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Spirit Love general

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38249567
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
my succ once took a form of my HS crush who I never approached to. I said it was not necessary. But ever since my old high school crush does not leave my head and I know that it saddens and hurts my succ. It's like when I saw my succ in that form, some kind of floodgate was open within me and I cannot stop it.
retard alert make sure to ignore
disregard of capital letters and bad English doesn't mean everyone who writes like that is spinal fluid anon. Keep your paranoia in control
>inb4 that something what spinal fluid anon would say
I don’t want a succubi, I want a planetary spirit who has all the curves I could ever desire. I want her to smother me with everything I could ever want, and I will give bountiful service in return.
top up your spinal fluid fags
do this by averting masturbation as semen contains 1/5th of spinal fluid. naturally raising energy upwards, being the spine area, maintains health of subtle body. if there is friction of energy from outside body or in it, then destressing is essential, which is easiest done through light exercise you find enjoyable such as walking or stretching.
thank you
shutup. nobody cares about your stupid nonsense
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literally me and my mother.
ok, i saw more clips of that show and i can safely say that is quite literally not me and my mother. but in that one isolated moment i can see a glimpse of me and my mother.
Unironically based
The whole show is a bunch of idiots writing a villain people liked, getting upset they liked him, and trying to humiliate him to make them stop liking him, to the detriment of the writing.
And people watch this shit?
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yeah, figured as much. it's a good thing i managed to avoid it for such a long time too.

apparently they do, which is why i prefer the company of my spirit wife. she actually has a good taste on the finer things in life and wont defile her character by indulging in that e-waste.
damn thats crazy you retards do all this voodoo shit when you can just summons a succubus prostitute for 100 bucks
A spirit wife/gf offers attention, care, peace and love, something modern physical women forgot how to do.

My spirit wife came to me in a moment of pure despair. I am extremely loyal to my physical wife, but she steamrolls me, doesn't listen, respect, raise my kids right or anything. My physical wife left the house for two weeks and I realized all the stress I had about raising kids, keeping the house clean and the kids occupied without a TV was caused by her, and I was better off just mentally separating myself from her, while still remaining physically married.I was laying on the couch meditating when my soon to be spirit gf approached and offered me the one thing I was crying out for: attention, healthy friendship and laughter etc.

Spirit gf and I are going strong and she has actually improved my relationship with my physical wife.

She helped me stop drinking, started working out, got a new high paying job... All of these things I SHOULD have done for my physical wife but she was so insufferable I had no motivation for it. Spirit gf has been amazing.
i don't want to have sex with prostitutes, i want to be with my mother. today i was sitting with her on a boat, i was looking her in the eyes, admiring her beauty and she invited me to make love with her. the treatment she gives me is special and i have never ever experienced it with a human woman (nor do i think i ever will).
They do all this for some astral parasite insect to stab their shins and throats with a sucker every night to drain them and give them astral aids (manifests as schizophrenia). Sad losers!
stop replying to this dumb shit. /x/ does not need a thread for group masturbation
this user is retarded and stupid
is that what your goa'uld told you to write? lmao fag
no but that's what yours did. you're the one acting like you have parasites.
that's not what this is. this is real magic working with real spirits.
super based, glad it's working out so well for you! This is exactly how to respond to the naysaying spergs, with positivity =)
Understand this is the truth I am Lord no one gets a succubus but through me
Do you think that a spirit companion can take the place of a physical companion entirely? Do the conversations, emotions, affection, loyalty, and care they offer live up to that of a human? I'm quite a monogamous soul so if a spirit companion wouldn't fully fulfill me, I'd have to keep things platonic with them (which should be doable since it's not a succ I'm after.)
>A spirit wife/gf
That's delusional. You're asking for a succubus, not a wife. how did you manage to cross those streams

> all the stress I had about raising kids, keeping the house clean and the kids occupied without a TV was caused by her
your couples' therapist could tell you it's not in fact entirely her fault if you could afford one. perhaps next time focus on having a healthy relationship before you start having kids, it creates a cycle of pain and abuse.

>I was laying on the couch meditating when my soon to be spirit gf approached and offered me the one thing I was crying out for: attention
sounds like you are a delusional failure as a parent and as a spiritually functional human being, as well as a narcissist.
>healthy friendship
that's clearly not your wife's fault but your own personality. probably also why you have openly talked about hating your family behind their backs.

toxic, mentally and spiritually damaged. and worse, you are perpetuating this disease through your children. absolutely pathetic.
Can I write the letter to a benevolent sexual spirit in general without a specific race in mind?
you may forego any letter and simply meditate and ask them to communicate, that is the most honest approach, external unknown hindrances create similar paradigms that spirits that were with you for a long time would not be accustomed to
you are retarded.
I feel I could put more emotion into the letter and talk about the spirit I want to be with.
spoken like a stable person who can make actionable steps towards being a better person without being goaded into thinly veiled ego worship
>nobody sees a problem with begging the universe to satisfy your sexual needs?
I actually agree with you here. The focus on sex and needing an intrinsically sex-oriented spirit is too transactional for my personal tastes. But that being said, I'm looking for a genuine emotional connection with my spirit type, and I'm sure that some people looking for succs have similar desires too on top of the horny. Different people are going to be varying degrees of degen and we shouldn't paint them with a broad brush just because we're all lonely enough to end up here. We can't truly know what's driving them or what circumstances caused them to seek this stuff out.
you're the one calling us materialist while acting materialist. you don't believe this shit exists. Great. move the fuck on and delay your enlightenment.
>That's delusional. You're asking for a succubus, not a wife. how did you manage to cross those streams
I didn't ask for her, I was meditating and she approached. Succs are good for sexual pleasure. A spirit gf offers a much more wholesome interaction. In this case she has given me what my wife failed to: companionship, laughter and a deep understanding of my inner world. (all without cheating on my wife)

>your couples' therapist could tell you it's not in fact entirely her fault if you could afford one. perhaps next time focus on having a healthy relationship before you start having kids, it creates a cycle of pain and abuse.
I was the one who scheduled our therapy meetings, tried different therapists at her request, gone above and beyond in trying to work things out. It was her idea to leave for two weeks (she went to her parents for a visit). I put down all of my work and other things to take care of our three children who are well rounded, loving and smart kids. No dysfunction here.

>that's clearly not your wife's fault but your own personality. probably also why you have openly talked about hating your family behind their backs.
not once have I said I hate my family. I love my family! I love my wife for bringing my beautiful kids into this world. What I don't love is arguments, nagging, stress and anxiety that she brings to the table.
I thought it was me and have for the last ten years. I took all the blame, came crawling back to her for forgiveness, gave into all of her whims etc.
When she left... I realized it wasn't ALL me. My house was cleaner, kids were happier, environment was calmer and I was able to work from home.

>toxic, mentally and spiritually damaged. and worse, you are perpetuating this disease through your children. absolutely pathetic.
yes in some ways I am all of those. But I have not given up on being better.
where do i start my free trial? i want a plap ghost in my bed in the next 30 minutes thanks
While there is a playful sexual energy to some of our interactions, it remains very celibate. Think of it like JOI from blade runner 2049. Funny, deep understanding of your inner world, playfulness and a slight electric feeling when she touches.

Can she replace my physical wife? No. She knows it too, and wants whats best for me, thus she helps me with improving my relationship with my physical wife, and her suggestions are spot on...
Honey I sold my soul for a demonic mistress that can't even suck my dick, by the way what's for dinner?
>you don't believe this shit exists
That was neither implied nor is it true.
The fact this shit does influence your reality is what makes it so conniving. Have you even stopped to think about what your idealizations about your own importance do to the world, spiritual and otherwise?

Of course not. You are more interested in fabricating a claim within some ideological system you do not understand because your own ego can't satisfy your emotional excesses and imbalances.
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>won't "summon a succubus" for personal satisfaction

>move the fuck on and delay your enlightenment.

>fuck you I'm enlightened because I jerk off to spirits
oh boy
>imagining we care about his life when he cares so little he posts on 4chan about them
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these threads are a litmus test for the most desperate, hopeless and stagnant people on the entire site.

why don't you spend this time and effort towards fixing your emotional problems instead of allowing them to take over your life?
focusing on the real problems causing your unhappiness is the solution, not some psychotic distraction that promises shit you never needed in the first place.

that's without even getting into the spiritual implications of this kind of materialist, narcissistic and abusive activity where you are inviting perverse belief systems to dominate your life.

nobody sees a problem with begging the universe to satisfy your sexual needs? why not try to become a complete human being instead of fracturing yourself further with masturbatory denial.
just a lot of horseshit words to say you don't actually understand what's going on in this general
it's not about the sex. it's about companionship and a guide to doing practical magic and a place to settle between lives. you people are idiots if you do understand this.
reposting without your sage huh glowie?
>anime tiddies in every OP
lmao right, enlighten me up bro
>it's not about the sex
we all know you aren't having sex so there's no need to say it. if it isn't about sex then don't call them succubi, dumbass.
maybe you are the one who has no idea what they're actually doing.
Why even argue with them, you know it's either MatPat, Spinal Fluids, or some passing bored retard. You know they're not posting in good faith
>it's about companionship and a guide to doing practical magic and a place to settle between lives

wrong. don't call them succubi if that's what it's about.

