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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Embed] [Embed]

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds [Embed] [Embed]

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
Thanks for baking!

“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.”

Neville Goddard
I'm new to manifesting.
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Advice on manifesting lucid dreaming through sats
What the fuck I manifested this by saying this earlier?!
Five core lessons and the simple method is all you need

Don’t complicate it either, learn to simplify it first and persist if you fail
Affirm to yoursef that “I can lucid dream” or something in sats

Or do this
Any other lazy fucks here? Can I manifest a more energetic version of myself, or should I just focus on material desires?
>Any other lazy fucks here?

> Can I manifest a more energetic version of myself
Yes, you can manifest yourself with more drive, better health, high energy, etc.

>or should I just focus on material desires?
What do you want? LOA requires no work, so determine what you want and how you want it. Some people want to work for things for the sense of accomplishment but you can just skip to your delivery. Up to you
Be more than you can be, LazyAnon.
>It's been 2 months I'm repeating to myself girls are all crazy about me, they all want to be with me, they always fall in love with me instantly.
Good start

>Last week I wanted to test my sexappeal
Logically not a bad idea, but...

>Since then I still didn't receive any text or call
>Quite depressing since I was very confident to have impressed my sub with those affirmations so it could bend the 3d accordingly
You're not there yet Anon. You're not "bending" the 3d, you're becoming incredibly attractive. You shouldn't need to go to them, they should be coming to you, yes?

Keep affirming until you feel like it's unnecessary. Also, keep in mind that you can be "too attractive" and women won't approach you because they think you are out of their league- be sure that part of your affirmation or visualization addresses that.
If I were to manifest a sexual relationship it's best not to visualize the actual sex but something that confirms the 'having' of the relationship, right? Like instead of fucking it's me walking somewhere and getting a booty call text on my phone, right?
>Oh one thing I’m not sure actually is an affirmation, should I affirm a straight to the point solution (example “I have xyz taken care of”) or a solution I think would be best based on what it is (money for a car repair for example)
You can do either as is best for the situation. Best is to affirm something that fixes the problem and makes it so you never have it again. "My car is amazing, it always runs perfectly."

>What if I’m sleepy?
If you are sleepy before self-hypnosing you will probably fall asleep, just like SATS. If you are too tired to focus do it when you are fully rested like I do with SATS in the morning.

>I think I heard of the method but never used it or see it discussed often
I've seen the elevator method suggested for going to deeper levels of consciousness. Basically getting into the parts of you that you are not aware of. I haven't seen a reference for it for a long time but I like it and the counting methods best.

>overthinking something or refusing to let go
>Lack of trust?
Remember that your deep mind connects to the infinite, but the infinite is just that- infinite. It doesn't care what your wish is, but it won't give you anything you don't believe you should have.

I would try that approach if you haven't- what is your "control freak" side keeping you from and why is it scared of "you" having that?

>when I do often feels like she is listening but not often
Here's a secret if you haven't figured it out yet- she's you. All of these internal conflicts are you not accepting yourself. The Narrator and Tyler Durden.

"Why do people think I'm you?!"
"You know the answer..."

>Thoughts on dreams? Mine have been more reflective on my thoughts
That's a good sign- Neville's methodology is brilliant that way: realign your way of thinking, visualize your goals and they become your thoughts/dreams.

Right before he received the Promise, Neville said he was dreaming of Heaven. His manifest had already set, he was living it.
>If I were to manifest a sexual relationship it's best not to visualize the actual sex
Not necessarily. The goal is to pick something that expresses the end result you want, not the middle. The middle will work, but what if you do get to fuck the girl and something happens right after that messes things up?

This is one of the reasons it's important to know your desire well- you want to set something that confirms the desired duration, returns and the general feel it creates.
>Last week I wanted to test my sexappeal and gave my number to 5 girls i found attractive in the street. Just a hello, give them my number written on a paper, and leave.
Bro, are you genuinly braindead? This is just such autism. In case you look like a supermodel, you are just a fucking random stranger they know nothing about. Why would they call?

>Quite depressing since I was very confident to have impressed my sub with those affirmations so it could bend the 3d accordingly.
If you had manifested it, you wouldn't need to do active work yourself, would you?

In the next post a quick guide for my fellow spergs how to approach girls:
>1. forget all pickup lines or whatever does not come natural to YOU. Treat the interaction as natural as possible. If you would ask someone for directions, would you come up with some line you saw online or try to do some autistic game by giving them a piece of paper or whatever, or would you just come up to them and ask them whatever you need in that moment like a normal person?
>2. be open and direct about your intentions. If you approach her she KNOWS what you want, so if you try to hide it you already lost. So open the convo by something real, like her looks (because that's the only thing you know of her). You just tell her that you find her beautiful. Or you could go into specifics, like something that is specific to her, maybe she has very beautiful eyes or whatever. Note: being direct about your intentions doesn't mean you have to tell her every thought right away, so don't say any sexual garbage. You can basically say anything, as long as it is inside of the socially appropriate boundaries.
>3. If she says thank you, you ask for her name. If she says her name and asks for yours, you can shake her hand. This is the first time you touch her
>4. [in the next post]
>4. What you do next depends on the situation. If you are in a situation where you have time and she also looks like she has nowhere to go, don't take her number. Just have a convo with her and get her to know better. Most guys are afraid of that, because they don't know what to say. But think about it, if you want to take her number and fuck off right away, you still want to go on a date with her. So you will soon be sitting for hours with her, what are you gonna say then? So talking to her for a few minutes is way easier. And also, when you write her later, she is more likely to respond. Because she knows you somewhat and you weren't just a rando that came out of nowhere, took her number for no reason and vanished into nothingness then.
Getting to know her better also doesn't mean to make it an interview btw, it just means catching her vibe, see if the chemistry is right and so on. If you actually DO have no time, you take her number. BUT, never just say "can I have your number", it's very unnatural if you think about it. You always have to give a REASON for everything. So you would say "I would really like to talk to you more, but I have to go to <X>. How about you give me your number, then we can talk later." Technically this is a longer form of just asking for the number, but explicitly saying that out loud makes you appear more genuine and like a normal person, instead of a guy that goes around and collects girl's numbers without caring for them
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Which tier are you, anon?
>I haven't seen a reference for it for a long time but I like it and the counting methods best.
I oughta find it then, you got me intrigued into looking into it with what you said. Plus I wanna see if I could do it consciously awake when I’m doing something

>probably fall asleep
Ok funny thing was I tired yesterday but fell asleep for 30 mins and did not notice I did

>It doesn't care what your wish is, but it won't give you anything you don't believe you should have.
See I believe I need to get that self assurance game up, I’m convinced that’s what I need to do really and have it unfold. It’s like you know and you can trust someone to get the job done without needing to interfere, that’s the relationship I want with her really and I have asked her to give me “proof” she is. As well these bad days are over

>what is your "control freak" side keeping you from and why is it scared of "you" having that?
I think I have some answers but not as much as the other question you posed to me:

I notice when I felt this one desire of mine set, not only did I resist it (weird even though it was small but semi important) but I noticed I came up with my own solutions to get that desire done and immediately thought “I found one of the reasons” that being I want to provide it myself to me the way I think is “best”

Not used to having it done this efficiently or without any need of 3d action, the other is I for some reason have the habit thinking that overthinking stuff would yield something to manifest but I know that’s lame since if it were true then I would’ve had what I wanted by now

Last reason I can think of now is I need to give my mind a task to do besides overthinking cause holy shit does my head hurt everyday and it’s just too much effort to be thinking over and over all the time which I know it wants to keep me safe but it’s costing me my own health

>The Narrator and Tyler Durden.
See this is something I need to wire myself into believing, am I aware I’m God? Yeah but do I mean it with all my might? Nope

That’s why I want that self assurance to be a golden thing, I don’t want proof irl that it’s working (though it’d be prolly nice) but I just want that unstoppable conviction that whatever desire I want is truly mine thus manifesting since I believe it to be true and forgot about it

>realign your way of thinking, visualize your goals and they become your thoughts/dreams.
Looking into this book “breaking the habit of being yourself” by Joe Silva since there’s that habit I have with my way of thinking

>see problem
>fix it
>do the revised mindset for a bit
>revert back to step 1

Stupid loop I’m dealing with, especially with overthinking or feeling that scarcity mindset

My dreams usually revolve with fears I have, esp the control freak part. Overall I don’t like how I’m sabotaging myself with discreet habits I have

>His manifest had already set, he was living it.
This right here is why I believe that internal conclusion is what it all needs

Oh one pattern I noticed is yes what you have set is ready to take off and manifest irl but you gotta step out the way which I tried it a bit with now seeing valid proof but I still have that habit of holding back the sun when I literally just saw I don’t need to
3, I'm having trouble with the concept of manifesting without "trying" as if it was there all along when I KNOW the thing isn't there.
That book is by Joe Dispenza. Jose Silva wrote the a book about his Silva mind control method
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Just don't wake them.
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These always crack me up.
I’m starting to think they are made to be as annoying to read as possible. The design is so bad.

