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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Embed]

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds [Embed]

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
Praise Lilanon.
That’s all you need.
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Why would you save this shit?
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Let's cut through the bullshit:
Which methods do you use the most and work for you, in specific. How do YOU do it? Cool stories are also encouraged.
So wait, Universal Line is just solipsism with a schizo coating?
No, you are not the mind, its thoughts, or emotions. The avatar including the brain and mind is part of the dream. You are solely awareness.
So, non-dualism with a schizo coating?
My ex is back you liars
I wonder if it would be easier for people to understand LoA and use it if you told them not to have their wish fulfilled, because it's arguably difficult to do, but to become aware of having the wish fulfilled, if it makes sense. for some reason the awareness part is easier for me to stomach than the usual just have it bro
His ex is back whichever liars it is he is referring to.
The fuck is this.

Nah, not even awareness, as awareness imples something

It would be more accurate to say that you are no-thing, which in the text is explained as Presence of "Universe gone".
Sounds like someone is universal whining. You are so epic.
Buddha wouldn’t do LOA.
He’d simply end the cycle of suffering and desire.
isn't this what neville said about the promise?
Can I use LOA to make my dick bigger
But you can use the same techniques and philosophy to end samsara, right?
The promise isn’t really LoA either.
Its moved on into something else. Neville’s style and goals changed a lot by that point.
Studying the promise won’t help you manifest anything, it’s more of a weird semi-Christian experience thing. Neville had lost appeal by then.
there isn't a better place to discuss neville's teachings besides manifesting
You could start a dedicated thread but chances are it will die because no one will care
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Reminder that lilanon is a fraud who hasn't manifested anything noteworthy but a gay threesome. he even says he avoided death lmao, which is literally a reddit tier thing to claim.
All new anons don't listen to this faggot, lilanon samefagging will try to convince you otherwise so ignore them.
>Pic related
I wonder how people achieve that.
Why post this when these claims are incredible and powerful?
>Revisioning my past to have an immunity to something that caused me trouble my entire life

Isn't looking back at your mistakes and not committing them again just basic human decency?
So how does one detach from outcomes?
Yes but Lilanon has transcended this and can fix the mistakes retroactively.
Jewish usage of the kaballah is basically a cargo cult. They took the knowledge from actual wholesome people, but since they are tribal rats, they had no real way of maintaining, or making proper traditions to guide people along.

Neville was the first white man to uncargocult the knowledge, and that is why he was so successful. One may notice that many jews even dont succeed. Because internally they dont have the advanced societal mechanism to create culture and tradition. Its a cargo cult because they dont know how it works what they got. Not really, they just say "bro, just do it" and then 90% of the people fail.

I hereby declare the kaballah non ashkenazi jew materials. But that of the white man. It is ours. That of blonde aryans. Retcon all the jewish garbage out of it pls. And keep on thinking and chugging along. But please, make more clear paths and traditions around loa so that more people get success with it. It can turn into an actual occultist tradition. A sane one.
The underdeveloped tribal mind has no real subtlety towards civilization. No real ways to maintain things for others. Like a beast of burden, the current jews cannot really organize in a higher means. You can see the shit they do in their "traditions", like the actual coin grabbing video, where one jew throws coins and others grab it.

A sort of beastly instinct kind of "tradition". But to maintain actual civilization you have to internalize the state of others, and know how to elevate, how to help, how to communicate with others at THEIR LEVEL.

The jew mentality is "it will work out, its not my problem, that other jew must be on my level or else I just cant help him". And in that way the modern interpretations of the kaballah are used. How LOA is used if a jew touches it. I do believe, that by reading the old kaballah, and watching the old traditions, it wasnt always like that. The one who wrote it, the rabbi's, the philosophers...did have some society building in them.

Its just that the current ones dont seem to have it even remotely. They got this stuff from where? Egyptians? Babylonians? And they didnt copy paste the actual traditions, but just a part of it. I think that is the main reason why loa doesnt work with all.
Can I become a vampire via LOA?
>balding framecels
Neville's Promise turns off the right people- meaning the people it's supposed to turn off- the few that get it, DO get it.
LilAnon was a vampire for a while but he's not anymore so he can't show you.
Sure, deeply enlightened that’s nice.
Doesn’t help with manifestation anyway,
Some anons wanting an SP or cash doesn’t fit in with the promise.
aw dang it
Thank you for your reply, very good post, many thanks
Thanks for baking! Love the picrel

>Why post this when these claims
I'm wondering that myself- he claims I'm a fraud, yet boosts me in picrel? Is it possible he doesn't know what a good manifest looks like?

>Yes but Lilanon has transcended this
It's not difficult to do- you manifest normally but you set the start point in the "past" rather than now or in the "future."

>and can fix the mistakes retroactively
I resisted the urge to do this, although it should be just as easy. Often when I made a mistake it made me more aware of the danger of doing that and I avoided problems in the future. Also, where I am at in life is good enough that if I never made another improvement it would still be more awesome than I ever dreamed of.
>managed to manifest my dream girl
>fucked up my chance
Whenever someone tries to joke by asking "Can I manifest [thing that is obviously unnatural or impossible]?" I want to refer them to a story in Think and Grow Rich, where the author's son was born without ears and was therefore completely deaf. Xrays revealed the boy's skull even lacked holes where the ears would normally be located. Hill rejected this reality and wished for his son to hear. The description of how he wished for this closely matches the teaching of Goddard, even though Goddard is never mentioned in the book. Hill persisted in his wish even though it was obviously unnatural or impossible. As fate would have it, in inventor made a breakthrough discovery in hearing through bone conductance, and Hill's son was one of the first people receive this technology, granting him perfect hearing. You might scoff at this, and think "Well everyone knows about bone conductance!" Correction: everyone does now, but Hill didn't. Can you manifest something that is impossible? The question is wrong. You can make it possible.
It would've been nicer if the reality was altered so his son could have ears though, but I guess bone conductance now helps people that aren't into manifesting so there's that.
lol- admittedly this was easier for me because I had vampires I was hanging out with so I could more easily believe it, but it's not hard. Think about what you want from this and stipulate what you don't want- I didn't want the vulnerability to sunlight so I didn't. Also I only wanted it because I wanted to be immortal and unaging, there are better ways to do that so I quit.
Rip; time to start over
>It’s an Interview with the LilVampire episode
Oh no wait he quit. False advertising.
>I swear I was a vampire, I just didn't have any of their traits. But I did dress at hot topic and drink blood with the other school shooters

This guy is genuinely role playing. Like those weird as fuck chuni.
Lilanon bite this heathen!
Oh god lmaooooo. He was a fucking vampire.
>I just didn't have any of their traits
Why is reading comprehension such a rare trait these days?
...Help me out here. You're on /x/. You're posting on /x/. Do you think you get extra points for pretending to be completely normal?
You better watch that mouth young man/fae/incubus/werewolf/vampire or I’ll stake you.
Some people are only here for /LoA/ and aren't into any of the other paranormal mumbo jumbo. I don't think Neville believed in anything other than the Law and the Promise either, so it makes sense that a thread about the subject doesn't believe in other things either.
>I don't think Neville believed in anything other than the Law and the Promise either
...lol...Did you even read the material?

Neville had many mystical experiences due to LOA. LOA is the means by which the "supernatural" "manifests."

The people who post about how LOA can't do these things are arguing against one of the primary premises of Neville.

Nothing says you have to have any of it in your life- but Creation is finished. Everything you can imagine (and many things you can't) already exist.
He had mystical experiences regarding the promise, I don't think he had any experiences that didn't relate to the two subjects he specialized in. He certainly didn't talk about vampires or stuff like that.
she came back to you
>He had mystical experiences regarding the promise
He had mystical experiences regarding the bible and also some other occult mysticism he was into.