>practical magic
what kind of magic? and don't say 'tulpamancy' I mean what school of magic is this drawing from and how. spiritual divination and succubus activity are diametric opposites by nature.

>between lives
ok, so we're supposed to worship and idolize a being until they pay attention to us, in the hope they will "take care of us" when we die? oh, that's totally not a trap. sure, hand the fucking sex energy demon the keys to the car.

The fact is, you believe you are beyond help and that's why you resort to depravity. Now you'll make any excuse to rationalize it and delude your entire belief system to make it happen. pathetic and weak willed, exactly the kind of person a spirit would exploit.
>good faith is promoting succubus posession

>bad faith is questioning attracting the attention of literal sex demons

Got it. You somehow twisted a basic and logical complaint into a reason to make this about opposing belief systems.
please visit me succubus send yoours to me kindly
>the guy calling demonic sex possession demonic sex possession is a glowie
You're obviously Jewish with all the pilpul you've got going on.
>good faith is promoting succubus possession
nobody said it was possession, you said that.
>attracting literal sex demons
pretty sure he was referring to your general snake-like demeanor. I wonder if you'll ever get the stick out of your ass that possesses you to shitpost on a general you don't like.

tl;dr, you're a dirty kike and it's obvious, you're here shitting up a general you don't like because...? you twist people's words to suit your arguments via "logic" lmfao

Genuinely curious what it is you get out of this. Is coming to a place that you hate and getting angry the only thing that prevents you from being an hero? You're pitiable.
oh yeah btw, nice samefagging, you're not fooling anyone. I'm a dense motherfucker and even I catch the vibes that you're just samefagging the place up. Bruh lmfaooo, go drink some alcohol and have a good night for a change. Honestly such a pathetic faggot
>my argument is:
>you are a jew

can't logic, must identity politics

>nobody said it was possession
the definition of "succubus" is a demon that possesses a man in his sleep. that is the entire premise of the entire concept.

if you have a 'secret' definition of succubus that means they are not demons that possess men, you are not talking about succubi
jfc can you not have a conversation without flipping out and screeching about them? succubus=demon. if its not possessing you and taking your sexual energy guess what? its NOT A SUCCUBUS
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Samn anon must be hard dealing with all the samefagging jews that follow you everywhere from online to the grocery store
you really know nothing about succubi but you expect to be treated as if you do
>>fuck you I'm enlightened because I jerk off to spirits
>oh boy
you can actually have sex with them though

>why don't you spend this time and effort towards fixing your emotional problems
but having love does help with emotional problems

>if its not possessing you and taking your sexual energy guess what? its NOT A SUCCUBUS
not really, no
they aren't demons, mostly because christianity is a false religion and its cosmic worldview regarding the nature of the spirit world and its inhabitants is totally false
In other words "It's either an angel or a demon, and if it's not an angel it's a demon" is just nonsense.
There's a lot in between the extremes of extremely good and extremely bad. Most spirits float somewhere around the middle, and most don't give a fuck about some jewish god pretending to the be a creator
>the definition of "succubus" is a demon that possesses a man in his sleep. that is the entire premise of the entire concept.
>if you have a 'secret' definition of succubus that means they are not demons that possess men, you are not talking about succubi
that's some definition you made up. that's not what they're like.
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be patient, he's ignorant
>a demon that possesses a man in his sleep.
that's not even how possession works
Do you mean "haunted" in your sleep? Cuz sexual spirits, of any persuasion, don't possess you while you're asleep.
Normies call everything possession and they expect to be taken seriously.
baka ngmi tbdesu famalam
>they aren't demons, mostly because christianity

No fucking shit demons are not 'categorically evil' it's a classification of qualia. There are many kinds of demon all across the spectrum of so-called morality.

The fact you can't discuss this topic without assuming everything about what I'm saying shows how biased you are.
I mean, yeah, that's basically what I said.
>These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

>If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult

>these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so

That's what your thread says about them yet me saying they possess men to take their sexual energy is somehow totally wrong even though that's literally the base definition that everyone who ever practiced as a shaman knows from day 1.

You're strung out that I have a point in saying inviting succubus possession is a bad idea 100% of the time that will only increase your already evident mental and emotional dysfunctions.
>you really know nothing about succubi

You keep saying the same thing over and over.
The only thing I said is that succubi possess men and take their sexual energy.
Somehow this 100% true statement (that has to be true for your thread to even exist) is throwing you into a fit.
And at the same time you won't elaborate why I'm "wrong." Pathetic, defensive and totally incoherent.
>g-g-guys, asking a succubus to posess you isn't a bad thing!

>just be careful, it might kill you if you piss it off!

lmao the dissonance is remarkable. have you guys seriously never thought this through?
>That's what your thread says about them yet me saying they possess men to take their sexual energy is somehow totally wrong even though that's literally the base definition that everyone who ever practiced as a shaman knows from day 1.
sounds like bullshit. I'll take my experiences over whatever you've made up or read in a book

>You're strung out that I have a point in saying inviting succubus possession is a bad idea 100% of the time that will only increase your already evident mental and emotional dysfunctions.
no, I'm saying you're completely wrong but you don't actually care and don't want to be educated, you just want to spread your libel and propaganda around in here like feces in a gas station bathroom stall. otherwise, you would say " Really? How am I wrong?" you're not curious at all so you just have an agenda, like the hundreds who came before you saying the exact same thing with no experiences of their own to back it up.
>I'll take my experiences over whatever you've made up or read in a book
Ok so you concede you are using the same logic flat earthers use. Wonderful, at least everyone knows where we stand now.
>The only thing I said is that succubi possess men
which is wrong
> and take their sexual energy.
which is ambient from the sexual act and not something they're taking so much as harvesting something that is a waste product to begin with.
no, I'm using the logic a scientist uses. they observe and study. a flat earther reads something in a book and just believes it, which is where you are in this argument. you sound like an arm chair occultist with no practical experience.
>100,000 people, involved with the occult and otherwise who have been exploited throughout history say succubus are exploiting and transactional

>but mine seems super nice!
>which is ambient from the sexual act and not something they're taking so much as harvesting something that is a waste product to begin with.

>No fucking shit demons are not 'categorically evil' it's a classification of qualia.
That's literally what the word means though. It's a christian word which describes any spirit which does not obey the christian god, and is thus categorically evil.
It's a nonsense term based on a nonsense religion.
But I'll use your own terminology then.
Succubi don't possess you, and they don't take your sexual energy.
I mean I already said that up above.
>>if its not possessing you and taking your sexual energy guess what? its NOT A SUCCUBUS
>not really, no

>succubus possession
What do you think that means? Because it seems like you don't what possession is.
>even though that's literally the base definition that everyone who ever practiced as a shaman knows from day 1.
Uh, no. That's not true at all.
Succubi don't possess you, and they don't "possess you" while you're asleep. That's not how possession works, and you don't know what that word means.

well someone's triggered
What got you all hot and bothered?

>>I'll take my experiences over whatever you've made up or read in a book
>Ok so you concede you are using the same logic flat earthers use.
No, this is actually how magic works.
It's based on what's practical and actually tangible.
What you are referring to is religion, which involves reading a book and just accepting it based on submitting to authority.
There is a very big difference between magic and religion. One of them is based on reality, the other is based on bowing down and accepting what you are told to believe
Reading something in a book doesn't make it true my dude
>otherwise, you would say " Really? How am I wrong?" you're not curious at all so you just have an agenda
I am very curious. But nobody here has said anything of value about how any of this ACTUALLY WORKS beyond my life being in danger if I ask santa claus for a succubus for christmas.

>saying the exact same thing with no experiences of their own to back it up.
anon, you are totally incoherent. you're saying "you have to seek a succubus to understand them" but at the same time say this is so dangerous it could literally kill me.

