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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
don't make it harder than it needs to be, it is done.
I'd do this one bro. Guys amputee for life. If it's not your problem just say you refuse to do it.
Thanks for baking again! One of my favorite Neville quotes.
You guys gotta be specific in visualizations I just manifested getting to the last boss in my game but I lost and have to start over again I've been stuck on one level for months and rereading neville got me through it even if I lost to the last boss
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Death to lildickfag
>>Why don't you have confidence in yourself?
>I never had, also I very rarely get a shot at something like this and it seems a bit too good to be true so I feel like every step I take might jinx it. You know what I mean? I keep thinking "how can I fuck this up"
You're thinking backwards. Instead of assuming you can find a way to fuck this up, assume everything will be perfect and go on your way

>>Why do you want to learn LOA
>I want things to go my way.
>>do you want things to work automatically
>Is this possible?
Yes, just do a good mental diet. Get your head into a better space and assume you fixed all of your issues by doing so. People who don't know the law manifest great lives because they believe in themselves, blessed by a higher power or as you said, "lucky."

Focus on the good, ignore and remove the bad in your life. You'll be amazed at the change.
>I'd do this one bro
Direct him to the thread and I can try and help him if he wants. The troll in the other thread doesn't realize(or doesn't care) that he manifested the man losing the leg so that he would have something to point to in this thread.

Nice, huh? Keep in mind that the evil you do in your mind becomes the evil in your world.
Would anyone like to share their experiences with "burying the old man"? That is to say, releasing yourself of your old assumptions? I used to be a very anxious person who would overthink, worry, and be cynical constantly, so that was one of the major challenges I had.
>very anxious person who would overthink, worry, and be cynical constantly
hello brother
So, just go about life assuming everything will turn out for the best and basically act as if I don't care?
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Interested as well. Saved this pic earlier today.
Those issues still trouble me a lot. I have wasted many great opportunities because deep down I still consider myself unworthy of succeeding. I need to work on my self concept asap.
It goes away automatically if you don't keep digging up your manifest
I'm thinking of wearing a ring to manifest my SP. The idea being to have a constant reminder that I can just look at and think "oh yeah we're married aren't we"
I wonder, how would you manifest going back in time? I'd like to New Game Plus my life.
Any LOA related films?
reality is a illusion/dream themed
Twin Peaks
The neverending dream
End of Fire Force
The neverending story*
I don't think neville goes into this
read triumphant george or UL for this
I did direct him to the thread. I don’t know if he’ll show up.
> The troll in the other thread doesn't realize(or doesn't care) that he manifested the man losing the leg so that he would have something to point to in this thread.
Holy shit are you sure you aren’t stone cold evil? This is some dark stuff. Maybe someone genuinely need the help.
Watch a let's play of FFX
People disliking Lilanon is what's causing the world's suffering. Sorry Palestine.
More reasons to never stop hating that gay vampire then.
He disrespects Lilith, Lilith told me he has a small pp, and cries infront of her succubi.
>So, just go about life assuming everything will turn out for the best

>and basically act as if I don't care?
You can do that if you want, but that's not really the point. When your life starts to calm down you won't need to act like anything- things won't bother you as much because you know everything will work out perfectly.

Put whatever faith you can into this and you will be rewarded with more faith.
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>Would anyone like to share their experiences with "burying the old man"?
This may or may not be helpful- I've never had trouble burying my old self when I manifest a new one because I didn't want to be that way in the first place.

It's quite possible you are having trouble letting go because you have fondness, or at least comfort level with your old state. You have to let it go to become what you wish to be though.
>Holy shit are you sure you aren’t stone cold evil?
No. Why would you think that? Being irresponsible has consequences.

Everything that exists in your world is based on what you focus on. If there is suffering there, it's because you believe it should be there. Neville wasn't joking when he said the world reflects your inner state.

>This is some dark stuff. Maybe someone genuinely need the help.
They come to me if they do. Many people refuse my help because they chose the suffering they did as part of their life path. They may request help in public but actually fixing it immediately ruins the point of what they are doing.

Being a non-conformist in just about every way I was stunned when people started doing this with me, but I respect it in the form of "They are here of their own free will doing what they wish."
perhaps lilanon could show us his true penis size...
this is an odd synchronicity bc I was just thinking about this.

LilAnon, when you "kill off" your old self, do you legitimately imagine it "dying"? I think I realized that I've been stuck for so long because I have been serving two masters when I didn't realize it. I felt like I needed to do something dramatic so I imagined my "self" drowning and after this I felt a big sense of peace.

is this something that you do once, or regularly?
name: LilAnon

religion: he was catholic but he left because they are stupid and turned agnostic

LilAnon has been haunted/hunted by demons and creatures of pure shadow most of his life.
He had a disciple (powers: Domination, Shapeshifting) assigned to him by Lilith but she defected to the deep state and made him lose his power and gave him amnesia.
Someone did a hostile manifest at him once that would have killed him and it was working but he woke up fully and was infinite and understood everything and pushed it back and that's when he almost ascended but he didn't because his girlfriend still needed him here.
He was already manifesting perfectly as a kid and he is poly and had three girlfriends at the same time.

friends: Lilith, vampires, werecreatures, fae, Anon(TM)

enemies: glowies, Orion (he is gay)

Ice magic
Mind magic
Can interact with spirits
Divine holy powers
Knowledge of advanced alien tech
Incubi powers/traits
Talks to ghosts and elementals
Chaos magick
Always in gnosis state
Received the Promise
Can manifest perfectly, instantly and without techniques
Can mimick vampires and fae
Ages at half speed
Full-life revision
Able to copy powers/states from others
Has nofap benefits without having to do it
Almost ascended multiple times
Left-hand path magic
Time and space bending
Mind control immunity
Can heal himself
Exponential money magnet
Death resistance
Bullet time
Object teleporation
Can run on air for a few steps

people he killed: thinking man

Quote: " *laughs* "Learn to live with disappointment. "
do motheranon next
Nothing in this post is embellished. All of these were things lilanon has said about himself in posts.
Not a bad compilation. A few errors, but I give it a 90%

>Nothing in this post is embellished
There's actually a few items listed that happened differently or not at all but yeah, pretty good and not embellished :)
/LoA/ is worthless now. I believe LilAnon's enemies are paid to be here. No one with a good life would spend their days here. LilAnon is delusional about some things. Maybe he is part of it. It's best to leave and focus on yourself.
>I believe LilAnon's enemies are paid to be here
I hope so- if they are wasting this much effort without getting a paycheck I feel bad for them
>Everything that exists in your world is based on what you focus on.
I thought you had to let it go.
The OA (TV Series)
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>I thought you had to let it go.
You focus on the stuff you want and let go of what you don't.
Lilith sucked my dick today.
Cool, rating and would you recommend?
How do I conquer over time and death in this metaphysical reality it's clear LoA doesn't work even after so many attempts I'm not a god whose conquered and went beyond everything imaginable and unimaginable in this universe and beyond this universe beyond?
You really learned from the best.
Yo lil, just wanted to ask for more insight on a few things since I’ve been a bit confused on

You got any ideas on how to come to peace with not having to control situations I don’t like and be at ease? Prevent any issues I may have when I don’t like either someone who may do it or some situation

>inb4 turn attention away and look inwards
I know but there has to be a way I could convince myself more so I don’t get bothered or ruminate on it

Also let’s talk mental diets, I noticed more and more the last few days I’m still actively choosing mental junk food that tends to be detrimental for my own headspace. I know you mentioned way before I should consider it. frankly I wish I didn’t overlook this but what would you suggest? What about things irl that may pose a hazard since I often stumble upon them unwillingly?

