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Tripfag edition

Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Embed]

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds [Embed]

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
Any tips or advice to manifest this? I'd like it to be a full time job 40+ hours a week, any shift is fine. I'd like to only make the food and never see the customers. I'll clean the whole back by myself every night.
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>> You are the Operant Power
Because he's a retard like you. Just because you read something doesn't mean you can practice it
is it done or isn't it?
choose as if you actually are choosing in the present, because you are.
>thread images have devolved to weird tripfag circlejerking
aight good luck boys i'm out
Hey anon what are (your) favorite resources on LoA? For me it has been a sour sweet mixture of
>Master Key system
>Goddard lectures
>Ed Art's Goddard rehashings
>he did this
>he did that
The only one who knows what he did/didn't do is himself, retard.

The fact that you're even trying to determine anything by looking at some other person proves you're extremely stupid
He became an incel martyr who's likeness has transcended his physical lifespan. He sorta became a god.
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Two months is the absolute max you should try to manifest and that is way too long, a few days to ramp up the momentum being hyped is ideal for bigger projects, but if you are depressed not feeling it then take couple weeks.
Did you let go of the idea of receiving what you want? Have you manifested other things that appeared in couple months? Ideally you would be manifesting one thing after another never ceasing to wait what shows up and when.
NTA but you type like an insufferable cunt who can manifest very little. Any retard can tell by the way you type and your attitude that you think you have something to prove, when you really REALLY don't.
You'll never be able to manifest anything meaningful, let go of your need to show strangers you have a big dick when it's a little below average at best.
Manifestation isn't something that can be done without letting go of desire and his videos always showed he cared deeply about his loneliness, he did not let go.
Don't reply to the retards, they don't want an honest discussion or believe the crap they spout.
I've had a lot of recent success with the Bengston method, But I'm struggling to come up with 20 things that I want. If you had to come up with a list of hedonistic bullshit, do you think you could do it /LoA/ ?
>NTA but you type like an insufferable cunt who can manifest very little. Any retard can tell by the way you type and your attitude that you think you have something to prove, when you really REALLY don't.
>You'll never be able to manifest anything meaningful, let go of your need to show strangers you have a big dick when it's a little below average at best.
Lmao at this projection from this absolute fucking retard. You're an extremely stupid fucker who knows fuck all about anything, never forget it. All you can do is cry like you're doing here when your retarded ideas get called out

>Are you teary-eyed? Confused? Scared?
Lol so this is how you cope

>He left extensive writings detailing his use of the LoA. Unless he made it up in his writings for no reason
You're such an extremely stupid fucker lmao. I feel sorry for your parents
>The same useless retarded troll pretending to be 2 different posters
Elliot Rodgers lmao. You useless retarded fucker. It's a shame you weren't called out more growing up then you wouldn't have ended up like this
I'm gonna use LoA to sleep with my cousin, it's gonna be fun
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>What have you manifested in your life?
Your ban.
>1. Hot gf
>2. 1,000,000$/month passive income
>3. 20/20 vision
>4. peak natty physical fitness
>5. effortlessly perfect sleep, every night
>6. top talent with an instrument i enjoy playing
>7. New house
>8. New house for my parents
>9. Full control lucid dreaming
>10. perfect teeth
>11. endurance of a mountain country sheep herder
>12. personal pilot's license
>13. great skill at drawing from life and imagination
>14. a world-changing invention and ownership of the patent thereof
>15. sweet car
>16. pizza oven
>17. personal pool
>18. & sauna
>19. a silver tongue
>20. effortless style
Why are so many posts gettings deleted recently? Everytime I click on this thread I see crossed out numbers.
there are a few ban evading trolls who just come here to shit the place up
This OP…..
Who would manifest such a thing?
Ty, but I'm really bored
Is name calling where you peak at? You're looking pretty mald bro. You couldn't manifest to save your life, you couldn't even manifest a ladder.
Eat some porridge and fuck your grandma idk. Maybe if you found something that made you happy you'd learn to let go.
Im trying to use sats to manifest lucid dreaming

but i only seem to be succeeding at
a small level i imagine my scene and get the feeling its done and whenever i go to sleep i assume i wll lucid dream my dreams have become more vivd and there is always a moment in my dream where i have more awarness than usual

so how do i go about this. have anyone used sats to achive lucid dreaming any advice
Lilanon will swoop in sooner or later to tell you to BELEEEEEEIVE HARDER but I'm a fan of DIY manifestation. Are you doing anything to meet the universe halfway? Look into the three day OBE class by Michael Raduga on youtube.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
I hate you so much, nigger spammer. You AND your family.
No he doesn't show up/is a lot less active at the start of the month or near the 15th for a while because he hasn't got his check from his employer yet.
>because he hasn't got his check from his employer yet.
The dole office?
He doesn't have a job because he's a master manifester that doesn't care about money.
Did the resident ape troll make the OP for today? lol
how do you make an OP newfag? Do you mean the thread?
That’s you tho
You are the troll.
Don’t agree? Too bad. Everyone is you pushed out. It’s your reality
Refer to the OP image and be enlightened.
Can someone help me manifest a text from my SP? I can't detach, I care so much about this because she's my first girlfriend and I was an incel for 25 years before this
I think if she doesn't text me back I will kms
this one gets a text
There he is! I see you're still as triggered as ever :)
dont do this to yourself bro
>Can someone help me manifest a text
No one can help you manifest it. You have to do it yourself.

>a text
Holy shit just imagine the two of you together and happy, dumbass. Just keep imagining that and let go of any doubts that arise
Why not just a text? Because a text is useless, its dumb, after you get a text then what? Another text then another? A lot of shit can happen in between. Just go to THE END that you want, that's all you have to do and stay in the end. It's your ex girlfriend so it should be pretty easy.
I’m not whoever you think I am. Anyone that replies to you will probably get the same responses from you. There is more than one poster here.
The only poster that matters is Lilanon anyway.
shouldn't that be the other way around? i'm feeling like Lilanon is more like a mentor than a child to me.
This is all perfectly explained by dimensionality as the manifestation of fate.

All possibilities unfold in endless timelines, you aren't changing your own timeline, you're acting as a portal or making a quantum leap into another timeline where what you wanted to manifest was always going to be
What I mean by dimensionality as the manifestation of fate is a complex thing to say but basically its all here in this image and corresponding report which you can find on the artist, Paul Laffoleys website, when I was on ayahuasca i was told "Paul Laffoley saw beyond", been studying his work almost a decade on and off.
Start making sigils anon
i think i may have manifested a money burger, i got some fancy burger ingredients from the groceries today thinking that this shit is gonna taste like cash and as i opened the sachet of special burger seasoning the main accord of it's scent really reminded me about a fat stack of crispy fresh cash. so i think this shit is gonna taste cash.
You should work on demanifesting the desire to be with your ex rather than manfiesting something she may not want, do you want to bend the will of the one you love or be strong enough to love that they are free anon?