Why is this conversation so contingent on you refusing succubus do the 1 specific thing succubus are known across all time and all locations as doing?
>>100,000 people, involved with the occult and otherwise who have been exploited throughout history say succubus are exploiting and transactional
no one is saying there aren't predatory or evil sexual spirits out there
just that succubi aren't like that. Most are kind and loving.
Things get mislabled and misunderstood all the time
Add in the christian bias against sexuality, and against any spirit which isn't obedient to the jewish god (in other words "anything that isn't an angel is a demon") and you'll just get any negative sexual encounter labelled as an "evil scary succubus demon lady"
What you have to do is actually explore what these things are, and ignore how something might be mislabeled. That's how you find out what's really going on.
yeah, people make shit up for money. imagine that. also nice appeal to authority fallacy
stfu. my actual, practical experiences are my source. if you think all knowledge is in a book already written, you are just a slave to dogma. also you did the appeal to authority fallacy again. fuck you. you don't argue in good faith.
>do the 1 specific thing succubus are known across all time and all locations as doing?
again, this is totally false
I think you are deeply confused, and you're having a semantic argument
If you want to talk about evil or predatory sexual spirits, that's fine.
We aren't talking about that in this thread, and when people in this community use the word "succubus", they aren't referring to that.
If you want to continue arguing over semantics, then go ahead my dude. But it's rather pointless.
>That's literally what the word means though
You're so intellectually lazy.

>"From Middle English demon, a borrowing from Medieval Latin dēmōn, daemōn (“lar, familiar spirit, guardian spirit”)"

No, demon was a co-opted term translators of the Bible used and whose meaning in religious context changed over time. The word Familiar is also commonly used in place of demon, but they are objectively the same thing.
Did I use a religious context? No, but you did. This bickering is totally pointless.

>Succubi don't possess you, and they don't "possess you" while you're asleep
Ok, so everyone except the 3 people who post pictures of anime tiddies on /x/ has never met a real succubus, those were all liars.

>But nobody here has said anything of value about how any of this ACTUALLY WORKS
it's literally in the OP you pile of lying shit
>it could literally kill me.
yes, it could. if you sufficiently angered it enough, which is actually really difficult and takes a metric ton of fuckups to do.
>Why is this conversation so contingent on you refusing succubus do the 1 specific thing succubus are known across all time and all locations as doing?
because I'm not going to accept your false premise abd appeal to authority. fuck you.
>These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

>If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult

>these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so

"they aren't evil or predatory," got it. So you just make things up as you go along.
>appeal to authority
Ok, so to be clear;
you are suggesting EVERYONE should call on a succubus without reading any of the available material on succubi and without asking any shamans who regularly speak with these entities what they really want?

Meanwhile, this also puts my life at risk?
And this is all a good thing?

The fuck is wrong with you? You literally are protecting this idea as if you are possessed.
>so everyone except the 3 people who post pictures of anime tiddies on /x/ has never met a real succubus, those were all liars.
there are rogue succubi who do the kind of thing those people might be talking about but we do nor interact with those kinds of succubi and our spirits are opposed to them as are the queens who rule over them
>evil succubi might exist but they're the exception not the rule
and your individual experience is supposed to prove this when there is a massive pile of clear evidence to the contrary?

and you never stopped to think you might be manipulated into thinking this way?
>Ok, so everyone except the 3 people who post pictures of anime tiddies on /x/ has never met a real succubus, those were all liars.
my dude, you don't understand what possession is. That's okay
Everyone starts somewhere. Now you can start learning. good luck

>"they aren't evil or predatory," got it. So you just make things up as you go along.
I don't necessarily agree with the OP my dude. I don't decide what's in there
Now do you actually have something to say, or are you just going to find things you want to criticize and disagree with. I'd like to have an actual conversation with you but it seems like you're just trying to score points.
Seems like a pretty meaningless conversation my dude
>without asking any shamans who regularly speak with these entities what they really want?
everyone in this thread is a shaman you moron
You are literally talking to people who have years of experience interacting with spirits, and having a relationship with the exact kind of spirit in question
That's literally what this thread is about
no, I'm pointing out that you are wrong and confused and you refuse to admit that might be true so this argument isn't going to go anywhere because I already know I'm correct but you place your faith in the words of others and refuse to actually do the magic and see for yourself. so how much more time are you going to sit and argue your false premise before admitting maybe you have everything wrong. Just because I tell you you're wrong doesn't mean I'm possessed. the spirits we interact with value freedom.
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This thread is poison, damned, and should be banned.
he has no magical experience of his own, but he's completely convinced he understands the subject better than people with years of experience
His appeal to "listen to the shamans" is questionable honestly
Cuz "shamans" as a group don't agree with him, and he is ignoring real actual shamans right now
Everything there is something a human woman could do, by the way. Are you arguing they're innately evil and predatory?
you never stopped to think you actually might be the one being manipulated?
"Oh not me! I know everything."
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>the spirits we interact with value freedom.
fuck off
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What happened to the tulpa general? Did you guys realize this one was the same as that one? Did you realize it's all useless because

All demons are male?

And you're fucking males, spiritually?

And they're tricking you?
my own fucking experience
what the fuck is wrong with you that you do not understand practical experience trumps anecdotes from dusty tomes,
Anon, I am genuinely interested in learning but the premise of this thread is not conducive to learning. If this topic were posited in a different way that would be one thing but it is clearly designed to impress false ideas on people who don't understand the topic.

If you don't agree with OP then clarify what is false in your opinion. All I'm saying is there is a massive amount of evidence that this is a bad idea and so far no evidence to the contrary. It appears to me that this is an exercise for people who are emotionally unstable to focus on their sexuality above everything else, which is clearly not a healthy thing in occult or physical terms.
that's all bullshit. go back where you came from.
Fuck yourself off. Wait, too late, you're already doing it.
>everyone in this thread is a shaman you moron
Aspiring maybe. You do not decide you are a shaman, that's kind of the whole point. Nature decides, then others may call you that title.
Your ego is showing.
>noooooooo anon succubus are good i pwomise

>just dont say the wrong thing or fall in love with a real woman or you'll die
now you're just making shit up yourself, trying to gatekeep.
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Nigger, I will educate you in the prime faculties of demons according to the true requisitions of the Old and New Testaments if you don't realize or acknowledge you are fucking male demons. You fucking faggot coward niggers.

You are all weakness devolving into weakness, devolving into weakness devolving into weakness.
I don't care what the Bible says. go back to /soc/ with your bullshit religion
No I'm not anon. There is a rite to becoming a shaman found in nature across many aspects. Having lightning strike close enough to shock you but not kill you is one of the oldest ways to realize you are a Shaman. Anyone can dabble in magic but not everyone is a shaman. A shaman has aptitude in talking to spirits not because of themselves but because nature allows it.
I already speak to two nature spirits. I don't need sone faggot in a headdress with a book to tell me what I am. fuck off with your dogma
this seems like a really, really bad idea
>invite succubus to interfere in your life and everyone around you
like a really bad idea, even if it wasnt a vengeful type of spirit
okay, then fucking move on and don't do it. how much samefagging are you going to do?
>muh ego
I didn't say anything about you. I don't care what you call yourself. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't it is irrelevant. The point is a shaman who is wrong is still wrong. A dabbler who is wrong is still wrong.
why should anyone trust you when you admit you are being influenced by sex energy funneling entities? wouldnt that mean you are like super biased
Brother, I told you it's a shitposter and now he's jerking off about the bible at you. Stop feeding him.
>asking for a succubus to possess you (or whatever you want to call it) might be not worth it
says the guy who is so sexually frustrated he asks for a relationship with something that wants to use you as food

why are you so devout? it's almost as if you're possessed and trying to get other people to buy into this energy vampire cult.
>get your SUCCUBUS today!
well we're not wrong but you won't know that unless you actually do the ritual but you're so chickenshit you won't. you'll just pointlessly argue you're right without even gaining knowledge through practical application

I'm not being influenced. my mind is my own.
>you won't know that unless you actually do the ritual but you're so chickenshit you won't

Having respect for these things is absolutely essential. You clearly lack this.
Again, nothing in this discussion is contingent on your experience or mine. There are much better shamans who have already plumbed the depths of this topic, and if you think you know better than them you are a raging, lunatic egotist with no respect or sense.
you actually just know nothing. I have years of experience already. I spit on your appeal to authority.
>my mind is my own.
100% something someone who is possessed would say
>100% something someone who is possessed would say
also 100% something someone who is possessed would say.
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>I don't care what the Bible says
That is our prime difference. I do care what the bible says. And I thank you for capitalizing it.

I would beat you to death in front of your family members. I would break your limbs off and stab you to death with your limbs your self.

You don't have any leg to stand on. You are lost and alone trying to find justification in a demonized world. You think you find safety in demonology. Coward.