What about dreams surrounding a wish fulfilled? I recalled some people saying that as a result of subconscious impression however wanted to see if I should keep an eye out for that on top of the how it is used as a way that she is listening and knows my conscious activity

Also kept experimenting with the manifests I do already and wanted to add that not only do we decide and act upon because we know what to do, there tends to be more relaxation and focus on what you firmly decide which explains why when I “decide” I will do x I won’t fall through because I’m not too firm on it

This means I could learn to focus more properly to manifest while awake?
Came back to report to the dudes.

I am the 500 approaches guy. By now Im at 1000 approaches man tho.

I managed a gf, and I managed to pull few other girls too. I want more girls tho.
So Im still out every day almost.
Also, before this week I had zero dates for months.

One week amazing things happened as I felt really depressed and was moaning to my frens how hard it is. (deffo wasnt in good mood on Monday)

Monday I went out and met a girl, immediately took her to a date, she was talking she knows my part of town because she did lewd things there, so I knew she was ON. but the thing is, I didnt bring wallet (was depressed walking not planning to approach but met a friend so went for it), and she had to pay for date so never heard of her again.

I decided to stop moaning and think positively because obviously my pessimism was cockblocking me, like probably many others. Next day I had a date arranged from before with girl I met week before.
I prepared everything for success (learned by lesson of free date) and cleaned my apartment, took a lot of cash with me, went out to meet the girl.
Long story short we had fun time and she is now my gf.
Also, on the morning of our date, girl I went on ONE date 3 months before, sent me a message THREE MONTHS after I asked her out for second date. Which proves the - you either have too much pussy or none - theory and women can sense it.
Wednesday had another date with decently cute girl, also took her home but couldnt fit inside her so didnt fuck. Wont meet again.
Thursday date with my girl again, fun time again.
Friday date with busty gal but wasnt feeling it since she is olderish and was complaining all the time.

Things I do and recommend specifically for gf seekers:

1. be optimistic even if you fail 99 times (I did 700 ish approaches until gf) and win 1 time, focus on that one win and think about it a lot, boost every positive interaction you have with women and forget the bad. Also, dont waste time on evil girls.
I actually did a diary in which I wrote every positive thing I experienced with girls. Just to train myself to focus. Now it seems like Im amazing player when I read it.
2. do EVERYTHING YOU CAN do move forward, approach girls, talk to girls, fail with girls, win with girls, do all you can. I dislike apps and paying for sex so I dont do that but I approach every day under every circumstance. Sometimes parents are around, sometimes their siblings or friends or bosses or whatever. shops, cafes, street, whatever.
3. trust your gut - as in - if girl feels good for you - like - healthy for you not just lust - but genuinely good for you - explore it.

Women play male lust against men. YOu have to observe women with your heart/Soul. It will be easy then to see which girl is a quality human and which one is burned out husk looking for a host.
Be wise and always work with God.
God is my wingman, is my proverb.
Dont force things that dont flow.
With girls I took to dates (all met on street/shops) all were easy to talk to and vibe with. But it takes a looot of work to find those and for them to be single/available.
Its hard to get a girl u dont vibe with and its better for you, trust me.
So dont think with dick only, wait until dick and Soul agree those are the good ones. Explore those.
Sometimes they are taken etc, but still - prioritize those.

If you do this, you will find a girl eventually. Its not an easy method, but it works.

ITS LOA fusion with hard work. I like to work so it suits me. I can't sit around let girls pass by me. I have to approach. But if you wanna wait for years like u did so far, lol, feel free.
>You got any ideas on how to come to peace with not having to control situations I don’t like and be at ease?
For me it's forgiveness. Remember that everyone here is a child, at best they are pretending to be an adult. Can you forgive in that case?

Also let’s talk mental diets, I noticed more and more the last few days I’m still actively choosing mental junk food that tends to be detrimental for my own headspace
Don't do it man, my apprentice is TERRIBLE about that. I tell them that shit is bad for them but they just keep saucing

>what would you suggest?
Cut out anything that brings you down or makes you question yourself

>What about things irl that may pose a hazard since I often stumble upon them unwillingly?
They will go away as you take your focus off of them. Kinda like the meditation thing with stray thoughts, if you see it, let it pass without fighting it.

>What about dreams surrounding a wish fulfilled?
You can consider that you being in the zone for this, but it's probably not set yet. It's at the front of your mind, but it should be "no big deal- it's done."

>focus more properly to manifest while awake?
Are you having trouble with this? You've been able to do some of your manifests without a technique, right?

I was out for months with no or little success (getting coffee with girls I open on street but never follow up).

My success came 10 days after I started to keep a "positive interactions with women" diary where I only picked the best events of day and wrote them - even if I had to approach 10 women and one spoke to me Id focus on that one who spoke to me.
And vividly described it. (you have to bypass the cringe tho, and really let yourself enjoy even the little things and realize they are part of the big things, victory is not binary. Talking to women, seeing women smile, making women smile, horny, all those things add up to fuckign them.

the diary method is what I attribute my success to.

Every day I would approach I would write in positive things, or if I didnt apporahc on that day, I would write if I saw a girl look at me etc.
I would always pick even the smallest thing or number exchanges etc.

I allowed myself to be hopeful and optimistic. Which is as u can imagine, FUCKING hard after 100s of rejections.
But I made myself forgive them and allow myself to be hopeful.

Try it. the "positive events with women" method.

Also stop consuming the mgtow and other media or memes that inflame your hate of opposite gender. YOu are being je*ed by that shit.
Its all propaganda to make people slaves.
I used the diary method because it was easier than to imagine perfect girl and perfect relationship, that is, I could say always - the diary things actually DID happen so it made me more accountable and prevented me from being negative. I still had a frustrated day on Monday but by then many good vibes have been built up and Universe delivered.

LOA is focus management. YOu need to manage your focus on what you want or at least something that is more like what u want.

It was hard to sustain ideal images without any proof but you can always sustain a positive diary since its a list of things that did happen. They actually did happen.
And if you build with them, they snowball into bigger things.

Focusing on women giving me numbers and replying to me (even if most ghosted!) eventually build an image of someone who can talk and get numbers, and when I did have dates, (even if most dont) I could with focus sustain an image of someone who CAN approach and date and even fuck girls I open on street.

So, its not easy, but its easier than lying home and imagining perfect girl relationship, with zero events in your life to back it up.
Eventually you can build up to that. I think its easier - IF relationship were a sticking issue for you.

Some LOA things are easy to "decide and let go" but some are not - depending on your personal childhood and experiences that programmed u early on.

