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I have a developed third eye. Post one sentence or paragraph and I will reveal what I sense how high your spiritual state is. How far you've ascended. Intuition is key. I have done the shambhavi mudra many times. It opens and develops the Ajna chakra. The third eye.
Why keep doing this? What do you get out of this?
Why do anything?
one sentence or paragraph
Why do anything? It doesn't matter. Nothing matters except the supreme. The higher.>>38280131
This is not a coherent sentence nor a paragraph.
A synthesis of contradictions.

Jesus Christ is Lord.
What? Don't know what this means so can't sense anything.>>38280176
You are religious, not spiritual, and rather well developed. The bible however says there is a path towards salvation and one has to work it out with fear and trembling. Work towards that and then you will gain more understanding step by step.
Alright, how about
"Drano already has a very low PH but it doesn't have enough reactive material for simple skin contact to cause any injuries more serious than blindness. We can fix this by just adding more lye"
You are not on the path towards enlightenment.
Thank you very much OP, I would like to see what you can reveal about my own advancement. It would be nice if you could tell us more about third-eye perception, as well, and what the experience is like for you subjectively. Aum.
You are on the path towards combustion
I am on the path towards mastery of samsara
Verification not required dear creature
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Aum. Third eye perception means you have the fleshed out power of intuition. You just know things, quicker, more precisely, and more with ease. Please, post any of your thoughts and I will give you a good assessment depending on how precise and fleshed out your answer is.>>38280217
We got an emotional reaction out of you. Try again maybe I will rate you as you want to be rated.
Animals follow me around outside.
You are still a beginner, however you have a good connection with nature and that is rare. So, you are a special type of beginner and have a good headstart. Keep working on whatever path you are pursuing.
I've been practicing for 15 years lol
I can't wait to see red leaves on white bark.
Well yes. It isn't easy at all to achieve the final goal of all life. You are focused on the being spontaneous sort of like the early 4chan community was focused on this like Le random and that catches you in the back. You should learn to focus your willpower on specific objects that you desire. May I ask what path you are pursuing?
You are not on the path towards enlightenment.
Aha, so you need a longer sample of my writing to lock onto my energetic signature, so to speak, or are you attempting to deduce spiritual advancement merely upon word use and topic choice? What measuring system do you use to compare spiritual states or progression toward ascension?
Bro I know how to focus my will, lol. You should be able to intuitively tell that if you're so advanced
That is correct. I use the energetic and mental and psychological signature to identify someone using my third eye.>>38280284
That's not what I mean. You clearly lack a sort of power. Can you talk to a pretty girl without getting nervous? Be honest.
I dont know how to defend myself
One must not indulge in self-pity. Get up warrior, kill the narcissists and take back what's yours.
You are not on the spiritual path.
You are on the spiritual path. You have an issue with anger and resentment. Work that out for better understanding. Prayer in reverence should help a lot. Try to care for the poor if you can. Not a lot just maybe a little almsgiving.

Oh yes, spirit of antichrist, He is. Lurkers, there is only one Name by which salvation from the world comes, and the world will claw and tear at you for seeing and accepting this Truth plainly. The reality of Christ Jesus (God) crucified to save His beloved and show the world its devastatingly sinful and prideful condition is too pure and simple for those who reject Him. Seek the Lord while He may be found, and He will give you truly spiritual eyes to see the world for what it is. Satan and his proxies fight hard 24/7 to drag you down into spiritual death with them.
That is not true Christianity. True Christianity is to work out your salvation with fear and trembling until you achieve salvation, e.g. enlightenment. A renewal of your mind in Christ the saviour of the world.
Theres a lot of random stuff I can say so I hope I say the right thing. I love giving my dog turkey.

You lack discernment and do not understand my relationship with the Ancient of Days, but this is easily forgivable. If you can't see my heart at work, you might think I'm religious on the surface, but I am quite spiritual and growing in my spiritual relationship with the Lord God (flaws and all).
When deciding upon a path of action, one needs to take into account the hearts of man.
You are not on the spiritual path.>>38280356
Okay good. But do you believe in a working out of your own salvation through faith and suffering and fear and trembling?
Very good albeit a little short. I think you have much understanding.

