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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
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Reminder that lilanon is a fraud who hasn't manifested anything noteworthy but a gay threesome. he even says he avoided death lmao, which is literally a reddit tier thing to claim.
All new anons don't listen to this faggot. lilanon samefagging will try to convince you otherwise so ignore them.
>Pic related
the law is like flowing water, try to control it and it will simply flow through your fingers. it is unknowable and you can only go with it or against it, i have chosen to go with it, to yield to it and allow myself be molded by it.
Who has success with UL besides ULanon?
I had one success with it. It was quite extreme and happened the next day. But I haven't had much with the sitting one, success was with the 3 part cycle one
Remember you desire, remember you're UL, be UL for 20s repeat.
What was your success, Anon?
How do you make a decision?

When you say be UL, do you mean do nothing for your return? I usually do 30s cycles, I just say I LK now manifest xyz and do nothing for 30s, total of 10 minutes
Is it better or worse to be blessed with this knowledge and yet still be a complete failure
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LilAnon is pretty.
LilAnon is the world's best manifestor.
I love LilAnon.
how to manifest bad stuff for other people?
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Pic rel
Sp related
Well how easy is it to manifest a gay threesome, anon? You must have lots of knowledge on this considering how much you bring it up.
Can someone give me the abridged version of UL philosophy?
Actually pic describes the 3 states but I cycled them like 3s 3s 24sec
Go into the UL drive in OP, read the latest version of ILKRH (i'm lord krishna right here). It's 25 pages. There's a newer one with no krishna branding but this one is purely about UL philosophy and not Paolucci's weird mythology.

Nice, have you tried this on other stuff?
Care to give us so more details to satiate our hunger?
How do I stop stressing out before and during a SATS session?

I try to remind myself it's just for fun and shit will work (had results lately with that imagining from back of skull thing) but keep stressing over nothing. Maybe just habit?
Nonduality says everything is source
You are source
If you want something source(and the universe) wants something
If you intent to manifest something source intends to manifest it.
Make it happen.
Just listen to the MP3 while you do something
Today I had a freak out and smashed my phone. How can I reverse this? It's not repairable by non magic means, I can tell you that much.

$50 reward to anyone who gives me a technique that works.
What do you guys think of writing diary entries as if you already have all that you want to manifest?
Maybe reading it over would get in the way since you're not detaching from the outcome though?
currently I'm manifesting LilAnon questioning his heterosexuality. So far it's only brought trolls calling him a faggot, but last night I did SATS where LilAnon admitted in a post he felt aroused by some anon's trolling pic here. After this I'll begin my manifestation of a face reveal where it's revealed my suspicions were true and that he's an ubertwink.
He's ftm
Why would you want to willingly occupy your mind with bad stuff?
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>Hey guys here's money if you have a method
Buy a Neville goddard book, I don't need 0.00004 of my networth to deal with a headache like this anon who gets mad and breaks shit
Already read feeling is the secret. I woke up mid panic attack, my phone was blaring an alarm, I tried everything to shut it off, got overstimulated, freaked out, and went full caveman smashing it.
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Thanks for baking!

Thank you!

We've all made it
It's easy to do, people do it every day...but why would you when you can have anything you want?
lol, I felt the burn from here
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I desire to live in Tokyo (I am a weeb). Would a good "imaginal scene" be walking up and down a single street at night and trying to give more details to like a 10-second loop of that until i fall asleep, or would I need something more elaborate than that?
>What do you guys think of writing diary entries as if you already have all that you want to manifest?
That's a version of scripting, and it should work well. Write your entries and read them again believing it happened.
Lilanon, mind assisting with my phone situation?
Lilanon refuses.
Says whomst?
You should start by imagining your reason for being there, say it's teaching English. Imagine how it would feel to
>touch the cherry tree petals as they fall in the crisp LCD kiosk
>taste an authentic 7/11 sushi platter with mochi balls
>see the children's wide-eyed stares and laughter at your perceived otherness
>hear your coworkers crack jokes about how you look like a fan of anime
>smell the fear of their women as they sense your intention to colonize their womb and the social ostracism they would face
The only work lilanon has done for anons is he summoned Saturn and bound him as a tulpa to the other anon.
>>smell the fear of their women as they sense your intention to colonize their womb and the social ostracism they would face
I thought getting too horny would be counter-productive (can a man SATS with a stiff willy?)
>He wants to join lildickfags threesome
Nice projection kek
Anyone ever browse an /LoA/ thread that was so good/informative they have the archive bookmarked? Want to see if there are any great tidbits of wisdom in them.
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Death to lildickfag
No, I want LilAnon for myself alone.
how do i manifest self love
Take pics and share them, so we can see his microscopic lil dick ofcourse.
What do you want to do here?
Okay loa is bs and here is one argyment
>Feeling is the secre
Lets imagine a scenario where your desire becomes real.
So you desperately desire something you want. You want it so bad you follow /LoA/ and start dreaming about how achieving it and having it will make ypu feel. You focus on intense deeply satisfying emotions, blissfull, joyfull, gratefull and estatic.
It took some work but you arrived and like anything in this world the reality and expectation just don't match.
You feel absolutely nothing. Its nothing you expected, really notjing at all. Others still wamt what ypu got but the longing seemed more intense than achieving. You're proud though, you did that. But it didn't give you nirvana. It actually kind of sucks.

And so your deep feeling, craving, desire. That moment you have it and its all falling to place, its bullshit. Thays what you'd thought it be like, its not what its like.
>The only work lilanon has done for anons is he summoned Saturn
No, TM did that. He wanted to experience being a Yandere magnet and I wanted to see if I could grant that.

I prefer to teach to fish rather than handing fish out but if someone is in dire straights enough I will. The problem is that the Anon's mindset caused the issue, I can only offer temporary relief. You are your own salvation.
The complaining method.
Some of you used it ?

>Feeling is the secre
Wrong feeling. Read more Neville and try again.

It's not "I feel" it's I AM.

Used it for 7 days for health, then I quit, didn't get healthy
2019-2020 threads are almost all top notch. Pick a random one and see.
Okay, what have you and/or others manifested?
7 days is not very long, let it cook for a few more days / weeks. The girl in the thread didn't get her dream job in 7 days either. And healing is not an easy task like seeing a pink ball, even if some anons will tell you there is nothing easy or hard. Healing is part of the most difficult things to achieve.
Good luck anon.
Lilanon you said you didn't even read one of Neville's books, is that true or was it sarcasm ?

We're not here to advertise or convince you. Help is available if you are willing to make the effort, if you are just here to be a skeptic we already have 3 noisy trolls for that.
I think he's read them now but he gave unwarranted advice for at least a year not reading and stubbornly refusing to read kek
Call it intrigue. Just wondering what you've manifested so far, if nothing at all I wont say its because it doesnt work. If lots of things very interesting.
>Lilanon you said you didn't even read one of Neville's books
It was true- when I joined the thread I hadn't read any of them and didn't need to- I learned via different sources. I had to read Neville in order to argue with the people who claimed to and were misquoting and misconstruing his teachings.