But keeping a positive diary with utmost diligence will give results.
>Can you forgive in that case?
Black and white for me, what’s killing me rn is I know I can’t be doing her job and it feels terrifying not being able to do much. I haven’t done that grounding technique as of late due to busy stuff. Really all my job is plant those seeds and let it grow

Not to sound like I’m making excuses to not try but I have this thought that maybe I’m not afraid of having life easy after this thing, more so afraid of just having it do its own thing without actively playing a role in making it happen (in the 3d)

Very least I know is I can’t be pursuing negatives to manifest this, my thought process sucks when shit happens or when it comes to this which is why I’m seeking to restructure my way of thinking with LoA

I know she is actively listening, I haven’t fortified that trust yet since I haven’t had a 100 percent moment where I’m convinced she is but I’m close

>just keep saucing
It’s a mental vice obvs, I’m guilty of indulging in my own inner monologue that I have with myself. I have that habit of doing it negatively

>let it pass without fighting it.
This is why I brought up that EIYPO question the other day, makes me remember

>I experience X because I felt Y
Good term I learned from that book The Conscious Creator. Only thing I don’t get “logically” this could happen

>Are you having trouble with this? You've been able to do some of your manifests without a technique, right?
Yes and no, yes in the aspect with things I do naturally already. No (sometimes) in learning to consciously do so for *more* things I want

If anything this technique is prolly my favorite one rn, l know it works in the event I do decide, allow and be calm about it. Though the trusting part, calmness and lack of feeling the need to help the process out or forcing it to happen is causing some attempts to fail

eventually I’ll read the awakened imagination book to see how I can kick start my imagination to manifest
Why do those who fail the most blog so hard?
>Why don't adepts blogpost
I can't talk about what I'm doing without shitloads of context to explain everything.
Right now I'm testing adding rules to the universe to make the bridge of incidents more likely to trigger so that it quickens the main desire's manifestation without needing to live in the end constantly.
you want an angel investor (main desire)
I constantly meet wealthy individuals looking for an investment opportunity (rule to kick-start the bridge)
Neville’s statement about tell no one your desires or affirmations clearly not something you want to hear about right?
I can imagine someone with a good life coming back here to share whatever wisdom they've acquired to less fortunate souls.
Those who succeed leave.
Serial Experiments Lain
People say that affirmations are the best method, is that true?
It didn't work to me. Visualization (perhaps aided by a script) was the best. I also found repetition is not always neccessary.
This paid stuff is so boring, we got a poster claiming last thread Lilanon was paid. Now you want to claim people criticising the vampire fairy god are paid.
The truth is it’s just a bunch of people with spare time arguing, that’s what happens on the internet,
>People say <thing>. Is <thing> best.
Do they? Do they really? Why do I think you will just redo this post with SATS later?
Based and almost completely accurate.
Why is Lilanon an actual comic book character (psssh...nothin personnel...kid..)
Hey anon, I'm really happy you got a gf and finally some action.
I've been reading your updates each time you post.
Your success is definitely loa related.
Do you think you gave up on Monday? Like did you reach a state where you were so done with focusing on women?
You are doing it incorrectly listen to this fag
Are there posts/guides by my fellow Anons on how to decide what to manifest?
Get your dick sucked by a hot 18 year old I dunno
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>Your success is definitely loa related.
Absolutely, after 1000 attempts at getting women it couldn't be anything else could it? This story proves that the law works flawlessly, even though there is only a 0.1% chance of it working.
Kek that was one of the options.
What is the justification in LOA when you believe something will happen but it doesnt? Do you guys believe you werent assuming hard enough? That some other powers countered your assumption ability?
Yes, things like that.
You need a guide to tell you what you want?
Yes but unironically.
>man approaches 700 women with no success
>starts scripting
>days later, gets laid
>continues scripting and banging more girls
He found what worked for him. You're missing the point.
>My success came 10 days after I started to keep a "positive interactions with women" diary where I only picked the best events of day and wrote them
That’s not scripting.
That’s writing down only the good things that happened,
Scripting would be writing what you want to happen going forward,
This isn’t even LoA.
No, rather to decide from several options.
>Why do those who fail the most blog so hard?
Complication addiction is a thing. Perfection is found in doing exactly what you need to do to accomplish a goal and nothing more.
>affirmations are the best method
The best method is the one you like and works for you. I like affirmations but I also like visualization. Remember to keep this fun, it should not be a job.
>Why is Lilanon an actual comic book character (psssh...nothin personnel...kid..)
lol, because I wanted to be. Not a comic book character, per se, I wanted an /x/ life. And I'm probably at least 10 years your senior, but I do appreciate the compliment of being a kid.
>This isn’t even LoA.
Inaccurate- regardless of what you want to call it, he explicitly says he moved his attention from negative thoughts to the things he enjoyed experiencing. He was focusing on and assuming the state and his expectations.

I consider it a little clunky because he wanted to add the grind component to it but if that's how he wants it to work that's part of his desire too.
It’s an ancient meme which is where the image came from, look up coldsteel the hedgehog because he is you on every level.
...2/10. I'm sure there are worse memes but that one is utterly forgettable and forced. If you are going to do something, at least be funny about it.
Not my meme. It’s been on the go since 2012 so it’s stood the test of time as it still gets used.
You would need to travel back in time to prevent this which is something you can easily do.
What is the point of this? what does this accomplish? this is just a huge time waster. how does this help you manifest? you could have just learnt without stopping to do this. this doesn't add anything, its useless. explain to me how this could be useful, come on, tell me. I want to fucking know. this is the gayest thing I have ever seen. do people pretend like this is going to help them win? what are the benefits here? it would have been so much quicker to just learn normally. you didn't have to waste your time making this. god this sucks, I can't believe people enjoy it. I will not rest until you explain to me in detail exactly
HOW this is useful in any way.
why the fuck are there people that get to live in a normal body having lods of relationships filled with sex and never having to think about conciousness but I have to fight mental issues in order to lose any weight but my skin is ruined anyway, and i develope giant abscesses all on me all my life and i have to deconstruct all my fucking beliefs from trauma and existence in this society in order to become as happy as these fucking normie cunts that never have to work on anything. When will i be able to just fucking be happy, i lve been working on myself conciously for almost a decade, my body is shit and damaged, why must i learn lessons and they fuckign dont
You are on your last reincarnation. Your suffering has purpose, and that is to reveal the true nature of this realm.
Could it be you are an unlucky sack of meat in a godless void?
I have an underlying social anxiety that I mask since I was 12. Every second I always catch myself monitoring others feelings about me. It drives me insane how I always trying to assess the social situation like I’m a human robot and I always miss the opportunity to interact, just sit silently watching in the background. Closed ones seem to not engage when I start talking.

Do I just ignore it, I think I will just be more in my head if I try. Or should I act/expect something different when I’m starting talking and everyone watches me? It’s making me look like a weirdo and I have many interested things to say.
fuck off demon

how the fuck would you know if ive had to reincarnate in this shithole multiple times or not
On Monday it was just my emotional pattern playing out.
I had accumulated enough positive things by Monday, and had date scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday (friday date setup on wednseday), but I was conditioned by past and habit to feel bad every few days and it still hits me sometimes tho it manifests in different ways. Its emotional habit, habit of feeling certain way.
Also got flaked 2 times so I was not sure the girls would show up, all those things were eating me out.
Approching girls will show you who you are, it will challenge you utmost more than anything else.
So it strips your ego, your defense mechanisms etc. Some days those things hit hard.

I was not "letting go" I just felt bad, in hindsight I was probably scared of the date, will she come, will it be nice etc.

But Monday almost had this girl home, if I was more positive. So Monday girl was Heaven sent to make me realize my negative rumination could cost me a nice date on Tuesday.
So come Tuesday I showered, cleaned room, best clothes, nice parfume, did EVERYTHING and prepared for success and went to a date smiling - EXPECTING the best.

YOu have to expect the best, assume the best and think the best and really allow yourself to be happy.
Which is opposite of what defense mechanism wants - for you to be sad already, sad in preparation, so it DOESNT HIT AS HARD when u are disappointed.

But the very defense mechanism is actually CAUSING the bad events, because it keeps u in bad vibe.
"Whats the point" "all I do is useless" those thoughts and similar.
Shun em.
Its hard when u go hundreds of dates but if you can do it its great booster for mental power.