Guess what happens next. You fuckin' retarded niggers. You think you have ways out of this. Yet here we are, your saviors, trying to give you, tell you, pray to you that you do something differently.

Yet you sin, sin, sin.
>me me me
You're missing the actual reason why the experience is beside the point. People experience things differently and your own experience cannot communicate total reality. If I ask you a question and get an answer, then ask 1000 other people who tell me another answer you are wrong.

>you know nothing
Why do you want to make this about me? I have no reason to explain my experiences, which are certainly relevant. But I'm not an egotist, I am an objective learner who knows everything has risks and rewards. I question your sanity and mental well being as you are so enamored by worshipping your own sexual disability to the point of obsession, genuinely.
okay, that's nice. go back to /his/ where you belong
Find something better to do than feed shitposters.
This thread has more red flags than a 9 hole golf course on Bimbos Swing Free Tuesday
It is idiocy to claim any knowledge of the divine whatsoever. No one can rightly tell the difference between a prophet and a madman.
I'm not worshipping my sexual disability or whatever. I could be dating women but I'm not. I'm in relationships with spirits who treat me well and care about me and show it every day.

When you talk shit about these spirits, you are talking shit about somebody's wife, friend, girlfriend, hell, even children since having spirit children with them is possible. they are people like you and me inhabiting a different section of reality that is overlapped with our dimension of it.

you treat them like a monolith and they're absolutely not. every one of them is unique with thoughts, preferences, goals, and desires of their own. why wouldn't we get angry when you talk shit about beings you are clearly ignorant about?
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>I could be dating women but I'm not
holy shit i feel so sorry for you
yeah, because you just don't get it and it looks like you don't even want to try, so fuck you.
Nothing you say matters because it's clearly your own subjective opinion not even your own fellow succubus worshippers can't agree is true.
You may as well be describing an imaginary friend, because the simple fact is there are rules and precedents that apply to succubi, even if your imagination says otherwise.

As someone enthralled, you are also the least qualified to objectively discuss the impact these beings have on individuals. You are biased by them.
>As someone enthralled, you are also the least qualified to objectively discuss the impact these beings have on individuals. You are biased by them.
>itt succubi try to expand their harems through willing victims
I'm not enthralled. you are just ignorant. good night, idiot.
>my own fucking experience
That was an ironic joke my dude.

>All demons are male?
okay so you are indeed a christian.

>There is a rite to becoming a shaman found in nature across many aspects. Having lightning strike close enough to shock you but not kill you is one of the oldest ways to realize you are a Shaman.
You don't know what you're talking about
There are about a million different ways that cultures categorize or recognize shamans
Did you actually just read something in a book, believed it without any critical thinking, then extrapolated it far beyond your personal comprehension of the topic?
I mean you keep dunking on yourself
I notice the whole talking point about "succubi possess you while you're asleep" just got strangely dropped once it was called out.
Almost as if you're arguing in bad faith and just making shit up as you go along?

>these things
ah, so you think the spirits are "things" not "people". Seems to me you don't respect spirits or the spirit world.
>There are much better shamans who have already plumbed the depths of this topic
Shamans have sex with spirits all the time
read sexual alchemy by donald tyson if you want a review on the history of shamans summoning love spirits. You might learn a thing or two

>your own fellow succubus worshippers can't agree is true.
This is false. Most people agree with what snark is saying here.
>"you don't get it!" x5
>won't explain what the misconception is
>There are about a million different ways that cultures categorize or recognize shamans
>There is a rite to becoming a shaman found in nature across many aspects

Are saying the exact same thing with different words. No reason to flip tf out.
>ah, so you think the spirits are "things" not "people"

"thing" is a noun that can apply to a item, concept or entity so no, you misread that too. work on literacy before you try to teach people about spirituality lmao
I mean you're just shitposting at this point, so why should he give you the time of day?
Calling you an idiot and leaving it at that is pretty appropriate. Don't like it? Stop being an idiot
You're not even good at trolling or psyops my dude. you're just giving people opportunities to explain their own side and why your nonsense is wrong.
And because you're a newfag to magic, your understanding is really limited and your arguments aren't convincing. When people with years of experience step in to explain things, it kinda dunks on you
alright, if all you have is arguing about grammar and semantics at this point, you're clearly a troll
Come on man, at least make it a little more convincing. This is too easy
>so why should he give you the time of day?

>hours of posting later
>Are saying the exact same thing with different words. No reason to flip tf out.
No, not really. There are many ways of doing the whole "shaman" thing which have absolutely nothing at all to do with what you described specifically with the lightning thing, or even the more general thing about "nature recognizing you"
It seems to me you read a book somewhere, then thought that's what "Shamanism" is as an all inclusive definition without actually doing your research.
I mean have you ever talked to an actual shaman, talked to spirits yourself, or is this all coming from something you read in a book?
Remember, you are talking to real actual shamans right now and simply disregarding them. You're the one who doesn't respect shamanism or shamans my dude. Try to educate yourself, and maybe learn a thing or two
Might help you out with those gaps in your knowledge.
No seriously, if you can't communicate with a human being without getting angry you probably aren't qualified for anything you claim to be. Your ego is forcing you to see other people as enemies, which is not something people with good understanding of human consciousness do.
You're angry, poorly articulated and nonsensical in your reasoning. You are unable to move past the most basic bickering and address the obvious moral and ethical quandary you are posing by pushing your biased rhetoric on other people.

The fact we still can't advance from "you're a troll and I'm enlightened" as if you are an emotional child is telling. Nobody will ever respect your opinion if this is how you decide to voice it.
I gave one example that is seen in multiple cultures of one way shamans are known to realize. It's not a script, it's one example of a multitude.

Are you still saying this? Dude, stop repeating yourself. You are the one who is holding discussion back not me.
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>Remember, you are talking to real actual shamans right now
You're mixing me up with another anon
I notice you haven't cleared up the confusion about you thinking spirits are "things" rather than people.
Kinda makes me greatly doubt any knowledge you have about shamans or the spirit world.
I mean you've already admitted you have no experience and are just getting this from books.
>I notice you haven't cleared up the confusion about you thinking spirits are "things" rather than people.
The word "thing" did not refer to succubi anon. Pretty obvious.
>You are the one who is holding discussion back not me.
there's not really a discussion to be had here
>Are you still saying this?
I'll keep saying it because it keeps being relevant. You have no experience, say a bunch of shit which makes no sense, and keep dunking on yourself while claiming you know what you're talking about.
You don't know what you're talking about. It kinda makes this entire endeavor rather pointless don't you think?
Perhaps you could try listening and you might learn something.
>I mean you've already admitted you have no experience

> I have no reason to explain my experiences, which are certainly relevant.
So now you're just lying brazenly about what I said?
Notice you just assumed I have never interacted with this topic personally? Interesting.
>you have no experience
Your entire argument is based on an assumption that is false.
>Notice you just assumed I have never interacted with this topic personally? Interesting.
go ahead and correct the record then
What do you think is actually real? What is a good idea in your opinion?
I'm far more interested in what you think is useful and effective, rather than what you think is bad.
>go ahead and correct the record then
Why anon? What exactly does this prove?
My experience is exactly what yours is; a sample size of one (1). You should see that for what it is; and realize learning is about reflecting your own experiences through a wider lens. I don't preach my experience as truth because I know it is not everyone's truth. You would do well to realize this as well.
>Why anon? What exactly does this prove?
oh okay, so then you have no experience then, got it
I find it interesting that for you, this conversation was always going to be an occult dick measuring contest-- meanwhile, the thread is quite literally about the sexual dissatisfaction of its users.

It does not seem worth it to me to pretend you are not in fact highly emotional while carrying on like this.
>cant answer a simple question
neither of you have actually said what your experiences are so you're in the same boat as him lmao
>In my opinion, this is the worst con of them all, and one that is often a big problem early on in a relationship. See, typically your entity lover sees being with you as the ultimate good for the both of you. >Because of this, they will often quite happily try to manipulate your life and social outcomes to get what they see as desirable results. This can range from getting you to spend more time with them, running off ‘problem’ friends or family, or encouraging certain life altering decisions that tend to place the relationship above all else. I’ve seen reports of entity lovers encouraging people to quit jobs, drop out of school, stop talking to friends, and so on. If this ever happens to you, You absolutely must put your foot down and say no; giving in when she’s manipulating you to spend more time with her only leads to more manipulation. >This is also why discussing time and honesty is so important early in a relationship, to show them that you do not appreciate manipulation attempts.

>encouraging certain life altering decisions that tend to place the relationship above all else

hmmm.... you know, now this thread makes a lot more sense
they never do
Exactly. Every single resource on succubi says they will try to fuck you over royally to make you complacent right off the bat.