>He certainly didn't talk about vampires or stuff like that.
What's your point here? If he wasn't into it, that's his business. I'm not into bible stuff other than Jesus' LOA teachings and be good to others stuff, but that doesn't mean what Neville did was not supernatural manifests.

I think it's interesting that some Anons, when confronted with how big the Law really is, actually reduce their view on what's possible, to the point where they put it in a category of mental and mood enhancement only.

There is literally nothing you can't do with this if you really desire to.
Lildickfag btfo
>Good manifesting,
I'll try it and report back of good results
Questions for LilAnon

When you say you received your manifestation, do you mean in your imagination or in waking reality?

Do you identify as the man in your imagination?

You met vampires. Did you do that in waking reality, in your imagination, on the astral plane, as a tulpa, or some other way?

What does it mean to receive a manifestation?

How does letting go fit into (hetero) dating from a man's point of view? Aren't men the initiators?
iirc it was a Mortal Instruments threesome situation.
I liked it better when he was a werewolf.
Ty brother
In trying to manifest isekaing to the slime tensei world, I accidentally triggered weird situations in which irl skills are more like skills in the light novel. Or put inversely the light novel is more realistic in its depiction of skills.

First the concept of skills came up a lot.
Now they've become more objectively defined in my existence. Almost videogame like.

Reality just kind of took on this weird tinge lately.
Being able to get anything you want is quite overwhelming actually
In a good way
Like the first instinct is to say I want a million bucks, i want a house, i want a car, i want a raise, i want a fun job, i want a free vacation
Then you realize
Wait if I can have anything then i can have any video game
I can own the full library for any console
I can play the games i played as a kid and forgot the name of
I can always have a friend to play multiplayer with
While a hot chick is feeding me grapes and pepsi
Hell yeah
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In my case, I feel quite literally I'm going insane. Since I binge-read and then carefully studied\ re-read U.L. material (the "original cosmic supreme master" PDF booklet) Im literally biting my own inner cheeks and lips hours a day. I can get it- anything...a huge burden on my conscious; moral implications, IRL-daily life secondary effects ,grander implications for Life as a whole.
the existence of audio-visual material (internets) on literally any hobby\item\place or activity, festival, event, info on any war, sect, secret cult or extreme investigations make it 100x worse
>the existence of internet p0rn, social media + and nowadays A.I makes it 10000X worse
>When you say you received your manifestation, do you mean in your imagination or in waking reality?
The vampire manifestation? IRL I grew fangs, became more pale, my body temp dropped to almost nothing and I stopped needing to breathe. I was also stronger, faster and had more stamina.

>Do you identify as the man in your imagination?

>You met vampires. Did you do that in waking reality, in your imagination, on the astral plane, as a tulpa, or some other way?
IRL vampires.

>What does it mean to receive a manifestation?
Not following? You receive manifestations all day. Your last meal was a manifestation. Going to bed is a manifestation.

>How does letting go fit into (hetero) dating from a man's point of view? Aren't men the initiators?
The letting go is the acknowledgement that you've already succeeded. The rest is going through the motions. Things will happen in a way that your mind can accept, maybe you will get the urge to ask her out or someone will set you up with them. She may also come on to you and let you know she's into you should you want it.
checking for four fours... four seen
lol, take that doomers!~

Anon, feel free to step back a bit if you feel you need to, but if you can stay in the feeling and adjust.

>a huge burden on my conscious; moral implications, IRL-daily life secondary effects ,grander implications for Life as a whole
Remember that you are fully in control of this. Anything you desire can come to you however you want it to. You should have no quandaries as long as you can stay true to the self you wish to be.
Yo lil, been doing better (I think) but wanted to ask some small things:

How do I stop the tendency of overthinking and forcing it when I know I have to allow manifestations to occur? Could you elaborate more on how stuff like my last meal was a manifestation? As well the fact if I see someone doing something I don’t like I have to change myself
How difficult is it to become Sunny? As in literally reincarnate as him.
I get it, I finally get it this is so nice. After years I finally understand how to let go
The absolute state of the Lilanon general.(formerly /LoA/ — Law of Assumption & Manifestation General)
You have a poster who just becomes a vampire one day then decides he doesn’t like it and just changes back. No issue at all.
Fucking lol. This is a low tier LARP even by frog poster standards.
Maybe feeling "bad" while browsing the internet is a sign to log off. Maybe the internet has become a "bad" place in order to encourage you to focus your attention elsewhere. "God" works in mysterious ways and all that. Peace and love
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pre or post stairs?
Once you get all your desires you will feel like Saitama from One Punch Man. Pretty bored all the time with zero excitement, worry, joy, etc

It is so boring when you are pretty much guaranteed to get anything you desire
Are you speaking from experience?
Nta but can confirm. Your manifestations start becoming "the undefined opposite of the melancholy you feel" rather than things.
Did you miss the part where he escaped death multiple times? That was me trying to slay him. But one time he came to me as I was weeping after another failed vpire slaying attempt. He said,
>Stop bro that's pathetic, I was just a vampire because all the cool kids were doing it.
Then he changed back. Patted me on the back and flew off into the night with his fae wings.

I still can't process this and therapists do not help.
>not manifesting excitement and joy
Ok well you just got lucky he didn’t incubus your ass that night which he has been known to do.
Tao is not LoA.
Just as you are never to rise beyond your status of joke.
address the argument, what they said in the video aligned really well with /loa/ in my opinion.
Don't shun the bridge of incidents. Embrace it.
I wish it was possible, anon. LoA is bullshit, just work towards a better life with what you have.
No. This preaches acceptance and going with the flow.
Therefore you will always be a fat neet and you should go with the flow and accept it.
So no manifestations of lottery for you.
Come to think of it this does sound like your path. The path of nothing.
Based truth. Why won’t they listen? Why do they keep posting “I will be an anime girl or a vampire or a woman lol”.
Neville would be disgusted.
I think he should keep watching motivational videos. They'll keep giving him the dopamine hit while he actually does nothing and 10yrs down the line he can keep talking about how he finally mastered letting go or that a woman skilled at him
you are miserable because you attempt to use the law to control the world, you will stand firm in the face of adversity and go against the world and once you eventually break i will still be alive.
Shit man, you're right, you won. Your method works. Sucks you'll have to live like that.
>If you ever get stuck just go on YouTube and learn how to do candle magic. It's more powerful then Neville or bengston since it combines ritual + 2nd causes + desire + intent + letting go. It's all wrapped up into a nice little present.
>Plus candles are super cheap.
>If you're a dude you can also use oil lamps or cool candles like mushroom shaped ones or candles that look like skulls.
>It gets a bad rap because it's what teenage girls use to learn magic. But it works. Those teen girls get results and switch over to advanced stuff for life. You can perform love spells and money spells. All sorts of fun stuff.
Very interesting thanks, and have a good one for us in Mexico!!
>I think that is the main reason why loa doesnt work with all.
Or maybe its just statistics, probabilities.
>Yo lil, been doing better (I think)
Hopefully you are :)

>How do I stop the tendency of overthinking and forcing it when I know I have to allow manifestations to occur?
Again, has it set yet?

I can relate to your issue right now, I am working on my white whale and it feels like I'm a newb again, pushing and struggling to get it over the line. Are you on that side of the wall or does it feel set and you are fretting?

>Could you elaborate more on how stuff like my last meal was a manifestation?
Next time you decide to have a meal, pay attention to the mental process you go through as you are doing so. When I was working with Tak I didn't even go that large, I just started paying attention to when I wanted to get up and walk somewhere. Give that a try before I give you more on this and see what you see.