Don't put the cart before the horse. Saving faith in Christ Jesus as Lord is ultimately what saves someone, and the Holy Spirit will guide them into Truth and good works. To depend on one's works for salvation is a slap in the face to the very God who humbled Himself before His Creation, revealed His full, good, loving and kind nature to us, suffering a brutal death at the hand of His own Creation, showing us our depravity and unwillingness to know our own God.
Yes, facing pain and fear is the only way to walk a spiritual path

I misunderstood you partially I'll admit. The only advice I can offer is for you to grow in your faith in Christ Jesus alone. I have to keep moving along. Blessings and peace to you in the name of the Lord.
Well now you have three samples of my writing. Am I difficult to read? Brian Grattan defined 352 levels of initiation within the supercosmic being known as Mahatma, and said even the famous masters such as Christ and El Morya were only a fraction of the way there.
I keep finding slivers of silver in my hair.
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Not works. As in deeds. But works as in a spiritual endeavour to achieve a new mental state. Mentally. Renewal of your mind in Christ read the scriptures it's there.>>38280395
But do you believe in an enlightenment type of goal where you are absolutely saved in this life? That's in the bible.
I meant your bi weekly larp posts
Yes this one does it. You are not a beginner anymore. But you still didn't walk the way all the way through. Work on faith and morals.
Not on the spiritual path.
No that is purposefully emulating me and I cannot discern your intentions and soul from this post.
There needs to be someone who people can take refuge in in this world. I am that someone. I give help to the poor and needy. I give them comfort when they are distressed. All I care about is helping the poor and lonely ones.
Enlightenment is the ultimate goal for any person, but enlightenment can have many definitions. I dont directly follow the bible.
But then you're half-assing it. Or are you a gnostic?
Your gay ass posts imply you're guiding the losers further down
interior crocodile aligator
You have no idea what you are talking about. Try to open your third eye ajna chakra for better intuition by doing shambhavi mudra.
I follow my intuition and my sense of what is right. God is around us but also guiding us from within. I dont need to read scripture to know that.
thanks, can you get any more detailed, much appreciated
I don't need no jaggi or follower of jaggi to tell me how to open ajna Chakra. I mean that in itself is why I know you're larping
You will shorten the length of your travel towards the hard goal by just reading and learning dude. C'mon.>>38280552
Yes. You are a little too simplifying thing. Higher things are much more holy and unimaginably beautiful than you think right now.>>38280553
I appreciate jaggi but I don't believe he's a good guru. I know my path, and you are in need of a development of your eye chakra.
Sword logic consumes everything and can't build anything but itself, but it's the strongest because strong is all it is and the thing it does build is almost invincible. It's only real flaws are it's own hunger, which destroys it as soon as it wins, and an inability to respond to someone gaming the system by brazenly cheating.
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You don't meditate, but only find yourself in meditation
But how am I supposed to trust the things I read? Spirituality has been hijacked and bastardized since the beginning of its existence so even when reading I have to use discernment in what is the “truth”.
>I appreciate jaggi but I don't believe he's a good guru. I know my path, and you are in need of a development of your eye chakra
You're in need of probing your eye chakra
What is sword logic. This is not spiritual.>>38280582
You are still focused on the basics and didn't delve deep enough into the higher levels. Keep practicing and reading scriptures.
That's a conspiracy level theory. The texts we have are authentic: the nag Hammadi Library is authentic. You can read those texts and fulfill your dreams if you discern and act with knowledge.>>38280604
Probing? What is probing my eye chakra?
I am God
You have not begun on the spiritual path.
>What is sword logic
Natural selection, evolution, might makes right, a stable state of lowest energy
>This is not spiritual
What makes you say that?
This is purely physical and societal and not spiritual as relating to the higher realities above earth.
>achieve the highest form of being
>no you havent begun
Why wouldn't it? That's very narrow minded
All major world religions are corrupt; it is not conspiracy it is just true. But thanks for the recommendation, I will check it out.
Nice try. Just because you said or "thunk" you are "God" doesn't mean it's true. You clearly have tons of work before you and reading.
Because that's my opinion.
Sort of true. But that doesn't mean the holy texts which they meticulously copied word for word since the beginning of their foundations are false or corrupted. The Torah has small variations and the Samaritan Torah seems to be more precise or correct on these details, but generally religious texts are the echoes of the past and were preserved with utmost precision.
is the end goal not realizing nonduality? aka the realization that you were always the all?
Non-duality is a huge grift. I believe in ultimate duality.
jews rape kids
Not spiritual.
I dont want to live in a loop anymore
Good for you.
Autumn leaf on the water.
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Nah, I don't really feel like it.
Based, can you see better with three eyes?
take your meds
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please Shakti, rise and connect with the Shiva within me
Kali is Queen.
Just today I saw how amazing it is to be that 5 year old who takes on the burdens of the world for himself to carry; and how amazing it is to let go of all that when you are 31.
How both actions were done in full love; validating the journey. The mistakes can be washed away.
They use it for trauma/taboo-based illusion magic to hide their crimes.
why do it be like that?
I have a stronger connection to my third eye after a close encounter with a orb, i don't know what it was but i am thankful for that experience. this other world that coexists with ours but is just out of reach seems to be closer now.
I hate.
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Hey, I sincerely hope this finds you well, tell everyone I said what's up and tell the dragoness who knows of me that I love her too.
I'd really like more english breakfasts with fried eggs and sausages but it's so harmful for my stomach!
Two bears are high fiving.
Stalking the Wild Pendulum. As le above, so le below
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How far am I from the dark satori?
Show me ya moves.
I like to eat mayonnaise straight out of the jar
Fruit by the foot
I'll take a scan.

