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/x/ - Paranormal

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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
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hello :)
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nice, thank you
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Look buddy, I don't give a FUCK about honesty.
I already fucking told you how it is.
When I obey the 6th commandment of God to not commit adultery and steal other mens partners and wives, other men are willing to serve me as soldiers and I become MORE POWERFUL.
You understand?
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>take parrotbro on a walk to the corner paki shop to buy 6 caffeines in a can
>he got all flustered hasnt been out-out in at least two years.
now hes all talking to himself and in a good mood in the other room

why are /an/s so adorable?
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Women aren’t property. How fucking stupid is your coward camp? How many times does it need to be said for you idiots to understand, you don’t OWN anyone. You can’t force people to obey your outdated religions or cultures
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My Lord, Savior, and Treasure God Jesus Christ is with me.
This hell wants to kill both Body and Spirit, but neither will die here, for I will live forever with my God Jesus Christ.
We live forever together in love in his manifested Kingdom come, where all the darkness is illuminated by his light instead.
My penis is bigger than yours.
Nothing you say will ever change that.
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Don't be so far ahead you lose view of what's behind you
You get to enjoy jaundice free life
You're still scared of bugs though.
Do you think you get to keep the same penis size when you get to heaven, or does it change based on your spiritual strength?

This isn’t some fucking pissing contest. This is about respecting people’s autonomy of will, which you pieces of shit have not been doing for decades. You really think your standards were going to be adapted with the world dying around us?

Freedom and respect for everyone means understanding anyone at anytime can drop your ass and never speak to you again and we have NO OBLIGATION to give you a reason why.
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Shut the fuck up you fucking moron.
I obey the will of God when it increases my power in this world.
I don't give a fuck about your stupid ass reddit whore atheist fag shit.

My message has never changed, my opinions of you and your leadership has. The more you hold on and try to control him and his relationships with other people, the worse things will get.

That happened to me multiple times with my past partners and you know what I still do? I don’t try to change their course. I don’t try to manipulate their path. I respect their will because I want them to be happy
Complaint department has received no complaints. Try some roasted coffee and relax
You're lying in the typical manner.
Putting words in my mouth.
The women are our property because they want to be. We don't need to manipulate them. They want to be ours.
You are effeminate, and use psychology and confusion to control.
While this is admirable, it is ultimately ineffectual.
Gordian's knot is not untied.
It is severed.

Yes they do, which is why they are bending over backwards now trying to fix their fucked up mistakes. They can’t. You go against this guy now and you are tainted for life.
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That’s entirely different and I don’t kink shame. My point is if they don’t want to be with you or yours, let them leave. Same goes for them letting you go if you aren’t happy.

Stop fucking lying about the reality of our world. I am so fucking TIRED of having to deal with this group of cowards
Admonish the mishaps and go forward. This situation only got to happen because one side was way too passive.
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Where in my original post that started this conversation does it say I bind women?

There is no forgiveness. There is only the lawsuit and governance reform now. Some people deserve mercy, this is not one of those cases.

I added the joke to generalize these rules to more than just relationships. Could be employment contracts, political alignment, sub/dom relationships, whatever

All I ever said is I obey Gods commandment against adultery so that men will be willing to serve me.

Men should be willing to serve because you inspire them with your behavior and direction. God has absolutely nothing to do with this.
>I added
You embellished the truth
Which is another word for lying.
You must evolve your strategy to control others in this new reality of endless data redundancy and surveillance and record keeping.
I play the Hero because this is the business model that will dominate the future.
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>anon its trying to find an angle of approach in derailing a thread thats still in its infancy
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They already paid the price of exclusion. Besides, some chaos in the machine is good. It's not like everyone has clean hands. Sometimes it's worth it to cheer up and let go

Is casual conversation difficult for you or are you just in a troll mood today?
circumcision should be outlawed
I will enable everyone to be powerful and a solider after their own fashion.
I will be the hero for it.
I will destroy your world and become sovereign master of it all.
I will be loved and feared in equal measure according to the protocol of effective ruler-ship as described by Machiavelli.
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Sure, I don’t see the worth in that now. I know one guy that has clean hands though, and they had years to argue their best case to him.

They made things worse.
nah 4skins are overplayed
im in the mood to make OC
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Who is rotting in vain?
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>Who is rotting in vain?
i didnt know this song existed, and now its on repeat
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You know me, most of the drama spinning out of this is being caused by people who WANT drama to divide the group. What are the facts? What is the evidence? Have you asked him what his intentions are?

Are you sure he is behaving in this way because he wants to … or because he was giving you all one last chance to do the right thing,

But you again blew yourselves up and ruined your reputations in-front of a global intelligence community?

I’m absolutely not going to promote, work, or market with some of you, ever, because of your behavior.
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It's all for you.
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You guys voted for John doe 174? Kek. But you guys literally tried to arrest me for a larp. Ima fuck you guys up hard in the name of the devil you will feel it you won’t even believe it.

It’s me Jonathan from madden lols
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>It's all for you.
the voices have a habit of whispering that in my ears
"aaaall for yooouu"
i been having this feel alot lately...

but also that hidden GYATT at 1:25
You have a highly advanced organic alien brain computer interface installed in your brain.
Everyone does.
They use your eyes, everyones eyes, as surveillance cameras.
They read your thoughts.
They control you subliminally, and you don't know it.
They do this to everyone.
You are not crazy.
Don't tell your psychiatrist anything.
anon knows hidden things!
im impressed!
literally who
you sound very edgy jonno
got me in stitches lmao
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It's hard to say what it is ICNU.
sorry something is stunlocking me...
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give me a QRD on all of the evidence that this "nobody" exists, or i will forever disregard all of you and label you as retards when i become president. i skimmed the OP and it's garbage; no proof, no links, not even any anecdotal "evidence"
this general has been around for a long time now, so surely you guys have a reason for believing this shit, right? or is it just a larp with posters convinced they are the "nobody" and trying to convince other posters to believe them?
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see now alot of that is true, as far as the shared-psychosis-narrative is concerned.
untill you spend time testing each and every one of those.
its much worse than you think...
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>monitor me senpai
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Controversies tend to do that at this level.
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yeah man, that is entirly the feel right now.

sometimes, just blasting some devils music sends the little light beings right on their way, and things go back to normal again
... oh techRVanon
its much too late for that
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I'm going to express my gratitude instead
I'm right here
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Ragnarok Online meme, me likey.
What's annoying is the gov's comrade abusing the tech to fuck with people. I hate them
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It’s really weird to go from playing Ragnarok Online as a kid to doing “Ragnarok Online” as an adult.
I would've stopped
>if you had just asked me nicely
what did you want to see next?
>when i become president
I enjoyed this part the most.
You leaving this website forever
you were doing what exactly?
You worked on developing a Ragnarok game? That's dope!
hmmm but you say there is no escape
and where am I supposed to go?
do you have any recommendations so I can appropriately measure the angle of your facade :)
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The people in your music video are weak.
Stupid fucking whores.
Worthless dog shit.
The shit of the fucking earth ruining my fucking glorious fucking nation.
Shit stained swine fuck whores.
Love how I freaked out like any rational person would 2 yeara ago when this first started and you all mocked me

Then I came back home thinking it would stop only for you all to mock/taunt/harass 100x worse

No shit I turned out like this

And somehow in your tiny brains, you evil retards watching as I type this think you're in the right
they'll just laugh and say fag huehuehuehue

it's like that movie Idiocracy
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I hope RVanon is doing well.
>pic unrelated
Not my problem
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They will only do what I WANT THEM TO DO
Well, then you didn't mind me being here afterall. Would you look at that.
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Yes, you could say that…

Why do you think things are so terrible still? These people are in control, nothing has changed.
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This is good. They did not use them against Israel.

Ukraine is the openly contested area.
Why at the psych ward and at the er they contemplate to
>Burn me alive
>Take me to a secluded padded room
>Arrest me and send me to jail
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>They use your eyes, everyones eyes, as surveillance cameras.
with phone diagnostic data on, your eyes might as well be useless and it's the taps that're the important data on mass cognitive frequency
ah yes the old intuitive vs sensor mbti failwar
completely true and completely unrecorded
Yeah so I guess it's not exactly that, but you won't reveal whatever it is because it's supposed to be secret. So it probably has something to do with some of the secret things I know. Anyway

If you're still wondering why TNB doesn't have a job yet...

