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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38352143
Blessings brothers and sisters
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Am I getting any sexual action soon?
Bless this mess.

How similar are Hathor and Venus?

Who would be better for me: A or K?
Here I'll make an exception with you because my cards told me to

King of wands, 9 of cups, 10 of wands, king of swords

There's a chance you might meet two people who can be your boyfriend, one is someone who is very confident in himself he is someone who has his life together, tan skin probably works outside a lot or someone who loves to spend time outside, very much in shape, he is strong kinda beefy and tall past the 6' he is going to have the golden retriever personality (reminds me of Mr. Penutbutter from bojack).

The other guy is someone who is rather cold, he is pale and somwhat tall around 5'9", he might be slim with muscle on him. He is going to be very sincere sometimes may come as blunt but not the guy to play with your feelings. He is someone who is very just and very analytical about everything a bit of a perfectionist but only expects it from him, he is more protective of his partners and only does the best for them, but they are somewhat stupid with romance.

Both choices are good one is a loving bear and the other one may not be so loving but he is a good person that might parent you somewhat. Both might love you dearly and will come from a background of struggles, they will cherish you and the relationship.


high priestess
Both are powerful in their own way, they are wise and can provide knowledge -on a personal note they might be the one in the same but with a diff name-
Can I trade you?
I want general advice
that was not a gman query
Should I work on the brakes today?

When is it finally gonna happen? Am I holding it back?

What will be the thing that brings K back? (If anything)
Hello my initial is N, I just wanted to ask how CC feels about now after I asked her out the other day
Will these memories that keep me feeling stuck ever fade away? What can I do to move past this?
Thank you very much for your time and detailed reply, I feel more at ease knowing I'll find someone that loves me, thank you
not much. one is a sky deity and the other is literally sea scum.
you have no choice here
stop making exceptions. stick to your decisions.
you're not special. most advice for any other person your age group will fit you just as well: eat better, exercise, dress better and talk to people irl.
it's not going to happen until you force it.
ask her yourself, fag
yes. b-multi-vitamin will fix you.
no need for gratitude. he is a chatbot.
Eat more greens or cut off more food?
which one is which? Never heard of either deity being associated with the ocean.
>it's not going to happen until you force it.
Shit, I was hoping that wasn't gonna have to be the case, but I guess if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself. Thank you friend. Do you have any other advice? If not that should be enough for me either way, but I figured I'd ask just in case.
Should I try a career in music? How would it be?
can i still pass all my classes this semester?
Will I win between me and G in the future?
Will I get the good news I am waiting for soon?
Which is best use yreatment creme tonight or;in 3 days?
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it's always that way, man. the mark of a great man is that he makes things happen.
are you retarded? pic related.
no. too much competition + threatened by generative ai.
for someone who asks this question in a divination-thread: no.
no. you will make yourself unhappy either way.
yeah but isn't Venus the god associated with the planet? Bringer of light, lucifer, etc?
Any clues for how to solve that coding bug at work?
can you tell me if my niece is autistic?
Have they finally moved on from me?
Romance gen for August?
How will my classes for the rest of the semester?
Will my venture be successful?
in what aspect of my life should i put the focus on right now
I feel trapped
nine of cups seven of wands seven of coins four of swords the hanged man
If you are not involved with someone it looks like there will be an change to that and you will be fighting for their affections. If you are in a relationship there will be a newfound need to be fighting for this person’s will to continue in the relationship, or competition from someone else. There is a good outlook. You in a situation where you’re fighting some kind of war or competition, and you are being especially seen for your efforts. There is a clear message that you have been putting forth the effort for quite sometime and you will be given opportunities to back off and let your efforts speak for themselves which will be received and recognized well. It’s looking like you can also take these strategic moments of withdrawing to understand the situation better and plan your next steps.
Wtf u want cunt
Eat shit cuntface
Do you think I will find love in this summer?
>Hanged man, queen of swords
>5 of cups, judgement
>4 of pentacles, 5 of cups again
Not too good. You might want to look at how you use your lesson time this semester since you might end up underperforming as you're not as invested jn them as you'd need to be for things to go well for you. I think you might lack focus or not be all too happy with what you're forced to study or the direction you took your education which is making you unhappy. Maybe change your course or take a break to see if this is what you like to study
Thanks, trade again?
no. venus is venus.
thats a question for a professional, not for strangers on the internet.
maybe try asking a rubber duck.
have you?
yes, but only if you abstain from superstition and instead focus on real stuff that tangibly moves you forward towards your goals.
I am definitely unfocused and I have lacked drive for a while because of some really fucked up shit happening to me right before I started this degree.
Do these cards tell you i will fail?
if you meet new people.
I'll pull some cards to find out
So I'm not involved with anyone atm. Who is this woman I'm gonna be involved with? Can be personality/appearence/how ill know her

Am I in the right path?
Ok. Thank you.
>knight of swords
>7 of cups rev, hierophant
No, I don't think you will fail. You still have the capacity to pass this semester but, well you might have to isolate yourself away from your issues that hold you back so much and focus on your studies. The knight speaks of sitting down and getting on with whatever work you have been set, you might have little time so act quickly.
The last 2 speak of maybe speaking with some authority figure at your campus. Speak of your situation and how that distracts you from your studies and lowers your performance, that maybe you need extra help or more time to finish the work you've been set
the world the hierophant the empress
four of wands five of wands
at first she presents herself as having everything you want while also being disengaged and almost unknowable. As time progresses and you go through these trials you will become entirely receptive to her loving side.
It seems like conflict is almost how the relationship is brought forth. Maybe a protest? A chance encounter where you both are outraged by an inconvenience, it’s not giving anything traditional.
She will likely be of fair hair and skin.
Fuck you
it is what it is

if you think the answer to your problems is in the greasy hands of some obese internet loser playing medium half way around the world you already lost.
try a high dosed b-multi-vitamin. helps with the sluggishness and the superstitious believes.
I don't want to go into the details because this isn't fit, but really: try upping your thiamine towards 100mg + a day (preferably not hydrochloride, also mix it with other b vitamins. there is a good chance it helps with your situation ... and if not: you wasted $10 on expensive urine.)
Will I meet new people?
I work too much.
Q: What is happening with my socials and what can I do to improve it

What’s yours?
Relatable anon.