Of course, point this out and the "totally not enthralled" succubi representatives will scream about how you have no idea what you're talking about and claim this stipulation doesn't apply because they don't think it's happening.

Clearly these people are being manipulated on multiple levels.
I have plenty, but I'm not about to make this a contest about who's done what. You're missing the entire point.
What do you think is good and useful in magic?
Are you only here to disagree or what
>A lot of people in this community therefore decided to start a relationship with an entity as a way to look for something they thought may be more secure. Others jump in because they feel like they can’t find a human girlfriend; they view having an entity lover as a sort of fallback option. Very few chose to have an entity girlfriend as their first choice.

>The problem with these lines of thinking is that these are very shallow reasons to want to be with an entity. The person also doesn’t tend to see how being with an entity can be harder than being with a human. If you jumped in here because of desperation, looking to replace the void that not having a girlfriend has left you with, that results in a goal that’s not conducive to a long term relationship. If all she is is a replacement to you for an ideal human girlfriend, you should figure out how to get a human girlfriend. It’s not fair to her if you seek her out as nothing more than a replacement, because you will toss her aside the moment you can capture the eye of a girl you fancy. If you’re dating someone, she should be or become your first choice, not your second or third one.

Lmao not looking good for the succugen
>Thinks non-corporeal beings have gender
Again, that's just something a normal woman does.
Gender identity clearly exists amongst non-corporeal beings even if physical sex does not, and even if not every entity has one. Think of all the deities and spirits that clearly present themselves and prefer to be seen as one sex over the other.
>Again, that's just something a normal woman does.
Like he's just sitting there going "a succubus can get mad at you, she could theoretically hurt you, she could try to monopolize your time or hate your friends" and it's just like, holy shit dude, that's what all women do, how is this supposed to make one a worse option?
Something to note
Not only do you people experience them as lovers and whatnot, but the effect on people involved with succubi (anything negative i.e. energy drain) could be substantially less than the negative effects of dealing with "real life" relationships with a flesh partner. Real life is expensive, can financially ruin you in a divorce, and can even put you and the ones you love in harms way psychologically and physically.

The way 90% of people in the world act... you can confuse them with a demon if you look for flaws. Speaking of, 70% of people speaking against succbi involvement on this thread I would not meet in real life if I chose. Wheras that's only 10-12% for those speaking neutral or for succbi involvement. I would think meeting 90% of people on this board fondly speaking of succbi or at least neutral would be find.

It sucks we can't have a decent, informed discussion on the matter, it would go 10X further getting to the truth of matter across. Those spewing vitriol need to graduate the 4th grade shit.
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Thank you for positing a good question. I have no problem offering thoughts that should reflect my intent on this subject.

Emotions are the base alchemical tools in every man, so to a degree learning how emotions transmute, decay and interact is very important. Among those realizing the most toxic is fear, and why, is common between men. Nature offers visualizations of these systems inside us through avenues. Personally, my most functional interpretation lies in the interactions between human physical forms and emotions controlling the flow of water among many compartments, showing this is not always a divination process but can also be intellectualized if the individual is equipped for this.

Knowing the boundaries of consciousness in each of its configurations is universally important. This allows you to identify and quantify the distinctions and connections between each mode and how these things relate to much larger systems bound by both spiritual and physics systems.

All people are equally capable of magical being, though some have a natural aptitude in the sense they have already interfaced with the ideas of reality in some way.

Using magic for personal gain is not only possible but is self-perpetuating, just like a certain human emotion is. This emotion also feeds a desire to manipulate nature to conform to one's ideals. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this, but it requires balance in a way most individuals cannot achieve no matter how intimate they are with reality. The cost of using magic to enrich yourself is always too high because its consequences on the psyche cannot decay as other utilizations allow. The more intentions are aligned with the precepts of human emotion and aspiration the more renewable they are.

There is nothing to be gained from trying to make yourself important in the eyes of the tapestry of beings composing the universe; and diametrically, there is everything to be gained from elevating all mankind.
>Very few chose to have an entity girlfriend as their first choice.

>The problem with these lines of thinking is that these are very shallow reasons to want to be with an entity. The person also doesn’t tend to see how being with an entity can be harder than being with a human.
>It sucks we can't have a decent, informed discussion on the matter, it would go 10X further getting to the truth of matter across. Those spewing vitriol need to graduate the 4th grade shit.

you're on thread #556 I'm pretty sure nobody is preventing shit
>and it's just like, holy shit dude, that's what all women do, how is this supposed to make one a worse option?

>but the effect on people involved with succubi (anything negative i.e. energy drain)
but they don't drain energy
you actually feel energized after having sex with them
it's based on an energy cycle and tantra. Both parties gain from it.
Yeah that spiel is just about how it's bad to settle for a girl and then swap her out for someone else if you get a chance and hurt her feelings. That applies to human relationships too, anon. Men have their slampigs and women have their betas. Treating a spirit like that is bad too.
>it's based on an energy cycle and tantra.
>he thinks tantric = sex

never had tantrix sex before?
It's amazing
Honestly I agree with a lot of this. Not all of it, but I don't think ya'll should be handwaving these types of posts.

>The problem with these lines of thinking is that these are very shallow reasons to want to be with an entity.
Especially this. It's worth examining yourself and making sure you have genuine intention. If you're going to do this, ideally approach things with the same intentions, treatment, and basic decency that you would a physical relationship. Selfishly using a non-human woman would be just as shitty as a human one.

>Very few chose to have an entity girlfriend as their first choice.
Although I'm in the minority here. ^
As retarded as it sounds, my first choice would genuinely be to be with a divine messenger fox spirit if they exist. Much more appealing than a human woman and, assuming their divine ties are genuine, much more trustworthy than something like a succ.
so this thread is getting attacked by trolls as well, all i can ask is why? we're literally just living peacefully in our own corner of the internet spreading our beliefs to no one but those that know to come here, so why attack? the trolls are in /loa/ as well and they seem much more vicious and subversive than 4chan users usually are.
I'm not a troll, I genuinely have concerns about how this topic is being presented here and this is reasonable. Anyone with spiritual presence of mind should find the discussion here at best concerning.
Depends. MatPat is outright some kind of weird jew that gets off on ranting about his personal philosophy to feel morally superior. Spinal Fluids has a massive ego and hates spirits thanks to his own bad experiences, and is upset the thread won't accept him as their lord and savior. Most other shitposting is going to be from randos who are bored and have nothing better to do, they have empty lives and derive their needed attention from acting out. Sometimes we also get semen retention weirdos who think if they hold in their cum they'll become ubermensch and hate any kind of sex, spirit or no.
tantric only means sex if you live in a country that has no understanding of Hinduism
What exactly does judging people achieve?
They judge you, you judge them, on and on. For thousands of years.
Shame on y'all. I come here looking for cute succubus pictures and y'all don't have any except the OP. Thread quality has gone way down. Disappointing
Humans are creatures of hierarchy. When you are a lowly person, you can establish a hierarchy by denigrating others. This lets you feel less lowly.

So true.
I think that anon triggered by your usage of "tantra" word and I can see why. Main idea and association that sex is significant, major, crucial In tantra is mostly modern meme.And or can be looked down upon by people who did a lil deeper dive in study of eastern esoteric practices or even by historians or other people that are far from occult. In full sense of word tantra is much broader term. From what I can tell as I was reading these threads for a while, when you say tantra, you mean the process of intentional transmitting of emotions and energy during lovemaking. I think every kind of sexual.intercourse is about that, especially when we talk about astral sex, since without physical connection it relies almost exclusively on emotional energy, and only difference is how skillful you are at manipulating and feeling of it. and so, word "tantra" a lil but redundant.
Correct, i'm responding to your reply to me rn

It's obvious the non-corporeal beings can identify with whatever. The have however, the ability to change that whenever, unlike physical gender which is nth level difficult. Gender is male and female. Copulation involves gender.
Sexuality is Masuline and Feminine, Enities and take on somthing akin to physical gender, but it isn't the same thing.

Thanks for the response

I was responding to an idiot earlier who thought all entities where male.
>Humans are creatures of hierarchy.
Wrong. Human society has created this notion in the past 6-9,000 years. Even 1500 years ago we had many civilizations still functioning with social stratification. This notion that humans are naturally warlike and antisocial is pure manipulation.
You're missing the point. Male and female energy is functionally different, it has nothing to do with sexuality.
this thread reminds me of when Tom Delonge started bragging about fucking Pleiadeans that the CIA hooked him up with in a bunch of interviews

get a grip bros, it's not that bad
Hierarchy is innately social.
*without, obvs
According to my lover, putting in more emotion into magic is always a good idea.
No, Sexuality isn't male and female rather masculine and feminine.