Ctb if you wish but you'll only be reborn into another cruel world as yourself, its yourself that you must make rise, through life and death, you must see yourself as more than the root of the tree but the whole tree itself, see your atoms as every creature they have ever been every creature they will ever be, the very energy that makes up your soul, your being, your essence, like all energy this cannot be created or destroyed, it simply is, always will be, just as you are and always have been, of course your tired of life, to exist is to suffer, but death is no exit, only a passage to new ways to exist, there is great beauty here as well, and to suffer can surely be increibly pleasureable, just as the same molecules make air, fire, water, its the same energy that makes love, hate, suffering, ectacy, bliss, its all the same thing, its all one and you're it, thats why these people can manifest their very reality, thats why you are, that is the reason you exist, because I AM. Because you are. You're the universe anon, dreams can be pleasant but it seems yours is a nightmare, perhaps its time to wake up
don't listen to the moralizers anon, she's literally a reflection of you. she loves you and she desires you, every night she thinks if the new one could satisfy her like you did, just go right to the end and understand that she is already yours.
I'd buy a money burger
the healthiest manifestation enjoyer ends up seeing that the experience of getting to sleep with his cousin is the same as the experience of eating a well salted good texture piece of broccoli

at that point, we may as well grow old and die
well theres a timeline where there's a version of her just like this, but wheter or not that would actually make you happy, it doesn't matter whose sitting on the side of your bed, its just you and your thoughts inside of your mind, because every person that you meet is just a matter of time, she isnt a reflection of you, she is you, she won't make you happy, only you can do that

I'm no moralize, what you will will be, are there are infinite timelines where you find happiness with her, infinite timelines where you find happiness without her, her part to play resides in her own life, her own goals and aspirations, the things you love about her, if you manifest these together and become happy, fine fine, but if you manfiest happiness for yourself, would you be more fuffilled? Because its not THIS person, its being with an aspect of yourself that you love, its not being alone that you love, its a desire, and desire only ever leads to suffering in the end anon, do what you will, that shall be thein whole of the law
>rather than manfiesting something she may not want
He's manifesting for her to want to be with him

>do you want to bend the will of the one you love
There is only 1 will and that is God's will, both this guy and his ex gf are God. If he can have it in his imagination then he can have it in the 3d because the 3d is a mere reflection of what's inside

Don't teach nonsense
what if we and god are one and the same, the same being experiencing itself wants to die, a mans life is his by a car, maybe this is not gods choice, but hers, not consciously but metaphysically? we're related to every living thing on earth, there was a time when the entire universe was one singluar point, take away time and see the entire history of the universe as a single point and really we're just a singular consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, I truly believe that reincarnation exists, you see evidence of it in kids giving detailed accounts of wars and actually meeting their surviving squad members, energy cannot be created or destoryed, i dont believe theres some bearded man on a golden throne up on high ruling us like a king, thats such an individualist, unholstic view, typified by the western tradition, we see this indivualism in western religion just as we see it in eastern religion, I think all religions are an interpretation of the mystic, a force I have been in contact with through ethenogens and ancient shamanistic rituals and near death experiences, there are some ideas that when the wave function collapses upon observation of the moment, the other possible outcome of the equation comes true, so theres an equally real reality where you and your wife are living peacefully and happily, and theres a version of you who is living with her to this day, infinite versions of you and her experiencing infinite versions of your story through infinite timelines, the culmination of all those experiences is who you truly are, thats an aspect of yourself in a higher dimension, in the same way time is all joined upon the exiting of the bounds of the fourth dimensions, in the same way a line that extends infinitely has its bounds broken by placing another point parrell, creating the second dimension, in the same way that placing another point on another axis creates the third dimension,
I'm not strong enough to persist, I've been suicidal since I was 15 years old and it took its toll, always had trouble with friendships and relationships and now the first girl that I meet and things go well with her, suddenly turn bad, I'm tired and I don't want to try anymore, if there are infinite timelines then perhaps I was always meant to kill myself in this one, everyone keeps gaslighting me telling me not to do it but at this point it feels like the only way I'll ever find peace, I manifested her before but I'm not strong enough to persist it's a constant battle with my own mind and my own intrusive thoughts telling me I'm not good enough and I just can't win, I give up
placing a point outside of the bounds of time brings us to a higher dimension, and our dimensionality can expand all the way to the point where we are one with the universe, perhaps this is what the buddhist called nirvana, but there is also a point where we are aware of our oneness with the universe yet still must grow like a boat being tugged out to harbor, slowly before it can unfurl its sails, we live and die through infinite lifetimes, infinite stories, to reach the point where we're able to reconnect with ourselves, and this is the reason your wife died, to move towards a point where she'll be able to escape this cycle of living and death, full of beauty, but also of suffering and pain, to exist is to suffer, so we get to the point where its like a drop of water hitting the ocean, there is no more drop, only the ocean, and our burdens and suffering are gone, as fundementally the universe is love, this is just an aspect of some of my beliefs, and I don't claim them to be the absolute truth, I think the observation of truth changes its aspect depending on the observer, but the way western religion presents access to the mystical is so, primitive, so anthromorphsized that it loses the neccessary holistic view that allows people to understand why crutely and suffering exists in a world where bad things happen to good people, perhaps the answer is they need suffering, perhaps its necessary to suffer in order to exist, why? to know ourselves, how infinitely capable of love and hatered we are, perhaps they are even two forms of the same force, like fire and water both being made of molecules yet having completely different manifestations in reality
The reason I say these things is because your viewpoint of reality seems very informed by western religious tradition which I don't think is a nearly wholiistic view of the mystic, its like looking at the mystical experience through a crack in the closet, yet some people really do see god through that crack, if they never see the big picture that crack would seem like the most incredible and magical thing ever, i mean gods in the crack, leading them to celebrate their limitations rather than reject them, just like you seem to be doing, rather than finding a mystical answer to mystical questions, we could never understand gods doing, thats his will.
Well I got news for you, Do As Thou Wilt Shall Be Thein Whole Of The Law, this is the belief of the religion of Thelema and its the only one that bases itself upon the truth of the universe, because it is our will that controls our reality. Shall that be the whole of the law? That remains to be seen, wheter the universe will be put into a state of complete order or wheter forces of wild and carnal ectascy will tame the third dimension, but it doesn't really matter in the end, its all us playing with ourselves, we're all it, all the same entity experiencing itself subjectively, so it truly is our will that is the whole of the law when we can raise our indivual dimensionality to that point, but the self you once knew will be gone, like a drop of water hitting an ocean the ego dies, but as long as you have a prescene here on earth you will have an ego as you are both that ego and the being watching that ego from behind your eyes.

You're as smart as you allow yourself to be, reading my writing back its a bit hasty and full of typos but I get my main view across, that we are an aspect of god, yet all of god at the same time, the paradoxical nature of reality explained by the simple nature of if it wasn't that way it could not be, yet it is, so it must be a paradox, this is explained by seeing us as roots on a tree, individuals when seen as a root, yet one with the tree when seen as a whole, we might see the leaves as angels doing the will of god and farmers as demons if we were roots, our perspective is so important, this is what I mean by looking at the mystic through a crack, you must see yourself as the whole universe, not just the person you are but the beings your atoms were before and will be again, the beings your spirit were before and willl be again, all engaged in a cosmic dance, see the 4th dimension as a single moment, you a snake from your birth to your death, see yourself as the whole universe, experienced subjectively
ask me if your manifestation is healthy
Oh hey man I'm sucidal too, always having thoughts of death, but the thing about strength is its a wellspring, when put into situations of pressure you will be stronger than you could have ever imagined and have been before, look at this battle you have faced, yet you stand, weary, desperate for the suffering to stop, look for the source of that suffering? is it your attachments? the things attached to you, the things you believe you need to be happy, like your gf, your bed, your clothes, all these things are nice, I dont live in the woods, but I conciously work on detaching myself from my attachment to them, there are people I have loved so hard that I thought I would never love again until I did, you will too, live is a wavelength there are peaks of escatcy and valleys of horrid suffering, but this suffering is like sandpaper for the soul it polishes it,