This is my Q I’ll trade
Is M energy vampire? I feel like i will collpase any minute from exhaustion..
Should I get S, M.D or P.L? starting yours
Ok thank you -.-
>Is M energy vampire?
Not a psychic, but somehow I doubt it.
>I feel like i will collpase any minute from exhaustion..
S- 9 Of Swords = no
M.D- 4 Of Cups = options are okay here but there’s a lot of hurdles
P.L- Moon = best option for you emotionally
Yes but they'll suck. Either a bad crowd or they'll be drinking buddies
Magician The Tower 5 of Swords
Misfortune that you've brought on yourself, not in a bad way but you've made an error in your judgement and some vultures felt like taking advantage of you over it
No luck then. Thank you.
Trading really perverted Q
>Fell asleep last night before I could trade

I can read anything, even occult
Am I going to start making money next year?
I just want to suck your dick bro not eat your energy
Ok, I know it will sound weird but I need to know this.

Does my cum taste good?

Your Q?

See above.

better question: how will I meet new people?

if you feel worse after spending time with someone, there's a reason for it. Maybe that person is an asshole and you're not realising you're no longer enjoying his or her company, or maybe whatever causes your exhaustion is making you paranoid.
I had an episode in my life where I was feeling very similar about my life-long best friend: turns out every time we met we drank and that took a toll on my then less-than-optimal mental / health situation: which made me think there was evil at play because why else would I feel worse every time I see him?
take a good look at your situation, and when if you're not sure about what you are seeing: ask an uninvolved 3rd party. (it's ok to ask for help)

>I feel like i will collpase any minute from exhaustion..
anon, this sounds health-related. do the /fit/ thing, stop using drugs, if you're having digestive issues they can fuck a lot of seemingly unrelated stuff up for you, and for the love of god: eat a healthy diet including produce and animal products.
>Knight of Wands
>Moon Rx, Page of Cups Rx, King of Pents
That's a yes, going from the inexperienced page to the king means great changes are being put in place for you to reach this.

You gotta keep doing your work without delay nor pause, but remember to set realistic goals. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't make $3mil profits by the end of year for example. I mean some bussinesses can move that movey easily but it won't be pure profits... you get what I'm saying?

Does this answer your question?
You still there?
I delivered my reading two post above, what's your deal?
Yeah im waiting for my read so i can post yours
What was your query again?

I did a reading here: >>38360410
Was this for you?
9 cups, queen cups, 3 cups
Yes but I suggest eating pineapple often and watermelon to make it taste better and eat lots of salads. Dont eat asparagus. Drink lots of water. However shallows or tastes it would like it faggot or some bop.
You replied to a gay post
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Yeah, I can see now. Hopefully replying to gay doesn't make me homosex.

And yeah, sorry for the weird Q it's just that the wives had a really weird argument about my cum so I figured why not ask.

I'd offer a freebie but it would be hard to know it's you with the other weirdo around. Thanks a huge lotta bunch for the trade.
queen of wands, 7 of cups
Eating more greens is something you'll be able to do while cutting off food is something you'll struggle with.

4 of cups, princess of wands
Not soon but later.

wheel of fortune, hermit
It doesn't really matter. Doing it in three day will make you feel more in control.

tower, chariot
Figure out what isn't working. Drop that. Figure out what is working. Do that.

3 of wands, 5 of swords
It's working but you don't feel like it is working. You have too high expectations on what should be happening. Recognize your gains and let go of your expectations.
Thank you
>I have no obligation to you, but to simply forgive you
This phrase was revealed to me in a dream, in perfect readable clarity for me to remember, as I was actively committing sin.
Check the state of the world we live in
Can't you see it's a cryin' shame? Forgive them!
Leadership fails before it begins
Motivated by personal games. Forgive them!
Tempers flare and patience wear
Ten finger pointin' but who is to blame?
The world leaders and all the cohorts
Yeh, sorry. I just couldn't hold myself, the lyric just hit me.

>better question: how will I meet new people?
You are so right.
better question:
How will I meet new people?
hang out with your friends friends, anon - and work less.
:( I will be probably like those old cat ladies.
Without cats and not being a lady :D
Thank you.
Aq will i get my wishes
how does B feel about R
Can anyone help me in here with the interpretation? I asked "what are his feelings for me now" and got - 7 of cups, 5 of wands, 7 of pentacles, knight of pentacles, 4 of wands
Will this ls work? AQ
Are those still a thing?
I mean the vampires.
Spiritual AQ
I'm doing ok on that path? Just a simple evaluation, one card should do.
Thanks, in advance!
Was that message really from her or is it someone messing with me? How will our next interaction go?>>38360467
If you feel they are get away from them but if not you're just fat fuck that needs to eat better food and exercise and stop eating random crap and blame it on someone else. Honestly I hope this M leaves your dumb ass, they probably deserve better anyway
is today the day?
will the people who hurt me last august get anything from the saturn retrograde? feel free to decline this trade if the vibes are off.
Wow I didn't even know that saturn was in retrograde. Starting yours. My query is: is today the day for that thing I've been hoping for all week?
yes. go and get them, champ.
the lovers, king of wands, the star

Couldn't be a more overwhelming or astounding yes. Don't even worry about things, fren. Just go out, have confidence, the world is in the palm of your hands, people respect you, you have a commanding aura, just don't let your confidence waver and you're more than golden!
trading occult
page of wands, hermit, hierophant reversed, knight of swords