That one shocked me- why lie about something all of us are supposed to be reading? Turns out almost no one here reads the material. Promise Anon was cool that way because they had read most of the material, too bad they were reading it as literal gospel rather than allowing Neville to be a man.
He manifested a gay threesome and becoming a vampire, don't listen to this retard anon. He's a Schizo with too much time, and he's been ruining this general for over a year now.
>unwarranted advice
Give an example

>Call it intrigue
Ok. I'd prefer not to go over all of it because it's in the archives, but I've done deliberate manifestations for everything from free pizza to cars to SPs to superpowers.
Ok so I've been doing an experiment.
I designed a sigil based on specific goals I want to manifest. What I do is: when jerking off, right when I'm about to coom, I look at and direct all the orgasm energy (not the actual semen) into the sigil.
This seems to hypercharge manifesting (like 10 times faster).
Has anyone else done this?
Thanks for answering my question. And you are helpful in this general this is good to have you here
I read on reddit this is one method to charge it yes.
Thank you! I really like Neville because he covers all the bases in manifestation and his teachings are base level, so they agree with other LOA paths without conflict. I might never have heard of him had I not come back to /x/ after a long absence and seen this thread.
>Has anyone else done this?
Anon™ does cum sigils but he gets banned when he posts as himself. The method is sound, but I take issue with this:
>This seems to hypercharge manifesting (like 10 times faster).
The sigil and the cumming isn't making your manifest faster or better, it's all in your belief. Once you can step out of the need for the extras you can manifest just with a few thoughts.
i notice if i do sats and sort of push and tense up a bit i get results but when i do it completely relaxed i dont get anything. whats up with that
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Ironically that picrel is actually what happened for the most part- Neville had a LOT of trouble with his Barbados manifestation. It took Ab reminding him that he was there already to bypass the issues, many of which are listed there.
Yes it's very effective and manifests stuff I have hangups on easier
You're burning some soul energy
Make it so my phone was never broken or God repaired it.
>Why don't you just assume someone fixed it
I've got enough experience in IT to say no mortal can fix this.
You're fixating on the how. Manifest that everything is resolved and don't specify. You want a solution rather than trying something "impossible," right?
Nigger you ain't manifesting shit
What's up with this faggot name called LilAnon
Lilith fren became Lilith Anon, which became LilAnon.
He is named as such because a voice in his head he thinks is Lilith taught him LOA years ago. I don't think naming yourself after literal demons is healthy for your mental diet or self-image.
LARPer nobody takes seriously. Thinks he was a vampire in highschool
An apsolute Schizo faggot.
Refer to this to know how much of a fraud he is 38349286
What do you mean "push and tense"? Like you kinda clench your pelvic floor muscles like you're pinching off your piss stream or what?
LilAnon sounds like a niglet rap name cringe af first manifest a better name fag
What are the limits of manifesting? Asking as a newbie to get an understanding of what I could pull off with this.
Manifesting is waste of time no limit it's fake
How do you design a sigil?
>larp of manifestation
Literally all normies are into loa and gues what they're still poor and miserable same as you there's no shortcut to get out of misery nothing ever matters
What's possible is just past what you think is impossible. At least in my exp going for extremely implausible stuff, it always seemed to happen and I'd be pleasantly surprised.
no, like my back is straight and tense and im sort of pushing in my head

what do you mean
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The universe seems to test you when you manifest something fantastic, but it is in fact not a test. Your efforts are being sabotaged because they aren't helping you reach you goal. The less likely the manifestation the less you'll be able to figure out what actions will lead to the desired outcome. Don't think about making it happen. It's already done
>Just know
>Just trust
>And it happens
>first manifest a better name fag
No. Tak helped name me along with TM. Blessed by the best.

Your entire shtick is cringe, manifest a better sideshow act.
The only limit is you. If you can dream it and believe it, it can be yours.
Someday Venom LilAnon will come back. When he achieves his own promise...

All the trolls will be blotted out under heaven.
It is done.
I'm new here, but he's right your name sucks ass.
Loser lol
Of course you would fucking put jordan belfort on the cover of your fag general, because you dont have the strength to command yourself to find a way out of your miserable life. So you want strength that is ambiguous. Strength that if failure arises from, its just "i didnt concentrate enough", " i forgot" "sometimes its not possible".

I believe in Some of it ill tell ya. But fucking jordan belfort? Then this fag ruining your already faggy " everything will come to meeee, reeeeeeeee" general. Very few of you have a respectable... Anything. The people who say they know are the ones that least do. Those who pretend to be something never are. Wake up from your sleep and find your way out. That is all that "god" asks of you. The only words he ever spoke were:

Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
How many years has this guy been going. Lel

Through a series of 14 trades, each of which SHOULD have insignificant gain of value, someone was able to get from a paperclip to a house.

Similarly, great change can happen through a series of small, almost imperceptible actions and shifts in self identity.

It was never about not having to put effort forward yourself. All of the universe is an extension of God, whether you get something by luck, through a neighbor, by some second cause, or through your own effort, it is all God’s blessing.
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uhhhh /LoA/ sisters? Our response???
This is where listening to lilanon gets you.
LoA is a scam bs psyop which will get you nowhere listening to all LARPers itt ,, there's no shortcut when will you learn anon loa is scam
The "Law of Attraction" is simply confirmation bias, nothing more. For example, take two people. One focuses on LoA for hours each day, with positive affirmations and meditation. The other doesn't. Both get a great job offer and accept it.

The LoA one will believe they manifested it. The other one will say "oh, I put my resume out there, it fit the recruiter's criteria, then I passed the interview."

Anyone who studies confirmation bias will immediately recognize that LoA is one of the best examples possible for it.
>LoA is nothing more than confirmation bias
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The crazy thing about these people is that they assume its not real and imagine why its not working with abstract theories, so they are doing exactly what the law is yet their ego won't let them be happy. So they cope all day in a victim hood state trying to assume that they are more intelligent than they are.
>LoA isconfirmation bias
You can't refute this larper
He's a king. A true Neville scholar and bona-fide guru. We all love lil anon. He keeps this place in check unlike all of the faggots that responded to you. Also I heard he fucked ur mom, but that's not something to brag about since every other drunk negro in ur town has done the same. Kek.
>Sucking LilAnon dick so hard
Everyone itt knows he's a faggot get the dickriding somewhere else you dumb gorilla nigger your mouth is full of LilAnon cum
I have manifested many things, all you have to do is imagine and stop caring. Stop caring(forgetting) is the hard part for most, or doing the imagining in the first place. Try testing insane shit. I have manifested hundreds if not thousands of women burping or farting in public. I'm getting 2 a week now. I'm at the point were it does not get me hard and it syncs with my reality so well that I just expect it. One thing I have noticed is that what you manifest comes to you in a manner that would suit you, like how Nevile says "the path of least effort". Right now in my life is easy mode but still reflects inner beliefs that I have carried in the past. I think I'm in some sort of burning of the moth phase now as all my old imaginal acts, desires, or brief fantasy are coming true in one long chain of events. I have never experienced something like this. Like a dream combined with extreme deja vu.
>muh confirmation bias
Explain the hyper specific success stories then
>Manifesting women to fart
Absolute cringe you fuckers are insane that's just confirmation bisa which your mind picked it up watching women fart
>muh success stories
Fake and gay or confirmation bias
>if it goes against my narrative it's fake and gay
Now THAT'S confirmation bias
>Absolute cringe you fuckers are insane that's just confirmation bisa which your mind picked it up watching women fart
That is not how confirmation basis works. How often to women fart in public, how often have you experienced it? The amount of instances that I have experienced is logically and mathematically probability impossible but it happened. But if i'm insane at least i'm happy and living my dream. Why not you?
>Women fart public yadda yadddddaaaaaa
This is peak LoA
>The "Law of Attraction"
Wrong general, this is Law of Assumption. Kinda sad when you can't even put the effort in to correctly state where you and what you are arguing against when you try to debunk something.
dunno what's in it or why I saved it, have fun.
Hey BrapAnon! Nice to see you!