>As well the fact if I see someone doing something I don’t like I have to change myself
You know I'm not a fan of EIYPO be even basic psychology will tell you that what you see in others that annoys you is a reflection of yourself. Because you are paying attention and it bothers you it's a sign you have something going on there. Address it and you won't see it anymore, and as per Neville once you take your attention away from things in your life they will die off.
Nice Anon! Great things are yours.
>You have a poster who just becomes a vampire one day then decides he doesn’t like it and just changes back. No issue at all.
You are the Creator. If you are a human currently, it's because you chose to be for certain period, not because that's what you really are.

Everything is transitive, and when you realize you are the source of it, you can decide what, how, when and for how long.

That must scare you :)
Can confirm. Not having anything to worry about or work for can be pure torture to those with a challenge addiction like myself. I'm working through it to a more gratitude based viewpoint.
Aside - I'm not sure I find "beliefs" that great a concept; it's quite vague. A belief, as in something that appears as a thought about whether something is possible or not, isn't necessarily a problem. You can just ignore the thought and intend the outcome regardless, then resist tinkering due to doubt. What's important is the "patterning" of one's experience, which may or may not correspond to any passing thoughts you have, or indeed any "conceptual castles" you have about the world. I think this is an area once needs to examine personally, to note how it really is for you; trying to change "beliefs" can become an unfocused and sort of superstitious activity if you're not careful.
I've manifested lots of unbelievable things and when received was incapable of believing it's happening.
>t. Vampirecel
Lil I can't listen to you anymore, that was too cringe. I liked you but the others are right, you're just larping at this point, also likely mentally ill, see a therapist.
Nah, there will always be something else you'd want

>Neville would be disgusted.
Why would he, unless he's just bullshitting the entire time
> you set the start point in the "past" rather than now or in the "future."

what's your white whale, is it something you already decided on?
is it a ground-breaking discovery or feat, or something more personal?
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Think about your manifest. Most of the time we think in terms of having it in the "future" ie: a promotion or marriage. Ideally we force the concept that we have it "now" in order to reduce the delivery time. But what happens if you decide you had it before today? What if you had it your whole life?

That's all you have to do for it to affect "the past." I'm using quotes because Tak used to post this picrel and it's true- there is only the current instant. I'm still working on fully accepting it but I've seen enough evidence for it that all I have now is the residual habit of how I view time.
>you're just larping at this point
“Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.” – G. M. Trevelyan

Would I have thought it was impossible if someone posted what I do had I never done it myself and never seen outside the edges of the 3d before? Maybe, but when I was introduced to these concepts and people back in the day my first impulse was not to say "no way!", it was to ask "how did they do it?"

And lacking a "how" I simply focused on it, thought about it, believed I could do it, be it. And I was.

And that is how simple this is if you allow it to be. I AM.
It's something I don't actually need but would be amazing, and may not exist yet. If I can do it, it will change the world.

It's challenging because I am content. Being in a state of complete contentment makes it hard to summon the desire to change it and the commitment to let the current state go.

I know there are Anons in thread that don't like when I say this is easy- but I am well acquainted with the challenges of overcoming roadblocks of my own making. And that's all this is- the power within us cares not one whit what we choose to manifest, all of the difficulties we face are of our own making
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>Jesus Christ he's actually mentally lost it now
Death to lildickfag
One day you guys are going to bully him out of this general. And what will be left of it then?
He was already bullied out of the general for a few months at least.
Lol, nobody here capable of bullying me. I don't know if there is anyone anywhere else that is able to either.

They keep the thread bumped and where I think there may be opportunities for teaching moments I use them.

I won't be here forever, but I see Anons helping out when I'm not around. The spirit of this thread lives past the detractors and OT spammers.
>Ungodly amounts of coping
Good to know the bullying is getting to you lil.
The general will eventually know a time again without you spamming your cancer.
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>drove onto Barbados Street while doing a work delivery today
huh, I guess this counts as a synchronicity then??
“Man fails to do the works of Jesus Christ because he attempts to accomplish them from his present level of consciousness. You will never transcend your present accomplishments through sacrifice and struggle. Your present level of consciousness will only be transcended as you drop the present state and rise to a higher level. You rise to a higher level of consciousness by taking your attention away from your present limitations and placing it upon that which you desire to be."

Neville Goddard
life IS change, resisting change is the most counter-flow thing possible.

growth and progress are inevitable if you allow them to happen instead of letting yourself be dragged down by your past
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>Muh quotes
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Are you me? I did that same exact shit. Ended up fucking up the relationship a year in
NTA, How did the relationship end anon?
Can my birthday night be more cool and extravagant and happy?

It's been off to a rough start, so many disappointments earlier today
Demon confirms the threesome was with the spirit Lilith and stolas
happy birthday anon. manifesting that your day gets better :)
So LilAnon is bisexual... the vampire story all makes sense now. manifesting a I meet a LilAnon clone IRL. I like them pale, and with lots of stamina ;)
Why didn't Elliot Rodger win the lottery?
How? Teach me your ways.
Lilanon cannot be bullied off the general.
I need my daily episodes of the Lilanon show.
Heed his glorious advice on manifestation and blood sucking,
So why are you here? You faggots will never answer that question
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
I will answer the question.
Truth and justice.
Truth - you cannot become an anime uwu fox girl vampire. Obviously it can’t be done
Justice - the real law of assumption is worth discussing, it can marginally improve your life.
Instead we have reality warping LARPs.
Based poster.
>thread is just LilAnon and others arguing about bullshit
>Only shit ever spewed in this general is the same regurgitated "UH LE SATS FEEL IT REAL" basic advice
>No mentions of more interesting techniques such as using intent, talk on I AM meditations, 2nd causes etc...

No wonder nobody here sees results. This general is ridiculously low quality.
Lilanon is the one causing the low quality, so the hate is deserved, dumb Schizo thinks he's a vampire, it's embarrassing.
don't make it more difficult than it has to be, just go with the flow and let things go it's course.
Lilanon bite this heathen!
Lilanon suck his dick!
universal line makes so much sense i understand it completely and it fills me with so much joy i love my super duper adorable best friend
guys do you want to talk about universal line?

what are your experiences with universal line?

it is logically and factually superior to the teachings of neville goddard even if the core message and results might be the same, i think this is indisputable and this conclusion has taken me two years of study. I read most of NG work and now have turned to UL exclusively
I don’t really but that’s because I gloss over these images as they burn my eyes. I got told last thread they were full of deep meaning and alchemical in style but I am not convinced.
What is Universal Line?

LOA broken though into a first principle that can be derived through simple mechanical facts - meaning you can verify for yourself easily why you are God/One-thing/No-thing and then it uses this first principle to derive 12 absolute facts that you use to navigate the world rather than what your limited perception tells you.

Meaning you need not take anything on faith or believe but can understand it through your intellect which I'd argue creates a stronger conviction/foundation for most of us as we are raised to be skeptical thinkers by our education system.
Old UL texts prove One-Thing better.
I spent a lot of time studying new texts, and it never clicked for me until I went to old ones like financial gain as per recommendation of UL Anon
you a shit
based and checked
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Yes I agree. His old texts are better in many ways but his new in other ways. I find that it mimics my internal journey.

I think it is a travesty that UL Anon is as neglected, he is one of the few people who have provided a concrete roadmap that includes results with "proof" in this general since I started lurking here which has been three years ago.

I wish there was a place for people to discuss UL to the same degree as UL Anon.

Logically, you must agree two or more things requiring one-thing and the attributes of one-thing when applied to time and space as the two things mean that one thing is all there is and also by the definition of a "thing" no-thing.

There is no comparison to be found in NG for example. Nothing as solid as that mechanical fact. I am not disparaging on NG simply highlighting how UL stands on more logically solid fact.

