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Welcome to Divination General!
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virginity be mine
for darling <3
Trading occult
we simpin for weeby today?
>count me in
Will HB be my partner in crime (legal (art (romantic)))?
What is it that F (A deity), is wanting/offering to help me with?
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>>38313126 #
>For that Ginoza pic? fuck yeah
>Yes but the meeting won't go as great as you would have hoped. Go in a bit shielded as I see broken cups laying around and two people talking very cautiously. Very rocky unstable vibes. Tread lightly

Thanks friend. Is that the last time we meet or do we meet more after that?
Q? mine is what would be better for me to make this year, acrylic or watercolor paintings?
Starting now,

Mine: What do I neeed to learn this month?
Will I achieve my goals that I have in my sport?
I’ll start yours right after the other anons,

Where should my energy be focused on to find the success I’m looking for?
Spiritual/Occult AQ

Just a simple general evaluation. One card is more than enough.
Thanks, in advance!
Trading Occult
The cards: Seven of Pentacles (reversed), Two of Wands, and Ten of Wands.

So between the two, the signs point to Acrylic paintings. If you go with the other you might feel impatient or dissatisfied with slow progress, and acrylics can offer quicker results and adjustments compared to watercolors. You have a need for both planning and exploring new opportunities, which you can find more with Acrylic. You don’t want to be burned by trying for a level of effort and difficulty and it seems like you’d find more challenges with water color, with the process. So yeah go with what will offer you more creative outlets and less stresss.
What’s your Q?
lol cute

2 of cups 5 of wands reversed 3 of swords reversed 3 of wands

Think of long term consequences, have an eye like a hawk, flying high above everything and seeing how things play out---a grand strategy vision, long term goal building. If you are burdened by negative thoughts, or past heart breaks, or past abuses, or past failures, you need to get that out of sight and out of mind, every day is a new day and a new opportunity, every individual is different, every dynamic is different, give yourself and the world a clean slate--free from all conflict. Stop engaging in so much conflict---or flirting around--but develop deep meaningful connections with people, heart to heart. Network more. Build strong connections with people based on no argument or conflict or banter or back and forth ping pong energy that elicits an argumentative response, do something different, don't bring about painful thoughts in others either. Think about who you want to be around you for the next 20, 30, 40, 50 years...make an effort to strengthen or build new relationships with others on a soulful basis. No need to argue, no need to hurt, think of the future.
Am I going to have to choke this trust fund kid out?
This one >>38313307
Interesting and thanks for the read, this is what I always try to do, but I guess letting go of the pain and heartbreak is one thing I can’t seem to figure out how to stop feeling but I’ll try. Thanks friend.
aw thought youd give me like a card for each option or something

Mine, or I resume my basic rituals will I begin to see things moving twoards the output I would like?
Ah well I did a 3card reading for both, and just went out with the output that I drew the conclusion from. I’m sorry about the lack of info for ya, most folks don’t like em being too long winded.
death. kill him! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
so acrylic had the best cards? thanks, i like them long winded tho lol
I don't want to kill him, but he does owe me money
The cards—Ace of Swords, Two of Cups (reversed), Four of Pentacles (reversed), Ace of Cups.

It seems like F is looking out for you. It seems like it’s wanting and offering to help you gain mental clarity and enhance how you interact with others. This seems like it will work with its greater agenda. This assistance will help you resolve misunderstandings and conflicts with people that are important and have power in your life. Additionally, F is encouraging you to let go of fear and insecurity. Hoping by doing so that within your you it will be promoting generosity you will spread through the people in your life. By doing so you will grow both your own potential and meet, and heal people in your life that are going to push forward its goals.
Yeah acrylic came out in the lead! Happy to do another trade if you’d like a read with more info?
Ace of Swords, Five of Pentacles, Five of Swords Rx, Ace of Wands Rx, Ten of Wands, Five of Wands

You might be able to get the outcome you're hoping for, but it would be an uphill battle. Your talent and skills are where they need to be, but it seems like you're missing some information that would help you in this effort. Do some more research, and look for anything you might be missing, as without this, the time isn't ideal to start yet.

Thanks. Trade again?
Sure thing what’s your Q?

Mine would just be a follow up, what am I missing, or what’s the obstacle to my success?
Just some clarification. Is if looking out in the sense that she's wanting/offering to keep issue T from causing the problems I'm worried about, or at least to help with that problem in some way or another?

Starting yours.
Cards:Eight of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles (reversed), Ace of Wands.

The TlDR is that yes, F is offering to help with T. Once you have your pact sealed,there rapid progress on that format, and you will receive clear communication. As you go down this path to see the changes happen on this front, you are encouraged to evaluate the efforts over time. You’ll have to be patient, as progress might take time, but it’ll be clear that progress will be happening if you pay attention as things go. There may be some setbacks or distractions, but ultimately, the energy and motivation to overcome these challenges will be provided.

F's guidance will help you stay focused and persistent, leading to the resolution of the problems you're worried about with T and beyond. The support offered is meant to expedite the process and bring about a positive change, helping you to move past the difficulties related to issue T. But also act as a solid foundation of what you’ll need to be prepared to do in their plan down the road.

>Will this job I got allow me to get an education?
The Empress, Five of Swords, The Tower, Ace of Cups, The Emperor, Nine of Pentacles

I get a strong feeling that your biggest challenge is lack of help/proper guidance. It looks like you might have had trouble with this in the past as well, and it's something you need to revisit. You're going to need to embody The Emperor to find a solution to this. It's not impossible, and it looks like there are more things in your favor than against you in finding your solution, but going forward without proper guidance/assistance will likely lead to a tower moment for you.

Thanks. Trade again? I have 2 more follow up Qs.
if you are still here, I was wondering, if I would be able to make any money selling clothing with acrylic paintings on them? if I developed the skill more, you?
I see let’s trade again then!

My Q: Will I find advice from the people already in my life and I haven’t been asking the right questions, or do I need to go somewhere new?
Sure thing,

Are my friends all treating me the best they can, or are they still manipulating me?
My first is, what does F want from me in return for help, if anything?

My second is, I was told I would be faced with a choice that could either end in disaster, or me bringing out my potential depending on my choice. Is this accepting this offer or not that decision?

Starting yours.
Are we going to go public in our relationship soon?
If they are treating you the best they can: 3 of swords 2 of pent rx king of cups rx
So not sure what's going on here but lots of emotional instability....not sure from who or if it is current or from the past....not being someone's priority.....and the painful memories are still fresh
are they manipulating you still: 10 of wands strength page of pent rx

not sure what 10 of wands could mean...maybe overbearing you energetically, something about either being too busy or too overbearing...soothing you like that maiden soothes the line....and not putting in the effort
Five of Cups (reversed), Knight of Swords, Three of Wands, Two of Wands.

Yeah! So Yes, you have the potential to make money on your clothing. The opportunity for a great success is there but you’ve gotta be ready for the work. Just know you will have to struggle at first, but it’s through overcoming initial setbacks and focusing on your creative inspiration, you'll find sucess. It’ll develop a drive and determination to pursue this venture that you’ll need in the long term. Just know you’ll have to really put your mind to it, and that’s planning and not being afraid to take some decisive action will help you reach a broader goal. Developing your skills further will only enhance your potential for success so get to work and it’ll come back it.
not line, lion*
Seven of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles (reversed), Ten of Wands (reversed).

