or any other human being out there, they are not Satan. The South Koreans are lying.

One of their Hive guys walked past, said, "SHHHH! I love you!" and walked away quickly. B/c Trump is doing more violence against their country.

So yes. Satan won. And you humans, telepaths, future seers and archons alike just have to take it up the pooper.
Its messed up how they insulted the drawings that I made when I was 14 in the group chat. I wouldn't leave them alone with an autistic child, they'd just abuse the poor kid.
Wrong. It makes your con-job O V E R.

The End.
Enjoying the chaos

Working exactly as planned.
never a more articulated example of projection, in the purest sense.
You sacks of garbage lost.
There was no winning at all for you.
It's just to set and separate personalities.
To borrow a gay quip from a gay ass poet:

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.

Yes. As cheesy and corny as it is. These are the facts of the matter. Because most people just want to be reassured that their reconceived notions are accepted by the group. I actually dont give a singular fuck.
It's b/c of my usernames. It spelled "ant honey"/"slave light" over and over again.

Because I knew why they were doing it to me. Well, my subconcious did.

The MAGAs did not want it.
"Fvck Joe Biden"
"Butt Light"

Seems like no one wanted it, except the ones who wanted it all to end.
Yeah that's great. How about someone go KILL THE CUNTS WHO HAVE BEEN STALKING ME FOR SEVERAL YEARS. how about that one? You know how to elimanate me as a threat jews? You fucking murder my enemies for me. Thanks kikes.
You all will never be free.
It's built for this exact scenario in mind.
You and your discord group are pathetic. I hope that you all don’t kill yourselves from the misery and depression you’ve caused in your own lives and that you don’t end up sad and alone without anyone to care about you in real life. You’ll never have what I have and I don’t care what you all think. You’re just a bunch of haters that will eventually hate each other because you are incapable of being a real person because that’s who you really are. A bunch of true nobodies.
You have no idea what the fuck you're dealing with. For the first time in their fucking lives, they are absolutely fucking right. He is a DEVIL. They just cried wolf so many times they literally can't stop Him.
I wish someone reliable will take action. Pewds and Mr Beast are the people that came to my mind, maybe they can set up an awareness campaign.
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Hurt people hurt people
Idk sad they cant find satisfaction in their own existence hence the whole shitting on others as a mode of coping
Similar to the "psychologists" being double blinded and living their own depravity bicuriously
Eh it is what it is maybe theyll get a raise, few likes and shares but ultimately hollow

Funny thing is im over le time travel but i aint trying to play super mario with my younger self

So you can take your secret, well not so secret, since well disclosure happened already, yet yall rather turn the zombies into gossip cattle rather than share the tech but thats fine too since it is a hard thing to even consider let alone accept. And most people are content in the simulation anyways

Tis fine
All i know is im staying the fuck away
And def not trying to get polarized and accepting that the gossip cattle deserve what is being done to them just becuase they talked shit lol.
Like shit bru your life sucks so much the high point is talking shit about a retard
But its okay one day yall will wake up and realize that nfl team you watch religiously aint nothing but the circus. Hopefully after that your ass finally starts to feel sore from taking that red white and blue dick up your ass, also its global, been global but its okay cuz apparently freedomn is boiled down to left or right and the idiots buy the tickets

Welp hopefully we dont do brain chips or GiTs universe cuz if you paid attention that world sucks
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It's the same old team since 1916.
2019 Covid
2016 Trump

I heard that whomever Nobody kills goes through a process of paranirvanna, where their soul experiences oneness with God after death, this removes them from the Samsaric cycle of death and rebirths forever. that is the goal of existence, after all. If he kills you, you will live forever as part of God. Sounds like a great deal to me, I'm trying to find ways to get on his bad side. Any suggestions? What do you think about a home invasion? If I gave him a good reason to kill me, he might feel better about it. I'd hate to think about him being sad about killing me. Do you think he would be sad if he killed you?
See how salty trump got when talking about Ukraine.

That was funny.

Overall Biden was ineffective. Not bad. The stutter....

It used his time significantly.

He touched on most things.

As long as the old fart don't crook it should work out.
Even all of your plans were pre-concocted.
Perhaps some things shouldn't have been thought of.
>Continue the cycle
>Let the garbage back in
No thank you.
Expulsion is the goal
you know, masquerading as a sellspell WOULD be a really good way for an assassin to have a topweb channel of contact as well

"that never should of happened" kek

It's the first time they realized they ain't in Kansas no more.