How has your experience been of UL?
i feel like i cant nail down the proper way to do this. ill get results very sparingly because im constantly changing and adjusting things to try to get it right

>it can marginally improve your life
Skill issue

>reality warping
Fear of your true potential

...You could change all of this simply by deciding not to be so limited and boring. As Neville says, "Dare to believe..."
Why is OP such a flaming homosexual?
Why do I feel OPs lips and tongue around my ballsack?
Why does OPs breath taste like my ballsack?
Isn't it wonderful?
>I got told last thread they were full of deep meaning
They are but they are really difficult to read unless you already know it or you think like JP does.

There are other sources to learn the information but some(many?) LOAs don't want to bother with it because why should they care about communing with their deeper self when they can get results without it. I don't have a problem with that stance because they will learn it when they are ready to move to and past that point.
>Meaning you need not take anything on faith or believe
That's not exactly accurate- you believe it and have faith because you -know- it's true. It's a bad take to think that belief is some nebulous thing that is not grounded in knowledge and observation- I personally believe because I have seen it and tested it. It works, I know it does, so I believe it will work whenever I decide I want something.
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>talk on I AM meditations
So talk about I AM meditations. This thread requires contribution of quality content to improve, not complaining

>No mentions of more interesting techniques such as using intent, 2nd causes etc...
Make another thread for that. If /omg/ is dead open it back up and post some good content.

There is more than enough content to support first cause operations that can be posted here. Most of the Anons claiming to know Neville's works well have either forgotten that he teaches more than the SATS technique or never read it to begin with.

Change starts with you- what will you be today?
i have noticed i get better results when i make plans to actually get it. maybe engaging with the subject matter makes it much more tangible and thus easier to manifest.
thank you.
2nd causes should be a staple of this thread, but any interesting discussion gets shut down every time. LilAnon will defend this.
The other religions see different characters in people. Different stages of life. And give appropriate knowledge. Thus their success ratio is much higher than this single person, single time period doctrine. This one mind, narcissism doctrine that has no idea other people exist. If these kikes didnt get the power and money of this age, they would be like any other tribal rat. And they were tribal rats for a long time.

Again, this knowledge only became coherent with a white man broadening this knowledge for other people. Making it partly suitable for community building. But what errors and problems you encounter, which werent touched by Neville or another sane white man, are thusly still inventions of mentally ill jews who never expanded into the societal building aspect. So this old knowledge want meant for media, not meant for other people, not meant for imageboards.

Its not a call to try to solve these problems that arise. It is rather more wise to abandon whatever doesnt work because it is not of high quality. One should clearly see the jewish, schizoid/narcissism character and abandon it.
2nd cause panic is ruining this general's ability to manifest. Let me list some more 2nd causes
>Going to work to make money
>Going to hobby groups to meet people.
>Using medical technology to heal

Lilanon is a crazy egotistical namefag, he is not an authority to listen to.
>Lilanon is a crazy egotistical namefag, he is not an authority to listen to
Glad someone finally said it. The only person to listen to is yourself people. These niggas don’t know otherwise they would let you work it out yourself (as we all have the sovereignty to do so)
You are the one deciding what works and what doesn’t mother-anon, when will you accept your this?
Thank you for stinking up this place and reminding me why I shouldn’t come here, every time I come here.
I’m taking a shit right now… why oh why do I distract myself with the dark glass when I should be focusing on the wonderful sensations of my asshole opening and letting out what my body does not need. Get with it brodies. Tripfags can lick nuts.
So it is brother man. It’s good to hear some good news! DXVK8
LilAnon is a glowfag who totally wasn't taught by lillith's tulpa
I am t his poster >>38341226

And I quickly analyzed the threads, you are correct and I am glad more people indeed understand it. I know its a bit weird but threads like "the nobody" have their language target very specific parts of the psyche, that gives them grandiose feelings. Clinically speaking its narcissism, but other phrases are god complexes, egomania, grandiosity etc.

So if you structure an occult group for these things. The people will work fine as individuals. But as I explained, these are structured in such a way that it only caters to one personality type. Large religions have many different personality types. And different development stages, and insight into different problems of the people.

The kaballah came from the white man. Was interpreted by desert rats, and thus kinda damaged. And then Neville came along and repaired it partly. What everyone in this thread is missing is the community oriented language/structure/culture.

It is a battle between the tribal feelings of the jew, and the complex, society building, long standing cultural way of the white man. A white man may fall to the level of a jew, but a jew can hardly grow to be a white man. You have a chance to further re-create theory of this thing into a proper working system. But for that you need to eject the ones with mental problems, and remove the doctrine that caters to those with mental problems.
Stop telling people they have bad takes lil anon lest you become the king of bad takes fr fr my shit is almost done I’m about to wipe.
this, stop trying so goddamn hard. it has already been provided for you, also lottery win is a secondary cause as well. i may or may not win in lottery, but i will become wealthy without any real effort (while doing nothing without even trying at all). no matter what they way is.
Mother-anon… You ARE wealthy.
How many times a nigga gotta tell you????
Based and true.
Lilanon is a fraud, he has no life and knows he can't manifest, so he daydreams that he's a vampire kek.
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what is the best way to heal your body? write a step by step guide. especially when you can't really detach your mind from the feeling of your sick body?
say you don't care about what disease or health issues you have. you just want to be in perfect health and shape. don't care how or why or when, or how it will feel like etc..
I mean you should just know it when it happens. somehow. and it should be too obvious you don't doubt it.
summoning lilanon using telepathy

>It works, I know it does, so I believe it will work whenever I decide I want something.
Does it work even with SP's?
Which UL pdf is this?
Incubi only have sex with women. Lilanon is super-straight.
>2nd cause panic
What second cause panic? Nothing is stopping you from posting whatever second cause stuff you want, but you need to support it if an Anon is having trouble and I will happily tell them it's unnecessary if they get stuck.

Also, the appetite for it is low, otherwise you would be posting it elsewhere. SMAnon's method was a straight hijack of this thread and he admitted as such after an Anon posted where he got the method from a beginner's Magick resource.
>Does it work even with SP's?
Yep. I have an easy time with SPs, I always have.
>what is the best way to heal your body?
1. Figure out what good health looks like on you. Picture it, write it down or take mental notes.
2. Pick a technique to set your manifest with: SATS, meditation, scripting, etc. Believe yourself into that state.
3. Once you feel the manifestation set, let go of what you are feeling and your ailments- you are a new person

This is the same process for any manifest. This is the same way you do anything- you pick a goal, you find a way to believe in it and then you let it happen.
okay two questions? what do you do if you don't know how perfect health looks like?
say you have never experienced that. or it has been a long time since you felt good.

also what's the difference between meditation and SATS

everytime I attempt SATS I get very bad sleep paralysis with hallucinations and nightmares of demons fucking with me.
Can you explain these steps as if you were performing an occult magick ritual? If anons here can draw parallels between this process and traditional methods, it may help to understand what is happening at each step.
SM here this is a lie.
I wasn't in any interaction like this, I've always been explicitly clear I only talk about the method if someone else mentions it. I've been clear I outlined my theories in a shifting thread, someone shared the same universe manifestation stuff in /Loa/. Shitloads of people tried it, many got results, and asked questions which I answered.

If I wanted to hijack I'd share it every thread and offer it as advice to every question. Also I'd I wanted to share beginners Magick I'd share candle spells, sigils or even massive 3 days rituals where intent is obfuscated just like it is when you do SATs to create change.
sup SM
anything new regarding the method? post some success testimonies.

The 2004 version.
SManon our hero,
Lilvampirecel is just jealous of your success.
wait UL is this old?
how does JP look like? if he is bald I am not listening to him. I refuse to take LoA advice from a bald person
I've gotta know, are these progress updates or are you manifesting? I've seen these for like a year now.
Nothing new specifically on the method. I'm working on a tech for big things though.

