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It was a gloomy Saturday night. I was chatting with a friend of mine on Discord. We were discussing UFO apparitions. He sent me this link, which is now lost media: https://youtube.com/watch?=9x91666

I clicked. It lead me to a youtube video showing a teleporting ufo over the Eiffel Tower. It was like a bright red light under a metallic spaceship, and it floated a bit before flying across the entire sky in a split second. I immediately ask myself, if it's real, then why haven't I seen this video before?

The Eiffel Tower is always packed with people with cameras. Why couldn't I find a similar video? Surely no tourist would have missed the opportunity to record such a fascinating apparition. It had been well over a decade since the video was released, on September 9th, 2009.

The video must have been real. It looked absolutely real. Not to mention we simply didn't have sophisticated AI at that time of publishing (2009). Youtube forbids changing the video's publishing date, unless it's made private and then made public again *on that particular day*, which becomes the new date in the timestamp.

Then I go and look at the comments. All 13 comment timestamps said '6 days ago'. People were expressing how flabbergasted they were after finding out the video only had 66 views. I ask myself: "What is going on??? How did this video go under the radar for SO long???"

Since I was so convinced that I had actually just found the most credible UFO video ever, I started sharing it with all my online friends.

Even though my friends liked staying up late, none of them were online on that day after 6pm (other than the one who sent me the video). "Well, maybe they're all busy with other stuff" I thought.

Then me and my friend (who sent me the link) had a conversation. After a while, I started feeling very heavy and tired. It was weird, since I had gotten my usual 8 hours of quality sleep last night.
I literally couldn't keep my eyes open, so I went to sleep at 8pm, 2 hours earlier than I normally do.

After I woke up the next day, I opened Discord and clicked on my DMs. It told me I had 6 new notifications. I click on it, and it shows my DMs with the friend who shared the UFO video with me. And all the messages were the exact same from the day before: the last 6 messages pertaining to the UFO link and some of our own remarks.

It was impossible for me to have missed those notifications, since I had none at the time I was going to bed. And all notifications were from around 7PM yesterday, so I still had 1 hour on Discord to read those messages (which I had already done).

Perhaps it was just a glitch, I thought.

Then something very strange happened. I decided to click on the link to the video again, and it literally just redirected me to YouTube's start page. Which, needless to say, isn't normal. If it was made private, youtube would have warned me. But instead I got nothing. *It's almost as if the video had never existed in the first place.*

So I told my friend to click again on the link. When he did, he reported he the same behaviour from the site. Apparently, youtube behaved as if that video had never existed.

"Maybe it was just some temporary data loss on youtube's servers" or so I thought. But there were no news outlets reporting it at all, so that couldn't have been the case. Well, we didn't try to speaking to other people online about what had just happened since no one would believe us.

Since I didn't download the video (and apparantly no one did) it was lost forever.. "But maybe it will, given enough time, resurface under the same link". So I devised a plan, that for the next 12 months I would try to open the same link every day until something happened.

I saved the video link inside a .txt file on both my computer and on an old usb drive I had lying around.
I was absolutely determined to see if, and when, the video would come back into existence.
Then, 6 months and 6 days after that incident... Something unspeakable happened.

I opened the link, and this time it actually loaded a video. But it was not the same UFO video I saw before. It was far more disturbing, and mysterious.

The new video (under the same old link) started with a man facing a concrete pillar. He was holding a hammer. It seemed out of place within the mall-like environment he was in, but I digress. Anyways, 5 seconds into the video he started doing a strange circular movement with his arm. As if he was drawing infinite sixes on the wall with the hammer. I pondered about the weirdness of it all until *I saw something which scarred me forever*.

DO NOT CONTINUE past this part if you're feeling vulnerable. *The truth has greatly disturbed me, and it will disturb you too*.

So after 6 minutes of watching the video, I was eager to stop it since I was just wasting my time. That's when the man suddenly started hitting the pillar with force, making a VERY loud noise every time he hit it with his hammer. After about 6 more minutes of him doing this, A young child randomly walked into the scene while the pillar fell, causing the roof to fall on the man's head which killed both him and the child. The video ended immediately.

Then I look at the comments, of which at least half were about the creepiness of it all and that the video should be taken down. But one comment stood out to me. "I thought this link would send me to an UFO video? What the heck?" I immediately realized what had happened. The video was changed from streaming one mp4 to another one, seemingly without explanation. Weirdly enough, the video now lacked a title.

After this bizarre realization, I made a new comment on the video asking for answers to see if anyone knew what happened to the UFO video. After 6 days, someone with the username "TheInsider33" replied to my comment. His comment read as follows:

"One word. INTERNETID"
ITT: OP learns about search bubbles and what "personalization" does. Fun fact, both are being used to track you and sell your data.
Thus, I asked him what that was. In only 10 minutes, I got this answer:

"INTERNETID is a unique identifier we use on all computers and smartphones which is enabled by different backdoors, which are software that has the purpose of allowing remote access to a system by an authorized party.