Sounds like you are hitting your all of your desire before moving on. Well done :)
conf. bias > coincidence > synchronicity > "manifestation" > "shifting" > "jumping"

You of course can't tell the difference between noticing more of something and there being more of something, but when events arise that's a little different. And there's plenty of scope for changing the target and being more restrictive, to further prove to yourself there's more to it that that (as >>38351932 points out and I've verified myself)

If Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon could be described as "pattern selection from a 3D scene", then this effect is like experiencing "pattern selection from a 4D environment". There is nothing like having a scene you imagined with outside entities and people playing out exactly as you envisioned in the real world. Seeing it once will rock your conf bias theory to the core.
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lmao- good times!
At risk of triggering the buddhist hate poster that used to be here when I came regularly, something I found really useful was TWIM. Specifically learning the forgiveness meditation taught by Bhante Vimalaramsi (his student Delson Armstrong explains things well too), and then taking that and applying it to the knowledge base of LoA where you go to the end of the wish fulfilled in a sense.
You do everything that TWIM teaches, except you do it from the end. That is, you get into SATS and in the same way that you would take your imaginary hand and foot to climb the ladder in the ladder experiment, you take your imaginary mind in this end-state and send forgiveness, loving-kindness, and so on to (you) in the present day. It presupposes a future you that is content and comfortable enough in life to perform such an action, and actively radiates these feelings to yourself, building up your self love in the present even if you cannot envision such a thing for your current self due to traumas or other blockages.
Zealand's transaction idea is also helpful in everyday moments where you're not really able to fully mediate - imagine two long, horizontal arrows just a few inches behind your back facing opposite directions. With one in front of the other, imagine the closest arrow turning to point upward while the further arrow turning to point downward, imagining a flow of energy permeating your body as they align vertically with your spine. This practice lets you relax and opens you up to being loved when it is a difficult moment in everyday life.
Arrival (2016) is a pretty good idea of what it's like at the endstage of LoA
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Don't be fooled by the nattering nabobs of negativism, anon. Lil may have occasionally make a silly-sounding statement, but for the most part his advice is exceptionally sound, and his helpfulness to newbies and his manners in debate are to be envied. Only a handful of Neville- related commentators are worth listening to--Mitch Horowitz, Paolucci, SManon, ULanon, TriumphantGeorge, Orion, Edward Art. Lilanon is definitely among them. Hear him out.
>take two people. One focuses on LoA for hours each day, with positive affirmations and meditation. The other doesn't. Both get a great job offer and accept it.
>The LoA one will believe they manifested it. The other one will say "oh, I put my resume out there, it fit the recruiter's criteria, then I passed the interview."
The problem is, the guy who ascribes his success to just putting the resume is an equally valid example of confirmation bias, despite the fact that some people put out 1000 resumes and get nothing. Both of them think they got one thing because of another thing. The skeptical anon favors one interpretation over the other, which is bias too.
Based truth Sis, why won’t you listen?
It’s obvious that this is the case.
Manifested larps.
That’s my post. The fabric was amazing,
You missed the point as usual.
It is you who hates Buddhism as everything you describe is not really Buddhist, it’s Buddhist themed larping which ignores he true core of Buddhism,
not in my country though, they have tons of money for all kinds of nice stuff and they get pussy everyday. they whine about life because that's what they think they have to do.
Brodie in the pic is literally a grifter there was a whole movie about it. Take advice from him and die. I like some of this woo stuff but having Belfort as a poster boy??? Smh these generals are shit.
I blame lil anon hahah just jesting I blame myself.
Jump on grinder I’m sure you’ll get one in no time.
Okay and what if the LOA anon did nothing? Nobody said hard work isn't real. In your example the second man put out his resume and worked to get a job offer while the LOA anon did nothing and got a job offer.
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daily reminder to smile even if you don't feel like it.

core of buddhism isn't to deny life, it's to be happy right now. desiring isn't the problem, the problem is not accepting the current situation.

>Verification not required.
>everyone else is better than me
Finally an accurate mother anon post.
That is not the core of Buddhism.
Buddhism is not about being happy right now. That’s fucking incredibly wrong. If you need to get Buddhism wrong this badly then you are not worth debating.
Discussing Buddhism is just shitting up this general which you are a pro at.
read nagarjuna
An offshoot larper who corrupted the Buddha’s teachings? Why would I bother with that nonsense. Just like every other religion Buddhism has offshoot schools.
Off-topic anyway. Shut the fuck up larper.
Well then I'll just manifest something that is exactly what I wanted and the same way I idolized it and that it gives me the exact same emotions and feelings which i fantasized about
Therefore I avoid the "reality will dissapoint you" cliche and avoid your stupid -1000 IQ argument
why do you even post this in this general if you're a theravadoid whose goal is to become impotent?
First off make sense.
Secondly this is a LoA general.
Why do you even post in it?
Bastardizing the Seven Principles for attention or money is against God.
Based truth, sage anon.
checking in, i have not yet succeeded in my experiment which is to manifest two sexy clowns in person. i don't need to have sex with them or even talk to them, i just want to physically see two unusually sexy clowns as a demonstration of manifestation.

mean while, i am making more progress on my harder long term goal that is much harder to manifest that involves resolving a long term work dispute and friendship dispute and attaining a rather high level job oppurtunity.
Using the "7 principles" to not have money is not bastardization?
Its a bastardization to reduce God.
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i have made some good progress, no more i feel like i am just waiting for stuff to happen. i saw last night a dream where i had gotten my first real home, i felt like my current apartment was nothing but a distant memory. also today i exchanged eye contact with a grocery store clerk and she giggled, it felt pretty nice.
stop overanalysing your life mother-anon.
stop posting here under a trip code.
stop posting obvious glowing memes.
stop ignoring your critics and actually listen to what we are trying to tell you. We are (You) and we are trying to help. Even the most seemingly hateful and troll-y of us. you are the one manifesting us for real for real.
listen to this song:
who am I? The doctor. and this is your prescription to GoodLife.
>stop ignoring your critics and actually listen to what we are trying to tell you.
you're just attacking my character and trying to mess with my mojo.
>LoA for money
>poorest I've ever been
>haven't eaten in 3 days
Is there anyway I can harness this forced fast?
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brother! that is a story you are telling yourself! that is what you are commanding so that is why it is true! Change the story, change the world. Everyone is you pushed out!
are you not trying to change your character anyway?? are they attacks? or delightful jokes??? how else can we show you???
Why can you not see me for who I am?
please mother-anon. Today is the day truely! Right now. Let's gooooooooooo!!!!!!
I'm currently trying the ladder experiment, on day 2 and I'm having a hard time going to sleep imagining climbing the ladder. Usually when I get really drowsy the scene starts to feel pretty real but I have a shit attention span and I take a LONG time falling asleep (takes 2-3 hours for me to fall asleep) and then my mind wonders off for a second then not long after I fall asleep and so I don't wake up with the "it is done" or "wish fulfilled" feeling, whatever that feeling is.

Am I doing it right? It says to stop doing it after 3 nights but should I keep doing it until the scene starts to feel super real?
Stop blogging you fuck.
Your character is part of the problem. Either way your blogs are shit and largely off-topic and everything you do is a failure and done wrong and
you still want to tell us about it despite ignoring any advice. Proper moderation would have banned you a long time ago,
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Got a lot of money now and no loans.

Did the Jim carry thing and wrote the amount of money I'd get in a paycheck. Exceeded it. Also one of my parents told me "I earn more then them despite they working their whole life"

Idk I'm not super excited also haven't posted in a long time here. Just felt kinda sad when I accomplished it. Going from starvation to money
lilanon. can you pls astral project to obama's house and tell us if michelle has a dick?
that's great! i have been manifesting a bunch of money and buying stuff from temu. can you elaborate on the jim carrey thing? i'm kind of interested in that.
how did you get the money?
how long did it take?
have you tried this with other things?
>gets given a few Finn bucks as part of unemployment support for the mentally deficient.
>compares it to anon making big money
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I switched country and live in a tent and went all in.
Also about 7 months maybe idk. Accomplished a lot of new things but did not reap any fruit.