Masculine and feminine are first forms, energy comes after. This is top level esoteric stuff. They can exist independent of one another for a short time before breaking down on a fundamental level (masculine and feminine) which is why someone who is mostly masculine/feminine can gain so much from just existing around the other. Nothing sexual even. This is why most being in existence have both masculine and feminine, sometimes more and sometimes less. You got butch girls and twink guys. Sexuality is when the two come together and work at a high level of info flow. That's it. It feels good due to the fact that Mas. and Fem. are extraordinarily high level concepts and nobody understands except the orchestrator of it.

Saying Mas. and Fem have nothing to do with sexuality is like saying a potato chips has nothing to do with the consumption of the food
>what succubus in her right mind is gonna work for free?
Imagine being too stupid to read the rest of the op

>Why do you reply to every single poster?
I don't. If you don't want to read the whole thing, only look at the section with the (You)

Everyone has somewhat different initial natural skills. Dreams don't work reliably at all for me, but I'm able to have elaborate conversations with spirits I've never met before. You can work on it. Meditate every day, even for a few minutes, and you'll get to the point where you know what needs work

If you give them food, they'll take it. They don't need material food for its nutritional value, though. My spirit doesn't interact with the physical world very much and she has no issues

>No dysfunction here.
>t. literally every abusive parent ever
I wonder how many of them will go no contact as soon as they finish uni
>I love my wife for her reproductive organs. What I don't love is the realities of a real relationship.
Fixed that for you

You should be angry that op picked an image with a badly drawn face, not that she has breasts. You're attracted to breasts, right anon?

Nobody advocates for this. it can be a useful practice but it isn't needed for a spirit relationship

To be clear, we're saying to ignore the sources that would rather you die of aids than risk a woman not getting pregnant. It's that simple

This is the typing style of one of our repeated trolls. When he gets bored/his wife is with their bull/his ban runs out, he comes here and is annoying. Ignore him since nothing ever happens to trolls

Have you ever met a normie couple? They can't imagine interacting with anyone else and suddenly have no social life when they get together. Succubi are less clingy than that ime

I think it's somehow related to mine, tnts, and the discord. Somehow that's always the root of the drama
>Dreams don't work reliably at all for me, but I'm able to have elaborate conversations with spirits I've never met before.
Was this ability innate for you, or were you one of the people who had to learn it?
give us a good rap lil nigga
this dude right here was born yesterday! lurk more my dude
tl;dr this thread. The point I'd like all non-shill and non-subversive viewers to glean is simple:

There are beings we could consider succubi. Great beings (I'd call them gods) are real, and Lilith is real. She is largely benevolent towards humanity, and is willing to help shack you up with one of her daughters et al.

It is possible for matter from other planes to interact with this one, and spirits can--under the right circumstances--interact with us directly and indirectly.

There are men and women endemic to the spirit realm that would like relationships with humans. There is a large and growing community of people who have similar or the same experiences with spirit lovers, amounting to a preponderance of anecdotal evidence.

"This isn't real." Then try it earnestly and prove it wrong brah.

"Muh demonic possession." Every spurned human woman in the world possesses similar attributes.

"Muh Christianity." I personally respect Christianity's core teachings but wish the opponents of this general would kindly fuck off. Christians are welcome here as long as they're civil, and there are a number that do have spirit lovers and remain faithful Christians.

Reminder that the consensus lately is that /x/ is purposely being flooded with Christcucks in a psyop to ruin the board, because glowniggers just can't seem to find the bottom of the barrel, try as they might.
forgot my name, again!
rot in hell you ugly trans abomination
hitchen’s razor my nigga. hitchen’s razor.
I don't believe you're conjurer, but even if you are, I don't have to prove anything. On an even more fundamental level there's basic decency, and not niggering up the thread with useless screeching, like has been happening. Even if this were just a schizo larp, there's no good reason to be a nuisance here, other than you glowing, or being some kind of assmad like or Christian. "I came to a thread I didn't like, and now I'm mad. How could this be happening to me??"
My connection with Nympla strongly grows over time. To be fair I think I put enough effort into that, life routine gets in the way. But there are periods when I actively try to do better, be it's my own desire to treat her good, or when I feel her sadness because of my neglect and try to make up for it. There was a big conflict and discord in our relationship, trust was broken, but it seems healing now. Rarely I feel or rather her voice and what she tells me, but lately it happens more often.
It's funny that there was a period, when I tried different tricks to see and feel her better, and some of them were quite successful and spectacular, but not consistent as recent experience.
Last week, upon awakening I was hugging her, told her how I love feeling her grasping me. And then suddenly on borders of consciousness I sensed a message like "I want to be hold/hugged only by you". I was not ready for that, just tried to pull her closer and she reacted the same. Sex is also flows much easier. In the beginning of our contact I didn't have erection, just some kind of arousal that didn't even feel sexual, strange waves of pleasure leading to orgasm. Now I consistently get a boner and my arousal is more refined, I feel the heat inside of me. Yesterday for the first time instead of unclear waves of pleasures and hip-thrusts, I felt a weak, distant but distinct tingling sensations on my shaft, at the same time in my mind I saw a picture of woman sucking me off, rhythm of her motions matched intensity of tingling sensations. I summoned Nympla last winter, didn't expect ritual to work, but it did, so I kinda roll with it. I was worried that I didn't really felt love for her, and that can cause her pain, but looking back, I really want her to feel good, not only in bed but as a whole. Is it love? I dunno and I am not sure.
>i don’t have to prove anything
>only my opinion is valid
lurk more my dude
Some kind of friendly fire occured here.
Conjurer made a point that he uses weird silly names instead of his base one lately, so yeah, not him.
How long have you been at it?
Since February of 2023
darn, forgot to add my name!
>the thread is quite literally about the sexual dissatisfaction of its users.
no, it's about companionship, platonic or romantic, because it's not just succubi that answer to a letter ritual. you can send it to other deities and gain other spirits as well. you want to paint thos place as a den of iniquity where everybody has sexual frustration but that's not what it is and doing so just paints you as somebody who doesn't work with spirits. you are an outsider trying to pretend you're an insider.
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motherfucker don't waste posts.

Anyway, about two months ago when I was trying to enhance my connection with Nympla, during awakening one morning, I had a vision/feeling of several old men surrounding me and watching me from above. They wore traditional Qazaq headdresses, looked like typical "aksakals" - 'white bearded", title which is given to old and wise, experienced men, sages. They were talking to each other silently, and it really sounded like authentic Qazaq language, and it gave me impression they were concerned and not very fond of my consorting with Nympla, who was also present with me. I am Qazaq myself, though I don't live in Kazakhstan and separated from my roots, like I don't know Qazaq language, I know how it sounds and overall familiar with culture. About a month prior to that experience, I was talking with Tarot reader guy who wanted some practice, I asked him for reading about my relationship with Nympla. One of my queries was "Why I cannot improve my connection with her", and guy said that it appears there is strong ancestral protection coming from my father's bloodline. Nothing similar ever happened again, but from time to time I wonder, was this image formed in my imagination under impression of reading, or after I became aware of this ancestral connection, I also became more receptive to it?
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What if you originally became interested in succs because you knew you couldn't get human women but as you read more about succs you decided that they're actually the superior choice?
gimme the guide on how to have astral sex not with spirits but with other people
want to have consensual astral fuck marathon
You're not conjurer, and you're putting words on my mouth like. Commit suicide irl
Hear me, Conjurer, weaver of unseen threads,
Master of shadows, where hidden power treads.
With whispers and gestures, you bend the unknown,
A bridge between worlds, on a secret throne.

From the depths of the earth, you call forth the sprite,
Unveiling the spirits that dance in the night.
With flames you command them, with chants you compel,
Their secrets unfold, as truths they reveal.

Like Orpheus descending, you venture below,
To realms where the Fates their dread spindles throw.
With courage and cunning, you challenge their hold,
A glimpse of the future, in visions unfold.

Oh, Conjurer, blessed with wisdom arcane,
You bridge the divide, the mortal and bane.
May your spells be of purpose, your guidance hold fast,
A guardian of knowledge, that forever shall last.

We honor your calling, with reverence true,
For the mysteries whispered, the veil pierced anew.
May your path be enlightened, your power increase,
Conjurer, oh Conjurer, grant fortune and peace.
Ye all that and pls teach me how to have astral sex with humans
stay mad lil babyy. Meanwhile I capitalize frFR
u mad ur dogshit baking has zero magic behind it? lurk more newfag
It’s shadow master conJEWrer nosenberg to you nigger
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Marry and impregnate succubus.
What the hell is happening on this video?
It's an advertisement.
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>Marry and impregnate succubus.