Its a choice. LOA is choice. Consciously using LOA is consciously making a choice every day, to expect the best, despite how many times u have been played or fucked over, youneed to learn lessons, adjust, and go AGAIN expecting the best, like child learning to walk.
You arent meant to stay single or whatever ur case is, you need to walk.
Worthless sack of meat confirmed.
Do a past life regression and get back to me.
>how the fuck would you know if ive had to reincarnate in this shithole multiple times or not
Most of us have. You don't think of it as a shithole when things are going your way though.

You're in a LOA thread and you have books available and Anons who may be able to help you. Remember that whatever situation(state) you find yourself in you can change that at any time by changing yourself. You may not want to, you may feel like if everything was fair that you would get what you need as you are not.

That is not the case- you get what you give to yourself. Give and treat yourself better and you your world will improve.
pessimism is often defense mechanism and it sneaks up on you.

But if you act, act with conviction that this girl right there - she will make a great gf and GO!

And even after 100 rejections, you have to approach 101 girl the same, with enthusiasm and good vibe, sexual undertones.

If you can do it, eventually you will succeed.

Its like lifting weights. Dont give it a "story" the weight doesnt know you or judge you, its just a weight.
Do your reps and wait until you can lift more.

People get too self critical. I had to let go of that as well.
"everyone watching me"
"they think Im xy"
nah, be good to yourself.
You can only control your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
What others think, feel and do is not your job.
You do your job well and keep at it.
Eventually it brings success.

Hard part is staying positive but it can be done with DIARY method where u selectively boost positive events.
And not making " a story" out of bad shit.
Not letting it change your self image.
Because one of my affirmations is
"I know who I am"
Because I do. You dont, they dont, nobody does know me better than me.
So the opinions of others dont wear me down.
Why give authority to someone who doesnt know anything or hasnt lived YOUR life.
Even your parents and friends arent living your POV so why give em authority?
You are you they are they.

If you prove yourself to you, thats Wealth.
I did that several times in my life by challenging myself in areas I value.

So when other people roll up they are at best guests in my world.
ive recovered memories, and they are not from this shit planet, they are from other universes, also fictional universes too
how well do you guys visualize? i cant see shit when i try
The book "E squared" has fun manifestation exercises you can use to build confidence. The first is to have the Universe give you a gift in a 48-hour window specified by you. As a side note, the author's name is an anagram for "goat rump", I wonder if that was intentional.
You should recover your meds as fast as you can.
Divine light of the threads, Lilanon.
Worthless meat bag.
Very well, but I've always been an imaginative type. Anons here have said it's like a muscle, you can develop it with practice and effort.
i see quite well with my third eye but i have trouble in allowing my other senses to wake up to it, i'm getting there though.
why are you even here atheist forced drugging scum
Why are you even here Jesus loving fake anime memory recovering larping shit?
Mutant with three eyes and no working senses confirmed.
>he didn't open his third eye
>he even deleted his post when he realized what he was talking about
l to the fucking mao.
Typo. I have cleaned it up. Your third eye failed you and you replied too quick because you have no psychic powers.
>mother anon powerless and ugly
Stopping bullets is easy with the law but I am not sure I even need it with my reactions. I’ve never done it but I’m confident it’s easy. Honestly it all depends on your reaction time. I know for a fact that if a normie took a swing at me I’d have enough time to catch his blow, redirect his kinetic energy and use his own fist and centrifugal force to cave his fucking face in. As to something like stopping a bullet with my bare hands I’ve never personally tried it but the principle is very similar. It all boils down to speed and I’ve got that in droves.
Anyone know similar places like this one just higher quality? With actual good discussion even Neville Goddard subreddit seems to be filled with beginners.
>That’s writing down only the good things that happened,
When you script you're supposed to believe what you wrote already happened. Could you not see the connection?
On the contrary. He is on his first incarnation
No that’s more like revision.
The connection is vague and larpy anyway.
>diary technique
Sure whatever. If you want to believe that helped him then well done your belief is super strong and you will go real far. For me I think many people write biased diaries of their day and it does nothing,
Your results depend on your mental state retard
What do you want to talk about?
Oneirosophy but its dead
I'm going to join the UL discord soon. This seems to be the only place with a mostly male userbase. I've tried subreddits and discords and they're usually 80% women. Once in a while you hear one of them complaining about the flaws their SP has and how they want to change him into a god. Most of the time I am reading stories from women that are so farfetched or silly, and they always get validated and supported no matter how dumb the story is. They wish their SP (now their boyfriend) made 7 figures instead of high 6 figures. They want 5'11 guy to grow 6 inches. It gives you an insight into how shallow those women can be. If you spend too much time there, your positive beliefs about women will be eroded.
>retard poster
You’ll get more retarded than with your mental state.
Why would you need to write down your days events in a book and strip out the bad bits for this. Must be because you are retarded.
Is it fun typing retarded all the time?
It seems that any attempt at discussing negative qualities of bullshit (and there is a lot here) bring out idiots like you. Fuck you retard.
Don’t like it?
Fuck you.
You can write retard in your LARP diary
Same poster blatantly advertising.
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please go to a boxing or muay thai gym and do some sparring to test your theory risk free
it's win/win
Easily edited.
It’s clear it was you.
I admit it. It was me. I am paid to do this. Please forgive me Lilanon. I did bad with the Law.
Women can't do logic there's no way they'd understand UL without getting it mansplained. Of course there's none in the discord. But am ugly obese woman telling them to affirm and persist. Insta join.
Are Joe Dispenza books LoA
He is Law of Attraction, not Assumption.
He teaches a lot of concepts that are being discussed here so it's fine to talk about it.
It's not that they couldn't understand it, it's more that women are only into anything so far as they can show it off to others. A teaching where you understand you need do nothing to get what you want is the antithesis of drawing attention themselves; they want to collect crystals, show off Harry Potter wands, and fill their shelves with bs books about made up rituals.

tldr, they lack introspection and are more interested in the pomp and circumstance
How do I spontaneously gain knowledge/skills with this? I don't know what suddenly knowing Old Chinese or suddenly painting like Michelangelo would feel like, so how do I assume it? What is the /loa/ theory of knowledge anyway? That it's all a facade, and the details of some field don't actually exist until you look into it?
>I don't know what suddenly knowing Old Chinese or suddenly painting like Michelangelo would feel like
That's not the feeling- the feeling is that you have that knowledge and talent. Think about how you feel with things you know how to do well, that confidence that you can do it easily, on demand.

>What is the /loa/ theory of knowledge anyway?
That on some level you already know it, you are just not currently aware of it.
What would be examples of SATS be to manifest a partner with hefty boobs. I am an enjoyer of big breasts, and i keep manifesting big titties on the ladies around me in my life (examples: colleges, mentors, friends, friends of friends, in public spaces, customers etc.) but never ones which could be my partners (either taken or just too ugly face to consider them). Any ideas what might be behind that?
Has anyone tried robotic affirmations?
>looking through r/cureaphantasia last week for methods to improve imagination
>find this guy with novel ideas on the topic
>wish he was still around he seems knowledgeable
>check just now

sry abt image quality
damn, jannies deleted LilAnon General, yet they keep Nobody General.
the absolute state

Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
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How do I make my dream gf meet with me right now and how do I make my broken phone to work again? What is the most robust and quickest and hardest working technique?
Yesterday think to myself "Hmm, I havent gotten sick in a while" and then I get sick the very next day. This is such bullshit that I need to mentally check every negative thing I encounter or it has a good chance of manifesting
(how )Can you use this thing to make someone get shank'ed?
MrBeast is living proof manifestation is real. He literally just kept telling himself he was going to be the biggest Youtuber and it happened. He devoted his entire life to manifesting a single dream and he never waivered conviction, it's obvious if you've seen him in an interview.
>Has anyone tried robotic affirmations?
Sure, we have some Anons here who like to do that because they have trouble or don't want to bother with leveraging belief. I personally don't recommend it even though I will do it at times because you may spend a thousand or more repetitions and get nothing for it- as Neville put it:

“You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has decreed himself to be.”