So for your first question, F's expectation is for you to stay committed and patient. F demands a level of devotion and commitment from you. You’ll be expected not to falter or change focus, and continuing to put in consistent effort. In return for the assistance offered, it seems that you are encouraged to avoid procrastination and stay focused on your responsibilities without taking on unnecessary burdens. This means staying diligent and true to your goals without letting distractions or undue stress get in the way. You will have to be committed to her, and she expects you to work on yourself as well.
The Hanged Man, The Tower, The Devil (reversed).

For your second question, again it’s a Yes, this decision likely pertains to accepting the offer or not. The choice represents a significant turning point. Choosing wisely and with clear intent can lead to unlocking your potential. However, if not handled carefully, it could lead to disruption or turmoil. The reversed Devil suggests that breaking free will be crucial in making the right choice.
People in your past
>The World Rx, Five of Pentacles, The High Priestess
New people
>Judgement Rx, Four of Cups, Three of Pentacles
Additional Cards
Six of Cups, Strength, The Empress Rx, Four of Wands

So, it's certainly not people form your past, and likely not new people either. For new people, you might find some people you could get along with, and find out interesting things from, but at the end of the day, you would end up walking away from them with nothing tangible to use in relation to your goal. The solution does seem to be from your past though, and it seems to be a spirit you either tried, or considered working with in the past, but didn't go anywhere with it. I get the feeling it will be a spirit you feel you need to just bite the pullet, and work with this spirit despite your preference not to.

Thanks. Trade again?
Ah I know the one, last time it gave me what I wanted, but it took everything later. Gotta word things more carefully this time lol.

What’s your next question? I’m happy to trade again.
Just the other Q. What does F want in exchange for that help, if anything?

Sorry, I missed your answer to the first question. Didn't see it until now. Yours?
I wanna know how my artistic projects will end up, because I'm scared they're going nowhere right now.
Trading occult
It's me
>Everyone's favorite occult reader
Here to read everyone's favorite occult. Better questions get more cards, post a vampire picture if you want a response.
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>>38313378 here.
Praticing a mix of occultism and advaita vedanta here, you need more context to a simple question like that.
Mine is just where should I be putting my energy when it comes to the goals I’m working towards with this entity?
What are the long term outcomes of accepting the offer from F, vs refusing it?
Starting yours.
How can I manifest or what spells can I do to aquire more money?
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throughout my trials in this life, have there been higher beings rooting for me?

Am i on the next list?
The Hanged Man, The Hermit, —The Magician reversed, The Queen of pentacles

So going with the offer from F will lead to a period of introspection and spiritual growth, requiring you to take a step back and view your situation from a new perspective. This path may involve isolation and deep contemplation, but it will ultimately provide you with the wisdom and insight needed to harness your potential. And give you something you really need

On the other hand, refusing the offer may result in missed opportunities for self-discovery and mastery, leaving you feeling stuck and unable to fully utilize your abilities. However you’ll meet someone new you can trust, who will end up helping guide you to more material sucess rather than spiritual or personal success.

The choice ultimately depends on your needs and long term commitment .
Is their an occult reason as to why I look so young or am I mentally stunted by trauma or something?
>General Eval
>Five of Wands, Knight of Swords
Might read that as skillful competition, one that promises rewards for doing well? That you seem likely to be doing well. I would read that as you are heading in the right (if challenging) direction.
Knight of Pentacles Rx, The Moon, Two of Cups, Five of Wands, Ten of Pentacles Rx, King of Cups Rx, The Magician

Only where this entity tells you to put your energy if you intend to work with it. It will direct you in the way you need to be directed, but it doesn't look like there's any room for you to work on this your way. It will need to be in it's way once you work out terms and other things about working with this entity. You might need to start fresh, and scrap your ideas about how the whole thing will go to achieve your goal with this entity. Your previous/current plan will likely just lead to conflict with this entity as the two of you try to do the same thing, but in conflicting ways.

Thanks. Another trade?
Will I get the job?
Ty :)
Is problem T as serious as I think it is, or am I safe from any unintended/undesired outcomes?
Sure! What’s your Q?

Mine is, how will I best be able to interpret and understand what it wants from me I return?
Will accepting the offer from F affect my progress towards, or the outcome of goal S?
I dont get it. Its just say yes or no.
Starting yours now.
I have been very mischievous.
Thanks, reader. It's challenging, indeed, since they are opposite paths to the same destiny (one godlifies the ego, the other destroys it).
Regardless, the infinite ocean is the final path of both rivers.
Thanks again, blessings!
Will my grandma ever be able to smell?
King of Pentacles reversed, Magician reversed, Ace of Wands.

Accepting the offer from F will have a significant impact on your progress towards goal on S. It will not be something instant but will require some effort. You will face challenges and doubts in your agreement. But you have to power through as the offer brings a new opportunity or inspiration that can ultimately lead to positive outcomes and advancements in your goal. Just remember consistency is key.
Love gen
>how to make money
It's a good question. Let's see what the cards say.
>7 of Swords, Ace of Cups, Four of Swords, Two of Swords, The Empress
There's lots of little spells, practices and so on for wealth. You can look them up, from simple sympathy to necropants. But if you don't want to cut off corpses ballsack for your coinpurse, let's see.

I would read that as you have a choice between calm and the money that you desire. The details of the manifestation/spell/etc are likely going to be more work or at least longer work then other means to get the cash you desire.

>yes Vanessa
>Death, The Hermit
Not sure who I would blame there but I wouldn't say there wasn't an element of destiny or watching.
Is that a negative impact, or a positive one? Based on the cards, it looks like a negative one.

Nearly done with yours btw. Just getting a few things cleared up with it.
Is he seeing other people?
Ayy I'm back just was a bit too tired to read.
>six of wands, queen of pentacles, wheel of fortune
Yes, but this is a chance for self-renewal. You will find better opportunities when you get away from him. Possibly someone from your past.
Still am, man whoops I type way too quick, I just decided to come back to answer any qs of old reads and to reassure any waiting i'll make a thread tommorow. While I'm bumping I might as well ask if ya'll think an /alc/ alchemy thread would be cool, the study of non-chemical reactions and occurrences, for instance the alchemy of time is that all instances of the present affect the past present and future.
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>Seven of Pents, The Chariot
I would say good life generally, nothing too occult. You seem impatient for an older look but let me assure you, when you get it, you'll miss your youthful air.

I can imagine. Blessings to you.
Ah shoot i'll do a 3 card pull for you, that post was my tired brain typing and posting too quickly i'd edit it if I could
Do I know anyone who messes with bad spirits? I knew a woman who claimed to contact an entity ‘Loki’ but idk if she’s actually capable of that or not.
Queen of wands, four of cups, ace of wands, seven of cups, three of cups reversed
Seems like there is someone that fancies you. But you aren't much into them. You seem to be chasing too many leads which will result innot getting any ofthem.
Oh i thought you were replying to me, my bad just ignore me never mind lol, forgive my sleepy mind.
>who I would blame there
blame something for what?
Thanks man
All good bro, go to bed
Seven of Pentacles, Page of Wands Rx, Ace of Pentacles Rx, Four of Swords, Two of Swords Rx, The Emperor Rx, King of Swords Rx, The Devil, The Moon, Knight if Swords Rx, Three of Wands

Okay, so the entity will try it's best to tell you what it wants in return, but it doesn't look like there is a clear answer to this yet. You need to work out the specifics of what you want, how you want it, and the terms you want to set for working with this entity before it's ready for you to know what it wants in return. It will let you know though, but I get the feeling it will be on it's own terms, and might take a bit of effort from you to either give or understand it.

Trade again?
I think alchemy of time sounds kind of made up to be truthful. Could you tell us why that’s an actual thing? Also if you take reads that would be cool too.
Trading occult
Absolutely down to trade again, what is your Q?