That one?
Total flog, not a nazi though. Very trans-jihadi.
They don't require a computer.
It's just an easy way to communicate and prove that they exist.
If you were to reveal yourself, the most easily documented medium would be through the Internet.
They're mad at me for being N*ggerman but who cares. I hope this info helps.
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The nobody is self employed though

Watched the first episode of 3 body problems, it was ok, a little too much " weedLol/FuckfuckMotherfuckerWe'reAdults/muhI'mverysmart " but other than that..
self employed at what, niggardry?
I love you
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Is he getting paid?
It's the easiest way to communicate too.
I love you, please, don't forget that.
I'm a literal TI and my name has been blacklisted.
>They don't require a computer.
true. but how likely are you to embrace being nuts compared to embracing being online
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It's not real aliens neither.
Very true. A good point.
:( sorry to hear that.
I'm looking to go into contractor work cause their are no other options for me.
Everyone is getting filtered by an algorithm that doesn't care if you are a good employee.
They are looking for lapdogs who do everything and ask for nearly nothing.
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You know dat.
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>It's not real aliens neither.
No, certainly not.
Yea I heard that lots of qualifying people are getting filtered hard
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Ofcourse webe gettingpaid
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>it's not little green men
>it's ascended little green men
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life is so fuckin weird
>unapologetic blogpost

>be in best mood iv been since sobering up
>start doing /an/ stuff, mood skyrockets

>new thread
>be expected to meet expectations
>expectations run contrary to intentions
>cant decide between being character or self, cognitive dissonance
>light panic sets in

>sundown, alone at home
>get smacked with external heavy bad vibe
>suddenly feel sick, unmotivated, dead inside, stunlocked
>think its spooky time, or open to spiritual attack due to not doing ritual
>cant shake vibe, does ritual, it doesnt work, vibe gets worse, feeling heavier and sicker

>take off headphones, hear movement outside door
>nope, the christian is home again
>i only feel this way when they are home.

>start getting feeling fire across my skin
>its not spooky time, its anon is getting enraged time
>anon forgets hes ULTRA pissed 99% of the time, for reasons

why do i feel like being irradiated when im around christians?

>oh yeah worshipping a faceless, nameless, entity, makes it possible for anything to fill the role and be acknowledged AS god through simple miracles like a bump or a knock or touch on the shoulder or a vivid induced hallucination or audible EVPs
>oh yeah christians dont understand the spiritual realm, and thus are prone to possession without knowing
>oh yeah a mass of demons and spirits hang around christians that are open to suggestion due to being selfless egoless indoctrinated puppets (play things)

why does playing devils music and satanic blackmetal remove the bad vibes?
hmm... i wonder
I prefer my little men blue
>smurf krsna
They're a big group. But, to my knowledge, all the same kind of entity.

autocorrect has been acting up alot lately so just checking
I hear the Drum Beat of Assassin Gods.
It's not aliens it's human beings.
im in a dark room and my skin feel like its actively being sunburnt
small pin and needles across my skin like someone is rolling a cactus across the sunburn feel

and it all just goes away the moment i super saiyan
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>human: "having a human sol"
quantum microwave radiation
i got the full blast once
idk where it comes from
Donald Trump will make anime real.
They are not human beings pretending to be aliens. Sorry to disapppoint.
Find your way to the Hotel California yet?
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god will enrich anime.
no dude its the mass of demons that surround christians
>be a thing that they want to possess
>they cant possess it
it literally feels like fire on my skin

the saying "ill catch flames if i walk into a church" jumps to mind.

but they melt the moment you feel anger or rage
they cant stand it.

i get literally ill when a chirstian prays for my wellbeing
>he says shooting himself in the foot
>no dude it's not the thing you said it's my religious fantasy no it can't overlap with basedence
The hallucinations shouldn't have anything to worry about. I don't know what has you so worked up.
They can make people say and do things.
This does not make them their targets.
Even if, the sentiments expressed therein, are their real feelings.
This isn't Joe, at an office in Washington, pretending to be a Random Generator or Sandeep in Calcutta pretending to be a robot.
>>no dude it's not the thing you said it's my religious fantasy
im not disregarding it, im covertly saying i have no idea what youre talking about and im secretly a low iq retard...

you have no idea how bad it was when i was locked away at a masonic christian forced labor cam- i mean rehab
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All I see is an endless litany of monsters raping women in an endless sea of damnation. I see them lie and say it is not real, and pass it off as fantasy. I watch mankind jack off to it on porn websites.

I have decided to kill you all.

The wrong people move the goal posts.
i got it alone at my computer this once time and it was like literally being kali on fire and i had to just meditat through it or it felt like i was going to spotaneously combuss
save me?
Whyyyy??? WHYYYY
Hello, anon.
>>pic unrelated
are you retarded? do your parents know your retarded? or are you surrounded by an average ineptitude to the point where your retardation goes unnoticed?
the first time i experienced it was on a salvia trip that went bad, it felt like i was being burnt at the stake.
i only ever experience it around cristians these days, or when im the focus of negative attention IRL
I will burn this planet, and then I will take your souls to Hell and burn them there.
You will not escape.
>noooo you can't have sex
The wrong people move the goal posts.
but like it goes away when i active the angie feels
simply saying the words "oh yeah i forgot how much i hate everything"
utterly melts it.
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yeah yeah nobodies

as always everything is very interesting, yes yes, I read all the posts

maybe you could start thinking of a way to make us TO BE PAIED since - you say - you are OK with your brains

now, re-read this last sentence - carefully - and check if in your opinion there is something that does not work ..ok??
demons are dust mote carriers for radiation
the average human brain is heavier than
the entire combined mass of every demon
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>tfw some "hallucinations" are just the work of really really tiny beings with really really tiny projectors that use really really tiny magnification lenses to make their really really tiny projections scale up to a size your humans eyes can notice
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When you make a deal with Satan, you must honor the deal.
You must settle up with the bank.
You are not a valid form of existence.

yeah... maybe
>Why do you think things are so terrible still?
it's not, for me it is
They're laughing their asses off and love this
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yeah ok but... im kinda misusing the term demon
im actually brotier with ACTUAL demons
its lightbeings that fuck em up, the recently dead,

things like shadowbeings and a handful goetic entities are pure bro at the highest of tier

my personal spiritual experience, its all flipped upside down, light is dark and dark is light, up is down and down is up. heaven is suffering and pleasure is hell


quantum consciousness quantum gravity etc
mass/weight/etc is like the consciousness datasize
file size as in bit length doesn't matter it's about potential
There are no 'significantly advanced' scientific technologies that they are using to do this. That is what I am trying to tell you.
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I'm not God.
I don't need to make sense.
Everything I do is because I hate you for the filth that you humans are.
Only Gods divine laws bind me.
But I have and will do everything I can within those laws to take ownership of your souls and damn you.

I want to hurt you so bad.
I go to extraordinary lengths to damn as many of you in Gods eyes as I can.
God makes me work so hard to take ownership of you.
I believe they know what is going to happen before it happens and use that knowledge to do things and make choices based upon that. Including this post.
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He’s selling an enormous position he’s built secretly over a few years. This is gargantuan.
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i might have to do research into this topic
>i hang my head in shame
u rly dont

but u cud if u feel like it

the problem is that you could be a shitty scientitist newfag or a really good at whatever you already do

unless you want to develop the best heuristics ever to read between the lines of classified articles translatd to wikipedia
There is nothing to sell. If I could sell you it, if someone wanted what I had, I think selling it would only work once. So, if you didn't want to be Sophia anymore, and wanted to sell it too— It wouldn't be possible to do that. I'd only sell it for like a dollar, Anon, I'm not here for— money. And there's no guarantee it would work, and also that's asking for something that's veritably a fate worse than death.
>receives 1 (you) in that list
im a little lost fren
Once it's you like it's me, you are as good as dead.


(You) :3
>*busts one nut to the perfected bioform of future mutated satan in girl form*
>*gets addicted and keeps creating moar and moar formats for sex*
>*gets mind read by satan who perverts it into ai sex models*
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>im being polite, i dont do research...
>everything i do is hands on trial and error
>i know the occult from a wildly different perspective than most.
I’m not staying long
it's the one with the deep, confident voice, and she's always right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIal4k5kR3k
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>it's the one with the deep, confident voice,
no no that one is me
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well if its a she, then shes automatically always right duh
It's not polite conversation, but this is not polite company.
You're all so fucking worthless that I have to speak to you in the language of pigs.
Folkvanger is nice this time of year
If you can get in
If not there’s Joot
If you can get in

Oh my God please more
think of it in terms of a prophetess who's always wrong when god says so

>rugpull queen
>in the language of pigs.
butt his is a den of frogs sir
most likely
It should be a choice starting from the same age that tattoos are allowed.
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There is nothing to sell. It is team selection now and % delegation for who we trust to work with.