Biggest result was this guy getting 100k in a day from investments. Another got sp, other guy regrew hair.
what telegram group are you in?
Pic rel
Yes. As far as I know it is even older by a few years. I think like 2001? I don't remember exactly.

He is not bald.
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second causes are goated
Not fully to blame as he did a lot, but last tech done before manifest. Same guy used method to get a friend's car paid off.
Be aware you're the source of the power and
If you search SManon invite in 4plebs, a group kept asking me to join, that group.
>Nothing new specifically
I'll talk about my current investigation (couldn't get that inner return, distracted by irl being too fun is my gay excuse), my massive manifests had something in common.

Small things take much less effort to manifest. Offhanded thoughts push them to show up very quickly. Big stuff not so much. You're doing a bunch of sessions and it doesn't seem like much is going on.

My idea is daily session on big thing. Then tiny manifests for the next logical step. Planning and targetting the next step is the crux. Playing in the how is always I'll advised, but all my larger manifests had stepping stone manifests while focusing on the end.

Go to the end, chunk out milestones like a mundane would do, manifest next step. But I'm doing it as a small manifest. Like a quick assertion to the universe.

I'm testing if "targeting specific events" or just "asserting that event happens more" leads to smoother manifests. Because you can assert rules instead of events onto the universe and those rules may up milestone encounter rates if that makes sense.

I don't have a practical step by step, just rambling.
Based truth.
Schizo trip watches one Taoism video and thinks he just gives up on everything.

Read this book by Émile Coué.
Btw I'm surprised he never gets mentioned in these threads.
Balloon larper is a larper.
>regrew hair
Big if true. Which it probably isn’t. This would be the greatest manifestation given all the bald gurus.
I do credit SManon in not being annoying though, he doesn’t spam and his hand moves on it’s own.
Manifestation power ranking
Lilanon > ABDULLAH > SManon > JP > Neville > (massive power gap) > Bengston > average anon > retard > (massive power gap) mother-anon
will check
>okay two questions? what do you do if you don't know how perfect health looks like?
If you have absolutely no good days(I feel for you if so) you can can look at how others do and believe yourself doing the same or simply think of what you are having trouble with and focus on no longer having those issues. Weakness? You're strong. Pain? You're pain free. Sick? You're back to 100%

>also what's the difference between meditation and SATS
Both are trance states. "SATS" is a state but we frequently use it as shorthand for the technique where you visualize as you fall asleep.

You may be asking what works better, SATS technique feels more natural for some Anons and allows them to go deeper than they might while meditating, but most of it comes down to the Anon's comfort level with each technique and practice.

>everytime I attempt SATS I get very bad sleep paralysis with hallucinations and nightmares of demons fucking with me.
That's ugly. I would use other techniques for now, SATS is good but it's not the only or even the best technique, and certainly if it doesn't work for you currently don't bother for now.

>Can you explain these steps as if you were performing an occult magick ritual?
No. I'm far enough away from those traditions that the complications don't work for me. The person who posted about Stoltas reminded me of the Goetia work my peers were doing when I was trying to find my own way- reading the names and ranks of the Goetia spirits and their areas of concern reminded me of how unnecessary all of it is- you are the source, not the rituals and the additional layers.
why are you people so obsessed with us? get your own mystical writings
Our king who does stuff.
Are abdullah's own writings even available, tho? all we know from him, comes from Neville.
I DO like "just decide" method but Im upset you didn't include Triumphantgeorge nor Orion
stfu jew
Lao Tzu discovered the same truth as Neville did, he simply viewed it from a non-christian/non-western perspective which is why it's not totally the same, but taoism still meshes perfectly with the law.
>why are you people so obsessed with us? get your own mystical writings

The people complaining that all of this got "stolen" claim to have superior bloodline. Why aren't they creating newer and even better materials now? That's what people do when they are good at something.
It's evolving
Just decide is the peak. I've only had it work for smaller things. Larger manifests not so much.
Expected/10 for a jdif
>I've only had it work for smaller things. Larger manifests not so much.
the principle is the same. You're probably re patterning your current situation for "big" manifestations
Whats the SMAnon technique? Pick a random activity and intent that while youre doing it, its causing your manifestation right?
>Again, has it set yet?
I think there has been times it did but I somehow “retcon” them unless it was about to be set but couldn’t cross that finish line

>Are you on that side of the wall or does it feel set and you are fretting?
I’ve experienced both as of late, some things manifest when I decide w/o the need to be set but for the white whale as you would say for me would be on the wall. Though I think it’s on the verge

>I can relate to your issue right now
Hopefully it won’t take you as long as my shit is

>Give that a try before I give you more on this and see what you see

Here goes:

>feel hungry
>”time to get food”
>indecisive usually so I won’t decide until I spontaneously choose or occasionally already have a mood for a specific meal
>take action
>buy food

The only thing I can see is the moment we decide something is the moment it manifests

>Neville once you take your attention away from things in your life they will die off.
The one thing about LoA I find to be too good to be true is it’s all a matter of choosing and allowing. Like if I wanted to be a chick magnet for example I would just choose to be one and allow it to happen persistently

I find this unbelievable on my part, how can it manifest the moment I choose/be because I tried for a while and I didn’t see movement despite keeping an open mind

Will admit this is one of the fundamentals I don’t get

What about your statement about assumptions determine the BOI? If in my case I want to have my desires manifest RIGHT NOW it tends to have some hard times struggling cause after all it is evident that manifestation is instant, unless I’m dealing with a hybrid issue with delayed/instant gratification then I don’t know

Maybe I’m impatient? My wife is being polite still despite my assurance to her she has my permission to freak me out at my own risk
Basically. Focus being that you are causing the target event each time you do the action (or during if it's a passive continuous thing like looking at a door).
Another sponsored post by lilanon.
I'm successfully manifesting (on relatively small time scales) but there is a constant taint in the form of human parasites. I wish to God I was exaggerating. I cannot get rid of them.
Any anon here with some advise would be really, really helpful. This is fucking hell.
Taosim has nothing to do with LoA. It's goals are different and irreconcilable.
The Tao is unknowable. Your incompetence is infinite.
Cease floundering in the void.
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>I need to kill everyone
This is bad. Seek help.
the law is unknowable too and the law has no other goal than to attain salvation.

same, the place i live in is tainted by the humiliation i had to walk through. i want to resolve the past traumas but they keep resurfacing time after time again, i know that there is a place where i can live in the sweet harmony but i have to be able to let go of all that is in front of me and let it sink into oblivion.
>I think there has been times it did but I somehow “retcon” them unless it was about to be set but couldn’t cross that finish line
I think you are almost there then. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I was still mostly asleep. I started SATSing for my white whale and it felt like it was right there but for some reason it did not set. Persistence pays.

>Hopefully it won’t take you as long as my shit is
We've both made it already, we're just being stubborn about it :)

>The only thing I can see is the moment we decide something is the moment it manifests
Good, look a little closer as you are deciding- do you have a little flash in your mind where everything is mapped out on how you are going to do it/how it is going to happen?

>The one thing about LoA I find to be too good to be true is it’s all a matter of choosing and allowing. Like if I wanted to be a chick magnet for example I would just choose to be one and allow it to happen persistently
Indeed- yet this is exactly how it works. To borrow a page from UL, you are already everything- you are just deciding how you are expressing that in your limited expression(your pretend mask)

From my STEM perspective, my mind is repulsed by the idea that you simply need to decide and it suddenly is without effort- but that's not because the science doesn't support it, it's because I have accepted the belief on a deep level that some sort of work action is required for a result. I'm unlearning that but it's a thing.