I have another question but it’s not occult related.
>bad spirits
I've known a few, the thing with spirits is that they're all bad or neutral. They aren't people, they don't want or care for what people want. Even when you start looking at the angels of the minutes or aire or whatever you want to call them, the first thought thru my mind is always rather more Alien then goodly or godly.
>Is she capable of that
>Knight of Wands, Death
I would say she's rather more benign, perhaps she trucks with the demon Bipolarity instead?
How does the person I love actually feel about me? Starting
Starting yours.
I have a general Q about divination for the readers in this thread that's not meant to be read, what sort of experiment would you design to best possibly measure the accuracy of tarot? Have you done any experiments, even if only measurable by the fundament or ground of your being. The fact that doing divination is definately making me more spirtually sensitive and is a spirtual practice makes me wonder if its simply a way of looking at the 4 dimensional self, seeing insights into your past lives and futures, from this view point all possible outcomes are mandatory as that which is not forbidden in an infinite timescale is mandatory. Basically a play on Laffoleys theory of Dimensionality as the Manfiestation of Fate
When you mentioned I would meet someone I could trust that would help me in a more substantial way if I refused that offer, Is that someone a spirit from/related to goal S?

No way I'm definitely happy about it i just think its weird thanks so much
Starting now.

My question is what is the connection between H and F? And more specifically what is the basis for their meeting today?
>Sun,king of swords, 8 of pents, 7 of pentacles

Well honestly, according to these cards it's nowhere near as bad as you think it is given you approach it with a thought out methodical process, along with taking your time to learn and time to take breaks. Just don't rush in an assume it'll all be fine. It's about your approach that makes it safe, not the thing itself
>Ace of Swords Rx, Ten of Wands Rx, Two of Cups, King of Pentacles, The Lovers, King of Cups Rx

This person seems to feel like you're just too much. Like you don't have the right limits/control over yourself that you need to, and that you might exhaust either yourself, them, or both of you keep things up the way they are. That being said, They still intend to stick with you in your current state, or at least, they won't distance themselves from you. Things are better with this person than you think, and most of the problems are internal problems you can fix given time. Juist stick with this person, and don't let your doubts and inner conflicts get to you.
Will she love me more after i get it done?
anon what do I need rn
The Hanged Man, Ace of Wands, Judgement, King of Swords (Reversed).

So going deeper into that read, the cards indicate that if you refuse the offer, you will change. This will not be easy and will require a shift in perspective. It won’t be an easy time and to get out of it will require some self-sacrifice to achieve a deeper understanding of what you need. This path opens up new opportunities and will lead to more of a fulfillment of your material desires. However, you should be wary of potential manipulative or unethical influences that may attempt to mislead you. Not the deal maker itself, but people who notice your newfound success.

In relation to goal S, the help you will receive is likely to be from a spirit or individual connected to this goal, providing substantial support and guidance. Trust your intuition though, the offer won’t come free.
Yea the lovers with 2 of cups is a strong one. It makes me happy to hear. But yea even the negative makes sense the way you described it. Any advice?

Will I ever need to collaborate with S for work again? Thanks.
Will he find another girl that's as freaky as me?
Yep I am lay it on me
So of the three forms of reasoning, Heteronomous (from the collective) Autonomous (from the self) and Theonomous (from the collective and the self as one), the answers lie in autonomous reasoning? Or is this saying even though the head is severed it is still attached and therefor thenomous reasoning is where the answers lay? hmm.
Like theonomous reasoning would say that this post has divination value, and autonomous reasoning would say that it doesn't, I wonder if mimir would be able to clear up which of the three sorts of reasoning must be using if he's going to say something like "the answers lie within"
Six of Cups Rx, Page of Swords, Seven of Cups, The High Priestess, The Chariot Rx, King of Swords Rx

It seems that their connection is one from them trying to leave their past behind them, which which formed their connection. It seems them meeting was intentional, but not with any clear goal. It looks like finding the basis was the goal if that makes sense. The High Priestess suggests that you already have a good enough understanding and idea of the how, why, and likely path this will go, but at the same time, you don't really seem to have any control in what the two of them are doing at the moment. Just do your best to be sharp, and intelligent with how you proceed.

Thanks. Trade again?

The Lovers was pulled for your advice, so just stick with this person as best you can, and don't give up on trying to fix the problems mentioned.
Also this isn't really an experiment. But thank you for taking the time to post the read, thanks anon.
How will it be next time we're intimate together?
Q? Mine is a query about 2 gaming choices
Sure thing, what was your next Q?
I wanna attempt some experimental reads without a deck, pure cold read, "this is what my intention tells me", see if this practice of divination has borne any fruit, any volunteers? Questions or a general read fine. Lmk if it applies or is way off the mark.
These are worthless divinations
I’d be open to this! General read.

BTW here’s a response that I hope you didn’t miss >>38310596
Now this is some esoteric ass language I can attempt to draw meaning from good stuff thanks man, I just wish it was written with correct grammar but oh well this was always the way this quantum insight was going to look as it always has, will be is existing in our timeline at least in this manifestation.
Possibly. Thats the experiment, I don't just want to go and take your word for it unless you can speak to the mechanism of tarot and why it's necessary for divination, otherwise I must seek this answer myself, this is why I'm saying these reads are experimental.
I’d volunteer! did what I fear come to pass despite its unlikely nature? Or am I just creating more problems in my head?
Mystical Interpretation:
Wheel of Fortune illuminates your present state.
Knight of Swords (Reversed) reveals the challenge before you.
Six of Cups embodies the key influence.
Ace of Pentacles (Reversed) offers sacred guidance.
Seven of Pentacles (Reversed) whispers of the potential outcome.
Also I think the value of a divination is in the intrepretation, why can one not use the state of their room to divinate or the shape their covers takes?
What do I need to be told? I’ll tell you what clicks.
Hey friend. I just started spell work recently can you tell me how my jar and my bowl spell went?
So sorry fr8end forgot my picture.
Mystical Interpretation:
The Devil (Reversed) illuminates your present state.
Seven of Pentacles (Reversed) reveals the challenge before you.
Eight of Swords embodies the key influence.
The Magician offers sacred guidance.
Three of Wands whispers of the potential outcome.
I have 3 days to kill and cant do much. Which one should I play FF4 AY or FF6?
Mystical Interpretation:
Seven of Swords (Reversed) illuminates your present state.
Four of Swords (Reversed) reveals the challenge before you.
The Empress embodies the key influence.
The Hierophant offers sacred guidance.
Queen of Cups whispers of the potential outcome.

Ok thanks.

What was king o cups reversed?
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How can I free myself of this need for others. I can’t be happy without them and I don’t want to live like this
Mystical Interpretation:
Queen of Pentacles illuminates your present state.
Two of Wands reveals the challenge before you.
Ten of Cups (Reversed) embodies the key influence.
Six of Pentacles (Reversed) offers sacred guidance.
The Hermit whispers of the potential outcome.
What’s your Q
What are my next 2 crushes/infatuations like and how to avoid acting on then without making it worse or looking simpy, cold and/or gay?
Mystical Interpretation:
The Hierophant illuminates your present state.
Six of Swords reveals the challenge before you.
King of Pentacles (Reversed) embodies the key influence.
Knight of Pentacles (Reversed) offers sacred guidance.
Temperance (Reversed) whispers of the potential outcome.
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>Am I cursed or do I have a slight spiritual protection?