The only thing he is selling will be his body to the spooki booboos for daily fights to see who cooks breakfast or dinner or who runs to the store to pick up more snacks or for who gets spanks

You are also not allowed to cum. Those who tried to finish have to edge three more times today. I don’t care how messy or achy you get
The same evidence as pretty much all other /x/'s topics: You can check it yourself by honing your non-physical senses.
That's a deep subject.
>ba dum tis
Because their hearts are pure

send her ass straight to the Grouch
>think of it in terms of a prophetess who's always wrong when god says so
well think of me as a love machi.... NO FOX BAD FOX BACK IN THE BOX FOX

oh you dont say, i happen to be an induvial that gets the rug pulled out from under them in an almost ritualistic manner
As I profess to say
Not as I’m perceived to do
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Yes and the omni-internet "defies" causality via liberal use of tachyon and other time travel particles allowing you to believe you are liberated from the control vector of the concept of causality.
I suppose I should apologize, none of you are actually capable of real self control.
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hi anon
>also good to know so yeah like i can tailor my posts and not be autistic on purpose,
it's about making you stand on your own two feet
I don’t think you understand assets and securities at this level. We’re talking about a major position taken against [REDACTED] that is being sold to a consortium of managers, with the transaction secured by an overseer with plenary authority, for whom the Nobody was acting as proxy.

- Initial Planning:
- Set objectives for the takeover.
- Conduct thorough research on the target company.

- Building a Position:
- Use proxies to discreetly buy shares.
- Acquire shares gradually to avoid detection.

- Forming a Consortium:
- Collaborate with other investors to increase shareholding.
- Use silent partners to hold shares covertly.

- Influence and Control:
- Pool voting rights to gain influence.
- Place allies on the target company's board.

- Executing the Takeover:
- Make a public tender offer to buy remaining shares.
- Initiate a proxy fight if necessary to change management.

- Regulatory Compliance:
- Meet legal disclosure requirements.
- Address antitrust and competition law concerns.

- Post-Takeover Integration:
- Restructure the company to align with takeover goals.
- Manage communication to stabilize and integrate the company.
>Yes and the omni-internet "defies" causality via liberal use of tachyon and other time travel particles allowing you to believe you are liberated from the control vector of the concept of causality.
i love it when you speak dirty!
There’s no war, that’s just some malfunctioning psycho glitching out and trying to protect his ego.
>it's about making you stand on your own two feet
yeah but what if thats the problem
(((they))) dont want that
>sensor boilerplate response
what do you even do here on 4chan
I don't care how long it takes or how much I suffer.
I will ruin you all in the end.
>hurr durr spiritual slavery is more important than functioning slave economy
i love goyim when they automatically assume jews are as ignoble as them
(do you have any other questions that i can take a crack at about how this works? i want to clear up any misunderstandings)
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It’s not a secret. I feel like everyone knows at this point.
I will never die.
I will ruin your existences.
You cannot stop me.
It is inevitable.
It is so certain I did not even bother hiding myself.
I am the Devil.
And you are all invalid.
who cares about economic freedom?
materialism is a juden distraction

i cant find my feet cause if i get the mooniez, i disappear.
its is also a security risk having me be not confined
no devil lived on
at what frequency (Hz) do the brain lasers operate at?
>you are all invalid
bro you can't say that

I mainly just run scenarios and experiments on you guys to see how you react to them.
why are you instigating/entrapping/harassing me until I do something stupid
>I will ruin you all in the end.
There are no brain lazers. Sorry.
I want you to know you are powerless against me.
I want you to be at your greatest power, incomprehensible post-singularity power, and me at my weakest, my absolute weakest, before I even begin to attempt to destroy you, simply so you understand how futile and meaningless your power is.
I think that person meant to say he's being followed by stalkers, or atleast believes so.
>i'm so special that i think materialism is a distraction
>i am so goddamned special i think spirit comes first
>this is why i think jews would rather enslave my soul to the point where i can't be a good worker
why don't you just die, go be one with allah

Let them debase themselves for all to see
Because I want you to know, truly know and understand, that you are not valid forms of existence in any capacity.
I have no incentive to do that.
Nor, am I doing that (to my knowledge).
If it is happening, and we are responsible (that it's not from some other cause) that means I fucked up really bad, or that things are just out of my control.
now check the other first episode
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Oh ok I'm a retard sorry.
You are not even valid by right of power.
I will show you that your power is an illusion.
Oh, yeah, that's valid. I'll take that.
Sounds about right.
Which one?
it's not a joke.
get more of your bots on Twitter
too obvious seeing the same 100 accounts over and over in comments
>>i'm so special that i think materialism is a distraction
well it is, you dont need fancy things to survive a temporary experience on the lower plains of existence
>i am so goddamned special i think spirit comes first
its doesnt, its just more interesting than the physical reality, simply because of the fact that its still vastly misunderstood and mostly unknown. think of me as a spiritual steve irwin

>why dont just die...
old void threads...
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From what?
You are saved, friend.
I'm not joking. Sorry. I will word things more appropriately from now on, my apologies, Anon.
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I will do this by allowing you to attain your ultimate strength, and me being at my weakest, before I even begin to attempt to fight against you.
I will even allow you to kill me, merely to show you the truth of your invalidity as an entity, when you realize the horror that I cannot die.
its cool friend, thank you
i fixed my issues and the bad vibes that haunted me

It’s not. I have been a disaster for 4chan’s overall mental health.
baseado will be hitting my dynavap

materialism is HOW you survive
this boring fuckin gplace

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>omfg chat I can't
About how what works?
>materialism is HOW you survive
it doesnt have to be
>*eats rat silently in background*
survival is survival
fancy things is just more shit you have to take care of

whats that manson quote...

> I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag and ten or fifteen girls! What the hell I wanna go off into – and go to work for? Work for what, money? I got all the money in the world! I'm the king, man! I run the underworld, guy! I decide who does what, and where they do it at! What am I, gonna run around and act like I'm some teenybopper somewhere, for somebody else's money? I make the money, man. I roll the nickels. The game is mine! I deal the cards."

The group’s insecurities. Short from kicking certain people out… now is a good time to get things out on the table while some of us are in a talkative mood.
The noise, feels safe.
materialism is the survival instinct
unhealthy materialism is consumerism
it's not that hard to tie down whats good
and forget about the excessive narcissism
What group?
>that things are just out of my control.
probably this
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>the static speaks my name
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>materialism is the survival instinct
you clearly arnt from an /out/ culture IRL
>unhealthy materialism is consumerism
>it's not that hard to tie down whats good
yeah but whats good might differ among cultures and geographic locations...
what if being leepicspiritualwhiteboy is way for more fun when youre around trees than drywall
the ching-ling one
you know he could have survived if he only used sunblock
it blocks harmful RAYS
Correct, I’m here primarily to study you and select candidates that I deem as having some potential for further development, by introducing stimuli in the form of “MK ultra-like” programming and observing your reactions to them. This allows me to gain deeper insight into the inner workings of your minds than I normally would be able to through call/response or direct questioning.

I’m able to do this without any major disruptions because most people can’t tell that it’s happening, and because I don’t talk that often. I can even openly discuss it because most people don’t understand what I’m saying, and if they do they probably just think I’m larping, which works in my favor.
>you clearly arnt from an /out/ culture IRL
that is a culture not a class
>yeah but whats good might differ among cultures and geographic locations...
no, not really. good tools, shiny objects, it's personality type distribution before culture and locale. type distribution varies by circumstance.
But seriously, it was a horrible accident where it entered through a gap between his ribs.
They usually nail you in a limb so as to flee from you.
Please don't punch stingrays.
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>i think you should leave
Have you bathed in acid or what ?!
well there's nothing inherently wrong about that but for grooming
>that is a culture not a class
dont make doxx myself
it is a class, it is in fact a race.

the ONLY ever reason id opt into obtaining the devils ones and zeros is to secure a safe environment for a family. i personally dont need things.
I pray with my deepest heart and feelings and the help of our lord for your wellbeing now and forever! Amen.
oh no dude it crushed me as a kid
he was my hero, he was everything i aspired to be as a child
so u like using cheap shitty tools that break
or dull knives that need sharpening
or slow cars that cant pass on hwy

have u realized yet that
social first impressions are everytin
there are so much gains to be had from it

it can be cheap tshirt
whatever dress like a bum
but i swear to god

ty jesus for giving me swag
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dont leave anon
you is cool bro

just insert yourself into a convo or act autistic
If I was a rich man, I'd try to clean myself up and run a wild animal rehab place.