Just wait tell the real games start.
Oh please. They arent going to take anything from me. I just wont care about dismantling jewry after the retards are dead.
Just die.

The Blue Crew are calling you "the uglies".
The reds were only peaceful to me, they did not expect me to be their slave at all.
In fact, that middle school tested my IQ and capabilities and determined that if I "ruled the world, everyone would die".

If you Illuminutties are so great, then do the work yourselves. Prove to the world how great you are. Prove all the haters and jeerers wrong.

If it ends in scorched eARTh sabotage, I know you are just full of turds and *ssmad.
If it ends with a better world and business as usual, then good for you.

But we still don't respect you.
The right talent, all jailed.
The wrong people, forcibly enslaved from BIRTH.

So, since your Almighty God King Bidet had all his wheels fall off that canoe and your morale is in the pits...I would worry about yourself.

You know what it was you rich f*gs always said to us: "Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps." *shrug* XRP is not a security? OH WELL, LMFAAAAAO!!!!
not everyone crosses the river.
somebody has to ferry the boats.
It will end in a better Earth.
Spoilers, though.
...Jerry, can you stfu and go die already? XD We don't care, Grampa Ashwinder's Applesauce out ya tush.
Oh shit sorry, friendly fire.
They cant
Only way is to fuck shit up and say look we fixed it but
Those that know, well, know
So the cattle get like oh yay
But the knowers are like
But you caused the problems in the first place.....
But that wont matter because of the divide between the cows and the cows with wizard hats
Eventually their gonna have to do something
Specially with the new generations coming up
I mean you can only say you cant find them terrorist in them tunnels for so long before

>>but the cell towers
No no no
>>but the back doors....
What back doors?
>>but the geo tracking and and
>>and pegasus spyware?
What spyware
>>but but you could do sonar!

Like seriously.....eventually somethings gonna give

Or let the giant space rock reset shit and start the charade again

John 7:8-10 KJV
Do w/e you want.
Everyone thought these deranged old men had a plan. Turns out, the plan was to rack up a huge *sshole Bill and then not pay.

Humanity is beneath me.
If we cannot trust the grownups or our peers, who can anyone trust?
Trump just said, "Putin told me his dream is to invade Ukraine."

There is a lot said he let slip.

He also did not deny ALOT of things.

I'm surprised they called him out like they did about several subjects

Biden should of been brutal. Came with facts. Pictures.

The entire forum seemed dated.

Will be interesting.

Follow the direction hives. Nothing has really changed.
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He is not your friend.


They will be purified.
A new cycle will begin.
Additionally, absolutely anyone could have killed them for their seld interedt but instead it's going to ironically be the jews who do it out of self preservation because every other group with interest is to pussy to do what needs to be done wheras the kikes dont have moral dillemnas about self preservation.
Rather, a different cycle.
Perhaps they won't be as they are.
"Don't take his oars".

I know this already.
First to get on, last to get off.
A guide.
He confirmed similar goals ambitions.

Far more than anticipated

Victory is an understatement
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Henlo /ng/ today the robin of news is spy tactical.
The ex-president of honduras have a link with crazy town webm because when i've said what i've seen on a thread flat earth (in adult-gif)
some days later the ex-president was arrested.
also the only one who heard for the first time was Decay.
D O N ' T C A R E.

I was born with that severely disabling deformity. The monstrosity of the GOD-Rick Curse. Why would *I* have a share in eARTh?

You think these nepo babbiez would be so obssessed with me if they had heads? NOT!
I’m not into goons that cum when they are called pathetic you’ll have to find some old fat bald guy to be disgusted with you I’m sure your group has plenty of them.
As fucked up as it all may seem to be, I know it's me.
O you mean Heaven?
Hell is water. I already know.

I really don't give a damn, do you?
Heaven is rich. Hell is talented.

Why? because when i've came back. i was invited to meet with my aunt (the only one with i have discussed of this webm at this time) and i've drink some wine. So Decay Knews I like Wine and Milk cofee. :/
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The OP image is nonsense, formulated by a Jew for goyim kids. Satan has no affiliation or symbols
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Are you *that* concerned with orthodoxy that you'll give the WORST of society the jobs they never deserved...AGAIN!?!