I feel like I have been helped as whoever is in charge knows I have good intentions and want to help people. I am confused with karma in general. For example, why would someone like Jimmy Savile get to live a full life? Anyway if you answer, thank you.
Looks like the tarot says the present state of the idea that my divinations are worthless is one of changes, cycles, inevitable fate, if my reads are good or not will change and cycle through time, but it is inevitable fate when they are true.

The challange before this idea is that there is no direction, a disregard for consequences, unpredictability, which makes sense all I can say is that I will do my best and I do understand my reads have consequences.

The key influence of this idea is familitarity, happy memories, nostalgia, makes sense

Ultimately i will never know if my reads are truly accurate, all I can do is my best, even if there is no reward to it, it is a useful and interesting distraction.

I guess the cards have spoken, cool, still down to attempt cold reads with much more humility lmao.
Damn ty but this doesn't really help
if I opened up my own clothing store idea that I'm thinking of would I be successful? you?
Will it be good with him sexually?
It basically says no your likely gonna have to move on from the job if you want an education
Sorry, I had to step away for a while. Mine is, tell me more about that change you mentioned I'd go through if I refused. I was expecting to go through a pretty rough change before I was given that offer, so is it just going through that change, or is it something else?

It was just a clarification of you/your situation. Just showing that you're likely letting your emotions getting the better of you in this situation, and not being able to see/act properly because of it.

Would you like to trade again?
Starting your now,

Mine is did my fear really come true tonight? Or was this unexpected thing just me overthinking things?
Air Query:
what are the pros and cons of leaving G? will it be worth it?
I was asking if she would love me more after the results
Is he going to find someone else?
I’ll get started,

Mine is, I just received a shock this evening and I just have to know what the truth is. What exactly happened as I don’t have all the details.
I'm super down since I've done a read on you already, I hadn't seen that response thank you so much for highlighting it!

This is gonna be loaded and biased because I'm already aware of some of your situation so be aware of that, try to see through my bias to the truths you yourself parse.

I see you on a black beach, your boyfriend isn't there, you wear the pink dress, stormy clouds overhead, inside of a conch shell you find gold, the water touches your ankels. You look up to the sky, dark clouds, it will rain heavily soon, yet you face the onslaught boldly.
Did it: death, 6 of wands rx, page of wands rx
just you overthinking: 2 of pent rx 8 of cups rx emperor

not too sure how to interpret this but death seems like a hard no, lol
maybe you're feeling emotionally stuck or lazy right now and not prioritizing the right things and need to boss up your life..? lol
I'll tell you the images I see when I close my eyes and think of something that can signify you, any thought, object, or idea one can focus on
How will d feel about me in 5 years?
Could you answer this question?
The cards I drew for your question are Four of Swords reversed, The Hermit reversed, and Seven of Pentacles reversed.

Seems like starting your own clothing store might not bring immediate success. It is something that will take a lot of time and passion to get off the ground. There could be a sense of urgency driving you, but rushing into it without adequate planning or preparation will lead to setbacks. Isolation and lack of support may also hinder progress, and you might find yourself impatient with the results, feeling that the effort is not yielding the desired rewards. Careful planning and realistic expectations are essential for this venture to succeed. As well don’t go it alone, find a partner you can trust and can match their strengths to your weaknesses to see this business flourish.
too much caffine, also I feel like my divination gets better when I'm in a state that goes into a trance easily.
The cards drawn are the Ace of Pentacles, the Two of Swords reversed, the Tower reversed, and the Page of Swords reversed.

Refusing the offer will indeed lead you through a challenging period, but it signifies a different kind of transformation. This current times of trouble will be distinct from this new one. Initially, you'll face a phase of confusion and indecision, where it feels like you're stuck and unsure of the direction to take. This period will test your patience and inner resolve as you navigate through the uncertainties.

However, this struggle will eventually lead to a breakthrough. The reversed Tower indicates that while the change will be intense, it will help you avoid a greater disaster that might have occurred if you had accepted the offer. This process will strip away false beliefs and illusions, revealing the truth about your path and purpose.

Moreover, the reversed Page of Swords suggests that this change will force you to confront any miscommunications or misunderstandings you may have been avoiding. It will push you to sharpen your focus and improve your clarity of thought.

In essence, this transformation is about breaking down old structures and beliefs that no longer serve you and building a more solid and truthful foundation. This period will be tough, but it’s essential for your growth and long-term success. But you have to wager if this is worth it compared to the gentler alternative path already offered to you.
Two of Swords Rx, Three of Cups, Two of Cups, The Fool, Knight of Pentacles Rx

It looks like things aren't as bad as you might think. In fact, things are probably a lot better than you're thinking right now. I'm assuming this relates to you learning something, and it looks like what/whoever you learned this from either didn't be sure to deliver the right information, or was otherwise not given correctly. Just don't worry about whatever this is, and continue on as normal for now until you can learn from a more reliable source, or any misunderstandings get cleared up in the future. There isn't much else you can do.
have I already made contact with at any point in time, the man that I'll end up marrying? you?
Ayy doing some experimental reads using only the forms seen in my minds eye when I foucs on something that signfies you "an oak leaf, a singer on stage, a political or philosophical idea" any thing that you feel signifies yourself.

Your interpretations of what I see will likely be as important to you, also if fairy anon is still here we can swap discords.
Trade again? I have probably one last follow up on this offer depending on how this next Q is answered.
Q? mine is what is the solution to my problems?
I'll use a bed as your signifier, it sits with a spring shot out, yet it is well used, beat up but well loved, a familiar place when dressed up with sheets it is fully embraced by those who find repose in it
It’s more for me trying to figure out someone’s actions I suppose. So you think based on that I’m over thinking these things? And nothing happened instead it’s just my mind?
Next time with d?
A pig
thank you
Using a general (like wartime, that idea) as your signifier as this is just a total cold read.

The general is alone in his office, a massive black table which is sometimes absolutely covered in papers is now ominously empty, the general has their hands behind their back, they are anxious.
could i turn myself into an absolute powerhouse?
Next job?
will he and i be married?
How will j feel about us in 5 years?
me please: on my current relationship and where it'll be going
I'll use a volunteer as your signifier.

They wear a mask and outfit that shows they work in a toxic environment, Above them the sun shines in a cloudless sky. 7 ravens fly in a V to the bottom right of the sun below, they raise a hand to their masked forehead to wipe their sweat even though they know they cannot reach it.
7 of cups rx star rx 9 of pent rx

ehhhh doesn't seem like a real option, is this just a fantasy theoretical thing? someone might be codependent or feels like it'll stifle their independent personal life
Will I get the house?
5ow rx
10oc rx
page os

You'll have to leave something behind, perhaps your family and your friends in order to get the solution to your problem. You'll have to start pouring your resources and time into a new endeavor and looking towards a brighter future. There are various paths within this read but the best one involves you leaving things behind, making a decision, climbing the hill in front of you and not giving up. You'll have to pour your resources into perhaps your career or some sort of fruitful hobby in order to make it out alive.
I believe that people should achieve their dreams and their own happiness. That’s why I wanted to achieve my art endeavors
I can guess this is Final Fantasy without a divination, intuition tells me of the two 6 should be the better choice, but there are many more worthwhile things to spend your three days doing.
make it out alive? oh jesus
i gotta figure out what this fruitful hobby could be
trade again?
What does my next gf look like? if you want to volunteer for a cringe question..
i am moving towards getting a gf not sitting idly in my basement if you wanna humor me
That could work. I’ll tell you what I think.
Sure what’s your question?
I say maybe sketch your bedroom once a day if you dont draw to see how fast you improve, in order to gauge if its worthwhile to add it to your daily routine, if you already draw some other form of art you've always written off, but this is only a choice, if you choose final fantasy, there will be many worthwhile moments as well, i'm sure you could even find balance between the two.

