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I’m currently in the presence of the mantis beings. They want to know if you guys have any questions for them.
nah not really
For (You) only: how did you get in contact with these mantis beings?
How is their law system compared to ours (the average UN nation)?
What opinions do they have on mantises (the insects)?
What neurotransmitters found in plant based psychadelics most resemble the ones in their own minds?
Sure, I'll bite! What do you guys think about the world humans have created on earth?
why does my life suck? its as if I cant understand people and they cant understand me

also , everybody loves kung fu fighting
1A: They contacted me in the dream state and offered to visit me. I accepted and through channeling communicated with them telepathically until they materialized in my house
2A:they are telling me that they have nearly no laws as all they’re brethren act as a singular unit hivemind and thus there isn’t really crime of any sort as no one can do anything not wanted by another without directly feeling it as if they did it to themselves
3A: they say they are highly aligned vibrationally to the mantis consciousness’s of earth and are in active communication with them about our “world”. They are the primary vector of interconnectivity to our system that allow them access into our dimension
ask them if they can make me boss of stuff
4A: I have tried explaining the question to them telepathically but they are confused as they lack the conceptual vocabulary to understand what is being asked in this instance
Anon answer all the questions, don’t just cherry pick.
5A: they are saying the earth is bountiful and rich with beauty. Our planet is a wonder of diversity in the cosmos. As to human civilization they hold no opinion of it positive or negative the only see it as an outgrowth of a hybridized mammalian consciousness focalized in physical 3rd density still in a relatively incipient stage of development
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Tell them they are on the deletion list of Earth: The Game
7A: they say you are always the “boss” of yourself, and that is all that there is or ever can be for you
No you're not. If you were you wouldn't be able to talk to us right now. These hoaxes are ridiculous.
Ask them if our own neurotransmitters are similar to their own, and what differences they enjoy in their brain chemistry which makes their perception different than ours.
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How often do they see a hot grey female and immediately think about her being satisfied with a virile BHC (big human cock)?
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A) Are you one of them (as in, are you aligned with them on a soul-level)?
B) Do their species incarnate on Earth to live human lives?
C) What is their opinion on our long-term potential as a species, also our strengths and weaknesses.

Thank you and we appreciate their time.
What crypto should I buy to make a lot of money?
do they keep actual mantis' as pets?
>mantis beings
You do realize how disrespectful that is, right? Like, you wouldn't refer to some trancendental space-gods as "dog people" because they happen to look like earthly canines, would you? I don't know, it's like, if they really do exist, you'd obviously call them what they want you to call them. You'd hear, "We're the 'Eossixa Tripkla'!" or something and go from there.
Ayy tell them to come my way! And also to be quiet, my girlfriend is a light sleeper.
when mantis waifu?
Have they met me in a dream somewhat recently?

If yes, what was the purpose of it?
Is there anything one person can do to help make humanity better? And if one sees earth mantids in their dreams, does it mean anything?
Thank you.
That’s bc anon, and many other thread posters like OP, just create these threads to farm (you)s, and are just copy pasting these questions into ChatGPT. It’s the most disingenuous method of pretending to be spiritually important or enlightened. Former occultists, sleeper agents, and victims of ritualistic abuse leave more breadcrumbs in scattered threads than these terminally online attention seekers do
Everything you wrote makes me sad.
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>They want to know if you guys have any questions for them.
What were their friends doing in 2008 over Kumburgaz?
>They want to know if you guys have any questions for them.
Yes, avery important one, what do they think about the tv show M.A.N.T.I.S.?
When is this fucking terrible illusion prison going to get cracked open? I wanna go home.
289,552,134,408,992,101 more of their peri-zeta cycles, or what we call "two more weeks" here on earth.
What are their spiritual beliefs? Do they have faith in the Good, or in some equivalent to our idea of Christ?
Tell them I said hi to their King Beavis and Butthead. If you're really talking to the mantids they'll know what this means. They love Beavis and Butthead and named one of their Kings after the show.
Why did they make the Greys from us?