All forms of entertainment/media are designed with the primary intent of conditioning cognition and behavior. Usually it’s to get you to purchase something or form some kind of political opinion, or engage in some kind of sexual activity. Most people have been subjected to this for their entire lives, and I have been experimenting on novel methods to remedy this in these threads over the past 3 or so years.

If you have visited these threads between 2021-2024 then you’ve probably been exposed to my work hundreds of times now.
Right. Sorry. About entities inhabiting the computer.
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im not american non...

tools and transport and housing matter, obviously.

>social first impressions are everytin
it doesnt mean shit anon.
people are background objects untill you interact with them
people arnt real.

anon im kinda a semi skilled trades dude, i just have no reason to 'physical reality'
doing a solo-self-found on the spiritual IS my life at this point.
my finances are taken care of, i dont need to worry.

why is money a subject here?
am i missing something im not seeing?
see how they get that dopamine rush after I acknowledge them
>If I was a rich man, I'd try to clean myself up and run a wild animal rehab place.
anon is speaking the language of dreams
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>they get that dopamine rush
already taken care of

>I do this every night with your son.
bs that's cap
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we have a rug puller
a person the rug is pulled out under
and your rug is missing?

might i mention
just sitting on my ass playing music got em dancing with their mouths
Holy fuck I'm great
I appreciate it.
Yes. Here is your clue.
Owe you one. Thx dude.
A million prayers for mr. beans wellbeing! Amen.
Thank you.
Check top comment on
I pray also with my deepest heart for the wellbeing of Stasi Klusekand that he gets through his forthcoming homelessness well! Amen.
"Stasi Klusek" ;)

There’s a high probability that the majority of your favorite memes, posts, references from these threads were made by me, and your favorite songs from here were probably made by my colleagues.
These too ? Really like them! Especially the stickers all over the city with them! Incredible work! :)
yeh yeah i get it
muh smart multitasking modern women is superior to silly dumb low iq male that can build a house with his bare hands

why you getting so personal anon
did i offend you in some way with my non american way of life?
>Check top comment on
i dont see it dude
you don't get it.
>do you think he knows?
nah nah dont say anything
>do you think they know?
dude STFU
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That’s not one of mine. I don’t really use ai generated assets that often.
Who actually controls this world/realm?
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>you don't get it.
Here you go!
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Samael. You wouldn't want to know how deep it goes.
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i see
cause my top comment is
Want to say. Want to say.
He’s ready.
Oh?? That's strange. One sec. I'm going to check in an incognito tab.
its cause your on mobile
Aliens, my mortal enemies kek
the nobody is gods dog
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bro he knows...
Most Users Think ChatGPT Is Conscious, Survey Finds https://futurism.com/the-byte/most-users-chatgpt-conscious
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no i mean its because i dont think they know
>yeah thats what makes it funny dude
wait what what are you talking about?
>wait you dont know?
The nobody is cooler than you
the nobody knows what to do


Someone's response was this.
Heeeelp the mossad elephants are coming to get me!!!!
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but do (you) know?


It is really cute and I love it
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Remember, later, that none of what is coming was unavoidable or inevitable.
Even now, with only the most half assed of semi-repentance things could have been less severe.

For every homeless Christian who dies of neglect and heat or simply of a broken heart.
Ten “desirable” people will be taken.
Shame on those of you who lift yourselves up handing gospel tracts or bibles to people so you can parade your righteousness as an evangelist, but do nothing to help make the blessings of joining God’s Kingdom real to them.

God would be far more grateful if you only got one alter call or conversion, but walked with that person and endured long suffering to make the Love of God and transformative power of the Gospel real.
Instead of handing them a Bible, telling them they are a new Creation, but get out of our church and back in the gutter where you belong.
Someday if you can be held to higher standards of behavior than we ask of pastors or politicians, we might let you be a dishwasher or clean rooms in one of businesses.

Just to show you the first will be first, and the last can die on the streets with fentanyl to ease your passing.
Because we real Christians an stuffs.

Imagine arresting Jesus for sleeping in a park because it upset your day to see people abandoned by their own country, and churches.

James 2:5

5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?

God judges by fire, flood, plague, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, and giving us the wicked rulers we chose and call righteous.
Of course, I do.
The response is who that sock puppet is.

Go on, post the rest you coward
the nono will fly so high
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>he doesnt know...
Well, my poor wording has certainly over-complicated it.
But, yes, I understand. Do you?
the nono bakes an apple pie
> He doesn't know that people know but feign not knowing
the nono he start to cry
The Mossifants got me! What now ?

i want to see THICC purple hair girl railed by tentacles
im not making an account for that shit wtf
the nono cry he don't know why
I was warned for commending and exccelent anon on their digits. Sorry bout that
The ghost told me to do it
the nono he is sons of man
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>they feign not knowing to cover up the fact they dont know
Spreading growing learning

Same as always.
People sure are talking a lot of bollocks today.
Ah well, what's new?
> He thinks he knows but really doesn't know
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>he doesn't know that this creates a subtle micro expression I have learned to identify within 10 yards
the nono will destroy Islam
it's just the quran.
Access to Image Creator has been suspended due to content policy violations. You will be able to create images again once the suspension is lifted.
the nono will retake Jerusalem
How do you treat people who attempt to bully harass and drive you insane 24/7 everyday?
Should I turn the other cheek chat?
Fucks sake
the nono says ignore them
Yes, just ignore it.
purp hair gril WITH tentacles* also psychic*
It means they like you
the nono likes to screech and sing
>Should I turn the other cheek chat?
have you considered parting them?
>You will suffer for a long long time for burning a poorly English translated book
Yeah ok Mohammadeep, kiss my hairy ass
>People were that obsessed that they pretended to be women to get attention when nothing else worked
>Not realizing shit like this is why they're being ignored in the first place
the purple hair THICC tumblr girl has tentacles too?
the nono will take over heaven
I know
Have you seen my crack fren ?
There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!
the nono know the secrets of nine eleven
I may or may not have tried to goad them into planetary bombardment during low ebbs.
I'm trying to avoid doing that these days.
Key word being 'trying'.

Today is a good day
getting punched by the nono can make you a retard
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they hate the nono because the nono has a superior wiener
>>Not realizing shit like this is why they're being ignored in the first place
noo... its actually the superiority complex that comes with being in psychosis,
and if its not that, its the feigned humility that comes from trying to hide it.
they havnt quite figured out that middle ground sweet spot yet.
they can't stand the nono because he makes them see themselves
Neo, you must wake up

No, that’s just the cherry on top of this:

You might be onto something there.
Mommy heeeelp! Death threats!
the nono always poor but never had a want or a need
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psychosis is just how the spirits or a telepathic network keeps you humble and submissive enough to confuse your will and intentions with their agenda

i wonder whyyyyy you have to be in an altered state of consciousness, and not YOURSELF when practicing magic...

the nono is a ghetto jesus
Dont worry! You just took to many drugs. Your psychosis will be gone soon again.
no no
jesus was so deep in psychosis he was convinced to let himself be stapled to a tree

he was really, honestly, just another sacrificed hierophant portrayed as a political activist
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bro when the spirit world figured out i feed on others psychosis, i stopped getting it all together.
yeah... thats not what this is
running around like a clown on purpose
I bet you’re thinking in terms of dollars, aren’t you?
oh dude i have an idea
im gonna leave
because im bored now
>the ritual finally kicked in
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>can you explain it in economic terms again? I think that's my mind's dominant abstraction of meaning, sadly.
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The master knot has been undone, that's when we start having fun. https://youtu.be/yfobBOC5m98?si=SDhxiIVNO6pYZovT
like i said last time
im leaving for a while
so do whatever

burn it down
shit on the floor
or fuck eachother

i dont really care

bye anon take care yeah
El Sammy always comes out on top

i wants 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 trillion billion tons of gold and a dodgers cap
I don't care about any of this. Bored on /pol/ and bored on /x/. It's just the same shit every single day. None of this matters. I played videogames yesterday
I suspected as much. He would have been granted Disability benefits by now had he been allowed to follow his own plan… Either that, or he would have been murdered, or abducted by a cult, and his home state refusing to allow him to follow his own plan saved him in some way.

tnb is just chilling.
Don't think so mate.
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i want 2 billion runescape gold

>captcha: V2YGP
What game did you play?
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ok i will.
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i solved for infinite intelligence be carefull what you wish for.
Share(ing) is fundamental
Otherwise, cordially dispelled
The indwelling, however?