Am I a loser?
yeah sure
my q is still the same: it's with the dude i'm with now so its nothing fantasy or like that and we get along quite well perhaps this will help. your q?
I use a girls doll as a signifier.

The Doll is well taken care of, it is not in his hands but on the ground, he looks onto it, memories of happier times make him smile, but other connotations bring sadness to his heart, still he looks on with happiness of what the doll represents and is glad to own it.
ok what's his initial too? and yours? i can do an in depth reading
pursuing what hobby would be most fruitful for me? or starting what business would be most fruitful..tarot readings, paintings, or custom clothing, or none of those?

If this song resonates. Yes
His G me A
by custom clothing i mean hand painted clothes or shoes lol okay sorry thanks starting
Thank you very much. Due to this bias, I almost didn’t link my post lol. It’s a good thing I did though because it almost continues with this whole story.

I actually wore a gold conch shell jewelry set (pic attached of someone else wearing it) the other day to a beach town that I explored with my husband! We’d been discussing visiting the area for years and finally went through with the idea. Even though I have a nice life and during those special days like that, I have an undercurrent of darkness that I feel alone in at times. Healing is difficult. It seems like I’m making progress, but at the same time, it feels like I don’t really know what I’m doing. Anyway, I created a really unique look with that shells + other beachy vibes combo for an outfit and a large portion of recovering has included using fashion as a creative outlet. I think you’re strongly seeing this as an integral to my life to dig myself out of this hole. There’s more emotional shit that I know is going to hit me, it won’t be pleasant, but I’m quite tough and have confidence that it can be handled adequately.

Thank you very much. It’s funny how you tap into my stylistic choices lol.
Am I a pretty doll?
Hmmm interesting how is it he owns me though? You think we will stay together?
I just want to make sure I have the right understanding of this deal. Taking it would indeed bring out my potential, and put issue T to rest faster, but it would cut through turmoil that would give me a breakthrough(s) that could be very useful to me, and might cause me problems in the future because of that lack of breakthrough(s) and experience. And not taking the deal would give me internal conflicts that I would need to work through a lot harder than I would with accepting the deal, but I would come out better for doing it myself, and not taking that shortcut. Is that about right, or am I missing anything vital that could sway my decision?

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Forgot to link.
tarot: 3os
painting: page oc
clothing: page op

Out of these 3 painting seems the most fruitful and best way forward desu I think as long as you keep your head steady and use all the resources available to you, make strong connections you can do quite well in paintings :)
Always down to volunteer for embarrassing questions

She is overweight yet obviously would be so much better looking if she could lose this weight, still the obvious bearing on her aesthetics makes it hard for her to love the same aspects of herself you do, you appreciate her love for culture and food and her dark sense of humor, she appreciates your bear-like masculinity and how safe you make her feel, as well as the way you make her laugh and how you make love to her as if she is truly beautiful. Theres a version of her who loses weight in this lifetime, you don't care. Fair skin, round face, dark eyes
The doll is something that represents you to him, so think of it as a gift that when he sees it, he sees you.
what would leaving bring? thank you if you choose this one <3
What does my future husband look like?
Thank you so much for answering this question, do you know which hair color by chance? i feel like i might have seen her already
do you feel like she is a redhead or blonde
He owns you in the manner in which you live in his environment but are free to do as you wish and go and come as you please, he knows this.
Okay tysm
Will start yours now!

Mine is, will I get a resolution on my long term goal this week?
same thing: 4 of wands RX ace of swords clarified 4 of swords King of wands clarified page of pentacles rx
where it going: king of swords clarified 5 of sword, 5 of cups 4 of wands rx
same q again: empress rx

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, are you sure this relationship isn't just based on sex. What are the finances like, would marriage work on a financial standpoint if you end up having kids, do you want kids? that might be a point of disagreement..... this is going where an intelligent decision is going to be made without any emotions that this relationship is a bit disappointing and has no legs to stand on and no solid foundations....lack of commitment, someone's ego refuses this because they don't want it to be part of their vision

but of course I very much do urge you to seek a second opinion on this if you don't feel this to be true cuz I would
haha shit
i mean some of these problems i can see but some don't resonate / apply. thanks for the read tho anon
The cards:Death, Six of Wands reversed, Page of Wands reversed, Two of Pentacles reversed, Eight of Cups reversed, and the Emperor indicate the following:

Accepting the deal will bring a swift resolution to issue T and quickly unlock your potential. However, this path may bypass important experiences and personal growth, potentially leaving you less prepared for future challenges. On the other hand, rejecting the deal means facing significant internal struggles and a longer, more difficult journey. Yet, this path will lead to essential personal growth, making you stronger and more resilient in the long run.

In short, taking the deal offers immediate benefits but at the cost of valuable life lessons and growth. Rejecting the deal involves a tougher path, but you'll gain critical strength and wisdom through the process. You have all the information you need, but you’ve got to decide what you value more.
oh my discord is lilacsinreallife, doxing myself a bit as I also have an insta with this account name but oh well I have no fear maybe this will get my music more traffic lol
oh and yeah btw yeah thats actually literally my life....ive already been wondering this exact same thing that you said im going through lol
Thx I haven't drawn in over 20 years
Sorry for the wait.

Queen of Pentacles, King of Wands Rx, Nine of Swords Rx, Ten of Swords Rx, Five of Swords Rx

Yea, it looks like you'll get a resolution this week. It likely won't be the one you want, and leave you feeling dejected, or like your efforts didn't matter, but it won't be the end of the world or anything. It won't be the worst thing to happen, and with those reversed swords, it certainly looks like there is room for future improvement. Just remember that while it might be a resolution, often times there's still the chance for a new chapter to start, so be ready to figure out how you can make the most of the coming situation.

Thanks. I have 2 final Qs if you wouldn't mind one last trade. Neither are about this deal though, at least not directly.
ayy np, love to everyone, this is an easier form of reading so hopefully I can get to more people in this thread this way, I do wanna try out my lil bros gaming pc when I see him tonight but until then i can do reads here
I use a polar bear as your signifier.

The polar bear looks back, red liquid wells up in its footprints, it looks down, it imagines it will see its face reflected in the ice, yet it sees only white and blue, it looks up, there is no warmth in the sun, the polar bear is fat and happy yet still hunts out of boredom, it has been tracking this seal for almost a week now, it could have caught it last night and two nights before hand yet it enjoys the thrill of the chase.
Wow you’re an amazing artist! Added you on Instagram and expect a request on Discord in the next few days.
90% is AI generated.... amazing artist? LOL
Using an emerald ring as your signifier.

The man who wears the ring is tall in soul but not in stature, he has frizzled very curly hair, and a viciously intelligent mind, this is not the first life ye shalt have lived together, ye shall have up to three before you intertwine and become a single aspect together.
His music isn't bad though
Oh sorry I’m stupid. Still really cool :)
how come you keep skipping me
ohhh artist as in musician! :^)
The golden triangle is your signifier.

The golden triangle waits in a glass case, many wait to see its glory with their own eyes, in order to take it you must be skillful, there are entities aware in your midst with designs on the same triangle who all covet it, to get it you must use slight of hand and cunning, with skill it will be yours.
How does J really feel about me? (S)
We cuddled and he shared a lot of his traumas with datin recently. But I'm not sure if I should pursue him...
Will I have kids with g?
So something that signifies expression? A paint brush might be a good idea for a signifier.