Karma is catching up to them and they're going to be struggling to get themselves back in order. Possibly some kind of layoff or breakup situation, their current life will be shaken up and they're gonna be left out to dry because of it. You might not notice any of this for yourself unless you still maintain ties to these people, but they're going to have a hard time and hardly realize it's karmic
thank you anon. i actively fight the urge to check up on them, we aren't in contact, but the trauma still plagues me heavy and i'm constantly thinking of how i'd defend myself if they came back to hurt me.
Damn, with lover and star there's no way today isn't the day... thanks bro and good luck with the douchebags
trading occult
Surely TWO of you could trade with each other?
not really, no. most anons are too chickenshit or weak to read occult.
Wtf u want
well yeah i want some fuck but that's not it.

was my spell succesful? what's your query?

you deliver first btw
Nuh huh. You're the one with the query. Deliver first or no trady
Shoot me a few more details and i can read, what kind of spell was it? initials? gender?location? type of girl?
you got a query of your own dont you?

i would had no problem deliveejng first if there wasnt so many trolls around and with that first reply im not even sure youre in the best headspace to read but im taking any trade right now
Yea boi Gotta tell me what Lind of spell you dids first so `i understand what Spirit im Gona face cus everythign is abot Me hwte
it was for self improvement. initial is m but thats already too much for a yes or no query

just say you dont fancy reading right now
Nah idc for divination. What's your query? Disregard the troll that replied to you
was my spell succesful today?

what about you?
Will she be there on Tuesday?
Idc tell me something. Anything good coming?
Starting. Dont tradekek
checked and no worries

3 of cups, 10 of cups, fool r, strength, sun
have you been doomscrolling recently? you need to cut yourself out from the negative energy you have been surrounding yourself with and you need to cut your time reading and looking for negative stuff

there are good news coming and you may get dragged to a party or some social event where youre recharging your social battery

things will be picking up for you after this
Is this some kind of manifestation spell? You set up everything but there's nothing happening. The intent or focus isn't there. I saw a man in spandex suit and he comes out with a big machine on wheels with large speakers to call his manifestation but the machine just sits there quietly while the guy stands there looking prideful.
hmm.. Nothing foget it..*Walks away and card fall out my dekc i dont notice its a Knight of swords*

When will my time come?

This isn't about death by the way I mean like when will my time to shine come
pink of pentacles i `need a new deck athat Is divine and pink` please give me a link `
>I saw a man in spandex suit
loooooool i wouldnt do that but that sound funny

ill have to wait and see
ughh id get a gold foil deck but the Foil just comes of whenevr u sshufle them
i think Im gona make my Own thatd be kinda Funyy
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Doing general readings ! No need for queries! Here’s what I need:
>sun sign
>photo of artwork
you could like actually taste it yourself you dumb fuck.
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Stefan, i have no nickname
31, 32 in a month
Leo with Leo ascendant
or Cancer and Cancer ascendant in the vedic sidereal one
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Have some artwork but no datamining for me.
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Oh shit nigga!
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Thanks homie
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Ari, 21, gemini.
lol that painting
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>if you're not sure about what you are seeing: ask an uninvolved 3rd party.
that's what i did now..
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General relationship /love reading please
Ye dawg what is it
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Hart Crane
Hayy recognise me
Naw dude nutin wrong daug. The first art you posted is spooker tho, it made me remember that courage daug and the episode of the slab.

Shit be scary mang.

Have a cutie.
yes Isie?
Uepp It me izie fizzy

Also AQ what do these hole in my egg clenes mean?
Dude what the fork? Why is that ugly assed egg yolk be full of pimples?

Everything else looks rather clean tho, that's sumthin.
there was noting else ecept these fdots on the egg i did a Return3sender anyway
Capatcha: Maya
I am not good at reading egg cleansing. Maybe someone else can help?
Naw hoe you're a stressball wanting to pop, I think I saw a trade of yours pointing that out. You is need to chill the fork out hoe.

I seriously thought you were on vacation (or escorting like some faggot said lol). Rest and relaxation is part of work too gurl.

If ya bustin yo ass and puss working and hoeing hard you be need to rest. Mind that.

What does A think of me?
I'm no expert either but my bet is her needing to focus some more on her throat, lower stomach and lower back.

But these ugly pimples are bad energy needing release. Doesn't really look like bad vibes from an external source (read some mofo trying to screw her up).

The only real advice here is to keep doing the cleanse and have some time for herself.
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Will I pass my trading combine account?
Will I reach none returner in this lifetime?
I think that is a person’s face, your enemy
The clouds are a good sign they mean a spirit guide/angel is protecting you
Dude you are talking to an underage girl. Wtf???? Disgusting
First she shouldn't be posting on a +18 site and how the fork would I know?
Lol likely correct. You may actually be legit.
shit urself getobitch
Allah despises u for trying divinaton
Thats a fujo
do they work?
>I'm doing readings
>only joking
yuo should of lnown by how much info theywant
theyre scouting someone out in ths thread

And why are you even here? Allah despise divination.
Allan wouldn't like that
because im divine niga, and why are uw here? Are the meds not working KEK
remember whenevr u shuffle thse cards ur actualy sucking Iblis’ massive Cock
Nope, NVM I'm getting the hell outta here.

Enjoy your gay anime thread
>Real muslim hours
Satan Can makee hell look like beautiful virgin women Satan can make rping ur Ass feel lie eating a fortune cookie Ur dajjals property now
Yuo should be Praying to allah istead of Playing ih my balls asking me if some stranger is flirting with u
Get away fom my sister!
Dont worry fupa u can always return To makkah an ill have u marry a 5 yrold Man , birth 7 childtrn and
Ohh 5 yeRs old Is. bi too Youn i meant
Don't try me infidel.

I may be an excommunicate but my faith in the almighty never waned.
Love general for the rest of the year
Was that my last chance ? What now? Will reconnection happen?
Allah and satan ar the same faggot
call it samefagging
Keep suking my Balls
As far as my understanding, the one who sort of same fagging is jesus. Poor man probably watching us in shock how we accepting him as God.
God and the Allah and the Yhwh are the same.
Go ask ur satan spread if Yahweh is lucifer and find out
I scried yahweh and Tada its lucifer
What is T going to think about me and feel after I go back to my house later? Your q?
LOL, seeing the mysteries u can unravelw with divination trulwy let us understand why ALLah Does not allow it .. Keky
He woldnt want no nigga seeing his Drop dead naked red head Hottie bod stand there when the cloudsa clear from ur little crystal Ball
Satan is an idea not an entity. Lucifer and Satan aren't the same thing.
Obviously I won't make a spread about it anon :D That would be scarry.
I dunno. You do you. For me there is only one God and its the same in all three religion except minus two I suppose. Minus two from trinity.