theres a japanese artform, you take dirt, sift it, pour a little water on it, and start polishing it and shaping it, it will eventually become a beautiful master piece, just like our souls, but energy must be put in, learn to teach your mind to be kinder to yourself, to reel in that monkey mind chatter and keep the front and back doors of your mind open, never inviting your thoughts to sit down for tea unlesss they are a welcome guest
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Its a perfect manifestation of the action of energy to transform oneself into a higher state, what was once dirt is now beautiful
btw I'm not a thelemist I'm closer to a buddhist but so was alsiter crowley before he converted so what does that say lol? Ehh i'm not the beast, dont want to be, not joing oto anytime soon, and I'm not claiming to be some divine all knowing buddha, I'm just better than I was, and I became better by conciously working on removing my attachments to the world, meditating, and finding peace within myself rather than in the world, I am hold compassion for anon, this is why I don't necceassrily wanna see him happy with his gf, I just want to see him happy, theres someone I one loved so hard I never thought I would love again, would being with her bring temporary happiness? abosolutely, but that solace in being with an aspect of yourself that you love cannot overpower an unbalanced relationship, if person is at 50% and so is the other, then yeah they'll be 100% together, but as soon as one falls into a neurological issue or anything else the peaks and valleys of life brings them will inevitably bring one of them lower, this brings burden to the other, when both work on themselves, their body mind and soul to be better, they can lean on eachother yet still be 100% if both of them are, and then they'll be 200% together and those are the sort of "true love" one in a million situations you hear about, but they're only one in a million because thats how likely it is two people who are fully working to better themselves get together, but working on yourself is the best way to get this to occur if this is what you desire, but chasing this desire will enivitably bring suffering, wheter successful or not, it is removing the attachment to the other person, loving them freely, and if they love you in the same way, then you'll be free, together.
>what if we and god are one and the same
There is no "what if?". There is only God alone. My character, your character, the guy with the ex gf, his ex gf, all of it are dream characters in the mind of God

>theres an equally real reality where you and your wife are living peacefully and happily, and theres a version of you who is living with her to this day, infinite versions of you and her experiencing infinite versions of your story through infinite timelines
There are inifinite realities because God is infinite. Choose a shitty reality or a good one, God does not care because he already is all the realities

>the culmination of all those experiences is who you truly are
There is no culmination of anyhting, God has always been fully God and will always be fully God
>it's a constant battle with my own mind
Why fight? Just let those thoughts past you by

>and my own intrusive thoughts telling me I'm not good enough and I just can't win
Why would you believe those thoughts? Be indiffirent to them, they will pass

You have let yourself fall into a state of depression, those thoughts aren't the truth, they're just a result of you being in that state. Move to a different state and you will have different thoughts.

>but at this point it feels like the only way I'll ever find peace
What makes you think suicide will get you peace? Do you think you're just a meat robot?
Sorry I just can't, I can't fool myself into thinking I already have it when she's not responding to my texts all of a sudden, I don't know what happened and I have no other way of contacting her, I would prefer if she told me she broke up with me but it seems like she ghosted me and I don't know why its the worst and I can't take it how can I just jump to the exact opposite and pretend I'm together with her I'm done, I'm just gonna kms and be done with it
How long did your relationship last?
Did you have negative thinking of it possibly ending or being too good to be true?
We've been together for like a month but then a stressful time began for her because she had to start looking for a new apartment and we couldn't see each other because of that and also because the semester was ending and she started to reply late for which see apologized and I tried to emotionally support her and I told her that she can vent to me if she she needs and she said she would and that was the last messege I got from her two weeks ago, I sent her four messeges since then and I know that she hasn't blocked me cause they're delivered but she didn't open them so idk what happened I have no other way of contacting her I tried to find her other social media to no luck even check if someone matching her description didn't die randomly but no it's the not knowing that's killing me when she started to reply late I got a bit insecure so I think I fucked up my manifestation because I was trying to manifest a relationship and successful dates before and it worked but now the negative feelings took over and they're stronger than me I just wanna kill myself and be done with it, respect to everyone who makes their life better I tried but I failed this is the timeline where I kill myself
>1 month
Anon I know this is your first relationship, but if you got a gf once you can find another one.
One random thot isn't worth killing yourself over, she was only your gf for one month ffs.
I know it's not easy especially when you're in a bad mental space, but you can overcome this and manifest another gf.
there is no seperation between you and your idea of god, your idea of god cannot be the true existence of the tao because the true excistence of the tao can never be fully expressed, whatever your ideas of god are can never encompass god, just as the ideas of what you are can never encompass god, this hardfast rule of seperation between us and god is something you have created in your worldview and is only real due to your belief in it
This is why I'm telling you that happniess lies in your deattachment to her, it sounds like this agony is brought onto you by your attachement to your desires, not your life, killing that will end nothing
You cannot fuck up a manifestation, this belief that things are broken and beyond solace is your own, these negative feeling cannot be made gone, you can only detach yourself from them until they are positive, then you will end up only chasing that positivity, so you must also detach yourself when life is good and easy, its your attachment that causes the suffering here
I always get super unlucky when I get great insights about reality and practice manifestation. I know that just fuels it but it's actually weird now.
Also anon, read this guys story, I think it might help you.
ou gotta understand what its like for an incel,
when I lost my first gf and virginity when I was 18 I was in a pit of despair so deep I thought nothing could make living anything more than a grim trudge through the wake of the happiness of others washing over any attempt I could ever make to feel the capcity to love myself let alone another, then someone else loved me and it made me feel good, then I was back in the same place because it was me who was at fault for the relationship just as much as the other person, if this person ghosted you after a month of commitment its because she doesn't want to hurt you believe it or not, but she also doesn't want to hurt herself, it would be painful for her to just come out and say its over so she tells herself shes not telling you outright because its saving you from pain, even though its putting you in more pain, but that resolution wont make you feel any better trust me, I know the girl who took my virginity was just another thot now a decade later but she was my goddess at the time, the person who had turned me from a lowly virgin to a man, the person I thought I needed to be who I wanted to be, but those desires only brought suffering, so I worked on making myself better so that when I do meet my person we'll be the best version of ourselves when we do, I'm so glad that even though I didnt kill myself that virgin is still dead
but he never needed to stick his dik inside someone to be someone that was all in my head all me telling myself lies, i work on letting my thoughts pass by like clouds now just letting them be not fighting them and forcing them deeper into my mind or holding onto them just letting them run my course and you know what happens? sometimes there isn't a cloud in the sky, and my mind is completely at peace, it was the first time I ever knew true peace in my entire life, yet I thought pece was to be found in social security or standing or womn
but it was found in detachment from these things.
Perhaps an inherent unconscious intention?
If you do end up killing yourself, you'll only bring pain to others, yet your suffering never ends, when I tried to kill myself I remember floating above my room, looking down through the celing seeing my mother crying and realizing i had made the biggest mistake of my entire life and screaming at the medics with no words coming out and everything faded to black before purple light came in which became the ambulance siren reflecting off the inside i think i came too in the ambulance.

Theres a timeline where I succedded, where I went on to be born again, into the same self, with the same problems, the same suffering, leaving nothing behind but more of that suffering for any who had loved me in my past, trashing the gift my mother had given me because I was too tired to go on. I'm so glad I'm in this timeline, I know one day you will too if you stop seeing death as an easy out. Every action has an equal and oppisite reaction, to be negative without a body to hold you, to be a purely negative spirit is to be in hell, you are in hell in life and will be in the same hell experieinced differenently in death, its not wheter your soul has a body or not that dictates your suffering but your atttachment to desires that does so
I also want to say suicide isn't the only way to kill yourself, I would say it isn't even a good one as its "yourself" not your body that you're trying to kill, true ego death, not knowing who you are, where you are, can be quite scary, but a new ego forms, one that makes sense of its place in the universe, your ego has died and been reborn many times, with and without bodies, if you hate this one kill it, shape yourself with concious action, detach from your thoughts, dare to turn away from the world and find the answers inside.