This is often misconstrued as Neville being against affirmations- he's against empty affirmations and actions, things done without faith or belief.

From my experience you can repeat your affirmations over and over and you only have to get lucky once- just that right amount of belief to make it work. It can be a lot of work to get there though and there are faster/better ways to do it.
>This is such bullshit that I need to mentally check every negative thing
I would recommend doing an overall affirmation that covers all the bases.

"Everything goes well for me. I am healthy."

Personally I've gone through enough that I can say with confidence that anything out there can't do a thing to me- I've survived it all.
There was an anime from several months ago about a girl artist trapped working for a shit gaming company drawing backgrounds for shitty H games. I can't say much more without spoiling it but that show was pure LoA. It was called "16bit Sensation: Another Layer" or something like that.
Bengston cycling method seems to work very quickly. I personally did SMAnon with a mixture of SATS and got some random test items in 12 days.

I did singing affirmations since I was in a super loud engine room. Just blasting out what I wanted in sentences when I found out the captain on my ship was going to be replaced with this total psycho I had worked with before. I said something along the lines of "I'm so happy to be working with a different man than (psycho captain)" Captain shows up and pretty much falls in love at once with the new female mate, literally acts like a different guy and is so much more chill and reasonable. Shortly divorced his cunt wife after he got back home.
True Detective, Season 2.
We get the world we deserve.
Did Neville ever elaborate anywhere in his books or lecture what he meant by "going/returning into silence"?
Can I give God/Subconscious my problems?

If true, what do I do after?
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>Bengston cycling method seems to work very quickly. I personally did SMAnon with a mixture of SATS and got some random test items in 12 days.
how do I do it? what did you achieve if no secret and how did you construct your desired model? First person view or what
Closing the door to your senses, i.e. meditating/SATS
I just want some fucking weed
occam's razor
the posts being made by shills, glowniggers or bots set up by the formers is far more likely than even bored trolls, nowadays(not including glowniggers and shills that are bored trolls)
If you think that the most likely reason you are devoid of logic and reasoning.
Obsessed by imaginary enemies that don’t exist.
ok homo
You are not an ok homo.
You are a bad one.
Also get with the current times grandpa, some people are gay. Lilanon had a threesome with poly men.
You were one of them. You were wearing your glowing costume to hide your identity.
nice projections, how was the threesome?
Oh it’s mad.
>no u…..
It won’t stop replying now until it’s McDonald’s shift starts.
Stay mad
Keep replying.
Andrew Tate did the same thing
maybe if you get on the winning side of this reply chain, noob
Hi Lil I need some advice badly. Background: I've been in love/limerence/obsession over this girl I met in 2022. We went out many times but she was married with an abusive husband who she wanted to leave. Due to circumstances she's still with him and at one point I cut things off with her over ten months ago. Since then she hasn't left my mind for a single day. I've tried LOA and every method to get her with no results. I have other girls who are interested in me but I just can't get her out of my mind.

I left her because she could've chosen me if she wanted but she didn't. She hasn't texted me once since then and I haven't either. Me leaving her life seemed to impact her a lot. Everything feels pointless and I feel sick mentally trying different ways to get a life with her and at the same time I'm upset at myself for wanting a life with someone who didn't choose me. It's two opposing beliefs but the love and obsession just doesn't die. I know this isn't /adv/ but I've never posted in this thread before and this is the only time I'll talk about this. Do you have any advice for a retard like me? At my deepest I want her to love me just like I love her. Putting me over everything like I did with her. That's what I want. How do I get that?
>I've tried LOA
What did you do? What exactly did you imagine and feel?
I did.
I added argument and commentary whereas you claimed imaginary glowies and you managed one homosexual insult which was about yourself at best before resorting to spam.
Pathetic. So we will just keep doing this now. I will operate at your level becuase you can’t rise to anything better.
Affirm without wavering see >>38368199
Her in my bed. Waking up together. Scenes that imply we're married. Her texting me that she loves me. I've tried different scenes over a year. Affirmations. Visualizations. I try my visualizations when I'm showering every morning and for everything else they work. I see someone giving me a 100 euro bill it works. I see people appreciating me and being impressed by me it works. But with SP related things or things involving sexual activities with girls even though I visualize and let it go just like everything else it doesn't work. With her it has never worked. Maybe I have severe limiting beliefs but there are days when I truly let it go thinking it's finished and I've done all I can and move on. And then few days later it returns. I feel stuck with nothing to go on. A part of me wishes I can truly let her go and never look back because this kind of obsessive limerence or love isn't something I would wish even on my enemies. It's downright torture of the soul.
hi lilanon
I know you said you would rather help people in the long run with manifestations by teaching them, but do you think you could possibly do a one time manifestation for me to increase overall wealth and good luck please
oh? but I sank to your level, since this >>38374622 is just a "no u" but with verbal diarrhea
maybe next time bub
Did you watch the video I linked?
Stay mad lmao.
Chimp, buddy, champ spammer tier. Kek probably the same loser. Adding these words give you away and adds nothing but stupidity.
sorry, not your boogeyman, keep trying kiddo
Also watch this https://youtu.be/DaEz7RyCNuo?si=Ommace0EIP-JST0m
Oh god it’s mad, it needed a new word.
With a brain this small words must be in short supply.
Can you guys stop derailing the thread
you got it boss
sorry for dunking on ya lil bro, peace out
Yes I watched them both just now. Thanks for trying to help, fren. I will apply the principles moving forward.
If >>38374833 is done being incompetent I can stop.
Sorry for making you look bad little chimp, peace out.
Glad to hear that best of luck
Why is this general about a a guy called Lilanon?
Shouldn’t the title reflect that?
man that guy is a such a fag, who fucking bears with this voice?
I know he’s definitely gay, but he is one of the few loa teachers that isn’t cryptic or overly insane, he explains it in a way that is easy to understand, albeit in an annoying voice.
Trust me there’s worse loa teachers out there
>Can I give God/Subconscious my problems?
Yes. That's what happens when you pray for a miracle or ask your deep mind to resolve issues for you.

>If true, what do I do after?
What do you mean here? Are you asking what more -you- do to resolve the issue?
Anyone in these secret UL channels? Any juicy stuff in there?
>I left her because she could've chosen me if she wanted but she didn't.
>I'm upset at myself for wanting a life with someone who didn't choose me
>it's two opposing beliefs
Good assessment so far

>At my deepest I want her to love me
I don't think this is it Anon. I think you want to want that, but really, truly, what do you want?

You said it plainly, you have competing desires. If she jumped in your arms today and said she loved you forever but was afraid to say it, what would you feel?
Are you having trouble manifesting for yourself? I prefer not to do manifests for Anons because I'm never sure they will get to them as well as it being a temporary boost- you should be working on a permanent fix.
Can you manifest a cruel femdom gf for me?
Is it possible to manifest SP regardless of current circumstances?
How well does that work? I've had others pray for me before, and while it was effective, the effects quickly reversed.
Yes exactly, first person view. For the SMAnon & SATS combo, first I did the SMAnon method, I declared out loud that "when I breathe in and out, (manifestation happens) and my arm raises", technically you don't have tie the manifestation and the arm raise together, I just do that so I have a physical indicator that my intent is going through.