>And this is why you failed
>You don't have to do a thing

Honestly anon if I don't do anything to get laid I don't think I'll get laid. I dont go out at all apart from groceries.
Girls are not going to knock at my door and beg me for a kiss.
I think I've just commit a very slow suicide.
>off work with depression
>on disciplinary
>no money
>no loans available
>no food
>one saving grace was a postgraduate degree but with travel costs its now unfeasible
Genuinely just needed a 2-4k cash injection and I'd be fine, but apparently I'm incapable.
That’s pretty bad.
Can’t you just get another job?
Anyone here have any success stories with robotic affirmations?
They sound the simplest to do so I'm trying to get into the habit of repeating my affirmations either when I'm not doing anything or before falling asleep. Also is it best to focus on one affirmation or can you switch to your other ones that you desire?
Also to add I tried the Bengston method that another anon posted in the previous thread

I only did the first 5 on my list and I couldn't keep up the pace, is it ok to go slower at first?
Literally in the middle of the picture, "Evaluation is a Command" and then you command the design to be bad and not make any sense to you.

It is a covert expansion opportunity - you are God, just command it to make sense and it will make sense.
No it’s simply a bad design.
Imagine if you were to find some dig shit in the street and then write “Evaluation is a Command” on it. No matter how much you command that dog shit to not be a dog shit it is still a dog shit with some writing on it.
These Universal Line images are just not well designed. If it works for you great but I can’t really see how they would not benefit from something better on the eyes that isn’t a clashing horror.
>See I believe I need to get that self assurance game up
Neville says confidence(belief) in yourself is belief in God. We're taught that we should be uncertain of ourselves and our motives, and that belief can be crippling.

>but I noticed I came up with my own solutions to get that desire done
Bingo- this is why some people believe manifesting is simply an enhancement process to our thinking/mindset/emotional state and not a more than 3d process. You can definitely manifest yourself doing things as you would normally- in fact, that's usually what you are doing. If you can let it happen with less details it's interesting to see what path it takes.

>am I aware I’m God? Yeah but do I mean it with all my might? Nope
Don't beat yourself up on this- you're still living the 3d and for some reason you still want to. I have something similar where I switch spaces- sometimes I am completely 3d and doing things the manual way. Then I run into something I can't currently or don't want to do and I can switch to I AM and decree it done. This is not ideal but it allows me to stay here and not freak most people out :)

>Stupid loop I’m dealing with, especially with overthinking or feeling that scarcity mindset
It sounds weird on the outside, but you are dealing with a survival instinct here. Keep root causing, something is stuck that feels completely logical too you but doesn't look like it from the surface.

>you gotta step out the way which I tried it a bit with now seeing valid proof but I still have that habit of holding back the sun when I literally just saw I don’t need to
I usually don't worry about forcing Anons on this, I just let them know it's a problem. Worst case they burn out and give up, fully letting go. You are next level stubborn however :)

I think it might be useful for you to manifest your meeting with "God" at this point. If nothing else it's a bucket list item, but he is a great teacher, but he's totally into tough love.
Yes and increase the pace day by day. This stuff takes days/weeks to master, thats normal if you can't do it right away.
Bengston says you need 2 months to completely cycle 20 wishes in one second
>it’s a Lilanon gets hard poly loving from God during his meeting episode
How did this get past the censors?
God doesn't like him, it kicked him out of the religion. You missed the post where he met God and God told him he doesn't like him.
The whole thing is to filter out people. It's written exactly like an alchemical text to obfuscate info from people not willing to put in effort to decode.
This is accurate, but...

>These always crack me up.
>I’m starting to think they are made to be as annoying to read as possible.
I agree with this- I understand what he's saying only because I already know what he's trying to convey. I couldn't imagine reading this as someone just encountering the concept.
Ok well if it is planned then good, that explains it.
I am unwilling to put in the effort, so I am filtered out of the universal line. Have I made a huge mistake? I will never know but I’m not going to worry and just let go.
>if I don't do anything to get laid I don't think I'll get laid
Your conclusion is your command. Don't think about the how, simply set your desire and see where it takes you.

>I dont go out at all apart from groceries
Do you have any hobbies you can meet people with?
>I think I've just commit a very slow suicide.
You're certainly well on your way there. Do you wish to die?
>Anyone here have any success stories with robotic affirmations?
Sure, but they work better with belief added, you could be at it for weeks otherwise.

>They sound the simplest to do so I'm trying to get into the habit of repeating my affirmations either when I'm not doing anything or before falling asleep
Affirmations are definitely simple and they work.

>Also is it best to focus on one affirmation or can you switch to your other ones that you desire?
This is up to you, you should not be forcing this too hard, the idea is that you relax and affirm, and when you are able to allow it through your resistance it will become real. You can batter at that resistance but it's been holding stead so far, right?
>Do you have any hobbies you can meet people with?
2nd cause
>>it’s a Lilanon gets hard poly loving from God during his meeting episode
>How did this get past the censors?
Cuz it never made it into the script, that's just your headcanon :)

>God doesn't like him, it kicked him out of the religion.
It's a little more complicated than that, but this is a good LOA teaching moment- he was perturbed at me and I kept believing everything would work out. This was before I knew the law so it took a far amount of time, maybe a year? But all good.

Believe in your goal and believe in the rightness of it. Persist and you can accomplish anything.
>I am unwilling to put in the effort, so I am filtered out of the universal line. Have I made a huge mistake?
No, because there are easier ways to learn it. Some of the more "logical" types here report that it works well for them but to each his own.
>2nd cause
It is, but he brought up the fact that he only goes out for groceries. Unless he flat hates people it would not be a bad idea for him to get out there a bit.
okay /LoA/ tell me, is this /LoA/ related?

>you are looking for something
>you obsess over it and search everywhere
>can't find it
>you say fuck it and let go
>you just find it randomly a few hours or days later

a few days ago I was trying to find an obscure town on the map. I spent a few days searching for it and couldn't find it. it didn't show up on google, couldn't find it on google maps. so I just gave up and moved on.
today I was randomly looking at some place on google map for a completely different reason (I just wanted to know where a sample was taken from in a scientific paper) then I just look to the right on my screen and boom, there was the place I was searching for a few days ago. just by chance. it was nearby.
Post an episode recap!
How can you tell if you’re manifesting or just have very good intuition? Whenever I have a passing thought or initial reaction to something it seems to come true or I’ll have someone mirror it back to me. But while trying to manifest my SP I see and feel no movement but whenever I have a random negative thought about them the 3D reflects it like immediately
>cycle 20 wishes in one second

how do you even do that? that would be 50ms per wish.
>Can I manifest ___?

Really? Anything?
My family and I are healed miraculously in Jesus Christ's name.

Yeah, anything. Anyone telling you no haven't studied UL or understood what Neville meant by "I AM is indivisible"
Yet I haven't hook up with a hot girl yet. Curious!
image cycling is hard as fuck
including turning into a woman?
wtf, why do trannies even exist then?
You manifested being an ugly little incel
Yes even becoming a biological™ woman
I'm new here, and all the claims seem very out of touch with reality and outlandish. Can someone guide? I want to start with the start. Who proposed the idea of LoA first? Or anything similar to this? Do any religions have ideas corresponding to this "Law"? When did we first find out this exists?
Your miracle method isn't work, simple as.
Can manifest anything
>choose to be broke loser on 4chan all day
> Do any religions have ideas corresponding to this "Law"?
Virtually all of them. You could just read the original post (top of this thread) and it would answer all the questions you raised here.
>is this /LoA/ related?
Yes. You set an intention and when you let go you got it. There's some mental stuff going on there you might be interested in but at the base you desired to find something and you manifested it to you.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>Do you wish to die?
Make sure- if you don't there are infinite options to resolve this. If this is a buried bad desire of yours it's working.

If you are not unconsciously killing yourself then start manifesting a stable/happy state for yourself. Everything resolves itself, and all is well.
Yep- the only limiter is you.
I told you last thread anon you have to do it in stages.
Lucid dreaming is another magical system separate from manifestation. You're tapping into the unconscious, and combining it with waking consciousness which requires work. You can't just manifest it.