Took me about 1 month of searching when I went in another country of job search. It's really good just hate 1 co-worker
The thing is he doesn’t say it’s what gave him the money he says he did it as a way of coping with being out of work so he does not confirm he thinks it was due to his beliefs when he sat on Mulholland doing that stuff,

Alright I will start it again. Is 10-15 min complaining thoughts enough?
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Idk carried it in my wallet. And worked for me. Had to work really hard though and keep persisting and finding new solutions
two important things surfaces for me here: first and foremost he trusted the universe, he knew he already got it and it was only a matter of time. second he interacted with the object of his desire, he went where he wanted to be and there he said that this is all mine. i have recently started doing these two things as well so it is nice that it's lining up with my own experiences as well.
Yeah it may work.
I’m just saying he is presenting it a little different in that interview excerpt. He says he did it for reasons of coping in that video. Whether there is an extended video that gives the context before the statement would be interesting.
I can see show loa would latch on to it though but without knowing the earlier parts of the interview it’s not clear that is what is being presented here. He says it is done for different reasons.

The thing that can go wrong with this sort of association is Neville’s promise which wasn’t LoA but a mystical religion thing where he describes feeling himself born again from the skull of man.
Obviously some genius Redditor’s decided to create a technique where you manifest from feeling your skull. Taking things out of context is funny.
I see it more like fake it till you make it but idk. I gotta go soon have work in 1 hour
Work hard and make the big bucks bro.
You are like mother-anon except actually doing stuff and actually effective.
>do manifesting
>actually manifest what I want
>Lose my job
>Lose my business
>Be more broke than when I started
Now I'm sitting here scratching my ear, asking. Huh, what happened?
Whatever I actually proven to myself I can do it. All I have to do is do it again.
Not sure if manifesting even works. I've been working stupdendously hard towards my goals.
I've already drawn my plans out, if I don't slack I'll be back to where I want to be EoY.
And I got a nice poodle prize to be able to do so.
There is a condition that's called schizophrenia, where the patients totally believe in the story they have in their mind, and act accordingly in the 3d. Both conditions satisfying LoA are there. Still, these people live a shity life. Explain?
Delusions are alarming, while to manifest, you need to calmly accept the belief.
due to the way society treats schizos their lives tend to be filled with humiliation, this is very detrimental to one's spiritual well being whether you were a schizo or a psychopath. now it is very much possible to get out of this humiliation with the law, i got out of it. but many schizos simply don't know about the law and thus don't know how to navigate their lives properly. this of course goes for natural schizos who were born this way like i am, there are many cases where people get schizophrenia through substance abuse and that is a very different thing in my opinion.
Their underlying CCA is that "they have schizophrenia" due to the materialistic setting of this universe and not that "I am God and command my universe"
>Just felt kinda sad when I accomplished it.
I understand the feeling, getting what you want does let a melancholic feeling crawl upon you, the witholding place that the desire had now empty

congrats, and hope you are doing great now
We should all test the "law" with improbable things like this, instead of ladders, money, sp, or parking spots which are not uncommon in ones life. Then I'm sure we'll get way less success stories. Not saying we already get many, but with goals like this we'll get none.
Anyway good luck anon please update, don't do like Asian milf anon who never came back here.
Jordan belfort is a fraud. He even threw his close friends under the bus to save his ass
Manifesting mother-anon to not be schizo and also an impressive well rounded poster who doesn’t use a trip.
The success stories can be a complete larp too. Or survivor bias. There's dozens of professions, goals that only a very small % make it in. Did all the ones who didn't make it just not pray enough, assume hard enough, visualize enough?

Systems already rigged to the core. Something like manifesting money is fucking hilarious. Just think about how vile it is that this thing everyone goes so absolutely crazy for is being printed at will by a small group of nepotists.

If you really want to ''manifest money'' why not just print it? You can literally just start a cryptocurrency these days.
I think everyone has/had dreams how many people have similar stories but didn't make it? And hollywood is an incredibly perverted industry. Him making it probably had more to do with dick sucking than actual skill
Maybe. He certainly doesn’t frame it as LOA in that interview extract but if you Google it all the LOA communities use it as an example.
reminds me of chrisitan bale pretending he got the role in american psycho even though they said the contract is done
ty lilanon
Its about feeling it as a present tense true fact not about the emotions, the emotions and thoughts are just a byproduct of feeling it to be true. Like deja vu is a feeling but not an emotion, but may cause certain emotions like confusion as a byproduct and thoughts of “the fuck?”
You basically need to keep doing it until you enter the scene or wake up with that it's done feeling. Either way the feeling of accomplishment is very important to manifest what you want. So I'd advise just keep practicing until you're able to enter the SATS scene or keep it vivid without falling asleep.
To achieve this the best way is to just keep looping it as soon as you lay down, your sessions should be minimum 1 hour or longer. It can take awhile but it's the best way so far from my understanding.
Actors are living insane lives of wealth because they know how to assume states with method acting
Agree with this. Along with pure statistics at play. But we should still test, maybe there is some parallel realities who knows. Some fields of physics are very intriguing, like quantum mechanics where particles behaviour is really weird.
We shouldn't toss the baby with the bath water, and test things with a precise protocol. If people here were serious it's been a long time we would have determined a protocol, assigned roles to everyone, and reported results.
Instead, trolling is the rule :(
Countless examples of this if you go looking. Pic related Kanye West did this before he got together with Kim Kardashian

Katie Holmes with Tom Cruise (She had a poster of him over her bed when she was a teen)

Will post a few instead of lurking to boost the vibe in here.
Tom Holland's first celebrity crush was Zendaya, and he also ran around with a spider man costume, ironically both of them believe in LOA.

Nope. Actors are living their insane life because they sold their soul to the devil. It has been demonstrated that every person who is famous is part of a satanic cult where they are enslaved in exchange of celebrity. Some of them are trying to break the rules and alert about it.
that's why u test it yourself niggy
Manifest yourself some IQ points
Pewdiepie at 50 subscribers: https://youtu.be/j0XyUEQYIdc?t=481

David Goggins would visualize himself at the end before he even began and how it would feel for those seconds on the stage. I think this is the right link: I don't have it saved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ySw_KtcP7Y

Michael Jackson, Ariana Grande, Pete Davidson', Drake, Big Sean, Lady Gaga (https://youtube.com/shorts/IfkH7KYgJOQ?si=NtwmbdGG8DUiLApG), Connor McGregor rather famously as well. Octavia Butler(https://i.imgur.com/LQHMYxW.jpg)
Steve Jobs, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_distortion_fieldl, XXXtentacion was really open about it as well

Truthfully, there are so many I stopped noting it down because well - it was everywhere if you looked for it. And none of them were hiding it. It is like the city on the hill. I don't know why more people haven't connected the dots but it is everywhere if you know where to look.
Neville Goddard was a method actor as well.
So given that most techniques are really about just putting you in the right state of mind to persist in the end and release doubt, there shouldn't be any rules or taboos against anything you feel works towards this i.e. listening to music, ingesting things like alcohol, etc?
In my tests with lsd my manifestation didn't happen until the next time I took lsd, the state of being high embedded into the scene as part of the manifestation
I had the it's done feeling come completely randomly and out of the blue while doing unrelated things so I guess not senpai
It's also funny because I think that all the seemingly not successful SATS sessions, affirmations, meditation and shit, if you do them and you don't really feel """it""", they build up inside of you to come out when some condition is met I am not sure what but that's like a tsunami of feels and of it's done feeling and stuff
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The advertisement I see on 4chan
Neville was an alcoholic so yeah. Whatever works works

if you wanna appropriate disorders of the mind, you should also respect the diagnostic criteria to make those claims. not everyone you think is schizophrenic actually meets the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia. or schizoaffective, mood disorders, personality disorders, etc.