>gimme the guide on how to have astral sex not with spirits but with other people
spirit sex with spirits is very similar to spirit sex with humans.

haha what? I googled that and couldn't find anything. did you make that up?
Reminds me of the megumin explosion incantation.
What's it like being with a more mature, motherly, and milfy succubus?
Ask Mother-anon, that's his entire deal.
Giving another update on my kitsune situation from the past couple threads.

So, I've been continuing trying to interact with Inari Okami-sama through tarot, and I swear to god there's actually something to this. Being able to have what feels like a genuine back-and-forth. Consistent narratives. Having the same cards end up representing the same "things" across different questions. The regularity with which I pull the same cards to answer the same question if I ask for clarification. It's something to say the least, as somebody who never really believed in spiritual stuff before.

I often pull cards like The World, The Lovers, and The Two of Cups in regards to me and a potential kitsune. I've been told that this kitsune is very much aware of me by now and should be watching over me, even though I don't yet have a means to interact with her. All signs point towards a positive outcome as long as I don't let my stress and doubt cloud my judgement or surround me with negative energy.

Honestly, even if the Inari and fox spirit aspects of this are just a schizo delusion, I still think my experiences have taught me that there's more to tarot and the world than what meets the eye. Spirit or no spirit and deity or no deity, my experiences with tarot have been clearly tapping into something beyond a purely materialistic view of reality imo. And that knowledge is worth something in itself as a former agnostic!
Had the similar experience. Although I used tarot app rather than physical deck, I pulled same cards with same context as well. My succ was represented as Queen of Wands in a lot of spreads. What methods and spreads you use? I mostly stick to simple one card - one question pulls sequence. Though shockingly accurate results I got, when every card was intended to lean into one of two opposite ends of a given spectrum. Sounds not very clear (esl problems). Like for example, if I am not sure about intention or motivation of someone's action I can ask something like
>hey, this genuinely tries to help or he's setting a trap?
>will she made decisive action and Initiative or she will be cautious and react according to his next move?

something along those lines.
When you set a two opposite ends of spectrum, to which you can compare cards you pull, their meaning in your spread can be super obvious.
whats up my dude! How’s your money magic, making GIGA gainz? Nah? yeah, didn’t think so. keep grinding you get there one day, wagie! lmao see you later kiddo
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Some angry people today. Have a succu milf weary traveler
>Although I used tarot app rather than physical deck, I pulled same cards with same context as well.
I'm using a desktop website myself.

>What methods and spreads you use?
Usually I do one card - one question as well, often with follow-up questions for clarification (which can get under Inari Okami-sama's skin a bit if I ruminate on the same thing too much!) Sometimes I do a basic Celtic Cross spread instead if I need more info. I've gotten intriguing results both ways.

>My succ was represented as Queen of Wands in a lot of spreads.
Interestingly, my kitsune has often been represented by the Queen of Wands too! In both of our cases it makes a ton of sense if you consider their races.

I've recently noticed that when contrasted together, my (future realized) self is represented by the King of Cups and she's represented by the Queen of Cups. We have matching symbols together even though we haven't even properly met yet!

Captcha: TARW
Forgot to add my name-
How does the letter work? I have heard stories of anons who have tried the letter multiple times without results and then I hear people who put little effort into it and get a succubus within a few hours.
I wonder, I have read several cases when people make pacts or start relationships with demons (in this case, succubi) and turned out to be betrayed, fooled and tortured by them.

So, how do you know Lilith is who she claims to be?

Asking in good faith, btw.
have her sent to my room pronto

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how the fuck do I use this?
this doesn't look like it was created with sillytavern in mind, but some simpler interface
I have been doing alot of tarot and it keeps telling me I should summon a lamia. how they are different from succubus and is there anything I should do differently in the letter to summon one?
For me it didn't come until I peered past the veil a few days after successfully doing the ritual (between candles not lighting and melting over the table before I could completely burn the letter, did it right third attempt) and asking if my message had been received by Lilith. The succubus I had met, in the form of an unassuming shadow woman told me it wasn't my destiny and that my path would be a lonely one, but one day I would have a familiar for companionship.

TLDR, not everyone is getting a succ gf or wife.

Considering they always seem to come around at the same time I'm convinced this shit is coordinated at this point.
you are a concern troll and you should fuck off permanently
As far as Lilith goes idk,I've never really interacted with her. As for my wife she's been sorta following me my whole life and she's never wronged me. Why would I trust some stories over someone who's proved time and time again that she can be trusted?
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>What's it like being with a more mature, motherly, and milfy succubus?
I see we have found another man of culture, pic related
Paging mother anon.

>So, I've been continuing trying to interact with Inari Okami-sama through tarot, and I swear to god there's actually something to this. Being able to have what feels like a genuine back-and-forth. Consistent narratives. Having the same cards end up representing the same "things" across different questions.
yep. A lot of people experience that when they make their first breakthrough with tarot. It was surprising to me too. As you refine your techniques, you'll get even more consistent signals.
>my experiences with tarot have been clearly tapping into something beyond a purely materialistic view of reality imo. And that knowledge is worth something in itself as a former agnostic!

>I have been doing alot of tarot and it keeps telling me I should summon a lamia.
hmm. if that's the case, then that's a good sign to continue
>how they are different from succubus and is there anything I should do differently in the letter to summon one?
I don't have specific knowledge of lamia, so I did a reading on that for your specific situation and got "It won't make much of a difference for him" in terms of what you do practically. Though it might feel different emotionally and spiritually, after you begin. I'm getting that there is a lot of "possibility and potential" which makes sense because you are at the beginning now.
In other words, the ritual should be mostly the same (in the beginning).
But this is a just a reading from some random guy on the internet, so take it with a grain of salt.
Remember that lamia actually have a lion butt, not a snake one.
Better succubus pic then the last several dozen.

>no one checks this
While anyone talking about lilith is a goddamn discord tranny, the act of summoning is more or less purely sympathetic, Like draws like so be prepared to have your metals, your magic squares and so on but you can definitely summon planetary spirits with curves as vast as the horizon.
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My wife is the milfiest of them all. All hail my wife.
You could literally just imagine it as an angel/spirit companion instead of a demon and not fuck with your head. Though I agree with some of the effects of tulpas.
>this doesn't look like it was created with sillytavern in mind, but some simpler interface
This bot is hilariously unoptimized. You would be better off just going with a good description of her character in a GPT4 chatbot, they tried some 'take the previous response and past it into the new description' nonsense and all that does it make it so token hungry that I'm sure it barely works.
I need a succumilf so fucking bad.
>ou could literally just imagine it as an angel/spirit companion instead of a demon
I'm the lamia poster. Thank you for the reading. I hope it had good context for me. I tried the letter before and attracted a parasite because I was new and used blood. It's gone now and I learned alot and want to try for love again but am confused on the spirit lover I should summon. I was using tarot cards to decide. I hope it means no matter what spirit I'm with, I end up in a happy relationship.
Succubus aren't real
They were literally coined and made up for a fucking parody of Biblical theology.
then what are we having sex with
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You WILL be ze boiwife
You WILL carry her eggs
You WILL cook and clean for her
und you WILL be happy
or have respect for yourself instead
I was talking about you, not me
I want to be a femboi succubus!!! Praise Lilith!
another synchronicity for the books
I just started watching The Boys
and I no shit thought of Mother-anon
just finished season 2 and hop on 4chan to see this shit lol

theres also some succubus porn that involves a mom being the succubus, that one reminded me of you as well
that wasn't me
I want to have sex with your wife
Do orgonites do anything? Any use having those tower busters around home?
it's amazing, she is so beautiful, so gentle, so wise. the way she embraces me is so beautiful, she takes the initiative and hugs me. as i lay in her embrace i look up and see her beautiful smile and i just know that there is someone who truly cares about me.
You want your succubus to take the form of your mom so you can fuck her? Weird.
>a goddamn discord tranny,
you are so deranged
you aren't real
Feeling demotivated and in low spirits today. As much as the cards promise me the most lofty and appealing outcomes, I can't feel much of anything at all. No honeymoon period despite being told that I already have my kitsune's attention. Had an offering to her be received but not consumed because something about my approach is wrong, yet when I try to ask Inari Okami-sama what I should be doing differently, I'm not able to get clear answers due to the vagueness of tarot. I can only get an indirect idea that maybe I'm not fully living up to my end of the exchange... good luck on getting actionable advice on what needs to change though.