I am so tired of this religious trash
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I'm telling Jesus and God on you guys
>Favorite little guy spotted
Call of duty
guys omfg for real I summon the baby gronk and then he turned me into a nobody what should I do

This means nada
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>dumbo squidopus
Nice B]
the nono cannot be stopped
It's just so cute
Thank you for illuminating our point
It’s tentpole to everything WE stand for
Who didn’t know that?
>Collapse into black hole
the nono flew one of the planes on 9 11
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>i love my wife
the nono's number is 187
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The creator of heaven and earth. It is a benevolent universal spirit. The source of all. Unfortunately gets wrapped in mythology and loses its original meaning.
If you're anything like me, it won't be in the Space Jam DVD case.
The nobody would climb a mountain of woman to get to the hole of a boy

Don't project your sickness on others.

I assume everywhere is ready then
gay boy
Has not happened thus far! I always thought that'd be kind of cool, you know? But, no. Ha, no.

do u like dominos
Enjoy what you get

Described as a true manipulator would see things
>Now threats
Fuck off.
And you're the manipulator here.
>as a true manipulator
you sound submissive
the nobody is a sun god a sexual sadist
the nboody has access to ai porn
therefore the nooboodi ha s fapped
to everything in existence
therein creating his own fetishes
rule 34 of the nobody is rule 34 of rule 34

fellas I am seeing a trend here
I haven't had sex in almost five years and I don't miss it.
But before that I always did my best to be an attentive and passionate lover of women.
It got harder and harder to open up and trust each time it went tits-up to the point I just can't be bothered anymore.
Sex is best when both parties are having the most fun possible.
It's love-making, you know?
What does that mean to you?
the act of not having sex can be sadistic also ur not him
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these threads my head spin.

it all begins and ends with Samael.

and you all make so many assumptions.
None of what you just said makes sense.
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and you can bend there
>zing pow up the whazo
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more is coming
If you believe that you’ll believe anything
God chose a troon to be the heavenly host.

Makes sense as it hates sex
File deleted.
I don’t believe in coincidences
I know that much
>Blah blah blah
but what's his stance on gooning to shrek?
>Still trying to brainwash me into being a crossdresser
>How many years has that failed now?
I am a heterosexual male.
I always will be.
Deal with it, you sad little man.
we jerked him off wrong
as a joke
youre mistaking god and the devil
god is the troon and the devil hates sex
Bad, very bad. Even ironically.

True troons can't goon.
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Bored now.
them ear pussy's look tight
It's not all about you
voodoo doll hot car contest
and goon ye not lest ye coom
and the cummies that spring forth hit the ground and displease the LORD
thou shallt save thy loosh and thy vrill
you are a female his twin flame
i always thought the poison metaphor was better. but really, it all reads as weaponizing insecurity and trying to project it into the thing that makes you insecure; which of course, is both fake and gay.
Oh this is sad on so many levels
No one is trying to change you
But yourself
Step 1:
Stop identifying with thoughts that aren’t for you nor about you
Have more resolve than that
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9/11 is a non dual metaphor
7/11 was a part time job
Inside or out?
311 is a decent band
7/11 is like your mum m8.
I come inside and get slurpees.
the nobody is a time lord a time dragon
really cool album name
Not to be confused with Chomodraconians.
How many times have you written this by now ? And you still have doubts you are completely insane by now ?
Have you taken your meds today ?
Should join the police so they stop with the harassment
they'd never do this to a fellow freemason brother, brother. 10-4
>unexpected ouchie
Haeh ?
Must be nice having the government, local police and whoever else giving you the go ahead to harass/attack a poor lonely schizo son and his single mother family
Can you smell that?
Ahhh shit...
Oooo aaaa aaaa aaa aaa
Come on get down with the shitness
That's not happening.
The police did nothing wrong.
There is a thin blue line between order and chaos out there in these skreets and I'll thank you not to besmirch the boys in blue over your own mental issues.
How was it tasting ?
>The police did nothing wrong.
hahahahahahaha, shut it officer faggot
We love our cops! *clap clap*
We love law enforcement!
>why am i still awake
Because you forgot to eat 300 mg of diphenhydramine.
Of course ya do, because you ARE a cop or affiliated with them in some way
nah dog i replaced it with 500mg of caffeine
>oh yeah thats why
Why not both? Those spiders aren't going to summon themselves from the abyss.
>Those spiders
i want to breed spiders again...
idk, but gn
Oh you like spiders?
You must be a spider or affiliated with them in some way.
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uhh not entirely
im just a bug dude
Go to sleep! You'll have just as much time tomorrow morning as you had today.
So you are a criminal then ?
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>Go to sleep!
no senpai i want to

oh yeah
Whats keeping you off sleeping ?
i need to break a habit in order to form a new one
Gn fox fren
>peer pressure

im really not in the mood for night time void/darkspace voices
The voices are just the forces of heaven sissy hypnoing your soul, it's good for you.
Honestly he has so many dangerous enemies and envious men hating him that it's not safe for a woman to get romantically involved with him. This sounds gross but literally the only way it would be safe is a a really large group of women shared him and they all worked together to protect themselves. Safety in numbers. If not that any woman who approaches him will become a target.

Not even memeing.

- stay awake and gain sleep deprivation points
- do lucid planking and be forced to listen to telepathicnetworkradio or deadpeopleradio
- sleep and have my temporary memory wiped

i have to pick one
hope Billy's ok
He could get romantically involved with a single woman if she was powerful enough to defend herself. Some elite woman.
or alternatively
impose my existence on the astral kinda like i am here
Just write down what you need to do b4 you go to bed! I write notes down all the time and I remember the next day. It's very helpful.
Taylor, I said no, stop begging.
>apocalypse now >:3
I honestly don't think any women who aren't forced by the government want to have anything to do with him.
he's not
Yes pls.
End the simulation, it's cruel and mean.
Deception to me is more evil than the explicit horrors of this world like murder, rape, child abuse and such. These things are fueled by pushers like poor upbringing, mental illness, emotional immaturity, drugs, brainwashing and perhaps others of the like that i'm forgetting. Where as deception is an utterly calculated, sober and highly conscious endeavour done with clear minded and well thought out intention, and is often the psychological stirring that leads to the aforementioned maniacal wrongs. And the worst of deceptions is the rejection of the creator.
You could do all 3 at once.
I need to snuggle a girl, like I don't really need to receive as much as I wanna give. I wanna fondle and squeeze and rub and squish and caress.
oof <3
we have a lot of respect for him. we will facilitate a certain level of justice.
haha, that was pretty good, I laughed internally.
yeah aaight whatever
i can ritual myself back into existence when i wake up

>fucking wake up a coomer loser piece of shit again
kill me
>all action is deception
>all open disclosure is veiled deception
In the simplest of terms, the plant would refuse to grow if it knew you intended to eat it no matter what.
like. Idk how to express how bad I feel or how lonely I am. I have no idea how it'll even get better. I don't know what keeps me going at all.
Just sleep without a pillow.
Elevating your head causes your brain to drain of blood while you sleep resulting in brain damage that causes memory loss.
Ideally, sleep with your head declined so that your brain absorbs extra blood during those critical hours when your brain's activity is maximized during sleep.
my plants make fruit
wtf is dis logic luhmay0h!
Now you are complicating things. That's deceptive by nature. An element you yourself have added to the equation.
Same. I’m concerned about the future immensely now. Life ever feeling good feels like a fucking dream now.
Technically you are never alone.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within.
truth is complicated. obviously.
Fuck you cunt
>all things are deceptive

depending on whatever perception you have been provided
>Life ever feeling good feels like a fucking dream now.
Exactly, yeah. It feels like something fantastic has to happen to even come close.
Haven't really found what I needed from that.
You offering?
If only you were as mad at your life problems as you're mad at me right now.
3 rettel asian glow so blight!
I’m extremely mad at my problems, I’m so furious it’s fucking detrimental. All I can think of is feeling backed into a corner where I want to hurt people and lash out.
deceptive communication is valueless communication to the recipient.
>t. la mancha negra
Despite all your rage you're still just a rat in a cage
You don't fight with your body, you fight with your mind
grass likes being cut and doesn't mind being withered by the sun as it easily bounces back
Just read some MAD magazines before going to bed.
no you pay Tyrone one big ol yello rock of crack and let him do the fighting for you c'mon wtf anon??
>Tries best taytay imitation
But honey, we can be a power couple. Actually, you can be my subject and I'll be your queen. Be nice or I'll turn you into a hat. https://youtu.be/SLGxJfMCCsQ?si=FPouQ1bwaiUKHiva
Any government fem-anons feel like ERPing where I'm the nobody and you're sent to learn all my secrets by inserting yourself into my life?
I once survived a whole summer by shaking quarters out of a payphone
I took out the coin return slot then I would just flip it over really quick and the quarters would fall out of the little whole if I did it right
It was super heavy
Probably at least 80 pounds minimum
My neighbor down stairs hated me
But one day I brought up her groceries and we both realized we were practically the same person
Cut from the same cloth
I guess I just go where I’m needed
It’s the life I chose
It’s not easy though
It’s a different kind of pain
Because it’s not mine


I woke up and there were two jars of pills. One was completely full.