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not my aunt. my great cousin*
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Why would I give them the same jobs?
Or put them in a position to do so.
Fucking time travel gets disclosed on 4chan, world still a fuck, what are yall afraid of?
Your own demons wont let you be at peace if the world aint burning around you?
If the shoe fits
I for one just think its funny how every 50 to 100 years some guy gets the crazy hat while the true crazy hatters keep lying to everyone else saying
>>look that guy is crazy

Only for another 50 years to go by and then shits main stream and the crazy guy was actually a "genius" but since
"They can only keep it for so long"
Before something


The sad part the new generation at that point wont even give a fuck about the crazy secret horder group and the guy the group labeled as crazy

Because cattle dont read

Are you readers or are ye cattle?

Worlds still a fuck
Now with time travel and panopticon level tech

Luckily its not all bad since
Well they keep the charade otherwise youd see the slaughter house and would probably freak the fuck out in anger. Like cattle

I for one am content with the patch of grass god decided to let me chew on

Sometimes i get to explore different patches of grass

Atleast i dont forget that its still just grass
And im still just cattle

I mean welcome to the future boys and girls

On the cusp of freedomn but man that paradigm is just so alluring

No bots for the poor here cuz ya know

Gotta work
Cuz thats what god made us for apparently

Idk i aint oppossed to work
Its the attention span hijack and shit that gets me

Things arent okay
But because your patch of grass is tasty you dont hear the screams from the slaughter house

Again if the shoe fits

And when i talk about they
I mean the actual humans behind the machinations of modern society

Its okay if your trading your life talking shit and spreading the good word

Maybe eventually we wont even be limited by time and you can spend all of eternity talking shit

If thats what floats your boat

As for me
Compounding interests sounds like fun

-love headaches
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ok good, b/c it's a sad day when everyone literally has to explain to Lizzo what "olive-skinned" means. I literally don't want to do this degrading nerd job anymore. If a grown person has to ask what basic facts and reality are, they need to be getting therapy, not me
Rebecca's gone?
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Also i have 1 news today:
I knew on thread a weapon satellite which he have a laser and burned some car wrecks in USA for training and yes, some anons thinked it was this weapon for burn forest and prove climatic changes
Yea its called disclosure now chew on your grass patch because theres nothing you can do about it and that gets the farmer's dick rock hard

Unless there was a farmers farmer

But thats disclosure for later
If space rocks dont hit
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so you guys have a groupchat/discord or ur sitting around a room together planning on what to post next as I just post what comes naturally
We are all in the same office building, there is a big power point presentation every morning that tells us what we'll be posting.
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>>38250988 8)
>>38251022 £2 ~ <3
It's me,
I'm the Seeker, it's Z
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train, fish, ferries.
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also i will reveal some entities wich i've discovered.
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opened up a | 批准发布

jehovah confirm
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Shhhh it makes them feel special, like their in the know, man i could have been a great cult leader specially with the glowie groomers acting as hype men

But lucky for you guys im retarded ;)

Nyways time for another hiatis, gonna keep living with my condition, funny how theres even a group watching wat the other group does and so on and so on

All ensuring the right information
To the right

Well played

More data for the beast system
It helps keeping populations in line
Thanks to individual dissenters and the ones enforcing the system

Eventually we wont even have to think!
Like at all
I know thats someones wet dream
Not mine
I prefer the shit talkers and people who put cream on their coffee

Sucks for future generations though....if only they spent their time talking shit about the actual shit people maybe something would have changed but its easier to harrass someone that doesnt hit back specially when it makes you feel better
Which says more about you than it does me
The whole making lolcows outta people thing, like your mindset is so whacked you need to make fun of people "worse" off to feel better

Like you cant afford a ticket to a comedy club?

Oh i forget thats the excuse err justification

People just want to feel special, specially cattle, but its okay

80 years go by quick and next thing you know your dead

Never having left the jail you call a town lol
Atleast some of the shit talkers have money but sucks if you cant even be satisfied

Being rich and still cant be happy? Fuck dude cant think of a worse life than having everything i ever wanted and still need to shit on a retard to feel something


Eat, shit, and maybe pray

Would suck to find out we actually have a soul and there were signs there around your life trying to get you to see that but ya missed em cuz ya know

Cows dont have souls

And if they did habe souls theyd probably would just chew on grass being all cow like and shit
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>train, fish, ferries.

first steps, work, hell or highwater
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Damn it's hard being Messiah. So much bookeeping
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Abort any child with a brain or a conscience.
Then if you have a child who is sexy with a sultry voice, make ten more and have them talk to the music industry or w/e.