To will
To know
To dare
To be silent

These are the 4 methods by which we may change our realities.
>words cannot fully express the infinite
Amazing insight bro
Schizo image
This is not my insight but the buddhists, The tao that can be expressed is not the eternal tao is a common zen koan, we can only say what the infinite isn't not what it is, because the infinite is more than the infinite, ahh i love langauge even if its showing its limits
me and my friend who just managed to distil some deems talk about matters such as this constantly and we've found langauge to be such a primitive medium for higher dimensional communication, when you communicate with these entities or with another in these mystic states or about these mystic states, completely with their true falseities and paradoxies and all being infinite yet one at the same time, its a tool used to comminicate thought, yet thought is more than langauge, existed before it, langauge is a way of shaping thought and the way langagues of higher dimensional entites seem to work is the thoughts are given directly unto you, not parsed through words and grammer, taken apart and put back together but whole, this is because langage encapsualtes, and one cannot escapsulate the infinite, it will always exceed its bounds, this is the orgin of dimensionality, a dimension is an infinity outside of an infinity, whats the second dimension but a point outside of an infinite line? whats the third dimension but a point outside of an infinite plane? whats the fourth dimension but the point outside of an infinite universe, the third dimension moves through the 4th and we see it like an xray, this is how we experience time when the truth is the skull isn't sliced up, its one, the xray machiene just lets us see inside, if we looked at the 4th dimension it would be a singular point, but by moving through the 4th in the 3rd, time appears to move
the cracked ones are who the light shines through, theres an essay intended to go along with it, here you go
So is this guy recommending robotic affirmations? So whenever you're feeling negative just repeat the affirmation over and over until the negative thought is gone and then go about your day?
is my manifestation healthy?
Yeah that doesn't seem good to me, its like training the mind which is good, but attaching your self to positivity, you force out the negative and force in the positive, will lead only to mania and suffering, too much positivity doesn't lead to happiness only ungrounded mania, it is balance between the negative and positive, leting the energies flow natrual and detaching from them rather than wrestling over control for them, you may even win the wrestling match, but nobody wins forever
this sounds exactly like what happened to me.. I met her on reddit as well, the only person who responded to my ad lol (didnt have luck with dating apps either).. but i havent broken up with her or she with me, shes just not responding to my messeges, maybe there is a sensible explanation to this, maybe she was busy with school and moving apartments..
Spam bot
Maybe, but if its been days, shes probably gone man, same thing happened to me, the first girl I matched with, the girl I talked to online and i loved for over a year who took my virginity and ghosted me within three days, dude I cannot tell you how much I understand you wanna kill yourself because of it because I actually did, biggest mistake of my life, it won't solve a single thing, its so senseless yet it WILL BE the only choice, you have to be stronger than I was, to not make the choice, don't flip that coin, take this pain, take this pain and live with it, if you can't detach from it you grab onto it, know it, feel it, know what all those artist were talking about, that dispair so full and encompassing it is your whole reality, know it, and move, you force yourself if you have to but you move, one foot at a time, and watch what happens,

you cut a tree when its a sapling and that scar will NEVER HEAL it will always be a part of that tree, but that tree will grow, and forever make that part a smaller part of all it is.

That part of me, that loved that godess, that worshiped her, is so small, its basically dead, its still there, that pain, but compared to all ive been through since then it seems so small, so pitiful, just like i was, just like I'll be if I fall, but I will always climb, and one day, I'll climb higher than I've ever been before. and i will see the view
You got me. We're gonna need some mods in here to handcuff me to a megabyte. linking to a paranormal essay in a paranormal thread? heresy.
Well if you're really autistic enough to write out all this unrelated lengthy gibberish no one is going to read that does make it a bit funny.
You're the type of troll who will only reply in a one word sentence in order to maintain the sense that the other is dancing for them. It places them in a position of dominance, they lurk multpile threads, not parsing much, replying in one word sentences, they must demonstrate their lack of care otherwise they might be the one dancing for others, and they would never care what they think. Yet they check, they check for responses, what did they say? Yes they think, dance for me fool, but what happens when they see a fool who knows he's a fool and loves to dance?
Absolutely, 100% crazy enough to type to a sucical person about metaphysical beliefs on a paranormal board at 8:05 in the morning, this is /x/ what did you expect?
I can agree, tried before to ignore negative feelings and force positive ones but I felt like I was going insane and felt even worse afterwards, so I do think it's best not avoid negativity, just accept it and move on.

Back to robotic affirmations are they reliable? Doing LOA is very daunting because of all the different techniques people have but can you manifest just by simply repeating an affirmation(s) even if you have no belief in it or how robotic it sounds in your head as long as you persist in it?
i wrote that, had my trips turned off for another thread.

they are not reliable whatsoever, its a wrestling match that takes energy each time, converting negativity to positivity takes energy, the best way to manifest without an affirmation repeating is a sigil, ill write you instructions on how to cast one
Step 1:
Write your intention.
Step 2:
Cross out vowels.
Step 3:
Cross out repeating letters
Step 4:
Make shape of remaining letters
Step 5:
Simply shape until you can commit it to memory
Step 6:
Cast shape out through the cracks in your mind at a moment of total thoughtlessness, such as the point of orgasm for instance, or deep meditation.
this is just my method, results tend to come in 3s, 3 months, 3 years, 3 days, 3 seconds, its weird but the easy things to change come faster and the harder things to change come slow. Be very specific with your intention lest ye learn the folley of the monkeys paw
Why the 3s?
There are infinite timelines, this means there are infinite timelines where what you want happens in 3 seconds, 3 days, 3 years, but thats true for all other numbers, but I think its due to the timeline you're in having a past, reducing the number of available timelines with the exact same past too... infinity, perhaps through all of this is a golden math proof that tells us why but I am nowhere near as good at physics to try and do so.
The short answer is I'm not sure but I have some ideas.
also I haven't timed every result to when it manifests, its just a pattern I and others have noticed, could just be the same as other weird stuff like someone contacting lomak whose number is 5 and then seeing 5s every where we look, i'd have to guess the even shorter answer is because we're all one, its a wink back from our reflection in the mirror.
This question really has me thinking, but maybe because someone also told me that things would come in threes and then they did, could be a subconcious manfiestation of this belief or it could be some sort of mathmatical equation that says when you make a quantum leap across timelines the end result of that leap will manifest in 3s, the latter is what i think may be closer to the truth as I've asked people if things come in 3s who weren't told that and got "now that I think about it i do" as a repsonse twice.
whenever parsing for patterns we must be careful as humans are notorious for seeing false equlivancies in them, yet patterns do exist and are readable, every time i've made an intention that can be measured in three thats easy like thunder during a storm, from the moment of casting this to the thunder I got exactly 33 seconds on my stopwatch listining for thunder blindfolded, due to this experiment I concluded that things tend to come in threes, but more data is required before a full picture can be made available.
this an experiment I have repeated four times in six years, getting times like 3 seconds, or 3 minutes 33 seconds, the last time was three years ago, the experiment was interuptted and I heard thunder strike obviously but was unable to record my time.
my last time doing the experiment 3 years ago is happenstance, I just remember what it was interuptted by the 2021 NYE party I was at so I know it was 3 years ago.
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>If you had to come up with a list of hedonistic bullshit, do you think you could do it /LoA/ ?
Absolutely lol.