And one more thing are you christian? It would be very oximoron without believing in old testament a bit.
LOL of course u think im a christian, tahts why u called jesus a faggot HAIAIAHJ.
Nope not reigous but my ideas align with gnostism more than anything rlse, u cant triger me u poor brown fat turf
Lucifer is venus and there is no proof that Satan is lucifer as Satan is just a translation of the word opposer which means opposes God's will.
>tahts why u called jesus a faggot HAIAIAHJ
he is a respectable prophet. a kind and nice man.
I didn't say he is a faggot. maybe you need to read again.
>u cant triger me
I wasn't trying to trigger you. I was really curious.

>poor brown fat turf
Not poor not brown nor fat.
yuo dont make a very good musliem do u, all this porn and fujo filling ur dirty archive instead quran textfiles and even coming here to do divinatioen. You just hanginh arond the Allah street incase u need a prayer or two? fucking pathetic
>my ideas align with gnostism more than anything rlse
btw those thoughts are edgy as much as roko's basilisk :D
roko's basilisk of the past.
Try u best triggered littl nigg3r
why did you think I am a muslim though?
I am just interested in religions.
Change your perspective and relax :D I am just speaking the truth.
Jump in my toilet little Poo le me flush u don back into hell
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is he snorting coke today?
Anyway don't try to lecture people, looks like you do not have the capacity :D pathetic.

How similar is S and G?
Run infont of. 50000 pound truck u fuking retard XD
You’re the one lecturing others making a complete retard out of yourself. Are you trying you be the next muhammed? do you also fondle a 6yr old boys scrotum every night?
Why is there a fucking muslim moron here losing he shit because Allah doesn’t allow divination? Take that slop to your local imam
Anyone trading?
Can we please stop the third world posting please?
Will do a few one card reads. Any q welcome
Is it C?
will the tp work?
yes or no?
your not actually gonna read are you?
General advice please
Did it hit them? Thx
How similar is G and S?
I am, only doing about 5 though.

I really wanted a trade but since no one here is trading I thought I do this instead
Work on the brakes today?
did it hurt them?
Does she have romantic feelings for me?
2 of cups
7 of wands

Probably not



Is she (Lu.) attracted to me? Can't read her
hi I'm having a baby girl in December. I am wondering if you have any suggestions for rites to bond and bless her beforehand. spellwork, rituals, whatever. my domain is primarily lhp but I'm open to all suggestions. I'm having a c section if that is relevant at all. thank you
What can I do about N's energy that is constantly circling me?
Why make a statement like this? Isn't this counting the chickens before they hatch?
rude lol
I suppose. there is only a .1% chance of miscarriage at the week i am at. stillbirth stillpossible obv but no complications or history of mc or defects. i intuit that this fucker really wants to exist considering I'm 32 and got pregnant within a few weeks of iud removal. I also invoked lady unsere for protection to be safe.
What does she think of me?
passive aggressiveness is as far as Allah let his little shitter go.. Its so cringe being a muslimbroz..
Will I be financially secure later this year?
>obviously not it’s haram
Does he know I hate him for what he did
Go play divination with you little sister underwear drawer
hiii Isie
Nigga we hate you
write you emails?
Find your fathers Trouser and Turn it insid out, inside you will find his cumstains now us the figures in the cum to intepert how hard ur 62 yr old huband will beat u filthy islmic whore
Truely nemesis?
Machete is coming to your house
I'm fine with having it read here thanks tho
Of course u cant make a fucking spread but u can Mke me and Ugly poo coloured baby Dumb bith thats all your o its divinely propheticed in the koran

If u ever toched A Tarot card God would Break all yuor fingers
what did he do?
Um are you a muslimsis if so can i adk a question? how old are you an why are you here? Shouldn’t you be wiping th um stain clean off the couch or something?
Of course, yes thats how it is.
Now shit out all the parasite stuck inside ur asholes
What do you have against christians bros.? Dont detonate the bomb under ur Shirt no Not yet .. I it bc they are porcleain white?
Calm down, drink a Coca Cola. You are divine and scried Yahweh. Sophia loves you.
I wish i could say KYS but allah doesnt allah u yo do that
Still answers :D This triggered edgy mother fucker made my day.
I also have a Big grin on my Face
>are you christian?
KEK don’t come for his religion
i gues he has alooott to say abot christian maybe he was raped by one …
errmrm duh the bible is prety retarde.d.. Jesus was Kindw weak cant belive he died toa crosss lol what a bitch.. hopw u are a christina by the way `ho,y moly crocka moly `god God God protect me from `shayytttaaann
When will I hear from K? Thanks.
Well, I just opened the box and all we see is shit. Sorry.
we? is there other jews with yowu rn? Were sending the police under ground tell us ur numbers
woah woah woah ur head is about to EXPLODE lying is haram
Was horse shit delivered to ur letterbox? Ya thx for leting me it reached u heh hene
Sending Torpedo torbena (12 yrs) under grond
Allah will let me know when she detonates mash alah
I think we need to take this desert cult stuff somewhere else
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I am not even a muslim but this is so fun.
I guarantee it's that 'Martin' spammer too. It's the same person just shitposting
Dont be mad muslimbro `Just remmeber, smell, visualise, The shawmara hubbus `curry u will eat `later all by urself in the dark with the sole beacon of light iluminating from the 4Chan tab