B/c apparently, this is how it eARTh works.
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Bragging about crimes is the only feel justified for existing at all.
If I could push a button and end the life of every single game fiend on the planet, I absolutely would. Everything they do is to spite the fact even they know they don't deserve to live.

>4VX MP2
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"I didn't vibe with Babalon." - Da'at Darling, 2024.
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so the entity which i've discovered when i was after 2.2.2 d : is the entity (maybe) of diazote
(this is was when i'm sleeping after read and tho)
now i'm careful of what i read before sleep.
Lol ur a namefag on an anonymous site Roflmoa
Yeah, poc lie all the time.
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okay i've a lack of shitpost jpg i need training
All children with brains become drug dealers.
All children with a heart get jail time, homelessness and some more "empathy".
All ugly children are forced to reproduce for Walmart, regardless of their actual ability to do anything.
All sexy children get the best of the best and everything for FREE.

Cause you have to be a dime to lick Jerry's balls to live. And you have to have low standards to lick Rick's balls. And this is literally how it all works.

If you're studying STEM or humanities while from the wrong families, you're a murder idea-poaching victim.
If you're still working at Crap-Mart, you're getting scammed with no hope of promotion.

And yes, once again: they'll get away with it. As always.
Lmao you think not name fagging gives you anonimity
For fucks sake this anon never heard of quantum computers, quartz crystals, or even quantum entanglement let alone syntax analysis

Hur dur but ill just type like an elite haxor
Hurr dur

You ever tried no fap?
Goodluck changing ingrained habits

Text messaging, how does it work, why is it so....

I cant wait to get a fucking (redacted) entangled with one of my fucking neurons so i can forget the shit i just wrote
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Lolol a namefag with a screenshot of one of own.posts LOL look how long it is too xD
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You can't even escape my number
hope u feel better
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the hands are very specific
You mean like that one professor in wisconsin running the baby eugenics programs?

Oh yeah i still have to research it, no possible way i can just know shit apperently

Like humans arent capable of playing guess who or something

I mean who else has those interests and family background

Fucking sherlocks all of you

You found the donkey now pin the tail

P.s not the main char char, i was the turkey all along

America fucked up with the eagle, we shoulda picked a turkey fucking gobble gobble motherfuckers

I have a feeling times on my side and pussy ass bitches better have thick skin once the shit talkers turn on their handlers

Hint hint learn to think for yourselfs first

The truth is what you see with your own eyes
I didn't post those posts.
I dug them up, like I usually do.

You're just a pos clod of dirt that I step on and don't acknowledge.

They're just the rules.
"How to NOT Die Wet, Poor, Ugly, Unloved, Alone and Salty w/ a Used Condom Up Your Ass in a Ditch in Tijuana"
Bitch i was born in NEW JERSEY
Let that sink in
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Da fuck is this shit
Nice 33 lol
Thank you, anon.
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>if you have a child who is sexy
no anon
I had never listened to Joe Rogan even once before tonight. Holy shit what a stupid motherfucker. I can't believe people listen to this insane shit. What a fucking clown.
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>evidence inconclusive
>guardsmen Joe is the real Rogan experience
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>>You're a angry welfare queen. We pay your salary show some respect.
I will never not be telling your faggot ass to get the fuck off my dick.
You are fucking ugly just like your fucking ugly guns
a painting of mary holding jesus circa ~1600
Fucking cowards run away from your fucking keyboard fucking pathetic parasites
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Oh yeah? I'm already imagining stabbing you in the neck.
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>mfw is actually ugly
>And a brown pajeet
>Threatens me

Kek is that all for today?
clocked lmao
ah yes the four-fingered alien baby jesus

i prefer santa
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I'm a white guy, and no, you fucking retard, go live with people who assault you and poison your food for a couple of years, see who snaps or taps out first.
Bro I can outperform military psyopers lmao wtf wut is this

As far from you as you think Alex Jones is as far from Alex Jones as I am.
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Come on, swinefaggot, you can bring your boyfriend to the party, if thats what it takes
no problem happy friyay!
Solipsism. I've seen further into the future, and more accurately, than military RVers lol what happened to me?