The paintbrush is made of the finest materials and has gold inlay, the horsehair brills feel amazing, it has been taken care of well, it is currently dipped in pure cadmium blue, it is used to paint the sky, it is held by a robed wizard, wise in his expression.
the polar bear itself doesn’t hold too much significance for me but the story rings true- i would be moving essentially just to be closer to someone i love but won’t just communicate that to them (definitely could but i don’t really want to) and it’s a messy situation. i also think i’ve been representing it to myself as less for them & more for my own wellbeing but i have a hard time believing that’s really the case and i feel as though that will truly become apparent once i'm there . thank you so much!
What do I need to know the most right now or what would help me the most knowing right now? Thank you
Trading occult
your signifier will be a red ant

The red ant ventures out first, the morning is dewy and it has rained last night, its world is suddenly one of vast lakes and oceans, rivers and streams, it follows a pheromone trail to a flower, from the flower it can see a neighboring colony of black ants, the entire colony is in a death spiral, all following a pheromone trail around in a circle, you are glad you are not like them as you follow the pheromone trail back down the flower.
Us is represented by a stone he carrys.

Having carried this stone for years he is used to it, the shape feels smoother in his palms than he remembered it, the weight familiar to his muscles as he lifts it, he feels sadness when thinking of the stone yet enjoys his connection to it, he enjoys the fact that it is getting easier to handle and will continue to do so, but it still brings him an aspect of sadness even if he is glad the stone exists and has no wish to destroy it.
Your signifer is the weightlifter.

The weightlifter looks at the weight he is used to carrying, to others it seems an impossible burden, to him it seems obvious, pathetic even, as he knows the heights he can rise to are ever greater, this knowledge is his curse, he already is an absolute powerhouse by the standards of many yet not his own.
You are represented by a mammoth.

The mammoth roars to hear its own voice, it is powerful, echoing of the stepp, in the distance it hears the call of D, it is distant and quite a journey on foot, beyond hills, valleys, streams, the two of you meet in a circle of flowers. Both have been eagerly awaiting their reunion and are excited for the outcome, the time goes well.
my future for the remainder of the year? thankyou
The pig is perfectly clean from the horizontal midpoint up, covered in mud from the midpoint down, it wears a watch yet cannot tell time, it often wears a white shirt and brown pants but not today, for today is a special day, the pig laughs and runs along, for it knows its next meal will be delious, it knows all secrets of the world yet has forgotten them time and again.
Yes this feels accurate
Thank you
How does J really feel about me? (S)
There are 3 forms of reasoning 1) Heteronomous Reason – that takes its principles from outside itself and is therefore artificial, serves the collective;
2) Autonomous Reason – that takes its principles from within, but thereby reveals itself as vacuous and tautological, serves only the immiscible self; and
3) Theonomous Reason – that which is more deeply based, its fundament is “The Ground of Being” itself and thus transcends the concepts of the possible and the impossible.

The third is a quantum superposition between the first two, that which comes from the self and the collective at the same time. This form of reasoning allows one to combine simple analog metaphor


This is what you need to know right now.
It’s late here and I just got home from a night out, so I apologize if I misunderstand your question, but I’ll try.

Accuracy checks are necessary practices to ensure that your readings are accurate. I have a set of test queries that I run before reading for other people, especially when they’re paying me. The most important trait of said queries is that I know the answer to them, with zero ambiguity. If you are accurate, you can pull for such a query 100 times and still see the same story told in different ways. But if you see a different story, then you are not accurate. It’s that simple.

In my experience, most people are way too quick to rush into some flimsy woowoo, or at least something that is complex or unverifiable. If you are judging by something spiritual or non-physical, you are fighting an uphill battle. If you are using a subjective metric, you have already failed. Use something that any idiot would be able to judge as true or not true. Stop over-complicating things until you have an extremely solid baseline. Once you can read mundane situations with consistent and unambiguous accuracy, then you can move on to more complex and subjective things. There is a reason I always told those whom I taught that occult queries are for when you’re highly skilled.

Ditch your spiritual or social theories, and go back to empiricism. Did your spread tell the story correctly? Yes or no, simple question. Ignore any approaches based on “muh spirituality” or “the universe” or any other such druggie logic. If you want to be accurate, start with what is objectively verifiable and build on that. It is the failure of many to chase the goals of the higher chakras while having lower chakras in complete disorder. Don’t make the same mistake with your divination training.
Another reading that completely resonates! I’ve recently left a living environment that had taken a toll on me over many years. It used to feel as if every day was an emotional battle just to get through and eventually I’d had enough. Ever since moving in with my husband, the peace is eerie and I don’t trust it. Tonight I’ve been listening to music to calm me down over, ironically, the lack of stress. Thank you again.
What has to change within me before I meet my future occult mentor?
A servant of God
The year is signified by a train line with 12 stops

Within the first 3 stops you find yourself letargic, you don't really get out much and explore, you just watch the trees go by the window, a red scorpion crawls on your diner car table, during the next three stops you decide to get out at least once and you do, the place you find yourself in is much wilder than expected and you have a wonderful time, you return to the train and have a fruitful conversation about buisness, on the way from the dining car to the sleeping car, you pass the first of the next three stops, the one after you still get off the train at, although the streets are empty, old marketstalls and soviet monuments are seen, you board the train and the next stop passes with you hardly aware, the final 3 months seem to slow down, friendly faces board the train, you feel less lonely, in this atmoshpere you summon the courage to talk to 4 interesting strangers, one of whom will be disposed to oblige you.
proud of what is achieve so far, positive on what is coming, economic.
The servant of god prays, no word fall from the heavens but this is fine, he needs not belief, his eyes are open, he already knows, he serves god loyally by serving the collective as best as possible, some say he is too compassionate but he disagrees, sometimes he will wrestle with his ego, doesn't a servant of god deserve more than this? no a servant of god deserves their god, your god is everywhere you look, in everything you do, your suffering and your bliss, you deserve exactly what your god wills and will praise your god no matter what shape this will manifests in.
Interesting, thx
Does M regret hurting me?
Alright, your signifier will be the silver coin.

The silver coin is scratched, dirty, yet it will be cleaned by a chemical bath, even though the scratches will remain, the coin will shine brighter than ever. It is raised up to the sky, covering the eye of the beholder of the sun.
Got skipped :/ >>38315503
A red rabbit
very interesting, thank you very much!
bro you begrudge me skipping me again and again
fucking tease fuck u homie
Do I know this anon below?
>will he let me have many babies?
Ahh so perhaps the cluttered desk which was once full represents the emotional state of your living space, the intelligence reports the general had to be aware of, even though his desk is empty he still paces, anxious, yes I think you just need to realize there is no intelligence you are missing, the desk really is empty.

Ethnicity of the person in that Lexus rx that crossed the double line and layed the horn on me?
Trading Occult
What’s your Q?
lmao I'm really not trying to do it on purpose i'm just a maniac, which one are you?
I'll just take your Q if you want. I just would prefer not to channel a deity without knowing their name though.
okay alright im sorry
wow....how true
Maybe you already have, you just don't know it, the form they take may be unexpected, you will have many occult mentors, how many succeed in teaching you relates to their skill and your readiness to learn, there will be one with great skill who takes an interest in you as long as you seek them out, let those of high spiritual practice be known that you are a worthwhile student.
Sometimes I’m attempting to find fault in what’s around me, just trying to make a threat out of anything when I’m actually safe. I’ll watch myself with that behavior.
I'm very tired and wanna vidya, I'll be doing more experimental reads this morning in /div/ or my own thread possibly. Thanks to everyone who asked questions, I can get to a lot more of ya'll with this method.