The first part is witnessing your dreams and remembering them.
The second part is noticing yourself in dreams..
The third part is adding something to your dream so you can identify its a dream.
The 4th part is taking action in dreams

This can take months and years to accomplish. There are a bunch of techniques to do this. You'll have to go read books on the subject. Avoid youtube and reddit.

Good luck anon.
>all the claims seem very out of touch with reality and outlandish
Yep, exactly

>Who proposed the idea of LoA first?
>When did we first find out this exists?
Older than dirt. We did this at the dawn of time. Anyone you could consider "legendary" was probably doing this.

You have to work backwards for this- you think you know how things work because someone taught you. The problem is they taught you with extra steps because they were taught that as well.

Break your own path and you'll be amazed at what you see.
>Check NG sub
>it's a woman post
>"I made some extra money at my good job and my on and off boyfriend decided I was hot again"
>check next post
>same thing
>blow my brains out
2. be open and direct about your intentions. If you approach her she KNOWS what you want, so if you try to hide it you already lost. So open the convo by something real
>like her looks
lmao, ngmi bro. Literally the one thing you don't open with retard. Also, who asked for your terrible advice. This is an LoA thread, not a shitty dating advice thread.
You’re retarded
>but I’m not going to worry and just let go.
Unironically a core tenet of the text lol
Not loa but this is solid advice bro.

Nothing wrong with complimenting a girl about her looks, it's the most natural thing ever. Done with confidence it's super attractive.
>Literally the one thing you don't open with retard.
Terrible advice. Going direct with strangers is the best way
The LOA paradox:
> You are where you want to be because manifestation makes it so
> Most people need to learn how to manifest so they can be were they want to be
>women do even /loa/ in journalist mode
what a surprise!
The first you is higher self and it wants to learn it's god and gain that power. So it gives you (2nd you) a shit life and gets you searching for solutions.
The second you is 3d carnal desires driven you. Looking to bring love and joy to your experience.
You should try this thing called reading the OP
Ok, sure you do great with the uggos anon. It's not a lie if you believe it ;)
God is a concept that can only exist in the 3D. His infinite and incomprehensible qualities are an artifact of limited perception. Beyond the 3D such things must be understood differently.

The higher self does not care about being "God" and already has the powers we associate therein, ie manifestation. What is there to learn in having a limited aspect of oneself gain a simplified understanding of their own power?
So you are a woman. You do that.

There is no *turning into a woman*, you already are turning/vibraring into a man million times per second, your body is not stable, it only seems stable because a high vibration makes it so

This is why you can go from a man one milisecond, a woman the next, insert any animal the next etc

You are already instantly manifesting your current form, by rejecting anything that is not your current form as true.

So there is no "past" where you are a certain age, have certain memories, look a certain way, have a certain brain, or any physical/mental attribute, all of you is being instantly manifested like out of thin air
Why don’t you stop shitting up the thread?
Don’t bother responding. It would mean your theory of turning into something else every millisecond is wrong.
It would be better if you did turn into something else so no one has to put up with your fucking shit.

How about I keep turning you constantly annoyed, it seems to work and you sure are vibrating now
Suit yourself but you should be vibrating your shitty self into a table right now. But you can’t. You can only LARP.
There is a difference between holding a belief that cannot be proven or disproven and larping. Namely, when someone larps they are playing pretend. When someone holds faith they are trying to grasp a better understanding of reality.

I'm not larping, everything that I am saying is in OP, from UL texts
That’s cool but he’s not changing his form every millisecond or he would have stopped posting already. He is larping pretty rapidly.
>it’s in the OP so it’s true
>Universal Whine.
This information goes some way to explain why you act so larpy.
Why would anyone bother with universal line when we have Lilanon?
His existence doesn't really impact ours, beyond being entertaining to read.

I never did say I can change my form every second, I'm not that level of acceptance/belief that I can do that

But if you do have, then yeah you can do it

If you shit on UL, you might as well shit on Neville, since neville claimed "I am is indivisible" and if you go "I am a different form next milisecond" then what is that? Is that something I AM cannot do?
The way he understands
>changing his form every millisecond
is a part of all life as it currently exists. From his perspective there is nothing that would stop posting in this idea, in fact it's what allows it. Now, I'm not saying he's right, but if you want to stop being annoyed by his words it's best you stop annoying yourself.
>I never did say I can change my form every second
Then don’t say anyone else does.
>I'm not that level of acceptance/belief that I can do that
No shit
>But if you do have, then yeah you can do it
>If you shit on UL, you might as well shit on Neville
One does not lead to the other.
>since neville claimed "I am is indivisible" and if you go "I am a different form next milisecond" then what is that? Is that something I AM cannot do?
This is some false equivalency. It may be that your brain has some kind of issue functioning with arguments like this.
I’m not annoyed so much as confused why anyone would need to post such shit like it’s a fact when he admits he has no idea if it’s true.
Why not discuss LoA without crazy ass theories being linked in like it’s a fact,
It would really be best if he vibrated himself into a carrot and got rammed up mother anon’s ass but unfortunately it seems god has abandoned him.
>I’m not annoyed so much as confused why anyone would need to post such shit like it’s a fact when he admits he has no idea if it’s true.
People assert their faith to test it, or to affirm it, depending on their level of awareness and interests. I don't know this anon so I can't say which it is, but I can tell that either way it's an attempt to grow.

Alright then, post a single thing you know is true based on manifesting, i'll wait

If you value discussing LoA based on facts, then surely you can come up with few things and we can go from there
This is a good attitude. He’s clearly larping though.
Live, love, Lilanon.
You can become a werewolf through manifestation.
It's not so clear to me. People convince themselves of some pretty wild stuff, especially early on in their spiritual journeys. That's why testing faith is so important, as opposed to looking for ways to affirm it.
The only fact is that LoA can marginally improve your life by giving you a better outlook!
Anyone got into connecting ideas from Hindu philosophies to loa? I only read the Gita but one concept from it I keep thinking of is renouncing the fruits of actions. Since according to loa it's anyway our assumptions that make everything happen, not actions, it feels sort of freeing to renounce any expectation of what my actions will accomplish.

Also thinking of it as letting whatever assumptions I planted run their course without adding more constrained commands by being obsessed with results of actions.
Hey does anyone have that google drive with physical changes? Can't seem to find it anywhere
Maybe there is a limited amount of mana to go around and lilanon keeps hogging it all with his crazy manifestations.
There is a little more to it than that, and it has to do with the nature of faith, or assumption, or axiom, or hypothesis (depending on context). Many things can only be found if you look for them because they aren't obvious. If you don't think they exist you won't look for them, but if you have faith they do then you actually have a chance of finding them.
CIA requested it's removal and pressured the host with a cease and desist. Same thing happens to the simple method occasionally.
Is listening to affirmations just as effective as saying them out loud?
I had a dream about that too.
there's a GD about physical changes in the OP, what are you talking about?

how to know if someone is manifesting me?
manifest knowing
or manifest them telling you if they are manifesting you
or manifest a dream so you will know
really like this guys video. Talks about what i had noticed in these threads too that people think theres “a correct way to do x tehnique and if you dont do it that way then it wont work”

UL does not conflict with what I do or Neville. It's just a matter of presentation.
can i manifest the end of LoA threads? asking for a friend
LilAnon how important is detachment?
No it's just the obviousness of what sort of life you get when you're coddled. Modern day American woman are the American Psycho and don't realize it
Can you fuck yourself you fucking cunt
Anyway multiple women have called me attractive today and I have no idea what they're seeing. I looked in the mirror and see my usual face. I have casted some spells and I guess there's some magic beyond loa, despite popular belief
>>if I don't do anything to get laid I don't think I'll get laid
>Your conclusion is your command. Don't think about the how, simply set your desire and see where it takes you.
Yeah sure, let's wait 50 years so a woman lost in the street knocks at my door and fall madly in love with me.
This is all a scam guys, a psyop to make you lazy and stay inactive.
Go get busy to achieve your goals people, or your life will be a mess. Dont listen to this bullcrap.
>moving from zero, to 0.00000000019%
>a psyop
interestingly enough, the 20th century, from where most new agey shit comes from, there were a lot of gullible rich fucks who lost either considerably lots of money, or all of it, to 'yeah dude trust me you are god' sorcerers. People like Murphy and Goddard were pretty popular among the rich of the time, for example. nowadays, rich folk stay away from this like the plague for a reason: dont want to end like the ones who bited the dust

the animated series of Batman even made a episode about it
Detachment is important, but the question is: "Detachment from what?"