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Well, we came here.
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Who is we and why and what am I changing into?
>Don't kneel, just hold my hand
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Mark 12:25
For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.
A lot of uncertainty, chaos also. But I'm very intelligent and can see patterns in information and decipher them. I'm not worried, just curious.

The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere (James 3:17).
Seething tards kek
2 Enoch 41:9
For no angel hinders and no power is able to hinder; for He appoints a judge for them all and He judges them all before Him.

1 Corinthians 6:2
Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

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*vomits and bleeds and orgasms*
I got you


But still would like my friends to answer for their input. Another time maybe, or maybe not
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Amen, I hear you. Stay safe and sober minded, I just prayed for you.


Checked. I'll pray for you in return. What do you want and I'll see it yours?
>they make me lol :)
If I got the Draco and you got the sig...
How you gone Big on Big?
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Yeah I hear you. Ill tell our mother. It's yours already

Oh sorry.
>using this to scry
that ain't falco
Harambe, never forget

So like what are you guys doing?
bouta watch coverage of the debate
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>Jealousy Actual (lol)
>jammin :3
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Since you're in the market for transactions... would you care to make a deal?
i dropped the jam by accident ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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What kind of deal?
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I don't know yet, what do you desire?
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Discretion is the better part of valor, how about that
Maybe you'll fucking die.
Not falling for the psyop
Super attractive though
Im sure shell marry rich and have beatiful babies with some chad quarterbacker or someshit

Lost her once online
Lost her a second time in person. Well she left both times and it seems to me shes all the better for it

So to each their own
Shoulda stopped bringing up my past

Plus i have what i need and couldnt keep hurting or lying to the only person who hasnt left me

Regardless of the lies
I like my patch of grass
So keep the status quo and go back to mt olympus with the rest of the pantheon
Either way we should both be quiet.
I sure hope so
Im counting on god pulling through with a solid here
I better get some good sleep once im dead

In due time of course
no deal
I both agree and disagree, friend. Personally, I think that at a certain point, it's time to face the music.
Then we can fucking die.
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You first.
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Welp, I tried, enjoy rotting here with the other victims.
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>Welp, I tried
Did you tho?
that's the plan
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Yeah, I did.

Question: did you try?
Im.not the one with a goddamn security detail

Here let me take that file off your desk
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yeah actually nobody revealed his spiritual signature like a day or few days beforehand.
ㅗ ㅗ
Shred it and tell your boss he can choke on my tictac sized dick
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You don't even know what you're asking me, do you?
Do you? Take another 10 mins to respond please I have all night.
Bruh you're the one trying to threaten me aiight, do your own fucking homework
That's what I thought, little pussy.
>That's what I thought
>I thought
Get hosed.
now kiss
>me, 15 girls around me
>(You), in the cuck chair

>She gave him babies, that's enough for my resepect in my book.
Impregnating or becoming pregnant is one of the easiest things in the world.
The mentally retarded can and do achieve this with frequency.

Being a good parent is another story entirely.
>>me, 15 girls around me
Those are called "wallpaper"
Are you trying to say that Alex Jones’ eventual fate is solipsism?

If not then stop scaryposting. The Nobody is not God. You are not God. God is real. Jesus is real. The Nobody is not Jesus. You are not Jesus. Donald Rumsfeld was not Jesus. You are not Donald Rumsfeld. Donald Rumsfeld was not God.

The Nobody will never fall into solipsism, nor will his friends and family, nor will God, nor will any of the numerous angels in Heaven, nor will any of the life forms that inhabit Earth other than humans, because humans are the only species stupid enough to come up with such an idea.

Not saying these threads should become total hugbox all of the time, but solipsism needs to die.
"kaleb" is just part of clown bot inc
Average /ng/ biography
back in my trip

want to execute a nigger

>need to

image of malenia
Will the Antichrist be Biden's fashionable replacement?
if it ain't demons keeping me up at night it's humans keeping me up during the day
I cannot think straight
I made sweet consensual love to lilith now I use my powers to make my day job go down smoother lmao
SS not ending in 2033 is HUGE.

That alone should see the majority vote blue.

All they gotta do is tax the rich.
Neither them to understand even the "about addicts aid" question.

Tax credit for child care.

Rent prices where discussed in the early stages of the debate.

Silly of trump to debate with no plan in place he you can tell his prep was immigrants bad.
Stuttering annoying. Holy F.

You can see him use managing techniques and ground methods.