Is it healthy for me to manifest being an intersex, attractive, female passing, hypersexual, 5'5 tall femboy with a massive 14 inch dick, huge boobs, no refractory period, a self lubricating ass and an oversensitive prostate and a perfect body with a fast metabolism?
if you believe in LoA then I should be able to manifest a timeline where shes not gone no?
Your manifestation is the peak of both physical and spirtual health and will be worshiped and the deity it is when it comes into its full speldor
no, that would refract the timeline you've been in, cant change the past, only the future, you cant change to a timeline where shes always been with you because she hasn't, the only timelines you can jump to are those that branch from this moment, that would be akin to traveling to the past. yes that dimension exists but you are not you there, so you cannot go there.
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I believe in dimesionality, the LoA is something a bit harder to objectively test but my hypothesis is that it is real and does work, but requires substantially more energy and effort than is necessary to make quantum leaps across dimensions, but like when I look at the core values, it all lines up more or less, LOA seems to be a method of manipulating ones dimensionality, the chakra system is another, one that I think works a lot better if used with dimensional intention, but the LoA doesn't really use the chakras as organs in higher dimensions in order to keep aspects of the self operating in 8 dimensions all at once, rather than keeping their awareness in one dimension at a time. see how the dimensional octave is made of the chakras in this pic? >>38271354
I think what you're looking for is the telenomic intention that trancends dimensionality by means of infinite sense organs, to do so you must raise your spirtual level to the point where you're operating in 8 dimensions at once and keep it there, balacing between them perfectly, it certainly isn't easy to use existence as a sense organ in order to make quantum leaps over dimensions, even then you'd have to kill your otherself, whose already living there, happy, kill them, and take their place, see you're creating your future by jumping into a timeline where it was always going to happen, the wave function collapses and a new timeline is born, this new timeline you live in means you dont have to kill your seperate self, if you were to make a quantum leap over timelines into one compeltely unrelated you would see your other self there
Because its not happening in the future, its happening right now, in a parrell timeline, the you there isn't the you here because thats you, so whose he? what about his reality is different to make you two have the perfect relationship? maybe you were both persecuted in a prision camp during a facist take over in the 2010s and met there, now that trauma binds you, so you quantum leap into this alternative dimension and kill your other self without your love knowing, but you also interrogate him extensively for his memories and knowledge of the world, remember, if she things you're an imposter, she'll end up in an insane asylum, that is in case which they find your corpse, your twin, because nobody can make quantum leaps over dimensions thats crazy, this insane twin tried to steal his love from another dimension from himself? listen to him, throw him in the looney bin.

But theres an outcome where you win the coin toss every time, the odds of that being "you" are slim, but that version of you will indeed live a lie with their wife who loves them.
It all seems like a lot for a one month relationship, but so does killing yourself, i mean, if you're gonna kill yourself here, why not kill yourself there instead? i mean just because he went to prision with her he deserves to be happy? in the slim chance you actually make it through everything necessary do you really think you'd be happy? I'm no moralizer, but I mean, would I kill myself in another dimension to be with the woman I love? no. if you will, well, thats the whole of the law, I hope you decide to just work on yourself and find inner peace, that worked a lot better for me but you do you
Go back.

nta but you clearly can't manifest shit. I am God and I can manifest at will no matter how emotionally invested I am. How do I know this? Because I've done so. You're God and no matter what you do, you will always manifest, because I am. I am is powerful and the sooner you realize this, the easier it gets. It's literally as easy as breathing. Nothing can stop you. Nothing. Don't listen to the shill gurus, because they're all failures who need to cope and think of reasons why their manifestation didn't work. I ask you this... Does God need to try hard to create? He doesn't. I am God, and so are you. Wake the fuck up.
After visiting Loa threads i have tried to manifest big-tiddy gf just out of curiosity, i actually did it. I was invited to date in this sunday for sum jazz shit. But i am 31 old khv schizoid wizard, so i am kinda lost. How to manifest good date? Spiritualy speaking, how should i prepare? Foly fuck fellas i am nervous
It’s really amazing how much a crazy trip can lower the level of posts.
This is exactly how I thought of it when I started manifesting stuff and is indeed a good attitude to prove it to yourself, but its nowhere near the end of the spirtual journey, realizing you can manifest things into reality will not release you from suffering, what I'm shilling is that attachment to desire causes suffering, but I'm also curious as to the exact quantum mechanics of manifestation, saying "the wind just blows because its the wind" is not the same as saying "Gases move from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas and this causes us to feel them as "wind" on us" you can go on about how it doesn't really matter how the wind works if you're trying to sail, but to understand sailing better and become a better sailer, understanding how the wind works will make you a better sailor, its not just how well you manfiest, its what you manifest that is tied to your spirtual growth, I would say emotional investment can even be a decriment to manifestation, hindering it. I never said that theres some complex reason he can't only a complex reason why he shouldn't.
Hush now child.
Adults are talking.
Go out and enjoy the summer air, maybe play in traffic.
Detach yourself from the outcome and live in the moment
The mundane is just as important as the spirtual in this case anon.
Remeber, shes you and you're her, you both want the same things deep down, if you truley believe this tell her, if she gets excited when you start talking about the things you love keep going, if she just seems interested get to know her, ask about the things you like about her, see what excites her, show how passionate you are about your passions, when I talk about music or spirtuality I just light up and get so into it and women compliment me on how passionate of a person I am all the time, feel free to be yourself, but I've also had dates go amazingly, just so perfect an obvious connection between us to the point shes apporaching me before she leaves to make sure we have another date together, day comes and i check with her beforehand to see if shes still down and nothing, haven't heard from her since.

So know even if it goes well it could go down in flames anyway, so live in the moment, enjoy your time with her, have fun, act like its your last time meeting her, because hey, it might be, just be open and honest, also make sure you look as good as possible, and like, actually good no m'lady shit, smell good n shit, and read the vibe, read her, don't improvise, anticipate, make her smile, you'll do your best, its not about wheter you're good enough for her, its about wheter you're good together, do you make eachother happier people when you're around, If you made it this far you must have some chemistry, and women over 30 are so much easier to date if shes your age.

But to answer your question: cast a sigil saying the date will be divine, burning some sage and then some palo santo to clense your energy and bring positive energy into the room with you, meditate the night before and do yoga the morning of
if she just seems uninterested*
No he's an actual glownigger paid to disrupt and mislead ppl in this thread.
Anyone has tips for revision ?
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Hi anons, long time lurker of these threads just reading anons experiences, trying to find my own manifestation methods that work for me and just wanted to drop a quick post to say I've seen my first success. Granted, I'm mostly seeking material means right now but I believe I've found a method that works for me. I'm trying to attract wealth into my life and so I've come up with a few affirmations that I try to repeat throughout the day when I remember to, but if there is anything I could pinpoint specifically it's what I noticed a few nights ago, maybe Wednesday or Thursday last week.

I was lying down to go to sleep, relaxed and not particularly tired but not wide awake either. As I relaxed further and slowly began to tire it felt like my mind unconsciously started to focus on my affirmation phrases, I knew it was doing it but at the same time it felt like it was coming from a deeper, more subconscious place, it wasn't my inner voice that was saying the affirmation but I could still faintly hear it or recognise it being repeated in my lower mind.