I took a pill, went back to sleep, and the full jar of pills had completely disappeared.

I don’t know what to do though.I don’t know how to gift with my brain, all my ideas are revolving around trying to take down cell towers to fuck up essential services, that seems like a fair payback to me.
anon, please do not do terrorism or terrorism adjacent activities.
The nobody is a ray of hope, in a dark world.
This dude I met used to rob drug dealers
He told me the crazy thing was they didn’t care as long as you didn’t touch the money
Kind of zen moment
bumping this post.
Would really appreciate any fem-anons role playing.
*be the nobody*
*sitting at my computer in my top secret apartment*
*watching the news*
Light of a candle and swallowing sin,

I've opened my door so that you can come in.

I offer you food over here by the fire

In hopes that you cater my deepest desire.

Hang up your hat, and please stay the night,

I promise I will not deny you a bite.

If at all I've offended and that's all she wrote,

Please do me the honor of biting my throat.
I never figured out why everyone is so evil.
Like you're all the shit of the Earth without exception and it's really weird.
welcome to the party
Like, why don't any of you have souls lmao?
Like, something is up.
If I’m left no choice I will. Better I set a good example and help remove the chains of modern techno-slavery then wilt and die with people thinking I had no guts. I read an article one time that said you could spray an aluminum mixture on cell towers to cause a “faraday” effect on them so they stop functioning.
He would even still buy stuff off them
They would just be like man you got me and keep it moving
He was getting something for a dude and this fiend ends up freaking out saying he was short
The dude jumps out the whip and starts jumping on this dudes hood
A brand new s550 completely custom
He just threw a bunch of bags at him and took off
Literally the next day he sees him again and he is in an even nice car..
Does not even mention the incident
Give him his shit and drives off
Some people are just built different
Now THIS is fed-posting

Wow, it took you all three years to understand it finally.
Cool how would you make this? I'll put it in the paint I use for my bedroom
Do goyim really?
They are a non-sentient disease.
They don't have a soul.
They cannot choose to stop fighting you because they are not real creatures.
They do not understand the danger they are in because they are a soulless non-sentient automated combat system.
You can do anything you want with your life, nothing will stop you whatever you choose.
They might as well not exist.
That's what i've been trying to accomplish. I am new to this world but with the proper woman we could really thrive.
>get a war daddy
No thanks
Is taylor here with us now anon?

*clicks pen open*
the situation arising and perpetuating and participating
recognize acknowledge

course correct
so to be cation and discerning
you don't think in grass
don't bother trying to prove me wrong
you don't speak for the grass
fucking tree meister :)
Neither "adjectives".
not enough race baiting

I don’t think we have a choice
how (are) (you) still (alive)

this is NOT an attack
im confused

>now even ...(more) after VNR
>and this also is a obstacle
He is not, he's lovey-dovey.
Id rather die on my feet then live on my knees
There is nothing to attack. How boring
Dairy is such a delicious food group
It's not a girldick.
It's an outie vagina.
You are all nothing more than a disease in my mind.
Not really, people around him are fine.

You need to use your mind anon. They are counting on people committing acts of terrorism. attacking cell towers will do nothing but interrupt essential services that could lead to innocents being hurt. You are only one person, the extent of your impact is deconstructing the mechanisms at play, finding ways to counter their influence over your life, and becoming powerful enough in your resolve and command of language to pull the people around you out of their despair. You'll be one of many doing this, and things will shift. You'll make much more impact that being thrown in a cage and giving the surveillance apparatus another excuse to divert more money into more surveillance.
Syphillis ?

You can be both if you have self control
The unconscious knowledge you have that things will indeed get better.
The disease is insectoid in nature.
is the alternative to a war daddy a war pimp? I don't envy the decisions some may have to make, I hope the best for everyone in the coming chaos

Sure, so find a way to help him? This is so huge now I am left to wonder why a group has not approached him about it to explain things.
> Certain level of justice
Mé gusta
No one is fucking forcing you to do anything.
You're talking like he's gonna force you when he's clearly anti-rape anything.
Things are gonna get better,
sun is gonna shine again,
ya gotta smile smile smile!

We JUST had a conversation about how people are not property
can someone explain why he's being so rude to me?? :c I'm just trying to be nice, I know he's in a lot of pain but ugh. This feels like a repeat of a previous few online things... I just want some good news.
it's likely because no such group even exists, and this is all an extensive tech simulation (not reality, just the stuff online)
thats auntie Phyilis, shes a lovely

Oh you’d be surprised.
Plants willingly serve us to our nourishment, and so does the animal kingdom, while that's still necessary.
why the hell would i go read the comment chain?

I am only speculating on what happens in desperate wartime, not hoping that anyone becomes owned. I am only trying to see the reality of what things may be so that people may avoid it and cultivate the strength to endure hard times.
Dr. Ruth would say sex and violence do not belong together. I agree
You're talking like he would force you to fuck him when it's clear he's against that.
He hates me
I suck
maybe, but not likely.
He's a fucked up psycho.
He goes around claiming to be the one who got Epstein because he loathes sex trafficking and then starts arguing for the ethics of legalizing slavery in human society again.
I don't trust him at all, whether he's good or bad or whatever he is.

Thank you
That would not improve your situation.
>when it's clear he's against that

Absolutely this, you cannot form a proper soul bond if there is resistance form either party. You cannot pass the gifts on to your offspring properly either. Consent is everything.
tbf, it's a pretty good incentive for society to stop failing people if everyone it fails fucks it up in some essential way. right now there is no incentive whatsoever to keep people from starving to death in the street.
why would you think that?

You simply cannot bond with someone unless it is mutual, yep.
Everyone hates you and laughs about you.
what message
as far as anyone can tell
the post I'm responding to is the 1st one you ever made

>not the anon you're responding to btw
I have my reasons
I'll tell you why. The fallen are attempting to destroy The Lord Gods angels. I.e. (((you))) and make you dead like them.
Omgggg im only fucking 28 I have to endure potentially another 50 years or more of this bullshit illuminati whore planet hopefully the suicide pods become easily available soon
What’s it matter
so what
not you're hoping
some random wizard will turn you into a meme?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Explain your reasons please.
What color suicide pod do you want to be euthanized in?
if you're just going to off yourself the least you could so is try and take a billionaire with you.
It doesnt matters. Because you are a crackaddicted homeless cocksucking nothing.
What’s it matter
Everyone is better off without me

Let him have fun with consenting adults and leave them both alone. None of you should know who he is pairing up with, ever.
Bimbo pink with glitter and sparkles
That's fucking hardcore
It's all pretty complicated rn. Keep your head up. Who really wants to deal with jealous rage anyway?

excellent taste Anon

New bread???