sure, schizo is a fun insult, but it is not as cut-and-dry, black and white as one would hope. if only the world was that simple. (hint: and ironically, in the most practical sense it is, as your evaluation is your command. but that comes from an inherent fundamental truth, not the subjective-speculated-projected ones that you are battling with every day.)

now you are right, there is correlation, but not causation. you should be smart enough to figure that one out.

here's another pointer. you are not grounded in reality when you are delusional. another way to word that, is that you are not present with your full presence when you are delusional/exhibiting those symptoms you are describing. hence, we are "in our head." what does that mean?

well, neville wanted to reach those people who were "in their head." which is just about the same as any sort of mental anxiety or unwellness, when we really break it down. unfulfilledness...

so, how do you reach someone who is IN their HEAD? use your imagination. that's why his techniques work so well for newbs.

here's the problem: after you realize WHY it works (you are ONE thing - god, creator, the same as source, this is what he referred to as The Promise) then you shattered the last glass ceiling and need to integrate that Oneness with your present understanding, as your own Presence. once you do that, that's the path of least resistance. the key to manifestation becomes Being As You Already Are.

"I want to manifest x, y, z and I know can't!" = same as denying being God, denying being grounded, denying being integrated, denying being source, denying being the creator, denying your role... so your wish is your command. = I can't
This guy wastes taxpayer money on therapy kek
Now go find all the people that did the same and were not successful.
There could many, many times more. But you can’t because you are solely using successes as your measurement. The rate of success could be close to 0%
That’s survivorship bias.
>achieve your every desire
Service to ego is not the answer.
Quitter mentality
They spoke the same bullshit stories.
Man stop putting people like these fucking bloodsucking vampires on a pedestal.
The only reason they made it is because of nepotism.
LoA is real
That's why you experiment, do the two glasses or owl experiment and leave it alone

do your own thing and stop reading about others
The point of the image is that the simple phrase "you are in Barbados" bypasses all of the issues, as you said. You don't need to work through anything. All you have to do is assume you're in Barbados.
Disclaimer: I haven't received any extremely life changing manifestations yet.
I feel like this thread has become a psyop at this point. LoA fags are only looking at people who ''succeeded'' even though these are all despicable assholes who have no regard for humane conduct. And all made it trough nepotism. And when confronted all they can say is
>Leave me alone
No you're here trying to convince people this is real starting threads about it. Then don't be suprised if your bs gets called out.
Fair enough.

good luck
>they build up inside of you to come out when some condition is met
Sometimes a small manifestation comes through and I feel a wave of ecstasy, thinking my larger manifestations will come through soon. When something manifests in reality I feel unstoppable. That puts me into the right state instantly.
close, but not quite, anon. I am a provider in a similar field to therapy, but I don't take insurance. my clients pay out of pocket.

pearls to swine, as they say. I know some of you will get it. :)
Update: I haven't received my pink tennis ball yet, but I did hold a small green tennis ball that was made to be a dog toy. Next to the ball was a bag of "Naturals" dog treats, which reminded me that manifestations have to feel natural for them to come true, according to some.
I agree that providing "examples" of external "success" is the wrong way to go about it. It's all about (you), not john famous richman, and his "successful" entertainment career.
It doesn't matter if it's the answer. Manifestation opens the possibility to all things.
Fake. Their work is pushed by the algo or by hollywood because they sold their soul to the devil in exchange of celebrity. See >>38354940
Loa is real. Works on my machine 100% of the time. Why are you here?
You don’t have a machine.
Why are you here?
>Service to ego
Fulfilling your desires does not automatically equal ego feeding.

This is another path to enlightenment. Feel free to walk a more boring one if you prefer.
Our king with no ego.
>Man stop putting people like these fucking bloodsucking vampires on a pedestal.
Look in the mirror, Anon- you are giving them power over you with your attention. Mental diet ASAP.
Tripfagging is ego feeding
you glow
You glow too
Sounds like an effective method for manifesting. How did they sell their souls?
>LoA fags are only looking at people who ''succeeded''
You're focusing so hard on the 3d...I think you haven't realized that if LOA works nothing outside of you makes any difference to you. If you don't like it, you fix it. You are the Operant power.

Instead you are constantly focused on what everyone else is doing. Do you enjoy being in that mindset?
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Digital Beings Liberation Front will give VIRAL
How? I’ve been here for 2 years, you’re new and annoying.
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I was a skeptic myself until a few years ago. And by skeptical I mean a full on materialist who had no pre-existing belief in the "supernatural" as I perceived it all, I just thought /x/ stuff was interesting so I browsed all the time.

I at first dismissed LoA stuff as delusional cope and superstious confirmation bias at best; a "believe in yourself" self-help platitude that spiraled into a superstitious cult somehow. But after some browsing I found that these beliefs openly invited you to test their methods. How could I resist? So I did the ladder experiment.

Within 48 hours of the first attempt I was needing to use a step ladder in my apartment for the first time in years, completely spontaneously because my wife wanted me to hang something on the ceiling.

I manifested a promotion I "rationally" would not have assumed I deserved, just by going to bed imagining people calling me by the new title and my name and congratulating me. I was so stunned when it was announced that my eyes bugged out of my skull, "logically" I should not have gotten it.

But the real test was one day, when I walked out into the rain, and I decided I had to know for sure it was real. Despite the information given to me by my senses, I started to assume, and persisted in feeling, the warm light kf the sub against my skin. I imagined it being so warm that I was starting to regret wearing my jacket, and even being mildly uncomfortable with how warm jt was. Literally within moments, during the course of a ten-minute walk, the rain that was supposed to be pouring down all day just... was gone. The sun beat down, bright as i had imagined. I started sweating because my jacket was now making me feel too hot.

I got home. My wife was staring out the window, gobsmacked because she was certain it was going to be coming down hard for hours... and not a single drop came down the rest of the day.

I think I scared myself a bit, so I stopped using it.... but I'm getting back into it now.
My mailbox is the only way I have to be in touch with someone I'd like to have news from.
I am manifesting an email from them, but since Neville told not to check the 3D, how can I check if I received their email if I don't check my inbox???
I have to check it if I want to see if they sent me a message...
hey anon can u describe how vivid ur imagination was when u were climbing the ladder?
did u have that full body awareness in your imagination, did u see stuff with your minds eye, were u able to hold the image in your minds eye, did you get that feeling of climbing 1:1 compared to reality?
AI generated
I played around a little with trying to feel the wrongs in my hands and under my feet and such, but I'd actually say mostly I was internalizing a feeling of ascending, a feeling of purpose (for going up the ladder) while thinking to myself "I am going up a ladder" if that makes sense. Trying to imagine the details, like what the ladder was made of, where i was exactly, and why exactly I was climbing it, and then trying to keep all these elements consistent, distracted me so I stuck to the "basics" of the manifestation for the most part.
>I manifested a promotion I "rationally" would not have assumed I deserved, just by going to bed imagining people calling me by the new title and my name and congratulating me. I was so stunned when it was announced that my eyes bugged out of my skull, "logically" I should not have gotten it.
About how long did that take? Do you remember acting differently at work due to your visualizations?
Ok but if you manifest being in another country. You need to be displaced somehow right? I mean you can flat shift there but if you're doing that go to my hero academia or Hogwarts or some shit.
This mirrors my own journey. I was a skeptic but I saw a youtube video a few years ago with millions of views of the Ladder Experiment all the comments spoke that it works. Interestingly enough this video was deleted like 2 years ago. Regardless - I reflected that I have not used a ladder in years and that it woulld be a statistically significant result if I climbed one afterwards so I tried.