I do that for 10 minutes, and then I just focus on nothing but the image of my manifestation before I fall asleep, through the first person view.
>I've had others pray for me before, and while it was effective, the effects quickly reversed.
That's pretty much how it works. It worked that way for me too, lots of people prayed and good vibed for me and it helped, but I had to get myself out of the hole. The boosts were not a rope, just a care package.
Yes, but...whatever issues you are having and the ones your SP are having that you have not addressed will both be there. I've had SP situations fail simply because I was not financially sound at the time, I drank the kool aid on love overcoming everything but you still need to take care of yourself and your SP.
I actually pray to you.
What does the law say about revealing your intention? Like if someone else also believed would it help? Or if it backfired, would it have negative effects?
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give me a quick rundown on the "it's something wonderful" youtube guy. what's his background? has he any noteworthy history or achievements before youtube?
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Damn, bros, I literally just de-stressed myself and saw that my old self was pretty much the CHUD picture on any topic and I cared way too much about being right, intelligent, strong, and smart, in fact I cared way too much about anything that it became a heavy risk-avoiding behavior when it comes to social interaction.

Now all my stress is instantly gone, I have no reason to hold onto my old identity. This isn't some manifestation I'm doing right now, it's literally already done and was done before I typed this even. I can feel the pressure in my head and body gradually drifting away and now I'm pretty much extremely social and graceful in all situations.
The law says nothing.
However some notable teachers/gurus of it say never do this. Neville for example.
I give it 5 mins before you start arguing like a CHUD again.
OK faggot
Yup 5 mins
>and now I'm pretty much extremely social and graceful in all situations.
How come you just went full CHUD in the face of one post?
You failed the test cruddy chuddy.
"Silence is golden" - LilAnon
The Chud reawakened instantly.
Probably a good example of why you don’t day your manifestations/intentions. This anon instantly turned back into his true form.
There are two LilAnons.
Manifesting serious places to discuss LoA/UL.
I fell for her very fast. She's had a lot of crap in her life and really messed up circumstances that wouldn't let us be together. I want her to want me. Badly. I want us to be together. But the opposing belief is that she didn't choose me completely like I chose her so it'd never be a whole love like I gave it to her. If she jumped in my arms today and said she loved me forever and was afraid to say it I would feel happy and upset at the same time because I did break my heart over it for a good year and have not recovered I feel cursed that I can't get her out of my head.

The love that was pure and all for her has been tarnished by her choosing to stay with the abusive husband. You might be right that I only want her to want me and nothing else after that maybe I'd give her up after I got her because that'd satiate my ego. Maybe this is all just about an incredibly wounded ego and obsession. Maybe this is why I can't manifest it. I don't know what to do. The reality is I can't get her out of my mind no matter what I do and I crave to be with her a lot regardless. What do you make of this clusterfuck? Thanks for taking the time to reply by the way.
Yes Lildickfag, you should stfu.
>What do you make of this clusterfuck?
Relationships with people who have been abused comes down to this quote:

"Hurt people hurt people."

It's good that you are digging into this and asking the right questions. One of the main questions here is: "She hurt you- do you wish to hurt her back?"

I think that's what you need to drill down to the core issue. What would a perfect resolution here look like to you? Once you know that, you can make a clear decision on what you really want.

Keep in mind that even if your "perfect" scenario involves getting with her or rejecting her, you can still choose to do something different. A past desire is sometimes not a current desire, but when it's an obsession is seems like it is.

>Thanks for taking the time to reply by the way.
No problem and good luck- we are taught so many of the wrong things about relationships and what they mean. If you feel the need to, you should forgive yourself for any mistakes you feel you've made along the way- how else would you learn otherwise?
Not him but I think they mean like what should they do after giving their problem away. Might be wrong
Has anyone successfully manifested a good job? The job market is grimm and I’ve been applying for jobs again after a period of unemployment, I try not to be a neet anymore and get my life together before next year rolls in. So far, I’ve been loosing weight, learning how to drive again and working on my new career path. I hope everything goes well.
I don't wish to hurt her back. If I find that my desire to have her and for her to want me is greater than the opposing belief and to be with her is what I wish to happen, how do you think I should go about it? Considering the obsession and sometimes the opposing beliefs. Have you ever been through anything like this? What way would you suggest? Thanks again for reading this garbage.
Manifest a job you’re joking right!? Of all of the things in the world you want a job!
You’re right, I’m not dreaming big enough, maybe world domination will be my next manifestation goal
Yes, but it was back in 2021. I visualized intensely.
Based. Remember Neville said you could just as easily have manifested 1 million dollars as the ladder in the experiment.
>Have you ever been through anything like this?
I have, actually. I had a very special girl in my life, but she was very damaged. This was long before I learned the law and it was one of my first relationships. She was happy to use me as a stepping stone to find "better" relationships and I had to tell her I would not take her back after I won her back once and she left again because I knew at that point it was about her, not us.

>what I wish to happen, how do you think I should go about it?
Once you eliminate the opposing belief, if there is not another one your manifest should be easy. Only you know which belief(s) need to go.

>Thanks again
You're welcome, and don't worry about it. Part of getting deep into life is risk, you are hurting but that's because you tasted something you believe in deeply. Commit as deeply to your goals and nothing can stop you.
I AM, and I know I AM.

However my skeptical conscious rejects this fact. I know that I AM, thus everything I have manifested.

My skeptical conscious would like to finally have an answer on how I can harness this power. I feel like my mouth is shut closed and I want to sing. I know I control the universe because I AM.

However it's been a struggle. I know I have total freedom, I could invoke everything to happen. I manifested something one year ago that has yet to come true still.

I tried reading the tarot cards as I do time to time, but I was met with emptiness, nothing but random meaningless pulls. When I ask the cards to give me the cards I want, as proof to the fact I AM, I do not see it.

I know that I AM and I also know that wanting proof of something I already know is futile. So if I want proof that I manifest the universe, I will be met with none.
You are but you are also not. Hence your post.
good luck with your future manifestations and thank you for the advice. i will take it to heart
I'm surprised nobody talks about the double slit experiment. It explain the fact there are several realities and you can observe the one you want to.
best I know is Lipstick Alley (no kidding, it's very good)
that's cool for you but mate this is not LOA at all.
You are supposed to take no action. Here you went out almost everyday, spending cash, etc. You met girls like regular guys do, not the LOA way.
Sorry, though it's cool but it's not LOA at all.
Plus, manifesting is not about getting mundaine things like this, if you want to prove the law to yourself, manifest something big, not just some random pussies everybody and his dog can get with a little work.
Anyway keep up the good work.
What is the source?
Scripting is LOA.
F Gardner scripted the Trump shooting!
Anons, how the fuck do I get over my breathing issues during SATS? I get nice and deep but then my body forgets to breathe and then I have to manually breathe which takes me out of my state.

I usually do SATS on my couch, head up and it allows me to stay present as I go through the motions while I sleep facedown.