To have the presence of mind during a debate set a good precedent
It's a possibility no doubt, but we also have to remember that there isn't just a single antichrist, for there are many that have already gone out into the world working in tandem with one another.
I drew the nobody



Trump the distraction

The supreme court is radical
Let's hope the second youngest senator ever has refined the political prowess to deal with the actual issues.
What you need is a bit of rosemary and sage.

Seems even the spancy Russo training is not enough.

Y'all should run. It's going to get so much worse.
General Staff: Russia has lost 540,490 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022

Ten *times* what the US lost in Vietnam, in like a tenth of the time.

War can end any day.

Leave Ukraine.

Trumpers ain't got what it takes.

Surrender and save what you can
The level of cope is truly amazing to see.

I am
with your help thanks
>How was your relationship with your father?
>He killed himself.
>But how was your relationship?

He Who Will Not

Give Me Everything
Very telling the border descended into "fentanyl" machines. Basically admitting the issue.

The stutter is the main issue. I know it's a medical thing. Still.

When your in a popularity contest it matters
need a job
any job
idle hands are the devils playground
If a diagnosis produces more stigma than the effort co-related to its treatment, is medicine to blame for the impact on society?
I want to see the supreme court expended.

I want Biden to take direct action against what many consider to be a hostile Court.

That will be the nail on the coffin so to say.
It showed capacity to operate the systems despite the deep state war.

In 99% of the thing it is directly arrested.

Corpo greed even.
For me I look at it in terms of Tom Green. He did a lot of anti comedy that appealed to younger minds but in reality it was an incisive dig at popular media. The message was missed and Jackass was produced. I believe Tom Green had every intention of revealing the mind altering aspects of media but instead he caused some of the dumbest lowest level acts of humanity ever recorded.
But I wonder and you don't have to care about this; was it necessary maybe a bit to really take the format of TV to these insane extremes to reveal the illusion which has gripped modern man for almost a century at that point?
In this case its hard to say if Tom Green's programs, which are largely considered to have inspired Jackass and that whole scene, were the cure or just a logical conclusion.
Certainly in hindsight we can only say that is how it happened. But Tom Green could have easily never been revealed to US audiences and Jackass likely never would have happened which leads to all sorts of high level investigations into the entertainment industry.
wanting biden to do anything
I don't think they can. Not that they are not capable or wanting us lacking.

There pieces are not in place to maneuver to do such.

Intent trap mistake opportunity

I believe you have to. Deal with what comes or succumb to it
so who's the real one?
>No, I'm gathering this bundle of sticks to burn.
>Will the real Slim Chandy, please stand up.
the Nobody stands in opposition to what this symbol means.
That's not fair, you knew I had to poop.
it's a stasis symbol and a cattle brand

Ņ̵̛̭̪̣̹͕̟͕̭͒́̉́͋̋͆͌̓̋̑̕͝Ẹ̴̞̻͔̏͋̄͆̍͋͐̂̚͝͝͠Ẅ̶̧̨̢̡̞̺̻̣̥̜͍́̕͠͝͝ ̸̨͍͚̘̫̺̜͖̠͍͓̬̬̮͂̓̊̀́̈̀̉̿̓̾̃̽̑̚͜͝T̷̰̏̚H̵͈͕́̾̂͝R̷̻̜̼̔̎͛̐̽́̓̏̈́̍̈̍̋̐͜E̶̤̝͑̿̓̎̑́̐͠À̷̳̰̫͛̒̃̿̈̕D̷̨͕̺̺̀͑́͘̕͜

Hail Satan. The nobody believes he is God.
A distant nightmare.
Has More Guardian Angels Than Anyone Ever


I Made Myself Vulnerable And I Did Get Hurt
As much as everyone else also is a fractal of God.

The Truth Will Prevail

When You Embrace Gods Purpose

Front Row Seats To The Most Biblical Times
Do Not Underestimate My Power

The One Worthy Of Almighty God

We Were Chosen Before Birth

no because its getting better as fast as human retard normalfags can evolve
Wings Of Victory

No Matter What Is Said Or Done It Should Be Clear

I Love You Gematrix Calculator

clean it up jannies
Im The One Baby And You Know It

You Asked For It And Got More Than You Bargained For

Always A Cocky Mother Fucker

Why is poopy Chandy such a gross old faggot
Nobody can't pass a UA or a tape test.


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