I love you all.
wheres my 79 card spread next gf read?
What’s your Question
yee np, I posted my discord earlier in the thread if you want to add me there if you ever have any questions in the future.
It's not directly related to a deity, though I was given an offer from one. The offer was to fix problem T. I got a few reads earlier laying out the details of the deal, so I'm not looking for insights of the deal, or deity. I want to know if there's anything I need to know of or keep in mind about problem T if I refuse the deal, because I know it will be a bit rough for a while if I try to deal with it my own.

You don't need to channel the deity, as I'm just looking for more insight on the problem, but I can still give you a name if you decide it's necessary.
I feel like I can do without with this level of detail but knowing is the difference between me being able to give a passable read and a stellar one.
>page of cups, knight of cups, knight of swords
he was cracker white trash donald trump ass licking faggot and didn't like you because you're the shit that comes out of his asshole you fucking nigger
is a (f) a witch too?
There’s always people I’m learning from so they can be mentors in a way. The one of high skill that I assume will take interest in me in years to come can likely only be contacted through someone I had a nasty falling out with, which I can’t get myself to reach out to again. It would be disrespectful for me to contact this middleman because he wishes to not talk. I’ve tried apologizing and have to understand their wishes. Do you see a way of attracting him to me instead of the pure networking approach?
The deity is Freyja. I got a dream last night where I thought I needed to seek her out, and a read last thread said the dream was a message telling me to seek her out/see what she was offering/wanted.
One card?
You sure the reading wasn't describing me? I'm white
Should I ask her tomorrow?

Starting yours now?
ty! starting!
The cards drawn are the Page of Cups (reversed), The Moon, and the Six of Pentacles (reversed). These cards suggest that (F) might indeed be involved in some form of mystical or secretive practice. There's a sense of hidden knowledge and secrets, as indicated by The Moon. However, the reversed Page of Cups suggests emotional immaturity or deception, and the reversed Six of Pentacles points to a lack of balance or fairness. So, while (F) might have some connection to witchcraft or esoteric practices, there are elements of their involvement that might not be entirely trustworthy.
>qow, kos, death
yea, u should, but be direct and confident. it'll go in your favor
starting now
the first is the napper
the second is the slapper
the third is the capper
the forth is tha master
the sixth is a spider
the seventh is a liger
the eigth is a new pony in wrapping paper
the ninth is a banana hammock
the tenth is a crackpipe
the eleventh is a free hooker
the twelfth is a flat tire
the thirteenth is a drive by
the fourteenth is a police officer
the fifteenth is a hidden camera
the sixteenth is a racist sergeant
the seventeenth is a master manipulator
the eighteenth is a subway platform
the nineteenth is a chronic illness
the twentieth is a classic superhero
the twenty first is a milkshake
the twenty second is a DJ
the twenty third is a cold press
the twenty forth is the sound of distant violence
the twenty fifth is bad mexican food
the twenty sixth is an icth you cannot reach
the twenty seventh is a silly looking serious man
the twenty eigth is a vest
the twenty ninth is a pepper
the thirtieth is a milk powered spaceship
the thirty first is a cow
the thirty second is a dog who is master of his domain
the thirty third is a crow wearing a suit
the thirty forth is a politican who lies
the thirty fifth is a reptellian
the thirty sixth is a madlad
the thirty seventh is a fag
the thirty eigth is a turtle
the thirty ninth is a dead body
the fortyith is a sneeze
the forty first is the left testicle
the forty second is a bad attitude
the forty third is yesterdays breakfast
the forty forth is an old friend whos mooching
the forty fifth is a hernia
the forty sixth is a ciggeratte
the forty seventh is a bearded lady
the forty eigth is a used needle
the forty ninth is a gangmember
the fiftyith is a reckless fight with a gang enforcer
the fifty first is a can do attitude
the fifty second is a people person
the fifty third is rich enough to do whatever they want
the fifty forth is a homeless drug addict
the fifty fifth is a 5 star hotel you'll have no memory of staying at
the fifty sixth is benzodiazepines
the fifty seventh is a cup of coccoa
ur gf is a mantid named SUSSY BAKA from the seventh dimension, but they're kinda shy
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I decided not to channel Freyja for more info since it wasn't really what you were looking for. What I did see was if you refuse the deal the problem will creep up and cause damage to both your abundance and relationships to those around you.
No I'm not a loser... because I actually hate this song lol
LMAO thanks I'll keep this in mind
will I move out of my parents house this year? you?
I plan on doing more experimental reads at that point, I love you all
Ty for reading
Love you
Its high wisdom Oracle. The highest even.
Will I move to Building 312 before the year is over? starting g
I know it would be rough, but the would the problem cause outcome
SE? That's the only thing I would really be worried about, because I know eventually, I could overcome it, even if there was a lot of strife along the way.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How direct should I be tomorrow?
how does my mil feel about me as of lately?
why was that milf staring at me yesterday? what's your query)
What do I need to know right now?
Starting yours.
How does J really feel about me? (S) (We're both gay men)
We cuddled on a couch last week at a party...and I looked down and I saw he was "excited" down there. He shared a lot of his traumas with dating recently. But I'm not sure if I should pursue him, he gives off a lot of red flags.
U stole my trade :(
>2 of wands reversed, empress reversed, 4 of cups

Be direct but trying to consider your words carefully. Just try to be more thoughtful, empathetic, and communicative, don't be pushy cuz that's gross as hell
3 of wands rx 4 of pent rx 2 of pent 4 of cups emperor 2 of swords

You're not investing enough planning or time or finances into doing so. You gotta boss up
The World, Ace of Cups, Page of Pentacles Rx, Queen of Pentacles Rx, The Tower

She was indeed checking you out, if you were wondering about that. You should stay away from her though, as interacting with her would likely lead to nothing but trouble.
wrong, finances aren't the issue here. It's a government waiting list.
King of Swords R
Four of Swords
Five of Wands R
You need to rest. Too much combat for you, too much stress.
Five of Coins, Three of Wands R
Getting a big no on this one, sorry mate.
Trading occult
Will he let me have many babies ?
Would A respond if I sent a message?
Starting yours.
future wife read
AIDS is basically eradicated now due to modern medicine, dipshit faggot
4 of swords 9 of cups the fool
Yes, A will feel satisfaction that you messaged them and it will feel like a breath of fresh air
Is that the lie you tell yourself faggot so you can keep getting pozzed?
You're the faggot here lol how are you this mentally ill?
>Page of Swords, Ten of Cups, Three of Swords Rx, Five of Wands, Eight of Wands

Yes, and if you really push for it, as many as you want/can afford. With the eight of wands, this could happen very quickly if you do everything right.