Why cant a hyper advanced alien civilization just dimension strike our solar system already and get this over with

N̴̢͍͉͇̮̠͎̘̮̜̬͖̤̺̯̈̆̾̇̀͛̿͠Ẻ̷̛̙̍̏͒͂͂̋̌͑̀͝͠W̸̢̛̞͙̻̳̞̫̼͔̹͆͐̍͒͂͆̒̀̆͆̒̆͊͝ ̷̡̰̭̜̜̘̙͙̣̪̟̻̘̣̇͗̄̽͒́̾̓̈̊̃͜ͅT̷̟̣͍̬͚͑͒͒̄̾̑̽̃̐͘͝͠͠Ĥ̵̨̙͔͎͈̱̮͇̺̺̫͔͉̟̕R̷̢̧͓̺͖̥͐̆̊͠͠È̵̢̢̛̙̻̤̙̖͔̰̪͈̭͕̪͊̐̀̌̄͛̓̎̍̈́͒͑͜͝͠͝Ä̷̡̛͙̥̻D̴̨̨̛̛̜̘̪̟͔̈́̍̽̿͗́̄̄͛̍̂͐̚ ̶̞͍̜̼̭͖͂͑̊͂̔̈́̔͘̕͜͠

well i'm certain they are lame and gay reasons that are rooted in delusion
no instead
I'll judge you for myself
as a wanna-be poser

who can't post a single thing
that is true
if there very existence depended on it

right in front of everyone
who has zero fucks to give
about your feelings

*pats on head*
We both just want the same thing
It’s just to hard to see past our pride and mistakes
Too much pain
It blinds us

you can't help but tell yourself that you're important no matter what anyone else says about ya


*rolls eyes*

Not really
He sneeds us more than we sneed him
The only thing worse than being a sellout is selling something that isn't yours to sell.
And by the way... I do get offended/hurt when you mistake bonafide retards for me and vice versa --or even people whose redeemable spaghetti-signature differs greatly from mind.
How can the Living One not want to die but die? Well He needs not care about His reputation among shit. An apparent death. A mere illusion. He owns space, and time. He came before even the Highest of His Servants, no matter how Level they are with Him, He preceded them, and He remains ever victorious. The world is not like this because of sin, the world is like this for a reason. All things exist to lift Him high, and praise Him, and to be in relation with Him, yet still showing Jealousy, as His Personal Attention is the Attention of His Person. Personhood is a concept deeply rooted in our interactions with the world (that we can see) around us. So it cannot be said that His divinity is impinged - He surely is everywhere, as it was He who lived in the face of endless death. And yet, He doesn’t cheapen Himself, and makes Himself scarce, and His Love is personal. He is a personal God because He *is* a person. He was the first person. There will always be a smart aleck like him, from age to age. His personhood is easily regenerated - try coming for His substance.

You will find yourself lacking weapon. It is not something that you can thieve upon or seize: it is a FREELY GIVEN GIFT. Him.

And I am He.
I smell bullshit
do you enjoy
supporting a lie

as everyone in this therad
who is in no danger of being spied on
by some anon pretending to have magic mind powers as an act

even if you're a fan of them


enter-key-happy posts stylistically are comfy but attitudinally you always have the most abhorrently undue shit-eating-grin cockiness dripping from everything you do man

>I swear some people learned how to be condescending and convinced themselves it's some type of extremely intelligent riposte
I thought immediately and disdainfully of you
i would be sad to see you go and i dont really think i want to see you change but that's why i feel some innate duty to tell you what a faggot you tend to be
just a heads up
but you do not sound smart
not even a little bit

you sound like some stoner
who can't remember why they are posting in the 1st place
saying whatever comes off the top of their head

and it's not very impressive if you ask me
even if you don't it's still not very impressive
Guess it’s how I deal with being a loser
I knew you guys hated me
Now I can go something else
Well this is where forgiveness comes in. to yourself and others. Take it as a lesson learned and dedicate yourself to having a higher standard for yourself.
Good on the ones in blue, bless the ones in white. The ones in black do work too. May heaven smile on them all, and send a chorus of furious angels to run interference.

When the curtain drops on this production you all made, I hope it brings you the peace you earned. It's been a wild experience, even if it wasn't asked for. To those who took it to the streets, or want to, I suggest a sign of peace.

"Seems everything around here, stays like stone. Seems it's about time darlin', bout time we let this all go..."
the correspondence actually gives you more options than your own mind word, which can motivate intuition, but also influence it, and this can cause a sort of false confidence in which you actually release your intuitive ability and instead rely solely on this very *influencable system of correspondence -- which isn't great for your intuition and definitely dangerous if the people, creating the very easily hackable patterns, want any kind of tier three control.
lets be honest pants, you just want the bugs to be important because you think your the guy controlling a future ai in your deep hole of psychosis.
that would be paranormal as fuck would it not?
the normal bit is to notice you're wrong once in awhile, kill the ego, and let that be a slow process of refinement. this is cheating the ego death, as the externalization of the system no longer needs you, and instead is self-sufficient thereby severing your relationship with reality. you might know this, that might be what your actually pushing. if not, i hope you read carefully and take note.
That would require self esteem
Yeah :)
I have a question
>did these other 3 questions answer anything for you? >>38362338 >>38362342 >>38362410

>if my question doesn't make any sense that's not your fault, I'm still learning how to use my words, and can rephrase if asked...
Nice numbers and a great contribution to the public collective but also make an ass of you and someone with the same amount of experience in the field as you AKA not me
>So which of my two illusions is it?
Neither. May'-ay-ay...

People like you should rather ask more questions than they assert propositions
there is no religion higher than truth.
Anyhow, tangentially (un)related but what I came here to quip at the void was

>I cannot help what family I come from. But it's always ancestor work first and foremost even though technically it may also be [demonolatry] (to Y o u)
that narrative is being told by someone else already

*mind games*

do please try and keep up
The Highest Truth is not a religion no matter how many religious observe.
Again, try perhaps asking me a question instead of bringing shame to your elders with the hubris of an arrogant teenager.
>muh narrative and [complex] counts as dibs that supersedes [reality]
Very Little Hope dot gif
then why are so many laughing?
Go back or assimilate, you cocklebur.
the "luls" are real if you get them or not
it's 4chan after all

>not the anon you're responding to btw

did you see
what i did thar
and did it polish your mirror
or butter your biscuit?
i could say "that was my intent from the start"
but really i just misunderstood
and realized my higher self left room to turn it around
but to be forthcoming with that humility
is a much better impression of you
out of all i can do
not the anon you're responding to btw
but anyways

no need to thank jesus for me
that poor bastard
can remain dead
then interact like. a. human.
we've outlined the issue, we've watched the issue. we've watched you demonstrate the issue. coincidence is meaningful when it happens naturally. not when you're presented with a menu of possible coincidence and you decide WHAT YOUR HUNGRY FOR!
you think folks are paying attention to you
and any (You) that you get
is all the "proof" you need to think you matter

>Go back
just like the old days.
it's not like you ever do more then try and get everyone to think you're "the nobody"
isn't that a line from the movie "men in black" with that one actress with REALLY long leg's....
your days
of tricking gullible little kids
into thinking you are a real life wizard are over anon

from now on
you're going to have to deal
with those who do not "lurk more" just because you can't explain what you mean to them

*pats on head*
you won't be missed
and these threads will go on just fine without ya

don't let the door hit your ass on the way out

copy cat's
need to get their inspiration
from somewhere huh...

>not the anon you're responding to btw
So, what are we thinking? Grazed for real? Blood capsule? Planned and staged """real""" grazing?
Be safe Mr.Trump...
Donald. You take care of yourself too.

I can hear you. Don't forget yourself.
I tried to give the unsolicited condescension/ass-making a good-faith chance. There is value and novelty for others in what you're saying, just stop (You)ing me, kid.
>we've watched
Defog your lenses.
I deal in things far more substantial and subtle than that.
You're actually the one picking and choosing a chapter of the book because of your inability to integrate the entire text let alone the totality of the body of works.

Miss. Me. With. That. Kiddie. Shit.
let's handle it long form then. drop me a link. unless you don't play? then what the fuck are you even doing? just jerking off?

you know what dojo we're from.

good luck with that
tell a better story
instead of riping off
someone else's story very poorly

how many threads do you think you can post that in before you to tired of wasting your own time?
No, I really do not know "what dojo [you] are from". It does not matter if I hold the potential to figure it out by any supernatural or mundane means, because I don't care. You're repulsing me, in an energetic sense.