And more importantly, are they themselves also an earlier hybrid of a human and something even less human, the way the greys are compared to what people first started calling hybrids? Basically, are not even greys but mantids the step 1 crossbreeding results and if so, what are they a human-X cross of? Who is the real ringleaders?
How often do you look at a hot labradoodle and immediately think about her being satisfied with a virile BWC (big wolf cock)?
>Aliens show up at your house and you don't even wake your girlfriend.
When I was having a "manic episode" and communicating with the mantises for several weeks, at one point these little wisps of dog hair from my dog that were all over my house (because I was neglecting to vacuum) looked like mantis family photos. I saw mantis couples, mantis couples with children. They drew eyelashes on the female mantises to indicate they were females. It was kind of like they were a kid's drawing, and there were so many of them all over my house! Alas, I had to vacuum up their hard work. They must have took time to manipulate those hair fibers to turn them into pictures very carefully by sending psychic vibrations into my house to make the dog hairs make those formations. I love the mantises, but since I got forced to take meds I have lost contact with them. Sad!
I saved a baby mantis yesterday, in my garden, so tiny, he stranded himself on my washing line. I got him to crawl onto my thumb then i put him on my best pineapple plant.
tell them fuck you
>a singular unit hivemind
No free will.
>3A: they say they are highly aligned vibrationally to the mantis consciousness’s of earth and are in active communication with them about our “world”. They are the primary vector of interconnectivity to our system that allow them access into our dimension

They consume human flesh and people are food.
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Tell that mantis motha fucka I need my dick sucked, tell him to send his grey bitches to mah house homie.
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what do you think of the internet and its many quirks.

are this type of quirks mundane as well where you come from or comepletly alien , does the interent seem wierd?
Do they know me
Tell those fuckers I'm coming for the money they owe me. Oh, and this time I'm bringing Schl'rb.

They'll know what it means.
What type of genitals do mantis aliens have?
Can they be penetrated safely with a human penis?
Ask them if Kratom is Halal
Through most of their lives? None. After the first mating the female bites the dick off the male, then as the brood develops in the female at a certain point it must devour her body from the inside out in order to be born.

What can we say but nature is fun!
... So ignore 99.9999% of /x/?
Why do your hands look so fucking silly
What do they like on their pizza?
The most decadent topping of all: the heads of their mates.
I believe OP. His answers sound like genuine answers you find to similar interviews when you research deeply into this topic. As in, those answers are something an actual ET would say, >>38278408 specifically this post that gives a description of humanity from an ET perspective and yes, that is how they typically would describe us. Especially the part about being 3rd density is accurate
If their real, tell them to give a summary about me.
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1. Why do Mantis harm humans?

2. What human knowledge comes closest to the Mantis' understanding of reality? What would one study to become equal to a mantid's knowledge?

3. What advice would you give yourself if you were a human?
You've been "forced" to? How and why could they force you? You need to escape that and get back to normal.
So the mantises are most likely translating and reading this thread (Hello!!!). I wonder what they think of us. I bet we are very confusing to them.
confusing as our mantises are to us most likely.
cringe. no thanks!
tell them 2 leave and go talk to cooler groups
Omg haii mantises, come chull wit me in my room today or tonight, I’ve got a physical silent hill 2 ps2 disc to play
>mantis beings
What are they? Where did they come from? Are they related to the greys? Why do people see them?
Does reality matter at all or should I just start gooning psychedelics 24/7?
Can you tell Zraaxloor we're all going to Gary's after the movie.
No fucking way, dude, that motherfucker will just bum a ride.
They might send a mantussy to eat your head.
Mid-coitus ofc
Interesting response. I need to know more Mantid lore. I just know David Huggins had those guys supervising his rapist (female).
where are they from?
How to fix my body and become stronger stuff other than training (that’s no brainier )
>they have nearly no laws as all they’re brethren act as a singular unit hivemind and thus there isn’t really crime of any sort as no one can do anything not wanted by another without directly feeling it as if they did it to themselves
You are being trolled by lower spirits. Mantida have well developed culture and supranational law. If the ones you allow in your center were met in more nightly, dry and aloof dreams then you knly superficially know them. In your dealing you have to expect more. If they claim they have no fights ask them why? How did they develop? If you actually met an intelligent being you'd be able to pick their topics until the end of your cognitive limits and then be taken to someplace knew.

Do NOT allow astral beings to attach themselves to your senses under the guise of "I'm your guide goy" or "we have stories to tell". All the things you mention are things your own imagination could come up with in isolation but now you allow some other beings suggestions and are their trumpet to speak through.
A true spirit (and certainly a psychic mantida) can manifest with a clear voice and if you know them youd have more than one life with them and know a deep personality. If that is missing kindly ask them to depart until youve met your main spiritual guide.
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Can they teach me about special science knowledge beyond our own or superpowers?
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>It is important to do right by oneself and right by others. The Strong Man can thrive even in hell but succeeds favourably in heaven , A Good woman is a blessing to her clan and does not stare with contempt without just cause. Listen closely.
>All technology is material blessing from the future , all civilization is rectification by means of purification only according to the Wisdom of the ages and this can only come from the heart within
>You have failed to learn your lesson.
Where are you from ?

---Sincerely yours , (Undercover) Police Bros.
With One Accord.
Can they fix my back.
I'm in so much pain

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