>Will admit this is one of the fundamentals I don’t get
Give yourself time and test it out- if you can accept the evidence then your prior disbelief will give way.

>What about your statement about assumptions determine the BOI?
If you can see the bridge of incidents forming after you set your manifest(the exercise to be aware of your daily manifests) you will immediately see that you assume things should happen a certain way, and they do. Because you made it happen that way
>Maybe I’m impatient?
Probably, but there is no required wait period :)

> My wife is being polite still despite my assurance to her she has my permission to freak me out at my own risk
She's protecting you- she IS you. If you say it's ok she still won't, if you tell her to do it she will.

An Anon a long time ago asked me about manifesting proof of manifestation. I told him to dive into the deep end but not to be surprised if it freaks him out. He never said what he saw but he came back and reported he has no doubts now.

It's up to you to decide how you want this to play out. You don't need to see out the edges to get your return if you are willing to let go of the things that are getting in your way. You can always force it though, and while you may not be ready for it yet it could be a good lesson.
No. Wrong.
Why are you so wrong always?
You are like the textbook on how not to do things.
address the argument.
Based king. He tells you to get on with it,
>same, the place i live in is tainted by the humiliation i had to walk through. i want to resolve the past traumas but they keep resurfacing time after time again, i know that there is a place where i can live in the sweet harmony but i have to be able to let go of all that is in front of me and let it sink into oblivion.
Uncanny. Why does it continually manifest in "people" the exact same way? The same scripts, different locations. I've tried to change it in every way I could think of but to no avail. Not feeding them energy is difficult. Simply letting go is not an option, the scripts keep running.
I already have like twice now. A basic comparison of these two things shows they are completely different.
You now post “address the argument” like it’s smart. Lmao. Your argument gets addressed >>38335444
Then you seethe and whine
The problem is you and your constant bullshit. You pick something, blog wrongly. Get bored, post some more shit wrong. Repeat.
The best advice in this general is to use you as a perfect case of how not to achieve. Why you can’t learn anything is a miracle of the universe. No one should be this bad. Your life might improve if you did not do the same mistakes constantly.
Creepy schizos.
I pray for your sake you never experience this, it taints every aspect of your existence. All the best to you.
it seems that we reflect each other in this way, my life is haunted by my inability to get a human wife and for this i see mostly the same young couples and the same women when i go outside and it's the same thing that the women love other men but are creeped out by me. i have tried my best to let go of it but something keeps clinging onto it and it keeps eluding me. i am trying to find my answers from taoism as i see truth in it.

saying nuh-uh and attacking my character is not an argument.
You're looking for meaning in another person and pursuing Taoism? That is an oxymoron.
My turn to give you advice. People, even the non-scripts, are transient. You are chasing wind.
If you don't want to be something, change your actions or edit the definition of that something. Both are valid Manifestation paths

I don't know how he looks like nowadays, but he is 72 years old.
. Ignore the evidence, know the fact. Everything else is theatre. All that matters is that you fully accept the fact that something is going to happen. All these methods are about sneakily inserting or adjusting facts-of-the-world.

It all works this way, I think:

If you move your arm right now, you don't do it directly. You request/insert the experience into your timeline (you might say), the fact that "it is now true that my arm will move". The proximity in terms of space and time makes you think that you did it by more straightforward means.

In fact (heh), you simply don't have direct access to sensory experience at all; you adjust facts, and subsequent sensory experience arises spontaneously and consistently with those facts.

So it's about creating new facts-of-the-world by any means you like. Since acceptance of its truth is what matters, anything that implies it is a fact (e.g. getting excited, looking forward to it) can only help establish it. It's a bit like Erickson hypnosis in this way - thinking and doing things that assume the certainty of the wish fulfilled.
Someone else's wisdom I've saved from a few months ago. A nice little synchronicity.

>You have to think of life as a mirror. If you want your hand to move in the mirror, you must move it. To truly manifest, you have to think it- but to really think it, you must believe it, and the highest form of belief is action. The best way to do it is to take risks, and not give a fuck about being homeless. A few more tidbits to help you on your journey-
1. never tell anyone that you are manifesting.
2. retain your life force.
3. You live in the physical realm- take care of your physical body. You can borrow a car, you can borrow money, but you cannot borrow a strong body- especially in this goyslop and corn syrup drowned world. Good luck brother.

As for your manifestation, there are several possibilities that might be the cause of your blockage.
1. You’re focusing on the wrong thing. Instead of focusing on the mirror, focus on the reflection in the mirror.
2. You are focusing too much on the outcome and not in the present moment.
3. You have some kind of blockage- you need to do something different, and something that gives you a “win”. For me, when I feel a blockage, I climb a mountain. Always works.
4. You are making little mistakes, like telling people that you’re manifesting, and/or making this blockage your reality, thus your reflection.

Peace brothers and sisters.
I find it amusing he's been literally saying the same things and using most of the images for 20 years
He's changing his sessions to be more and more decide and let source handle it.
Most of you will fail and your self delusions do not work lol, these threads are basically r9k threads where people regurgitate "you can do it, bro you already have it". You dont have some secret knowledge, you are not chosen, you do not know the path to success. These efforts are mostly wasted. Because you are doing grandiose delusions. Not even on a basis of actual manifestation. But rather mental illness.
Taoism does not promote laziness nor surrender, it promotes trust above all else.

You can try and grasp water into your hand, it will flow away. You can try and beat the water, you can scream at it, no matter what you do water will always prevail not because it answers to you with the same force you bring to it but because it brnds to you and overcomes.

In this you can stop your futile attempts at controlling the current and simply throw yourself to it, trust it. Bend to it just like it bends to you and you too will find true power.
Kek. Tippity top kekkles even.
He published version 1.1 of his first document on 2000.
I mean logically it all makes sense, it's the most effortless way. If you could why wouldn't you? And if you're God why wouldn't you be able to.
I believe I remember in his IMLKRH text he mentioned he was middle aged certainly not 72.
does being in a deep meditation help us manifest? or is it not beneficial?
Usually it's best to leave it to your deeper self, but you can see and interact with the mechanisms if you are so inclined. The Anon here >>38343423 is probably correct but when you have the mechanism established and communicated there really isn't anywhere to go at that point. Neville's many works have some additional refinement and corrections but he was at least 85% right in his first book so what do you do at that point other than restate and try to find other ways to say it?
Meditation is a good relaxation/focus technique to use. It has the added benefit that you can do it anywhere.
>I started SATSing for my white whale and it felt like it was right there but for some reason it did not set
My theory is that it’s more of a matter of confirmation if you want it. After all depending how “big” it is will obvs cause massive changes

>we're just being stubborn about it :)
Unfortunately but we both know we can preserve

>do you have a little flash in your mind where everything is mapped out on how you are going to do it/how it is going to happen?
Yeah it goes something like this

>decision is made
>immediately know what to do
>take action part kicks in
>get meal

The other part I get about it is when the decision is made, it’s what made the inspired action take place

No resistance whatsoever too

>I'm unlearning that but it's a thing.
Glad I ain’t the only one, “logically” doesn’t make sense but LoA it does which I do understand it even if it seems a bit paradoxical that I know it’s true but I find it unbelievable. Then again I’m working on cutting out the unnecessary part and going straight to the end instead of choosing what’s I think is best based on my last manifestations where I end up dissatisfied with my specific way

>if you can accept the evidence then your prior disbelief will give way.
Having some difficulty doing so even though I realized it’s real, like I have had moments where it doesn’t feel set but still manifests (prolly cause I accepted it) and it happens once I just allow it and stop holding onto it