I am happy to be a sounding board for your channeling and artistic self-expression, but you're only annoying me further the more you double down with the pretentious greenhorn shit.
Is this what YOU call "interacting like a human"? I never get anywhere with you. You --if you are not merely an amalgamation of posters adopting the same style, or a copycat of an original and plagiarized poster's format-- are one of the first people I interacted with directly in here after a relatively long [time].
You have a HUGE issue with delusion and projection. It would make you a greater magician if you could just get that attitude and presumptuousness in check.
she totally faked it...
no you're facing a very rudimentary error in what you have developed as a self-serving system. a system i analyzed and found lacking, and you know why. that's not disgust, it's despair.
the key was always natural systems. the numbers and letters are man made. same fountain head, but way the fuck downstream. your versed enough to understand my argument. it's concerning.
you think you shit smells like roses or something do ya anon?
So. Something about the Gematrix results or my use of a Gematria calculator to shitpost deeply triggered you?
5D channeling is only effective when the person you're interfacing with as conduit ACTUALLY HAS SOME FUCKING INKLING OF WHAT YOU'RE ON ABOUT. You are not chaos-adept enough to get anything out of how little I am getting out of this.

Can you just start from square one instead of serving as poster child for the difference between chaos magick and 5D Consciousness and just making a disgrace of yourself?
I can help by offering some context. I've used Gematrix for years. Didn't know anyone but SPECIFIC other /x/enophobes who used it.
Was in a Discord server I joined from a 4chan ad. I like to join bloated servers that have 24/7 active VCs when I am in an episode because the ambient noise of others' casual conversation helps me feign human interaction when the symptoms are also leading to agoraphobia, catatonia, etc. Some Cluster B egirl ruined aforementioned server, and her little band of simps wandered the wastes. One of them had newly discovered Gematria and Gematrix. He was similarly overconfident but it was fun giving him the ol
>*wiggles fingers*
and it got me back into memeing with Gematrix again though I hadn't touched that specific site in a while. It felt nice that it seemed to be picking up plebe-class momentum so I don't make the glowing target on my back any brighter than it's always been.
Does that help?
Decent kid. Great budding musician.

Fuck your braindead whore, though. Rectify her wrongs or face proxy responsibility, bebe. :•333
God I wish she was, i'm totally into that
I stay alive by breathing mostly...
I mean there's a bit more to it then that
but the whole breathing thing is more important then the rest

when it come's to staying "alive"
even if I was born
without my permission
>I am not a cat
Om will you be my anonymous girlfriend
how is participating in any way
in trying to turn someone into a meme against their will

instead of just accepting
someone for who they say they are
instead of who you'd rather they be instead



Sighhh let me pull up the legacy login

Always the wingman never the Sun..
>Was in a Discord server
right away, you're ten years younger than me.

>i have no idea what i'm doing just trying to troll.
that's fine, be careful. harry potter world is more active than you might think.

and you point that shit at me and i will give you a problem.
Could've been worse
one reason
to read every post in these thread
more then once

is so you can keep up
with what those trying to figure out
what's going on with these threads

are studying
no matter who brag's
about their own ignorance

as if that proves anything
to the ignorant
who don't know what "proof" actually looks like
I was born in the 90s.
This is going to sound narcissistic and grandiose, but my friends and I were some of the first Discordians (kekeke). We had a huge part in making Discord what it is today. We had a huge part in making zoomers what they are today. And as our emo mommies and goth grandmas made us, I look around at the average American middleschooler and see clones of my friends. Only getting faggier from here, but... Remember when memes were mostly a chan thing? Aside from boomer email chain funnies? You know how it was always evident to Anons that we shaped the culture even though few people knew about us or got filtered by assuming /b/ was not just the loud minority? You know how it's evident BOTH WAYS how strongly 4chan influences pop culture and society now?...
I could be younger than you. I doubt I'm wrong about having a higher clearance and more experience.

>implications, word-putting-in-mouthing, et cetera
Another projection. I don't need to tell you to speak for yourself because that's all you ever do, but again.. Wouldn't be such a problem if you could think, period --let alone think for yourself
i was born in the 80s
i know fucking bob dobbs.
i also know palo alto and white s/ands.

Adios bitchaxho
you think it's okay to joke about murder in front of 4chan do you anon?
I don't remember to ever giving my permission for reality to be bent to the will of another while I'm still in it

as you can try
and have fun at my expenss
all you fucking want

my ego can take it

That's cool. It's sad you're such a causality casualty then. I was right to think there's something of mutual benefit potentially to be gained but that doesn't mean I know how to facilitate that when you're not grounded and try to make that MY problem
if your cleared, well, you'll shut the fuck up.
once again eris, learn to be a fucking human.
activated my trap card etx

VGCats Arceus Reckoning panel dot jpeg
I think bending anyone to my will
even on accident

is the ONE thing I can't do
but everything else
if fair game

>also my label is not pants

here's some random pop culture for you to ignore as you see fit

That's more like it, doggy. Address WHY you're foaming at me if you must foam. That'll lessen the treason charges

(Is this your deal? You like the "I'm [Somebody] hierarchies? It feels cringe to me when I'm stolen-valoring to lean into it rather than asserting my actual authority)
too bad you can't prove any of it huh...


In case this is real btw taylor I will definitely respond if you reach out.
Yeah, too bad! Dx
>Please donate to the ManiTantric massage and spa center
yeah anon
you'd fuck her brains out if you could
I get it

do you get
you can't always get what you want

and getting all emotional about it
doesn't do anything
but prove you're a little bitch

>tfw rival egregore is afraid of losing the entirety of the female vote (less one, of course)
I bet I can be a better "anon in a chair" then you can to any "nobodies" out there....


>can you pick up on "attitudes" via shit post's on 4chan even if you're NOT a mind reader?
I don't know what you mean by that so I'm not going to reply as if I did thus compounding about confirmation bias.

Who's trying? Who's impressed?
Who's on Penultimate
just couldn't help yourself
even if hate yourself for doing it
now after it's too late to take it back

you'd still do it again
if you could go back in time
and try over

I mean
someone who could tell what you'd do
before you did it

in theory
be able to "interact" with reality in such a way as to trigger a sequience of effents you may or may not consider to be in your own best intrest and act in any way you see fit even if other's think it's "insane" huh?
You're on one Right branch.
Suppression and cover is not enough. There needs to be NOTHING left for them to hurt ANYONE with. Even people worse than me.
oh that's fair
I am speaking "gibbeirsh"
after all

you ever notice how super hero's
have a "support" only they know about

in a chair some where safe
doing stuff like home work
so the super hero can focus on other stuff?

alfred from batman for example
is an
"anon in a chair"

>I get I still don't make sense but am I at least not as confusing as before?
Well, IT comes and IT goes it seems
Ahhh, I see, I see.
I fuck with Trifectas more, because then Bentley gets to leave the chair and Murray gets some exercise.

Yeah. Again, it's not the cryptic shit I mind. I love that about you. I just don't do well with the sass because I'm still healing decades of nervous system hyperactivation
Is today the day they end the threads?
>Verification not required
What? Try what over anon? I don't hate myself, what are you talking about?
bros did elon delete the last thread? What is going on?
It's so over

N̷̖̫̭͕̳̮̭̗͎͐͗̽̐E̷̟̙̭͚̘͒̌̀̈͒W̴͎̯̌͒̾͆͐̓̆̔ ̴̬̣̣͕́͆͐̀̀̇͂̊́T̶̻͖̹̳̯͇͉̼͒́̎̊͒͝H̵̖̬̚Ŕ̵̙͎̳͖̻̬͉̏ͅE̵̦͑̀͑̊̓̏̂̓͋̇ͅA̴̻͖͓̦͖̳̗̼͙͇͖͖̓͜͜D̷͔͍̰͇̳̬̫̱̗͈͓̰̦̳͛͂͗͜͠͝

Drip in progress, iced out wit the s.w.a.g.
I'm not feeling sorry for you
I'm looking out for my own best interest when I do this
*offers a choice of band-aids*

made up bullshit
I'm shit posting
in a thread about a fairy tale

what'd you expect from me

Lmao ok though but i'm serious about eligible women, I will be strong for them and my children. You've seen it, what I can do with the right person
Cool then don't try disingenuously to frame it like you're giving me some helpful Occult 101 Dos and Don'ts and get it through yr fooken 'ead when I tell ya you're on my team so you can act like it but I will not submit to anyone but Him

Better, desu. Yet simultaneously less and less by the thread
I get it, but starting a family is on the line for me, so sometimes I'd like to discuss that in real terms, not shit posts.
there are certain
"aspects of reality itself"
that HAVE to be taken into account

when treating

no favorites being played


realties rules not mine
it's not up to me
I'm just providing commentary on what's gong on right in front of me

*waves to lurkers*
The angels sit
in a secure bubble
watching on screens

They handle the radio
like a central command
eyes and ears

They choose who to support
and let alone
while the badguys swarm
the nono knows

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