What is a thing I need to be told?
Hello I. Crabe here. I think the fujo girl is not here. The one who was flickimg her clit a lot. The person you replied to several times is not even a Muslim, I think.
Ok, well let me ask you this, Crabe. Is it you?
Thankfully we have a functioning report button
thanfulyn i Hone the sword of allah. Ront move or ur head will make swift depature to the floor
I just read the posts. I didn't reply to you earlier. Just one time where I said hi.
>The person you replied to several times is not even a Muslim, I think.
Don't spoil the fun. I don't think he can continue without thinking me as a muslim or a jew :D
thank god ilitirate muahmed is recording every Post made by anonmyos `fast without haste or paste into a ` delicate pلابيaged book so i can Read it out loud to allah later
Seriosly Fujoshit how many Med have u taken ur word everything u type is luke Fucking warm piss Leking from ur pants
i dont think fujoshit would Be able to post on 4chan without the meds.. `thank God she has some nearby Or else she woldnt come here tody so i could kneel on her neck
HAAHAHAHAH now we get to the gibberish part. Calm down. I am almost about to pitty you. Breath.
Hauauahahaha Hehheheheh im alredy reading the 4pleb arhciving smiling with glee i. i.., Ghe holy spirit am so charming and humuros
I am breathing im going 4321 Breath i. and out im actually in a deep meidtateion inside a dark cave secluded in the mountainse Imagining this all
Im playing these scnerios in my head and spoiling the end all my enemies `get raped to death
Thx god fujocum leaves the psych ward just so i can Finger her pisuy And tell her the u dispiuted words of allah
trips and im god
>I am gnostic bro trust me. I can read 'n' shieet
Triggered nameless faggot
>I know all ok
You don’t read material garbage to recieve the TRUTH from source nigg3r
youre little faggot discord server is in a forever lockdown because of me
>a muslim
>a jew
>a shitskin
>a nigg3r (I don't know why he writes like that)
>a faggot
I don't know how he can miss everytime.
But I was dead-on edgy little teenager with edgy thoughts.

Byeeee :D
pfffft ehehehuw no one say it…
that wad a piece of cake *slices a peice with muhamed * `hay mumu were still cool yaaa?
she is a girl
>edgy little teenager
I guess jewish/muslim/faggots/retards/turds/ armt allowed education `hub`hehheheue Stay at home foreva sucking daddies cock
What does the future hold between N and T?

Your q?
t-the fvocab is transcediatal.. what else can i do but sit quitly.. Stare at my screen and let the the tear run down my cheeks ?
VIII of Wands
King of Pentacles
Hanged Man Rx
Looks rapid action leading to maturity and (financial stability). They've been stagnant and hesitant for a long time, but now someone is going to put on his big-boy pants and end the logjam. Looks like the new situation will be solid.
My question is: what happens next with M?
>Third world 'Martin' schizoposter ruins the thread again

Like clockwork
hayy martine
Let get High on seroquel Scheers
cpgnitive imparnmaint name of the game
I cant belive disablitiy niggos wsnna fight me Today Arm wrestle anyone?? Asking the fags with np legs
>10 of pents, 10 of swords, world

Well it looks like the foundation that has been built and established between you 2 has collapsed and gave out or at least in the moment or will. It seems like there will be a moment of clarity or understanding of what is to come next between you to and will receive closure on the situation. Wether it's what you want to hear or not peace will come at the end of this.

I have a feeling that it will turn out good considering the world is at the end.


This is how you 'both' sound
Can I get feedback by any chance?
I bet A mussy cant beat me at this matche I bet u on my Gnostic encylogprdic of enlightenment i carry inside the 4th dimenson AkashIck archive (i only mediatet in the 3d, nothing else *smirks*) Im taking 12 Peices of seroquel and I wont blink my eyes closed asleep not for 45 hrs
ohhh hes hes realy afradi u guys maybe he dosnt have enough meds for this chalenge i supose he alredy took them all after i shited all over his celestical body
where did this rush pf energy come from?
Well you're definitely right about the foundation having collapsed. I was hoping for some insight into what exactly "the World" means, but maybe I just have to wait. Any feedback on my read? I'm a novice and like to know how I did.
Hi Isabela. That wasn't me you replied to.

My advice to you: Stay off 4chan. please. This is not good for your well-being. I know that you struggle. But this is wrong. I know that all these countless messages here were by you because I recognize your writing style and I know your background. I am worried about you.
Jesus had that fate to bring peace to the world...100% completely intentional on God's part.
music shufflemancy
yes/no edition?!/
let's g0
Did she read it?
Is G like S?
Will I find a girl in this summer?
Is she (Lu.) attracted to me? Cant read her well
how does She feel about B?
Will I met someone when going out tonight? Will it be eventful
Do I have a chance of further pursuing my project?
Do it today?
Work on the brakes?
Did hg do it?
Will This tp plan work?
Will things improve for me soon?
Will Cspell work?
Will i get them?
what would b think of r?
G’s feels for heR?
Has T done it?
these take a while because I have to listen to the whole song

>The lyrics speak of a love that exists only within the confines of a dream, suggesting a deep longing for a connection that is beyond reach in reality. The reference to a poem that was never written by the poet further emphasizes the idea of an incomplete or unexpressed emotion, a sentiment that is powerful yet remains unspoken or unrealized.


lol pp
Will I cum in her pussy?
Looks like she is gonna be a bit younger than me, if type of song matters.
I passed the mid 20s.
Thank you.
you're asking me this question? in my history no lol but please talk it out with her because you could change her mind by being honest and giving her space

if you want to leave, you've just got to say you're all caught up inside. but you know the way....

yes, no

Tell me about K. Thx
Can I ask one more? Tell me at least she is 20 years old. I would be shock if I can hold a conversation with 18 or 19.
yes, you sure theyre broken?

no more
I come here almost regularly looking for "readings" from people I don't know, from where I usually don't know, about shit that won't kill me if I didn't know.
My mind is fucked. Its all fucked.
Thanks for all the reads tho readers. From all time zones
Doing 5 readings
-genders and initials of all parties involved
-no occult
Female, E is my initial
Asking about a male
Query is here with his initial
M Male
I don't know if you gonna generals but sorry if you do not like it.
Love general. I am single btw.
nothing is broken except my spirit. thx for the read
Male C
Female B
Does she have feelings for me?
Female asking about two females