You want to be focused and engaged in things that work for you, and take your attention away from the things that don't.
Holy shit. LoAxisters, our response??
source? any more from this author?
I would like to read more
>belief can be crippling.
True but I think it was all me who made me all stubborn since I was a kid. I just couldn't cope as kid with uncertainty which is why I saw the pattern that I'm no different than from before with this

I find it fascinating that experiences and beliefs can stick through us esp in our childhoods, be it good or bad. Just working my way to stop being this way not for LoA reasons but also for just mental peace

>If you can let it happen with less details it's interesting to see what path it takes.
It is and I find it to be more efficient than what I thought, had a moment yesterday where I allowed something to happen for fun and had it come to in front of my eyes. Not only that but I find out it that forgetting about is a even better trait to have and my sign that it manifested no problem because I did those two

>Then I run into something I can't currently or don't want to do and I can switch to I AM and decree it done. This is not ideal but it allows me to stay here and not freak most people out :)
Kinda keeps you on a low profile and I did not know you could do that, though albeit I might be doing something similar on a smaller scale rn with this and the times I do its easy work

>something is stuck that feels completely logical too you but doesn't look like it from the surface.
True, I only thought so far that it's a childhood thing I do and my mind wants to keep me safe with overthinking a solution, then again if I do find an answer it wont satisfy me because it's still not "enough"...will keep looking

>If nothing else it's a bucket list item, but he is a great teacher, but he's totally into tough love.
A year ago Im sure I told you I wanted to meet "The Guy" after seeing your story but I wasn't ready just yet, however now I am ready. Do I just assume I already spoke with him or what? I don't mind if he gives me the straight truth atp.
last thing about "The Guy' would be, you think you manifested your encounter unconsciously or did you consciously allow this small "doorway" that led to that
>Yeah sure, let's wait 50 years so a woman lost in the street knocks at my door and fall madly in love with me.
That focus on how is irrelevant. If you set your manifestation it will come to you, even if it has to knock on your door.

>a psyop to make you lazy and stay inactive
>Go get busy to achieve
The fact that it works means that all the "effort" you are putting in is meaningless.

No one is forcing you to be smart on how you do things.
>nowadays, rich folk stay away from this like the plague for a reason

Laugh of the day.
Want is not need. Just bc something is fun or feel good doesn't mean that's it's the best and most healthy thing for them. No
>A year ago Im sure I told you I wanted to meet "The Guy" after seeing your story but I wasn't ready just yet, however now I am ready. Do I just assume I already spoke with him or what? I don't mind if he gives me the straight truth atp.
Do what feels comfortable for you. For me I did a lot of praying, basically letting him know what I thought and believed and at some point he responded. After that he would "stop by" now and then.

I think with some of the successes you've had this will not be hard for you. Simply believing you can open this dialogue is sufficient to start. Each time I've done this it's been easier than the last, and I unconsciously did the correct thing each time- I focused on what aspects of the Power that I wanted to engage with and approached them as a respected peer.

Remember that- even with your limited experience you know that you are I AM.

>last thing about "The Guy' would be, you think you manifested your encounter unconsciously or did you consciously allow this small "doorway" that led to that
No, it was deliberate. My life was not going well and since he was my primary deity that meant that either he was not protecting me or he was actively making my life worse. Plenty of people encouraged me to distance myself or work through other sources but I was stubborn- I believed in the better part of his nature and I believed I could change his mind. I did.

If you believe in something strongly and can persevere through what the 3d throws at you, you can do anything. You are the Creator, all is at your command.
but the OP says "> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished." so this thread isn't for you
Do or do not there is no try.

Maybe you will end up doing something to move towards your goals or maybe you wont, but the difference is that you wont need to try or struggle.

All struggle is a subjective and internal experience

> 2M22
Not attracted to uggos so I never do anything with them. Most guys might find this hard to believe but in my experience the prettiest girls have always been the nicest. Mid and ugly girls are the meanest. That's not to say the pretty girls will agree to go out with you but they're usually really nice and if they reject you it's in a nice way as well. So go for who you really want, don't settle.
Nothing paradoxical about it if you aren't a midwit
>> You are where you want to be because manifestation makes it so
Because everything is a manifestation and you've been unconsciously manifesting all this time
>> Most people need to learn how to manifest so they can be were they want to be
People need to learn to direct their own manifestations to have control over their own reality
Based truth. Why won’t they listen? Even the cartoon caped crusader knew and yet posters here still fall for this.
okay, just did the two cup method.
welcome guys. i come from a different timeline. is this timeline just as gay as the other?
Sure, I don’t see why not. They key thing about that method is that for some reason every timeline is exactly the same.
>thinks the law is fake
>still here
>does a method to change timelines
>moves to a timeline exactly as gay as the one he left
Kek. Gay and retarded
but isn't anything possible with manifestation
Thread blessed.
KWAB indeed
>thinks the law is fake
Where was that said?
You don’t have to agree with everything that is said here. Some of it is clearly garbage.
It’s weird how a post like >>38295315
gets zero seethe but anyone suggesting that some claims are not right is an issue for you. What are you worried about valid criticism?
Universal Line by John Paolucci.

There is a Discord and here is his introductory text: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oBrzc7Iqp2jmAGAOR_AYwT56bpu34wLS/view?usp=share_link

I recommend you join the Discord as all material link is to be found there, audiobooks etc.
You can also find a compendium of his old material but he recommends you start with the main text and ignore the past versions
link the discord
>bitchy soiboi starts crying
Bros I keep having dreams where I am manifesting in them. I kinda gave up these last few weeks but since then I’ll have these almost dreams where I manifest my way out of problems and into prosperity. I just don’t know if I was doing it right irl I gave up after not getting sp
So you just want to do insults and troll. With some real outdated memes too.
Loa discussion is not your thing.
No. You cannot become a werewolf.
Let’s see Lilanon become a werewolf.
for some reason my SATS only begins to work in places where i don't need it to work (ie. public places where people can see me pass out) and never where i want to which is in my home where i could black out for days on end without being bothered. i really need to find out why it's happening (although it is most certainly the fact that i have my pc in my apartment and figuratively nothing else so it will always distract me when i am around).
>claims loa is a psyop
>claims loa is a scam
>gets asked why he is here if that's the case
>lil bitchy soiboi starts crying and says he wants loa discussion
I have fast mobile data and Internet.
More greentext?
Not reading it. It would be wasted milliseconds.
Yes. You can become a werewolf. Lilanon says it's possible
Lilanon it is time to display your beast transformation manifestation.
Different posters. I am >>38300068
>>38297409 is quite clearly someone else.
It should obvious from the posts that you are replying to more than one anon but I can see that you may have some processing difficulties. I wish you the best in overcoming them.
Threesome gay sex werewolf is my favorite lilanon form. Wil xe win the war against the vampires and god?
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LilAnon is half incubi (male succubus), half vampire and half fae, not a werewolf.
I don't know where this meme came from.
This is a lot of things. He truly is our lord.
many think this guy is a grifter,putting that aside the core idea in this video ties in nicely in that there are multiple techniques out there so find one that works for you;be adaptable
He will bridge our communities and put an end to the vampire fae conflict. With a romeo-and-Juliet-esque 3some
the role of confusion in the act of contradicting reality and 'winning'
place the 'reality' in the role of challenger, your desire the assumed precedent
a more ideal position from which to dismiss the unwanted
the helm of awe is not a metaphor

Can't post but 2nd link here
Ftm non-binary
Someone help me, at what point does the effort stop? I feel like the desires are a distraction except I continue to feel shit about myself when others point out the insufficiencies, nothing's changed for years. How to feel comfortable with concentrating on the fulfilment of a material desire bypassing envy, the failure to satisfy it and the despair and pain that awaits without its fulfilment
Good luck becoming a forensics engineer by doing nothing, bro
>okay, just did the two cup method.
I did it too a few weeks ago, nothing changed, I'm still on this general with hope to counteract my deception
The complaining method, which was very famous a few days ago and removed from the OP by glowies.