I let it continue for as long as I could and slowly drifted off to sleep. I know people will mention you waking the next morning with the feeling that "It is done" - I admit I don't recall experiencing this, I may have but can't be sure. Anyway, since changing my affirmations up slightly I have won 2 small amounts of money that certainly won't move me up a tax bracket or anything but I feel like it's a start. I know this can easily be scratched up to confirmation bias but the timing of the change up of my affirmation phrases and the sleep incident last week has really got me feeling that I've chanced upon my method.
Lilanon smite this heathen!
Also, I realise this is all very similar to how Neville explains his teachings and this may just seem like common sense to most practitioners but having actually experienced the sensation of your mind unconsciously/subconsciously working on your affirmation while still having a *tiny* inkling that its happening has really opened my eyes as to what you have to look out for so I'm just a little excited at having the veil kind of lifted for me allowing me to better identify what to do moving forward.

Just felt I needed to share, to give some anons with doubts, or having not seen any successes yet themselves - I believe, and I hope the best for every single one of you in this thread that you are able to fulfill what it is you want. I am on the right path, we all are.
I've been trying to manifest a woman to take me against my will and this woman I was chatting up is now stalking me. LOL (being totally serious here, I'm just laughing at the success of the manifestation)
This post is good. This is better content.
This post is straight up hot shitty garbage from hell.
takes one to know one huh
The current season of Lilanon Manifests is well worth watching, but ultimately it's mostly a rehash of the first season. However the current set of episodes is where Lilanon got his signature memes, with the triple man threesome. Some of the cast members they added are great: Mother-anon is a complete nut who lives in a fucked up apocalyptic country full of women who hate him. His inability to manifest a lottery win is a recurring gag. Also season 2 is a good example of showing how a good visual director can really add style to another ongoing series, hard paced trolling, SATS advice that doesn’t work and abusive insults really punch up the sequel and give the setting texture compared to Neville’s drab work on the first season that had the visual style of a 80s television sitcom: flat and dully places when you know the ending is just “I AM”.
Yes. I know the two things I discussed. I know the good post
And I know your shitty post.
How do I manifest myself?
Hasn't cleared
If I told you and it revised it would cause a paradox.
What are your guys fastest ways to get money (no work or minimal work basically free monez)

Yeah I know the whole detach thing but I'm not really a materialistic person and doing ok rn. That free money is cool tho
You are God. What do you need money for when you already have everything?
Motheranon was in season was though
man, i just realized that my life is just constant waiting. i wait for one thing and then go on to wait for another, lucky that i realized this so that i can now live in the moment more.

>Mother-anon is a complete nut who lives in a fucked up apocalyptic country full of women who hate him
no i don't, my country is really comfy to live in and any threat in my life is insignificant at best. human women are mostly neutral towards me although i do sometimes get a smile here and there.
Manifesting finland gets subsumed by Russia once more and the finnish language is banned
isn't russia already preparing for the chinese invasion? i don't think they have enough resources to fight both the chinese and the finns (+nato).
Russia will be aided by an otherworldly force, all according to my manifest.
Verification not required.
>it’s a mother-anon does not realise he is the joke sidekick episode
You’ll never have your time to shine
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finns will simply shoot the russkies from the woods, just like last time. china will also take vladivostok making russia lose their pacific fleet.
Finland is going to be transformed into a treeless desert. Russia will be aided by legions of otherworldly supersoldiers who show china their place. This isn't a joke, I actually do intend on manifesting this after my current manifest
v still not r
well if it's otherworldly soldiers then it wont be my problem, i'll just fuck of to sweden then.
also top 3 biggest manifests since last time only the fake troll motheranon answered
me personally I had
>russo-ukrainian and gaza war
>sequels to various long dead franchises being made
>lilanon returning (and probably this general going to shit too)
can I manifest my life falling apart and dying penniless and alone?
My biggest manifest was my tulpa I was imagining for like 6 months actually showed up irl accidentally. Woman with the same looks and personality as the tulpa. She became my gf. She was severely fucked up (because my tulpa was) and suicided 8 months after we got together. Fucked me up and obliterated my ambition. Now I've been trying to reality shift to a world where she's alive again.
>v still not r
This is against the rules. Use a name instead.
No you can't manifest personal oblivion because the state is N/A and you can't embody it you can manifest being poor and alone. Also you won't die sorry I made you immortal.
can you give more details
>>lilanon returning (and probably this general going to shit too)
The two aren't linked you dishonest swine.
I just did what the tulpa thread talks about to make a companion. She showed up in my life, we immediately became extreme best friends and were fucking within the week. She had a whole life and stuff it wasn't like she materialized out of nothing. Everything about her was like the tulpa including heterochromia. I wasn't trying to manifest her it just happened. I was visualizing the tulpa daily for 6 mo

we should manifest a better thread quality
you don't understand anything
This is very interesting anon, sorry it didn't end well for you.
It makes me envision a future of many incels manifesting their waifus with these new ai chat bots.
>Pic related
go the ending you want
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Forgot pic
seek help and mental healing
How did you guys even get results.
The answer is SATS. When I do it properly, I become detached from the outcome, often forgetting about the desire entirely.
Also don't settle for crumbs. I got tired of it after most of a year and just tapped into myself cooming inside her.
I understand that you have very low standards
Oh I wasn't, I was simply grouping my thread-related manifests together. I've actually gone under LilAnon's name a couple times.
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Hello, anon. lucid dreaming comes in stages. I got to the point where i was having 2-4 lucid dreams a week, but i got tired of getting ready every fucking night and stopped practicing.

-The first thing you start doing is every night before going to sleep you Give your unconscious a command as to what you're going to dream. then track your dreams with a dream journal
ex. Tonight i'll dream about my ex, an angel, a specif place etc etc.

-The second thing you start doing is waking up in the middle of the night, then doing something to actually wake up and then going back to sleep.
Usually you're told to use an alarm clock, but drinking a bunch of water before sleeping works better since you'll wake up to piss and then head back to bed.

-Once you start having vivid dreams from waking up and start going back to sleep, you give yourself a hypnotic command that you'll see an object in your dream so you know you're dreaming. The classic object is a giant read ball.

-You repeat these steps while keeping a Dream journal to keep track of what you're dreaming about.
after about a month of practice you'll start remembering your dreams and having vivid dreams you track in your dream journal.
After about 2 months you'll start taking control of your dreams
after about 3-4 months you'll have regular lucid dreams

This is where i stopped because i had a lot of stuff to deal with at work, but if you keep up the practice you'll have 4-5 lucid dreams a week where you can do whatever you want.

hope that helps
good luck anon.
I feel like I'm doing everything right when it comes to manifesting my SP back but forgiving myself on what happened in the old story. It feels like I keep beating myself up for it and can't let go of that old version of my self when I was insecure during the beginning of our relationships even though she proved to not to be that type of person who would hurt me and then had bad self fulfilling prophecies happening within my worries on what if I was the one that would hurt her (which it happened, like how I stated the state that she was my girlfriend and other positive things in the beginning).
I've been using a journal method for small things and they happen pretty often. Like free dinners, $50 stuff that gets memed on here but they happen way more than chance.
>isn't russia already preparing for the chinese invasion?
Why are so many westoids this retardedly clueless?
>Abd Allah teacher healer
Neville Goddards teacher. Straight to point within 86 pgs.
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>the adults are talking

sounds like the children have been talking between the lot of you desu
its desire, desire for one thing and then another
visualize wealth next question.