How similar is S to G?
Should i ask D out this following week or wait more
I'm 27 M
Shes 27 F both initials are D :D
How my next job will be like?
General about the job opportunity that's been presented to me?
AS (female), WS (male), JAS (female)
How can I move on these weird uncomfortable memories about my parents? They’re very nice and supportive, but I keep thinking about this.
Male F
Oh dear, I also have an N lingering on my energy, lets see...
7 of swrods rx, 8 of pents, 8 of wands, 5 of swords, death, 6 of swords rx, strengh, devil rx
At this time its possible you're not feeling the most stable and grounded within yourself, you need to look at things as how they really are and move fordward.
Keeping your mind busy with something like work or a personal project could be of great help, this will help shift the energies quickly.
Also you need to surrender about this situation with N, he's just a vehicle of meat for your spiritual transformation, this person was brought in your life to get over some addictions and some trauma patterns. This situation is here to bring your inner strenght back and finally take control of your life and situation.
Be strong, focus on yourself and shift your attention to things that will help you progress and grow.
Female, S, asking about Female, F
Will she be getting karma for what she did to me on this saturn retrograde?
I'm totally okay with it.
ace of swords rx, 7 of wands. 5 of swords rx, death, 4 of pents rx, 10 of swords rx, 4 of wands rx

Right now I dont see anyone coming soon, but it seems like you're lacking some game here or you just simply dont seem to get anything because you might need to get over some past situations and learn from them, possibly someone that rejected you in the past?
Eventually though youll have an oportunity if you let go of control of how whens and whys when it comes to love, a nice lady might show up but you might fumble her bc of your immature ways emotionally, so make sure you work on those aspects otherwise you can regret it
Thank you so much whimsical fairy, I really hope your 'N' situation also clears for you. They seem to be a huge burden lol.
I fully agree that he is part of some crazy lesson in my life and it drives me mad trying to understand why. Character development I guess eh. Seriously though this is a major help for me and is exactly what I was looking for.
I'm just scared that I might have to deal with him soon somehow... I keep running away from it
judgement rx, 5 of pents rx, 7 of sworeds rx, 8 of swords rx, 5 of wands king of wands, 6 of wands. ace of swords, 4 of cups rx
I feel like B is not sure how to feel about you, sometimes you might be confusing to her and she might get frustrated but it seems that there is will on her part to find solution here of the conflicts that may arise. She likes you and would like for things to run smoothly here with you but she feels stuck and doesnt know how to go about it with you. Also she might probably have an idealized version of you in her head but things might get better with her in the future
It's just me who thinks this is adorable?
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I'm going to do some claircognizant and clairsentient readings. All I need from you is:
>an image that resonates with your query
>your query
>absolutely NO LEWD queries
If I don't resonate with your query I might skip it.
I need your initial as well dear, once you provide it ill start your reading.-

knight of wands rx, 9 of pents rx, 5 of wands, 10 of swords, 9 of cups rx, 2 of cups rx

Definitely not a great idea, acting on your impulses might go terribly wrong here, you need to create some kind of momentum so this could run smoothly. You might also not feel completely secure about this deep down which might cause conflicts because you're not feeling 100% sure about yourself and this could leave you defeated and having your dreams broken and you might feel devastated, basically you might get rejected if you do this this following week, you should wait more and get to know this person further first.

Thank you dear, seems like the energies are also calming down on this side... I think they're just there to trigger us to change and stop asking about them... GUILTY! heh..
Don't worry my dear, you stay strong and keep building yourself up so nobody can knock you down. You hold your head up high and do what you have to do. Sending much love! Be patient with youself at this time dear.... you've got this.
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female pisces asking about male libra
Why do I have such a strong spiritual connection with him even though we have interacted very little?
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When should I do it?
Not the reader but if your a medium and either you have hots for him or he has the hots for you, this will happen. One or both of you are likely mediums.
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What lays on the road for my relationship with K? (M)

It's honestly because he has a very strong energetic cord and karmic connection to you. The energetic cord is so strong because he was fantasizing about romancing you, being with you, and having sex with you a lot and that transferred over to you telepathically.

This is exactly what I picked up on. Anon is very psychically sensitive.
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I'm AM, male, asking about D, fem. Was that weird anonymous message from thursday she trying to reach out? It was the anniversary of a breakup. What's in her mind? Hope our next encounter won't be weird.
2 of cups rx, 6 of pentacle,s moon rx, king of swords rx, knight of cups, king of cups, ace of swords.
Kind of confusing reading for me but will try regardless, so I dont think they are that similar but they might both be generous and like to share, are kind etc. One of them might be more cunning here and timid, whilist the other is more caring and has a better judgement perhaps? S might be more hopefull and joyful but indecisive and G is kind of stuck has a need of recognition or is very concerned with her reputation bc I think she cares too much what people thinks of her . I hope this is helpful
I feel like things won't work out longterm. I'm going to check what I know to confirm that and yeah that's what I'm picking up on. I feel like K will ghost you because he will realize that you're not exactly who he's been fantasizing about. In other words he's built you up in his head as his dream girl and he'll realize quicky that you're a flawed person and that he's wrong about you. Also confirm or deny but you met at a party, correct?
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F asking about F
Will the Saturn retrograde bring her karma for what she did to me?
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Did I really dimension shift and if so which is the better dimension for me?