Excellent post anon, thank you for sharing.
>decide my problems are solved by God and pray saying thanks
>feel good and more relaxed
>be driving on the highway
>car jumps
>car doesn’t run as well anymore
>can’t figure out what’s the problem

What gives, I asked for my problems to be gone and not given…
Everything is going great in my life since the trump assassination attempt. What is happening
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Yo lil, what did you do to stop the urge to help the process?
I've manifested my current job. I've never applied to them, and now I work maybe a few hours a week for a comfortable pay. I'd visualized myself sitting in an office until it felt right, then given up on searching. Same as with everything else.
I spent almost 3 months trying to "help" things along on one of my badly needed manifests and things got worse. I gave up in disgust and I got a call 2 days later saying they would find me a position in their organization, anything I needed they were willing to work with. It felt like I got bapped on the nose and told to get out of the way, so I have after that. Most of the time I flat forget my manifests until they arrive.
IYO, is excitement about your goals detrimental? I suspect it's a kind of resistnace.

>Verification not required.
Aight good reminder of your boop story but what would you suggest for me? I feel I’m almost at the finish line myself and I’m more annoyed with myself wanting to “think” my way through rather than accept and allow it to happen

Didn’t you have a similar situation again later on?
>Didn’t you have a similar situation again later on?
I didn't need a reminder after that, but my white whale manifest I'm currently working on is very hard to set. I may have come close a few times like you but I also think I am almost there.

>I’m more annoyed with myself wanting to “think” my way through rather than accept and allow it to happen
This can be a problem but you can also use it to your advantage- if you are having trouble believing you can reframe or find a better argument for it with yourself using your overthinking. Where this gets deadly is after you have already set the manifest and you are getting in the way by still working on it.

This can be tricky if you didn't feel it set and you haven't felt like you don't need to do more. At that point you basically have to go through the steps manually and give it some time to work. Think of it like lighting a fire- once it catches anything you do is likely to interfere with it but until that first flame does catch it's just a pile of wood.
>better argument
Only thing I thought that made sense is since faith and focus on an intention is what manifests something implies letting go is what kills the old state for the new one. Been seeking ways to BTFO the internal haters I got

Still almost to a point where I can follow this blindly without needing to think about it. Which brings the topic, aren’t habits a manifestation in itself if it’s a subconscious thing?

>This can be tricky if you didn't feel it set and you haven't felt like you don't need to do more
I actually wanted to talk about this, it’s true I don’t know when it’s set or when it’s enough. Sometimes I feel like a solution is upon me but I don’t know for certain if it’s my cue to stop and let it be. Even the times I don’t know it set and still happens causes my practice to fluctuate with some instances needing focus or other times persistence

What gives? The only pattern I see is sometimes I feel relief but not often
Not scripting.
>What does the law say about revealing your intention?
What for? The law says nothing about it because its irrelevant
>Like if someone else also believed would it help?
No. You are the sole operant power.
What are you manifesting today?
>Has anyone successfully manifested a good job?
Everyone in the entire planet who has a good job manifested it.
>assume he has no problems
>meets with something unexpected
>immediately assumes he has problems again

You should really listen to that fag in the video
What was the bridge of accidents that gave you the job if you weren't searching? How did they contact you?
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How can you act more OCB when you always no matter what local perception has you conclude are OCB 100% since OCB is indivisible and all-pervasive.

Isn't the entire point that you realize this and therefore realize you can do nothing to accomplish anything? Everything becomes a dedicated time and it wouldn't be amiss to say that your life becomes a dedicated life.
I refuse to even try and care about acronyms you don’t expand on. Your post required knowledge about universal whine that you don’t provide.
I stopped submitting applications for a while, but earlier I had uploaded my resumé on a site, and forgot about it, and they may have found that, they didn't tell me.

As for the rest, it had a big gap I couldn't make up an excuse for, but the interviewer liked I could discuss his hobby (electronics) with him. Then I worked hard for a while until that small company became dependent on me.
Yeah, what does ITFFE mean? I'm interested in the universal line but you guys don't make it easy.
It’s a typical cult style marketing technique to use jargon for simple things in an effort to suck you in and make you think there are deep secrets. Once you get through the initial jargon there are a range of next level acronyms for the “deeper” stuff to keep you involved.
It's just how weakling who like being in a hivemind signal in-group status. You could call it cult behavior but they do this on literally every subreddit
All of UL could be summed up in 10 pages max. 7 pages for proving one thing, 1 pages for a session, that's it.

Anything more is fluff and impractical. Like OAP, FFE, CCA etc
Ok then go to tell everyone your intent and ask them to help you manifest it, retard
Why would I do that?
I said that is wrong.
Don’t post if you can’t read and make shit up.
It’s always this that gives away an idiot.

If you read the document you'd know what ITFFE means namely; Informed Transitional Fond Flow Effulgence. Now of course, nothing has changed for you cause you have no idea what that means.

You presumably know what SATS/bridge of accidents/states of consciousness mean from Neville Goddard. These are after all abstract concepts is there any wonder therefore that specific terminology is used?

If you can't be bothered to find out then the knowledge of UL and my question is simply not for you, simple.

Do it then. John Paolucci obviously disagrees and has spent 24 years cutting out everything but what he deems essential which you can see as the newer versions are more precise and less wordy.
>You presumably know what SATS/bridge of accidents/states of consciousness mean from Neville Goddard.

Well, yes, because they are explained in the opening post of this general, which is always same btw and has links to more info.
Just because JP did it doesn't mean it's perfect.

I read his new materials a lot of times ever since it came out and it never clicked until I went over financial gains part 1 PDF and it all makes sense, and I even skip 50% of that PDF since it adds nothing practically

The only thing you need is knowing why everything is one thing, why you are that, and why is your manifestation already finished in that state,

you dont need to know ITFEE, this comes from overthinking materials and then you have opposing intentions "its not here yet" etc

you dont need OAP, you just need to know you're UL

you don't need to know session in extreme detail over 10 pages, just know who you are before the session it should flow naturally
The "You Are That" document that was posted a while back is a much more digestible version, I've found.
Yes however there is a difference between knowing you are UL and knowing you are UL.
"You act on what you know" yet many of us proclaim that we know we are UL but clearly don't act like it. If we did we would have all our returns instantly and most likely wouldn't be here discussing this since we would know there is no point to it since everything is benefit perfection and it is not needed to discuss this.

I do sorta agree with your point but I reckon a lot of the added content is just so that people don't hit him up with countless questions.
Maybe you guys should study latin or ancient greek instead of having heated arguments about the most abstract version of a schizophrenic idea for people at rock bottom

With this stuff you have to be honest to yourself, I know I am still not at 100% of getting it, I don't even need to look at my returns.

But for returns that still can be an excuse because they can happen right away even with suboptimal knowing, and that's why I'm detached and I don't impose any opposing intentions like "I need to study more"

You can make the same argument for Bible, and yet you guys have been doing it for years
Never have I seen such shilling since the Bengston spam and that was mainly just done to try and annoy.
Are you sure you are here to discuss and not push it as hard as possible?
What did he mean by this?
That's a good CCA. I'll take from it, Anon. I've become increasingly detached from the world as my knowledge crystalizes since I realize now it is all just an illusion or to borrow NG terms, a delayed reflection of your inner world.

Have you noticed that your interest in other aspects of live diminishing? All my interest in everything seems to be waning. NG put it best - increasingly I find all hungers quenched but my hunger for God.

You will never be okay.