Here's a quote from my favorite book:

Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.
Iris tun reluctam.
Has there ever been a thread in the history of /x/ where the OP offered some service or reply to every poster that actually continued until the thread reached max posts or archival from autosage? OP quitting part way seems like an inescapable probability
There are no coincidences, all stimuli and experiences are signs to pursue a path and make informed decisions. Synchronities serve as a clear indication of whether or not something should be done, depending on the message enclosed
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I have developed a third I. Post one sentence or paragraph and wll reveal what sense how hgh your sprtual state s. How far you've ascended. ntuton s key. have done the shambhav mudra many tmes. t opens and develops the Ana chakra. The thrd.
You have not begun on the spiritual path.
Nigga weed
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Idk if this is too late but sometimes all you can do is wait
I'll just say that I'm verified
I got powers for real and I'm certified.
What you got?
I have developed a third testicle.
You're on the path, but you're not moral enough and need to work on your goodness.
Same as above.
Um okay. You're on the path but you need to focus on a single path and work it out.
Good post. You are still at the beginning but you have a connection with the divine.
Um okay. You have not worked out a single path but you read a lot and that's good.>>38281890
Make a statement instead of a question and I will tell you.>>38282066
Um. That doesn't sound spiritual so.
I went to sleep.
Yes good. You have discerned the truth for yourself and need guidance still from the ancient texts but you are on a good path.>>38283632
Not very spiritual. You are a beginner.>>38284618
I got an opened third eye, as I said in OP. What are your powers?
Persecuted by Saturn
I my weakness and the solution but I don’t why I don’t improve my self
What is good.
the evil eye will break upon the western dawn
Live, laugh, love
lol. lmao even.
I'm going to sleep. See you later, OP.
>There is no pain
>There is no fear
>There is no hunger
>There is no anger
>There is no time
>There is no death
Tzimtzum lead to Samadhi
there is nothing left for you. the mortal plain cannot contain you. your ascendance will commence momentarily.
You are too paranoid and too focused on the bad things on the path.
Maybe meditate or pray those are good to improve the mind. You are a good person but you are dealing with doubt a lot.
You are very deep into mysteries but you need to focus on morality and good sides of spirituality to advance further.
Are you doing this now or did you leave already?
You have a good moral behaviour and good morality. However you must focus on the mystic sides of the path and of reality.
that's not spiritual, so I cannot say you are on the path.>>38285652
Interesting. You are a true mystic. However you need to focus on good conduct to ascend further.
I am here. I'm op.
My sentence is thus: tragedy is becoming increasingly neccesary.
I don’t know why I’m here, but I hope I’m doing a good job.