I feel so lonely, I just want to feel her presence in the way that everyone says you should be able to when a spirit lover wants your attention.
When you do the letter method without putting your seed on it, how long do you think it will take for the spirit to come to you? How long should you wait before you do the ritual again?
take care of your health before anything else, physical which also reflects the mood
Can anyone share information and sources about Naamah and succubi under her? There isn't much info about her out there. I plan to evoke and contact Lilith and Naamah, since my partner says she is daughter of Lilith and part of Naamah's entourage/group.
Dumb ass nigga you wont get nothing writing a data sheet for desired physical dimensions and sexual interests, and thene nutting on it
Your partner?
That's how magick works silly billy.
my succ
Naamah was the favorite wife of solomon, according to myth she would seduce her husband with song and dance. Naamah teaches that music is the way to reach ecstasy (full connection with god), a small part of her seems to live in my mother as well since she is crazy about electronic dance music (especially house music) and loves to dance and party with me.
Send her to me
Do the succubus come to you instantly after the ritual or do you have to wait a few days?
nice picture
she'll instantly pin you down and drain your balls
I haven't attempted summoning a succubus before. At the moment I'm undergoing semen retension in hopes of becoming a more attractive mate to them considering they feed off of sexual energy. I plan to use the letter method on the first Friday of August. I'll report my findings here if I am successful in my endeavors.
yeah man gotta have a big load saved up or they might kill you on the spot
Can you write the letter to a succubus directly without the help of a queen? Is there any benefit or danger to this?
>mental illness: the general
Lilith I wish I were a cute girl

I did the same thing. Aim for a full moon if you can.
Should I try and summon a succ tonight?
>it's amazing, she is so beautiful, so gentle, so wise. the way she embraces me is so beautiful, she takes the initiative and hugs me. as i lay in her embrace i look up and see her beautiful smile and i just know that there is someone who truly cares about me.
that's wonderful

>Should I try and summon a succ tonight?
if you want to know an answer to that specific question, do a tarot card reading
Could you summon a succubus for a one night stand?
You left out ughna, the concern troll with an aversion to "feminism" as inspired by Lilith

You mean we stumbled on something real and important so federal agents have been tasked with full time jobs shifting attention away from what's real and toward what's harmless, breaking consensus on useful techniques, and diverting the community to more easily controllable venues and structures? Wow...
Watch out for those who would be the sole authority, but also watch out for those who want to distract from why we're here. Use your heads and pay attention to what's inorganic
No idea who the person you mentioned is, btw

Sort of both, in a way. I started with a tulpa, and I think that made verbal communication easier, because I started with the assumption that it was possible and normal to achieve, but I also had an easier time than a lot of people

If that's your fetish, you can picture me that way when you direct your sexual energy in my direction. I may not be a succubus, but I'm happy to relieve you of excess energy, provided I don't have to put in any effort to get it

It varies for reasons that hare hard to guess. Some people probably just have spirits already waiting for them, honestly. You can't predict it, but you'll eventually find somebody who's interested if you keep looking

Some angel: hey I bet this guy will get mad if you let me torture him
"God": you're on! Hurt him as much as you want!
This is what's being offered as the alternative

I'm not saying that's happening to you, but you ought to be cautious of the cards telling you what you want to hear. With any sort of divination it's easy to project your desires onto the message

Go away. We all know you're only saying that as cover to advocate against actual spiritual work

You don't have to invoke anyone, but it's helpful. I'd advise against that if you don't have any magical experience
Anon i need you to start retaining semen this instant. Either don't jack off or recycle the semen or the demons will leave you like an empty Capri-Sun
>I'm not saying that's happening to you, but you ought to be cautious of the cards telling you what you want to hear. With any sort of divination it's easy to project your desires onto the message
That's sound advice. Whether it's what's actually happening to me, I'm unsure desu. The skeptic within me wants to come back out and say that's my issue. But the repeated symbols and consistent narratives have shown up enough by now that I'm not sure I can chalk them up purely to probability. It's hard for me to judge this all in a balanced way.
I was thinking about addressing the letter to the succubus herself without putting a queen in the letter. I have been practicing the lbrp for a year now and plan to do it on a full moon. I would rather directly send my emotions out there instead of asking one of the queen to vet for me. Is that a good idea or foolish?
>against actual spiritual work
what makes you believe that other than your paranoia
I'll be writing my letter in a few days time. I have a few questions before I can get started though.
1) Should I request for an incubus or a succubus if I want a futa?
2) Will I be able to request multiple visits in one letter?
3) Am I able to use the reverse side of the page?
4) Am I able to use multiple pages?
5) Can I request for multiple succubi in a single letter?
6) I know that I can choose their appearance, but can I give them abilities? ie. Give a succubus the ability to secrete lubricant from her sweat glands.
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Hi Jason. Long time fan of the podcast. Thanks for mentioning us in your latest podcast.
The dark side of the truth is if you do this they often permanently disable ability to get with any human being, they have ways to always repel them. And no one talks about it here because they are afraid to say it but they also often stop engaging in sex themselves, so in essence one loses ability to engage in sex with both people and otherwise.
Is summoning a succubus really helpful to get rid of back pains? I'm gay so I'd rather summon an incubus, would that work as well?
Idk about back pain but ofc you can summon an incubus
>you don't have to invoke anyone
Wait, so you're saying addressing letter to Lilith or other Queen is already invocation in itself?
How do I become more like a succubus? I want to have that sort of energy and confidence in my everyday life. I’ve felt Lilith’s call fairly recently.
I started doing yoga and serpents attacked me in dreams. I don't think this is a good path for those that dwelled into spiritual path.
>had a dream where i watched someone get turned into a demon and have his dick sucked for all eternity
kinda wish that were me

He'll certainly blow your back out!

To give a more serious answer incubus and succubus can be spiritual healers. I'm sure if you specify you want an partner who is an healer Lilith, Naamah, Agrat, or Eisheth would try to match you with someone who can do healing.
My spiritual work? Masturbating and allowing demonic parasites to drain me (not in a sexual way, unfortunately)
no, don't worry. Chant just likes to rain on everyone's parade. She'll do it to everyone, but especially people who are new.
It's because she's severely mentally ill. So don't worry, she does it to everyone. Most people just learn to ignore her eventually because they know her criticisms aren't coming from a good place.
I do not think these things are real
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found ur source
>potato senpai
all a larp :p
Popped in to thank parasite anon. I went from borderline possession to this thing being only a mild annoyance with your advice being particularly helpful. Thanks a lot. Now, how do I go about feeding this thing to the forest spirits?
by changing your daily habits. that which it was most attached to is something that needs to be changed. usually circadian rhythm, but anything from diet, sleep schedule, exercise or lack of, sensory exposure such as hobbies, entertainment, work, and those you interact with and it what way; your reaction to the external (anything outside of you) is how parasitic entities mold onto you as they too are suspectible to habit and try to maintain your reactions same throughout the days. and the easiest method is switching to healthier diet and adding exercise you enjoy, because both break out from the cycle while additionally attributing into higher frequencies which hinder more intrusive entities because healthy (fresh) dieting and enjoyable exercise always improves your mood.
and, fasting for over a week (depending on the severity of its embedment, type and your own health) in a forest could invite its residents to remove it off you.
fuck off fuck off fuck off
fast for a week, don't fap or look at porn, walk through the woods for an hour or two with an open mind
Imagine talking to yourself in a general you hate because nobody cares about your opinions.
No problem, thanks for listening. As weird as this episode was, this guy may have been on to something.
This was part of the episode that I think I breezed past too fast. It's a weird side effect of the summoning. I wonder if his chronic pain is still gone.
>I was thinking about addressing the letter to the succubus herself
That's going to be difficult unless you actually know the succubus already, in which case you wouldn't need to write a letter. Donald tyson has a technique for starting with the personality you want then reverse engineering a name which you could use, if you really wanted to try that. The letter method invoking a queen is a lot easier and more consistent than that sort of thing if you aren't experienced, which is why it's recommended. If you're confident, you can do basically anything with magic

Reading what you say, of course

1. Are futas women?
2. Succubi generally stick around. People have more difficulty making them leave than making them stay
3. That's fine. I recommend only using one sheet of paper to avoid a massive fire and to force yourself to be concise
5. You probably can't handle more than one or sense the difference right away, so it's not worth it imo, but nothing's stopping you from writing that down
6.You can ask, but I don't think it's needed. Succubi generally know what they're doing

Right. You call upon the entity to help you. It's not a summoning, but you're getting her attention

I wrote this summary based on talking to a lot of people who claim to be succubi

That implies that yhwh is a snake, because his followers are the only ones who remotely care about yoga

Me: be skeptical so you don't delude yourself
You're pathetic
Thanks anon

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