That’s why I asked how do I stop the tendency to overthink and hold on

>Because you made it happen that way
We can always tweak it right? Or do we just apply what we do naturally for other things?
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picrel. He is 72
Cause look, I know you said there’s no required waiting but sometimes I just want it now but I think it has to do with not having it set. The fact I have manifested some stuff with mere acceptance is a good sign but I have the habit of trying to force it to happen via old ways I do like overthinking or holding onto it but I know those don’t work but it’s a nasty habit I do

Really I guess I’m really asking overall is I want to learn to surrender and allow more consistently. Accepting too I suppose but I want that faith that it’s already mine since I believe it will put me at ease

Not used to having faith something is done in my life…

>if you tell her to do it she will.
I think I have but not with full confidence in my answer, there could be some reservations however I think it’s more so with getting this set by crossing the finish line

>You can always force it though, and while you may not be ready for it yet it could be a good lesson.
I’ve been a bit off with my practice since I’m not in a environment where I can do so, not well rested and the fact I’ve been sick the last week hasn’t helped but I tried practicing accepting while I’m consciously awake

I wonder to myself why do I hold onto my old limitations, I know I’m the creator based on my last manifestations but the big one is my killer though I know it’s possible at the minimum

I’ll give it a try hopefully I find the best method possible for myself, been tryna contact “The Guy” as you suggested last week but seems like he could be listening, just seeing if I’m true to my word and would step in cause after all it would prolly freak out the average person
In the end of it, relaxation and faith by accepting and allowing is the stuff I need to learn. Once it’s learned and I stop holding back that damn sun then it should be easy
so i dont need to meditate to get into a sats state then?
I am a black girl magnet
I am a black girl magnet
I am a black girl magnet
little bit of both. things are getting closer and while i get a stage win here and there the yellow jersey is the goal and it is mine.
>My theory is that it’s more of a matter of confirmation if you want it. After all depending how “big” it is will obvs cause massive changes
This is entirely correct, but I have had it slip through sometimes. The manifest I did last fall where I unexpectedly set "I AM free" was earlier than I was expecting/ready for. I am still adjusting.

>Yeah it goes something like this
Nice. Once you see it, it can't be unseen. You are the author of your own story.

> like I have had moments where it doesn’t feel set but still manifests (prolly cause I accepted it)
Low/no resistance usually doesn't get a strong set reaction, you may have to look for it but you should still feel something, like things are as they should be

>We can always tweak it right?
Yes, you can modify your manifests before they arrive(like getting it here sooner) or once you have it and it's not what you were hoping for.

>I want to learn to surrender and allow more consistently
Trust. Think of the times it worked in order to bolster your faith. There is no mistake here- you may not be 100% onboard with your wild idea(like me) but the seed of it is there. All you have to do is drop it in the soil and it will happen.

>but the big one is my killer though I know it’s possible at the minimum
Yep- I feel the same way. Not being able to set this easily is no surprise, the surprise is in my feeling that I may not be able to. Always before I knew it was just a matter of time- I would have it. I don't have that certainty here, but I also see that as a challenge. Maybe my last big challenge :)
This is kinda creepy. There's a guy I've been talking to on and off for almost a year and a half, and a few weeks ago I started doing techniques to manifest him. The last time we spoke (one week ago) we had a really good conversation where we were making plans to visit each other (we live in different cities).
Since that convo he just became super distant suddenly. He left me on read without any explanations, and only sent me one message this past week (which he quickly deleted). It's very unlike him.

I just checked the app we talk on and now it looks like he's unfriended me (but not blocked me). I'm not blocked on his number either. I don't understand why. We always said that if either of us found someone else, we would still talk as friends.

Can any moids tell me what this means? Does this mean it's working?
Imagine how different these threads would be if all those years ago a certain anon decided not to replay Planescape Torment...
It's never the wrong decision to replay planescape torment
It brought LilAnon to these threads.
Stepping stones brother
Lil anon will be trampled to death as our buddha reveals himself. He needs to be here. For now.
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He probably read the Art of Seduction and is playing you like a fiddle. The power imbalance means there is almost no coming back from this. Sorry Anonette.
>We always said that if either of us found someone else, we would still talk as friends.
Cuck behavior if true, sigma behavior if lying. Either way he's a faggot. Good luck. Hopefully your manifestation is actually bringing you someone good in your life and that's why he disappeared.
I needed a good laugh about the situation, thanks for that anon
Funny callout :)

"If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear - whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. I’ve seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag's heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me."
>Lil anon will be trampled to death as our buddha reveals himself
...I'd greet him as a fellow traveler on the path, as would he.

>so i dont need to meditate to get into a sats state then?
No, you can use techniques from meditation to or self-hypnosis to help control your trance depth but it is not required. One of the dirty secrets about going into a trance state is that it's easier than you think- when you are watching TV your are doing it and your conscious resistance is lower. The people running the industry know it, it's called a tv "program" for a reason.

What programs will you pick to feed your mind today?
>I AM free
I think this is one of those rare exceptions where it does manifest because it’s something you deeply desire, the other thing you and I are seeking? Well I’d say it’s a like a pop up menu that asks you “are you sure you would like to proceed? (There’s no turning back)”

>still feel something
I do as far as I recall, like either calm or just like “fuck it I’ll let it happen and forget about it” most of the time I will be clingy with my manifests which I need to remind myself I can’t be controlling

>you can modify your manifests before they arrive(like getting it here sooner) or once you have it and it's not what you were hoping for.
It can be changed same way via techniques right or is it different? I have tried it out myself to bring it closer in the times I’m all “want it now” but had some success though rarely

>All you have to do is drop it in the soil and it will happen.
To be frank…sounds too easy and “unrealistic” for me to do but if you or myself can convince it’s all I need to do then I wouldn’t mind doing so. Another thing I don’t get but it’s prolly ready to grow as long as I stop standing over it and watching it, prolly acknowledged this before but I have a better understanding now

Especially pointing out that’s it’s a matter of inner acceptance and allowing, plus my other issues are what causes me to have a lack of trust in the Process™, am getting somewhere

>Maybe my last big challenge :)
Good luck with it, as you would said “we already made it, we’re just being stubborn about it”
How does one use the Gateway tapes for manifesting?

>Practice Focus 10
>Practice Focus 12
>Do One Month-Patterning

Is this correct?
can you explain further please
Walter C. Lanyon

"He knew and wrote a book called 'Abd Allah, Teacher, Healer in 1921, about Abdullah the mystic Ethiopian teacher who influenced many notable New Thought authors and educators."
Can the LoA be integrated with Jungian psychology? There are clear parallels between the unconscious and subconscious. And synchronicity can be compared with manifestation. But Jungian psychology advocates the discovery of the unconscious by the ego and it's integration as part of the whole Self. In the LoA, the subconscious seems more like a tool that serves the ego/consciousness. It seems much more malleable and dismisses the uniqueness of the Self.

If someone wishes they were skinnier, the LoA would advocate telling the subconscious that they are indeed already skinny. Jung would instead look in their shadow and seek which part of the self is being repressed when the feeling of shame for being fat emerges.
It’s for OOBE.
It won’t do shit for manifestation. You have an old guy telling you to expand you energy balloon with a view to float out of your body. Read the manual.
How many months do I have to live assuming it's done for it to actually be done? After about month 2 I can't continue gaslighting myself. I always feel that I have to do something or do the manifestation again because "it shouldn't take this long." If you're going to troll, don't bother answering.
Lilanon played planecape torment and it influenced him?
He’s even cooler than I thought. Such good taste.
the usual LoA cope answer is that "it will happen when the time is right". I have noticed that if you honestly change yourself mentally the 3d doesn't take that long time to update (or at least you should feel a calming sense of relief which makes the 'waiting' easy)
it can be as fast as you can believe it to be, even instant if you want it so.
Yeah don't wait for that long. I think you'll either know the time when it is coming or it's not coming at all.
Guys do weird shit. He might just be nervous or he's being a bit too much of a tryhard, artificially trying to appear "mysterious" or something.