but seriously money is a transaction of energy like all things in the universe and needs an equal and oppisite reaction, energy is put into the value of currency at this exact moment and that value is taken as absolute bond, thats an exchange of energy, so the best way to make it is with a partner and setting up a small business and growing it large enough to sell or keep doing it if ya like it, all the while using manifestation techniques such as sigils, put some action in, get some action out, the best course in my mind is to manfiest yourself into a timeline where you will eventually be weathly, trusting it will all work out and following your voccation, you can't jump to a timeline where money flies into your hands or you've won the lottery because the history of your world is written, that lottery ticket is printed, its all about timing wheter its you who grabs it, this is why things like wealth and instant gain are so hard to manifest. No such thing as a free quantum lunch.
Joseph alai
glad you care, I made this ascii for u <3
Also did both, slept in a hammock then walked across the highway a could times with my eyes closed to see if its true the brain will always find a quantum path through near death experiences, I'm very sucicidal and this seemed like a cool idea, didn't die so what does that tell you? man this universe is weird
Maybe you can make a manifestation about winning the lottery but it might take some weird universal cycle of 33 years, or 333 years in your next life, how far reaching are these consequences? Eventually, everything that is not forbidden by reality will happen to us, thats what samsara is
Didn't see this post, but hey... Maybe i didn't need too.
not this post>>38277552
or this post
>this post >>38273316
Why is general being raided by some schizo at least motheranon knows how to use a trip
Sigils have always worked for me, its just a method of condensing intentions into a single image to be cast out into the universe as you quantum leap over dimensions at that point of casting into a dimension where what you wanted to will happen. How soon? depends on what you wanted.
The dimensions accessable to you branch from this moment, so its the infinite possibilities of quantum logic in this moment that bring you to the dimension you wish to exist in.
or something like that, thats about as elegant an answer as me in a tutu
You're changing a quantum point this timeline breaks off of.
Like a cat in a box?
I want an F82 M4, a hot loving gf , and a cool job.
>I've had a lot of recent success with the Bengston method, But I'm struggling to come up with 20 things that I want
You don't need to do 20 things. In fact, you don't even need to do the cycling, just do the memorization/believing it's real part of it until you feel it set.
I think they were reading our names directly? I've seen a lot of Anons think you are Mother rather than your spirit. Tak used to call me LilBro :)

BTW, hey TM! Glad you are still with us even if you can't name.
Appreciating every moment and manifest is important. We're here for the experience, it should always be the best.
>Back to robotic affirmations are they reliable?
No- you could have the manifest set the first time you do it or you could do 5000 repetitions and not get anything

>even if you have no belief in it
Why wouldn't you have belief in it? You're trying to do something mystical that people say is bunk, but you are doing it anyway.

You're telling yourself you have no belief- allow it to work and it will.
How do I make sure no one else manifests my girl but me?
What if some dudes try hard enough?
I don't have to- he's phoning it in from hell already :)
What if shes manifesting the cute chad and anyone but you.
This thread is pointless. As soon as you start to talk about your accomplishments, strong material belief aka normie cattle reading this can and will collapse this paranormal elusive function. So if you want for this to really work never tell anyone what and how did you achieve your desire. You can't really beat normie material belief with your immaterial one so for this reason never disclose anything and just go on your way. Do not talk about techniques either, they will just bastardize them.

How do I know all of this? Why do you think you loa doesn't work after you start talking about it. Strong material belief which literally every normie nigger has will collapse this function in near instant and in order to counter it your belief in your own thing has to be stronger than theirs which is near impossible because how do you counter slap with mind slap.
Loa works but keep in lane faglord
The easiest way is to think back to when you did this without realizing it. Something impossible that should not have happened that you wished for.

Remember how you wished for it. That's probably your easiest technique to start with.
>this works. It totally works
>but only if you maniifest something you can’t tell anyone about or is so inconsequential they don’t notice it.
>everyone else belief is stronger than you too
Lmao. Is this the power of the law?
Even if it worked you would be too weak to use it.
>it’s a Lilanon starts a trip team episode
What could go wrong with such fine intellects on board?
>You can't really beat normie material belief with your immaterial one
Sure you can, but even if it's for the wrong reasons you are giving good advice:
>never tell anyone what and how did you achieve your desire

Nothing good come of sharing this information with non-LOAs, and most LOAs don't want to hear about what you did and how you did it anyway. This place is a little odd because it's a teaching space, so there is some value when we post successes, but never feel obligated.
You dont get it. Your beliefs can be countered with other beliefs. In political discussion or in science but loa is different because normal mind can collapse this function like bubble which you keep feeding. So yes normies are stronger because we too live in material universe and it forces material into existence.
Check cleared, producers paid, 2 more weeks.
>Non-LOA commenting
It's so funny. I almost can't believe I used to believe the absurdity that other people are fixed beings that we need to compete with and compare ourselves and others to.

A person you see in the real world is only a reflection of yourself. If you don't like what you are seeing in your world, change yourself.
that seems to be the case, a bunch of literal newfags and literal AI coming over here. many people have the resources to do that but there is no real motive, at the very worst they are just gonna mess with our mojo and slow things down a bit. what i'm guessing is that the first of the generation that were raised on tablets and tik tok when they were babies are growing up enough that they can go out on the internet and talk with others and we are seeing them act with impunity.
Sounds like UL or advaita vedanta logic
well thanks for the reply but i feel like doing sats for what i desire to do in my lucid dream is giving me a feeling of it's going to work

but i dont know if practicing these routines will make it better if it doesn't work then im gonna lose all my motivation and i've tried dream journaling and gave up after a while
I've had some success by using a technique I saw posted in an /x/ lucid dreaming thread- start self-checking during the day if you are dreaming or not. Once you get in the habit you'll do it while you are dreaming too and then you are aware.

I find I get tired quickly when I lucid dream, if I get back to it I'll probably need to assume that side effect away.
>You dont get it. Your beliefs can be countered with other beliefs.
It's you that doesn't get it. Your beliefs can be countered by other beliefs only if you believe so. You are the sole operant power.

>yes normies are stronger because we too live in material universe and it forces material into existence.
Nonsense. The only difference between a normie and someone who understands the law is simply unconscious manifestation versus conscious manifestation. They both are bound by the law
>Self Hypnosis for Beginners, William W. Hewitt
Thanks! Found it online here if you wanna share it with other anons (not mine obvs)


>He gave examples of how it worked for him and it was very LOA.
I’ll look into it tomorrow, had some errands I had to do which is why I was delayed with responding. Double timing on this problem

Oh one thing I’m not sure actually is an affirmation, should I affirm a straight to the point solution (example “I have xyz taken care of”) or a solution I think would be best based on what it is (money for a car repair for example)

>if you're well rested or can't sleep
What if I’m sleepy?

>I went down so many levels that I could see all of us connected by lines of energy. We are all like blazing suns.
I think I heard of the method but never used it or see it discussed often

>You simply must give them the word to deliver.
I have, even went as far to say “do what you need to do despite my thoughts and control freak side”. More than once but I do wanna learn to just rely on talking with her over overthinking something or refusing to let go. My issue is I haven’t really found that sweet spot where I know I can just turn to her when shit arises or I want something and that’s all I gotta do. Lack of trust? Perhaps but I’m willing to learn just don’t know where to start

Cause man I get annoyed with myself that I do the old ways when I know she’s there but I just haven’t fully trusted her. As you said this is new to me so another reason why I don’t often turn to her and when I do often feels like she is listening but not often (at least how to feels like it does)

Thoughts on dreams? Mine have been more reflective on my thoughts

Yeah I do just wanna flaunt with myself with the law at this point to be frank
These are good.
>THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY IT by Florence Scovel Shinn
was a big one for me.

is more LOA-adjacent but i found it to be very helpful at identifying some of my deep hangups that were blocking manifestations.