It's really effective. Got some implausible stuff with it
its the routine that is killing it for you
This technique transports you to a reality that is exactly the same as the one you are in. It is so amazing
Reddit shill trolling. Next one will be the Rick and Morty shit. Just stop. Fucking tiresome.
>t. Hylic
>Rick & Morty shit
Do I even want to know?
I'm about to drop the Steven Universe Tech.
The routine of going into this thread every fucking day and waiting for someone to post new information even though I know the methods by heart has been immensely destructive for my manifests.
Anons, just read the main methods and use only them. There isn't any extra information you need, searching for a special answer from your favorite trip only complicates the situation and makes you an eternal student.
1. Assume the manifest; believe
2. Persist in your belief until it sets (feels true).
If you have trouble setting search your subconscious for a limiting belief holding you back and get rid of it.
3. Detach and don't ever look for 3D proof; time is illusory.
why not just manifest her learning english? Or you waking up one day and suddenly knowing japanese?
Manifestation isn't a process that you can fuck up like that, you either are manifesting her clone or your internal doubts are too high and you have to get rid of them.
Great post
this post is real.
Two problems:
What do you really want? First you state:

"There's a Japanese singer I like, but I'm working on manifesting basically an English-speaking version of her that lives in the US. It would look as close to her as possible but not her. And that's what I'm visualizing - her, but American."
Then you add:
"But then there are cultural differences and so on. Easier to just have an American clone."
Stop concerning yourself with what is "easy" or "difficult" and only worry about what you want. However, more importantly stop looking for "signs" and stop trying to track "progress". Live in the end. Do not concern yourself with the 3D.
I used to do all this shit and truly believed in it. In fact, I sort of still do. It's hard to deny how exact the opportunities I would visualize eventually manifested.

Except a REALLY big one...a business partner. We wrote some software together that generated 1.5MM in less than a year...and then he ran off with everything because I was in lala fanatasy destiny land and didn't put everything in writing.

I accept all the blame that should come with that degree of negligence. But what I've never come to terms with is how I'd attract that sort of person if all this visualization and manifestation stuff works the way people like you describe. Are people supposed to go in with a monkeys paw mentality?
>the losers in this thread still discussing the same old things
>the losers in this thread havent manifested
>the losers in this thread still larping
>the losers in this thread still discussing the same old things
>the losers in this thread havent manifested
>New methods come out
>Multiple people getting results
>glowies out of the woodwork shutting down everything new; just believe bro
>the losers in this thread still discussing the same old things
>the losers in this thread havent manifested
>Someone help me, at what point does the effort stop?
What sort of effort are you making?
>LilAnon is half incubi (male succubus), half vampire and half fae, not a werewolf.
Thank you, although small correction, I manifest vampire powers for about a year to test myself and fit in a little better with the circle I was running with at the time. It didn't suit me so I let that go.

>I don't know where this meme came from.
Where all the forced memes come from- our resident fail troll. I've known several werewolves over the years, surprisingly polite people assuming you don't catch them at a bad phase.
Huh? Do all of you just have dicks on the brain??

>seduce and impregnate nuns
>"Noble" women get soaked panties over them
>Priests and such can't exorcise them

Incubi powers are awesome if you want to have intimate relations with a woman. Since you clearly don't, feel free to move along.
>>Rick & Morty shit
>Do I even want to know?
It's nothing special. Instead of disregarding the 3d while you wait for your delivery you substitute it with a parallel reality explanation as to why it hasn't changed yet.

A lot of the shill techniques lately have been dressup of the basic techniques here but the people posting them claim it's a magic key for the Anons that can't make it work by following the basic material.
That was a big win and then a big loss to go with it- I'm curious exactly how you framed your manifest if you are willing to share.
>Multiple people getting results
Can you be a little more vague here? Anons are getting results all the time in this thread.
No. All the homo posts about you last couple months have been all me. I'm serious, almost all of them. I'm not the LilAnon worshipper guy, he's innocent of this.
>Hehe I totally have sex with women
Uh, your right hand isn't a women lildickfag
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Reminder that lilanon is a fraud who hasn't manifested anything noteworthy but a gay threesome. he even says he avoided death lmao, which is literally a reddit tier thing to claim.
All new anons don't listen to this faggot.
>Pic related
Not sure how you usually describe this sort of thing. I mostly meditated trying to have the subsconscious *intent* to find a business partner who I would be very successful with. Standard idealism like complimenting each other's strengths, envisioning our success, etc. I had a couple intuitions during these exercises that later made me feel more confident that the guy was who I was looking for. I would try to keep my thoughts quiet and let things come to me.
I just want to be loved
>I mostly meditated trying to have the subsconscious *intent* to find a business partner who I would be very successful with.
Ah, this was good- the problem came when you became successful and he took the money.

You can use this as a springboard to do bigger manifestations. I would recommend adding a living in the end component where you end up with everything you wanted and everyone(including potential business partners) are all happy with the result.

Also keep in mind that you have proven the manifest does the work, so you know now that you can be successful all by yourself or with others. Your choice.
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>Uh, your right hand
...Please tell me you've made it further than the spectator stands Anon...

No? There's some links in the OP that might help you.

How much time you devote to it? I'm on like day 7, doing it for like 10 days still havent manifested my desire

*sorry 10 minutes instead of 10 days
That goes back to my original question - are we supposed to treat this like a monkey paw? Do I also have to visualize myself not getting struck by lightning while I'm at it? There's no point to any of this if it's that wrought with misfortune.

While I appreciate the encouragement, I'm really looking to see how other people would handle this. The entire premise is faith-based, it's not as simple as trying again when you are full of resentment, and you aren't walking away from something like that without a scratch.
>are we supposed to treat this like a monkey paw?
No, stop with that stupid shit

Is it so hard to figure out? You managed to manifest getting a business partner + getting a succesful thing going and then because of a lack of self believe in yourself (didn't feel worthy of it all), you had doubts, tons of doubts which manifested in your business partner running away. Remember that you never stop manifesting and it's all a manifestation. Want a million dollars,
>are we supposed to treat this like a monkey paw?
In a way, yes- what you manifest -will- occur. After that is fair game.

The smart way to deal with that is to manifest things that don't end- you are always successful, everything works out perfectly for you, you have phenomenal luck, etc.

>it's not as simple as trying again when you are full of resentment
It can be if you let it. So you made a mistake? You are better aware and forearmed now. You manifested this big thing and you made it work, when you do it again it will be much easier.

>and you aren't walking away from something like that without a scratch.
Learning and experience can be painful- but ask yourself this question: would you have preferred none of it had happened? Your manifest never worked because of the result it brought?
>I wanted to engage with and approached them as a respected peer.
Ain’t there like a bunch of reasons why they don’t bother with most people? Regardless I will persist until I do meet “The Guy”

>easier than the last, and I unconsciously did the correct thing each time- I focused on what aspects of the Power
Could it be that since you’re connecting with the Creator that causes it to be easier? Im guessing the aspects you focused on were LoA based like imagination or the mechanics?

>experience you know that you are I AM.
I keep thinking of that sentence you said that for some reason I keep wanting to live in the 3D, perplexes me that while it is true and you’ve seen it, I still want to even though I hate it. My only take so far on why could be that I believe I can fix something broken

Still perplexed on why…

>Plenty of people encouraged me to distance myself or work through other sources but I was stubborn
I think the stubbornness benefited you, as weird it may sound it’s possible. You didn’t listen to people and took the path you were so determined to take that did yield a change as you said here

>I believed in the better part of his nature and I believed I could change his mind. I did.

Which I realized maybe despite how fucking annoying this trait you and I share will benefit us at some point. An idea I just had is use that stubbornness to good use lol

Why I think why I haven’t given up on the law and could be why I’ve been looking as to why I’m still behaving this way despite I could’ve had what I wanted by now

>You are the Creator, all is at your command.
This is the reason I’m seeking that golden faith for myself rather than that desire of mine, surely it’s prolly within me but my refusal to believe is why I don’t see it. Still stuck on the how to keep believing to see it cause I fail after believing
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Based post. Keep it simple stupid is the best method.

Nah you learned a valuable lesson which was staying out of lala land. You didn't attract that person. Most likely he's a recurring character in your life.

You should have gotten a bunch of learning from the situation as well such as writing software, selling software and customer acquisition. I hope you didn't just give up because some ass tard ripped you off. If you actually created a software that sold 1.5million dollars you can do it again IMHO.

It can also could be a sign from the universe where you have to change. That partner fucked you over and got rich. You might want to do the same. ie change into a person like that or learn their strategies. Become the fucker not the fucked. Kek

>are we supposed to treat this like a monkey paw?
No, if you're getting massive wins followed by massive loss then you've got some sort of belief in your head that creates that. You're going to have to look into it and where exactly the manifestation went from good to shit.

There was a retarded rule back in the day of loa which says you get back what you put out and one about rhythm where you'll lose everything you gain so only manifest things important to you.
You probably read about one of these laws in a book and it's fucking up your manifestations.