Thanks. Trade again?
Are you fucking stupid, bro? Fucking loser faggot lmao
I really hope so ty
I can do another query for you I don't have another one
I just want to know how a relationship between me and A would go.
lmao calling a faggot a faggot on 4chan. We're all faggots here
Haha so you're mentally ill and retarded, can't wait till you die of a common cold because you wanted to be a filthy degenerate godless faggot taking bbc hiv infested dick up your ass
Dude you're literally on a divination board, you ain't helping your case
Defininition of a closested fag.
How do you know so much about bbc dick?
Temperance queen of wands four of pentacles
The magician
If you want it to go well it will but you may have to be patient with the more physical aspects of the relationship not sure if it's sex or money but one of these may be lacking at first.
Trading occult
Trading no occult
Would problem T cause situation SE if I refused that deal, and tried to deal with it on my own?
q? mine is a future wife read, what's yours
ok can do, mine is what will my next gf's hair color be?
I'm seeing no it won't cause situation SE but there will be another slight obstacle you'll have to face. There'll be another deal that will be offered but for now rejecting it won't cause anything major

Nah you good. enjoy the freebie and pass it on ;)
I will scry for this
reading with playing cards
3 of wands, 2 of coins rx, 5 of coins, king of coins rx, 4 of wands, 7 of wands, page of coins
It will be a strong bond between the two of you, you will definitely marry her she will be a bit high maintenance but a good woman, there is gonna be a strong attraction in the relationship. I see that you will have to be less materialistic to grow this connection, you will have to sort your life out to have a good independence but also good values overall, to put an end to some conflict you have within your life
She is gonna be fair haired, about your age, lively person overall might have good sense of humor, maybe a little bit cheeky. Relaxed kind of person who will be generous and help you if you are in need.
there are some swords after this spread.. i think its a way of my deck of telling you there is still some work to do before having such a good wife
I sense she has hair to her mid back, dark brown. Straight and silky, very well kept.
AIDS absolutely 100% has not been eradicated you fucking moron but yes keep spreading those lies so everybody know who the gays are.
Thank you for the reading... maybe this tells me something
no worries, let me know if you want to trade more.
am I going to become a famous socialite? you?
Would I end up regretting trying to be in/being in a relationship with A in the long run?
Will I start work next week?
Trading occult
this lol. you?
Q? mine is should I go back to college this year?
This >>38316192

Staying on my current path vs pursuing goal P?
I didn't know you had AIDS? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have judged
it says mine right there
starting when you confirm
Starting yours.
Current path sounds elite
10 of swords RX 3 of pent 10 of cups
P: 8 of cups knight of swords rx ace of pentacles rx
P--disappointment and losing out on something and not addressing conflict
first one, two month love gen?
Will I work next week ?
>Nine of Swords, Queen of Pentacles Rx, Five of Swords, Ten of Swords, Four of Cups Rx, Ace of Swords Rx

No, not at all. The whole thing would be a mess from start to finish. You would be much, much better off finding alternatives you might have passed over as of now that could closely fill the role college would, or find a way around needing to go to college.

Should I work at jersey mikes?
thank god fuck college LOL
have I already made contact with the man I'll end up marrying, at any point in time, or am I yet to meet him?
second one, same query but about my next gf/sex partner. Starting
7 of swords rx 7 of wands 2 of wands

I don't think so, you might not do even planning to find one and might be resistant to the idea and not even sure of who you want
I don't think you would regret being a relationship with A in the long run. It won't work out in the long term but you'll part amiably and you'll both learn a little t about ur yourself.
>The Lovers, King of Pentacles, Ace of Swords Rx, Page of Swords, Three of Wands, Queen of Cups, King of Swords

Very good spread here. From the very start, it looks like you're going to get a really good opportunity to make progress in love, and be able to nurture it, and bring it to be strong. Towards the end though, you might face a setback/road bump, but it doesn't look like it could be too big of an issue if you're responsible, and caring in the relationship. Just be sure to maintain clear communication, and not let emotions get the better of either of you when that setback happens.
Will I work next week?
this one, starting
Gotchu faaammmm
King of swords six of swords high priestess
Not yet you are yet to meet him
I think you will go through a big transformation first are you quite young?
3 of cups sun rx hierophant 7 of pentacles rx star rx

do you have some social obligations? or school obligations? I don't think you'll be working next week but I'd get a second opinion because my cards aren't that clear cut
IM ALMOST 30 ;____;
but im trying to get really buff and get some financial stability and a job and a car and move out of my parents house lol
Yeah, seems like it'll be after you get more stable in your life I would focus on the material aspects of your life first
I don't have school rn :( i have an interview monday and my phone doesnt work i gave them my moms phone i live with senpai too lmao but i pay half rent or groceries when I do
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Q? I don't do occult
What was j thinking of me today?
How will my talk with J go on Wednesday?

Starting, I'll post after you
5 of wands temperance the tower

Well not too good and if you're not careful this can go terribly. Did you guys already have a falling out? I feel like someone is upset certain needs weren't met by the other person. Feedback is appreciated
Oh whats your initial sorry, forgot to ask that
Mine is e
I do not know the context of your relationship nor what you did today so I'll just go with intuition.
Man Sun Birds

I'll assume you two met up and talked together today? J seems to have enjoyed chatting with you. Funny enough the Man card that came up was the naked one along with the Lily, so she might be interested in your spiritual side if that's something you showed to them.

Lemme know if that resonates
You're pretty close, like super close.

It wasn't me that there was a falling out with but with another friend. So I'm trying to come in and chat with J to possibly help resolve the situation. Does that change the read at all or does it spell it being a pretty dangerous talk, especially with the destruction of the Tower in plain site?
Yeah he and I chatted online a little not much i told him i was gunna miss him he leaves in a few months. :(
Yeah I feel like j is on edge about everything still so try to not step on toes

It did kinda give the feel of something nice and friendly if that matters to you

Would you wanna trade again?
Try to be fair and just in how you handle the situation and it should resolve itself better
Sorry its late for me i gtg gn and ty!
Okay lets do one more lol
My query is how will it be with j next time we meet up
Mines is, how will CC react if I ask her to hangout if she'd wanna hangout after her shift ends next time I see her?

>My query is how will it be with j next time we meet up

I assume you mean in real life correct?
How will CC react next time I see her when I ask if she'd wanna hangout together after her shift ends*

Sorry wrote that really shittily lmao
Haha yeah np
And yes irl
Child Whip Lily

Are you guys fwb or something lol, I'd be careful things might get pretty hot and steamy and make sure to use protection
Seven of wands the world judgement
I think cc will be maybe coy or she will not show how she really feels at first she wants to know your intentions but if this is romantic after she gets to know you I believe you two could have a nice romance together
Yeah lol we are ty :)
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She's this girl I chat with at the local store, so I was thinking of asking her out to get to know her better outside of her work environment.

Thanks for the reads

>Yeah lol we are ty :)

God lmao, when I saw the Whip+Lily together it just screamed it to me. Just be careful or you might end up pregnant like with what the Child card shows, or you might already be as a heads up
Yeah I'm gunna talk to him about protection
I pulled a few times cause I'm kind of new at this and the results were always really positive I think like any girl she'll just be a little wary at first. Hope it goes well! Ty!
>pulled a few times cause I'm kind of new

You're pretty good in book, just keep going and trust your intuition. Honestly you spooked me with how accurate that first read was lol

Thanks for the trades, and have a good night

Why is M addicted to drugs?
What did my dream last night mean?
will I ever get over my severe thanatophobia
Not a reading, just an insight.
I am addicted to drugs myself. I have used them to suppress feelings, hide away from myself, my thoughts. People claim to use drugs for multiple reasons, but constant use (addiction), is mainly to hide from something.
Why do some people have flies land on them with open sores all over their body selling hole for 2 dollars for drugs? Why do they choose that existence over quitting drugs and seeking help?
Nothing beats the feeling that some drugs give you. Obviously the rational thing is to quit and seek help but the grip of the addiction is super strong and it's hard to think rationally. The worse your situation gets on drugs as well the less anything else can feel like would be a solution.
I can only speak for myself. Fear, some sort of sense of comfort and familiarity. It all depends what the person gets from the drug they choose to take. It is also a choice IMO, chosing to wallow, to continue to take the drug, to not face negativity and pain (stopping the drug, facing reality).

I feel like spirits are trying to communicate with me recently, especially through dreams.

What could they be trying to tell me? Thanks
what are the dreams?
Involving deceased relatives
Thank you for sharing that, and sorry I can't do a read for you.
trading / aq

is she falling in love with me

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