I swear I was in a nearly identical dimension that I switched between where my car either had a tow hitch on it but missing bolt for battery tie down or the dimension I'm in now where I don't have a tow hitch but I do have that battery bolt tie down. I don't know what other differences there were between the two dimensions and I haven't switched in some time now.
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Can I get a read on my spiritual/psychic body . How developed is it? Are there any malfunctions?
What makes you think you have a strong one?
Thanks, might be an accurate read, will have to think about it.
Trading for an aura reading. I want the aura reading. Will trade with cards as I'm not sure if my aura reading is off rn or if what I'm seeing is real.
star, hierophant rx, 10 of cups, page of wands, 9 of swords, king of swords, queen of wands rx, knight of cups rx, judgement rx, sun rx, 8 of swords rx
You'll be very pleased with your next job, it might be something out of what you're used to but it will make you very happy you will get along with your peers and will have a good atmosphere youll feel good and will do your best although you might sometimes feel anxious just make sure you have a good routine, and make sure yuou dont fall for the seduction of some woman in your workplace because she might trigger your instincts buyt it will not be reciprocrated and people will start talking and this will make you very sad so watch out
let the silly girl gawk over the grey boy
How will see react when we meet again?
Honestly I'm getting that it wasn't her reaching out to you. It seems like it was just a coincidence. I'm getting that she is still really sad about the breakup but she didn't know it was the anniversary. It seems like she still thinks about it a lot and she feels like the relationship ended too soon. I feel like the encounter won't be weird or awkward and she'll be happy to see you, I know the same as well.
Looks good to me, thank you, fren
Male asking about female M.
What does she feel/think of me? I can't tell if she dislikes my presence or is into me?
I think its both of us, but im not sure he is aware of it. Ive always thought he has a very big access to source somehow, very smart and very psychic
That would make sense, I guess this also happend to me, sometimes while dreaming, I would feel like I was entering his dreams and they would be spicy ones at times

yes guys im very sensitive im like very piscean and I cannot just ignore him i can literally feel what he feels I cannot pretend to talk normally w him bc i see thru him... its exhausting bc he acts completely different but energy doesnt lie remember that you guys

thanks for your help
I'm just curious anon.
No we did not meet at a party :/
He knows my flaws already
I'm sorry anon I forgot the genders. I am male and she is female.
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Will something striking or inspiring appear in my life 'till next 2025? I'm finally getting good at being less of a traumatized haughty sperg and more of a man, praying, being more honest, working out and getting used to being lonely in a good way blah blah. I'm content, seems to good to be true haha.
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Honestly yeah she will get what she deserves but it honestly won't be around the timeframe that you're hoping for. It will be in a few years. I can sense that she did something really fucked up to you and I'm also picking up on the fact that you shouldn't seek out revenge. I can sense that you really want to but you really shouldn't because people will turn against you and it will just end in tragedy for you. Just be at peace with the fact that she will experience the effects of her actions.
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Will she get what she deserves?
Hello, friend would you consider asking about a jar spell I did to be occult?
how much longer until i lose my virginity
What does she think of me? You?
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Will she get what she deserves?
not same querent btw just wanted to know same thing
Mine is what is libra's energy towards me rn?
im pisces female
IX of Pentacles, III of Cups, Chariot

Well they are very much into the fine things in life and are quite confident concerning their status and value. They see you as a friend and feel friendly towards you. I am not sure whether a relationship is on their mind but potential might be there. They are overall very determined and won’t let anyone distract them from reaching their goals.
9 of swords, queen of cups, magician, 5 of pentacles, temperance, strengh, tower, page of wands, 5 of cups, 2 of cups, 10 of pentacles

You might be too worried about this rn but she cares for you she seems you as someone cappable but she believes that you're going thru a hard time atm and she hopes everything gets sorted out for you and that youre strong enoigh for it. seems like there was some big situation that happend or is going to happen where they feel sad over wasted potential of a nice and stable relationship
Thanks a lot
huh? i dont understand anything of what you're saying in your q
Thank you. Thats a lot of reversed cards.
Will I reach spiritual liberation for real in this lifetime?

Will I pass my trading exam with topstep?
Are you trading or just want a reading?
Just a reading, brother.
Thank you
I don’t want straight traditional revenge, I want to be more successful than her is all. I want people to see me in a better light after what she did, but considering how she still shit talks me maybe her behavior will speak for itself over time. She can hold grudges for years.
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Male, just looking for general words of wisdom at this stage of the journey
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I'm doing ok on my spiritual path? Just a simple evaluation, one card should do.
Thanks, in advance!
>>38364033 here
Sorry, just ignore the card request. A simple evaluation is just fine!
How will I find love?
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will i get my desired manifestations?
q? mine is will she get karma for everything shes done or already has?
Checked, will this spell give me the desired outcome? Starting yours
>Where is home? Will I ever find it and return?

My query takes some context I guess...
This is something that often comes up in my meditations. Feeling like I've lost "home". I cannot go "home" and accepting it bitterly. Missing "home". And no matter how much I try, I cannot come closer to figuring which "home" that is.

I am in good relations with my family, I don't miss the past and I'm content with the present. I don't know it "home" is another time or place in my life, because I think of none in that way.
How can I get some sexual action short term?
2ow, 5ow, 7op
yas it has the potential to give the desired outcome, but it will require a more strategic approach, resilience and patience. Success is possible but won’t be immediate. The foundations of your spell is powerful but prepare thoroughly
will i bet successful enough at work to be able to travel the world like i want to?
>10 of swords rx, page of swords, the tower
I get a feeling she has already been punished for her actions, yes she likely has already got what she deserved.
Her behaviour and actions will come to light soon, she will face scrutiny and accountability. Leading to her dramatic downfall, she will be forced to face her karmic retribution head on.
TYS, anon yep that is accurate lol
>already faced it
can we trade again if u lik?
Q? mine is will this hex work?
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thxxx spoo much i will do urs as soon as i post this
I wana know, will i get what i want? Tysmmm
do we talk angel numbers here?
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9 of cups, knight of cups, the tower
Yesq ur hex will be powerful and extremly succesful, because of ur intention. The tower confirms the efects will be Perfect…
If u dont mind.. Could u give me it on disc.. (Embarassed) if u want sry
capctaha : DM0N
>The high Priestess, 10 of Cups, The Chariot rx, The Hanged man.
Achieving your desires is possible, with an approach combining your intuition, addressing obstacles blocking your path, and being open to new perspectives. Your patience and willingness are key, try to reassess and adapt your current approach. By navigation your obstacles with wisdom and determination, you will get what you want in the end.
Thanks for the read, glad to hear it will work out ok. Are you asking for the hex? drop your @ and i could do it for you :)
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tysmd i am realy detemind for it
it divine_counsil
am so so sory for aksig u this it would be realys sweet if u could do it for me but u dont have to4 XD
i wold love2 have th hex recipe Plz .. Wizard san..
I added you, it’ll be aight
YAYAYAYAYA CHEKED iwill giev u one of my banishing spels to
r all these sweet things happening only because of the saturn retogade? thx
i didnt know astrolgy had so much influence over my life.
I almos had a psyhcotic attack because of venus raping neptune
>planet of love vs planet of delusions
ya it makes snese
How did neptune stop my diazepam from arriving? it still never came
i am Basking Neptune for my parcel But this nig is stuck in his own Worl4d he said e Oha… Yeah… .. And fprgpt about ,e
He doesnt find my Quesiton interting enough
maybe i will rephrase it into governemnt cumspricay…
This fag sure know alot abot reptpids but that allhes talking about
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Could you tell me something I need to know about now? Male.
does she know she's a battle axe?
What do you mean by battle axe? battle axe bisexual?
to answer your q
>the fool
no she doesn’t think she is, she disregards labels and see herself in a positive light
is she FBAH?
what does that mean?
i pulled
>queen of cups
But i need context
Welll i cant say to much Obviosly But it means something negative and nasty and weird, thx
did she ask that?