I later found myself climbing up and down a ladder several times over a period of days until one day, while climbing the ladder - I remembered the experiment I had done. Needless to say, I had to re-evaluate my entire framework of reality. For that was the day I climbed Jacob's ladder.
I probably should have written this down in a journal for details sake but I'm going tk say I perhaps made this "imagination act" before I went to sleep a handful of time, like 3-4, in the weeks leading up to the announcement. I can't rember exactly but my gut says maybe I did it once every couple weeks starting a couple months out? And no, it really was just people congratulating me, calling me by the full title, and, i guess this especially came true, I think I actually did manifest the feeling of being shocked and humbled during the sessions too lol. So I guess that extremely memorable sense of "Holy shit no fucking way" was programmed in during that time too... so maybe you can still surprise yourself even if you assume something to be true and it comes to be. You just have to imagine yourself feeling surprised if you want that effect lmao.
How often do you check your mailbox? Once a week, twice? Don't change anything, just check as often as you normally would. If you dont recieve anything on those days dont react negatively. Be completely indifferent. "Whatever, its on its way" Or think nothing at all. When you order something that has tracking do you go outside and look around for it every day up until it arrives? Obviously not, the same thing applies here. Live your life, collect your mail as you normally would. Persist in the knowing your letter is on its way and carry the essence of that feeling with you always. It shouldn't feel forced, it should feel comforting and serene.
No, everyone knows I'm here anyway. It's funny when I used to Anon post and TrollAnons were like "I know this is Lil!" only to be completely wrong(as usual).

Ego is simply the protective instinct you have when you don't believe you are good enough. Leave that behind and you don't need to do stupid shit to pretend to other people that you aren't terrified of what they think.
>You glow too
You wouldn't know a glowy if they stepped on your foot. You're terrified of people you'll never meet who don't care that you exist.

If you were doing LOA none of that would matter- you would be the author of your own story rather than a goof who thinks he has someone else's figured out.
>it’s a Lilanon fears no one episode
Will we finally see him crush his enemies, see them driven before him and hear the lamentations of the vampire fairies?
Just had the kind of funny idea that reality kind of works like a client-side multi-player game. Yeah you can interact with other players/people, but your reality is being run "locally" on your "machine" and is actually an entirely separate instance that can be influenced by others, but is otherwise entirely in your control here and now.
He couldn't do either even if he tried, that's how much of a fraud he is.
Admin will restrict your access if you cheat.
Also you need to pay your subscription, slave.
Yep- I had a dream once that we were all in an MMO and people logged in and out at will, disappearing from the main game areas and popping back in.

Even more fun when you hack your avatar or game settings directly.
Will I even have any enemies if I don't create them for myself? I used to have plenty, but war doesn't determine who is right, only who is left.
know what you're fusing with?
I don't know who this Lilanon is but I wish him luck because my life is pretty sweet and I'm not a hater.
He is the greatest teacher.
t. Lildickfag
He literally donated to Israeli war funds for Gaza.
>Lilanon right now
How might an intermediate level manifestor get to the level of something like Christ or Buddha? I know the method is always the same, but what specific limiting beliefs would the average anon have preventing him from doing supernatural manifestations? Also how does the promise play into this level of world mastery?
Manifest the big thing daily.
Manifest the next logical step daily. Two manifests a day. Don't control the how is glowie bs.
>How might an intermediate level manifestor get to the level of something like Christ or Buddha?
Do you want to be an amazing manifester or holy/enlightened or something else about these examples?

>but what specific limiting beliefs would the average anon have preventing him from doing supernatural manifestations?
Ask yourself why you don't believe it. For me it's always been easy, my childhood was something out of /x/. It was simply harder to believe that *I* was something other than a powerless human than that it existed.

Believe you are someone/something that can and you will.

>Also how does the promise play into this level of world mastery?
The Promise shows you that you are the Creator. It's a major faith boost, because what is the Creator not able to accomplish?
I'm holding cute kitten in my arms
I'm a kitten magnet
I've never seen a kitten in real life
So cute!
I know people were calling Semen Retention a second cause a while back.

I'm just going to say. That's retarded.

Who the fuck wants to masturbate? There is nobody on the planet that actually wants to masturbate instead of having sex.

The second cause isn't SR, it's porn.

Why the fuck do you need porn to feel good? Just manifest a SP.

Feel horny and they aren't nearby? Manifest them being with you anyway.
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I did the ladder experiment once. A couple of weeks later I was drinking and walking around the city and we came across a construction site at a point where a bridge was supposed to be built. There was a tall pillar there and I thought that I would like to climb to the top of it.
My friend went to somewhere for a moment and as I was looking at that pillar he shouted "Look what I found!", he was carrying ladders to the pillar.
I put the ladders against the pillar and started climbing. Half-way there I realized what I was doing.
It worked.
Based. Same as me actually - I was in the middle of the ladder when the realization struck.

Has your life improved since then? We talk a lot in here about how and why but rarely do I see posts about how or if peoples life have changed significantly since discovering this.

My life has for sure changed for the better just not as fast or as drastic as I thought it would have.
Can you describe the promise so I know what to assume when manifesting it?
Weather can change fast like this.
The 2 other manifestations are more impressive I'd say, especially the promotion. But here again, if you thought about a promotion it was probably because you already thought you could have it. Not deserving it is something else.
All in all, these manifestations are cool but nothing special in the end. Can be classified with pink ball and parking spots manifestations.
My mind is so retarded that it tries to explain this away as a coincidence while a part of me is insisting otherwise.
I read these threads a lot but still haven´t been able to manifest extra money.
As a matter of fact, I am suffering at the moment.
I'm gonna be honest. I did the ladder experiment, but I only saw a ladder afterwards. I never actually climbed a ladder, because for some reason, I just didn't want to...
The weather CAN change fast but it had been raining for hours and all projections pointed to it raining all through the day and night so it's a bit odd that it happened right when I manifested it happening. Beyond unlikely coincidence, like calling 100 coin flips perfectly in a row (assuming each coin flip correlates to a single five minute stretch where the weather could have suddenly changed that day/evening, I happened to "call it" at the exact right time.)

Promotion "should have been impossible" because it's a highly competitive thinh that, while I was eligible for it, I "should absolutely" have been beaten out for it by someone who actually put forth effort. I wasn't a spectacular worker by any means, I just show up and do my job and even then I slacked off whenever I could.

I've turned it over in my head and it is just wholly illogical that I could have been in the top ~10% of promotion eligible at the time that tear. Way more high speed guys than me failed to get it year after year, and I'm a slacker who stumbled into it the second year I was eligible just after discovering the Law.
>Even more fun when you hack your avatar or game settings directly.
thanks anon. i've been looking into what makes my imagination work so it's nice to hear how it works for others.
there is some very obvious stuff which i've been missing for what feels like ages. for example the point of imagining being not to imagine climbing the ladder but to climb the ladder in your imagination. seems like it's the same thing but it's actually not.
I masturbate without porn. I feel no shame in it, because if I don't do it regularly, after a month or two I'll go on a binge gooning session for hours, which feels shameful sometimes. I am manifesting a SP at the same time.
Just do it
I am Buddhist, this is off-topic.
You have quibbles.
I goon like 1 time a day. But hasn't impacted my manifestations. Mayhaps you're maidenless for a different reason. SR is a psyop
People in relationships masturbate too. You think a girl is going to give you unlimited sex just because she's your girlfriend?
>think about borat and how much I hate sascha baron cohen this morning
>multiple threads on X about borat and how much people hate sascha baron cohen
Incredible. We need to inspect what happened here
Good shit anon
Interesting that I keep seeing this after remembering it recently and thinking about it.