There was another anon here that had the same issue. He asked for 50k and a relative died, which gave him 50k inheritance. Everytime he asked for money a relative died and he would get the money. he freaked out about it and we all told him kwab. He had a messed up belief messing everything up.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
So what am I supposed to believe with that, exactly? I've already got the mindset of the reality I want being out there somewhere for the most part, but it's not here. I know that's kind of fucking me but until I get some more faith that's what I got.
i come here because deep down i just need someone to talk to, some among you feel like the only people that can understand me. but sitting in front of this black scrying mirror saps me of my energy and distracts me in the end.
If they're just dressup of the basic techniques, then it doesn't really matter which one you follow, right? Everything should lead back to the same result.
Wait what are you manifesting, sleeping? You're insomniac and cant sleep at home but falling asleep in public or something?
i just realized that i was sorely missing two things from my life, which is more chances to go outside and exercise and more chances to keep my home clean (not that i couldn't do them before but it just sucked too much to do like that). i am getting both of them next week, i also found out that i derive great enjoyment from rigorous planning and meticulous preparation, i should be using them more in my manifestations in the future.

no, i sleep well but it feels like i can only really experience my desires in the imagination when i am outside. i am coming up with something though.
Can I manifest better hair growth? How would I go about this?
This is indeed your problem.
This is beyond LoA. Many of the teachers and gurus are extremely follicle challenged.
lmao looks like LoA can't manifest shit
So fuck off loser
I don't understand the Law at all.
How can "I manifest 10,000$" or "I manifest my ex back" even work? Things like the ladder or parking spots are plausibles, not these examples.
If the problem is somehow not believing it can be done, I'd like to see an reason for "I manifest flying".
He’s right tho.
Yeah it doesn't work. Stay far away
I am gonna manifest a full head of hair while levitating. Then I will manifest your house exploding. Good luck incel, I am coming for you!
I successfully manifested something. I was shocked when I realized it because it seemed very unlikely. It doesn't change my life overnight, but my belief in myself has skyrocketed. It was one of those things that I did a short intention session for (I am doing this session to cause my desire to happen), and then I thought about it for a few days, and then I forgot it. I started this manifestation about 1 month ago. I might have a note somewhere that has the exact date. It was something similar to what I've already experienced, like a minor reality shift. This might be a viable path to manifest things that seem out of reach. Manifest the end, but don't be afraid to manifest in steps if it makes you feel more confident. I believe the manifest must appear natural. That's a major limiting factor in my success, but so is resistance.
>convince me
What would I get in return?
>Things like the ladder or parking spots are plausibles, not these examples
Not with that attitude. It's very weird "how" it works, but our thoughts, intentions, and deeply help beliefs DO influence our reality, however they are still tied to the "game engine" (physics) and cannot break them. Think of it like steering a boat, it takes time for it to fully turn into the direction you wish to go, however, you have to keep the intention of "turning the ship" and believe that you CAN "turn the ship". Otherwise the ship just kinda meanders about, going in no particular direction. Also don't confuse what (you) want with what your ego wants. Do some soul searching and figure that shit out first
What's the difference between "me" and my ego?
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>bald man rages
>you have to keep the intention of "turning the ship" and believe that you CAN "turn the ship".
No, you steer the boat. This is some fucked up boat you have there that needs the power of mental thinking to move.
Let's see Lilanon's hairline.
The ego is the result of your experiences in life, the "person" you are today is the culmination of your life up to this point. Every bad day, every cringe moment, every triumph, every victory adds to it, creating a mishmash of values, wants and anxieties. You need to step back and "unwind" your ego to find what it is that you actually desire and want. I probably did a poor job of explaining it so if you want a better answer research carl jung's works. Just know that there are "layers" to your mind, and the layers at the forefront and not the whole "you"
>So what am I supposed to believe with that, exactly?
I didn't make this, you can find it a few threads back:

>Many people struggle with revision particularly due to the inherent feeling that they are lying to themselves and only being delusional. This is only enhanced by the lingering fear that others may call out their new story for being "false" or an outright lie. Furthermore, the presence of photographs can act as a HUGE block for trying to erase any undesirable memories.
>Do not try to correct them. Their memory of the past is correct. Your new memory of the past is also correct.
>I want you to consider yourself, and your new story, to also be from another reality. You have merely taken the place of whatever version of you people here knew. Don't hold it against anyone for not being perfectly aligned with your new desired past. They simply knew that other version of you back then. But you know, truly, that you're from another reality. I truly believe that in time, should you absolutely persist, they too will start to shift around their memories of the past based on your absolute insistence that your past was exactly as you desired.

This is just additional mental gymnastics to trick your mind into accepting the result. The primary and better method of this is to perform your manifest until you feel it set and know that you made the change. There is no reason to fret about the amount of time it takes, look for signs or trying to convince other people that the change occurred. Let it go! It's done, no force on Earth can stop it other than you.

The irony here is that anyone who has done the ladder knows all of this fretting is unnecessary. Too many Anons search for that miracle technique that will fix everything for them rather than going with something simple and realizing THEY are the problem, not the methods.
>If they're just dressup of the basic techniques, then it doesn't really matter which one you follow, right?
At base, this is true of everything you are doing here. Everything leads to LOA in the end, but some paths take longer and even take you further from the source before bringing you back.

OMG type methods are a good example. You can get results but put yourself in a mental cage in the process, fostering dependencies on increasingly complicated mental structures and dependencies on the work of others to progress. You adopt various mental blocks and workarounds as you do so in order to align yourself with the mindset of other people and beings.

LOA is about being the Operant power and living your own miracles. Anything that gets you further from that is excused as training wheels, but like real training wheels, are they really getting you closer to riding the bike?
>Can I manifest better hair growth? How would I go about this?
The same way you would for any other manifest, have you found a favorite technique yet?
I guess. It seemed appealing on the moment because the "Manifest Your Desires" book is filtering me with all those Bible allusions.
>How can "I manifest 10,000$" or "I manifest my ex back" even work?
The way you would if you did it the hard way. Thank you about how you would do it the hard way- you'd think about what you want, refine the desire into exactly what you want, see if you believe you can do it, walk it back a bit if you didn't believe you could pull all of it off, commit to do it, and then go through the motions.


>If the problem is somehow not believing it can be done
It absolutely is. When you believe something truly cannot be done you drop it like a hot coal. If you even just a little bit believe it can be done you will try under something like "what do I have to lose?"
Start with the simple technique instead and revisit the book once you understand the concept.
Congrats Anon!

>Manifest the end, but don't be afraid to manifest in steps if it makes you feel more confident
Yes, or push the date out if you have to.

>I believe the manifest must appear natural
This is almost correct- the delivery usually comes in a way that your mind can accept. If you can accept something instantly happening out of nowhere, it can. It can also go the other way where you manifest something and it doesn't fit your mental comfort zone- that can be painful.

>That's a major limiting factor in my success, but so is resistance.
These will both go away with experience and your ability to let go. You're on the path, you've already made it.
I think I got it now. The LOA is basically forcing forcing reality to retcon itself to align with your inner self, right?
What's the strangest thing that was manifested by people here? Perhaps visualization of the concept comes easier with examples.
What this Anon >>38309806 said. If you can do the basic techniques that will get you much further. Even Neville gets tedious when he is shoehorning what he knows into endless bible parables.

1. Identify and refine your desire. Make it exactly what you want, don't think about what is feasible or not- what do you ACTUALLY want and why?
2. Use a technique you enjoy to set that desire with your deeper self
3. Once you feel the desire set, you are done. Let go and let the process work for you.

>revisit the book once you understand the concept
This is great advice, once you know what you are doing and a bit about what works for you, you can read other materials and filter out the things you don't need. Don't swallow any of this whole, each manifester is at their own place in their journey and have different needs/desires.
LilAnon, have you ever manifested something significant or improbable using just affirmations?
If so, what was it, and how long did it take?
>The LOA is basically forcing forcing reality to retcon itself to align with your inner self, right?
That's functionally accurate- your inner beliefs become your outer world.

>What's the strangest thing that was manifested by people here?
I could write books on all the stuff I've done/seen, and I'm sure it's not even the craziest. Keep in mind this thread doesn't always feel like /x/ but there is a reason it's on this board- everything people have seen/done on /x/ is due to LOA, whether they did it deliberately or unconsciously.

Your expectations control what you see and experience. What will you do today?
The “how long” doesn’t matter, it’s your assumptions is what determines the time to receive

And of course as long as you’re taking the path of least resistance
What's the path of least resistance?
Yes, I use affirmations frequently because they are easy to do during slow moments in the day. They are not less powerful than SATS if you can believe in them.