I only care about UL for 3D results, don't really care about enlightenment or stuff like that, but I am only detached because it's the best practical approach for me that prevents self-sabotage from overthinking so they don't delay or stop my manifestations
You will have a great life, Anon.
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Impressive. How did you detach from the results that you desire if I may ask?
I respect your upbeat nature.
Why would I need this stuff when Lilanon explains it better?
The Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary series in Netflix.
Shouldn't LOA work without even approaching femoids? It should also not require you to have any chadlike features (tallness, normal weight, highly successful job).
No. You think if you can’t meet them you’ll still get them? How can that be. You don’t meet any.
I am giving up hope anons. I have aphantasia and I am trying my best to manifest a specific outcome, it's not that big but has the ability to be lifechanging for me.
But it's been 8 months now. I try to visualize however much I can but due to aphantasia I literally see black, I try to add sounds, dialogue, and other details to the scene even getting tears in my eyes once every week while trying to manifest it, but so far, nothing. Not even a slight progress.
Am I just cursed because of this situation?

All my other friends who I've shown this technique have had partial success, but there hasn't been one for me.
I'll add more details (but please no racism, I'm already going through a lot)
I'm waiting for some immigration papers to live near my gf, I have applied almost a yr ago and they were denied, again 5 months ago and they got denied again, I appealed for them and I'm waiting for the result, we've been apart for a long time now, she's a strong person but the distance is getting to both of us. She can't move to me and I want to but I can't without the documents getting approved.
There's a lot of other ways. IMO the visualization is a means to an ends, Ends being the feeling of emotional resonance with having obtained what you want. Don't worry. Be happy.
Visualization helps but is not necessarily requires. What you are looking for is the ability to really feel you are in the state you would be in shoukd your desire have become true.

Let's say you wanted an apple. "But I can't envision an apple in my head," you say. But can you remember the taste of an apple? Can you vividly hear the crunch as you bite into it, the tones of sweetness and bitterness, the way the juices make your chin sticky or how it feels to try to dislodge a piece of the skin from between your teeth with your tongue thirty minutes after you eat it?

Can you bring into your mind a simulation of hiw it would feel to be satiated when hungry, mixed with a small amount of self-satisfaction for picking the healthy option? Perhaps even how you'd sit up a little straighter in your chair, more alert and wakeful after eating it.

Those things you could focus on, even if you can't bring a red, round object into your mind's eye.

I'm busy doing other things IRL that I'm attached to, that way I am attached to them and their outcome and UL is in the background
>haven't felt like you don't need to do more. At that point you basically have to go through the steps manually and give it some time to work.
What steps?
I have been approached by women within 2 months of manifesting positive female attention. All you have to do is believe you're the hottest guy ever and they can't get enough of you. Within 2 months they won't be able to pass by without trying to get your attention.
>Why would I do that?
>I said that is wrong.
Too retarded to know he's retarded
If it was LoA you'd have not just been approached but girls would have literally thrown their body to you begging you to bang them. And it wouldnt have taken 2 months but 2 days. All you guys are describing are just regular relationships, nothing fancy that could be attributed to LoA.
And you are still giving advices, lol.
This is smth that explains Universal Line/non-dualism far better than John Paolucci's ramblings. This has been uploaded earlier and downloaded from these generals but in case you haven't seen this:

>If it was LoA
Everything you do is loa. Him approaching is loa because he assumes he has to approach and therefore those scenarios (of him approaching) gets manifested for him.

Since everything is loa then to be efficient one should simply go to the end of whatever they want. In his case it's a relationship with a girl. What he should be doing is to assume already being in a relationship so that will be manifested naturally
upload it in google gdrive or im not opening this bro
If I draw myself extremely jacked and orgasm while looking at the picture then work out consistently will this make manifesting my perfect physique easier?

No it doesn't, the guy who made this (i know him from discord) hasn't manifested much with UL.
NTA but there isn't even any file. What file we talking about?
if you think so
Huh, it seems to be deleted. Here, won't dox myself with Google drive. https://easyupload.io/z9y0ip
not downloading this
We don't come here to this general to be told eating or playing football is LOA. I know we manifest everything, but cmon mate, we come here to learn to manifest extraordinary stuff, not the regular stuff we can get without doing shit like sats or scripting or whatever.
At least if you want to manifest girl, don't manifest a regular one, aim for a harem of girls madly in love with you, or young chicks totally crazy about you. What this guy is doing (don't know if it is you sorry) is just going out and picking up girls as everyone does already. And come on he tried 500 approaches lol.
Let's be f'ing serious.
this is a women getting fucked by a horse!!!!!!!!! do not click!!!
im not really sure. i just want to be able to study today, and not let distractions make me lose time
oh, theres something else, but its nsfw, im not sure if i should mention it, i dont want to make anyone uncomfortable
Nigga he did it almost a 1000 times and didn't get a single girl.
Only when he used that diary method did he finally get a gf and attention from girls. That's very loa related imo. Almost a 1000 girls is a ridiculous number to get rejected by, the guy must've been ugly asf.
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>choose any event that's a reasonably short period of time (1-5 hours), go there with current body and mind but everyone assumes Im "originally from there". enjoy the event, do the deed, have fun
>return with no consequence in "real" life
is this how Step into the Picture and Universal Line really work? is this the secret reason mass entertainment media, collection hobbies and nerd subcultures were created? p*rn, comics, light novels, pro-wrestling videos , tourism and sight-seeing and travel guides, vintage Noir or conan or martian sword pocket novels, etc? VHS, found footage, all sorts of hobby-dedicated magazines
Am I discovering something big, here?
Based truth
Probably writing his day in a diary had no effect. I’m not buying that retrospectively writing your day is even affecting your future in this case because he was just describing his exact day but sugar coating it. He’s not even saying how he wants his day to go next time.
Chances are he’s tried a thousand techniques too.
Day 2 of praying to Lilanon.
I think if I keep boosting his power up good things will happen. I recommend we all do it.
here's another link
>People say that affirmations are the best method, is that true?
Depends on your belief system. You have to experiment to see what works best for you. I write down what I want to have happen then make affirmations to make it so. It works for me.

If he can't cure his homosexuality then he's not worth listening to. Simple as.
>inblying gay people want to cure their sexuality
People who keep diaries have known about the effect it has for eons. Most will never tell you though.
what IS the diary method? I misread it as "dairy method" so just now Im interested. I DO have a spare notebook and time to write a daily diary- give me the basic know-how of this technique. do I write at the end of each day? beginning ?? hour by hour?
I agree with this, and it kinda baffles me it took so long for someone to point this out (or that you're the only one doing it).

The guy does PuA, not LoA
He was doing PuA because he thought he needed to to get girls. Next, he found LOA, but didn't really practice any method that worked for him. He started to believe in a new self concept when he kept track of his successes in a diary. He is now a guy who gets girls if he does certain things right and if he puts in effort. Maybe scripting is the wrong word. Belief reconstruction is a better way to describe what he did.
What's /LoA/'s opinion of songs with negative-sounding lyrics? I'm really into emo music now and I'm kinda worried that I'm fucking myself up.
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>manifested a gf
>scared her away with my autism
should have manifested social skills first i guess
did it twice with the same girl
poor thing
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>you have to do a numbers game cold approach to get a girlfriend
I think I can find a better use of my time. It's no wonder young men give less of a shit if they've got to jump through hoops and make a fool of themselves.
I visualized talking to older women for a whole week. That weekend I went to a bar. Sat in the corner with a drink for about half an hour and then left. I went to another bar, bought a drink, went outside to the smoking area and 15 minutes later found myself talking to two women a little older than me. So, in my experience, you have to make some effort. LOA certainly makes it a little easier.
>emo music
Name 5 of the bands in this genre then we can tell you.


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