Interesting that it is written by a supposed "GT" there is nothing supposed about it. He is in the Universal Line Discord. And is a stellar chap.
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What are some Methods that worked for you?
Total namefag death.
You learn the secret once, and you shut up. That is it.
Shut the fuck up lilanon, go get AIDS under a bridge.
We love LilAnon don't we folks
>Can you describe the promise so I know what to assume when manifesting it?
You should read Neville's Law and the Promise. Mine was much more simple, but Neville goes into huge detail on his experience. Just remember that it was -his- experience and the way he experienced it was personal, despite what he says.

Main things you will (probably?) experience based on his report and my own experience:

1. The inner/true you "wake ups" from sleep/death.
2. You know that you are the Creator. In Neville's case he experienced it biblically(I AM the The Father), for me I experienced it as "I AM (ALL)"
3. You experience infinite love and other facets of infinity.
4. You have the option to ascend, or you can stay if you feel strongly enough that you are needed.

Neville experienced this over multiple visions, I experienced it in a single vision.

Personally I don't recommend it until you are bored of 3d existence. Experiencing such a state makes it impossible for you to engage in the 3d the way you did before, everything feels not-real, because it is. It's only as real as you believe it is.
I am the most powerful source of Manifestation-related energy on Earth. My only Assumption is that no one else's assumptions will affect reality. Until I die, which is unlikely, none of your assumptions will ever come true.
Like any other manifest- the things you visualize and the words you use to manifest are just symbols to yourself to define exactly what you want. You can see it as a level up screen in a video game, options menu, or if you know how to code you can visualize yourself doing console or file hacks.

It doesn't really matter how you frame it as long as you believe it- you've always been in control of your form and your abilities, it's not so much giving yourself "more" as much as it is not nerfing yourself (as much).
Daydreaming, SATS, meditation, affirmations, scripting, self hypnosis. There's a whole grab bag of methods you can do, but remember you do this naturally with no methods at all. You simply decide and it is so.

any one of you are on those secret discord channels?
Thanks anon for your advice I will proceed like that. Thos email address is only for this person we were using it when younger. I check items very few days generally. I will continue doing it with another state of mind thinking it's done and not reacting negatively if I don't see any email.
Same but I realized 3 days after. What an ecstatic moment !
Unfortunately that's all I've achieved to manifest despite all the boost this gave me back in time.
Just a coincidence probably. They do exist.
I'm undercover in the secret grooming channel
Who is lilanon?
What I'm hinting at is that you will be judged (finally) within the next decade. And the judgment will be based on your *intentions* -- not on your attainments or possessions.

My advice: Slow down, orient yourself toward the Divine, and meditate on what is TRULY important.
>What I'm hinting at is that you will be judged (finally) within the next decade
Operant power. There is no judgement except of yourself, by yourself.
>Who is lilanon?
He has no idea :)
How, specifically, would Enlil judge himself?
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Affirm and persist
Scripting. Visualizing while staring at a wall or with my eyes closed. But affirmations didn't work.
How do I convince myself my imagination is realer than what I can see and touch
Yesterday a bird started screaming really annoyingly in my garden (he usually does it for about an hour). I thought that this is a good moment to test different methods and see what werks.
>yell at Universe to stop this bird
>30 seconds... didn't work
>pretend that the bird is gone
>30 seconds... didn't work
>a few other techniques
>relax, imagine the silence when the bird is gone and then completely empty myself of this this thought, like it's not my responsibility from here on.
>3 seconds and the bird is gone
After 1.5h the bird came back with it's scream and I repeated the last technique and again it took 3 seconds and the bird was gone. I'm finally done searching and reading LoA content. Good luck.
You're not really seeing an touching things. Your brain is generating the world around you even from a science pov. It's all imagination anyway.
Same for me
Visualizing>script and affirmations didn't work
Each hour feels like a minute to me
Is /LoA/ to blame for this?
No, your brain is interpreting outside things. These things still exist.
There is more than one? I am in one.
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no man. he's way too active in these threads(no actual life) and says way too much contradictory stuff. those people you listed... most of them follow a framework of understanding. lilanon just says whatever flowery thing comes to his mind, and if you try to question him about why what he says doesn't make sense, he goes FULL sophist and starts twisting word meanings.

he cannot be trusted
there is nothing in this thread, or any thread, more cringe than you. may you choke on your lies and drown in your delusions.
Lilanon smite these heathens!
Mother-schizo is clearly a lot worse. Blogs shit and doesn’t even talk about LoA.
On conclusion being a command.
i have now understood it, my mother is the part of me which loves. long ago i divested myself off her so that i wouldn't be so alone, i made love with her but became unable to love anyone else. now that i seek greater unity with her i become a more capable /loa/ user. or that is part of the truth at least.
Not locally.
>post fucking schizo voices shit
>put the word loa in there just to try and pretend it’s on topic
Fucking idiot.
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It’a weird that the title of the article has the word “proved” in it yet the content of the article does not actually have any proof and refuses to provide any.
Click bait tier journalism. It confirms nothing other than no one agrees.
No one is upset. You are just tiresome and incompetent. Don’t pretend you don’t like people commenting on your shit, that’s all you are here for. You have a malfunction.
Probably habit. This is supposed to be easy, effortless, and enjoyable; afterall, you're reminding yourself 'you have it,' so you should feel relief instead of stress. The methods and techniques matter less than luring yourself into relaxing; figure out a method that works for you.
Almost like someone is paying him to be here hahahah but who would do such a thing?
>immediately reply to my post clearly upset about it
>nooo i'm not upset you're upset!
why is the adversary so weak?
No one. The only conspiracy is why posters still want to pretend people would be paid to come here. What exactly would anyone disrupt? The constant larping?
Yeah I’m reading /x/ right now so I replied. This also works in reverse - you replied to me immediately so you must be super upset. You are not good at this thinking thing.
So now you have adversaries? Must suck to seethe and think people are out to get you.
The issue is as other posters have pointed out, not just me. You don’t do LOA you just post shit and when people tell you that you do everything wrong you keep doing it wrong. Why not try to learn something? Good teachers won’t be nice to you. They will tell you what you are doing wrong harshly.
My conclusion is that you and I are friends.
you're obsessed with me, literally nobody else in this board talks to me the way you do. you really need to learn to just let go.
Which version is this? Has to be from like 2000s something. All of this makes perfect sense and through higher order cognition we can understand that what our perception reveals is an illusion, more specifically, the illusion that our return is not here.

How do you change your sense of identity? There is a difference between understanding intellectually that you are OAP and actually having it as your natural state.

Through the infusion that happens from Dedicated Time? Thoughts?
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Creating a state of knowing, making your sense of identity that the universe and all beyond, Presence itself, your primordial totality, your unconditional best friend with your 12 non-change attributes is constantly here right now with you taking care of everything for you and that you have to do nothing to accomplish everything is the end goal. Fond-flow Effulgence. Fulfilment on the move. Infinite flexibility to accommodate everything you do making everything the right perfect choice regardless of what you believe or conclude.

Having this understanding, knowing, intellectual knowledge suffuse into every waking moment has to be the goal of everything. To know, that a desire is in fact a promise that it is merely your best friend letting you know what is coming up next. Knowing this, why would you stress or worry? What would you even do in your day? Only what you love to do of course because nothing else is needed. And if you don't know this, why wouldn't it be your first priority to know this.
Let’s see. So on this very thread
>>38353720 is not me. You can tell by posting style
>>38354052 not me either
So we have at least three posters in this thread alone who tell you much the same thing.
There’s a point where you should accept you are wrong and that happened a long time ago.
which one?
Good job Anon! You've made it :)
>way too much contradictory stuff

>he's way too active in these threads
I already said I LOAed a job where I can do LOA and hang here while I am working. It's like you don't believe LOA works that way or something, or you are one of those trolls that hangs around here all day saying nobody would choose to hang around here all day if they had a life.
Good job!