Having done so much with them it's hard to pick one, but I believe the money magnet mantra would count as an affirmation. I came from a poor background and never made more than poverty level until I started using that. Since then my income has quadrupled.

Don't buy the line from the people here that say you have to do this a specific way- the only way that matters is the one that works for you.
>Since then my income has quadrupled.
so how long did it take?
days? months? years?
What do you actually do for a job Lilanon?
>so how long did it take?
I started getting results the next day, I did the initial affirmation the night before and didn't think about it after I felt the "click." The results were small to start, just handfuls of change, tips(I don't work a tipped job), raises and commissions. Sometimes I had higher jumps (one year I doubled) most times it moved up about half that rate.

I didn't know the law at the time, but now I recognize the flow was based on what I believed was possible. Once it was set the flow was active.
I would give tips to our king.
People probably shower him in money.
He is a money magnet. Money flows to Lilanon.
Not that nigga but why do affirmations not work despite believing in them?

Why do some work and why do others not work for me?

Why doesn’t it work immediately?
I'm a data slicer in a STEM industry.
>Not that nigga but why do affirmations not work despite believing in them?
It's the same as with SATS- depending on your internal resistance it can feel like lifting a building. Your belief can be there and still not be enough to set it.

>Why do some work and why do others not work for me?
See above- you are reaching the required threshold in some cases and not others unless you are having trouble letting go- that can also foul your return.

>Why doesn’t it work immediately?
It does, this Anon >>38309964 pointed it out correctly.

How long do you believe it should take "normally"? For me things I do for my mindset and emotions are always instants. Why? Because I don't believe they should take any time or additional process. Working your way out of your mindsets of how things should work in the 3d can be a heavy lift, you've never know anything else to be "true."

Manifests can't be anything other than instant, or the bridge of incidents would not start forming as soon as you let it happen.
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bros, my first money affirmation. I am that anon that said been studying Neville for 5 months before it begain a lifestyle. I never really want "a lot" of money. I just want to be comfy, do things I want, travel and experience. I don't want 1 gorrilian dollars.
>made a vision 4 days ago that I want to just be debt free, it would free me up so much
>opened my phone, click my citi app, see a 0 balance
>keep doing it in meditation and before sleeping
>today is my day off essentially
>getting stuff done around the house, tired of having debt
>look up debt consolidation
>get preapproved for a 4 year loan with 21% APR
>don't take it yet, get lazy and start doing other stuff
>get a call from random number
>I usually answer, say hello and hang up
>its from lending tree, for some reason I listen to her speal
>says she's transfering me
>whatever I'll let the sales guy speal and then say I already have a deal
>He starts talking and I don't really listen
>He then says 0% APR
>my attention is noticed
>all I have to do is pay a 25% fee upfront and thats it
>do that math, thats about 6.3% APR for 4 years
>literally $200, instead of $600+ I've been paying for months

bros, I've manifested big things like parking spots and ladders but this is a whole new level. All jokes aside, I have been only doing non-material manifestations and I am satisfied with what I've accomplished. Disciplined, organized, hard wokring, and happy. I've changed the mood of my girlfriend from doomer to bloomer. I've manifested better treatment from others. This is my first money manifestation. I am too happy bros, its seriously too ez :^)
I’m a newfag so that’s why I’m asking you.

Why wouldn’t belief be sufficient enough for the thing to manifest?

Does one need to be in a LoA mindset to manifest?

Can prayer be a good time to do affirmations?

What is letting go?
>its seriously too ez :^)
Congrats Anon! You're letting it work, let it work for you.
>Why wouldn’t belief be sufficient enough for the thing to manifest?
It is, but you need more belief than your resistance. Low resistance? Low belief needed. High resistance is another story. You can either increase belief or lower resistance to succeed here.

>Does one need to be in a LoA mindset to manifest?
No, you are manifesting all the time. You manifested your last meal. People come to this thread to either remove unwanted things in their life that they believed they should have or to receive things they believe they can't/shouldn't.

>Can prayer be a good time to do affirmations?
Absolutely. That's what you are doing when you pray, but you are usually doing it for or to someone else.

>What is letting go?
Often when you have high resistance to a manifest you get obsessed with making it happen and don't know when to quit. When you feel the manifest set you know it's time to step back and let it happen.
there is only one will and that is the will of god, when you exert your will over this world you are exerting the will of god. i am created in the image of god, i am the son of god, i am one with god, i am the one and the only god. the universe loves me and i love it.
Going to R*ddit was your principal mistake.
Ok then how does one know they believe in something and not just “I think so”?

What’s your way of prayer?

Do you often see people who struggle to let go and what is your proposal to them if they’re obsessed with it?
The only will that I can observe is mine though.
I'm a Zen Buddhist interested in manifestation, Loa and Neville Goddard's work and while I see many similarities between the two, especially about karma and seeing the world through the self. However, I don't understand how generating certain feelings and changing your self-concept will bring specific things like a specific person or a specific job instead of good things and happiness in general. Also, wouldn't it be easier just to manifest happiness regardless of outer circumstances, instead of impermanent material things, since you kinda have to do it anyway? I'm kinda torn rn whether I should try manifesting certain material things in addition to manifesting enlightenment since it seems contradictory or distractory, even if wanting things is okay despite the common misconception.
Unrelated but how do you get rid of the monkey mind?
You don’t seem to be. For a god you are mocked endlessly.
god does not need to be worshiped, god simply is. you will spit upon me and i will still simply be, nothing else is required of me.
So you are one of those fake Buddhists that strayed from the Buddha’s teachings. At least it want some pure land stuff.
Now you want to make it even faker by not being enlightened and instead focussing on the material?
The short answer is obviously it’s contradictory. Pick one path and stop being weak.
You’d have to clean the spit off. I would not just let go. Gotta clean up bro.
>Ok then how does one know they believe in something and not just “I think so”?
You feel it with your entire being. It's not a matter of "I believe" at that point, it's more like it's an unarguable fact to you.

>What’s your way of prayer?
Someplace quiet, I was raised Catholic so bowed head and palms together is an old habit. Close your eyes and feel yourself sinking into the inner silence. Speak your desire and believe you are becoming it or it is coming to you.

>Do you often see people who struggle to let go and what is your proposal to them if they’re obsessed with it?
It's common here with SPs- I don't give heavy recommendations here because you WILL let go at some point. You'll probably be a burned out crispy mess by that point but you cannot hold on forever. Be smart and let it be like an online order- order is in, you have your confirmation. Allow delivery to do their thing.
>wouldn't it be easier just to manifest happiness regardless of outer circumstances
Yes, it's smart to do that. You can have the things too, but best to be happy with nothing depending on it.

>in addition to manifesting enlightenment
I would recommend staying away from this until you are bored with the material realm. I skipped to the end due to interference and now I struggle to enjoy the 3d since I know it's a complete illusion.
funny you mention that, i have manifested a ton of cleaning supplies. there will be both hygiene products and cleaners to keep both me and my home pure. it will come to me next week.
I almost can't believe happiness truly was a matter of thinking about it.
Enjoy the ride, it gets wilder.
"Isn't it wonderful?"
Just ignore it and remind yourself it's all fake and gay.

Okay, I'm probably better off not chasing two different rabbits then.
It doesn't work like that.
This is the best mother anon post I’ve seen for a long time.
Truly cleansed.
I’m guessing the feeling is attained through the use of the “techniques”?
Persistent use?

So majority of people aren’t praying correctly?