Don't get caught up in it, just let the process do its thing while you live in the end. The 3D is secondary to feeling-it-real.
you already can own the full library for basically any console. You can just go online and pirate every game ever made for most consoles and emulate them for like a few hundred gigs.
You'll know. When you know, it happens.
Are you speaking from experience or just parroting what you heard?
Why do you comment when you don’t know?
Threshold #3: One-Month Patterning
This exercise introduces you to a powerful tool for taking charge of your life. You may have
already encountered techniques similar to this. We call it Patterning.
This exercise works from the basic assumption that thoughts manifest as things, and that which
we think, we become. Accordingly, it’s not a matter of whether we pattern, but of how intensely
and how deliberately we choose what we think. As we deliberately make these choices in high
energy states, our patterns emerge around us reshaping our lives with a speed and intensity
unavailable in ordinary consciousness. To learn more about this important tool, at least consider
that the patterning process is a possibility.
To create a pattern, think, feel, or imagine that which you desire to become a part of your life.
Patterning functions like problem solving: place the pattern at the center of your consciousness
and push it out or let it flow strongly and surely out in all directions and in all ways. Then
release it. Releasing your pattern is very important. Doing so will assist the emergence of the
pattern in your life. One way to determine if you have released your pattern is if you have a
sense of ease and detachment regarding it.
You can use the patterning process to create or enhance many areas of your life: your physical
self, your mental self, your emotional self, and your total self; for where you want to be, what
you want to be doing, and what you want to accomplish. There is nothing inherently wrong
with asking for material things. It does require a change in concept if you’re from the school of
economic thought that says this is a world of scarce resources.

what is this then?
how's that any different than Neville (or any other LoA teacher) ? Why add unnecessary terminology like focus 11 focus 12 etc. ?
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>let go
I don't dispute that.
Persistently let go. There is no contradiction here.
Checked and approved by me who is actually you :^)
Black girls are sexy.
Let go the old state and persist in the new.
Neville says to persist not to let go which is the opposite.
Let go into the feeling of your desire realised and persist in that feeling. There is no opposition here, you are mistaking yourself.
This reminds me of when I play racing games and I know the tracks by heart, I get in a meditative state automatically and notice that my mind processes/resolves problems or concerns in the background.
I assume(!) this would work with manifestations as well.
let go of your old self and persist in what you desire.
>How many months do I have to live assuming it's done
It shouldn't be bothering you this much- after you set your manifestation you should only have it come to mind now and then and that's when you remind yourself that it's been taken care of.

If you are feeling unsure and think it's taking too long you can do your manifest again. If it's set already you should feel like it's unnecessary, if not set it and let go again.
>let go
Backwards. Persist until it's done and then let the process you started work.

This is no different than if you put in a custom order with someone. You won't see the results until it's delivered but you have confirmation that it's been completed.
NTA but what if you feel repulsed by the mere thought of imagining the scene again but you have not reached sabbath yet? Basically you looped it so much that it starts to feel like a torture.
>Neville says to persist not to let go
Read him again- he says to persist in becoming your new state and letting go of the old.
there's a whole lotta noise and latent desperation in this general
That's a triumphantgeorge post

Tinkering means reintending the original thought whether intentionally or unintentionally
>NTA but what if you feel repulsed by the mere thought of imagining the scene again
That could indicate that you've set it, but it could also mean you're burned out. Either way I would let it go for a bit, say a week, and revisit it then.

This should never feel like you are working, although with my occult background that's exactly what they preach and I keep at it from that frame sometimes.

This should be fun, easy, and joyful- you have unlimited wishes! Even forgetting that part you should be enjoying your imagination as much as you can. Everything you see and feel there your body treats as real, so things like a mental vacation really can be.
How many anons are doing daily UL sessions for their return? Was ULAnon the only one?
yeah I felt overwhelming joy imagining it during the first week but then.. after a month of no change in 3d looping the scene was just a torture. I honestly don't get why it didn't work this time. I've had great success with the Law before.
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I do twice a day. 10 minutes a piece. Sometimes more, extremely rarely lately less.
Underrated post.
You have all the signs that it set. Try doing a letting go exercise and forget about it for a bit. Write it down as a reminder if you completely forget about it and need to try again.
I must be the only person on Earth that finds breathing in and out manually uncomfortable. I wish there was an easier way.
Stop giving advice,
You can’t do anything.
So you are trolling.
>reintending the original thought whether intentionally or unintentionally

what does this mean??
Interesting how Neville says "get yourself worked up emotionally" which goes against the common understanding of loa to not "force feelings".
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Interesting how there are many people with many different mindsets and different means by which it works for them. And how a singular and "me" centered kaballa tradition spinoff thing does not work with many people, as you would expect in a big religion. Because the kaballah and jews are not civilization makers nor do they have the mental ability to transcend tribal pettiness. Hmmm. really makes you think
Reminder that you manifest how long your manifests take and can make them take less time by changing your inner beliefs about them.
Why are people less able to manifest SP/exes coming back than money?
I saw mother-anon at a Lidl in Helsinki yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and screaming about Taoism and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him still screaming bullshit about Taoism as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen bottles of meds in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional but you could see the half-smile on her face was a look of fear and disgust.
She was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the meds bottles and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each meds bottle and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly
That doesn't sound like mother-anon.
They want it too much essentially. Manifestations work through a process of surrendering to some degree. Trying to force the outcome ruins it.
Describe the mother-anon.
I wouldn’t even try because he is so repulsive.
I'm curious, what does everybody think about time travel?
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i don't live in helsinki and lidl doesn't sell pharmaceuticals.
Where did you come to that conlusion? Money seems to be the hardest thing to manifest for many.
If the poster believes you do strongly enough then you do. Let go.
maybe i could actually get some pussy in helsinki, it certainly ain't happening on the backwater i'm currently living in.
Mother anon confirmed to live in a padded room with only the voices in his head and occasional phone usage,
I manifested this. With help from Lilanon
Also Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return and are money magnets.
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I have exclusively asserted you will never get human pussy. I've been running this for at least 3 years.
I would treat every intention as literally updating the world, as intensifying the contribution of a particular fact, at that moment. So you should pretty much do it, and then just carry on with life.

If you like, you can do a regular session each day (e.g. using imagination to create the scene that corresponds to your desire being fulfilled, as a sort of regular "intensification" or deepening of the fact), but then leave it alone other than that. And if you do that, you have to be careful of how you do it...

Again, think of it as being a direct interaction with the world. The problem with people constantly fiddling about, is that when they intend again, they often do it by re-intending the initial state first, then intending the desired state. Reset! So only intend the target state.

Usual example which you can practice yourself: When people stand up from a chair, they often do it by first re-asserting that they are sat down, and then they intend standing up, by overcoming the sitting-down they just intended. This corresponds to re-intending the initial state, before intending the target state. Try this out. Now try standing without doing the re-asserting of sitting. Just imagine-that you are already stood up - and let the body move as it wants, being okay with whatever happens. You should find this a much more relaxed, effortless approach
Anon, he's a finnish serf. He doesn't mean human pussy.
Nuevo Bread

I think it is also possible and I also think you already have time traveled from Eternity (beyond time and space) into time to be born
I dont think guys act like this if they are interested in a girl, that's the contrary in fact, they become horny af as soon as a girl approach them. He probably found someone else who doesn't want him to have girls as friend, which is normal and sane. But he should have told her
Didn't you say you've never read any of his books ?
SManon method, very good one
*gets stung on the dick

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