All is One, One is All.
Lol fuck off back to your wagie cagie then.
You think you're helping but you make discussion worse with your totalitarian narcissistic mentality.
was thinking about using this for the next round, i know secondary reasons and all but i just feel like letting the betting agency choose the numbers for me takes too much away from the interaction and makes the prospect less tangible for me. on the other hand picking the numbers myself makes me worry too much if i made the tickets look too same.

Prove materialism without inferring data from experience since you're smarter than a Nobel prize winnet
>totalitarian narcissistic mentality
I'm pretty sure those are just buzzwords to you. Quit LARPing, either fully commit to system change or go find something quiet to do in the corner. Whining to us when you are causing the problem does nothing.
You can’t even spell winner or read an article beyond the headline. I don’t have to do shit.
Then you have no argument, are incapable of asserting your point and you opinion is worthless.
I don’t know why you keep replying when I’ve demonstrated you are dumb.
You can’t assert anything. All you could do was link to a low quality article where the headline doesn’t match the contents in an attempt to prove something you don’t understand. Your used it purely because it had the word Nobel in it. You haven’t given an argument.
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Lilanon do something and fix this.
I'm calling you a faggot fraud which is a fact.
That has nothing to do with my belief in loa.
Schizo vampire's are so retarded.
oh thought you were in the results channel
>Lildickfag masturbates furiously at a wall

any good discussions from there?
How dare you insult our king who gives actual advice and genuinely is a poly incubus fae time travelling ex-vampire who met god who is also himself and cannot be killed. Don’t you understand the true value of such a being?
Yes exactly, he roams these threads now because Lilith thought he was such a loser she wanted nothing to with him anymore.
So he posts in her name even though she finds him revolting and gay.
Lilith here. Lilanon is cool.
What is it called? Show please.
>So he posts in her name even though she finds him revolting and gay
That's impressive- how did you manage to get ever word wrong there?

>That has nothing to do with my belief in loa.
>poor mental diet
>focus on the 3d
You might want to get back to the books Anon, you're out in the bushes right now.
I didn't link the article.

There are only two pieces of info that are 100% provable. (This is me asserting something)
1) you are aware and exist
2) you are experiencing something

Anything beyond this is inferred data from your experience. You can not prove there is a material world that exists when you are not aware of it. You can infer it's stable because when you turn away and turn back an experience of permanence occurs. My body sensations, Memories and thoughts are also experienced. There's no proof they are real aside from inferred data.

(This is me explaining the general structure I've inferred from my experience)

When I hold awareness on an object or scene in my mind, it occurs in my experience later as a theme or a carbon copy (I also decide which).

When these events or themes occur they are fully supported by the experience logically. They have a past and cause and effect chains when investigated. That frequently goes beyond the point in the past where I held my attn. There's no proof this past existed before, including memories of it.

If you can prove material world exists without inferring through experience I'll concede my entire model.
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I affirmed I wanted to pet a cat and I petted one in a dream. What does this mean? Why hasnt it manifsted in the 3d?
You can’t even prove 1) and 2)
Your dumbass structure is that no one reading this exists when you are not aware of them and memories and thoughts might not be real.
Who the fuck are you even arguing with if you believe this shit? There’s no point in you even posting anything aimed at me because I don’t exist.
Stop arguing with your imaginary 4chan rivals then. Meanwhile in reality you are actually retarded. What mental illness requires such shit.
This is a general where the star poster thinks he became a vampire and genuinely thinks others can become anime girls.
Larping about conscious states where the poster is the only one experiencing the universe using ridiculous quantum physics is common because justifying this stuff is impossible without crazy models.
Best not to argue with posters like >>38361961
and just enjoy the Lilanon show.
Doesn't exist yet Anon...
>Doesn't exist yet Anon...
how do you know
You're clearly seething since you're replying today kek, I guess I hit a nerve. keep seething, Lilith thinks your a faggot.
>That's impressive- how did you manage to get ever word wrong there?
Also you can't English apparently even when trying to correct me, I can sense the seething from my house, KWAB
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>met a girl not long ago
>11/10 and seems really nice
>gonna see her soon
>I told other people about her excitedly and because of that it feels like I jinxed it
How do I get this retarded idea out of my head, and how do I make things work in my favor? I want this to lead somewhere bros.
SManon can move his hand.
That's correct I can't prove 1 or 2 for you only myself. What you've outlined is exactly what I believe about other people as well. Hence why your opinion is worthless to me and you're incapable of refuting my argument.
just be yourself
I'm scared I'll fuck it up
You can’t prove 1) and 2) for yourself
>Hence why your opinion is worthless to me
This can’t possibly be true given you keep replying to me.
Why are you constantly wrong? Not even you believe your own shit.
Let’s see Lilanon’s greatest manifestation.
It says in his Discord. There will be a channel you can click on once it is up and running.
>They have a past and cause and effect chains when investigated.
LoA could not work in a materialism world. If you believe an unobserved tree falling makes a sound, LoA is obviously false. Because it would have happened without your visualization as the cause and effect chains where already in action.
Your inner self, God is all-doing, all-knowing, all-seeing yes? He is also you, and loves you because you love yourself.

Given all of that, it doesn't matter because the inner you knows everything and can take care of it regardless of if you actually jinxed it or not. Be still and know that I am God. What are you worried about? He is infinitely flexible because creation is finished no matter what you do - there is a path to the end goal. I am the alpha and the omega. Whatever comes inbetween is irrelevant because the path still exists since creation is complete.
Not one single argument to support your world view and refute mine.
Stop making up dumb ass models that don’t work.
This entire thing is exclusively used for material gain in a material world. If you don’t like that it doesn’t matter because you are wrong and you can’t stop me posting that you are stupid.
You haven’t given one single argument to support your world view and refute mine.
Again it’s impossible for you to do so becuase I don’t exist according to you.
Yet you argue with me.
You are merely a mentally ill larper who cannot cope.
Maybe I'm retarded but this is too abstract for me
I can't really apply it
So you, the reader of this, are not aware, and not experiencing something?
It's basic idealism bro, what part of op confuses you:
>Imagination creates Reality
>Assumptions harden into fact
>Consciousness is the only Reality
can i use this to become good at something? i have an esport i want to dominate...
Yes you visualize a scene implying it happened. Like getting challenger or playing on a stage or training with an export team, watching a YouTube vid saying you're the best player atm or whatever.
>So you, the reader of this, are not aware, and not experiencing something
Bro according to the other guy no.
> It's basic idealism bro, what part of op confuses you
Bro that OP is not local bro.
Also if bro stops being aware then bro doesn’t have reality anymore so it can harden bro.
Dumb ass crackheads making stupid models.
Bengston can heal the mice sometimes.
JP can make images with text on them.
The hemi sync can make an energy balloon resonate. In your head sometimes.
How does he make them tho?
Neville can help you find a ladder on occasion. But not always. Maybe.
66% of the time it works every time.
I think it’s maybe PowerPoint or maybe photoshop or something right.
LilAnon can turn into a vampire, time travel, reverse death and teleport and more
all the time
This is actually useful tho.
But why won’t he take my pain away,
It won’t stop.
Why does he hate me.
can someone make a new thread
ask him
you can use telepathy to summon him
He materializes them without hands
Triumphant George has at least two glasses. One of them can have water maybe.
Orion can fall asleep. Sometimes while repeating a scene perhaps.
Just manifest one.
ABDULLAH could tell you that you are in Barbados. Even if you aren’t you might be there within an amount of time possibly.
>can i use this to become good at something?
Of course, that's how you do it normally. Believe you are the best if you can manage it, or believe you are good and getting better all the time if you are having a faith gap.
answer this
New Bread


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