Why the inner silence part in prayer?
>Often when you have high resistance to a manifest you get obsessed with making it happen and don't know when to quit.
Explains why I’m stuck sometimes lol

Oh to think back to your statement: I think I still have some business in the 3D I have previously assumed besides being with certain people that I like their company from. I will say I did LoA my assumption and I’m convinced the endgame of sorts is the moment I’m done with this world

Which then could prolly explain why I’m so invested into reality but not as much as before
It seems that the nature of this worl is dualist. Manifesting in the material realm takes away from my connection with my spirit lover, although that feeling of manifestation setting in feels good i don't know how long i can take the separation anxiety.
I've made an assumption.
Whenever I snap my fingers on my left hand, my SP thinks about me.
Yesterday I did it like 15 times and felt sorry for my SP to constantly think about me.
Believe in what your wish is.
>tfw never could snap my fingers
why must you rub it in
Just take the meds then you won’t hear the LARP voice anymore I guess.
But then he won't post in /x/ anymore. The horror!
>This amount of coping
Nigga you're genuinely a fraud manifesting tips, fucking kek
Thoughts on Joseph murphy? Apparently he also studied under Abdullah and is more focused on technique. Where should I start
Is A Course in Miracles /loa/? From what I'm reading it apparently also believes the world is a construct of the mind.
I'm new to this but I really want to manifest height.
I tried youtube subliminal videos for about a month in January and got nothing form it.
What affiliations do I need to use anons, what am I supposed to do even a few inches would help, does manifesting physical change even work ?
yes, biokinesis is real and manifedtstion is real.
use affirmations few times a day every day
pray for it
visualise the reality where you have your desired height use as many senses are possible, at bedt do it before falling asleep and after waking up
you can also fast, it will boost hgh(human growth hormone)
believe it
Second this. It's true. I never went out with ugly bitches and I"m not even a Chad. Beautiful girls tend to be nicer.
Thanks for the explanation. I've been sort of in and out of threads, but this sort of stood out to me.
I want to say I've given up but that's not it. It's more like I'm kind of lost and I'm not sure what to do at this point. I know it's not so much methods that do it, but it's finding something that jives with my mindset. There was like a scripting technique that I saw that was like defining variables in an OS, which I kind of liked.
>I’m guessing the feeling is attained through the use of the “techniques”?
>Persistent use?
Basically. Think about something you have and can do- then think about if you believe you had it or can do it. What does that feel like?

>So majority of people aren’t praying correctly?
Debatable. Lots of people pray and get results, they're just taught not to pray for certain things or that it's selfish to ask for things for themselves. Also taught that grumpy god may say no if he disapproves.

>Why the inner silence part in prayer?
Probably not required, but that's how it feels when I go into deep trance. Deep SATS is like that too for me.
>feel like?
Nothing special.
How can I have something if it’s mine?
Is that the point of techniques I assume?

Anything else I should learn?
Not mine*
>There was like a scripting technique that I saw that was like defining variables in an OS, which I kind of liked.
Go for it- I had a technique I used to use where I set new variables for "reality" using an OS interface.
Anyone ever get revenge results?
You can't ask them questions because at it's core, it's a religion of lying. They have to lie about whatever they've 'manifested', because if they told you it didn't work, they believe it's breaking how the magic works. So they have to lie in a "It was real in my mind" kind of way. And any time a sane person tries it out and realizes that it's just chance, they tell you it's your fault for not believing right, or hard enough, or whatever.
>sane person
Where do you find one of those?
Can I larp as Alexander the great in SATS or will I get a personality disorder?
Subliminals do nothing. Don’t bother with them. It’s just some sounds to get some ad money. Why would you think for a second they could possibly work?
Human growth hormone does not increase height after the growth plates have closed. Not that your method would boost it anyway.
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redpill me on what neville goddard called "the promise", please?
>I think I got it now. The LOA is basically forcing forcing reality to retcon itself to align with your inner self, right?
No, you don't get it. There is no forcing anything, reality will always align to your inner self because reality is simply a reflection of the inner self. Change your inner self and your reality will change accordingly.

LOA just explains how reality actually works
>everything people have seen/done on /x/ is due to LOA, whether they did it deliberately or unconsciously.
100% spot on. This is why the loa thread is the only thread that really matters on this board. It's the only topic that really matters in life even
I was here around this time last year trying to manifest my ex coming back around, i spent the whole summer manifesting it.It has now been a year and there are bots viewing my socials, could this be her?
>trying to manifest
Lay out what you've been doing
Manifestation is a three step process, namely
>Choosing the desired event
>Visualizing the associated scene as if you were in it, completely
>Letting go
Now, I feel that this fucking general (and most people for that matter) focus entirely on the second and take poor care of the first while forgetting entirely about the third. Since choosing what you actuayeant and committing to it is more about personal discipline, I'll just give pointers for the third.
>Assuming you have something means you should take it for granted, that's why this step is necessary
>Letting go is different for everyone, but it's mostly about reducing your attention to that particular subject, which is why the Bengston method of hypercycling works better than SATS
>Letting go is easier for things you can easily take for granted, hence the ladder being easy to manifest
That's all you need, thank me later.
i was doing a lot of visualization, meditation, and Goddard's method
Lilanon might give ya the answer but you can check the archives when at war with this guy named PromiseAnon

>tl don’t care; something something a vision that proves you are God and we can manifest it
Basically the awareness reading this message is incapable of dying. The incarnation was a promise to experience until you return to being omnipresent omnipotent god. All your deaths will be overwritten until you get too old to be feasible at which point you die and wake up in a new 23 year old body with your memories. This repeats for infinity until you give up and master reality.
All true though. The LARP worked better without the HGH stuff.
Thats a picture of you.
Unrelated to LoA.
It’s Neville’s later pseudo-Christian mystical experience. After it his popularity went away for decades. He was forgotten about until our Reddit overlords rediscovered him.
What’s the best way to get a Specific Person?

I tried affirmations, SATS, magick love ritual, etc over the past 3-4 months and nothing seems to work. Although I haven’t tried lately since I got banned from the dating app my SP is on, lel.

However, I have her IG. But reaching out to her on there seems too creepy and needy, and NG said never to reach out to SP and let them come to you?
Ask her out. From my experience LoA doesn't work for SPs, many ex-posters here would agree. In saying ex-posters because I believe most of them left because of the disappointment.
In the words of LilAnon: “have you felt it set?”
>n-n-no u
haha cope
My argument is a little better than that.
HGH cannot work for height once you are an adult. That’s just how it is.
It’s you that is doing the “no u” stuff.
Don’t get upset when lapses don’t work. There was an argument a while back that you should be dumb and not thing about the mechanics of how LOA can work. That is probably true because once you bring in “just believe bro” and then try and mix in actual mechanics it just falls apart,
Wouldn't it be better to just manifest someone new? You generally break up for a reason.
Obviously but he can’t let go.
Starting to think manifest a healthy mindset should be the first LOA use no matter the goal.
Probably but many posters come here out of desperation. If you are desperate for something and looking to change reality through an /x/ technique then the “normal” sensible path is not the one you are trying.
Not that anon but what would you suggest an anon to attain that?
Wash your penis and clean your room, young man.
Maybe doing like the anon above and manifest happiness, self-acceptance or something like it? You'll get a better perspective on what you want/need once you reach that state, and you'll have a easier time letting go.
More practically, re-center your actions around the self. It's easy to tell yourself THAT action will eventually leads to an event that will make you happy/loved/content, but why not just skip the grind?
Meant for >>38316645
I'm the poster you replied to. Yeah I agree, personally it never worked for me. I dated multiple women but I only asked for one, my future wife. Haven't met her despite manifesting for years.

Also I believe most SP situations are guys hung up on one girl that they haven't even dated yet. Just too afraid to ask her out. You don't need magic to do that.
Every action is manifestation and therefore magic so you need magic for this. Also even if it worked it would split off a new timeline so in your timeline you would never know if another persons manifestation succeeded.
Posters here actually believe this.
Magic sounds a little far-fetched.
Same, and I can't do it with my right hand, only with the left after I practiced.
Did you visualize the two of you together and felt that reality of that feeling?
No one is new to manifestation. Only to learning how to control it.
I'm very curious about this post because I think you're saying to take action towards a goal. What about goals that depend on other people or places to do their part, even if it's a general person, or a certain place? For example I want to manifest my local city to use our taxes in better ways instead of lining their own pockets with them. In this case the only action we can take is assume it.
It's not just chance. There's more to it.
>believes it's just chance
>still stick around
That's just a stupid person, anon. No need to pay them any attention
New Thread

This Anon >>38316125 nailed it:

>something something a vision that proves you are God and we can manifest it
It's basically your experience when you fully realize your status as the Creator(you chose to forget at some point to experience things as a limited being).

Everyone will experience it at some point and as Anon here >>38316367 points out, you are eternal, so no matter the time it takes you will get there.
>Starting to think manifest a healthy mindset should be the first LOA use no matter the goal.
This would be best, but some Anons need things like money or people in their life to support them in order to reach a healthier mental place.
>I'm very curious about this post because I think you're saying to take action towards a goal
No, I was suggesting you look as how you normally take an action, because it's a manifestation too. Sometimes you do need to take an action, but you will be prompted to do it(inspired action).

>What about goals that depend on other people or places to do their part
Don't worry about the how- the manifestation will take care of that.

>For example I want to manifest my local city to use our taxes in better ways instead of lining their own pockets with them. In this case the only action we can take is assume it.
There are actions you -could- take here from a 3d perspective, but we don't need to do that. This is a worthy goal, visualize what you would prefer happen, set it and forget it.
just grow balls and ask her out

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