What surprises await me?
>the sun
yes, they wanted clarity
>the hierophant
some kind of spiritual guidance or discovery
Oop. Thanks!
csn i ask the same? what nice thing will hapen for me? if that ok
Re bumping this one
>ace of cups
joy & inner peace

What will the Full Moon bring me this month?
Hello, I will read one occult query in about 20 minutes, I’ll choose the one I like best. Please provide relevant genders and clarify whether a given party is corporeal/human or incorporeal/spirit/entity. Please only ask if you will give feedback. Please be patient, I sometimes have trouble with the captchas on this site.

In the time I’ve known good astrologers, I’ve learned to respect astrology more than you can imagine. Someone who is good with transits and horary can do that for you. For better or worse, I know that transits against your natal might as well be your god.
How to g>>38364197
et that?
How am I doing with learning the lessons spirit wants me to understand?
Hi. I had a vision where I beheaded a male, seemed Japanese. Kinda looked like me but I'm not Asian. What was this about? I'm a woman.

Thank you!
I was going to ask which planet is helpful for me to learn about
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Hello there.
Following Franz Bardon method for almost 17 years, I'm on step VIII but now I'm feeling that this path is not anymore for me. Hermetism requires a personal godhead, so can you godlify your ego through henosis.
I don't have any personal godhead. It's an impersonal thing to me, sometime ago I came upon the teachings of advaita vedanta, which encompasses that, and it's only aim is findind the pure substratum of supreme consciousness of the Universe, dissolving your ego in the process.
The question is, which path is more appropriate for me? Which one will bear more chances of sucess?
god is an empty space of love
This one, please stand by.

Best of luck to you.

Learn about all of them, they all affect you. But traditional astrology would suggest you focus on inner planets and ignore outer for now.

Ah, thank you

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My favorite thing about this query is that I’ve never heard of “advaita vedanta,” so I can read this with less bias. It’s the top-left option, whereas continuing your path is top-right. I trust you know how the GD spread works.

The psychology portion is barely worth mentioning: you feel sore because your efforts have not yielded the results you feel they should. Not much else worth mentioning here. This is actually a prominent theme in your reading, though: the main portion shows you overwhelmed and stuck between the energy you wish to put forth towards your growth and the fact that you have been feeling uncertain about this for some time.

If you continue on your current path, you will have a major success very soon, and you will feel like you’re finally starting to push through your current block. This will be an intense feeling of success, and you will begin to rest on your laurels as a result. By this, I mean that you will subside in your spirit of growth and expansion, because you will think “okay, everything is good now, I’m good now.” Therein lies stagnation and ruin, though this is due to you becoming a bit prideful from the success.
If you switch it up, you will gain a new perspective and the ability to incorporate new lessons into your development. Let me be clear here: you will not find ultimate answers or a long-term benefit from this path. Rather, it’s meant to give you additional perspective on your overall path due to the fact that it causes you to look at things differently. It’s a very useful side quest, if you will. But the perspective is fantastic. Do you see how World is surrounded by 2W and 3W, and they’re in order? Yes, this would absolutely give you the potential to reassess pretty much every aspect of your spiritual path. Most importantly, the additional perspective would allow you to contextualize things from your past and give you additional tools for the future based on these lessons.

Funny enough, the bottom right tells us that your ultimate issue here is that you have not fully integrated the lessons of your past. Specifically, you are very you-centric and want to retain control. That Emperor+Chariot means that you have a very strong attachment to your ego and are afraid to surrender some control. Whether or not it’s best for you to surrender some control is up to you, but it’s clear here that there is some lesson that is lacking. Ostensibly, it would seem that your considered alternate path should provide this to you, but it seems that you would still fail to learn this lesson anyway. This seems to be more due to an inherent aspect of yourself than due to either of the choices you’re considering.

It still seems that the alternate path you’re considering would help, though, at least as a temporary side quest.
An amazing read. Truly, I'm obsessed with control for a very long time and the Bardon path offered little to no new means of controlling, this new path of advaita have helped me release much strained pressure.
I should feel a bit sad about the outcome, but it would be naive to consider such enourmous change in just an incarnation.
I will continue with this double path, anyway. It's very confusing because one nullifies the other in some extent, but since a one sided approach on both will lead me nowhere, it's better to at least try it, maybe there is a converging point for both in the future.

Blessings upon you, reader. It was a great insight, indeed!
Thank you for the feedback, anon. I'm doing an important occult reading for my best friend, so I wanted to make sure I'm on point. You will do well to take this new path as a temporary journey for learning. Travel there, learn, and travel back. Best of luck to you.
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No worries that I never got a read on this. Those trips alone tell me something.

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