Sword in the stone, Thought forms.
Good. I like it. You are not focused enough on the higher realities, you didn't deepen your mystical knowledge enough. And, you need to focus more on the good side of the path like giving alms and being kind.>>38285875
You are a beginner but you are happy.
You are too secretive in a certain way. Try to be more socially open.
Actual enlightened post.

All paradoxes resolved

Cringe larper
You have almost no good conduct. You lack the most basic element of the path.
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>I have a developed third eye.
Are we the doer?
>Post one sentence or paragraph and I will reveal what I sense how high your spiritual state is.
The exercise of discernment, in good faith, reaps perspective.
>How far you've ascended.
And then?
>Intuition is key.
Intuition is vital. Keys are seeds.
Don't try to teach a master. It will only accrue bad response from the eternal.
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Funny, because I'm intentionally hiding in plain sight,

I've learned to throw pebbles not rocks when I intervene, try a little bit more and I'd appreciate if you tell me what you see with this...
Yes. We are the ultimate doer. You are too focused on book knowledge. You don't focus on social aspects and giving alms or being kind enough. Work on that. And then you will ascend by the will of god.
We are a generation growing up under the shadow of our own doom.
Ok. Don't intervene. Acts without acting. Learn from the Buddhist teachings that words are just words. They carry no weight ultimately unless we give them weight through our knowledge. I see a man who needs to focus on love and goodness which he lacks.
You are not happy enough to ascend. You need more to cultivate a certain grace when you speak, and to love unconditionally which you might be able if you read holy scriptures more about that subject and pray a lot.
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There is no end to mastery, friend.
>You are too focused on book knowledge.
If I believed what you believed, I’d say the same thing. I will concede that I am not well read. Therefore, the assumption is simply that. You could not have known.
>You don't focus on social aspects and giving alms or being kind enough.
You have not gleaned this, for in my reality, the opposite expression is lived. The work is done, with every moment, every breath, every heartbeat. The nature of this response is doubt. This is ok.
>Work on that. And then you will ascend by the will of god.
We are at peace, brother. Yet you feel we are at war. What could this be?
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Pretty on the mark, here's a present for your time.
I assumed nothing. You are too focused on book knowledge doesn't mean you read a lot. It means you focus too much on words that you speak. I feel that you have a lack of insight into others, you must read good works from the ancients to develop that knowledge and pray and/or meditate a lot.
Thanks. Here's a present back: https://on.soundcloud.com/6GFXPQjqJUsNchvp9
This is because you have a certain way of acting that is not social enough. You act with too much karma and weight. Drop the karma, and just be as you are.
I'm always up for an assessment and some guidence, thanks friend.
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>I assumed nothing.
You did. Accountability leads to growth.
>You are too focused on book knowledge doesn't mean you read a lot. It means you focus too much on words that you speak.
To speak from the heart requires little input from the thinking mind. Your projections are plainly on display.
>I feel that you have a lack of insight into others
You have projected this belief unto the symbol of what I represent, in this moment, to you. Thus, it must be true for you. There is no lack in sight. You reject me. How intriguing!

Does your lived experience reflect that which you claim to discern? One hopes.
>you must read good works from the ancients to develop that knowledge and pray and/or meditate a lot.
Am I too focused on “books” or have I not read enough? You have contradicted the self, as you have confronted the self.

Your words carry a heavy weight.

Am I your inferior? I can assure you than I am neither that nor your superior. Thus, where is this battle of yours taking place?
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>This is because you have a certain way of acting that is not social enough.
Impossible, as my lived experience shows otherwise. This is your assumption/projection. I’d invite you to the barbecue. Not for proof, but simply to be.
>You act with too much karma and weight. Drop the karma, and just be as you are.
Your judgment is your karma. There is only forgiveness in our words. Should you choose to retrace these posts through that lens, you may glean such.
This is the typical overt leftist type of acting. Virtue signaling, pride, too much karmic action, too much pride in what you say and do, obsessed with playing the victim. That is your problem. You want to make everyone equal. That is your ideology. You don't want to have a master nor do you yourself want to be a master. Typical leftist.
That is not a contradiction. Just as Jesus, said hate your mother and love your mother. Is Jesus also contradicting the self?

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