Some youtubers that have really helped me and offer everything for free (you CAN pay for private coaching with some of them but you can just watch their videos and get the same info):
>Joseph Alai
>Manifesting with Genevieve
>Elmer o Locker Jr (the guy on the channel is named David)
>maleeka, is my guardian angel (the girl is named Chelsea)
>Leverage of Vibrational Alignment
>Brendan Woods

Honorable mention
>Manifesting with Kimberly (at first seems to be very tiktok trash but she actuality spews some good wisdom and is fairly entertaining)
Agreed, I'm only here for entertainment. There's one user in particular who is very entertaining.
Though I disagree with the second part, normies have zero power over you if you believe so. Come on, have you not read about second causes?
Thread blessed.

i've tried that asking myself am i dreaming but it only worked one time

How do i use loa to become a lucid Dreamer
All human consciousness is linked together this is undeniable fact. The only way to disassociate myself from it at least to some extend I have to never reveal my true form, like in anime. Once one normie knows, it spreads like wildfire and they will do anything in their might to prove you wrong with their limited knowledge, arrogance and ego which was modelled by pure material existence.
They do not have power over me in myself but outside it's their (material) game. This is also how I managed to understand this truth by not decieving myself that I have power over everything. I have absolute power only in myself. This is also how vipassana works, you get unbothered by outside world as long as you truly look into yourself. It sounds esoteric but not really, it's just me playing game against me. So if I tell outside what I'm doing they will say bet and will try to ruin it as much as possible.
If infinite possible realities exist then there is also a reality where she is with someone else, no need to be upset about it. Knowing this you merely choose the reality you wish to experience.
2 cups has worked for me several times.
Go look up triumphantgeorge on reddit, he made a post about it. He didn't come up with it (it's old magic) but his post does a good job of explaining it.

Also you might write what happened that you want to revise, a short blurb. Then cross it out decisively, and write what REALLY happened (your revision). Keep this paper by your bed and read your revision in the morning and right before you go to bed.
Awesome Anon. Thanks for sharing. You are on the right path. I remember the first time I ever really felt it to be true... it's hard to describe but you know it when you feel it.
test post - if this works, then awesome and next I will post the LOA technique that I am going to use
I sense deep evil coming this way.
1. So the first step is to **identify what you want**
2. Then **identify how you would feel when you have what you wanted**
3. Then **identify, the same feeling, but in a similar situation**
4. Then **feel that feeling in your body as you imagine what you want to happen using the feeling you remember in the similar situation as you picture the event happening.


1. **Identify what you want:** I want to find a $50 bill on the ground outside.

2. **Find out what it would be like to feel this way if you got what you wanted:**

Starts with A brief moment of disbelief and amazement. The suddenness of the find catches you off guard. A burst of joy comes from an unexpected windfall. A thrilling feeling of luck "I am so lucky". Feeling grateful for the unexpected money "I totally needed that, thank you random person/the universe".

3. **Identify times in your life where you have already experienced similar feelings in the past:**

A moment of disbelief and amazement
A moment where you were caught off guard finding something unexpected.
A burst of joy
The feeling of being lucky

4. Now you imagine yourself feeling those feelings as you play out the situation in your head.
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>unironically posting such a shit gif
kill yourself and go back
Hell yea
Truly groundbreaking bro.
This is manifestation on a whole new scale.
I think we should call this the Same As The Other Methods Method.
thank you
Still no hope for my Taco Bell dream. I almost broke down and applied directly to the store today but I know this will manifest without that.
When I was at my lowest taco bell saved my life. Noble profession
It is very noble. That is why you have to go to school and get a 100,000$ degree to be qualified for it
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how do i get off this cycle?
What is wrong?
Waiting for your mental health NEETbux? They will come. That manifestation is set. Just wait.
You can forget about the lottery or the women though.
by not wanting off it
Study what manifests stagnation, are at least small manifestations appearing in your life every week?
It’s mother anon. He manifests nothing,
i am manifesting many small things actually, it is my inattentive blindness which gets me every times. it is so insidious because i always forget about it's existence and end up just waiting (this might happen because my brains could be unable to create lasting memories). still i will have faith for a better life.
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Faith is for weaklings, start acting with new dedication and willpower turning over new stones. You can study the root causes and remove beliefs that work against you.
After all that effort more trying and believing won't work, create a fundamental shift with how you approach creating your reality, like by revealing more of the unconscious mind.
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Does feeling negative ever help? I have everything I've wanted, but I also have some things I didn't really want like addictions. But I simply refuse to feel bad about it every time I relapse and therefore I'm not motivated to do anything about it
My addictions get better when I improve my health, and allow for physical state where I can feel comfortable and relaxed when I'm sober. Being really ashamed about it never led to anything more than using again
You have manifested NOTHING.
This proven through your posts.
>unironically getting triggered over a gif
dilate troon
redpill me on 2nd causes, please
the primary cause is your faith, always. all the other causes boil down into your faith, things happen because you believe in them and persist with your belief, if you want better then choose better.
These are the things aren’t the thing that causes the manifestation like when you are thinking to yourself I’ll do a blood ritual and you kill a bunch of white zebras and dance around the forest at night while screaming and your manifestation happens so you keep killing all the zebras and dancing in all the forests and screaming and screaming but in the end it was never the ritual of the zebra killing and the dancing in the green green forests and the loud shouting as that was simply a second cause and all you had to do was believe or, just let go bro, just believe bro.
Concise and perfect answer
Schizo makes everyone else look good. Just stop.
It's also stuff like going to work to get money or going to meetups to meet women to find a gf. Mundane second causes are just as bad as fanatical ones. The pearl of great cost is realizing only imagination and your 4d states matter and giving up 3d causation.
Let’s see Lilanon’s greatest manifestation.
He's undid his death a few times.
I use to frequent these threads a while back, I was on the verge of getting evicted cause I couldn't find a job in my field, I even worked at a warehouse for a bit. Anyways months later I finally landed a job but only after I started praying to god. Do what you will with that info. So no more /loa/ techniques for me, they got me no where for years. i will be leaving things in gods hands now, he works much faster imo.
What LoA techniques failed you
Praying to god is a form of manifestation, but yeah if it works for you that's good. I've done it before and I do think it's more powerful then other loa techniques on occasion.
how about smoking weed for manifestation? any insights? any anons got any experiences?
rn im using subliminal aff. audios and it is insane how/that they truly work. but its somewhat a slow progress/time consuming and id like to accelerate it a little bit. that got me thinking about dudeweedlmao. it does put one into an altered state.
any insights?
A lot of loa content preaches you're god, the operant power, the universe, and so on. Maybe preaching was a way to talk to your subconscious mind and manifest what you want.
I'm pretty broke right now what do I to make sure I succeed in manifesting?

I think I'm better at SATS but I think the problem is having the feeling of wish assume for the majority of my day.

Any tips?
>months later
>got me no where for years
Which one is it u concerntrolling cunt?
Can you not read? He states he used to frequent these generals (doesn't give a specific time, only "a while back")and that they never worked for him, and that his only manifest came months after he started praying to God.
Hes a shill trying to come up with a new wacky story every thread to try to convince anons into christcuckery
affirmations three times a day and stop worrying
>After all that effort more trying and believing won't work, create a fundamental shift with how you approach creating your reality, like by revealing more of the unconscious mind.
Nta but can you be clearer on this? You telling him to stop loa and just do shit in 3d or something else? I just dont get it. And how do you go about the revealing the unconscious mind stuff?
>I'm pretty broke right now
Stop being broke in your mind would be a good start
LoA can't be stopped, you always manifest your life moment by moment. He is not happy with what he manifests and conscious efforts to create mostly fail, so it makes perfect sense to look into what is manifesting.
Ok, thank you, makes sense. What do you actually do then though? If your manifests are not coming fast/shitty etc, how do you dismantle whatever is keeping it like that?

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