On PCs, Intel has weaponized the Management Engine in order to surveil the user's actions and collect data on all systems with Intel CPUs, so basically most laptops and desktops. The Management Engine is a hidden processor inside the CPU which runs at ring -3, which means it has more system privileges than even the operating system kernel (core), which uses ring 0.

The Management Engine is where INTERNETID is primarily stored. Since the ME (Management Engine) cannot be turned off (unless the computer runs out of power, obviously) it can change the INTERNETID variable at any moment, even if the device is turned off.

Every real web browser has secret code that triggers the ME backdoor to consult INTERNETID from the operating system, which is also backdoored. All operating systems are backdoored. Or did you think for a single moment that Linux could be safe?"

"Anyway, the operating system uses special code to read INTERNETID, but NEVER write. Which means that it cannot ever be removed or modified with the user's consent. Ring -3 is utterly out of any computer user's reach, even the savviest ones."

"And don't be fooled, *every device and operating system released after 2005 is backdoored*. There are similar unremovable digital surveillance systems like the Management Engine found on AMD and mobile phone processors."

"You didn't think the The Powers That Be would let you use a powerful device with Gigahertz of processing speed that cannot be remotely controlled and tracked, did you?"
After reading all of this, I was shocked. Nothing was safe.

"In order to serve you *different versions of the World Wide Web*, your web browser injects hidden code to the web page you're visiting, based on your INTERNETID."

I asked him how many parallel versions of the internet exist.

"Infinite. The algorithms use your INTERNETID to create a completely unique browsing experience. The internet seems like it's full of bots, but it's actually because there can only be a maximum of 150 human-to-human interactions at any given moment within your personalized node. It's always changing and redefining your internet experience." He replied.

I couldn't believe it at first, but for some reason it rang true.

He then procceeded with another comment saying how everything he had just told me is a lie and that he was making it all up. *Weird, because it could very well explain what is going on*.
I started having intense anxiety attacks. What if it was all true? And that they are really watching me and everything that I do, in order to create a personalized internet experience? Where I only have access to 149 other real people online?

I finally decided to go to bed and try to forget it all. The next day, I clicked on the same link again
and it opened the youtube home page again. As if the video I saw with the man never existed.

Ever since then, I've been seeing "get a therapist" ads on almost every website I visit. Eventually I started experiencing dissociative episodes.

One day my mind said to me "I want to cut my arms open". I thought: "NO!" I don't want to kill myself!
Then I opened youtube and I saw a video recommendation titled "Suicide leads to HELL". "What is going on???" I uttered. I decided to calm down by turning off my computer. Right when I was about to run it off, it crashed and displayed a blue screen.

After this, I will never touch computers or the internet again.
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“Red light ufo”

You better watch out man they have you tagged. You are fucked my man.
I believe you anon, and a lot of what you're saying is making sense. Although YoutTube videos have an 11 number letter combo at the end no matter the year posted, not seven. And the 666 digit ending is supposed to make it seem scarier or the fact you were watching for six minutes to emphasize the demonic activity of the video you were s999ing.
You've got a good writing style though, I think you should write some novels.
We live in some kind of twisted simulation. Just lean in to it. Once you stop caring, it loosens a bit. But people try to question my sanity all the time. Just lean into it. They are braindead. If they want to play games, become the minotaur and play games with them in labyrinths of your making. Basically, become a demon or get eaten alive.
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Every 4chan post is Personalized.


This post will give you spooky luck.
Damn, I missed the IME focus of a lot of the older stuff. Thanks. The only plot hole is that the author would have likely been prepared to download the second video, especially once they get engagement from the comment.
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>Every Copy of the Internet is Personalized
No fucking way!? Really?
Based and redpilled
This post will make everyone on this board happy but ONLY if they don't repost
this shit is wack idk what you're talking about
what kind of books do you read
>"Infinite. The algorithms use your INTERNETID to create a completely unique browsing experience. The internet seems like it's full of bots, but it's actually because there can only be a maximum of 150 human-to-human interactions at any given moment within your personalized node.
that's way too heavy
Off by one. If dubs, all spooky luck is canceled.
This isn't the format for youtube video ids, nice larp faggot
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What if the point of the simulation is to turn you evil like in Harvester?

Maybe it was too disturbing to keep it.
This might be a LARP, but you put a good bit of energy into it plus wha weird thing to LARP about.
Indeed, why its importantant for me to move beyond the computer, only programming socks, cat ears and drug habits await me here

Why did they want to show you the UFO? Do you believe your Discord friends to be fake or apart of the 150?
It's a creepypasta retard

Is it? Honestly, at this point, I would not be surprised if something similar turned out to be true. Internet has been really sus these last few years.
Jesus Christ, faggot. Greentext or real-ass paragraphs, not whatever the fuck you're trying to do here. "Reddit spacing" has generally been an overapplied and incorrectly-used criticism since shortly after the term was coined, but this is actually an example of the real deal.
>He then procceeded with another comment saying how everything he had just told me is a lie

Topkek OP. Make them work for it.

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